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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1890)
I 2 THE OMAHA DAILY BEIfoc TUESDAY , FEBRUARY 4 , 1800. M H she could not 1)0 Identified ntiil bystanders suppoicd it to 1)0 ) the body of ono of thn J servants As soon us Dr Uuth had been re- HJ Moved at tbo secretary's bedside ho went With Lieutenant Commander Drown to the HJ Undertakers for the purnoso of Identifying the body , but it wm no changed Iby the action of the smoke and IIro Hint every Jnmlliar trace bad loft tier face Her hair Was entirely burned and her features were distorted in the most bomblo manner , The | H only means of Idcntlllcation were the rings | H upon her llngors and a gold neck chain with which both gentlemen wcro' somewhat familiar , and to bo cortaln they made care IB Jul measurements of the body , The Identi- BJ llcatlon \ < as corroborated shortly afterward BJ by Intlinato lady friends and the body taken BJ to tbo rcsldonco of Attorney General Miller , BJ where Mrs Tracy had neon carried n abort BJ tlino before Miss Tracy were nothing but BJ her night dross and lior stocking * . K Is pro BJ sutned that , she was arousrd by the tire and BJ was trying to mnko her war to her mothers ' BJ room when alio was overtaken by smuko and BJ suffocated before the llnmcs reached her , BJ The hold was singed and blackened and BJ bloody 1 bo hands and wrists wcro almost BJ doslltuto of skin and on the BJ contracted and reddened fingers of BJ the loft hand glistened four rings , BJ Ono was a diamond ring , another BJ simply plain gold , A third was n narrow BJ band of blue onnmol sot In gold and the third BJ was the edge ot a f 10 gold | > iuco Thcro was HJ no expression of pain on the features and HJ death must have coma Were disfigurement HJ Mrs Wllmcrding , tbo secretary's daugh' HJ tor , wui picked un from the pavement utter HJ she leaped from the window of the second HJ story , and whs carried senseless to tbo rosi- HJ denco ot Dr Baxter on Connoctlcut avenue , HJ Jn the Janmo block The body of her dnugh- HJ tor , who loiipei ! from tin adjoining window , HJ was carried with her llotn were uncon- HJ bcIous Kxamlnatlon showed thut they were HJ suffering from the shock and from severe HJ contusions In various parts of tbo body The HJ lltllo girl was somewhat burned on her HJ linnds and legs and bruised on her right HJ shoulder , where she seemed to have fallen , | H but no bones wcro broken The mothers ' HH right arm was badly fractured HH 1 romltho elbow to tbo wrist Mrs Wilmcrd- HH ing did not recover consiousncss for sotno HH time , but her daugbtor soon came to herself HH nnd went into hysterics Mrs Morton , Mrs HH Sonator'Ilalc , Mrs Lieutenant Mason and HH sovornl other lutimatn friends of the family HH wcro soon tit the house and took charge of HH the two pntlcnts , who wcro , tnken by Mrs HH Morton In her carriugo to the rcsldenco of HH Lieutenant Mason , m charge oi Dr Klxey of HH the navy , who has boon with them all day HH The daughter Is rapidly recovering from the HH effects of.thn shork , but Mrs Vlltnerdlnc is HH still lying in n precarious condition Sbo HH knows ' that her dead , but has not HH asked after bur sister , and is not nblo to ox- HH plain anything She can only say Unit she HH lied from tbo tire and smoke nnd Hading the HH stairway was cut off was compelled to leap HH from the window HH The bodies of Mrs and Miss Tracy have HH been taken to the whlto house and the HJ | funeral service * will bo hold thorc ns soon as HJ | tbo secretary is able to tell his wishes Ilo HH will ho taken to the whlto house tomorrow | JJ also The president insists upon it Jl The president wanted blm to go there at llrst , JJ but It was rouriu Impossible to take him nuy JJ farther than the rosidcacu of Mr Davis JJ It rnined all day yesterday and ell night , JJ nnd ntT o'clock this morning when the lira JJ was discovered It wus drizzling gnutly but | JJ by 10 o'clock the sky Imci cleared , and the Htrccts In front of the ruined house and the lcsldeuco of Mr Bancroft Davis , ulioro tbo JJ ] ccrutnry lay , were tilled with crowds of curious people Carriages were driven thcro JJj incessantly to sec the occupauis or to leave BJ cards and maku Inquiries On the steps of BJH Mr Davis rcsldenco stood a sorgennt of | JJ mnrino who received cards , answered qucs- JJ tiotis and prohibited the intrusion of all e.\- JJ copt the members of the cabinet and other prominent men Within thn ruined bouso wcro groups of sailors and marines who had bean called from the nuvy yard , removing to the store rooms of the department such furniture - nituro as had not bcon injured by the Humes HH1 und water HJH 11KII1T OF WAY WANTl'I ) . | Q.V. . Holdrego of Omaha , general man H eger of the 1) ) . & M. railroad , is in Wasti- H ington in reference to procuring a right of M way through tbo new Fort Omaha H The following statement , which will bo H lLid before the secretary of war by benator B ManilcrsoD , explains what is wanted : 'Jho H U. & M. company has had for sovcral years m a line located between a. point on its main B line about two miles north of La Platte and MB Soutli Omaha , making a cut-oil saving eight MW - miles in distance for freight and passenger _ truftlc between South Ouuihu and eastern MVJi points and folding a direct line between tbo _ United States military post und Omaha _ > Under an ugrceuent with the Union PaoiUe MVJ the U. & M. company will use four miles of _ the main track of that company , which will MVJ bo n double track from South Omaha Tbo _ Union Pacific will have the privilege of us- _ lug the H. M 's now Hue between the HBVJ point of junction witli their line and the now _ post south of liollevuc The 1J. & M. com HBbi pany desires at once to construct this cutoff HHb line to accommodate tbo business of South _ Omuha and nlso to furnish better facilities HBVJ for the business of the now post The line _ cuts a few feet into tbo new fort groundson _ tbo west side , aud a caraful survey und ox- _ nmliiallon of the toKigrupby | of the ground _ convinces tbo B , & M. company that the iu- ftwj tcrests of the United States post will bobost Ba BUbscrvcd by the construction of tbo track MBJl ns now located upon tbo ground and shown MBJi by accompanying maps The ground MBJi slopes so rapidly westward that HMVJI our liuo it constructed outside of Bm the west boundary of the post will be on an HMw | | embankment twelve or llftcon fcot high at IBB.I the point best adapted for u passenger depot HMVJI for the convenience of the nest The line MMMlf selected on the other bank tits the surface of MVJMJ the grouud in very deslrablo shape for a MVJM ] depot and such side tracks us the govern MMVJI uicnt may want Tbo laud wanted for a MVJM ) right-of-way Is In tbo northwest or section MVJM ) " of tbo fort grouuds and covers fourand one MMMv third acres Other fractions nro here de- MVJMj ecribed as being desired A tract of seven MVJM ) nnd ono-tbird acres between the right-of-way MMyJ | und the west line of tbu fort forming the MVJ west boundary of the southwest H of section MVJM ] y . the couipany proixises to buy and give the MVJVj government in lieu of the ground used as a MVJMj right-of-wnv. General Urooko lias oxauilned MVJM the ground personally and tlnds no objection MVJVJ to the plan us proposed Tbo company asks MVJVJ ' itnmodiato uctlou by the war department on MVJVJ its proposition MVJMj X"0 FMOIU11LB ltClOHTS | MMVJ The senate committee on public lands to- MVJBJ day directed Senator I'uddock to rnuko a MVJ favorable report upon Ins bill amending the MVJMj tldibor Oulturo act The opposition which MVJM the senator met to bis bill was when the MVJH clause was reached providing that the time VJ for preparing ground and consumed in plant MVVJ ing trees shall bo considered in the time rc- MMVJ iiuired for cultivation Uhus the Interim MVJH boglnnlng with the day on which breaking MVJM ftnttpreparation for ireo planting Is begun MVJH till the time for cultivation Is to be completed MVJH in tbo olRht years required by the statute MHVJ for cultivation of tltnbor culture traats The MVJ senator ovcrcamo this objoctlon and the ro- HHjVJ liortof the commltteo will bo unltel There MVJ is little doubt that the bill will ultimately MHJH puss both branches ot congress HJHJj IPJH By direction ot the secretary of war the MHJH superintendent ot the recruiting service will MHjVJ cause , twcnty-llvn recruits to bo assigned , MVJ • when available , to the Second Infantry and HJHJHJ forwarded under proper charge to Fort MVJ Omuha for distribution to the compauies of VJ tbo regiment WI8CBI.I.ANEOUS. . . . . A fnvorablo report was today ordered by i the bouse commltteo on publiu lands on the bill winch has passed the senate creating _ _ _ _ two additional land ofllocs In Nebraska to bo MVJI know n ns the liroken How and MHJHj Alliance districts , Ilolmun of In HJHJI dlana , tbo cheese paring oconomtst , JMHJ mode a blttor tight against tbo proposition as HMVJ [ Interpreted in Tub Uke dispatches He pro ] HJHMt sented a protest from people at North l'lutto MVJI end In Logan county and contended that the JHH creation of tbe two additional districts was HJHJI simply a schema of town site boomers and MHJHJ tbo people were not asking for It , Ho Bald HJHJI further that It was a schema of the Nebraska HJHJI delegation In congress to create additional HMVJI political pntronaco The committee , how HJHB over , decided to ait down upon Mr , llolnmo HJHJI and the pill will be reported favorably and HJHJI passed by the bouse HJHJI HcpreieututiVeelectPotey of the First HJHJI ndlaua district arrived tonight His con HJHJI Test ts on tne calendar ot tno house commit HJHJI tno on elections to coin a up tbis wcok 1 here HJHJ | ts no doubt that bo will be seated , HJHJI i I George (1 Oretaer was today appointed MVJS' postmaster at Vistula Elkhart county , South HJHJ | Dakota , vlcoV. . II Shellenbargor , removed , HJHJI Congrossinan Piekler has obtained aa HJHJR , order from tbe secretary of war which will HJHJI send a colored map of all the battle Holds to MHJHj cHliooi in South Dakota who desire the HJHM ] ' jnsp * . H-MMJ1 IteDrtienVtttve Dorsey was today uotlflod hVhIi by Assistant 1'ostmastor General Clnrltson of thochnngoof slto for the postortleo at Capny , Neb , and the appointment of Thomas McAinxander as postmaster ) also the op- IHilntmcnt of 1'rank Farrcll , poJtmastcr nt Cnros , Kcya Paha county , Nou I'citnr S. Hr.Mit , AFTKIl A liONG SKiVKCIt Onpturo In Clilcngo or ft Niitorlous I'ore I b n hwliittlir OntCJtoo , III , Fb 8 , [ Special Telegram to The Hnr-I After a search ot over two years the government , aided by detectives , has run to cover an alleged criminal rcfugco from Kuropo and have him In custody , The prisoners name is Johann Kopows'ti , alias ltudolph Schulw , and ho Is wanted on the charge of robbing the German government of 15,000 marks The rnbbory Is saUUo have boon committed over two years ago , when the accused was In the employ of the Gor man government in the royul court district of Schnoldomuoll , Prussia After hiding In his own country for a whllo bo Hod to America and succecdod In eluding the vigiinnco of the detectives until last nlgnt bo was captured on Milwau kee avenue by a Pinkorlon man Ho was taken to the Pinkertoo headquarters , nnd , it is reported , lias made a full confession ilo was kept In custody at Pinkcrton's until tills afternoon , when ho was brought before Commissioner iluynoi The prisoner made no defense and was commlttod to jail to await the action of Secretary of Stto lilalno I2XOITI3MI3NT AT lUKimn Two Mon Arrested for Entering : the Mlle Square " Pir.nitE , S. D. , Fob 3. | Special Telegram to Tin : Ucn.l Today a great sensation was caused when it was learned that AY , II Koppart , n reporter on the Daily Frco Press , Iind gone ncross the river to Fort Pierre with Fred Pettlgrow , a resident there , and brother of United States Senator Pettlgrow , and had been arrested by a sergeant by ordois from tbo colonel commanding troops thcro , und escorted to this side by a detach ment of soldiers The officer commanding , Colonel Tassln , has also Issued a publio warning ngalnst any nowapnpor reporters or representatives whatsoever crossing the river on to the reservation , with orders that if they disobey they will bo put in the guard house Hecontly Colonel Tnssin published a communication in the dally papers in this city , stating that all public improvements of every nnturo had been prohibited on the "uulo square , " and no new settlers would bo allowed to go on , but thnt these already there would not bo molested It was dis covered , however , that cortaln Fort Pierre men were going uhoad'with Improvements nnd building houses on the best lots on the townslte for the purpose of holding thorn , contrary to orders JUST ABOVE WATKK An Ensinorr • Pinned In n Call Try ing to Have Him , Peoiua 111. , Fob a This ovcnlng ns the Ohio , Indiana & Western freight train started to go over the bridge spanning the river at Uridgo junction , the first span sud denly gave away , precipitating the engine , tender and three cars into tbo river Fireman O'Uricn and llrukcmnn Lowls were instuiitly killed The engineer was pinned In the cab with his head Just above water Physicians have worked all night doiug all they could for blm Ho Is still alive , but there are no hopes of getting him out The sur geons would rut his legs oft If they could reach them , but cannot on account of the wreckage As it Is they are applying hot water and administering biandy in the hope of possibly keeping him ullvo until something can be done It is said the passengers on the Penrin , Decatur & Evansville train , which went over the bridge fifteen minutes ahead ot tao wrcckyfolt the bridge sagging . ON I I'M FEET AGAIN Tlio Slxtli iv'nUminl Itnnk Opens for IJusJix'Hs Toilny New York , Feb 3. The now board of directors of the Sixth National was elected today and Lolnnd , who has taken back all his stock , was elected president , and Colson cashier The Sixth National bank during the day reorganized Kb directory , Lelnnd being re stored to the presidency ' 1 ho bank Is now solvent and , will bo open for business tomor row Exnininor Hepburn , upon his own BUg gestion , received permission from the comp troller to turn the securities over to tbe new directory A secret meeting of tbo Now Vork bank ers with fodcral und state oMcials was held tonight As a icsult of tbo conference It is announced that tbu Equltuilo bank will ho opened tomorrow und the Lunox Hill two days bonce m EiosiT iiufvunion keet high A btcntnor Iteports a Terrible Vojrace unit n lilt ; Iuol > cr | * . Halifax , Fob 3. The steamer Washing ton City , from Hamburg to Phtladolpbio , put in hero short of coal and reports a terri ble voyage A number ot sailors were badly Injured On January IB the chief officer was swept overboard by a tremendous deus sea and miraculously returned by another Ho was however , thrown against the cull and received terrible Injuries The steamers tires were put out by the heavy sens and she nearly foundered She passed througu vast leu fields and saw an iceberg SOU fcot high und a quarter of a mlle long , Nnliriulcn , Iowa nnd Dakota Pensions Washington , Fob 8. [ Special Telegram to The Bee.1 Pensions Issued to Nebraskans - kans : Original invalid John Urvin , Omaha Increase Joseph A. Walsh , Franklin ; Hrlco P. Munns , David City ; James Neury , Decatur ; Henry G. Itisp , Omaha ; J. T. Conklln , Niobrara Original widows , etc ltoxu A „ widow of John Smith , Lincoln Iowa pensions : Ornrinal invalid Andrew P. Liof , ( deceased ) S&linii ( navy ) ; Morntt Dawson , Forest Mills ; John Sullivan , Mis souri Valley Kestoration Abraham Yondt , Dumont Increase William H. Canlleld , Lnko City : Harrison T , Lntbrop , Hldwell ; William Williams , Manchester ; Hobert C. ltydor , Mt Ayr ; Jobu Dandy , Fairfield ; James J , Chow , Logan ; Samuel Donaldson , Audubon ; Westerly Shanufclt , Marlins burg ; Chnrjcs A. Conger , Soymphur ; Henjamin Owen , Iowa City ; James Gardi ner , lluxtor ; William Uishop , ; John W. Moore Des MoinesThomasG ; Gibbons , Saratoga ; William Hutch , Elliport ; Joshua Cnndrod , Wyoming ; John A. Phillips , Knoxvilto Reissue Charles H. Broou- share , Eldou ; George W. Carr , Independ ence Heissuo and increase Levi Sylvester , Albla Original widow , etc Ellen Lackey , former widow of Dastirg J , MoCallister Clear Lake ; Caroline C , widow of Andrew V. Lief , Sllina South Dakota pensions ; Original Invalid Charles H. Gates , St Lawrence ; Horace S. Cook Huron Inciease Jumes W. McCar thy , Deadwood ; William Ok Main , Wilmot ; Erick Irson , Palisade Uels&ue Hlohard J. Hewitt , Wakond Original widow , etc MaramloT , widow of Amos * J. Dickenson , Huron , A San FranoisonSlurdcr San F. 'Uncisco , Feb 3. Mark M. Hcrr , n son-in-law of John A , Ueuson of this city , was shot And killed this ovonipg by J. J. Nuughton , secretary ot the Guaruntco en dowment loan association , Hcrr was tbe agent of tbo company Ho was at ono time ussistaut sorgcaut-ut-arma of tbe national bouso pt representatives The cause of the killing is believed to involve the funds ot tbo company , , , • Dlondlcr Than the French Duel , UiiovrssvitLs , Toc , Feb 3.-La t night two Mexicans , Lcodoro Muuoz and Diego Agullan , fought with Eugene Sauuhot and another party unknown1 and both ot the for mer were mortally wounded I'asauugur Oars Upstroy d Ottawa , Out , Feb 3. Fire this morning burned a shea belonging to tbo Canadian I'ucirio Railway company in which were a number of passenger cars , Tbo total loss ts tW.uuo ; Insured , CONTESTANT SMITH SEMB , For the First Tlma a Itopubllcan Quorum is Proaont IDAHO'S TEST LAW UPHELD Sectarian Sanction Cannot Make Polygamy a Virtue The Hear ing ; Kctuincd in tlio Ohio Hal lot Itox Case House Washington , Fob 3. In the house today the journal having bcon road In oxtenso at the demand of the democrats , O'Ferrall ' ot Virginia and McKlnloy of Ohio were upon their foot , the former with a motion to cor rect the journal and tbu latter with u motion to approve that document The spoakcr roLogniitod McKlnloy , but subsequently , on O'Furroll's statement that ho was acting in good faith , recognized that member , who Btatod that the journal contatnud no refer ence to tbo fact that tbo speaker , Saturday last , would not allow tilm to read tbo evi dence In the cloctlon case ns a part of his remarks The speaker said thnt thnt was not exactly in tbo form of a ruling , but that the journal would be amended to show tbo fnct Mr Melvlnloy then demanded the previous question on his motion to npprovo the journal The vole stood yens , 151 ; nays , none , aud the spoakcr nntorod upon the journal the nauios of a dozen democrats present and not voting Ho then declared tbo previous question or dered On motion to npprovo tbo journal the same practlco prevailed , tbo dotnoorats re fraining from voting , and the tnotlou was carried by a vote of yeas , 153 ; nays , none Tlio Smlth-Jnckson contcstod election enso was then resumed after the speaker bad re fused to entertain dilatory motions , O'Far- ' roll of Virginia was recognized to continuo his argument In support of the claims of the contestco in the Smith-Jacitson case After arguing the case , O'For- rell said ho did not believe the time bad yet coma , and God grant it might never come , when the Amoricau people would tolerate autocratic power , whoihcr wielded by the president or by the suoakor of the house He protested ngalnBt this cruel and wicked nnd unconstitutional violation ot the rights of the majority Lot it go out and lot all give car to tbo declaration thut necessity , the tyrants plea , was offered as tbo only ex cuse for this uusocmly , unprecedented aud unconstitutional proceeding ot him who for a brief season would presldo over tbe de liberations of this body Ho said brief sea son , " for ns sure ns the sciibo of justice still dwelt in the hearts of the American people , us sure us the citizens of this'land worn still jealous ot their rights and looked with alarm on the slightest encroachment upon thorn , Just so sure would the democrats return to power iu the Flftv-socond congress , and there would bo no usurper , autocrat or dictator tater occupying the speakers , chair Mr Gtcenhalgaof Massachusetts said that after the diatriba of tbo gentleman from Virginia , It might bo wall to consider tbo question before the houto involving the right of a member to bis seat Ho then pro ceeded to present the claims of the con testant Mr Outhwnlto , after arguing in support of the contestco , defended the democratic party in attempting to bostpono considera tion of the case und argued that it was per fectly proper for it to scok protection under u code ot rules Mr Lncey of Ibwa advocated the claims of the contestant , and Mr Moore of Texas these of the contcsteo Mr Wilson of Wosl Virginia , whllo not addressing himself especially to the consid eration of the election case , made an en tirely good humored speech In criticism of the roccut rulings of the Boeuicor which elicted great applause and laughter from both sides and tbo speaker could not himself lcprcsa un occasional smile Mr , Wilson said ho Could npw tell what parliamentary law was General parllamen-1 taryJaw made it possible cot only for a pno- eyed man to be apunkor but for blm to bo at tin advantage , ' especially it' tbo blind eye happened to bo towurd the side of tne house where the minority sat In the new era under general parliamentary law the lob byist would not bo obliged to go nround and civo checks to individual mem bers The speaker passed the bills , the speaker approved the journal , and the lobbyist would not bother with tbo mem bers but see vbe speaker At the conclu sion of Wilson's remarks the question re curred on ordering the previous question on tbo adoption of the report of tbo committee on elections nnd It was ordered yeas , ICO ; nays , u. This Is the first time since tbo meeting of congress that the republicans have had a quorum voting , and the result was received wltb applause The only absentees on the republican side were Mr Caswell and Mr Wllber , both of whom are sick Four roll calls were required before the final vote ou the seating ot Smith , the contestant , but at the end he was declared entitled to his seat by a vote of yeas , 1G0 ; nays , nothing Amid republican applause Smith appeared and took the oath of ofilco , whoiuupon Mr Springer sarcastically inquired whothcr this was the proper time to moko a motion to adjourn With a similar intention of sarcasm tbo speaker replied in the atlirniativo and the bouse accordingly adjourned Senate Wabihnoton , Feb 3. Immediately after tbo reading of tbo journal Mr Cameron an nounced the recent deaths In tbo families of two uiombers of the cabinet and moved an adjournment , which was agrcod to unani mously IDAHO'S XKSX OATH The Supreme Court Decides That Jl is Constitutional Wasiiisoton , Feb 3. The supreme court ot the Unltod States today reudored an opinion afilrmlog the constitutionality of tbo Eduiunds-Tucker Idaho test oath , intended to prevent Mormons from voting The court in the opinion says ; Bigamy and polygamy nre crimes by the lawB of the United States and Idabo They tend to de stroy the purity of the marringo relations , to disturb tbo peace of families , to dogrndo woman and to debase man , Few orimcs are more pernicious to tbo best Interests of sociotv and recetvo more general or more deserved - served punishment To call their advocacy a touot ot religion Is to offend the common sense of mankind To extend exemption from punishment for such crimes would bo to shork u moral judgment ot tbo commu nity It Is assumed by counsel for the peti tioners that because no mode of worship can bo established by law or religious tenets enforced iu this country , therefore any form of worship may bo followed and any tenets , bowevor destructive of society , may be held und ndvocatod if asserted to bo part of the religious doctrines otthoBo advocating aud practicing thorn , but nothing is further from the truth While legislation for the establishment of religion is forbidden und its free exercise permitted it does not follow that everything which may bo bo called can bo tolerated , Crime is not ex cusable because any particular sect may designate it as religion , " The court also rendered an opinion direct ing the court of claims to enter Judgment for $11,763 In favor of John S. Mosby in his suit against the United States for consul fcos turned over to the government which bo claimed belonged to blm , ' OHIO UALLOT llOX CASE The Investigating Committee Re- Mimes Camuuoll Xoittllo ? . Washington , Feb , a. The bouso committee - too investigating tbe.Oblo ballot box forgery begun its bearings again toduy , Uopreseata- tire Wblting of Michigan dented tbo genu ineness ot bis slgna' .ur6 to the ballot box contract Ho told what ho knew about Wnl- tors , who procured a number ot signatures for Wood He bad no suspicion that any thing was wrong wltb Walters , and bad con fidence In his character Powell Crossley , formerly associated wltb Huttorworth in the practice nt law , said VVood told blm in 18S9 about bis ballot box scheme ; that John P. McLoan and T. C. Campbell were engi neering It and wore going to have a demo cratic congressman Introduce the bill Ho had no intimation thatUuttorivorlb bad any thing to do with the ballot boxes and bo be lieved Huttcrwqriii did not Know Wood until nftor tbo iiubUitamin of the papers Oovornor JnmoiifK Campbell of Ohio was handed the fotfecjupapor nnd declared that ho had never ccd' it until that minute , Ho always wrotoJiMlVnatiio In full , James E. Campbell " iVtler ho hoard Woods slate mont that hh bad gotten hold ot a letter sWnod J. B. C , ho made up , iis ( mind that Wood had Used the Initials nnd filled In the niimo in making tbo forgery Witness sometimes signed "J , E. C" to short notes , Ho was never Iniorostod , in the ballot boxes or nny contract benrlnn ' upon tbotn Ho Introduced a ballot boKbllllaLtborcquostof T. C. Camp bell , Catnpbeir brought ono of the ballot boxes to Washington aud said the election cummittco was 'jjojng todoal with the subject oi ballot boxes nna ho wanted to get his ballot box before thorn He had spoken to Itcpresontativo Grosvenor and now came to him , ( J. E. Campbell ) ns n demo cratic introduction would glvo the bill a hot ter standing Just toforo bis speech in Cin cinnati , October 4 , n reporter for the Cin cinnati Post showed him a enrd from Hnl- Btoad reflecting upon him ( witness ) and ho had snld : "Halstond is n liar nnd if bo cnu prove anything of that kind I will got off the domocratlo tlckot , " Adjourned until tomorrow STAT 'k NI5W8. A Gnce County Plnnocr Gimp W rvonr , Neb , Fob a fSucclal Telegram to The Hue ] William Tyler died of.old ngo nt his rcsldenco nt illuo Springs last night Ho was born in Pennsylvania in 1801. Ho came to Nebraska In 1S59 aud has boon a resident of Uluo Springs slnco that ttmo , Ho was familiarly called ' Pap Tyler by every ono Ho was a veteran of the Mexi can nnd civil wars JIo has boon ono of tbo judges ot election and tins curried the elec tion returns from Uluo Springs township to Ueatrlco for the last twenty-eight years , lly bis death Gngo county loses ono of her most lespocted cltbons The funeral services will bo hold at the Evangelical church In Uluo Springs nud will bo largely attended by citi zens from all over tbo county An Insurance Agent Ilisanncars IlLooMiNdTON- , Neb , Fob 3. | Spoclal Tclcgrnru to The Uee ] Parties from Franklin were nt the courthouse here toduy looking up the affairs of Asa Moler , a real estate , loan and Insurance agent ot that place It is feared that he has lett for parts unknown , leaving numerous creditors in the lurch It is reported that ono cause of his louvlng was that bo had fallod to report to tbo Phofnlx insurance company of Hartford the application of S. Conklln , jr , whoso residence burned a woolc ago yester day , an nccount of which appeared In The Uee Ho left town the next morning , ostonslbly to canvass for the Franklin Uopubllcan , nnd the last heard of him was In lllvorton the day following Ho was reelected - elected assessor last full for his third term His accounts with the county are nil right Creichton's School Mono . OitEioitTON , Neb , Jau 3. [ Special to The Dee ] The schodl'baard of this district are having considerable difficulty in getting the shnro of the schgol money apportioned in December belonging to them Ex-County Superintendent ClulrVjt seems , has cancelled thn amount duo this district and did not nro- pose to give it up , By the prompt action of the board , however , the county treasurer has bcon enjoined from paving out nny of the state apportlort'mont nud the matter will be argued before the judge of this Judicial district on the lOtfi inBt , at Norfolk The question involycd'is whether a prejudiced suporintondeiufcon control the public school moneys at will/or not.i' ' A Shootintr hornpu ut Covington Dakotv CirV 13 Neb , Feb 3. [ Special Telegram to tMjBee ] A row took place in McGoflln's Sjipqn ) inCovIngtou last night in which George Smith indulged In a little shooting Ho'slid two brothers named W ailace and baufy beat another man , nnino uuknown , witb.tbp butt'of ' a rovnlvor Ono of the Wallace bps was shot through tbo thlgk end tbeftUiprthlottgu the lietid , iu- ' flitting a se\-(3rfl ( scalp , wouiid : SUiltlS claims lid done tho"'shooting in " self-defense. He , will have a. hearing tomorrow The three mon tha . were hurt.nro employed in Sliver horns pncklnp bouso' .ln Sioux City A FarmoVs Wire Oisapinnrs Dakota , Citv , No b ' , Feb 3. [ Speciul Telegram to The Bee.1 Mrs Hazon Hicks , wife of o fftrmor living about ten miles from bore , disappeared very suddenly Saturday night and no trace of her has been found yet She loft the house to get an armful of wood , und that is tbo lust time she was seen Her footprints were traced to an uir hole in tlio Missouii.river , where all trace of ber was lost It Is thought she has committed nui- clde , as she is slightly demented at times She was iu an asylum once , but was sept away as cured.v She , leaves her husband with a family of four small children Iltu-ial or 'itt-prrsfiitativc ' Uiok _ Skwaud , Neb , Fob 3. [ Special to TiTe Bee.1 Hon Henry Bick was buried yester day in Seward Ho was elected to tbo Nebraska - braska legislature in 1SS0 and again in 18S0 , and was always a Vuu Wyck man Ho was forty-seven years old and a native of Ger many , coming to this country nt the ago of ten Ho served through the war in a Wis consin regiment A GnmniCr Nauhcit Dakota City , Neb , Fob 3. [ Special Tolograra to The Bee.1 Sheriff Brown of Cedar county arrested William Marshall bcro lost night Marshall is wanted in Hart ington for gambling and numerous misdeeds committed last summer lie left Harting- ton very suddenly lust fall and the onlcers could find no truce ot him until lately , when tbo sheriff found out that ho had been fre quenting the gambling bouses in Covington and nabbed him A Cntliollo Church Rurned Beli/wood , Neb , Fob 3. [ Special Tele gram to TiieBek.J ThoLuxonburgCatholio church , flvo miles east of Bollwood , was burned to the ground last night The church was built nbout bIx months slnco at a cost of about (7,000. No insurance It is supposed to bo the work ot an Incendiary A Norfolk Mnfiou Honored Noufui.k , Neb , Fob 3. fSpecml Tele gram to The Bee ] Norfolk has bcon again favored S. W. Hayes of this city has re ceived n commission from the grand com mandery of Knight Templars of Mississippi conferring upon him tbe rank ot grand gen eralissimo and . 'is representative in the grand commarMSVy ot Nebraska Taken tVniiki Itcforiii School Hastings , r V-T , Fob 3. | Special Tele- pram to The H N-Emma Downing , the fit toen-year-olddaugtiterof Ezra Downing , was taken to the sUtti > reform school today The young lady lslhcllnod to be fast , having re cently attomptoai'lo skip out with a railroad man at McCook"t > nd has figured in sovorol other disgraceful , affairs , • lAiltiliFor JlurRln > Faihuont , Nttb.i * Feb 3 , [ Special Telegram gram to TnB"rjE.i ] George Motz was arrested today gt r burglary and placed In the city jail Huwjly day has passed slnco last fall but ivtbnt sorao one has missed articles of prMntfy of more or loss value and today a trap , was laid by which young Metz was caufht/ji. Verdict iintho Did in an Case Phii.abeU'Uia ; Fob ft The coroners Jury In the case of Banker Dittinau returned 'a verdict this afternoon thatDittman came to bis death by accidental drownlpg , not withstanding the fact thnt the coroners physician tostiQed that'hls autopsy led him to bellevo the deceased commlttod sulcldo by drowning Tbo payment ot a IJ.OOO acci dent insurance hinged on tbe determination ot tbe cause of bis death , whether accldoutat or a sulcldo - i ' m Judue Alanine' - * Chnrirp , New York , Feb 3. Judge Martlne , In charging the grand Jury today , called Its at tention to tbe wrecked banks and stated that the matter would bo fully presented to them " • Bushiest Troulili'H , titH Cuicaoo , Feb a The George S. Cllno publishing company made an assignment to day ; liabilities , tU.OtXK ussts (21.000 , AN ADDRESS TO THE COUNTRY The Domoomtlo Side of the Hou30 Ooutrovoray A DANGEROUS INNOVATION Hppnknr Keert'n Courrto Deolaro.l toIle Ilo Without Precedent , Tyrannl- oal nn.l liiliulonrto the In terests or the Nation The Minority's Defctitc WisniNOTOx , Fob 3. An address to the country explaining the | > oslllon of the demo cratic uiombers of the bouso has boon pre pared by ex-Spoakor Carlisle nnd will bo signed by nil the minority members tomor row The address save , In part : Although nearly two months have elapsed since the commltteo ou rules was appolntod It has made no' report except a partial ono mndo on the Oth ot Doccmbcrand consequently the house has boon compoUod to conduct its business without nny rule or system except i onoral parliamentary law ns construed by tbo spcakor The American bouso of representatives has beou during all tins ttmo , und still is , as far as rules for Its government nro concerned , in proclsoly the Batno condition as a po pular meeting or political convention In whicn the chairman nud his partisans absolutely con trol all the proceedings No measure can get before the house for consideration unless the speaker cheeses to allow It to bo pro soiitcd , nud the n.eiubcrs have no moans of knowing iu ndvnuco what they nro to bo called upon to discuss or to dccldo This is the llrst time in our history that a logUlatlvo nssombly or oven a publio meeting has attempted to transact business for any considerable period without a regular cede ot rules prescribing tbo order of proceedings , aud tbo inconveulenco and injustice resulting from such an attempt has boon forcibly illustrutod in the presunt in stance This personal nnd partisan domina tion of the bouso was submitted to , though not without repeated pretests until wo became - came convinced that it was thodcltorato purpose - pose of tbu upoakor and his supporters to proceed without rules to oust the domocratlo members whose scats nro contested to admit their republican opponents , wbutbor elected or not "On Wcdnosdny , January 29 , the commlt tee on elections called up a contested oloctlon case nnd tbo dcmocrntlo uiembors deter mined thnt in the absence of rule3 it should not bo considered if tUcy could prevent It by any parliamentary proceedings Accord ingly they raised a question of con sideration , dcinandod the yeas and navs und on the call of the roll refrained from voting The result was that loss than a con stitutional quorum voted , but the speaker , m violation of the uniform practlco ot the bouse for more than n century , proceeded to count the members who were present , but not voting , and declared that the house decided to take the case up From this decision an appeal wus taken and on motion to lay the appeal on tbe tublo tbo yeas and nays wcro tuken nnd loss than n quorum voted , but the speaker again counted the members not voting ing and decided the motion ngrcod to and his ruling thercbv sustained The constitution of the United States pro vides that u majority of each house shall con stltuto a quorum to do business , but n smaller number may adjourn from day to day and may bo authorized to compel the attendance of absent members in such n manner and under sucb penalties us each house may pro vide Another clause of the constitution re quires each house to keep a journal of its proceedings and provides that when ono fifth ' of the members present desire it tbo yeas and nays shall bo taken on any question and entered on tbo journal Siuco the beginning of tlio government under - 'dor the constitution , more than ono hundred j oars ago , the house of representatives and , tlie senate have uniformly construed tbo first clause ot tbo constitution quoted above to " mean thnt a majority of ull tbo members elect must be present and actually partici pate in the transaction ot business , and that whenever , upon the call of thejeasand nays It appeared from the journal , which Is tbe only oftlcial record , that loss than a constitutional quorum voted on any proposltioh tbo vote was a nullity , and no further busluoss could be done until tbe requisite number appeared and voted In order to secure certainty and stability in tbo administration ot huv it is n rule in our jurisprudence that when any particular con struction of the constitution or any statute has bcon for u long time acqiiiosced to , not enly by these whoso duty it is to execute it , but also by these whOBO personal and property rights are effected by it , the courts will recognize It as u true construction Even it this were an origiual question it would not bo difllcult to show that the practical construction of the constitution which has prevailed in tbo bouso and scnato for ever a hundred years is the correct ono Speaker Rood himself , when in the minority on the iloor of the bouse , stntod the true meaning nnd the true philosophy of the constitution when tie said : • The constitutional idea of a quorum is not the presence of a majority of all tbo i members of the house , but a majority of all the members presunt and participating in the business of tbo house It is not their visible presence , but their judgment and votes which the constitution calls for ' General Garfield , Mr Ulaino , Mr , Con ger , Mr Itobsson and ether eminent repub licans nave taken the sumo position When , thoroforc , tbe present spoakcr repudi ated this settled conBtructiou of the consti tution wo consider It our duty , as a part of the reprcsontativesof the people , to enter cur protest in every form nvnilublo to us under the circumstances Wo nro not contending for the right of the minority to govern , as the supporters of the spoakcr have endeavored to- make the country bo- lieve On the contrary wo are denying the right of the minority to eject niorabers from their seats or to pass laws for the government of the people Under the constitution a majority of tlio members of tbo house constitute n quorum to do business , nne wo are snnplv insisting that loss than a majority shall not do business , Wo nro con tending that the majority shall take the ro sponsibllity which properly beldnps to thorn nnd shall como Into the house and vote if they desire to control the proceedings ; and we are protesting against their right to carry their measures by counting us when we do not vote , J'ho claim ot the majority that they have the right to govern the bouse without attending its sessions and taking part In the conduct of its business is too preposterous to require refu tation It must be evident to any oue who understands tbe position taken by the dome cratlo minority in tbe house that It cannot possibly result In any injury to the country or any injustice to the majority Its only effect wiil bo to compel tbo republi can majority elected by tbo people to assume the responsibility imposed upon them On the other hand no one can foresee tlio evils that may result from the Inaugura tion ot the practlco ot counting votes not cast In order to niako a quorum Under It a minority of the members elect to the house and senate may pats tbo most tyrannical laws for the oppression ot the people and the most corrupt laws for the spoliation of tbo publio treasury Whether so Intended or not its direct tend encyis to break down tbo barriers hereto fore existing for tbo protection ot tbo citi zen against the encroachments of autocratic power and the spoliation ot the treasury by destroying the limitations which tbo const tutlon bus wisely imposed upon the legislu- tlve department Constitutions are made to restrain majori ties and to protect mlnnritlos , A majority ruling without limitation or restraint upon Its power is a pure despotism and is Incon sistent with our system of government " Awaiting the Proclamation CnAJiuERtAtw , S. D „ Feb , 3. [ Special Telegram to Tub Bee | Persons who In tend Bottling on tbe Sioux reservation as soon as tbo proclamation opening It is issued are arriving here in large numbers Sup plies , etc , have boon purchased by them and they have placed themselves In readi ness to move at a moments notice Agent Anderson of the Lower Brule und Crow Creek agencies In view of tbe great rush that will take place when tbe lands are opened , has telegraphed the department to sand hint troops to kocp order in case nt nn emergency The crowd how here Is very orderly nnd good fooling oxtsts No ntlompt will bo ma lo to go u | > ou the land Until they cnu ilo so legally llUHHlCANMS ON Tiki ! HANKt One Newfoundland I'MMiInc ' Schooner HnppiiHcd to Mu I ) int Gt-ofcciTsii. Mass , Fob 3. Fishermoii arriving here state that n series of heavy gales , Increasing nt times to hurricane force , have swept ever the Newfoundland banks for the last six wcoks So far ns known the only vessel among tholleot that Is ovordlio is the schooner Alice Mi Stroplo , which sailed from this port December 0. She was spoken January it , but slnco then she has not been hoard from and her owners have olven her up for lost , She carried n crew of fourteen men Colored Mcii'h Convention \VasIN ! ! < ito.v , Fob 3. The colored mon's convention began Its sessions hero toduy Coionol Perry Carson called the convention to order nnd said , among other things , thnt the suppression ot the negro vote in tbo south bad becoino the prima object of those who were lately In rebellion nnd they bnil succcoded In their nefarious work so well ns to glvo the domocratlo party thlrty-sevon more electoral votes than It was entitled to E. P. McCnll was elected temporary presi dent nnd Calvin Chase ot the Washington Bco tompornry secretary Hocordor Towiisend of the general laud oftlco delivered the address of welcome , in the course of which ho nttnckod Senators Morgan and Butler for their course in Book ing the deportutiou ot the nogrocs from tins country , and prodictoa a bright future for tbo colored inco Tin Vinililt ) Siiputy Chicago , Fob 3 , The visible supply for the wcok ending February 3 , as compiled by the sccrotnry of tlio Chicago board of trade , is as follows : " Bushels Wheat 31.4b9.000 Corn 11,919,000 Oats 5,157,000 ltyo 1,513,000 Barley 1,894,000 fluff Has a Chance Wheeling , W. Vn , Fob 3. A Charleston Bpiclal says : Tbe stiunnnry of the evidence before the mvostlgntlug committee ou the bribery charge mudo by Delognto Herr of Marlon county , bIiows thcro is very llttlo in tbo charge Stoltlncs , who is the man charged with attempted manipulation of Herr , went on the stand and made a sweep ing denial of the matter If the joint ns sombly come to n vote tomorrow , Goff , it is claimed , will bo elected , as two democrats have openly said they will vote for him Scvr-rnl hnllors Drowned , New Okleins , Feb 3. The British steam ship Black Prince from Wales at Coatzo- calcos was detained off the bar nt thut port from January 1 to January 29. During that period n boat whllo attempting to uross the CoaUecolos bar was swamped nnd two sea men drowned , Another boat sent to tbo occupants of the tirst boat was-nlsoswamped aud tbo second officer and ono seaman also drowned A Socialist Hint BEni.iJf , Fob 3. During the socialist elec toral meeting at Staasfurt whllo Deputy Helno was speaking nn ovciflow from the meeting collided with tbo police and a frco fight followed Knives nnd stones wore used The police tired with blank cartridges without effect Ball cartridges were then used , and ono woman was killed nnd several wounded A number of police wcio stabbed Why Bitminrcic ltcstgnrd Beiili.v , Feb 3. The National Zeltung says Prince Bismarck resigned the post o minister of coinmcrco because of tbo excessive sivo und burdensome iucruuso of tbo duties of that post and the growing necessity of re stricting tno sphere of his activity Ho also recommended the appointment of Von Bo- lcpscb A Blnailthirrtty flasher Peter Lannon , a waiter in the Deuverchop house , was jailed last uicht for roaring around , flourishing a grout butcher knife and threatening to carve two a other waiters named McCarthy und Fielder Steamship Arrivals1. At Philadelphia The British Prince from Liverpool ; the Gotlua , from Hamburg At Now York The Thlngvnlla , from Stet ton : the America and Celtic , frpai Liver pool ; the Gcllert , from Hamburg President or Columbia Collect New Yohk , Fob , 3. The Hon Seth Low was installed president of Columbia collcgo today ut tbo Metropolitan opera house A FOOLS HISVISNOE the Idiotic Cnner Out by n' thirteenth biroi't Man , The fool killer will tlnd a healthy , robust victim this morning by calling on Robert Wallace , 521 South Thirteenth street , Cun ningham block Wallace is a great , blub bering ignoramus who became displeased at soma trilling thing that bis overworked , feeble wife happened to say last night , nnd , going up to her , Bald in a pee hoe fashion , Now you Just better not talk thut way better notjsay such things to mo or Ill commit sulcldo ! " The wife , a very sensible appearing llttlo woman , replied : You bettor try it I thick you'd make n sweet , beautiful enrpsol" A llttlo while utter this bit of scene Wal lace came into tbo room where his wife was , and exclaimed , " 1 have taken poison ! Good byol I'm going down on the sidewalk to dlo ! " And then ho skipped out The thought that the simpleton might actually have taken a dose of poison induced tbo wife to fly down stairs and call for the police Oftlccr Dillon responded , mid Mrs Wallace told him what baa occurred , and tbo oulcor flew for a doctor In the mcantirao Wallace , then in charge of the officer , spit out n great mouth ful of what was found to bo morphine Whoa his wife und the doctor re turned the gill.v told them that bo didn't intend to kill himself , but just wanted to Bcare his wife into being good to him Mra Wallace ' asked the ofllcor to lock Wallace up , but the star declined to honor ber request Well , just lot him cut sucb a caper again , " exclaimed tbo plucky little woman , "aud Ill give him sucb u shaking up that ho really will want to poison himself I" 0 Muaomo Bmnoli , tlio lady mind vendor nnd second sight seer , arrived yostorduy She is spoken of by our custom exchanges ns a wonderful woman She has a suite of pnrlora at No 822 N. HJtb , S. W. corner of Chlcnpo and Kith , wlioro alio can bo consulted in conlldonoo Her parlors are so ur- rnncred that ono party tioott not incut another , She is very reliable , Lester or stolen property and mysterious disappearance - appearance a specialty "Tnlmaito Arrives New Yohk , Feb 3. Hey Dr Tulmago , with bis wife and daughter , arrived today on the Auraniu , fiom Llvorpool * Auction Chuitcl Mortirnire Auction 317 So 13th. Wednesday , 10 a. in The on tire contents of a 10-room house , eovoii bedroom suites , folding beds , par lor and ldtchon furniture , carpets , sil- vorwuro , otc Must and will bo sold , como early R. Wells , Auctioneer A Natural Mistake A Utlca physician has to hoar the banter of iiis tuodieal friends on account of a natural mistake that ho made re cently A patient called to bo treated for a severe cold , says the Troy Prces Ho described his troubles at loiigth , the doctor advised him to go homo and soak his foot in hot water That will do no good , * ' was tlio reply of the stele man How is thut'r" ' asked the doctor , alittloputout "My logs nro cork " said ho , with a smile The doctor did not fall to appreciate tbo force of tlio re ply DR O'RElLLEn ' ACCOUNTS I Mnyor Cushlnp ; Sayo They Were . H Found to Bo in Perfect Shape < _ H the ' rumors of A DEFICIT / " " 1 'fl Irresponsible CorrcMiondouts Will M lully Misrepresented the Hltuii- * M tlou licnituo Affairs In a f H Prosperous Condition B The Irish National LenRito M Mayor Cusbing , who | lias just returned M from Detroit , whuro ho nttondod the very M importunt meeting of ttho nudltlng commit | tea ot Hits Irish National longuo , ot which ho M ts chairman , was scon Inst ovctnng by ujllcs M reporter regarding matters pertaining to M that organization The mayor was asked M particularly what , in bis opinion , gave rise - M to the rumors that thorn was a doflolt In the | accounts of Dr Charles O'ltoitlcy , treasurer M of the league M "To bogln wltb , ' * replied Mr i | Cushlug , lot wo say that O'Hell- ' H ley had several times asked ' | that tbo auditing committee go over the ' | books , but owing to the press of busluoss ' | upon the members It did not , | scorn that tbo request could bo H granted until recently , when ho made H a. specially urgent domuiid , saying that ns it H had bcon three years since nny attention had H broti given him In this line ho should insist H for the sake of general satisfaction to nil H concerned that bis books bo gouo ever and i | all bis accounts careTullv audited - - ImbH There was conshterablo diniculty In * * 'J H getting the commltteo together Some j H insisted thnt on nccount of sickness , and very pressing business it was simply 1m S possible for them to attaint the meeting , H Finally , however , J. J , O'Connor , William &H J Clenson , Felix Cnrbray , J. W. Fitzgerald , H kMurtln Battle , O'Urlcn J. Atkinson , Thomas H I * . Tulte , l'hil McC-ihlll nud tiivsolf mot in Detroit Wo spent four days M in going over O'Holllos's books Every-v M letter which had been received with a remit-1 L H tnncc , aud every voucher for tuonoy paid H out , was carefully and precisely chucked ' 'mH over aud compared with the books H Audi want to say right here that the fact of H my having kept books for O'Hoilloy ' forthrc * M yjars aided ino very maturinlly In innkiug , H particularly minute nnd caraful work of it M "Wo found everything correct and per M foctlv exact iu every partlculnr , with the en- H ccption of $ 'i , which had been paid H out for stamps , and for which no H voucher hud been tukon Wo wcro shown a H ccrtlilcate of dc ) > oslt for the $40,000 which H tbo books indicated should bo on M hand , and this certificate was accompanied M by a note signed by the oftlcors of the bank , H stating that the money wub thcro to tlio B credit of the lcaguo , "I consider this explanation necessary , " H continued Muyor Cuihing , "nud duo O'Kcil HI ley , before my answering tbu question 113 to HJ whnt 1 think gave rise to ttiu rumors of B a deficit Thcuo rumors and they HJ have been set ntlont vnry generally - ally throughout the land originated in the reports of our committee nieetinu' , HB which were sunt to Chicago by specially do BH tailed representatives of the Trlli BH unc , Inter-Ocean , Herald and ono BJ other paper 1 did not know BJ Tlicso specially detailed correspondents were .BJ all Irishmen , nnd of the most pro issBB nouncod variety Before the committoov , < BBB m ; * , ot all they Sent massages BBV wiich iipuoarod iu these several " ' BBj p jcrs to the effect that all our proceedings BB | were to bo bohlnd closed doors Tills BJ was their first ho Then , nftor wo BH commenced work , they hud the boldness BB to assert that wo did really have our delibBH orations In secret , and that all newspaper BH men wcro barred from the room ; and not BH only this , but that they could not And out BH anything regarding what we wcro doing BHJ Then It became evident to the commltteo HB that these four Chicago newspaper men HJ wore willfully lying about us , for the fact of HHJ the matter ia thut nil nowspnpor men , HB were given not-only tbo perfect liberty of BB the room every moment wo were In BB session , but woru provided with BB all tbo conveniences they asked BV for , and were told repeatedly BH that they might exutnino tire books , papers , HB etc , as much aud as long as they pleased BH Further than this , the o men were in the BB room every day nnd all duy except BB the time they spent ia suloons for ttiey wore u BB drunken outfit BB "To provo what I say regarding nil BH our deliberations und work beiHH ing us open ns the day , I BH have but to cite tbo reports of the incotinir KHJ published in ull tbo Dotrolt papers , which H wilt bear mo out to the totter " HHfll Mr Cushlng was then Interrogated rojtfl jH gardlngtho tlnnucial.conilitlou of the lcaguoy LBj in this country , and replied : Bl "Slnco the last national convention BJ in August 'SS0 ' , when wo had BH a balance of 5J1.S55.T8 on band , the lcaguo re- HJ colveil from ull sources $3J7 , ' -J.7U ; paid HJ out for operating expenses of all kinds HH the sum of 22 , ? J5.2 ; rcmittod to HB Ireland S337,2IS.C8. und wo have ou hand HH 5i0.irJ5.a2. As to tho.leaguo's standing , po HH reports wore received , although I may say HH that the llguros just given eortalnly show a HH very happy state ot affairs from the standHH point of dollars und cents , HH "I will fltuto that Parnell would ratbor get HH along without any more money from this HB country than have tlio notional con HJ volition of leagues hold now , for HJ fear that tire brands might bo thrown HJ iu such a < convention that would hurt the HH cause , they being Just now on the eve of an HH election over there President Fitzgerald HJ bus frequently culled conventions , but on HH udvlco from the ether side has postponed thorn , tbe odvica coining in tbo shape ot let BJ ters nud telegrams from l'arui'U's BJ agents , and the league rccoenizes Fornoll ns its main loader , Its general , andL t'1 considers It best to follow bis ad vlco at all times " Mr Cusbing , what do you know of the r- . straightened circumstances of Mrs ParnolU11 Nothing further than hearsay Mrs Parnoll's son is able , willing and does pro vide for his mother I know that she drops her moncv in Wall streotand ts a foolish oM woman geucrnlly , " Has the league dovlsed nny methodical moans of aiding her ? " • "I dent think stiehns ever applied for uny aid , No , the longuo bus not'nlded ber as a league , though some of Its members have bv private subscription , I think tbe best reliaf that could bo given her would bo by appoint ing somebody to follow her around and Bee that she didn't net bo fool ishly I bavoa't ' heard that the league proposes to put her name on its books for re lief " Tno Interview closed by the mayor stating that uftcr concluding his work on the committee mitteo ho visited nil tbo principal city officials in Detroit and secured some new and good Ideas nbout running a city Ilo said ho brought back copies of their more recent reports , blank forms , etc , which ho proposes Btudying up on and comparing with these ot Omaha f | | | § | y | POWDER Absolutely Pure , v ' 1 his powder nevur viirirs A marvel of purity * HB streiiKtii and wholssonioacss Moreeeonnmlrs BH than Iheurdlusry ktnd , und cannot Uioldbyw ! ' Bi competition trim mo multitude of low tu t Bi short weight ulutii or ohoitpimto powder * . fi K Bi rml/1/1 | ( ill < * ! . _ _ ItOVM 1UKIK0 IOUPKtlCO ,