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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 8, 1896)
10 THE CVMAITA DA FLY Ulill SUNDAY , XOV13M1U3K 8 , ISOfi. m > egca THE PUPPET. UY CLINTON IIOSS. ( Cop ) right , l fl , by Clinton Ho ) CHAPTER X now i DISCOVER run FICKLE.N'ESS or FORTUNE WHEN HER FAVORS AUK CONFERRED DY A DALMATIAN CON STITUENCY I read the otlior day n romance ot which many people an- talking , about a man who played the part of n king. Heading It. I thought of my own experiences when I helped In an endeavor not altogether dis- Rlmllar Ytt when I read tint romance , I called It an Arabian night , forgetting that my own adventure was qulto ns strange In that rebellion In mimatla which for the first da > s promised well. Tor. as I have said , the Dalmatian gentry the peasantry , appeared to welcome - como us DitrlnR thcso few davst represent atives of the different Dalmatian parties camp , to see. as the sequel provrd , If they might not better themselves by serv- InR tlio rebellion for Iho Horn-tea Wo already In thrco days wtro so stroiiR half the country a disorderly rabble of pic turesque peasants and mountaineers camped about llprfianio that Ls waa declared the government feared to give us battle , and wo enl > were waiting our time to nnrdi on Xara So busy was our girlish leader with lur numerous conferences wllh her minister , Signer Henl. and wllh various per sons who wished to find htr position re garding thtlr Interests , that I saw little of her She would pass In the great room of the kc-cp with a nod cr I might nee her mounted for some expedition Into the coun try when sbo looked , I thought , very prott > . and yet too girlish to bear all these now rtsponslbllltles Hut I rarel > saw her alone For my part I , too , was busied as sisting Count Ilalbl to make out of our iwrtilts something of an arm > . which , In deed , might not have been much less In- olllrlont than the Dalamtlan regulars of the reigning prince And so I surprised whrii a servant brought mo word ono after noon thit the princess wlshrd to sec me In the garden of ilergamo The plaro. while liare-llmbed at that Benson showed that It might be gorgeous with ro es , like a Plorcntlmo field. In Juno. Hut 1 thought th'1 girlish princess nnawcred for the roses as who came to meet mo , mullIng - Ing graciously , although I fancied her face pale and worn When no first had come to her result- she had not appeared In this waj oven If slio had been restrained of her llbortj I Indeed felt conccined for her , as I bowed In the little formal way the eti quette of the Improvised court had already prescribed nor Indied did I know her well. A wrinkled old Dalmatian In n led skirt waa her onlj attendant She herself was In a riding habit tint showed wear "I wanted to thank you again , M tlcrald , " rnlil nlu\ graciously , "particularly as J have luard of vou from Mgr. llcux. " "Mgr Heux Is very good. " "Ho Is my cousin , " said she , "and more for him than for another reason I am playIng - Ing this part " It Is naturally jours , " salJ I not think ing of my phrases "Your gallantry aside , I suppose It Is , M Gerald Hut why should 1 a girl with out particular ambition bo left to act a man's part ? It my brothci , 01 my father , had lived ! " I looked at her In sumo wonder , not quite understanding , . " "I am loth to believe , your highness , tint " i "That I do not euro to bo princess cf Dalmatla. Do vou Know why I tell jou Mils ? " "It Is gracious of you " "lleeauso jou being a foreigner , cm look on the situation hero without a Dalmatian's prejudice " Possibly " "And how docs It seem to > ou our chance ? " "That wo shall win , " I rcmaihed , dls- crootlj , and wondered If that glorious I'.ilr , worn by some lady of the RomagJ , mlpht not have Inspired the Venetians. I bad not then seen the Titian In the gallery of the Villa IlorRhese. ' You ay that because It Is the proper thing to say to me. The words express no opl'ilon ot your own. " How can I have one , your hlgh.ics : ] . I do not know Dalmatla " 1 No , " said she , softly , "nor I , save that I do not wish to in alto the Dalmatians trouble " Tlio situation has made > ou trouble enough , " said I , forgetting that thU latiy was my superior , removed by the Impossible Larrlcr of caste. ' \cs tioublc enough I have been ap- proat bed again and again to countenance the Dalmatian party of revolt I wanted to bo free like you .M. Gerald- follow my own wishes Lately I thought 1 was , foi some months. I went traveling like -like nn English girl , only to bo seized , arrested be ante in Zars thcj thought mo danger ous 1 am now piovlng thej v. ere right " MANNI3D Till ) \S11.K. . I wanted to tell her then and theiu that she certainly wan delightfully girlish and clniiKoroua , yet , of couifco. I did not dare Hut why , your lilKlimtin. ulicn you cnme to In New Yorl. did not " me , you tell mo-- 'Urcniue It wus not my titre-t I could not Involve Dalmatla " "And non ? " I aiKtd , curiously "It Is 1 ? url IUumy coiiln's plot It Is this ' ulic added , as If to herself. "My cousin and hU nnd my filcmlb consider that once cKliiblltihed the powers may nsrce to uphold us Ho btflleviflwo believe that A derided iiclion on our pait may lead " "To you as prlncesi of DiilmslU " "Alr.ul > haa led " ho wahl , almost wcunl ) . ' .So non * that the position la al most Ktlned agiln no moro frucdom for me- I mint marry wtmni they dlctato. I u.iat bi'como 11 creature of Htitecraft " I woml'-red why film wua talMnu to mo In this ntnlu thcro lu the wintry garden of HciKiimo ' I fed ' > ho said , Knftly , "after what you have Oono for mo , that wo are frlcods , ami I iwiiitid to toll you that I am soiry tlmt you have b ? < nmo Involved with mo In thin -urcertain .i/i'air. " "It U Kood nf your hnjhniB . " I aiuwcrcj , "to dlinw this Intel i at. .MU > ou may ho uro I am Klad " "Aio you , Sih'coi Gerald ? " ealiS she. spcalt. ing lUllmi "I uliall he IndPid. alwaya" when she j.errliy , 19 thit I wondeivd. Uut at the moment vvo heard a voice Slgnor Itoux's the minister' : ) "Your highness " The princess Ntintcil , I thought. "Ah , Slmior Heux , " said Hhe. "I have heel ) tiillilni ; to Slunor Gerald , and thanking him for all thu Interest ho haa taken In our affairs " "SlKiior Gerald has been very Rood , " the older man acknowledged , yet looking met over suspiciously , I fancied ; "very good 1 am sorry to Interrupt " "And what Is It , Hlgnor , " said the girlish hold of the ancient Ilom.iRa. "The council with your hlghneis' approval have decided to advance on 55ira " "I llko that , " slid the I'rlncvsg Ileatrlco , her eyes flashing , "at last we shall act" " 1'rlncePrcdcrlek fears to como to us. " "I'oor I'rliue rrulirlch , " she sild , smlllni ; , "and then wo ylmll go to my cou.tln " Her eyes Hashed , and sliu looUcd then the proud Itomag.i with the blood of a hundred of the greatest Italian and Dalma tian f.imlllrH In her veins A little wind stirred the bear rose branches The old Dilmatlan attendant xtood Immovable at the back of the garden "I be-g your lilRhncsa' pardon , " 1 began Hut nolthcr the jnlncess nor Signer Heux noticed nm particularly Affairs of the moment had put me out of mind , and. for Home reason. I was sorry I hid undertaken my part that having been once , i puppet In this Dalmatian affair , I nhonlil chooseto remain onu with the vain expectation of being later Homcthlnt ; moiv Hut I returned - turne-d to my tiuty then , which was In put ting some military form Into our Dalma tians , anil I declare , I knew , or Know , nothIng - , Ing of tactics. Count Dalbl dubbed mo a ; colonel of new Dalmath under the rule of ] the princess of the Homaga Hut if 1 occu pied , i military position I had no uniform. The rough tweeds which I had woin when 1 entered Ytnleo Btlll served me1 , and these Indeed vvero rather better than thetntt ° rol the Princess Ileatrlco herself , looked tholr surprise as I Interrupted them , unceremoni ously. CHAPTKIt XI. HOW WE OI1TAIN A HKSI'ITR PUOM IIAHOX MASSIMO "You were wrong. Slgnor Hcnl , " "What do you mean. Colonel Gerald' " he said , iHtK the title Count Dalbl had conferred , and of which I never have1 been particularly proud colonels being as nu merous In Dalmatli as In the southern fnltcd States Slgnor Kent's voice had dlrf- daln that 1 should dare to Interrupt him I thought myself for theflm time that 1 was wrong In breaking the news so suddenly to the Princess Hcatrlce , and then I de cided that this was as well. She certainly should know the worst. "Yes , wrong , " 1 said , disregarding the others manner ; "for the government army has not deeerted ; on the contrary " " " "Impossible "Tho people you thought were with us all have left , like rats from a sinking ship- as soon as they saw Prlcno I'rederlcK's ban ner " "Impossible1" he said again , while the Prlnress Ilcatrlce , too , looked on with won der In her dark eyes "Go outolde and see , then , " I cried , for t had lost my temper and was impatient at this play at rebellion which staked our lives. I hail no wish to die nt that moment At first , looking mo over vindictively , ho decided to Inquire Into the truthfulness of my statement When ho had gone I turned to the princess , who was still look ing mo over as If trying to reid me "I hog your pardon " said I , losing heart , although I did not know for what I wau apologizing "You need not ask mo that , " said she , softly. "This means " "That all Ls a farce , your highness. " I thought there were tears "Don't , Princess Hcatrlce , I pray you. J.OWEHIXG TIIR PHINCHSS AND MR GERALD. variety of clothing the Dalmatian boasle-d j At first vvo Indeed only had seven uniforms these of the soldiers and commandant of llcrgamo. Colonel I'lnaro , who served , now tlmt ho thought It would bo the winning one , the cause of Prlticc&s Beatrice. His was the first desertion. Within seven days some 700 persons had declared for the Homaga , and It was said tint Krcdeilck of Heidelberg was preparing to flee Zarn for Austria news Slgnoi Heux had brought the princess when he had Interrupted us In the garden of llcrgamo. Yet If this were but the truth I was startled by what I saw as I stepped onto the ramparts Already sol llery were defll-1 I Ing on the plain below , and our uillicnmU ' were scattering right and left. I could make no doubt of Iho truth of my eyes Men were running , and at the moment I heard Hilbl's volcu ordering down the ancient draw. i I . ] tSi "And v\htio are your six soldiers , and Colonel Plnaro ? " i "They , too. bavo gone. " "Thero are easily 1,500 men below. " "Paslly " The count uttered an oath , which I shared , at all Dalmatians. "We have no moro than my servants the foreo with which wo left Venice" "And these reports Signor Rcux Is even now giving the princess that Prlnco Fred erick has left the country ? " "Thoy wcro spread designedly. " "And what of the country being ready for revolt , If the standard ot the Honuga once were lalsed' " "Did not these people flocking to us seem to prove It " "Now the government foices seem to at tract them the other way , " I said , bitterly ' Youi Dalmatians seem to run to the bldo they consider the strongest. " "They but consider their own skins , " said thu Count ttnlbl , mulling even In face of tin ) elilont disaster our misplaced hopes , the di eclt , the falte rcportn that had been practiced on us. In face of an apparent strength our ical weakness that I never had expected from the beginning of the under taking We were surrendered There was only the ancient diaw betnein us and the government forces The princess doubtless , would bo pardoned , but as for the rest of us , wo likely should hang from tlio ram parts , of the castle To be sure , there was the narrow channel the diaw covere-d be tween our rocks and the mainland. Behind was the Adriatic , over which the sun was sinking before was the low plain along which the novelninuutal forces approached 11ey ] have two cannon" I said at last "What .ivall Is a place like this against caiiimn' " "None , " said the brivo leader of this InsufllclcMitly considered plot. And Mgr Heux was safe In Paris I too smiled bit terly , and then n feeling of rage bhook me While there was breath , at least , I could fight. How many times had my father been defeated. If the world had known' "Wo must practicestiatcgy , my dear count. " "How can wo ? " "From what T have noticed of your Dilmatlans they prefer to negotiate rather than to fight oven with n small foico llko ours Your Italian peasants are armed and will fight " ' Hut thcso Dalmatians who como to us nnd then run over to the government ns eoon as It appeirs have not even tried to hctiay us , as they easily could , " eald Ilalbl. as If trying to defend his people. "I suppose really they like the showof fighting better than the leallty , " ho was foiced to add with a smllo that was cynical ra'her than humorous If there- wore humor In the situation wo were the' victims of It , and oven a man bravo to humor Is not In clined to laugh when the ( luestlon- his life Is the ono at Issue- "Well , then , the point Is that wo can have 11 chance to parley with them about the terms of our surrender " "Thenho began. "Hut what differ ence can that make' " "It can give us llmo at least. " "Alt. that Is true" "Which U precious " "Ugh , yen , " he said , thinking of his pos sible fit to. "And there Is the sea back of us ? " "Wo have boats , but they can't be sea worthy " "Aflor dark If vvo can keep thorn off until after daik vvo may Oevlao somo- IhltiR " "That It Impossible. " "Alt. It may be , " I | ct. "but 1 eaten at a Btravr. I have no particular wish to ImiiK on tothat rampart a feast for the still * . Now , Count Dalbl , permit mo to advise this much. Send down one o. jour triwtod ierv.ints. " "Jacopo ? " "Vej , Jacopo. Ami uk him to have the force wait until It * leader can consult wl h the princess It U obvious that-beyond executing lin no fncmlen to the public or der that the governmental " "Which Ls the Russian policy. " "Yes , exactly , the * Russian policy will wish to consider the Romaga. " "You are clever , glsnor. " "Ah. I have to be. " "I fe-llow your plan. " "And I I will change the tenor of Slgnor Rent's news to the prlnccsa " So leaving him to send tlio messenger I wont back Into the garden of the keep ot Hcrgamo to put the matter before her wno really had Involved mo In It Possibly I wan n little glad a llttlo nnllcloiis. because - cause of my abnipt dismissal some mo ments before Slcnor Rent. and. Indeed. You are a young lady of spirit a great lady j and now you muat bear the honor of your rare Thcso Dalmatians are not worthy jour " She smiled suddenly. "What can I do. Colonel Gerald ? " "This ; In half an hour n messenger of the goveminent will be here. You will rc- celvo him , you will acknowledge the ai- tcmpt has failed. Hut yon will udd you wish time ; to consider to see If you cannot propose terms " "I will , gladly , " she cried , her face flush ing , and I knew that her momentary loss of se > lf-control had not been on her own ac- count. ' Vou will ask your highness , until to- moruw morning. If that tlmo Is not granted , you must declare that you will make a hopeless fight that certainly will result In the loss of some lives , and " "And I understand they , seeing I mean what I shall siy will grant the request " ' I believe that will bo the result , your highness " "And theii when we have the time ? " she began "Leave that to mo , " said I , with bravado although I know nt that moment no more whit I should do than thn merest child Only It was clear that I must act for my self for her. and that I did not dare leave the isauo to her advisers. "I will. Colonel Gerald , " said she , softly. "I leave all to you and I believe In you " I raised her hand to my lips , and In that act Slgnor Renl , his pale face ashen , Inter rupted UH. "It'a imp. " he cald. "true. " "Did Count Ualbl ? cnd Jacopo , as I sug gested ? " I began "Yes. What of It ? " "Slgnor Henl. " Interrupted ths pilncess , "I will m.inago this affair. Report to mo when the messenger returns Come , Colonel Gerald , Into the castle. I will see this with my ow n ev CR " "If vou will allow mo , your hlghnesa , " I answered , "I now should bettei consult wllh the count " Slgnor Henl regarded mo still with that llttlo vindictive stare , nnd yet I siw that fear for himself was the principal emo tion "Come , Slgnor Renl , " said I , as If I had all the authority In the world , when ho fol lowed me an If he thought I might arrive nt some expedient The princess lirsltatul , and then seeing that I was trying my best to solve our riddle she turned without a word through the llttlo postern door Into the great hall of Ilergamo "I have been a fool , Slgnor Hcnl " "Kb , signor ? " "Evur to bavo entered on such an 111- arianged affair" 'Wo did our best , signor , " ho said with surprising humility , which had Its source I Knew in his fears. "Yet you are a brave man , " I said , chang ing my tone , "to have dared It. I respect bravo men " I really bollovo ho was thco- ielk-ally brave. "Hut now , slgnor count , I choose to direct this matter It Is but myself. self-preserva tion " "Wfcat can we do ? " "Leave It to mo , slgnor ; I have a way. " "I acknowledge I have none. " I shuddered as I thought how poor my way was , for I actually know of none. Yet I ( lid not dare chow the two leaders this , for I no lunger trusted them. I acted as If I knew the exact way out of the dllllculty. That Ilalbl believed In me , or grasped at any proposition relieving him from the responsi bility , was proven by the readiness with which ho hid cent the messenger to the approaching forces of the government. In the meantime 1 was scanning sea and land The van of the attacking party had paused a short distance away The twilight for It was now past Mindovvn was singu larly still and I noticed the sea was almost unrullled On ono side of the great square tower that anciently had dominated this coast In the Intortst of the robber Homaga was a window I looked at the coast line below , and Instantly an Idea occurred which led mo to look at the hesitating line of Prlnco Kicdorlck's soldiery. The sky was overcast , and It promised a dark night. At that moment I heard Ilalbl order the lowering of the diaw , nnd I saw Halbl'a messenger , Jacopo , approaching with an other person. AH this person came over the rusty draw. I recognized the llttlo sly fellow with whom the adventure had begun In Now York , the ono man In thU world whom I thought I hated for having elouo mo n positive Injury "Tlio Huron Massimo , " Rent said at my shoulder. Massimo advanced toward us , awaiting him In the outer court , smiling. Six of Dnlbi'a pcuaantu were distributed about aimed wltli tau muikoU and Lntvta iio had ancc xlc < l In faking from Venice. Wo , In- dee > d , bad munitions for 1,000 mon. I say that M sslmo , advanced toward ui llko a grntlevnan who enters a hoose on A formal InvllaUcn and as If to us further with his sense of the formality of the occaslort. fib addressed us In French , which still Is1 Uib language of diplomacy. "Ah , niiMloilfii , ' ' ald he , "I am norry the occasion 1 so unfortunate for you " "Yet If I remember aright , " said Ilalbl , who hid turned about from raining the draw , "theHhroh Misslmo himself showed * onoe. Interest to Mgr. Heux In this very affair" , "To get knowlcdg" frcm fools , messieurs , " Massimo said At this. "Such. " I could not resist saying , "was Mgr. Reux's Idea' of the nature of M-is- slmo's errand " Ho turned to me > at this , his faie dark ening , looking sarcastically at the sword I had buckled about my tweeds , the only In signia of my position as colonel In this epi sodical Dalmatian rebellion "You are still meddling. Mr Gerald , " he sild In English "You do not appear to have profited by the U-ssou I gaveyou. . Hut you doubtless never will meddle again. " "That depends " "On the future , Mr Gerald I think the future Is mine Prince TrederlcK's , If I mistake * not I know you feel unpleasantly toward me " "Ah , no , Harron , " said Dalbl , who had re covered his sangfroid , "we admite your wit , which suffered you to Intrigue with us , so that If we should succeed you might profit by such a. turn of circumstances " "You may admire my bravery. Count Ilalbl , which leads mo here Into your power , when , aa General Harnato told me , you might hold me as hostage. ' "Pardon me. ' said I heio , "you doubtless know that this would have been foreign to the Pilncess Heatrlce's natuic. If not to ours. You knew you tail no risk. As for my lord the counts remark en your trying to play two parts , t myself believe you approached Mgr Heux simply ns a spy " "You nre qulto right , " said he , looking nt mo out of the eyes of which he now held the expression bidden "And In the meantime we are' keeping the princess waiting" 1 led the way to the great hall of the castle , whuro the candles bad been lit , and where our mistress ( for now I will confess I regarded her ns mine ) was seated In an nrm-chair with her woman , and two of HaHd's servants making her llt tlo court If I had trembled how , girl ns she was she would conduct herself nt this crisis I was moro than surprised by the admirable self-possessloii of her who looked that mo ment the bead of the nnclcut Homagi. Het yellow hair seemed n crown ; her cyea flimtioit nnd hrr nhrnKs wcro 11 US lied with excitement over this turn of affairs "Well , Haron Massimo I am no longer your prisoner" There was In her tone the least resentment at this agent of the Dalma tian govcinmcnt , who had tricked her nnd deprived her of her liberty Massimo In cllneil bis head , not dlscouiteously. "You were deialned votn highness , to avoid other people losing tludr lives on yout account in a frul'lcss at'empt lo overluin the government of Dalmatia As It U now jour case not vour Individual case bin that of your followers , la vorso. Some will lose tl'elr lives for rebellion--- " I ctepped forward , half expecting her to crv out at this "Uut that la tho/polnt. Huron Massimo " the princess said , fralmly enough , nUhough her fnco grew vvhllf. and I Knew lu-i man lier was but u tiuisk "My fiiends hive been wrong In forcing me Into this " "Yes , plainly" t "And I suppose they must suffer tha eou- soc.uenccs" "Pay the penallv , your hlghnass " "Hut this erroneous ( ourse , Diron Mas simo , hns been tal.en for me for my house I cannot see them suffer without Making nn effort " "Hut you can do nothing , your high ness. " "Whether I can or not I want this night to consider some pjei to mike to thu goy- eminent. " f . , "It can come , to nothli-j" She rose at this Jicr eyes fluhli. : ; . "tlaron Mn'slmo. " she cried , 4'lf you do not concede this you and your army shall not get Into I3erga'mo" until all my frlendr have died la defending It. Is It not better for a bravo man 'to dlo 'Ighlliij * tlui. on the scaffold ? I'cannot deny them this priv ilege. If they fight come of the govern ment tropps shall die as well ns they" Massimo plainly was Impicsscd by bet words and her manner. "Hut , " she continued. "If I take reason able tlmo to devise some means of present ing thcso gentlemen's cases to the govern ment , I.can say to them. 'There Is n chance , my filends' Tlcslstanco simply means death , for we ere n small company In an old , disused fortress " "Dul your highness " "You hove heard , " she answered "Have you power to make the terms' " He looked down for a moment as If de liberating , and then , considering , doubtless our case hopeless In any event , and that n show of some concession would appear better to the woild. be said , "Your highness shall have your wish your useless delay until 7 tomorrow. " "Until 7 tomorrow , " I heard Halbl repeat "Until 7 tomoirow , " ncknov.ledged the princess "Ah. baion. I fear It's a use less enough request but I must make It for these poor gentlemen's Bikes and for the poor fellows , their servants" "I nm glad to grant you thli much , your highness , and I will direct General Har- nato accordingly. " Massimo laid , making an obeisance The princess kept her pclf-pogsesslon until ho hail dlsappcare 1 under Uilbl'H conduct , nnd then she sank back with a little cry "I could not have kept up a moment longer > l. Gerald , and now you must do the rest " "Your hlghncRS. " said I ( I believe kneel ing before her , for I hate n woman In teara ) "I will try as best I may" Phe looked at me through her tears. "How can you do anything , poor Gerald'1 And you arc In this for me " "Trust to me , " I said softly. Hut I till not trust to myrclf At the moment we heard the creaking draw , declaring Mas simo's departure. CHAPTER XII HOW I EMPLOY A STHATEGEM OP OTHER MORE FAMOUS GENERALS UE- FORE A VICTORIOUS EN11MY. Presently Halbl returned , saying he hail the castle manned as well as he could with his few iirrced peasants Ills faio displayed Ills uttey'uck of expedients , whllo Renl had listened to my Bhort talk wllh the princes * without venturing a woul he-cause ho. too , liad no opinion toad ance. "It Is a dark night , " nald I , not Intend ing to bo facetious "I can assure you , ' and speaking now lather to myself. "Yes- Low rclou'l * , without a breath of wind , " Ilalbl n cn d "So much tue-jbcirte > ' " "What do yq | | mqan , " the princess naked , looking at mo Hli.jbriglitculng uyea. "If there IsiO-ibqiiJ " "Thero Is , I b vo lold you. " Balbi hastened to explain railier , fjnpatlcntly , ns the situ ation Irritated , him. "Wo can Io\jqr It from the window on the side of the , sea. , "Yes ? " said { ho.iirlnccss eagerly. "If there wfcrq 'Enough boats to carry us all" , "I will Innur6"lsald | Dalbl. going out. "Wo may ben'ble ! ' > 'to got out to sea ? " said the princess , clHpplng her hands. "If the sea wlYl pcimlt , " said I. "Thoio are three , I find , " said Halbl , re turning and catbhltlg my last words. "How far la' It ? to f.ara' " "Fifteen miles' , following the coast. " "Tho sea remalnmg calm , wo might reach say JCara , In'fhrt'ii hours " The Idea had occurred to mo but at that moment. "I bate to confess myself beaten , gentle men , " said I , turning to the Irresponsive Renl nnd to Dalbl , "particularly as only vvo can suffer In this affair we have under taken Tor the princess It may mean elm- lily temporary Imprisonment , for I bollovn lior position and the Intervention of the powers will make her punishment go no Further la the end than banishment from Dalmatla. " "I do not qulto follow you , " Ilonl Interrupted - ruptod "I do , " said the princess , now smiling , "and I would glvo the world to thwart them after all , " "How much of a force Is left In Zara ? " "Probably not over 200 men. " "And who Is commandant there ? " "I bellcvo a foreigner , Colonel Ferguson , an Irishman in tbo Dalmatian eon Ice. " "And the prince la there ? " " and his " "Prlnco Frederick family "It's this , " eald I , my own Intercut kind- llnR In the plot , as nn Inventor's may In nn Idea , "wo will drop the boats out of the window , If they are In nny serviceable condition ; that Is on the sldo of the sea , and I do not believe we shall be olwerved In thp darkness , unless the Haron Massimo has thought to pitrol , which I do not believe to be the ctse. For who would think of us descending from that vv Indow ' " "Hut the * ea Is dangerous with such betts ns nre likely to be here " Interrupted Renl for the first time "Have Imagination. Slgnor Renl. ' I cried. "Wo will not put out to Eta. We will row- to Xara. " " ' " "To Znra' "Wo will appear before Colonel Fergu son , who will bo astonished enough , think ing that the troops sent out for our capture have us Wo will siiy tint we are the \nn of another force " "Hut If ho refuses * ' " "Wo will not permit It We will per- siindti him by our effrontery We will tnko the prince prisoner Instead of his troops taking us We can dictate terms And I have seen enough of Dalmatian fickle ness to know there will be many desertions to our banner. " "Hut the Russian mid English repio- sentatlves ? ' "I will enngc to play them against each other , so thev will not Interfere. " "It's a dangerous plan , " Slgnor Henl be gan. gan."It's "It's our only one , " I siild "We can run , but the dinnns tire we alwll be taken. " "It Is the only vvny , ' said the princess "Ah. Colonel Gerald , I ewe you much" "Hut first we must see that the boats will answer. If they fall , we shall be forced to build n raft to carry us to shore , and then " "Try the hosts , " said the princess. "Wo will not fall before wo know " "In the meantime. " Dnlhl Interrupted "a bravo show must be kept of the ram parts belii2 manned " "They do not believe we can get away unless we should fly" "And they may bo right , but we can try , " 1 said doubtfully enough. "Ah , we will1" cried the princess , clap ping her hands like the girl sbo was , and yet , a few moments before In Haron Mas simo's prcsenco she bad been the self-con tained woman. The boats were examined caieftllly. Two appeared to bo seaworthy The other wo cx- peilmented with nnd thoimht It might stand Then we examined the window , n broad tpen- Ing Intended for n gun carriage , I saw , now guarded by n frame of Iron barn The frame swung open , permitting me to look ilciun Into the sra and out Into the blackness , for fur- tunately , as I have said the night was very dark from the clouds , there being no moon Ropes were found , nnd Halbl's man , Jacopo n biavo Tuscan , volunteered to make the first risk. Cautiously , for after all the enemy might have patrols , -we lowered the boat with the man and oars , making , I thought , nn Intoler able noise The Princess stood at my elbow , nn Interested witness of the pioccpdlng The time seemed long Six had been left with Halbl o'ltslde on the ramparts , nnd six little , wiry fellows with the strength those little Tuscans sometimes huve weic nt the task I superintended Presently we heard a splash and Jacopo's cry I directed t-vo of the men who MI 111 they had followed the se.i nt one time , to go down the ropu to nsslst him. and to get the boat already loweied out of the wixy of the one to follow. All this , you may believe , was done with constant fear of In terruption When Jacopo's cry came again and we bad pulled up the rares knowing all was vt-11 below. Renl called In three more from the ramparts , leaving there thico with llnlbl Puttlm ; one in the neU boat wo low ered this wllh an eiiml | success Then I ills- dovc'rcd that the third and worst boat had no oars Hut finally I agreed with Henl. who here \oluntcered the opinion that the two boats would carry our party of seventeen , In eluding tbo Princess nnd her vvonmn. Six men were already below , manning the boats v hlch were launched no eislly as the foun dations of the tower of Bergamo are laid well brlow the line of low tide which at first had boon n question Now was the question of lowering the women "I will wait for you. Colonel Gerald , " tbt prlncrss said. "I should not dare trus myself to nny one els . " While this remark ( littered me , partlcu larly wllh the expression accompany Ing I' out of those dark eyes. It did not make the difficulty of getting the princess nnd licr woman to the boat below. Finally one of the men suggested tylnp the woman to him , binding her to the lop- bv a Bllpnoose The woman shivered. Dnt when the pilnecss assured her that she too. was to follow lu the same manner , eh vas reassured Flist we were foiced to call In two mon men from outside , leaving but Halbl ami one man to I ecp up the appearance. Dalbl tautloncd mo not to forget tbo arms , which wo let down before the man and the prin cess' maid The woman ( rossrd herself again ind again , but her mistress' eyes encouraged her. her.It It had come to the princess' turn. II belnr ncccssiry to keep a suflli lent number of the men above lo lower her sifely "I will go down that rope with no onr but you , Slgnor Gerald , " she declared poai lively. I had Intended bdug the last from the tower , for now , having taken the affair se entirely In hand. I counted It In some sense my own. and yet I felt that she was more precious than all the rest , nor was I wllllnr to commit her to another As I have said she was In n riding habit wo having eyptcted to leave Hergamo on the false Intelligence we had bad , nnd It proved the best P.WII for the purpose The sllpnocac about > j rope was tied about liei waist , and then but I paused 1 could not see her face In the darkness. In which wo had worked thus far Yet I felt sud denly strangely happy , na 1 felt her close te mo , my arms about her , PS we ventured Into that mysterious abvs-s Down we went 1 rmilil fi el her limit acnlnst mine , and I knew rtiiddenlv why I was In Dalmatli and that no other woman In all the world would ever mem anvthing to me Then Jacono'n voice called nnd wo were In the swaying boat My heart beat until I could hear it , I thought For what , if after all this risk , we now should fall ? "You who have bren so brave , bo brave now , " she whispered low to me her hand on my shoulder , reading my fear. It seemed an ago before the first of those left followed ; then , the others , and last of ill Ualbl the brave Hil'il And then our fears Increasing the sound of tbo oar beats vvo began to row along the coast to the smith to Xara to the equally dingcrous ilsk , while this other , Indeed , was not over ( To be continued , ) AVIIIN n\n HAD TOOTH vein : . Written for The Hen When my tlntl bud tootlmeho , I Touglit sine he vvuz goln' to tile ; For It made 'Im holler out To put vvurskey In 'Is mouth , Without Hvvallorln' It but vvuss How th' old man cussed ! Kvor'body 'bout th' plnco Su'geHted somethln' fer "In fnce ; Hut my ihul's n know In' mnn , So bo got nn old tin eiin Full hot vvorter wouldn't leak- Ail' slopped It on MB check ! Then my dad ho snys to mo : "Co ! git mo some more vvuiskey , Ker this 'ere. ol' tooth o' mine Don't you si o I'm nearly dyln'7" Then bo vv linked , nn' miyH to me : "Don't let yer mother heel" "I'll try , " I says , an' went to sco nf It vvuz vvliur It ort TO be ; liut my mil's moro cuiinln' ylt Ner my dad Is , don't ferglt ; Fer she. bid It Homo place vvhur You couldn't find It tliur. Per I had to look nn' loolc Ever'wliur , In ov'ry nook- Hut I couldn't llnd It , nn' KOOII'H I told th' old mnn , Ho Jumped up nn' moru'n cussed An' sild lio'cl raise n fuss. But ho said nothln' fit to mention Then I knnwcd wuz 'Is Intention Jus' to kinder fool Mn , nn' Oil Hi'urnkoy , understand' ? But from then up to t'day Nary word I'd say ! -CLAItENCn I' . M'DONALD. Omaha , Neb. Miss Amity Suitors , a Ixmdon school girl who has already won three silver medals , has just been presented with a special medal from the London school board for attending school regularly for four ycara without being late , Cook's Imperial Extra Dry Champagne Is Iho wlno for Americans , Its purity and aoijuet cominonda It to them , TWO NOTED SIIAKESPEREANS Interviews with Eminent Authorities on th of Avon , PHASES OF CRITICISM AND CONTROVERSY iir < it-l to I'roM * tlio llnril i \ % el liiin < n The ItntMinlnii Tlieorj ItriTiil Dlst'in rrlt'H li > AiitliimirliuiN. ( Pop ) rlRht. tWO. S P Mii'lutv i'o ) The presence In thin country of two notabl Shikesponrean scholars ono of them perhap the foremost living authority on the Han of Avon Is calculated to arouio America ! Interest In some- recent phases of contro vcrty and criticism relating to nnd his works Prof IMward Dow den fel low of Trinity college Dublin and the dls tluguhthcd author of "Shahcspoire- Mind and Ait , " Is the llrst of those visitors , whllo tS-o second Is Dr William It Mollov fellov ot the lo ( > al Irish academ > , and of the Iloja Unlvirslty of Ireland Ilotlt consented t talk brlelly on Shakespeare and Shakes "cnrc-Mis " I'rof Dow den does not at first night tonvey the Impression of great scholarship lie I short and of dark complexion Ills swai hair Is what Anthony Hope calls "untidy. ' and a veteran slouch hat carelesslj cover his lather largo bend III * manner Is nciv cms and even awkward nt times Hut whet Dow den MMS ono with his blue-gray Irlsl eyes , one begins to discover the breadth nn Intensity of the man It only needs a lltili Dowdcn conversation to complete his con quest of the av rage Interviewer "I am lather a student and critic of tin Shikcspi.irc plays. " raid I'rof Dovvtlon. "tint a Slnki sprat can antiquary After all It mat lers llttlo to mankind who the author o Hamlet' may lie. so long as we have Ilia vonderfitl poem Itself The critics of the Eiuopean continent accept Iho plays , am bother their hiads not one Jot as to tin identity of their maker. To some exten I share those sentiments Still of course one cannot devote vearn of sludv to tin works of one particular man without taUtif , some llttlo Interest In Hie llfo of that nnn Ilinrc. while 1 am not bv nn > means I Sh kpgpo-.ncin antlq inry I kiep myEclt fairly \ ell Informed upon the chief developments In that Held of research THU DONNELLY CONTROVERSY "The embers of the Donnelly controversy nr still alight It will take vet ) little to fan them Into n vlgorom bla/e Nothing linpnrtint. however , has to mj mind btrn add M ot lata to the case already presented with n view of proving that Francis Ilacon illoived hln pla > to pa s to icnterlty under -iiothrrs name On the contrary 1 think tbat the preitcii * Hums revival and the evl knee of a groit poet springing from a point 'ar lower In ttie social arile than SInkes peare did has somewhat strengthened the hands of Paeon's opponents. Certainly the mils of proof n-3t * with the. latter , nnd , as \ct they have not nersuadud us "A curioup and ( to students of heredltv ) nu Important discovery bus boon undo during the- year by antlquailcs who are rvrr at work upon this family hMory of Slrn' ford'-i grentest son I ufei to the long lln.- > of Welsh ancestry with which he hns been onnected It H now regirded as sulllclpiitly iroven tint Shakerpcare'a piternal grand iinther was a Orlinth , a mpii'hir of a iace Iho mtvit Intensely Celtic or rather fymbrlc in South WalM You probably know that he lust few- months have witnessed .1 greit cvlval In fVltlc literature I'rif Sharp has startled the placid "Anglo-Saxon" ( EO i-illcd ) by the dprlm ; assertion that consld rrably more than half of all that Is great In Hi literature comro fiom CVllUsonrc , i nnd Is HIP worl. of men with Celtic blood in their veins flm favorite nniivir < o thl < theory hai long been : 'Well , you can take rway youi llvrons Goldsmiths Scotts "urns nnd Hen Jonsnns , but you cannot claim Shnkespraie. He nt least was Saxon to the finger tips" WAS SIIAKKSPttAKi : A CHI..T ? This comforting opinion has been indcly overthrown by the discovery f a strong strain of OrlfHth blool In the Shakespeare family tlo ; and now wo are asking our SPlvra how It did not hitherto trlko us that the great poet' undoubtedly Celtic vein was his by right hereditary Strntfoid Is but a step fiom the Welsh maishes. The Shakespearcs probably made nnny other Welsh alliances Nay the name Shnkc s pcaro lt ilf may bo but a ccrrui/tlon or " " old CjmbMc "Angllflcatlon" cf scwe good patronymliAlresdy I'rof Sharp nnd his school , with the buoyant credulity of tint- race have placed Shakespeire In their gil- Icry of Celtic pocta You may Imagine what a storm of wrath this Js calculated to excite amen persons who think with Dr ( lOldwln Smith , that the leaven of the so- called "Anglo-Saxcn" has thoroughly leaven the entire Drills ! ) lump. I spoke of the attention Shnkcspcaro I" attracting on the continent It cannot fall to gratify us who love the master when vvi observe the continual growth of his strength In Prance , Germany and Italy Of course the Germans deserve first credit They discovered his merits flrot , and the vast Get man literature on Shakcspeaie testifies to the Kcncioslty with which they greeted him siiAicnspnAiin IN PUANPI : liut the Krcnch had to combat with the nanow , Eelf-suinclcnt ciltlclsms of Voltaire In order to acqulro an appreciation of the Kngllah poet That they have done -o effectually any reader of modern French criticism can tcstlfv Then there Is Itnly also Pnlstnff the Inimitablehns recently furnished Vcrdl with a new Inspiration Kalvlnl toj la not without .successors "Tho curious have been talking over what they claim to be a biblical erior In 'hakis- pcarc I'lumptro claimed that the masur knew his bible thoroughly , which seemn doubtful In view of the fict that he lived In times before the blblo had yet become common In the households of tint class of bocluty to which he belonged Now In "Hamlet. " act 1 , scene II ho uses the words. 'Oi that the i\crlastlng had not fixed Ills canon against sclf-slaughtei "A Gci man critic points out that through out Iho bible there Is no verbal condemna tion of suicide. Indeed. In Second Mat ha bees XVI . Hnzls la rather commended for killing himself rather than fall Into the bands of the enemy Hut this little matter 'amounts to nothing , ' as you Americans say , rtcept to prove the Impoitnnco at tached by admirers of Shakespeare to the most of his sayings nnd doings " MOM-OV IS A I1ACONITH Dr William II. Molloy Is secretary to the Hoard of Natloml Kducatlon In Ire-land He differs widely In personal apjiearance fiom I'rof Dowdcn , being of good hilght and portly withal Hta genial face la smoothly shaven and his manner might aptly he described as "unctuous " "To a large extent I am a llaronltc , " he lonmrked. "at Icnst you may Act mo down as .1 doubter , aril by no n c.ins one of the faithful few who accept Shakespeare un conditionally as the author of the Shakes pcaro plnyrf I reject the so-called 'Crypto gram , ' however , as absurd The Internal evidence of the similarities to bo found In Lord Vorulam's works anil the Slmkcflpearo plays are the strongest proofs which can bo brought forward. Some now parallels have recently been pointed out which add greatly to the muss of testimony already ad duced In favor of Ilacon Let mo take two of these at random Shakespeare In "King Lear. " act Iv , pceno vl , says' When wo are born , wo nay that wo are como To this great Bttgo of fooltt. ' "Bacon has It' 'God sondo men headlong Into this wretched theater , where being ar rived , their lint language is that of mourn ing. ' "Again In 'Trollus nnd Crcaslda , ' act III scene 111 , Shakespeare may bo quoted. 'Tho beauty that IH borne hure In the face The bearer knows not , but commends Itself To other eyes. ' "Whlla Iho great lord chancellor voices the Hamo cntlmont , using In two Instances the precise words of the play 'A beautl- [ ut face Is a silent commendation. ' "Ono cannot help thinking that such canes as thcdo ( and I might multiply thorn to the liundrcdth time ) wcro not could not have been coincidences Two men , contempor aries , could not have no Interchanged thoughta and language by moro accldurit or without notnu closer tie than the world writes ot existing boUecn them" DISEASE DOES WOT STAMP STILL. 0110s sillier arotrtnil better or ivorao. How in it with yon ? I'oil nro Mi/Tfr/rii ! frutit KIDNEY , LIVER on URINARY TROUBLES. llnvo tried doctors nnd tnedlulno with- outnvall , nnd huve become disgusted DON'T CIVE UPt WILL CURE YOU. ThomamU now well , but oneo llko you , say MI , ( the an luna-st mullclno mi hon est chance. Ij r e bottle or new sty IP mimllcr ono nt your drugglM' * Write for free trcat- i lent blink to d ly Warner's Safe Cure Co , Hocbtiter , N V arrasf Panels $5. I'ijo ' Island " $6 Kvery pnrrott sold with a written tco to talk Don't delay In ordciing If vmi Intend to net n young parrot this year \.t as our last assignment of this season Inu nrrlvrd Birds sent In rxprc s with safety on le- celpt of prlre or C 0 D Cloister's Birei Store , Established IssS Oin ilia. * * \ \ < f ki.lnl II li J II lull III mi t\ CALTHOS Trrr. .1. i > ltnul tsn irnn l tlmt f \i TIID mil M (1C Dlprhnrciaiinil riuU lonii. i < t 1(1 Klrrniutnrrlicn. V urlcuitlC nnil Itl Mdltt l nt Vicar. t r , t and f-iti/atiitlrJ VOfl MODI. CO. , 332 0 , Mo Jrarlria lMb , llnrlmitl Ohio. FAINIESSU & , PifiMAtlfNTlV CURED . . n. PASMIES3 © PBBJH3 ANTIDOTE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE REMEDY. Discovered In 1 000. "THEfllAKI" Dook Free. Olfico 312 , 70 Monroe Street , CllCCtlHI \ P. 0. Drawer C53. WlltAUU , ILI < . = NESS AHEAD NOISES JruiiiM r > e i IMle. InrlilUt , corafortitlr.tiKU' AOJCSI , , , - . ISO Uliliptri tif rl FREE TFS T r r-- ' ' rOfSDI.TATIONalourofflce f.lllSCOXCO , . , O531)ri > 4j j.Now York. UoJfur GOOKhttttL FREE 209 PAGE BOOK on I rnirir.r Youth 1 11 \ i r ami ilUa i'S nf l itli HIIW In IKI mill well ai.ilnrnmr r. 11. J riilclifnlrr'd FuclUli Dlr.iuoml Itrnnif. TNNYRQYAL PILLS 1 ami < * nly drnulnr aiw vi rrllible IA Die b . , . it for fA Aejtrrt tmttitk Dm . , , ti0n //run J / in I ted aril r ( / f n > rtallio\ e. .nlM iiliU. . rlMmn I Lll Ctlit r * Rtf tttrfd tjfro ii ifif jfifu * fioriion f mt/a ( oni t llruicix * or col 4c. llrllrf fur I mllr , Mmlmnjf rrturn aiull. lit , < M | T Mhuooi.liai /arfr. ' lMladii. , 12 r , . CURE YOURSELF ! i-J I > u Iliu J for uni ituril illn luircii Innainuiulli nn , irrftjtiuna ur ulcrratluna uf m u < UIIH iu > > iiil r.iiMH. nliai , ami i ut ailnn- So111 > > y "ruiti-iMU , 01 FInt In plain wriiucr , liy iMirifi , | r. i M ( ur il liutllri , < r trur u , , - , , t 1 j V puivluisiilL ; goods iii.tclo a J \ at tin : f illiiwiui ; Nebras ka f ictorius. If jon tan- not Hiul vvlii.t yon want , coiiiiiiiinit.ntu vvllli the iii.uiiifactiircrs a- . to iv Ii n I ilc.ilorb hamllo tlicir goods. - DAGS. BURLAP AND TWINE. IIUMIh OVIAIIA IIA ( . CO. Manufactiiic.9 'it nil Mnii ot coilun nni ] bur- Ian buf cotton Hour safl < > nnd twlna u MRC- lully ( .11 Hie CIS B llth H OMAHA UUUWI.MJ ASbpJlATIO > . Cur luail ililpiucntii made In our own nfn. lalnr cuts. lime Ribbon. l.Illu UxpuitUni4 .xi rt nnd runill ) Hxpurt t/rllvtrtU tu nil im lu f thu city. IRON'.WOUKa IA\IH A CoV. ( .11.1 , mo > 1' , OKUJ. Iron null llrtNk ManufaclurcMn nnil Jubl era ot Machinery Den- rnl rrpalilnt ; a epccin ty iSJI , IUS nnd 1'Jii ickton Hlfpcl Oiiiuli > . J t ) . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l.NDI'.VUtlAI. IltOVVOil IV , . Manufaclurme nna rcialrln or nil I. in. .8 ot i.uclilnory. riiKlnes iiuiiiui. i-lovjluia pi niina iickjca , Imnkcrg , elintuni ; una tuuMinsi 1U3 anil 40S Iluwnnl HI Omaha _ XVIO.N . % , \liilIIN ( ; lltO.NOUIvS , Mnnufailuren of Architctinral Irjn Uuilt. Ofiiernl I'uuiulry. AliiciiInD nrc ! Illiickmnlit t. tk , .nKlniem nnil Cuniincloiii for flm l'iu I Im M. nK > Olllcinnd wutkei U. 1' . Ity. ind 7th Jtrcet. Omnha WATCH , PIUI : N iiib'i'iucTrii iiit vi-ii. The only perfect protection to prnr.xrt > Uxim. lim 't ' Hem tlilne on turlli Hcdut.'s laurmc * rate * 1SQI Douglas slrccl. BlTTllT FAClOIUlisT " .1 , II. 3VA.N.S.MilllAi.KA SIIMfl' COM1M.VV. [ ; xcliiilv cuclom elilrl tallnr * ISU KamitrL ' The Perfume of Violate Tlio jntrlly of thn Illy , tha itlow of llio roxa , and the lluih of llvbu combluu in 1'ozzu.M'n wondrous 1'ov/dcr