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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 8, 1902)
i . Daily Bee. THE ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 8, 1902-TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. '( - FIFTEEN ARE KILLED Trainmen and Fawsengen Meet Sudden Death in a Wreck. MANY TOURISTS CREMATED IN CARS Ceriona Injuries Are Sustained by Twenty light Survivors. ENGINE AND COACHES ARE DEMOLISHED Host of Latter Catch Fire and Are Burned to Ashes. BROKEN RAIL CAUSES THE D'TER UMirri Ar Asleep Wkci Vy Roaadlaaj Cant at Hlh Rat of Speed la Harled frani the Track. SAN ANTONIO, Tex., March T. A broken Pail caused a (rightful wreck on the South ern Pacific railroad near Maxon atatlon, twenty-five mllea weat of 8anderaon, at I sVclock thla morning. From the last ac counts received here, fifteen persona were killed outright and twenty-eight were mors r less Injured as follows: , Dead. THREE CHILDREN or Mart Riddle of Chetopa, Kan. W. W. PRICE, engineer. Ban Antonio. EST A VON CONTRARA8, Del Rio, Tex. ANDREW C. SHELLY, wife and child, 11 re, Tex. CHRIS KEEL, contractor, San Antonio, tTex. CHILD of D. B. Houeen, Racine, Wis. MR. AND MRS. WHITE. Manitowoc, Wis. ENGINEER AL HAST, El Paao, Tex. FIREMAN II. BERTECHOLST. El Paao, Bfex. L. A. BOONE, news agent, Doyllne, La. Iajarcd. lira. Mary E. Kohler, San Francisco, In ternal Injuries. A. 8. Turner, Blackhawk, Miss., hand ferushed. Mrs. E. M. Sheppard, Olenn Mills, Pa., fcead hurt. J. Fuller, Washington, D. C, leg- and foot Crushed. Antonio El Rio, Del Rio, Texas, Internal Injuries. George Ollenberg, Lexington,. Ky., hand Crushed. E. C. Baker, Angleton, Tex., bruised. Charles H. Hoy, San Antonio. Tex., both feet scalded. A. K. Masser, Wllby, Tex., scalp wound. J. L Taylor, Mulberry, Kan., head In jured. Mrs. Mitchell, Philadelphia, Pa., hurt In ternally. W. R. Adams, express messenger. Interna Injuries and badly scalded. Craig Battleman, North Dakota, head and ack 'hurt. Blacoe JRodrigue. Pel Rio, Tex., bruised 1 Lulon Morale, Del Rio, Tax., allghtly Antonio DonuL Del Rio, Tex., bruised. M. Lobert, residence 'unknown, head hurt. D. P. Havens, 1 Paao, Tex., bruised. A. E. McKenile, Safford, Arts., slightly Injured. H. J. Todd, Frankfort. Ky., braised. Thomas O. Crowder, Houston, Tex., tirulsed. William Josephs, San Jose, Cel., back Injured. J. H. Taylor, Birmingham, Ala., slightly hurt. ' Hugh Mills, Cbetopa, Kan., slightly In jured, Dr. O. C. Martin, Pecoa City, rTex., allghtly Injured. C. W. B. Bennett, 8t. Paul, Kan., braised. W. 8. Olenn, Blackhawk, Miss., leg trokenM Mrs. Annie Wortherst, Ban Francisco, leg find hand crushed. A Hlik Rate ef Speed. The Ill-fated train left San Antonio at feoon Thursday and at the time the acci dent occurred was running at a high rate f spsed IB order to make up time. - The l-oad at the point where the wreck occurred s in a rough country, the eurvee being harp and the grade heavy. It waa when rounding a curve that the train left the track. It la said, on account of a broken rail. The hour was ltd, fifteen hours after the train had left San Antonio, showing that It was still behind time. All the pas sengers were asleep and the shock that followed was the flrat Intimation they had of the danger. The train was going at Such a rate of speed that the tender and engine landed seventy-five feet from where they left the tracks. The cars behind piled tip agatnet the engine, caught fire and all fere conaumed except the sleepers. A private ear owned by Thomas Ryan of Mew Tork City, with his family aboard, was attached to the rear of the train, but It was pulled away before the fire reached It and no one la it waa Injured. , Maar Pautager Cresaated. All the injured In the coaches Just be hind the express and baggage cars were cremated. The people In the sleepers were paved with the assistance of the uninjured passengers. The wrecked train was the Galveston, .jHerrlaburg A San Antonio westbound pas anger No. . and consisted of an engine. gnail car, baggage car, one coach, one chair car, three tourist sleepers, one Pullman deeper and one private car. The mall car, the baggage car and coachea were plied to gether agalnat the engine and were ablase ta a few seconds. ' It was Impossible to tnove any of the coachea or the tourist cars, they were all oS the rails, and were oon conaumed by the flames. So soon as It was possible to get In com tnunlcatlon with the divtalon headquarters relief tralna, with surgeons and physicians, were started . from El Paso and Del Rio, jplcklng up along the line all the surgeons that could be found. All of the Injured who were In a condition to be moved were pent to El Paao, where they are receiving Careful attention. , W. O. Van Vleck, general manager of the Oalveston, Harriaburg A Sea Antonio rail road, left at once oa a special train for the scene of the wreck. STOCKTON, Cel.. March 7. Al Mast, the engineer killed In the El Paao wreck, was former resident of this elty. This waa the fourth railroad wreck he had been In. After the third he told hta friends he ex pected to lose his life In the next wreck. Dae ta Obstrnetloo. HOUSTON. Tex.. March T. In his offi cial report to Vice Prealdent KrutUcsntt General Manager Van Vleck makes the fol lowing statement: "Conductor r porta speed wa not fast at the time of the derailment and la of the pinion that the accident was due to ct Kructlua u tba track-' KING LAYS CORNERSTONE Edward aad Qaeea Alexandra Preseat at Feaadlasi of Royal Naval Colleae. LONDON, March 7. King Edward, ac compaled by Queen Alexandra, laid the foundation stone of the new royal naval college for cadets at Dartmouth today and thereby figuratively speaking, scuttled the old training ablp Brlttannia, the alma mater of all the present generation of naval offi cer. The royal party traveled from London by the train, built at a cost of 41.000 for Queen Victoria's diamond Jubilee, aad cov ered the whole distance without a stoppage. On their arrival at Dartmouth their maj esties were met by the lords of the ad miralty and driven through the college grounds, where they wero :slved by a guard of honor of cadets. The laying of the foundatloa stone was ' -"ompanled by the usual cermonlal. Papers ljf -nine were deposited In a casket, made ff 'orn me oriiiannia, which was 7tn the stoae. Ev. ''am of Germany was rep resent ilerman schoolshlp Moltke, whose raio. tire drawn up on the grounds and Inspected by the king. Their majesties afterwards proceeded ta Plymouth,' where Queen Alexandra will to morrow, christen the British first-class bat tleihla Queen. CRITICISES KINQ EDWARD English Preacher Says Klasr Violates English Sundays by Atteadlaa; Concerts oa Sabbath. - LONDON, March 7. There was a striking scene in the City temple yesterday, when during the course of hla sermon Rev. Joseph Parker, D. D., the minister, administered a pointed rebuke to King Edward, which was loudly applauded by the congregation. Having alluded to the houses as "trap doors of hell," Dr. Parker alluded to the kirn's recent brewing of beer while visiting Lord Burton. "Pray for me." said the divine, "that I may speak delicately, loyally. If the king brews beer, what can be wrong In the subject drinking ltT What the king doea la likely to be Imitated by others. His majesty Is more than a man and must re gard all questions from a kingly point of view. If the king goes to a Sunday concert, as he did recently, he deals a deadly blow to the Englishman's Sunday. Tha king can not attend a non-conformist place of wor ahlp, but he can go to a Sunday concert," This remark called forth cries of "Shame" and Dr. Parker continued: "It the king, who is head of the church and defender of the faith, can violate the Engl lib. Sunday what can the people tlo but follow In his footsteps? I would rather give a great sum of gold than appear to be disloyal, but 1 cannot be disloyal to Christ, and It la. bet ter that these things should bs said." , BULGARIANS INVADE TURKEY Revolatloaary Baads Take Advaataae f Withdrawal af Troops ta Eater. .. LONDON, March-A dkspaten' printed tnaey In the Standard from Its correspond, eat at Constantinople says that since the liberation of Mlse Ellen 8tone the Ameri can missionary, numerous ' revolutionary bands havs crossed from Bulgaria Into Turkish territory, taking advantage of the temporary withdrawal of troops from the frontier. This wss evidently planned by the . Macedonian committee, explains ths correspondent, and, although no Immediate danger la feared, such crossing of the fron tier may reault In conflicts with the Otto man forces. MEETS APPROVAL IN AUSTRIA Vleaaa Paper Thlake the Elevatlea f Diplomatic. Poets a Good Move. VIENNA. March 7. The Fremdenblatt, referring to the decision of the government to raise the mission of Austria-Hungary at Washington to an embassy, saya: Aa the United States legation at Vienna will also be converted Into an embaasy, the relations of Austria-Hungary and the United Statee will be represented In a man ner In consonance with the present impor tance and which will be enhanced In the future. Political hostilities between the two countries, humanely speaking, is no more probable In the future than it was in the past. In view of the Impending rearrange ment of the political-commercial relatione of Europe and the United Btatea It la doubly Important to be in close contact with all natlona which axe pre-eminent In the economic domain. BANDITS CAPTURE" PRIEST Oatlawa Arease IadlaaaUoa aad Freach aad Raaelaa Kavlea Bead Oat Traepe. PEKIN, March 7. Bandit soldiery have captured a priest at Jehol, about 100 miles northeast of Pektn. Both the French and Russlsns are anxious to send troops to rescue this priest, but as Jehol la a rich gold mining district, ths court baa ordered General Mai Tuk Waa to hurry and releaae the prtaoner In order to forestall the entry of foreign troops Into the district. MASON, TOURISTS AT JAFFA RepreeeatatlTCe ef Graad Lodges at Aaaeriea Will Bold Meetlac at Klas; Solemoo'a tsaarrles. JERC8ALEM, March 7. The White Star Use steamer Celtic, having on board BOO American tourists, destined for this city, arrived at Jaffa yeaterday afternoon. One hundred Free Maaons, repreaentlng every grand lodge in North American, will hold a meeting at King Solomon's quarries under ths auspices of ths Royal Solomon mothsr ledge of Jerusalem. SUCCESSOR TO PAUNCEF0TE Yorkshire Feet Bays Hta, Alfred Lit tlctoa Is Likely to gaeeeed Veaerablo Ambassador. LONDON, March 7. The Yorkshire Post tedsy saya It learns that Hon. Alfred Lit tleton la likely to eucceed Lord Pauncefots as British ambassador at Waablagtoa. Refaae ta Pay Hew Taxes. SHANGHAI, March 7. The foreign resi de ate of Kobe, Japan, at a mass meeting, decided to refuae paymeat of the new taxa tion on property, as a violation of treaties, until the question Is definitely settled be tween the powers and Jspan. Jeha Redmoad Beroeaee Heir. LONDON. March . By ths death of hU uncle. Lieutenant General John Patrick Sutton Redmond, John Redmond, M. P., ta- beiiia large, but heavily encumbered, es tates La lrelaai. a REPLIES TO THE NEBRASKASS Congressman Mondell Trie to Answer Critics of Irrigation Bill. RELIES ON VAST ARTESIAN SUPPLY Expects Sabterraaeaa Rivers aad Storage Basins to Prodaco t'alform Flow la serf ace Streasas at . 4 8enel-Arld States. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Msrch 7. (Special Tele gram.) Representative Mondell today re ported favorably the bill for the reclama tion of arid lands, aa Introduced by Repre sentative Newlands. The report covers twenty-fire pages of typewritten matter and If exhaustive In character. Of the states nsmed in the bill, Kansas and Nebraska, according to the report, contain no landa Which strictly spesklng, are arid, though nearly one-third of the western portion of each atate Is semi-arid, and a considerable portion of the aeml-arid lands Is susceptible to Irrigation. The amount of land remain ing In public ownership In these states Is comparatively small. In Nebraaka about one- tenth and in Kanaas a considerable smaller sortion. Mr. Mondell saya the American pioneer has Irrigated In the region included in the bill, about 7.500,000 acres of land, and has expended thereon a sum estimated at $200, 000,000. The . acreage under Irrigation la Nebraska is given at 148,638; South Dakota, 43,010; Wyoming, 803,942. No Loader aa Experiment. The report of the Irrigation committee aays that the territory affected by the bill la nearly one-half the area of the United States, and that In the sixteen arid land states there are over 635,000,000 acres, or more than one-aixteenth of the area of the country, of publlo land aubject to entry. Of this vast tract only ' 10,000,000 acres will produce corps without Irrigation, showing the wide extent of the arid districts. Mr. Mondell points out that with such a vsst dominion no other than the govern ment can deal adequately with the problem of Irrigation. He also shows that Irriga tion long ago passed the experimental stage and that lta great advantages have been es tablished in this country and abroad. The bill, he says, proposes no taxation to carry out the irrigation project, the entire ex pense being derived from the sale of publlo landa In the states to be Irrigated. Seeks to Meet Objectless. In reply to the objections made against the measure by the Nebraska representa tives In congress; that aa the bill stood it would have the effect. If paaaed, of consid erably reducing the volume of water In the Platte river flowing through Nebraska, Mr. Mondell says: "The bill provides for the sinking of artesian wells. It Is hoped that theae test wells will demonstrate the exist ence of an extensive artesian basin through out western Kansas and Nebraska, as well as elsewhere In the region. The aeml-arld states which receive their water fr6m the arid mountain states will not only have ths benefit of jtU the storage and the diversion undertaken' with l, view of reclaiming the aeml-arid lands within their borders, but will also be .benefited by every storage and diversion work undertaken and accomplished at the headwaters and along upper course of ths streams. - Relies oa Sterea-e Worka. "The storage work will hold harV h flood waters which would otherwise go to waste or cause destruction, and these waters, utilised In connection with tha larger proportion of the natural flow of stream, could without flood conservation be utilized for the Irrigation of larva tr.t. of land and in a short time wouM convert these tracts, now absolutely dry. Into water- soaked areas, seepage from which, return ing to the stream, would produce a largely Increased and nnlform flow In the lower course of the rivers, at a time when most needed, and when under present conditions the streams are lowest." Senator Gamble today laid before tha senate petitions signed by over 160 citizens of South Dakota, praying for the passage of the Grout oleomargarine bill. The- pe titions came from the towns of Greenfield, Armour and Aleen. Mercer oa Coagrresaloaal Committee. The republican members of the Nebraaka delegation In congress have selected D. H. Mercer tor represent Nebraska on the na tional congressional committee. Congress man Burke of South Dakota will be selected as member of the committee from that state. Representative Stark, who has been ac tively Interested In having the State de partment look Into the charges made by B. A. Fowler, a son of W. A. Fowler of Ashland, agalnat the British government for Impressing him Into the English army and compelling him to light against the Boers, haa received a letter from Asalstant Sec retary Adee. The letter Is as follows, ad dressed to W. A. Fowler, Ashland, Neb.: I have to acknowledge receipt of your letter of the t8th ult., in regard to obtain ing transportation to thla country for your son, 8. A. Fowler, who after serving In the British army, was discharged at Durban December last. In reply I have to, say that a copy of your letter haa been sent to the consul eneral at Capetown, with Instructions to endeavor to have the young man sent to you. Senator Clark of Wyoming gave notice today that he would propose an amend ment to the pestsfflce appropriation bill, when It comes before the senate, to pay James Graham $900 for carrying ths dally mail from Altamont to Aspen. On the old line of the Union Pacific. Senator Gamble today reported favorably his bill to ratify the argeement with the Rosebud Indiana, which cedes J20,000 acres of land In Gregory county. South Dakota. The bill appropriates $480,000 to carry the argeement Into effect. A section added sets apart townsblpa It and 38 for school purposes. , DlTlaloa of Nebraaka. Senator McComas of Maryland today made a favorable report from the committee of the Judiciary, en the bill Introduced by Senator Dietrich, providing for the division of the atate of Nebraaka into two judicial districts, making the Platte river the dlvl slonal 11ns. Senator Blackburn, democratic member of the subcommittee In charge of the bill, roucurs with Mr. McComaa. Senator Mo- Comas reports the bill without amendment and says: "Nebraska Is a very large atate. Its population is rspidly increasing. It appears from ths annual report of the at torney general that there were pending in the federal district July 1, 1&0, 111 criminal oases and 463 civil snd other suits. In a rapidly growing state the business of ths federal courts will rapidly increase. It Is (tkely that the additional expense esused by the creation of the new district will soon be ssvsd to tha govsramsnt In re duced feea mileage and other charges." The South Dakota colony hare gave a CuUbu4 oa Bceea4 Pace. . ARREST HUSBAND OF VICTIM Officers Baapeet William Klamp aa ' Accomplice la Marder of Hla Wife. GRAND RAPIDS, Mich., Msrch 7. Latest developments In the Investigation of the death of Mrs. Anna Klump, the young wife of William Klump, of Lowell Point, shows one of the most cold-blooded murders Mich igan has aver known. After a diligent Inquiry Into the circum stances, Sheriff Patterson this evening took William Klump into custody and lodged him In jail here. Ths officers express the be lief that , the deadly powders sent through the mall were aubatltuted foe the harmless headache powders which the envelopes had originally contained and that they were sent to several persons la the village for the purpose of throwing the blame npon the manufacturers of the headache remedy and thua divert suspicion from the sender of the poison. The officers who bsve Investigated the case state that Klump was Infatuated with another woman, a widow, whom It Is al leged he had agreed to marry before be met and won the love of the pretty 16-year- old daughter of Mr., and Mra. Watson of Lowell. Klump had been married twice. His first wife lived In Lowell and it Is claimed that the other woman In the .case was the cauae of hta separation from her also. The sheriff and his deputies are trying to locate Hattle Whitfield. She at one time lived In this city aad it is said that Klump visited her here. Officers want to the house of her parents tn Vergennes town ship, but did not find her there, nor could they learn where she had gone. Klump was interviewed at the Jail to night He is about 35 years of age. He declared he waa entirely Innocent of the charge on which he waa arrested. He said he had no knowledge of what the alleged ssmple of headache powders contslned or whence they came. He got the envelope containing the powder addressed to his wife at the Lowell postoftlce with some other mall and brought It to the house, supposing It was an ordinary advertising sample. He denied the truth of the report that he had been attentive to another woman or that there waa any reason for his wanting his wife out of the way. FEEL NO ALARM OVER ETRURIA Officials of the Llae Believe Missies; Vessel Is Free of Daagrer., , V ' NEW TORK, March 7. The New York sgeats of the Cunard line said 'today they had received no further Information of Etrurla, but that tha steamer Elbe will take off Etruria'a passengers and transfer them to Liverpool. LONDON, March 7. Tha officials of the Cunard lino declare there la no cause for alarm over Etrurla. . I A dispatch to the Dally Mail, from Horta, Azores, dated March 7, aaya Etrurla Is hourly expected at that port. On the evening of February 27, continues the cor respondent of the Dally Mall, a rumbling sound la tha engine rooms of Etrurla, fol lowed by a crash, aan- ?'-"i:4 that the pro peller had gone and if soon found that It had carried away the rudder with it. Etrurla was then. In latitude 40.3 north, longitude 40.38 west. ' It was experiencing fine weather, although not long before the weather had been boisterous. There was no excitement among the passengers when they learned of the accident. An hour pre vious to losing its propeller Etrurla had ex changed good-night signals with Umbria at a distance of about forty miles and had dis patched various wireless messages from Its passengers for delivery in New York. Shortly after the accident Etrurla tried again, but unsuccessfully, to call up Um bria. The same night the British steamer Cliff waa sighted. Cliff stood by until day light, when an arrangement was made to tow the Cunarder. On the morning of Feb ruary 28 the tank Ottawa was sighted. Ottawa stoot) by Etrurla until , March 3. Nearly two days were spent In rigging the Jury rudder, during which time Etrurla waa towed less than fifty miles. SHAW VISITS WALL STREET Now Secretary of Treaaary Meets Moaey Klaajs oa Hla Maldea Trip. NEW' YORK, March T. Secretary of the Treasury Shaw today made his first visit to the financial district sines he assumed office.- The secretary said his visit here had no apeclal significance; that he was simply looking over the ground. Concerning the recent requests to trans fer gold to San Fransclsco, he said: Application for such transfer of gold haa been made to the Treasury department,' but so far it "has not been made. In my opin ion the application was made more as a precaution agalnat any developments which might arise. I do not, however, believe that S30.UtiO.000 will be transferred and it Is doubtful In my mind if more than IS.OOO.OUO will be transferred. Ul course, tne trans fer of gold by that method from New Tork to San Francisco la of advantage to the rovemment because gold accumulates In San Francisco and the aurplus haa to be shipped east at considerable expense. If the application should have been made for transfer rrom nan rranciaco 10 in e w Tork ws could not havs granted It. BRYAN CANT NAME THE MAN Editor of Cemmeaer Falls to Deal, aato Next Deatoeratlo Presl deatlal Nosalaeo. SCRANTON. Pa.. March 7. William J. Bryan, who lectured here tonight, was asked whom he considered a democratic presidential possibility. He ssld: "No one can tell in advance what the Issues will be or what will be their relative Importance. It ought to be ssfs to predict that democratic principles will be applied to the Issues aad It ought to be that the platform ahould be written by thoae whose fidelity to those principles Is not aubject to suspicion." THREE MEN HURT IN SLIDE iBiared la Avalanche Which Com. pletely Destroys the Top of Trala. DENVER. March 7- Calvin Bullock, who is Interested In the Butterfly-Terrible amines near Tellurlde, received the follow' lag telegram from Ophlr today: . Slide took out top of Sanbernadlno tram. Three, men were hurt; none dead.' Tha Butterfly-Terrible mines are situ ated oa the slope of Yellow mountain near the Ophir loop. Waste Tkaski for Itehley. ' WASHINGTON. March 7. Senator Mc Com is todsy presented to the senate the memorial of the Maryland legislature, ask ing tbst the thsnks of ths congress be ex tended to Rear Admiral 8chley by name, oa account of bis services during the war with &iaio, . . . . WON'T ATTEND CORONATION Miss Roosevelt Cancels the Engagement bj Her Father's Counsel. TOO YOUNG FOR INTERNATIONAL DEMANDS When Poaltlea that His DaaaWter Woold Oeeapy la Coart Affaire Is' Dlseassed Presldeat Decides to Cheats Prosjram. WASHINGTON. March 7. Miss Alice Roosevelt, daughter of the president, will not attend the coronation of King Edward. While the White House officials decline to discuss the matter It was stated by those In a position to know that the president bad decided that she should not go. It was learned tonight that the reason why Miss Roosevelt will not attend the coronation Is because it has been found practically Impossible for her to go, simply as a young American girl, traveling priv ately In the household of Special Ambas sador Reld. Notwithstanding It was stated she would not go to London aa daughter of the preal dent, but simply as Miss Roosevelt, It waa learned that London court circles were seriously considering the status shs would occupy in court affairs. When Miss Roose velt's status became a matter of Interna tional discussion the preesident first con sidered the advisability of cancelling the visit, but not until It was found that an Invltstlon to visit the emperor and empress of Germany wss on the way to America, wss It decided that In view of the extreme youth of Miss Roosevelt and the Interna tional courtesies she would be called on to meet, the English vlstt and all Its delights, would have to be relinquished. COURT DOUBTS JURISDICTION Jastlees Divide oa Declsloa ta Case of SampsoB Prise Moaey Claims. WASHINGTON, March 7. The district court of appeals todsy announced Its de cision in the prlxe money cases Instituted by Admiral Sampson for himself, bis of ficers and enlisted men In the Santiago campaign and appealed from the district supreme court. The court is divided. Chief Justice Alvey, who delivered the opinion, held that the appeal ahould not have been taken to that court, but withholds the order of dismissal. This course is with a view to preserving the appeal in case the United States supreme court ahould decide the appeal was right fully taken. The decision says, however. that the order of dismissal will be entered in case It Is desired to appeal to the United States supreme court from the order. Justice Morris In concurring, says he is not satisfied that his court has no juris diction, but as that would deny jurisdiction of the supreme court, such a ruling should come from the latter court. Justice Shep pard will file a dissenting opinion. IN HANDS. OF THE TREASUBER Removal of CoaatervalllBsT Duties oa Ingar Left with Secretary Shaw. ' WASHINGTON. Msrch 7. Minister Town send, at Brussels, has Informed the State dep'srtment that he la able to certify aa of ficial the statement of the agreement reached by the beet sugar producing coun tries, namely the abolition of all bounties on sugar' and provision for a uniform cus toms tariff of six francs per 100 kilograms, or about a half-cent a pound. Roumanla alone of the countrlea represented in the conference refused to enter Into this ar rangement. Her total sugar production ta believed to be too small to affect the In tegrity of the agreement. These facts have been made known to the United States treasury and they must at once take steps to move the counter vailing duties now levied on bounty aided sugar, thus considerably affecting the rev enues. It will be for the treaaury officials to say when the change la to take effect and how cargoes In shipment will be effected. AMENDS SHIP SUBSIDY BILL Senator MeLaarln Seeks ' to Preveat High Officials from Ob. talalas; Benefit. WASHINGTON, March 7. Senator Mo Laurln of Mississippi todsy gave notice of an amendment he will offer to the ship subsidy bill lntsnded to prevent the high officials of the United States from receiv ing any benefit from the enactment of the proposed law. The amendment requires that the names of all members of firms pr of Incorporators or stockholders of all cor porations, whether owners of subsidized ships or contractors to build the aame, shall be made public It then proceeds as fol lows: No senator or representative or president of the United States or judare of any court of the United States shall be directly or Indirectly interested in any contract under this contract or any corporation navmg a contract under thla act or directly or In directly receive any money or thing of value or worth under the provisions of this art. or be directly or indirectly Interested in any corporation or vessel which is a beneficiary u'Oer tnis act. INCREASE IN DAIRY . TRADE Heavy Gains Made la Batter, Cheese aad Similar Prodaets la Last Deeade. WASHINGTON. March 7. The censua preliminary report on butter, cheese and condensed milk, factory product. Including urbaa dairy products, shows the following summary for 1900, with percentages of in crease since 1890: Number of establishments, 955, Increase ES per cent; capital. $38,608,015, increase, 120 per cent; wage earnera, average number, 12,865, Increase X per cent; total wsges, $6,170,670, Increase, 40 per cent; miscel laneous expenses, $1,509,768. Increaaa, 83 per cent; cost of materials used $109,151 2u6, lncresse. 118 per cent; value of pro ducts, $131,199,317. Increase, 109 per cent. Colorado Oppoaed to Reciprocity. WASHINGTON, Msrch 7. Senstor Teller today presented In the ssnsts a memorial from the Colorado legislature, urging that the present tariff on sugar bo retained, and protesting against any reciprocity with Cuba, as opposed to the rapidly developing beet sugar Interests of the western states, For Meatless aad Laramie. WASHINGTON. March 7. The senate committee on public buildings and grounds today authorised favorable reports on new public buildings as follows: Colorado Springs. Colo., $130,000; Laramie. Wyo , $100,000; Sherman, Tex., $150,000; Hastings, Neb., $125,000. , , . r,r I CONDITION 0FJTHE WEATHER Forecast for Nehraakiv-Oenerslly Fslr Sat urday and Sunday; Variable Winds. Hoar. Dear. Hoar. Dr. B a. m 40 l p. m ert a. m 40 a p. at 4M Ta. bi ..... . an Hp. m HO a a. an su 4 p. at (Ml a a. m ...... 4 J R p. m ...... B4 10 a, m . . . , , . 4 1 p. nt B2 11 a. an 4T T p. m 4S IS an 4H 8 p. m X O p. an . . . i . . 8U LOVE 0UTRUNS THE TRAIN Yoaagt Coaple Marry Before Girl's Father Caa Reach aad Fre veat Them. CHICAGO. March 7. After racing across the state in an endeavor ta prevent the marriage of his daughter. Miss Daisy Clem, tha president of the national stockyards of Eaat.St. Louis, arrived In Chicago tonight just in time to witness the conclusion of the wedding ceremony. Then Instead of be coming enraged over his lack of success he accepted the situation and gave hla blessing to the couple.' The only objection which the parents of the young couple had to their marriage was that occasioned by their extreme youth. The bride, who wss one of the East St. Louis' besutles, is but 17 years old. Gor don Alexsnder, who has been employed In St. Louts, Is the son of William H. Alex ander of Mobile, Ala., Is 20 years eld and comes from one of the best families In the south. RECOVER BODIES OF. MINERS Five of Victims of Explosion Dead Whea Fob a d by the Res tee Party. MONONGAHELA, Pa.. March 7. The five bodies of the victlma of the fire damp ex plosion at Catsburg mine yesterday were recovered shortly after midnight and brought out to the main entrance. They were dead when found by one of the res cuers and wero blackened, burned and bruised almost beyond recognition. Inspector Henry Louttlt stated after com ing out of the mine that they had found little or no trace of gas, but had made no tests. He said there wss no fire in the main entry, but could not tell the condi tions in the other parts of the mine. Mr. Louttlt also said that the mine had not been declared safe by him and that the party that had gone in had been sent to see If they could extinguish the fire. He refused to advance any theory as to how ths explosion occurred. ' TELEPHONE COMBINE FORMED Varloas Lines la Paclne Northwest CoBsolldato L'Bder the Worthy westera of Ohio. PORTLAND, Ore., March 7. It Is stated that a atrong combination of telephone sys tems Is being formed In the Pacific north west wlthi the lines radiating from Port land. 1 Aa far' as the Pacific' northwest is concerned, the combination as at present formed includes the Columbia Telephone company of Portland, the Independent Tele phone company of Seattle, the Independent Telephone company of Spokane, the Buffert Coadon company of The Dalles, the Inde pendent Telephone company of Salem, the Independent company of Forest Grove, and ths Independent company of Mclnnville. Lines will, It Is announced, be run Into every town In Oregon, Washington and probably parts of Idaho and Montana. The company controlling ths Columbia Telephone company of this city snd most of the others named, Is the Northwestern Telephone company of Youngstown and Warren, Ohio. , FIGHT BETWEEN CONVICTS Fierce Eaeoaater Results la Serlons Iajary to Both sad Fatal to Oae. LEAVENWORTH, Kan.. March 7. In a fight In the coal mine at the Kansas peni tentiary Antonio Lomalns' skull was frac tured by John Williams, another1 convict. The latter was stabbed in the back by the Mexican and asverely wounded. Lomalns is lying at the point of death In the priaon hospital. Both are noted as desperate criminals. TWINS DIE FROM LAUDANUM Iafaats Are Gives Drag by the Father la Attempt to ttalet Them. KANSAS CITY. Mo., March 7. Arthur and Benjamin Lock ridge, twins, 5 months old, died at their home In Kanaas City, Kan., "from the effect of four drops of laudanum, which was administered to them by their father. Tha babies were restless and the father gave them the drug aa a medicine. EXPECT DECISION WITHIN WEEK Officials la Co baa Postal Fraads Case BrlaartasT Trial to a Close. HAVANA, Msrch 7. At today's hearing of the Cuban poatofOce frauds case counael for Estes G. Rathbons finished their argu ment. The fiscal will spek sgaln tomorrow. The caaea will then be taken under con sideration by the court and decision Is ex pected within a week. KILLS HIS ONLY BROTHER YobbsT Maa Flrra Fatal Shot la Flsjht . Over a Gamo of Cards. PRINCETON, Mo.. March 7. Charles Call shot and killed his only brother, George Call, la a fight at their home here, over a game of cards. The boys art 20 and 22 years of age. They owned ths fsrm where the killing occurred, and lived alone. Movements of Oceaa Vessels, March T, At New York Arrived Lucanla, from Liverpool and Queenatown. At Boston Arrived I'omonga, from Glas gow; Celtic, from New York, via Kunchal. At Sydney Arrived Moana, from Van couver, via Honolulu and Brisbane; Sierra, from Sun Francisco, via Honolulu and Auckland. At London Arrived Glenfarg. from Seattle, Hlogo, etc; Totmes. from Han Francisco. Balled Minneapolis, for New York. At Liverpool Arrived Pretorian, from St. John. N. is , and Halifax. At Movllle Sailed Ionian, from Liver pool, for Hullfax and St. John, N. B. At Qutenstown Arrived Campania, from New York, for Liverpool. At Yokohama dulled Duke of Fife, from Hong Kong, Shanghai and Kobe, for Vic toria, B. C and Tacuma. At the Llxard Passed La Champagne, treat New; York, for lUvre, PRINCE ENDS TOUR Complete! Itinerary of Thirteen States, Betnrning to Hew Tork. HIGHLY IMPRESSED WITH ENTIRE VISIT Speaks in Cordial Terms of United States and His Reception. GRATEFUL FOR AMERICAN HOSPITALITY feature of Last Day is Visit to West Point CADETS WIN ADMIRATION OF THE PRINCE Fear More Daya Hemala of Royal Goeat's Stay, Darlngr Which Time He Will Visit City of Philadelphia. NEW YORK. March 7,-Prlnce Henry of Prussia today completed his tour and Is once more In New York, where, he will re main until Monday, when he goes to Phil adelphia. He waa absent from the city for nine days, during which time hla special train waa within the territory of thirteen states and logged a total distance of 4.S&S miles. . He waa greatly pleaaed with hla trip and tonight, through his side, Captain von Muller, Issued a statement expressing his satisfaction at ths opportunity which cam to him and his gratification at the cordial ity with which he was received through out the country. Captain von Muller aald: His royal highness Is very much pleaaed by his trip Into the Interior of the United States. He Is fuily aware of the fact that he has had only a very superficial gilmps of a very small portion of the United States and that he might perhaps have used his time to greater advantage had he remained in one of the larger cities of the east. But ho la convinced, nevertheless, that, conaldering the character of hla mis sion, the trip was the right thing for hlra. In making it he has obtained a fair Idea of the countr) and its resources which the capital of the United Statea and the great commercial centers of the east alone could not have given him, but more than this lmpiYHHlon he valuea the hearty welcome which he met In all the places he went through; a welcome that showed him. how the people of the United States every where understood and appreciated the In tention of the German emperor In sending him here. Gratetal to All Hla Hosts. The prince made a speech In St. Louis In which he said he regretted not to have been able always to express hie thanks to those who greeted him at the railway sta tions or otherwlRS to show him their re spects. He wishes to have the Intent of that epeech conveyed to all those who In the course of the trip gave him such a cor dial reception, and especially he wishes to express his thanks to those who, early in the morning, when he was not prepared and still In bed, welcomed him with muslo and cheers. The receptions by the greet cities of the south and the middle west were more than he ever had expected, and so were the re ceptions In the east. But his royal high ness Is equally thankful for what the smaller places did In showing him their goodwill, though the train In such places stopped only a few minutes and frequently not at all.. -'..,.,.. . . ..,,..:.. . -Altogether the prince Is most gratified bv his trip and shall never forget how the American people everywhere met him with hospitality and sympathy. Last pay la Bventfal. Prince Henry's lsst day on the special train which carried him to the south and 1 east rivalled In Interest any of the others spent by the prince on the tour, for It be gan with a visit to Albany, Included a run In bright sunlight down ths west shore of the Hudson river and closed with a re ception at the United States military academy at West Point. It was 2 o'clock when tha special train departed from Bos ton and daylight when It waa climbing through the range of hills that divide Massachusetts and New York. Albany was reached at 8:80 o'clock and Mayor Gaus, In behalf of the city, and Gov ernor Odell, for the state, met the prince at union station with formal official greetings. Then, under cavalry escort, he drove to the city ball and capltol to return the cour tesy shown him. The people of the city lined the rout throughout and their cheers sounded In popular welcome. Received by tho Leglslatare. He was received by the two house of the legislature and returned bis thsnks to their presiding officers for the honor. He looked through the capltol and, returning, under guard of cavalry. Infantry and po lice, to the union station, left at 10:30 for West Point, The train had been trans-, ferred to the West Shore road, and George H. Daniels, general passenger agent of the New York Central, who lunched with him, was the guide who showed him the his toric and scenic points from ths car win dow down ths river. West Point was reached at 1 o'clock and greeted the prince with the military honor due his place in the naval service of his country. Colonel Mills cam to the sta tion with a number of the officers of the academy and, with a troop of cavalry, drove him to the parade grounds on ths heights. As the cavalry escort showed at the brow of the Inclined road, Knox bat tery fired twenty-one guns. The cadets, formed la six companies, vers at once marched on the field, and the prince, with Colonel Mill and their respective military staffs, Inspected them. Dress parade fol lowed, with the prince as reviewing officer. Cadets Wla Praise from Prince. The cadets, la their handsom gray uni forms, kept their line perfectly in snow that was hoo deep and their marching won the praise of ths prince and hi of ficers. The prince saluted and his offi cers uncovered when the colors passed the reviewing stand. After the review tb ca dets were drawn up In Closs formation, and the prince, advancing to the front of the first company, addressed them. H said: I wish to congratulate you on their splen did appearance. 1 am happy at the chance of seeing such a splendid lot of young men. 1 must also congratulate your na tion on having the service of such a splen did lot of young men. 1 am given to un derstand that you are about to celebrate the Moth anniversary of the academy and 1 trust that the occasion will be a happy one. I rejoice at the chance of visiting this beautiful place. Again I thank you. Ideal Day far Review. The parade grounds were surrounded by a great cowd and the entire review made an Impressive picture. The day waa bright and clear and the view of tb aurroundlng country was excellent. At ths close of the review the prince visited Memorisl hall, where the officers on duty at the academy were Introduced to bim. He greeted them all very warmly and complimented them on their work. Leaving Memorial ball, ths prlnc and hi suft went to the riding school, where the cadets gav an exhibition ef riding. The jumping feat of Cadet Herr, of the first class, attracted the attention of the prince aad at his request Herr repeated a. standing Jump to tbs back of a horse la motion. The cadet landed safely oa his, feet and Jumped off again without losing' hla balance. After ta display of rough 1