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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1902)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, MARCH 0, 1902. J o 1 i f (i. i i I (is to to to to (is (is (is (is as (is (is (is (iS fis OS Our new store has been a BIG SURPRISE to the people who have visited it; but there will be a FAR GREATER SURPRISE when our stock of Dry Goods, millinery, Clothing. Gent's Furnishings, Shoes, Wall Paper, Music, etc, etc., is exhibited. It will be the FINEST DISPLAY EVER SEEN IN OMAHA. Everything will be new, up-to-date in design and workmanship, and guaranteed, and the stock will come as near INCLUDING EVERYTHING as it is possible. DOX'T UUY YOUR SPRINC AND EASTER GOODS UNTIL, YOU HAVE EXAMINED OURS, ffyou do, you xvlllboaorry. Wo shall not only liavo tho finest stock, but wo shall SELZ, CHEAPER THAN WE HAVE EVER SOLD BEFORE. ' THE GRAND OPENING IS ONLY A QUESTION OF A FEW DAYS. , ,..( This week we offer Immense Bargains in our Grand Clearance Sales. (is (is as as (is OS is as (is as (is as 37 Departments In our New Store DRY GOODS, MILLINERY, CLOTHING, GENT'S FURNISHINGS, BOOTS AND SHOES, SPORTING GOODS, TRUNKS AND VALISES, BOOKS, DRUGS, STATIONERY, TOBACCOS, JEWELRY, CIGARS, SODA FOUNTAIN, CHINA, CANDY, GLASSWARE, WOODENWARE, PAINTS AND OILS, HARDWARE, MUSIC, PICTURES AND ART, TOYS, FURNITURE, CARPETS, WALLPAPER, TEA ROOM, ' DRAPERIES, GROCERIES, BAKERY, TEA, COFFEE AND SPICE. BUTTER AND MEAT. STOVES, HARNESS, HOUSEFURNISHINGS, FISH. .'. Naval Oranges Special A Hg supply just received. ice, sweet, tine fltvvred Maval Orange. lc each Sold In Bargain Annex Spring Shooting is On. See our Sporting Goods Department We have these goods IP YOU WANT A ; ". . Hammerless Shot Gun Baltimore Hammerless , Parker Broa. HammfrlMt L. C. Smith Hammerlees Remington Hammerless Ithlra Hsmmerleen Or any Hammerless Gun coating from to $76.00, or any gun sin g's, double or repeater. Coma and aea ua. IF YOU WANT A ' ' Double Barrel Hammer or Maga zine Gun, costing- from $8.75 to 124.00. We have got them. IF YOU WANT A Ride, any kind of calibre. We will be pleased to ahow them. Come early before they are all aold. ' Remember we ahow a complete line of strings. IF YOU WANT Ammunition to fit any gun, rifle and revolver, we can hand It to you. x IF YO UWANT Foot balls, boxing gloves, Indian clubs, Whltely exercisers, baae ball goods, ehootlng clothea, coata, veata, panta and capa. We can fit you. For eale on aecond floor. Furniture Dept r Profits disappear. Prlcea are cut to the or.. A genuine feast of bargains for the money saving public. Some of the bargains la Parlor Sifttes and Couchea. FIVE-PIECE PARLOR SUITE , Solid oak frame, golden oak finish, beautiful velour covering. Worth $22.60, at this cutting -4 A QQ sale at, only 1 tT FIVE-PIECE PARLOR SUITE Nicely carved frame, mahogany finish, fine. Damask covering, spring edge; very attractive suite, , worth $88.00; we'll Od50 clean them out st afO THREE-PIECE PARLOR SUITE Nicely carved frame, mahogany finish, well made throughout, beat steel tempered springs, fine Da mask coverings, regular pries - $18.60. Must go at -4-4 AQ this sale 1 X LEATHER COUCH Quarter sawed golden oak frame, finely carved polish finish, spring side and spring end, steel con structlon, seven rows diamond tufts, regular price $36.00. To go at this re- " OR moval sals at. only... a5 4 PANTESOTE COUCH . Richly carved frame, golden oak, steel construction, 38 springs of the best tempered wire; a beauti ful couch, regular pries -4 fff $19. To go at this sale 15 COUCHES Thirty Inches wide, steel construc tion, eight rows tufts, frame made of selected quarter-sawed golden . oak, piano polish finish, covered la fin tapestry or Imported Belgian velours, regular pries . -4 -y AQ $20,' sale price lO Handsome Picture Free. On Monday we offer a m very handsome picture) free with every pound package of Bennett's Cap itol Coffee. Mb. Pkg. 28c Sold in Tea Dept. Crockery Department . Annex Basement. Closing Out Bargains FIXE ENGLISH DECORATED. Sauce Boats ... 4 ... . . 15c Sugar Bowls 25c Tea Tots 25c Creamers . . 1 10c Steak Dishes 25c Open Vegetable Dishes 20c Sauce Dishes 3c Set of 6 Tea Cups and Saucers V. . .60c IMlltCS 6 C ... SEMI-PORCELAIN. White Meat Dishes ...10c Small Meat Dishes .... 7c Odd lot of Bowls 5c Crystal . -gallon Titch- . . ersf 50e kind 00c Crystal Fruit Bowls . .10c Crystal Olive and Pickle Dishes 5c . Salted Peanut Peast These are fresh roasted and salted for this special sale Worth 15c pound ioc lb. Sold In our Candy Dept. Great Bargains in oury Music Department floor. We positively must close out this stock this week, and Monday we place on sale at COST $10.50 Mandolin, now only $11.00. , $5.00 Guitar, now only $2.08. . $7.25 Zither, now only $5.00. $13.48 Banjo, now only $0.08. $0.85 Violin now only $ 4.08. Other Violins up from $1.90. This Is only a sample of the bar gains offered. Annck oor Bargain Room Fi No. 2 Rochester Lamps com plete, decorated, $1.00. Fine Parlor Lamps, 75c. Fancy line of rich China Cups and Saucers, worth up to 75c, at 25c General line of assorted fancy Dates, 8c. Odd lots Glassware Pieces, choice for 2c. - Hanging Library Lamps, less than half price, $1.50. Jewelry Department This sale Inaugurates the final clear. Ing out of all the merchandise remain ing and which It haa been derided must be ao'.d. No matter what price they bring. The prices are very low In some cases ridiculously out of pro portion with their values, as for In stance. IC AND 2C COUNTER Tea Spoons, lc Table Spoons, 2c Gold Plated Studs Beauty Pins Barretts Collar Buttons Odds and, ends, etc.. etc. well worth seeing. 6C COUNTER I Rogers' Sugar Spoons Jeweled Hat Pins Jeweled Brooches Collar Buttons Nickel Tea Spoons Steel Knives and Forks, etc, etc. 10C COUNTER Sterllne Sliver Thimbles Hat Pins Cuff Buttons Rator Strops Pocket Knives Brooches Brace lets, etc., etc. 25C COUNTER Chain Purses Filled Set Rings Silk Fobs Bracelets Rogers' Des sert Spoons Brooches Napkin Rings Hat Pins Charms Peppers and Sslts in box Jeweled Stamp Box. 35C COUNTER Sterling Stiver Coffee Spoons Mus tard Spoons Wsist 8ets Button Sets Eye Glass Chains 1347 Tabls Spoons, etc., etc. 60C COUNTER Sterling Silver Tea Spoons Gold Front Cuff Buttons Filled Gold Set Rings, etc., etc. 75C COUNTER Seth Thomas Alarm Clocks Quadru ple Plate Bread Trays 1847 Cold Meat Forks Sterling Silver Brace letsSterling Stiver Ladlea Sterl ing Silver Call Bells, etc., etc. $1.00 COUNTER Quadruple Plat Butter Dishes Pickle Casters Sterling Silver Des sert Spoons, etc, etc. Ginger Snap Festival Fresh, spicy, delicious Ol made special special. crisp and Inaer Snaps laity for this 4 c lb. Sold in Grocery Dept. Special Sale in TRUNKS Annex Basement, When you visit your friends at a distance, you won't want to tie your belongings In a bundle. Ton will want a nice respectable Trunk, Telescope, Suit Case, or Traveling Bag. We ar making a special offer on these. Now Is the time to buy. Large Fancy Metal Covered Trunk, regular price, 83.98 Special O fU price mtmjj Large Fancy Metal Covered Trunk, regular price I2.0O Special Afi price Canvas covered, flat top, 86 and 3ft Inch, regular price $G.0O 1 Tt Special prlc O, O Canvaa covered, flat top, reg ular price 83.26 Special 2 25 Butt Cases, regular prlc $1.78 fl Special price SO Ladles' Club Bag, regular price 4Q.-. 78c Special price "iOW Book or Skat Straps, regular c price 6c Special prlc ...... ...,... A discount on all Trunks, Telescopes. Suit Cases and Leather Goods tn this department. DflGcfSai bLSB MstTUBB Sy ". afc VWVVV Na? if) SOUTB 01IAIIA GETS BRIDGE Bill Proriding for New 8truoture Over this ' Missouri Kiver Passes House, NOVEL PLAN OF OMNIBUS RETIREMENT. Captala Grlaastead of Saleaa, Neb., ISaaaea Lot of Soldiers He 'Want Pat la Reaalar Afar sad Thea Seat Horn with Hoaon, (From a Buff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, March $. (Special Tels grm.) Tha bill providing for tbs con struction of a bridge and spproach across th Missouri rlvsr at or near South Omaha was passed by th house this morning. The bridge Is not only designed for the passsgs of railway trains but It also provides for passagsways for wagons, carriages, street cars and foot passengers. According to ons of the amendments rec ommended by th interstate and foreign commsrc committee, th bridge must, be built with unbroken and continuous spans and th lower point of th bridge super structure shatl not be less than fifty fsst abov high-water grade line for bridges as established by the Missouri river com mission. Th spans ovsr ' th waterway must be 800 feet In th clesr between the pier or between piers and abutments.' While It haa seemed asy to secur the psssag of this measur in ths house, It Is anticipated that It will have a rocky road to travel In th senate, as It Is known that Senator Millard doea not look with a great' deal of favor upon this snterprise. It would not be surprising If th bill were put to slsep In the senat commsrc com mittee, not to be awakened until after the Fifty-seventh congress adjourns. Wholesale Retirement Proposed. What may with entire propriety be called an "omnibus retirement" bill was Intro duced today by Representative Burkett, at th request of Captain Grlmatsad of Salem. Neb. Th bill authorises th president to ' appoint la ths regulsr army and then re tire th persons wboss names are given with th rank they held In th civil war, Spanish-American war or Philippine tnsur- 1 rectioa. Those who s re to be benefited from this bill and ths rank they ar to take are: Robert W. Leonard, colonel; James E. , fihallenberger, John R. Prince, William 1. White, Morris C. Hutchlns, James H. Hy soli, Samuel O. L. Potter, Charles 8. Burns. John O. Davis and James O. . Bandera, majors; Reubea A. Whipple, Holman G. Parlngton, Frank D. . Newberry, Joba P. Giimstssd. Jscob H. Culvsr. Henry A. Peed, David F. Alien, Rlchsrd J. Fannlg. . Ellas H. Parsons, Thomas Downs, Kben B. Ben ton, Harlow L. Street, and Philip Mother sill, captains; James B. Clare, Aral lieuten ant. The only other Nrbraskaa Included In th list besides Csptsia Grlmstesd is Captain Jacob H. Culver. To Sell Part of Moorara. Senator Millard ststed todsy that hs - would sndsavor to secur th early passsgs of a bill authorising ths sals of a part of ths Fort Nlobrsra military reservation, whiuh aaa been pending In coogrea for asv rat years and which was favorably reported by th senat committee on military affairs Friday. Ths bill authorises tha secretary ot the interior to sell the village pf VaJ. ntta certain lands now a psrt of ths reservatroa, for $1,460. - Th commUaiooer of Indian affairs hss r. ' cslved aa application from th Indians la Thurston county requesting that a delega tion of their tribe be permitted to com to Washlng-toa to aid la securing lbs psymeat of $100,000 out of ths principal now held by the government In truat for th Indians. Congressman Robinson also received a letter from th Indlsns concerning this mat ter. He called at th Indian office today and was told that th department had In formed th Indians there was no necessity for their coming her. A bll would hsve to be passed by congress authorising ths seecretary of th Interior to pay this amount, and th department does not believe such a bill iould bs passed at this time. Decide Ae-alast Whit Wlnai. Congressman Robinson called upon ths commissioner of ths land office today re garding a communication from a cross breed woman, White Wing, of the Winne bago agency, regarding a land matter. It appears this women Is th only living child of John Cloud, now deceaaed, who held an allotment of land at th time ot his death. His widow claims title to th lend, also holding an allotment In her own right. Th department found upon looking over the records that John Cloud was not law fully married to the woman and ths depart ment stated that the tacts ar as stated and If Cloud was not living with th woman tn question, as his lawful wife shs Is not entitled to dower. The department further stated that it would have no Jurisdiction over the matter, and that the woman, Whit Wing, would have to look to th Nebraska courts for her remedy. ' Deparlmeat Notes. E. H Hurd of Nswtoa, la., E. A. Smith of Whiting, la., and Will Downs of Alma, Neb., were today admitted to practice be fore th Treasury -department On April 82 and 88 civil service examina tions ill b held for Inspector of boilers In ths steamboat Inspection . servics at Dubuqus, la. Th position pays $1,600 a year. Postmasters appointed: ' Iowa H. V. Smith, Coalfield. Monro county; W.' C. Guerner, ' Gaza, O'Brien county; E. H. Whltlock, Nsw York,' Wayn county. South Dakota F. A. Lawyer, Duncan, Buffalo county; A. M. Learment, Starcher, Gregory county. Th Corn Exchange National bank of Chi cago waa today approved as a reserve agent tor ths Merchants Nstlonsl at Sioux City and ths Cltlxeos' National ot Des Moines; also th Continental National of Chicago for the Cedar Falls National of Cedar Falla, la. Dr. H. W, Blgworth, sr., was today ap pointed pension examining surgeon at An. anioea, la. CLOSES RURAL DELIVERY TALK Hoaa fhota OBJ General Debate on Rnral Postal BUI ana Will Vote Monday. WASHINGTON. Msrch 8. Ths house to dsy closed the general debate on the bill to classify the rural free delivery service and place the carriers under th contract system. It la expected the vote will be taken on Monday. . t ; Rills were passed to suthorlss ths Bouts umsna Bridge company to couatruct a bridge across ths Missouri river; to add Baxter, Marlon and Sharp counties to the western Judicial district of Arkansss. Tha conference report " the bill to filTi the Spanish claims commission power to compel the attendsnce of witnesses and th production of paper was adopted. Mr. SlBcraa of Tenneasee thea rose to a question of privilege In connection with tha adoption ot the conference report on th permanent census bill, lie contended that the ststement of the eonferees with refer ence to section i, whi:h originally placed all the employes ot ths bureau at th lima ot th pasaag ot ths act under th pro taction of the clvtl servlc. haa "misled and deceived" th house. Th speaker held that as the whols subject had been dlapoaed of no question ot privilege was presented. Later in th afternoon a resolution was Introduced In th house by Mr. Hughes of West Virginia stating thst It was the In tention ot congress la pssslng an act creat ing a permanent census bureau to place In the classified service of tha government all the employes of th census offices, abov th grade of unskilled laborer, whose names wsr on the rolls of th census at th date of the approval ot the act. Th resolution further provides that this Intention shall be carried out by the passage of th reso lution. At 4 o'clock ths house adjourned. LEADERS AT THE WHITE HOUSE Republican Member of Congress, It I Presansed, Dlsenss Cnbnn Reel proclty Measar. WASHINGTON, March 8. Speaker Hen derson and Chairman Psyns of th way and means commute and Senator Allison, mmbr of th finance commute, called at th Whit Houss today presumably in ro tation to th pending controversy ever Cuban reciprocity. Thar was th most posltlv declination to discuss ths purpose of the call. It was said, however, that th president had tn no way changsd his attl tuds favorabl to reciprocity. Ia this con nection ther war renewed Intimations of a special meaaags which would clearly set forth th president's views on the subject. Th republican members of ths ways and meana committee favorable to Cuban reci procity have held long conferences to per fect their organlsatloa for carrying forward th contest. . Ia connsctlon with Jibes con ferences th belief has galnsd ground that there would : be . a special message if It proved to be accessary. There was renewed talk of the compromise today, on report being 12 per cent reciprocity might be sub stltuted for 20 per cent. Both sides, how ever, denied - th 12 per cent compromlss story. - ' WILL TEST THE RATE LAW tnterstnte resaaaoreo Commission to Proceed Aanlast Western Railroads for Whaleanl Rata Cnttlns. WASHINGTON", March 8. Chairman Knapp of th Interstate Commerce com mission stated today that the proceedings to bs Instituted against railroad officials, as a sequel to their recent admissions ot wholessl rat cutting, would be civil ac tions In equity to enjoin th csrrltrs from further vlolstlons of th Isw. Ths pro ceedings involve th princlpsl rsllroads running between Kansas City and Chlcsgo. Actions sgalnst ons or two ot tbess, tre said, would suffice for testing the question. Ths offenses admitted were that they bad been cutting under th scheduled tariff on gralna.: dressed meata and packing house products. SEEKS INFORMATION FROM HAY Roaolatloa Introoaeed In Honao AW lag; Secretary for Parts of Thomas Pnseport Reo.aeat. WA8HINOTON, March . Representative Burleeoa of Texas todsy Introduced la ths houss a resolution of inquiry cslllng upon tb sscrstary of stats for Information as to w bather he declined to request ths British government to grant pa ports to Rev. Hlrsra W. Thomas sad wife, who ar sl leged to have requested permission to go to South Africa for the purpose of dis tributing funds raised la th United Bute for th relief of aoacombaataat prlsoasra. PLANS BIG AIRSHIP VOYAGE Eantos-Dumont Is to Try Trip from London , ' to BirmiDghftm. ' -I, i THIS IS GREATEST FEAT YET ATTEMPTED - - Weald Like to Become a Cltlsen of I'nlted States . if He Changed Nationality Hopes to Visit America Nest Year. (Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON, March 8. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) M. Saotoa Dumont has been received here with extra cordiality because he appears as a victim of alleged French Jealousy and unfalrneas. Speaking to your correspondent, hs says: "I don't Intend to become an English sub ject, but If I were to change my nation ality I certainly should become either Eng lish or. American. I am anxious to go to America, but probably shall sot now until nsxt year. "Interest la taken In aeronautics here by a limited circle, but It Is not cultlvsted to ths sam extent as In France and th United States. Still I hope the Aero club will be sbls to provide a prise which will tempt competition, to enable me to demonatrate th superiority of my balloon. ' "My new No. 7 baa forty-five hore-powr, being nearly three timea as powerful as No. waa. Tb lncreaaed power Is secured without a proportlonste Increase In weight, owing to Improvement in ponstruction. It hss coat nearly $5,000, so It Is expensive business when a balloon gets smsshsd up. "I had expected to ascend from the Crys tal Palacs, near London, but the spacs available was not sufficient. However, thst difficulty can be easily arrsnged If the Aero club -can tlx up a suitable prize. "I shall return to Paris Immediately to wind up my affair there. ' I bop that by May I shall be experimenting here." It Is doubtful If any equivalent to th Deutach prise of $20,000 csn b secured here, ss Englishmen rarely offer inducements tor experiments, unless they see an Immedlst prospect ot prsctlcal and profitable results. LONDON, Msrch 8 Through the Aero club C. A. Pearaon, publisher, haa offered Ssntos-Dumont a prize of 4)000 for an air ship voyage from London to Birmingham. No time limit Is fixed. Tb dletsnce Is 100 miles. This will be the greatest feat Ban-toa-Dumont haa yet attempted. By request of Bantoa-Dumont ths competition Is open to all aeronauta. DOGS ON RURAL FREE DELIVERY MI'ttary Authorities of Bavarian Alps Send Port and Provisions by St. Bernards. tCopyrlght, 1M, by Press Publishing Co.) MUNICH. March 8. (New York World Cablegram. Special Telegram.) Th mili tary authorlttea in Bavaria are employing specially trsloed dogs to carry letters snd provisions to the snowsd-up gsrrlsons among ths Bsvarlan Alps. These dogs ere nt the St. Bernard breed The, mountain gsrrlsons' ars oftsn snowed In three or four weeks at a tlms, cut off from all communication with tbs outsids world. A bi-weekly post has been establlshsd, tea dogs trsveling together. All provisions ot a heavy kind ar in store la ths gsrrlsons, but lighter delicacies sr often lacking, and these, together with let ters, ar carried around the dogs' necks. - Wbsa ths snow I trossn hsrd enough sis dogs ar hitched to a small car piled with things. Occasionally th dogs are tempted to pursus a hare, In which case th mall Is slow and imperfect. But this seldom happens, and th authorities on th whole ar satisfied with the experiment. GOOD PLAYS INSTEAD OF STARS Shareholder Vote Rcjano Ont of Theater for Sake of Olvlna Pablle More Variety. (Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, Msrch 8. (Nsw York World Ca blegram Special Telegram. Mme. Rejan was practically expelled from her theater by a vote of aharoholdera, who deposed her husband as msnager of th Theater du Vaudeville. This action came Ilk thundsr frora a clear sky to the theatrical world ot Paris, where Mme. Rejan Is considered the greatest comedienne living. The sbarsholders published a statement Intended to refute th accusation that they treated Rcjano too abruptly. In this stats ment they say In substancs that nowadays capabls actors srs so plentiful - that ths public hss tired of seeing certain personali ties glvsn undue importsnc by relentless advantage; that good plays ar wantsd, not stars; that la those places v here th star prevail good plays ar impoeslbls, but authors ars cramped by the inssn preten sion ot tb star. To sustsln their position the shareholders point to Bernhardt, Coque Iln and Hading, who cannot pay expenses, while well-balanced companies of practi cally anonymous players ars . doing excel lent business. 1 EPIDEMIC OF LESE MAJESTE Hard Times in Germany Drive Labor ing; Men to Desperate Mean of Sastenanee. (Copyright, 1802. by Press Publishing Co.) BERLIN. Msrch (New York World Cablegram. Special Telegram.) Th cold weather, th slackness of work and bsd times generally have caussd an cpldemlo of les majeate. Tb latest cass Is that of a laboring man in Hamburg named Schmidt, who, driven to despair by hunger, want up to a policeman snd dsnounced th kalssr. Schmidt was immediately arrested, promptly tried snd ssnt to prison for thrss months. Schmidt said hs preferred that meana of obtaining free quarters In Jail, as his eonselsnos would not allow blm to commit assault or break window. REBEL SUCCESSES IN CHINA Captor Government Officials, Release Prisoner Who Join tho Rebels. HONG KONG, Msrch 8. The Kwsng SI rebels hsvs reached Kal Chou, a town eighty miles from Kwong Chan Won. Thsy surprised the local mandarins, captured th garrison and released ths prisoners, who Joined In tbs rebellion. It la reported that th members ot th Trlsd secret .society have joined tbs rebels snd ar burning snd looting villages. EXPLOSIVE BULLET IN HIS LEG Coont Who Lost Heavily at 'flambllag Is Row Dying: from Brother-la-Law' Bad Shooting. (Copyright, 1902, by Prose Publishing Co) VIENNA, March 8. (New York World Cablegram Bpaclal Telegram.) Count Jo seph Potockt, whe lost more than $400,004 gambling tn ths Jockey club six weeks ago, hss bsea unfortunats agala. He waa hunt ing wild boar oa his property assr Laberg whea his brothr-la-lw. Prince Mathlas Rsdslwlll, using an explosive bullet, acci dentally fired and hit the count Just below tb hip. Th count was seriously woundsd, th bone being knocked Into splinters, which entered all the surrounding psrts of th body. It waa Impossible to get proper treat ment for him at Nieswltsch or even at Warsaw, so hs wss tsken to Berlin, where tb medical faculty despair of saving him. Hs could not corns to Vienna because the gambling affair was being Judicially In vestigated, and . he would have been ar rested It he survived. His wife, who wss ths beautiful Princess Helen Radxlwlll, accompanied him to Berlin. OLIVE CUSTANCE'S ALLIANCE Jllta Oeoree Montaara to Wed Man Who Figured la Oaear Wilde Case. (Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON, March . (Nsw York World Cablegram. Special Telegram.) Lord Al fred Douglas' marrlag with Ollv distance, who Jilted George Montague, M. P., cousin of th duk pt Manchsster, to make this atrang alliance. Is the social aensstlon of th week. Ollv Custsncs Is the hsndsome daughter of Oeneral Cuataac, and is re lated to several aristocratic families. Eh has always affected Bohemian society, writes verses and at one time formed a w:id attachment for Rlchsrd LeOalllsnns. Alfred Douglaa was tb "Bosey" ot th trsglc Oscar Wild scandal, and tbs cob slant companion of Wild after th letter's release from prison. Ths marriage has excited th utmost as tonishment everywhere and ha caussd pro found psla to the bride's parents. - WHY KING SHUNS IRELAND i Caneellntloa of Proposed Visit Taken to Indicate Bitter War en I'nlted Leagae. (Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing CO LONDON, Msrch (.(New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) Cancelling of th king's visit to Irelsnd nsxt summer Is taken to Indicate that the government expect the Irish Jsils will soon bs full ot prisoners consequent oa th proclaiming of th United Irish league, an illegal com bination which the landlords, aided by tb London Times, ar urgsntly demanding ahall be supprsssed. A visit from th king undsr such circumstances would b' awk ward. It not dangsrous. Ther ia no agra rian crime In Irelsnd to afford aa sxcuse tor ths revival of wholesale coercion, but the antr-Irish feeling in Englsnd Is so general snd rampant becsuse of Ireland's hostility to ths Boer wsr that many reprisals wtll b spproved hsrs. COSTS TO SEE. THE PARADE Blaj Price Offered for Seats for Day of Coroaatloa , Spectacle. LONDON. Msrch $. Thla city Is already flooded with Illustrated literature pointing eut th advantageous view points from which the coronatioa psrada may be wit aM4. Wluduws opening oa balconies at such points ss Ludgst Hill have been let tor 42 each. Slog! seats tn th strand have been sold for 8 to f. Slngls win dows with exceptional approaches ea the Surrey sids hsve fetched 78. Equally elsborate plans for viewing th naval parads are alrsady la full swing. The demand for hlgh-claas stssmsrs Is said to exceed the supply. These tours will In clude a four-day crulao about the ehaonsl. From 19 to 18 guineas are sew asked for slngl bertha. TWO MEN FOR DIAZ'S PLACE General Beyes and Jose Limsntour Beoome Meiiwm Presidential Possibilities. FORMER IS bACKED BY AMERICAN PRESS President Dlaa, It la Believed, Will Retire from Office at the End ot His Constltational Period. MEXICO CITY, March I. Recent tsl. grams from points on th Americas fron- ' tier te Journals of weight' snd romtnene' ' In the United States deal with ths Import snt matter ot th succession to th presi dency of this republlo In case of the re tirement ot Presldsnt Diss or at the ex piration of his present constitutions! period. It wsa stated that hs would In . sucjt caas bs suocseded by ths prsssnt min ister of war, Gsoeral Bernardo Rsyss. American pspers have widely commented on this dispatch, pralalng th minister of war as a valiant soldier and as governor of ths Important state of Nusvo Leon, where his administration gave satisfaction not only to ths Mexican people, but to resident Amerlcsns. and It was propsrly argued that so capable an administrator would be certain to carry on the wise pol icy of President Diss, who ha crsatad what la now gensrally called "Modern Mexico." x . Advoeat of Peaee. Amsrlcaa editors, also noted the fact of sympathy existing between Americans sad Oeneral Reyes, who, It was said, would be t certain to maintain the peace of Mexico ' unaltered. It Is known on unimpeachable authority ' that General Rsyes, la cass of ths presi dential succession . being for th causss -named, would glv his cordial support ta -ho "andldacy ot Mlnlstsr of Finance Joss Ives Limsntour. a statesman of daman. ' strsted aptituda tor tb highest admlnts-, ' tratloa fa tbs government and a strong and ' sdis msa. rsopie unacquainted with Mex- ) lean affairs have some tlmee rsgsrdsd . Ssnor Limsntour as bslng merely a flnsn- ; clsr, which Is an error, and It Is bsllsvsd, ' apparsntly In ths United Statss. thst only a soldier csn maintain the present most ' satlafactory state of things In this coun try and thus It hss come about that th American preaa haa spoken snthuslastically of General Reyes as. ths successor of Presi dent Diss, but It Is known her that Gen eral Reyes Is htmsslf on of th slaments of strength behind General Limsntour, as ' Oeneral Reyes has publicly on various oc caalons expressed himself. Thus It to believed that Minister Llmsn- , tour, supported by General Ryes and other lending persons xes here, will meet com. . pletely th need of Mexico, which Is peace witn progress, and one occupying tb pres idency would bass his acta ea to firm foundation laid by President Dla and hav ing that necsessry prestige resulting from ths prssidsnt's recommendation of that po- irtioal convention as it seems probable be will recommend. , Judging from talk In highest political cir cles ia this country, this statement of the situation la high politic ot Msxlc will msks clear bow harmonious are the rela tions of high personage for the preeent , admlnlstrattoa and will assure lavestars la all forms ot Msxicaa securities of the continuance of those conditions of pssoe and progressiva enterprise so superbly es tablished by President Diss, who hss hsr- montsed all Dsrtlea and factions and craat! aa srs of political good feeling unparalleled ' except during th presidential term ot J erne Monroe ia the United, States. ) 7 fi V