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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1898)
I 8 - - . - TTTEOJATIA SATTTTWATTVLT 23,18q _ I . nws OF INTEREST FROM IOWA I COUNCIL BLUFFS. MoIL 1f1N1'1E' ? ( . flhlwe8'r flosenklt , Td. 323. IThio1 , ' , J A 13' , fc clgnr. Mooros Stock ! oo1 iiiake fat. FInc8t ork , liltiff City Lunc1ry. t5moko Iroii ClianceBor u cJg * . c. n. Jacqucnn & Co. , jwcIcrs flflt Op tIcIata , 27 South Main 8treet. Wantcd-Latet clltlon nE Council 31uXb ! city Ircctory. Apiy at lice olUce. flrtice L. Ioals ot New York I the guest of Jiidgo Aylesworth and frniIy on Fittli nveulc. Joini J , 1nga1I of Knnas wn In the city ycscrdy ( morning for a short while be. twccn traIn The mitt of 1' . 3. Iay nnti otber ngalnst John Tiiompsoii Is set for trial itt the su- lierlor ( ourt totiny. Irs , L. C. 1nhikIc i confthcii to tue house n the result of inJUrie3 recelveti by a tall from her bicycle. fey. b. \Ic1)onaid ) , rector of it. Pati1s Jiicopa1 church , returnei ycstcrny from a vielt to ortIt Platte , eb. Juitico Ovide'icn. . 't iio bas been cerl- ouely iii for Peveral dny , Was aomewbrt heLter ycsteriay and able to It up for a Rliort while. Dont. you think it must be a rrcttv fOO ( laundry thnt can please so many hurcds of customers ? \'cii-thnt's t1i. "Englc. ' 721 liroadway. In tim district court yesterday the First National batik of this city comtncnccd suit ngLtlnst H. Shoemaker to iccover on two Promisory notes amounting to $310. Comihint , won made to the vollco last iilgiit that a gang of boys at the flock miami crossing UUIUMCl tlicmselcs by throwing stones at the Manawa trains. Mrs. Mary l3olln , vife of James J. I3olln , oged f15. diel Tiiursday night at her rest- .leiico , 4119 Eighth avenue. No arrange- merits have been inado as yet for the fu- neral. Tim tunday services at the F'irst Presby- toriaa church , which have been discon. tinued during the absence from tue city at thu pastor. 11ev. W. S. IJarnes , will bo re- tflllflel tomorrow. l'oIl Tax Collector Aliwood commenced suit against 3. 0. Christensen anti ( Icorge Hanson. both of 830 West Broadway , yesterday - terday In Justice IorrIers court to enforce th collection of the tax and enaitY. Mrs. dam1e llrandt , charged by E. How. ( lii , 000 of tier roomers , with the larceny of ii ( ) bottles of cement. hail a hearing before Justice l3urko yster4tay 011(1 was (113- chraged. The evidence showed that she had slmiiy taken the stuff to secure her rent. Ailck fielers , an onipioyo at oiie of the hotels , purchased a telescope grip a few days ago from a friend named E. I'oiiantl. Yestorlay l'oilrind disappeareil and by a strange coinchlenco the grip did the same , as welt as seine of Eclers' wearing apparel 'which was Iii It. Eclers lodged a compiaint with the police. 'rho remains oX William Nolger , iiepliew of Joliii Under , who ( iiel in the bospital at Chicknulaugn , will be brought to this city next Monday for interment. Deceased was a member of company I ) , First Arkansas volunteer Infantry , having enlisted with that. regiment at Fort Smith on the first ahi. lie formerly lived In Council Bluffs , but has been in the south for the last three years. The examination by the Board o Insanity coiiiinissianors in the case of Frank J. Pc- terson , tile tailor , was completed yesterday flail tuG board ordered iiltii Committed to the iisyiuiii at Ciarinda. lie was tnlteti tiiei'e last evening In custody of Sheriff Morgan. Tue evidence showed that I'etet'son had liecti acting strangely for several years and that at times ho had religious dementia. ] Io also saw visions and his own testimony ho'ed that he was angered because of tin- ziglnni'y wrongs jit the hamis of his wife. ito also had ( lOltIslOlls that members of his ianiUy were persecuting him. Ills vifo's vidcnce showed ithat Peterson had been 111010 or less nientaiiy unbalanced for the ten years and that 3iidtnd the family d4for sonic time past unit lived in fear of their S 1lves owliig to his . C. 13. Vinyl Co. , female rcmely : consulta- tton tree1 Omce bourn , 9 to 12 antI 2 to 5. health book. Jurnlshed , 326-327-32S Mer- .riant bIoc1. N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250. The Evans laundry s the leader In fine 'work both for color and finish. 520 Pearl Btreet. Phone 290. IIAIPERTI1ETER1INk1L L1E Efforts to Construct Arc Hindered by Many Petty Annoyances. COMPANY STEADILY PUSHES THE \VORK \ ltIIinMcr Wahsft' ' iii-s la Ill Os'r- ( 'IIIlt' A ii OIslncies nnil 1Iti' , ' liii. 'l'rnlii , . Iliutiiiing III Ild&l ) ' of Xc Weolc , in building the line of the Omaha Britige and Terminal Railway company between this city nail the exposItion , General Manager - ager Webster is meeting with a number of obstacles. sonic of which have caused de. lay. while nil have proved more or less pro- yoking. Many of these obstacles , Mr. Wab- stir says , he expected anti was lreparcil to meet them , but others seem to spring up when and 'herc he Is least looking for them. Despite tiieo hindrances , the work on ( lie road has been iushed and unless the unforseen happens. trains between Council Bluffs cud the exposition will be running londay. The company has alt the roilipg stock necessary for present needs , although it later In the season the travel to the exposition - position increases the equipment wIll have to be added to. One of the many obstacles cropped up when effecting sett1enient with owners of property which was needed for the right of way. The owners in most eases demanded exorbitant prices for ( heir lend , The corn- pany has been anxious for the convenience of residents in the western part of the city to place a depot at Eighteenth street and Broailway. The owners of the lots where it was desired to erect the depot refuseti to sell at prices which were far above value , even in boom times , anti the terminal .com- pany declined to accede to their demands , Unless the owners arc willing to accept' reasonable price for their lots , it Is now very doubtful if a depot will be built at that point. While the company Is building its permanent bridge over the creek at Second avenue , it is necessary to erect "false work" and over this the company's trains will cross until the bridg Is completed , In order to hutlil this false work it was found necessary to place piling in the creek. The city council has served notice on General Manager Webster that It will not bo 1ccountabie for damages in case of flood nail the piling obstructing the flow of the water. Several of the aider- men are in favor of compelling the company to remove the piling from the bed of the creek altogether , Another matter that is causing some trouble for the terminal company is the 10- cation of the gate at th exposition grounds. When Mr. Webster first appeared before the council asking for a right of way he had been aromised by the management of the exposition that a gate vould be placed for the accommodation of the travel on his line at the southeast corner of the grounds , which would have been three blocks from the enil of the company's line. The gate , however - over , was located by the exposition authorl- ties at the southwest corner , which would give Council Bluffs people quite a long walk from the end of the line to the exposition grounds. E. H , Odell. the company's representative in this city. hail aconferencc yesterday with tue omcinls of the exposition. and he says there is no doubt that the gate will be relocated - located at the southeast corner of the Bluff trtct as originally arranged. Mr. Odeil further - thor says his company is doing alt in its iower to meet the requirements and wishes of the people of Council Bluffs , For several weeks the company lies hail a large force of men employed and the work of completing the track has been rushed along as rapIdly as circumstances would permit. 'Iiit * tie S'IICII xlIii , Do. Mrs. Favorrett Weatherby , president of the Woman's Relief Corps , No , 180 , of this I I TIlE WORU'S WONDR ! i I . . CALIFORNIA DUE BILL STOREQ OLNS AT 407 BROADWAY , SATURDAY9 JULY 23 , 9:30 : O'CLOCK1 i . S rliis i HIllCtIIiB1. iIC.V tiiiii % VC1 I % VOI'tll Otll' tune to % ' 'tSt U iid ! ir'cstlttte , Visitors vc1,1lli. ! H The stock coist of a large line. of Nove1ties , Jewelry , Silvoi'waro , Al't. oed ; iii fact , a tliousaiicl 11115d one thillgs too llfl1UC1'OU to fl3elltiOfl. Duo bills are SO1l l'oi' 5 and I 0 cents ; all goods OxColit wuitc1iei a1'e sold at 30 cents , watches at $5 , 10 I each , and ovoi'y lady t1iat visits the ; tovo on the 01)631. ilIg ( lay wifl receive one of the clue bills free , it being optional whether you pay the 9,5 cents additional lot' the ai'tiole it calls l'oi' or not , you I1IU i'otain it1 as it remains good at any ( lay 01' date to buy goods in the toro at its lace value. All goodi ai'o o1d at niauiufactin'e priCeS or 1e. J 'fhei'eforo , reluenflel' the date t1ll (1Oll't hill to take advantage ol' this a1e. SMITH & CO 4O7BIOADWAY. FORMER BUSINESS PLACE OF THE C B CARPET COMPANYI SS. city has received a circular letter ftom Mrs. George Wade McC1ellan the iltiattmnt president , Ia answer to att inquiry n to how best the members of th corps obhil nsslst In providing for the Iowa soldier boys at the front. Mrs. McClellan itys In part : II am receiving lctters 11311) , askIng what can one do to help our boys at. the front , I will answer to all corps at the il pattthent in Iowa-sheets , pillowcases , night Blurts of bating flannel are needed or those In the hospital , money for delkrtcks for bos- pital use and flannel abdominal banta for those In the field. Sistcts , there is Work before us to be done at once , You have never shirked a dat ) ' , and I know wo will now have the niwayB generous response from each corps. In your enthusiasm for this flew wont (10 not toret the sacred object for which ice are babded togdtlnir , " It is expected that at tii neoting of the corps tonight action In reference to Mrs. McClellan's letter vilt lie talten and ar' rangements unatle to takb u the work as outliiied by her. Washburn and Maurer rnandpiins and guitars , Belining and Crown pianos : flbo- lutely high grade iastrurnents of tiii kinds at Uouricius lusio house , 323 Broadway , where the organ stands upon the building. . liIt.Y IItVl'l' . LocaL Oii IHIt or UrrLes lins B.'en Lii rgi' a nil I' ri ee' The fifty odd nuembets of the Council Bluffs Grape Crowers' essoctittioti are enJoying - Joying one of the busiest antI most pros- verona ceasons they have hail in many years , To date the shipment of small fiuits has exceeded that of eby previous year In the history of the assobiniloni With the iossibho exception of blackberries , the yield of email fruits tn the vicinity of Council Bluffs has been above the average and the prices received bavo been good , making the business a profitoblo one for the growers this year. The shipping sea- soil commenced on Juno 4 , v1ten the first bomb grown strawberries were sent out , in all something over 600 cases of 3raw- berries Were sluippcd by the associfltion. Gooseberries came next nd Rome 150 cases of this fruit were shipped. Ctirrant are not extensively grown round this lonhIty and the home demand nborbed the greater part , although the association shipped over 100 cases to outside markets. 'fhie yield of cherries has been very plentiful - tiful and they are still coming in. To date the association has shipped 2,000 , has- kets and some 200 cases. Tile crop of raspberries - berries has been unusually large atid over 5.000 cases were shipped as ninny a 1,200 being sent out in one day , Two1voliua- dred cases mean two earioat. lilackher- rtes are somewhat short this year. U to date 2,500 cases have been shipped. These berries will be coming in for ten days or two we' ks yet. Plums hnvo done splendidly this season , and some of the finest over sedn have been shipped by the association. This fruit has been a little late but for what reasdn the growers cannot explain as the condttions have been most favorable. E. Hess , one of the members of the association , has shipped a number of cases of apricots , lie being the only grower In this section of this kind of fruit. Farly next month the grapes will hegin coming in , and the prospects so far are of the very brightest for a splendid yield. The vin ynrds in this locality cover thousands - sands of acres and the association handles several hundred carloads of this fruit every year. The grapes are shipped to Colorado , Montana and Minnesota from here. IL M. Allingham , the general manager , and Henry Stelger , the financial secretary of tile association , are both in ri thait pleased with the result of the shipments so far this year and expect the season will wind up with a record as the most pros- jerous for many a long year. The official photographs ot die United States Navy , containing over 200 pictUres of the vesseis , witji their omcers and a num- of the views of thq Ill-fated Maine. can be had at the Council.fliufts ofilco pf The Bee for 25 cents and a Bee coupon. ' % 'iii Cz&se l'elde.l. Judge Smith of the district court yesterday - terday decided the partition suit ot Mary Anne Green , In which Mabel Kent and others were made defendants. Mrs. Anna 13 , Green , who previous to her marriage with George Green had been divorced from J. H. Kent , the well known arebItet of this city , In her will made as her solo heirs at law her husband and her child Anna Clitfo Green , and two children by her marriage with Kent. George Green ( lied , heaving all his Interest in time property of his wife to his only child , Anna Chile Green , fern- ing Mary Anne Green , Richard Green and Martha Green as trustees for the child , The court's decree Is that one-third of the property of Mrs. Anna 13 , Green goes to time trustees under tue will and the other two.thmirds is to 1)0 equaliy divided between - tween the guardian of Anna Cliffe Green and J. H. Icent as guardian of Iiartwell Kent , a minor , and Mabel Kent , The court further orders that as tue property is not susceptible of division that it be sold , end appointed George H. MayflO and 3. J. Stewart - art referees to sell the property. Their joint bond was fIxed In the sum of $1,500. Time iroperty heft by Mrs. , Green consists of one and' ii half lot ih 'Oak Gl'ocn anti ono io5t In Sunnysitle addition. The t3ee'sphotogravures of the eposit1on , part omue , consisting of ixteefl beautiful views , can be lied at the Council BIuff office for O cents and a lIen coupon. See adver- tlsoment onnuotiicr page , . J' 1'd xi Cilte(1Crn * 11111. William Baker , an aged railoaU section band. living at 1514 South txth street. purchased a toy wagon for ona of his 11kb dliiidren last evening at the store of Peterson - son & Sclmoening oil Main street , In pay- meat he tendered a 5 confederate bill. When told that the bill was not good he said be was unaware of the fact , but of course it such was the case lie did not want them to talco it. Baker said ho had received it with other money , but whore ho could not. exactly remember , Someone % bo was in the store informed the police anU lInker was nrrsted , Chief l3ixby , as soon as he learned the facts. ordered the oid amen's release on his own recognizance to appear In police court this morning. Baker cannot read end there Is no sus- iclon that lie attgrnpted to pnB the bill knowing that it was nota genuine one. FOR SALII-000ff seconU.hani lcyc1o at ft bargain , Call at The l3ee oft3e , Councit Bluffs. . Map of Cuba. West Indies and the World at Time flee office , IQo each , Itt'ni 15lte 'VrnnNfcrs , The following transfer was tiled yesterday - day in time abstract , title and loan omco of J.v , Squire , 101 Pearl street : Executors of Samuel finger oVli. . Item Lenimy , lot 3 , block 10 , Jackson s add , v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 'imi'iii gt' EIV'iIsII , Licenses to wed were issued yesterday to the following persons : Name and flesitloiuco , Age , Charles H. hiolden , Council fluffs . , , , . , , , Nina A , 1tUttle(1g ( , Council liltifts. . , , , . , . 39 imarlied % 's'l ri' Ciolmus a'Ipti ni , SbllLEY , Ia. , JuIV 22.-Speial-John ( ) \v. Dietz , aged 57 , a retired ( armor , was accidentally thrown into a barbed wire fence and ( lied as areiult of tue Injuries , lie leaves a wife , daughter and1 seas co1IM ; TO TILE EXPOSiTION - , ' ' :1 : Iowa Pythlans Planning for an Exnrikn to th Great Fair. MANY PYTIIIANS WILL MAKE THE TRIP linlIrontip. n lie btciinete.i to Otter 8 iICilCt'1i Itfle Cii tite ( )00Zt siimi-.turiist V I , . the I lmle. _ - DES MOlNh'.S , July 22.-Speclnl ( Tele- gram-Qrand ) Chancellor Doweli and the loading iCnights of Pythlns of the city are working to arouse time Interest of the members - bers of tiuo order In ( ho excursion to the Trnnsmisslsslppi Exposition on August 9 , and it the desired reduced rate is peeured there viil he a large attendance from D's Moines and adjacent towns. Nothing has yet been learned from the railroad corn- panics as to what they wiii do. The treasurer of state today received an opinion from the Uoited States Treasury department that Iowa state varrants and treasury cheeks are exempt from the war revenue tax , S The Iowa Sanitary commission , organized for the purpose of sowing for amid doing what they can to relieve the hardships of soldiers at the front , today started a "let- ter chain. " each person receiving a letter being asked to send a dime totho comnnuis. siomu , to copy the letter four times and send it to his friends. The eomnmissioii expq ts to realize mcveral thousand dollars in tbs lii an nor. The annual midsummer assembly of the Iowa Midland Chautauqua , which has been iii session hero for three weeks , cboed today - day after a successful term. As high as 5OQO attended thejectures of the Cimutnu- qua and lieariy twice , thmat many were pes- nt on music daym j,4 'S Today time executive onumitteo of 'the lova Pharmaceutical associatiotI started a boycott on the proprihtary medicine menu- facturers for raising ices because of the war tar. They ndopte&resoltitioi'vjich will make the boycott effe ive hen. it is sigmmed'by'5 per cent of the iowa druggists - gists , Time -will try to maker the boycott natIonal by sending the resolutions all over the country. tI ) lt ! ° " ' 1 iI ( ' _ I'nr ( ) ' DIiiled , OTTUMWA. Ia. . July 22.-Spociab.- ( , There has been great interest In Iowa in the party of gold seekers who started for the Ibondlke some time ago In charge of Charles A. Walsh of this city , eecretdry of the National - tional Democratic committee , a the fobhow- ing recent dispatch from a camp at the headwaters - waters of the Yukon gives the latest Infor- nmation obtaInable : A big party from Iowa arrived. on the 22d in a steamboat named the Iowa , rigged up out of a sawumili plant. There were thirty- eight in the Party. They will go down the river and probably locate at Eagle City , where the boat will beconue time saw mill. Those on the Iowa were Capt. Abbott of Charter Oak ; Dr. Bonlmamn of Ottumnwa ; T. T. Barber of Charter Oak ; Charles l3ridgman and John Emerson of Ottumwa ; T. N. Faa- ter , Ontario ; W. McSheriock , Marshahltown ; C. F. Haselnian , Aiton : 0. J. Aaker , I-low- ard Buck , It. C , McGregor , Fgau , S. D. ; Thomas Manion , Jasper. Minn. ; J. Thomas and wife , Chippewa Falls , Wis. ; D. A. Rut- ledge , Storm Lake ; F. A. Benjamin , 'iv. It. Michacla , E. M. Vail , Mnrshalltown ; Con Doran , Otturnna ; John Keables , Polio ; Joseph - eph Twogoo Tacoma , Wash , ; lii , T , flur- nett. Luvcrc , iciwn. Tn of the party , in- eluding C. A. Walsh of Ottunuwa , prominent as a lawyer amid domnocratic politician in Iowa , stoppOd at , the hlootaiinqua river for a short time. In this party were C. A. Stewart , Mason City Arthur Dinimnick , Mason - son City ; B. D. Miilan , Muller , S. D. : 0. F. Fbton , Mason City ; M. M. McKeever , San- born ; M. It. Boyd , Sanhorn M. S. Marsh , Renwbck ; A. C. Corwin , Sheldon ; , T. It. Seweli , Charter Oak. J. M , Star- buck , Browsiow , Heitb. Parks , McCord and ICeiser are ahead of the others. having 1)flSsotl down several days ago in a little screw iiropelier. IOVil Fl JillilMeif ii ich. WATERLOO , Ia. , July 22.--Special.-- ( ) John W. I'lerco of this place will be one of the richest lumen in Iowa If the stories just made public arc true. Ho is said to have fallen heir to property worth 3,000,000 , lb lB twenty-seven years of age and Is the adopted son of W. W. Pierce , a constable. The youg man's name was Burnett. Ibis mother died iii his infancy and lie imas since lived with his foster jurents. Several years ago his father was blued , The property which lie inherited consists of 2,300 acres of land near Portland , Ore. , and 2,900 acres Ia- catel In flacine , Dane , Washington and Grant counties , Wis. harry I' , Burnett , the young man's uncic , located many years ago In the suburbs of South Portland , where he invested in band , which has since largely Increased Iii value , There are also fruit farms and stock farms , on w'hmicli are kept 10,000 sheep , together with other animals. In addition there are mineral springs and a summer resort hotel which yields an anaual rental qL $10,000. The revenup of the farina Is $ S0,000 a year. Burnett died eight years ago , and since that time attorneys have been looking tom the lost heir In the person of J , W. Bur- nott , who mmow turns up hearing the name of Pierce , that of lila foster parents. The Wisconsin property consists of forms to the amount of 2,900 acres , all reated , One of thmeso tracts borders on the lake , a few miles from Madison , and hero too Is located a summer resort hotel , liltIIIh .foIiis si FiNlilog Cliii , , SIOUX CITY , Ia , , July 22.-Special- ( ) Governor Silas A. liolcomb of Nobraka In a ietor to C , 0 , McNeil , the president of the Sioux City Rod and Reel climb , sns "I am in receipt of yours of the 16th In- etant and assure you of my high appreciation - tion of your invitatlomi to becomno an lion- ovary member of tIme Sioux City Rod and Reel club. If proficiency In time science fathered by Isaac \'aiton is a requirement , I fear I would be inelilgiblo even for lion- orary membership , hut I have enjoyed very much time association of amnateur fishermen , and , promising myself time pleasure of meet. ing the mnemnhiers of your club some time in time future , I am pleased to accept the invitation - tation extended. " Sal id II luc Ib , t 110 Cliii a IOWA FALLS , Ta , , July 22.-Special.- ( ) Parties in this city this week have been supplying links in a big cimaia of loiters that Is to supply funds for time Iowa Sent. tory commissir.i , of vhIchi Mrs. Frank D. Jackson Is at the head , The recipient of each letter remUs it with a dime to time headquarters of the commissIon anti makes tour copies of the letters and sends them to friends , who are requested to do 111cc. is'ise. 'rime extent of timis chain will be state wide and will bring In a neat little suni'for tIme use of time commission In sup- piyimmg the iieds of the Iowa troops at the ( zomit. . ' .5 1 'C - lI4lti fur iirgler , ' NE'MAflhC11' , In , , July 22-Spaclal ( Teiegram.-.Tho ) coroner's immquest over the remains of Doiph Adams resulted in a ver- ( lict that he came to his dcath by a hail tired Jromn a revolver in the hands of Iavo Riddle , The tatter wpm ; hold for timt' action of the rund Jury , Tuesday 1iiiglit Lava El The S Most PopuIar Resoit in S Iowa. ( _ ? ) I : : ' E : : ; . ' Elegaiit l)1l'1S , cool. breezes , iiiee 1awis , Ii good boating , fishing aiul batliiiig. Ideal oIpI 1)1E1C0 for licnics. Trains evei'T Irnif hour after S oclock a. m. ' k -4 'J . . S r'i . . 5- J I-Iirh-c1ass , vaudeville , attractions , , 4:30 : 4-- -I . . _ - - tc N -4 ad 8:30 : ) ' daily. .tlio attractions for g-- i ' - the week , comniencing 3u1y 17 r-E1 i : k. Hungarian Band all day1 . S . Brumao and Clark ; Barlow Specialty Team1 ! Miss Cura Friedeiltal , Jack5 McCarty1 S . _ _ : ; Kielsi Brothers in' ElecTrical , Musical , Comedy and . BlackArt1 . , ' . . 9 ' S : . ! _ _ _ S _ _ _ _ I Riddle and Dolph Adams , two miners , in eompany i'1tb itwo or three others , iure -Urimmking to . .cxessvhcii Riddle shot nail hilled Adams near the towmm jati , antl then went home , 'wiere be rnmained until ar- reste l for thetnmurtt r ot Adams , Not1Subic t Ia .itiiiiitb : 'mx. plS MOINES. I. , tml ) ? 22-W. B. Scott , comffilssiOper of lnternnt rovernie , Wash- 'Ittgto& atliseS thate Treasurem' Ilerriott that iiccki. , 1raft& , ardOrs , vouchmOra or town wttri'ant ' of q0Wlt municipal or state fflcinls , drawn iii , mm official capacity in tlischrgo o.f dUties ithpopff by law or local ordinpn , are rmt suljtct to the stanp ta , mmiaerhit provisions of the var revmiue act. Zttte.thid cetinty .rensurcra In low's hare been . ttnrnptmg warrants. itCIiiifliiiiilO ilI iI ( .1iI,1IXCN , IEXTER , In , , July 22.-Speclah.--'The ( ) Fifth judicial district cdnvention met lucre yesterday. Judge Storey presided. Judges Wilkinson. Appbegate amid ( IambIc ivere re- nominated by acclamation. ilosolutions were adopted conmmnemmdimig l'residemit Mc- Kinloys administration and declariug in favor of the gold standard. The attendance was large and the convention harmonious. Coi.ii"m.r to C lie 'l'ournhi iiteut. ATLANTIC , Ta. , July 22.-Specinl.--A ( ) hook and ladder team from among thc volunteer mncmbers of the At- , lantie fire department was organized last evening and will go into training imine- tliateiy and go to Omaha In September to attend the International Firemen's tourna- nient. Iiw'ii I'oNlofiiee Jtflllet1. SPENCER. Jo. , July 22.-Speclal.-Tiie ( ) postollce ( at Fostoria , Iii. , was robbed Tuesday - day night. The aiife wa' blown open and all the stamps and mon ' taken. Blank money orders frohi 507 to 600 inclusive were' also takeff , No clue. ( ) ii Hi(4h11-SM ( NoteS. Iowa's crop of strawberries tlis year amnommmitcd to about 50,000 bushels , The Comnmmierclmul State .bank pf Mmmrshahl- town Is. umiuhergoing rcorgantzatiomi , Au dffort is being made to raisp $5,000 for a mmcw Catholic church at Wauconmu. Georg W. Seovers of Oskalcosa has been apiointd ! general counsel of time Iowa Con- trai raiiwny. Home comtrcmctors : have been awarded tIme contract for building the new Ilvammgelical church at Audubon for $1,140. Charles Iteinig of Des Moimues and Fred Iteinlg of Grlnmmell have formed a partner- shim to engage in the bammking business at Lorimor , Ia. , anti -ivill open their bank August - gust 1. Local omeera and bumsimiess men at Mus- catino ore warmmetl of time appearance of anew now counterfeit $5 silver certificate Ip this section. It is of the kind known as time "lhotograllmiC lilmon ) ' . ' ' , , - l'l'OMM Co IILJII liii t .SiQux City Tribune : Iowa baumlcs are reducing - ducing interest rates because their deposits are becomnimmg iarger and there is not a car- respopding demand for loans. Dubuque Timnes : Senator Hurst , defeated ( or congress iii time Second district two years ago , Is heimig urged to try it again this year , It is very kind of the democrats to select a uman used to grief. Ies Moines Register : Some of time Iowa daily papers freqiemitly forget tiio state on their editorial pages for -ivhmoio weeks at a timmie. Every Iowa newspaper Iioultl stand imp for Iowa cii its editorial page every is- ml U 0. Osceola Sommtinel : It is comforting to knbw Iowa maintains bier high average in all that's worth while-whether It lie sob- diers , crops , govem'nprs , progressive business muon or imitelligent agriculturalists , A growhimig , discontented tree silver faction mmever has anti never will win in this land of prosjmerity amid progression , THREE KILLED IN EXPLOSION Freight 'i'rniis Lingiu4 , Oil Central l'zi- cillu httiiiTn lhhu's 1J1 , % 'i.Iie Climbing Grade , DUTCH FLJAT , Cal. , . .Iuby22f , . terrible accident took zibnco on the Central Pacific raiiraad opposite Towbes station in Placer county. Three persons were bciiled nod four others painfully Injured , A frpit train hound for thu east iyas toiilng imp the steeR grade past time station of Dutch Flat when the emmgimmo exploded , Emigineor Kelly , Fireman 'erry and a coal passer , whose name is ummkqown , were instantly killed , Their bodies were found aioimg time track come distance trom time engine amid were frightully mnangbcd. Time explosion occurred just opposite time board- Itmg imouso of J , It. Feller , Fragments of Iromm how in every direction from time wrecketi locomotive and did considerable damage to time frame building. Mrs. J. It. Fabler was badly cut about time head and hands , hinymnond Fabler , aged 10 years , wa severely cut amid bruised and Lawrence Fabler , aged 6 , had his beau badly emit , Henry Disquo of Colfax was hurt in tIme back and it is believed tlmat several of imia ribs ivere brokomm. Time cause of the explo- siomm is not kimown. S Sea retiii'y S Iii. ri 'i'is I rt y 'l'hmomsgimil , MiLSVAUIClil , July 22.-The shmom'tago of at least $10,000 In limo accounts of harvey Myers , secrear ) ' of the llono : Iluliding and i4oami association , waa discovered by State , % lafU itiuer Icidil , There arc about 20 stogluhmoiders in time asociaion % , all of whom , It is believed , i'Ibl lose heavily , Mr. Myers stated today that as snom , as lie could contdr with his mittormioy lie would turn over to time hiobdors of time Ilomume Iluiicllng and Loan as- sedation every dollar's worth of property il-s OWiiB individually in the world , Mr , Myers says he has no futention of running wp ) . . j'urtber dyJriliineut arc expected . . . 55 m.horLly. , , - - - - * Sq , . S . , ' -s . * : * : FRUIT AND 6AQDN FARMING rAYS * t" a Az'ouncl Council Bluffs ' ; YOU Cliii limy IiilIr.,1''i1 nii.I mimilnim ) rp'e frimhi iniii1 eliedimer iii .S" : ' + flu' . 'ilcinit t iinyviiere iii the U niteit Sl.i es. 'lucre ti no full- ill's ) ( Jt CVO'I here , 1.00k at our F'rutt 11'lirimms iliile ilii , ' are lie beii- , -r Iii i:4 It ) & IIIISS , : & liESS : , I 'J'iic iient Ii limit 0 miimI I.mii flrokors,5' * : + Poni'l St. Council BluffiIn ii i oxeimisi va sam of a inrgo mmmmimbcr , of 4 $ , . , ( iarLi'n and Graimi Farii. Vrtto * y ' . 1'irsonal1v commdnct Imuvers tIiroimim our Cliemmi far informumaLiomi mind sLmLW vIiayoim 3 ? oreimmurds iron of etmargo , I \vmtmit. , io fr. I. i. fr . . ' . i , ' . 'i' - ' . , S ? I' a ; , , ' . IUfJOD ' II I ! Tiik rt'thVct'tmbl. - - kJVltaltzrrtheprescrlp.- - _ u- itoim ci s } 'reacb lIiYMcian , will quickly cure v.111 ot all mice. \-oim i or ' -4 of the geueraUve urgani , such n - Ia9onlI..j. . , in theiincititerutiial .Crnlsslns , Nervous ] ) bIllty Pimples Is. 'fl3 10 Marry , - ' ' s S italiatmeming Drains , Vnrlcoceio ati - Conmtlna'tloi > I I stops all iossc9 1w drtv or night. I'revents quick. 4 ' lIcsi of thscIumr . , vlllchifmlotcmlick'liimdstperlnntorrmpIand ( j 'B E FORE SNO A FTE It nil the Imorrori Impotency , ( 'IPJ mEJemeanses thoUver , the ' . . kiInoyi and t' toaryorgamisof all impurities , cVPIDs'ra' trcn"thens and reiton's p sS , weat nrgsnp. , Time rcasoi , 'llTer'r sro aol curel by J1.ctr.q is lwrItI5i' ntnty per Cent are trqnble.l with I'rotn1iiN. cul'ImmnNlc is the onI tcnowmm renwts' to con , 'lItotit , till ( ' , rntioIi. aaetptimomml. al , . A. writirn gurrant,0 given ail , money retllrn&'tl It Ix tnx. ' tcws miot emleci a peramuacut cure. $1.00 a box.itx for $5.00. by mutt. Send for raEivlrcIlir : aai tealinmoulals , , AddreU DtV4)L SIIDICINE Co. , I' . 0. nox ? )70 , lien Praiicbco. Cal. .Fbr .vaze bij M1'I2htS-flhlLON DRUG CO. , 5. B. Cam , 16th iiI Fnrnnin. Omaha. - - sDVcA'1'loN.tL. _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - " - 'm ' _ ap Oldest , largemt and C Ia L , ceatralivest , Govermiment sunervision. Newbutidines boingerected. ltudents r.'Jectcd last .ycarlorwnntotroomn.MAiORSANIIFORDSELLERS , M.A. StipNGjON9.t ! - _ . 5,5- - - - - _ WMI WELCH TRANSFER LINE Uetav'i'n ( olili'I i lIIii1f. amid ( limimiligi , Rates Rensomiable Satlu'fnetion Gmmnrnnti'ed. CouncIl Imiuffs office , No S North Main mitreot. Telephone 2S , Omaha olilce removed - moved to 322 South Fiftoflth street. Tale. phone 1308. Connections mnaIa wIth South Omaha DU'FY'S PURE MhT WHlSKV ALL DRUCCISTS. wItzi OTREJIS' P'AIT. OOVUX' Sear1e & Searles SPECIAI.JSTS GaBrantee * 0 CUYO peediIy 1Usd mill- calls' nfl TIRVOUS , CIIILONIO A1) PRIVATI diieasi. of Men and vvoac. WE&K MEN SYPHILIS XUALLY. cured for life , NLht Emission. , Lost Manhood , Uy. drocelo , Vericocele , Gonorrhea , Giset , Syimfl. iii : . , Stricture , Piles , Fiatula end flectjui Ulcers. Diabetes. Bright's Disearo cured , Consultation Frce. Stricre and QIeot Ut by now method without patti or cuttIng. Cahion or addrea with stamp , Treatment by xpall , 'intl urintro v arinirn IIPR.ldthSL uno , OChlflL [ ci ZMU UM41LaZJa HYMENEAL , Slinrplillci' ( Ii..I ( ii eels 4 ci , FREMONT , web. , Juiy 22-Special- ( ) The weddIng of 1kw , i'atml Shooppelwcrth of Amherst , 0. , amid Miss Ida ICnechteh of this city yas ceiebreted at. time Lutberami church at 8 o'clock last evening , 11ev , Nun- eumiacimer , imastor of time J.utbmcraii church of this city , pertornmimmg limp ceremotmy. Time ci- tar ins miumproprlately decorated wHim how- era and plants phd time church edifIce uommm- ploteiy filled with the imivited guests. After time ceremony a reception was imeld at time residence of tue brides father , John lCmmecbm- tel , on Fourth street. Time bride lies tub- \Vii5 resided in this city amid is popimiar whim a large circle of acquaintances. The groom Is Pastor , of a flourishing Lutheran church in Amherst , 0. ( l ( p % ' 4' II I hi In ii. ' I ; , NORTH LOUI' , Nob. . July 22.-Speclal. ( ) -On Wednesday morning at 7:20 : o'clock at time resliheuco of 11ev. 0. Babcock , Mr. W. II. ( lowen and Miss Myra Habeock worn united In marriage , time lirimlo's father performing tIle cerenmummy , Nearly fifty relatives Ycre iresont train different parts of limo state. hind l ( r-S an I .1 I ii j. NORTH iOUP , Nob. , July 22.-lspeciai. ) -Dr , diaries Badger of North Loup amid Mrs. A. 13 , Hauitliimg ; Of Miitpri Junction , VIs , were married S'edmosday evening at the residence of Dr , F , 0. Burdick , the of- ilciatlag cierg'wiiU. U Opemis Sept. Itthu ) , 1898 55 Iloardimmg timid Day School lisi Girli Under the directlomm of Itt. 11ev. George Worthington , S. T. D. , LL. D. Primary , Preparatory and collegiate courses. Corn- potent corps of tt'micbmers. Modermi mclii- otis amid ovary advantmmge olfered. Strict attcmitltmi-m paid to tin nmorui , mental and pimyslcuj ivebi being of time tudent , Dltiio- mails comiferraci , 1-reparos for nih coilegemi open to women. Special courses in high- em' 1nglislm , Sciences , Anclimmt and Modern Languages , Music and Art. l'crmmms mod- orate. llimildiimg repaired rind in excellcmmt order. Sanitary plumubing , Satistactor3p m steam imeating. l'aremmts and guardians desiring to enter pupils vili Please send fem cataboguo , o appiy hersonaliy to Mrs. LR. . Upton , Priii. Br'osvmicbl Ifutil , ( hmmalma , Nob. / . ui iD ii-ls } locutioii , Lamiguag. ' , , 1mci Add ross , F : P fltyI.'lAItl ) , A. M. , Shut. , .Iacliomivilio , Iii. IitJEY roy 69th Yeas' hIli crado fliiglisli amid ClaislealSelao1. Literary I4imsle. Art coiirsps. C'rliClct , , atimnhls to Easmemi eomIges for woii ( in. Corrimspcjnciejc , , hOilcitiqi Forcatalogime aditress Li , I. BUnLARB , . , PrOS. , Jacksonville , lii. WANTED. FARM AND INSIIFl CITY LOANS 'mAT AIIFi GiL'1'RDGlS'l ALSO 'I WANT YOUR FIRE 1NSURANCJ ON ] 3t551 NESS I'riovFDt'ry , IWflLJlNJf3 4tND I IOUSIdIJOLD GOODS , 'I'Olt. NADO iNSUitANCl A'L' A VIltY LOW I1A'I'Ji. IIAI1CA1NS IN ltIAIj 1STATII. 110TH IN F'AIIM AND CITY 1'flOPJiRTY ' ' , W'F CAN YOU A 110MB CIILAI' ON SMALL. PAYMINTS. 3,000 AC'JtE.S 01" ItO'- 'rot LAN ! ) IN TillS COIJN'l'Y FOil SALE IN 0Ni 'I'ItAC'I' OR IN SMALl4 TI1ACTS , ALSO 210 ACIIIS AT A LOW PRICR. CALL AND 8EI US 0It WBITII UfL 235 1'LA1IL STIIEE'L' . LOUGlB & LOUOlB , ( g. ; iusL. Opened - LaiIcs' UaIr Iresskig ) , Chiropody oiul Manicure rarlors. lIiI r jri'ss.i , Null , . , ihilii'I , , l' ( ' ( * aliiil ii Cimimi tortiihie. SOMETHING NEW. Upright Siiumnmooiimg 4lParntus , SVo H liii In 1)0(1 ) ( ii riii m I nsa it iii ily'tm haIr vlmIio miii e sits upright. No I4tOObiIIIg over Fine 'J'oiiet ArtIcles. iiwiIcileH , Waves % 'jgs , ate , for smile or niunhi , to nrdcr 'i'lmu ladles at Council itiuffs will fimimi oud work first cIust and vriec'n reasonable , MRS0 14 A GRAVES , -i. iu ; ; I'cri Street Street'I 'I '