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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1898)
- - - - - - - - 4 % . . - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - . - . - : _ - : - - - - . - . . , . . . . I - - - - - - - - - - s- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TIlE OMAhA DATLY 1flb isty o , 1898. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7 TftcjAL NOTICES AIllrtINet1eni mr l1sNe co1urnn . , vflI lii , ftkpn mull 12 in. for * II ' ( 'eIII.r $ steiil nidil H p. ni. for the \ ) iIiirnIg nHil Snndny edIIon. tderlINerR , ) PJ rcqnetIig 1 % flUIfl Iertd clicck , cnn nn.ivrN nd- ilriupil to i 1ulnheret1 letter in elite uf T1ti Iti. Anayeri . , tddrpsned viI b 1)clivered on preentittIott of 1h eILck ovily. Itnei , 1 1-rno it irorti flr.'t ItIertIDnl : lc a word thereuftcr. Nothing Inicen s for IeaiR thnti 2.o ST the flr.t Hiiuer- t1n. Jbeie nuItcrtlcineatN 8t1lIt b , 1' run euncci SI'L'L1.tT1oiS WA1'ID. liT Accountant : win take cinrgn at col- iuctLiiIIt4 ; retqion1bIe ; 1(1 ( yesirs bankilig experience. Atldre8s I 6 , 13cc. . A-11-1 I AMIIUCAN 1flI3 , fletlks French , inuIcInfl , 4 ) ) nn(1sIno , young , iitick. Addre8M with : detallH , y3 Arcada hotel. - . LOCAT1ON wanted-A 3ootnowWaper man wnnt to locate in t growing town , or uft out&(3e poHitlon on a Iftiiy will be tLCCL'3)ted. Address 1' til , lice , Omaha , Nob. A-M iQ 30 .FII1LFF LadI . want poiIt1on tflkifl charg. O cIiIbIt itt TratII4mIIHtP1)i ) bet * ot reercncel given. P 40liei . . \YA7cTID-MtI.i0 lFLI' . CANVASSI1tS to take oriIerl : flew ilno of vork ; no heavy goods to carry ; : ; t1ary Ot coI1i1sIofl. . if. Adarni Co. , & 21 330lth Ibtcenth street. 13-S3 HALESMIN to scU toilet 1wLt3) to deulera : . . . -41th ) 3)E month salary and cxpcnse ox. 'orIetio unntccssar. Louis Ernst Co. , 3t. Louis , Mo 13-S3i WANTJL ) , , mllcltor5 of good ad1rc , eItIir I3oX , to IO11 Calirornia ItoHe : rare , hardy ornamentabi , ote. ; town and cItIc only r vlI1 3H % salary weekly ; ho quicI stzttO - ngi' . 'llic 11ow1an1 NurBery company , Lo3 AngoIei , Cal. U-MC3131 W'ANTED. L1enon to Hell pCrtUnlCM 00(1 toilet atticIM $100 per niiinth and cx- i cnso $ ; uxlerlenco uinoceisnry. , I'Iunier 'crfiiincry Co. , St. Louis , Mo. . 1j.-6si , : 319' VANTE1)-ForI4t or gardner &tt ISII Vin : ton St. 13. JiZtaR. U-947 I \'ANTEI ) . men 'it once to ti'arn thu harbor trale , The government 11zL14 called upon ( IS mr 100 graduat ( or the army. $15.00 weekly : tWo YCfll4 ern1I1YneT1t. Our lee- tU1e8 on hair 00(1 1uii diseases make grmul3atem In demand as regiment bnrbermm. Ituiiy local barber4 lemiving inuko grodmi- ntte In lemnand as rcglrnemmt larber(4 ( , Many lCtl ) bnrberH leaving mnmtkom homimo demand good aIHO. Eight weeks compIete3. WrIte for catalogue. Moler Symtcm Ilarber College - lege , Chicago. I3-M984 12 GOV11tNMENT poHltlonH , The war makcmm F demaIl(1 for men In the government clvii mervlco. ExatnlnntlonH SOOlI. Full limfornmatlon fret' . Columnblan Corre3lond- once College , W'asmlngton ) , D. C. fl-M100-.4' EXPE1UENCPD free smtIernen wanted to work on salary atul commlHHlon. Addres3 Stark Valley NtirHery , Plalurlew Nob. 13-d19O 31' WANTJD. good tinner , candImmavIamm pro- ffrred , who cnn play In band. Address lock box 253 , Newman Grove , Nob. . B-t150 J4 BUNDLE wrapper wanted experienced only. Nebraska Clothing Co. I3-344-28 WANT1D-Man acquainted with merchants to r.ireoent ; reliable collection agency. I1ux i,55. Omaha. 1I-9i&-23 - ' ' ' . w1t-r'1'Lin-FJJMALI0 1IEfI' i- IOOG1ItLS forall 1ii1s otvor1c ; $3 to 1 -week. Canadian Ofilce. 1522 Douglas. C-8.IS sn1' time Epperly corset. 1511 Douglas St. C-793 J21' REiiilL for general 1mousevork ; maII faintly. 20a ; Dodgt' . C-812 WANTED. Qiri for housework. Mrs. 11. D. Neely. 471 ilamilton St. C-909 \VANTEI ) , Flrst-ciitm4 conic ; must hav' rcnmmmiemmmllttIomms. 'l\lra. 0. 1V. Megouth , 2137 .S. 33rd t. C-9G7 ! .VANPED , 150 girls. Employment Ilurenu , 1521 Dodge. Telephone biG. C-137-.J2 IA DIES. wanted to do needle work ; can devote all or part Limo ; costly make $4 to $7 ocr week. Call 33 Barker block. C-M11I-30' , - - WANTED. a competent girl for bouse- , - wurIc references required. Mrs. IV. T. \Vyinan , 13th and Ilurnoy. C-M203 31 .EMI'LOYMENT Bureau , 1321 Dodge st. , wants 150 gIrls , Tel , 876. C337 J12 A GOOD girl an cxtsiilor , German preferred. 08 North 16th St. C-4W-28' WANTED , girl In innI1 family. 202 Far- haul St. C--012-28' WAN'1'lD , neat girl for second ivork. 116 6 ° . 32 Ave. - - - 4 YCIJNG lady can secmmre a good lositlo. ut time oxiiosItIu , : must hove a btnutltui ? ulL'e , no other imeed call : goat ) wages. r' APPlY Monday a the Mirror Mnz. Asic for Mr. Idorris , C-M229 30' Ifl 1tITh'l'-iIOLISEM , : iioicIs Imoimsos nmtl eottnges all over city ; $3 to $76. Fidelity. Ist hour. N. Y. Life. D-S39 ii 1isIGs. 13enewa & Co. . I0 .N. Ith St. D-S40 flOUSEt3 , sturem' Brnnms , Paxton block. , D-SI1 tlOVTNQ household gOOL1 1(0(1 pianos. Om. Van . & Storage Co. , 1511 Farnamn , 'Tel ' , 3559. D-S13 .FURNITURF AmuI leasehold of a 7 anti 13. renal niodorn limit for sale ; bargain ; good location , rent iou' . ilemnis , I'axton 111k. D-AI511 12-11CiOM 'modern house , 131 So , 2Ith St. . lint ssuter heat .1 , N. Frenzor , opp , old V. 0. 13-636 1.'j7ItN1SI11) ) house of 8 rnom , 8 blocks from postolllce. Address 1' 31 , lIeo I-913 C0't'TAO and $ .00 ; 5-room , $10.00 ; 6-room. $12.50 : 8-room $16.00 ; newly llItlflt1I and l)1Imnrtci : beautfui for sittia- tion , 43t1 13oaii of Trade. 13-913 ii'oit 1tFNT , 8-room house on 'vavml street , 1mtt Ommilma , with us. , of teIeilmun0 ( 'heal ) for time imumnimior. hamereaux lOtus. . 102 i. 16th. D-9111 i'oit ItlNT , nino.rounm house with barn. 22t1 st. . ticar California ; modern : renimna- 1mb to good tenent. Apply at 506 N. Y Life ilulldlog , D-M00 \IltY 'holco. furnished , 12 rooms ; not for roomers , 603 flee bldg. .1J-MI73 3t. , IlOV1N : large i4flUtii front rooms , suitable fur lodgers , lSth and ] lnrnoy. S. ii Curtis , D-M2J J4 5.1tUM vottno , all nodcrn cnu'oiiIniiees. iM S. 2ttlitit. 1)-MISS 30' - _ - - - Poll lI1'l'-i't1IINlSIlI1) 1IlOMS . . iXI'0SlTl0N VIS1TOI1S-I.000 furnimilmed - rooms.'rito to lOxposition 1loomniiig Co. , Dotigl.Lmi block , 16th and Dodge. I5MIs1JUe LAItOF : imim'asnnt r000is. cool , sluide ; 3 blocks north of Ogilen house and llrond. cni lute. 141 ( Irant lOt. , Council Bluffs , In , 1-M930 30' 3xt'osl'rlcN Oilicial information Ilureau , 1319 Farnamn ; . 5,000 choIce rooms to remit. : 1LEtAN'rIX furnimihed ooimimi' COO 8. 19th , I-M90 .121' MODEliNmioutim rooms , transients. 514 N.19. TI Iii 1.AIlNAM TEI1RACFI. 2)3G.3S.10-12 Fiirnuni , now modern building , imew fur- nimiumings ; cli elegant outside TOOIflmij irthes. lawn , trees ; 'ltlmiim lIve mulnuteim SYflik of busineis center ; on slight eievn- 110mm , especially desirable ( or man and faintly , E-Ii1951 Jli' FU1tN1lIFI ) rooms fur gentleman , 1621 Cuss , on Ilbermuan avenus car linmi ref. 9C4inCCS 1'CQUIt0I , M91 1' P0 II 1LiON'PVtfl.Nll11fl flOO1t3. ( Continued. ) - FIOItNISIIED room. 3312 Douglas. 3-M9'G 31' 1UflNlSl11D rooms , IS S. 19th utreet. 1-M 976 30 FUItNISIZED rooms. 602 N. 16 ; grocery utoro E-9)7.JZ ? ' DFB1flAflL10 rooms with hotel convent. ence , In email family , down town , to fmxpouutlon visitors , by the day or week. Telephone 218t for particulars. TO aNTLdflN , large rooms , first class modern , near businemi ktmiter ; retercncrs exchnngcd. Address I' 48 , floe. lu-MtlS-34' - - . NiCIM4Y furnished rooms. 2412 Cuss street , E-M207 N11O1Y furnished rooms for trunsients , 1914 Douglas. 13-M1BI 34' F1flNlSIiED ItOOMIl , Transient ; this is your place , strictly $1.00 per day , without bead ; modern houmie newly fitted rooms , luttli. good ! urr000dings , convenient to exposition grounds and liherman rirentie car life. 3S02 Ohio St. E-M1&3 11 flOOMS , all conveniences , 621 ½ So. 19th. E-1& ) J23 1A1tGi list rums for rent all pnrt5 of city. . Oflice open till 10 p. oh. and Sundays. Mrs. JelTriemi , Iloaril of Trade. Sixteenth itiul F'arnain , first iloor. F-MlS3 30' T1l1 T111t0'11t-2s good rooms , 20S N. 17. IO-M182 JZS' 'FMtY 11iC013' furnished rooms , house all modern : 1rivnto famlI' : on car limmo near Ilanscom park. 1' 53 , lice. 1-M1TS ron ItINPtwo . front rooms. 310 N. 22d. - S I-M22S 33' I't1ItNlSliIOl ) ltM8 ) tNl ) IJO.tltl ) . Tlfl Merriam , first-class family hotel , 25th end 13odge ts. F-SIT i\v ALBANY , 2U6 Ulnimey : elegant romimmi , ftrst-tlass bohrd ; terms reasonable - able : transient trade solicited. , F-1d322 J7 PLEASANT rooms , moiern , strictly first- class board : reasonable rates ; transients taken. 622 N. 19th mit. F-M429 J12' VFI1Y nicely furnished 4oomns ; all modern cohiveniences : for 2 or 4 gentlemen ; price , 30.O3 each : without lunch , $25.00 each ; prl- Vato mnmnIly on car hue , imear Ilanscom park. 1' 13. lIce , F-'T93 ' 1'11l' ROSE. 2020 Itarney ; nice cool rooms with board ; transients accommodated ; ratemi renmionablo. F-TO ? J21 PLFASANTtell furnished room ; nil niod- cr0 conveniences , with or without board lrlvate family ; near llanscom park. 1' 12 , lIce. . F'-792 ' 1'A1F down that "for sam" ot "for remit" iiri in your window : TIle Boo roaches inure people In a day than will pass your WiflliW ( In a month ; and they consult these columns when they want to buyer or remit. FUltNlSl1D rooms with board ; tran- sietits accommodated. 2016 Douglas. . F-M931l 30' UTOPIA , 1721 Davenport mit. : rooms , lIrmit- class board ; transients accommodated. F-M1S6 J4' NICIOLY ftirnished rooms ; good board : transients nccommodatea. 1909 Capitol Aye , F-M2u ; 1i PRIVATE family will take afew boarders for summer In cottage at Lake Okoboji. Address P 62 , flee. F-N21 .34 2311 flINNIY-Rooms and first-class board ; transients accommodated ; reasonable rates. F-1t120 J4 Foil JUONT-IJNFIJILNI Sn JOD ROOMS. FOIl Itent , nice south front unfurnished zooms , with bath : Withuell block , F.V. . Carmichael , No. C. " , Vlthneii block.G943 G--943 UNFURN1S11luD roon1sonoaern. ; . . ] S21 Leaw. Flat 4. c-.M593 T24" . 1i1nFI : iargQ 'umif rnlslmed rooms for light houm'ekeepiiig on ground floor. Apply at 110 South 25th avenue , near 'Dodire. G-MlSS :1' FOR It1SNT-STOItI6S ND OFFICES. 1r011 remit , t1' 4-story brick building at ills Farmtm St. This building has mm. dro- proof cenient basement , water on all lioorum , gas , etc. Apply at time ofilco of TIme Bee , 3-910 P'1NF ST0R1 ROOM ON 24Th ST. , NIA1t exposition , with living rooms in rear and cemented basement. Sen Fidelity Trust Co. at once , 1st floor , 'N. Y. Life. I-M421 SPACE to rent , suitable for job printing or other small business. Telephone anil desk. Itent cheap , 1517 hurt. 1-631 FOIt flFNT. a store room micar exposition grounds. Apply to 2702 Decatur street. J-M9t1 39' Fort IU6NT , one of time finest locatiomis in Omaha for ticket broker , etc. Inquire 1602 Fnrnam St. 1-910-30' FOIl I1ENT. new store rooms Joining cx- position , 2ith and Sprague Stim. 1-150 LARGE storeroom suitable br grocery , meat market or restaurant , 1402 N. 24th , car. 3-Inmilton mit. ; aio basenment under minimum stiitabl for barbel' shop or shoe- maket' shop , Apply at 2318 Caildwell. I-A1223 31 AGEI''VS 'vArrED. AGF1NTS vanted.11urat I1alstead' Great War 1300k , "Our Country In War. " Alt about Armies , Navies , Coast Defenses , Maine Diaster , Cuba. War with Spain , and rolMlons with Foreign Nations. Nearly COO izues. All written itii v Maine Disaster. Magnificent colored Illustra- tionmi. Agents making $10 to $39 pem' day. No experience tiecesminry. Most liberal terms gimitranteed , 20 days' credit. price low , freight imuid. Ilandsomno outtit free. Send 9 twc'-cent mitampu to pay iOsttte. Fducatloiiul Uaion. 34 Dearborn St. , Ciii. cago. J-iI135 Juno 5' AGENTS wanted for "Our Naval War With Spain : " splendidly illustrated ; only authentic - thentic 1)00k to be pulilishod ; free outiit now reniy : act quick , National l'imb , Co. , Lakeside bldg. , Chicago , J-MS5S 30' W.tTIIl-'t'O flI0T. \'ANTlD. use of Imimmno ror storage or small remit , Address P 49 , lIce. lg-M127 30' STOftAGli , PACIFIC Storage amid Warehouse Co. , 90S. 010 Jones , general storage and iorwarding. -RIO OM. 'Van & Storage , ' 1511 ½ Farn'm. Tel , 1659. _ _ _ _ ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ UEST trarkage and storage building In Omaha , U. S. gay. bonded : household goods stored and cared for ; lowest rates ; two show eases rot sale , suitable for ox- pomiution. 1003 and 1015 I.oavenworth. W. 1. Ilushman. M-M965 31 WMT16D-TO II UT , VJICANT LOTS , Within halt.mIio radius or Twentieth and Vlnton Sta. ; nlso lotmi south of California and west of 23d Sts , feints , Paxton Ilhic. N-Mc95 lii. You are In need of anything , try the \Vant Column4 of TIme Boo ; tho' whit Irliig you what you vant , -S67 wAN'rED. old horses , mules , donkeys and goats free from disease. APPlY Jiagen- back's ¶ i'rainod Wild Animal Show Co. , exposition grounds , N-M201 31 - FoIL SALIFU1tNITUIlli. Sl1LiNG out at 131 South 25th street , itoumohold furniture , carpets , ranges , cooking stoves. gas stove , etc. May be $0011 train 2 to U p. in. 0-416 i ; it sale at it bargain , 600 pillows and 500 nutttresses now pillows , 25 cents up ; now mattresses , 75 celita UI ) . HOS-lO Dodge. O-MSST J21' FOR NAL.l0-IIOIISIS , VAGONN , ITC , i it BALIO , one pair fine heavy draught horses. tlmnitlt & Fastmmtan , 1611 Plmikimey St ' ' 1'-S1-3O' ¶ 1'IUO best lilacs to buy a good carrIage elmeahm ; bargains in tirmit class second hand carriage. 1400.11 Dodge St. I'-M12-J4' - FOR SALE , Cunningham coupe in strictly firmit.cisss condition : cheap fur cash. or on easy pay1nent. Wzilwortlm.Proctor Co. , horse market. Union Stock Yards South Omaha , Ntmb. -2i1TO 30 FOR SAI.13-hIOflSIlS , VAGO4S , 13TC. ( Continued. ) - LADIES' driving horse and fIne Simpson phaeton , , 830 S. .21st. I'-M313 J4 IIOI1AFI AUCTION , at the Union Stock yards on 'Thursday , Jbno 2 , commencing at 1 p. on. , we will join In a special nue- Lion mimic of SO fresh country horsemi , an assortment suitable for all purposes. con- milgiieI to be soul to the highest bidder without roservo. No atlction , IVedneutlay this week. I'red Terry Commission Co. , Wnlworthi-I'roctor Co. P-M117 31 ron. $ ALII-MISCIILLAMIOUB , 1100 and poultry lance ; hOtter than wire netting. Flab sawdust for floors. Tel , 458. 901 Douglas , Q-S52 1101tSI clipping niachines , kmmi'es and repairs - pairs , all stamlard makes on hand : grind. ing razors. simearmi , cilppors ; prompt service - ice , A. L. Uimdcland. FOR SAL2-Tcn .1.1.P.A.N.S. fOr S cnnts at druggists ; one gives relief , Q-MTh0 FOIl. SAL13-Timrco return Tubular bollermi ; SO-horse power each. Apply to the simper intendent. 105 lice building , - I1A1..LS Safes-new amul second-hand ; miafe repaired and rented , 1116 Farnuni . . Q.144IT13 SIX Second-heath steel ranges , sultnbki Ear rOmitnurantil or boarding houses , for solo at great bargain ; must be sold , 1410 Dodge. Q-35 315' TIlE best mniced paInts at Sherman & Xifo- Coflnell Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge St. , Omaha. Q-MCOG'h17 1100 , poultry and lawn fences ; all wIre ; Is best. Wire Works , 11th and Jiarmmny. Q-.S54 316 roll SAL1 , vcry cheap , 12 shares Union Life Insurance Co. , of Omaha , P. 0. Box 1035. Q-M617 1898 IIICYCLEII down to $5.00 new ISIIS model Iadic' and goats' bicycles nrc now being sold on easy conditions as low ns $ .OO : others outright at $ i3. , and high grade at $19.93 amid $22.50. to be Paid fur after received ; ifyoitiyill cut this notice out 011(1 saud to Scarmi , Itoebuclc & Co. , Chicago , they trill south you their IS9S hi- cycle catalogue and full lmrtlculnrs. Q-M03'J ' ,113 VOlt bA1li or lOxchmmuige , ftnithm-Premler typewriter ; imisarly new. .1. llorrlgnn , liloomilehm , Nob. Q-M332 .11' 'I'll E Siimmmiklt PoScssioiis iti both tim. 'aist nimil ivcst , lii map form , wIth nenriy 200 Imhmotogralihlc reproductions of the Amer. icon antI Svnnlsh navies , mmavat 'ommfl mid- cr8 , etc. All for 25 cents , at. 'rime Ilco nihlee. If ordered by mall , tulort'ss Nuvy Photograph Department , Omaha ] lcii. Q.J30 FOIl SALE , FIxtures and show cases at mloody's China store. 210 N. 16th street. AUTOMATIC Drinking Fountains for sale. Ten Automatic Drinking Fountains , dispensing - pensing at ivilt a variety of tompranee drinks , iuch as iced tea , lemonade , cherry phosphate , etc. , by dropping a Pciimmy to ml slot. Just the thimmgTor theExposition. Profits immense ; for particulars ( lemicrIb. lug fountaimms , terms , etc. . middromis George ZIegler Co. , Milwaukee , \Vis. Q-924-3 FOIl SAiA-A No. S Remington typewriter , In good condition ; price i0.00 cshm. Walter G. Clark Co. , 1211 Jlarney strt'et. I-UAVfl 60,000 celery plants for sale at a low figure. St.Ioo Celery Gardemi , St. Joe , Mo. , Station I'.o. I. Q-Ml93 Ji' 50.1)00 ) CEL'FII1Y Plants for sale at a very low price. St. Joseph Celery Garden. 'St .Tost'ph , Mo. Q-MI80.J3' FOIl SATAO , a young burro , well broke and safe for children. M. W. Lee , Dunlan , In. Q-MlSS 37 FOUn-IIOUSIO power motor. Oniahma 11mw and Premi Co. , Room 40 , Douglas l3ik. Q-MISI .3 1 ' 1'il5UflLLLNI0OUS. saio Om , Van & , Storagc Cu. about 1iwling to oxpositien ; no concessions to liaY low rates. I5h1 ! , Farnam , ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbutgo Co. , clennmf cesspools & privy'vaults , e21 N. 06. 'i'l 1779 R-0i8 316 TWENTY-FIVE cents will buy the latest publication iiltistrating the 'U. S. and SaniHhi flavi's , naval commanders , etc. ; almost 200 jmhotogramlnc reproductions , with a large man of the Eamit ammil V'est Indies , at the ofhlee of The Bee. If ordered - dered by mmmii , address Navy I'hotograph Department , Omaha 13cc. 11-870 1AMMAGE , IOA'VUS , ETC. SMITh , 118 N. 15th St. , hot spring ' and vapor baths. 'J'-S7-i.30' OItIINTAL. 'i'urlclsim baths for ladIes and gcnls. 101 So. 11th , , tel. ThOi. Open nil night. MEDICATED ; baths iind massage. Mme. 13rlsson from .I'arIs. 107 N. ltlt Et. LAURA Eliilomm , 119 N. bum ( upstaIrs ) , room 12 , 'I'urko-Russlan and 3)11(10 baths , 'massage. T-704 Jill' riTADAM1O AMES , 607 5 , 13 , roan ) 10 : mas. sage baths. T-Mt112 JO' MItS. DR. LEON. electric musango bath iarlors ; restful and curative. 417 5 , 11th , upstairs. T-M2G J5' I'Elt SONAL. VIAVI for titirine troubles. 346-S Dec bitlg ; jihmysiclan conmiultatlon om' health book free. U-S33 BAThS , rnasumage.Mmc. Post. 219 ½ S. 15th. $00 , RUPTUIIfl cured for $30. No detention from business : 6 years iii Omaha. Caller or wrIte for circuinra , Empire Rupture Cure , 932.033 Now York Life bldg. , Omaha , Neb TIOlI Pantorlum , clothes cleaned , presseil and repaired , ( lay or imight ; special care given ladies' tailor made gowns ; dress 'suits ( or hire. N , E , earlier 14th and Farnamn , Tel. 963. A LARGE maim ) ) of thu WorId , one of Cuba 11,101 another of the churl ) \Vest Indies , showing Cuba. I'orto 1.h'ui. 'ilityli , Sami Domingo , Jdartimmlqtmo alit ] nil the other \Vest 'Indian ' islnmi'ls ' ; 10 icats , itt 'l'ime Bee oiltcie. ily mail. 14 cents , Ad- ilie Cuban Map Dep't , OniulmiL lice. DO YOU tvamit to rent your rooms quick ? list thcunz tvlth Oimiahiit Intormuatiuti Iiureau , cur. 12th and Farnamn. 1J-M2l0 31' 1VANT1D a refined lady assecretary anti Partner in now business ; $100.00 cash to- quired , Address 1' 42 , care LOon. tU-1 23' lONEY TO LOM4-ItBitL r5TAT10. WANTED , choice farm and city loamts.It. C. Peters & Co. , U , S. Nat'J Dank bldg. $ I00,003.OO special fundtoloun on ftt-ciass improved Omaha property , or for build- : lug Durposis. Fidelity Trust company. W-S.60 , LOAN on Improved & unimproved city city property , \V. Farnmtm Smith & Co. , 1320 Farnani. 6 PElt cent city and farm loans. Garvin Bros. , 163 Farnam t. W-863 .ItNTJIONY 1oan & Trust Co. , 315 N. Y. Ii. ; quick money at low rates for choice rarni lands In Iowa , Northern MIssouri. East- em Nebraska , jj : ; jy to loan an improved Omaha real estuto. liremmnan-Lovo Co. , 3D S. 16th. . w.-t6I EASTERN money for western investments - ments : send for circular. Investors Dl- rectory Co. , New York. W-230 37' , \ANTED , to loan , $2,500 ; one loan pro- ferretl ; also want to loan $590.00. F. 13. \'ead , 16th and Douglas , W-SSI 5v4 PER cent money. flemts , Faxton blk , FU1INI1'VILE I'ACICED. - 3i1. 5 , WALKIN , U1 Cuming. Tel. 1331. 578 11OSITION FOlOT.tGI 1Olt RENT. GROUND leases frontIng exposition , Ilemis. Paxtoa block. T.tlLORhliG. 3AX FOO1r4 makes cleans and repairs clothes , 8Q7 , 17. -433 312 MNhi' TO AiAfc-Ch1ATTiiLS. . , i.m $10 TO 310000 TOitY.I.N ON hOUSEhOLD FUtflTUI1II , AND PtA- NOS. 1I0RSlt , , VGONS AND CAR. IIIAGES , WAIt9USL0 RFCIOt1'TH , ate , at ] pi4tt rates In Omaha , South Onimia1nnd Council 13luff , No tenrnval of goqildstrlctly confidentIal : you can pay thlemlqLtn off at any time erin in any amounts , OMAhA MOAGIi LOAN CO. . 399 South 16th St. TIII OLDCST , LMI.1ST AND ONIJY IN. COItPORATIiII ) COMPANY IN OMAhA , X-SG5 MbNTY'1oanetl satftretl peopl1ToTh1 .permanent posltIOt1 with responsible concerns upon thtiir own name. without security : easy payrments. Tolmnn Il. 706. N. 'r. b. bhilg ' X-572 HUSINIISS Vll.NCiIl , FOP. sale. a bargain , my entire drug stock , mihow nses. soda fountain and counters : also will tent mitoro at reasonable - able rent ; lncted 1,10100 Lit-pot lintel , ammo block from U , I' . milmil liurlingion depots. Ernest Stuht , proprietor , Y-121 TO GET in or smut of business go to .1. .3 , Gibson , 614 FIrst Nat'l hank. Y-56 ELIOVATORS for sale , a line at six ale- raters nim limo Ileputmilcan Vn1ly tiramich of the U. P. Ii. it. . extemmiling south train Lincoln , Nob. , through no excellent grain prodmicimig regloim.'Iil be sold together or separately ' as desired In good repair amid line wor'kiug artier.VIhl ho mioid on easy terms.tPIil ) ' to Ed S. Mill"r , lien- ! hcNob. Y-ldS24339 , _ ! _ & -YFIAI1 ESuiilllslCl ? cigar business. flmit- gain. One ( it best locations iii 0nmlium. l'arties leaving city reason for selling. ' limquiro Mrs. Jeffrich , Board of Trade , 16th and Iarimitnm. Olilco opeii till 10 p. in. itiid Simmidnys. Y-M181 30 MACtI INtO shop and mmovt'ltl' works , dolmmg a good business , for sale at a bargain on accoumit of ill health , ldrcss I' 61 lice. V-M2i& 31' FOR IOXCILtNGII. VARIOUS pieces of property and furimme in Ncbrnslca to tr.'ido for immerchandlmie. Am- dres , I. 42 , Bee. z:11186s : , 8-1100 ? , ! house , ihimo reshlemmcc' , modern : will trade for good Improved farm.'ilsomi , 28th amid F'rankiimi Sts. , Omnahm. Z-9T0 .12' ; . 1,209 ACRES clear eeutrai : ehraslct : lands for city property ; in lots of ICO micros or inure at rensonhihle lrics , 4tllress ( Lnclc flax 83 , ljrokemi how , Neb. 7.-M131.30' F&1t SALE-UIIAL ESTA'1'1. 1COUNTZE bargnimms1 $2,500 , $3,750 to $6,500. 3. J. Gibson , 014 1irst Nat'l bank bldg. - - - DOUSES , lots , fimrnms , Iatmd , balms , also flrc insurance. 1100115 , l'axton block.I . I I E-S71 FOLLOWING desirable property I Uuslnes , lot corner , GOxISO ft. , him So. Omnaimmi. paved. Business lot , COxISO ft. , Improved , South I Omaha. street iavemI , Tract (24 ( lots ) , 3ttii St. Tract (20 ( lots ) , 30th St. For vartictilars 01)1)13' 1012 Fartmam St. Iti-S70 - 7-It. hmouo , corner lot : cheap. 2414 N. 24th. . ItF-6OO .1l4' ¶ DESIRABLE resitlemI&m lots. l2lxlOO , first- class iocatiomi ; i0'mimiutefl' walk front court house ; clictip forica4h. Address . 0 61 , 1Ic. . 1110-33691-3-19 'm ( FOR SALIO , 7-room iiiulermm house nimil hot , 2211 Webster St.jfor,12,600. For particulars address Mrs. Slnclat' , flex 453 , Seattie , 'Wash. : ' ' I1E-M711 .12' : 002-904 SO. 20TH St. : ' 5 room houseS , priho $1,500 each. 3. N. Fremmzer , 01)1) . old 1' . 0. I ' : I1AVE you some lots to sell ? Now Is the time to dispose tof'themu ; lot time Pcoto ) Icitow that yeti Want' ' to usposc of them. The Bee reaches thnjeopme 'e'lio hitivo tile . mooney. ' IIIOAUTIFUL 10-acre tract for 7O0 cash ; adjoining ground hhid at $200.00 per acre : lIne half-acre in LOonsomm , $176 ; east front Jot , 28th st. , 1339i.mmorth' front on Spcacqr st. , $ C00. F. D.'Utv4tmd"IGth ; anl tIjitmgias , ' " - RL'-STll 39 ; ' "is. IF YOU have real estatp for sale amid wammt It sDld list it with me 011(1 1 will sell it-it' i : can. If you wish to Imurclmase amid want a big bargain dook over my list. 3. H , Sherwood , .122 New York Life. fll-M414 FOIl sale , desirable residence lots , 124x130 , In ilrst-ehnsa location : ten minutes' walk from commrt lm'use : cheap for cash. Address - dress 0 61 , Dee. ItlO-MOlli J19 EIGHT room modermm cottage , full lot. east front , clrnlce hocutiomi , : i2 N. 40th ; $9,100.00 will buy it on easy terms. R10-Mi37--31' - - - FOR SALE , ammo of time few fine suburban residences near Onialma. , located cmi the huts west of Fboremmce ; 'house contains eight roenms , not counting store room , lmath room , etc. ; finished in hard wuods ; IirHt class plumbing , individual gas plant , two barns , gardemmmir'mi cottage , Ice house. line trees , grass hmuh shrubbery : reason- abio price and easy terms. Walter G. Clark , 1214 homey St. RE-160 4 $ l,000.fW ) FOR f-room house , nearly new , itmimi large lot neor Pxposition city water ; 05009 cash antI $20 00 a month on balance ; no Interest. 'rime flyron Iteed Co. - 3110-2155 IIflMES. lmrnmme , , lnmes. ) let US show tlmenm to you. Two good our's amid one srna'ler.nnVcRt Fr roam. detich' ffll Places. Five in Ilanscom Place. l'rices to suit any one. 0mm seven room house in north nart of city. Fine lot , Pleasant place. Mnke offer. itT. J. 1ennard & Son , Solo Agents. 810 amid 311 Brown .Illock. J1E-72i IRRIGATED FATIN- 430 acres located In Boise valley , Idaho ; will proluee , , ver 2,000 tons alfalfa yearly ; good cattle rnmmge convenient ; tlmls is a bargain for any eu. ' lnterestt'd in toek , For particulars address Tab & Stein , Boise , Idaho. 3110-01776 35' FUJI SALE or for remit , a good house and 5 acres of garden hand , 'a'lnrhmiil , outsldo cellar. % mmmllo from the city ; will remit for $1.00 Per mouth : will sell amid take part pmmynmcnt him cli ) ' imroflertY. cattle or good horses. Apply to leonnni Everett , ottor- mlcy at latv , 16 Pearl street. Council l1limff , Iowa. RE-MIll 31 Foil SALE or trade for clear , improved or income hroerty , 930 ncres vimluablo red eymrtss 1oimtsliima timber lmnds : , csti. mated fl.00t ) to :11,000 : fret Per acre ; excel. lent Tniironih mind tvater fnciilties near large stits' iiilll milant : nL.o G4ommcros mirnirie himuth. Addresi P 50 , llm'o , 3110-31327 ii' FOR S'iLi0. ihrea ehoiecm lots In Iloilman Terrace. $50,00 each will take theni this week. . imiquiru 0. 11. Tzsclmuelc. ilium nillec. .4 3110-63.1 2S' Slit ) ht'J'l .tN II 't Ni ) ' 1'1'lt i'RI'I'INtl , VAN SANTS Schmoohji7 N. Y. Life , The school whose mitudeimts get employment , Conducted by an eperIencod . reporter. -33113 AT OMAHA But ; , c6ii'cge , 16th & Douglas. , 875 - SHORT-HAND , mjjttdate , taught by court reporters. .I3o'les'9qhool 403'5-7 flee bldg. ' " 876 , , i , OMAhA Shorthauid1 cud Typowrit lag col. logeBoyd's thmem33432 , 312' 'l'Yl'EWII I'VE H S. - . I . 'i'-- - TYPIO\VRITIORS tururont. $4.00 per month. Tue Smit h.l'remiar'ttrypewriter Co. , 1625 T'araamn lot. : TeloIliotme 12S1. SO I , ii' , OWING to time popularity of the new models , Nos , 6 , 7'anil S. ltonilngtun type. 'writers , they Imave-ulmad to secure moro room nod have temdved to 16111 Farnamn street. Coil and mine ( hem. 671-J-1S IltESSM.tliiG. DRIOSSMAICING in , famiiiemi. 2504 Daven. port. -33310 37' i'A'YN 11 ii 0 K 10 ItS. H. MAI1OWITZ loans money , 418 N. 16th , 879 JJAhIN$5S ANI ) SAfll)1.IOltl , S. D. CASAD , 519 N. 16th. 843-1.23 CA1IIIIAI3IO 3lAKlG. P. J. EARIIACII & SONS , 1312 howard , Tei. 1102 , -33637 317 JIISTZC.1 OF TILlS i'ltACIO , D 13. IIOUCK. justice of the peace , 3 ® ICurbach block. 96 $ ' * . - _ w10 SOLiCIT nndfurnlmih lositiOfls tar stenographers free. The Smlth.l'remnler -Typewriter _ Co. Teh'phono. 12S1. 882 2IACiCS ANt ) COUPIIS , hACKS and cotipes promptly ftmrnishel at nil hours , ( lay OF night , h'y Ilavkimmcn' union. A. 13. T. , tel. 177 , 863 and 11Th . -M39i .111' ' l'OlI llN1'OSiTIOS ' 1S1TltS , W111TIO lOxposution llhmrentl of Comfort , Omaha , Neb. , for nil accommodations ; imo feemi. 'IIONIO % ' TO IOAN. It. GROSS , loans & watchmaker , 613 34. ii. 33891 .120 iCli ) (9l.tS'lO 1) . C. MIDDLETON , Practical glovcelnntmer , 813 N. 20. _ _ ! _ , 511 OlO3lAlglOitS , LYON & IIIOROQUEST Moied 38711,17 , Patterson block , -439 .3 12 111 C 'i'ClliS. IIAIIGAINS In imew and second-hatid Id. ccles : eas ) ' terms , "I'hio Safe Plate , 1116 1' ornittim , -51117 .115 IIitlCl6 , . WJTIINF9LI4 fire. & Smith , pat'immg , sewer lmuhldIime ; capacity 1110,000 it t1mty 22L1 amid 11ielcor' streetmi. Tel , 423. 11011519 i'.tS'I'UIi is , ALFALFA Pasture. bonrlfonees. A. W. l'helps & Son , 207 N. 1. L. bldg. Tel. l0.l. 618-122' Jt10S'I'AUIttN't' $ , 1103310 macale ; all hours. 1019 Dodge. 40l-.I.-i1 , . - - . . - Jki BIAllI NO - - , , - INSMORI ) Used ew1n- ! stt'ely hy the expositloim. We sell ovot'y thih1 ti'uhy good tim t.Vpo- tt't'lturs mtiid Itlil. 51)1)1(1 ( . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Ui'I'J0D 1'Yi'l0'ui'i'L0il & StJI'PLIES CL ) 1(102 ItlIrlimlisi St 'Ommmnimmi , ILAIL.\VAY .t'UllJ C.tlLl. & NORTHWEST- .L3- ' ' em llnihu'iiy-City Ticket . - ' 0111cc , 1101 F'arnam Street. ii 'i'ehephone , sti. ; Depot , .7 'loath amid IbltLSOfl Streets. Teiclmimone , 629. Leave Arrive. Dnyllghr ChIcago Sperlal . . . . . . . . . . . . 0:40 : am 11:50 : pin \lo. 'nik'y. Sioux Shimmneapohis S 6:55 : am ' 1045 m City , St. I'aitl & 510. Valley , Sioux City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 7:49 : am ' 9tJ3 i'm Demimmisoim , Cmtt'roil1 \\a11 Lake ammo Council i3l.frs . , " 8:40 : am " :15 am Eustein lOx. , Des Idoities , Marshmall- tc'vi'mi , Cedam' flap- hIs amid Chicago. , 10:30 : am 4:35 pm Atlantic Flyer , Clii- ca3t ) 110(1 lOast , , ' 4:45 : pm 4:35 pm Fast Mail , Chicago to Omaha ' 3:10 pm Mo. Valley , Sioux city. St. Paul amid MinmieapoiisLlm'd 4:33 pm S:50 : am Oni 'Chicago Sue- cml . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:45 : pm ' 8:50 am Daily. " Iaiiy excelt Sunday , CH1CAGO. ST. PAUL. MIN- . ' . neapohis & Omaha Itaiiway , , , -General Offices , Nubrasicit Division , Fifteenth and -c.-.1 ' ' : ' 'tVebstor SLreets CitY Tickct''omce , 1401 Farnamim Street. Tole- htino. 561. Depot , Fifteenth and Webster Streets. Telepimono , 1,452.Leave Leave , Ai'rive. Sioux City Accom , . 1' :10 : nra ' 8:20 : pm SIoux City Accom. . 9:50 : am ' " 8:20 : umm Blair , Emerson , Sioux City , Ponca. Ilurtingtomm and Bloomfiulci . . . . . . . . . 1:09 pm " 11:53 : am Sioux City ' Man- Icato , St. 'Paul & 'Siinmmealolis . . . . . .S. " 0:55 : pm ' 5:20 am Emerson Passeimger D'i0 urn 8:45 ttmmm S Daily. ' Daily except SunduSun - dy only. " 'Ibis tralii stoimS at atations Florence to South Blair , inclusive , Sundays - days only ; on week days , South Blair only. FRIOMONT , ELKUORN& , Missouri Valley Itatitvay- ( Jcneral Olhlces , 'Ummited I States National Bank 131(1g. ( Southwest Corner 1'tvelftlm and T'arrirxm Streets. Ticket Office 1401 Fiurnam Street. Telephone , 561. Fifteenth amid \Vcbster Streets. Telephone , 1,452. Leave , Arrive. black Ihills , Dead. wood. lOot Sprl'gs 3:00 : imm 5:00 : pm W''umnlng , Casper timmil Douglas . . . . . . . ' " 3:00 : i'm s:00 : pm Hastings , York , Pa- vid City , Superior , ti000vn , axeter .u Seward . . . . . . . . . . . . 4' 3:00 : pm ' 5:00 i'm Norfohic , W. Point amid Fremnommt . . . . . . ' 750 am * IO23 am Ltmmcohn , Wahoo & F'romoimt , , . , . , , , . . 7:50 : am " 10:25 : am 1emnomit Local . , . . ' 7:50 : mum Daily , ' Daily except l2untiay. ' " Sun. day only. " .Daliy except Saturday , " * Dmuii' oXcelt 2tIondap. -SIOlDC CITY & PAClrlc I Itaihtoad-General Ollicemi rflhIIJ.i4w tlmmiteul States Nutlomta i'iitt. ; . ) lammk Iiumliihiimg S.V , Corner - nor ' ] 'weiftli mimmil Farnam Street. Ticicot Olilce , 1401 Farnam , Street , 'l'ciephmommo 561. Depot , 15th and 'ehntter Streets. Tolepliomie 1453. Leave , Arrive. iliotix City , Stan- kato , St. Paul , Minneapolis S 555 ; pm 8:20 : am S Daily , uNION PACjIrlc - "Tfli overland ltoute"-Genomal Of. 1t2'1 flees , N. V , Corner Ninth iimmd ; 4yyf1 Fnrmmnin Streets , City 'I'icket nJ&rOlPee \ ? 1302 learmiani Street , 'l'olt'ptmime . ' ' hO. Depot , 'J'oimtli 4''J.e' amid Mason Streets. Telephone 629. . Leave , Arrive , ' 'l'lio Overland Limited" for ieii- vor , Salt Lake , amid western j'ts. . ' 8:50 : am 4:45 : pm TIme Colorado Sue- tlitl ; , for Denver & mmii Colurado I'ts. 1j5I pm 6:40 : a m Fast Mall 'I'rain for Salt Luke , Pacific coast mutal till western hoiimts . , 4:35 : i'm 6:40 : am , L4ncohml , Beatrice ' & Stromsburg LOx. ' 5:00 : pm " 12:20 : pm Frumont. Columbus - bus , Norfolk , Gr'd . Islumid & .iCcarjiey .435 tim ' 12:20 : pm Grand Island Ex. . ' 5oO pm 12:20 : pam S Daily. ' Daily except Sunday , South Omaha Local J'asa.-Leaycs , 6:18 : a. in. ; 7:00 : a. in. ; 9:15 : a. m. ; 3:10 : p. m , Ar- rivemi , 10:15 : a. in , ; 3:30 : 1' . mc. ; 6:00 : p. in. Council IliulTs 1.oeal-ieaves , 5:55 : a. 65O ; a. m , ; 7:10 : a. mu. ; ; t0 a. m. ; 10:30 : a. mu. ; 2:15 : i' . m. ; 4:35 : p. m , ; 5:55 : ii. m.:8:20 : : p. m , ; l005 ; p. in , , Arrives , 6:35 : a. in , ; 7.91 : a. m. ; 8:35 : a. m , ; 11:30 a. nm , ; 3:10 p. ni. ; 5:40 : p , m , ; 6:39 1) . m. ; 9f ; i' . nm.L0:15p ; : , am , : , illlIpb. CIIICACO , ItOCIC ISLAND . & i'ucille ltatlroul-"l'imo , Gr'at Itocli Omilamiti Itoulo" D i CIt1 Ticket OiIlco , 1123 I . j ' Farnam Strect , 'releumhmone 413 , Depot , Tenth ammd ' I Mason Streets. 'relephmono . 1:29 : , , , _ , , , _ 4ti4ivC. Rocky Mountain Limited , east . . 1:30 am 1:23 : em Rocky Mountalr Linmtted , tvcSt , , , 5:20 : am 5:15 : am Chmicago & St. Paul \'estibuietl 10 x - hress . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5:00 : pm 1:25 ion Lincoln. Colorado Springs , I'uebio , Demmver and Welt. , 1:30 : pm 4:25 : i'm Chicitgo De Moines ic Rock Island . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 70O ; pm ' 11:25 : an Atlantic Express. ( or Dcii Moines ammd eastern points ' 7:00 : urn " 8:50 : i'm Colorado Flyer . . . . . ' 7:00 : pm 850 ; ciii Daily. ' Daily except Sunday. A II A 13 II RAILROAD- Ticket 0111cc , 1415 lrarnmmm J : Street. Telephone 892. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tciephoimo 123. Le.vo. Arrive. St Louis "Canon flail" Express. . . . . 4:30 : pin U:30am Daily , ILAII'WAY TlMi CARl ) , ( Contimimild. ) , _ I h1lCAGO , ItUlIl1NGTON & Quitmvy Railroad - "Thin IBur1inIun I ' ' iftmrlitmgtimn itouite'-Tlclcet m 0111cc. 1502 Ftmrimamn Street. I II otite Telephone 200. Depot , 'l'enthm nail .Mauomi Streets. Telo- 1)1)000 128. 128.Leave. . Arrive. Chicago Vestibuled Express . . . . . . . . . . . . S 8:611 : pm 8:10 : tim Chlcitgo Exres5 . , ' 9:48 : am 4:12 : Cimicrigo St. I.ouiis Express . . . ' 7:45 : him ' : io ama Creston Local . . . . . 400 zmm ' 10:45 : mini I i'nciflo Junction Local . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'lflSO am 6:10 : iitmm Faut Stall . . , , . . , . , . 2:50 : pin Chicago Special . . , 12:03 : am ' 11:50 : iin S DaIly. " Daily tmxceimt Sunday. & MIS. B 1htmrhItmitoi imoitri Itiver % ltoUte"-Gei- L J oral tihlces N. V. ' . Corner F' ' outo Tetitlm tiim.h F'armmnm Streets. Ticket Olllee , 1502 Varnaimm _ . _ _ _ Street Talepliotma 331 , Do- lietrcnth ammd Ahtimion Streets , Teleiihoimo 12 . I.eavo. Arrive. LIncoln , linstimugs ibm McColc . . 8:31 : aiim 9:33 : aiim Lincoln , Denver , ( 'umloramlo. ( Itoh , Cahitormilgi , htlack lulls. Moittamma & l'mmgst 11muimi , . . . , , 4 35 Pin 400 liii ) Lincohim Local " 7:00 : inn ' ' 7l0 pm 1.hiicnhti IrtiSt 3liiIl ' 2:53 : 1)11) 'lltO mmmii Demiver , Colorado , Utnli , Cnhitntmmla antI Ptmget Sound ' 91:55 : i'm 1l:53 : lm 'inily , 'D.mity excc't ilutitlay. _ 1 KANSAS CITY , ST. JO- BurIiritnn seldm & Cotimmeil IlhitiTs road - "The ilut'iitigtnn ltOhmto"-Tlclftlt 1)111cc , Ik)2 ) II Ut Fartmumit Street. 'I'cle'miiitie ' 0 ' 23' ' ) . Depot , 'I'otmt Im muim : il it - son Streets. Ttmlephmommo 125. Leave. Arrive. hnmmsa S City Dm13' I0xliress . , . ' 9:03 : ton 5:40 : mmn I'mmnsas ( 'it5' NIght l0xprc . , , , i9OO hum 6:30 : aiim 'lxpe4 ; , . , mm Flyer' 1cm' St Louis. . . . . . 4 t0 uimmi 12 :0 : Pimm S Ihills- . - 2d i1WA U i'fll0 & ' , . t. l'tiul ilaliwny - City : ' l.htet , Oillct' . 1501 Fiiriitmn' : I IUKE' itrent. Tt'icphione 2S1. lpot. AS r , , , , , , , , , , , I C t , . , , , , , - , 'AULTclejiione.6211 - . / Luai'n Arrive. Clmieimgo Liimmlted lOxpresM . . . . . . . . . . . . e:15 imi 8:20 : ruin ( ' % 0 , h , & Chicago I0xpmcs . . . . . . . . . . . . . " 11 :0' : ) inn " 4:13 : Pm Sl 'tix City tutu Des 1.1oines Exires ; . . . . . " 11 :00 : mini Ii5 : imtn Ditliy. "Iaily except Sumiduty. "I athSSOUltl L'AC'IFIC RAIL. rouud-C.'iiemiul ( ) lilces mind ' : . ' iA.k Ticket 0111cc. Southeast Cur- ' ' ' ' nor 11th mumul Dotmghius Streets. ' 't'jl ; ! 'uI ' 1'eIplioiie , 101. Depot , 15th - \\'ebstor Ste. Teiephmmmmu , ; ' ' 3g4 , uflt' Leave. .Arm'lve. Kunsas : and Nob. 1inulted . . . . . . . . . . . . 3O : i'm 12:33 : inn Rnmisa4 City & St. Louts Express . . . ' 9:30 : imni (1:00 ( : urn Niubmimeku Lu. ai . . . ' 4 : so Pill ' 0:45 : inn Daily. ' Daily except Sunday. nMAI1A & ST.LOUIS I1AIL. . PQBI I ruad-Oimmutimn. } ammsas City & Eastern ltaluroud-'rlic' J'om't AU Arthur Ilotmte"-Ticltot 0111cc , RQI ! 1413 i"mmrnmmmmm Strect. 'l'eie- - 1)110110 'J2. 1)01,01. , T.oimthm anti Mitsoli Streets. Telephone , 123. Leave , Arrive. St. Louis Cannoii flaIl Eximremaj. . . . . 1:25 tuim 11:30 : ani lmtmimias City & Quiimcy Local . . . , ' 7:40 aiim 9:05 : pam Daiii' . SUPREME COURT SYLLABI. Illoommitield State lianIc mmgainst 51111cm Appeal front 1iio'x count ) ' . Alilrimmecl. Irvine , C. .4. mortgage 'by the deposit of title tloet1 , without writIng , Is not cilcetlve in tIii uta.te. 2.'Jmile such a mortgage is recognized in England , and wimlIc time law of Emugltmnd has bcemt adopteil by statute mit this simiLe , the statute does not ectemid to thomie rules of time English law mu'hlchi cotitnuvone time oh- ject and purpose of our own statutes. : u. A amortgmuge by the ttepotit of title deeds ' 'iolate tli stntutu of frauds and imi contrary to tim policY of the recordimig acts. 4. 'I'imo cxct'ptiomm of time statute of frauds mvlth regard to estatci am'Islimg by act ot' oi.'mittloii ui law does not emimbrace cases whore time creation of tIme c5tute tlt'lteiitls soluly on 1110 Iiitentinu of parties to a comm. ti'aet. - 5. A courl of CIUit ) ' camimiut give effect to mmmi oral contract ( ieclarcd'uid by time statute of frauds , umider 01' mmlii- lug miii imperfect attempt to exeetmte a comm. t'itct. 6. Nor camm tmchi a court emmforco a inert- gitgu by deposit of title deeds because tIle Iomtii which tIme dpos1t ms'tus made to secure 11113 beemm , tctumill' received ny the depositor. 'l'nylor ugaimmat , lavey. i.liICIL1 irimmm , la- ittita county , 1tevercd timid dimimnissed , Nor- . \.itI , Aim order of a county board allawinr or rejecting cluimums mugnimmst tite county Imati time force timid nll'eet of mi. judgment , mind is conclusive , tmimlemi vacated em' reversed on vppeai. 2. A taxpayer many i'rosceute an nlmPeal tt tIme ditrlct court ( ruin the tloeimiiuim of Ii. coumity hamad Iii time allowance of ( lttiimmS , :1. : A court of equIty im'ihI mint , itt time stilt of mm i'rlm'mtte immdivlduai cmmjoimm the haymueimt ) of it warrant isitmed upomu a ciutimim dimly atmulited 1)3' ) time county board , tIme renic'dy beliig comuitIeto at ltmw , by ahhCai froimu th order nhhomu1mm the .clainm. 4. Ackermiman rtguimimit 'I'imuinmncl , 40 Nob. , 03 , tI I st immrmi Ished. tOim itt unul ( 'ompamly against I1miouhek , Douglas cotimmty. ltcvtmmuetl. irviuu' , C , A mmmmtster does mint Immsuru hIs stmrvmuimt , ul- though the hatter be of iiiiimmattire yours , from immjtiry by mnaehummery in its mmature dangerous , ttmitl liii instruction mvlmim'im jmer- omits time jury to Ilnml fium' time iduimmtitI if tIme mitch Imiery was ( hail 'mou 4 timid the hulnhmmt I IT nut guilty or cuimtmIbutory mmeghigeimce , is L'iruileOui4. 2. Aim immntruetion must mmlii suhmimit to tIme jur' time comtitherimtion of facts thin ( 'xlst- ( mmmc , ) of wlmirhi time evidence 11(105 nut temiti to establish , \Vhorti a lem'soiul Injury is Permnmumiemit in its chiuiicter , m<hmuughi time tilaimitift ia mu mninum' , cs'Ilcmico us It , , his expectummicy tml' litfronm exhtum'Iemicu tables. nimmet ho based cli his actual age and mmcl on time nso of majority. . ' ' ' - I , .uut. ) s'hem'e there is no es'ltlemmeo of emmmn mmcl lint I amm , recovery mi iioimhih not be is'- , mnitted for boss of earuimig jmowor titirllug his rnimmmilt ) ' . 5 , l0vidc'mmetm shioumlul miot lo i'ertmmlttel to (11gm 055 ( room time imisties iimtti an iimvi'stiga- tion ut collateral ( htmemitlmimmmi. Cohhimms mmgainst thU City or Omaha. .i'tp- 1)0111 ( rota Douglas county. 1)ismmmlsscd , hlng.tmm , C , 'l't ' , invest this court wIth _ jurisdietiotm to rem'iuw on error a juihgmmmeiut of time district court a uetiilom him error lutist lie tiled hero withmln one year after time ditto of tIm , , remmuhi- tion of the judgmemit sought to ho re. viewed , 2. An apimeal will not lie to t1mi court from the judgment of a thlmitriet court rummderel iii an action i'UreiY legal to Its nature. Petpi.m'mt Nmtliommal Iitimk agaimust Ochat- imartlt. hOrror from Lancaster coulmty , At- Ilrmel. Irvine , C. In a. cast , mipeaietl from thin county to thin district court , time plaintIff amity allege iamuitgom3 iii a greater sum ttmitn mmmi lalriied 1mm the cotmnty ( ' ( mutt , provided the amount alleged in time district court ho within time jmirltolictiommni linmit of time county cotirt .2.Jin answer inclutlCtl a general denial antI itlmto lmimflhi4Sititit mtectiimluflled ) by sptu- cliii tit'rminls. ilohil : 'Flint the defemmlammt , was riot i'rt'iudlcoii 1)3' aim oriher striking out nil except time geits'rii denial. 3. . volition ideamletl a coritrtuct mimdo through an agent of deenmmlant timid lilian that time defeimmiant hiitd uiloimtvI mmii rat- I Sled It , I I t'lti : 'h'iiut I t hem nvermn emits i'erm not incoiimilste'mit. Tile test of Imicoimmaisbiney iii tlmat time Proof of one uverinummt disproves the other , 4. 'i'lmo mmct'ehtttnCti by tIme prlnmciiiah , uvithi kiumwiedgo ( if thin fttcts , of tim fruits t an imimihurized art of an ; tjrent , is a ratIfication of such oct. it relates mouclc to tIle time of horfornmimitce stud bumils tiati hrimmcliial as if hit , hmimnmaelt hind beemi tIme actor. 5. 'i'imo ri'iilition , of mm. lill for s.'rs'lec's does not estol ) time person rcmuk'rimmg it ( roni claiming mmnml recovering mu larger ammmoumit Iii a isubsequemmt action on a ( ummammturn macrail , when tIme uithmer ImartY mliii nut imp- ( 'Chit or acquiesce 1mm time bill , but refused at once to recognize it as correct. 6. Adm'isummg whim time sherIff its to thin proper servlco to a client ( or which an mit. mm flty iii imtit1eml to cojnpeimimationi , 7. 'l'he geimuincimess of a letter is niufil. ciemitly tutlliihulsuiel to permit its imitrodue. tlon iii evidence when it itt shiowim that it was rocelvL'h in due and regular courmae of mmmcii in response to a letter addressed to time mlulmposetI writer. S. A commemmt made hy counsel In zmrgtm- meat to limo jury , wi3h reference to a mat. icr In evIdence , will ho hltlUnmeu1 to huvo been male for a ; mropur 1'urPo ' miamI within 1119 lImits of legitinmnto anjuiment , thin contrary - trary no aipc'aring. Murphmy ngaint Warren & Co. Appeal iromu ilaiimmtm county Aflirmatsi itagaim , C The contract between the Imarlies set out in time opinion construed Atid' hE'ld : Thief ( 'ennuI elevators therein memitioned wemo limit capital invested In the enterprIse Iii which limo Pmrtim mvero engtmgeul. \'Imere two macmm are turiimeru * and ammo I ! Imulebted to time other otm copartncrslmlp tremmunctions tile cu'lltor hmama no lien , ho. vauisn of sUcii Partnershiiim relmitiomi , upon hIs delitor's immdividmmai ; irolerty , eatinmmmtI Slasommic , AiaSt.'fttmOii sugmilmist lay , Error from lotightt coumity. Afiltmned , harrison , C' . J. It no Insurnmmcm' company tim' assocIation after reception of ( ho prchhnmimmnry or turn1 lirimofia of elitini or loss , mmmakes no tmtmjeetiomms t1mrt'to relative to eitltm'r forum or imimbatance , limit immm''stigntc's time hmnrtietmhmmrs of the vhmuint ahtd receives fill ) infornmatlon mmmmd titemi do- imi&'ia hlmulmihlty fur tenuous whelm urn \vhthmotmt reference to aum' lmiturmnity or immstithblomme3' 01' time Proofs , sumclm dett'etmi of time hmroOt , IC they exist , are mvaivel amid ( 'nimnot ho matte- cessftth l' urged a miii mvill not ho entertained 1mm ( hCft'mmaC to ami action nmm time cimmimn. 2. .tiC5eI errors iii imistruictlomus mind Of refusals to girt' rcqtmt'stt'l hmmstrtmetioni hmotmhd is' st'pmttatehy iusmalgmtctl iii the macthin for a new trial , amid 'ivhmero time iussigmmtmmemut is mint speciile aumid time mit'tlomi 01' lIme trhmul cimttrt as to mimi5' ( mite tit thma sn'erah lmmmuttorut grouped thereimu mimus 'tnt bout ( mhjeCtIOml , thin vommmphmuimit imammit be i't'rruied , 3 , 'ftmo tt'it1eiieo held stmihlciemmt to mammstmiii2 time verdict. 1tihmns mugatmist City of ( ) njahmiu. AlPe1ii front Dtnmglns cnummmty , Aillrmmn'd. Ityami. C. lrnctma sttttl ittiti imeiti itttthleiemit to justify a ilnmhiiug of limo district court that time iii. hosed hick of ( 'tmitiimtiit3' ( it a street ( lid hot ( ( iiii4t.ittltC time liartli thereOf distinct mitrethts iii mitmehi sense that for beltelitmi because tmt it mu ( ' % t ttmmiiit ! 01 1)110 lOt rt , thit' hots atiti I t I pg miltii ) utah nmhjmeunt : to thu othmer l'nrt ' totm1ti lint ho muimlt'Msed , \'imether at' mmot time opening of a street bemietits mtL'uttimg ' or adimucemut hots is , In matmolt mu degree , mm ( ititStitii ) ci' ( mud timttt ii flumthhiig Of t hit ) th .mit ne I comic t ii Puum t'ommtiiet I 1mg eu I. ( lOmiCt' mVihi Ut ) I him d 1st im rInd , 3 , 'l'iio vnmmipemismttiuiu tit iuhiirmtlsermi for tmo immisesiatmi C itt 0 t ihmuimi lt'i4 fo r thit' opeiul mm mm itt a St Vtmct Imeltl a lurtilmer i t emmm t o Ia' cliii rgti mm nn iimst I Itim cciii hitilOrt y specimhl : y Iene- titled by sticit hmubhie tmimpruvnmn'mmt. i I o.hhmtimm ii gitlnmit 'rt'hloremm. 'u hmlle&m & I frommu Cehimm' t oumity. ilevurseil. Irvimme. C' 4\ unto miitmmio itmul imaimblo lit Iomvmi ltr. vldel t hat I f stilt sumouhti liii t inmmmmm lit 'd thmem'eiiim it reiumaotmmuhmln mamma imntild ho iii- Ic ' , 't'th us imttmrmme"s ( fccs to lie tmtxcti mm'itit tIme osts. I ii'hi1 : 'I'hmmtt this wims a hrmvisitlmm , ( i'eiiit i tmg I o thm. routed y amid hut it stilis I mmmm- tiimtlvti haitI of thic cummtrnet and , amltlmuuiglu lawful iii lUVmi , bc'immg e'omitm'imt'y to time hiiw of Nebrmtsicit , 'lhl mmot In' eiil'imrcetl hero. 2. A. miot a li rom'il , lii g to m' a loge I nt t o o f 1mm. terest until maturity aiim fmr a ltiglmem' . limit still legmul , tutu mufter tmmmmtimrit3' , is vithid amid mm I 1 I , , . cii a rt , t'tl n'cni'iing I I ) I is tet'immui , ii. ilut mu iim'ot'isIoiu fom' ii hegmil title ummmtll tiutturit , , mimmi Ir tIn' muob' lililiUlil Omit tbmemm ho l'iiiil , mm lmlgiter viite fm'utim tIme ( late of t lie mmot i' , is , man fmmm' mu ta I I pnivhhes for it imlglmi'r flute before immaturity , iii time mmntuiro of a Petufluty timid vlll muit hi' ettfiim'eetl. I. 1 1 1 ma commi h'temm I fi r tin' 11mm rUes to etmu- ti'tuct for Pa ymmmcmt iif Iii I crest itt st tuteil httl'iu d s. amid I ito t I mm stmth mtummt ii o t I mm tm ri's t miot iiimitl mit tIme t Imimu' they ftthl iltib i4hait thmemmm aoh'es ln'mu m' immteri'st , im rimt'il , i'd , hmoiv- ever , ( limit I Ito whole inturt'i-ti sti rescm'vett slimihl ito t t'xceed 10 11cr vomit imer ammmiummm limm- i'hc Imiturest oim thin debt. 5. Ommo trimi ) Inmmt'lmmtsi's I a mud immt'mmmmmim'roil , by a miuiirtgiugt' , receivimig mt theti exvchtimig time liiolt giugn frommi I lie covelmn mm t tmgmtimmst Iii- ( 'miii ) brim mires amid iii pay I mm g I lie coimSid t'ri i - tiomt ( I'tI it rt ma t lie In iv ( mm I it imioUimt of time mmmi' I - gimge. ha llijt thereby estoppi'd ( mum plenflhmmg time ilhegttllty of Part of tIme mnertgmtgu ( ttii tract. I Juydeit mugmuilist F'reuiorieicsop , hOrror frommm Douglas coummmty. Itevermosi. Stmhli- maim , .1. lit aim ncttomm , mmm a t'mmtrmict for time iauiho 0 f ' 'ui I let tt , ' rims t are stitlili' Un U .1 immvmi Li ) thu [ 0 , ' ' mu'hit'ro lit ) cr1 I , m'loim vmms I I xcii imy wlmicim to di'termmmlmmt' mm'hmut ' ; ttte'rmts enmmmo mm'lt iii mm thin t ( I escril , tim , im , it mm ii s , 'rror for t hum trial court tim exeludtm t''ilemmce , ci' comr2'e- tent mvitmmcss's Vega rhlmmu.r time ultil mmtlttrl UsUum I II' midopt oil by tii ii him do 1mm mach ecti mmg tumid ii urchmumal 1mg iauehm mmml ttcrmms. 2. lOvilemlc'c rcceivt ivttmotmt objoetloum. cxitimmliit'cl : umi,1 imeiti su , I t o require it suihimtmissiimit ( it tIme ( 'LiSt' to thi , ' jury. . .tihtmrpimy miguzinmatVttri'emi & Cc , , lmhCal ii tuimm iut I lii I' ecu nil' . Aifl rio eth . 1 Pm guumi , t _ . Sohth y hm mat I Iiuimttioim , it bill o f eseelit ioimit iii oime case , t'miitilot 1)0 mumiulo a hurt of thin recormi of amtotlmcr tiimic : , ev"im t Imumgbm time two cases lit' bntweemi ( lit' sumame lnumtI' ' 2. A bill 01' ( 'xc'i'ltiommn. to ho commstdered in reviewimig tim jumthgmumcmmt of a dIitrlet ; court , must be a lairt of time recom'tI of ( hue ease hmm'omighm t here ; a mmd , to mimutke it su icim , I I mu tl't bo settled as it bill of excepttumms tim time case ummtler rcviemv iii flirsuiiuiic of thin imro'1st.mmmmi . of 8ection Ill of time coule of civil iredUre. lli'owmm ngmtimmuat Bse. iOi'rimr froni Otoc CoummitY. Afhlrimmed. Ryan , C' . Under a stile of tIme meal propertY of a micimresidont (1ei'eiihiuiit. ( ahulmrohmrlated by at- to ciummment hirocet'ul lOgs. Ii , uimmrchmnser mmcclii in's a t I t he tm'Ii ichm cut muimot' h in ciii in torah ly thtie.i- tiomied ut ammotlmer action , ev"n though time inibhicmmtloim 1)1' imotice lum'ccetlimmg the jud'- nmemut. I mm the it ttn elm mnt'mm I hmrot'eei hugs imi lglmt have beemi lmu'ld defective If It had been prop- only assailed. END OF UNIVERSITY PARK il'romm , Jt'il i0mant' ( ) iiu' flu' l'm'uimerty niiil timi 11 igii lieu ed 1'ciice Imi Ii'IiiOVed. TIme litigation over time femico that suit- roummded tIme muortlu liaR of UnI- vorsuty' imark lies bcemm ihhmipoietl ot by the ittmuer hmeirs having deeded time tract to tIme Ilyroim Reed estate. TIme title p ssud I'nhday night and yo'mmteriay tIme high Ioam'I felice timat humus bec'u aim cycsom' to lc'Plo residing him ( lint vicimmity was turn down utuil carted uuway Thu jnmrehinser of LImo i'rolertY , will mit once extend Maple stm'eet. tin tituglm the tract of land from 'rwemity-first to Twommtiethm , after which iluim laud lyIng to time north aimd sommtlm of Locust mitruet v.111 hue i'latted amid iduuccul umimoli time immuurkot. Regarding thu feumec aroumiul time umoutlm litult of time University murk. It mviii mitmumid for the pnesemmt , or at , least ummtil ( lie nthJudeut- tlolm of time suit before Judge Scult. If ho tlcclmles tugalimat the Univereity imaric uicolho : time fence will lie remmmoved , but If Ito imaluls with them it trill remain and time land motile will be converteul ltmto aim athletic hark. .101 , iiUi ( e'lN ii .IulJ. \s'ASIIINO'roN , Slay 29.-.9pecini ( Tele- granl.Louiiit ) .Jolmmmsemm line lcvmt ) appuimmted i'ostmimastem' mit h'crcy , Cutrbotm cotmntyVy - omimmg. Time comutract to funmmisum fuel for tIme Ommmalua cuuuttomul house for time mmtuxt fiscal year t'uts today awarded to the Oimmuilme. Coke aui Coal colmmpammy at 2ti9. . ' 3'j ) CthithS Ctlii Ci ( EJ1 I't't' 'h'aico ijiXsitiVO Ilnoimmo Quinine Tahitet't , All druggists refund ( lie mooney if it falls no cure , 25c. Time ientmlno titus 1. . 11. Q , on t'aetm m1bltt. i' Situ , , t Cubs tIV 'J'i'mt Ccmi I" . Time lieu is glm'iiig its subscribers a dhamica to Iceop hoSted Oh limo mnoveimments of troops amid tunuims'rtu by nimeanim of its commmhiiiatiou imiap , 'limo mimI ) of Cuima milmowum till thu towns , ralironihti amid divisions , wimiiu froni tIme iuump of time .Vemit Indies and mmmnp of time w orb I you emma locate just where ihmi , ar nlilps mire at emil ' ( bile end how far they are frommi dif. forcimt ports. Cut out a lIce coupon. page 2 , cud brimmg it to Tue ilt'e ofllco , Onmnbrm , South Omaha or Cotmacil lihuffs , Ily nmmill , enchain , a coupon amid 11 cents fund athdrrss Cuban Mcmi' Iepartmmmsnt. ' 11119 hEAl/Il' SiAItJIi'l' . ' INSTRUMION'h'R pinced on record fOntur. day , Mmuy 25. 1198 : " .Vmrr.mmil , ' 1).t'I1H , 10. A. Tracy to henry iiltmmn , lot 20 , lunch 12'est l0imd mold..S 1,400 , Cimarht's I'frotmtzer ttmd wito to Muugglmi Ilcimtillz. li1t 3 , imiock 7 , Juttet's add. . 42 $ C. 10 , 1'9lvlmmg ummd wiTh to Alfre'l ' Stramni. 5 41) ) fetut. of a hIllS feet. mx lot 2 $ iii 31-15.13 ( raffle ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , 70 * l3nmnunh iey mtmmd wife to Slart'mls j.iueimnimmimn lot 1 , . block 41 ; lit ii , block I ii , nmnhma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,000 dl Ii I I ( 'ii , liii lii''iima , Jr. N. IilImtrick to Chiuum'iema ICremmizer , hot 3 liloik 7 , Jotter's im.hmi. . . . . . . . . . . . . j Coneordia Lmiutim amud Truist comnpmtmmy toV. . ( :1. : Clonic , trummittie , ( I 1(0 foot 01' a 12S ½ toot tax lot 10 1mm 22-16.13 , , , . , . . 2,283 Andrew Miles , executor , to Frank 'rhuimpsoim , cXeI'ultflr , et ul , hot 3 , hiot'k 7. Jotter's told , , , , . . , , , , , . , , , _ , , . , i Frank 'j'lmomnlmminn , executor , et al to CimutrleiI 1re'utztur , lot 3 , hiloclc 7 , Jut- ( or's add . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400 Total anmount of transfers.IG,310 , . , - - - ' - - - - - SHAKE IIITO YOUH SHOESI Allen's Foot.lOase. a powder for thu feet , It cones painful , mawoileim , umarLlng , nervous fact and lmmsiuittly talces thin mutIimg out tmt corns ummitl bunions , it's time gm'eat.sst . ( am- fort thhecovemy of tIme ago. Allen's imit- lOuse Imimilies tight Ot iltiW slices feel etpmy , It is a cc'rtulu cumre for miwentltig callous mmmi hot , til'etl arbilmig feet. 'rry t today. 501,1 , by all druggists amid simon stores , Ily mali for 25e ha stmmmnps. Trial maekagu Fitloll , Address Also U , Olmnstcd , Le itoy , N.Y.