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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1898)
- - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - ' . V ' - - - - - - - 7 - - - r - - - -,1---rr- - - - - - . - _ - - . - - - . ¶ . ' .1 t S rilitE OMAflA. 1)A1JjY fl1i : SiTN1)AY , Jt.'taY 3 , lSflS. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1ANY REPUBLICANS CO11NC Attenaanco at National Leitguo Meethig V Promires t 13o Largei .V MEN OF GREAT PROMINENCE IN TIlE LIST Fnr 1nst n Well n Cciirri1 Section : nild I'teiflc 51(11)0 tO lie ltepre- icnteiL n ( U14 , ( arent GnIierlng. ecrn1ary D. H. Stifle of the fleptibilcan 3 Natlonnl leag1e , who hits gone to Chicego In the Intercata ot the convention to ho held In this cRy , has secured a pcc1a1 conceBMion trorn the Western l'assengcr n - oclntIon , by which the special rate will go Into cftcct from all polnt east ot Cob- rnlo end Wyoming on July 11 , Instead of the 12th. T1IIR vol3 nnnounced yesterday itntt It means that k will not only make It possible for delegates to the National leagtie to arrive a day earlier , but will beef of special benefit to the delegates to the state league conventions of Iowa and Ne- brnskn , which meet at Coutidil lltifTs and Omaha on July 12. This and other facts denote that the gathorijig of Itepublican leaguers in Omaha will be one of the largest ever livid. V Dig t.niInitee I'rnIiMed. Secretary Stino is much en ntirageti over the Prospects for a large nttcndnnce at the national gathering. Correspondence is popr- lug In from all quarters. lion. Daniel C. Owen1 a prominent league I member of Wisconsin , called at. headquar. V ters anl stated that a large delegation was V coming from his home. The Minnesota delegation meets at St. l'nul on July 12 and svili come to the exposition city in a body. lion. Grant Fellows , president of the V Michigan league , serves notice that lila dde- gation is coming to Omaha to capture the S national presidency for lion. E. N Dingley. ; Senator Isaac Miller hamilton , president of the Illinois league , has ordered accorn- c momations be reserved here for a large dde- gation. lie has spent the past week In Chicago In the Interest of a large delegation and if energy and determination viil accom- iliSll it , Illinois will bring to Omaha at : least 100 pople. Senator Hamilton Is one of the most prominent league mcii. His name has been xnentloned in connection with the national presidency. CuaIdiiIiiteM fur 1'Ince. ICansas s1li aend a large delegation , headed by J. F. Culver of Emporla. Presiilent Isnilor Sobol of the l'ennsylva- niatia is itinking a special effort to hare a full representation. \'r ; 11. lJunly , president of the Ohio league , vIto was recently nppolntetb ( listrict attorney for the southern district of Ohio , will Caine with a carload of liuckeycs. Oklahoma bias Just helil it league con- V vciition , at which every county in the stnto wits represented 011(1 fl full ( lelegatlon will collie to Omaha. South Iakota wIlt scud a large crowd by "hick" Wood. V Indiana always senls ( a good delegation to the iiatioiial conveiitioiis aid this year vii1 be un CXCCItioii. It Is proposed to present - sent lion. It. M. higgins for the national presidency. This deicgatiiwii1 ? also be at V' thu Millard. _ V V lion. IV J. Crawford , prcsidorft. t thi , Natioiial Republican league , this week at- ' telided the state league convention of Ar- , ' Crawford liii broken all V previous recoi1attefldii1g thirteen state : conventions during 1S tvm. Dinner at Flemish Cafe , West MIi.WiVy. - 'Vi oiI..3 flL Ju in M the 'I'rnek. A curious accident Iinppeiicil about S 0 clock last iilght to a southbound Sherman avenue train at the intersection of Sherman avenue anil Clark street. The train con- sisteil at an open motor anti trailer and hotli vere ci OWICI. As the motor Btruck ( lie V etirvo It. Juinpeil ( lie track and continued in a southerly dirQction Until it reached the curb at the southwest coriicr of the inter- ecioii. ( hero it r.truck a trolley pole and cut. out it ect1on of the heavy poio about eight feet in length as neatly aa the job CoUld liavo been 'ne with an axe. The hiole vns brok .r quirely off at the ground ; : nul ! nIsq atodi ) eight feet above the ground , tie top of the pole ilropplng down on the ' old base while ( lie tp ) was supported by the trolley guy wire. When the car jumped the track the passengers - sengers clambered out as fast as possible niiil no onu was seriously iijilicd. Mrs. If. M. Engl'tnaii , living at 605 ort1i Twenty- third street , had a narrow escape front beIng - Ing struck by ( lie section of the trolley Pole V which was broken out. In jijniIng to avoid being struck by this she struck her knee , bruising it nd one hand slightly. 4rs. Vt , V , Mount. living at 1l3 North Ninet.enth Btr'et , was shaken up severely but was not Injured. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ it 1'1iV .t1)YAi1'.t HS OflereiL 1) liii' Clileilgo , MIIituIec .t St. l'uiii ItIiiiIi ) TilIf SltItT LINE TO ChICAGO. A clean train made up niul started from Omaha. Baggage ehecked train residence to destination. Elegant train service and courteous em- lIOYCS , . ltitire trains lighted by electricity and with electric light In every berth. V V Finest dining car service in the west , ivitli meals served "a ha carte , " The Flyer leaves at 5:45 : p. in. daily front Union Depot. CITY TICEIT OFFICE , IO4 Farnam St. C , S. CARItIER , City Ticket Agent. SIli1IiiIeiiSIl ! iflil t Ion of Vi. t rlotlsii ; . Last night itt the Trocadero a wonderful burst of liati ii Ic enthusiasm tvne a feature not down on ( lie evening bill , hut it was Just as effective n though It hind lCCfl ) itil- nrtised and ( 'sPecIally worked "i' ' q'Ize V ) flg woman who lilays the cornet finished ' 'America' ' aitil hail a gooil start on "The Star Spangled Banner , " when the audience went liito a rhapsody of cheering , In vhich Mayor Moorcs. who with his wife , wea in a box , joineil , \\'Iieii the enthuslasni hail snntowhnt subsided th mayor was called on for a speech , lie respoitiled In an intensely - tensely patriotic vein , referring to the battbo at Santiago nud his utterance was again ibrowned in the cheers of the audience. Fur ten niltitites the uproar was iroloiigeib , the eroivl calling for "Moores , " "Moores , " while the mayor stood in his box and bowed , nail the old ibag was aplaucletl again anti age lb. Ilitil 'I'oi tItii , IIiiiiis , I , C' , Long and ( 'hiaries Brown were arrested - rested yesterday morning for Possessing four lisitis for which thIty cotihti not account. 'Fiio goods were identified last night by hamilton hirotliers , butchers at 1517 lodgu street , as beioiging to their stock. On of 4iio inca hail licon CiflIIOyCd by the Grin anti knew a route by which ho could reach . the interior of the store through a dumb waiter from the second floor , hunted ( lii.l liii' , Miss Emma Loienzen , 623 South Seven- teeutlt street , was painfully burned yesterday - day by the explosion of a small quantity of gasoline which hiul been uscl for cleaning purposes , A lighted match was accidentally dropped iota the ait unil the blaze almost cnv loped Miss Lorcnzen tieoro it was o - tiuguislme'd. Time burns , which are on 1mev arm and shoulder , arc not serious , % 'upiiii ij.rtuii , h ) , ( ' . , stud htt'tirii , Via the Northwestern Line , July 3rd4 4th and fthm. lfxtraortllnary fates , through cars. Ci ollice , 1401 Far. foul st. The cheapest and best meal on Exposition rouuds , liewish Cafe , \\'eiit Midway. V V SOLD THEM DOGLJS TICKETS Lncnt Scimitiers 'I'nken Iii hi it Man % Pli4i hail i'leiit tif Trnnsor- totlun ii , Of. George Davis. an alleged "shover" of' ho- gus railroad tickets , was arrested last evenIng - Ing at Munson's ticket offlc , lOO Farnam street , after ho had made me tour of the ticket brokers omees of the city , where he mnaaged to dispose of eighteen tickets at an average irice of 7 cach. The tickets are of the kind known as "shippers' " tickets aflil are supposed to be good betweca Coun- cii hlluiTs unit Chicago over the Northwest- era railway. Davis' confederate , whose name he saul was WilBon , escaped. Wilson is being eagerly sought for by the police , as ho is believed to be the head of a g tmg which is no only operating hero but elsewhere. Just prier to lavls' arrest he anti Wilson were together , and as Davis had none of the tickets or money In his possession - sion vhcn captureil It IS supposed that he delivered ( lie proceeds of his sales and the tickets to Wilson. Davis hail disposed of three tickets to A. J , I'ark , mamiager of Munson's omce , for $22&O just jiefore his arrest and had returned - turned to negotiate three more when bin was arrested at the instigation of Mv , l'ork , who had discovered that the tickets Nero bogus. Davis asserts that ho ilid not know that time tickets were bogus and ( lint lie bail only met \t'iison a short time before his arrest and had agreed to sell them for him. Davis sold all his tickets in blocks of threes. Those wiio.were , victimized were : l'eo- plo's ticket ofllce , 1516 % Farnam ; Gould's , Fourteenth anti Douglas streets ; Sisson' , 1311 Farnamn street ; Munson ! l3bP Far- nani , nail a broker whose omces are near the Union depot , Coriat of 1317 Farnam street csqapel loss because ho was ens- picious of the genuineness of the tickete amid refused to buy. NASIIVItI.Id , 'h'idS , . A1) JI'I'U1tN. 'Iii lime ? ( orthiyeMerL Line , July 3 , 4 and 1. extraordinary rates. The Northwestern Is the "otficial line for the Nebraska C. E. dlogatiori ! , Through cars. 1101 Farnam stret $ , . VS fliilfiilu , N , . Y. , timid Iteturmi. Via ( ho Northwestern Line , July' 11th and 12tli extraordinary rates , through cars. The Northwestern is the 'Oflicial Line. " Wiito C , E Morgan , international - national lre.hIbent 13. , Y. . I' , U. , Omaha , or city olhlce , 1401 Farnam at , ShioiIlfterM ArreMti'l. Three jrofeseionnl ahtopllfters were detected - tected In time act of stealing goods at the Boston store yesterday afternoon. The womneil , who said they were from Peoria , Iii. , but tvhmo were really front Chicago , were elegantly dressed and wore a profusion of diamonds. Two of them carried 1mamlsatchm cis , into which they hlacob ( stolen goods. House Detective Crier captured the women and took them tb the 'oflls of ( lie store. where they were searched. From the reg- milar shoplifers' imclets In the folds of their dresses a quantity of goods were recovered besides whmat they had In their satchels. Oil their Itromnise to never again visit the Store the women were released. . . . , V. ? - S. EXCUhtSiO ? 'i'oVASII IN1'ON , IL C. S VIZIV iiCIe island itnnte. July 3 , 4 and 5. ChoIce of routes. For full infornmtion call at city ticket otilee , 1323 Farnamn street. Thin Suieih , Eiiiiiinieiit and quick tlimte of ( ho inion Pacific makes it the popular line to..Lll..princlpal western resorts. City ticket office , Ntm. 1102 Far- oam at. . V 51.115 ( ) ( ' Veternii. The finance CJUflhmiittee of the Sons of Vet- eraims' impiimplil , encampment has organized by clftimig F. J. Coats chairman. The Sense o Veterans hold their national encampment him Onialia in September. The nianagers of tIme Transmisslsslppi Exposition will be asked to set apart one day as Sons of Vet- eralis' day anti the elicampmnent will nrob. ably terminate by a banquet tendered 'via- iting members. Rock IMIZIIIII Eenrioii , . Stilt Lake and return , $3LOO , June 10. Salt Lake aimil return , $ .00 , July 3. Portland and return , $ CO.PO , Juno 30 and July 1. \Vimslimngton , D. C. , and return , $34.25 , July 3 , 4 and 5. ' V NashviIi and return , $23.25 , July 3 , 4 end 5. Buffalo and retrn , $26.75 , July 11 and 12. For full information call at city ticket oiiicc , 1323 Farnam street. have float prInt it. P E R SO N A LPAR A GRAPHS. Dr. Janice Robins of Lyons , Neb. , Is in the city. ' 1' . 13. Bender of Salt Lake City is an Omaha visitor. . V Charles H. i'icken epeht a few days in Mtchigan last week , . ' V 3. A. McGuffn anti wife of Charleston , . Va. . are exposition visitors. lingo F. Dott , a newspaper man of Tell Cit3' , Intl. , is visiting time exposition. Dr. Janice" Itobbins of Lyons , Feb. , was tn time city hirouto to Toronto , Canada. Ir. Emmmnma E. Vamm Iloni of Chicago Is taking iii thin exposition sights for a few ( buyS , Robert IL Ilamihtoim nitti Charles C , CuIp , real estate men from Kansas Cit1 , arc In Omaha. E. Drumning , P. D. fleynohds antI C. C. McMurray are Kansas Ciyarrivais stopping at time Ibarktur. Cooley Iltitler anti It. II. Butler of St. Paul , Minim , , ttiiti Cimarics Fuse of Appleton , \Vis. , are' stopping at time Darker , George lu. Tibbe , buyer for M. E : Smith , will leave this 'week for Now York City to look after the interests of his firm. Edward iCuimdegruiber , connected with the editorial department of time ICammeas City Star. is emuemadupig a few dat's at. the exnoI- ( ion. ion.J J , V. Vaimhlorim and family , who blare been visiting City Clerk Dcccli 111gb ) " iburimig the Imat i'eeIu intro returned to their home in Seattle , Mr. nail Mrs. John A. Wakeflehb are en- tem'taining MvVaiieiielul's mother , Mrs. Ellen \Vakellcid , anti Miss Ida W'akcflclul of Rock Island. Iii. Suiterimutentient o Schools Pearso has gone to ' , Vutshmimigton to attend time meeting of the Nuttlommal ltlpcuitiommal association , iho vihl be gomie a COUhbc of weeks , J. 11. Deeiuo of lcnrer , W' , 11. IIam'tman of Cripple Creek , Mrs. Margaret McKay of Tcllurltie anil It. C , May of Colorado Springs are irormiimmemit guests stopping at , time Darker frommi Culorumdo. John If Ilimnom' received the sail intelil- gcimce of the tleathm of his i win brother at Aiburquerque , N. M , , yesterday. lie left last night for Lawrence , icami. , where the funeral takes lilace Tuesday , J. I-I , McLean and wife , J. C , Preston and wife , Mrs. Charles Osborn and baimglmter auth C. Butler arrived iii Onmumlma last night froimi lcnmisas City anti svlii epemmd Sunday amid Fourth of July at time expositiomm. Mr. I. 0 , Tieliemuor , formerly connected with tIme Omaha newspapers , now telegraph editor of ( lie St. Puimi Pioneer l'resa , ac- coniptimuled by lila vie , visited tIme oxposi- tiomi on Friday anti Saturday amid voturuucth to St. l'aui last night , I. C , Bcimruuivcr has resigned lila positiomi with the Orchard & "iViihielmu Carpet commi- itammy to take clmargo of the carpet depart- umieumt of time Denver ( Cole , ) hry ( loads coat- itauly , Mr. Schircivcr imas already goimo to lenvor to superintend time nrramigemeumt of the fixtures and will go to New Yorhc to purchase a stock , Nebraslnna at time hotels ; U , L. Wood. ward , It , 0. Castle , wife and daughter , Jo ( .ramiger , II , F' . Smmiltii , II , E , Timonmpson , 1.lncohmm ; Josehdm N. leord , Edgar ; Ii. F. Mniioney miii vIe ( , Grcele ; .S. , I. Mulloch , ( I , 0 , Weim'iclm , Hastings ; V. U , Mason , Emnersomm ; C. M.'ieso , A , I't'ieee , A. L. iteets , A , lii. Ilarpis , Oruuimib Island ; N , J. hiommium , Mrs. Ii , Il. Pratt. Frenioumt ; 3. S. ltintlmt'vsoim , Norfolk ; N. S. harding , Morris htoaenbaeii , Nebraska City ; Oscar Cnliihan , hivimkclmnaii ; Vt' . S. Spciee , Columbus ; Mrs. F' . Iteymmolds , Florence ; Mrs. Ada ft. L.iate , Ixeter. - V V ' V S V ONLY ON [ AWFUI. . ? OUC [ BOARD. Certified Copy o thc Decree of the Supreme Court Otistth the Defunct llcrdman Commission and [ stab1thing the Title of the New Board. Flme State of Nebrns1n , ex rel , Coimataittimme 1. Smnytlm , Attorney Geimerni , Vt. 1'rtitik 1. ? ( IOi'iVIllla ! mum Iiltmghmnmn , V \'iillumn l , lti'elmu'l , Louis ltt'rimmi'iitt'i' , ' I ( Ii'm'Im 1) . Rarr , Iirmmest : Stnlmt , Invlul V ' :1' : , Mount , Frutak .1. ltnm'kley , George \V. Quo \'nritibto No. 9333 , ( tPt''CP. (1.hlmuripM 0. 1)heek ) , .1. It , I'en- Judgmuieiit , hIlV. I ) . 1) , ( imegdl'y , V'Ihl1mtmit C. ilmmllmtrtl alid It , l , r. Iierdimimtn1 , , ' lteiqmiiulemutsu ; ' , , V V 5 ' ClmnrIs T , l'um rlumeliinthii'w' II. Colliumfri , " Peter ( V , htirklmmumsir multi Victor II , Colt- mimutim1 , . V V imters'emmum's , n This cnue limtviiig caine out mit tInt .Tnmhtial7 , 1SOS icrmn , of this court for lmeat'ihmg Ieforc the court thpomm time i't'tt1ieeti % ' ' llemLdihigS ) of all the par. tim's liePeto , miuti 111)0mm ) tIme tnit'ft ( III Ilie mi nil iipomm tIme oral nrguumemmts of ( ( lilhmsel , 1Lfll 'lImb ctttite lmmtylmmg hecim muibmmiltted to ( lie court for its ( Ie clsiomm , omm c'oimsitbemitlumt vImi'i'eof , on 11mi 28d tiny of .lumie , 1S'JS , time court tines hut ! all time IssiteM raised bj' tIme iespbctivev Pleutdimig iii fmtvor of t1ut meluttor hn agnitist the u'i'uqmoimmlemuts , Ijimllard , Gregory , lYeathiouly ittuul V IIClmImuthi , nmid agnlmmst time relater a iturutitiet tIme othn'r i'esjioiuulemmts mind tIme iiutet'vemmom's , nuul in fiver of , the respoitihelitsiooreui , flhiigbmanm , Ileeliub , Iitii'immester , Btirkly , ICuirm' , Sttilft , iotiimt , IAhCCk amid ( lie mummytir mind city council O'f the ctt'l' ( ) iuinliui It's mijIninat time rusiiommdu'nt ittil- laid , Gregory , Pemmloly ) mtiid IIurulmnmtn ; and In favor of ICutt'hnc'hm , Cot- limis , ItirklmnuserV amid Coffmnmin , the lumters'enot's , mis ngnimmst tIme respumid- emits , Itullarub , Greory PemtbIod3 mimmil Ilerulmmman ; iuimul the court. flumds that time immtei'vcnors have a. good title to the four oIlIc of iliehihlCL't Of time Ifoni'd of Fire amid Police Coumnuisslommers of tIme city of Otnalma , antI tlrz ittltli'uI to tIme immnmiedlate possession thereof , utiid tIme court fimmuhui that tlme resIonddntg , liulluird , Gregory , Penboly utlmb llerlmunn , have ito right or title , to said oilIcc ci' atmy of t1mein munb should be ousted tluet'efrommm. It. is tlmerefore comisiulered aliul QljuIdgL'l ( by ( lie court that ( lie re- apondent,4 , "Viliiutiii C. llublnr(1 , Iutmmk'l D. Gregory , .1ttiimct 11. Peabody flhlI Itoliei't H. L. Ileruhiiitium lie , nimil tlmey hereby mire , ousted front time four SP''eruii oillces of mnenibers of tIme Iboaid of Fire muid Police Comititils- siouiers , pf tIme city of Omnahn , now in t lieu' itossessiomi , 011(1 tIme litter- vemmori , Olmuirles j , KnrbnelmIntltev II. Colliitu , Peter "IV. ltlrklmnuser 811(1 ( Victor It. Cofl'mnnui be , ahil ( they Imerehy mire , iiutitllcd lit snil four OilICei4 , aimil It Ia ordered that a 'tt'i'lt of otitee hustie agniuist tIme reupouid- OIitSItlIiltlr(1 ( , Gregory , Peabody nimd Ilerdimmaui , atiul that all costs of timis ttctloui be tulxe(1 agutimist the last iiutuimetl respomideuit , nail execution Is liei'eliy oitiet'etl to hunnie tlmemefor. The State of _ Nehurutskn , ss : I , I ) . A. Cutmimpimell , clerIc of tim SUI'elil.O court of tIme state of No- ltraskn , (1(1 hereby certify that 11 have c'omnparetl time foregoIng copy of a Juilgumiemit i'iu(1L'ECtI ( by guild court on time 28th day of June , ThUS , with ( ha tmm'Iglmuitl on file lit amy 011101' , amId tlmitt t lie sutumu Is a c'oii'ecI trutikueript thereof , tiIil ( of the'w'liole of' said omigiuimul. . . In tcstinmomiy heiof , , I have liereimu to set amy hinmll1tumd ciutetl to le ) athlxed tim seal of said court itt the city of Lincoln , tiuh 1st ( bt' Of ltuiy , A. D. , 1VSOS. D. A. V CA2JPBflLL , ( SEAL. ) Clerk. L ww _ ww- GAIETY THEATER IS READY Ihurry CiIgTorI's Nes Phitee of Aiiiise- inetit 0 , eII , t I i Iii ) . ) rs to the ' ' ' . i'itljlic 'l'oithglit. Clifford's Oalety Theater at the earner of Fifteenth auth Capitol avenue will open for the siminmuer season tonight. "Little Miss Chicago , " a burlesque cx- travaganza , is the bill. Its east numbers , fifty peoIo , headed by Doily Mestaycr and J , F. Kelly. While the theater Is a temporary affair. it is fitted up as elaborately as a perma- neat building would ho In the way of dcc- orations. The proscontlni ( achi amid of the boxes are decorated tvttii staff , and ( lie coloring effect Is buff'inarooraiid g ld , which makes a most pleasing effect. The Iloor plan Is a series of raised ilatforms lendiuig down to the orchestra , which is fitted with the regular orchestraOn . tIme Platforms tables and wire chairs take the place of opera chairs. The formation of the auditorium Is circular and aptcelln ( vietV of the stage can be had from any point. . - . ' ; VV 5 The seating capac1ty of the building Is 2,100. Music ball jrivlees svill be al- loived in any part of tle hiquso except in the orchestra pit. ThieloJn o the build- big is OPOU to ( lie eky' i'iptmiar prices \vill prevail and only evenimig V performances wiil be gIven. On July , 4Vjsvever , a spe5ial matinee ivili be gtvoa' , Si'ECIAL , lt4tTItiS Via MIMMOUCIJ'nelIio htalIwity. , lVaahmlngton , D. C. , July 3 , 4 , 5 , V Nashville , Tcmin. , July 3 , 4 , 5. Jiuffalo , N. Y. , July 11 and 12. Fourth of July , 2 , ' 3 , ' . For urtlier information call at depot , 115th and Webster. or m w office , location S. E. cormmer 14th and Iouglas streets. THOS. F. GODF'ItIY , P. & T. A. J. 0. PIIILiVlPPI , A. U. F. & I' . A. Boulevard DrivIng Wagons , two or tour passengers. with or witbout , . rubber tires ; tyhish traps and gentlemen's speeding wagons otir specialty. One hundred styles to select train. Ware rooms , one block froii cast end of the Harimey Street Car V line. LININGER & METCALF COMPANY. DAYLWIL'l' 'l'itAIN 'JO COLORADO Vigs hock isiamitl itnte , Leaves Omaha 5:20 a. m , . arrives Denver smith Colorado Sprimigs 8 p. in. Take this train amid save sleepingcarrati of $3.50. Ticmtet ouuuco i'a : : t'urimam sLrI'P , . Ilamiiton Warren , Si , r , . , eclectic and magnetic - netic physician. has moved lila 0111cc to time 'I'izard block , 224 North ILl street , Special attiuuitioti to all long stanulmig or lingering diseases and to diseases of women and chit- dren , lNhi'vI I ItS , 'l't'ii it. , iiiiit Itet urn , Via ( lie Northwestern Line , July 3rd , 4th and 5th , extraordinary ruttes. Thin Northwestern is the "Otilcial Line" for the Nebraska 0. H. tbeiegatiomm. Through , cars , 1401 Farmmamn at. 19 neIi mig time Ost rIi.IieN. Several of tim largest ostriches ( incluml lng the giant Mark hfanmiut ) will be itlticked on Monday at the Midway Ostrich Farm. l'inell ii.r tIit ) , riches. Several of tIme largest ostricimes ( Inciuti- big time giant Mark Manna ) will be itlucked on Monday at tIme Midway Ostrich Farumi , .1ihr 'liii , Low rates everyvhero. Northwestern Line , 1401 Fuirnamn St. Roses ISo a cozen. beatmtifui floral the- sigmis. Donaghiuc. 109 Io , 16th street. 0. W. Wcrtz. Deimtist , 16Ii Douglas at. A. P. ' 1' . Co. ; messeilgeraVfurntahed : bag. gage delivered. 1302 Douglas St , Tel , 177. 1i it cciii ge Li'ii sea. The following marriage licenses were is' stied yesterday by time county judge : Name and ltesiderce , Age , b8JrrW K , Quick , QrtwolIl , Is , , . . . , . . . , 5 I Eva Vent , Griswold , Ia , . , . . , ' , , . . . . . . . , . 17 I Joluit Wilcox. Oniahia , , , , . . . , . . . , . , , , , . . . . 23 I Mary W'arucr , Omaha , , , , , . . . . . , , , . , . . . , Charles Ifommdek , Omalil . . . . . . , , , , . . . . . . , 20 Tomiy Halter , Omaha. , , . . . . . . . . . , , , , . . . , , , 18 \Villiaimi Q , Gardner , Itamisas City , Mo , . , 36 Ida B , Reed , Kansas City , Mo. . , , . , . . . , , , 34 John hi. East. 5tisimmg City , Neb. . . . . . . . . , 40 Ejmutma T. Miller , Red Oak. Ia , , , , , , . , , , , . 32 Jolmum S. fluke. Omnuiia. , . , . . , . , . , . , . , , . , . 33 Maggie iemnbig , Onmahia , , , , , . . . . , . , . , . , , . 30 I I Edward L. imiith , South Omaha. . . . . . . . . 20 10eoris It. Langbehin , South Omaha , , . . . 22 NE % ? Si.EE1'LNG CAR SL1VICId , Vin floek'Jammnd , Jtoimte. Comnmnemicimig Monday , June 27 , Pullman sleepers vihi muumi front Omminha to Deuiver on train No. 7. leavIng , Omaha at 7 p. at. , and arriving at Deuiver. 11 :30 : and Colorado Springs 11:05 : the following morning. Give this new service a trial. For tickets and skeplng ca reservations call at city ticket 0111cc. 1323 Farnani at. 1VIictCiiitkUettiI' I.liitl te1. The' new Vabash sohid' vestibule train of day coaches , sleeping and dining cars. A traimi for tourists and au classes of travel. 'Viii Leave Chicago ( daily ) , 12 noon. Leave St. Louis ( tinily ) , 91O ; a. m. Arrive New York via \Vest Shore , 3:30 : p. m. Arrive Boston via Fitchburg , 5:50 : p. in. All agents sell tickets for this train and will tell you all about , It. Ask him or write U.N. Clayton , G.V. . P. Agt. Wabash II. It. I'late Glass. Plate Mirrors at F. 11. Ken- narci's. 1410 hlarney St. hhUleL'ALU , S. V. , ANI ) ltlJ'VIJIIN. r1fl Ilie Norlitvestern Line. July 11 antI 12 , extraordinary rates , through cars. Tue Northwestern is time "olliciah line. " Write C. E. Morgan , international - national president B. Y. P. U. , Omaha , or city ehhlco , 1101 Farnamn street. Smt'elzil , Alc-Sur-hien. All members of the Kniahits of Ak-Snr-hlen are commanded to attend the patriotic service - ice at Y. it ! . C. A. hpll on Sumiday , July 3 , afternoon at 4 a. m. m.I I ) I E it. MEGEATII-Mrs. James U. , aged 67 years , Friday evenimui at 7 o'clock. Funeral services wIll be held at ( lie residence , 1316 South Thirty-second street , Tuesday morning 10 oclock. AILLQUIST-Charles 0. Ahlquist , Jumie 23 , 1898 , aged 76 years. Funeral Sunday aft- crimean , July 3 , at 2 o'clock , from his late residence , 511 North Vqweumtytiiiri street. Services at 2:30 : p. m , at Latter Duty Saints' church , Twenty-first amid Clark streets. Interment Forest L.awmi comae- tery , BetoHarhorWater Not a few of the people of Omaha lmave visiteth that boututiful summer resort named above , and nil n'hmo have done su , have drartk the water from the "EXCELSIOR WELL. " 'riuis water is ( lie strongest suhphmur-unth saline vater known-lit fitet it is so strong that ( lie claim of the owners of the well- that one ( lulttrt of their water equals in metlicinal strength 10 gablumis of time author- 113' of other mineral waters on thin market , some to be true. We are agents for Netiras- hurt , and can IiUIfily cut sammto Prices mis are chuimrgctl at the s > rimmge , viz : SOc for one ( limart bottle , itnd $5.01) ) ler dozen , \Vu soil 100 klnthe of mnin'ral syatere , Born.Lithiut t'uuter. ' .j gallons ( no gas ) , 50 ( , bottle-eunice of 12 , $5.00 , Poro.Litimia 1S'ator , litmarts , gnseoiis , 25c bottle , $2.50 dozen , Cuises of 50 , $8.50. Porn-Lithium Vnter. Pints. gaseous , 15c bottle ; $1.50 dozen , Cases of 100 , $10.00. PoroLitimiulVateru smiiits. gutseoume , lOc bottle ; $1.20 tlozcii. "Cuises ( 100 , $9.00. t'rlte or call for. f4iiierai'ater Cata- loptie. Sherman & r11cObnoll Drug Co , , Middle of block. 1513 Dodge Street. OMAUA , NEll , Nw Steiuwa& Pianos Sold Offly Sc1iiiio11er Iue11er , S. Farnarn St. To make room ( or several car loath of Steinway , Ivera & Pond , Voso amid Emerson Plaimos we offer the following remarkable values : \oso & Sons , worth $300.00 , only. . , , , $175.00 Chase Bros. , sverthm $250.00 , only. . . . $125.O0 Kmiabe & Co. , s'orth 250,00 , only . . . .b0.QQ I Oimickering Pianos , yo choice . , $60.00 $ Moore & Moore Upright , . , . . , , , . , . , $15.00 Woodward & Brown , Square , only. , , , $5.00 Pianos rented , tuned and exclmaumge. A. C. Mueller , Tuner. Tel. 1625 , Easy paymemita liiU7 be arranged. Schmoller . thieller , 1313 rfl m Street. Largest J"3jj Dealers In the West. $ L'ECLtL flXt'tILMOV ! lt.t'i'IIM 'iit l'nvt Arthur htontc , hALF FAbLE TO Vstshingtoh , d , C. titftn July 3 , 4 , 5. Nashville , 'Penn. Return July 3 , 4 , 5. lhumitalo , N. V. ltcturn July 11 and 12. hiomeseckers' rounti trip , Jtmly 5 flflb 19. Sieciat round trip rate to all maimer Ce- sorts. I'or rates , fOlders , with vacation tourit antI all informantion calL at Port Artiumr flout omc. ' 1415 Farnam street ( h'axton hotel block ) , or write harry E. Moores , C. 1' . & T. A. , Omaha , Neb , rhi Dig Store Ciosci at onu , Customers of Ilaytben liros. will please get their orders In early Montlay , July 4 , as the nig Store 'wilt be closed at noon. Out of town v1sitos will find us ready to receive them during the morning , show them only goods wanted at the very lowest prices. Every accoininouiation extended free. The store will be mmcii till mmoon oii the Fourth. , IIA'u'lEN 111105. Ale.mgion , Sir lnlgli ii. imiul 1.nily Mac- All members of Gate City , Omaha , Dewey and other tents are requested to umeet at Labor Temple , Seventeenth and louglas ) , July 3d , at 20 : % p. mit , to attend the funeral of Sir Knight tV. U. Brands , services at l'coples' church , Eighteenth and California , at 4 p. ni. fly order 11. E. ANIitEtVS , Commander , It. C. IIE\'ITT , Lt. Conunantber. Dr. Sliepharub , catarrh , (312) ( ) N. Y. Life. July 4 time Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha railway will ruin special train fromn Omaha to Emerson , stopping at all lntermnt.beiato points. Train will leave Onmshmi at 1(1:30 : p. mu , Lyman Sholes , B. F' . oath F , A. Samtmel Iurns ) is selling a beautiful porce- 3mtin toilet set. $4.75 , Attent Ii , , , . U. A , it , The funeral service of Comnrada .7. 5. Blake will take place front his into resi- thence , No. 530 South Twenty-seventh street , on Sunday , July 3rd , 1898 , at 3 P. m , All comrades arc especially requestetb to be present , whether members of this Pester or not. S. T. JOSSELYN , Comm U. S. U. Post 110. Atteiit hum , iiieeiiiees. Menibers of .Omaiia Tent No. 7i meet at our hall , 22ad anti Ctmmings at. , Sunday , July 3 , at 3 o'clock to attend time funeral of our late Sir Knight , William U. Brands. FIlED A. MANFIELD , Coma. JAMES A. TAGGART , U. IC. IUltL1N'm'oN ; ItOU'I'lS , I 16enrsloii ihulletlim. Uot Springs , S. D. , mind rettmrn-$1G.40.-- July 1 anti 5. Salt Lake anti return-$32.00-July 3. Portland and return-$60.50-Jtino 30 and July 1. Washington and return-$34.25-Juiy 3- 4-5. Nashville and rettirn-$23.25-Jumly 3-4-5. lIulTaho anti return-$26.75-July 11 and - V 12 . Ftmlh intoruti'atiomm at ticket emce , 1502 Farnam st. , or at Burlimugton depot , 10th and MttSomt sts. We Told You So- For the past two months we have liceti teliimig you ( lint prices would advance July 1st. Now July 1st Is here , aunt hero are our new irlces. Cumstoriq. Dirney's Cntnrrii Cure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Meiien's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and C.c Sehafer's Sure Death. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20c E. C.Vcst's Bruiimt and Nerve Treatment - mont . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BC I'inuiucl's Eau the Quinine..ISo and 73c Tetio'iv's Swtumtsdoss'n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15c \'lno of Cartlul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75c Cuticura Soap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Cc I'nine's Celery Corapounti. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'ilk IIo3d's Sarsaparlila . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73c Lydia Pinkhuam Compountl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ICC Plan's Consumption Cure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20c Duffy Malt Vliiko3' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9O Pe.rim-na . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SOC I'lerce's Favorite I'rescriptioiu. . . . . . . . . . . Powdered Borax , POUiitl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1St S. S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . amid $1.41 1 dozemi 2-graimi Quinine CapsumleM. . . . . . 1 dozen 3.grujjiQulmiimie Capsules. . . . . . lOt 1 dozen 5-grain Quinine Capsules. . . . . . Ilk Bronio Seltzer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 < Vine Kolafra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1St S u ' DRUuGIS'I 10th amid Citicagi , Sta. Illi,1OIITPI'I. ilNt'i'itStONS. ' ( Irrat Aggrcgntioniif 'Enurfata 1'nIiit fur tile Sc'nsnii of lMiiM , For the toumit season of lSOS tin' ( irand Trunk railway utysteni offers a list of sum- meting places beyond which time tourist need not look for variety , as they . , tfll mect every desirc , whether for ightseclng , fashion , hunting , fishing or absolute leSt , The itinerary % % Vili comprise the tollowliig Chicago to Toronto , Muskoka lakes. AleX- anibrian bay , Thousand Islands , httver St. Lawrence , Montreal , Quebec , Sagtieney river poimmts , White mountains and North Atlantic coast resorts. Chicago to Niagara Pails , Watkins Glen , Glen Stmmuntt , Atlantic City. Asbtmry Park , etc. Chicago to Petoakey. flay View , Traverse City , harbor Sprimigs , Mackinaw and other famous northern Michigan resorts , Ilaumd- souiio brochures containing full information couiccrning rates anti routes will be sent free to any person interested on application toL. It , Morrow. 103 Clark street , Chicago , Ireland in pictures and magatines bounti by A. 1. Itoot. 1609 howard Street. 'VJASiIING'i'N , I ) . C. , Ash ) IIIITIJIIN. \in dime Northwestern iiiie _ July 3 , 4 antb 5 , extraordinary rates , through cars. City office , 1401 Farnain Street , l'incklng ( lie Ostriches , Several of the largest oStrichds ( lnclimti- lag the giant Mark hlaana ) will be pbtmcketl on Monday at time Midway Ostrich Farmim. Dinner at Flemish Cafe , \Vcst Midway. HAYDEN BROS. Soiling Hot Weather Shoes5 If you want to see hosv mntmchi elegance cnn be crowded into a. Latbies' Tan Oxford for $1.25. caine to us Monday iuormilng , Von will see shoes that can't be duplicated elsewhere - where for less than $2.00. Ladies fine Tan Dongoin Oxford Ties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .C Ladies' fine Tait Vici iCid Oxford Ties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' Lndie' fine hand turn-Vici ICitI Oxford' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ladies' Ilmie hand turn , kid tip- black antI titn-oxfortis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ladies' ( lime Vici Kid Strap Slippers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Misses' fine Kid Strap Siilpers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ladies' fine Viol ] Cid-tnn and black ' shoes. . -Brooks Bras' make-lace fl1r9 V SELLING hOT WEATUEIt SHOES. GOLD CROWNS 22K $3 : ' AntI bridge work , or teeth without plateS , , $1.00 per tooth until July 5th only. This I otTer Is nutile to Introduce our high class : dental work amid Is guaranteed in every respect. Very best set of teeth $5.00. Gold : Illiingi ; $1.00 imp. Silver , amahgtmtim anti gold alloy uuiiiiigs SOc. Teeth extracted positively : without vaIn Bc. ALBANY DENTISTS , I io so. 14th St. , cor. Douglas. Evenings Un- thi S. Sunday , ip , in. Lady in attendance. . Open , p' , . All Day \Monday , FOR TIlE SALE OF FIREWORKS , FLAGS , AND 4th OPJULY GOODS. Come to 1-Ieadquarter $ . Big Stock. Low Prices. 1519 and 1521 DouIas Street . THE 99-CENT S'l'ORE. MMMYMwMMMMMwmwwmM ! ! V The way to V ' : J , Buy a Piano- is to select hut , V one you svant antI buy it of the one t'ilio wihl sell it to you tIme cheapest , Wo sell V , all the host mnalces-tho Cltieherirtg iiiano is V , , universally acknowledged to be time best piano ( bitt world has ever producmh-we have them for sale in all the fancy woods amid 1ates ( (1081505 of case st'ork , Thmeim we have also the Steinway hiiano aumtl tIme famous V Fischer-along with twemity.four nmorc differ- VV eat niaken-lueluthing the best of every grade , , , , These pianos are always to be found in our 'S ' music rooms. Strictly popular lirices. V J ( you want a Chmlckcring , Stelmiway or Via- elmer-you will lImb ( lucia at Hayden Bros. S 'You vili not fluid them anywlmere else lii V ' Omaha. We are hiaving a special sale on . i V Pianos. It Is going to ho a specIal sale for the balance of the year , We have cent - t tracted for over 1.200 pIanos for the yearS 1898. To sell ( lucia we must soil I pianos S a day. Time reason wo bought so unammy piammos was to get time low price. It makes , V some dealers niatl because we soil pianos V V from $60 to $70 less ( lien they own them- , We have now pianos as lots' as $88.00 , Every lilamlo guaflmflteel from 5 to 10 years , New pianos for rent , ' : . V HAYDEN BROS V , _ . ' ' - - - - - . , , - - - ' - ' - - - - - - --------V- _ _ $40,000 , , LV INSTAMNJ ' 1 uli INSURANCV . AT $363 ILIl YAR i V For toli yent" , ut age 85. ( $ JARAN' . . 'FEES $2,000 Ii ycuir for 20 YEARS. " Other IthItOthtltS iii proportIon. A definite coiitrnel issued b' tIme tlnioui Central Life hiuttirnuico Co. of Ciuictuiuiati , This policy is exehimingeable tomaims' other form of imlic desired. secmmriiig tO thin insureul the lteneflt of the , yotmnger ago mtiid bower rate , without subsequent re < rm ; Cemitrmtl itiet1 $16,000,000 tn. etirance Inst year. Assets mtearlv $20,000,000. ijpoit receipt of your ditto at' birth full iinrtic'tmlnrs will lie given. V A. 1. EIMIS'RN , Geiil , At. , ' V 110am 415 lice Bldg. Tel , 1319. V BLISS MILLINERY AT HALF PRICE 1REs'I' ; Sl'OCK IN WTST 5i : ? DOUGLAS ST , Boston Stores Sells Patent Medicines at These Prices4 V Ayer'u < Hair . . . . . Ijootli's llyoniei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IO Ilirnoy's Catutirh Cure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Brown's Camp. Tooth l'tiwtlcr . . . . . . . . . . 20o Brown's Ilromiehiiuil 'l'rtelme't , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0o liratirethi's 1iii < . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20n Cuticura 50811 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20O V Cnscnret'i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .be , ICC itn(1 4Cc Hlectric hitters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40c and 'ito lCbhC"H i"rngrutnt Cream . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . coo . ' Iioimnt's Frestelia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , IOn ' Giirtleltl Tea . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bc , 40c nntiIOo ' V hire's Boot Beer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ISa llootl's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . risterimie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'iSo Lyoit'tt Tooth Powtler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20o Meminemi'i , 'ritlctmmii l'owther . . , , . . . . , , . , , , ISO Pierce's Favorite Prest'riptiomt . . . . . . . . . . 75o ' itubefonni . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20u ' l'im'uitmd'ti Eati tie Qtminiiio . . . . . . . .3Sc niiul 73o V V 4711 Soap . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ISa 4 \Vllliutns a l'ink Pills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40o BOSTON STORE V DRUG DEPARTMENT. , : _ _ V , - - - - - - - - - - - ( VS [ [ V or asy 1 " V V WdUdIlO ontlie 'V ; ; ' ' , : . Wear Only .V , our 4 , . . I I ' ) S , ' V BUU ' : TOE , V Made to lit the foot-They come in all t sizes and colors of tamis anti the price ' is $3.50-Amiy shoe in otmr store-any styic-any leather-for $3.50. , ' ' ' . , I 01'HS 310N1)AY 'I'hi.b NOON Recnt Shoe Co. V 205 S. 15th St. Mmiii Orders Filled. V TOWNSEND WHEEL& GUN CO. Mafe a Noise on the 4th1 \Vo'vo got nil kinds amid sizes of lihitmik Cartridges ( - Blank Slitt Gutit Sheii ' ' CVuiloIlii , Rcvoi'crts ' : 'V Canon i'OtVlL'm' 20u . ' ( 1)0(111(1. \Vo'vo fret 'tvcry timing to make a nolus with. FLAGS-mill sizot-all prices , ; Townsend Wheel & Gun Co. , 116 5. 15th St. Hose . Business T Is lively with tie-larger this season than ever before , Why ? Because we V not only give the blEST IIOSE , for the V price , but time strongest guarantee. 1 OUR HRANIS- 'ltritoii- Cascade- Artesiun- ' Ne V er , - Torrent- I But sts Wliirlpool-J JAS. MORTON & SON. CO. , I Ilartlware anti Fine Tools. % 15 I I lODiIh S'fiiiIii 1' 1'4 V : : ; : - - -4 * - When You Buy a Cigar Don't take anytimimig that is shown you.- . insist upon ImavIuig tuoumicutiming worth amok , lag. .b1ie V . ) OUR FIVE CENT JERSEY 1105 pleased thousands of smokers. i'ct j 'f j imps it wIll Please you , , V 'l'ltl' OXIO AiVihV- YhtJ'Lij FINJ ) 1'S' (00i ) , I Paxton Block Cigar Store , 111th amid Fiirnttm , JmtCOb ) .Iaskumht'k I'l't ) ) . I iAs I 1 u s ' , FOR4lh OFJULY , All kisit1-'mmii bizes l'lt1CE5-o j U. slimee Iriett , liritti tlecilmioti , I Omaha Tunt and Ruer 0o1 , I l : 1 t'Il'a.Lhm1. V V 0 ! '