Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1898)
- r'r---- , --r- - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ - - - , . . _ . - . , , _ . . . . . , . _ . . . t , T ' _ L _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ - rvflE. : : , 9Mitt.M ; DAILY 'flEE : jflTN1)AY , riTLY 8 , 1898. _ _ _ _ ] t PUItNIMIt1I ) ltOIflIS MI ) bAUD. _ _ - - - ; ( Continued. ) _ _ _ _ Tim TtoO2Harny : coos teem , frets bathM trnnNIent % taken ; rates reaionabtv. F-310 rLPA8ANT rooms mndern : iUrlctly first thuis board ; transknts taken. 212 8. 25 St. NICEST lUoms In city , with board : 3 blnks 'west of postolilce. 1909 Capto1 * venuft. F-r.61 3' } 'IIIST-CliASS rooms n strictly prIYatc rsmlly ; .leslrntty located ; bosrd If s fiIrc1 ; 11n * thndy lrtwn : rcfrenccs X , chrtnre0. Tn N. 19th. FM6l3t ! _ _ . I.oIL ILJ'1'-UlIJLNISIIIZ ; ) ItOMS. UNTPILNIStIEI. ) or turntsho , with or without I,00rt , short ilistance from fair grounds. 2120 N. 24th st. G-M5S3' I OR 4 Ill1furnIRh.i rooms , modern , refer- CflCCS f30 children. T 62. 13cc. 14 pun. ui3T-sTitfs : ANt ) lIi'ICIS. , on TflN'I tim 4.tory brick building at 1G P'arflnrn it. This lt1IIlIflg ( haa a r1r- Iroof cement bnenent , water on nil lIoor , f1H , etc. AIPIY at thu chico of 'rho lien , 1-910 - SrAC to rent. stumble for Jot , printing or other untill bLisineMs , Telepliono and desk. Bent chCai. 1617 Hurt. 1-681 I'ART 8tor4 : noqt centrai In c1t. : ' . n. Weati , 16th & Douglas. 1-M8 3 $ FORflINT-DuHkrnorn In nn nUorney's offlcu. APIIY 71 Now York Life , & $ I-&s8-3 ANTS % VA'TI1) . 1VANTIT-Aents in ev"ty town In No- bruska nd Iova to iollctt accounts for us to CfloCt. L'flSh voInnIsHIun ijald. Write Thr vartleulars. S 41 , ILe , Omaha. 3 93 Jy 15' IG1NTS WANTFD ; wewantone shrewd , carfuI nRn In every town to tnltl4O a few thOusand dollars for himself quietly at h01fl43 ITiII not work hard : Private Instruc- Uins and vnluahle outlit of new gtnds sent free , Atlilrcss Immediately 1' . 0. box s : s , L309t011 , Mass. ' J-Mt9S 1' WANT1D : large mfg. co. wants an agent Irt Omalut , Council Illuffs anil vicinity to IntrndUeo one of the fuatc3t selling hardware - ware HIOCIftltICS On the innrkot through siilngonts ; no COfllL'tItIfl gtiaranteei business ; experience not necessary ; $300.OO c'npIta1 recitatred ; It will 1)0 USCleft4 for parties not irepnred to meet above re- tiutreinents to apply ; all communications nnss'ered , Address T 5 , care Sloe. J-M5'Jl : i' WANTED now , agents to ehl aslt locks anti door hioIIers' , ampio sushi lock free for e stump ; nimcnse ; better than weights ; lmrglar Proof ; $10 a day ; write iiutck. Address Brohard & Co. , Dept. 55 , 1'IiIhadehihia , Ia. .1- b I AQENTS-Limiteil to a eiect few that the bst. rcsiIIs might be accomplished. The jreatet ievlce over invented to lI'everIt a lead lcncll from slipping from the pocket. Adjusts ItHeif to thin pencil. Ito- tzills for 5 cCnt8. Coininenth itself because of Its low price ana saving the loss of so ninny pencils , to say nothing of thin con- Venlence of having a Pencil In your pocket at all tIine. Just the article for soiling In the ISxposltlon grournis. Send three 2-cent stamps for particulars. Colonel E. Bright , . Columbus , 0. ' WANTESI-Agents to sell new war revenue Stfltflh ) cailcelior. Every business concern CO1HleIlell to USC one : $25 ( Ittii ) . Samples SOc. Slonoy order. Baich Bros. Company , Utica , N. Y. wE DO NOT WANT boys or loafers to write II4 , but men of ability. $200 to $ SO0 ler month. Salesmen and general agents. Salary or commission. Itacine Fire En. . Co. , L't'il , Ilacine , Wis. .1- - _ IhItlOilT Intiness women nnd girls Who are willing to canvass can make more money In a week selling Mme. Yalo' ce1brated toilet anil health remedies than they can earn. In three months on a salary. For terms address Madame Yale. 521 Wabash aye. , Ludlngton bldg. , ChI- cage. _ AGENTS. we will pay $100.00 per month and rnhiroal CflCflSCS to any man who will work energetically taking orders for the most reliable portrait copying house in the United States : we pay strictly salary. Address - dress Immediately , 0. B. Martei , New Ycrc , N. Y. .S-MGS2 3' TEN ngcmts to travel and appoint sub- ligents for the only perfect fountain rub- her scrubber anl take-up ever made : for tornis 011(1 ciretilars address Crescent Mfg. Co. , Ft. MuhIson , Iowa. J-M69 8' AGENTS wanted , something entirely new : vi tilOUt doubt the moSt vertect butter seJarator over constructed ; butter from one to tl' minites by air jrocess ; seatS for circular. P'ohiiott Butter Separator Co. , 233 State St. . Chicago. Ill.JM637 J-M637 3' AOENTS to hanlle our line of glass pic- lures. Ve have nit the latest war novel- ties. The prominent generals and ndniir- nls. The ' .ltine and battle of Manila , also italian Jttt-lSas-lteiIef figures at Dewey nntl the Maine. The latst novelty on the market.Sc are mitnufacttirers of these goods antI can quote you the lowest fr prices. Vestern Glass Adv. Co. . O7 Van I Boron St. , Chicago. J-62G--3' ANA3Ell wanted to otabl1sh branches for lntoi'nrUonal Carpet Cleaning Co. flrnnches In 41 cIties. Address 60 , Penn bldg. CincinnutiO. .AC1ENTS wanted , Iteliable women or men to sell coffee auth tea to the consumer In coinnitinities Irma 1OO to 10,000 lointln- tiIU ; iiernaiii.rt , emitloyment unti good PY , ,1drpss ( ireat Eastern Coffee and Ten Co. . iOl S. 10th St. , St. Louis. Mo. J-621---3' c , AGENTS-SendthIsiulvertIsement to us fur ttiiinIe of now article paying 200 per ( .tnt , profit , 1 ii ) 4 In tvcry house sure. 4 % lnnt1facturcr , Dept. 21 , Witbashi , Chicago. J-61S 3' . ' ; thrive every rat ititil mouse from any liotiso & or other PIUCO within three days. It is not ? 1)I1sOi1 nor will it kill or harm anything hUt rats , mice or squirrels. Greatest 4 iiiOhlt'Y maker every known for agents. Iit)3'K aiitl girls mnkn $12.00 to $15.00 veekiy. Write ciuick ( or tennis nail territory - ? ritory , S. S. Mg. Co. . 231 Iii. St. , Chi- ungo , Ill. J-64T 3' ' \NTlSD , stnte agents able to place sub- iigenls. Contract worth $10,000 yearly. Iloitil retiiired. Spaiding & hall , 404 } ( ) iii'ufltit C'hiengo , 3-644 3' 'ANTlD , live. hustling men vhio want to niuko fist idthress 1601 Arh- laliti iiol ( , Chicago. J-445 3' SALESMEN-I00 a inonthi nail expenses guanitittecil selling to merchants anti 1iflhIllOt4 our machines for cooling refnig- craters : guaranteeti 75 ior cent cheaper thlflfl it's. For ( till nantienlars ai1dres , i Arctic Itefnlgeratilig Co. , Cincinnati. 0. .1.-616 3' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' , , AGENTS. no experience renamed ; our goods soil wherever shown. They should Iirtng you elistonlens. Your protit 100 per cent , $18.00 weekly easily annie. , . A.itlress with stamp , Aluminum Novelty Co. , Dept. S. 335 liroatlway , New York. . - .PflENTS-TSrigiitenergotio agents ( or Nt'sly'i Clihian Panoramu : in great dc. nianil , $150 monthly ; lOItlOn permanent. Sint1 six Cents stamps to cover postage for fret , sample niul outfit. F. Tenny- eon Neely. Now York. J-643 3S - \ AOlNTS in o.ery town ( or our Daisy fly eIiaer , tin attachment for screen doors. Gerten & Ersin , SO Market St. , Chiesgo. J-641 3' - . - = - - - - - AiTIh-'i'O JIISNP. . WANTED. to rent , ac1wellifl with from to 18 rooms , Address T 3 $ , Be. , 1C-09 4' l. _ _ - - - ANT1D , room and board. within _ _ _ 7 blocks _ of 16th and Douglas. by a lady clerk ; IerRnanent. Price not to exceed $4.00 per I week. Address T. 60 , Bee. K-15-3 YOUNG man deslrescomfortatdo room , with breakfast , In privute family In resIdence - Idence district ; best references. ' 1' 62 , flee 1C-6O 3' ' WAN'1'FD. good accommodations ressona- ble , convenient to cars , ( or parties at- t.on'Ilng eLposItIon. IiIInoi Mercantlis _ _ _ IteatinK Co. , 1I ) 'Vabash , Chicago , K-G51 3' LADIES desiring to rent rooms to Fourth of July vIsitors call at once 510 llrown bloc1c _ IC-M673 3' Ir young man. l&re , pleasant room with board. private faiziiIT preferred ; convea- lent tG Boutb Omaha ; will pay well ( or mtc1ass accommodations. 'F 65. He. . . I. ' g-M1043' \ L _ _ _ - STDfl.tflfl. PACIFIC Storng3 aniL 'nrehoise Co. , t01. lO Jones , general storage and forwaflflng , . OM. Van & Storage. Ult Iarn'm. Tel. 155g. W.tTr.U-T ( ) IIUY. 1 ? YOU nrc in need of anything try the \Vnnt Columns of The Sloe ; tIieT Will bring you What you want. N-Sd ICOlL FOIt sale at a bargain. 600 lilows anti 500 niattresses ; new pIllows , 2 cents up ; now mattresses , 75 cents Up , 1IOS.IO Dodge. ' ) -3t112 Jy25 runNlruhtE of six-room flat for sam cheap If taken at once ; also lint for renL AppI , ' at Zl29 Farnntn st. between 9 itnd 2 o clock. O-M55 8' _ 40 COMM01)lS and 3i btircitus for $23 , slightly damaged by lire and water. Enquire - quire itt 50 7 So. 13th St. 0-552 3' l'lt SAI.F-lIOltSlS , 1Y.tGt5 , I'I'C. 12 I'AIISENGEI ? . wngnnette , 2 good phac. tons , 10 and $3 : family carriage , leather li , , good trap , $85 ; surroy.brand iieW , Drummond Crniago Co. , lSth ant ) tiarney , I'-M9T4 Jyl ? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . VEhICLES , beet variety ; prices and terms easy. Crawford Co. . 1311 Jones St. P-M6673y9 FOR SALE-Stylish young drIver , perfectly gentle nnti kind ; no fear StOtitti or cars. If , D. Alec , 336 13. 30th a'e , P-i'J5 2' FOR SALE , 7-year-old inane fine driver , 800 pounds : also plitteton ; cheap : no use for It. 210 N. 16th st. 1'-M591 3' FOlt SALE , good phaeton , new painted ; call corner of 36th aftd Cass St. P-d3l : 3' _ 1'0lL StLE-3ltSCl5Lt.AcIiOhJS. IIOISSE clipping macnines , knives andre- Pitti S. itll tim atiard makes on itumi ; grind- big razors , shears , clippers ; prompt serv- lc , . A. J. Untleltind. Q-.3S. GItEAT bargain , four C to 10-hole steel ranges ( or hotel or restaurant : two invalid - valid chairs ; must be sold. 1410 bodge. Q-MIT2 Jyil' FOR SALE-Ten for t cents at druggists ; one gives relief. Q-23 TIlE Sponlsii possessions in both tfle east nnd vest , In map form. with nearly oo photograph Ic reproductions of the Amen- can amid Sirtnish naviei , flaval comninnnd- ers , etc. Alt for 25 cents. at. the LIce olhlre. it ordered by mall , address Navy I'lmotograi1 Department , Omaha iSee. I HAVE 3 RemIngton typewriters that I vIlt sell cheap. Frank Fl Moores , City Hall. fmoo , poultry and lawn fences : all wIre ; is best. SVlrcVorks. . 14th and Ilar'iey. Q-260. 100 KINDS mineral waters. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge st. , Omaha. Q-M9'9 Jy17 COT & mattress for $1.50. Lewis , 1414 Dodge . - - - . - _ MEDIUM sized sate cheap. 218 5. 16th St. Q-497-J y-2' SMALL cook stove and splendid side sad- die at half price. 1125 Georgia ave. Q-M573 3' FOR SALE two fresh Jersey cows anti one fresh f1o1tcin for sale or trade. 718 South 2Sth street. Q-M576 4 STAMPS , COINS-Bought , sold. Marten- son , 401 N. 16th. Q-M575 30 GET cut prIces on bog and. poultry fence. Sawdust for sweeping iloor , etc. Tel. 453 , 901 Douglas. Q-Gl6 WAGON gears for dray purposes , new and second-hand. J. W. Crawford Co. , 1311 : Iones St. Q-M63i 6' 6-COLUZN quarto cylinder press , now In 1155 , fleW rollers and Steam fixtures. ApPlY - PlY at once. 11 , P. Marble , ISunItioltit , Nob. Q-655 3' PIANO for rout , $2.00 per month. 212 So. 14th. Q-M683 3 FRUIT stand for saloon S. W. Cor. 16th and Davenport. Q-M6S1 C' OLD UNION DEPOT at 10th and Mtson sts. to be removed at once. Windows , doors and lumber for sale at. a bargain. Q-M67S 10' I. B. EIIISIIAI1T is the only expert lire loss atliuster of tue people In Omnha. Room 512 , Brown block. Q-.M6729' : l ISCICLIANEO US. TWENTY-FIVE cents will buy the latest publication illustrating the U. S. and Spanish navies , naval commandr , etc. ; almost 200 photographIc reproiuctions , with a large map of the East and West Indies , at the 0111cc of rlio lice. If ordered - dered by mail. address Navy Photograph Department , Omaha lice ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co. , cleans cesspoois & privy vaults. 681 N.1G. Tel. 17'7 11-854 Jy16' - IVANTED. $10,000 for two years , by nnes- tabltshed and practical manufacturer of mill machinery , who desires , to locate in Omaha. Would employ 75 to 100 men , Can furnish best of references and security to loan , Inquire of J. E. Utt , secretary Commercial club , for full Information. 1t-G14-5 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . BOOKS opened. closedor balanced : ne- counts written up for guardians , atimin- Istrators , executors r trustees ; financial reports male : out of town work solicited. Ii. J. Scannell , Box 63 , Omaha , -McSt 3' CrtlltVOYtNTS , LOST articles found ; missing friends traced ; life readtrigs ; lucky belts. 611 N. 20th. S-MSCS 35' . MASSAGE , BATIIS , ETC. MME. SMITh , 118 N. 15th St. , hot spring and vapor baths. T-tGl.Jy.-t' LAURA Elitson , 119 N , 16th tupstairs ) , room 12. Turko-Ituestan and plain bathe , massage. T-207-3y19' MEDICATED baths , massae. Mme , fins. Son. from Ilanlq. SOT N. 12th ; open all night , T-8D01 Jy14' - M1114. Dli. LEON , electric massage bath panlor ; restful and curative. 417 S. 11th , upstairs. T-M427 Jy3' MADAME AMES. 507 5. 13th , room 10 ; massage - sage , batli. T-56'T-JyC' SSIPEI1ILUOUS hnir moles. etc. , perma- neatly removed by eectnicity ; references. Mrs. Cronyn , specialist , r. 10 , Creighton bik. T-M572 80 PI0IISONtL. VIAVI CO. , 346 lice building. $30. P.UP''URE cured Cr $30 , No mletontion from business : 6 years in Omaha. Caller or write for circulars. Empire Rupture Cure , 502.i133 New York Life bldg. , Omaha. Nob. U-263 Ti1fl Vantorlttm. clothes cleaned , liressed and repaired. day and night ; spectai care given. ladles' taIlor made gowns : dress suits ( or htro. N. E. con , 1411 * & Farnam. 1 3. U-64 _ .A LAItGE Map of the World , one of Cuba and nnothcr of the entire West Indies. showing Cuba , . Porto Rico , Ilaytl. San Domingo. Martinique and all the oilmen West indian islandim ; 10 coats , at The lien office. Ily mali , 14 centB. Address Cuban Map Dept. , Omaha Iie. U-SdS BATHS , massags. 11me. Post , 3l9.4 S. 15th. U-M655 TELLO\VSTONIjI National I'aic , cheap company excursions. Write for circular A. Lycun. Cinnabar , Mont. U-M54 3y21' GIST your shoes halt-soled and heeled while yott wait 15 minutes for 5.0 cents. Work guaranteed. 710 N. 1th St. U-24-Jy22 LADIES' Turkish baths. Mme. Post. , 3i9 % 8. 15th. U-M2f8 DR. K. 8 , Swedberg baths of all kinds ; Swedish movement. electricity. etc for ladies antI gentlemen. 10-11O floe Btg. - - - _ _ _ _ - _ I HAVEa good gas range which I wIll exchange for good gasoline atove for the summer with responsibla party. Ad. dress ' 1' 41 , Des. U-M446 Jy3' NUDF3 In art , taken from nature 16 beatitl- ful colored pictureaali nude 2c prepaliL French Art Co. , b $ Locust St. , PliHi. . delpbta. U- I' , . ( Continued. ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ WELlS connected 'whlow4.i , ) iriiu sornd anti winning. $ l5fi,0o. llflt1I her limxttnIotim sun- roundingi almost tllstastefifl without eompnnlonsiimj of congenial husband. 'Elito. " 133 l.tist 65th St. , New York. . U.-6S7 3' MAI1iLY , inehibers worLht $100 to $105,000 , new lilan , no $5 too , PrIvate list. lOc , sent senled. It. L. Love , flenven , . (2010. . IJ-C5g 3' A flACl11I.O1t of means , position atuti In- tllinc , seeks sweet wife with loving , kinti heart , Mr. Itoss , 253 1) . 61st at. , New York. U-t 3' - IIYI'NOTISM taught by mnifl 12 essays complete sent for $1.00 Dr. 1-lathawny , 75 ilLli St. , Chicago. . (2-649 3' - - - # . . _ . _ : _ _ NATIONAL. SChOOL. OPPALMISTRY of Chicago , Omnhrt brnruh. CcMTI : Dli SAIN'1'-GflRMAlN PItESt- DENT , author at "Time I'ritctico of l'Mm- latry for Professional Pnrpose , ' 00 ctl- tunas , 1,253 illustrations ; standard s'ork on the subject. Regular Paying situations aecure.1 at termination - nation or course ; the ComIc is the eon- aesslonnire of TISLI TflM13Ejl O'-l'AItt- ISTRY , tile greatest success on thf' ' .x- lOSitIOfl grountla' for iiififlnation toii- corning classes apply uiail ( rout 9 to 11 a , m. at studio , 810 N. Y. Life 1nuiIilin. U-M692 3' 1'TIJ I'AY for your time and street ear fore if I can't start a new growth at haIr ( in your heatl In 4 tO 0 sv&'kS. no matter how bald or how long stimuuuling. Am doing it right along. Giev IuV hair on Mn ; , henry Newe1l' head In Ill dny , She Is matron of Masonic temple anti SS years olti , AddreSs Dr. Chance's Ilutir itemuiwer Cm ) . , 3216 North 2Ith st. , Omaha , Nd , . $1.00 lrepalml minyn'here , Send for , 'irruultr. : U-i67 ; : i' lSl.DFMlhY Imelielor , retired from hnaInes , ' worth 00,0I0 , generous nail affectonate , wili marry a. sss'eot , omitertalatuug lmul' tb 0010 % ' llfn' comforts % 'Ith. StliLlullattati , 135 E. 65th St. , New York. U-63G 3 'litSLIY .l' ( ) I.l-1t13ti , liS7A''E. WANTLID. choIce farm mtiil city lon. iC. C. I'eters & Co. . U. S. Nat'l l3ank bluig , ' - . . $100,000.00 special fund to bait on iirst.eEss improved Omaha ilroluert' . or for build- lag liurioseS. FitlcIii y Trust Comptuiy. \-rlJti : LOAN on IITqroVed and uninlprovedcity prohlerty. \ . Farnam Smith .1 Co. , I82 1'arnnm. \v.lgl C S'LiIS cent city and farm loans. Garviji 13ro. , 1613 Farnam St. ANThONY Loan & Trust Co : ll5'N. ZIZ- quiclc money at low rae. ( or choice .Tnrm latitis iii Iowa. Northern Athsouri , Eitt- era Nebrasba. MONEY iti loan on improved Onalma rt'aj estate. lirenhjan-Lovo Co1 , 213'S. 16thi.- . . : , _ _ _ _ 6 ½ PER centpuney. Bemis.i'axttn hil1' , . . FOltinvestora. lists that are lists ; write to Investors' Directory Co. , New York. \V1 JyI4' = - - $10 TO $10,000 TO LON ON - IIOUSEILOIA ) VURNITURE AND .11A- NOS. HORSES. WAGONS'AND CAR- IUAGES , WAREhOUSE RECEIPTS , etc. , at lowest rates In Omaha , South Omaha and Council : ] llpffs. No removal of goods ; strictly , coqfldertIal you can uay the loan ofTatithytlmo or. in any amounts. . , OMAHA MORTGAGE LO'A11 CO. , 306 South 16th St. 'rim OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONLY INCORPORATED - CORPORATED LOAN COMPANY IN 0MAIrA. X-274 MONEY loaned salaried people holding permanent positions , with responsible concerns upon their own name , without security : easy payments. Toinlan , It. 700 , N. Y. Life bldg. X.-2 BUSINESS VIIA8CES. TO GET ITI or out of business go tb , J : J2 Gibson. 514 First Natl bank. Y-26 WANTED-An 1ntrest Ingood business. State full particulars. Address T LI , 13cc. Y-841-i C' IN event of a loss by fire. see I. H , Ehr- hart , room 512 , Iiroarn Block. , Y-M418 Jy2' QUICK , clean prInting. Tel. 1316. 1610 Cass. Y-4Th-Jy-1S' - _ WANTED , equity in Omaha oi South Omaha lropenty mortgaged mtnd about to be consumed. Room 512 Brown hIl. , . Y-M460 .11'S' $225.00 WILL buy a nice paying business on North 16th at. Address T 53. 13e. Y-M593 4' DAIRY , I vIlI pay caabrent for complete dairy outfit 'with good blisiness. Grlmn , I'ark Hotel , bet 15th and 16th Sta. . Onialla Y-CcO 3' 355.00-IT IS those making use of their. surplus capItal to increase their income that reap a rich harvest. $233.00 realized in one week : a continuous income in luro. portion to the amount. of capital used ; withltn the reach of all. Particulars freer Golden & Co. . Baltimore JJtdg . , ! Citao Y-GI 3 $100 WILL make $ .00 to $1,000 in stock spec- utation ( through your own broken ) . Will Impart Information for 20 per tent of act lmrohit after made. Coniltiential. Prompt action Imperative. 'Inslder , " room iD , 118 Nassau at. , New York , Y-G02 3' $300-WiLL invest this amount ices in any 0111cc. brolterag& or light : manufacturing business. Address T59 lIce , 1'-CGl 3' FOR SALE-Good paying saloon iii South Omaha. Good location. Cheul , rent. Address - dress T 42 , lice. Y-rl4-3 ( i INVBTED earns .t' per centwee1Iy. . Establiaheti 2t cities , Third year , Partic. . lilars free , 11 Sloane , 110 St. I'aul , flahti- moore. Md. . . 1- ISEMIS , Paxton block anul Gibson First National - . tional , will tell you of a hotel bargain , . You must he quick if you would get for $2,000 the chance of your life. The owner , can not remain. must soil. although ho nss'nia the best hotel that is near 1110 CX- position. Apply at the Saratogalth'and ; Ames , today. After ( lInt apply as ahOVO. IN event of a 1o * by lire. sac 1. 13 , Elir- ' hart , room 612 , Brown block , Y-M6T1 9' 1)0 YOU want to sell your business tiulek ? see Omaha Business Flxclmange. 112:1 : Far- nata. Y-M670 C' WIDOW lady' wanted : gentlpman partner with $1,200 ts manager large hotel. ' 1' 64 , lice. Y-MCC 3 * IF' YOU want to buy' , sell. trade or neat anything call room 512 Brown block. Y-Mcaa a' IIILIiINERY stock , good Nebraska town. doing a. nice husiness ; will cll at. a bar- gain. T 65 , flee , Y-M701 s FIfltNITURE of 13 rooms for sale ; house for rent : this is beat Imargain in city , Investigate , Room 51 ! , brown lIok. Y-M702 3' - \VANTFSD. gooti , clean stork of macneIman. fuse. Room 512. Brown block. Y-M701 3" IF YOU want to buy good saloon , rca- tnurant , rooming house , barber shop , hotel laundry , grocery. meat market , steamboat or real estate call room 512. Brown block. Y-M700 3' lOll HXCIIANC.F3 , FOR SAL.H OR TI1ADE , team and two. seated buggy , ( or single horse and buggy , Old Nebraska feed mutable , 16th and Leay- onworth St FOR MERCIIANDISLI , two live-room cot. tages in South Omaha ( rent HG00) , two- story building in Omaha. rne yacant lot in Omaha , 160 acres in Wash. Co. , , Cole. , all clear ; ItO acres Ia Centrul , Nab. II. J , Shupp , South Omaha , Nob. Z-Gdi 3' MlflLC.tL. PERSONAL-Stnicturo and 'enIeocc1o cured at your home yithout pain or tie- toniton from busInea. Write in conit. deuce Pr , Iluthaway & Co. , 15 Dearborn St. , Dept. A. Chicago , lii. LADh1' , If you can't tell a doctor' your troubles addresr. box $3 , Omaha , Nob. for Information. co LADIES ! Cbicheaters Engilsh Pennyroyal PIlls ( Diamond brand ) are the best ; safe , teliabie : take no otlier send Ic stamps , ( or particulars. "Relief fOr Ladies , " in letter by returnmmaii ; at' druggtstum. Cbi. cheater Chemical Co. , I'hmtladolphia , Pa. VOlt sAl.i1.-.qJju I3fl'ATi3. IWUNTZ1.3I'lace , bargains , $2,500. 33.750 to s&oo. j. j. Glbsth'ilIil First Nnt'l hank bldg. . . I _ ! ! . _ FOLLOWiNG property' Business lot. corner , COxISO ft. , in Ho. Omaha , pas'cul. Husincas mt. GOxli'O ft. , improved , South Omaha. street pa'hij Tract (21 lots ) , .tli Tract. (20 lots ) , 30th' i . For Particulars ap1y 1012 Farnam St. V Im-2s1 - hOUSES , lots farms. lands , loans , also lire Insurance. flemisiUon block. RE-lS0 : r-- _ IF' YOU have real eatnte for sale anti want. It sold , list It with me anti I vlll soil It-It I can. It you wish to purchase anti want a big bargain look over my list. J.I1. Sherwood. 422 N. Y , Life bldg. ltF-2y2. S i'oUTI1EA8T corner Sth anti hickory , SOxlSO feet , only $750. J. N. Frenzer , npp. postoiflee. RE-M 251' HAVE you some iota to sell ? Now is flue timno to thispose of them : let the people kmiov ( lint 3'ohI want to dispose of them. 'l'ile Ilee reaches thin people who have the money , . RE-S66 _ p II. 11. hi.-flnrgnmns. Ifright fleautirul ltnthes of 5 , 6 7 , 8 , 10 anti 12 rooms emLehI ; bra- tofl ? ( lie iflost tieslrnimlo in hId city ; if you are seeking ft home , we wotlid be lietlSt'l 10 allow voti the moat ( lesiralllo PrlIentY Iii Omaha. it. J. ICennari & 5(111. 310 nuid 311 lirown bloek. 1IIC'-99 NO. I uliulmi't tty : so , I said I had sold live houses and Iota nimul I' , farina nil in time iniiiitii of June ; tliI isn't m1fl'tl1ilIg to talk about , except that I must hmnVc thu. , deals or I couldn't initlco theii : n fault ( if mine ( I tlout't think. ) I f l'ntm't try luaU mis hand to hnmy mis I lo to sell vouub have ii liiiuo and lot or farm itmit I'd have alone ( 'nmnunt'4sions ( reciprocity. ) No , yoii'ti Loaner buy govenmmnment hands at 3 Per cent ; safe ium'estnicuit , iit hot Prolltable ; woulti 'oti l1i tiler have 3 imer cent than 10 11cr vent ? If you'll look over tim is I ist I t. Dl ny mliii you I a ii nmi I ag seine- timing : 480 muero fimrn1 ; liluhioflit Ce. , Iowa4 22.00 per acre ; ' 810 llurrison Co. , $12.00 ) ukt' SO , ImnIrtvel ) , $25 ; ' 11100 60 , imnprtivctl , $23.00 ; 40 at. $30.00 : I imavti 50 farms in liar. risen Co. , In. , all sizes ; call or write for lustrtieulmtra. lii Nebraska I have 400 acres well Improved , at $33.00 : 214 at $20.00. both in Sarpy Co. :4 : in Greeley Co. , 4S0 , flinotii 1111141 , $ Cti ) ) fmuulu buys it , bt not ii ft . 'r I he 8th a r J iii % 160 I a 1.111 gel mu , $250 ; 160 \Vlieler Co. , $0O : 160 Ia Greeley Co. , $250 ; 6.40 imll 0110 2,000-store tract at. $2.00 ; Shmltfl iintm ranches mit a sacrliice iurice Inumuls for Oinitlma ProPerty. In city ro- erty I can suit mtii' Otto ; I have a neat mnomiern 110118(1 III Ilattaconi hminee , s'itii grand old 1lni trees , want 'tit'flhlt lot nilti t'ltsh Otfl sell on 'ery easy payr.lents. If you have aii interest In tlto earth or 011 thai earth , investigate. I'maamm'utter - mIlan , 822 N. VLifo Bldg. IIE-66i 8' iroit S4'tLE , 101 micros of fruit anti farm latul four miles east of Council ilittira : I'or ternis address A. 'IV. I'innev. Cotin- cii Bhtti'fsln , RE-6673 50-FOOT lot Oil Dorens near llnnscom park , On grade , $100.00 : $10.00 citahi anti $10.00 a month. Byron R. Hastings , 212 So. 14th St. 1tlC-MCS1 3 405-Foo'r frontage in Saunders Tii ltttiglt's ndtl. for $550. lVmtated , house , bnnim and lot wIth alley. will pay $1,000 cash. 10-room house , recelmtion Small , library , fur- mince. lmorcelaln bath , oak downstairs , amid all modenui t'oIl'Ctlietit1'5 on l1st st. near h'aclllc. Nice lawn and all hew. For partlcuiars see 1t C _ l'eters & Co. . U. S. Nat'l ihuik liltlg. : , ItE-2mlGTh 3 160 ACRES 1 mile ( mm gooti Nebrnka town ; mortgage $1,605 , which I will POY mind give clear leed for $2,000. ( flavor , "The Real Estate Man , " 302 Karbachl SIlk. I . I RE-MGS9Jy1O IIEST ( arm hear Olpalta at half appraised value. Jobmit SizC , 2502 lilondo st. , Omaha. - July 29' _ _ 640 ACRES gOOl dreley cotinty , Ncb. , lanti , 31.00 her akre cashi. Must have motley at once. Irvcstigate. 15,1(1111 612 , Brown block. jjj ltE-M2SI Jy3' FOR SALE or E. chapge , businesshiock ; clear : $10,000 ; rent , for 1,0O0 per year5 viii take rcsldendQl * farm prtmerly. IV. . _ 1 _ . . Graham , lieo htu11mitnt. IIE-5S3-7 L. LOST-On Exposition grounds pocketbook containing change and commutation tIcket to exposition. Finder will be liberally - orally rewarded upon leaving the ticket at this dIce. Gatekecimers hmave beemi no. tilled of nitmlmr so tIle ticket will be of no use to anyonebut owner. Lost-31236 A PURSE containing $60 : a liberal reward if returned to 323 N. 16(11 at. . Lost-M.130 Jy3 LOST , a golti filled lady's watch between 20th and Cass nutS 'rwelfth and Dotuglas ; return to this office and claim reward , Lost-id&m 3 LOST , Saturday afternoon , book contain- lag cheek and U. P. mileage book. Finder tilease return to flee omce. or 1531 So. 29th St. . Loet-i\166 4' LOST , a gold pin. a shleltl of wimtte anti blue enamel , the letters II. S. in gold ; a gold wreath surrounding the whole , a small crown above 1111(1 the figures 18 below - low ; $1.00 reward for return. Return to 2007 Sherman Ave. , City. Lost-2m1651 5' CIIA'i"l'EIT , HIt'I'AGFi SALE. THE complete drug stmro at Florence , six miles from thmo postolilco In Omaha nutS known as 'ICirk' i'lmarmacy , " Including tile stock of fresh tirugs , furnIture and lixtures belonging to time businca , will lie sold at mwctiotl On Tuesday , July 5(11 , 3858. at 2 ocbock p. m. , at the drug store in Florence ; the immircimaser may have it lease of the drug store building and pub- lie telephone station. Florence is tile choice resitlcnce suburb of Omnaima , where tile Onmahmavnter works Plont is located ; there is no other drug store In Florence ; this Is a good upper- tunity ( or a lmrt vith small emtpital to get a paying itlSiileSS for a small con- sitlerotlon. For n.irticuimirs inflame of McCoy & Olunsted , rm. 317 , N. Y. Life bldg. , Ohmaha , Nebraska. Y-M590 S AUC'rIoN. FIRST.CI4ASS miliincryi'oro nullS fixtures at No , 216 Sooth 18th st. opposite city hail. on Sttturt.iaty. Jttiy 2nl , at 10 o'clock a. m. ; stock consists in part of trimmed and untrimmed stylish hats , ribbons. t rimnaulags , iiower , feathers , coimmiter tinti illunlglit i3lt0v ( 'mutes , ( I13lC , chatrs , mat- timig , etc. , itad other articles too numerous ttm nmcmttlon ; ludie particularly invlteti to attend itIe. Mrs. 1. ' 1' . Van Noy , J , It. IIaxuy & Co. , auctioneers. 579-1 J. 11. 2dAXCY CO..nuctionecra , room 416 , I'C'nrbrmcim block , want your mttuc'tion nlcs of real estate , merchandise , furniture , live atock. etc. -623 - - - - - - - - - - - Ii l.F1C'i'I ( WI' Y l'J Nfl. II. S. STAI1K & CO1110 ) Dodge.iI45i , -iI45i Jy27 - . - - . ----a- . - - - .1tJ4'1'1CI6 OL TIlE l'I6ACIS. LI. II. JOIJCK. 300 ICzirham'h Shock. 233 , t _ . . . _ . . , - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - 1T r------------- IIICS'CI,13S. NEW wheels , $19 tq$3 secondhand whieei , $5 to iti , Omaha h1lyo1o Co. . IC & Chicago. -653 - - - . - . - - . - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ FOR SAI1E , a uis&h c'S'eic for $16.75. Neb. Cycle Co. , Con , iSth'ntid ' Ilmmrney.dOT 3 - I'A'VNiilLOlCliItS , IL MAIIOWITZ loitns money. 418 N , 16th 1 .J. .I 1LilMlilt 4tISsoli'1's. , YELI.OWI4TONEI NATIONA t PARIC. Wy- lie permanent camps. SpecIal rate. LI. M , Hunt , I und 2 Ware 131k , 'Phone 2135. - -MSOOJyS4 _ PIIIY.t'1'13 llOSl'i'l'A14 _ DR. LIEHEIt , cancers , female diseases. 1912 Leavenworth. 550 Jy4 - - - - - - U1'lIoI.s'l'itii il'fl. LUNDEEN , turnittre made over : 1523 Leavenworth , -t1691 J'IO J I A 1 ItJli ES S I Nfl , SALE of hair goods ; prices satisfactory. Miller hlairdressimig Parlors. 151 $ Douglas. 553-Jy 12 'i''i'18 % % 'ItI 'il'lIt S. TYPLI\Vhtl'L'EItS for reel , $1.00 per mnommtlt The Siimitlt-I'reniler Typewriler Co. , 1623 Farnamn St. ; Telephone 12I. . - - - SltORTllANl ) .tNU P'a'PlSlVltlTlNfl , VAN SA'NT'S SCiloci. 712 N. Y. Life. The school who mttiubont get employmeilt. Conducted by an experiemuceti reporter A'S' OMAHA huts. College , 16th & Douglas. 1flOflT-ItAND tip.te-dnto , taught by court reporters. IJoyle School , 400-6-7 lieu ttblg. 11113CR , . - WTrIINCLI4 ir0 , & Smith , paving , sewer , building ; capacity 100,000 a day ; 22tl and Hickory streets. 'rd. 423. 290 CiIlltl.1flIS M'tlING. 1.ARh3AChI & . SONS , 1312 lloward Tel. 1102. -M22uJ yb rtiliNi' rlil ! 1i i'.trKIhi ) . M. S. WAL1CI1N , bill Cunling. Tel. 1331 , ihtESMltRlNfl. DRESSM.tIlNG , 2miiss Sturdy , 2fli 1).iv. enport. -T9iJyII' . SI1IJYCI.ISS. . ' BARGAINS in 110W & 211(1 lmnntl bicycles ; easy tei'in. Time Safe Store , 1116 Farnmtnm. Sla JY13 sr.itT. 11 ' . AISTI'STIC figures , ornaments , ( inflatllia & 317 5. 10th St. . SLll3l11l SC1IOOIS , ' Fort . pupIls of 7tii anti Sill grades. begin- ' 011115' June 27 , at Chtmrch of Ociomi Sileparti , 20th amId Ohio. Agnes M. Dasvsimu. . 3i5.-Jy-5' 1'lAOS 'I'UNISI ) , PIANOS tuned. $1.50. Itose , 1521 Dodge. ' . 1.97 Jy5 $ ViOLIN MAllNC. . ' C , A. CASE , violins repaired. 416 Sileely 111k. -M692 JylO iqi sic , Al'i' tsn IANGtlns. PROF. PETERSEN'S music school. piano , ' violin , mandolin , gtuitmtr. zither. German niuthmod. Terms reasonable. 513 Slmu'ely Block. SbCt-.iy-t' S'l'ENOGIS.AI'll hItS. 1\1i SOLICIT anti furnish positions for . stenographers free. The Smith-I'remier 'l'ylicwritor Co. Teiouhnne 1281. 239 Iltilt II11SSSINC. . SALE on hair goods. Miller's hair Dress- lag. 1514 Douglas. --907 Jy14 _ SUES _ co. , c ! h--- " I Solid Ilivelit- 2 Flilo FLIII)15 , i1ctt' Sutton : Nub. - One 240 acres. One 310 acres. Corn , 200 acres of Wheat , 120 Acres. Good llouse3. _ _ _ _ One barn. 4Ix63. IOU Winter Wheat , U L3 Acres. _ _ _ _ _ _ , Corn , Plow Land , . . Acres , 60 Acres , , _ c - - _ _ _ _ _ , nfl - . . , Lit.J . Pasture. = ci 60 Acres. G. W. Carlock , No. 3i6 ] arbach1ltk. . ' ' . 1t.tILWAV'I'IME CAlti ) gCHICAOO & NORTIIWEST- : ' . em Railway-City Tkkct - ! omce , 1401 learnmtmn Street , -ri , ¶ # .ry Telephone , 561 Depot , 'I'Cilth nn'i Islusoil Streets. Telephone , Leave Arrive. Daylighlt Chicago Special . . . . . . . . . . . . . * 6:40 : am ' 11:55 : pnu Mo. . Valley , Sioux City. St. Paul & Minneapolis . . . . . . . S 6:40 : am ' 10:45 : pm Mo. Vailey , Sioux City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 745 ; am 9:00 : pun Boone , Dennton , Council JllufL's ' 10:10 : pm ' 10:05 : am Eastetn lCx. . Des Moines , Marshlali- tti'tvfl. Cedar Slap- iIs anti Chicago. . . ' 11:05 : am ' 4:20 : pm Atlantic Flyer , Clii- cage anti ISmist. . . . . ' 4:55 : pm ' 4:20 : pm Fast Mall , Chicago to Omaha . 3:15 : Im Northern Express ' 5:30 : pm ' 8:10 : am Omn-Chlcago Sie- cmi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 6:55 : pm ' 8:23 : am ' Daily. ° N' ' ELKIIOItN & , . 'z . . , Missouri Valley Railway- General Olflce , United Ii ' . . _ States National Hank liltIg , . . _ _ , Jd _ _ . , * . Sotiiis'cSt Corumer Ts'clttim 'a'd ; ; Farnam Streets. Ticket 0111cc , 1101 Fmirnam Street. Telephone. 561. Depot , Fifteenth 'mmnd'ebstc'r Streots. Telephone , lt53 , Leave. Arrive. Iflack hills , rend- wood. hot Spri'gs ' 3:00 : im ' 5:00 : pm V.'yoming. Casper and Douglas . . . . . . " 3:00 : pm " " 5:00 : pm Ilastimigs. York. fla- vid City , Superior , Geneva , Extcr & Seward . . . . . . . . . . . , ' 3:00 : pm " 5:00 : pm Norfolk. Verdigr.3 and Fremont . . . . . ' 8:15 : am ' 1O:4 : am Lincoln , % Vmihmoo & Fremont . . . . . . . . . . 'S 8:15 : am " 10:45 : am l'remutmt 1ocai . . . . " 760 am York Pmtssettger. . . . . ' 6:10 : pin ' 9:40 : am I Daily. ' tiiil9' oxcelut unuiay. " i'ftiIm- tiny oniy. " Daily except Saturday. 'I , . ' Dai. Oxceilt rlommday. ST. I'AUL. , MIN- nealmolis & Omaha Hallway . , j1il -General Olilces , Nebraska ( TIL Divisitmit , l"itcentil and \'cbster Streets. City TicktOmce. 2401 Farnanu Street. Tole- imbone , 561. Depot , Fiftecatbi and Webster Streets. Telepliomme , 1,453.Leave Leave , Arrive. Sioux CIty Accom. . " 8:50 : am " 8:25 : pm Sioux City .Accom. . ' " 9:50 : aiim " :35 : pm Blair , Eni.raon , Sioux City , l'onca , hlarmingtnr , and iiioomlit'lu . . . . . . . S. 1:00 uirn "SI :55 : am Sioux City , Maim. kate , St. Paul & MillulcapoliS . . . . . * " 6:00 : pm ' 9:00 : am ' flitily. " Daily except huimilay. " Sunday - day only. " Does not atoll at DeSota or L'offman , - -3IOUX CITY & PACIFIC itallro'ttl - General OIlice I- . United Htate National ! ; iimttuk . linilding. S. W. Con- _ . nt. ] 'w'eifthi ftfltl F'arumtm Street. Ticket 0111cc , 1401 Fiurnam Stremt. Telephone , 561. Depot , 'l'onth and Mmtsoml Streets , 'rebepliumme. 629.Leave Leave , Arrive. Sioux CIty , Man- kate , St. Paul , ' 6:40 : am ' 8:40 : am Minneapolis . . . . . . . ' 5:30 : pin ' 10:45 : pm SIoux City Local. , , . ' 7:45 : am ' 9:00 : inn . Daily. tl\II4i & S'l' . LOUiS IIA1L. ruaU-Jmmihmmi , Kansas City & : Eu 'micra hlaiiromui-1'lmu I'oui I ' " ' ' 'Irtliur hioutu"-'I'Icket 0111cc , I7ITr. . 4i 1'arniiuu Street. ' 1 ole- iliouie 322. it'tclt , 'L'Cfltil aitti , llaeomi Streets , Telephone . Leave Arrive. lit Louis Cannon hall I2xprci , ' 4:35 : pm 11:30 : am Eansas City Qtiine Lnt'ai . . ' 7:40 : am ' 9OG : pm Kanoas City Ex- : 1'rcmt 7:30 : am Port Arthur LIX- press , . . . . . . . . s.3O pm ' 1)ailv 141511011111 I'ACIFIC RAIL. . - raziul-Guimeral Oilice and $ . Ticket 0111cc , Southeast Cur- mIen 14th and Douglaa'Streeis. Ip . Ttmlsphmone , 10-I. flelmot , 15tH ammul % Vabster 5th. TeIophon 1468. Leave , Arrive. Kansas and Nob. Limited . . . . . . . . . . . . 3:0 I'm ' 12:53 : pm Kaimsa CIty & St. Louis Express . . . 9:30pm : 6:00 : urn 4ebra.aku i.oeal . . , " 4:30 urn " 9:45 : am . Daily , ' Daily exceRt Sunda' . 1t.tll..t' TiMl.i VAlID. - _ - _ - - - - - ( Continued. ) " ' - llUltf.INQTON & MIS. I nton ; : lluinlington soon flivr ltiuilroaul-"The Itotite"-en- ; ] 'rcntii oral O1Ilce aumtl FIlmed N.V. . Streets. Corner Ticket Oillte. 1102 } 'nrnamn Street Telephone 33(1 , Do. pot , Tenthatitl Mason Streets4 Telephotle 1 * . Leave. ArrIve. Lincoln. Hastings anti MeCeok . . . . . ' 8:33 am ' 9:33 : am Liatoln , DelIver , Coicraulo , tltahm , ( 'nilfornin , Black ililla. Montana & i'tuget i'otIiuut . . . . . ' 4.3.1 rn ' 4:110 : pm L'.ncobn Local . . . . . ' ' 7:00 mm " 7:4(1 : PflI 1. mcclii Fnst Mali , " 255 pnu " 11 40 ate Denver , Colorado , Utah , California and l'ugvt b'Ohmfld it:55 urn ' 11:55 : pm 'Do ily. "D.tI ly except sunu'y. ' ' fltlt1,1NT FB viii nton1' ltmmtlrnn.1 - " 'I'ho Itutiingtnn llohIto"-Tiltt.t 0llien 1302 'Pnrnmin : Stnet , El outB 'I'OlelilOnO 360. btpat , 'l'otuth anti Mnoui Streets , 'role. idIotIc 128.Leave Leave , ArrIve. Chicago Vestibuled Express . . . . . . . . . . . . S 5t : , lun ' SlO : am Cilicago 1'xilresq . . 945 am ' 4:10 : irn CIIit'flg ( ) & 5t Louis Exiress . ' 7:43 : mn 9:10 : am ' l'resIium , 1'al ' 4 :00 : pam 'ithiS mtii PacifIc' Junction Local . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 11:63 : i'm 5:40 : I'm Fat Mall . . . . . . , . . , 4 2&t : ) ito' Clliengo Simecilti . 'i20i am 'IlfO : I'm ' Daily. ' DaIly ucnpt Sunday. I CITY , ST.JO. I I seth ; & Council limits Stall. I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ etlaul - ' 'The liilrllngtou , Iinuto"-'rleicet Oiiice , 1302 I II otite Faniinfll Street. Tcleiuine ) 250 , Depot , 'l'euitit anti ? I1l son Strocis. 'l'i'lepli.iuui 125 Leave , Aieivu. IConsa a City Day Expresq S 9:0-5 : am ' 5:40 : 1110 Rnnsns ( 'lty Niii ' LIxirt'ss . . . . . . . . . . . ' 11:00 : m 6:30 : aiim 'ExliiltIo1 Flyer" ' St. lttis . . . . . . . . . . t 4:30 : ittit 12:0 : pm for St. Jo'eph anti ' Daily. -i--- ; : : . , . A II A S II 'liekot 0111cc , 1115 F'au'Ilnm ittreet. . 'felel'lino 92 , Depot 'I. . ' , , t I ) ii 'iii % Imrs ott Streets. I 'i'elcptmcne 629. \ Leave. ArrIve. St. LouIs "CallOn I , I lall Expt'ce' . . . . . . ' 4 :30 : PIn ' 11 :30 : irma Daily. UNION i'ACIVIC " ' ii'T - "i'lii ; q ( , ( l'rinhi ltoumtt'-Gencm'al Of- , ' flees , N. IV. Corier Ninth iiiitl : & ' . F' Strets. 0119' 'lit'Iet II ' ' Otl'ce . , 1302 l'arnamml Street. 1 ' ' ' , l. ci u'piio P0 216. 1)epot , 'l'eumt Ii and Mason Streets. Telephone 9. Leave. Arrive. 'Tlio Overland Linilted" ( or lIen- ver , Salt 1.ztito. 1(0(1 westerlm pt3. . ' :50 : a. ' 4:13 pin TIme Celorirdo Site- cittl , fm Iciiver & ttlI Cului'ado p'ts. 1155 flfl ' 6:40 : r , m Fast Ttiitlt 'l'rniit for Salt Lake , l'mtcillc cotmt and nil Western Itoints . . . 4:35 im ) ' 6:10 : ant LitltDhtt. IlcaInico & 5t'omnsburg Ex. " 5:00 : pnu " 12:50 : iumn Fratilont , Colum- btm , Norfolk , Gr'tI island & 1eartmey 4:33 : urn 'lbbO : imn Grand I siand Ex . . . " 5 :00 : mtmm 1b :20 : Pifl Daily. ' 1)tlil3' except Stmnlay , South Omaha Local 1'.s.I.en'rc , 6:15 a. mit. ; 1:00 it. mu. ; 9h : a. in. ; 3:1(1 ( 0 , 10. Ar- dyes , 10:15 ti. m. ; . , :1' : ) :1. : nI. ; 'mOJ : p. m. Council SiloS's l.ocal-Leav'.mu , .i:55 : a. m. ; 6:50 : a. in. ; 'i .8' ' ) ml. Ia. : SltJ it. ma. ; 10:80 : i. am. ; 2:15 : P. am. ; 4:33 : 1 , . nl. ; 5:55 : l. m.S:20 ; p. imu. ; i003 I ) . ti ) . . Arrives , G'J : a. iii. ; 7:20 : t. nI. ; 5:35 : a. ni. ; 11 : : : o a. at. ; 3:10 p. mum 6:40 1) in. : 6:31 I ) . m. ; 9:0 : p. ru. : 10:4' : p. m , ChICAGO , LtOCK1SLAj ) . & Pacilic " ' - . Itnhiromtul-"J'l-me . . 4 : ' _ Great S1bclc Island Itout. , " Cit ) Ticket Olik'e , 1323 IL' . ' I _ minimum Street. 'I'C.lepllomme , L. 4s Depot , Tenth anti . . , . . . . , somt Slreets. Telephone - . , 629. Iearo. , t'.rnivc. 1iock MOtIflttLifl Limited , east . 1330 nra 1:25 am Stocky Mtuiititiri lmunltetl. west 5:20 : am tila : am Chicago & St. Parml VestliuIetl E x - lmrcs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 5:00 : Pm 5:23 : pm Liimcolml. CoIortttio Sjirings. Pueblo. D.inver anti we3t 1:30 : pm 4:25 : pm Chicago. De M. uiu"t e Ito.i. 1'and . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:00 pm " 11 :2.5 : ani Atmuntmc Express , lor Les Moirs anti eastern Points " 7:20 : am ' 8:50 : iii Cltira.lo Flyer ' 7:00 : imimi ' sSu : ama . Daily. ' Daily except Sunloy _ _ J.- _ . : .1llCIGO. Mll.'AUKE1 & /c 11c4r St. Paul Hallway - //1/LWAU/EE / iurnam 4' . . S'1 'i'eumtl , rimil Mason Streets. , , ,446L , Telephone. 629 4I Leave. Arrive ClllCagO - Limited Express . . . . . . . . . . . S 5:15 : pm ' 8:20 : am Omalit & Chicago EXprc35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'IlOO : am " 4:15 m iuuix Jliy arid Des Moinis Exnrcsq. . . . . 1l:00 : rum " 3:15 : pro 'Dail' . 'Dntly except Stm inlay , ltI2LlCbOUs SlitVlCES. Jmnptist , IJETIL E1)i2 ClhlIltC'it , 519 SOTITIt T'lSNTY. ninth Av.'imtte. 11ev. (3. Ii. Alien , Jr. , l'tItr- hcrvIces at IO.O a. ma. anti S i. in. ; Summ.Imty admool at noon ; It , 'V. P. P. , CiO : : p. ft. C.lXAItY cItUflCll. TSVSNI'l'-siXTmL Seward Streets , 11ev. Timoamna Afldproi. I'atnr -ter'iees itt lE ) a. m. and 7:3. ) p. mu. ; scitool ii t lion. 11ltS'J' cllUltCir. TTII1tTY-FlI'mir N ! ) 1'.Ut- momma Stre.'ts , 11ev. 'r. I. . ietnimin. i'ZlmtOi'-'er % it'es at I I :30 : a. ii , . mini S p. iii. ; itimilay , . } oi mu II :43 : mm. mm. ; Junior Itmita , : m : o m' . iii. : Ii. y. 1' . U. . 7 p. ra. ; 1llaa Sumilay Mctietl , 'Isuenty- t'ttIitit lIl'llU' tI.t I"arnitit .1 : JJ p. in Ggltrlrr'lrrlr , TwN'ry-szxnI ANI ) Stvani Streets , 11ev. Auguit lloitcr , 1'attr- $ 't i'e' at iO:0 : it. flu. mmmii 7:0 : i' . am. ; .Suiniay clmoo1 iii 5i : a. In. Cilt4\t'l : t'mi mJlmCIl , TEi'TIl . 'tStiI ' ) A leon Sirecus. 11ev. .1. 0. Staples , itllflhitPt--t'rvlcea itt 10:43 a. in. and 1 p. tim. ; numuiky ctiojl itt anon ; gepel mnp.'iliugt , W..tlime.iiay eveaIag Young I'ettl. , " S meeting , Fm lay eremuilig ; I t'atl- I n c rt.nhii e'a . 't .rv evenInj. IitSI4\Nitll , riiunt'if. I1INNgY ANT ) TS'lN. tv-oumrtiu t4treoms. Pulpit sutmillJ temIl.orartty : e.I. % let's itt 1OO a. in. autO S :3) : p , in. ; litimitlay school at Itnoim. - ilijtN'F ! 1'lSfiAII ( "lltlmmrml. TW'1N'ry44lv- : (11 Lb ii ni t'CSM Str'et.i. 1t. . ' . Iron .anua ; I I 'Ci oi'-i'i'rt' . 'e it I I I a. ii u. nfl S :30 : i , . iii , Snail , , y ' , . 'ti.el I I 12 :31 : . to. : Pnts'er tui""t 1mg \'du ttl 4y CI tfl I ng ; Ytitmug l'e.Ile' , aue'u Iii ; Vii.ta % , 't"tl'iic. Of.lVi"i' t'lIUlClI , Ghl.'tNl ' ) .t'FNil : : z'j 'fImlnlv'cIgh'ii Siromt , Ile' , A. .1. FleetIng. Iet. r-trtiees at Ii a. in. and 1:3u . cm. ; 8uaia .t'hool It " $ 'O. dWLIIi SIT ( ' 1 iU"CII. 118 NOItTII 511111. teenilu i4trc'et. 1lV. I' . Sivarts , l'Iinr-K'rt'l& , ii , . II II. If. stud 7:10 : i' . rn ; Suedmy school it 9:20 : a. it. "lON' CImtltCll. ! 2215 OICANT S'l'ltlti'T. 1111 % ' . 'i' . 'I' . lVitid , IamtIor-St'rtlcea at Ii a , m. nil ) 7'G p. in. Suiiiay sclmtcI at l2O p. Ia , IJI , ri liii it. iiits'r ( : ilunc'll , COItNilt TWICNTIIS'nrI Hirot' ( anti ( 'nPlt'i Aviutte , ie' ( . .3. M , Vawler , I'arl oriert ices at i9O t , in. anti 7:30 p. in. ; Sunilay school at 12 in. ; Young i'etjIes htwlety of ChrIstIan lnIt'aor at 6:131 : . in. ; pmtmyer inectitig'etInitJay itt 7O . iii. ' .Iil % Nr STIISIS'i' ( 1JUne11. Tv5NTy-g1x'rl ! and ( irgat Streets. ( tot' . Cl. . irA 'ration , I'ttor -Iervices ; at ion a , HI , cmii 1 : .1G p. nm. ; rliooI at noon. wALlj'r 1111.1. CIIIT1ICII , 4,20 N1'1IOl.AS Street. 11ev. Jt'rptt Nlchol. . I'aitoi H'r'Ire. It 10:30 a. m , and 13O p. in. ; Sunday school at a ilm. ( julut.rregmtl lutist , , CilSflflY liTr.L.c'lit1ItCll. SaIl OitrhI FOOTY- teeini I5tic"t , 11ev. L. H. I lanti. v- Ict' * itt I I a III. ; SI irOny m.ciu. 'I ' mit mmccli. L'lltS'I' PlIl'ilL'lI 'lNltTi1lN'J'iI . ' ' U 1I.V- emuport hIred , . 11ev. Franlmu A. Waniieii. l'aCtot. -Services at 10S ; ) a. in. ammO 1:45 : p. in. ; Sunday school at audi. iiiI.i.SIlE CIII' ItCh. Tihilt'i'I lrli AiLI 01110 Stret'ia. 1'v. .t.ittii Flock , l'mstttrServlt4'u it 10:30 : a. iii . a nil 7:30 : p. in. ; Hu 114 y seIi'tol at tuiiti : limier rr In. % 'etluI1'b.1a' .it 7Cm : m' . ii , . l'AItl VAI.11 CuIUItii. B41 cAsi'nl'l.LAII : Street-Pulpit huml'lied ; it'rvlces at lO0 a. sit. 5141 ; 2fl p. tim. . Sumtdtty a imtiui at Itattt. . 'il.GIlihl ( 'II lJItt'iI , NOtITlI VnTY-vihtr itret't , 11ev. Frank 1) . Javkson. 1atorieivtrea at Ii a. tn anti 1:3' ) p. in. ; iiumidy srliul itt nn. "m.Y.lOU'l'lI ( 'lii'Il ( 'U. TwttNTmJ''I'll ; AND 31'nc'er $ Iret * 11ev. } i.twtmrml MsrAyeal , l'.tItr -S'rvlrea at lOO ; a. Ut. ai1 I p. in. ; ltndettvor society at 7:15 : p. cm. ; prayer toe 'tints % ' .r1tmes lay at t:3 : p. in. ; huflhlti ) ' sciuctil , it titii. mr M.tltYS AVSNIYLI ( 'ii llIit'il. TWSNTY. i vntlt b'Ireet amiti St. tl.try's At'cntme. 11ev. 8. % s'I Iglut Iltitier. I ) . I ) . . l'aItjr--S.rvle-s nu 10:3) : a. rim. iiiil 7:53 p. in , ; Stinday itltooi itt ncios. 8" IIATOCIA CIlUItCIE. TWgN'tY-F1F'TJi Street mini Ame * M'cnue , 11ev. 1. . 8. html. I'ammtor-Htrvlcra lit 10:30 a. m. anti 7:45 : ii. ma. ; Sunday , chtool id 2:30 : p. in , , $ ' ( , ) I. HAINTS ( 'iIhIltCll. TVHTY.HIXTl1 ANt ) llmmlf.iiowttrd $ mue"ts. 1L , ' . Th'ttn.m , .1 , Mactay ) t..eiorHoly etinitimunion every euntlay in ( lie timontli. umiceot th Chat. iii 730 a. iii. ; ermon , itt Ii a. in , anti 1:30 p , in. ; Sunday , cnuai it 9:30 a. in. CilUitChi OF Till ] 0001) SIIlC1'llLIItD , TWEN. ' Peth anti Cub Strret * , 11ev. ( leorg , , I'.ie'amj Wahk. at. A. , itcior-Serytcea umi S a , in , , ii I. . UI. Liii ) 7:30 p. m. ; Suadsy .ilucl at 9 41. a. m , T - - - _ ItEl.1Gi0115 SLilL'hChS , _ ( . ) - - - ST A'Jlhti1i"S ( 'ltttltt'lI. C0lm'l1lt CIIA l1T.h'3 lift t'41r15"111'st i4tni'lI ! , lUr. ( . ' . II. 'oun l'rlet-'rvlreq at I :30 : a. nu. , It a. m. 7:4t : p. m. ; SuniIa' hiool itt 10 5. rn l'ritisye at 7:13 : P. ft. ST. , % 1umsnygS : ; tIluitt'ht. Tlllht'1'-Tlilllll nnti l'rvineht. Strf'etui , l'nlest in t'tnrge. 11-n , V. 5. Ilawnttiiervlees sit I p. ft. ; Sutitl5y ' , el-of iii 3 P 0 * . 6 ! ' , 11. flN .lmS' rIttlIlcil , 31 OltTlt NINI- tcettth SIts-st. 11ev. .Jnhtt S'lihiitm , , itsetot- ' 5cr'lees nu 7:00 a. Ill. . 11 5. in. cci , :90 : p. mm , gtuni'm. ' . 'u'nsI qi 't'3 a. in. ST. J0liN' iIIlht'il , T\vm4NTv..qlNTlt AND 1.ntuutIiI ml $ itttt , heY. 'IV. S. ilttmv.uni , i'rirst- 8n lees itt 1:20 Cmii II a. rn tab 7:15 : p. ml Stimtiny ? ached * 1 9 :10 : it. in. ; titilly sc'nm'les' , rt 5:46 : nint 7Oe : a. nu. nfli,1'I : ' I' . fll. . W'etlna * . . tba9'l it 1:15 p. ni. ; I"niilaye nt ? :30 : im. tim , ST. 3I'I'lIiA' tlltult'bI , liSt 'I'ICNTIt Street , 111w. I. . I" . I'otter. i'tiest In Chnre- gsrvies' , at ; : h'l a. at , ; II a , in. an i 7131 p. m.t Stinilay P'iiooh Si lfl 'u. in. in' . l't'la PlllTiii'hT. 3211 ( 'Ai.Il"CIllNI.t SirnCt-Pmthpit pmlph'hlPd temnpotanih ) ' : prr % iCes at It a , ni. atil ; $0 ii , lii. 8ttnii.iy cImol at 5) P1111,1.11' TII1 I1EACON CIhIlItCIT , liii 5'.trtIm Tw nty.llmst Sinpyt. 11ev. 2imhmn . ' .ll.nt \VllhIimuims. lts'inr- 'iViee at 1' I8 a. iii. . ii im. ' 11 , sitil S in. ; $ itnihuiy schinel at 1) a , rn I tialI' mnnmlng I'ti , % Cr , I' a am , i tv'nhtC , S p in , TI1IN1TY t'A'l'llEIlli.\I. , ( A1'l t'lita . 'tVl' nIle iiiiii Eil5lmteeIutim 'tr.'i. lit. ltn % . I ] ( 'irge \'trt ii i a gi till 1) . i , 1 hiSiitmO. ¼ Ii ( 'v. t'im mu lush 1"il it' , I ) . 1 1 , ien : u . -.h I alit' cotntii u uiinmm , ) :23 : a. im , . ; I it'm it ' , 10 a in. ; Ill mnimi mtg li tt yt'r , I 0:30 : a. , ii . _ tt.ti t iii p school , 12 itoot , ; ovenltmg ltrrYi'r. :15 : ii , tim. lis'st tt t' I i ( it I. g1iANtTEi. ClIlhittil , 9013 M.tlV ( iTiilB'T hew. U. .1. 5ireIiitr , I' stir -ervlc'c' , at ia:0 : : it. am. nhtti 7 : ) ) i' . tn. ; Sutuita y seimacil a t I I : rQ , , , tim. t'fll1 ( 'lliihl'it , 1'i'hl.lTll AND 8tmi'ts , 11ev. Ii' . II. ' . llr'teclmi'rl. l'ntnr- icrt'lces at It :20 : a. ma. toil I :30 : i' . iii ; Suiitla it i.ehiwil ft : li I , . ma , SW h:1)lsll : ilsb0' rlllTlU'hl. b2t im ViN'- lt. I $ tret. ltv. 1' . 0 1 ItilIlittin , i'nstnr- 'L'rt let's at isio : n. tO tutil 1:30 : ii. tmt. ; titmImdilT , .cliwmI ii t 3 : % ' , ' , TON ( ltflthi.tM rllhlm'iI. : 5622 SPlhiutiJI'i ) htreet. li , % . irii.oi iii'lii. l'auiiir--Serm'i'ei , at IO.0 : a. tut , aflib 7:30 : P. Iii. ; Sittmtiay siol ) itt , 11:3) : a. in. ltmtlut i iiim , S I1ANIqIL clhtYllell , Ill i'OtiTIl T\1'iN1'- .ecimim.I iliict't. lt'v , 1. C. I'ntii , 'ti , l'titnr- $ rt'lce5 01 10:00 : a. in. nfl S p. to. , eteett , i4tiimilay iii I it , . tn'mnl ' Ii. m lieu I iier a re flu t vcit. lug ierm'It' , ' ; Senility st'iiioi at i:3ii it. in. lSIMNt'gl. 't\'lllSlI Chii'lt'il , Ni N14 IreIthm ntii ( 'It's tltrrm'is. lise. I' . .1. tynntI. I ' .iStom' tcr.s ii I I i : 43 a. iii. a tmi 7 :46 : i' . til. &titmiiiay pelt vii at n' ' 'i i'ilwr iililht\N ClIPltCh ! , 1003 tiOtTlE 'I'wentlntli tlttrt , lInt' . 1. .1. l.ree. l'iistnr- . . , Ier % ICe' . at ltlt : a. iti. amlil iSU : p. in. .Stttitltiy eItinl lit 2 p iii. UOIIN'l'ZTi Ml'tI0ll1 . .I , CllPItCh1 , Slic- tvenhlm cmiii liasmu Stri't. , . .t , A I Tiiikle. I ' 51 tmr-et'Iim' . ii t liC , , . mn. i,1 7 :3' : ' ) 1 , . tit , t iftitilay it'liil at Lih1.L'I ; I III : ltt'll , r m'uN'rv.glxTlI iTltllC1 nati ! . ' , , olwnrit Am'etiite , itet' . Iiiliior hit , Iuituimi. l'ai.ior-enm'tct's tut it a. mum. tOol 7l ; , It. Ill . Suitily .t'ienii ut 12:15 : m. in. Noilw'lul.N : , ; tm D.\Nllilt cxltllci : : . : i N'ertlu 'rw'imtsttli Street. micy. .1. N , Anler. . m.ea , Patti - r i v1"ip iii ii a. iii no.1 7ai ti ti. : Stiti.Itiy CIici'h .fl l2:1' : I. iI1 l'll.T , , lN'liI1 CIllTlleht 2213 NOIITII Twcrt Yii SI ii 8'i' , , t - lJl , ii t smuor : : . , , u u cii. Ptirai'lly . t'rvt'e. at II . . ii. in. nimi ; 3 l. tmi. Ii Huntlxmy i'li. ci it I atoll. T. hiAlt1 $ 'mIlltci ; , T'gNrV-Fi7's1' .n lltmrdetto Streets , 11ev. heona'ii ( maim , 1imstor. . . ter'lre , ii I ID 13 ii. in. a imil 7 : .l p. mu. ; t4tmmtthij . , clioo1 ft anon. c.1 MA' I"l'IIfll'S c'lIultril , V'llil'1'hlih4Tli amid ( 'eItIir Stt'.wt , . 11ev. A. .1. 'I'tii'lie , Pnstti'- : Sunlmy ertioni it I 1. iii. iS'I' . l'Atfl.8 uttM.\N : ( i I Ultclh. 22 ; l'itI il1 Hireei , lte' . .Toiin t. 8. li'r , l'utnr-Sem'vIci Ut 10 a. ma. and 1:10 : mm. tu. ; Stimitlay cImoil at I 11. tit , et'i'mi lug. i't'onl ii nO fount m timtmtl i y Ic i'ti'Ii niituIi , ill ' ; ' : : i i , . Iii. 8A1,1.1t1 5'N(1F1l'A ( 1. 8W11)18li Cii 1fl1C1i , 3213 5ium Tw'ni-ililrt1 SIi'et. ( . l. li I iig , I ' .i siir-'nm' I' , 's a I 1(1 :30 : it , it , . ammil 7 :1 : p. iii. . Sttim'ln f4eliirn at 'ala. 31 t' I ii o ii I . . I. FII1ST Cifpltt'mi. TWlDJ'I'thThl ANtI D.5- per-i Street , . Bet' . .Tiiimn Mc'2iinli. I ) . I ) . . I'ntoi -Service , at 10:30 a in. anih 7:39 : ii. tim. Suniny pelicol at flootu. Fli181' GIirhiiAN C'lllTfl'li , 5Ii''TNTII ANI ) Center Strt'tui. Ite' . Ottim It , Ii'Ii'o , I'astor- tt'i'vIct , it 1(1:30 ( : a. in. unit T : ' i. . ii , . : Siiiiilay' ' school at noon. ll.tNSCOM i.lltt ( iltitCih. Sinet ttntt W'ooiwnthvemmte. . 11ev , 1' . Al. SliFon. 11.1) , , Pntur-erm let , , at 10:30 : it. in. ii nl 7 :311 p , tie. ; Suitdii ' it' 'ccl itt tiunmi. MOXAtOU'I'It 1'.tith < ' - 'mtcl : , n1lIltT' . ( cii Iti Sited fluil ; 1at'ini.iip As' , imut' , hey. Frank \V. liners , I'fl.tnr-S'rvices ni 1 a. In. iilii I a' c. ma. ; attalay , ei. id ii I i NOI1W'EGl'tN , Nl ) D\N15'hi l'mIt'llclI , msit ; Not't't Twcatvi'mxtlm Street. 1kv. ) m.msnu , ; WI- ! itebieemi. i'ittir-5enm'lc's it ! a. in. anti i :30 : p. 1-i. ; SiiniPiy scimnol it noon. . Ci.flClt. _ IlfilET. . . , . , , , 4. Oit 11 tirr nirI , ' ! . , tc'm' . .irinmC , C c. Oneiji' , I ittrr-icrire , at 11:15 : a. in . 'tIlt ! 7:3i p. ci. ; Such ii y i.c.iotpl ii I 1 : tS p. ci , ; l.cague every Sitimility et enimig ene hour lime- ccl lag iti t'achil hg : pm ' ( 'r Oiel Itic 'very Ve'imi&'stiny t-vcning mit 7:30 ; clm : , ii , cttrR evcry i'rItli'y lit 7O : mm. iii. 5i'VAlSI ) s'nimnET CmhiItlrll , T\\'ENTY-Shc- ; tUtu ii tel Soti'ii ri Stm'e" I . 11ev. lii aV. . I loijl a. sil. , LI. I ) . , l'aator-Servlcc , at 10:31) : ) a. in. aii v : . , m' . mi. ttiii'Ii ' sit. ii itt Itoimi. hO t 'ri t 'ih.i'i : i i'1'hlFICT Cl I 1111Cm 1 TflN'i'iT mmcii 1 lince Street , . Itt't' . George % . tiic , i.i , , , icri'erv Icen a t I I : a . ni. tiiiI 7 :33 : p. to . ; Sti a. tit , y 'cit au a t minoti : Jtimiior league , 4 p iii. ; m'nnih icici , . ' , 6:20 : ii. mi. , S0l'TIIWSST c'h ih'htrir. r.h21 Iilc'1ony Street , 11ev. fl. At. llenderoim l'ai-ter-S.rvlce , it I Ii ) : l a in. anti 7 :30 : P. al . Sumalay scltml at li45 ; a. in. 81'hiS1t ( "ITUUCII. SIr N0tt'l'II 111111T. . Ctltit Street , Il-v. Carl 0. hirIron , h'astom'- . Sem' ' It'es itt I 1 a , iii. a flt ! 7 :30 : i' in. : Sit nutty Pu.3' ' ) a. ma , att'i ' :30 : ii. ni at tin. radius at 114 Sculls TiIrti.ihi iii i . . .I 1'IST OM.11 , ( 'ltUltCly , TV1tNT'.S13V. ctttht nit 1 hiltrey Stret'ts , ltp % ' . .iniiit'ig hInhi'imei , , 1'astot'--irvjt's itt ml a. iii. snil 7 : 3i ) i , rum. : ; tmnImiy michael a t nnn. Tilt 'fli'Y ( 'ii l'hmCh h , 1'W'1N'i'\-Flit1i' AN ! ) hIiiney ilreet , . 11cr. l'rc'I It. tin irron , LI. D. 1'atiui'-iormfreq fit l0i : ) fl in. na ! 7:3ti ii. tn. : iimnlsy i'clucol at ' . EPt'ulrtit ' ' iiic.'m ; % I'uigite lit t ; : ) p. iii. t\tI..NIJT 1111.1 , , 1G1t'l'-llilT AND eunrhem , Sirt-ets , htis' . ( . N. I'irtwsomi. 1) . 1) , , Pastmr-S'rvp'em , at 111:21) : n , mu. SItu 7:30 : r. . in. ; .Sunlcy FcIlooI at muon. .1. Al. ( lilian , stmtirlii- tL'im.leuil , EI'mv'rtli lt'itgiie itt 6 ; l I' . flu , SOITTI ! 0A1 , hi. lhitar chirtmit. 1'vitN'i'\ , ( bat nnl N St'eii' , l'ev. 5. A , .1 ALlmTtirIST , H5.1' . Q , A. P1.llIAiS'I'Y , P1r.n. Pastir. I'rm sbyl erlis a. AIIISLnI't l'I.C11 rlTtrhlclt. i"OflTV-SSCOND aid Maninuin Strceis-l'uilplt silpiuhied teiim p'imnrlh3' : tPt 'Iees at 10:25 : a. tim. : Oumtulay , elmoil .1 11:30 : a. iii. lmISIFOhlr ) rr.rn t"htuimcii , ng Street , iip' . Eaox Ihottute , l'urlor-orm'ice , , at iI:30 : it. in. aiiil :3O : mi It , . ; i4ummiiny cImool at nuon. Ch'N'1 ltAI , TiNrrltfl ru thSrII ! , TIVlNTYp ( nut tim tinil iitlge SIi'eeIa. htt"t' . AhenmiuIr liii , cutlet. 1'asior-i"ei'It'es at tOll ) ii , in. nnI 7:39 : I , . til. : Stifltlut5' seIu'u'i mit flute. CltF'1'0h' hIhi.i rihtlti'hl ! , t33 C"1t.NT Street , Itce. .l'ttncw hI. ICerr , l'Ar.ler-mum'vJce , hO : ? ) mm. mu , nntl 7:30 i' . iii. ; Stmitda9' webutui n little. Fl 1181' C' ! I t I Ui ! . 81V l'NTII fN'rl I A NI ) Dodge htt , cts ! t t'Ice' , 'it .1e:0 : a. in , anti p. itu 4itfltiflhi' pu'i ! lit flOOfl. 01115T GSiMA ! N ( 'hi I 'flu , CII NOlt'nll llohIT. centli .9Iit''t , htc' . ) ) ntmlei ( SrIeIer. l'tilur- , . Su'rviei' , ti i I I ) :0 : i ci. ani 1 20 p. ma. ; Sitmtiia t , ' , 'hncl at n''im. ? h1tT t'Nl'l'I' ! ) ( 'ill'htCIl. rwINTy.Fl 1tS' ' iiitul 1tiniu' ( Si i' . . ' i Hey. Ft ink IS. F'ier. l'titor'-.t"i'rvtt ci sit l0:0 : a. in. timlil 7:1 : p. iri. .Suiit1.iy u'eiu mit imonmu ; Clirlellan Union macair liii : ii 1 I' 'Ti. 3it.'fl Mi4srrjN ! rh11'n1i. Cull WI 141.I.tltt Hireeii'iuIplt siIhphIi it'iuijt'trarly ; ierm'Iceu at 10:31 : ii , iii. cmi , ! 1lu : ) i. ti , : ! 4utt.hhi' cImt'tul at mttuii. gNox ( 'ml l'iC'lI , NtN'flTII"'h'1 ! ! ANt ) ( 'ill hi ) Strei'l , ilt.v. A. riiniitip Itrowum , l'itiIrti'S.'rv. . lt-n ut 1Oa : ) a , in. immiti 1:3' hi. Ifl. ; Sitmiluty selioi'i lit mti'on ; ttmii I'tuh."s mat'clImtg iti T ti ma. TJ' ) ' t ; A'iiNl III rtj I : III' , I , lIt'i'T h'ri ; I A N11 Nheimntns Sirec'tit , T. I ; llawhe'y. l'atti'iiert. , ire , at lv :4.3 : ii . iii. html I : IS t. iii. Suni tim' school at 12 am. Yttun Pt'muplc'ii 8uelei' of ( 'inlai Ian i'flihi'iim'ttr , C:41 : tt. nu. 'IN'I'AmthO H'1'itulT ( 'lIt'ltrll. 12' ONTAIIII ) $ lri''t-l'tilp't iuIiI.'iI t..mnttmiit'IIy , ; iuerr'Ic't'tm nt hO :31) : a. ii , , a mmii I :31) : ) p. cm , ; Su ntl.iy primal it i noon , PAIIK A\'rN'i'li : ( 'lttJltC'll , h'AIIK .itS'ENI'fl ciii .J'iisrut $ Irett. 11ev. l'ulgtr ; 11schiih. i'ititiur-Scrr Ices at ) O30 a. m. titiui 7:30 : p. tim. ; 1.uuimthiu so'iotil sit noii. Ci0Nh ) ( 'II l'llt'Ji , 'h'S17N'1Y-FOhTh'tThI ANI ) Nlehola * t0trciit. 11ev. Samuel Al.Vnre , ltsetr -S.rylcto , itt P1:3) : a. in. anti 7:1) : p. in. ; Huii'i.iy ' reltr.r'I at nacri. 30t1'nIISVSs , ' ( 'ihiUtCi I. TWSNTI 'ril AltO i.v'tt'etmtu'nrt I , Ft r'et , t.-i4ti nutty s'clteoh ii t tmt-.utn. % vIS'TMIIIS'i'llll : ( 'I I tilt'hI , 'i'WI'.N'I'V-NIN'i'It 141,1 Alapini Strpel-S'rvic-i , , at lOttO a , iii , afiti 7:30 : m' . in. ; Suril.y , selirutil at itooti. Itosiunu Ciuthisille. C1IUILCII 0 ! " 'FIIi'I Ill. l'AtlI.Y. 51011- t"tnth ard Izarti 141r"ets , flee. Jiliit t'iir.pstrick i'a3iur-8ervlt.s iii 7. a an ! lU33 ii. iii. .ittul 1 I , , , , 5intiv , , .u'Iionl iii 3"O : n. tim cillinh'Ii OF 'tliS HuIth1i Ii , 'I'WCluty- i''ctttitl ii til illltney iItrt't is , 1 ls m' . I , . I ' ink J , .ltittge , I'aettit' : lli'm' . .1. AioNimnmnra , . 'te.iltmnt h'nst.r-Hryii'c at 7. S:3Q , Cr30 alit ) 10:3' : ' ) a. en. ; Sugttl.iy telmoch UI 1:10 : i' . in. ; neck tI.iy tn.ies. 7 atmil I ii. to. Nt. ( ittISIlA'S ( 'lllVfl'hh , 4117 ltAAilIi'fllI Hi t eat , I 1ev. O'Itmi-uI h 0' ( 'a his hiti ii. I 'it t 'tr--t't'ry. lOin itt I ap.i ) ) : b ) a. itt. ; Hunul.iy stehtul at a Clii' iit'H. P5VhiNT't'-h'h I'1'th AND ( imlitrnia Htres'l. Ite'.i io.lI1 II. Ateittelu. 8. J. l'atot-I4ttm'tces itt 5 6. 7 8:30 . , - , , : , 9:5) antI 10:30 : , mum. : Sunthumy school at 2:10 l rn ; veplmns itt 3 ii. iii. tmnuh I 'I ) ( i. ifi. 51' . .IOslio'Ivit 01lMAN ! lliY1tCi1. HlVgN. lnIIt anti ( 'emitsir i4iirt'ttu , hey. Aiuurllius l'aittor-Sarvb'ts iii B ito" 10:3) : a. m , ltuniiay at'Iiool at 2:31) : p. in. ST. M.htv SuIAUIA i.SNh1 tilt SCII , 1tI $ flougha , Sireet , 11ev. (3cerg .1 ( Ilututter. Pastor -8rvlnes at 5 iuid 10:10 : a. am. : vespers itt 3 p. iii ST. P11 hliM14NAS CATiillhbl , , 401 i4OUTlt Nintit Simect , Itt. ltsv. hticiutird hcmttunelt , 1tIhtop ; liar , .3 , Ii. Atnhem'ltt. Pastor : 11ev. % 'ihlIsiii Ilelly. Aiiiitaiit l'aitor-Sorvines at 6 , , 7 , 9 , 9 mind 10:35 : ii. m. ; Sunday * chooi 15TV.1l'53 Cli h'IiCli. TVIiTY-i3ltIhtT0l anti L'ttvenworlli Street , llt'v. John LI. 1ns. halt. i'astor ; list' . 'ISP. 5 , MeNaniara. Assist. ant VaetorHarvieca at 7 , s anti 10:30 : ii. en. vettp us sit 7:3) p. in. ; Sunday echuol at ) :3 s1 : : , , ChllIJiClI 1404 CAS'rldh4.&fl Street. 11ev. Julia T. Itamith , 1'&stor-ersice $ at I lmti 10:30 a. en. sad 730 p. pm. ; hiuirda4 stIim.jh at I p. mA. . _ , -w- & '