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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1898)
- - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - . . ' - ---.r'--- - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - . THE OMAHA &JNDAY BEE. E ! ! ! & : _ _ - ESTABLISIIED JUNE 19 , 1871. . OMAIIASUNDAY MORtG , JULY 3 , 1898. siNaL1 coPy irrsr OENTS. ; UAkERS PROVE ! SURPRISE Lead the Proosson at Pinth of tim B1 'Vazilty IJoat Rao. CORNELL OVER THREE LENGTHS BEhIND : Wijuconain TliIril tind Cultfltllltt TnIt IUuticn Cr-v VIn , . the lrest- * IILIt IIitct scitli ibe ( tunk- era In ( he Itear. . - ' SAnA roch % LAKE , N. Y. , July 2-Tho treBhmen and 'variIty races of the Inter- ( o1Ieg1ate flowing association were rowed over two nnd three-mile eoures rcBpec- tVc1y. The Cornell freshmen won the firet : contest In 1O&i : 3-1 , three a2u1 one-half Icnt.h ahead of Columbia , whtch flnlstLe soeon(1 ( through a pcntttd vpurt In the stretch which put. Itn boat slightly over a 4 quarter of a length aheal of the Quaker& boat. I'enniylvnnln , nflhIng the only paper shell I Used In the contc3t , won Urn 'varsity race by tlirco anti one-linlf lengths In the remark- ible time of 15tl'/ : . Cornell got Into seer - r onil after a lively sprInt , wIth \Vlscon- un , leading the westerners nearly a length. ColunilIa patldlett across the line four and I one-halt lengths IjehInil Wlsconln. l'ho quadrangular race ( leveloped surprises - prises , namely , Pcnnsylvittila's vIctorr over : Cornell \Vlsconsln's licailing of the others - ers all through the flrst mIlo and Its in- markatily good work Irma the standpoint of the disadvantages timler which Its iiicmbers 1 uffcred by ronon of a long jourory no near . . the time for the race , ColumbIa's jlace In the 'varsity had leCfl ) so uncertain all along : J L that its lliiish was not a surprise , . The freshmen rowed In almost glassy water , but the 'varsity crews had a rapidly I Increasing south s'iiid at their backs , which * aCCounts in vart for the fast time made by t . the whiners. The freshmen finished in ; , : : fairly good shape. Pennsylvania gave out , % . ' ZercePIhIy ) at the last in its light with Co- t lutubin. The Cornell boys showed their con- 'itloti liy rowing back to their quarters , a I' plstaneo of four miles. The Wisconsin , 'varaity crow had to row two miles to the tarting POitit for the lack of a launch. At tim finish of the 'varsity race two men in : , thu Cornell heat required a lasli of water J to cnnbio tlieni to keep their seats. 'I'lie I'ennsylranJt and Wisconsin crews llnished &rong and the Columbia eight evinced con- llorabIe exliatistion. The statistics of the orewa are as follows : , COItNIId FItFsiiMEN : C1tE\ . : Position. Ngt7nc. Wt. Ut. At' , cr $ troke. C. 1. tngiish. . . . . . . . 1 ? ) 5.O 29 No. 7. S. W. hartley. . . . . . . . 1 IP 1 . No. C. L. S. Lyon , captain. . 151 & .09 i . No. 5. A. flaiL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II t ' No. 4. C. A. Tyron. . . . . . . . . . . ISO 5.10 23 No. i. F. C. King. . . . . . . . . . . . Ii 5.ii 19 No. 2. Ii. E. Vantlerhoef. . . . 151 G.O ) 20 Ilow. G.V. . F'nv . . . . . . . . . . . . I''i fl.O ) 2fl Coxswain , N. ititalilo . . . . . . . 103 5.07 18 l'rNNsYI\'N1A F1tESIL\I1N CItFV. . Position. Name. .vt. Ago. Itrokc. howell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i5 19 No.'ofl : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . jj5 No. 6. C'arbutt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ir ! 19 No. 5. Crowthers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i5 IS No. 4. SteIn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I IS No. 3. Lebouteliier . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I5. IS No. 2. Cimu' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 13 20 floW. Churchman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I0 21 Coxswain. Shcipard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 15 COLUMBIA. Position. Name \Vt. Aie. Stro3. l.nienco . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 19 No. 7. Niish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 IS No. 6. Lol'i lace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IG' ' ½ 21 No. . Meyer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ½ IS No 4. stevenson . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ISO 17 No. 3. Captaitu henderson . . . . . . . . . . 117 20 No. 2. MItchell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IG.I IS 130w. F'ilconur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I51 IS C'xs'n. 1ulIer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 17 Ststi t ( lit' 'Vni'sI ( I Fhe four 'vnrsitIr CrOWS Were at their ro- Lpective stake boats and ready for the word a soon liR the referee's boat rccl1ed the tarting place at 10:35 oclock. At the pistol - tel shot Columbia took the water first with a thirty-six stioke. l'cnnsyivanla cconul svlth forty , Wisconsin at thirty-eight nut ! Cornell last with thirty-eight. Ileforo half a. tiozen lengths had boon rowed the \\'is- consin bnya , wIth their "Yartida" stroke had urged to tlte front , and at tl1 ( half tulle had a loath of half a length , Cornell , which - . % vt trailing In the rear. itut on a. , spurt auth was almost oui eqUal ternrt . with Columbia , which was second. In this way thry reached the flag , which they Passei with \Visconsin a length in the lean ! nut ! , 1 rowing a stroke that was pushing the boat tinougli the ratcr at a tcrriflc rate of rpeed. Wisconsin , Cornell and Columlula . % vero rowing 's thirty-four stroke and l'euin- iylvania thirty-eIght , Thte spent ! shown by the Wisconsin boys was a surprise to every- body. A8 the crows approached the 2econd mile . Fettnstlvanla svcnt up a rush , rowing . I thirty-eight stroke , and before the two- 1 flIlit ) flag had been reached took the loath S trout Wisconsin. The \Visconsiui boys , pluckily lucid on to second place , rowing a ( thirty-four stroke. IL was at this Juorturo that Cornell was seen to "shoot their I bolL" Coison called on the men z to . go after Pennsylvania , The muon rcponded with a will , but their reserve tot cc , which was to appareuut In the Now London contest , did not show itself , anti , whilu they got upon eveum terms with the \'htconsin boys. It was sccui that the Quak. : ei vote beyond their reach. in the last . tulle l'ennsylvuuuitt skimmed over thu vater ti like a ttWflhitV , ciossiuig three nhuti a half J leitgtiis In the icud. Cornell antI the \Vis. r cousin ltoyt3 hind a desperate light over every , inrh of the last utile for second place , the It difference being less than a length , . Just before thin smut of time 'varsity race . tt.o or three W'isconsin men sought bets ' 1 that \Visconsli would fluisit almond of either I Pennsylvania or Columbia. Several such betS were nmnde , the greater portion of the mooney beiug wagered with Pennsylvania , .4 One bet tts izintlo that Cornell would beat . _ - Wlrconslu by five lengths. . The creas lined up as follows in today's t race : CORNELL. , vt. . lit. Ago. Itroke. Ii' . A. hiriggut. . . . . . . . . . . . No. 7. E , J. hlttvutgo , ' 95 . , , . . . , I&9 t.U0 23 No a. it. W. hit'tirdsieo , 1900I57 1.h1 21 No , 5 , C. S. Moore , ' . . . . . . . . . 5.1Ot 21 Nt ) , 4. it. 'V. [ halley , . . . . . . . . t.G0 20 No. 3. S.V. . Wakeinnu ' 99 , . .1G6 20 . No , 2 , % ' . fleiitiey , ' . . . . . . . . . & .IL1/J 21 . 110w. W' . C. laizehi. ' 99 , , , . , 1tl 5.11 20 C'xs'n. F. 1) . Column , 1' . (1 , , . , . 112 5.00 2i COLUMIJI4t. \ % t. lit. Agt. stroke. B 11. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( th1 20 No. 7. 0 , N. ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CC0 20 , No , 6. J.t' . .hzttkuuy. cttitt..huk 1Il 21 No. 5. I'I. I' . Bhiattuck..10 5,11 20 .p. No. 4. F. V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . & , lO 20 No 3. II. II , Otltlie..I''J ' iiC0 21 No , 2. 0. II. Macbin , . . , , . , , . IliO SOS 21 IIG' . A. (1. Uetts . . . . . . . . . . .10 $ 6blt. 22 C'.xs'n , M. CI , Ijogue . , . . , , . . . . .12 5.0 1 I'IINNSYLVANIA. , % vt. lIt. Age. Btroko Gardiner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .153 5,10 L Jo. 7. Weeks , . . , , . , , . . , . , , . . .139 5.1I'.I 23 't ) , C. Busch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1o2 G.0i 2 . Z1O. 5. Ill1tsIngl . . . . . , , . . , , . . , n,1 G,11 19 No. 4. Rr.ovcr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:1 : B.10 22 No 3. hiuekwait , CaPt. , , . , . . , lI 6.00 21 No. t. hail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'ij i . , Ellcki . . . . . . . . . . , , . , .itl3 ,10 19 , C'xs'n.'lso . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .it.3 20 , Ut. Age. Strolco , Butherland . , . , , . o , 7. Anderson , . . . . . . . . . , , . .175 .it 13 Jo. 6. McConviiio , , . . . , , . , , . . 157 & .1C4 23 , o. 5. ChamberlIn . . , . . . . . , . . , 16116 5.O 21 1o. 4. Beymour , , . , . . , , , . , , . ,1tS 5.o7 ii . . No. 8. Crathy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Th2 ½ ,1O No , 2. WIlliams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I&l ,0S 20 Bow. Logeman . . , . . . . . . . . . .215 b,08 % 21 C'xs'ntlillon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .106 6.03 20 DRIVES TO HIS OWN ROBBERY Ike hiurke JIni a l'eeuuiiar Etiriette , lhL SI Pair of l'ry high- . . 'Tn.Incl * . Iko flurko. a back driver , was made the victim of the clever plan of two footpnds yesterday morning who used hie vehicle to convey them to a 51)01. lonely enough for their purpose , hiurko drove the men to Twenty-fourth street and Ames avenue. where lie was held up and robbed of fl4.25. The hack driver was standing In front of a saloon hear Twelfth anti Douglas sheets at 3 o'clock , 'when ho was hiniiel by two men from the opposite corner. lie crossed over and one of them inquired his price for a trip to Twenty-fourth street anti Ames avenue , hiurko said that ho wanted $2 , but the other remarked that Ito only had $1.50 and wanted very much : to get home. Burke finally agreed to thin price and throve the men to tim corner mentioned , whIch is a particularly macsaab spot. As the hack drew up to the sidewalk the men threw open the door and one stepped on the sidewalk , wIthin the other covered Ilurko with a revolver through the front window. The man outside then called Limo driver's attention to the revolver protruding from the window and told him to throw UI ) his hands. l3urIce had no weapon and complied , while the robber made a search of hiI pockets , The driver says that he hind been paying tinusuahly close attention to business , ha viev of the fact that hue had a note approaching date of payment and ho. had cpllected $14.25 as tue fruit of his night'3 work.'Then the robber had found Barke's. . money lie told his. companIon to got out , disregarding a considerable amount of jewelry about Burke's person. Then lie said to Burke , "Turn around and get on back to town and don't look nrouild , " Burke obeyed , but observed that time footpads ran west on Ames avenue. Thu robbers used no disguisv , except a heavy beard and nmoustnchie , vhichi the driver ijoticet ! became disarranged , as the spokesman talked. They were large finn , well dressed anti apparently Intelli- gent. Burke is confident that ho would iccognize LImo one that examined his cloth- ing. tarlicr in the evening men of the same description were seen by a block watchman iii a saloon .near Tenth and Dodge streets , where they were apparently trying to induce strangers to cuter a game of cards. Time watchman veit to notify a patrolman , but when time two returned tIme mcci hind tlisap- pearwl. Burke thinks that time robbers tony have observed him when lie entered time saloon to clangs a bill. The driver has beet : in Otnalmit for many years , and is one of the best kimowim hackmcn in time city. FOR THE FOURTH OF JULY IziyDr : ioor1M INMIII'M hi is I'reI intuit- ( 1'triiil t I I uig tli e IIMeIuitrge of VlreutLiumM tutu F'Irevori.M. Mayor Moorcs has Issued time following irociauimttion : : OMAHA , Nob. , July 2 , 1898.-Whereas , The ortliances of the city of Omaha Provide that time unhieCessziry discharge of itrecrackers cr fireworks within the city wIthout time permission - mission of time mayor shall constitute a mats- deuiiennor punishable by a flume , and Whereas , July 4 , tIme atutiiversary of the signing of the Ieciaration of Independence , Is a national holiday , and Whereas , Dtmritig the Inst year our country - try has emerged ( room a jcriotl of business depression , conildenco Is restored , prosper- By ngain smiles upon nih time people and our country is once more entering milton a pencil at' . splendid aehievenment and progress. nail Whereas , 'rime Fourth of July is always a titmie of umatiormni rejoicing , vhieii Patriot- isnm In quickened and pride in our country is ticepeuteil , tutu huH year inure than even before. .becatlse It has witnessed the obhit- oration of sectional hues anti the reunion of north and south in patriotic devotion to our beloved country nut ! I1ag and \\'hereas , We are now engaged in . a war in the cause of liberty and humanity ant ! the successes which have met our nrms have hirove , ! that our soldiers atmil sailors are the bravest anti best in the world , aumd ibm , ynri,1 line i. , , , , . . , . , t. . . .t. . . , . . . . . ' . , . . . . . . , . , , . , .t.u.c , _ , , UCU UJ Lileir getiiu and bravery ; nat Whereas , It is time duty of every patriotic citizen to cease froni his ordinary avocations - tions on time 4th day of July antI join en- timuslasticahhy with others In celebrating the rtjnmivursary of the birth of American lade- hefliCflCO and in rejoicing over time glorious achievements of our country , both past and present , With iniblic speaking , fireworks and time noise of cannon , anti firecrackers ; Now , therefore. I. F'rarik B. Moones , mayor of time city of Omaha , under and by virtue of time authority In mo vested by the orJi- nances of ( lie said city , do hereby grant permission to any nod all persons to shoot off firecrackers or other fireworks within the city of Omaha upon the 4th , day of July , 1898 , except such n nrc particularly br- bidden by erdiniuumees , without such persons becoming amenable to ( lie Provisions of time ordinances of the city lirohibiting thio discharge of such : firewoiks or firecrackers ; Plovided , however , that no fireworks or other explosives shall be dischatgcd him any alloy of time city , or near any barn , or utear combustible material , whinim action aught endanger thio Public safety. \Vltncss amy huatid this 2tl tiny of July , 1898 , FRANK Fl. MOOILES , Mayor , NEW SCALPERS ORDINANCE I utNiPt'i'dr 11c VI t tIc. l'rt'pui ri is a 11111 (1)1' ( liii hli'giutut of 'ticket I2rokers , Following tuim the decision of Judge Scott vhuich knocks out the ticket brolters ortlinautce , recently Passed by the city council , License Inspector Mc'Ittle Is preparing nhmother Ordinance , Title will , in all probability , ho rosily ( or the regular council ' meeting on next Tuesday night. 'Fho ticket brokers objected to thu ordi- fiance , Which made a law by the coun- cii , beeau they alleged that it practically ilebarreil thicuui from doing businere. Tue court case really grow outof this objection , They desire some sort of an ordiuauico to regulate the business , however , end it Is to satisfy this demand thuumt the new ordinance is being drawn up with the objectionable features striciccum out. hurluuIl ( . StultiNli TIme following births auit deaths was ro- iiortcd to tue hicaitim CoifluumhssiOner for time ' . ti'cnty.four hours ended at noon yesterday. hiirthis-hicnry Ii , Staley , 2518 Davenport , girl ; harvey \S'ellcs , 2202 Clark , boy ; Saam Jones , 2202 Clark , girl , Peatlis-J , .1 , Ilaiaiiton , 79 North Twenty- seventhisix weeks : idrs. Jetis A. Johnson. 419 South Twentieth , 38 years ; Paul Schuieker , 1910 Maithia , ten days ; J , A. Blake , 530 South Twenty-seventh , 63 years ; Charles U , Ahmiquist , 11 North Twenty. third , 76 years , held in Colinehi JlIuiTi. A professional room-working thief who gives tIme name of amum ( Irant Is being held at Council Ifluffs , Ia. , oui time charge of the attempted robbery of a flat building. Grunt is wanted In Omaha , and the pollee are taking steps to get him. Tue last job ho did lucre was at the residence of Mrs. Henry Koch of 4001 North Twenty-fourth street , witero ho secured $50 worth of valu- attica. A frlen4 of Mrs , Koch , 'who saw Grant in Council ihluffs , identiflud him , arant will Sight hi. extraditIon. BURT'S ' SPECIAL IN \VRECK \ Unimi Pacfio Prc8klont and Party Get Shaken Up in Oallfornia. ENGINEER AND FIREMAN ARE INJURED .Aeeiilent Orciiri on time Snuihern l'n- Chile Alitiuit 'I'ltree IIn.Ircul thics frouu * Suits l"rnuielsco-Sone of ( lie OllteinlN hurt , The special train of President horace a. Burt and other officials of the Union Pacific railroad from this city was wrecked be- tvecn Smithson and Delta , In California , on 1nltlay night. Fortunately none of time oil- cials were Injured , nithotghi all received a pretty Severe shaking uii. Ilotui the engineer and the fireman of the special train were hurt , but their injuries are not believed to be serious. The foilowing telegram was received by M , Orr at Union I'acIfc ! hieadquarttrs on Saturday morning : "Delta , Cal. , July 1. -Notify nh our folks no one hurt. Everybody - body well flflt ! happy. II , Dickinson. " The message had time effect Of satisfying a number of anxious fears that were en- t tertalned at headquarters regarding the safety of the party. With President Burt and General Manager Dickinson were also John A. Munroc , freight truffle manager ; I. L. Lommmax , general passenger and ticket agent , ant ! Director Ilnrrlmnn. The news of the wreck anti time personal report of General Manager Dickinson that all were I well were inunedately communiatcd to the families of the olhicials. The accident happened on the Shasta division - vision of the Southern I'acIilc railroad , I which runs along the Pacific coast in California - fornia , The party had left Portland had was enroute to.- San F'rmmhcscd. Near Delta , Cal. , about 300 unties north of San Francisco , the engine jumped time track ha a deep cut , Thintrnium was shaken up , but the four hrlvate cars that followed the engine - gino remained on the track. The 'cars were those of tIme Union l'aciflc and were drawn by a Southern l'aciflc engln auud crew. The ofilcial party left Omaha about two weeks ego for a trip over the , Oregon Short Line amid the Oregon Railroad alit Navigation conupany's linen. They arc expected home time latter part of next vcek. Port A rthuir flout , ' luiy , President A. E. Stillwcil of time Port , Arthur route , has secured September 7 as "Port Arthur Day" at time axpoItlo , and oxhjocts to itialie it one of the big days of the season. Trains will ho run from all parts of the south , am ! no effort will be spared to have a large rcpresentatlon of southern pcopie in Omaha on that date. l'resldcnt Stihiwoll is time first to secure a tiny for any railroad , and other 'roads viii no ( loUbt follow out the same plan , and try to outdo each other in point of attendance. The Idea of having a I'ort Arthur day was suggested to l'residcnt Stiliweli by A. B.I I Patterson , alit ! tIme plan met with the hearty approval of the e.'iiositioa directors. Suit Islicil , vIl Ii time ) ' , , , Superintendent Blgnell of the Burlington shoaL the nmorntng in hooking over the new depot amid nrrnnglng for the removal from the old ( ! epOt to the new. The Interior finisimings of the delict are conmpleted , with tIme exception of time furniture , and Mr. Big- i nell said that time depot vould have been in use before now hail not the furniture I : been delayed , and that hue. thought the now depot would be In use by Monday. WHAT OUR VISITORS SAY. .luiti itit'U t ( U 1ufutyete. Prof. Nightingale , the first Principal of time Omaha Public schools , how connected with the Iublic schools of Chicago anti who was one of the prominent educators connected - nected with the Educational convention held iii Omaha last week , is one of the most en- timusiastie orkers in the interest of time Lafayette monument ( coiL While the pro- fessor Is not the party who originated the plan to erect a monument to the nieniory of Lafayette , lie has done much to perfect the arrangeuments for raising money to place a shaft over time grave of the patriotic French- mann who did so much for thiis'country dun- ing the early days when it was sorely lb aced of help. Speaking of tIme plan for erecting a monument I'rof. Nlghteumgale said : "Every Anmerican should do sometimlng In this cause and I am of the opinion that a large number of theta wIll assist financially. "At this time time remains of Lafayette lie In a little cemetery near time city of l'nrls anti with time exception of a somali marble slab tIme grave is unnunrked. There Is no fence about the grave amid everything Is In a dilapidated condition. Time grave Is grown up to weeds and is uncared foP by anybody except. the sexton , who gives It little or no attention. It Is frequently visited by Amen- cans , but being unauthorized they do noth- lug toward amaking improvements or beautifying - tifying time spot. "Time society that has in view time erection of a nmonunieut. to time memory of the bravo young niarQmmls is taking steps to raise money among time pupils of the public schools of this country , The plan is to have a Lafayette ilay In the schools , a tiny upon which time chmiltlreim mimay contribute their pcnuies nnil duties nut lnrger suni It they so desire. This way we can raise a large sum of money , enough so that with the other money that we can secure by popular stubsorlption , we can erect a monument that will be a credit to the name of Lafayette. Tiiero will be no limit on the sum to ho contributed nnd If people desire they can give dollars Instead of pennies , "Some tinie this fall It is more than likely timat the committee will decide upon a Lafayette day , duo notice of which will be given in time , On that day we expect to receive time contributions , which after being secured yfl be sent to the agent appointed by time conmmittce. After enough money is raised to assure the success of the undertaking - ing , another committee vili ho appointed to consider time ways and means for carrying oat all of the details. Title hope to do this season so that we many begin work early next spring , The idea is to have the monument coaupleted at the time of the Paris exposition and unveil It at. that time. "Many Anmenicamme wili attend the I'anis exposition and It is our purpose to have an American day , a day wheu we can gather thousands of residents of the United States , Upon that occasion we will unveil the Lafayette - fayette monument and make the occasion otue of the most interesting and imupressiva of the exposition. " , Jrt'oriutlouis of Selioul. hIititii ; ' . ! One of tbo pat hobbles of 1Miss Maui ! Summers of Chicago Is a wIde ihuproveuient In school house architecture of tile future and moore attention of the esthetic side of interior dccoration8 in school rooms. For instance , hme describes a place she easy in New York City that seemed to come nearer a realization of somno of the ad. vanced Idean of education in making limo rchool room at attractive place to the pupil than anything aver before attempted : Time walls were a pie green tint , restful to thu eye ant ! cheering to the weittYitudont , The blackboard-a misnomer-P'na'also a pale green tint and the facings vu tt4e woodwork were light-colored woo4. Th&iftaiI nail life. less wails were enlivenet ! 'IIUI sonic pictures and at convenient points in the room were green plants and some flowers , nil of which made a general pleasing effect , After much effort in one of the New1Yerk schools they haul Persuatetl time park commissioners to place 1mm the high school during the winter 'some of the potted plants and trailing vines whicim decorated Limo interior of the halls and time assembly rooms. As the Pupils Passed iii atuut out into the wintry weather their eyes rested on the gccmm suggestions of the springtime. It Miss Summers has her in all schools there will be moro of the natural studies introduced for the beneflt of the scholar , which sue says wn.uit ! tht ! to time unconscious education of thin pupils in umhi gradea. Mumlc for Clmitdpeum , Speaking of the music conferences , Mr. C. II. Congdon , music supe'rvlsor , St. Patti , salt : "Not long ago I had a talk with Stanley lfnli , time pyschoioghst , on the subject - ject of music training for children. lIe said that he stroogly believed in children listening to good unusic Clii ! of their' goiuig to high class concerts , or lilaces whmer they many hear good singers ant ! wholesome songs. There is much in training by exbmumipto as ty . practice. TIme tremmil of eduCatloum along time line of music in the same as in literary studies. Time best in imiuic , as well as time best Ia hiterature , shiochti be encouraged. At our conference we tliscus.'tcd time advantages - tages of having the mimusic training in the schools less of a mechanical hriii nod moore of real music. Our music coumferenco was quite successful amid interesting. " Au iuuiruM 1ie hiomuumuileits 'cNt. Jion. 'V. W. Stetson , syife is one of the I favorite sons of the good old state of Maine I and wimo is one of those big , genini men I'yo always like to macct , speaks with hearty ; emphasis of his InmircssIpns oftite Trnuus- mnisslssiiipi country , time convention , time pco- I pIe and time exposition. I "There are three things which I believe readily impress me , " said he. "First , you go so fast that you are already atm oh ! coumm- try ; second , I'oim have not madu the mis- . tnlces of older counmimunities , but have ab- sorbeil their best products. 'Fhuird , I don't see how you PeoPle had time courage to start on this exposition , and , istIy , time ammmount of money , skill nut brai'mms shown in timis exposition are as great , am nstouisimimig as they are a crcilt to the whole couumtry. Time points about it are the exteit , unity , pro- portion aumfi beauty , abd when I return iuoumio I presume the people with think 1 c.xaggcrfl.te ss'iiemt I tell them about it. I wouii ! like to see 1,000 of our representative PeoPle iii Maine come out and see this trnmisuississlppl cotuitry. " Oat' ofVuIM1I Iiugtum'M HOutM4S. The state of Washington was represented in the section of deaf eat dumb training in time educatiomini couvenloa in the her- son of Mr. William MarhaiI , suticrintend- ent of time School for Defective Youth at Vancouver. There were hm,1y about eighty pupils In this instittmtioiI 'ast ' year anti the rethtlts of time trainiumg .weri very good. "Ours is am ideal' p1ccm'fo ; an Institution of this sort , " salt ! Mr. Marshall. "Time climate - mate Is particularly tongenial mmiii ! time school is aut ideally pretty spot just heyond time barracks of old Fort \.aouver. Time quiet little town of Vancottver1lmas tIle double charm of historical association antI pictur- esqile location. Before us is the wide sweep of the valley of tIme eulumbia river , a few niiles nbos'e its coniluetice with time Wiliamumette , the grand rivers nmaking one of the most renmarkable deep "h'atcr cimanmiels ' for seagoing ships in al ! the world. l'ort- land is only thirty-fivo minutea away by electric car nod boats run atobpd time river. I \Vo have the advantages of the quiet and Isolateti country. which Is tao very nature of the life in time old military post , ciii we also have time advantages of the attractions of the life of the metropolis. " LhiixiIe Imuuevtut Likes It. Although it ) is trying nntl tiresome , Liii- nie Ilaguewood , time biimt ! ! nnd deaf gtil whose remarkable training is one or tmie wonders of educational gatherings of the precnt time , says that site , raLlier likes to go to cooventioims and mcctimga to "see" thp PcOlle. "I nmn scry tired hut imapp ) ' , " sue salt ! svjjilo talking through her teacher , Miss Donald to a reportcr. "I svantct to comno to Onmaha to see my friend , Mr. Gillespie , and then I like to ride oa the cars. The peopia are all so very kind to me. " Linumio can now make herself understood at home and with lm'ir teacher In articula- tion. The probabilities tire that 1mm a year or so she will be able to speak fairly well. Not more than mu. year ago she had scarcely any voice at all. If It bad been Fosslble some of the educators would like to have had lleiemm Keller , time other fimniotis blind mute , bre at time conventiob to macct Lin- nm and to give an exhibition of liar hiowers Dr. SuumItIt Likes a storr. Dr. GerrR Smith , who nsa been mmmcli in evidence at time educational an' ! musical congresses , is really unlike a great pianist is supposed to be , In time first place be doe nqt wear his hair long ant ! It is remarked by famIliar tic- quslntnnces that there does not seem to ho an overcrowded condition of timings up Ji re In that hue. In the second viace time dec. ton Is a gooti tnlker-miot a public speaier- htmL just an imiterosting talker , lie line traveled much , byes mousic imutunsely ant ! is not cranky about it , and then ho tells goat ! stories , Dr. South not Ioa ago met aim Engllslmnman who lund been telling seine of his strange experiences witm the /mmeri. cans wimilo traveling , A , fo'regmmer aeketi an American feiiow traveier if ho epoko more than the ono iaimguag "Oh , yes. " time Yankee , replied readily. "I speak three languages , " " \\'bat arp they ? " the ustouuis1ied for- cigumor' asked , "Well , " was time answer , "they are United States , base ball and golf , " Mrs. l'lsi 'J't'IiN LI Sdor' . As a rule , it Is always notiCeable that the womnen participating iii the c n@entions @ say what they have to say and let it go at that , leaving the story-teilimig to the Inca in Ii- lustrating the ioInL that. they wish to nmaka Ia their addresses , Tb re is probably no speaker who , where the subject permits of a little degresslon , overlooks the imoportanco of a little story , But Mrs. ICathenlue Pisk is one of the few women who employed a parable the other day , It comae ha In such ' 5 way that her auditors enjoyed it. mm- mnensely , "There was an old darkey who got caught out in a blinding thunder storm , " site qaid. "After wandering orouad for some time ant ! finding himself as badiy lost as before ho dropped down on lute knees anti made a prayer something like this : ' 0 good Lawd , this po' soul dosa wanler dictates ten you 'bout dis heab mnattaim , but Lawil , kaint you give us a little mo' light an' en little less notsel "That , " the sPeaker edded , "Is what we want from some of our musicians-a BLUe more light and a little leu noise , " 1- RESTRAiNS POLICE BOARD Judge Xoysor Givc Hordmanith a Brief Be5pite for Relief' . CASE IS TO lIE HEARD NEXT FRIDAY tilhItnt ion S1tle lit time ? of ltuii- lard , ( rcgor nut ! Pciulndy numtt Supporteut Ie .tllIlnahts of Gui- Imigher nun ! hleumutmiuui. Yesterday afternoon , just as time ofilco of time clerk of thin district court was about to be cloeti for the day , Attorneys Iinneonm ntmt Day appeared 0th ! flie ! a Petition in a case entitled \V. C. ! luilard , B , U. Gregory nat Janice hi. Peabody against Frauik Fl. Moeres , nmmmyor ; 'tVillimtun liinghmtmn , W'iiliani F , Becliei , Louis Ilurmester , M. U. larr , lirnest Stuiut , B. T. Mount , Frank J. liurkicy , George \V. Mercer auth C , 0. Lobcck , meat- hers of tue city council ; I' . W' . Ilirkiunuser , C. J , lCartach , N. It. Collins and V. ii , Colt- nina , uumeunbers of time Botirti of Fire and I'olici , Comnuissioners of the city of Omaha. Accommipanyiuig the lietitiomi were a couple of nmtlavits , ouie signed by Con. V. Galls- glmer , chief of police imutler time old boarti , and liars 1 ! . lleuimmming , aim ox-detective , In their mitildavits time two men alleged that under tiio preseumt regime the voiico end lIre departments - partments are doing good work. Timey lay iarticmiinr stress upon time stork of the po. lice amid say that the niemimbers of the force have ridtiod the city of criminals am ! that time Inermlbcrs of the crimnimmal class have hocus driven away by reason of the vigilance of time present chief of police ant ! the mcmii- tiers of time force under him. With the petition there was a temmiporary restraining order issued by Judge Keysor. Time hearing on this vns set for July 8 at 10 0' clock a. mu. , at which tiuno time plaIn- tilTs ask timuit aim Injunction issue against thu defetudatits , the members of the Fire ant Police commIssion , restraining theni froimi entering upon time discharge of their duties. Time order rtuums against the city council , asking - ing that timat body be restraIned from mimet- tiihumg with time conduct of time fire and police - lice tepartnmetmts of time city. 1mm the petition tiled by time plaintiffs time history of tue police commission controversy - versy is rgviewcti at great length. This in turn is followed by time pmoccetlimigs lint ! in Judge Scott's cotirt tint ! Limo dicisloum wherein lie lucId that time nit ! Fire nail Jpoiice cot- mission syas an ihiegn ! body nut ! without atitimorhty , Along time same line the plaintIffs - tIffs recite time fact of the case having been appealed to time supreme court nun ! time subsequent - sequent opimmiomi hum svhit'h the teclsiomm of Judge Scott was afflrmed by a immnjonity of the menibcrs of the supronmo bench. 1mm ml- tiitioim to all this the plaintiffs recite the efforts they lmave ummado to secure a rehearing. I They also allege that the Fire anti l'olico comnmlssioum is abomut to take possession of the offices nut ! reorganIze the fire amid police - lice departnmemmts , a thing that the plaintiffs contend should not be attemnpteti until forty days alter the rising of the SUPiCIUO court. 'i'Iiremtte'iis tt Fire it.1eil. Time defunct flerdunan ! Ioitrtl of Fire and Poiicc Commissioners Is resorting to don- pcrato tactics in its rage over being thrown omit of office. ant ! is making a fmthie en- ticavor to pUnisii those members of the fire anti police departments sviio hmavo signified their intention of sidimmg svitli law and order - der by obeying the orders of time supreme court of the state. Chief of the Fire Department Redo ! ! is one of those.slated as a victim. The tie- ftmmmct board was to have met Friday for time iurpose of letting him go , but appar- cathy caine to tue conclusion that time bust- ness mmmen of the city would not stand for anytimiug of tim kind. The Loan ! Is still considering tue idea of taking sucim action. Their emily reason Is that Chief Itedel ! informed - formed time legal board that lie proposed to abide by time supreme court's decision. Captain haze line heeum remmioved fromn imis detail , although he is hot worrying about it mucim. Oum account of his outspoicemm Iii- tentton of obeying the legal hoard , time de. Iunct board tilts nmorning haiti tilni off titity and appointed Captaimm Sigwart to succeed him In charge of the day force. The legal board hold a brief session ) 'es- tertlay aftermioon , but did no business. Firemen and policemen all drew their monthly warrants yesterday , with all thin other employcs of the city , At 10 o'clock yestertlay morning tite council tact in ape- cml session ant ! passed tue salary appropri- ntiomm for the two departmemuts , which had been up for first and second reatling Friilmy : afternoon anti was approved Friday mmlghut by tue iloart ! of FIre and Police Comumis- shoners , The council , however , knocked out the salary appropriations for the mmmembers of the Board of Fire and l'oiice Commission. era and also for the members of tile de- funet board and ox-Secretary Welsimans. FEDERAL BUILDING NOTES , Judge Munger of the federal. court no- turned to his hommo at Fremont Friday night. Deputy United States Marsiuni Allan left FrIday night for Iakota City and homer , where tie mviii arrest a miumnber of insn who two selling liquor to Indians imm violatlomi of the law. Collector flouts of thin revenue omco anti his assistants are working Uny and night , bitt are tunable to 1111 orders for the new stamps. Stamps are sold over time counter fromn 10 n , mu , till 1 ii. m. , and then time 0111cc closes and mail orders urn nttentlutl to , The govcrnmemmt is able to furnish only a limited amommnt of time stanmps and the oliico is without thmo staumips about half thu timne , but seili fill all orders as coon as poe- sible. ROBBERS GET ALL IN SIGHT lIlo ( ) it'u lxlbrcss Safe on ' 1'txmm I'iu- clue mmliii liscimbic 'mithi Its Co it ST. LOUIS , July 2.-A special from Dallas , Tex. , to the l'ost-Dispatch says : General Maimager Thorn of the Texas & I'aelflc railroad - road today made the following stuttc'ment about the train robbery on his road near Stanton last imiglmt ; "Six robbers , all masked , except thin leader , flagged our No. 3 , westbound express at 10 o'clock last night , live miles svcst of Stamm. ton , on time staked pialim between the Colored - ored and l'ecos rivers , omue of thin most deso. late spots on the line. The robbers coy- eret ! the engine craw smith rifles , cut time express car loose , forced the trainmen to move It onto a side track , and then blew it up with dynamite , Nobody was hurt , but time car was wrecked , the sides and bottom being blown out. The robbers then blow up time through express safe , wrecking it and badly damaging its contents. What money was iii time safe they Look , Mounting horses they rode away to time southwest. I have no way of knowing what the express company lost. The amount may have been large ant ! it may haye been small. Time l'aciflo express officials alons know tim amount lost , This , however , is not the sea son of the year when railways make their t _ . . . -----4-- " * t- - - - - - - - "fl : heaviest money shipments. We diii not know of the robbery In Our general omces here until alter onion hours anti we arc in- formnetl that three pursuing parties are mtfer them , Two inrtct ! from Midinat ! and Stall- ton , and a larger 110590 started eastward frommi l'eeos on a spctni train under time mu- rection of Sheriff John Y. 1.ovelt of hleeves county , The Toxn & Pacific RaIlway company huas offerw ! a reward of 320 for time capture of each robber. The h'nelfic Express company will offer the annie amount 01mm ! the state of Texas will duplicate it. " 'rime officials of ( ho Pacific Express conm- pany decline to make public how much money time robbers secureti , but they took nil In the nfe. llunmor places Limo amount all the way ( noun i0,000 to $50,000. , . - - - cART AT THE EXPOSITION L. . . Time picture which attracts public uttten- tion more titan any other at the exposillon 1mm poInt of size is No. 470-Charles time Bolt ! etitering the church mit Nesie , by M , Itoybet. ! 'ereoumaily , I do not care for such immense caumvases , for in time nature of time case mm picture-to be pleaslmug as a picttmre-omughit I to be of such ProPortions as to comae within the comupass of time eye , otherwise it mmsurps ? the province of mnmmrcmi tiecorntioim and umsurnl I tiecoration is not treatet ! in the caine mmman- , ncr as a imicture , hut somewhat conventionally - ally amid nmust ho painted as Part sum ! parcel ' of time mnoniiniont wlmich it decorates. All the greatest mnsterpleccs-withm a few exceptions , as Veroumese's suniptuomma biblical I SCCflCShnS'e been of modest iiroiortlouis , Witit cii the undeniable power of ! toybet and iuis 'boldness ' of' Lrentmnent , lii spite of a eertahmt dramatic element , qualities which place bitt : in the list of the great unolern pniuiters , I do not fe l that hIs work entitIes - tIes imiun to a plnco anmong the greatest , because - cause he lacks tenderumess amid spiritual pa- ' thins , sehich is inseparable frommi time continua- mate artist's greatness. Certainly o far as mastery of 1mm material , in every sense of that word , power of drawing , ant ! himiowiedge of the human figure go , lie is one of time tirst of today. lie Irns a ccrtaimm techmmmica ! itt- stinct mit ! ha a perfect ummnster of time trade of painting. The French masters say that It takes ten years to learn the trade of itaimiting , after that one immlist learn to be nmm nrtit-antl that generally takes a hifo tln.e. Ilmmt timi'ro are ' mammy miio never lcanmm the trtmde , whose comiccptlon is far beyon'l their menus of ' exhncsslon. Roybet is not one of these , lie is over amino of luis drawing and of his brush work. lie has nlways boii greatly iiullurmmcetl by time Spanish masters. Ponuumeihy he vaintcil cavaliers of time scventeeumth century ant ! reveled 1mm the rich : hues of olti CO3tmlTfleS , Tlmhs iicture with aumotimer of hia coiled "Time Gallant Proposal , ' ' receivct ! the mimedal of honor at the salon of time Cimamms-Elysee in IS'J3 , altlmomghu : at time time of time coluipo- attion , especially of the figures hmutiet ! maui above , seas severely criticised. 'ilic subject of time ! iictmuro Is very re- volting. The moment ehmoseum is ( ho entry of Charles tit 130111 ant ! lila army into thin sanctuary oflie .Caththral of .Ncsio. Ito with his standard-hearers ui ( mmli arummom' of tiio fifteeuith ccntmum3' time on imorseback at time left of the picture , while on every side lila army Is massacring men , women amid cliii- dren alit ! throwing thou : ulowui froma time tn- fonium abovi' , In front e a heap of time ticad on their shields , a vriest In a won'lerfmmlhy paitted govi : of green embroidered witit gohi ! Iit' mietiti , while in ( vomit of liii : : time wafer box Immis fahlemm , tinmjtying its contents atm time floor. Above this grqiup , iii front of the brass railimmg wilcim separates the choir fromim time nave , stand two warriors , one in a umman- tb oi clonic of red aiim ! yellow , cxcectiiugly veli Pa1nted. The other Is In umitinimug armor , equally well doumo nut his leg , coming out into the lIght imi black hose , is unmrvciomisiy : drawum ant ! painted , time muscles smmggcstcml hut not ovcrworkctl , Neat' his feet is time tiamnomilacal taco of a muman t'hmo in his tleatlm throes rejoices in time death : lie is about to Inflict on his emmenmy with hmls dagger. In ( hue center of the fore'guommiid , in thic strongest hlgimt of the picture , is ( ho kuieehhumg figure of a msomuian in it yt'hIuw plush gosm'n , which has becn tormi from her armmu and shuoultier , here time painter tins carefully siuowi : the differ- ellen between ( Ito texture of the skin apt ! tif fabrics. Time shoulder and hack are carefully - fully rnodelctl and goat ! In color , done with no trace of effort. Nothimig couht ! be macro infamutine anti like flesh : thman thin little umm- commacious , innocent baimy tucked ummdei' its mother's armn as shw vainly seeks an opening for escape. In time whale , tue confusion of Sti agitated crowd is ss'elI tlopieteti. The mnn ltghmt is fromn above , tnwartl time left anti kept in the center of the pie- ture. The upper part of the picture is beammtifui. The cross lights of pink on the Upper right arches nun ! blmmishm light on the imihlar of stone at Limo very heft of the imle- tune , with thin light conming iii from : : Limo bimie staimmed glass wimmtlowg back of thin ai- tar aiim ! time warm gray light. fioathmmg mu time lofty siacc above , give one a very realistic impression of ( ho dimn eatlmetiral light , It is a really fine rendering of the interior of a catlictlral hum nil the splemumlor of its thir- tccnth century Gothic , at once soiitl anti 1mm- spiriumg. lie lint mutuggesteti the Gothic tIe. tall ssitimout melting the archultectmmral fea- turn of his comnposttiomm Iumtrude too far upon thmo spectator. Thu picture as a whole In ant so pleas- lug. It gives one tue imnlresslon that tue upper vurt was really painted In a catbme- dm1 , while tito figmires below were palatial in thin strolig sttmtlio light with Its sharp lights ant ! ( lark shadows. Time shadows inc too bhttclc anti opaque , Like Mutikacimy , lie uses bitunmemm evcm'ywbiero nail every year it will turn darker autt ! blacker. It. hooks as it lie hind imainted each figure first In bitumen ( a transparcimit brown ) and before It dried he had painted the othmer colors into it. Roybet is a great painter of still life , of textures , aim excehleimt dramlglmteoman antI a brilliant colorist , when one forgets Imis hi- tumninous ehaiiows , 'Flue paluiting of such a lmtcture entails a greet tied of bother aiim ! ' research , One must have coats of math of different sorts used to time Flfteemmtim ccii- tury , cachu model must have bitt or her costume of the color which will ha harmmion- butt tvltlm time svhioie , anti which thou ho in the style of that time and made of limo re- ( luiretl mnutenlal , The artist mmmst know time style of the trappings for the horses , Limo wenpomme used anti the threes of ( hue re- higlous orders. liven though ha is not bent on arcimacoioglcal accuracy , in a historical picture hue mnust smuggest time lime in wbichm it is imalnted by a certain accuracy of detail - tail , EThEL EVANS , 11ttJ.rrs' Coti'i'udiui. SALr LAKE , July 2.-TIme big sessi'n of time mothers' convention was lucid in Assem- lily hull , which was packed , come of time most noted speakers of time country being present. The star attraction was Mrs. hiilcn Iienrmtlim of Chmicago , lmonorary itresimlent of tIme Fetleration of Womnen's Chubs , Mrs. Muinford also spoke , Mrs. Bliemi Richard- eon of Ilontout discussed "The thuik ! amid the Country , " Tue program commehuded smttb aim adiiress out "tIme Chmiid ; an hmiterpehbation , " by Mrs. harriet helter of Ommiaha. 'rho congress will conclude tomorrow with a literary session In the mnoratmig , a business session lii the nfteinuon and a receptica In thu evening. EXPRESS COIPAN1ES ATVAR \ Pacific StArts ft ? mterty Row Among tim Local ReprescnthtiveL ARISES FROM THE WAR REVENUE STAMP l'ncifle Agreeu to Stint , ! for time Tn * mmii I ime Ut luer , . liti ot itmmtL time 't'roihIe , Cnimummemmee. J sit Olmec , hitter war is on between express corn- imnnles moing ! busiumesa In nut ! out of Omnaha , IL is generated by tim tnuiip tax on express packnge , The Pacific xhiress commipaumy has nummiommnceil that it. svlil accept all kimmts of express business for ahutimneumt wlthmommt corn- polling thin sendt'r to ha ) ' for the necessary war revenue stnumlp. The other conipaumies resent this action , Time umesvs that lImO Pacific lixliress coma- pani hntl deduct ! to pay for the stamps to ( me attarimetl to express packages instead of forcimig timu' sender to ps' far thin stump spread rniiidly arolint ! to'mi , anti ( bun agents of time conmpmiimy sudtkimmly fount ! ( hint they' were favored svltlm moore busiuiess thmamm they had for a homig time enjoyed. Time other express companies are standing iat 0mm aim agrcenmeimt to make time sender of exhiress packages pay for the msar stump. Tue Adnmmmn , time Aimmerican , \'eiis-Fnrgo antI the Unitet ! States are all insisting on coilectiuig for tIme stump , Manager ( lnm'nem' of tIme Anmerican said hue mild not think his company svotmid recetlo from the liositlon it hind taitemi , ummtil a test tse , just brought in New York , by the Merchants' association , hums beemi decidet ! . lie contentla that the coimmpany pays its share of time svar tax in time drafts , cheeks ammtl other bank liapera hmandlet ! . Thic'ro is a report timid thin lCansas City oIlcu ! of time Wells-Fargo coinpmumiy hmas nh- sorbc,1 time stamp tax , bitt time local otlico commit miot commilrmm : it. The Pacific commupammy oxtomids westwant ! over time Unioum Pacific , i south over limo Missouri I'actthc alit ! somuth nut ! east over limo \\'nliasim , It Is scouring utmost of ttio hmmishuues iii sight , at iircsent In thieso directions , hut thmero is a great atnotimit of express mmmmttter it eauiimot hmnmmdlo , amid omm thmis time sentlems are forced to pay time tax. COUNTY AND THE EXPOSITION Ci , mmm mmmIsshimt'm' mm'es hihi.mmimmmril- , I htmm of t it , ' ( t , mu tat' l'utm'Mui'd ly t ittnimaneimmemit. . Agniii tiicofl1ccrs of thin expositiomi ap- ; carcii before thin hioarm ! of Cimumity Commmtis- shtitmers to secure an ntllittelmah ( $5,000 of time commmmty expositlohi fmmnd , anti again they wetmt away ss'itimomut Limo nioncy. The nman svlio mm- icnred anti Z. T. Liidsay , of tIme cxccutlvo committee , ' , Vhiemm time mnatter cutout Imeforo tue board , a repom'L was miulinmitteti , vrtmviil- tug that whet : thin exposition association IIUVO time cahtmity a rceipt iii hull for dcc- trienl service fmiruuimthmem ! tint ! vhmen time re- tpmiuetl limiimibcr of passes to the grtimmmttls , for cuiultiol'cs of the coummty , wcmrkummg in commimec- tinui smith : thin exhibit. Umen-tbo county would turn over time stint of $2,500. Mr. bluuthetty saul that audi a condition tied to the mooney smmmht ! be objectionabie , immiti , in his jutlgiiiemmt , time exllOsititui pcu- Ihu couhth lint accept it. Counuuuisstoner Ostronm salt ! that time expo- lilLian iitOPio hum , ! given iumsses to soveum ot thin cuummty emmiphoycs 00mm- neeteil svItlm time exhmiliit amut ! tiint there temi hcoiiu svhio smemo coiumpehleti to pay mid- untseloim tees whiciictvcr they enteroti the gioumtiis. 'fliemo imenithe lie stilt ! were all cemi- ncctct ! witlt ( ito Iomighas cotmmmty exhibit. In nttiton ( I ) this hme saul the expositIon is ciiamging much more tlmium local ratt's for time electric oimrrt'tmt that it was supfiytng in cunnectiomi with the 1)otmglas county exhibit. \Vhmemi tIme utsso2iatloum woulti IntuIt the ex- cost : of its bill itmud receipt 1mm ( till , thieim he SViIS Iii favor of timi'miing over ( lie 2500 ; , but not tumit'.h thmeum. Mu' . Lintisay said that ho couhi ! imot agree to aity such commtiitioima and lie loft the roomul , whillo the report was recoxnuimtttctl for futmmrc , consideration. : Tiice of the enmity graders were leased , to he umieth until fall. Thu coumity pays $10 iier day , time pam'ties gettIng time mnachiimies to fmmm nhshm horses anti pay all expenses in coumnection with time nmahciiig of the roads. 'I'imu usual mmumnhicr of bills aim ! cialums were allowed. JURY FIXES CRIME ON HERR Ct.rmm.c r Si a , , srm CoimilmitmIt's ( Ii. Iti'it i'I 'jic hut t 1,4' ' , ilte 5I mm nice ( : lmmtt. nimit ( 'ts ie 'ertlI t. VALLIiY , Neb. , Jmmiy 2.-Speciai ( Telo- grain.-At ) time coroner's inquest lucid over time reimmnimms of J0h111 Reid by Comumity Cero- ncr Swanson this mnormiimmg at 8 o'clock the jury foummi ! that Johmmm iteimi caine to imis dcathm from a gun shot wouimii from a gum fired by John lerr. Tlmo jury was corn- posed of \'ihhlamus , George Nicely , John Imigranu , L. P. ihyars , Janice Mitchell umiml If , it ! , i'uffcr. Kerr svas hirougiit to Omaha yesterday mnorniuig at 3 o'clock omit ! hodget ! imi tue iotmg- ) has cnummty jail hiy Sheriff 1icilommumlii ! nut ! Jailer .Schiumuitl , Thin seht-lmmfiictw ! woumiils In hiimi throat were nttciitiod by the jumil IihlyBt- claim , Kerr is tuumahihe to talk , owiimg to time soverammee of hits vocal com'de. lie u'lused to srito a mitatemeti t. Ills comithitloim immis nmuch imnprovcd since ammi ! it is now believed his wounds s iii not prove fatal , Mrs. Kerr , sliuco her separation froum her lmusiantl , , bins been ltvjng at time residence of J. V. Itobbimma , a real estate diamler , at 2002 Mason street , as a miomuiestic , her crimumimig to Oinmiha svuma to be ommt of sight of her husband , wima sips contiumminily bar- imesiuig iicr tluring time tiimmo sue lived with bin father , Thu ummeetluig at time husband nt'ar thin htobbinn resli.hcmicc Tunamlay cyon. lug with hier father would have unqucation- ably emided iii a uimmmrmk'r thmt'im Imitti Kerr been nrmemh. As it wds Kerr beat time old man about thin Iienii with a rock before Reid overpowered bimmi. Thin alfahm' ( lieu was given iimto the iianils of the Omnaima police and warrants svcro sworn out for Kerr' . arrest , but they swore never served , Kerr prommuising to keep away from hula wife , Tb. mnatter was hiushmeil up at time time. It was lirovcn yestentlay monuming by John Kelly , telegraph operator at Elkiiorn , that Kerr weimt to Valley wltim thue express to- ( catIon of killing Reid. Kelly saId lie saw Kerr omm the street with m slmotgum : on his aria , and , an autkimmg lulun whmerctime wait going , ICerr said ( lint lie was on his smay to Valley to kill Reid. Mra , Kerr anti imer sister , wimoso hiusbanti , 'IV , T. hamilton , Is a butcher at 1517 Dodge street , left for time scene of time murder yes. terdoy unornirug. ( itIm t a Ilelil Ofl fliINitIiiI , Charles Gnats was arrested Friday night on suspicion of being iiuplicatemi in tito robbery - bery of Antiremv Jehmmcon , his room mute , on Thursday night , The men slept above livery statue near Fomirtecuth and Daven. port streets , where they were employed , amid early Friday morning Johnson awoke t thud time renal macto gommd. Ilis pocketbook containing $8 $ had also disappeared.