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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 3, 1898)
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Insitlo the church th omccrs were nt tlin- iier. 110 necepted an InvIntIon anti Bat 130 Wfl ( fll Urn altar Rtep with h18 btt at bread an13 inoroI of dry beef , The wavering flare from the camflro fli- tered tiroiIi ) the .tnlneel glass ; th' oinbcr depths of the c1itirti were tinged with Io1ct ( LflI crimson-dusky clustered colurnnn gilt- terci PrI1o ; the crucifix was batheil In shatlow1 save where a Ringle trembling beam of light , rod as 1)10013 , lay like an open wound across the ilerced i13e of our dying Lord. lb looked up into the vaulted root , stone- ribbed , black with the liadows of centurleg. lie heard the roar of the campfires , the crackle of dan logs , tlio srapo nnd Mamp find Rtlr ot slecpy horses , tim heel ) breathing of sleeping men. lb rose noiselessly and crept OUt. into the street. Tue tog hung thick on the beavy flying buttresRes , On Ilecho and gargoyle , and on the fluted robe8 of saInt8 and martyrs , peering down from their nichea Into the fire glow , whorl' . I swathed in their cloaic , lay the martyrs to be , not saints , but men , sicic , freezing. itarving things , called the 12th of the line. They lay there like lunips on the church Etcp , in doorways-they nestled In the gutter - ter , they huddled ngaint Iloorposts. the5e clo13 of breathing clay-sadden and ragged and filthy , sinful , lustful , and human , sleepIng - Ing their brief sleep tlii the white ( lawn roused and summoned thorn home forever. Faint cries from the sentries , fainter ro- aponses1 the crackle and snap of logs afire , 'and the tail shadows wavering , these wcra all that ho saw and heard. 'Fho carved stone gargoyles tiripped wnter from every fantastic snout , the reflected llamas played over pillar and column , saint and martyr , cross and crown. All day he had drIven thoughts of Illide from him , but now , at midnight , when the lamp of life burns lowest and the eyes cIoo , and death seems very near-he thought of her , and lying down In thin street beside the flre , lie quetloned his soul. At night , too , the soul , stirring In the botiy-perhaiia at the nearness of aod-awakens conscience. 110 hail iievor before thought. seriously of death. Its arrIval to himself he had never pictured In concrete form. In the abstract ho had often risked it , never fearing It , because - cause mentally too Inert , too lazy , to apply such a contingency to hIs own familiar body. Now. for the first time in his life. he closed his eyes and saw himself , just as ho lay , but stihi , wet , muddy , and horribly silent , lb opened his eyes and looked soberly at the fire. After a little ho closed his eyes agaIn. and again ho saw himself lying as he lay , svct , 200ldy , nrntionless , as only the dead can lie , lie had known fear , but never before the dull forebodings that now crept into his heart. To open his eyes and see the fire was to live ; to shut his eyes was to rellect the image of death upon his closed lids. At first ho disdained - dained to shake It oft-thIs mental shadow that passed across hits seiises. What it it were true ? lie had lived. It was the old selfishness stilling thu sense of respon- sibtilty-his responsibility to the world , to himself , to hlilde. To Hhido ? 110 sat up in his blanket and stared hitto the fire. Slowly the comprehension of his responsibility came to hiiiu , his duty , alid nil that was duo to her from him , all that ho owed her. all that she should claim. ono ( lay , claim in life dr In the life to come. IJiol Ito couldn't ( lie-yet , There was something to (10 first ! Who spoke of death ? There was too much to do , there were matters - ters of honor to arrange first , there was a debt to pay that neither tlcathi lior hell nor hope of paradise could caiiceh. Was death about to Prevent him ( rota aylng that debt ? He was walking , now , moving aimlessly to arid fro under the porchi of the church. A sentry , huiddied against a column , re- gardecl hiliii nlatheticahiy as ho passed out Into the street. And always his thoughts ran on ; ° It I have this debt to pay , what ala I doing here ? What right have I to risk death until It Is i'ald ? And if I die-if I die- " Iii thoughts carrIed him no further. Illido's pale face rose before him. lIe read terrible accusations in her eyes. And he repeated aloud , iigain and again , "I must go back. " For Ito inderstood now that his life was no longer hIs own to risk- that it belonged to lltide. Nor wouid he ever again have the right to Imperil his life until tile ) ' had riseim together ft eta their knees , before time altar , as mnnm and wife. lie looked out into the mist , ruddy with tilt ) l'amiilro glow.VOuIl morning ever caineVily almould ho wait for the morn- lag ? At [ lie thought he caught up his I)0Uch amid blanket , roiled , strapped amid ad - jUsted them , and stole out into the dark- fleas , Almost at once Imo heard somebody following - lowing him , but at first he searcciy noticed it , Down the main street ho lasscd , over ( ho shlzpexy cobblestones , eyes fixed on a distant fire that marked lIme last bivouac in tim vihiaao before the street ends at the rubicil Iii'IIgo across the Moiietto. It was as aPPrenchell this campfire that lie reailzed somebody had beemi fohiowing him , Xis vaused a moment In the circle of the lire- light and turned around , Nothing stirred in the darkuem's beyond. lie waIted , then started on again , crossing the LttI highway to the line of hustles that marked the ater's edge , No sentinel chniienged hmimmi ; ho va13cd time forth below the wrecked stone bridge , climbed the banic opposite and started acro3s a wet flieiidow , beyond which lay tIme muddy road to Paris , UnIt way through the meadow he halted again to listen , 'rho unseen veraon was wailIng time ford-be Annual Hales 0vsr6,000 uOO Boiea iX4 V ? AS FOR BILIOUS A1D 1EflVOUS DISORDERS such as IVinil umaX Pain In the 1tomnneh , GIdtlini' , l1ihitess after mealt , lii'ati. ache. Dizziness , Dromrainoss , Flusbinga of heat. Loss of Appetite. Coativoimesa. Jilotcimes on tiio Skin , Colt ! Chills. : iis. turbeti Sloop , 1r1gIitfiii Dreams and nil 2ervous and 'l'vombhlng liensat bus. TIlE FIRST DO3E WILL GIVE RELIEP IN TWENTY MINUTES , ivory sufferer 'will acknowledge timuuii to be A WONDERFUL MEDICINES IILIECIIAM'S P1tJStnken asdiroct , . ed , wiliquickly restore Fonunbos to corn. pteto health. They prouiuptiy romnovo obstructioneorlrregtuiarlties of thu * iya tsm and cure tIcic Jlcudjvho. 1ora Weak Stomach Impaired Digestion Disordered Liver IN MEN , WOMEU OR ChILDREN Deocham's Pills are Without a Rival And hi , . lb. LARCEST SALE SI&1yt'IruIJ1id1eimio In liii , World. 2o. it iil Drug Btoroa. . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - . - . -V-- _ could hear him In the water : now lie was climbing the batik ; time bushes craikhe13 ; a footateji fell on the gravel. iinrcwotl walteI , peering through the gloom. lie eouid see miotitlng ; the sIlence was abrohtute. Whoever was following him had stopped out there somewhere In tim ( larkness. A little unnerved , ilarewood turned again and hastened through the meadow to the highway.'hen be reached tue road hue cotuiti ecarcely see it , but he felt time mtuth nail gravel beneath Juis feet , and started omu. Imi a moment hue heard the footsteps of lila follower , not behind , now , but in front 1)OtWeefl huinm amid I'aris , lie stopped abruptly and drew his revolver. A minute laaSCl In utter silence. Then there caine a sott.iootfahi close in front , a whining voice : 'I Mon sicur I" "Who are you ? " saul liarowood sharply. "TIme Mouse , mnonsieur. " In his astonishment time revolver almost fell from hinrowooci's hand. ' 'tVhat the devil are you doing hero ? " lie ( IeInanclcl , 'aitd % vhuX' the devil are 3'ohl sneaking about like this 7 i nsver , )0tI fool I I nearly shot you just nowl" The Mouse crept up to ilarowood as a sulky , vicious cur comes to his punish- maclit , "Answer , " repeated Iiarcvmod , "why nro you following rime ? " " 1 wasn't sure it was you , " unuttered the Mouse. "What ? Why 13113 you come to La flourgct ? " 'I don't know , " said the Mouse sullenly. Ilarewood's amazement turned to impa- tlencc , "You'd bettor answer mae , " hue said ; "you certainly didn't conic lucre for love of my company. " nut that was exactly limo reason why the Mouse hind come. The Instinct of a savage cut. for its master , the strange attraction that decency and courage have for the bru- tnhiy vicious , the necessity that dwarfed In- ; tehligence feels for the companionship anti guidance and protection of healthy mentality -all these started the Mouse out of Paris as an abandoned mongrel starts to find its mIssing master. Ilarewood understood this at last , anti it I touched him-not that time Mouse explained it. He could not have explained it , even It : lie had himself comprehended time reason of . his seeking liarcaood. All he knew was this-that lie missed ilarowood , that he was used to him , that he felt ( uncomfortable , without him. So ho comae. Even a gutter cat , forcibly transported into distant parts , turns up agnhli In ItS 0111 llftUflLS. hare- vocai's company had become the haunt of time Mouse. So lie came back to it. Time wretched creature was nearly starved , liarewood drew him into the thicket beside tile road and gave him his last morsel of bread and meat "Imbccileh" Ito whispered while the , Mouse gnawed the crust , sqpatthig on his muddy haunches ; "there may lie Prussian pickets anywhere along the fields. Didn't . you know It ? " "Yes , " said the Mouse tranquilly , "there's a picket of Uhians just ahead , " I This was startling news for Ilarewood. ; "Wiucue ? " ho demanded under his breath. i "ALout a kilometer over that way , " re- plied the Mouse , jerking his thumb toward the southeast. lie was going to add some- thuiuig more when time ' sudden tinkle of a horse's shod toot striking stones bmoko out lii time mulght. They cm uched how In the thicket listening. Time road 'was lighter now ; it gray shadow passed. a horseman trailing a lance. Others rode up mounted on \ % iry little horses , all carrying tail iancca that. zatthcd in their saddle boots. As liarewood strained hubs eyes the moon broke out overhead-a battered , deformed moon , across whose pale disk the flying scud whirled hiho shredded snuolte , A guttural voice began in German : "Where are the scouts-oh ? " Then in time moonlight Ilarowooti saw Spoycr and Stnuftor , clad in the uniform of the carbimmeers , salute the Uhian officer and imanti him a thin packet of papers. The Mouse beside him trembled like a terrier at a rat hole ; Ilarewood clutched his arm anti stared at the group In the road. There was a brief parley , a word of cau- than , then the Uhmianum wheeled their horses anti galloped back toward l'aris , anti the two traitorous carbineers struck off across the mncados' toward Le rhourget , then mmmdc a tlemni.tour , anti followed time bank of time river. Very cautiousiy Iiarewood crept out to the road wiucmu the gallop of tile Uluiana luau ( ilCi away. The Mauso stood besiulo imimui , an open clasp-knife in lila fist , nostrils quivering in limo freshening wind , liflm'eWOOl giamuced at the knife amid said , " \\'imat are you going to tie ? Cut your way to Paris ? Coumie back to Li , Bourget , you fool ! " Halt way back across the wet meadow the Mouse naked : "Anti If we overtake Spayer ? " "Are you time lumbilo executioner ? " said liarowooti sharply. ' 'I'ut up that knife , I toil you. " The Mouse closed his Imnifo antI plodded ; on in silence. ; After a m'iulIo liarowood asked huini about I l3ourkc and liiido anti Yohette , iltit. lie knew I little more luau liarowooti did , for lie haul I left time -house on time ramparts time nmorning after linrowood's departure , and sluice thou had been following him up , Morning was breaking as they forded the Mohietter and answered the sentry's chal- lcmmgo ( rein time ruined highway. It was Stimiday. the 20th of October-a desolate Stimu- day in a dosohato land , They hurried through the main aIred , where sleepy reliefs were muarchimig to replace hue pIckets along time river , and at. last they reachmoti the church , where a group of olficers stood on time steps In attitudes of dejectioii , "Colonel MartIn1' cried Ilarewood , "send a fUn of men to arrest two captains of time cmmrbinecra , Slmyer mind Staufft'r. I charge thienm with treason , Hero Is mmmy witness , " lie drugged time Mouse up the steps and hod him forward. In hiaif a dozen scntemmcea lie told them what he had soon , The Mouse miouldoti iii. corroboration , stealing cunuuitmg glances about him amid shututlhlag hIs muddy shoes , partly to inspire self-confluence , partly because ime oppreciated limo importance of his present position. "But , " said na artillery officer , "time car- bineora have already gone , I beard them breaking camp before daylight. " 'Gonel" repeated liarewood , "They followed the river bank toward flhmmnc-Mesnii , " Before Ilarowood could speak again cannon - non shot from time end of time street brought limo soldiers out of the church on a run , At the umamno mnommient a siuehi uti uck a house op. posite and burst , Colonel MartIn , now ranking officer in the village , turned quietly to liarewooci and saiti : "if I hive o et out of tbi. I'll have the cariineers before a drumbead court-mar- tial , Are you going back to Paris ? " lilt I can , " said liarewcod. "it you get there , lmavo these carbineer otilcers arrested by the first patrol. " liarowood started again toward the rIver , calling Impatiently to the Mouse to follow. : r : ' ' , : - - ' ' r-r , - ' - - The bombardment. tin , Ptukalamm guns hind suddenly become vboent ; elielia feli everywhere , exploding on slate niofa , in court yards , in the mithhla of' them treot , Time Mouse , halt dead with terror , shrieked M lie mu , ducking his head at every crash , one hand twisted In liarowood's , one shieldIng his face , "This won't do , " cried linrewooch , dragging the Mouse into a hallway "we've got to 'waIt untIl time bornbardnient stois. here , break in this door , Qimicki" Together they forced the door and entered , The house was tint ) : and empty. liarowood clImbed limo stairs , groped about , unfastened the scuttle , and raised himself to time root , North , east amid west , time smoke of the l'russIan guns curled imp from the plain. in the north vast amasses of troops were moving toward I.e flourget , camumuonatled by thio fortress of the nst at long range. There was no chance to reach Paris ; lie saw that at limo first glnmmco , lie saw , too , tlio Fm'onchi pickets being chased hack Into i.e flourget by Uhlans , nnd he heard the drumunuing of a hmitralhicuse in time west efll of the village where colummmns of smoke arose from a burnimig imotise. Par away in the gray morning light time fortrdsa of time cast towered , circled with floating mIst , thuough svhmiclm the sheeted hashes of the cannon played 111cc ilgimtnlmmg behind a thunder cloud , And now began , mmmicier the guha of St. feds and AubcrvIilierS-flimot untler time caine on. Itigmit. tnrougmm tne main strce they burst , hurling back the Mobiles. I , sweeping the barricade and turning again to batter down doors and windows where , I through the blinds , the soldleis of the 122th of the iirmo were firing frenziedly. From I time slate roof where he crouched Ilarewood saw the Mobiles give way and ruin , In a minute tue interior of the viliaui.m swarmed with lanlc-stricken soldiers. The Prussian . - . I I - : . , . ? . . 'cqjr1i t J J"e'i -"e'i ' 'ti' . 'tr.N.c f ' i'i i _ . T/ ) "lIE SAT DOWN ON TilE ALTAR STEI'S 'WiTh IllS fliT OF BREAD. " for the flcrmMt t-temen ; buliet after bullet tbwackod againtuimo chimney behind which be clung. its hIted his chance , then crawled niong thug sites and dropped into the scuttie wheMtbo , , Mouse stood speech. less with terror. ' It was limo that ho left. A shell , burst- hag In the cehlt had ignIted the etorv faggots , and the first floor of the house bait already begun t 'burn fiercely. "Come , " ho "we must make a dash for the churchl1 : nd ho seized the Mouse , dragged him down the smoking stairs to the street door , and ut over the cobblestones , where a group 'c omeors and a couple of dozen voitigeura of time guard were running toward time church , pursued by Uhians. Up the step. and Into the dark church they tumbled peilmeli , liarowooci and the Mouse among them. They closed the great doors , bolted and barricaded theni with benches , pews and heavy stone slabs from Limo floor , Already time voltigeurs were firing through time stained glass acrosS the street ; time officers climbed beside thieni and emptied timeir rovoiver into tim masses of Prussiamma thmat atmrged around time chmurch in a delirium of fury , Ilarowood , looking over the shoulder of an omccr , saw time s'mmihs of time houses across time street , attv the ( lermuan soldiers pour into the breach , saw thorn at the windows bayonctiimg the remnants of the 128th , anti flhuiglmmg time ivoummiled from the wimiulows. From imommac to house the pioneers olicuieti ii 0 /c . r.T Mri ? - - - 1V' - 7 , , _ " ThROUGh TIIEMAIN STREET TILE hURST. " - walls of Paris-that hirst 'of a rles otter. rlbio iioWS dostimued to reduce jrauce to a nmorai and lhysicmmi condition too painful , too iiitibie to describe. For the storming of Le liourgot mmmdc tim commune a certainty - tainty , and , although the second amid third I ntternpts at anarchy were to prove abortive , the ( mirth insurrection was Inevitable , and tii political triumph ofM Thiors- assured its . . success. - ' - - As tom' the miacrablo village of Lehour - get , it was already doomed. Time black masses of time Prussian guard gathered like a tempest in time north , and swept across the r'lain in three columns. l"rom Dugny , frommm l'ont-Iblon , fromn lhianc-MesnhI , they Imured downubon Le Iioumrget. Crimig as they almot them as they ran. The shells tore tluroimgh them anti wimirled tlmouum about as wimmuls hurl gayly tinted autumn leaves , A battery , a niass of wrecked tiumubers , dying horses and smasimed guns choked the trans. verse alley , HhInd it a compaumy of the 32811 * fought like wildcats until time Prus. sian "Queen Elizabeth Regiment" took himcmn on the flank , and bayomieted thorn to the last mmmc. And now , frommi the west , two splendid reglnwmits swept into La hour- get-the "ilmnperor Francis" and tue "limmu. imror Alexandre" regiments of the Prussian guard royal-driving before thonm an agon. lied mob of Mobiles , Franctirours nod hues- macn , The massacre was frightful , Thin Ifuseian bayonets swept the streets as scythes swing through the ripe , grass. South and east time village was on fire. In time mi'est the tire bad ended , gad the Vilimmus capered from garden to garden , spearing the fright- coed fugItIves stud aboutiag , "Jiourral Ilourrai MIt une let Gotti" In time porth. however , the l2Sth line egInmeu still held out , The men had barricaded ( hi nmaglvee 1mm the stone houses lining both sides of thu main street , anti ere tirIng from the windows Into the thIck of the Germamis , The street swain with smoke , throcgh which the Prussians dashed agaIn and agaIn , only to stagger back under the blase of rifle flame. ilarewood , on the roof , was a mark uow - - . . - - , ' - _ _ i time wails. It ias necessary to exterminate the garrison of each separate cottage , for none of them surremidered. The house tht adjoined the church was swarmimmg wIth Prussiami infamitry. They fired imuto the church windows , shouting , "ilourraf Hodra' ' uIrcussen ! No quarter ! " Time omcer mmdxt tq Harewood was killed outright. TwoLhers fell back to the -stone - floor below. At ittfe 'next volley five' voilt- gcurs were lilted : dr wounded , A blast of iiarne emmtered the church as a grenade cx- pioded outside a window , Time Mouse , in an ngony of fright , was runmuing round and round tile church , like a caged creature , hooking for some chinkor cranny of escape. A soldier was shot dead beside him , and Lime Mnuso stumbled over the dead man -with a shrielc. That sLum- bie , imowever , almost pitched him through time hack of time east comifesslonal , which in reality was a concaled door loathing directly' to the rear of the church , The Mouse thrust his immtmzzbe out , saw a gamden , a ills- mantied arbor , and no Prussians. ills first immstimmct drove hini to Inmmne.tiiate flight. lie : crawled throagh time door on hands and knees , and wriggled Into time arbor. Thea caine his 800011(1 instimict-to tell liareivood.- Why it was that the Mouse crept back into time church at time rIsk of his miserable life nobody perhaps con tell. it Is true that frightened animals , when unmnoiosted , often return to a companion in tromibie. liarowood was standing by a hmlgh stained glass window debug a thing that meant death If captured ; he was firimig a rifle at the Germans. 110w ho , a non-conmbatant , a cool-headed youth , vlto seldom needlessly risked his akin , could do such a thimmg mmmight only be epiaimmed by himself , In case of capture lie would not be liarummed if lie minded - his own business , hut tue knew very well that mm. swift flni merciless Justice was served out for these civilians who fired on Ger- mcmi troops. Yet there he stood , firing with tile rest-a mumero handful left mmow out of time thirty. Two or three omeers still kept their feet , halt a dozen eoldiermm were yet firing Into the Secoumil divisiomu of time l'rtms. sian guard royal nmuumtherimig mmearly Th.000 lumen. Outside time umimattered wiumilows dIrty fimmgers clutched the stommo coping. Already imolmnetetl heads bobbed up hera and theme , immilminied Teutoimie faces leered into the chmmrch , Timere caine time scrape of scaling huutitlers ngaimuiut time wail ; verse still , Limo mumble of artillery 1mm tIme street close at hand. 0mm of the half dozen survivors glammced aroutmiti time cimurch , It was a butchmer's shambles. Then fm'omn lie street cmumo a shout : "Our cannon are hero ! Suirremmilcurl" "Surrender ? " repeated Ilarewooti vacaimtly. Then , as hue sav a woummiled creature stagger UI ) from thin floor holdIng out a white band- kerchief , ho realized what he hind done , Stunned , hue stepped back to time altar as the firimug dIed away , ' lie saw time great doom's opeum ; he saw the street outside , wet amid muddy , choked with throngs of helmeted umoidlers all stam'imug up mit the door ; he saw a cannon lImbered up and dragged away , the mmmounted onnnonicm'e looklumg back at time portal where three dozen Fremuch soldiers luau held check 15,000 Uernmamis. 4 soldier , streantlmug with blood , rose from time floor' of the ohumrch and stuimubied blindly out to the steps ; two more carried a wounded ' officer between themim on a chair. 'i'imemm , as thin Grmamu troops parted , amid thmo woumuded mmiandwas borne ou anti down time steps , ilni'ntvooil felt a tug at his elbow amid hicarut a 'imlne : "Mpnsicur-Liiere's a hole. " The next instant ho Stepped behind the confessIonal , crmtwied through the dwarf door , and ammtfor his life , VlJtl"I'lilL ( XI , 'Fiuii milsit of Ootoier , All day Sunday libido sat at her window looking out over the gray landscape beyond the fortIfications , Few of the forts were fir- lumg ; ut long imitervals the majestic rover- beriutloos fmomn Mont Vaierbon shook the heavy muIr , The southern forts were mute. At times she fancied that she could imear cauiuuonndlng in Lice north , far away toward La Ilourget , but when she held her breath to habit , thin beating of her own heart was inure audible , Shin slept badly that night , dreaming thuat lIaremood was dead , and she awoke 1mm an ecstncy ( if terror , calling Imis namume , 'Yolette cumme to her and comforted her. curling up close to her in the chilly lied , But she souid : not sleep. nd when at ieath Yohette lay beside her , alumbering with a smile on Lar lips , Illide slipped from the bed and - ' - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - -1 - - - - - - - - - - climbed the dark staIr's to tiarewood's empty room , it was something to be In his reemIt -It helped her to look out Into the dark- nca , F'or he was somewhere there In the datknes. Shivering , she eat down by the window , On the fortifications below the unwIeldy bulk of the Prophet loomed tip , tilted skyward - I ward , a shapeless monster In Its waterproof covering. Itockets were rising slowly from Mont Vutiorlen in the east the sky lowered , tinged with a somber , lurid light , perhaps the reflection of some hamlet , fired by the l'russlafls , burnIng alone at mldnigiut , A wet wind blew tIme curtains hack from thtt open wlmmdow ; her little naked feet were numb with cold , The never-ending desire I to see lila room , hIs clothes , hula bed again , I came overhmcr. She dared not light a. candle -it was forbidden to those who lIved on time ramparts-so she rose anti vnssed along each wall , touchIng time objects that hail been once worn by him. She know them already by touch , his gray coat , hula riding jacket , his hats anti caps amid whips amid spurs. Shmo rearranged the brushes anti toilet articles on lila bmmrau , her light touch t caressed hIs books and l'npers amid Peims % vimere they hay omm the little tnbio , Then she vemmv to the boil mmcii buried Imor bend on the pillows , crying herself to sheep-a sleep full of vngtme shapes , a restless sleep that stoic frommi hmer heavy hlula at dawn , heaving imor to qmmemmchi the fever Iii hmor eyes with tears again. _ IL was time last day of Octoluer. Ilotmrko had gone awny to the city before breakfast to verify an omiuious rumor comicermiIng Mets , iflmbltshied in a single journal of time day before - fore , stud vigorously denied by the oiflclal journal. Yolettd add lied Riding flood were in the cellar , storing mmmore cases of canmmed vogot- nbles anti mourning the loss of Scheher- azade , who had been sent omm Snturdny to time zoological gmmrilemma in the Jardln dea l'lantes. liourko had insisted on it ; food was becomuimmg nlarnmlumgly scarce ; there was no fresh meat to he had except horse meat , mud even that was to be rationed the first week 1mm November , The lioness had been carted off sorely against her will. She snarled and growled nud paced her cage with glowing eyes , in which tlmo last trace of gentleness and at- fectlon had been extinguished. hub , deep In her own trouble , scarcely heeded thus new one. Schelmerazade had' beeum chmunging In dlspositiomm ever since the first cannonading. Sullen. furtive , she haunted the depths of time garden , ignoring ililda's advances until Yolette begami to fear time creattmro , So now , wimen it was imeces- sary to send the lioness away , illido said nothing anti Yolette was not sorry. Mehe- mmiet All , the parrot , however , screeched his remonstrance , which amused l3ourlco because - cause Scheimerazade was the first living timing that the vicboums old bird had over shnwmm any fondmmess for. So time lioness was packed oft to be fed by time government , and Burke Improved that opportummity by sending Meimcmet All anti the monkey also , which made two umiouths the less to feed in case of famimme. Down in time cellar Yoletto stood , piling timmuucil fruit and vegetables against time division - vision wall , aided by Itcul Riding Hood. At time cimllui's request Yoletto was varying the nionotommy of timeim' toll by tehhimig a fairy alory. Red Riding hood listened gravely as Yolotte continued : "Amid the primmeess waited and waited for hem'dear prince , who had gone to fight the were-wolf. And hue did not return , " "I kmmo' , " saul time child , "what you mean. " mean.Viiat " \Viiat 1" asked Yoletto absently. "The lmrince is iv ! . liarewood and the -pripeess is Mile. Rude. " "An , ( ho were-wolf ? " said Yohette , faIntly amim sod , "The were-wolf-that is the Prussian army. " Yoiette's face sobered , "Thmo Prusalans nra very cruel and very fierce-hike the were-wolf , " sue said. "Come , lltle , one , we must go to the kItchen. " At time top of the cellar stairs timey met Bourke. lila serious face chaumged when be 'saw Yoiette , but his expression lied not escaped imcr. "Breakfast is ready , " she said qmmietiy. "I hdv not yet breakfasted myself. Shall we go in ? " She ieuh Limo way Into the dining room and closed the door. Ho put his arms around her anti looked Into her clear eyes. "It Is bad news ? " she said slowly. "Yes , Yolette. " "Not-not about M , Harewood ? " ' "No-I hippo not. " "Tell mae , Cecil. " "Metz has surrendered ; Iiazmuine and his army are prisoners. " TQam's filled her eyes. "Wimat else , Cccli ? There is something else. " "Yes , there is. Le I3ourget was carried by assault yesterday forenoon. " She sat down by the table , nervously ' twlatlmmg the cioth. lie took a chair opposite , resting lila chum on hIs hands , "Jim was there , " he said after a silence. "Tlmen-then-he----- " "Yeui , hma will come back to Paris because time sortie ime.s failed to pierce the German lInes. " "lie simouhti have colmie back last night , " said Yolotte , riomirimo mmouided sIlently. "imiul because lie has not yet rnturmieui you are werm'ieui , " continued Yolette , 11cr hand stole across the table anti his own tightened over IL "ho hums been uiu'layed-tlmnt's all , " said liourice , immaking an effort to simale off his depression , "iVe yiil say nothIng to Tilluho about It , " "No , not to ihiide , " nmmmrrnmmred Yoletto , Red hiithlumg lloouh emmtered bearing the breakfast covers , 1111db came In a mmmmmmmmumit later onml looked anxioimsly at liourke , lie smiled cheerily anti lmegan to rca.l . from time mmmornlng imaper aloud , how M , Tubes , who bath tmeen trotting around all over Europe to enlist thu syampatiules of the great powers 1mm heimaif of Framietu , haul just returned from Vlemmima , and luau eumtnrcci i'muria with Iilsmnarck's kinul permission. It seu'mmis that M. Timbers hind soimnuied England , lttmsslmm , Austria amid Italy , amid found thuommi in accord with himself , that an armIstice tulmouul'l cue. petal hostilitIes for a whIle tmuutil a muatioummil assembly could be convemmeti nmumh terimus of peace discussed with llIsmam'ck and lila son- Llmmentai sovereign. Iiiiulo scarcely ilstcmt'd , Yoletto nltui.detl lair toast , arid tm'icmi to uuum- dorstand a diplomatic muddle that mueodtid oliler brains llama lieu's to solve. Outside in the street thus neweboy were cryIng : "Extra ! Surrender of hiazairmol Falh of Metz ! Terrible disaster at Le hour- get ! Extrab Full lIst of thuo dead stud wounded ! " Bourke tried to keeju lihido's at. tontlon ; shmo emnlboul at hIm and held out an extra that shun bad already bought and do. voured. "If lie was at Lu Ilourget , " elmo said , "ice was not hmurtl Seol Here are thin names , " She kept her eyes on Jiourko as be read the long columns of dead , wounded , and miss. lug , \\'iuen he fiumisimed shin saId : " ho hack I'aris " "Will comae to imomv ? I' ! hope so , " saId ilourke , cheerily , "Per- lisps $ he Mouse is with lulmn , , Ifeavensl What a mnes 'l'rochu made of It at Io liourgeti IL neczns that General Behlusaaro was absent tim Paris when the Prusslans fell on Lo l3ourgot. It's sonmebody's fault-that's clear -and very safe to say , " he added with an attempt at gmuyety that deceived no one , Red hIdIng Ilood , wimo now always held herself atrmmhght as an arrow when people spoce of eoldieU-for bad not tier father 4led In umilrorm-eald in a clear voice : "If the [ 'russians are in Le Ilourget-are we not Ia Parts ? " "Good for youi" saId Ilourice , heartily , "Let Nets fail , let utrassbourg tupible down , let I.e llourget tlow up , we are Ja Paris , two young women , young nuan cnd Red Rid. ing 11084 , Vlve Ia Fraueel" ' They au smiled a little. orke went cut I I _ \ laughing , quIte confident ha had 3Itpellea some of the gloom. It was raining again , lb buttoned his overcoat close to time throat anti hurried away on his dolly visit to the war ofllco , The streets he traversed were flied with people , the Place Saint.Suiplce was black with It mob shouting and gesticulating , "Iown with the minlatryl fleSigdli" it was ImpossIble to apptoth time war omee. Thu. Place ile l'iloteh do Ville , the square In front of the Louvre , the gardens of the I.tmxern. bourg , vero swarming with excited crowds , lndigimnt at the ministry's suggestion of an armistice , which they coneiiered prelimInary to ( ho surrender of Patris-urious at thin news from Mctz , anti hysterical over the dIsaster of I.e liourget. At S o'clock that mornIng time c.'urblneers hail uumtrcheuh into Paris , spreading the ro- hlort that I.e ilourget had been betrayed to the Prusslana , that they haul escaped after prodigies of heroIsm , anc that the govern- mmment vmta responshtuie for everything , Ilnurke , hoisting himsehi tupon time railing of time Luxembourg , iooktt omit , over the vast throng towhrd a 'window , where , hietlgeti In by tIme bayonets of the arbineers , litick- hurst nat , pale amid Impassible beside Flomum'emi , ? ulortler haul jiust finished a venomous oration , Anul F'iourens , booted anti spurred , hatl risen mind was facing the mob. Ills handsome face grew roil with excite. macnt , lila gestures became acorn violent as time roar of opprichation increased. "VIva Fiouremis ! Down with the governmnent ! " Time speech was a passinumate pkra for the Comnmumie anti a pledge timmut Limo city would never aurremmiler , " \'lmmit is this seumlie ministry that It seek 3naee for us wimo demnanti wan wnm'i vam'i'luat was its price when Mets was sold , wiuemm Lo Bouurget went up 1mm Ilmirnes'l Time tiny will conmo wimemi time governmucent waist answer to thin Comcmmntmnc , and the day of ntomieincmmt shall be terrible , " The uproar was frightful. Thuo caricineers cimargcul their rifles iii the air and shouted , "VIvo Ic Conimnunel" A mob of national guuartls cheered them vociferously , 1mm time midst of time diii Duels- lmtmrst rose. Slowly his white , lmnpassl'o face bent to meet time sea of upttmruuccl faces , The drums were siiencetl , the explosIon of rifles ceased , time harsh yells died away , "l'ho miumistera , " hue ald , In a how voIce , "are at. the Hotel tie yule. Time goverummmcent must resign , The Conimnuime is huroclauuned. Who vihl follow mao to the Hotel tie \'iiio7" 'hero camue a thundcrimmg simout , "For. ward ! " 'rho thiroimgs surged , swtmmug bmuck , mmmii burst into cheers as tue carblnecrs , drums roiiimmg , bayonets siammtimmg , wheeled OUt Into the Boulevard St. Mheimeh , burke followed time crowi , now almost. entIrely composed of nationai guards , mao- hues , franc-tircurs , amid swarmmms of rumans Iron : Bellevilie. As they marched they hal- loned Limo "Carniagnole , " the sinIster biast of the btmglcrs , time startling crash of drums , the tm'ammiple amid aimoutimmg commibined in one hIdeous pandemmmoniummn of deafening sound. As they poured through the Rue do itivohl and flooded time square of tIme hotel do Villa , burke saw General Trochu comum out on time marble steps and wave back time leatlem'mc , who were already smnmmshimmg iii time iroum gate. Ilmmrkhumirst ran up the steps amid faced the governor of I'aris. There was a sharp exchange - change of words , a menacing gesture fronm Buckhurst , then ho shoved the governor aside. In a moment the yelling laud : swarmed into the Slieflhhiii buiiuhlmmg. The ministers lied to the Salle iltu Conseil , amid barricaded the door. Fiouremma set his car- bineors to guarl iL I3uckhiurst let time mob loose throughout the great marble buiimhimmg , and the pillage began. The splendid rooms were looted , gilded mmmirrors smashed , furni- turn mutilated , walls and frescos torn to atoms. ( To Be Continued , ) c1sTrAT "I bao gone 14 dos' . at a time without movement of ( ho bowels , not belmmg able to more theta except by using hot water lnJectloaa , Cliroumia consUmmatIon for soveui years miacoci moo in this terrible condition ; during that time i did ci-- urytliiumg I heard of but uuevor found auiy reimef : , , uch irasmycase until began using CACJu1th'1'S. I new maui-u fromnouio to three pasaos a Ony , nod If t was rich I would gui-c lmUJd for each moveinemmt ; it is such a reimuif. ' Armaisul L. Ii uar , 1cm nuscl1 St. , JioSrolt , Mich , CAN DY TRAO ! ' r : Pleasant , l'aiatablo. Potent , Taste Good , Do Good , X'ievor mtmckon , Vcakemm , or ( , 'riIe. IDe , c. boo. . ' . CURE CONSTIPATION. suIrmuog itSmdy , O1iujgo , . . ( riI , hew lou-k , 24 HOURS CHICAGO TO NEW YORK by time famous North Shore Limited of the JTITrnAN G1NPI AT "The Uhasua Rout. , ' A luxurious fast train , leaving Chicago 4 p , ni daily , arriving New York S p. in. City Ticket Office , 9 Adam. , Street , Chicago. zz : t THE NEW , . . ' 'I. - i ; : COLLAR F ! 11' ' lgi'In. lrs St eck. M..4'W. , WEAK MEN Immmant flaRe ? . CimreinlS.lays , Never returns I e imi smadmv sand to MIY ! summlerer in a tulain s.'am.'d , , . I'fuirim.e I'ft IIS a m'rrsvrpujc.n ' $ whit fiuIl'dirse. iluu. ti.r it quick irirsie rulrafp i.ot Msmul"pl , h'litl swei , a't'ru-oui flimlm.u' . St'ealc P.ig. . , , \ GrtercIt' , 'Ic , ( ; , II , t''rIeI , , . LbJuuui , , , . . , . , - .e , ; ' ' ' - i-su. tIsrli5II . . , auI.u , . A safe and powerful remedy for functional troubles , delay , pain , and irregularitIes , Is Succ.ssauuuUy pescrlt'sd by tic. Lightest Medical Specialists , Jke4s.eqJor s .pi'li. boW byal Unmgghsue , or P&l face. P. ( P , lies * u4 ; , N , Y , I1 1UNYON'SGREATWORK. ' jyicIiss. tittoplo truglo Agnlnut lam. , Jcnmmman ) letlmodi. ' . - c 2t I t-.A)5P - . . ) f ; ) / I ? ; A Munyon decrIes dosing anti dopIng , Modi. u chime lmomilti ho to mimiture only a deilcate ' ' - lehuumimo of error anil a kind eumeouregeumment V , , of t1u physIcal forces for good. 'flue hard 7 ivork of recovery is tlouic by mmnturo Itself. + 'l'lue iuuinami 1)011) ) ' Ia those dciIcat timnu the finest nueclmnnismiu , imiore seimeitive thman the ten'icreat lilemit. 'i'ic shatter the liver witb imiercuury , to mnucuiulcmi time ncrs'ea with mor- lthimm auth ebloral and to flay anti hum the stoniaclu witim every Imolsomi blacklisted with kuli anti crouwbomues is torture ummore do- maclime tlunn the lumqulsltbon. Dumyon gimanutcire. that hi. itbaummatiam Ccc. will our. nrtiy sit essi'e of ni'tuunatlm , in a ti'mm' hcmii-i ; tbt iui 1)yepcuu'da Cut-a will dm55 In. Ilireathon uini miii stomach tnnutlca that bi. lsltifly Cure iih elite 110 per eent. of all case. CC ktiary troubie ; tint iii , Cst3rri , ( air. will * mre eatstrl , , no uiinttu'm' hew long stanullng ; tint liti lienlnte , ( 'are iTiii elite uummy l.inil at u liCultiSehI' in a fi'y nuluicte , : thmrtt hi. ( 'tid air. will qmiit'kiy imi'ak , imp sac' fnnn of cold , and . . cdi tlmnugt the ( 'uitli' hat of hi. memadhc' . , 5 , ( bultle to hlamihthu amid macuilcal nil-lee abso- itmti'ly free. I'rof , ? miunyon 1505 Arch at. , 1'luiladeipiila. ' 'r ' The j. S. 't lit GOYE1tNMENP , wants abronemnen inita C't'4 ' ! ) ir.sorvIco. _ With one notVX"fl ' - , , acom'tl time Armcyammil Navy " 1 "emmdorso lt4tut-111N a's the greatest known ' strengthener , Invigorator - , . , . , or and restorative. IL creates iolid hash , anus. ' do and strength , ciemurs the brain , stm'cngthcna ' tim nerves nail causes ' time crmeratito organato ' I qulcmlI'rcgaumm their muor- ' . mnh rowcrs. Per nery- 0ia % protratIn , over- vcrlc , Imimmiairei vitality ' In cIhcr : ccx , em' oxt'ea tive usa of optumn , higimor or tobcco , It I ) 'imtttvciy cannot be oxcoulod. Ono box vthl woric womulers. Six wili cure. ' . I'tlt-lmnN Is for s.mie by lull druggists , 00 tab- / , - I' lets , 110 cciii , ' . One to two niomutius' troatmont. ( , . Fill out , amid mumail mis time diagnoaLs sheet 1mm each box , amid we mciii gIve your cam pecIai attomi- tlomm witiuomutoxtra charge , JIAR-itEN Is pre. parcd by' lijaImner 0. licasna l'im U. , Ii. S. , di. emict from ( ho formula of Ii. k. uartomm , imi. n - Cleveland's mnoit , eminent sPecIalistMaIi4 ' in clo'ceti pacicurc : on receipt of imrico. DES. IJAJSTON ANI ) BENnON , 01 Mar-Don iJiock. Cleveland. 0. For sale by Kuhn . Co. , l5tn and Doug. las ; J , A , Fuller & Co. , 1402 Doim-las SL and Grmlmam Drug Co. , 15th and 'arnmun1 King l'iiarnmncy , 27th , tnd Lenveimwortb : Peyton's Pimarnmacy , 24th and Leavenworth ; E. J , Scykora , South Omnaha , anti all oth druggists In Omaha , Sottth Omaha. Counofi ' ' % L' @ Age , Illness , Care cacao Wrinkles. Der- nmatnlogist JOhN 11 , WOOD1IURY , 121 W. 42.1 . at. , N. Y. , tins had over 26 years' prac- tlcal oxperiemmco removing Wrinkles , Crows' Feet without pain. Commsultatioum free , Patronize bile Industries : _ _ ww. _ _ _ . w _ mly I'uuroiunatuig Goods Siiiic af the Fol lemming Nchrumskn Factorbeci AWNINGS AND TIONTS , - ; ; ; T'IA ; TmI'm' AXIS stUlilsElt CO. ( Successors Omnairn Tent and AwnIng 'Co. ) ttmmnumaclurerN tents , awnings ; jobb.irs madues' amid gcnt' Muclcintosume. . Tent. tor rent. 1511 Futrflaun St. , Onualua , ImItmawEnhmis. OMAhA flit.FW1NG ASSOCIATION , Carload shipments made In our own refrii. erator cars. Ulue ltibbC'mi , mute Export , Vleuuuma gxort anti Faintly axort deliveral to all part. ot the city. non.nns. " OMIIA imOllEit ' , % 'OJtiS , ' JOiIN IL , LOW'ItRY , Prok. ' Belier-S. Tanks and Sheet ron \Vork. Spectm3) faeiittii9l for doing re'rnire. etc. Tel. 1155 CORNICh WoRE : . G , F , EI'ENF.'Vlilm , IIAGIIi CO1LNICE % % 'OItICS , Manufacturer of Galvanized Iron Cornices , Ga' . vanizei Iron Stcm'mlstits , 'rio , Iron anti Riots hooting , Kent for iinnear'a Steel Ceiling. mos-ioi : North miiCvonth street. J CRA'KER FAC.'TOmtIES , AMEIImOAN IlisCtJl'i' ANt ) Ml'U , CO. Whoiea Cracker Manufacturer. , 4 OMAmI ) , , NuB. I , - - - ) wonics - _ SCIIuiuS1iCR'S TWIN Clii' fl'i'Ii woitIi , intia Fnruuim. , St. Dying and cleanIng of garment , aicl , good. of , iescription. Cleaning cC nfl. garments a Specalt' _ . ' FLOUR 'MlLrs. S. ii' , GII.MAN , Flour , Meal. Feed , tiran , moim-ls.mi North 17th Street. Omaha , Brim , C. L' . hInds , Manager. Teephone 151. - - IDONWOIUCS. DAVIS iS ; COVUJl.L , IIION iVOlIiCS , Iroms ii n , Ij iirnss I'ulIiil'u' . . Manufucturera and Johhprs ) of Machinery. clan. eral repairing a .PedlluIiY. ISOi , IBIS and ib'31 Jackson street , Onmha , Net , , ' . , u i.TNauun OrI . t ' .VOtlM.tN ii.4IiliiJ Oil. VOJtiCS , Manufacturer , old process raw itn.eed oil , kal. tie ioilei lilireati oil , old p505055 scrouuud lina..4 . . ground sad ecrnoeui flusareulfordeug. : alA'rTmtESSgS , : _ _ _ _ _ - - - OsIAli.t lilitlJNU CO , Manutacturra of high erads Mattrese. , liii lumpy iilrpet. Omuulma. OVltltAIT. AUI3 BiIInT1ACTOit1mfia - lcA'iz-smIvixT COUJ'ANY. ) ffrs , Clothing , i'ants , ahirta , Overalls , nmtAmrA. Nifli SlililT lAC'FOitlilS. .1 , U , Ii'ASS , gmIltASJA 5111111' Co3il'Ai'fY. ' Exclusive custom shirt tailors. ill ? V'nrnz 'VINiOAit AID FlClfI4iS. - IIAA1SIANN VlNlfGfaR CO. fdanufacturers of VInguur , l'lckie , , Catsupe , ' Mustards , 'elry sod % Vorcestershlr. Sauce , WAGONS AND CAhtItIAGhtS , ' iS'll.l.IAM J'I'ItiPViiii , For a good , .ubstantiai vehici. of any d.ggi'tp. ( Ion , for repaintiar or rubber tie. . on new or * l wheels-tic. best pic. is 27th aad Le&ynwrt Streets. - C1Mfl MANUFACTUIIhtRS , IIhNIti CO , Largest factory in tb. west , LeadIng Johberd of Omaha , Icansap City , 4acola and Si. J. . ' tamale our good. , toof Varnaza $ tr..i. 4 , D , 'F , Co. ; meseenger. fupIsbedj b $ ' gage delivered , 1O Douglas * 1. TiE. 171.