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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 4, 1890)
§ The Omaha Daily Bee I Jl | \ NINETEENTH YEAR • OMAHA TUESDAY MORjSfcNG , FEBRUARY 4. 1SO0. \i\ \ \ NUMBER 225. H I IN A FIERY SHROUD ' jVMJ Awful Holocaust tit the Homo of jVMf Secretary Tracy "fl WIFE AND DAUGHTER PERISH jwAV The Body of the Young Lady H Oomplotoly Inolnoratod -r m HEB MOTHER STIFLED DY SMOKE MVJ Donth Insults a Pow MormntB "VAJ After Her Rescue H MR TRACY'S NARROW ESCAPE . M Ho Is Tnkcn frnm the Dtilldlnjc In t H an UncnnsoluiiH Condition , Out J m Is now Believed to bo ' B ltccnvi-rtng. Mwr A Terrible Cnlnmlty ) Washington , Feb 3. A tcrriblo calamity * BV visited thu household of Secretary of the H Navy Tracy this tnornlng whereby thrco * H persons Mrs Tracy , vnfo of the secretary , H bis daughter Marie , anil a French inaid M \ lost thor ' lives and thrco others were i M . > - badly by rued The house Is a thrco story H nnd basement brick situated on I street boAS - t AS l' tween Connecticut avenue and Seventeenth jSB Btrcot , and has recently undergone extensive j Bj Improvements fl Persons parsing the house nt 7 o'clock this H morning saw snioko issuing from the front fl Windows , and nt once raised the alarm of M lira The llro and police department ro- fl spondod promptly The premise ! wcro ul- most completely eoncoulod by the dense VJ smoke , which was thickened by a heavy flfl fog which was Just lifting H ft was Boon discovered that the house was H all abluzo inside , nnd that the main stairway j was burnt , thus cutting oft commumcatiou H with the sleeping npartmonta on the second BH and third floors Scvoral streams of water flHJ wcro thrown on the flames , and ovcry effort HJ was made to check the fire BHJ A sccuo of the wildest confusion ensued JBH when It wns known that all the members of iHH - the family wcro in the house The fireman SSI < j v bohnved lilto heroes in the emergency , and H jf ' went through flro nnd smoke searching for MBHi tqaianu the different apartments BVB Mrs Wiltnordlng the secretary's daugh- AVBT tor , and Miss WUmording forced their AST way through the blinding smoke BBa and Jumped from the second-story front window Ladders were stretched for B > M them , but In llielr excitement they failed to BBm sea thorn Mrs Wllmcrding broke her wrist AV ) and was severely injured Her daughter VBJ was badly injured about the lower limbs , but pB broke no bones , liotb suffered severely from pH the shock They wcro at once tukon to M the vesldeneo of Dr Baxter , uoar by , and Bfl restoratives applied HB Mrs Traoy endeavored to escape the raging BHJ clement by dropping hcrsolf from her bed BHa room window , and in an effort to decrease HHj the distance to the ground grasped the nnr- HHJ row window sill and lowered borsalf as far HHJ as she was able These who saw her In her HHJ perilous position shouted to hold on , but HHj either she did not hear or bor strength failed BftS her , for after thus banning a moment bo- 'Hi ' tween lifo aud death she fell forty J B feet Into the areaway before I Hfe * anything could bo done towaras rescuing HF * herorrcjiovlugherfall She was immediately lAHj/ . taken to the house of nnoighbor , Dr Hhocm , Bfl nnd placed upon a lounge in the sitting HH ) room She was perfectly conscious , and did HH not scorn to suffer any pain Occasionally HH ) she complained ol oppression In the neigh AHJ borhood of her heart , and found dlfllculty In BBI breathing She talked a while , coughed fl H i sllcrhtly , and then became silent Physicians HflH looked at each other slgoillcantly Mrs H | Tracy was < fcad The immediate cause of BBfl ber death was supposed to bo from Injuries HHJ to her heart , sustained In the fall from the HHJ window , which flooded her lungs with KHJ blood It is said thatv had she delayed HHJ ber movements a couple of minutes , Iaadors HHj and mattresses and othor-moans of safe cs HH capo would have been at hand Her body HH was soon removed to tno residence of At * SB tornoy General Miller , on Massachusetts H Almost nt tbo same tlmo two ladies were MBJb _ taken from the burning building Ono was 'HBB- * 1' ' the ' Miss socrotary's duughtcr , Mary , a y Hf young lady , and the ether was that of [ 4 B' < s , ua French maid , Josophhio That of , fl l the former was found by Chief Par ' ( | sh lyiug on the door in the second j'BB story hall , at the head of the stairs , She i H hud evidently died from suffocation , The Bfl chlof lifted the lifeless body in his arms , ; BIJ and , although the stnlrcaso was ublazo , ho ! jBM brought it out Into tlio street It is said ' BJ that Miss Traoy could have saved hcrsolf If 'jBB ' her strength had hold out a few mluutes 'iBB longer , ! [ BB Of the Pronch matd llttlo Is known , sava tl H that her dead bndy was found in a room on [ • H tno top Uoor of the house , burno.l beyond K H reoognltlon , ! i H Uoth the bodies of Mlsi Tracy and the maid were taken to an undertauor's eatab- ilHfl | lishmont la the vicinity r H Sccrotary himself had most , [ Traoy a won ' H dcrful cscapo and Is now lying In a some what precarious condition ut the residence of ijBfl Judge Davis Like the ethers , ho was ever i H como In his sloop by the smoke which filled rBB the house and rendered him unconscious Ho 1JBMV T : was discovered in this condition and with .MBBJ coiiHldeiabla dlfllculty was removed to ono of I' , H the windows , Cries for a ladacr were quickly I'l H answered and many willing bauds were ' 'Bfl raised to assist him to the around , Ho was ( Bfl at once removed to a neighbors house and 'BV ' wus soon surrounded by physicians The Bfl doctors upplied urtillclal moans to induce Bfl respiration and succeeded , after an hours ! B work , in restoring him tosomi consciousness , BJ It was thou thought safe to remove him to BB Judge Davis house , IIo improved slowly B from this time , and soon regained conscious BM ocss , recognizing friends who called to ln- j H qulro In regard to his condition Among the f H first of tbeso were the president , vlco prcsl IBB dent and sovcrnl members of thu cabinet , | B The full extent of bis torrlblo affliction Is jBfl withhold from him for the present , His first BB inquiry uj > on recovering consclousuess was Bfl In regard to the safety of bis family Ho is IBH S gradually gaining In strength , and bis friends 1AmWM lvro sangulnu of his complete recovery BBBJp The walls of the house , are standing , but iflBW - - . the interior presents a picture of ruin and > > HflT desolation The residence of Judge Cox of 'HH ' tLo district supreme court , on the lsft , was BH badly damaged by water S H • All arouud these residences grat crowds congregated a soon as the news sorcad , nnd linvo romaincd nil morning President Harrison , ns soon ns ho heard of the tragedy , sent help from the executive mansion and followed himself to inqulro what ns9lstanco ho could render The members of the cabinet , with whom Secretary Tracy wns very popular , wuro among the first to call Tlioy all placed their respective residences nt the disposal of the afflicted family Chlof Parish of thu fire department told his story us follows : "I paid no attention to the llro when I heard there were persons In the house I felt my way through the smoke to the second floor nnd found a man in bed in one of the rooms I managed to diug him into n room wbero there was not too much smoke , where I broke the window nnd culled for a ladder Tha man , who proved to bo Soirotnry Tracy , was taken out , nnd L went back Into the smoke and llro again and found Miss Marie Tracy As I caught hold of her wrists to lift her up the flesh came oft her hurnoil hands I got her out , but she wus dead " Dr Uuth , at the solicitation of frlonds , visited the undorttiking establishment nnd IdcntllloJ Miss Tracy Ho made u hurried examination nnd found that she and died from suffocation Mrs Tracy was found to have died from the rupture of blood ves sels sels.A A gentleman who saw the llro said : "vVhllo the bnlldlni ! seemed to bo a mass of flames bursting from every point , Scream followed scream from the interior of the building Only a few people were passing at tha time , and they scorned bowlldorcd The engines soon nrrlvcd ; you know the rest " In ntiothcr account of the flro It is stated that Boon after the flames were dlscovorod at the Tracy residence two male servants wcro seen to ciuergo from the front dour and run for their lives The llro gained headway , and although the fir a denartmont responded promptly the residence was enveloped lu flames when they nrrlvcd Secretary nnd Mrs Trucy occupied a back room on the second end Moor Mrs Tracy , It Is thought was first nwakened by the suffocating smoke Secretary Tracy was at this linio unconscious nnd Mrs Tracy , with heroic dovotlou , attempted to drag the body of the secretary to the window In this she partially succeeded Half dazed and blinded bv the smoke , she opened the window , and lust as the llremcn were put ting up the ladder to rescue her she leaped to the sidewalk She was picked up severely Injured internally and with a broken leg , and taken to a neighboring house , where she died within au hour without rccovorlng consciousness The ladder which would have snvod Mrs Tracy's lifo had she but waited a moment was soon placed under the window and strong bands lifted the body of Secretary Tracy through it and carried him to the sidewalk The sccrotary was at first thought to bo dead , but it was discoverca that a spark of lifo yet remained Ho was removed to the residence of linncrof t Davis near by , and at 11 o'clock wns re ported ns Improving , though at that time ho had not regained consciousness Miss Tracy , the secretary's ' unmarrlod duughlcroccuptcd the third story front room , ana met a horrible fate The young lady could bo seen at the window , clad in a white robe her bauas in the attitude of prayer and her taco uplifted to heaven The flames gradually hemmed her In and she finally sank to the floor , and when found her re mains were a charred mass Mrs Wilmordlng , Secretary Tracy's mar ried daughter and her daughter , Miss Wll mcrding occupied the second front room , on the sanio floor with secretary and Mrs Tracy Both she and her daughter Jumped from the windows to the grass torrneo be low , and while the shock to both was sevorc neither received any apparent injury JAMES WELCH'S STOItr James Welch , the secretary's butler , said : "I sloop in the basement , una this morning I got up about 0:30. : There was no smell of fire nnd no uppeuranco of anything wrong At about 7 o'clock I started to clean my din ing room , when there was a ring at the bell , unci when I answered it a colored man said : Your hoU60 is on llro " At once I rushed up stairs to urouso the family nnd although the smono was vury thick I suc ceeded in knocklug nt every door , und from each ono in the rooms I secured a response Then I started to go down stairs , and , nearly choked with bdioIio , I foil thrco times , but finally got to the front door I wcDt around to the rear and tried to cat a ladder so as to reach the secretary nnu sirs , lracys joaroom Airs Tracy was at the window , oud while a few of us who were there uppoalodto her to keep still for a mlnuto moro , she climbed out on the sill and lowered herself until she bung by her bands on the nnrrow Btono projec tion Everybody who saw her yelled to her to hold on for a moment , and wo looked around lor something on which to catch her so as to break the fall which bad to como " How long did Mrs Tracy hang there ! " Not moro than n few seconds She told mo afterwurds that she slipped , She fell into un areaway , almost touching mo in her swift descent ( I was on the around level ) , und struck on her loft sldo No sound save n llttlo incoherent murmur came from her lius . I plcuod her up and carried ber into Iibcem's house " k TOTAI < nUIK Tothosowho were admitted to view the destruction of property , the bedroom which had been occupied by Sccrotary nnd Mrs , Tracy was the principal point of interest It is a roar room on the second floor , and must have boon a beautiful apart ment , Everything is black and soaked with water The room is a hugo cinder On the third floor , in the central front , was tbo room occupied last night by Mrs Tracy This was a ruin of the most thorough description charred In every corner , the colling gene , the doors burned out , cfndors ankle deep covered the floor and what tbo flames had spared was destroyed by water The llro originated In the parlor near the open llro place Whether It onginatod from the grata or heating plpa is not known The furnace is in the busouient , directly bo- neatli where the tire started , and the pipes leading to the upper stories passed in tha rear of the woodwork The firemen gen erally think that the woodwork caught llro from the heated plpos Secretary Tracy received a largo number of telegrams of condolence this morning Owing to the sad event President and Mrs Harrison bavo rec.illod the invitations to the state dinner iu honor of the supreme court Thursduy next , TAKES ? TO THE WIIITB II0BSE. The romalus of Mrs Traoy and Miss Tracy lie tonight in n casket in thu ountru of the east room of the white house , bjneatli the crystal chandeliers whoso light less than u week ago shauo upon thorn as they gayly greeted their numerous friends at tha lust presidential reception The bodies were brought to the white house at 0 o'clock by order of the president , wht > has taken charge of whatever arrange ments for the fuucral It was necessary to make at present Thu final arrangements will not b.i made until the arrival of Secretary tary Tracy's son und General Catlln , his brother-in-law , who are expected tonUht Tbo injured are improving , The presi dent visited Secretary Tracy again this even ing and found him regaining strength , though still hardly able to realize the grout loss ho has sustained Tlio Cnbinut'ii Trip Almniloiiert Washinoton , Feb 3 , The trip of the president and cabinet to Now York to attend the ventonnary of the organization of tbo supreme court of the United States has been abuudouud on account of the deaths in tbo lumilics of Secretaries Uluiao and Tracy , " BLOODY FUSS FOR DREKFOS A Fronoh Duel la Wh oh Real Gore Was Spilled THE EDITOR HIT IN THE ARM Marquis do Mores * Exriorloncu in Blmitnnn L'rnvcM of Croat Value to IIIm on the Field of Honor " An Unusual Termination tr < ) ) i/rfflM ) ISM bu J ( m ; ( Ionian Hsmi'K.1 Puns , Fob 3. ( Now York Herald Cable Special to Tim Ueb.1 The much talked of duet botwoou the Marquis do Mores and M , Camlllo .Dreyfus was fought yesterday morning In the outskirts of the llttlo town of Comlnos in Belgium , Just beyond - yond the fcVonch f rontlor At the word of command M , Droyfus fired und mUsed The marquis almod dollbaruloly nnd sent a bait Into the nrm of his opponent , Just above tbo elbow Joint The wound is painful , but not serious Hud it not bocn for the fact that Droyfus dropped bis nrm tmmodiataly on firing it Is very probable that ho would have bocn mortally wounded iM Droyfus , In a fovorluh condition , with his arm bandaged and groitly swollen , Is now lying nt Lillo , where ho will romiln until tha doctors allow him to return to Paris The Marquis do Mores , accompanied by his seconds , reached Paris lust oveiiing In tlniu for dinner Besides the principals nine mon witnosssd the duel two seconds on each sldo , two doc tors , a French officer , a frlond of M. do Mores , M. Vnn Islamic , owner of the prop erty where tlio fight took place , and a Har old correspondent No other newspaper representatives were present The duel in many respects was a romarka- blb ono It was occasioned oy nn article writtort some days ago by M. Droyfus m La Nution , In which the well known political writer said a number nf things about the mnrquls which tbo latter considered insult ing Ho snld the marquis father was u banker , his mother a Jewess , and ho himself a , n word not usually printed In high class newspapers , but it begins and ends with the same lcttor A few hours later ho rccoivod a challenge to mortal combat The condi tions of the duel were that if neither were wounded after the first round , a second should ho fired , and after that a third if necessary As both men are expert shots , their many friends looked for ward to tbo result with serious apprehen sions For years the Marquis do Mores has been accuttomod , on the linuionso cattle ranches of Montana , to the constant use of the revolver It hat bcon bis boast that no thief had over stolen ono of his horses or steeds and livoJ M. Droyfus had long en joyed the reputation of being among Parlsan Journalists the ono whom It was particularly iuadvisablo to challenge Ho rarely mlssod his man About 7 o'clock Saturday evening a tall , bandsomo man , enveloped in an ulster , stood near the tlokot olUco at Garo du Nerd , ap parently Intent on roadinir ' a paper Ho was really waiting for his seconds * " It was M. do Mores Just about starting on a jpurnoy from which ho might never return alive Presently two ethers apnroachod , also ouvolopod in ulsters The taller and larger of the two was the Comto do Dion , and the ether Mla Capl- taino Fcuillant , recently prominent as ono'of Uoulangcr's staunch supporters , After a whisperM conversation , during which glnncas were shot from tlmo to time in tha direction of a similar group not fur distant , tha party moved toward the train The second group followed A pale-faced , medium-sizod man walked m front , accom panied by Lockroy , ox-ministor of pubho in struction , M. Pochon and Dr Malacot . The palo-fnced man was Camlllo Droyfus They also took places In the express , which presently rolled away for Lillo Tbo marquis and his party at once established themselves in the dining car for the next two hours , eating , drinking , laughing and chat tine , and they seoniod to have a glorious good time Than they withdraw to their compartments , succeeded by their opponoats , who also dlnod , though loss jovously The tram roaohod Lillo at 11 o'clock and all hands prepared to enjoy a good nights ' sleep , if a rood nights sloop were possible under the clrcumstunces Strict orders were loft for a general awakonlng at7o'doctc next morning , with hot water , barbers , mut ton chops , eggs , coffoc etc The bedrooms were frigid ; the bet water came too late ; the barbers overs lopt themselves altocetbqr , and the morning meal was not enjoyable An hours run from Lillo brought us ever to the Uelglan frontier , and at Coailncs all alighted I had the pleasure of riding a brief dis tance In f ho same carrlago with Mr Droy fus and his friends , who apparently mistook mo for au English tourist , probably because I were u plalu traveling cap und was reading au Kulish novel They tulkod freely ot the duel , but there scorned to bo an atmospbero of gloom in tbo railway carrlago which made it pleasant to got out again into the fresh morning air At last the scene of action was reached , the carriages came to a halt and the occupants align.tod , A wain across n few hundred yards of nloughod ground brought the party to u stone cottage , where preparations had been made to care for the wounded , it wounded thi'ro should bo Hero for the first tlmo the two cno- inlos mot There was a grand lifting of huts all round , n profusion of solemn bows.but not a word was spoken Without losing time the four seconds proceeded to business Ex- Minister Lockroy drew forth a & frano plcco anu sent it spinning into the air Face , " called M. Fouillant , but a tall came This gave M. Droyfus tbo choica of posi tion Up wont the coin again and tbo cap tain won the choice At the third toss of the dollar the captain won the privilege of giving the word , of command The next thing was to measure the dts- tanco twenty metres which was done by the Comto do Dion , who unrolled u tape measure with the dexterity of a man uccus- tomed to this sort of thing Iudocd tbo comto has fought no cud of duels and bus never been touched M , Droyfus pUoed himself at the end of the line near the road , marking the exact spot with a cono-handlod cano curiously enough with a deaths ' bead carved in ivory The Marquis do Mores placed himself opposite Uoth were white gloves , silk hats and full afternoon dress Neither combatant hud auy advantage from the position ot the suti , which wus exactly between tbuni low on the horizon The pistols furnished by the marquis hav ing been taken from a sealed box In which they bad left tbo makers , were tried care fully by Diou , wno discharged them several tlmss in the air Then , tbo weapons having been loaded in an approved manner In the presence ot the seconds , M. Fcuillant handed an uncovered pistol to M. Droyfus , whllo M. Lockroy performea a similar service for the marquis Each principal having given his word of honor that there was no sort of armor con cealed benoatb nla clothes , the duel began , M. Fcuillant spokefirst , und ex plained that bis associate , M , do Dion , would first go through tbo act ot giving commund and then really do so The cap tain lifted bis hat and bold it in bis right band in tbo posltlou prescribed in duel etiquette , whereupon the count raised his hat In a similar wny , nnd drawing a gold stop watch cillod out.distlrfctlv Ono , two , thrco " o.ich count bolng marked by the beat ot a second During this trial per formance the two principals hold their pis tols In their right hands , { with tbo barrels upward , nccordlne to the Vllreclious of the captain ' • | Hut now tlio command ' was about to bo glvon In earnest Again , lifting his hat with the same rourtcousness , . M , Fouillant cried : Cock your olstos ) , nontlcincn " Then , with u bow W the count , ho nddcdi Are you ready , countl" The count waltodjv few moments , then seeing that bnth > wcapons were cocked , saidt Are geuttompnl" , vou ready , "Yob , " nnswered M. Droyfus Yes , " answered the msrquls " - Then Ono two , threol' * In the preliminary proceedings Captain Fculllnnt had cautlonid both men to aim deliberately - liboratoly before firing ; but M. Dreyfus did not cbooso to follow this advice Hardly hud thu flist word been tillered when thu report of his pistol sounded through thn quiet morn lug air A glnnco at the mnrquls showed ho was uninjured Ono cptlld fancy M. Drevfus gave n hurried start as ho saw his aim had missed and as bo also ' saw his enemy aim , raising bIowIv to the dead horizontal The word Two sounded , the marquis touched the trlggor , > and the leaden bullet , twelve milllmctors in tllnineter , spodBtrulaht towards the breast of bis adversary But his adversary's arm , moantlmo having fal len , rccoivod the ball which would other wlso have penetrated some vital organ Even nt the dlstnnco where I stood ono could oa lly see the shock caused by the Impact of the bullet " "I am hit , " called M. Droyfus , as the seconds ends came running towards him With that ho thro\v the pistol to the ground and walked towards tbo cottngo , whore the doctors promptly did ( their work I saw them both after it Was over und rccaivod their assurance that tbo wound , wbilo pain ful , would not provo serlotR Uoth doctors said that but for the intervening arm the worst might easily have Jiapponod , Wbilo nil this wns going on I stood n tuw dozen ynrds away , winching every dotill , and from time to tltnouaking Instantaneous photographs with the aid of a dotcctivo camera stowed banoath my waistcoat Ton minutes after the duel was ever the whole party was on fits way back to the station , where telegrams were Bent to anxious friends in P iris and eslcwhoro Among these who must have been most re joiced uy the news that M. do Mores had es caped uninjured was thoyoung marquise , formerly Miss do Hoffman of Now York , who married the marquis during bis residence denco in the United States Uy tha way she is said to bo as euro a shot as her husband , , On ono occasion she went witha hunting party to the Hocky mountains and with her own hand , or rather with lerf own Winchester , killed three grizzly boars ) Moro recently , while in India with tha marquis , she shot thrco tigers from the back of an elephant As his wlfo has b'cen ill for some weeks pist the marquis bad taken the precaution to kcop her in ignorance of tbo dnul On the way'back to Purls I had a pleasant talk with Lockroy , 'who1 expressed himself profoundly astonished to find that the Inof fensive Englishman with'tVenlaid ' traveling cap and novel was a correspondent ot the Herald Ho took It , , however , nil In good part , and wont so far ns to compliment the paper oa Its enterprise The tlmo durlne the journey ! Jibmo was passed pleasantly enough In tufe compartment where the marquis und bis friends wcro seated Captain Fouillant , who la' what the French call a vioux loup at , duelling , ' related a num ber of his oxperlences.wltti the sword und pistol Ho has fought , rfojless'than forty thruo times The copfto and ' ho had a friendly argument as't the'folativo advant ages of the two woapijrbt but came to , no conclusion Both cottgrardiatad the mar quis on tbo preclsionrlif ihii aim and were In their turn complimented by him " on the admirable - mirablo manner in which tbey bad dis charged tbo duties of seconds Mr Droyfus tossing aboul unoaslly In his bad nt Lille , was meanttmo thanking brovidenco for the ldsplrution which made him lower his arm PAIINHLIj vindicated The London Times Pays Him Five Thousand Hounds London , Fob 3. The trial or the suit for libel brought by Purn eli against tha Times was to have begun toJay.but when the enso was called counsel announced the suit had been compromised , the Times paying Parnoll 5,000 damages The withdrawal wasnlsa announced of the action brought by Henry Campbell , Par noil's private secretary , Ugainst the Times for damages for statomohts against Camp bell made by Attorney ? General Webster , counsel for the Times , iif.his speech in the case ol O'Donnell agninst Walter , the proprietor ' prietor of tbo Times , nnd for the charges made against the plaintiff in an editorial oublisbod by that papsr la 1838. The an nouncement , of the result of the actions caused a sensation in tile court room It is stated that the Timesyrlll pay Campbell 200 damages , besides meeting all the costs of bis action . , English Newspaper Comment London , Feb 3. Th J times says upon the Parnell case : After our withdrawal of the letters It was clear wo bad no legal de- fonsb , therefore no alternative wus open to us but to como to terms or abide the verdict of the Jury As wo had ut tbo outset chailoneed such action wo can not complain at being taken ut ourWord This result , however , in no way affects tbo larger ques tion It Is most desirable that the parlia mentary commission should report , and when its report is presented It is . equally desirable that It may bo piaced in the hands ot the public with the least possible delay , The Post says : While it was not doubted that the Times would lese the case vet the array of counsel raised hopes that some ex tenuating circumstances w&uld bo brought out This course now tuken wo nro com pelled to admit is a snqck to public confi dence ' The News undorstands'that .Parnoll will recelvo not only the costs legally recoverable but reimbursement for tbo whole expense bo incurred In tbo matter , The conclusion is as satisfactory as it is startling The public now only awaits the ministerial apology , the making of which common ) courtesy should diutato } The Chronlclo says tho1 > nccoptanco of' ' smaller damages than the jury would nward is proof ot genuine moderation , for which Parnoll is entitled to cr&liti - > The Telegraph says it is Jmpoaslblo not to condemn the nogligonoo 6s the Times In becoming - coming the dupe of a dlsf-oputaDlo rascal The settlement is satisfactory , Fitzgerald Jubilant Chicago , Fob 3 , Prcsfdjjdt Fitzgerald of the Irish National Loaauo1 of America arrived In the city today • Speaking .of the result ot the Parnell trialho said it will causa u great revival ot Interest in the cause of Irolund because the settlement ' of tlio case und Its conditions will utcraet tbo uttontion of the world Upon bis ruturn to his homo at Lincoln , Neb , Mr , Fltijrorald will issue a < stirring appeal to the IriihAmorIcans in bo- haif of Parnell , as decided upon in Detroit . ' i Juilgo Kiltorton Arrives Mitchell , S. D , , Feb 3 , [ Special Tele gram to Heb.1 Hon Judso Edgerton was brought homo from Ptarro Saturday after noon by special train , accompanied by his son , Hon E. O. Edgort ot ember of the house from Yunkton county For ten days , past he has had a severe attack of la grippe and wus threatened with'pneumonia , but is' now convalescent Tha pulled States dia- trict court will not convene at Picrro uulll the judge fully recovers , Tlio AVoather-FjOrco sr , . For Omaha nnd vicinity ; LieUt Vain , followed - ' lowed by fair weather ! For Nebraska , Fair , warmer in eastern , stationary temperature in western portion , westerly winds For Iowa i Local rains , waruior , southerly winds For Dakota : Warmer , southwesterly winds , occasional rains , THE PROPOSITION IS LOADED A Scheme the Iowtt Domoomts May Spring Toduy REPUBLICANS ON THEIR GUARD Consldorablo Difrorenco of Opinion ns In tlio Proper 'Xiint for Electing n Unit oil States Senator Thcfllown liCtilRlntlve Situation Des Moinbs la , Fob 3. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tim Hub ] There 1b talk tonight that tlio democrats may spring tomoirown uqublo proposition in the house and ask the republicans to Uko their cholco This prop osition , it Is rcportod , will bo to the effect that whichever sldo has the pormnnont spcakor shall cot have the committee on the suppression ot Intemperance They will suggest a fair division of the odices und commlttocs , with the spoakorship on ono sldo nnd the temperance committee on the other , nnd try to put the republicans in the nltltudo of going back on prohibition or else surrender the spoakorship It is a very shrewd scheme If they really have it in mind Leading re publicans were asked tonight what they would do In that case nnd they sty that they will insist that all such propositions mnst bo submitted through the rogulur channel that Is , by a conference coinmittoo They will not consider or discuss on the lloorof the house any proposition or that kind without its previous consideration in cnucus The only other subjectof Intorcst discussed tonlcht is the senatorial matter Tomorrow Is the second Tuesday after the temporary organization of the house If thn statute prescribing the tlmo for the cloction of sen ator means the second Tuesday after such an organlzatlon ns the house now has , then It is Imperative that a ballot bo taken tomor row But if permauont organization is meant it can bo deferred Some republicans think the attempt to elect a senator should bo mndo tomorrow , but the democrats object to nny such proceeding , aud will not consent unless their governor can nlso bo Innugu- rated Hut there has been so much nbsonteo- Ism that possibly the republicans might be in the minority tomorrow Then , supposing some doniocrut should move thoclcclinnof a United States senator , what would the re publicans do ! This contingency has only re cently been nnticipatcd , nnd n strong oilort will bo made tomorrow to get the full repub lican strength so as not to bo caught nap ping Tlio Home Dns Moines , la , Fob 3. In the house this afternoon twenty pairs were announced only two more than on Saturdiiy Voting for permanent speaker began with tno forty ninth ballot , which resulted : Hamilton 30 , Wilson 30. After taking a few moro ballots the house adjourned The Mayor Mollis ' the FuniU Cheston , la , Feb 3. [ Special Telegram to Tnu Bee ] A set of resolutions were introduced in the city council moetlng to night dpmandlng that the mayor , John A. Pattotson , turn ever to the city treasurer all moneys oollectcd by him bolonglng to tbo city , and In case ot bis refusal to do so tbo city attorney bo instructed to begin suit at once compelling him to do so Also that impcnchmont proceedings bo instltutod in case of his refusal Tha resolutions ro- sultodinu tie vote , the mayor casting the dealdlng vote , ruling them out of order Another sat of resolutions were then Introduced , demanding an im mediate investigation ot tbo official nets of the mayor Tills also resulted in a tlo , the mayor voting for investigntion , Proceedings will be commeucod at once The major hus persistently refused to turnover ever the city funds in his hands on the grounds that there is no citv ordinance com pelling him to do so The affair has created intense excitement in the city , tlio council chamber tonight belrg crowded with citizens A. Saloon Murder Clinton , In , Fed 3. In the resldonco part of the city , Pat NoNeally recently started a saloon in a cottaco An effort was made to close him up and ho was nrrostod , but again opened nnd has boon runninir n hole for local toughs Early Sunday morn ing Jim and Jack Rowan , Jim Hnnlan and some others were there carousing Han Ian lost his gloves and accused some of the gang ot taking them Hot words ensued Hunlan went homo got a revolver nnd returned Ho was met at the door ot the saloon by the Rowan hoys and two others who asked Hnnlan what he wanted Ho said : "I have came como hero to kill somebody and I am going to do it , " and at oaca opened fire , shooting Jacob Ho wan in the chin , the ball lodging back of bis ear Ho then turned to Jim Itownn and said : You want some , too dent youi" Jim Uowan started to run , when Haitian fired , hitting Rowan In the back , the hall penetrating his heart , killing him Instantly Hanlan tbon stood over his second victim , saying : "I'm ' sorry I hurt you Jlmj goodbye , " when bo loft The wounded mun is still nlivo nnd may re cover The murderer when he loft was on a Northwestern train going cast into Illinois The Supreme Court Des Moines , la , Fob , 3. [ Special Tolo- grum to Tub Bee , ] The following deel- , 4ions were rendered by thosapremocourt to day ; E. L. Ulackman ys Fairbanks , Morse & Co.- appellants ; Uutlor district ; affirmed Lcander Uolton vs Oborne Hosiok St Co , appellants ; Polk district ; ravorsed H. H. Sickles vs Dallas Center bank , ap pellant : Pallas district ; affirmed Citizens National bank ot i > l vs A. T , John son ot al and John MaFarland & Co , appel lants ; Polk district ; reversed In the matter of the estate ot William John Gill , deceased ; Polk district affirmed Iowa's CliRritiiulo Institution , Des Moines , Io , Fob , 8. | Special Tele gram to Tub Uee.J The report of the super intendent ot tbo Glonwood homo tor the feeble minded , which was filed with the auditor of state today , shows that during December there were Hi Inmates Win rauts In tlio sum of t,390 were issued for the sup port of tha same For the support and ex penses of the college for the blind ut Coun cil Bluffs 115,700 was paid out ot the stuto treasury Br it ! go Proposition Cnrricil Lyons , la , Feb 3. [ Special Tolcgratn to The Bee ] A Bpcclal election on tno ques tion of building a bridge ever the Missis- sipprat this place was hold bora today The vote was In favor of the bridge SSI majority only 110 votes being east against it Killed By a. Horse Watehloo , la , Feb 8.-Special [ Tele gram to The Bee | S.tmuol Decker , a black smith at Jeesup , u small town near bore , was kicked in the temple oy a horse bu was shoo Ing last Saturday and Instantly killed IIo , was about fifty years old Forger fjarklnn Plead ) Guilty Sioux Cmla. . , Fab , 3. [ Special Telegram - gram to The Bee ] ALarklns , tha noted Parsons , Kan , forger , this morning pleaded ' guilty to an indictment for forgery and will , bo sentenced Friday , Ho Bwindlod the Sioux City Savings bank out of | 25 a year ago A Itunnlnir Street Flcht Sioux Cut , Is , , Feb 8. [ Spooial Tele gram to Tub Bee ] J , D. Rainny , book keeper for the Fidelity Loan and Trust company , f" iptsd yesterday to shoot Will Jand t , wht0 chnrgod with Improper rela tions with his wlfo Halnov pursued Jnndt several block ' ni the street , tiring a revolver ver ns they • n. Tlio parties have high social count jns Jnndt left town Inst night , OKNCUALS < tUOI ( AND MILKS Tlio Former lloplioit to the Attuoks of 1 ho linttrr Ctticino , Fob , 3. [ Spoeial Telegram to The Hrs ] Genural Croaks attention wns today called to the strictures of General Miles of San Francisco upon the position which Crook has assumed relntlvo to remov ing the Apaches Geronlmo and his band to the Indian Territory "I am surprised nt Genornt Miles , " said General Crook "Ho goo * rattling on Uko n stoim engine , never making nny direct answer to mv statements , but nt thu same time presuming to bo nblo to judge thu opinions ot every resident on the Pacific coast and In Arizona nbjut the advisability of removing Gcrontmo nnd his band to the Indian Territory Ho says everybody nut there is denounc ing the schema nnd that it wns nn outrage for mo to support any such idea and nn outrage on the gallant soldiers who fought to rid tno territory of the dondly hostlles , Now , the spectuclo of two tinny ofllcors descending to 11 common tight , with the Hocky mountains ns n baris disgrncoful , but I feel It my duty to say that my sulo rests upon the facts nnd records of the whole nITalr I never said anvthing against the bravo bovs who fought or against their method of lighting Everybody knows that General Miles cannot get around the facts by rcsortinir to Bentimciit , As far as the generals statement concerning inv conuuet being 11 violation of the fourth paragraph of tno armv regulations is concurnoJ , I will Ritntllv say this : I made no charges until he attempted to distort tbo facts la the case Then 1 morejy replied to protect iny- Bclf There is nothing wrong In that , I hope " THE TU.YNa-.UIhSOUHI. It Will Tiki Action on limi-ms and Nebraska Kmrripno'Kites. . Kansas Citv , Mo , Fob Special | Telegram gram to The Bee I The correspondent of The Bee was this afternoon shown the regular printed call for the Trans-Mlssourl fre'ght meeting for February It contains nn oillclal notlco that the question of emer gency grain rates from Kansas and Nobrnska will como up in regular order for considera tion Cnairmnn Fmley said this afternoon that the talK of Governor Thuyer's letter passing Into history was the pink of foolish ness No sooner had it boon received at the managers meeting in Chicago than a mom Dor filed the usual application for the ques tion to come up lu the regular call This was the quickest nnd 111 fact the only regular way to bring thu matter before the association us a body It is n matter 111 wnlch Chairman Finley has no direct authority Mr Flnlov said : "I am surprised Hint the cry was so soon taken up that the railroads were ready to put nn Iron heel on the neck of the struggling western farmer The railroads are of course on the lookout for their own interests , but it is quite sum that they do not see it in their interest to throttle the mnii who helpsso much to Kco | > up the appearances of the annual statements of earnings Of course I do not know what tbo association proposes to do with the letter of Governor Thayer and thojippcal , of the Kansas farm ers assocldtioni"butr" there need bo no alarm The railroads will glvo the matter a deliberate nnd fair consideration , mark that " There is nothing in the Call referring to the disputed question of Nebraska local cattle rates us applying on through business to Chicago An association mun euld this afternoon Hint unless the meeting unani mously requested its consideration the prob lem will ba left for the roads themselves to solve The Now Airrci'inmit Mill Inooinnlntc CniCAao , Feb , 3. 1 Special Toloeram to The Bee ] Chairmen Walker , ' Falthorno , Mldgely and Finloy , to whom has boon as signed the task of formulnting a now agree ment for the Interstate Commerce Railway association , have decldod that they cannot report the now agreement to the prosiacuts at the mooting of the 11th. As a consequence quence both the Union Pacific nnd North western will formally withdraw on that day nnd probabiy enough of the other roads , so the association will exist only in name until the now ncrccment is ready for considera tion It is practically certain that the Wis consin Central and St Louis & San Francisco will give notice of withdrawal on or before tbo 11th. Theie is no longer any hope of the continunnco of the present organization , nnd it is likely that thu name oven will bo changed in the proposed planof reorganiza tion Every western line , Irrespective of the present membership , will bo asked to Join tbo association , but the chairmen freely confess that they have as yet been unable to think of any agreemontupon which all lines will unlto The wbolo thing la opcnly ridiculed - culod by many railroad men owing tu thu 1 fact that there has never been u railroad agreement In which all the lines kept faith ItULED AGAINV1' A QOAOUOON A.Decision W'hloh Given TI10ntrlo.1l Managers Arbitrary Powers Kansas Citv , Mo , Fob 3. ISpooial Telegram to Tub Bbk.1 Judge Fiuld In the circuitcourt today decided the case of Simp- sou C Younger , t quadroon , vs A. Judah , mnnagar of the Ninth street thoatcr , for the dr fondant Younger brought suit for ? 5,000 damages because , uflcr ho hud purchased tickets for the forcl.ostra circle In Judah's theater ho was refused olmlttancu to that part of the bouse , Judge Field Bays : "A theater is not a necessity , but a luxury , nnd u ticket of admittancn is a licunso rovokablu at tbo wish of tha tnur-agcracnt. " The de cision of Juaga Field goes much further than the cases cited , as it glvea theatrical man ngcrs almost arbitrary control ot whom they shall nr shall not admit Under it thu pro prietor of nny tbonior can refuse admittance to any ono , white nr blnck EDITOK WEST hKNUSNCED Five Years in thu fun tontinry anil a $ lOUO , Floe Chicaoo , Fob 8. Judge Grlnnell this afternoon overruled the motion for a now trial for James J , West and Imposed sentence - tonco upon tbo one-tlmo prcsldont of the Chicago Times company iu accordance with the verdict , five years In the penitentiary and a line of * 1,000. Tbo charge on which the prlsonorwas con victed wns the fraudulent ovcr-lssuo of Times stock to the extent of nearly 1180,000. The prisoner was visibly affuctod when sen tence was pronounced , hut soon recovered his usual spirits It is nut yet determined when West will bo taken to tbo penllen tlary , Favor ltnvislon Ciiicao.0 , Fob 3. The Chicago presbytery ttiU'mornlng voted almost unanimously ' in favor of a revision of the confession of faith , New YoitK , Fob ! ! . fho Now York Presbytery mot today after two weeks dis cussion and voted on the proposed revision of the confession of faitb A report favoring revision was adopted , and the Now York Preshytory has declared Itself in favor ot the revision of the Westminster confession of faith by a yoto of moro than two to ono A Coiinoilman Klnns nil Editor , Kansas Cur , Mg , FeV k3. [ Special Tolo- cram to Tim Bee j Councilman tFoloy at a meeting ot the common council tonight slapped Albert l'atek , managing editor ot the Globe , In the face , and when palled to order by thoupeaker said : "I will slap bis d d face off if ho speaks to me again , " ' 1 ho trouble grew out of tbo waterworks trouble , in which the flloba made kensatlouul churges agulnst the council , SECRETARY TRACY'S SORROW H Tbo Prosldont Uomforts Him tu Hid M Awful Grlof | | B. & M. RIGHT OF WAY WANTED H The Couirmny Desires n Short Cut | Through the Now I'ort Omaha | Timber Culture Matters | Miscellaneous H WASm.XOTON BUItEAUTlIK Oiuiu Hits , I | S13 Fouiitebntii Srunitr , V H Washinoton , D. C. Feb 3. | H Prone 011 the sidewalk lay thu lifeless body | of n woman clad In a night dross , a taw feet | from the bond two chnrrcd nnd blackened H ennnry birds ; in _ the opposite direction , the | dlstnnco ot two steps , the crisp form of A M pnrrot still In death Death on every liana { | in front nnd up a short llight of stotti steps , | whnt was au almost now and handsome deep B red brick residence , now black from smoke , B with windows crushed in and doors torn | out Thnt wns the scene a thousand people ) HBV gazed upon ns they behold nt S o'clock this HBV morning whnt was last night the happy HBVJ homo of General Tracy , secretary of the ) HBV nnvy In n neighbors ' residence near by HBV wcro the breathless bodies of Mrs Traoy HBV and daughter , Miss Mary Tracy Within a JBV short distance lay Secretary Tracy and th * JBV married daughter , Mrs , Wilmordlng , umi H Miss Alice Wilmordlng , the lattor's daugh' H tor ' 1 heso escaped from the buriiiur buildHBV lng shortly after T o'clock almost mlr.icul * H 'J ho flro was the-solo thamo throughout HBV the city during tlio day HBV It seemed un hour before the dond body of HBV the woman wns taken from the slduwulir H No ono up pen red to know whoso it was or HHV to assume authority to remove It Neigh HJ Dors , police and llremcn gazed In awful HBV silence nl tbo spaechlcss form of the unknown - H known woman , then diverted their nttcn * H lion 4to the scene of desolation about the H building It was enough to move thu hard | est heart to contemplate the horror which H must huve prevailed when nt dnyllght , amid H the ronr of leaping Haines , stilling smoke , H crabbing glass and intense hent , thu forms H of four women wcro hurled from the upper H story tothosldewalk below , one to bo plckod H up iu 11 dying condition , one dond , and two H fell In the throes of death Inside thu build H M. L. Ruth of the navy Is a famous man H In social circles nnd hus had an cxpcrlonco H full of romance and tragedy ; whntavcrhap- H puns he seemn always to bo there If it Is H au nccldcut , or a murder , a fight , or n tire , H Dr Ruth seems by fate to bo destined ns a H witness , and the incidents iu his lifo would H make ns thrilling a tale as ever came from H the pen of Charles Dicitnns or Wllkio ( Jol- H llus He lives at the Metropolitan club at H the corner of II and Seventeenth streets , H Just ono block in the rear of the Tracy man H slon "I was awakened , " ho said this after H noon , "by tbo fire onglnos , nnd running t o H my window saw thu flumes and smoke rising H from the roof nnd windows ot Secretary H Tracay'S'housa I pulled on uij clothing as H qulckiy as popsiblo und ran over there The H llremcn told mo that the secretary bad beau M taken as dead to tbo house ot Mr , ttboam , on H Connecticut avenue , nnd I ran there nt once | to find the secretary lylngupdh the floor In tbo M kitchen wrapped in u blanket nnd with nothing M on but his nightshirt Ho was uuconsciods M and iu a comatose condition , but was not H burned ut all I Immediately resorted to - H the usual means to secure urtillclal rosplra- H tion , the sumo that are used to restore H drowning persons I also udmlnlstorcd H stimulants , chafed his hands and foot and H soon succeeded in gcttlca him to breathe H Ho was nearly suffocated with smoke , bed H had suffered no bruises Other assistants H came lu soon , Dr Muy , who had been with H Mrs Trucy , and Dr Kerr , who lives near H by on Seventeenth strcoU ' ! hey were soon H followed by ex-Surgeon General Wales of H the navy , who has been the ramilv physician H of the Tracvs Yory soon Prcsldont Horn H son came in nud went at once to Mr H Tracy's side At that tlmo the secretary M was unconscious , but uttering Incoherent H sentences The president assisted us in the H manipulation of his body nnd snowed great H skill us well as sympathy Ho held the M secretary's ' head and talked with M him and tbo first sign of returning _ , j B consciousness wqb Mr Tracy's ' recognition H of tha president , but ho soon relapsed off M into unconsciousness , again and wo were M compelled to keep up our manipulation for H some time Ultimately the luncs began to M resume their functions and tbo imminent H danger of death seemed to bo over . By this M time Vlco President Morton , Senators Halo , M Chandler , Hawley and other guutlomen of M promincnco came in , anu us soon as the sco- H rotary was partially restored tbo president M suggested that ho bu removed to the white H house Wo wrapped him in blankets and H made him as comfortable us possible , but Ho M seemed to bo Mill In 11 critical condition and M it wns thought best to tuka htm only ns far 1 as the house of Mr , Bancroft Davis , whioU H is only around the corner , where ho could no B made as com fort able as at the white house B There I left him in charge of Surgeon Gen erul Brown , ox-Surgeon General Wales nnil others , nnd went to look after the other mem- hers of the family " There wcro very soon guthorcd around the bedside of the secretary iu thn residence of Mr , Duvls nearly ull the members of the ndmlnlsltntion , tha president , the vlco president - dent , Secretaries Proctor , Wintlom and HBl Noble , Attorney General Miller , Private M Sccrotary Hnlford and others The party waited patiently In the adjoining room for him to recover consciousness , which be IBl finally did ufter nn hour or so , nnd recog- nlzcd each person , which was the first in- dicntion tliut thu danger to his brain was over By some intuition the secretary became - came nwaru of the death ot his wlfo and broke into u paroxysm of weeping , Tbo president put bis arms around bis nock nnd tried to console him , but ho insisted upon knowing what had bupponcd to him nnd wnut had become of Mrs Ttucv , 'I ho president told him brlolly nt the llro , nnd when ho Insisted upon knowing the where uboulnof his wlfo , the president broke tuo news ot her death to htm as gently as uos slblo , It was many minutes before bo could bo consoled , but by that time the stimulants boiran to show their Influence , und ho dropped off to sleep , The room wus darkened - onod upd tbo patient kept in perfect quiet with no one near him but Dr Wales and one of thu servants of the family Tbo president nnd other members of tbo cabinet were soon Joined by Mr Blnlnu ami other proininont men in tbo parlor below , and utter ueing reassured - assured Unit Mr Trucy hud taken food und seeinod to bo rapidly recovering they loft the bouse At a quarter before twclvuhis pulse , tomperaluro und respiration were found to bo normal uid , the doctor announced that nil immedluto danger was over , although he said it would bu many days before bo could recover from the shock , H T ho secretary was not burned or Injured , but was simply asphyxiated After Mrs 'I ruc.v had fallen from the window she was picKed uiTby tlio llremcn and bystanders nnd carried to thu house of Mr Kheain , where she was placed upon a lounge and within a few minutes Dr , Muy , who lives a , fuw doers aw.iy , was with her An H examination sbowod that she was suffering from ruuturo of the lungs She had Inhaled - haled much smoke und her lungs bolng Irrl- tatcd the fall produced a severe tieinor- rbagc She wus conscious , however , snd H seemed to understand all that had happened , , Sno inquired after her husband and children , " nnd being assured that they were all right , she sent messages to thorn A few moments nflcr the houiorrhuges occurred and shu ox- pi red No bancs appeared to bo broken and she was only slightly burned , but her body bore the murks of many bruises recolvcd in • ber fall Miss Tracy's body , which was llfoless whoii found , wus taken to the undertakers bhu wns so budly burned und disfigured thai ' I