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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1898)
- - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - , 'L iui ; o ONE COUNTS Pr jjj4 It I' 4 COSP _ _ _ I 1xpnse of Present War OcM8 to Ba an Importhnt ractor. . JSINES MOVES ALONG IN OLD CHANNELE S - 1'lsntever gIii CtHt n the Wnr , It IN PiII lirisnhll In Ilir Annkctscd IIIrgIeN ftI the Anier- . Icnn 1'ctjIe. N1\V TOnIC , May 29.-henry Clews , hCUIth Of th banking htuse of Henry dews & Co. , , wrIte of the Bituatlon IIIVnIl strenL : Umler hate of April 23 our regular weckly ) ettcr to cuBtomera conthlfle4 the following , 'I , lzlch bears reprinting at thl time owing to ItA accurate diagnoBls of the altuatloil In I the finaticlal markets : "The temper In which SYall street has re- ietvc.l the Intervention kcree of congress . antI the presldeiit's ultimatum to Spain con- lirins the views exiressed In our recent nil- ' I vkes that the Stock exchange bud dia- h COunted the orst Irobnbllitlea in the Cuban tiltuntlon anil fldjUPtCi't in ndvancelie ( ) t Iiiscstmeiita to the outcome that has at. Inst happened. WIth its rarely erring In- t atluct of foreenat. the financial cointninitY tins foreaeun the end from the begInning of thlH long and teilious excitement , and nOW that war tins come It. has no further nljust- ments to iimie-no selling ji tier the Ira- j pulse of new fears. The men o the exchange had made UP their minds as to what. amount. I of discount from the normal market value ni aecurltiea n war with Spain called for , r.mnt ha remarkable steadiness of Walt str'et urIiig the that week Is evIdence of a flxeit confldeneo iii their conclusions. " ; 5Iiice the nbove was written the advance In mnpn of the active securItIes dealt in at time ' .i hange has been at least 2 per cent , 111115 iilio. log that the anticipatIon of bad. news Is what scares people niiil riot the ) i-eahtzntton of It. These fOeRhmndOWiflgs have been lucre thnn realIzed In the actual course Of the toclc ninrlret. , anticipntlon went far beyond a. rational discount of the worst possible effects of actual war and the sub- acqtieflt course of tirices nod the present Btrcngth of the market are but thu nt1Ust- muelit of effects arisIng front an over-timid pesstniimn. The marshalling of our mill- tary and naval power , the successes we have already won and the certainty of others tin- mediately luipendlog , arc but revelations of the power of ( lie natIon and Its abIlity to command ( ho respect of the vorld and it Is natural that such demonstrations BhOUld have the cirect O Inspiring confidence In our fitianco as vehl as In our power. The sue- , ccssea of the war , the ProsPect war has t - oencd of au expansion of our commerce amid the elevation of our rank among the leading inzitlons have SUdleiily opened the eyes of our people to a triter conception of the grentiiesa and destiny of the United States ; ' Is stow to catch the in- and \\'ahl street not , , sitratton of these uiicxpcetcd revelations. t .iNo now stops to tnle serIous account of , ' ithe costs of hostilities , rilthmough it Is con- ci1ed that they nra ) ' turn out consIderably 1lnrgcr than was at , flrst antlciiinted ; for , having had a new opportunity of. mcastiriiig ourselves by other great nations , we begin ilto see that a fev hundred mIllions , more or less. counts for relatively little In a. nation 'conceded to be the venlthlcst In the world. 'I our timid reckonings jre'lotms to ( ho war t vo measured our ability to boar military ' .btlrtl1eflS miminly by time standards of our ( civil struggle ; further inquiry has taught rum that whiie , simice ( lint period , our popula- tlon has more tlmnii doubled our wealth has more than quadrupled , It is therefore seen nthmnt ( lila arousing of the dormant energies of the nation may easily prove to be worth far more than it costs , viewed as a means 'of stimulating our people in the struggle of 'international competItion which Is becoming 'so acute to all parts of ( ho world. It begins to be foreseen ( lint this controversy with Spahir vihl prove to be the occasion of a geat national awakening , that will result lit tti extension of our influence nod corn- , merco throughout the world. Such elements these bccoiiiu In ninny ways a reinforce- I I meat of public confldt.nce and instead of art - t resting the operations of finance tend to ,1uickcn and broaden them. The SanIhl war is thus consigned to a econdary idace as a factor in the stock .market. No one now baa any misgivings , ts to the outcome of the struggle ; and hence other nfluonces predominate , such as the unprecodentcdiY favorable condition of our foreign trade , the prosperity of the railroads j1 s ilidicated by thClr continued large earn- lags , tuio etremncly favorable crop outIOol , . antI last but not least the superabundance f money and the constantly lower rates t prevailing , the conipetitlon now being with heaRers and not with borrowers. Time iresent iiosition of finance in this country Is a most extrmlIrdinnry ) one. In the ' iidt of war , the condition of the foreign exchanges is such as to place the money centers of Europe virtually at our mercy. I 'We are permitting balances due to this country. to the amount of probably close ipon $100,000.000 , to remain on temporary loan , and yet arc buying extraordinarily large amounts of our securities held in Eug- land. Germany and Holland.Vltliin a year , we have drawn from Europe fully $100,000- 000 of gold flnl are in a position to draw an equal amount more , If our convenience should so retinire. Our , stock of the yel- .10w metal has reached the highest total In our experience ann for the first time exceeds , the holdings of any oth'r nation. In the face of a heavy military taxation and in irospect of large government borrowings , Wait street is buoyant am ! the lirices of securities are steadily advancing , Such a 1commcurrence of conditions indicative of j financial strength in time presence of an imliportant war has hitherto hardly over be- muon a nation. The war Irospects continue wholly asatir- log anit suggest ( lie probability of Its early successful conclusion. The Spanish fleet on this sub ttie/mtlantic is not onlypinced where it cannot hnrmn us. but where it lutist ulti- t mnately tall into our hands. Should Spain aend out a aecanit fleet to relieve Cervera , its fate at the hands of our three squadrons would be in all , reasonable probability , fore- ileomed. If , Instead , she seiids a squadron to eject Admiral Dewey from Manila bay , : her SUCCeSs , in a naval sense , would ho far from certain , amid Cuba and Porto Rico would I fail into our liaiiils beyond nil question. Turn which way Slatii may. thio same re- stilts awaits it. the ( lefeat of Its fleets. time loss of its territory nnd a liumiliatiig , unqualified - qualified surrender. Castiltan pride is not yet lirepared to concede : ham' durst I'remnler Sagasta as yet confess the unwelcome truth to his infuriated iwotil..j. lhit all European governuients co and nclriiowlt'ilgo the in- jevltablo ; and It may be oxpecteil that the powers which most enjoy Spaimi's conflden.o will , at no distamit ihity , exorcise prcssuye upon the government to accept their inter- , vcntioii in behalf of peace. on conditions I ikCl ) ' to prove aecoptntjio to the United States. In thu meantime , Spain iiiay be expected to inirslic a policy of dilatory evasion of coiitact with Our fleets. in till I hope ofoiuo turn of slicer luck befalling it amiti in ' eiidea'orInE to Create ( lipiomatic 1ituatioii embarrassing to the United States. . it baa sotiglit to inveigle France into mnak. big an tilcgnl bargain for getting the I'ldliii. pines otit of our iiniids ; but , alipareati ) Yraxico Is too wary to be caught by niiy sect dipIoniatI chaff ; aimil mill such tricks must t ntl in ilemnustrimfirig that the Europear powers have too wholesome a respect foi ho $ iower of the United States to enthral theniselvea for Spain's beliefit.'lion wi have captured Cuba antI l'orto Rico completer ! our acquisitions in thu I'huiip aim pilies , timer ; we many ilegotiate for pegequ - iiO peace slould be nveepte which leayc S tins these acquisitions incommipleti. , \Vlieii thin t been accoinphlalieii , we shall huh our selves In the Presence of a set of new hrob tems profoundly affecting time future rein lions aul Interests of tlii republIc 'File reduction In the hank of Emiglani 1 rate of discount from .1 iier cent to :1 : % lie r vomit is iniportant as havIng a bearing 0 : mm itnierlcii securities , as It represents a rc I. turli of ease to the Londoii money mnarice t after the reverse condition for a long ( liii 0 past The effect Is to remove the neccasit ( or the return of American securities , Lao I. domi's continuous selling being inalni caused by the scarcIty of money and th 0 high rate of interest prevailing since Iii 0 ilamik of England advanced its rate to I pe r cent. The favorable cbangu In the mnone ' 1' aarket abroad is iiov likely to bring I 1'a Juropo as n buyer of our securities hc c , - jifer , ThiB , therefore , is a bull factor of .0 - - - . . s mall inienalons in our stock market. The sh ank of England a gold hoi.llngs as recently a s two months ago were C2t.40,0OO , which pli aced the bnnh reserve town to about 34 i cr cent. The geM now in the flank of ng. m ail amounts to 37,200,000 , an increase of n bout $38,000,000 , which puts ip the reserve toE about 473k per cent. For the flank of E ngland to accumulate so much gold In so sh ort a time , vspeIally during a tierlod when th is country was drawing so heavily troni E urope , is a notabh' fact , nail goes to show to he immense increase in the world's output o f gold which Is beginning to tell both in I : iirope and in this country. Last year It' a mounted to over $250,000,000. Tim New Y ork lianks now bout in gold $ t65.000,000- t hem largest amount over held by them ; and to show that these large gold holdings by toU t banks are not sit the expense of the U nited States treasury , it must be stated th at time government now has on hand $180fl 0 00.000 , which is 'ilso correspondingly large. A s flgures make the strongest argument w hat facts can the silver advocates adduce t o meet this ? Who wants 43-cent sliver dol- m rs when there Is so mmmcli gold In sight to h o had for ( lie asking at the counters of the U iiited States treasury and the banks ? As a matter of fact , thcaeinstitutions are now g ratified to have anyone call far ft and trUce it away , as tile ) ' are overburdened with it. If this gold vroductlon continues at the pros- e nt ratio for two or three years more , there 'v iii then be so much of it as to not only c ompletely drown mit the silver advocates , b ut to make thmeni appear absolutely idiotic- a lly silly , especially on their 16 to I ratio b asis. When it is now at least 12 to 1. This s hewing In ( lie estimation of reasonable Pea2 ti le makes silver a dead issue and beyond r esurrectIon. Quite a. large portion of the i ncrease of the thank of England reserves r eally conies from the English colonies and is hew proiluetlon. The bank made a strong b id for it when their gold reserves got down t o a low ebb by agreeing to hay Interest on a ll gold forwarded to tIne bamik durIng tine ( line occupied In Its transportation. C ONIITION Oi' NlttV YOllit 13tNiCS. l ucre iN hIensA.'iiiiiiliit Inn of IIiitic- Iii I lie iit * riijii I , . NE\\ ' YORK , May 2g.-The Financier s ay : TIne statement of the associated b anks ( it New York for the week ending in ) ' 27 reIlect a considerable accuniulaU t iomi of funds at this center , although the t. xiiniislon ( if $ S,202IO0 In thu loan account ii i ii certain indication tlinit business is imn- , rtiving. The hiiiik5 ; gitinerl * 0,774,000 lit c nh , which , nilded to (110 roan increase , ftc- e ntmnled for the unusually heavy growth of $ 13OlSC00 In ileioi4it5 witlUn the Inst seven d ays. ¶ 1'hie statement , in view of tile known m ovements of nioney for the week , i just it iOiit as expected. The interior banks are ii icrentsing their brilnmnces here , $ .L000.00I ) or I mported gold came into New ' ( ) i'k last wm eek. and time henry treasury ihisbtmrse- m erits due to vnr expenses snow no sigims o f diminution. Against ( lila rue only losses i mit'e been in thi ( Sillilie of remittttitces to s outhern banks , ziiitl these are not nearly U s inrgo as receipta , Tine rediscount moveL merit from time south was neavy at this t una Inst year , lint titi to ( lie present. there l atin been little enhi from ( lint section. Tim n iovenmuimt from the interior is only normal it t this season , hilt 814 showing time changes t iiitt hmlt'e occurred within twelve months , i t Is immterestlrmg , to recahi that. at this time l ast year the banks were ; iayiimg out $3000O 0 00 or $4,000,000 weekly to tin tiet1 for gold e xport hurpoes. ) ] 'hme heavIest changes in t ime current statement seem to have been made by it few or the larger banks , Of ( lie total increase In loans over $7,000,000 a re ntccnmmntcmh for by the Nutlonal City , time National bank of the Repulilc , the \Vcst- c nn Nilt lanai ntii.h the Nattonu I Union banks , 'iiile shi lmanks have gained imearly half t ine totti ; ( leposits reported by sixty-live c icaring hmouc Institutions. Perhaps some o f the loan expansion rell'esents , purchases o f sterling exchange riot included in tIme i mreviotis statements , hut rmnw that money r ates abroad have fallen this form of in- v estment vill riot b as conspicuous its in t he early part of the year. 'l'he month of Mimy has been mnariced by sonic noteworthy c hanges in the bank totnl. Loans have I ncreased over $19.000,000 ; deposits. $07,000- 0 00 : cash , $18,557,000 , and surplus reserves , $ ,100,0iM. OMAhA. GlNI0htALMtIt1Ci'1'i4. Condition of 'I'rnile end Quotatiomis on Statue niul Fnhi ( ' I'riduee. EGGS-Good stock , 9'/c. IUT'I'EIt-Common to fair , oglic ; sep- arator , lIe ; gathered creamery , 13T11c VEAL-Choice fat , 80 to 120 lbs. , qUoted at S(09e : lnmge unit coarse , Ut7c. LIVE I'QILTJt-Chiicknns. 77t4 ; old roosters , lb Ic ; spring chickens , 2Orff22c. l'IGEONb'-Live , $ l.15Ijj.2 ; ocad pigeons not wanted. I lAY-Upland. $7.00 : midland , $0.00 low- 1 011(1 , $ . . & 0 ; rye straw , $4.00 ; color makes time Price on hay : light bales sell the best ; only tom , grades bring top prices. VEOETA tILES. ONIONS-New southern , per lb. , 2'c. , , . CAI3L0AGE-Mlisslppl , Per crate , $2.25t Inl02 NE-linnU-piciced navy , per ho. , $1.25. ' ' ' i'O'i'ATOES-.jIiiie grown , 1055c ; Cole- rnilo stock , TOe ; imorthrn fancy early Ohio sceil potatoes. ( Sc : now potatoes , per bbi. , $ 4 : imiishei boxes , $1.30j1.50. 't'OSIA'roES-l'er Crate. 80.00173.25. bEETS-New , per bu. box , $1.00. ItADISIIJOS-Per dox. bunches , 25'1730c. ' 1ET'FUCE-Per doz. bunches , 20tI25c , ORMON ONIONE-Per doa. , lOc , CUCUSIIIIORS-l'cr doz. , 7Sc. WAX IIEANS-1.3 bit box , 750. PEAS-I'er 1-3 bin. , 65775c. PIFOPLANT-Ifome grown , ver lb. . Ic. F ! WITS. STflAVflEflfljES-Missnuris. $3.25. Al'I'LES-Ocnetons , $3.75. (300SEBEttfl ] ES-Per 24-nt. case. $2.00 2..5. TROPICAL 1'RUTTS. 0 RANG ES-Seedli np , $2.50 ; Mediterra- near ! t4veets , $2500 2.i5. LEMONH-Cai fornin , $3.00fl3.25 ; fancy Measina. 83.00034.00. BANANAS-Chote , large stock. per 2 ; $2.00212.25 . ; medium sized buncimea , MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS-Aimijiuls , 11cr lb. . large size , 1203 tIc ; small , lie ; IIrazIl3 , per lb. , 917t0e : Eng- unit walnuts , per lb. , fancy soft shell , 1103 lie ; stniridnirtis , Stijgc ; Ihiberts , ror lb. , lUc'd pecans , polished , medium , ' 1177c : extra marge , S0j'Jc ; large hIckory nuts , $1.000jI.ltj Per him. ; small. $ i.2rd1.25 Jier bu. CflCoaiiUt $ , per 100. $4 ; peanuts , raw , 5'j5c ; roasted , ( dGIfc. MAPLE SYRUP-Five-gal. can , each , $2.15 ; gal. cans , sure. Per mba. , $12 ; half-gal. cans , Iia2.S ; Quart cans , $3.50. FIGS-Imuporteil , fancy , 3-crown. 14-lb. imxes , hOc : 5-crown , 41-lb. boxes , lIe ; 2-lb. boxes. 22I23c ier box ; California , 10-lb. box , $1. IIONEY-Choico white i2c Colorado , ; amber - ber , lOOi lie , , , ( - bbl. , $3.50 ; vcr half bbl. . IATES-Ttailoeo , GO to 70-lb. boxes , 5i40 : hair , Sc ; Frirti , 9-lb. boxes , Sc. ( JLDIOIt-1t'r bait bid , , $3 ; bbh. , $5. St. LOIIIM tetieriii tizi elects. ST. LOUIS , May 2S.-FLOUll-Weal anil declIning ; lmnitonts , * 5.50006,15 : straIghts , 15.40 0J5.C5 : clear , $4.000if.5 ; medium , $ I.25034.50 , \vi I EA'I'-Lower , eioeniiig heavy and not far from thin bottom , witim Mnty Oc , July 2c , September 1 5-Sc anid December 10 tinder , yesterdny SPOt steady ; No. 2 red cash , t'lo. . vator , $1.15 : track , $ h15 ; May , $1.15 ; July , ! )2c ) risked ; September , SO 3-Sc ; December , 7Stic ; No , 2 lmarnl cash. $1.13. ( 'O itN-Futures closed 01153' , irregular , vitlm Slit ) ' C lower , Jmily 1.Se to c hUglmer limiil S'ptt'mnber % imigimer c , compared witii yesterday ; shot lower : No. 2 cash , almAe ; May , 3P4e ; July , 30 7-SOiOhc ; Sopteniber , 32c. OA'I'S-Duii , weak and lrnmctlonaily lower ; : SPOt lower ; No , 2 ennUi , 2Sc ; track , 29tI29c ; iiiy. 2.Se ; July , 23''c ; tieptomber , 21 5-Sc ; No. 2 wimIt , 005030c. itY1-NoniinaI at COO. AEE1)S-Flaxeed , noriiinal at $1.25 ; prlmc I timothy seed , $2.C002.c5. t'OitNMEAI-I.owei at U.SSsfli.0O , IlitAN-Quiet mimmil steady ; sacked , 55c comiiitry pniiith nail OSu east track , lAY-Quiet nnil htenidy ; hirairle. 87,5041 ) 14.00. thin toll ) metng Pitill for new Knnsni I hmrohmmct ; timothy , * 9.000111.50 , 1flTTTEItFirlmm creamery , 11011Cc ; dairy , , iidssteatiy at Sc. \VIIISICY-$1,23. II1IITAI.n4-Lead , strong at $3.00 , Spelter , p lower nt 14,10. ' " ' ' ' CO'l"l'ON 1'ES-7O. IIAOOING-5 7-MinI 3-Sc. I'lO\'ISIONS-I'urk. lover ; standnirt niess , jtmbbirmg , ; ll.40lI.&O , Larch , lower ; lmrimntm steam , $5.85 ; choice , $5.95. Bacon Imxeii shoulders , 5.t1' ; extra short clear 1675 : rIbs. 80.0.7(4 ( : shorts , $7.00. Iry sal L meats , boxed iiiioitlders , $5.37 % ; extra rUmor clear , $6.25 ; ribs , ( G.Olik ; shorts , $6.50. iaiip3ii'sts'r 'VexIII $ ? inihirit's , y , NC'i lESTER , M113' 29.-Time week' . itisineiis inns been behott' this OUtlUt. hiI PrIces were fairly firm. Home spinners di ii little inmainess mendlimg time \Vhitmiuntiti S hmo1Idas , Several fair hues were sold Co r l'xmort to C'liinn afll ( Jntpiiii , wIth furthe r orders remaining , Hut tIme him1tsmtru no , t attractive. C'iothm was spotty , Kurruchi' ' 0 and Iionmbny imlacing ordirs for 11gb , t % C.'t'CH , but Cniutta takimig little , Man if StiillIt'S. ( 'sImlOlitIl > ' time wIde Yntreities , wee ( I only obtainable at unworkable iwices. Soul Ii Aiiieriea weis rmmors active. Printing clot h niold Imiore readily , Qemmernlly' simeaking tti S tilitiertomno was 11Cm , with bug crmgagepnent a stlli flUinsroug - - . . - . ' _ _ ' _ _ _ ' _ _ - - - - . . - . . - . - . _ ff' I. O \1AIL \ LIVE STOCK IA1t1iET W ek Winda Up with Unusually Largo Saturday R&iipth. C ATTLE GENERALLY DULL AND LOWERti ) i iiyerN ot IiihIn.l to Amiticilinte the Mouidny Trade Vna.irniIy-IIiigs Stumlili ft imi IlmiIe-- Shlci , Jtih hUroiig , SOUTh ( JMA1iA , May 25. Cattle. hogs. Sheep. fl eceipt today . . . . . . . . . . 1,911 0,5011 3,517 O tlleinl yesterday . . . , , , . . 3,92 0.1(4 ] ,93 O ne week nmgo . . . . . . . . . . . . iy-iL. 3.509 .12 'I'O wo WeekS ago . . . . . . . . . . 934 hi,14SJ 1 , , .4 O iie inommtti ago , , . . , . , , , . 1ttIl t'thJQ 1,320 O ne year ago . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,619 7,910 3.eS lteeelpts fur the week wIth comparisons ! Cattle , hogs. Sheep , W 'eek ending May 23. . . .3.3l6 43.'JCmi 23SZS Veek eiidtng May 21. . . .l3,912 42,960 21t53 Week coiling May il.l5OlU 42'Z'JS 34,500 \ % ' 'ek endimig May 7. , . , ls,333 40,981 26,529 W 'eek eliding 4irIl , 30.,12.uO 41,609 32T0l b' nimno wecic , Itor . , , . . , , . . 13I6 52,952 22,450 S iiino week , iSSO. , . . . . . . . . 04L9 Sb&SS 5,110 Average lirie linid for Itogs on days in- ih leitteil for seven years : M ay , 1(93. 1097. 1(96. IS)3 ) 1(91. 1503. 1(92. 2 2 e$352$3u3$437j5$721454 2 0 . . . . . . . . 4 30 3 ( U 4 33 4 59 7 30 4 51 2 i . . . . . . . . 425045 ' 432453693451 2 3 . . . . . . . . 417 340 304 422 403 679 450 2 6 . . . . . . ,41S33029 4t9683454 2 7 , . , . . . , . 4 ! : O 3 34 2 03 ' 4 17 4 61. 6 92 4 63 2 3 . . . . . . . . 403 334 292 431 ' 461 . Indicates Summdny. All kinds of stotk cambimied made a total oW f 196 curs , as ntgntlnst ISO y'esterdnty , IlS a W eek ago arid 192 it year ago. 'lime receipts o f Imogmi vcre large tar the Inst day of the W elC ittiti tIme market wnts i.cidediy against tS ime soiling interests. Cattle were in lair S uini)13P , Omminhint , as imsunti omm a SatUnliiy , hiC nting more ( hiatt Chicago anti iCuinias City C Ohll bi mied. TIme ellicitti number of cars of stock b rought iii today by each road wits : Cattle. hogs. Sheep. C . , 1(1. ( & St. P. fly . . . . . . . 3 . . 0 . & St. I. . 1ty. : . . . . j M issouri Pacillo Ky. . , 2 U nion I'ncItlc System. , . , 20 Id 13 F , , K. & 51. V. it. It. . . . . 23 38 . . S . C. & 1' . fly. . . . . . . . . . . . . I 1 . C . , St. P. . M. & 0. Ity. . 13 6 I t. & St. It. It. Ii. . . . . . . . . . . tO 24 K . C. & St. J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 . . C . , It. I , & I' . Ky. , east , . . . 1 C . , IL 1. & P. ity. . west. . . 1 Total receipts . . . . . . . . SO 103 13 Tine disposition of ( lien ( lily's re eipts was it s follows , euch buyer purcuasing time 1mm- h er of head limdlcrtted : lllmyers Cattle. hogs. O tnlfthLL I'acking company. . . . . . . . . . . 513 T ime 0. Il. Llamnnmond Co. . . . . . . . 131 9S2 S wift anmi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,172 'r ho Cudaimy l'acktng company 501 3,143 L obman & Rotimseimilds. . . . . . . . . . 49 . i lentori & Underwood. . . . . . . . . . . . 39 h luston & Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 1 , . F' . lliisz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SC S wift , from country. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 . . . . S wift , Chicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Myers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 , . . . North 1' . & P. Co. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319 O ilier buyers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 . . . . L eft over . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 . . . . Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CATTLE-It was time iast day of the week a nd there were ( ltiitO a good many cattle I n the yards , the most of them beeves. t inough tine offerings of stock cattle were l arger than oil some clays. The market on fat cattle not what s ellers like to see. It. was it Saturday , time r eqtmirerncnts of buyers were not apparently Very urgent and they did not seem to career f or 'ery iiinny unless they could get. them at hmrlceS ( hut would make It some object f or carrytimg ( bern over Into next week. The trale itS ft whiolo might be stmrnmed tip as aery slow , dull and upon the whole i minsatisfactory market. Some of the most desirable of the handy little cattle sold Quito readily and in some instances not much lower , but time generiti market , itt addition to being slow , was lower , anid ( ito heavier time cattle the worse they sold. Ver' few cows ttnd lmelfers were on sale , not more than seven or eight loads , anti they brought about the same prices as yesterday. Bulls , stags , etc. , also sold In uloUt the same notches us the day before. Veal calves continue In good demand tt h igh prices. ¶ 4'he cattle market during the w.ek . baa not been all that could ho desiredJ by the sellIng interebtsand still thethbps beOtI It fair sized demand. Infact the demandtat this point inns been such that 'rcii1mavo been better maintained than at the markets - kets further east and such cattili as have gene forward In first hands have generally l est mocey. As to values , heavy cattle huivo suffered a decline of IOtjlSc for ( lie week anti on most days have been slow sellers , especially those with large side brands. handy little cattle , on the other hand , have been good seiiers au the week and prices on that kind are fuily as good as they were at the close of the previous week. Choice lIttle helfers have also held up to about steady prices , but the general m arket on cows and heifers Is 100315c lower than a week ago. So few stockers and feeders have been on sale during the week that it Is rather difilcult to make corn- Parisonni , but it Is noted that some cattle that have been brought in durIng the week have not sold quIte so reacltiy and It might be surmised that if any great number were on sale the market would be a little easier. StIll uchi cattle as have sold have brought 'ery high prices and lirobably as good as l ast week. 11005-Only twice within the space of two montims have hogs been In such large receIpt on a Saturday as they were today. There were 105 fresh loads arid twenty stale offered for sale , which would have honked l arge on the closing tiny or thin week at most any other time , but especially so in view of ( lie present nrnor condition of the market. It would seem as if after such cc break In the market , and after nh the ills- couraging reports that have been sent out from au marlcet lioints that snppers wotmhd h mnivo held back their hogs today , but. for some reason they did not. Possibly time- figured that there mIght be a still further break nnd that. It would be better to suffer I t small loss at time comnicncoment of time d roll thnnm to wait and get. a heavIer loss l atet' on. At army rate tine yards were full of hogs no a Saturday , a condition that Is always unfavorable to the selling Interests , In addition to the large offerings thmere wait ( lie further bear feature 'of lower market - ket at other selling points , with .tho re- m imilt that the market hero opened hOc lower than yesterday mornIng. . few of the best ioruls which just happened to suit comae special orders sold at $4.1004.15 , a agntinat 84.20034.25 for the same kind yes- tertlay mornIng. Time general market on mixed 1oad. however , practically opened 100 lower than yesterday morning , $4.05 being tIme lioptihar prIce offered by the imackerni. As a matter of course , with the market so much lower , erilesomerm were a little backward almout parting with tbeim- holdings at time ilgures named , antI time inaricet was not 'ery active , still time hogs kept soiling amid by 10 o'clock this ynril wore cleared. 'limo market most all time week has been oil thai dowim grnnde , syith no rencttons worthy time name. Time weehc , however. opened with hrices a little Idglmer , hut liege receipts anti it falling off in the active imuyirig of Imrovislonrc caused a hmrcnk on TtneiItty anti 'Vetlnesilay. On 'l'lmtirsday ammd Friday time average of vnitres Wits nut nmmuch altered , but , us already noted , htero wall a drop at the end of the week. Time week eioed with Prices close to 200 lower ( bait ( ho week before arnil ISo lower ( harm on Monday of tue present c'eek , The table of mtveruges given above will sbqw time average drop for each tiny of time week nmnrl at tine same time thmo lmrlces paid on corresrmondinq lays of prevlotiR years. SI1IOEP-'I'hero wore thirteen loads en- ported In time y'ards , imut thiey vcre nil Colorado hiunba , the most of them wooleti , that there vits riot nmiichi of a sOlecliari for buyers. TImers vnis a demand for them , however , amid timc'y 'otmll imave ld readily hind thmo owners been vhliing to offer them. Time market all time' week hits been in good * mhmnpe for sellers , Very few mutton sht'ep imavu becim rcct'i'cd arid all ftccoulit agree ( lint time 501)111) ' in this CountrY . Iii practically exhausted. Such lots as have arrived lawn brought good. firm lmrlces. 'I'liii reet'ilmttt for the week have ( mimsistofi largely of lambs , whIch have been , good sellers at advanced irlces. Some tull ends of large bumiches of wooiecl Colorado lambs ohii durltmw tile week at $5.60 and $5.00 , while as hmighm as $5.85 was offered tiiid ro- fUielI for otimerli , showIng the strang tend. y of time rnntrket. It would be safe to ( Italic lambs for this week at least 100115o higher than a week ago. ( ; ( zn'n s'iocIc ) iAIIlCiP. Cattli .1,1,1 Iogstri" 1cer 'titan Ut 1 lie Clirsti of lnst % % 'ck. C1IIC'AGO , May 2S.-i'imo receIpts of cat- the this week foot up sosr'o imetid , as corn- unreel with 46,821 mmii veck ; PrIces are lOc SOC lower thnmrm a week ago ; choirs to gooci steers , * 4,00015,00 medium , 84.45011,00 : stockers immmtl ( ecilers , 81,00010.00 ; eovs milnil hmeifers , 83,40031.00 ; western steers , $4,0003 4 75' Texas steers , $3.04j4.0 , 'l'iw week Iii receipts of bmngs WItH 162.000 head agaInst 212,000 mist week ; prices nv- erntged SuilOc lower timita yesterday arid closed 2001250 lower titan a week ego : lights , 83.701(4.15 : mIxed and tititermera. 13.ttYdl.30 ; ittnivy , $1.95414.25 ; pigs. 82.700:3.00. About. 62,500 head of sheep were received , . . - - - - , - d urln time against CI,529 last wetk , I rlcei nero steady , the recent nthvnfltt , co mmon to choice idy.hI , $3 01)114,00 , export sh ecim , $4 $ 40 , fancy { clings , $47O& $ clipped Iaai mbi' , 84.00105.20 si , cl htmha , $ . 701,6.10 , ai irimig lnrnls. , sGo : flee 100 lbs ReceIpts : Cnttlcel lmend ; hogs , 11,000 h ead , lneep , 2tkMl lien , , . - - f. Iniithr.c 4oek. ST. 1.01.715. 5tay'JCATT1E--fleceipt5 ! , 60CO 0 imenul , . ; shipments , CO O beau ; market 1 fair to fancy nn- tib ve ahmipping and ' , ijSbrt steers , 84.25115.15 : b ulk of sales. $1.S0j4.O ; dressed bcef anti lm utcher steers. $4.IWIJO ; bulk of sales , $5.35 51h 4.75 : steers tmnter"Etiy3 Potiiul , 80.85114.40 h ulk of alc , 14.15ts4.0 stockers anti feed- c r5 $ .tSS114.75 ; hiulk'tmf ' ales. 24.000f4.45 : o n,1 heifers , * 2.25414.70.buik at sales , 83,104 $ 3.h . 85 : Texas amid Imjinp steers , $310414.23 ; h ulk of nlea , 80.75i)4t5 Cows anti imeifers , 8 3.00033.95. IIOOS-tteceipts. 12.200hend : shipments. 1.- 7 00 heath : muarket 1C0j154 lower : yorkers. $3.90 ( 14.00 ; vackers , $1.0l.20 , ; butchers , $42503 4 .23. , ShlEEP1teceipt 4) ) head : shipments , 1 00 head : market iuhi and teati native m illions , 83.65001.40 : lambs , $4.O0h1G.,5 ; stock- ' e rs , so.oo ; culls anti inmcka , 1l,75e3.75 Texas' m uttons , $4.20. Kntmsiis ( 'l ( ' ll'O' Stork. KANSAS CITY , May 20.-CATTI4E-1lc- e ciptit , 36 bend ; market unchanged. There w as an t'x&ess or coarse hefty ) ' steers again t his veek and hirices about lie lower , whIle vehl finished steerw and . , Ilmer grnities of l , iitchrr stock ore about stearl ! ' , hlOOS-It'ceipts , 3,000 hmentl general tie- d ine in irovisions caused cnrresrniidingly lh l ewer 1mg nmnrket this tvt'ek nial lirleeni h ave declined about lee : bulk of nhc to d ay. 51,00034.25 ; hien'ieni 81.10104.30 : parkerni. $ 3.SStui.2O ; mixed , $3.9044.22 ; lights. S3.750v 1 .10 : yorlceri , 81.00114.10 ; pigs , $3,00I3.SO. Slilololiteceilits , (5 lmeaii market totlny' g oed demicimil : brisk trade niitl SOC ntlvaimce i ii prIces lii main fentcmre of this week , Ness Yirlc ihe Stuck. NEW VOI1IC , May 2S.-liEiOVESflC c eipts , 272 hmeail ; no tratling ; eximrtni , 1,682 im eat.l cnttlc , 1,076 head iieep niul CII gtitir- t en of heel. Calves , receipts , 223 imeiid m rfcemi 25 lower. Buttermilka , nominally , I.0O014.&O. SilElOl' AND LAM1IS-ltecelptni , 435 Imend ; fi rm ; lambs , 25c higher ; sheep aiid year- l ilies. cmiii. IIOGt3-Ileccipts , 2,659 head ; medltmni and h mentvy hogs , sternly : southern amid westerim p igs , $3.h0014.00 ; medium anti heavy hogs , * 4.25034.50 ; light western , $1.I90Ji.i5. iilmNt ihiiItzilo hi'e Stank. EAST BUFFALO , N. Y , , Mni 23.-ISOOS - Yorkers , good to choice , 84.201,4.23 , ; rough , c onimorm to clrnice , $5.OOj'4.OO ) ; pigs , fair to c hOIce , 53.60033.95. LAMIIS-Cimoice to extra , 55.25036.33. I3IIEEI'-Coarse to selected wethiers , $4.43 01 4.&O ; culls to common , I3.330J3.5O. Clcmeimiiintl Ll'c Stock , CINCINNATI , May 2S.-llOGS---Dull at $ i.15034.23. CATTI.E-Stcnciy at $2.75034,65 , SHEEP-Steady at 52.75034.00 , L.AMI3S-Stentiy at 83,75004.73. Stock iii Sicclrt. Ilecorci of receipts of live stock itt time f our hirliiciimntl immarkets for May IS : Cattle. Ilogit. Simeeim. O rnahm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1,511 6,936 3,217 C hicago . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 . 11.000 2,000 Kansas City . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36 3.000 83 S t. Louis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COO 2.200 400 . TotalS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23,136 5,997 C1tICA(1 ( ) GlttiN A'4D 1'1tO'iStONS. Petttiii'es . cit this 'I'm. ) Imiw arid Cionittig l'i'itjes ( iii Set ii rcin. . ChICAGO , Stay 28.-Lack of short Interest - est amid liromise or stipcrnbundnint crops t hroughout time world caused a decided s lump iii wheat today. Jtil ) closed 2'003 ! ½ c amid lower , aimi September 1'c. Cormi c hilgimer anti o4T c lower. Lard and ribs are Sc hmigiier1'drk declined 7,4c. ! At tIme start In wheat there was more or l ess covering by shorts , who , In view of the h oliday Monday and the nervous condition ( if the triitlt , seemed ( ci b disposed to even l ip. Time deinnnd from thiat Immterest. vas re- niliOmmSiblO fur carl.h strength , but when buyers were satisuiecl and witindrew trade became niluggislm.The -bear news multiply- I ng anti time bull Interenit getting no niupport the seilimig rush beoan00 so aggressive and vigorous that cverythmirig was swept before I t. LiquidatIon soon became as urgent as tiio imort selling , the Irnarket getting de- m oralized , Time impression becanme general that Lelter had l nit control anti was no l onger to resist the imntural , course of prices. There was no Liverpool cables , but thin crop news continued to grow more bearish , St. Louis repqrtcd new wheat at- ready In that markst. fFhere was consIderable - able reaction during tlmo Iitnit hut hour as the shorts strong disposItion to cxvii up , 'fleceiptg'1at , Chicago were 300 cars , against 110 a year ago , anti time total num- her received here this week has been 1,737. of whIch 1,062 , were of contract quality. Minneapolis and Duluth received 737 cars , agaInst 405 a year ago. The Atlantic port clentrances were equal in wheat and' hour to 890 bushmeii , July opened 10114c lower at $ i.O3031.00m , , sold up to $1.06 dropped to $1.O1 , then rallied to 11.O3 ½ 4j1.O4 at the close. September nitarted 4c iower to ' 4c hmIghmer at S4'41S5c sold ( iown to S25c and strengthened to b'1/C bIt ] , the Ilnal figure. May closed nt $1.76. The weather was too wet for the good of corn , and there was some activIty on the Part of the bull crowd. When wheat broke corn went with it , but timers was a corn- plete recovery later. July started 101 ½ c higher at 330123i4c , sold down to 32140332 3-Sc rallIed to 23ic , then eased off to 33c asked at time close. Time fluctuation In corn controlled oats. July opened unchanged at 2414c , declined to 23 7-Sc , rose to 24 3-Sc , then fell off to 21 1841) 24c , tile closing price. Timers was some selling of ribs and pork through commission hmtimies , Pork vts weak for awhile but rallied near time close , Flmmctuatlonri in arcl anti rIbs were inconse- ( Imientlal , July pprk opened Sc higher at 111.5541)11.60 ) , advanced to $ i1.62 ! , declined to $11.15 and sold up to $11.47 ½ biti at the close. Estimated receIpts far Tuesday are : W'lmeat , 360 cars ; corn 2,620 cars ; oats , 710 cars : hogs , 27,000 hoar5 Holiday on time board Monday. Leading futures range as follows : Articles. . I Open. I lIIli. Low. Close. Yest'y 'Wheat- - - - ? iay. , , 1 72 1 75 1 70 1 75 1 75 July. . . 1 1)564 ) 1 00 1 0134 3 u454 1 ( )64 ) Sept. . . 8454.55 ItS 5' % g.4 11cc. . BOhtt8l 81. 704 711 8053 'Coin- May . 33 :13 : 3253 3263 July. . . : ila'4 335 ( 32136003 33 3364 Soul . . . 34c4 3453141.4 335 ( S354 33 Oats- May. . . 27 2764 26 2014 27 ! ' fl'.4 24iit ( ' - " - - , . " 75 -tP " iii : . : . 71 .liily , , . ii 53 II (3214 ( 11 35 Il 47 11 55 Sept. , , 11 70 11 725 * 11 50 11 so ii us LitrO- July. . , 0 i 0 121.3 0 07 a 1713 6 07 Cclii 0 17)3 (3 ( 2214 0 15 0 20 0 15 4blt ( Lbs July. . . a s % a 85 5 80 s so a so Sept Ii 0313 5 115 5 87i59rj i ; ho Cash quotatl'ons were as follows : FLOUR-Steady ; winter patents 86.0003 6.25 ; straights , 16.00036.20 : hmartl spring pat- eats , $7.20h7.40 ; linkers , 14.90035.15 , WJIFIAT-No. 2 sprIng. * 1.1500120 ; No , 3 spring , ; 1.10411.30 : No. 2 red , $1.67 , CORN-No. 2 , 32 5-Sc , OArs-No. 2 , 263126c ; No. 2 whIte , 300) . 35i,0. No. 3 whIte , 2S412Sc , IIARLIY-No , 2 , 4S4i5Oc. SEEDS-FintxicoOd No , 1 , $1.30 ; prlmo timothy seed , 12.65032.50. PI1OVIRIONS-Pork mess , per 1mW , , 811.45 . 41'i1.0 I.nrtl , lice 100 limit. , $6.lO016.iZ. Short. riiini sides ( loose ) , $5.75. Dry united ahotil- den ( boxetlh , $500030.25 ; short clear sides ( boxed ) , $625036.35. SUGARS-Cut ioaf $3.68 ; granulated , $5.25. - Articles. Iheceilmis , Slilpi'nenti ' , . .L _ _ _ _ . _ Flourbbia. . . . . . . . . . . . . ' : ' 0,1011 12,100 Wheat , be , , , . , . . . . , , . ' 2. : isi.ieo 881.401) ) Corn , bin. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 634,000 545 lion ) Oatbu..r' , . 7.400 600 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . , iJarleybu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340,650 11,1100 On time Produce ejpgo today the butter market wits lIrm ; 8iatneries , 12031Cc ; dair- Ins , llOllic. Eggs , l'r sii , lOc. Cheese , tin- changed. Live itotjtry , dtmll ; slIcIng chick- Sims , S41Jihc ; ducks.6c4cturko3's ; , 634c , ' ' iui.duit5U'ji''y M.rki't , lONDON , May 25.-lu 'lew of time Ide- thorn of time morid lnlarket it further ro- dmictiorm of tim tunic of Englanii'a dlnieourmt rate to 3 mme.r cent Lit expected within a fimrt. night , unless time American tiemninil ( or gold revives. Otm thin Stock.exchrtngo durIng the veek a fair amoutit ( it business was donp ninth tire tolls wncu cheerful. 'rue frill Iti this 'aluo of nmormoy efluseti a demnnirul for all first-class sectmrittts ; r Coimniols , intlintri so- curltles itmitl ltrttish'rnilrntatl shares rilnowed general advances. AmerIcan railrotitl so- euritles were jitentdlly bought , and , iimowoti irnlmrovenmelmt all around , 'rhm lending Iii- creases scre : St. Paul anti Now York Cen. tritl , 3 poInts ; LouIsville & Nnisumvlile , 214 points ; Denver & 1110 Centrals preferred , 7i iiolimtni. Grand 'rrtmnka were also strcmimg , lIrsi Increaiciig 495 imlnts , second 4 Imoints , guaranteed 3 lmolnts arid thirds 2 Imints. Citnadinin I'ncillcs znrmiie a slimS guilt. Ar- nicotine railroad securIties boomed an trade prospects. Time immcreass In Soutim Amer. ban securities were the leading feature of time international market. hclrult StnrIeet , BIJPI1ALO , N , ' 1. . May 29.-WIIF7AT- No , I nortimorl ) , closed nominally , $1.47 ; No. 2 wInter , 11.I7 to arrive , CORN-Nq. 2 , 37'4c , OATS-No. 2 white. SOc. TIAItLIIY-'Westerfl offered at 454J00C. ItYIJ-Nu , 2 , iii store , ; G.5O. . a. , , . t. 'a . . a .M- ' . . . , . , JOBBERSRNDF4RNURCTURERS OF' OMAHA. . AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENFS f'arIin , Orendorff : & Martin Co , J obbcrs of Farm Machincry. I Wtoii. &nd hiugilel . 42cr. Ithi 504 Jone. . AR'r GOOD- I\ . - .P ic/urc IVioldings. Mirrors , Frames , Backing and Artla' ' . ? Materials. BJOTS-SHOES-RUBBERS , merican bud Sewed Shoe Co at6frs LJobbes of Fool Werr WEsTERN AGENTS YOu The Joseph Baniait Bubbor Co. C.Ii ! Spi'ague & Co , Rubbers end Mzckntoshes. ! b07 Iltivt'ai'd St. , OM.HA , E" . - Kirkendall & Co Roofs , S/toes and Rubbers Baluroomi 1l02-l502.4iot ZISInCY tr..t- \AI.v \ Morse Co. Bools , Shoes , Rnb45ers , AT WHOLESALE. 0111cc rind Salectroom 1119-21-23 howard St. BAGS ems Cmha g Co lWportorni nun ! Mainttfactutrore BAGS -zS South .txt/i 614zzS Street BAKING POWDER-EXTRACTS. E arre U &Co. , SYHUPS , : case ; , . Sorghum , etc. . Preer'es and Jellies. Alec ( In cana and Japanned war. . CHICORY The Americail , Chicory Co. Growers and manufacturers of all fommi of ChIcory Omaha-Fremont-ONell. CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE . H. Bliss , . Importer an. ! .Tdbb.r Crockery. China , Glassware , Ililver Plated Ware , Looking Glasses , Chan. detiers , Lamps , Chimneys , Cutiery , Etc. 1410 FAUNAM ST. CREAMERY SUPPLIES T he Sharples Company Creamery MacIs z'nery and Supplies. Boilers. Engines , Feed Cookers , Wood Pii1 leys , Shafting , Belting , flutter Pack- . t3e * of nil kinds. WT.900 . - Jones St. DRY GOODS. 14. E Smith &Co. importers i.c1 . Jobbers of Dry Goods , Furnisln'ng- Goods AND NOTIONS. I'ENSIONS Ftit WES'I'illtN V12'S'IOiIANS. Survivors of Late ' % 'ltr lteiiieimibered b ) ' Gecacritl ( ii'criiiscelit. WASHINGTON , May Ith.-Speclai.-POfl- ( ) sions have been Issued as follows : Issue of May 17 : Nebraslca : OrIginal-Special May 17 , Horace J. Mack , ICearney , $12 ; George W. Munynil , Western , $10 ; John Wiinclmeil , lilair , $6 ; Thommias S. Robinson. Alma , 86 ; Joseph 11 , Luptoni , Omaha , $ S ; Malcom 11. Pollard , Neiiawkn , 56 ; IndIa 11. I'ottcr , Litchmileld , $12 ; .Anilrew J. Porter , Sawyer , $10. itdthI- tleinal-Lowia 2.1. Howard , Indianoln. $8 to $10. Increase-Charles S. W'ineeier , Broken : how , $16 to $17 ; Davis 11. Watson , Orninihma , $0 to 12 , ReIssue. increasc-7lrrmrl 13. SlIs. her , Sailors' arid Soldiers' home , littli , $10 to $12 , Original , , widows , etc.-I'liillp l'arlcs ( father ) , Gordon , $12. Iowa : Original-Daniel F. McLean , FairfIeld - fIeld , $6 ; James B. Ilaiiey , Springfield , $6 ; James Scott , Grant. 56 , Additional-Grand- leon Able , Des Moines , IS to $12 ; John W. hay , Fort Madison , $6 , Iimcreaae-Iaimiei W. Abrarns , Osceola , $12 to $14 ; Charles T. Wornoin , Atlantic , $17 to $24 : Horace 51. Ilownier , Moiiticchlo. $6 to $8 : William ltry , 8inunm , $12 to $14 ; William T. Maxwell , Cres- tori , $17 to $24 ; Charles 51. Stepimenhnon , Cherokee , $8 to $10. ReIm'sue-Isaao V. Lawrence , Clinton. $24 ; Special May IS , aPe- cmi act , David N. Thtompsoni , horton , $35. $ Iioisauo and Increase-Thomas C , ' . % 'ayrmmari , West Iriiomm , $3 to $6 , OrigInal , widows , etc. -Cnttlmerino 1.Vchch . , MissourI 'ahley , $8 ; Catherine a Miller. Ruthiveni , IS : Marion 51. Steele , Walker , $8 : James J. Sanford ( father ) , Iavenport , $12 ; reissue , Sarah A. flurnmolb , Anita , $12. South Dakota : .Atidltlonal-Jolmn S. Mc- Caiuiu. Miilbnnk , $4 to $8. Itcnewal-ArnOS H. Tiilotson. Cascade Springs , $6. $ Increase -Wallace W. hover , Mitcimehl , $14 to $24 ; William 51. PIerce , 'Watertown , $8 to $12 ; Frarmkllmi Gardner , Earuonil. $8 to 10 , Orig- lnal , widows , etc.-Mury Gray , Canton , $8. Colorado : Orlginal-Jamimea it. Creamer , 1)eimver. ) $8 ; Avery Allen , Ilotciikisa , $6 : James J. Dummn , Denver , $0. Restoration and Increase-WIlliam A. Wason ( dead ) , Del Norto , 8 to $12. Increase-llermclersoim C , howard , Fort Collins , $8 to $10. North Dakota : Increase-SpecIal May 18 , special act-Enasorn S. Angeli , Oakes , $8 to $17. Montana : OrigInal-Josiah 10. Potts , Mis- soulD. , $8. Issue of May 18 : Nebraska ; Original ( special May 19 , ape. cial nct-Clarlssa ) 35. Hobbs , nurse , Louis- yule , $12 ; L.orcn H. Mallory , Scotia , * 8 ; Josepim 16 , Carnes. Soldiers' home , huh , $6 $ ; Thomas A , Malone , Elk Creek , $8 , Increase DRUGS. _ _ _ 1ason Drug Co 902-906 Jackson St. 7 . 0. IUCIIARDSON , Pleat. a , . WlILcLtOltV. Preat , he Moreer T OhmicI Co 1 fr. t'tantt.zr.l 1'ertaoeshloal Z'rasura. ( Lairs , SpeC'lici Fori,415e , Prpat'cI to Urcler. , Seclfor CitrsfopUe. lAboratory , till howard ft. , Omb3 , C.E. Drug z'.cls ( rood Sit riloners , "Queen flee" 6pi'elaitiem , Clitir. , Wino , and iIrtncllli. amer 11th arid Ilcirney 8trest ELECTIIICAL SUPPLIES. \iV \ esteri Eetra1 Oornaliy ) E/ccb'ictzt SztMlics. Elcctm'IeTim'ImT l3ulls 1111(1 Cant rJghtiiig 0. W , J0I1NSroN , lIar. 1510 Ilouttird St. Wolf EIctcal Supply Co WhOLESALE AND I1ISTAIL ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES 1144 Taroam lit , FRUIT-PRODUCE. B ranch & Co SVHOLE3ALE Commission Merchants. S. it Corner 12th an , ! howard St. . Itembelu of the National L.'agu. of Commi. . itch Merchants 01 the haIled States. GROCERIES. 41'4cCordBra Co I 8th a rid Lcavcn'ortli St. Sta/'le and Fancy Groceries1 ftA AND COFUI ROkSO1 $ , Etc. 'VI ' eyer & aapke , W1IOLIISAL1I FINE GR 0 CERIJiS Teas. SpIces , Tobacco sat' . Cigar. , . 1(03-1407 Ilarney' Ssree axton and aIagher Co IMPORTEflS. GAS CO11'FE ROASTEILS APII ) JOIIUINQ GItOCERS. Talephune UI. HARNESS -SADDLE RY J . Hllaney& Co. 3I'f'ra JLIRNIISS , B4DPLI8 .4X1) COLLAJR Jobber , of Leather , tiaddlerU ? lardivart' , Rio. We solIcit your orders. 1315 Howard St. HARDWARE. - sector & Wihelm Co Wholesale Hardware , Omaha. L eeaOlark Hardware Co . . Wholesale Hardware. Bicycles and SportiogGoocis , 1210-2.1.25 Hat' . 00' tf5tiI. -Chiarlcs Voting , Bassett , $12 to $1 ; Daniel Faley , Sailors' rind Soldiers' Iloruc' , hail , $8 to $12. Reissue-Edward A. Church , Liii- coin , $30 ; Daniel 51. Logan , Holbrook , $8. Original wIdows , etc.-1)ehla L. Broyton , Kearney , $8 ; Eilznbethm hair , ( lilend , $8 ; Slit- tilda J. Ilumuihiton , York. $8. Iowa : , Orlgirnal - Harrison Ludumugtoim , Shenandoah , 56 ; Albert 1)itcselh , Correction. vllle , $6 ; John 11. Casslcly , Iowa City , * 6 ; Henry C. Darlirur , Saittiago , $6 $ ; \'ihliaw Gutlirle , Granilview , $6. Additional-Louis C , Snimitii , IIoloviIle. ) $6 to $8 , Increase- Jolla Si. Ilex , Elihon , 510 to $12 ; 1)armlel Ilasitore , Moultomi , $16 to $17 ; ElIger lid. gard , Otturniva , $14 to $17 ; Noah II. Pratt , Weukorm , $45 to $8 ; GreenvIlle 1nzlevoo'i ' , llhooinfiuhd , $18 to $24 ; John 3 , i1ritzec , Keosauqua , $16 to $17 ; John Defi'rmbatrgii , 'reston , $30 to $3U. $ Itelnisuc-Tinornani I'ayno , Iberia , 516. Iteissue nirid Increaso-Chirirles A. Norton , Waverly , $5 to $10 , Orlglimnl wIdovs , etc.-Elsio A. Sionforci , Council Bluffs , $12 $ ( mother ) ; Lucirmda Cotton , Dcx- tsr , $8 ; Laura Parker , Sigournoy , * 8 ; Me- lInda Sailor.'aterloo , $8 ; Suan Dirst , Hampton , $12 , Original widows , etc. Ire- Issimo-i2liznibetit ) Ilowie , Oliver Sioux , $12. Colorado : Origimmal-Invlii I. Jones , Jeri- ver , $8 ; Marvin F. liarton , South 1)enver , $8 ; Jolnn 16. Smnyiler , Drnmver , $6 ; Jiussoii 51. l.a. Pree , Tinotnasvllle , $12. Nortlm lalcota : ltcstoriition anti adili- tionnl-Arne N , Itariuni ( dead ) , Mekinock , $6 to $8. 1teissue-'esiey linker , Livona , $8. Southi Dakota : Supplerrienitul-itifreti IC , Pierce , 1101 SprIngs , $6. Wyonmlmig : Originnai-ileyrnour P. Laing , Chieyerimmo , $10 , Slontunnu Orlginal-Aiexantler SI , Cow. gill , Deer Lotlgo , $6. Arnold's llromo Celery cures headnelmea. 10c , 25c , SOc. All clrmmggista. I % 1.t Si' , YlTilhici neil , GREAT l"ALLS , Mont. , Slay 29-Specinl. ( ) -C. L. Iierzog , ( tie voluntary weatiier observer - server at tutu point , Is ati'ianclng the tire- ory that the unusually heavy rainfall of thus nmenth Is duo to the war. lie says that tine war ships along our coast have daily prac- tics In target shootIng lii addition to thu various lionibarihiucots itm thus West Ixidisa , nail following time theory ( hint Fourth of July celebrations are apt to cause siiowers ho believes that tire cannonading is in pamt at least responsible for tire May rainfall , ifs has written the section director of tine bureau for conllernatlon of his theory , Ills record shows that up to S o'clock yesterday - - -3 , -4- - - LIQUORS. - - /alter Moise & Co 7' WhlOI4ISAI.E LIQ UQRS. I 'roprltora of AS.ttInlC.tN riaAn AND 014A81 \VAI1IS CO. . 214.110 south 14th SL RsleBrothers ! Wholesale Liquors and Cigrs. his IJ'arijatmm Street. iEtge Li1n - : East .bdia Bitters Goblin SlieSt Pure It ) . and Bourbon WhmtikSl. 'hLiow Oprlag. Distillery , liar Cs. till liarney Street J . . . . . I , . . . . . WI1Oi.ESAL Wtnes , L.qzors and C/cars. 411.411 B. 15th Strs.L 1 _ _ _ LUMBER ( ilcaoLurnber Vo. WHOLJESALE - - iUM.BER . 814 South 14th Si ; , OILS-PAINTS Oil ho. : . t. Moffet. let Vlc Pre , , L. J. Drake , lien lire . - . . OiLS. . . . Oaeoint' , TurpeninexIe Orenre. the. Omaha Branch aimO Agencies , John Ii , Ruth Mgr. PAPEh-WOODENWARE. C arprniier Paper Ca , Priiiing' Prper , I'Vrappiuc Picr , Stationeiy. Corner 12th and Itowtrd strieti. . - - - - STEAM-WATER SUPPLiE3. C rarnoChrhil Co. 10i4-iOi6 Daurlimi Street. Manufacturer. and Jobbers of Steani. Ga. aiml Water Supplies of All Kinds. . . Uiied States Supp yCo . . iio8-iiio J-Ja'jey St. Steam Pumps. Engines and Boilers , Plp Wind Mills , Steam and PlumbIng Material , Belting , Hose , Etc. TYPE FOUNDRIES C real Western lype Foundry Stiperior Ccpier Mixed Typ. I. time beat as' th. m.rkel. ELECTROTYPE FOUNDRL 1114 liowaril Strait. Strangers in Omaha Are invited To inspect The Bee Building. The most complete Newspaper plant In the West , JAMES E- BOTh & CO. , 'I'eleplioiie 1031) ) , Omaha , COMMISSION , GRAIN , PROVISIONS tiid S'I'OCKS IIOAI8D Oil TRAIlS. flire"t wire. ho Cniicugn and New Yorla I Corr..poidentii Jets , A , % Varren . Co. I I Removal if. It. t'cflhiy .6 Co. ( NulcCeiflrN fit ( i Ii risi I i.St ) ' & 't't Cil , ) . Cu , ) lcci't'o relcu , V. . e,1 do run , , ) 'I , Nets luck 1Ire liuahii iij' , t The Ladles' Department of the New flyWeiie sttte Is now open for business , anti ftrhly CqUIplt'I ) ( whim two new apparatus for givinig time rnlost Imeautinful , pleasing baths knoWr ' ' ' to thro world. Tine INSTITUTE lisa anmong Its patroos , , , . . . . . time best known IndIes In Omaha. We asic you to give it a trial of two baths at least , and if it Is not found us rejirest'intetl , we wilt . refund your money , ' , , ) Rooms , New Quarters , 216-2J8-220 BeeBuIIdIn New flyene ( ! Iilst. evening the rainfall for ( tie month has been 1.85 Indies. This is certainly extraordinary for this season and Is unparalleled Lu ( Ito last tea years in thIs vicinity , -