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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 2, 1898)
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'rho bcInnIng ot the eeond month of the exposition wan .inrirkcd by two very Interesting features. The principal event of the morning was the arrival of a party of 100 prtn.nefl Congro gationaltsth troin the Now EtiIatid iitnte , who are on their way to atu.i1 the srI- ennial council of their ch' at. I'ortian , Ore. The visitors were receLv.i by Oener.1 ) Manager Ciarkson anti a ioeil committee which comnpm1sed Rev. S. Vrigat Jiutie , . . 11ev. F. A. Warfield , A. S. Stigr and flctrg H. Payne. They had been emitertnlncl at breakfast by the committee before 1eaInz ; for the grounds , and as they had bLit one day to spenti in Omama they lost 1 1a ° time In making the circuit .f the I . . groun ( an(1 inBpecting the attracttonB of the exposition. At 1:30 : they luiichel at the Otris' atid Uoys building. after which they " alJourIied ( to the Auditorium , where the exercises - : ercises of the ( lay were held. The party left , for Portland blBt evening. In time afternoon the distribution of a carload - . load of melons by the Texas commission nffordel ( ft dechiedly unique entertainment and In the ovciiing the exhibition drill of the lliIm School CLlCtS and a surpius of good nmuic sUppiiel a variety of entertain- , ! nent , The wind was slightly too vigorous . , - during the ( lay tar the nest Perfect out of ( inor enjoyment , but in the evening it wae less noticeable ajiti there was the usual influx - flux of evening visitors. T Today Is 1OtCl ( Ofl the otilcini program as Clmrlstlnh Elulenvor day and it is expected that nioro or less numerous parties of tiele- gates to the Endeavorer convention at Nashville will 3top off to spelid a ( lay or two at the exposition. The management has no ; omcinl information , however , as to how many of these visitors there will be nor of the precise time of their arrival. Conse- quentiy 110 set program has been prepared t for their entertainment. The pasagc of the bill that carries the , appropriation for the Indian congress ps. - sures thi feature of the exposition , and it wili be pulled off as soon as the grounds can be prepared for tim receptloa of the Indians. Captain Mercer has the Indiumms already selected and they I are ready to Come to Oin&ia as soon as tlidr camp can be prepar..i. There will 1)0 ) about 500 of them , representing twenty-five 3 trIbes , nnl ( their various camps will iilus- trate every Phase ot Immlian life and industry. Time camps will be Ineated immediately back of the Dairy ald Apiary buildiimge on the North tract. and workmen are now putting . In the sewer coimnections and making other necessary rrcparations. This will require from two to three weeks. and it is expected ) that the Inlians vill arrive about the middie or time montlm. . _ _ _ _ _ GF't'TIN ( OU'ESII)1 ot' itIi MEI.N4. ) " I'tIM 11LlIIIt I'1lVN fIP iii. gI , , ( reut _ 1. ) , , Card. . , The celebration of Texas Melon day by JL j ime distribution of a carload of the sUccu- cUt fruit afforded a vast amount of amuse- , F rnommt to a big crowd on the Bluff tract yes- tordny attermmoon , aBide from the more ma- - tbrini iurvose timat it served of filling sev- erai Imimudred apparently limitless capacities with the luscious product. The distribution occurred at time north entrance of time Ilor- ticulturu building , just after 4 ociock and .was 1receded by short speeches by members of time Texas commnission. It was one of the events thmat was enjoyable , not only in its L rcaiizatlomm , bmit in the anticipations of a large g proportion of tIme visitors , Alt day long peo. plo wanlcred ( in and out of time Horticulture . bUihdilg , casting longing eyes at the pile . of big melons , Time majority contented tlmemmi- selves witim sinmply standing around and feast- . lag their eyes omm time fresh anti cool looking f ; &rmilt , but some rustled up courage ammd tried ' to work nil kiimds of bluffs on the three : f guards who were stationed beside the mel- J ens. The favorite story was one about hay- jag to take atrain early in time afternoon and ' 1wo can't be lmero when the nmclons are . ' dItributed , so we wouid like to take one mvltht us to cat on time train. " The attacimes of the various buildings about the grommmmds pent mmiesseJmges to bring tlmenm one or more f melons omul oimmo of the people conmmectcd : cvitli soximo of tlO concessions told 'raw' ' stories about being sent for a melon. 0mw of the latter was a cowboy fromim one of thu itniusemncimt concessions. lie told a lommg story about having been sent after "a juelon" by the manager of the rnlmce3sion. tAtter siIimg up the hungry appcarammce of time . cllcged messoimgcr.ammd calculating lmomv tar one melon mouItl go nimmong sixty mmmcmi and c wonn time guards gave the apimlicammt the cold shoulder. I fly 4 oclock there was a crowd of several - ! muntlrod people In front of the building , rwlmlch included every darkey ammd smnmmll boy cli the grounils. I'rcsident Coiemmiamm of time uImcrIlmtdntieimts' association briefly told the crowd. how the feast canmo to be lrovhled. iflu briefly cited the hmlstory of time Tramma- vnhseissllmpl Fruit Festival association nimd imttmted timat this was time bginning of time ctlebratious that would be given timrough the suzmmnmor. Vimemm peaches % vere ripe timore 'woultl b a vccit day which would be followed - lowed by a plum day amid an apple tiny and a ' , Uthiciommt supply of fruit had beemm pledged to Bulilihy time msmultltude on each occasion , 4 / Comnmmmissiomer , L.eopeltl Cahn of lleoviilo ; iumd M , (1 , ltenncy of Yoakunm simoke briefly lm behalf 0f _ time Texas coimmnmission. They 1eeiaei lust this material for the least was rplcatly PT time resources of Texas nail timat 'i Jater in time season timay expected to be able . 1 _ to Itroyble other material for time delectation . of the exposition lubiic. Tlmezm a dozen I . m1rad loemi veuL to work on time mmselon heap - -with timuir huge knives and the feast begamm , ' ffhertm were some imyniptoimma of a pammie tiur. tog time first rush , but time guards kept the ) crowd in a lauabie degree of order and t i-A olutualiy anyone wimo wantef a slice of Iy- ( the fruit succeelc In getting it. Hut whemm I tii was acroamplisimed 1,300 bIg mneioims hail I disappeared. ' It Cutlets' IxiiIbItIouIrIii , L A picked battalion from the high School & cadeLs gave a very pretty drill on time l'laza \ * fler time band concert last night. The : , - - _ _ _ _ gravel made the rapid evolutions somewhat tiifllcult , but the cadets went tlmrotmgh the various movements with the accuracy and case of veterans. There was a big crowd arotmnd time l'Iaza to see time drill ammil the excellent work of the young soldiers was heartily cheered. After the drill the cadets broke for the hiorticuitural building , where they were regaled with watermelons and then tlm y ( liii the Midway In a body , ( , liLltCii ; l'Ho'I.t. : VISIP ( litOUIS. C.tigregntlonnl Itlt.Mnt.N Tnrr % 'hIie emi I'Iirlr V.ty Ve.t , The Delegates to the meeting of the National - tional Council of Congregational Cimurches spent the day in sightseeing about the cx- Position grounds and met at the Girls' and 13nys building at. 4 o'clock for a brief cx- change of formalities. There were about 160 persona in the party and they included some of the nmost noted personages connected - nected with time churclm in New England. Among those in time nrty were : 11ev. 'N. II. Moore of hartford , Conn. , registrar of time national council Dr. Lamnson of Hartford , ex-Goverimor Coffin of Connecticut , Rev A. M. liazen , Middletowim , secretary of the national council ; 11ev , Asimer Ammderson , Mer- icien : Itey , Charles IL Stowe. Sinisbury , 11ev. A. F. Pierce , Danbtmry Joel S. Ives , Stratford - ford ; 11ev. EliJah Ilorr , BrooklIne , Mass. ; Hey. 'V. . E. Barton , Uoston ; Ite. E. L. Strong , lioston ; 11ev.V. . II. Davis , Newton ; G. Henry Vhitcomb , Vorccster ; Rev.V. . H. Strong. Newton ; Re' . A. MacCuliagh , Worcester - cester ; Rev. A. L. Wilhiston , Northamimton Rev. Samnuet B. Cnpcn , Boston ; Arthur It. Welinman , Boston ; Rev. E. C. Webster , No- pouset ; 11ev. Morton Dexter , editor of the Congregattonahi , Boston 11ev. Newton Winchester and Rev. Dutton , Newtonrhlle. The meeting in time 0lris and Boys' build. tug was presided over by 11ev. S. Wright I3uticr , who was at his best and kept the company In time best of humor during the brief exercises. Ills stories of the west and witty allusions to the cast were fully ap- predated by the visitors and many flashes of repartee enlivened the gathering. Chairman Butler introduced I'resident Wattles as the ftrst speaker and time president - ident extended a hearty welcome to time visitors from tIme far cast , expressing time Pleasure of tIme exposition umanagenment that so distinguished a Iarty bad favored time exposition with its presence. The president sketched briefly the resources of the see- tion represented In time exposition , calling attention to the wonderful progress wbich tlmis section imas made in the last half century - tury and alluding to the vast value of time mineral products and time commercial trans- actions. flu uiso called attention to the fact that the progress of time west had not been confined alone to the getting of wealth , but imad also been directed to building - ing up schools and churclmes and he reviewed - viewed brielir thin vork wlmich has been ac- conmplishetl in those directions. 11ev. Butler welcomed tIme visitors to the svcst In behalf of the 12,000 Congregation- ahists and the 200 churche of timat ilenoni- ination in the region represented by the cx- 1)OSltiOn. Ex-Covernor Comn of Connecticut was called upon to respond to tIme velcommie and lie spoke quite briefly. He declared that the cast anti west are no longer separate sections , bUt are bound togetlmer by common interest as well as by tics of consanguimmlty. This result , he said. had been partlaily brought about by time war with Spain amid to this same cause the speaker alan attributed - tributed time position of England toward this country , ileclarlimg tlmat both countries are 'walking along hand In lmamnl In tile interest of civilization amid Christianity. He cx- PresSed the thanks of the visitors for time Imospitahity which had been extended to tlmcmn and said that citcit one would undoubtedly - doubtedly be a walking advertisement of time eximositlon wimeim they rettmrnecl borne. Dr. Hazen moved a vote of thanks to the people of Onmalma anti to tIme exposition mmumtmageruent fem the generous entertain- macmit whiclm had been accorded time visitors - ors and timis was carried tmnniiimootmsiy by a risiimg vote. Dr. Lamuson of Hartford was called upon and spoke for a few minutes about time Congregational elmurcls , sayimig it is a churcim with a iurvose anti a church for the coun- try. tie said the Congregational elmuech gave tlmis country its constitution and he felt tlmat the country is a coumitry with a purFose , that of advancing the interests of the entire world. lie asserted that the present war with Spain will demonstrate that this country is actuated by a purpose to benefit time whole of mnammkind. Time speaking was interspersed with sing- jog , solos being stmng by Mrs. 0. W. Johnston - ston , Miss Kellogg and Mrs. A , U , Edwards - wards , Time visitors remained at time grounds tmntii about i o'clock , viewing the iilumiima- tion of the grounds , and theim boarded their train fpr Portland , singing praises of the beauty of time exposition , They will spend Sunday at Denver. Ceit'brmtte flue Vielory. When the ilews of the dccislomm of the court iii the case involving time personal liberty of Messrs. Akoun and Zitoun reached the Street of All Nations about noon yestor- day. time entire population of the village Jomsed in a. Jolhiflcation which had never before - fore been witnessed in this section. A parade brimmed wimicli moved up and down time streets of the Midway , time wonmen mounted 0(1 camels and time nicim marching in front in their national costumes. All joined in singing songs of victory anti triumph , the simrihl , strident tones ringing out above the thulmiim , tlmunmp of the drums anti time grat- lag tones of the piper. Occasionally time imarade was htlltcd while the men executed a series of wlitl gyrations called , by cour- tesy. dancing , time women simoutiug in a higim key armd mrging time dancers to greater efforts , lt.was , a strange sight and a crowd quickly gathered , blocking the street and causing time gtmrtrds to order the procession to move omi. 'Vlmen time pcolmiu of the Olti Plantation vero eating lireakfust it occurred to Mana. gee McCommmmcii that a watermelon feast was the order of time day and joiriimgiy remmmarkemi to one of the boys , "Henry , I understand they are going to distribtmto a lot of water. maclone today and I anm going to bet tlmat you caim get outside of eight mueloims , Do you titinlc you can do IU" henry's eyes rolled imim mmimtil noilming btmt the glistening whites were visible and Imo tittered mt guffaw wimicii came front _ time bat. tonm of his heart. The otimor 'timmrkie sniackeil their lips with delight as timeir moutims wa- terctl at time timoughmt of the juncy fruit , "Foli tie L.awd , Mistah McConneii , " cx. claimed henry as his face fairly eimomme with delight , "I damm't know as I kin eat elglmt oh dent smielons , but I tintc I kin git away vhti about six. i'sc bin kinder 1mar11 for do last 'week and I kalnt eat much , mmolmow , " Cuioriitlmm " .ViII tenit 0 , W , Swink of Rocky Ford , Coin. , president - dent of time Rocky Ford Melon Growcrs 1(8- coelutiorm , was at the Horticimlture building yestersiny It ) coimsult with Prof. Taylor re- gardlng time fruit fesLval whiclm is to 'be imeid on time expositioim rouniis at soimme datp to be decideil upon , svlerm time distrIcI represented - resented by Mr. Swirmk will furnislm mmelons to fcm'tl the niultitude. mir. Swink said the association of whilcim lme is preshiemmi vlll ship a traiim of twenty. five cars loaded witim all varleitiesof water- ( Contimmued omm 1fIb Page. ) - . - - - - , --1 NO CHICAGO PAPERS TODAY SterentpcrN Guonn Strike nmi,1 time I'iihiislmcrs All Agree to mi- teimtt VctitIiornrll , , CHICAGO , July 1.-The following bui- ietiri fl5 posted at every newspaper omcc this evening at 10 o'clock : At 8 o'clock this ( Friday ) evening the Stereotypers' union notified time mmewspaper publishers of Chicago that unless their e - mands for an increase of wugem from $3.25 to $4 per day , a reduction of th wprkimmg day from eight to seven 'hours , with vay- macnt at the rate of 76 cents per Imbur fo all overtime , anti other concessions were at once acceded to. they * oUld 'rcfum return to work. In consequence of Ibis action , the . common with all ether Chicago papers , will net appear Saturtiay This nctionof time newspapers was in pursuance - suance of mmmi understanding recently en- terctl fmmto , including , among other provisions - visions , the following agreement : In the event of a strike 1mm any of time departmetmts of one or more of the Chicago daily newspaper offices , the mechanical resources - sources of all our omces shall be POOiel to time extent anti with time purpose tima no newspaper shall be pbiishetl until all time newspapers caim be Isronmimtly published on the samime day. The atereotypers have been averaging froni $ lO to $22 a week on six-day evening - ing papers , armd from $24 to $27 on the seven-tiny morning papers. It is anticipated that time infltmx of stereotypera from all imrts of time country will be so imnrnediate anti so great that time interruption of publication will continua for but a few days , CANNOT DISCUSS PEACE NOW SInImIiNII i'rcmimlrrSnyn THIN Cams Be Slitteti with the AlNuIute Ccrtttiimta' . MADRID , July 1.-Premier Sagasta , In an Interview today said there was mme thought ot negotiations for imeace. "There cannot be any discussion in regard to this matter. I affirm this absolutely. The government cannot - not treat for peace now , That action tie- pentle on devciopnments nmmti the government will not act until the proper time. " S's. . 1'AUL l'U'l'S BE' A GOal ) FIGHT , ImIliietM Enormmntis 1)ntimnge tue Sitii IMIL 'l'orjedo itont 'i'error. NE\V YORK , July 1.-Time St. Paul arrived - rived In Port tonight anti ancimored off Tomnum. kinsyille. It left Mole St. Nicolas last TUesday - day and has come hero for coal , ammunition and stores : also to get some slight repairs for its starboard eugimme. Captain Sigsbee anti the officers were absolutely - solutely inaccessible to press representatives. Considerable information was obtaimmed , mmcv- ertheless , Irons a copy of the St. Paul's war btmdget , the oracle of time ship , which was obtained. Tire St. Paul's greatest exploit on its last trip was the disabling of' the Spanish torpedo - pedo boat Terror. off the lmarbor of Sami Juan , I'orto Itico. and being regarded so by time crew the account of It occupies the first Imlace on the page. When time cruiser Isabel III cammmo out of the harbor of San Juan , at about noon on Julio 22 , coverIng the Terror , which was with It , from sight. the Spaniard thougimt ii. was the St. Louis , wimicim Imad been timero a short time before , and was known to have a small armanment , anti imot time St. Paul , wimich was going to be met. In time expectatiomi of seeing a fine prize brought into port , tue Spammiards gathered in great crowds along the imarbor wall to see it. TIme engagement lasted a little over hirmlf an hour. during wlmich the St. Paul fired about 190 shots , three of timem hitting time Terror. smashing omme of its engines , killing - ing time chief engineer and another man , taking elf the legs of a thIrd , anti wommuding five others. So liadly was the Terror injured - jured timat smmahl vessels were lashed to its sides to prevent it from sinking , while a tug towed it In. HIBER4IANS ELECT OFFICERS IIHtoIL Is Cltosemifurtlit Nt'xt Aim iiunl Coiivetmt Itit gimmil liii ? eetlii Cou.'t ( ) sui full. TRENTON. N. J , . July 1.-The national commvt'mition of time Anicent Order of Tither- nians finished its work t 7 o'clock toniglmt and adjourned sine die. In time election of oflicers timis afternoon John 1' . ICeatingof Chicago was chosen na- tinonai iresilent by a vote of 167 to 114 over Etiward J. Slattery of Massaclmusetts ; James E. Iolan of Syracuse , N. 1' . , was elected s'ico imreslticlmt wlthmotmt opposition ; James O'Stmlllvan of I'lmiiadeiphmia was reelected - elected national secretary over James P. liree of Connecticut ; P. T. Moraim of Washm- ington , I ) . C. , was elected nrmttommai treasurer , and P. J. O'Connor of Savannaim , Ga , , Ed. wmtrtl .1. Slattery of South Farmimmgton , Mass. , N , J. Burns of Indiammapoiia. Patrick A. O'Nell of Pimiladeiphia were elected mmattonal directors. l3ostoii was electcd for imolding time next national convention in May , 1900. In time rcmeuittoims udopted time proposed Anglo.Amerlcamm alliance was condemned , as well as any alliance witim any Euroimermn powers - ers , Sympatimy was expressed for the Cubans - bans In their struggle for libeity and time commvention pledged its loyalty amid support of time nmembers of time organiatlon 'to time govcrimnmemmt of time United States in time war witim Spain. Time imationni oflicers were knstrtmcted (0 take steps to secure a roster ofali pnthera of time order wlmo lmavo already or who nmay eimiist in time service of ijo Upitetl Stctesin time preselmt vnr. , Time cOmiveimtion matie an appropriation of $1,000 from time ammtioumal treasury for the smulferiimg imcoimlc of Ireland , anti timp nati upal officers were iumstructed to send out ciru- irirs soliciting further commtributiomis ( or time object from the local diylstona of time order , HEAVY DEMAND FOR STAMPS It is fxmuttt'si flit' ite t.uuie Jdlv % , ill 11,111 StmmouIuiy Armi's fhe Couiuiuig IIlliiimium. NEW YORK , Juiyl-Tiue operation of time stamp law mind its doubtfui or' unexplimimmuil features ivere dismissed evorywimero inVail street today anti dealings on time Stockvx. change were lufluenceti as mutmeim by It qm by time Investment of Santiago bay , Those who dealt in stanmis ) reaPed a JmrrXcat oum time I imer cent commmiissiotm. . , , At the banks the geumerpi coummplpint vus lack of tioemmiimentary staimmims. ( ) t clmtck stamps there' were plenty. All banl qtlier8 'vole of time oplumlon tlmzmt toiay'tooi thtm etige1 off the situation and with no exchanges operm Saturday and a vonseqmmcnt diminution of business by brokers amid , CU8tOmIIOr on a hail day , the intervening Smmnmlay anti the I'ourthi of July lmohitiay business will be run snmootimiy on Tuesday. )1tuvcineuus of Ot'euiui % ' 'Ist'iN , , J ssly 1. At Napies--Arriveti-Fuida , from Ne York. At Antwerp-.trrivet1-Switeerianri , from l'imhiatielphimm , A t Iiverpooi-Saiied-Taurie , for New York , % rrlvcd-Oermnaimie , Ironi New Yolk ; Cynmric , Irons New York. At Soutimammsjmton - Arrjytjti - Fuiesinnd from New York. At Now York-Arrived-Norge , from Stet- tin. . . : - - - - -Lrr--EJ - _ DE\YEY \ IIi NO FEAR ' of' ' o'Othata'a 'Report SaIling' Squadron . ' . Doc&NotW'orrim , : hAS PERFECT CONFIDENCE IN HIS FORCE Charleston and the Transports Arc Now Expotca Daily , I NO DEL/I ? IN ACTION AFTER THEY ARRIVE Americaii and Insurgen Will Act Together [ a the Attw& . UNITED STATES SHIPS ARE INACTIVE SlumuuixmrdN iii iatmhitt Continue to Streimgtimt'it the Iefeiiitei of flue CIty-Iiutnri.tcims 111,111 fntlre l'rovtnee of Immlmm&nn , ( Copyright , 1S91 , 'by Press Pubiisiming Co. ) JIIANILA BAY , Juno 28-By ( way of hong Kong , Chirma , July 1.-Nev ( York World Cablegram-Special Tclcgramn.-Tbe ) reported sailing of a tioworful Spanish fleet to attempt to recapture the Philippine Islands is the principal topic of conversa- tioms aboard Admuiral Dewey's fleet. But timere is no fear of Camnasa's squadron. The AmerIcan vessels imow here , rcimmforced by the cruiser Charlestotm and by both or either of the muonitors Monterey ammil Mooadnock , viii be able to make a strong fight. An Americami battleship would be a great ammd a desirable addition , because the monitors nm-u slow of movement , but Admmsiral Dewey has perfect commildenco in the force he will have by the time Camaro. can get there. The Charleston and the troopships it is convoying are expected daily. Th Monterey is expected July 16. Imnniediate action is looked for upon the arrival of time troops. As soon as vossible after ( imey enter the bay the insurgent leaders ' 'ihl confer with time United States army aimd navy commanders relative to combining forces' or co.omerating tim whatever way may seen most ariranta- geous. 1eei , a Slitrp Lttkout. A German launch ran , alQngslde time flagship - ship Olympia after dark lat niglmt. it was picked up by a searchlight and a shot was fired as a warning , bitt ml continued advancing - vancing , Two moro shots vero firetl quickly , whereupon the launch stoppeti. It imad a message fronm time German ndnilrai for Admiral - miral Dewey. The incident Illustrates the wateitfuimmess aboard the nscrican vesscl. amid indicates how a Spammish torpetlo boat would fare it aim attack were attempted. Our fleet is still inactiL' There are five Gornmnim war ships hera. " The cruiser Irene left a few tinys ago , but returmied yesterday. TIme other foreign men-of-War arc three Britlaim , two French anq two Japanese , One of the Japanese cuiserg lhl leave toimior- row morning. The SpatmIAiiIin Manila continue - tinue to strcngtimen timeir d'cfenses. The rebels have mainta4ned their lines about the city. repulsing the Spaniards every titmic the latter hnvo made an effort to drive timern from their trenches. A Spanish attack om : tlmo tebels before Malmmte , a suburb , was repelled Sttmmday night , l't'imiie waiting for the Uiiited States troops the rebels have been making very little mavemnent , although they recently captmmred I3ulucatm , making prisoners of a snmall force of Spaniards. General .Aguinaido mmd General Sandico , the primicipal insurgent headers , have guar- reled over tIme seizure in hong ICong of a slmiimient of insurgent arms. Sandico has appealed to United State * Consul Wiliiamns for protection and is seen aboard the Amcr- lean supply siiip Maneimati. Iuusurgeti tt , liolti Ilmuluucaut , HONG KONG , Jtmiy l.-Accordimmg to ui- 'nte letters Irons Cavite dated June Z7 , the immsurgents occupy the whole of Buhimean lmrovitmce. Occasional skirmishes occtmr. Thmc insurgents captured tho. Spanish slmip Beinml in ICayabao bay , while It was landing 500 troops. A stubborn fight eurred , in wimicim the Spanisum comnmnatmder , a lieutenant coionel , was kiiied. Time insurgents have captured time governor of hlulmmcrmn , together with his wife anti children. General Aguinaido placi under arrest the rebel leaders , Artacimio and Smmndico , for imav- ing revealed time fact that the steamer I'asig , recently seized by time ilotig Kommg authorities , was iadn witlm arms for time insmmrgents. Sandico applied to Consul \i1- llama , and was liberated Ito is now on board the Mansimarm. It is feared that time incident v1il cause a split in the immsurgent party , Santiico being influential , and time only insurgent leader capable of administration - tration , Time insurgents fear that General Agui- naltio will shoot Artachie unless imtlmlral Jowcy interferes , mis ho fears lme and San- tiico were imiteniiimmg to forimi an opimosition party. Mn1v Nt I'iedges. 1VAS111NGTON July I-1Vlmiie not prolix in Imis utterances , AdmIral Dewey loses no opportunity to keep the departmetmt Informed of time state of aflairs at Manila. A tiispntclm comae today , tlmmted Cavite , June 27 , reporting that conditions remain umm- cimanged , pcntiinj the arrival of lila rein- . forcements. Admiral Dewey has been particular in not comnnmitting his goveromnent to army partictmiar line of action respecting the l'hiiippiimes , or do nimytiming timat wouid endanger General Merritt in framing a IoiIe. He hmas unaie no oflicini pledges to the instmrgent leader , altlmoughi Ito has not imcm4tatcti to openly praise his good politics immi ; lila accomlhislm- meats. LONDON , July 1.-The Hong Kong car- respouident of time tinily iAail says : To a friend of Lhmmited Slates Consimi Wild- man , General Aguinaldo iths declared : "The Plmihippincs imave time gremitst confidence in Auncrica's fairmmess.So trust time American people , confident that , with timeir support , e shall imo able to , obtama and bolt ! our fimil rights , arid shall be fespected by all time Emmropean powers , T1m AmerIcana are redrcsslng Cubaum wrong , snml will tie the same for us In the Philippines , " ' Time relatloims between Cenerrul AKuIn.mido and Admiral Iewcy arc. peFfeetly auttabie , Two Cerasatm vn ( vessels imave none to Mariolea to coai and may proceed to sono pimer port. ; LONIJPN , July 1-A ti4patcim to the Immily Tclegrapim , dated Tu&sday , June 28 , ia hong Kong. says : Time aonarrlval of tlme American troops has gricvommsly tlisappoimmti Admiral Dewey , but the Americans still' count on cjebrrmt- iimg the Fourlim of July in tmlammila , It is reported Admiral von liedrlctms sent two vessels away on iearnimg , that Macrica regardeti lmis attitude as unfriendly , A wholly Improveti feeling now exjsts. Last Thursday night tiic first notable at- temrmpt was immade to tirivim the insurgeimts from their advanced positions , Instead of calmly asaiting General Auiimaldoa on. slaught , The attenmpt for time time looked as thought it wouitl be rewarded with sue- ecu. The Spanish numbered 1,300. They delivered a determiuvd attack on limo km. t ) , "I y4 , ; ' \ - THE BEE BULLETIN. W nther Forecast for Nebraska- ; : Showers ; Cooler ; Northerly Winds. Page. - 1 EthiosIt Ion One Motutlu Diii. Adauirnl , Deue iliuM t , Pears , lIen'my Figiufluig at Satutingu. 2 Mmmcii Aimxlety at W'nslutmugtnmm. 3 ebrumskn Nei-ui. 1)mmum's Heiev of iitusIuusw , Comiupnmuy C is )1imtred Itt. 4 1illorinl nitil Cotummuieuu I , i ; Cotugress of t1ue IuuMii'inmus. ci Coittucil Illutif , , loeni Mntcrt. loai ii NIyN nuuti Cnuuuuuicmut , Slunfier has 'iueli at Stake. 7' Siuturting ftcutN of flue 1)ity. Turuuimi of time Tumrmuers , ltmtr.ier Cumse at 'nhie , el , . 8 cw % Yiulsky Trust i'ortuted. Gallagher Ielies the Amutimorifles ii Cinummmercial nail Piuunutc hal i'iesvs , fiuti of the t1h.lsvn Capuc. i : . : Poiurtiu of . ) uuiy Story. Ileeeimt Vtmhiuut I'ueilie Clinmuge. . 'renmumetuittre at Otiunhins tiomir , Ier , hour flete. : ; n _ 5mm . . . . . . 70 1 m. ut . . . . . . 1)0 ) ( I n. mum . . . . . . . 7 , 2 , , mum . . . . . . itt ) 7 ii. mu . . . . . . .7 ; ; l , . mum . . . . . . 1)1 ) 8 a. in. . . . . . 78 .1 P. ll . . . . . . 1)2 it a. mum . . . . . . 81 fi p. in . . . . . . 02 to n. nm. . . . . . 83 Ii I ) . mum . . . . . . itt 1 1 a. imm . . . . . . tIll 7 it. mum . . . . . . $1) 12 muu. . . . . . . . . 58 14 m , . am . . . . . . ST U it. H ) . . . . . . 84 T01)AY A'I' 'I'll Id EXI'OSI'L'IDN. At time GromumldN : Cltristlutmm Eutien'vor Dn. :1 : it. imu.-Uourth lieglunent Unimii. Govertunuetut 1tuuiiiiIuu. ' 1 tio. : m. mum.-Fomu rtim itegi macitt linuil , ) LumHle l'nvillomi. Sm l , . nu.-CoiigreNM of ] immMleilmuuN , Titomiuns' Orchestral amid Stiloists , tmusiitorimumuu , Doss-mi Towutu 9 ut. mmu.-Truimupumumisslssilmiut TuurumfeMl , 'l'uriuer Park , 'Flu irteetutli aunt Yin- ton Streets. 0 n. mum-Musical Cotugress , First Con- gregntiouunt Ciiumreiu. surgemmts at Mainte. The hatter met them with a well directed fire , but the Span- iartia were reinforced and the insurgents began to ( nh back. Tlmus cncommraged time Siianimmrds pressed forward , but at. time critical - cal moment time immaurgents made a spirited raily anti poured stmch mm steady fire Into the Spanisim ranks that the tatter were corn- pehied to retreat amid failed to summon up courage to renew time attempt. GERMANY KEEPS HANDS OFF Admiuiu'nl 1)Ie.i rielus Heel I tues to . % ccept IuiuuImuIr * at tIme hiuuuitis of Sputimu. BERLIN , July 1.-The following dispatch Imas been received from hong iCong : According - cording to trustvorthy immtehhigemmce frotmm Manhimt , time Siianisim governor-general imad , a few days ago , of imls owim request , a meeting - ing wIum Admiral Iiedrichs , the cemnniamider of time German naval forces in the far east , in brdcr to imrOPose in behalf of the Spanish government that ManJha slmould be imantled Into time provisional cimarga of a neutral corn- nmnmmdtmr. 'rime proposal waa rejcctcmi by Atimniral Iicdrichs , in view at' ' the' American blockade. Tire Mahila news , via Hong Kong , referring - ring to the action of Atimniral Dietlrichis , may be looked upon as being a semi- olilcfril miote , as It was Issued by the semiofficial - official news agency imere. VOLL'c'l'EEme A II.t V IS IIEING i'.t i 1) . Saute ( if 'I'Iut'iut lrut my l'ny for 'i"mvo 'dotuflms' Service. CHIC1AMAUGA MILITARY PARK , Ga. , July 1.-Time immuster pay rolls of nunicmous regiments were submitted to Colonel Gicnn , chief paymaster. last evening , and today time paymasters began imnntling out time cash. A number of regiments were paid for nearly two months' service. time average arnoummt per regiment being about $25,000. Aimmong tire regiments paiti were the Second \Visconsin , Sixteemmthi Penimsylvania , Timird Ummited States cavalry and time First Ohio cavalry. Colonel Lee , chief quartermaster , says tisrit every arrnngernctmt to send time First corps to the front is about completed and an order to go could be complied with at once. All plans ( or time immovement of time troops imave been definitely settled , Two brigades will go out each day after the order imas been received. At this rate the entire corps can be out of time camp anti ( In time way to time front witlmin five days. Recruits coimtltiue to arrive from various states. Ui ) to this time about 7,000 imavo reached the imnrhr. There are between 5,000 and 6,000 yet to come , 1mm oddition to now battahiorms for four of time i'emmnsylvania regi- ments. GUNBOATS CHASE WAR SHIPS Spumnlshu Coi.r'sil.tmieut at Ilutvmtmuui ite- CtuuliutH time ' , mhtr of His Cumin- I ry's Nttvy iii ClufliJu ) l'trtii. ( Copyrigimt , 1898 , by Associated Press. ) HAVANA , July i-Frorn ( a Sptmmmislm Car- respondent.-Adviccs ) receIved at time palace say timat at 4 o'clock yesterday timrco war mmimlps bommsbartied Manzanihio. Time Spmtmmislm gummboats Cuba Espanoin mud Ounrtiian anti time pontoon Marlmm anitwereti time fire , lying sit aneimor off the port. while time gmmrmboats Delgartlo Perejo , Estreiln anti Guantananmo went to meet. time American ships and to silence timeir fire. Thu coumbrit hasted forty-five mnlnutes. Over forty shells fell in Imlnnzrmnhilo , doing but silgimt dnmmmtmge to time houses. Time Spanish loss was two sailors wounded anti eight "bruised , " Among time latter vere time comn- mandor of the gun boat Deigardo I'ereJo and time pimysican of the ponteorm , Time Amnerl. calms retiretl to time mmortimwest , by time Mnmm- zammlhio keys , towing one siuiim svlose engines were damageti , hi the spmmmmisim war ships were slightly injured. Yesterday aim itmmmericaim mnercimammtsimip fired four simots into Cairo Frummcea , Crmrtlcmmas , but thu no ( iumnrmge. This nmormmlng a party of immsurgcatmm jilaced three dynamite bombs on the track of time W'ostern raliroati track. A cormstrmmetiomm train burst two of time bombs , damaging time engine - gino nail an irormeinti clmair car , killitig two anti wounding five of the csrorts. VASIiii.t'S Sit'.tihiOX i'U'l'S 'I'D Si'IA , ' 'Vn r S I. I mis mm itti Colilt' rs Ieuit' t list lInrIuir sit i'r * Suilsi , LONDON , July i.- , dtsimatclm to Lloyds from I1ort Said , dated 10:40 : today , says time Pciayo , Empmrador , Carlos V , Osada , i'a- triota , fiucmios Ayrcs , Isla do Brmnay , Rap- itio , Samm Francisco , Isia tie Luzorm anti San igriaco do Loyola imavcm gone to sea , ( _ 'I , , . 11,1 it fort''iuut'm Is to Siuuu Iter , TAMi'A , July 1.-The transport Lousiamma sailed from Port Tanspa last Tuesday , bound for Santiago , with rt'immforcemmermis ( or flea- erai Shatter , Time Louisiana carried 1T0 troops under comnmanmh of ( aptaimm W. H. James ; ambulance and hospItals , corps eon- sisting of nineteen privates cmi one officer , twelve rerruiti , eight lmorses , forty ambulance - lance mules , 130 pack mules , ten anmlmuiazmcea and twcnty.eigbt hackers , r-I------- - _ ; _ - - - - - - - - HEAVY FICHTINC AT SANTIAGO Si tCarries the Qi.iterYorks After . c Engagement Lasting All Day. - . , _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ; i , DIVISION RND TES' ' DRIGDE DO E1L They Carry El Caney and Then Liie Up in Front of City of SantIago. . OVER FOUR .HUNDRED CASUAlTIES AMONG PMEJI.CANS Troops Entrench Themsolvea During the Night and 13iuforcoinonto 00111 Up Prepared to Assist Lu Further Operations Today--Sampson Takes a 'hand and the Vesuvius Launches Its Deadly Missiles Against time Grim Walls of Old Morro . at the Entrance to the Harbor. . . \ \ ' _ Si ! I NG'I'ON , .limiy l.'l'hme'ar tleptrtummpimt imas reeeiv tl time folhwimg : ( rout Gemmemiml Slum ( ts.r , tlm : ted Sibommt'y : "Ihtiti a vem ) ' imerivy emmgmmg'ummemmt. lomimmy 'tvhmielm listed : fm'omn S a. as. to aim- ' dowmm. W'e have cnrmied time omuter w'ot'ks amid nm't' iii imst'siomm of timemu , There is lmO\v fmiout timroc.qmmam'tem'is of it mmmiiu of' opc'im betvtemm mmm3' limme.q ammd tlm cli ) ' . 1 , ' mmmormmimmg time I l'oolmS vill he ol1tmjmmi' mmmti eomfsitlem'mimie : lmiigtmmentmttioim of forces there. ( 'mmerml : r.ts'toum' : mhivisiomm nmmtl Gemmermil liatps' lmrigath , w'imicim lmmve ieemm eiugmgeml : mmli tiny iii cmim'rytmmg El Crtmme' ) ' , vlmiim w'rmg ni'commmplisimeml mit 4 P. mum , , vihl im iii limme him front of Sum : lingo dmmrimmg I ime night I. I megmet to say 0111' c'istmilties : : will lip umimuytj ' 100. Of I Imese imot ummammy kilh'ti. SI L 1l'Elt , " ( Copyriglmt , ISiS , by Associated i'rcs. ) sIBONFY : , Jmmi3- . -7to : . mmm.-"m'ia ( l'hmmya mit'1 ilt'-At ) 1 o'clock tlmis al'temmwumi , after live Imoum's' terriile llghmtlumg , time Simmi mush hL'gali to lt'mtve timeir eumti'emmrlmmneiils ammd m'utrent immtu time city , 1riumy : Asmmemit'mmm : mire vommntled mumtl am'e beiimg brought 1mm. Oime mimimm : hmmtl : btilm armmms milmot off maim ! \t : voummt1tl in time imip , lnmtVflmt iruughmimmg , - ( Copyright , isis , imy Airsociateti Press. ) PLAYA IE ES'I'E , ( Jmmbm ; , Jimly 1.-Il :20 : mm. mmm.-.A. g'mmui'mml assault on time eu3of Smm.mtlmmgo : ( IC CimiuL ly ) lime lritmd aimmi son forces mit time Ummiti'd Stmttes be- gimmm timis lmsom'rming , Gm'bmerrml 1.tvtomi : :4\'mmimc'e(1 : mmmiii took htSesiomm of Caboimm : , a. tmmhtim1m of'Sammtimgtm. : Morro.caxllmr : tiid time otlmt'r foi't mit hmc emmtriumce of thin hmmmi'bor 'VCI' ( lmoummijrtrtiotj l' oimi' Ileet. Time \'t'tm'imms mmmrcii 1(8 ( tlymmrtummite grills \'ith good etlet't , 'lime Siammiim flntt. in I ire lmmtm-lmor l'mi's'ml on I lie A uuem'immn : I I'OOltH , , s'lio ' ( 'ru \'em' ) ' close to time city. Ilnid f1glmtimm mmli rmlommg tire Atmserit'amm liimu yg in lmrog- l't'mm mit I 1 'o'clock. Nine svoummsietl ( .hmlummms Immmve bee'im imrouglmt Its. Figlmt hag comitimmimeti tmmmtil evemmimig. Omit' force's cml rm'it'tl time elmeummy's omuttr , m'ks mm mm (1 ( lmmmvm occim p httl t I I em mm t Im 1mm e'emi I mmg. 'Fit o lum t I it' ' II I lrcIm ) ) : lily I e me- smtmmmed mit dmmybremk. ; ' 1'im A.msmericaum lus is lmmvy. : Somime emstltmmntes idace It mit 500 killed anti voimuitiemi. TROOPS HAVE ALL LANDED IlloisIy Iiugugemuuemu I iii ' .VIi It'i& Sputum- I utrils 1se Fl ft y IC i I I ed it iu si A muter- leimuis 'I'aeuu I .Vomm ii .1 tsl , ( Cnpyrlgimt. 1SS , ijy I'ross l'ubiislmimm Co. ) KEY W'EST , July 1.-Nem' ( York World Cablegram-SpecIal Tolegraum.-Ncws Is reecls'td imere that lookouts ems time New Orleans miiscorereti Spmmmmlards trying to lire buildings near Santiago fortifications. Time New Orleamms fired several simehls , doing grcat damage anti killing nmany. Time baiammco of tIme troops handed Tuesday anti hind a bloody engagement. The Spaniards left fifty dead , the Armiericans twenty wounded. I'LJT 1tI1) CROSS F'LAGS IN l'ION'l' . SLimuui islu jtslom Nesv 'j'mm't lets to Pro- det't 'flueir LIucs , ( Copyright , ISIS. by Associated Press. ) NEAR AGUAl)0ilIS , June 30.-iiy ( As- sociateti I'ress Iispntcim float Wanda , via Kingston , July 1.-Tito ) Spaniards in time front of Gemmemal Kent's line luave adopted a mmcmv metlmoti of preventing him from firing on their works. They imave strung , at ire- quemmt immtorvals , Reti Cross flags , the line beimmg directly in frommt of timeir entremmclm- meats. Time object of timis , it is timougimt at General Kent's hmcndqtmarters , is to imrovcnt the Americans from firing 1mm that direction , or , if tIme lied Cross is Ignoreti , to simrcati time mtlca that time Aimmeriemmmm soldIers are via. latimmg the rules of1civiiizcd warfare in fIr- I mmg mm 110mm t ime Imoalmi tai a. It imas been deternmined timat ISO attention will be vulti to time lied Cross flags so long as timoy arc chose up to wlmrmt is believed vIit be the lute of lire , Much work has been tiono on time roads in titis vicinity. Time heavy rains idaced theni its a had condition end It. was alnmost imnimomisible to transpom artillery anti teamnmt aver them. It is beliveti timat time Amen- can oiiicers have tletem'nminei trot to await the arrlymml of time artillery , bitt to urmovu forward - ward on Agmmatioremi as soon as Possible. As there arc only a smurmil battery anti weak garrisons - risons there , lime vlacc simommid ho takoim witim- out tiiifictulty , unless time mmmcmi get itt rammgu of I the big gimmms of the batteries cast of Morro , Crot'dmm of Cuban refugees lrommm Santingo flleti tmomrg the roads today. All told time samrmo story , 'rimey were airort of food in time city , but timey say the Spmmmmiardmt reiy on time ermtronclmmcmmts in front of the city. Time guns insitle of It are of little use. 'Fimo Cubans also say time Spaimlurds are terrified at time ttpprommcim of time Anuericmmmm troops anti time refugees lmnciict timrmt timey vlii make hut a short delouse. Smzummhtm , ails I ii uluiu'ti JIust's , ( Couynigiil , 1S9t. ijy I'ress I'tiiiim.imImmg Cu , ) SAN DOMINGO CITY , Juiy 1.-Ne'w ( York World Cahjlegramn-Smceial Triegramm.-Timo ) I condition of the Simatmiartis at Santiago must be very tryimmg and heavy blows znmst ; immivo been iniiirtcd atm timein vlmcmt mm private Ca- biejjrammi is allowed to be passed fronm Span- isis buurees to time city saying timat aitimommglm mtnfontummato tim into events lime spirit of time PCoiiO , is still good. Cornmnmmnications by cable by Samm 1)ommmimmgo ) ammd Free Cuba and time Immnoricamms . have beerm opermeti timrouim Cainmammera , hr , Frimma , time represemmtmmtive of the Cuban govermmrmment imere amid at hisyti , amsti Mr. ( Immeate , the Anuerican consular agent , mmd- dresmctI yesterday a messagjm to Admmilral Sarimimson in time nanmo of time Cubamms and AmnerIcans eongratmmiatimmg iiimq and General Garcia , _ _ _ _ : ; , ITs NEWS GENERALLY PLEASING ' , % 'zur Oflh.'em s i.ites't Slimufter to lie lit Sum mu I Iutg lty 'l'iuu Iglit or Ist Jimoru'smv itt the imu test , WAShINGTON , July 2.-Time stmspenso wlmicim followed time receipt of General Slmaft- er's dispatch early yesterday mimorning mmmi- zmoummcimmg that a battle lmrmti bcemm begun near Santiago was meiie-ci ( at 1220 limits morning tvhmomm a lmrciinmmlmmary report of time day's epcr- atlorms was meceivemi by Atljutnut ( imimmeral Cam-bin ( roam fictional Shmafter. As imati beers expected by time officials of time Var departmnonmt , time fight lasted until sunmdowmm. ium-iimg tine day , probably , it was not possible for ( Jemmerai Simmifier to stoim in time mniitist of time 1)ertornmmammce ) of lmis ommerous dtmtlc to senmti dispatcimes to tine 'leimnrtunent. lie was seriomnaly occupied amid tlmo work nc- , ' conmmpllslmed , as intiicateti conciseiy In imis miis- patclm , clearly shows that not mmmmmcim grass grew ummmier imi feet during time tiny. Time lresidemmt anmd time war officials are inmmnnemmimoly imienseti at the jmmformmmatlomm conveyed - veyed 1mm Gonmerni Smatter's mnmcssmmgo. Wimiio timey learned witim simmeemest regret timat so nmanmy of time Anucmicnmmm troops hiatT ( ailca imm time flgimt. time grommmmd gained by time day's ' conllict is regarded atm a great victory. Timu battle ostabiishems hsretty conmelumsively timat tim Svaumlartls arc no mmmateh for limo enmtlmusiaic anti mmggre8aivc United States troops. Timey were driven fmonm their strong enmtrcnmcimnmcnmta 1mm front of Srumtiago hack into time city nmm.i time Atmmericmmmms are oc- cmrmyinmg time intrcumcimummcmmts ammd awaiting ' time dawmm to u-emtunme time hattie , whicim it nm commfidenmtly beiittvcti imy time war oiiieiaimm will result 1mm time loll of Sammtiago before Sun- tin ) ' nigimt , armd ierhmaito before mmigimtnmil today - . day , /ttijtmtnmnt ( lemmeral Corbimm imtmt time situation strongly nnmd pictumesqmmely timI nnsovnimmg , wbIle speaking of time aggrcsmmiyemmess mind tenacity of Gommeral Simafter : "Time old imuiimiog , " said lmtm , referrimig tlmmms mall affectionately to time distinmguisimemi corn , manner of time Fiftim corps , "is lyinmg right there ivitim imis tcetlm 1mm tlmcit' tmcck , only wait- inmg time cotnmilmg of miayhiglmt to finisim time work lie hums nsagmmificemmtly begun. Time ems- gagtqmseumt ycstermiay was heavy for mm pro. linmimmary flgimt , but it scones a decided victory for us , "I regret to ictmow that Gemmeral Simafter immumi atmumtaItmed so imeavy : m loss , bimt mm-u mommy imopu ' that timene are umot.mmmt ho says , nnmammy killed , It. its jmretty certain to lme true that time loss mm aim cngingounmenmt like that of yesterday , wlmeru time hattie llmmtn extcumdetl over several nilies , will be nmueim heavier titans inlicatetl by time first reports. It is ummanlfestiy mum- hmosSilmhti , 1mm eases Where time battle has raged nil day anti until tiark , to ascertain with ddfimuitemmcmmm time loss sustaimmed , " CAMARA PASSES THE CANAL Siumimmisit Plt'ct iui Numt % % ( , fl out Its % 'tiy Is , 1'imiIliliuim INimuuidus , * MADhihi ) , July 1.-According to a dispatch received today at time Sirnnish ministry of maulume , Atinmirni Camnara , 1mm eomnmnund of the Spaumisim fleet recently at i'ort Said , Egypt. imsa lmaescd througim time Sites canal , a- I aremmily on imis way to limo I'lmhiipjminesm , i.0D0N , Jmuly 1.-Time ofllciais of time ' United States umibassy discredit time Madrid tl $ ilIjicim sayimmg itdmnlmah Cammmara tins ias5ott tlmruugim tine Suez eammal , They any ito imar I enmies-cil time canal this maorniug , 'a' . - - - - , " - l - -