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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1902)
The Omaha' Daily Bee. ESTABLISHED JUNE 10, 1871. OMAHA, MONDAY MORNING, MARCH 10, 1002. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. r PUTS CARE ON BAMS Tiscd Bill Transfers Besponsibilitj of Protecting Gold Beaerre. REMOVES BURDEN FROM THE GOVERNMENT eeka to Dmtroy Game for Treasury'! Collapse. Tear of GIVES AN INTERNATIONAL BANKING LAW Provide! Currency Adequate to the General Demand-' '"We. -, MERCHANT MARINE hhi'fy 'NTEREST . . t faaare Is to Be latredared . T Chairman Fowler ( Honee mltte on Baakla; aad v v t'arreaey. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, March . (opeclal.) She republican members of the house com inltte en- banking and eurrency hare been working for some weeka upon a general banking bill. It waa finished yesterday and the chairman of the committee, Mr. Fowler of New Jersey, waa Instructed to Introduce It In the bouae aa a committee bill. It will be favorably reported to tba SEALERS STILL ON STRIKE Determine ta Tie lp Shlppta- la Their Effort ta Forca Wih lll-ber. ST. JOHNS, N. F., March . In the mat ter of tbe atrlke of tbe crews of the sealing fleet, numbering about 1.000. who yesterday demanded 14 per hundredweight for the catch, inatead of $3.20. the previous rate, the sealing merchants last night declined to secede to any of tbe terma submitted by the men. The merchants intimated that the price for aeals would be at least i.iO per hundredweight, the same as ltst year, but declined to Indicate whether any ad vance waa likely. The authorltlea Bay that the condition of the foreign markets rea ders an advance Improbable. Regarding the other claims presented by the moo for better accommodations and other minor concessions, It la understood the merchants are willing to make reforms next year, but decline to alter existing conditions under threat of a atrike. .The matter la now at a deadlock and join aides are working bard to score a vlo- tory. The owners and captalna claim that the atrlke has virtually collapsed and that all the men are ready to Bail tomorrow, being satisfied that certain modifications will follow. The leaders of the atrlke assert tbst the men will not sail tomorrow and that the ships will be powerless. In tbe meanwhile the owners are arranging to secure other supplies, men and crews for the ships should this be necessary. The sealers held a big meeting last night to discuss the matter, but no decision wss reached. The men suiter from lack of or feouss tomorrow. The purpose of this bill Is to reorganise ganlsatloa. the existing monetary system by national banks assuming to redeem currently $U0.- SENDS SECOND NOTE TO PORTE VW,UUV VI UDlim Diir uuic", vj K' I ting national banks to Issue under proper I American Lea-atlon laslsta that Brlar safeguards and during a term of eeven (rears asset currency proportioned to their capital, by limiting issues of sliver cer tificates to 1ft or less, by tncresslng the coinage of subsidiary coin, by providing for the exchange of gold for silver, by per- ads Are Wlthla Tarhlsk Territory. l CONSTANTINOPLE, March I. The Amer ican legation here today presented to the xnltting national banks to have places of I ports the second note referring to the cap- business In any part of tba United Statea, ture of Miss Ellen M. Etone. In this note colonies and foreign countries, by requlr- It la pointed out that aa Mlsa Stone was tng national banks to pay Interest at the captured, the ransom paid and the prison rate of 1 per cent per annum on all da- era delivered In Turkey, the brlganda must be within the Turkish frontier and should therefor be captured. The notejlenles that th authorities were ever requested to lessen their vigilance on tbe frontier and aaserta that only th In th Interior xslts of publlo money, Board of Cealrsl to Sapervls. The bill createa a board of control con 'alsttng of three members, who shall have supervision of all national banks and die- B0Temnt of the troope caarge 10. auues now ma in w cuuii-.i Wr Interfered With. troiier or the currency. Any national nana that snsii assume tne current redemption -v. BotM OPM.Bt.a , ,hm ,. k. In gold of an amount of United Statea notes th Unte4 gt4tM e,atlon at Constantinople "uv .i in the matter or Miss Stone's capture by without depositing United States bonds, brlaands demanded the .! immeo.aieiy issue an amount 01 dui notes ulltr Tru-. The nnrta In nvn. qua! to 10 per cent of Its fapltal. At tbe nd of one year It may IssuS an additional 0 per cent and on both Issues It shall pay a, tax at tbe rate' of one-quarter of 1 per cant per annum. When It ceases to redeem United "tales notes It shall pay a tax on h foregoing Issuss at th rat of 1 per eent per annum. At th and of two years national banks (nay Issue circulation squal to 10 per eent f their capital and they may Issue 10 per cent per annum for a period of live years, tiaill th total Issues equsl 60 par eent of -their -capttaU- tlM .tax on -- soar lsuea last named to be at the rat of 1H : r eent per annum. . In the discretion of the board of control an emergency ctrcula tlon of 20 per cent to be taxed at th rat of t per ' cent per annum and a further margency circulation of 20 per cent to be taxed at the rat of 6 per . cent per annum may be permitted. Redemption of United States Notes. Banks that agree currently to redeem United Statea notea squat to 20 per cent of their capital shall at the aame time aur .render to the United Statea treasurer an additional amount of United States notes equal to 10 per cent of their capital, which .shall be at one redeemed from the gold !ln the general fund of the treasury and ahall not be reissued, but ahall be canceled nd destroyed. The committee explain In ETRURIA SAFEIY ASCHORED QUIET BUT NI DRlf SUNDAY Day ' Set Aeldo by Hew York Saloon lea Fall of I Fn Ship Beaohei Fort After Breakdown with Bo Fatalities. 1 NEW YORK. March 9-De'plto the al CREW AND PASSENGERS ARE ALL WELL - promisee of the ealoonkeepers that today should be the very aryesi tsunaay on 1 Other Teasel Meet Limping; Grey honnd and Will Take Thae on Board to Proper Landing Starr of Voyas. ' HORTA. Azores March . Etrurla an chored here at o'clock thia evening. All on board are well. It had a comparatively uneventful passsge, except for tbe break- record so far aa New Tork waa concerned th man or woman who wished had little or no trouble In purchasing drink. -' About the only noticeable difference In getting on was that ths thirsty man was not allowed to atand at the bar and In many mstancea b was forced to sit down to th "property" sandwich left over from earlier day of Ralnea law reign. '.) But for all that It might be called a quiet Sunday. A quiet "tip" was given to the down. When thia occurred Etrurla had crowds that usually hang about ths outside only Just finished speaking by wireless I of the ealoona that their presenc waa not telegraphy with Umbrla. I desirable. In consequence tbe usual hang- After the accident waa discovered 1 ers-on kept out of the way. Etrurla called Umbrla for on hour, but I Captain Sheehan was especially active In without Buccesa. Upon examination It waa I the Tenderloin precinct and before the day found that the ship's propeller had broken I was well along hla mea had arrested sev off outside the tube and that the rudder I sral barkeepers. In th upper, weat aide had been carried away by tbe propeller. I portion of the city the orders for a dry Etrurla then sent up rockets, which were I Sunday were observed to a certain extent. seen by the British steamer William CHS. I On tbe lower esst aid It ta doubtful If one The latter bore down and was alongside I saloon out of 600 was closed. ' In more In- In fifty minutes after the accident. It stood I stance a man could walk Into the side door without any trouble. ' r Along Seventh avenu and on the Bow ery barrooms that hav probably not been closed a single day for years did no bar trad at all. In many Instances the pro prietors of these place ' had Impromptu bare rigged up In the back rooms and had drinks aerved there. There wer few sa loonkeepers who would admit that there had been any understanding, let alone or ders regarding a dry Sunday. The total number of excise arrests la Greater New Tork wsa thirty-four. '", ' by until daylight, when, after several at tempts. It succeeded In passing a hawser aboard Ktruria. Tbe tank steamer Ottawa arrived on the acene at thia time. William Cliff then attempted to tow Etrurla, while Ottawa attempted to steer It. The hawser, how ever, snapped. Ottawa Walts Two Day. Ottawa stood by for two days and then left for Fayal, bearing tbe second officer of Etrurla to report the dlssster and obtain assistance. In the meanwhile the crew of Etrurla had made every effort to rig a Jury rudder. The first such rudder waa carried away Immediately an attempt waa made to use It. After further efforts, last Ing for two daya, a second Jury rudder waa successfully adjusted and la still in posi tion. Th passengers of Etrurla were satisfied! gT. LOUI3, March A Bpeclal t the they were in no danger and they praise Republic from Beaumont, Tex, aaya: the conduct of the eaptaln and crew of the The body of the fifth victim of a gang of vessel. After the accident the passengors murdirera and robbere waa taken from tha amused themselves with the usual deck Neches river in th eastern suburbs of sport and concert were held In the first Beaumoat at noon today. The flrst of the and second cabin. Only those who were nye bodies was recovered .In th early psrt anxloua concerning buslneas mattera chafed 0f January. At the finding of the fifth BODY OF THE FIFTH VICTIM Eighteen Tramps Arrested at Bean meat on Suspicion ' t Havlas; ' Hand In Series of Crimes. pudlated responsibility. LAWMAKERS WORK .OVERTIME Pari Chamber of Depntle Sit aa- . day In Order to Complete Bndt. PARIS, March . Anxloua to dispose of ths budget -th Chamber adoptoil th an usual ceursa of sluing 00 Sunday and has held, . two . lengthy . .aosMonav iadsjr.. .Th Chamber paased m law Imposing a tax of 1 frano per .100 kilograms on crude petroleum. In th course of th dlaousalon of an amendment to the naval estimates M. Aim- and declared that th United 8tatea had adopted plana for th construction of ar mored cruisers of the asms tonnage and speed as those included In th naval pro gram of Franc. The budget for 1002 was finally adopted by a vote of S98 to (3, and th Chamber of Deputies then adjourned. at th unavoidable delay. Etrurla reports having -atgbted the Italian mall ateamer Sardenga, from Naples, Febru ary it. for New Tork, March 6. Sardegna atood by,' but finding It could be of no assistance proceeded on its course. Mast Wire Breaks. Etrurla waa hoping to communicate with Kron Prlns WUhelm by wireless telegraphy, but Its mast wire broke In several places and It waa unable to repair It until tha weather had improved, when it waa too late. After the accident th passage of Etrurla waa entirely uneventful and there occurred nothing of Interest beyond th dally runs ef the vessel, which ranged from sixty to I found death at the handa of a gang of mar 100 knots. Etrurla will wait her for the arrival of the Royal mall ateamer Elbe, which left Southampton for Horta yesterday. Elba will carry .Etrurla'a paasengera to England Etrurla will than bo towed bom-by thol known teTwtve- had were jrfusJ?. -two-tnas which n-ro maw aa ht wire 'mit I -1-' - 1 1 " ' ' i A from Liverpool for thia purpose. The pas- BUHLLUUt I nUb I ' FUHMtU sengera. on. Ktruria are looking longingly toward th shore and waiting for tomorrow morning,' when "they will ba able to land and become acquainted with Horta and th island of Fayal. . Bana Reaches Port. TROUBLE OVER IRISH LEAGUE Groat Coafaalon Prevails Sloe Report of the Ualon'a Alleged UlevaJlty. (thts connection that 20 per eent of the present national oana capital is lJl,wu.wu, th exact amount of United Statea notes fnr vhAll Mflamntlfln th nV, wnuM k. responsible it svery national bank ahould 5'1lm" """'! T,"d XC'temn 'l DUBLIN, March 9. The belief that the United Irish league la about to be pro- assume Its share of auch redemption. One- balf of thia amount, $46,000,000, would repre Kllrush, County Clare, today and resulted In the arrest of two men, named Crowley farmer who waa under th baa of tha league. Yeeterday a man named O'Donnell wss arrested and sentenced to one month In prison for trying to prsvent this farmer from aelllng hay. S.nt the United Statss notos that the banks "a.'tac: w.hl? charged with moon- n-rrviilrl f fcm ..- l - a. - I Bill lnn UrlUg JUIV IQfJ OQUW VI Trsasury department for rsdemptlon. Thia wom,B w? " '"T"?? T.w would relieve tbe treasury from the burden Of redeeming $195,000,000 of United Statea notes. Ths remaining ' 1161,000,000 of United Btatea notea would be amply cov red by tbe fl30.O00.OO0 of gold In tha re arve fund of the treasury, inasmuch aa asveral million of United Statea notea have been lost or destroyed. Oaaraateo af Clrealatloa Any national bank that haa not aaaumed current redemption of United Statea notes may, when $195,000,000 has been provided for, issue circulation aa above described but, upon the first 20 per cent of Its Issuss It shall be taxed li per cent per annum Inatead of tbe tax of bne-fourth of 1 per cent per annum paid by banka assuming unusa states notes. The banknotes not based on government bonds are to be guaranteed by a fund conalsting of United WILL APPROVE SUGAR TREATY I'alted Statea Reported Favorable to ' th Coaveatloa Bndoreed t at Brnaael.. LONDON, March 10. According to ths correspondent In Brussels for th Stand ard, it la aald there that th United Statea will approve tha augar convention and that the American minister to Belgium (Law rence Townsend) hss been ordered to con duct certain negotiations with the Belgian Statea bonds or gold coin equal to ( per government with reference to thia subject. csnt of all notes outstanding and this fund Is to be used only tor th payment of note. CHOLERA GERMS ARE ACTIVE 01 isueq oanas, tbs taxes on circulation ad Interest on public deposits are also to be added to tha guaranty fund and any xceas of the fund above 10 per cent of all notea Issued msy be Used to cancel and retire United State notes. Tbe total amount of circulating notes of all klnda ahall not at any time exceed the amount of ths bank's paid up capital and they shall b a flrst Hen upon Its assets. Redeemable in Gold. Th banknotes authorised by thia bill ahall be redeemed In gold over th counter t th Issuing bank and In order to Insure their speedy redemption the country I to be divided into clearing house districts. National banka receiving the notea ot banka outaiae tneir own alstriet shall not pay them out again unless ths bank of Issue haa aa ageacy la auch district for ths redemp tion of Its notes, but shall forward them for redemption to the district where they belong. The provision directing tha secretary of the treasury txchangs gold for allver la lnlandsd to strengthen sxlstlng law by keeping all forms of government money al parity with gold, and any additional bur den upon the gold reserve Is avoided by limiting Issues ot silver certlflcatss to $5 and lesa and of banknotes to $10 and up ward, so that ao considerable number of certificate could at any time be collected and presented for redemption. ' The secretary af th trsasury is author ised t deposit all publlo money la sxcess of $50,000,000 la national basks, the banks to pay intsreet thereon at the rate ot 1 per cent per annum. Th bill brings together Into oa financial ' CoatlBa a steal rag.. Jampt front Medina to Mecca, a DIs- taaes of Two Haadvad aad Fifty Miles. CONSTANTINOPLE, March haa broksn out at Mecca. .Cholera It was announced In a dispatch last week from Constantinople that cholera had broken out at Medina, Arabia, 248 mile from Mecca. body every officer in the town waa set to work ' on the myatery and thia afternoon elgkteen tramps, who- hav been living In the river bottom, opposite th city, were ar rested and locked up on th ausplcion that they are at the .bottom of the aerlea of rob berles and murders. The body recovered today waa that of a man ot about 46, aad It had laid in the river about a month, Every pocket had been rifled, and tha skull and Jaw had been crushed by a blow from somo blunt tnstrv ment. There was not a scrap to Identify, but the wounda made It certain that tha man had derera and robbers, sine hla death , hir.d been brought about aa In the case of th four victims previously tsken from the river. Th akull ot each had been mashed In and valuables which two of them were RUBELIR'S SUNDAY IN OMAHA Virtuoso Traini Ilia Camera on Hirer and Dilapidated Building. ENTERTAINS rfOTEL GUESTS UNWITTINGLY Drive Ahont th City . Morstaf and Afternoon and Visits Th Bco OAco Prosrraas tor Ta day'a Coneert. CONDITION 0FJTHE WEATHER Fore cant for Nebraska Pair Mondsy and Tuesday: Colder Tuesday ; vsriaDie Winds. Tenperttare at Omaha Teaterdayl Hoar. Dear. Hoar. 5 a. m...... ar 1 p. sn A 01 a. at 4M . T a. nt 4tt a. as Sa a. n M IO a. as...... K4 It n. nt BS IS am.... BM 8 p. nt. . 8 p. 4 p. 5 p. a. sa T P. H p. nt et 0.1 BO SB ROCK ISLAND TRAIN DERAILED Maaaarera of Fortr-Oao Theater Leading- Cities Join tho Combine. fa CLEVELAND, March . Aa an outcome PORT TOWNSEND, Wash., March of iut week's meeting In thia city a bur lesque trust was formed by the representa tives of the Empire Circuit association of burlesque theaters and the varloua city managers' assoclatlona of America. v The scheme la the result of several years of The British ship Bann, tbe last of tba stormbound fleet off the entrance to ths Straits of Fuca, arrived today, ninety-eight daya from Iqulque, thirty-four days of which It waa stormbound off the straits. Seven time Bann got inside of Cap Flattery deliberation between the theater managers and aa no tug waa there-to pick it up It and the managers of burlesque companlea waa compelled to put back to aea. Bann reports no other vessels off tbe cap. Believe It la Haroalaa. ST. JOHNS, N. B., March I. A ateamer arrived tonight and anchored below Fart- and means, it la aald, that at least $500,000 ill be aaved annually by th Interests Involved. In the plan of tha trust forty-one burles que theatera In the principal cltiea have booked time for five years and the com' ridge Island. It Is thought to be th Allan -sale ara vlrtuallr controlled h th. tr,,. liner Huronian. which Is long overdue, hav- Each of the companies will start th. ....on ing left Glasgow February 11 for thia port, , me aate , wl foltow etch other dui iniormauon cannot o ODiainea tonignt. ACCUSED MEN TAKE FLIGHT t about the circuit, thereby eliminating the expensive features, that of making long Jumps and doubling back and forth between the east and the west. Jules Hurting of tho firm of Hurting A Co. of New York City aald that there la a strong sentiment among th managers and the companies In favor of abolishing lttho MACON. Oa.. March ..-Assistant United rfph ? dvert",n feature, thus getting IJU VI III, WB lHOIU. Aliased Conspirator In Attempt Rb Government Leave Ho TralL Btatea Attoraey Ackerman, who haa re turned from Savannah, aaya atterneya for Captain B. D. Oreene and John F. Oaynor, charged with conspiracy to rob the govern ment In connection with the Savannah harbor works, express ' themselves aa greatly mortified over the disappearance of their clients and ar wholly without ad vices as to their whereabouts. Mr. Ackerman says the officers of the court hav no fear that tba men can find a safe hiding place anywhere, a they be Here the countries with which the United States haa no extradition treatlea would al most certainly surrender them on the ground ot comity.. FATHER CROWLEY HOLDS MASS Chleaco Prleet Gives Sahstaatlal Evi dence of His Reinstatement to Service. CHICAGO, March I . Rev. Jeremiah Crowley, the Roman Catholic clergyman, who waa the central figure In a sensational scene here on November $, last, when the lights In Holy Nam Cathedral were turned out and th celebration of a high mass waa stopped In aa effort to enforce a ban ot excommunication against Father Crowley, V . Mt.MIA A .Hit . . A OFFICER'S COACH IS BURNED today of hi. rehabilitation aa a priest by celebrating high mass in tha church ot th WEAKEN THE REBEL BANDS Amerlcaa Troops Diaper. Innr;ents nnd Defeat Their Plaaa ot Attack. MANILA, March a. Lieutenant Howland ot the Twenty-first infantry and aide on the ataff of Oeneral Wheaton, who waa sent to report oa the state of affaire in Rlxal province after the recent outbreak ot activity there, reports that the insur gents have now been dispersed and that the soldiers and constabulary ar closely pursuing them. There Is but a small fore ot Insurgents la th province and they ar greatly ovkr-oauered It Is clear that the Insurgents ta Rlsal province had no Idea how quickly the troops and constabulary could concentrate and coaceal tbelr atreagth. Complete harmony exists between ' the American soldiers aad the native eonatabu- lary la this district and both have doo excellent work during a short campaign. Ths troopa coo slated of six officers aad XM B144 til Ua rUlh caTairx . Special Car Destroyed la Wreck Caaaed by Collision of Tralas. BISBEE. Aria., March I. Two car and tho special coach of tbe general superin tendent were burned yesterday after a col llsion near her oa th El Paso 4b South western. J. E. Eberhardt, a passenger, aad several trainmen were Injured. Eber- turdt's skull waa fractured. The collision occurred at Lowell, one mile West from Blsbse. Train No. $, backing Into the Junction ot Dos Luis, met No. a, coming to Blsbe from Douglss, and tha two tralna crashed together at full epeed. The ahock ot tbe col lit Ion threw Eberhardt through the roof of th coach. Immaculate Conception, at Schiller atreet and North Park avenue. Father Crowley ai rived on Thursday laat from Washington, wher he conferred with Cardinal Martlnelll LAKE TRAFFIC SOON TO OPEN Early Ravlsatloa Facilitated by Strait of Maelaaw as Com-' merclal Factor. CHICAGO, March . Tb earliest opening of aavlgatloa of the Oreat lake sine th Strait of Maclnaw became a factor In ths commerce of the country seems to be at head. A resumption of business by April 1 on all th upper lake, two weeka earlier than usual, is now prsdlcted by vetsel owners. From all points reports indicate less lee then ever before at the corresponding period of the year. There ar n!y elite inches of Ice la the atralts aad even less tbaa that tn Mud lake, th last place In the 800 pas sage to thaw out. At Sault St. Marl the channel la open aad th terries are being FEDERAL OFFICERS IN CASE Men Charaed with Violation of Civil Service Rales a Rosalt of Political Race. KNOX.VILLE. Tenn., March . Charges have been preferred agalnat Unltsd Statss District Attornsy Wright, United Bute Marshal . Austin, Assistant Postmaster Bksggs and three or four minor officials for alleged violation of rule I of th civil ssrv- lc commission. Th charges. It I said, result from the rac for congreas In thl district, th accused being friends of Con- greesmaa Gibson, who 1 opposed tor nomin ation by N. W. Hale in a primary to be held March It. DEATH PUZZLES THE POLICE Bvldeat Marder of Promlaeat Work Clreanalaaeet, When Kubeltk leave Omaha ha will take with him two photographs, taken by him self, of scene la tb Oat City that In terested him, and It Is a peculiar fact that neither of the pictures ha took can be found In that pictorial pamphlet entitled "Omaha Beautiful." Somehow the scenes sought out by the author of that brochure did not ap peal to the vlrtuoao, and vice versa. More over, neither of the plcturea he took haa ever been oubllshed. la a newspaper or elsewhere, nor la It likely It will be They are etrlctly original In conceit and composition. In ons of his trunks la a portfolio with an index, and la thia Julius Bkrlvaa, his secretary, keeps all tbs Ku- bellk photographs, on or mors from each point of Interest visited by tha great artlat. He chooses such scenes as will reflect the aplrtt of the place," aald Skrlvan, "ao that when be looks at them In after years he csa recall th circumstances and Im pressions of his visit. It la not alwaya ot tha most beautiful thing that ha takes picture: it's more likely to b something characteristic of typical." Kubeltk, then, according to this, must regard Omaha a great commercial center, but he didn't try to portray thia fact by taking snapshots In th wholesala district, Instead he stopped his carriage on the west approach of the Douglas street bridge, and trained hla camera aouth by southwest. It swept a vsst expanse of railroad yards with long lines of freight cars, tier after tier ot low sheds filled with lumber, tbe spans ot tha Union Pacific bridge and a broad aween of water, that enda wher the river curvea westward by Lone Tre and disappear behind the bluffs. The air was hssv and th sky overcast, so the ex poeur had to b much longer than would have been tbe case on a bright day. To overcome thia obstacle, Kubellk alighted from th carriage and reated hie camera unon the aouth railing ot tb bridge. "I like thia better than a bright day for this work." he salfl. "It makee the tone softer." Tnmblo-Down Balldla- Attracts. In choosing hla next aubject Kubellk seemed to be prompted by caprice either that or a love ot the picturesque for surely a certain tumbledown old tram building on North Twelfth street can have no alg nlflcance as reflecting the spirit ot Omaha. Perhaps h thought it atrang that there can be so old a building in ao new a town, In any -event, h trained th eye ot the little Russian-leather box on one of the most melancholy wrecks sof architecture that one ctuld find In the east end. It waa a awaybacked, lopalded, weather-beaten ee pulcber, and on tbe aouth 1 alant ot Ita roof, wher at some tlm tha fir fiend had T'4uaLCM audiCM) purpose,, wera a4 few square yaras 01 tnum r.i., sestinc the rib of a akeiaton. it la too bad that Kuhellk'a fancy ahould prompt him to carry away auch a picture insteaa of a photo of the new postofBc or ths hew High school building, but tneres no u reciting rules ot propriety to a genius. Kubellk arose at 7:W o'cioca nunaay morning, aa la hla habit. "It makee no dif ference when ho goea to bed." earn, ma ssc retary. "or whether the day la 8unday or a week day, he alwaya geta up at 7:30." After a bath, he took breakfast In his room alone, and at 8:15 waa ready to go out driving with Messrs. Skrlvan and Frlml, the latter hla accompanist. 11 was curing this drlv that he took the two pnoto grapha. -Rjitumtna. ha practiced In hla room for nearly two houra, and the hall outside his door waa crowded with gueeta of the house .nd "helo." Once ther was a little ripple of applause, ' but this waa promptly dla- couraged by the aecreiary. wno sm ion sny demonstration at such a time would annoy Kubellk. There was no objection, however, to th people standing in tho hall and llatenlng to tha music, ao they made tbe most ot this tree concert. Lnncheon at Barcsh Home. At 12:30 th reception committee in two carriages called for him and drove him to the home of Vaclav Buresn, wzs cenxer street, wher at 1 o'clock a luncheon was served In hla honor, attended by a party of hi countrymen and admirers. Th company comprised Jan Kubellk ana the member of hla party, Mlsa Jessie Shay, Hugo GorllU, Julius Skrlvan and Rudolph Frlml, Mr. and Mrs. E. Rosewater. Mr. and Mrs. John Roslcky, Fatner vranex, j. a. Hospodsky of Wllber, 8. L. Kostorvs, Jo seph Mlk, Frank Beranek, Mrs. A. Kment, Mr. and Mrs. V. Honman, tar. ana Mrs. Fred Slama and C. F. Hermanek. After the .luncheon there waa another drive over the city and to points of Interest In the suburbs, tbla time with the recep tion commute and aeveral prominent American-Bohemian clttsens as an escort. A trip through The Bee building wss th next Item In the day a program. Accom panled by Edward Roatwater and Vaclav Buresh, ha visited ua varloua aepartmsnts, among others the compoalng and stereotyp ing rooms, and manifested a genuine la- terest in th machinery used in the publlca tlon of a metropolitan newspaper. At 6 h returned to his hotel and retired for two houra' rest. This waa followed by a modest suppsr of milk and fruit in hla room, another hour's practice, an hour devoted to the morning newspapers, and th dsy wsa don. ' peels iter at Fare Comedy. Th Urges; audlsnc that ever assembled In Boher.itin hall waa entertained last night by the presentation of a farce comedy In four "cta entitled "An Unfortunate Ad venture, ttr Who la tbe Right Doctor?" The cut vi ' aa followa: Dubsnsky, forsster, Frank Babka; Marl, his dsuxLter, Miss Francla Morbvee; Plrke, notary, E. W. Bartoa; Mrs. Markyfka, housekeeper, Mrs. Nellie Bvoboda; Katrlna, maid. Mrs. E. Bandhauer; Alfred Zalesky, doctor, Vae Blaha; Antonla Praall, tailor, John Svejda. An abundance of good nature and clever ness charactsrtssd tha performance, the applauc being generous and deserved Kubellk wss present during two acts, his entranc being made the occasion of gsouln ovation. A dance followed the per formance. Eaathonnd Paat Mall Leaves th Track, bat Crew aad Passeagrera Escap lajary. NEOLA. la. March . (Speclsl Tele gram.) Tba Chicago. Rock Island Pacific No. 1 fast mall train, eat t bound, du her al 1:34 p. m., waa wrecked at the crossing with th Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul line, In which engine No. 1108, one of the larger alsed passenger locomotives, was thrown on Its aid. Th engine tank did not leave th grad, but was tn such shape that It had to be ditched before work on th track could ba begun. Th forward trucks of th mail car left the rails, but wss replaced on th track without diffi Engineer Schulta and Fireman C. D. Gottscball stuck to their poeta and went down with the engine, but were un'njured, and were esslly removed from the debris when help arrived. The train waa In charge of Conductor 8. Blrchard. Nona of ths passengers wss Injured. The train waa hauled back to Council Bluffs and sent east over the tracks ef the Milwaukee to Neola. The wreck was csused by a mlsunderstsndlng of signals from tbe Interlocking plsnt by which the crossing Is being operated Jointly by the two roads. It took aeveral houra before the track could be cleared for traffic. RICHMOND. Va.. March . William Clayton, a well-known contracting painter, waa killed her today la a manner that thus fsr baffles th police. He was found on street In tha residence section of the city early thl morning frightfully beaten and died tonight without having regained eon so lout nets. His head wss crushed and ons of his eyea almost punched out. Clayton laattt taxes tPfWA &guhtrg sal two seas. TRAIN MAKES A FATAL TRIP Stop Three Time to Allow Bodies of Victims to Be Cared For. NEW BRUNSWICK. N. J.. March 9. Th fast freight, eastbound, du here at 1 o'clock thia morning, had a rather unusual and unpleasant experience between Trenton and this city.. Two dead men were encoun tered, one ot them having been killed by tbe train Itself, and one the train was atopped to search for a body which could not ba found. The run from Philadelphia wa unevenU ful until aa the train approached Prince ton Junotlon, it hit and killed a man. The train stopped and the body waa cared for and left at tha Junction to be ablpped to Trenton. When near Monmouth Junction, the train waa ' atopped at a algnal from the head brakeman, who said It hsd hit another man and he had eeen the body hurled Into a ditch, vA-search of the track for a mil back failed to locate the supposed victim Tba ' train waa again atarted east, and as It neared MUlaton the glare of the headlight revealed the body of another man Irlaa bv tha rails. Th enrlneer stODDed aacV-fB &edy-'is plek&d r, and breVght'eo thls place.. It wss that ot Howard R. Breese ot New Brunswick. He is supposed to have been struck about 11 o'clock by another' train while walking horn from Franklin park. MYSTERY STILL UNSOLVED Strange Circumstance Snrronndlnsr Death of Mra. Ada Klamp Hard to Caravel. GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., March 9. The mystery surrounding the sending through the malls of a poisoned headache powder to Mra. Ada Klump, causing her death a week ago today, la seemingly no nearer a solution than on the day of the arrest ot William Klump, the husband, last Thurs day. The theory that some womsn In the affections of Klump concocted th plan and carried It out. still holds with the officers, who are conducting the Investigation. - Klump appeared worried and restless In Jail todsy and was not disposed to talk about his esse. His brother visited him during the day aad advised him to tell th truth, which - Wiiyam said he hsd done and would do. Sheriff Chapman stated to night that ha waa working on a new clue. but could not tell the nature of It yet. JUMPS FROM THIRD STORY Man Half SnaToented by Smoke Leap from Barnlnsr BnlldlnsT nd Lives. Mis Roosevelt ttoea to Cnba. WASHINGTON. March I. Miss Alles Roosevelt, daughter of th president, with several friends aad accompanied by a maid, left her tonight for a visit to General and Mra. Leonard Wood at Havana, Cuba, going by rail to Florida. Mrs. Harriet Blaine Beale and Captain Philip, were also of the party. Miss Roosevelt expect to return W Washington, ft latter part of tat south. CHICAGO. March 9. rased and half auf- fo'cated ty smoke which filled his room, Ru dolph Engelcks, a Jeweler, rushed through a sheet of flames today and threw himself from a three-story window of a boarding house at 301 Erie street. On tb pavement below a. number of firemen were holding a net. Engelck whirled through the air and struck on one side ot the net and bounced to the stone walk. He sustained Internal In juries, a fractured wrist, and waa aeverely burned about tha head and body. Twelve other occupants of the building had narrow escapes from death. Mr. Kath ertn Devlte, who conducted the boarding house, and Carl G. Kosher, lodger, were painfully burned. BOY KILLED WHILE AT PLAY Shot hy Compaaloa DarlaaT Progress of Mimic Indian Baltic. DENVER, March 9. Stewart Hill, aged 9 years, died here today from the effects of a bullet wound In th breast received yesterdsy whll engaged in a mlmle Indian battle. James Button, aged 12 yeara. Is under arrest, charged with murder. Four boys, all 12 yeara of ags or under, stationed themselves behind barrlcadea about thirty yarda apart and had exchanged about twenty ahota whea Hill fell, pierced through the lung. According to the other boys. Hill had stepped out In tha open when Butaon took deliberate aim and fired. Chief of Folic Armstrong saya b In tends to take measures sgalnst thoss who are responsible for the boys having firs. arms. MUSIC BEGINS DAY Arioa Society Entertaina Frino . Henrj with a Horning; Concert. SINGS FAVORITE SONGS OF ITS GUEST Dixie and Old Kentucky Horns Enliven tha Eoyal Oocaaion. PRINCE RECEIVES CALLERS DURING DAY la Greeted by Commercial Club Delegate from BU Paul. GUEST OF THE VANDERBILT FAMILY Prcaldeatts Delegates Glv Lssekfss . at tho lalverslty CI ah as Spe cial Hoaor to tha FJmU neat Vleltor. NEW YORK. Msrch 9. Prlne Henry ot Prussia was tha cantral figure today In another round ot entertainment arranged In hla honor. He flrst listened to a concert at the Waldorf-Astoria hotel largely made up Of hla favorite Amerlcaa eonga, tha concert being arranged at hla request. When that was over he drove to tha University club to a luncheon, which waa not con cluded until mid-afternoon. ' In th after noon be waa a guest of Mr. and Mra. Cor nelius Vanderbllt and met a large party msde up of persons of soolsl prominence. When tba prince bade farewell to the company at the Vanderbllt horn he went to the New York Yacht club for an In formal reception, and the hour waa lata when he returned to the . Wsldorf-Astoria for tbe night He found time between th four main eventa on his progrsm for ths dsy to receive a delegation representing the Commercial club of 8t. Paul and several callers and to finally complete the arrang- ments for the Isst two daya' atay tn tha country and his departure for home. He bad Intended to be present at the religious service on the Imperial yacht Hohensollern In the morning, but the case of acarlet fever which developed ther seversl dsya ago altered that plan. Instead he remained at the hotel, arising late and breakfaattng at his leisure. . Arlon's Morslsg Concert.' It waa th Arlon society of Brooklyn, winner of the kalser'a prise at tb singing festival In Brooklyn In 1900, that turnlshsd the morning concert for tbe prlnoe. It -had been originally arranged that the sing ers should serenade the prince on board Hohensollern yesterday, but In the change of program th aerenade waa abandoned. The prince met Pr. John Schllde, chair man of tha muslo oommtttea of th society, at dinner Saturday night, : and expressed regret that he, was not to hava a chance to hear the club alng. The doctor sug gested that It might still take place at ths hotel and the prlnca approved tha idea. It waa midnight, but a few houra to arrange tbe affair' remaining. Telegrams and tele phone -messagea war hurried out to -th members and by 11 o'clock 160 of them had' reporieq .at joe BTei-. , , -t . a The concert took place In the Antor gal lery and 'began at 11:30. Th prince aat In th oenter of the hall, aurroundad by the members of his suite, the Amertcsn escort. Ambassador von Holleben, . Consul Oeneral Buens . and Consul Geissler. ' Tba chorua first sang "Pries Leid," and after that at the requeat of tbe prlnca, an extended program which Included "Old Kentucky Home" and "Dixie." . Delighted with Serenade. The concluding number was Kreutier'a 'The Lord's Own Day," end it waa ren dered very effectively. The prince waa de lighted with . the serenade, and after shaking hands with ths officers ot the so ciety addressed the members briefly In Germsn. He thanked them tor what they hsd done for him and congratulated them on their excellent musical ability. Ha aald In part: I never heard sweeter or softer mimin from a male choir. I have heard no other music In this eountry which has given me greater delight and It has brought me to the conclusion that muslo Is born In ths human heart without regard to rac or color. You should cultivates muslo not only aa a boon to yourselves, but tor the benefit of others. Tbe Arlon society presented tha prince with an Illuminated address and announced that during the day a cable message suit able to the occasion would bs drafted and sent to the kaiser. The luncheon at-the University club waa given by the committee named by President Roosevelt to arrang for th visit of ths prince and escort him on his tour, and th hosts were Oeneral Corbln, Assistant secre tary of State Hill, Admiral Evans, Colonel Bingham and Commander Cowlea. The party left the hotel at 12:45 o'clock. with mounted police as special guard for the carriage ot the prince. A great crowd saw the depsrture from tha hotel aad tha arrival at the club, but there waa no spe cial demonstration. An elaborate luncheon waa aeryed and there waa an interesting discussion of the trip through tha country ust concluded. Dinner at Vanderbllt Hem. Mevemeats of Ocean Vessels, March 9. Hamburg, Boulogne and Plymouth; L'Aqul- laine, irom nn, At Queenstown Arrived Vltonia, from Boston, for uverpoou ana proceeded Balled Nomadic, from Liverpool, for New York; Meiion. from Liverpool, for Boston At Horta Arrived Ktruria, from New Torn, tor uverpool. At Movllle Called Furnessla, from Ola aow. for New York. At Hamburg Arrved Seostrls, from Ban r rsntisco, via Montevideo, sic, irora el. Vincent, C. V., aiwi Havre. . At Malta Pawed-Hyson, from Clyde and Liverpool, fur . China,. Jeyaa msA Dcaiue The dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. Cor nelius Vanderbllt In honor of Prlne Henry began at 7 O'clock. Th Vanderbllt horn at 608 Fifth avenu waa handsomely decor ated and brightly lighted. . Mra. Vanderbllt received the prlne and his statt and then presented their other guests. Oval-shspsd dining tables wer plscsd la th dining room and conservatory and tber the sinner was served. Mra. Vanderbllt had Prlnca Henry at her right and Am bassador von Holleben at her left, and Mr. Vanderbllt had Admiral Evana at hla right and Oeneral Corbln at hla left. Others at the' table were: Mr. and Mis. Ogden Mills, Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Brice, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Cass Ledyard, Mr. and Mra. Edmund Baylies, Mr. and Mrs. Orme Wilson, Mr. and Mra Morton Frewen, Mr. and Mrs. Clarenu Mackay, Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Post Mr. and Mrs. brexel. Countess Orsy, Mrs Nathaniel Thayer, Mra. Caas C'anfleld, Mrs Francis K. Pendleton, Mrs. Rlchxrd Gam brill, Mrs. Lewis Chanter, Mrs. I)ana Oib soii, Mrs. Oukley Rhlnelsnder. Miss Bea trice Mills, Miss Alice Babcock. Mra Jay Mra Burden, Miss Anna Bands, Miss Bar ney, Miss Bishop, Admiral von Tlrplts, Oeneral von pleaaen. Admiral von Elaen decher. Captain von Mulier, Captain von Grumme, Count Quadt, Commander von Kebeur Paachwlts, lieutenant Commander Bchmldt von Bchwind, Baron von Kapnerer David J. Hill. John Jacob Astor, Kgerton W'lnthrop. Btuyveaant Fish, Aurust Bel mont, Robert Gerry and F. L. Polk. During dlnnsr an orchsstra playsd a se lected program. ' Visit Dravtlaa; to Close. Thomas Cochran and F. O. Bradbury, representing tbe Commercial club of Bt. Paul. Minn., called upon Prince Henry t the Waldorf-Astoria todsy and during a personal Interview with tbe distinguished visitor Invited him to attend the unveiling ot the commemorative tablet oa board th American line ateamahlp St. Paul nail Tueadax, Feints Hew .UvOiUsd to bf s