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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1898)
- - - - - - - - - - . - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - . - , - - - - - - . - - - . . - - - - - - - - - - . . ----r - - - - - - - - - - ' - ; - --I - ' - - . . - - - - . - - -y----- . - - - - - - -V . - - - - - - - - - - . - . - - V _ V V _ -V ' . -V------ _ _ _ _ V _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -fl-V------ y VV _ V V - . ,4 S tVJTE OMAHA DATTY WEE : YRTflAY JULY 1 SflS. , . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. I COUNCIL BLUFFS. NOR I1T1O ( . V fltulwctRer beer. flosonfelil. TeL 323. Mooro'R Stock Food rnttkes fat. Finest work , fluff City Laundry. Rmoko Iron Chnncellor tc cigar. C. 1. Lofferts went to KansaB City yes- terday. Myrtle locigO , O. 12 , wIll meet in regular V reRaon thti ovening. flx.I'otninter Thomas Bowman left last evening for IJoston , Mass. 2 halo S. Hutchins returned yesterday from ri trip to the Paciflc coast. C. 11. Jncqucmtfl & Co. , joweler8 and op. ' ticlans , 27 out13 Main street. 'rho L'atrlotlc Order of Anrnrlctt will meet In regular session this evening. Wanted-Latest edition of Coulicti BlUTts city directory. Apply at 13cc 0111cc. V Congressman linger returned to his wmo In Greenflehl tarly yesterday morning. A marriage license sns issucil yesterday toVllliam M. Gamble , aged 22 , and E. Wilson , aged 22 , both colored , of Omdha. lr . C. fl. Cornelius has gone on a 'lslt ' to friends nod relntives in Chicago and 1reeporL and will hO away about two weels. . Don't you think it must be a pretty good laundry that can please so many hundreds of customers ? \Vcli-tliat'a the 'Eagle , ' 724 Broadway. Auditor Matthews estimates the cost of the survey of the river front to ho about Goo and tlits amount will be nssessed pro rata agaInst the abutting property owners. William \Vootlworth and daughter , hattie , r and Mtss Emily Brown ot Warren , Ill. , V , are the guests of W. McFntltlen and family on ( hraca street while visiting the ox- position. All members of Women's Relief corps , No. 180 , are rettiestccI to meet at the home of Mrs. J. F. Wentherlee , 623 Broadway , V this evening at S o'clock to make arrange- meats for the funeral of Mra. helm. ' Frank J. Peterson , the tailor , who Is I charged with being insane , had a partial , examination before tlio commissioners of i insanIty yesterday afternoon. The earlng was continued until today in order to secure V further evidence. I Fred HarrIs , formerly superintendent of V Omaha. Bridge and Railway Terminal company , now located at Deadwood , S. I ) . , whore lie Is building a railroad. was in the city yesterday calling on old-time friends , V lie is visiting the exposition. Tlio Fidelity Loan & Building nssoclatioa : Ottimvn , In. , commenced ault in the V ( histrict court yesterday against 3. M. Patton - ton and others to foreclose a mortgage on ' lot 6 , block ) , hyatt's sub , and to have certain shares of stock forfeited. , The finance committee of the Council Bluffs Women's Sanithry Relief commission has issued an appeal to all delinquent morn- lers ) to pay their dues before next Wednes- ( Jay. Tlio commission has Incurred some . liabilities that must ho liquidated. , The till at the hardware store of I' , C , DeVol on Broadway was tapped yesterday V V afternoon for about $11. Suspicion points V to Low l3essett , a colored man who has V beca workIng for DoVol and who was discharged - charged yesterday. Bassett could not bc fniinrl lftRt nleht. T. C. Jackson , county supervisor of the poor , acting on instructions from the board , yesterday served notice on the city phyn ician and chief of police that in future oh cases sent by the city to either of the hospitals would have to be paid for by the cIty and not by the county as heretofore. Theodore Batchelor was arrested last evenIng on a charge of assault and battery preferred against him by B. W. Prouty , who lives south of Manawa , The assault Is alleged to have occured In a boat on the lake. l3atcholor gave bonds for his appearance - pearance in Justice Burke's court next V Mothlay. Attorney George it. Scott , 'who recently obtnind a tidgniont in the superior court naiust George A. Gregory for $18. for legal services , yesterday filed a potitioli asking that Gregory be brought into court and ho examined as to his property , Scott lies been unahlo to locate any of Gregory's property to satisfy his judgment. W. J. Stuart , Guy Congdon , hershey S. 'elcli , Bruce , Wray and Jay Stuart of North Platte and George IV. Wilcox , E. (1. Akam and F. .1. Mend of Flandrenu , S. I ) . , COIflIOSCd a iry of Implement men who are taking In the exposition and vlio I wore tim guests of ' 1' . J. Foley yesterday at dinner at the Grand hotel. Tj. P. Judson , who was assaulted a couple of ( lays ago In Wohlteifl'S saloon on Broadway - ; way by John Wallace , driver of the city street sweeper , went to the saloon yesterday - day and complained that Ito bad lost his Watch ( luring the fracas. lie was sonic- V 'what under tim influence of liquor and rcateil such a dlsturbanc that an omcer was called. 'who placed Juilson under ar- V rRt for disturbing the pence. Ho avc ball for his appearance before Judge Ayles- worth this morning. Mrs. A. I ) . Casey , hiving at 208 Grace street , vns badly burned about the V hands yestcrdny by gasoline anil but for the Irnely arrival of aelgh- hors would probably have been more seriously Injured. She attempted to fill the riuierv6ir while the liurner was lighted , with the cotuicquence that the oil over- lioweil anti became ignited. The flanics sPread to the widow curtains , but. the blaze , V fl5 extinguished by neighbors who were V attritcteii by her cries , wIthout calling out V the fire dopartniont. : C , B. Vinyl Co. , female reinecy : consultit- tion tree. Oilhco hourH , 9 to 12 antI 2 to , Health book furnished , 326-327-328 Mer- rhun bloch. N , Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250. FOR SALE-Good second-hand bicycle at ( barKftio. Cull ut The lIeu oifle , Council Bluffs. IItill SILtIIICS 1'IIIIcIXG 1.tSY. ( hing Ott 1os.-r IIrOII.I1UY hten3tiIg , ii IIIit'VIMt J iist lit l'reseii ( . Complaint Is niado that a number of ' dice iliarks are currying on their calling in several of the saloons on lower Broadway - way nail reaping a rich harvest by vlucking Fr the unvnry , who In many eases are steered to tIlls side of the river ( rein Omaha , Thin V game is knowis as ' ' 'twenty-one' ' or "top and bottom' ' ihice. 'Fhio top and bottom Fpots on any three ilico honestly marked yhen counted 'viii always figure up twenty-One , and thu forin the basis for the sharper's littlu guimie.'heii a victim , is steered into one of these saloons whore these sharpors operate , three slice are Iwo- duced and lie is sliowis how at every throw tie van make twonty-otie , Then another member of tIn ) gang who has been con- vuaiently near in a back room drops in and at once disputes the sucker's ability to throw The victim feels coy. ( ala ho has a sure thing and is Intiuced to stake his money and a bet results , Then one of the gang who has a 'llxed' di palmI clrnngs it fur one of the othier ( : end tlio sucker throws only to find thai : twenty-One spots are hot forthcoming , II the suclccr smells a rat it is a ery easy , r matter for the right die to be slIipei I back In the box anti the "fixed" one palmnec I again , One muitu , It is reported. was bun . coed In this manner a they or so ago out a I f24 , but lie took his experience phtiosopliic - r ally alici refused to squeal to the police . * torcn Jensen , aidormnn froni lexington Nob. . who was "roiled" to the extent a ( 2O in U Broadway saloon last Sunday , re . covered his money by complaining to tb a poilce , wIno inado the sharks disgorge. For sale. a line young snare , bay color ; also a good ithaclon or a surrey , cash oi time , liouriclus Music llousii4 325 Broad way , whore the organ stands upon the build ing. j _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; hilup of Cuba , Weit Indies anc the Worhi $ t The Dee office , lOo eafl. RECOVERING ON TIlE BONUS Tapayors Who Itelped the Bidg Oompany V Got Another Judgment , RESULT OF A CHANGE OF CORPORATIONS Ciiisilmn CounciL flluITs hLaln nnti Jirlil c Guilt miii , Lopcq ime. . CItUMO I ( 11aM ; 'ot nit l tt Charter tD limiek It. V Judgnlent for $5,845.3d was entered yster- day in the superior court against the Omaha & Council Bluffs Railway and Bridge c.Hfl- pany In ( ho suit brought ly W. S. Baird , representing the claims of various property owners , to recover taxes levIed for the construction - struction of the company's bridge ncros3 Limo Missouri. The case was tried Ia April Inst and \V. S. Baird and % V. I ) . hiardmn were appointed commissioners by tIme court to determine the amount ot the tax that. the plaintiffs had paid. The commissioners filed their report yesterday and judgment was entered - tored accordingly. The case , it Is cinder- stood , will be taken to the supreme court by the motor company. The suit Is one of several that arose from thio levying of the tax voted to aesist the Omaha & Council Bluffs Railway and BrIugo company in the construction of the bridge across the Missouri river. In 1886 the people ot Council Bluffs voted a C mills levy on the total valuation of all property in the city for the years 18S7 and lESS , the proceeds of hich wore to be given to the Omaha & Council Bluffs Itallway and Bridge company , an Iowa Incorporation , for the purpose of constructing a railway and vagoa bridge over the Missouri river at or near the foot of Broadway in Council Bluffs , running to the opposite bnnl. The basis of the action brought to recover the taxes paid was that prior to the payment of the taxes by the citizens to the county treasurer the Iowa corporation assigned to the Omaha & Coun- cii Bluffs Railway amid Ihridgo company , a Nebraska corporation , all its rIght , title and interest in this tax. that had been voted , in return for one-half of oh the fully paid-up capital stock of said Nebraska corporation. Tim state law provides that a tax may he levied for such purposes , but holds that the money can only ho paid to a corporation Incorporated - corporated under the laws of the state. Th Iowa corporation having assigned Its interesi , in the tax to a foreign corporation the couri . held that the money for the tax had been unlawfully paid over to the Nebraska cor- poratlon. Spencer smith , representing large number of citizens , brought. suit against the motor company and recovered L an amount in the neighborhood of $30,000 , Tir nintnr c'nmnrnr nnn'n1r41 1,1,5 tin. , , _ p reme court decided against it. In the case brought by Baird in the supe1 n or court mid in which judgment wag eno t crcd yesterday , another question was In- v olved. The motor company set up that B aird wan outlawed Inasmuch as stilt hind not b een brought to recover within five years a nd that therefore ho ivas barred by the s tatute of limitations. Baird , however , conr t ends that suit was brought within five years a fter the discovery of the fact that the money levied under this tax had been paid by the county treasurer to a foreign corpo- r ation and not to the domestic or Iowa car- p oration , as the law provides. Judge McGee sustained Baird's position and It Is on this point that the motor company wIll take the case to the supreme court. Get the % Tccds Gilt. County Auditor Matthews yesterday mailed to cads of the township clerks of the county a notice calling their attentton to the new law passed by the Twenty-seventh General Assembly providing for the cutting of weeds on public reads and also sent them the necessary blanks on which to make re- turns. The law is as follows : That it shalt ho the duty of the owners of land situated outside of lacorporated towns and cities to mow or cut near the surface nil wecils on anid land within the limits of the ItlbliC roads thereon , on or befcre the 15th day of August of each year , 'flint lii the event. said land owncis do not comply with the foregoing sntIon on or teforo the 15th day of ttigust of each year It shall then be the duty of the i-nod supervisor - pervisor havIng jurIsdiction to give such Owner , his agent or lessee , three days' no- flee in wrIting to comply with section one hereof , and upon failure so to tIc It shall ho the duty of the ronil supervisor to mower or cut near time surface the weeds on such vublic roads of his ( histrict and ho shall make return in writing to the trustees of such township , s'ith the hill for his ox- houses , which in no case shalt exceed two dollars per day for his srvlces , which shalt lie audited and niloweil by said board amid liald ( mom the district road fund ; and the amount so paid shall be entered up and levied against time lands on which said weeds luive been destroyed , and collected ly tIme coulit ) ' treasurer , the sania as other taxes amid returned to such district road fund. The omciai ihotographia of the United States Navy , cc.citalmiing over 200 pictures of the vescis , with their omeera and a numu- of the views of th' Ill-fated Maine , can be had at the Council Bluffs nfllco of The lIce for 25 cents anti a lIeu coupon. Jiuiil 4tmgrrz.gc . Msoulnt iou , Adelaide hlallard , prcsldent , and ICatimer- mo M. Pierce , recording secretary , have Issued a call for the twenty-seventh aim- nual meeting of the Iowa Iqumai Suffrage assocIatIon to ho hold in Council lilumifa October 10 to 23 , inclusive. All auxiliary societies mire entitled to be represented Lu the ratio of erie delegate for every ten Paid up mnenibers or fraction thereof. l'rcsi. dents of district , county or local organiza. tions or their Iwoxies ore ex-otflclo members or the convention as are state officers amid state supcrlntonmionts of .lepartnuenta . and are entitled to all the privileges of delo. gates. Other societies In sympathy with time objects of time lqunl Suffrage associa- tlomm are invIted to send fraternal delegates. TIme Evans laundry ta the leader in duo work both for color auti finish. 520 PearL street. Phonic 230. The lieu's phetogravuresofthue exposition , Part one , consisting of sixteen beautiful views , cami ho had at thu Council Bluffs otfico for 50 cents and a flee coupon. eo ailver. tisomemit on another page , IN .Jeivelry ilii'k , Tlio pollee yesterday turned over to C , L. 0. Iammnanmu time gold watch , diamond stud amid ring with diamond numil ruby setting of which ho Was buncoed while att impting to beat a "pin gamo' at Lake Manawa two weeks ago , Danumanu is a visitor from les Moines who is stopping iii Omaha while at. tending time exposition , Ito took a trip miown to Lake Manawa mimi was induced to try his luck mit bucking the tIger , the tIger consisting of the pin game. ho lost all his ready caBhi anti then put up his Jew- dry for $2 , hoping to retrieve lila losses , This $2I followed the rest , The next day when ho vcmmt to get his jewelry' back lie received Instead a regular Klondike bluff. lIe placed the matter mi the hands of time 11011cc of this city mind they finally located lImo jewelry , which vas worth several bun. dred dollars , In Omaha , where it had beec placed in the bands of a third party. Dam. mann was wIlling to pay bht the $2 which ho iiad borrowed on it an this wee done and the Jewelry returned. Tutu FeIulM fit i.iher , Tom Fields , the crippled ilegro who attempted - tempted to shoot his wife Monday morning , waum released from the county Jail yesterday. Ills wife refused to appear against him naci the case in which ho was charged with udmooting with intent to kill was dismissed for want of iwosecutlon yeatermhny morning in Justice Burke's court , There is a charge of using his revolver on a police officer standing on time police docket against Fields , but whether this charge will be pushed or not has not yet been dechld. Fields was very much put out when released from jail to find that his peanut stand had been re- movemi from its old famlutliar place at l'earl and Broadway. IMmite Trunisfor , . . Time following transftrs were flied yesterday - day in the abstract , title flint loan 0111cc of J. W. Squire , lot Pearl streeti Ernest 3d. hart and witd tb Omaha , lirItigo auth Terminal flallway Co. , n,4 block 20,4 , Iv'rett'5 adi , , , % ' l. . $ 12.5 Thomas Ollicer and \V. Il. M. Pusey anti wI'e to same , vatt lot 13 , block GG Rndles' ] ubd , , w. ( I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1. k. Ilollenbeck and Wife td same , w O feet of si block 10',4 , ivorett's add. , w , tl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sluerilt to henry W'ickham , s lot . block 8 , Itimldlu's aubd. , s. il Four transfers' , nggregsttitlg . . , . , . $3G09 Couis'ut lou of time ilitccnheOs. MARSIIALLTOWN , In. , July 21-Special. ( ) -Time state comiventioa of the Knights of the Maccabees wIll be heM in this city Septein- her 26 amid 27 , instead of next sprIng , as Was expected. This decision uvap reached and Marshalltown was chosen a the lnce of meeting by Supiemno Contmankr 1) . 1' . Mackey and Supreme Record lC"i'pc. N. S. Boynton at I'ort huron , Mich. Time reason for the change of dated is two fold , Those 'who have the matter iii charge say that too many conventions mire ueId in the sprIng , and if the meeting Is held In the fall the attendance will be beUer , and It Is also known that the Iowa Maccabees nra more than anxious to meet and organize the state teat. Marehalltowmi will cater the field at once for the state hicadiunrtere. New leppt at Fort Madison , FORT MADISON , Ta. , July 21-Spcclal. ( ) -The announcement has been snado that Fort Madison Is to have a new hluriington depot. The outward dimensions of the depot will 1)0 about 24x02 feet , one story high , built of stone and bridk. It wilt have two vaitIng rooms 22x28 , and a freight room on the west l8x22 feet. Leading to time entrance - trance from Front street will be a broad stairway which will be enclosed and which will enter an eight-foot hallway , and at either side of the hallway commodious closets. Time building will face the south. and over the tracks it is anticipated a rain shed will shelter passengers from sun and rain. The buildIng vIil cost about $12,000. , Fluid it cluisluuilcam 'loath. BURLINGTON. In. . July 2i.-SnoIaL- ( Last Sunday some harvest bands i the e mploy of T. H. Barnes , residing on section 1 6 , in Union township , found the fos8li tooth o f a mastodon , The monster tooth corn- p rises five prongs , or Indentatton , and measures , longitudinally , even Inches , with a width of three and one-half inches a nd protruding from the gums of the jaw t wo and one-half to three thebes. The r oots were probably four or five Inches long , o ne of tIme broken pieces measuring about t wo inches from the base of the tooth body. Rig Iteservoir Cuauujmleted. OSCEOLA , Ta. , July 21.-Speclal-The ( ) big Chicago , Burlington & Quincy darn hero I s about completed , and will be , It is said , t he largest and most oxpenst'yo dam in the s tate. It is 000 feet long and 185 feet timick at the base ; in places it is sixty feet high. Wlmen completed , it will form a good-sized l ake , from which a water supply for the road , anti for Ice for its cars , will be pro- c ured. It has occupied a force of from fifty t o 170 men all spring and summer. Pe , . leiuuocrntN 'I'here , LEMATtS , ha , , July 21.-Special-The ( ) mass conventIon called to me hero yesterday - day to suggest a nominee for congress did not bring many people. Thee present were : T. H , foyer , Martin Nollan , A. Van Wagenen , Mayor Quick and T. P. ldurphy of SIouX City , hathaway of Monona county , J. p. Emery of Sioux county and Editor Ward of Sao City. No public meeting was held , but only a private conference. GlinuicH mit Agrlonhgmiz-gil College. AMES , Ta. , July 2l.-Spociai-ljerman ( ) Knapp treasurer of the State Agriculturai college , him been appointed professor of mull- itam'y training and tactics during th heave of absence granted General Lincoln. Prof. S. W. foyer vIIi hear General Lincoln's classes In mining engineering during the general's ubsenco. Work of lIoi'e Tluie'e5 , RIVErtTON , Ia. , JUly 2l.-Speclal- ( ) Some person or persons broke into Jacob Beam's barim south of hero Tuesday night anti stole a horse , saddle and bridle belonging - longing to William h3eamim , No clew , - lmcut li'nrn , Niies , The creamery at Humboldt Is aow doing 20 per cent more huelnexe than at this time last year. The number of patrons line not been so heavy , but they have brought In snore cream. There Is in Com'ro ( horde roimmuty prob. ably the largest field of flax in time state. it is a 1,200-acre field of J. Cl , Linden's , occupying all of sections 20 and 2 In Union townslmp , except an eighty in the south. vest corner seeded to lamno grass , Seine of the flax is headed out and all of it hooks well , Captain I. F. hIobb sold Leventeon steers train his farm near Lake ( iy timat l'rought ' himmi lImo snug sum of $953 , Fourteen of the steers brought 4 cents pc.- poland ; thmo other tlmree 4 ¼ cents , They were 1 antI 2 years olml. The Hobbs farm consists of 200 acres and its anflual sAles of 4tock never fall below 2,000. Director C. F. Curtiis of time tate Agricultural - cultural college experIment statIOn has just Issued another valuable bulletin on the Rus- sIanm thistle. Timis one is prepared by Prof. L. II. l'amnmell of the Agricultural colige , Time panlimimlet goes into Limo histoty of time pest , ( lescribes it minutely , tells where it hue gained a start aud how to exterminate - nato it. A score of farmers , representing ubout 1,200 acres of grain iii the vicinity of Sloan , have organized an associatioi ; for protection - tion against high rates for tlireshixig , Timey Imavo decided on 1 ½ cents ier bushel for oats anti 3 cent8 per bushel for wheat as reasonable prices. It Is rumored the thresh. lag maciminmo men have organizeil in order to secure moore than these fIgures , IiYII l'ress Vomnuimemmf , Des Moines Register : It is somewhat humiliating to the people of Iowa that the , unsophtsticated citizens of Sioux City are still dealing 1mm gold bricks. Daveaport Democrat : One of the most careful students of the times , and a Practical business moan of Davenport at that , pro. dicta lower prices for wheat , corn and other hroadstuffs ; lower prices foi' clothing and oilier commodities ; lower rents , nltioughi ; these are the last to join in the downcc5r4 tendency , Heokuk Gate City ; When Iowa was nil- muted to the Union in 1S40. her Population in round numbers was 100,000. Today her school population alone Is 050.OttQ and her total population is 2,200,000 oul. Sim em. ploys twice as niamiy school teachers as any state west of the MississippI river , besIdes leading in many other things , which contribute - tribute to the reatnes of COmZiouweiltbs , IO\VA \ BANKCLOSES UP : German savings Bank of Doon Shuts Its Doors , NO REASON GIVENFOR TIlE COU.APSE Stnt Aiiullior otIficut by Teiegrnmit of hit' i'uiilimre , bimt No l'nrtlcui- luirs Are 'i'l.uus 1nr (1veit Omit. DlS MOINES , July 21.-Specinl ( 'role. gram.-Thie ) oilleo of the auditor of state was notified by telegraph thmis afternoon of the failure of time German Savings bank at Iloon , Lyon county , ha. No information or particulars as to cause wei'o IncLuded Ia the teiegrani which conveyed a simnpl , statemncmmt of the ( act that the doors of the institution had closed. Time last ofilcinl and sworn statement filed with the auditor by the bank was filed Juno 30 , It then oweil $37,368.95 , but seemed to ho in fair con- ( litton , The statemnent at tIme omco of tue auditor was sworn to by C. Ii. Becker , as vice president , and C. S. Bennett , as cashier , and by James l'eteraen and Fred Becker as directors. An effort is being made in Camp McKinley - Kinley to Induce the War department to order the Iowa batteries to one of the big camps , possibly to Chattanooga. The inca are drilling twice a day La the camp here , but they have no horses anti no proper armaniemmt with ic'hmich to drill. Being Isolated from other soldiers , time officers fear that eventually the Interest may hag. and realizing the great advantage there would be in being eamnped with other nr- tiliery organizations and being fitted with I , . WIC& CjUIJUfl.It9 fLU VI&LI& 'as moval from this to a national camp baa been inaugurated. A special from Washington today says "Thme Iowa signal corps line been assigned to General I3roolce'a division , FIrst Armmiy corps , and leave for Porte Rico today , via Chiekamnauga. V SOLDIERS NEED A REST Shmnfer Itecommmnmenmls ( hut Ills Men Ime Iteturumed . to the timitted S t nt CM. SANTIAGO DE CUBA , July 20.-Via ( Kingstomm , Jamaica , July 21.-General Shaf- ter has opened a cabho office hero and is Ia commtiiulentioa with \Vashmtngton regarding the disposition of the Fifth army corps , which consists of those troops which came with him from Tampa and the reinforcements - ments from the four transports whiich have since been unloadel , Except the Thirty. third and part of the Thirty-fourth IihIchI- gan , none of the latter have been in action , but ore all camped in the sonic place , anti so far as health consideration go General McKlbhln seems to have held the oninlon t hat the Fifth corps could join the Porto i tico expeditloa under General Miles as soon a s Santiago hould fall. This was the cvi- d ent intention when the invasion army left t he UnIted States. btmt Limo condition of the men now , according to time physicians amid c ommanding officers , is such that the entire c orps should return north at once. General Miles line cabled that ime dee not want anti i vill miot need a stogie man among them , and he believes that after their hard cain- paign they should be given a rest of at least two or three weeks. tonerai Shafter's messages to the same effect have been most urgent and the doe- tars say the men should ho gIven a rest of at least two or three weeks. The doctors say the men should be sent into camp in the mountains of North Carolina or western Maine for a month.rasblngton agrees to this and will do everything Possible , time cable dispatches today say , to carry the army away ( rein here , But there is a lack of transports. In addition to time Porto Rico troops , whichi will require forty steamers for their conveyance , time authorities hero are still counting upon having to convey the 22,000 SpanIsh prIsoners to Cadlz. The latter want to go as soon as possible , nail it appears froni hero that our government cannot get sufficient vessels and this fact hmohds the Fifth corps here , doing nothing. The mon are anxious to get away. The cavalry division has been sent Into the zmmountains at its own request to see If it caun9t. get Into shape to join General Miles , and It mie fever develops the men may go to San Juan do Porte Rico. Time Twonty-fcurth infantry' Is ncting as guards anti as nurses at the hospital at Juragua and more of them are needed. Time colored troops are all likely to remain hero to attend th sick and hold Santiago , General Shatter Imas cabled to Washmington tlmat It. is imperatIvely necessary that lie atbiould have more inimnunea sent to him quickly , anti the probability Is that a corps will leave within time next ten ( hays. All our men are now oncanmpod on the fighting line , cvhero they have been for two weeks. except Gemmeral Wheeler's mcmi , who have been sent into time hills , General Wlmeeier Is still iii , but lao resists the pleas of lila friends to return to the United Statea , WAShINGTON , July 21.-Secretary Alger said today timat the troops wlmich were In time engagements at Santiago would not be sent to Porto Rico. and there was no dc- sire to case them , They vihI remnain In Cuba until the yellow fever has been cmi. tlrely stamped Out. General Miles did not tlmlnk it advisable to tnko any troops to Porte Rico timat. were himiblo to hmavo con- traded fever and in timis conclusion the tie- partment concurred. CAPTURE A BRITISH STEAMER ' % Yns itt 4'uuumit 11mg ( ) ILium limb liarbom- of Vleumfuui'gos icithm a Cargo of Suipphit's , IBY WEST , Fin , , Jumly 21-The British steamer Newfoundland , loaded with food supplIes. was capturemi by the Mayflower elm Tuesday off Chenfuegos , into whlclm harbor it was hoadlmmg. Two blamik abets across its bows brought it to , and time Mayflower put a prize crew on board and sent it to Charleston - ton , S. C. Time Newfoundland left Ilailfax , N. St psi July 0. TIme Mayflower has on board five Cubans whmo were picked up at various times by time ships of time blockading fleet , Timey had lied from hlmtvana anti other Cubamm ports to escape starvation , as the condition of affairs ashore In Cuba grows worse daily , TWO TRANSPORTS GET AWAY Carry 'i'tiii SVIinmmsIui Itegi lilt-mi is train ( lmtriest on to l'ort , lt1o- ItIu'rs ChARLESTON , S.C. , July 21-The transports Grand Ducimess and No. 30. with Generals \'Ilson and irnest , Second anti Third Wisconsin rogimnents , put off for Porto Rico today , The loading of No , 21 Is not yet coampleted. Time Sixteenth Penneyl- vania and two compantos of time Sixth lilt- nola arc being enibarked on it , eimrza sIui amen ( ) IiJi'tjt lo lime' hlaii'oui. SAN FRANCISCO , July 21-The Iowa regiment Is receiving generous contributions from the towns anti cities in which the various omnpanies vcre organized , On corn- plaint of Assistant Surgeon iluifmoan. a board of survey has been ordered to examine time I bacon furmmished the 317 men ha the camp at the Nebraska recruit , . t 1' M. sit. M. ' V. . . , . . % S. 4 % . ' * . . % . 4 % _ . .4 % . ' . . % c. .t\ % - - ' ' : ) The Most Popular Resort a in 1oa. ' ' _ , - ' Elegiiiit 1)It1'1S ' , cool breezes , nice lawiis , f' good boating , fisliiiig and batliii : i ° ' Ideal : k V _ l)1flCC foi' picnics. Ti'aiiis every half 1ioii' ' " t4 after 8 o'clock a. in. - vallIOYillC attractions 4:30 i4 I IV -4 1-ugh-class ( , : and 8:30 : 1 lfl daily. The attractions for t , ' the week , commencing .Tiily 17 : . % , - - c--1 Hunariall Band all day , b1I ! i Brumae and Clark ; Barlow Specialty Team. " Miss Cora Friedontal , Jack McCarty. ' _ 1 KIeist Brothers in Electrical Musical , Comedy and _ _ , , , , Black Art. " ' " I . . a , . , :1 w W , , - A1ERICA TRADE EXPANDiNG Manufactures 1ow Form a Considerable Part of tbo Exports. ATTRACTS ATTENTION OF FOREIGNERS Ummifeil Slates lins Ceased to lie Simply time Grammnry at the WorliI- Ojiportummiities for Pier- user limcreuuse. WAShINGTON , July 21.-Tue remarkable advance ot time United States into the markets of the vorld is rcsented in a publication just issued from the Bureau of Foreiga Commerce. Department of State , tinder the direction of F'rcdericlc Emory. While vresonting elaborate statistIcs and data on the Increase of this trade thmo world over , the subject Is also treated broadly to bring out tue general significance of this trade development , wbmlchi Mr. Emory refers to as "an American Invasion of the markets of the world. " Although no reference is macb to recent geographical amid political changes resulting franc the appearance of the Ummited States in time Philippines , In Cuba , Porte Rico and elsewhmere , yet the revIov deals with the important part which Amoricaa enterprise and capital is tak- lug ha time development of the far east. In lila Introduction to the work Mr. Emory says : 'rho United States is no longer the 'graoary of the world" merely. While its exports of agrIcultural products have Increased - creased to a remarkable extent during the last year , its sales abroad of manufactured goods have contInued to extend with a facility anti promptitude of results which h.tve excited the serious concern of countries that , for gemmerntion5 had not only con- tidIed their Imome markets , but had practically monopolized certain lines of trade in other loads. When we consider that this result line been remucheml with comparative ease In spite of added imnpedi- meats to United StateB exports in time form of discrimninathoam of various kinds , anti , not- witlmstanding that organized effort to reach foreign markets for our manufactures is an yet in Its iotaacy , the ability of time United States to compete smicecssfmmhly with time most atitanced imidimstriril nations lam any part of the world , as well as with these flu- tions in thmelr home mnarlcebt , can no longer be seriously questioned. Attrmets rPF'IgIL Attemutleumi. The attention which foreign governments imavo given to this rapid increase of Amen- can trade Is uhiscussed as follows : In vjow of wimat may be termed an Amen. can invasion of mnnrketa of the vonld , time attitude of the leading comumiercial nations toward each other and the relations which timely industrial activity and trade inter- esta hear to tito Ummiteti States becoma a matter of practical concern , The mono imim- Portamit Incidents of time last year in foreign diplomuachave , therefore , a significance for us which migimt not have attacimed to thmeni in the absence of concerted efforts to extend the sale of our goods. It may ho said timat Limo chief business of European diolomaey at time present day iti to secure new "aPimoroti of influence" and wither opportunities for trade , as well as suitable territory for oc- cupatlomi by time overflow of nopuiatlon from tim more densely Inhabited countries. 'rho woz'hmi Juts watched the progress of tIme diplonmatic drama in Cuba with interest , whmichm imas beemi helgimtenetl by time kzmowh. edge that time practical outcome might ho either time opening of now channels of trade to time comnnmt'rce of the gloho or than appro- pniatiomi of thmcsmm by particular nations for their own special bemmefit. Cimimma imas for some yearn been ammo of time most hmrotnisiimg fields for American enter- pnise , industry amid capital nmmii time enmtranco of time vast empire upon time patim of west- cram development nailer conditions which would secure equality of opportunity to tIme United States would doubtless result him mm- macnsa gaimm to our manufacturers in time demand sure to follow for lines of supplies anti goods of various descriptions that we are fitted to provide. Time solution of time problem of time future conimnorciai comiclitinmms of time Chinese em- pins has , timereforo , an immediate mind most important. relation to time expansion of our export trade , especially tlmat of our l'aciflc slope. Time partitlofu of Africa among than European powers offers considerations of an ecommomic character of almost equal mngni- tude , while tiao plans of the mono active commercial nations for increasing theIr no- spectivo shares of time trade of tIme Latin- American markets affected us evomm more seriously in time development of our coma- muercial intercourse withm the soumthern hmmmlf of time vestern lmeimmtspimoro , 'rho "inter- nationalization" of tIme United States , so far as imimlustry and comnnierce are comme3rned , lies , in fact , been made a thing of time hiast by time logie of time change in our ceonomle requirements , anti we can no louiger afford to disregard international rivalries , mmow that we ourselves have becomne a competitor in time wonhd-wido struggle for trade. ' % VoniLs Jt'uusmui , Ia Cluuimiges , It is shown also Ilmat international con- ditloas In many of the foreign countries are bringimig about Impontent economic chmangea which affect time trade of time United States. In this ccmnnectiomm Mr. Emory says : Nor is it with tIme relations of the differ. ' ent nations toward one ammother timat we are ' melane concerned , Time hmmduatnimml cimanges current within the territory of each obtaimm a mmciv anal much graver imuportanco in theIr ' iiossibio effect upon our recent development as an exporter of manufactured goods. Time conditions contributing to time raphmi growth of mmmanuactures in recent years-tIme tlscal chanoges In Russia , IndIa and Japan , as well as in some of the Latin countries ; time extraordinary Impulse given to time industrial - dustrial and cmmercinl growth of the ( her- miman enmpiro as a factor of international trade ; time mmdvanv.a . of ituseta on similar lines and the rapid progress of the Siberian railroad toward an open port on the llow * :4 : * . . .I. 4 i. lO ? 91 ' : FRUIT AND OARDN FARMIN6 rAYS 'I' * Around Council Bluffs A S i : Vp i' calm bnr.Inuproved niiml cmnhmmiirt'd fruit minis cheiicr im timiM 'ICiflht ) titucue nhiy'Itt're in time ( limited Stntis. 'i'hiere Is 'mu fall- umr of craims Imere. Look at our lrruiit Parimis achulle they are lie. bear- 4ing. V : : ' D.A'Y' & ! 1Ess. : I Time heal 11(11SVS ltumte mtui,1 IZYISS. I.itium Jirokers , 4 . ConitoilBlnffi,1ft lmvooxcIiisiva salnof a large mmeamnherof , : Pearl St. Fruit. Gard'mm imimil ( raimi larmns.'m'lto a. l'ersonally conduct lammyors timrotmgh our I tlmomn for infonimmation memmd state wima ) on 'p : V orcImard free of cimmirge. want. 41. * : * * sea : the efforts of Great Britain to meet the emicroacimnients of other natiomms ; the decline of the sugar industry In the Vest Indies as a result of time beet sugar competi- Lion ; the troubles of Spain with its colonies ; the dIscovery of gold in Alaska and time adjacent territory iii British Columbia ; the tariff legislation of time United States , Gail- ada and other countries-all the phases of economic chammges dimring time last year have an interest and imimportanco for time mdi- vidual operative in time United States c'hich are greatly enchanced by the trmummsfornma- tinmm mmow going on in our industrial life. converting us slowly hut surely from a pee- plo absorbed with the internal devclopnient of a virgin continent Into one of the great commercial powers of the world , with the Immternatiotial interests and responsibilities which such a position naturally Irnplle. The body of the book treats in detail ot American trade with all the countries of the world. - LETTER WLL % COST FIVE CEN1S XcV % . Iteguulmit loims Isimetl Got i'rmuIimi. Care nuiui Ciuuirges OIL Mmiii lmitter for Suutimgo tie CubmL. WASHINGTON , July 21.-Postmaster General Emory Smith today issued time foi- lowing order : Ta conformity with the ordar of the pros- blent , of this unto , may order , No. 161. of the 26th of April last , prohibiting the dispatch of any nmail mutter to Spaimm or her do- pondoncles , is imindufied so far as to per- nmit postal comamnunicatlen betwcemm time United States amid Santiago , Cuba. The mails sent to Santiago may contain mail matter of all classes allowed him time regular - ular mails , addressed to any point within time territory occupied by the United States forces iii the vicinity of Santiago , amid time mails semit fronmi Santiago may contain time same classes of mail matter addressed for delivery iii time United States , all articles immcluded iii saId amelia being suimect. to limsimeCtlon by the proper muilitary or naval authorities. The postage rates applicable to articles originating In or destined for the Ummiteil States in the malis imi question are fixed us. follows , 'viz , : First-class matter , 5 cents per halt ounce. Postal cards , single , 2 cents ; double , 4 ccnts. Second and third-class matter , 1 cent for each two ounces. Fourth-class matter , I coat for each ouemce. RegistratIon fee , S cents. Only Ummited States postage stamps will be valid for time PrePaYment of postage. Prepayment shall not be required , but If postage Is not prepaid in full mloublo time amount of the deficient. postage at time above rates shall be collected on mielivery to addresses In the United States or Cuba. To articles originating 1mm or destined for countries beyond time United States time postal union rates mind commditioima shmili apply , The malls for Santiago mUBt ho addressed to time Uniteti States postal agent at San- tlago anti the delivery of any articles may be withheld If deemed necessary by the liroper military or naval iiuthmom'ities , Corn- lmcmisatioml to immerchunt vem4seis for the sea conveyance of manila from Santiago slamili lie mantle at time rates heretofore paid to ixiorchmant vessels for conveying mails frommi the United States to Sntlago , Bmili c's ii mime , iteult lii , V/tShhINGTON , July 21.-Speciai ( 'role- granm.-Max ) J. flaehmr of St. Paul , Neb , , who was ordered before the consular lmoard of V the State department yesterday for LX- amination preparatory to haiti nomnination by the president to the position of consul at Kid , hermaumy , was inforneth today by Assistant - sistant Secretary of State Cridler that. ho hail passed a satisfactory examination. Ills namno vcnt to time Wiiito House this afternoon - noon and his umonninntion is expected to follow simortly. fleuiermil ' % % 'oolforeI iii ' , 'nNhtl migion. WAShINGTON , July 21.-General Stewart - art L. Wootlfor'I , who represemiteul this gov- ernmnent at Madrid , hail amm interview with the president liii. afternoon , General Wood- fend said his visit was purely and solely on personal and professional business In mme way' connected whim time war situation , lie was mmot called imere , lie saId , nor was there ammy truth in time reports commenting on his visit as indicative of an early peace mnovezmiont. l.tmig I'rl p fur mi 'rug haul , SAN 5flcNClSCO , July 21-TIme gunboat Iroquois , formerly time tug Fearless , is about to make the longest tow undertaken , It is to haul time ship 'Facomuma ( roan San Francisco to Manila by time way of honolulu , a die- taoca of about 6,600 malice. The Tacoma is to carry 100 imorses and 120 mnulce mind ii coal supply , TIme Iroquois wilt steam to Honolulu , a distance of 2,100 miles on its owmi coal. At hionoiulu it will recoal from time hunkers at that point and timen proceed tp the Ladronos , itmmd , tbero getting Into smooth waters , viit take on sufficient coal from time Tacoma to carry it through to Manila. - ai : : G.W. Pange M.D. . . , . . TIlE COOl ) SAMARITAN 25 ' ? ER'S EXPERIENCE. Icac1cr of flIscnu4eei of' ascmL and 'VOimleil. l'ROPRIRTOR Ot TIlE Wonltl's Ilerbimi Diapemiimil'y , of Methiclw , , I CLJIIE-Cntarrhm of head , Throat , nod 1ungs , Iiseascmi of Eye aunt Ear , Fits timid AmoilcXy , heart. Lvcr ! amid lCidmicy Iiseuiscs , Dlauctee , hmniglit's ' , tt.'ltiis Iiemmco , Ehmnumumittlsmim , Scrof.jla , lropsy ctmreti wltimoimt tapping , 'l'itlIl % 'Ornms roamiec'cd , all chmronio V Nerc'omms amid I'rivtite 1)lseuees. L OST m.lki1uuJiL mtmimidiengednmemm yoummig and , Only Plmymmlcinmi who can YPHILIS S ropmy cure SYI'Im ILlS without destroying teeth anti bomme. No amer. Cu IVY or liolson mnlmiera I iii. ' ti. irimo ommly Phiysioinmi who can tell what mug you witlmout mucking a qimestioum. Thmcmso at a dlstammco et'nd for question blank. No. 1 for macmm I No. A icr wounemi. All enrrt'spondc'nco strictly commflmiential , Medicine bemmt by express. Ail'iress ' nil letters to G. W. PANGLE , M. D. , i55 Brotulwmey , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA. t8cnd 2-cent stamimu for reoir. - Gas and Gasoline , id V Engines. IILBVATOR MICIIINII1Y OP ALl. KINDS. all elm mms O'l cc'ritti for prIces timid eitltcnlltion3 , IA'VIs ) itlLAiI.l4hY . : Ct ) , , ( uumuui.Il IlluIYs , los'ue. THE NEUMAYER JACii ( ) NIIIJMAYIIR , 1)1101) . 201 , 203 , 201 , 210 , Broadway , Coummeil IhImiff , ltate8 , $1.25 per day ; 75 roommis , Flrst.clnss ii e'nm y respect , l'dotor llumu to mmli tiepot. Loc8l agency ( or Limo Celebrated it. Ltitmi A. 13. 0. hoer. flrst-chmmss bar lii coma- nectian. V VV . V . . . C ' - , V DUFFY'S PURE MALT Wfl1KY ALL DRUqCIST8. - - - - -I---- - 4 t FREE BOOK IOil WEAK MEN My little hook , " 'fhareo Classes of Men , " soul tmi macmi only. IL tells of my 80 years' experienCe its mm tiieciiihist in all Imervmu5 disordem's resuiting ( noun youthful irmilbacre. tiond. Lame ifack , etc. , and tells whay 13 L 13 C'fI I CITY cures , With may Invcimtioum , time lr. fianmien liectnic ileim , kmmous'n aummi used tile cs'uritt over , I restored mist year , ( JO ) mcmi , younm. anti old. hiewar' , of elmetep imimitatiouis , Above book cxjiimiimma mmli ; sent seuheti , Wnilt , today. Dr. A. ft. Snnden , , . jjBCjjjjjao.j