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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1898)
- - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - . - - -r-- - , - - - . . - - - . - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - . - _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - . _ . . _ _ _ Uy , T . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ U-- _ . - - - - - - - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --V - - - - - - - r----- - - ' p II , 14 TilE OMAHA DAILY TEJ SUNDAY , JULY 0 , 1898. - : ' ! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * $ * . ; AMUSEMENTS. The last w'ek ha ofcrcd ? nothing In the : way of theatrical amumcnts which differed In material degree from everaI which have EOflO before and what 1 more there Is no prospect of ntiythlng dIffersnt until the dos- ' lug days of the month. For all that amuse- ment. lovers have not fared so badly , The itock company ot the Croighton has given In "Doris' one of the best ththg it has 7et offered , both as to the play itielf and Its manner of prescntaUon. At the Trocadsro a clover bill has been presented , though sonic of the actn have been seen In Omaha in the not far distant past , being by members of the Texas Steer intl hopkins' Trans-Occanic Specialty corn- pany. Frank Lea Short is incubating a plan for great open air production of "As Lou Like It" at the exposition , and is trying to persuade the exposition management that it Would be a paying feature if they would take hold of it. While not worked out In sil its detaila the idea is to utilize the bant stand and ilaza Lu front of it a naturat theater antI to put on Shakespparean popU- mr comcdy in all , the elaboration of cos- turno and scenic effect , following the productions - ductions which have been riven st Newport - port and other summer reaorts. Mr. Short feels confident ho could secure tor such a performance the services of some of the most noted artists for the respective parts which have aver been seen in this country. Ito thinks also they would make It a great social event , in which society people would reserve boxes and vie with one another in decorating them and filling them with hand- eorneiy dressed men and women , who would ; present as pictureeque a. scene as the stage Itself. All this , of course , is In an embryo state , but. if the egg should really be t hatched out It would certainly Produce life In Omaha dramatic circles , which have been 0 long In a lethargic state. - One of the best known men in the amusement - mont world is C. A. Davis , press agent of the F'orcpaugh and eiia l3rothers circus , whichi was 'here last week. Ito has been in advance , in charge of press matters accompanying - companying the circus , or in the same Capacity - pacity with theatrical companies for over twenty years. In those years he has gathered - ered up a ftand of Information in regard to rnusement matters which is not excehied by my man in the business. In speaking of smIscrniits Mr. Davis said the other day : "It is pretty hard to intoreet the Amri- can public nowudays. Those who make their bread and butter by amusing the ( pub- lie have evolved so many novelties anti .tnrtling feats in the past that no matter what an actor or a performer does it is impossible to surprise people. They just take It as a matter of course. This is par- ticulariy true In the nattcr of training animals. Why , remember when the first dog that was ever trained to turn a sumer- sauit was shown in Madison Square garden - den , New York , that immense structure was packed for weeks , and that one trick was practically all the company bait to offer. The trick was the talk of the town and of the country. Now such a feat would not draw a corporal's guard , oven If It was new. " Wlth the openingofanother new show house , "Little Miss Chicago" makes her bow in Omaha tonight. The Gaiety theater has been pusliel to completion and the amuse- ment-loving public is offered another source of pleasure. Clifford's gaiety girls are a well knovn organization , having been on the road for several seasons , and some of the best burlesque actresses in America arc found in Its ranks , including such as iohly Nelystayer and Belle Black , both clever women. The comedians are men of note. James T. iCchiy was the original Chip in haney's "Railroad Ticket. " Frank Blair Ivas originally with the New York Casino company and Shernn Wade bore off the honors of IL I. flico' " 1492" company. The chorus is large. Mr. Clifford has brought froii Chicago the original scenery and cos- turnes of "Littlo Miss Chicago. " Beginning tomorrow afternoon and coatin- ilng throughout the week , with usual mati- flees \Vednosday , Saturday and Sunday , the 'Frocadero theater presents another strong list of vaudeville attractions. The program for the coming week is uadoubt- edly as strong , if not stronger , than any of the three preceding weeks , and includes such well known stars as Adehinan and Lowe , celebrated as champions of xylophone Boloiste and rofluicd musical artists ; John W. World , the eccentric comedian , the past sea son one of tlio joint stars of the season's farce comedy success , "Town Topics ; " Lorcnze and Alloy , In their acrobatic dane- ing specialty ; Madeline Shirley , singing soubrette ; Vanlitter and Conan , lady anti gentleman acrobats , equilibrists and head and hand balancers ; C. Marie Sirnonis , high class vocalist ; Shari ) and Fiatt , musical makers , and last , but by no means least , a second week's engagement of Frank Garth ncr's laugh-provoking trained riding baboon , Jessie , An entire change in the musical program vIll be given by the Troendero Challenge orchestra , under the direction of lt'ranz Adolmnn. _ The Woodward Stock company last week presented I ) ) ' special request BlUe Ellaler's beautiful domestic drama , "Doris , " to an midlence , both Itirgo and appreciative. Corn. mencing Sunday , July 3 , they present for the first finn ) in the city the laughable corn- ody. in three acts , entitled "Iletsey. " The first production vihl be presented with all special scenery , as used by the original Charles Froliman company. It is not bole. terously funny , but mildly taceteous , New lilayers in the cast , and all old favorites will appear. 'l'hte Wilshire ostrich farm of Las Apgelee , Cal , , is preparing to make on exhibit of its birds In Olnala during the exposition. It. is said that all the circuses in the country - try buy their birds from this farn. It is proposed to bring both old births and young chicks , TIde will afford an opportunity to nil to see how a uractical farnt is conducted , something you do not often see in a day's travel. itIoisg Il. . ' Mhilvu. Whiilo there were no big days during last week to inflate the attendance the various : Mttiway attractions report that they enjoyed ft very satisfactory patronage considering the number of people who wore on the grounds. In the oveninga especially the amtiscmont streets have been scll occupied aitt the action of the management in leav- log the gates OCI ) until 11:30 : is regarded with general satisfaction , A number of new features that have been delayed for one rca- son or another are now being rapidly installed - stalled and these fill the tow vacant spaces ; that remained on the streets , Manager holbrook of the California ( hold Mine has izearly completed a luuulsemo front anti entrance to his resort which gives it otlo of the most attractive exteriors on the . grounds , This Is at once one of the most ziovel antI lnstuctive features of the Midway for the vIsitor Is couductod into a perfect reproduction of a gold mine. No feature of a real mine is lacking and every incident I . , of the constructtoa of the mine and the work of the minors is graphically liiuutrated , ' Manager 'oi Sziunyey of the ( ] ersnan vll- lago announces the engagement for this week of Clesy Grant and Lillian Stuart , who ' are said to be two of the liandsoniest arnt , clovercat soubrettes on the vaudeville stage. _ . _ . , .a- Starkey and flathbun , the horizontal bar performers who have made such an excellent Impression , will remain anti other attractions - tions both old and new will be provided , I There will be an entire change of program at l'nbst' music hail , The lull for this week includes Moreland , Roberts anti Thompson , sketch artists ; May EddIe Belmont , high class vocalist ; Arline Wyatt , coon song specialist , the ever popular Pepita , the Fawcett sisters and Madamoisello Nadine , . acrobatic dancer. The summer garden will also be opened for the first time today. Manager McConnell of the Old Plantation has engaged a couple of additional holly hoe men in addition to his niredy extensive company of colored entertainers. 3. U. Itob- erts of Chicago has hcen engaged as lecturer at the Cyclorama to succeed ii. ( I. Coffman , who was called to Cincinnati by the serious illness of his mother. The hisgenbeck mcnagerto Is doing a good basluers and incidentally furnishes some amusement not ilown on the program , The big monkey , "Jock , " has hail a bad temper and a liking for penanCe , Yesterday a lady visitor held her little boy up to see the monkey , but as no peanuts wcro contrIbuted Jock retaliated by snatching the child's hat which ho tore in pieces In a couple of sec- ends. The loss was satisfactorily adjusted by the management , but the monkey con- tiriucd to rage until the peanuts were forth- coming. Manager Bailey of the Fort Matnnzas spectacle invited the diminutive Chiquita to see the performance the other ihay azid the llttlo Cuban was fairly set wild by the performance. .Shio was raised In the imme- tItate vicinity of the harbor and the scene was so realistic to her that she was strongly affected , One of the big camels in the Streets of All Nations has a curious preference for feminine burdens. tie always pmtests against allowing a man to climb on his back as long as there Is a woman In the party and if ho is compelled to carry a man when a woman is riding ono of the oIlier animals he gives a very human exhibition - hibition of jealousy. A big delegation of the Knights of Ak- Sar-I3en was much interested in the performance - formance of the Ching Ling Fee troupe of jugglers at the Chinese theater the other night. In appreciation of the vIsit of the knights the troupe will visit the Den some evening in the near future CUd gIve a special performance for their benefit. The realistic exhibition of wax figures in the Moorish Palace attracts a very liberal patronage. The popular attraction of the Moorish harem just at present is the sun dance , an oriental feature that displays the peculiar agility of the harem beauties to excellent advantage. The young woman who was so severely injured by a tall under her horse at the Wild \Vest show last week is rapidly reCovering - Covering and will be in the saddle again this week. I'It'N ItRiti I'It.er5. Modjeska begins her next season on September - tember 1. Next season Jefferson do Angehis will star in a new opera by Stange and Etlward. Arrangernetits have been made for the protluctioti of "The heart of Maryland" in Berlin next October. Effic Shannon's younger slster , Winnona , will play the ingenue role of Kitty Ia "Tho Moth anti the Flame" next winter. Mine. Ithea has announced that she baa made her last Public npvearauce on the stage. Ill health is iziven as tht' rpngnn. Violet Dene , Cissy Fitzgerald's sister , will bo imported from London to play the title role in lllco' "The Ballet Girl" next sea- son. Joseph Jefferson recently signed a pledge to appear in no "benefit" where 123 per cent of thG receipts are not given to the actors' fuad. The flyrno brothers of"Elght Bells" re- flown , will launch a new production tbo coating season entitled "Going to the Races. " One of the heading features will ho the introduction - troduction of six thoroughbred race horses , ridden by six professional jockeys. Charles Coghian's next season begins at the Fifth Avenue theater in New York on September 12 with a revival of the "Royal Box , " which will continue until January. ho will then stage a new p1ay of his own at the Lyric theater , the scene of which is laid In Paris at the time of the F'rencii revolution. Its title baa not been selected. George Wilcon and W. S. Cleveland have formed a partnership and will manage a big minstrel enterprise next reason. The corn- binad forces will include George Wilson , Billy Emerson , Juan Catcedo , B. M. Hall , the Troubadour Four , Keno and Welch , Marion anti I'earl , Berry and Hughes and Tom Ward , besides fifteen vocalists. sixteen dancers and thirty-five musicians. The theatrical year aow closed has been remarkable for the number of deaths of actors prominent at the moment or formerly dIstinguished , Among those taken. from the stage are : Mrs. John Drew. Thomas Keenc , Joseph Prod or , Thomas Whiffen , Carrie Turner , Joseph \V. Sliantion. Charles P. l'arsloe , W. J. Scanlan , John Wild , Margaret Mather , Charlotte Thompson , harry Meredith - dith , and many others , Accordiug to the Dramatic MIrror the gov- eminent has entered into a contract with Manager Frank Burt of Toledo , 0. , to build and manage , for and on behalf of the United States of America , a theater with a seating capacity of 1,500 , at Camp Thomas , Chick- aninuga Park. It. is the intention of the government to devote the house to the presentation - sentation of refluicd vaudeville. Two per- tormances will be given tinily , Only mein- bore of the United States army wiil be ad- tnitt.ed. No tidinisslon fee will be charged , A memorial window to Edwin Iiootb was unveiled at the "Little Church Aroutitl the Corner , " in East Twenty-ninth street , New York , Friday last. The services were in charge of members of the Players' club. it is a remarlcahlo fact that the memorial dedicitteti last Friday was the only one of its kind ever established to an actor In this country. anti the second in ( lie world , The other is in a church in England , placed there many years ago to the memory of Edward Aileyn , a contemporary of Shialcu- aIare , 11ev. lr , Ilotigliton conducted the religious service. Gito.wI'iI Dl' 'I'IIR AMIdRICAN NAVY. Vncs it Ciitnlie,1 in the Naval it.rIst'r , The growth of the United States navy , owing to the war , is strikingly shown by the new Naval hiegister , just issued by the Navigation bureau at Washington. Accord- ins to the Register the active list of the navy now has a grand total of 1,755 oflicers , as folows : Seven hundred and eighty-one line ofilcers , including sixty-five cadets at era ; liii medicai officers , 111 pay officers , 200 engiiicers , ineluding twenty-one cadets at sea ; twenty-four chaplains , eleven professors - fessors , thirty-seven constructors , fifteen civil engineers , 100 warrant omcers , sail- makers Llfli mates , 216 cadets at the Naval academy , One hundred and eighty-two ofli- core of ( ho retired list are now employed on active duty , Six hundred and ninety. three ofilcera have been appointed for duty during the war , namely , 348 in the line , forty-eight In the medical corps , thirty- eight In the ay corps , 225 n the engineer corps and thirty-four in other grades. In the marine corps twenty-four second lieutenants - tenants have taco aJpoiflted for service during - ing the war , Since January 1 there have been twenty-eight retirements and twenty- two deaths. Among the retired are Admirals Beardalco antI Schfridgo ; among the deaths are Captain f3ridley , Commander Elmer , Lieutenant Jenkins , Ensigns flagley and flrecklnrldge anti 1nginccr MerrilL On the list of ships of. the reguinr n4v3' are eleven first-class , elghtecu second-class , forty-three thlrti'class , six tourth.class , thirty - ty flve torjedo boats , building and authorized - ized ; twelve tugs , six sailing vessels , five receiving shIps , twelve unserviceable yes- eels and thirty-three vessels of nil 'ates other than torpedo boats are under construction - struction or authorized. On the list. of ships of the auxiliary navy are thirty-six cruisers and yachts , thirty-two steamers and colliers , twenty-five ttigs , fifteen revenue cutters , four lighthouse tenders and two fish corn- mission boats. The register shows that the senior omcers of each grade of the navy are at present as follows : Rear Admiral William A. Kirk' land , Commodore Fred V. McNair , Captain \Villiam 1' , Sampson , Commander Francis I Dickens , Lieutenant Commander Francis 0. Ahilbone , Lieutenant Clayton S. Rich- man , Lieutenant ( junior grade ) F' , K. lull , Ensign Richard II. Jackson , Medical Tirec- tor II. J , Cleborne , at ( be head of the mod- I icei corps. I'ay Director Charles II. Elthridgo , is at the head of the pay corps. Chief Engineer - gineer IhIIlii ) Inch is at the head of the I engineer corps , Auto Rooni I3cliocs September 14 has been chosen as Stainer's ( lay at the exposition and Tangier temple of the Knights of the Mystic Bhrine has appointed - pointed committees which nrobusy at work completing arrangements for making the day a notable one in Masonic ciseles. Invitations - vitations will be sant to all the Shrincrs in the United States alid Canada and the meet- lag will be attended by Shriners from all parts of the country , Ample ( untie have bren raised to entertain the visitors dab- orately. The Imperial council held in Omaha in 1892 went on record as one of the notable councils in Point of lavish entertainment and a similar reception will await all Shrlners who come to the Transmisslssltpi on September - tember I. 14 and 15. Sentember 14 is Shriners' day proper at the exposition , but a reception will be tendered to vislting Knights on September 13 and the 15th will be given over to a general merry-making at the exposition grounds. ' With all the camels , Arabs and other oriental people at tIm Midway a parade can be made which will ho superior to anything of the kind ever attempted. The imperial council of the Shriners met recently at Dallas , Tex. , and Omaha was represented at the mcetlng by'lI. C. Akin , Gustave Anderson and Richard Snhith , Mr. Akin was elected to the office of imperial hIgh priest and prophet , an office which ranks fourth among those of ( ho lmperkl council , and one which eirrles a. great. deal of honor with it , More than 5000 ; Shrlnera attended the Dallas meeting and all report a fine time. Among the means of entertain- I mont afforded the delegates .waa atr1pacross Texas in a Pullman train , 311iitc. Osceola lodge , No. 65 , started on year by Installing the following officer's : It U. Gouge , worshipful rnaster L 1C Mcclpw , senior warden ; L. Shaw , junior ivardeilL F. henderson , treasurer ; GorL.Evei- ott , secretary ; Dr. L. M. Shiy , 'onior.dca- con ; Paul Cunningham , junior dencna ; Jo. slab Locke , steward ; W. J. Conklin , ty1er. T. H. Saunders , chaplain. II. F. Iieuderso acted as grand master and had charge of tb4 installation , 3. L. Makeover filling the posi lion of grand marshal. Parlan lodge , No. 207 , AncIent , Free and Accepted Masons , of Callaway installed the following officers on the night of Juno 24 : IL H. Andrews , worshipful master ; M. Schacringer , senior warden ; , George I3. Matr junior warden ; F. L. Ilaycoqk , sdhrctary .1. L. Browitt , treasurer ; A. J. , fuigbee5 senior deacon ; J. A. GUSIUS , junlordeucoui W , B. Bans , tyler. Solomon lodge. No. 10. AncIent. Free and Accepted Mnsons , held a public Iuta1Iat1on f officers In the park at Fort Calhoun , Neb. , lune 24. E. N. Gronell atdd as grand department - partment muater and E. II. Clirc'is grand marshal , the following being the list of olil- core who were installed : I. F. 'OfItert , worshipful master ; H. Stevenson , senior warden ; F. H. F'rahm , junior waidenj Carl Feldham , treasurer ; W. It. Whitney , see- rotary ; Camille Saltarnan , junior deacon ; tv. It. Clarke , senior deacon ; A. Michelson , senior steward ; T , A. Reed , junior steward ; William It. Duncan , treasurer. The installation - lation was attended by a large crowd and after the ceremonies were completed refreshments - freshments were served nod dancing was In- duiged in until late in the evening. Mount Calvary commandcry No. 1 , Knights Templar , bad charge of the funeral of Willard E.Vells at All Saints church on Friday. The interment was at Forest Lawn and the lodge performed the Templar service at the grave. Vodiiieit at Site "tVorhil , A meeting of all the Omaha camps was held with Alpha camp on Thursday even- log and arrangements were made for the big demonstration which is to be made by the order on September 0 , which is to be Woodmea's day at the exposition. Dr. C. T. Lindley of Davenport , Ia. , a member of the order , was chosen by the Iowa commissioners to have charge of all decoration and works of art in the Iowa building. Dr. Lindloy has performed this work very successfully , putting on exhi- hition a number of pictures from his own private collection and making a very creditable - itablo display of art in the building. Dr. Lindley i acknowledged to be an authority on art subjects and is the possessor ef a valuable collection of pictures by mae- terS. Sovereign Clerk Yates has a register at his office in which lie Is desirous of hay- lag the names of nh visiting tVoodmen , An information bureau has also been es- tablishoti and a list of rooms and boarding Itlaces is kept for the use of members of the order. The question as to whether war losses should ho paid by the order was submitted to a general vote and carried with only a tow dissenting votes. lII'rinI l'M1ic Legion , Windsor castle No , 1 is preparing to have a patriotic night at its next. meeting , Men- tiny night , July 18. The national colors will be worn by the members , music and recitations rendered suitable to the occa- don and Rev , J. 0. Staples will give a abort address on one of two subjects , "Tim Flag" or "Tue Man Without a Country. " The new ball ( Royal Arcanum ball in The Bee building ) has convenient vaitiug rooms whore friends of the members can ajay until the regular work of the castle is corn- ideted. The work is being pushed forward In Texas. having organized a good castle at Deulson , Provisional Regent Latham next. takes Uj ) the work at Sherman , Stab Regent - gent Somers reports a large castle in progress - gress of formation at Brenham , Tax , State Regent Duggan , having organized a large castle at Watertown , 8 , 1) , , is now presenting ( he plans of the. Imperial Mystic Legion to the people of Castlewood , S. D , Windsor castle will hive no meeting Man- day night. July 4 , Iloyal lllghlnndt'rs , Sampson castle of Royal hlighiandere was organized at Wausa , Neb. , on June 29 , the following being a list of the officers who were elected and installed : F'rank Oak , F , I , P. ; John C , Bass , I. P. ; Chris C , 'reiiborg , C , C. ; Peter H. Knott , W p. ; hugh Id , McLeod , S. ; Peter a , . , Ceqtz , P. ; John Luilluni , warden ; M , M. Njwm nS. ; 2. Samuelson , IL ; Charles Falmcr ; . .0. ; -V - - - - - - -i AMtEMENTS _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NATIONAL CONGRESS OF MUSICIANS ADOHESSES ANB' ' RECITALS AT FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CIIU ROIII EVENING CO'ER1 1 THE EXPOSITION AUDiTORiUM . . . i j , SOLOISTSs , , 11111. % 'M. It. . sirinwoon . , iiiss JHNlfl BUTTON . 3ISS MAllEt. lili.fANT ilSS JiLlE OSllOltX. TII1i ' 1'IIOMAS OR CH1 S TRA. . Single Tiokom - - - 50 Cents. Wait 6ret ViIskire Ostrich Farm Aug. 1st A IIOWER OF REFINEMENT THE TROCADERO hereby ; t. Lents & Williams , Props. and Mgrn. \v , IV. COLE , Act. Manager. Telephone 22.17. A liatrlotlc week ittiti a Patriotic show beginning MONDAY , JULY 4th Our Unsurpassed Array -of Talent Fit.&llC GAltlNEIt , "Maitre tin Cir- itliti hIM uinrveIoasltrakiietl It ! ! ) ING BAllOON , .JESSIII-tlic ash ) ' altsiike Clint vorks at lllscrty without - out ii CO2'hl , EMJeCilhll ) rc-eisgngc,1 15) ' ( ) IhtitiU. ( hUM ( l'TIIRIIUM for asia Inure yeeiLt 4Ul1t.MAN AND LOWE , ) iAIRl.lR SIilltL.IIY , .JNO. tv. % ' ( ) Itld ) , LtiItl.1'/.ld . : Al.i.EN' , C. MA Still SiaiotS , SliAlti' & l"iA'l"i' , VOt'IidT'I'A ' .s. 'l'AltiS , jUl11' tiI ( 'l'ItOCAlilJt ( ) ClIALI.l1N6i 1)11- eli iis'i'it ; , llrectini Fritiz AIt'Iziitii. Matinees SundayfVednestlay and Saturday 2:20. : Prices , 25c , 35c , 50c. New attrac- ( ions each week , ' nxta . : 1iurgeIu , T 1 . Cnchio'lltiTh i''S IJL Manager8. Tel. 1531. 0. \Vcutlward , 4snuseinont Director , TOIAY , 2ln. TONIH1T , 8:30 , 'rilE VO0DVAR1) a'l'OCK CO. l'resenting OUR BJTSY. Next Sunday- . . CEtEflltk'Ii1) CASE. JAON . . . .1tt Tj1.I 1IERRY--GO--ROUND - - - - 15th and Capitol Ave. Capture the Brass Ring and Ride Again FE. J0s _ aIUCHOrrIr-1oM'oe : ; and ) Innngar , r , ' ' - Theodore Planck , F. W. C. ; John E , Jur- gensen , S.V. . C. ; Leonard B. l3lonkiron , C , 0. A , ; Edson L. Bridges , F' . P. C. ; John C. ilass , S. P , C. ; John Ludlum , T , P. C. ; B. L. Bridges , M. D. , P. B. Pilgcr castle of the Royal Ilighlanders was organized at Pilger , Neb. , on Juno 20 The following omcers were elected and installed - stalled : L. D. . Watson , P. 1. P. ; J. J , Bennett , I. P. ; Charles Brown , 0. C , ; I. F. Lowdcr , W. E. ; J. J. Feneloa , S. ; Albert. Pllger , T. I"rnternxil Vnloii of America , The local lodges of the Fraternal Union of America have been entertaining Colonel John L. Handley of Denver , supreme secretary - tary of the order , during the last week. Banner lodge , Mondamin lodge , Ashland - land lodge , South Omaha lodge and Benson lodge each entertained in his honor , Colonel Handley has not been in Omaha since 1870 and be expresses great surprise at the growth : anti development of the city. Colonel Handley will return to Denver on Monday. New lodges were organized last week at Marshalitown nod Union , Ia. Banner lodge will give an entertainment next Thursday evening. A program has been prepared , refreshments will ho served and the general public is invited to attend. A. 0. 11. ' .V. Union Pacific council of the Ancient Order of United Workmen will bold its annual picnic at Calhoun on July 30. The jurisdiction of Nebraska has been striving to gain the prize offered by the grand lodge for the greatest increase in membership , but the membership was so large in the state to begin with that the ad- tional membership gained did not give as large a per cent of gain as in other states. However , ( ho increase of the Nebraska. jar- isdiction was greater than that of any other jurisdiction In the United States. Deputy Grand Master Workman Van Dyke is in Omaha and will remain here for about a month : , liiiiejefl1t'ii ( Order at Forclers. Tim courts in South Omaha elected dde- gates to the 111gb court of Nebraska as follows - lows : Court. Allernania , No. 3025 , Dr. C. M. Schindel , William Altwein and Charles Ilceso ; Court Fourmen , No. 3225 , Dr. F. Davis and H. Marsball Court Prokop Velky , No. 3380 , Joseph P. Brown , J. Ilayney , Jr. , anti Dr. B. Iloloytchiner. The South : Omaha Foresters have done splendid work ( lie itrnt7uar , increasing their membership 95 per cent. i Since Court Trans- mississippI , Companions-of Foresters , is instituted - stituted the rnornbeiOf the local courts are confldcntthat they WllT"do still better work in the future. ' . 5-cret SitletNtrN , Roger Dickens. \I Brown and If , M , Waring visited differpt. placeHib Nebraska during last week forlIO ( purpose of effect- Ins consolidation ofJptlgea of ( ( to Intiepetid- eat Workmen of Aruerlea and the Business Men's Fraternity , On Tuesday evening Tribune lodxe , Knights of Pythias , wJ.I1wOrk the first , eec- onil and third ranks ci : three candidates. After the work is ovcrrl'trehments will be served and all knights 5in the city are Invited - vited to attend nod enjoy a vloasaut. eye- ins , On July 4 a flag wili be raised over ( lie Odd Fellows' hall at the corner of Four- tecuthi and Dodge. The cerenonies will take place at 8 o'clock on that rnoning. The American Loyal Legion will give an entertainment on Friday evening in the Young Men's Christian asBOCiation auditorium - torium , A program consisting of musical another. , readings , degree work by teem- bers of the order and stereopticon views by Rev , A , C , Keabies will be given. court Ak-Sar-Ihen of the Independent Order - der of Foresters gave its first summer so- cUd on Friday night and a pleasant even- log was sPent at earths , lemonade and lee creel : : being served. A similar social will be given on the first Friday of the month throughout tb summer , - - - - - - - - - -k-- TONIGHT. Grand Opening 8:30 : C. ' : - ; ; 15th nod Cripititi Ave. F ' OMAhA , t'A IT " ' Ia argest Summer Thoat In the World. Buill cx- D l'i'1C1Y for the purpose of proS - S senting the Mngulficcnt ExtravaganZa - travaganZa Burlesque- To the visitors to the Tranemississippi ESpdsttlon with a , cast of 60 artiste , direct frqrn the Clifford Gaiety , Chicago. Representing - senting an outlay of 25,000 , It. rare feast of beauty , aong and dance , Little 1iss Chioao Was originally produced at Harry Clifford's Beautiful Amusement Palace in Chicago and for twenty weeks was the society event of the season. Popular Prices-ific , 20c , 30c , 50c BIG MATINEE TOMORROW , dAli of July , at 2:30. Don't tail to come tonight and bring the little ones. Watch Clifford Casino on the East Midway. All Roads Lead To A6i BACK'S Trained Wild Animal Show on West Mid. way ; 100 Lions , Tigers and Elephants. 110 Not Forget to Visit the CNES [ TIIEATR , Tea Garden , Bazar and Joss House on West Midway. V ISI' ! ' JAPANESE TEA GARDEN CURIO STORE. N. of Mti,1o flail- . East Midway. THE CUBAN ATOM , CHIQUITA. The Living Ioll. 'rue Feature o 'l'IIE MIDWAY. Bomhardmentl War Graph 1 4 aanzas I topo. II CROWDS TURNED AWAY EVERY DAY llO'l'ELS , THE BRUNSWICK , Cor. 15 & Jackson Sta , J , C , OriOle , Prop , 150 Ithorns-All modern Improvements , flutes-American Plan , $2.00 to 3.00 ier day. European Plan , $1.00 per day and upwards. Car line to anti ( rota all depots , Direct car line to main entrance of Exposition THE MILLARD 13th atId Iouglns Sts. , Oiirnhia. CICNTJW.LX LOCAUEO. . .A3ILiIIICAN ANt ) l1tJ1tOl'E.4N l'IjAN J ii. .ii.tLtiiiI & SON , Vr.s , -HOTEL BARKER- COIL 13TH AND JONES ST. , OMAHA , IIA'I'IfS $ l.r0 ANI ) 2,00 l'iiIt iAY Electric car. dlrsct to exposItIon ground. . FIIANK 1J.itKElt. Caibler , , . . , , SAM ISAUMAN Cider Clerk. iIUfR2I 1 ii o'rii , 14th and Ilaraey St. American Plan-3 to 4 dollars per day. Strct4 cars from depots and from hotel to Exposition Grounds in fifteen minutes. B , SILLOiVAY , Manager , a p _ _ a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ SPECIAL NOTICES Alertt.cesetits for thte.e 'iuhtntii" i-lll b 1nktt tititti 12 in. for ( lie C.etI lug ntiel Unfit 8:30 for snorniti.t nnd SItttIC % ) ' ccl U I4)hi , 1(111CM , ' 1 i- a 'nerd first iitserlOhLl In is aord titercnttrr. ? olsitig ltilLeit fo , les ( huts 23c far the first laser- tion. These ssdcrtIsciaeIstM Iso run coiiscctiilyciy , SlTUA'i'iOS % ' .t'iTRl ) . _ IYPII'i\'ItlTINQ and copying. 201 lice 1114g. A-tX3-JVS POSITION in bakeri by you0g man of 50010 eXperience , Address P 57 lice , . .A-43i0 4' EXPI'IIlIpNCED tlsdryman wants poitIofl as mactiger , ( iF will lease dairy outfit , Ca IL or : nhli'een ( Irlilin , l'nrk hotel , bet. 15th and lCt Ste. , city. WANTED. sltuntlrin by experienced grocery clerk , Address P 4 , care l3ee , - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CLOAK salesman wiLl : ten years' expcri- ence , five in ; : nannger , and buyer , wIshes POSItiU ) chit of citl' . West Preferred. Ope : : for engagement until Augtist I ; best of rferences , Ii. F , 0. , MU West Grand Ave. , Le ltiuihies , In. A627-3 \v. NTIID , hi' marrIed man , situation in lumber yard ; cupublo of fIlling any POSI' ( Ion : first-class references. Address P 63 , lIce , A-MG00 3' EXI'lllUENCldD traveling , nksinnn s'ants liosltloIi on road : good references. It 203 i3outl : First street , Council IhlttTs. A-MGSt 3 % 'ANT11I-MAla lildil' . WANTED , 3 men in Omaha and osi man in each unoccupIei town In Nebraska anti adjoining states to take orders for men's : nasie-to.trtier suits sit * l.tO to 15.uO ; iflOstil' I.b0 t ) $ lO.Otl Paula lJ'O to ; 5.00. $60.00 per mouth iiiithe by beglunera without - out ( 'xperience. 'l'e furnish : ( liii him of aitinplcs tuiti nil ) icCeRary outhit , For ap- iiiClttIOn aini iefi'relice blank atul ( till 1)111'- ticulars address A merican Sooieii ttiile Co. , 'rtilors for the Trade ; Chicago , ill. B-M613a-Jya' SA1ESMEN for cigars ; 125 a month anti expeltees ; ohil fir : : : ; experience tinneces- sarI' . C , C , ihialtop & Co. , St. LouIs , Mo , B-Sit SALRSMEN tO sell ofllco specialties In Ktnseg : and Nebraska ; ilio side lines ; agents make Ks.O0 a day ; usesi b all seer- clients. ModeL Mfg. Co. , iJox ii , Sotth : : ijond , intl. 13-417 Jy 2G' I'AItTNEIt with : experience in hinntliing solicitors to go to Denver or New Or- icasia ; lutist Iiitvc some cash ; ftilly sic- cured. Crelghton hilt. , r. 8. B-M570 30 \VANTBD , a svnd' ( , sober clerk in a geil- cml store in centrai Nebraska ; must understand dry goods ; German or Scnnthl- smavixti : Prc'ferreti ; steady work for ( lie right nina ; give wages wanted and rot- erencea. Atkhrcss T lii , lice , U-Mi'33 3' WANTED , 20 sewer men. A. J. Itanighon , 2705 Leaven. 13-M&4.)2 ) ASALESMEN to sell cigars to dealers , sahitry , G0.U0 to 20O.00 rcr mmionthi nitti cx- ioltses ; expetit'ncc unnecessary ; mamiemit Posittoti , 'rite Do Morn Cigar Co. , Sprihmalteltl , 0. B- YOUNG MAN going to Rlontlyke aces : would like a fes' good mn.'n to accompany lii : : : . I mean bUSIneSS , Atbirca ' 1' 61 , lice. B-GIl-I' LADIES , girls , boys ! Earn a wheel elhlsmg our goods , Easy to sell. Dewey 'ret : Co. , 270 B. North Ave. , Chicago. 11-622-3' AG ENTS vnnted. Free samples. I'roteetd grominti. Oslo cit'riied $ hi,0uO iii six years. He'emnl ears : $25 weekly , cash. 1' . 0. 1371 , New York , D-G21-3' WANTED , specialty salesmen to chi our htaple line of gooths tO time retail dry gootis and department store trade. Big mTney to good Inca , salary Cml commissIon. Cannon & Co. , Iowa City , Ia. 13-620-3' APPOINTMENTS to the government sdrv- ice , Thiousnntis to be made. Increased numn- her os : iicvotuit of wtir. Free circular ISI. gIvIng ( oIl , particulars Is to JPsitlOfls , salaries - aries , exanilnationit , etc. Nut'I Cor. Institute - stitute , D. C. ' , 1VashImmgton , 13-6I9--3' TRUS'rWOItTIIY man totravel , $15 weekly - ly flhli expenses ; easy seller : no experl- ence or cupitttl required , Mfr. , Box 755 , I'hllndelphiia , Pit. 13-632 3' $100VEEIChY to agents selling to families auth stores the only reliable machine for producing dry cold blast in refrIgerators anti vater coolers ; in'ovcn 75 per cent cheaper and better thitmt ice itself. 1Vrite for tree territory and outfit. Alaskan Refrigerating Machine Co. , CincInnati , 0. B-GIl 3' CARPENTER preferred ; live man wanted ; each : county ; salary or commIssion. Address - dress with : stitmimeti envelope , 'roiI ) & Co. , mfrs , Indianapolis , Intl. 13-1118--I' AN experIenced tubular well mnn wanted on profit-sharing plan ; reference requIred. lv. II. Powera , Clay Center , Nob. B-MGSG 3' _ _ _ _ - . . - - GOVERNMENT posItions , the war makes a demand for men in the government civIl service : examinations soon ; full Infornia- tion free. ColombIan Correspondence College , Washington , D. C. B-MGSS 3 WANTED , fifty berry pickers at old Jef- frlesi farm. Apply on ( lie premises early Monday morning. It. Gay. 13-14695 3 ' .VAN'I'IdI-FEMAIld II 131,1' , 100 GIRI.S for all kinds of work ; $3 to $7 week , Canadian 0111cc. 1522 Douglas. C-SE WANTED , ISO girls , Employment Bureau , 1521 ] ) odgo. TeiClmOilO ) biG. C.-M844 Jy12 WANTED , famiLies with grown girls to leitrn weaving ( ) fl plaIn Cotton goothit ; good witges can be made. Address at once , Kearney Cotton Mills , Kearney , Neb. C-435 Jy 10 GOOD girl to help cook and chiambermaimi , Lange hotel , 604 8. 13th lIt , C-496 WANTED , Ilvo ladles to reliresent us In ( lila anti mmurroumidlng cities anti towns ; permanent iisitIofl ( good tiny ; citli at once , Room 8 , Crelghton block , C-M57i 30 DXPIIHIENCRD lady bookkeeper wantei. First dusK references retimlireil. Apply to manager of Pabst on the Midway. C-M582 3 WAN'i'Fll ) , gIrl ( or general housework In small famIly children , A t 112 Soul Ii 25th avenue , between larnain mind ItiIgs , , streets , ( : -GoG 4' WTANTFID , reiltiblo educated lamly to till Iniportitn ( trust by this 10th of July , For pnrtlcuhstrs ztddress'1'5GBec' . C-Oil 4 LADIES , we have ( ho greatestnovelty of time your anti are ofl'crlmg wtniemi every- wimeru tin opporttmmiity ( mm $0 per \V'ek showing our skirt SUlilbOt timig leather belts ; tim belt supmrts tim skIrt ; ( lie ha mid cannot smist bt'Iow ( ho belt , every wman , wants it ; sample ht'lt by mail 15 2-cent. stamps.Vritu quick anti secure itceneY. it. 14. Wmirreim & Co. , 11.5 Washington St. , ChIcago , ill. c-osi 3' LADIES , ' 1' muko and fill amnall sachets a t htmflO ; CiI $ ' , II ghi I , pleri an a I , pro II t tiiilp , vermahment cnrk ; $11 It ) $111 iei. week. Send aelt.aiitlressr'ti atzitn3meh enveltilmim Beekmum : Co. , 61 , Statloim C , DetroIt , ) lieli. C-GIl 3' VANTED , lathes to do plitlsm sowIng itt lmmne ; $1 .1.0 day ; tour months' cork gear- anteed ; send stamped , nddresseti envelope for lbartlctliars , it , tV. hutton & Cu , , l'hmllatielphla , I'a , 0-623-3' ii- : 25 gIrls for the stage , Apply Summtlny 10 a. me , lohiimny theater , Council Iilimtfs , Spoffuri ] , C-MC.16 3 W'ANTFID , neat , ( 'xlierlt'nc'ci girl to tin sec'ond work. No. 2(05 ( lIt , Mary's Ave. Mrs. A. I ) , JIrimndeIs , C-MCt'J 6 FOIL CIlOICIl houses cmiii cottages oh over city ; $1. to $75. Fidelity , let Iloor , N. V. LIfe. D-5l3 iTU8ES. ; Ihenowa & Co. , 108 N. 15th Si , D-314 ijOUSFIS , stores , lheinls , I'axton ijlsck. D-5l6 FIVE.ROOM cottage. 311 8. 36th at. , cemm. ( rid location , Iurnisliei for housekeepIng ( or 2 months sit $10 per months to parties wIthout children. I-MG00 3' l"ORItFIN'l' , house , 1137 No. 25th St. Inquire 812 So. 11th lIt. D-M7011 5' . - - - - - - - - - - - - - volt 1tI1TI1OttSI3 , . - - - - - ( Continued. ) . . . - - _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - MOVING houselmoimi oo0s nn(1 pianos. Orn. Von & Storage ( .0. , l5lt'j ' .Fnrnnm. Tel. 31.1.9. D-6lG FUILNITUIiII anti leasehold of n 7 antI II- 4j' roommi modern flat for sale ; bargain ; good " location , I-eat low. Bebls : , Paxton blk. 13-617 - _ _ _ : t _ _ _ _ _ COTTAGES , 1-room , $7.80 anti $5.00 : 5-room , $10.00 ; 6-room , $12.0 ; 8-room $16.01 ; newly' lialeted mmti I'nPerci : beautiful for shea- ' 4 ( ion , 436 ihoardof Trade. D-SiS iit0OM motlern house with : stable large ehiarly grountis. Bernie , I'axtoa 111k. D-M2S1 _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - LARGE first class barn. 1110 No. 11th. D-470 JI' FORI1RNT , four-room cottne anti 3 acres 2 mellon west postotflco , 1' , B , Wenil. . 4 FOIl rent , furnIshed modern house. Ad. dress T 49 , Boo 0(11Cc. ( D-MSOl. F'ORRFINT , ( luringJuty anti August , fur. , " nlsheil resltlemice mmear I light school ; 10 minutes' 'nlk from postollice : terms rca. . seeable , P 50 , 13cc. D-MBI 3' , 7-ltOOMflatfnrnlture ; for sale. Flat A , 2025 F'arnnm St. D-&S7-7' TO ItENT from July 15 to September 15 , 10- room ftirnlshied house , all mmmceiern , with barn , on West Farnarn near 56th sitreeti price , $50. The Byron heed Co. , 212 So. 14th St. D-M6S5 3 FtTliNlSllIII ) edttnge near Itanscom park for 3 mouths to fatuIty vitliout children , T 67 , Ilee , D-M7Ct5 3' r - Volt ltItN'I'-FIJJtNISllIli ) htOOIS. I'Xi'OSLTION VlSlTOltO 1,0i ) Luristahmed. rooms. W rite to ExposItion Rooming Co. Douglas block , 36th : isd Dodge. E-Pll-.1y14' ' 1' , TIlE F4rnnm Terrace Ilotel , 2036-3S-40.4 $ Farnarn , New nmodern buIlding , ime' fur- nishilugs , mdi elegant outsIde roonis porches , laws : , trees. Especially desirtibl. for sun : : timid fitiiiIi' , 111-Ml33-3y11 ' - NICELY furnished rooms. 2412 Ones street. ' 10-619 1tOOMS , icis California ; restaurant smear , . ' ' L. E-45l-J3'I' , : FURNIShED rooms , 1621 Css ; on Shier- itian avenue car hue ; rorerummees required , 11-520 EXPOSITION Ofhicimil Information Ilurenu , S 1319 F'armiamn ; 5,000 clolco rooms to remit. 11-521 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . ELEGANT rooms , 1817 Lenven'orthm , ' . ld-62i-Jl'7' FUI1NISIIFID rcOmtia itt reasonable IrIccs , 1.20 N. liii : . _ 13-M231-Jy7 IILEGANT furnished room for gentleman ; centrally located ; lirivate fttmIy. 502 8. 224 St. I3-M57-.1y5' . I3LEC'l'ltlC light , smico heils , clean , cool ; ' : cities low ; day om. veelc , Over IBG Douglas - las St. B-MID 50 ROOMS , 1417 Douglas ; one bed in route. . 111-1t1962 1100315 , fl week up , 175iiLt'av , , Uheitnirs , l0-Mki3-Jy14 CALL at 2200 Farnamn for vehi furnished rooms ; inotieri : and desiiibi : in nih cc- sitects. i1-M426 Jy3' _ FUI1NISIIED roonis. (302 ( N. 16 ; grocery sitore E-465-Jy.-19' _ _ _ _ _ - MODIIIIN roomt , hiouschceping. 1.14 North " 4 I 11th. 'l'ramislcmia , lI-MS6G-14 HAVE a nice front room ; can aceomemo- ( late 2 teachers during the commventlon. 2211 I.ocust. 13-Mhls Jy3 , F'IItNISIIED rooms by the dity or vec1 dtirlng time lOxitosItlomi ; 3 car hIsses to 1x. Position grounds , 721 North 21st St. E-ICS-Jy-4' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TilitElO rooms housekeeplmig,31I2 South 11th : . E-M476 FUIINISIIEIrooms at 2568 Spanhtling at. , close to Expo. gtouiids. ] 5-M507 Jy 3' ROOMS ; sicar all car llnca. 1811 Citiifnrmiia. . 13-5115 Jy-29' NICELY furnished room for gentlemen ist . private family : reference required , S. 'V. " . cor 17th and Ctiitoi ave. E-MSSO 7' VISITORS \ViIli' to pay ( or ( :1101cc : ac- comnmodatlont , cnn secure same l' aplIv- Ing to George 1' . Ilemimi , :103 : l'txtom : bhoclc , 16th and Farnamn streets , or by telephion. log No , SSS. Id- _ _ . - _ _ LODGINGS. lunch at "rime Sunnysido , " 311(53 ( No. 24(1 : sit. , ( list house north of ox , posItIon entrance. . E-MG01 3 I.OVELY furnished rooms facing city hall ; Davltlgo buIlding , Flighitceuth : anti Far- name ; prices reasonable. Mrs. JeffrIe , room one. E-M603 3' FURNIShED ROOM , 1.45 South : 2111 : Ave. 13-613-4' NIcErr furnished room ; cool , modern. 2S01Sroolvortim Ave. 13-605 ' 1' FOR REN'I' , cool rooms In brick house , furnished for gentlemen or lIght hmoti keeping. 1836 N. 17(1 : St. 13-211633 5' 1100MB for transients. 1616 Cci's St. 13-2.1633 4' SINGLE room for gentleman , SUN. 224 St ' 1)-CIT 3' - FURNIShED rooms , fachmmg cposttloa ) grouimds , boartl if desired. 3S14 N. 2aim ( St. E-1136 A2' furnlshielroomna , gooti location ; . also roosmms for lIght hmoU.9ekeeplng , live mInutes ( room exposition gruntln : , 1520 N. 24th St. 13-635 3' NICE large , cool roomspermarnont ; : beau. tiful locatIon. 2578 Barney at. 13-31680 3' - - FURNIShED I100MS-Nlccly ( tirnlsiset ! rooms vith : bath : , tne'-hahf , block east Sherman ave. ; car hue. 11.03 Yates at. ] 3-ti679 3 7 FIXI'OSi'J'ION visItors , if you want fIrst. class rooms select them at MARY KIlL- L'V'S AGENCY. No charges , 1.10 ] lrosya block. li- r FURNISIII3D room for 2 gentlemen ; very reasonable , Call or address 820 So , 1St ( LIt. 13-M658 3' . . - - - - - - FIJItNISIIIII ) 11(10)18 ANJ ) IIOAILI ) , TIlE MIR11IAM , first class Tasnlly lintel : 25th nnd lotigo ate , F-253 PLEASANT rooms , modern , strictly first- elites board : rensantiblo rates ; transIents , ( .22 N. 19th : at. F'-M845 - _ _ _ I'Ll'IASAN'l' , veil murstlshed roomrm : all mnot ! era convc'oieiii'os , wIll : or wIthout board' private family ; near ilauscomu pttrh. L 12 , Dee , j793 ; TAKI3 that "for ttIo" or 'for rent" SIgn In your wirittow. 'l'iic lIce reaches more people I n a the V t Ii ii ii w'i it I(5 Yo II r wlr.dow ha ii month ; itod they consult ttmee columns vliem : tlmc' wont to buy or remit. J ' -f _ _ TIlE SARATOGA iio'riir , Is ( lie place , Americrmn or European. N. W. 'co'imer exposItion - posItion ; Shermnum : Ave. anti the 24th street ( 'air Item's iiims't tlItt liiii4 ( . Humniiiei' resort style. F'amnlllem , slI'ts't1. 740.1cr : : , cool , comfortable , homelike 1i.tthst , gas , rdano anti library. 'i'elophiuimo 1914. You cams get a street car and llnd a sent In it. We have trees , bIrths green gross amid croquet. Iouhie parlors , vitt ( veramuins , Isasnmnocks , jolly' iwoi'I ( : itomi a hot Ienr. Raters consul- able and accorIIPK to uccoioniothntlonmt , F-Ill SQU'I'II rooms ; trimimsiesit , , . ItO'2 Case. F-Wi Jyf' P1113 'rIIItow'13n--28 geniI rooms ; . 208 N. 17 , I"-MR2 J2S' _ , 'I'IiII ALIJANY , 2101 Douglas : nea'l' ( tsr- nlslie'J. F-M633 Jyl' W0ItING girls' home , 523 8. l'atn. J F-MBO JylS' 1IRAIJ'l'IFiJIj rooms ; transIents. 21.1,4 Bar. hey. F-M2i6 Jy20' 20.1 N. 18th. 'frammslemis taken , F-2G3Jy22' VIS1'i'OttS to the 'i'rstnsmississlppi and In- ternatlonill Flximoaltien wIshIng to secure conofortatile 'iunrterse can save time and expense I ) ) ' v'iting to or enlllmmg upon time OffIcial lntnrznntiorm Ilnrenu , 1310 Fttrnnm ( It , , tIme onhy itutliorised ngemmcy of ( he ExpositIon moillingement , iitrnmigers on arrival In Osimalma can take street carts direct ( runs any dCIOt. 0111cc open day and imight , F-247 'l'IlIi IIENFII"I' : ' JIOLIUFI , 21st anti Plnkney ' 4(5. ( , 50 daintIly furnislicti rooms : ens square from thin Arch : of the States ; e'eryttming new anti ( intL-class ; terms rca. . sunab1.