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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 9, 1902)
THE OMAHA DAIXT BEE: SIINDAT, MATE CI I 9, 1002. BOSTON STORE J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS BOSTON STORE J. L. ' DRANDEIS & SONS BOSTON STORE J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS BOSTON STORE FINE Jhe Greatest and Most Important Sale of Ever Held in Omaha V I Begins Tomorrow, ' 845 Fine Rugs and 6,800 yards of Carpets from the stock of Lowry & Goebel, purchased at auction in Chicago at about half price. '"TOMORROWS sale of fine Rugs and Carpets wilt surpass In magnitude and importance any previous event of a similar nature. Its a .'rare and splendid opportunity. Just when you are thinking of buying ne,w floor x covering you are able to supply your needs for about HALF the usual cost. Could anything be more opportune ? We wish to lay.partlcular emphasis on the fact that the patterns are very handsome all new and stylish. It is needless to state that this stock of Carpets and Rugs will be rapidly depleted, therefore an early attendance fa advisable. ' Read carefully each item mentioned. $35 New Style Rugs for $19.98. ' $25 Rugs, size 8-3x10-61 for $15.98 113 RUGS $50 Royal Wilton Rugs for $25 In this lot we have placed all the finest Koyal Wilton rugs that are made. They are all of the best standard make, all 9x12 size, in tha most beautiful Oriental and geometrical patterns, and they have that rich luxurious colorings only found in the highest class rugs, seldom sold for less than' f 50.00, and some sell as high as $75.00.' Tomorrow you can take your pick as long as they last for 'In this lot we have placed all the body Brussels rug", all the Smith's axmlnster rugs, all the chenille rugs, all the best grade 'Sfhyrna. rugs all tjhe Saxony rugs. These are size 9x12. feet, and come la the most recent and up-to-date patterns. It Is but rarebr that'an opportunity presents Itself to buy goods of this character at such great reductions. iimxj is about nan what - you , would i , 1 have to pay for these rugs If you bought - them In the "ij , ordinary way. . We wish to lay special stress upon the fact that these goods are all of a superior make. They go at '. In this lot you will find all the 8-3x10-6 size Axmlnster, Smyrna and Body Brussels rugs. This is a most convenient size, being suita ble for almost any size room. Many of them are in tne new small sleeping room designs, in Oriental pat- jA. ' terns, many in handsome floral pat- j terns, all at about half price . , , 1 are in tne : 15 98 $2250 Smyrna & Brussels Rugs 1298 $15 Smyrna and Brussels Rugs $8.98 At ?8.98, one big counter of Smyrna and Brussels rugs in 7-6x10-6 and 9x10-6 sizes. The rugs in this lot are those usually priced at 15, i i x .o no ' w 9x12 Smyrna Rugs for $6.98 , At 12.98 an immense quantity of Smyrna and Brussels rugs in, the 9x12 size. These are mostly in rich floral and block work pat terns, a good substantial rug that is really worth Q Q S22.50. choice at about half B 1 JVO price as a special bargain at $ 8.98 you can readily see how cheap they are 8 In this lot we have placed a big line of Mottled Smyrna rugs. Think of it, a double faced Smyrna rug, 9x12 size, for f 6.98. These rugs are suitable for sleeping rooms, nursery, din- OA ini? rooms, etc. Thev are what is called the "hit and miss" or Mottled pattern , V-J' The same quality Rugs, size 6x9 for $5.98, worth $10 $3.50 Rugs for $1.25. UxTi Wilton rugs, and three-yard long- Brumal. carpet rue., worth up to 13.60 etch, .11 will go at . Art Square Bargains. Ingrain Art Square, in M and 7-6x9 .lie, will go at, each All wool Art Square. In tit lii Art Square. xl0-4 and 8xU else. Think of It all wool Art Square, tor, each They would be cheap at $9 00. On. line of Axmlnster, Moquette and all wool Smyrna ruga, at, each . They ar worth $3.60. 1.25 2.98 t, and Ingrain 3.98 1.98 $1.50 Carpets, 69c yd. WUton, Wilton Velvet. Axmlnster, Savonlerre, Extra Axmlnster, etc. In fact all the beat grades of 3-4 carpets, most of them would sell at $1.50 yard, all absolutely the newest patterns, and they all go In one big lot aa long as they last, at, yard , 69e $1 Brussels Carpets, 59c yd. All the best grades of Brus sels ' carpet, the newest and most beautiful patterns, most of them with border to match, none worth less than f 1.00, all go at, yard - ' 59 75c Brussels Carpets 39c yd. In this lot are all grades of Brussels carpet that generally sell at 75c yd.. They are in stair, room, parlor designs, some with border to match, all at, yd 39c 75c All-wool Ingrain Carpets 25c yd All the ingrain carpet from this purchase, .many rolls are strictly all wool, in the best known makes, they go as long as they last, at, yard Carpet Remnants All the small pieces of Ingrain carpet tip to 114 yds. long, suit able for rugs, go at All the 1H yard piece, of Brussel. carpet. vwi .ng Moqueue carpel, suit able for fringing and making rugs, all go at 19c rpet, Vel- 49c Misfit Carpets. In this purchase there was an Immense lot ef mlsflt carpets, most of them are the best grad. of velvet, many of them are In Moquette, Body Bruessels, Tapestry Brussels, Wilton, 'etc. These were bought at such a remarkably low price that we will offer th.m In this sale at less than halt regular value. Great Bargains in Laces Await You Monda y Laocs at 2Jc. Sfa and 5 yard worth up to 25c Over 3,000 places of fine lace, and Insertions, Including Valenciennes, torchon, cluny, Normandy Vals, net top Orientals, silk cliantllly and Venice edging., over on. hundred styles, many lace, and Insertions to match, worth up to 25c, rti y fg go at, yard ' O2C, DC 500 pieces high claaa Laces at lBc, 25c, 39c, 49c and 69 In this lot will be found the latest novelties la Irish crochet and eicurlel laces, hundred, of styles of fancy galoons la white, ecru., black and Arabian shade. 7KZ!:.! 15c, 25c, 39c, 49c, 69c ml ni: m absw 1CM a I 1 H I " Very Fine Embroideries at Very Low Prices i tip to 25c, go on bargain s 1 j 4 672C and 10c 1 lie and 25e Embroideries at 6ic and 10c yard One thousand piece, of nn. emoroiaene. ana insertions in ail wiatns, including Swiss, nainsook ana cam bric, worth tip to 2&c, go on bargain quares, at only ... 25c and 60c Embroideries, Beadlngs ij Galoons at 10c, 18c and 19c yard 260 places of fancy embroidered galoons and headings in all widths, great vari ety of style, and patterns, many -v -f H worth np to 60c. at, lUCa ISC &tlQ IVC yard 7 BLACK GRENADINE SPECIAL FUdn Iron fram. and grenadine., black only, at, yard sewing silk 35c Black grenadines with satin stripe., ribbon stripes and wide and narrow stripes, all 46 inches wide, and pur. .Ilk worth up to 1.75 yard special Monday, at, yard 75i EXTRA SPECIAL Black 'Bonnet" guaranteed taf feta 60 pieces more received of this grand quality of pur. .Ilk, oil boiled, dress and lining taffeta, $1.60 values, wUl b. .old -In silk department f Monday at, . O V C 7ard '.. , , Unusual Offerings in New Silks and Dress Goods Very Special Sale Tomorrow -of the'' Most Desirable t and Most Stylish Fabrics. Exceptional Dress Goods Offer Black & Colt-red Dress Goods Mousselines and Grenadines Swell, exclusive styles, la single dress patterns, fin. embroidered mous selines and grenadines, black', also black on whit, and whit, on black. Borne of these come la ttfe most elaborate designs, all Lyons Im ported grenadines, worth up to S6 a yard, special, Monday, at $1.98, $2.50, $2.98 1 THE MOST FASHIONABLE DRESS FABRICS OF THE SEASON AT VERY SPECIAL PRICES New granite Melrose 29c yard. 1 Minstrals, 45 inches wide, 85c yard. White silk luster Mohair 65o yard., All wool Batiste 39c yard. Black Voile Etamine 69c yard. Creme Mohair Granite 60c yard. - "Kocheline Freres" chaUis 39c yd. 50-in. Hack unfinished Worsteds 85o , 50-in. Yachting Serge 98c yard. Having purchased 800 exclusive dres. pat terns, no two alike, in plain fabric, mix tures, silk and wool novelties, all wool novelties, small cheeks; each pattera containing to 7 yds. of double width Imported material, enough for ladles' entire suit; goods actually worth 60o yd.,.- we will place them on sal. ' Monday on bar- ' gala squar. at, per pattern 152 Monday w. will place on .ale the fol lowing fashionable dress goods. These fabrics ar. wide, and include the choicest and newest material. Imported this season In mixed eta- ; mines, voiles, beges, sole de lisle, canvas cloths, basket cloths, Vene tians, etc., In the new shades of tan, castor, brown, navy, rose, re seda, gray, red and ecure. In our dress goods dept., yd tha, Vene- 1 Black and White Moire Antique This beautiful silk, now so popular for the new spring , costumes, and especially adapted for the new . Gibson waists, both . Moire Antique, and Moire Vel ours, . oa sale In our new enlarged -ilk -department ' only " per - . C 7rd 69c Nevv Foulard Silks at 75c A wonderful collection of foulard silks. In order to realise th. full significance of this offer1 and the Importance of the low price, compare this line ef foulards with any others .you have ever seen for the money. These ar. silks that were mad. to retail at a much higher price. They ar. all this season'i ' print., and go oa sal. at, yd.. 1 N i T WASH DRESS GOODS Silk Mousseline 89c yard. Silk Etamines in stripes 49c yard. ,44-in. Emb'ed Swiss IffX1" 59c yd. SPECIAL PRICES ON DRUGS Wood Alcohol, full qt. bottle ...... 25c Wltcfe Hazel, per qt. bottle 25c Lcibl-r's Beef Extract IJc Empty Caps ales, per 100 5c SI bottle Newbro's Herplclde Stc SI Coke'i Dandruff Cure 49c SI Wine of Cardul Stc 25c Belladonna Platters............ Sc 25c Danderhie I5c 50c Medicine Atomizer ....25c Cuticura Soap 17c Good Razor Strop 15c Williams' Shaving Soap 5c Cotrate't Shavlnf Soap.'. 5c Pears' Unsceated Soap 9c nuart bottle Port Wine J9c Quart bottle Sherry Wine 29c Advance Sale of Spring .and Summer SHIRT WAISTS ti Jit "We purchased the entire stock of a large manufacturer ot shirt Waists. all this coming , season's styles,' white and colored, percales, dimi ties, chamhrsy.; many of them em broidered and lac. trimmed, .very . en. guaranteed, worth 11 and up, ge oa sal. on Snd BWa ......... 50c Silk Waists at 53.93 Aa elegant assortment ef new silk waists Just arrived, aew sleeves, new Gibson effects, alse fancy .ilk waists la black and , all colors, oa bargain square, mala floor, at 3.98 $1.50 New Wrappers 69c 1.000 aew this spring's style wrappers, braid aad ruffle trimmed, with mi fi ounce. In light and dark percale, all .ises, on second floor, . at 69c Tat Our Unparalleled Display of Spring Outergarments is ready for jour inspection. The range of styles is very comprehensive and embraces every recent innovation designed by the most clever artists. This sea son unusual attention has been given to the trimming of the garments and the many different materials used for that purpose and the diversity of designs gives a totally different aspect to a number that are cut according to any individual style. Every garment that we show possesses that fashion "tone" that dis tinguishes it from the ordinary production. The air of "exclusi veneres" permeates the entire department. . We are justified in declaring our exhibit to be with out a rival in this section of the United States. ' - . ; . "Gibson" suits : of new canvas( cloth, jackets taffeta lined flared flounce, drop skirt lin ing, new sleeves, in the newest . spring shades very - ( v. , beautifully trim 85 "Gibson" arid "Maxim" suits "of new blind pebble cheviots, Venetians and etamines, jack ets with new blouse vests skirts with full ruffled silk drop lining in blacks, navies, exford and brown, exception ally fine trim- JjilQ Gibson and American Girl suits of the very finest materials, in the new colors, all exclusive designs the trimmings ' are very rich, beautiful effects, $24.50. $29. S39 and $45 Silk Newmarkets and long gar ments of taffeta, peau de soie, mohair and moire, with single, double and triple capes; lined and unlined yokes, and half fitted backs, beautiful tailored effects, $9.93, SU. 85, $19 and up to $49 . 'I W67tW I C CXI fJhw3 Silk and Moire Jackcta, la etons, blouse and bolero effects, ribbon sad braid trimmed, new tucked designs, lined with taffeta and satin, 4,98, 7,50, 9,98, 1150 and 19.00 Cloth Drcaa Skirts etajrant dressy effects, mad. of broadcloths, etamines, stbsllne. and canvas cloths unlined and with full silk ruffled drop linings, moire ' aad wool braid trimmed, 8.98, 9.98, 12,50, 17.50, 22.50 and 29.00 Costume Bklrta In silk, net, peaa de sole, lao. and moire, trimmed with nich ing, stitching, rlbboa and lac.; very hand- some and fashionable garments, 9.98, 15.00, 19,00 and up to 49.00 MONDAY SPECIALS Aa Immense lot ot I and IT O ft cloth dress skirts, for 0"0 special t9tl&s vt 3.G0 O Q ft golf skirts, for O 4.98 6.98 A choice assort men t of fashion, bis tailor- mad. .lilts la small sites 41 values A splendid assort mDt of silk drsss skirts. 111 values , Women's 25c Hosiery 15c Women's hosiery, f u 1 1 regular made, spliced heel and double sole, silk fin iehed and lisle thread lace openwork effects, in a great va riety of styles, in black, redC; brown & evening shades, 25c vala's per pair, 1E5c $1.50 Kid Gloves 79c These ar. real kid gloves, th. IM quality th.y come la aU alaea aad all the newest shads, aad style..' W. hav. nerer before offsxed such high grad. glore. at a bargala price. If ' you see them you surely will buy at least a ooupte of pairs as you would be getting them for ths prtos of mm one pair 11.40 "JC values, for 25c Handkerchiefs 121c jui imea naaaaercniers use tneee are seldom bought foe less thaa Ho saeh but the opportunity Is yours tomorrow. We otter 404 dosea real Irish llaen handkerchiefs, tef ttea and woman, la all widths ef hem-, stitching, also women's 0n. swlsa haadk.rchl.ts, handsomely trlaun.4 with. lac. and nicely embroidered .11 tie values, for . 12c BOSTON STORE ssacs J. L BRANDEIS & SONS BOSTON STORE J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS BOSTON STORE J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS BOSTON STORE