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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1898)
- - ITT . Hc 0MAHAi DAIIX BEE. : i- L . . , , . . . " ' ESTA13L1SIIED JUNE 19 , 1871. . OMA1LA , TU1SDAY MO1NING ) LAY 31 .1898-TWELVE PAGES. SILEOOPY _ FiYEOiiNTS. I' WAIT FOR TilE WORD Tranamissippt and International Exposition R&tdy for Inspection. : ' GROUNDS AND BUILDINGS PREPARED Pinal Brushing Up Alrcady Given the Magnificent Pa1ace MARSHAL CIARKSON ISSUES HIS ORDER rotinaton ! of Oolnmn and Route for the Opening Day Parade. ALL THE WORK WILL CEASE TONIGHT ? ( ot a NnII to lie Irlven Nor % rtcIe 'l'oiielict \VU4lflCMdfl-M Iii- SU ) fletrii 1M ! ( ) Earlier. . / W thn the next twenty4otlr liotirs the . ) stnIsaIe3Ipp1 nnd international } xP0 I3ttIo vIII have beau thrown open , and all the sor1d Invited to come nnit see the great and vaded resourcc9 of the great wct. The culmination of the work ot the last cigh- teen months will have been reached , awl - oIl will be ready for Inspection. With the closing hours ot vrcparatton there has been no relaxation of the efforts and the thou- Banla of exhibitors have heeti straining every nerve to come under the wire ahead of the other3. The time until the hour of opening will be spent by the forces under the Exhibits department in going carefully over the dir- ferent buildings and remedying . .any small defects that may be apparent and giving 'ho finishing touches to the whole. That all will be ready for the opening there is ) no longer any doubt. Sincu the grounds were closed to visitors the cxhibit have been coining in rapidly and many additional mon have been employed in arranging the displays. The grounds have been brushed up and thu debris Incident to the work has been reniovcd. The walks all about the grounds have been carefully gone over aiil the rough spots caused by the passage or tennis havt been reinoveil. The trees and flowers have been touched up and little remains to be done to complete the entire grounds. On the Milwny the concessionaires have been lutting forth every effort to complete their lreparatlolis before thin opening flay and none will be behind time. A number of them will celebrate the end ot their preparations by giving a formal opening tonight. Cards have been issued for these openings and the Midway will be in full blast from the going down of tonight's sun until the curtain is rung down on the cx- position the morning of November 1. The Government building wihi be thrown open tonight the exposition omclals , representatives - - - - resentatives of Nebraska and other states - - iiti prominent citizens having been invited to attend flnl ( inspect the magnificent dis- ,4 Play which has been arranged by the va- 1' rious departments. Pin us fR iii , ! I'nriile. Tim complete details or the parade for the opening of the exposition were corn- pleted yesterday by I'resitlent Wattles and General Manager Clarkson. The iarade - vIii form on Douglas nud intersecting streets cast of Sixteenth and will start promptly at 10 o'clock. Tue line of march will be cast on Douglas to Sixteenth. north to Chicago , ivest to Nineteenth and north on the boulevard to the Arch oC States , the maui entrance to the exposition grounds. Thu opening oxcrcles ivili tube IiflCn on the grand stand whichi has been erected at the east end of the lagoon in the main , - court. The exposition ofllclals and guests of the occasion will ascmbie at the Millard hotel - tel at ) :45 : a. m. , nod take carriages at that point. The visiting newspaper representatives - sentatives ivihi be under the epeciui charge of it. V. Itlchardson , aide to Marshal Ciarkeon , They iiii meet at the Millard hotel at D-I5 a. m. , and take carriages at that point. The following is the order of formation . of the several divisions and the place of as- sembhing : - FiRST DIV1SEON. Form on iouglaK Street east of nj-id right resting on iixteiitui Street at. 9:43 : a. in. MotHitd l'oiieu. Platoon of l'ohicc. The Tritnsinlsidssippi 'i'roupers as Escort to thu l'nraflo. Grand hatrshul , 1' . S. Chtrkson. Aides : ' 1' . C. 3iiehi ) , Ceorgo W. Holbrook and Vhlt I I. 'rIornns. * Stub University Cadet Jbi1l. State University Cudets , Major Chitir1e II. 'I'itl& , ConlzuLulltin&r. Council lituris 111gb ehoijI Cn.1ct , Captain l4 A. Itt'artlsloy , Coiiiniaiidin. 'L'iio Colunibian Band. Omaha 111gb Schooi Cadeti. , i.leutenant Ca n ) I , L' . S. A. , CInInaII&i i iig. lVcbster Zounves. Captain G. W. h3ue. (2ornnanhlrIg. : Ciarkson Camp , eons \'etcInflS , of South Omaha , CLIhIiflifl J. F' . Ftter , Corn- mantling. SECONL ) DIVISION. Form at MIhurd hotel oil 'riiirteenui street at ) :4S : a. Jn. Assistitat Mnriial.V. . a. Shriver. Aitles : J. A. lCuhin , A , II. SmIth. it , 1tlehardsn anti I ) . \t. liayt'rley. ilanlolphl ( Iowa ) llanIi I" . ( Irectie , Leader. Ohhleers of thu 1xiasitlon. Sieukers and invited ( luests in Carriages. 'l'liIltI ) DIVISION. Form on Fifteenth street , north of Doug- hash , right resting Oil Douglas. Assisttuit iar3luuul , 1)UtIley Sznith , Aide : Oeorgo S. Wright. Cosmopolitan ljaiud. Georgu V. ( .ireene , I , eader. The hlenevoleut uutitl Protective Order of Eiis Fsorting. Thai Travelers' Protective Assocla lion of nieriea , Jt)5CI1hl'utliesteln , l'rcuItlent. ileebtuhil's itand. Camp iO , Modern , \\'othlnwn of America. ' . .Inuuun .liaru In. Camp 1II , iotierIu VootInuen of America , Captain l'nge. Calnp Mo.Iern 'uIo.IInen of .Anicrica , CliutUili Serris. CIiZUP 4iI , Modui'n Vootlnjcuu of America. t.'uiitnln Rosenberg. Other Uniforincul Civic SueLetIc Not Yet itcoorted. IOtlltTit : i Form on Fifteenth street south of Doug- ci- Inu street , Major It. 13. iico.'c. Assistant Marhial , nnti Ah1c3. Pawluec City Band. The Board of Uavernurs nliui iCnghita ! of Ak-Sar-flen , 1 The Sotith Omaha iuiuestriutlu Club , ' % Vork ' .VIlt Cciu.e i'.Iiiitlst. Orders having been given by tue exposi- , thou management that not a nail is to be ; driveli hOC flu exhibit iinced tomorrow are i causing no little aniount of bustle , which : will be carried through today anti all of to- night. The opening day vIhi flail the build- legs ready to receIve visitors. t , The bluff tract's beautitul lawns , with all the freshness of the first touch of spring's life. the lovely beds of flowers , i'ahzns. foliage , bushes , etc. , the fountains of cool vater and the pleasant shiatly drIves ttftordeui by the liusny leafing trees. has already be- i come a most popular resort. 1 lrlihliii ( hut , Gusuurds , The exposition iuards attired. lii their ! nstty uniforms were put through a course of drill yesterday afternoon. They are becoming - coming quite proficient antI bid Lair to per- form their duties 'with the skilL of 0111 hands. No feature essential for the comfort of exposition visitors Is lacking , the latest to appear being the 'wheel chairs. They will b in charge of specially appointed men who will be able to pilot those hiring them to all points of Interest. The large horticultural building is resplendent - splendent With exhibits , both of a horticultural - cultural and floricultural nature. The sweet odors of freshness from the exhibits of fruits and flowers arc impressive of the worth and genuineness of the products of the great west. The buildings of the hleinis hag Co. . Montgomery \Varfl & Co. and the Liggett & Myers tobacco firm arc completed and furnished reauly for visitors. Although small , they ore commodiously arranged and have many other attractive features. MI.Iny AtrstCtIoflPs flcn.Iy. The Midways are presented to the people in theIr fullness. One may either take or leave alone , but the invitation will always be found open to all to visit. The initial performances of the Streets of Cairo , Streets of All Nations , Wild \'cst show , ilagen- back's wild animal show and the other stile shows will take place today nnl tonight , so that alt mny'be in readiness for tomorrow's crowd , which promises to be a large one. There will be plenty of music on the Midways - ways , divided among cornet bands , orchestras - tras anti the Orient bagpipe blowers. The war whoops of IndIans vIli be mingled with the band music , twenty-five redskins nrriv- Ing yesterday from the Itosebutl agency in South Dakota to take part in the wild west show. hIsnhiina Ihuitter fluid 1luiiiu' . The Apiary and Dairy buildings on Twentieth - tieth strict ore now in the hands of exhibitors - ors , who are losing HO time in the arrangement - ment of their exhibits. A large refrigerator car was run into the Dairy building yesterday - day and will servo as cold storage during the exposition. The Transportation anti Implement building - ing daily reveals now marvels in exhibits. The progress of the last thirty years herein ahiown will be astonishing to the old residents - dents of thio GO's. The Transportation do- partnie.t is entirely filled , while only a few empty spaces remain on the implement side. The latest arrivals are several now engines , thin exact counterpart of those in 1180 on the Union t'aehtlc anti Chicago & Northwestern railways. The Baldwin Locomotive - motive works of Philadelphia has an engine on the track which cannot fail to win ad- miriLtion. 1' ( ) ii AM .t'I'R Ult 1' II OTO ( hi. ' . I' II P.11 S. trrnngeinens 11n.ltCu. . - Oue teeuiniiio- hilt lot. or ( lit' ( u1ld ott Ihue Gruitils. The army of amateur photographers 'which has been Patiently waiting fot- the announce- meat of the conditions which wIll govern the ailmisslji of hand cameras to the exposition - sition grounds after the great show is formally - ally opened will he gratified to learn that it has beeii decided to charge an admission fee of $1 ( or each hand camera , This charg. viil entitle the camera to admission to the grounds , but the bearer of thai Instrument will be required to have a separate adtni- shon ticket. The camera ticket , however , will entitle the operator to the use of the 'tlarlc room" in the photograph pavilion at the northeast corner of the main court , be- twcen the Machinery and Electricity building - ing and the Girls' and Boys' buIlding. A dark room in thIs building will be equipped for the use of those who desire to load their cameras or plato-holders and plenty of room will be provided. The room will be about sixteen feet In length and a table extending the entire length of the room will be provided with a "ret ! light" for each operator. There will be accommodations for about ton operators at one time , and the room will be constructed - structed ith double doors in such a way that persons may pass in anti out at wIll. Supplies of all kinds will he on sale for thom who desire to purchase on the grounds. Camera tickets will be on sale down town at Rhlnehart's gallery and at Demp- ster's , as well as at the grounds. Nrterut 1'i.I lie's flh&ihii t. A special exhibit car of the Northern Pacific - cific arrived in Omaha yesterday and has been takeil to the exposition , where it will remain during the exposition. In the car all the various products of Washington , Oregon , Idaho , Mtnnecota. Mentana antI North Dakota are shown , The wood work on the interior of the car is of the dIfferent klnuls of timber found In those states , beautifully - tifully inlaid and polished. Samples of the fine fruits grown in Washington , of Minnesota - seta anti hakota ) grain and of Montana ore arc displayed In cases and pictures of the beautiful scenery along the Northern Pacific give an idea of the beauties of tile territory it traverses. Fine specimens of ulcer , antelope - lope , elk anti otlcr game show the opportunity - nity atfordeti for , unting in the west , Plc- tures of ninny of thio best known Montana mines are shown , together with samples of ore taken from theta. The car has glass sides , so that most of the exhibits can be seen front the outside , and is the same car which the company had at the Columblan exposition , Cohanu'i llr alt zii.i Ii IN ltt'iI ilielit. An invitation was extended by Presttlent \Vattles to Calor.eiV. . .1. Bryan and his regiment of infantry to conic to Omaha and take rirt in the opening day parade , A reply from Mr. llryan , Just received , states tiiat'the regiment has not yet reached thio point where it could make an appear- alice in public. but the colonel writes that hue will ho happy to accept tlto Invitation to iartleliiato in the luncheon wiiiehl Is to be serveti to tile guests of the exposition at the close of the opening exercises and make an address at that tUne. Tiue luncheon referred to will be served In tile south cafe to the guests of the exposition isa soon as thu formal exercises arc completed anti will lie somewhat abbreviated on account of the imbUe reception which will be held in the Government building at 'I p. m , Sen l"INII ( or dl. . . . ' . .ilnriini , The salt water fish for the aquarium of the Fish commission In the Government building have arrived and have been place'I in-ihio tanks prepared for them. There are all kinds of uncanny and strange forms and tluis irnrtlon of the aquarium vIhl probably - ably attract this greater share of attention , The Lou list of salt iater fish includes the following varieties : Sea raven , sea robin , toad fish , torn cod , common cod , hake , mum- IflOY chuck , strlpeti minnows , lobster , blue crab , sidder crsb , hermit crab , porriwinkle , couch , sea urchins , sea anemones , star fish , king crab , barn door skate , common skate , eel , sea bass , striped bass , tautog , flat fish , four-spot flounder , common flounder , gun. non , sea cucumbers , squirrel bake. There are also the eggs of the squid and the skate. % ti ri' ( ' , iu'euithui liii l , ' , \'ithin the last tow ilays Secretary Utt of the Commercial club has receIved notilIca- tlon that the following convention dates have been decided upon hallway Special Agents' association , June 14 , 15 antI 16 , John J , Kinney , u'ecretary. ' Topeka , Kan. ; United States Military elegrapiu corps , Juno 13 , 11 and 15 , J , E. l'ettlt , secretary , Chicago , Sons of Veterans of he ! Ynhted i3taea , September I ? 13 , 14 antI l , Fred Iloiton , secretary , 94T Trernout building , Uoston , National Conven- ( Conttuuct on Seventh rose. ) SAIPSON IS ON TIlE ALERT &ay with Ills Big War Engne to Do Great Execution. PATROLS CUBAN COAST FOR TEN DAYS lteInforenten1 to Ii Sciut ( ti Schtler' . , Fleet tu AIIISISt tutu iii iCcep- user Cers'crrt III ft Trap , ( Copyright , IS9S , by Pres ; Publishing Co. ) OFF' IIAIIAMA CHANNEL , May 30.-Via ( Key West.-New ) ( York World Cablegram- Siecial Telegram.-For ) ten days Admiral Sampson's fleet has been lying on the sea between the Cuban coast and Bahama banks or cruising slowly from 100 to 200 miles off the east of hIas'ana where the gulf narrows - rows Into Bahama channel toward the southeast - east and the Santaren channel opens to the northward. Through the first week of this waiting it was the plan of strategy to corn- mand these two channels as the only approaches - preaches to the westward by which the Spanish fleet might attempt to cater these waters or make a dash toward havana or Key West , Admiral Sampson assembled this fleet at a rendezvous 200 miles cast of Xhavnna one week ago iast Tue'sday , bringing with him some ships from the havana station , where the ilag ship waited two days to pick theni up , others joining the squadron later by prevIous appointment. \VetTh'sday , May 25 , there was gathered at the enranco of the old flahama channel a fleet rem'rkable in that every type of naval architectur was represented. There were five cruisers , the ilagshiip New York , Detroit , Montgoniey , Cincinnati and New Orleans ; one battieshii , first class , the Indiana ; three monitors Puritan , Amphiatrite and Miantonomah ; four gunboats , \'icksburg , Machins , Newport and Wilmington ; two torpedo boats , Foote and Rogers ; one dynamite cruiser , the Vesuvius ; two supply and coal steamers , torpedo boat destroyer Mayliower anti another converted yacht hornet and two armed tugs , It was undoubtedly the plan that if the Spaniards fled from Schiloy and tried to double Cape Ilayti , Sampson would be waiting - ing with a grim welcome. There was no escape , but before the American admiral could turn to their destruction Schhey had caught the enemy in Santiago anti hail hot- tleii them up , their choice being to conic out and fight or stay in and starve. The Spanish navy in these waters now ceases to spread alarm by reports of its phantom movements. The gulf Is as safe for Anicrican vessels as the waters of Long Island sound. The entrance to Santiago bay is by a crooked channel. There are to forts , which arc scnrcel , ' worth consider- tog as modern defenses. Two or three hulks or barges sunk as obstructions would block this channel. IItSItrg'IIIM in Control. Santiago province is altogether in the control of the insurgents. There is no railroad - road hI thIs province by which supplies could be brought from Havana or Cien- fuegos to the relief of the beleaguered fleet even if Spain's soldiers were iii force through this region. The insurgents have only to close in around Santiago city to cut off all chances of relief by land. It is only a question of time measured by weeks before - fore these four magaitlcent Spanish cruisers must surrender by the ignominious agency of starvation and become valuable additions to tile naval force of the United States , unless - less they choose the desperate alternative of coming out to fight with defeat certain aliti only th ? glory possible to inflict data- age on the enemy before lowering their col- ore over their shattered ships. If they would rather remain in the harbor - bor , then it is for them only in their cx- treinity to put tbeir crews ashore to fight the insurgents and starvation and blow up the Vizcaya , the Oquendo , the Cristobal Colon , tile Maria Teresa and the torpedo destroyer Terror , rather than have them augment the hostile forces. But there is opportunity for some pretty torpedo boat dashes by each side before the definite end is in sight. Schley's squadron is to be reinforced. ET2tlghi ships will be left behind for protecting - tecting and covering the landing of troops and blockading the coast. I llatl not seen an American flag over a sailing vessel ten miles off the coast of Florida , but totlay we passed two large schooners , one four and the other three. mastetl anti a bark flying the stars atitl stripes and laying their courses with a merry breeze abeam straight through Spanish - ish waters. There have been many impressive sights in this trooping and marching of fleets at sea in war time through the last two weeks , but none to stir the pride and patriotism so much as the coming of the Oregon , reporting - porting to the admiral as , if it hind Just left the navy yard , after a cruise of 15,000 miles , breaking all records for the achievement era a battleship in the navies of the world , The Oregon touched at Key West siniply to coal and joined the fleet two days later , ready and fit for fighting or steaming faster thmnmi'tho day it was launched in San Fran- cisco. Thus is Decoration day ashore , the death march is wailing tiirougii a thousand cemne- tories and veterans are tramping through cheerIng streets to the inspiring tones of "Hail Colunbia" anti "Rally 'Round the Flag , iloys , " but in the fleet the only oh- servanco is in preparation to increase tile popularity of Spanish decoration day , at tile same time furnIshing the smallest con- trihution for future observance of American Memorial anniversaries , RALPh ! D. PAINE , , GIt.tsls STltl'NS't'L'iI it'LOVliiIS , % 'iet Iiiii tif till' I Ito Jisnster ititil flit. . ' , , ! 'i'riar. , l llei.i'ii , ! , L'r.l. ( Copyright , 1S3 , by I'ress Publishing Co , ) KEY VEST , May 30-Ncw' ( York World Cablegran-Spcciai Teieiftani.-Tho ) graves of tito victims of tile Maine disaster , tue nba of the \'inslow who lost their lives at Cardenas , one from tue Nashlviiio , one fromui time Marblehead , who lost imis life while cutting - ting the cable at Cienfuogos , were decorated - rated today. At C o'clock two corps of car- respondents turned out to gather flowers for tile Purpose. They had already been engaged - gaged , Several young women were already at work fashioning evergreens and flowers into large 'wreaths , Thirty of theni were re. quired. When they were ready at C o'clock they were placed in one carriage , filling it conipletely , In addition there were a ama- her of large bouquets. When the small proces8lon reached the cemetery , Superintendent Peter WIlliams was there to assist in the work of gathering. Vitlicut ceremony each grave was decorated. uperiutcndeatViiliams set ills force of flea at work gathering suclI palms and flow. crs as were available in the grounds , These word also Idaced on the mounds. Later in the day other correspondents brought usgs and a few flowers to place on the graves. Captain Ilernadou of the Winslow , now convalescing froll his wounds , visited the cemetery in the niternoon and was much affected by the ateutton given to the graves of his men. Citizens of lCeyVest have promised to look utter the graves hereafter and no relatives of the dcn ed now tear that they will be negiecte. J.tany women visited the cemetery this aftirnoon and each contributed bouquets. iach grave is tonight covereti with flowerL' CAPTURE SANTLAGOBY LAND VnsiiImiirnn Cirrr.sIan.lcnt of fits- Luittiluin Ciirmilt'lt ! Thlhks ThIN vIhi lie flOhQ. ( Copyright , 1833 , by I'reiiu Publishing Co. ) LONDON , May 30.-Now York World Cablegram - Special Telegiam. ) - henry Norman's letter In the Chronicle dated Washington says ft study o the whole sit- uatton appears to dictate the capture of Santiago by land. The trdops now chafing at Tampa are amply sumc1nt to acomphish this , and transports now costing the gov- crnment $5,000 a flay are ready to convoy them on a few hours noticd. Santiago Is cut off by a roadless country and insurgents - gents from the rest of Cuba , It is therefore - fore impossible for 'hllanco to reinforce It even if ho could spare the troops. To cap- tore Santiago would compel Cervera to rush onto certain destruction , sink his ships or surrender. The administration , if it chose , could establish the Cuban government safely there. Such a scheme seems the nat- oral strategical solution of the present combined naval , military and geographical problem and is calculated to bring the war to a conclusion without great loss of life , which would certainly be involved in the long delay followed by an in'asion of Cuba in force. KEY \VEST , May 30.-k'ow ( York Worltl Cablegram-Special Telegiarn.-Tho ) only troops In Key \Vcst now ready to go to the front are the United States marines encamped at Fort Sampson , They were brought to Key \Vest about three weeks ago on the trallsport Panther , with provisions - visions enough to last the-men for three months. There are enough stores in gov- ernnient wareho'.ises here to 'last the na- rines sonic time In case of an emergency call to Cuba. Tile marines arc big , sunburned - burned fellows. Most of them have been in the marine corps for several years. They are fairly crazy to gc into Cuba and to fight. 1'OILTUGUESIth P.&VOlt SPASI.tItIS. Do ' , Vhnt 'rlie , Ciii. In help 'l'hi'in Iii the War. ( Copyright , 1S93 , by Press ublisluing Co. ) LISBON , May 30.-New York Woriti Ca- biegrani - Special Teiegram. - The Portuguese - guese are very much in favorof.Spaili in the present war and have gone oat of their way to assist it. At the instanceof the Spanish consul here Vie authorities smt back deserters - ers who had entered Portuguese territory. They are now sendiag troops to the front to prevent the entrance of any more. They also exercise great caution in ti transmis- siomi of telegrams and lqttors for EtIglalid and the continent , generaily assuming there must be something important in every wire seat. to London. Spaniards , are sending troops from all the provinces to Caduz and Ahgeciras with the idea of shipping them to the i'hilippines as soon as the fleet is reatly , which appears cannot be for a week or more , as the ships are scarce of ammunition and sonic of them have notyeegot their guns mounted. In the northern ; rovinces of Spain Carhist organs are tolling tiipoople that as- Dewey attacked Manila with petroleum bombs and the Americans bombarded a Spanish town without warning the inhabi- tnnts it is time for Spain. to make use of its rights and grant letters of mnarque. Sks'ittt'giL thnnt flu _ til liuiice , ( Copyright , ISiS , by Press Publishing Co. ) LONDON , May 3O-Nev ( York World Ca- biegrani-Specini Telegram.-I ) find on inquiry - quiry in the best informed and most inihu- entiai quarter that complete skepticism still prevails concerning the reliability of rumors projected concerning the , Anglo-AmerIcan alliance. Time Marquis of Bufferin and Ava , whose authority is the highest obtainable , from his unique position d ( experience , informs - forms me ho considers the discussion of an alliance premature , saying "I am sure there is no Englishman who does not earnestly desire that the best posslbl understanding and close amity should exist between the United States and Great Britain , but the question of an alliance , used in its diplomatic and technical sense , Is one which involves various issues which at the moment it seems to me would be premature to discuss , " ltiilt 111.1cr , . Organized. ChEYENNE , Wyo. , May 3O.-Special ( Telegram.-Thie ) Second roginiemit , United States volunteer cavalry , composed of cowboys - boys and rough riders from Wyoming , Cob- ratio , Nevada , Utah and Idaho , is now fully organized , the last troop and the colomlel , Jay L. Torroy , being mustered into service today. The entire regiment is hero , fully nrnied and equipped bc service , The oat- form Is tile regulation cavalry uniform of the regular army. The arias are ifrng-Jor- gensen carbines and revolvers. About one. half of the requisite number of horses has been received. Tile regiment expects orders to go to Chiciamauga and from there to Cuba , Cool Slu'tnier % Iissiiil. ( Copyright , Ii9t , by Press Publishing Co. ) PORT AU PRINCE , hlayti , May SO.- ( Now York World Cablegram-Special Teic- grain.Tile ) German steamer Sciileawlg , which left Gounives on the way to Kingston with coal for the United States government , vmt3 to return to Genitives May 23. its nothing has been imeari here from it in nearly a fortnight it is ifeared that it has been captured , - XebrzIMlIu Melt Go (4) 'ritiiii.ii , ChATTANOOGA , Tcnp , , Mny 30.-It is reported on good authority that three regi- nlonts of Infantry stntiomied9u Chiickamauga park , the Second Nebraska , the Second New York and the First District of Columbia , and a regiment of cavalry. ho First Ohio , have been ordered to go to TiSalpa as soon as they can get ready , The rejort is generally be- hieved , but cannot be omtially confirmed. S.I. nh"r l'an , , thu StflrN North , KEY WEST , May O.-Tho prize steamer Panama , cm'ptured by tbes Mangrove Boon after the opening of , th'e war , was taken north by a cruiser this rnorping , to be sold. Its cargo was released by % hie United States court last week , it irt'st 'I'yu ) Morq CrresiIIiIldeIIts , MADRID , May 30.-il ip. m.-An othlclah dispatch from havana , says two American correspondents from Key West , named Widen - don and Robinson ( probabiy Phil hiobin son ) have been arrested near Mataneas , Fornilliuft's 1'rilet & 'rohiOhtulN. L0NDqN , May 3lLondon news agency asserts that the pope baa forwarded peace vrQposala to President McKinley. hi'pev it rrivt's In I'nrhs. ( Copyright , 1thS , l ) ) i'rsis Vubiiahtng Co. . ) PARIS , May 30.-New ( York World Cable- gram-Special Telegrarn.-Chauncey ) M. Depow has arrived in Paris to attend the Vanderbilt-Dresser wedding. The duke and duchess of Marlborough 'will also be among the guests. The brido-elect informed me today - day that the breakfast was to be confined strictly to the members of both families , There 'vii ) be no speeches. The scene of the iioneymnoop lies not yet heen settled , but probably the fret stop will be made at Brus. sels en route to Swedea. SCuLlY'S ' Ck1IE IN A TRAP Oervem Takes the Bait and Swallows It , Hook and All. LURED INTO THE HARBOR OF SANTIAGO Muerinn Couimnndcr l'lnyi. a Sharp Caine ntu.i NoSy has ( lie i4iifthllNll 'VMNeiN Ciiiitpletel nt lilN Mercy. ( Copyright. 18S , by ( ho Associated Press. ) MOLE ST. NICOIJAS , hlayti , May 30.- There Is no longer any doubt that the Spanish fleet is bottled up in the harbor of Santiago ile Cuba. MOLE ST NICOLAS. hlayti , May 30.- Thio following dispatch has been received here from the correspondent of the Associated - ciated I'ress with the American fleet off Santiago do Cuba : OFF SANTIAGO DE CUBA , May 29.- Commander Schicy and the flying squatlroa has the Svanishi fleet bottled up in the lIar- bor of Santiago do Cuba. fly tile lnost clover maneuvering the commodore allowed the Spaniards to tblnk lie had left in disgust , They took the bait and ran into the harbor. Conimodoro Schley moved down this born- ing and at 6 o'clock , going close to the htmirbor , ha saw the Cristobal Colon , tile Maria Teresa and two torpedo boats , He believes th. entire fleet is there. Commodore Schiey hiss acted upon his own information anti judgment for the past six days , and believes the whole Spanish fleet is there. lie sat on the after triangle of the Brooklyn this morning until after the discovery of the fleet , and he then went to breakfast , saying : "I have got them , and they will never get home , " Tue United States auxiliary cruiser St. Paul arrived here this luorning and was sent to the Mole St. Nicolas with dispatches The temperature hero is 110 degrees in the shade , and in the sUei turrets the ileat is actually beyond the power of iningina- tion , TIme American ships hero are the Brooklyn - lyn , Texas , Massachusetts , Iowa , Marble- head and Vixen , an auxiliary torpedo gun- boat. CAPE ITAYTIEN , Hayti , May 30.-An American war ship bias Just signaled the watch station on thIe mountain near the entrance of the harbor. It is expected that it bias dispatches from Colnmodora Schhcy. PORT AU PRINCE , llayti , May 30.- There is ITo further war news here today and no ships are in sight , No l.oiimer itIi ) ioult. KEY WEST , Fla. , May 30.-Any doubt remaining as to the exact location of Admiral Cervera's fleet was removed by reports - ports brought in by naval scout ships , and forwarded in tile Associated Press dispatches - patches of Saturday night. The Spanisil squadron is anchored in the harbor of Santiago , and tile problem remains for the commanders of the Alnericali fleet to dispose of the enemy , either by corking the bottle or by forcing the loig ; , narrow passage and alliashing tite strong Spanish squadron at tile anchorage its commander bias clwcn. It bias been the'opinion of Rear Adntiiiml Sampsoa that Admiral Cervc'ra would seek either Santiago or Cienfuegos as a naval reftigo anti base , and the movement f the two American squadrons has proqqIc .vrtnu. this basis. Strong and effective an are the Spanish ships , representing as theydo tile flower of ( be Spanish navy , every argo- meat , in the opinion of American naval strategy , compelled Admiral Cervera to seek the shelter of the closed harbor of Santiago or return to Spain , and he chose to make hii refuge at Santiago. 'That he woultl court a fight in the open sea is nu itlea which has never been entertained iii American naval circles , although his ships without exception have high qualities , cuing to their great speed , for such a con u'-4t. On the other hand , it 'wAS believed the Spanish admiral would attempt to run into San Juan do Pore Rico , but the fact of the recent bombardment of the forts of that harbor , coupled with the great possibility that Rear Admiral Sampson's ihect would be met if be attempted to enter that harbor , heft tile Spanish admiral only one alternative - tive , and he adopted it by going to Santiago , where , it is presumed , he has been able to coal , clean and repair , anti is in a iosition to accept either the contlitious imposed by tilat blockade or the issue of a fight in the inner harbor , after the American fleet has forced the passage. It has been thought that the campaign against Admiral Cervera might now be ended by demnolishling the forts at tile entrance of tile harbor of Santiago , blockading the chan- nd and isolating the Spanish fleet until the other problems ef the war arc worked out. This , however , is not in line with the Artier- ican policy , and , simply accepting the view of tile situation taken by the naval experts here , Admiral Cervera will have to accept battle at once. It is Comluldently expected tb.t a hard blow will be struck s'ithlin three or four days , and that the result will be known to the world nt the expiration of that tinle. It. has hot been disclosed whether Commodore Scitley Is to be reinforced , but it. would not be surprising if some additional ships were sent to him , II It I'I'I S I t CO L ii H ii I S CAIJG I IT. Auxiliary CruiHerh't , l'iuiil tip IL ( ii.t.I Prize , ( Copyright. 1S93 , ity Prcs Publishing Co. ) KEY \VEST , May 30-New ( York World Cablegram-Special Teiegramn.-Anotiier ) proof that the Svanisii fleet is at. Santiago do Cuba is the experience of the British steamer Iiestormnel , that was brought into Key West harbor today by a prize crew that the St , Paul had placed on board of it after capturing it Oft Santiago last Wednesday night , The Itestormel is a iomlg , lou' , tramp collier belonging to Tory & Company of Cardiff , Wales , It left there oil April 22 , the tiny before war was do- clareti , with 2S00 tons of the fimbest grade of Cardiff coal consigned to a Spanish firm In San Juan , Porto Rico , where the Span- 1511 fleet is known to have made its first stop. "When wo reached Sami Juan , " said the , captain of the Itestormel , "the consignees told me very curtly that tite persons for whom the coal was destined were now in Curacao. At I'orto Rico I learned that war hind been declared , I hegami to suspect that the coal was going to Cervera's fleet , but my Spanish cousignees said It would ho all right. They told inc not to ask any questions but to get to Curacao as soon as Zmssibie. I did so , placing my cargo un- dee orders , The consignee at Curacao was a Spanish officer. lie saiti tilat there had beemi another change of base anti that tue coal now was wanted at Santiago do Cuba , I tried to cable my owners for instructions , but found that the cables had been cut. Untier the circumstances there was noth. lug for me to do but go to Santiago. "iJy this time I was pretty well con- vincecl that the coai was for Cervera , I suspected that coal bad been made a con. traband of war , so I was not a bit sur- prized when the St. i'aul brought us to with U shot last Wednesday night and captured us three and a hmaif allies Iromu shore , Lieutenant - tenant I'attersofl was idaced on board to bring us to Key West. He is as a fine a man as I ever luet and a flue shipmate , We had a good time of it all the way , " After an nil day session in the prize court it was decided to seize the 2800 tons of THE BEE BIJLLET1Nj Weather Forecast forNebraska- , Cloudy ; Southerl 5. l'age. - 1 OpenIng lny Near at list _ _ loIng . .r SflfltlNtiIt'N i'ie Cervern Tightly Corke.h Mile. . to Ativnimeq oil ( 'Ill. i Obo.ernitee . at Metimurini ' ii chirnNln Nest- , , , L'IIsilN Aeeluicntnhiy 'l _ _ _ _ .1 LthItt.rlnl antI Cnnnteit. 1)oins of jut' l'rcniitqriiiitii. ( I Couneli fluff , . Local Matters , Il ) Ii Nens anul Ctnniiiett , l Sporting HacimtM ( If a Iny. M 'l'rn'citn Icmt Capture Omaha , 0 lii time Piclil tf Idiect ricity , heiiiirini lmiy In Oiimnhmit. Search for ShulntNhi SIIIt'N. ltet'I h'rotItrustth Vrnnee. I 1 Comnimiru'iti ititmi Finnnu'imul NeTN , Smieriuri I ' of Ai.ucricnit Soldiers. Atigln-.tiimericnmm .thlinut'e , 12 "her llushnimii's iieIicImtIiICe. ' Cubit' , , Cu riotis , , mi umnls. 'L'eIii.'ernturu. at Oimiithmn I lloir , Ieg hour. I ; a. lit . . . . . . at 1 I , . im . . . . . . ( It ( I a. in . . . . . . (12 d ' . iii . . . . . . tIll 7 mm. mu. . . . . . . 6 ; It II. III . , , , (17 8 a. in . . . . . . OM . 1. in . . . . . . 115 . p , ut . . . . . . ' .1) ) r ii. III . . . . . . Ill ) 14) a , in . . . . . . ( U ) ( I l' . . . . . . III ) ii mu , iii . . . . . . il.i : 7 1) ' Iii . . . . . . ( IS III in . . . . . . . . . (18 8 i. mit . . . . . . ( Ill 11 p. iii , . , , , . coal but to release the steamer amiui its cap- tam as soon as it had bet'ii unloaded mit the goverllnlent coal dock. The Restormel will return to Cardiff , "I ala sure the Spanish fleet is at Santiago - tiago , " Captain Mullemi said. "The Span- lards ought to be jolly good asllnmed of themselves in asking a man to risk hits life and his vessel for theta without givIng htiiii so much as a shot from the fort to protect him. I alIt glad the yankees got the coal. " LATE ADVICES FROM MANILA lteport Conies frunim i.upndoiu flint Smismuthipox zmn.l I'seim tory ltmtme .tiitting Levey' . . , ii. ( Copyright , lSS , hy I'rci3 I1ulldisbbing Co. ) LONION , May 30.-New York World Cablegram-Special Telegrani.-Tho ) Daily Telegrapll's MamI ha special says : Dewey is losing men by disease almost daily. Smallpox ailci dysentery are said to be rife in the American squatiron. The rebel chief Aguitialdo has reached Cavite from the interior. Soon after his arrival he went on boat-fl miii Amnerlcaml war ship , He is working - ing Ilard to gain over the rebels to the side of the Aniericamls with a view of active cc- operatiomu whoa Dewey's reihforcemncuts ar- nyc. nyc.The The Daily Mail's thong Kong dispatch says : The correctell statement of the number of Spanish killed amid wounded in battle at Manila gives the following killed : In ships , 78 ; Cavite arsenal , 23 ; wountletl in ShuiIiS , 233 ; arsenal , 45. The police lucre secured a launch anti are taking stores to the Amner- lean store ship Seauire , which leaves for Manila today. Time Daily Mail's Madrid dispatch says : I learn the religious orders in tile Philippines have sigmIeti a statemiiciit to the governor do- 4-el acing that If they are the cause of a con- I tinuation of tue insurrection they are ready m to withdraw from the island. It is said the order3 ilavo already concentrated in tile cities , fearing the hatred of the natives. Cables have been cut between Caplz , I'anay and lolibo. A shipping company has been eoninlissoned ! to carry tile mails betwoeml Mamlila and Hong Kong. The Daily Mail's hong Kong special says : Further advices from Manila have been brought here totbay by her majesty's ship Pique. It reports all quiet at IoIiIo , but skirmishing is of daily occurremico at Luzon. l'laeards have been posted up in Manila inciting - citing the populace against British residents. As a measure of precaution tile American admiral is making arrangements for their reception at Cavite , which at presemit is virtually in his occupation. ldighstiil tlmtkss it protest. LONDON , May 31.-Tue British government - i mont , , according to the statement of a London - don news agency , has sent a frienibly protest - test to Siaimi with respect to the latter's strengthening of tile fortifications opposIte GIbraltar. NEBRASKANS IN EVIDENCE 'i'hree of 'Fhicin iehlvcr llecorntiimii Day AlcIrt'ises at ( lie Nit- Ilomial CnmItnl , WAShIINGTON , May 30.-Special ( Tele- gram.-Nebraska ) was greatly in evidence today at Arlington , three of the princIpal atitiresses being mambo by citizens of the Antelope state-Senator Thurston of Omaha , FV. . Collins of Lincoln and W. H. MiellacI of Grand Island. Senator Thurston spoke to an immense concourse of people iii front of tile amphitheater amid his speech was cc- ceived with ninny manifestatIons of appre- elation. The day was perfect anti the scene was inspiring , with the president and mnamiy menibers of his cabinet grouped about hlila on the platform , Vice Presitbent hobart he- ing directly to the ieft of Mr. Melcinicy , Mr. Collins and Mr. Michiaeis spoke to large audience In front of the tomb of Admiral Porter , Comigressmnafi Mercer returned traIn his hurried trip to Omnahia this evening greatly pleased Withl the manner in which Ills re- nomination was accomplIshed. lie is more of an enthusiast thami ever in praise of Omaha and says tile Transrnississippl Exposition - position is easily time biggest thiliig since the World's fair. lie says Omaha looks like olul days amid everybody is happy over thIe pros- peels of the magnificent culmination of the oxpositioli. Mr. Mercer will tomorrow make the necessary - sary arrangements incident to l'resident McKinley pressing the Imutton that will start time mnachinery at the Transmisslssippi Exposition and delivering an address through the long-distance telephone. QUBIiN M'htl'l'HS 'IO hiltS. tJJ.hNl'NIi. RxprcsseN 11cr % 'mu rint'Nt , Smpiitlmy niusi highest hlt'gurtI , , LONDON , May 30-On Saturdky last tIme queen sent the following to Mrs , gladstone ; My thoughts are much with you today , when your dear husband is laid to rest. Today's cercmnotiy 'will be most trying and painful for you , but it will at the same time he gratmtying to you to sea the rcsp et anti regret e'ilicCd by the nation for site miieithory of omi.m vnoBo character and nteilcctual abil. ities marked Ilimn us one of the most tiistln. giiislmcul stolesnien of my reign. I shall ever gratefully remember hIs devotion allil iou in all that concerned my personal welfare. VItJl'OltIA , It , I , Iieiiit'iItN r Oetiuit e'sist'is , 3iny 80 , At Antwerp-Arrlved-Frlcshand , from New York , At I4abon-Arrived-Peniusuiar , frm Now York. At. . llaniburg-Arrlved-Scotia , from Ilalti- wore , At Liverpool-ArI-ived-Cephiaionia , from llouton : , At Bremen - Arrived - Fnlcdnicb dec Onosso. from New York. At New York-Arrived-City of Rome , from ( lasgnw ; Mobile. froln Lotidozi , Spaarntbamn , from Itotterdam Boyle , frolil Liverpool , At hlavre'--Arnlved-La ( ias ogue , from New York. FORWTARD TO CUBA - Orders Are Isucd for the Invnion t ConIllience at Once , TWENTY-fivE TRANSPORTS ARE READY Over Thirty Thousand Troops Will Do Embarked at rit. PLACE OF IJNDING IS KEPT A SECRET Other Expeditions Will B Started as soon an Prepared. GENERAL MILES TO HAVE SUPERVISION letnrtiiiemt Issues the Orilers to I Imuimmu'thim te1 Uimmn htt'eeivlimg As- sliranecs front Suthiley ( hiatt Cerverat % 'ns Secure. \\'ASIiINGTON , Mny 30.-Tiio military invasion - vasion of Cuba has begun. Unless the or tiers of tile 'nr tiepartmnemit Inisentry , at a early hour tills lamming tIle troops that havt gathlered at the gulf recta begun to break camp and imiarcht aboard transports vaittng to carry them to the emiemny's territory. About twenty-five of these ships , time biggest - gest anti fastest that coulti be obtnineul suitable for tue purpose. iiiil ; heeii gathered ready to receive time troops. They will ac- colnmnodato about 30,000 men , for , in it short voyage hike that from one of time gulf portil to Cuba , It is nossible with safety amni corn- fort to carry a iiiucb larger number of men aboard ship titan would be admuimalble in thu ease of a cruise to the Piiiirppines , for instance - stance , How mnnn' troops started tllis morning , wiicro they took shiiis , , where they are bound for , nrc quctIons wilicll time directing spirits of the campaign refulso positively to answer. There is a suspicion that the start will lie loathe from l'nmupa , and Mobile , and it is probable that In stichi case the fleets of transports \iiii comiverge nt Key \\'est to pass tinder tile COIlVOyS of tIme war ships. ViliCl1 Admitiral Smimol-ison immus iirovldeui to imISuro time safety of time troops tiuring the passage uteross the Floriuba straits mlgainst _ attack at thio hailibs of some stray Spanish cruiser or gunboat. It is nrobablo that there will be no less than four separate mIlitary expeditions , and that tltese will be inudeul at four dlfkrent pot u I S. Arrangements have been muatbo to utilize tile services of tile Insurg.'mmta to time largest possible extent. The governnemt : nlreaii has rent txpeditiomls to a large iiumbnr of lrnlnts on tile Island , and hnndeil arias fertile tile insurgents. Most of tlmm onruies soc.- I ecedeul erfeetly in their object , amId it was said at the War dopartnint : toI.iy tii.ut a suiilcicnt number of the insurgents nave been armaicul to constitmlto a ery effective support for tile troops w1i'a they land. t'inm'vremiee at Vli lie lliawe. A war c nfcremice wllS held at tha White House at 3 o'clock tills afteiiioaii betwemt , the liresident and his two war sacretarfes , f Aiger amid Long , and Major , icne'al uhiIes , hi colllmnamldi of time army. Vice l'resident Hobart , who acconlpanictl the president to I Arlington anti returned with laimi ; to lumich , \S.aS present mm part of the tIme , anti Secretory - tory lay , u-lao had just reture to Vasil- ington , also dropped In during the confer- once. I General Mtles brought with hini a memo- random showimmg the exact disposition of time military forces now concentrated at various poInts throughmout time country , with the number of men aTampa anti other southern , points ready for emlibarkatlon , lIe alse made known that at 1 o'clock this morning , immediately following tile receipt of definite Iliforinatiomi of tile presence of the Spanish fleet at Santiago , lie had immediately gone to the War department anti issued tebo- graphic orders putting the troops in muotiomi and thus starting the forward nbo'emnent of the military arm of time service. Further than lids those attending the conference would not discuss their plans. It was Snid mit the War department that ChIld relIance would be nlaced at the outset on the United States reguiars , most of whomxi are centered in Florida , anti such volumlteer regiments as were thoroughly equipped and measonably well seasoned for service. Over 'l'lmIrty 'I'hmoisiuiai AvzIhliLbbe. - Although time omeinls will not tat bow many troops arc available for active mervico , it is roughly estimated that there are about 20,000 regulars and 13,000 volunteers at Tamupa. These include seventeen regiments of regular infantry anti fourteeml regiments of volunteer infantry , twelve batahilons of artillery and five rogimmicilts of regular cmiv- aIry , Time infantry force , regular mInd vollin- teer , is about 2S,000 llbfl , time cavalry about -1,000 , the artillery about 1,200. 110w many of these have been or irill ho ulispatclleil to any given polmlt , or to several poliatu , is not disclosed , as that is a part of thu secret camlpaign nians of the govCrnflbcflt. flack of this force nrc other avaIlable regi- nicnts at Mobile , Now Orleans , and other points easIly accessible to Taln1ia. Still further iaClC is the large volunteer camp at Cimicgamnnugn , comprising obout 40,000 infantry - fantry yohumiteers , 1,000 cavalry voilhlltcerB , and thlree regimmients of artillery voi1imit.t'rs , Aside froam the troops alrca'ly ' sieeIficd there arc the 18,000 loon at Camp Alger , near Washington , antI lesser boilles of troops on Long island mmmi in 'arioums state't. Thu 75,000 volumiteers under the re'ielmtly ' issued second call constitute still another reserve , wilichl , however , is yet to be organized and cmiuipped. ilihit's Oil fur 'I'niiipss , ' Major Gemieral Neison A. Miles , con- imlamiding tile United States army : acconi- iianie4 ity tue niemnera ! of his fammilly omIt ! his personal and oiticiai staff , left at 1k o'clock tonight ( or Tampa , Fin. The liarty , comprising sixty-four p0150115 , occupied a special train on time Southern railway , eon- sisting of one Pullman sleeping car , one sitecinl car , one conlbination baggage and tIny coach and one baggage car , Secretary and Mrs. Alger were at the Sixth street station to see the party off , as nero also about 100 other lIcreomis , fi'ieiidis and relatives of the officers. No demon- stratlon of any kind occurrmnb as time dis- tinpibhfil , 'party took its leave , ( i'vnerul Miles will lroceeii directly to Tan'mpa , where Ito will establish temnporarhly' tiia 'headquarters of thin army. lie will personally direct time movements of the troops anti the Invasion of Cuba. rohiowiiig Is the versollnei of time party which left tonight ; General Miles , Mrs. Miles , Miss Miles and A. herman Miles ; General Rodgers , General Stone , Colonel MaU8 , Cohomtel Micliler , Colonel Osgood , Major - jor Iay , Chief Surgeon Major linybure , Majom' Iavia , Captain Alger , Lieutenant Itowan , Licutemiant Parker amid Liouteliant Townsloy , General Coilazo amiti Colonel Iiernnndez of the Cubami arlmy were of the party , as wecu also four Irivatea'f the Sixth cavalry , who will act mms orderlies , and eleven secretar- ics and cict ks - - -