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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1896)
EDITORIAL SHEET. r OMAHA SUNDAY BEE.PAGES 9 TO 16. ESTABLISHED JTJ3TE 10 , 3873. O3IAIIA , SUNDAY MOHXIXGTOVEMKEIl S , IS DC-TWENTY PAGES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. M WVM BT Wh w I"-Mil MV W BW , pa i MUM WBuBW OTMMV ' JP h WM MT > r - < MMEHV k HPT BPJ MV M W MMJPJBJ * VHkMJ V BpMMbM * R C * ClfcMtJpW VBM V Wtati FIRST MILESTONE r Just one year ago we bought the N. B. Falconer stock. Notwithstanding panic and conditions unparalleled . J in the history of our country our business has grown marvellously. I . . . . You Have Shown Your Appreciation of Our Methods . . : ' ; ' We Wish to Show Our Thankfulness for Your Most Liberal Patronage. ON MONDAY WE WILL COMMENCE A CELEBRATION SALE. , We wish to make anniversary week a red letter week in your memory , and to do this will make such prices in every department as have J never before been quoted on merchandise of equal freshness and merit. * r Boys' "Wool WalftRwere n.IS , now Vfjk Kir rmn't let the littl * men shiver v > ifn It can be prevented at tuch small coet ic. DOMESTIC. Onp yard soft flnlcbed Bleached MuMln. Utinndale nn < J Trull of the Loom no limit while thty lat C > c. Thfs are the cenulne poods not an Inferior lirnnd with the ticket on. Genuine Naumkeag. otic yard wide , ' l4 l Unbleached Sheetlnc. l& c. BUiachfd , Ktanv Idth. ir c. BL.ANKETS A lot of line cotton Blankets in sray and brown mixture ! ; , a milr Jcir GS > c -will Fell during this pale our Xf.00 ar J Km Blankets , 10-4 and 11-4. a jialr tor JX.flS. Heavy < U-lncb ! Bleachud Muslin. T c. A lot of 42 and -lnrh 1'lllow Covers , Sr. * always Fold ht i : , c rull Bleached Sheets , made , soft fln- iBh. 7-4. at aftc ; M at 37c. M at ,7'c Sateens , elf pant for comforters , 1m- ; > orted. the repular 2T.C quality. i > c A large assortment of Printed Wash Goods , nera this season , were 35c , now P cents' riannels AH wool spjirlet , Rfcc I > er yard ; a.11 wool twilled scarlet , Uc JKT yard. Tou will know what these sell at usually. All wool plain scarlet , fine. 19c : sold liy us at 3T.c One cae only of fine all wool white Flannel , which was 2 c , sale price J ! c. ron LADIES AKD fifi he avy Beyptian fleeced Vi-Hf. and Pants for ladles , 2T.c. Ladles I'nlon Suits In natural color. S c. no raore need be Mild. An assorted lot of all wool Vests and PanttGSc : these were t-old at n.2T > : may have your Mie Choice of children's mixed wool t'n- derwear natural and sanitary sires 20 to SC Inches IP cents per jrarment. Same prade for mints' and boys- sires s < * to S4-2Tic. Men's Underwear Heavy natural wool mixed , a partnent for ItOr Shirts and Drawtrs at 0" c heavy- all wool faced two-thiesd Suits Condf never xold under n " Oc r > oubl"l > naMd and double-backed one of tbe finest grades made l > y Swlts Conde sold everywhere at O ' < & ztt Die You all know this lamou ? mal.e SiSc. An ImmeJiFC lot of Colored Shtrts Monarch and other brands all 13 4 at KI cents Men's heavy cotton Sox. In tan col ors , at HVc J > er preat value Misses all wool ho e-nixes & to ! * worth 2Tic for this hale 12V i 1 In Dress Goods In Black Goods In Silk Dept. Capes , Jackets , Cloaks i We will sell one case of Novelty Suit A line of figured and plain Mohairs Ail the China and Japan Fancy" Silks A lot of Ladies' Cloth Capes in Boucle - ings , all wool , new this season , goods that at 19 cents some sold at 30 most of IQr * which were originally 75 cents and $1.00 ' "lO/r cle , Beaver and Kersey , trimmed and sold freely at 25 cents a yard , and were them sold early at 50 cents . 13/w for this sale ; OVC plain , which were barains at from hard to beat at that , at At 39 cents , all wool , bright figures , All the Fancy Silks , new this season , $6 oo to $7.50 , for this sale . All the Lorraine goods which were usually sold at 65 cents which were sold as leadeis at 75 cents , A lot of Coney Fur Capes made from . o for for this sale whole skins , 30 inches long , A Q Q sold and are by us quoted as leaders elsewhere at 25 in cents this per country yard. " | Qp At 45 cents , 46 inches wide Mohair 20 pieces more of the Changeable full sweep . T . * J O at 35 cents and Worsted Figures bright and brilliant Tafletas , which were 75 cents , Jackets in small lots , sold up to $12 Our 50 cent line will all be marked 39 usually 75 cents Black Priestley's , SSO/- > for tliis sale per garment , in smooth goods , rough Q Q Boucle's etc. , at OVU Black Brocades Colored Brocades goods , very attractive . v3xO cents. half a dollar This line absolutely peerless at All the Exclusive Pattern Suits , Plain Gros Grains Satin Duchess , all Ladies' Suits = in flannel , serges , nov Worsted and Boucle Suitings b uSht out specially for us , ranging in price from reduced. All the extra wide Coduroys , elties some were marked $13 50 and S Q i the \ji jj. . un o _ n i sold for this sale miji r > were at $ i , sold that . $8.75 to $35.00 all less 20 per rent nnp-fiftri the at figure now. which were opened at one dollar , go on price taken from the bottom of every bill. These e will dean up the last of O fnaleMli ll ° i r ii1'BrTI'-i' ' " * * ' ie. Silk Faced Velvets at . . . - ? and " Misses' fine Imported Cashmere Hose , 25c Trimming Corsets Mittens worth TKta , lu all bizes , at Armorsldc. gray and. black , 60c : always Linen $1.00 I'rluia Donna , all Klr.w , for ihls Ladles' full repular mnde Imported fast pale. ( KHrejrular ; price ? 1.00 F. I * . Wack JOc. now cotton , never Mild at sales below Department. Corset 'M. all Mzei. , at Olte another $1.00 69c and Gloves. Department , 18inch Feather Boas , that have ' Don't about with numb Ladies interested in Linens Yarns go sold . . . . " ' in 65c some stores at "We will close out a lot of Thompson's German Kulttlus Worsted. 12c per skein Glove Fitting. Warner's , nealth , Mme. and of . pound sold nowhere In usual 12c \VarrenV Brest. Form at OTc each- tingling fingers , you can will "Ye have way at less than 17c 48-inch Boas , sold for Sl.UTi to $ l.TrfJ each. If we 59c ' ens say : kept usually 75c . cau fit you this is your opportunity. . . buy ladies' Mocco Mittens , Domestic Saiony all colors 3 skeins lOc S1.C9 the wine till the last " Waists-at good Will clo o all Equipoise - 1.69 , for loc everywhere r.c per skein were i ± 2o which were $2.00 , at $1-25. Fancy colored Trimmings , were20c Get to this counter early if Fur Buttons Skirts Tops , were $2.25 , now Fancy Metal and Pearl 5c and lOc per 5c Jets were 50c and you wish so share in the good Fine French Satine , flannel lined at 79 79c 75c dozm cents , reg-ulnr Jl.2-5 Kid Mittens fur , tops , were things. Fleece lined striped twilled flannel Um " Soaps All garnitures and fronts reduced. brella. Skirts at We usually Mid at 59c $1.75 , now $1.00. Kirks. Queen of Bath , Oatmeal , Glycer Read the ine White Lilac. Country Club , Col- cateV Glycerine. Low's Imported KUR- Handkerchiefs. Knit Skirts , SOc ; everywhere SOc. 39c Beaver top , a beauty , were List Soap. Killer Flower. Turtle. Brown . Windsor all at lOc per box of three lOc 63c $2,50 at $1.75. cakes u.ually l ie to JKVc per box. . . . Heavy all wool , (3c ; very cheap. . , For Monday. received 375 dozen all linen hand Just , , A better grade , well vrorth If 1.1:5 : to ? l.r.O , Shavers will be dellphtisl with our 15c embroidered , the last lot we will import each , at 98c 3-clasp Mocco Gloves , were Table Dnmask-20 pieces bleached and Shaving Sticks Ubtially t-old. at ir.c. . . Unblcachfd Table Damask that sold 39c port this season , . sold for Mete at 4"ic , r > 0c- and CMC , all po at A lot of Fascinator. which 25c $2,25 at $1-50- Wool Soap , Oc cake , nsual price lOc. . . 6c sixfor . to > c each , for this sale. . , .1- , , - - All otir 72-luch bleached and unbleached Shetr Cambric , hand embroidered - Eiderdown Capes for childrenall colors 12 dozen only Gauntlet Cue Satin Damask , that bold at S'c 75c . . ors . \t and l > r c , will be closed at Art Department ed , initialed , at , each . . Hatid knit Angora Hoods , in white and Bicycle Gloves good value at 100 dozen o-S silver bleached Damask time Is on the Avay. We will sell : 98c , Holiday ' pray , at * this . . . 55c Gents' hemstitched , printed border , nea to lot we offer thorn at. r-lnch , Stamped lOc each Doylies , 3 for T.c , Bold 5c designs , worth 12k to 20c QlV Lined such Silk value Caps at 40c-JVvo , never saw 49c 75c , go at 43c , 100 doan % -S size bleached * Damask as high as each . that sold . . Napkins at $ and ifl.riO , 94c 3-iuch Doylies , 0 for r > cusual price r.c 5c All our extra large and flue hemmed we offer thib lot at , dozen and fringetl Huck Towels , regular 35e lOc each 3 ( 0 dozen 3-4 size extra fine and heavy Brushes. Veilins goods , will be offered atOne pure linen satin Damask Napkins , IS-iuch Center Pieces , usual price from 25c . that have sold regularly at Sand UT.c to : C > c Honitouiborders One case of Hemmed Bed Spreads , reg 50c $ . : KI and Jfi ; . " . ' , your choice of this en- 1.89 " 2-lnch Center Pieces , 20c. sold usually 20c S olid back , genuine bristle , you Black were Vellfi liT'C lace and . " ? ? . . . , . lOc ular size , atOne tin- lot at , per dozen - match these . Our stock of fine hemstitched Huck Tinted from ! Table 5T > c to Covers. TiOc J'.O inches t-quare , ca nnot 2T c for Yells that were OOc. 25c One case of Hemmed Bed Spreads , full 69c Damask and Uirds-eye Towels , , sold at 25c JC and 40c , all lOc size , Marseilles patterns c ? o at K > e each , regular price quarter of a dollar Pocketbooks 40 c for veils that were $1.00. ' 40c All our fine heavy Marseilles pattern Bed AD our flue hemmed Huck Towels , tlze , r Spreads that sold at 51.25 to ? 1.50 , all 98c ilJi ! : , a regular 2T > c Towel for this 15c sale Ribbons 7r > c for Veils that were ? J.U5to $ l.r > 0. . . 75c go at Fancies , Watered , Ombre Taffetas , Combination , all leather , sterling and We have about liT > very fine Satin Marseilles IiO dozen very flue and extra larpe Dam . Chameleons. Printed Warps- and Sill : Ruching : for collarettes and , at half of seilles Bed Spreads that aie the best ask Towelh , with plain fringe , knotted Glows. plated tips corners just capes , . . and . ' work , all will be 19c 19c In fringe new this , season sold from : iT > c to We former prices. " ! value ever shown this city at $4.00. 2.29 OJH.'U per yard , for this sale halforice . We clor < e out this lot at offered at Doors wll be opened on the minute of 8 o'clock. Let'us once more impress you with the BIRD AND WORM adage.