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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1890)
I , . The Omaha Daily Bee ( _ _ T\ NINETEENTH YEAR OMAHA MONDAY MORNING , FEBRUARY 3 , 1890. * NUMBER 224 , inE DEMOCRATS ARE SCARED _ H Allison's Ro-olootlon Boss Not Do- ' H pond on Boloa' Inauguration H * M CANT BLOCK PROCEEDIN3S ) _ H B A Mnjorlty nf tlio Lcglslnturo Can | hctilo tlio Mnttor viriiiibsri ell l H t _ Hotli 1'nttiis Comment on * _ _ _ _ * " iho hltuatlmi flflv V _ J _ _ _ | In n Htow ( ] l _ _ | Drs Montr * . In , Peb 3 - fSpccKl to * B Tm Bee ] Iho democrats hive boon In n H | great stow for tlio lust few day b for fear that H tha republicans bold n Joint coin on R tion ind elect a United States senator next fl _ V Wcdnosday Thoj huvo boon proceeding on H | tlio theory so fir that Senator Allison Bt couldn't bore elected until Governor Doles HMj wns inaugurated and thcrofnro that tbo re H publicans uoul' ' bo lnUInod to Burrondorand V give their tha speakership so a9 to bring Son _ _ _ _ _ ntor Allison out of tlio woods Hut their nt _ _ _ _ _ 8V tcntion has lately beau called to the fact that HMPw ' nn election for Rcnator could bo hold on the > Hf prosi nt temporary organization of the house HJ thi members oil havlnt , been sworn In mid < flH coin ) clcnt In tlio moaning of the slatuo B to elect a scnotor fho second luosday after SJj ' orgnnlzitlon ' woul 1 thorctoru ba next B Tuesday , and th it would bu the day for the BM , billotlng to botin In oioh hnuso I lion if B V no oloctlon were niado , the following day * * IBM AVcdncsd-iy it would bo In order to hold a fflH Joint cometilioa and billet as members of $ _ H thologlslaturoin a collective capicity The ( BM donocrits Imvn thought thit thov could ! _ H block proceedings bv refusing to go into _ _ _ joint convention if thuv wished to nn 1 thus _ _ B at nui tlino prove nt the election of Senator _ _ Allison 15ut tlielroycs have been oi cnedon _ _ this | oint too recently for thov liuvo BM learned that n in ijority of the mem burs of | BJ tu ° legislature could hold this joint con | Bj \outlon even though n in ijority in cither | B1 house dlt not nssint As the ropubli BM CIlnB hnvo a majority of the leejsinturo they JHJ cnu to abci 1 with tilth- joint convention j _ _ whenever the tin c comc3 whoth rthodumo ] _ _ _ crats ilka it or not iho doniocnts cin ro _ _ B us ° to p ° ' "orui L' ° t0 i'u' ' 'ix n" " w' ' ' ' _ _ B tnako no dlffoionce as the statute was _ _ H framed to niLct such contingencies is the at _ _ B tempt of ono part } to block proooedlngs by _ _ H refusing to uirliclpnto The democrats nra BH voiy much af-ild thit the republicans m iv BM bold their Jolut convention next Wednesday KBj "ntl then with Senator Allison elected they 7 _ H would 1 nva nothing to uorrv over md could _ _ lot the deadlock lust as long as they ploisod ( BM rho rcpublicins hive not jot decided to do iBj B0 but thov have thrown out onoULh hints [ _ H i" thut direction to iiinlco the democrats J _ _ _ mighty uneasy Iho principil bar in the Mbf" > way of the republic ins bus been the absence B M _ t / ° ' republic ins by sickness It is _ _ H _ t-S doubtful whether the ibsontoes can _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ j > llKct hero by uo\t Wednesday _ _ _ _ _ _ * TTiorepublicans are not worrying ever the fl _ _ _ T quostlon of the senjtorship mid so far as _ _ _ _ T t"lt , is concerned will bo entirely willing to B MT let it go to the end of tha session Hutthoy B Mj do liku to worry thodomocrits with suggos- MBMj tions that thov may hav o their governor Joft [ BB out l" tl10 c ° bl wliilo tbo republican aouator | BMl 1" elected [ M B IiezislntnrH on the Siluntlon I BM Des Moivns la , Feb 3. [ Special B B to Tiiu JIei 1 The deadlock in the MVM lower house on permanent organization B ftT promises to bo just ns protracted as the hitch j BJ over tha election of tha temporary clerk A BM full wools has passed and neither sldo has BYj oven proposed u compromise All of the In B pJ dependents Including l varts the union la B MJ bor member , went into the democratic cau B M cus so no mattui how much the contest may B M bo prolonged there will bo no ' break ' in the i | BM ranks of the opposition and if tha org inlza B MJ tion is effected at all it must ba bv mutual B concessions MBM X he republicans nro almost a unit in favor 4BM of standing out for the speakership nt all 1 ) BM bazirds A faw say tbcv would rather give i l BM b. the democrats the speaker than not organize B BMks ntall but the ( , rcat inajorlt > are firmly da 5Bt \ imuidiug thooloction of a ropubllc in speaker Ba llolow will bo found a few expressions from lBj | th6 nioro conservative members on this IBM ] point > Colonel Chantrvof Mills who was n mom 'BM bar of the grancor logiul ituro of 184 from BM Pagn county a d who aide 1 in bringing IBM aboilt the compromise then ellected betweou | BM the republicans and the opposition who were BB a tl0 ln l'10 ' bouso said You in ly count mo B M as on0 oi lll ° "tayors llio republicans will B M novcr vield the spoakor&hip nor make any B M ] concessions involving the surrender of anv B Mj vital principles Wo will ndjourn and go B H homo rather than give the democrats the I B M spcakor I am not a btlcklor in fuvor of B M controlling the commlttco on the suppression BB of intompornnco I would ba willlnir to dl BM ) vldo that committee evenly , but would go no 1 BM further Dobson of liuenn Vista I am opposed to 1 , Bl any compromise involving tbo least sur- Bl rondnr of any republican principles In fact Bj I have no compromise of any kind to sug- B | Ecsl now IJall of Jefferson 1 hava ranted my farm | Bh nnl propose to camp on the hattlclicld till \ BMl.wo win I cin stay hern tor two years if MBMfcnecessary I have no compromise to sug- • - pr gcsl at present uut tlio renuuueans novo mo IBM * scnatannuwill bu responalblo for the legis . . | * luttonanyuay uud are entitled to thn speal BB crslnp , and I urn in favor of stujlng hero Bl until it is conceded to us BM 1 lcld of l'ago Wall I admit it looks ns If Ml wo mUBt compromise In somu wav , but no BB wo will no * tive up the speaker wo will od journ llrBt H PoMeru of Jasiorn now member ) I agree B M with Dobson Wo are lioro for business uud B M will not Hurronder control of this house to B Mj tbo democi ats on any i ondltian B Mj Chafe of Hamilton Perhaps wo hud bet B M tor take tbo speaker an 1 control of the com B M mittoes and viva them the rest of the spoils , BM but the speukcr wo must huve BMj Dolphof Harding , who proposed the com BB premise on temporary organization which B wa9 llnallv accepted 1 was willing to give BB the democrats the temporary speaker , but BB will novcr yield the peruianeut Bpnukersbip H no" the coutrol of our best eo nuiittoes BMI Things can wait two years well enough BH hotter than Holes can , una I think tlio demo BB crats uro kettluK uneasy and will come to Bfl tluio I be democrats are not so dotcrmmed BB Thov however , ask un equal division of the Bl moils I hey have suDinittod to tlio repub M lie ins a proposition which gives the demo 'BMjr crats the speaker und half of the minor ] 1 oftliors and to the republicans the clerk and B M cholco of three committees uud half of the B M remaining committees with tbeir abaro of BB the spoils BB llolow will bo found some Interviews BB ivhich t.ivo all phases of the vlows held bv If the op ) osttlou BB AlcUcrmld ot Adair , Ind Yes I will B Btay the democrats to tlio last , B Wu ulll > > luPcnd on thut There Is no B question but that the democrats ought to B have the speakir T hey represent a major BB "y ° ' the people and precedent is in their BB favor , 1 bellovo tlio rej uulicans outfit to bo BB willing to jloll the speakership and luke B the cluof clerk mid tha best committees B Smith of Dos Moines Wo have already B submitted fair terms of compromise Wo BB proposed to take the spcakor tlva the resub BB licuns tha e'erk ' uud choice of three commit BB tees , and divide the minor oQlcors equally BB lf tlioy dent think this is fair let them ro MB verso the proposition and see how quick mo BH will accept 1L BB V Oont of 1'ljinoutu A compromise is the BB j/ oulv solution of this diUlculty It will finally BM i b coma to that auyivav I think when both BMF sides admit this , tlio question of what is fair BK.A will not bo so bard to solve \ \ o think soma hJ proposition should couio from the republi 1 cans BBj Addle of rayetto I dent bellovo In pro Bl longing this deadlock , I think wo hud belter B B divide thooulcoj as near equally us possible and then siy give or tuko lhat would bo Arnold of Decatur I am not in favor of prolonging this senseless fight The | eoplo nro totting tired of it and It is foolish to tain of adjourning without orginlzition Iho slnto Institutions ivould suffer for wint of funds and nn extra session would bavo to bo eallcl lleem ot Kcokulc declined to express bis vlows J being a niombor ot the conlcrcnco committee Uriels of I'ottnvvnttnmio I am in favor of lighting It ont on a bisls of phvsical ondur nneo i Let us dtel ire nil pairs off nn 1 Just stay > hero till vvoorgiiulzo If nnv member dies or gets sick let the ether party reap tbo benellt \ Uiamberlnln of Uuch innn Wo democrats tlon t want the enrtb but wo do want a fair division of the ofllcea and committees Gilbert of Cluyton I think the proposition submitted by the democrats is essentially fnlr mid woul 1 vota to nceept it if tha terms were rcvorsod < Oitcl oil of Linn Wo wilt bositlsnfcd with nothing less than the speaker nnd nn equal division or the minor olllccs Wo will Btiv with them on tliojo points till thov nro tired GInttly of Uiickasivv Wo nil fiver u speo Iv organisation , but the lomncrats repre sent n inujoritv ot the ncoplo und I for ono will stay lioro tilt sprint , If the rouub- licms do not concede the ape ikership Hainiltonof Linn ( candidate forspeakor ) O , wo will have to settle on a compromise , that is certain II irt of Clinton Thodemocrnts must hav o control of the cotnmittco on suppression of intompornnco at all hazards If compelled to viol I ono or the other I would rithor felvo up the speukcrship Lund of Kossuth Wo want n fair compromise premise and I think wo will get it Marti of Scott Wo ou1k to have the speaker and if nccossirv will give control of the com milt eo on sui prcssion of intompor unco to the republic ins M GovroT of Harrison I doa't think wo 0ULht to a ljourn at nil until the thing is set tled Lot us st iv right hero and light Ho assure 1 of one thing the democrats never will live up both tlio s | oakor ind committee on intemperance Thov will adjourn without organizing first Mitchell of Benton The democrats have been eating crow these miny vi irs and now wo are in u position to ask nnd demand half tlio turltcv and wo uro toll , } , to got It too It will bo roidilv observed from these ox prcsslons that thu doidlock promises to bo indoflnitolv protractol with the chances of winning the speakership in the enddcel todly in fuvor of the republic ins lies A. Iliirllnetoii r 11 u re Boulisctov In , Tcb 3 The firm of Gardner , Paterson & Co , dealers in dry goods and notions made an assignment yes terday for the bonollt of their creditors The 11 ibilitlcs of the linn nro stated to bo 317 000 nnd tha issots consisting of the stock and book accounts are nlacod at * 2OO00 The princl | al creditor is the National Stnto bank of this city , which holds n note for $10 1S1 " 8 on the stock Iho business for the present will bo continued by the morttigeo but will probably bo turned ever to the assignee next wick UtOOBLLS Or A 1'ASTOn. A I'ittstuirg Hector Institutes buit Against tlio V estry Pittsiilro Pn , Feb 3 | Special Telegram gram to luu IIeb J Hov Sauiuoi Maxwell , rector of Trinity Episcopal church the wealthiest and most fashionable church in the city , has sued the vestry and cnurch ofllclals for oumulatlvo damages for breach of contract Iho rovoroud gentleman has been receiving under a contract a salarv of $3 GOO per year and a mansion , the rent of w 11 lea is Btipulatod at 900 per annum no contly the vestry requested Mr Maxwell's resignation , but It was not forthcoming and at the last meeting it vv is decided not to ro lo isa his present rcsidcuco The suit is to recover such damages as will make iood his losi > from rent etc The beginning of thn trouble was the refusal of Hov Max voll to picscnt the natno of the late John II Sheen bergi r at the diocosean convention ns a can didato for oloctlon as a lav doleite to the general Protestant Episcopal church Mr Shoonbcrger who hasrScouicl beiucathcd to the church $100 000 The suit has created a lonsation in church circles Some inter osting developments are looked for * ( \ OliUAIlOnV Pnrincrs In a Cortnin Hcctlnn S till tn 111 in Grint Noeil Kansas Citt Mo , Tob „ [ bpou il Telegram gram to Inn Hi 1.1 A morning paper is in l receipt of an uppeul for help from the people i of the newly settled Oklahoma The com munication authoritatively asks that the con dition or the people of the now territory bo at once tnudo public In a section twelve 1 miles square about Hennessey the farmers nro actually Btirving" bijs the letter ' lhoy are almost without clothing many of them wearing thu thin garments ot thu summer mor months Iho winter is quitosovcro and stormy and the suffering is almost p0t com prehension It aid docs not como at once i the death list will run I There i nro already a number of fntalitios from ox- posura and iack ot food and without me II clno and attention the do ith rnto will become 1 enormous Holts of coarsa cloth skirt goods heavy boots Hour , meal and coffee nro needed und aside from these things qulnino calomel and aeonito nro needed This do mauds attcution ln the name ot suffering and ' > Btarvmt humanity " TIIL ILLINOIS GUWGb A Gratityinir Inori nsn in the Ortrnn- Izitlnn'x Meinlicrthlp Chicago Tab 3 [ Special Telegram to The Hce J rue last report of Grand Mas tcr riioiiii son ot the Illinois State grane.o shows that the organization is rapidly in croaslng In metnborshlp and probably des tlnod soon to become a powerful factor in Illinois politics 'Iho work all over the state "sajs the brand muster has pro pressed at an cucouruKinir rata during tbo lastjeir During that time there were or tanized In Illinois fifty ouo nnd ttirco county organizations causing un ln crease In membership of J 100 I he m us tor of the National trano ( has appointed a ro crulllng week for ouch state in the union On this particular wcolc the oflleers and members of the [ ranges uro to canvass the counties for recruits it is expected thut this move will result in much good All ulli uncos of farmers , Patrons of Husbandry and other similar organizations uro workiug harmoniously and yreal results are expected pected " Killed HIh Wife MiuiANA , Ark , Fob J A timberman named Kelly , umplojod near Alligator Haj , hearing that his wife , from whom ho hud been eoparute 1 about a vear , vvns iaiuiato with a nineteen vear olu bo ) wont to the house Saturday morning und find Mrs Kelly nnd tlio boy there opened tire on the latter , Hill ing him instantlj Mrs Ke'ly retaliated by firing twice at 1 er husband who then shot uud allied her holly was only slightly wounded , a id went to u neighbor nam d Owens luuluhliu saddle a horse and start out with him ostensibly to 1 arrest City As notlu-ig hut been heard Irom thorn it ii feared Owens was also murdarod An old grudge , it is said , has existed between thorn IIib Wonthorr1 triotHt , For Omaha and vicinity Piir weather I or Nebraska Colder , fair woatuor , vari able winds lor Iowa Colder , nortbvvestorly winds , occasional snows In eastern portion , fair in western portlou 1 or South Dakota ; Colder , fair wcathor , northwesterly winds 'Jhn Dentil ltecor I Atlanta , Ga , Tab 3 Colonal Nattian 0 Harnett , secretary ot state ot Georgia , died tonight , ue.oJ nluoty , BOORISH PUBLIC SERVANTS IJ Domocrntio Postmaatorj Snub Poi - tor nn I Riuai CASTLE ( GARDEN MANAGEMENT A Pronoflnl to I'ut It In the IliiuW or I cilcral OIHonrs Miner Itruco On Alnslcn A Uepubllcnii Qiiurimi in the House WisntNOTot Uuucau Tub O ivhv , Hia I 11J PoUllTKESTit StltRSr , > Wasiiisutov D 0 Fob 3 I It Is qulto likely that the researches for In formation which the superintendent of tbo census i is making for the purpose ot ascor tainingtha ch irictor of persons in vurlous locations nnd Becuring f lets to bo used In taking the census this summer , and the in quirics the commissioner of pensions tnukos to ascertain tbo credibility of witnesses will result In minj now postmasters being nppomtcd Ino thousinds of lottcrs of In jjulry which uro bolug sent out every vvook develop coustautlj both lLuonat , and dis courteous , not to nmntlon carolnss past mnstors by the hundrois Some ot the nn Bvvors rccolvod from postmasters nppolutod under Prosldont Cleveland are both humor ous und Irritating J ho letters of Supcrln tetideut Porter ask for inform vtion as to the clnricter of persons ubout to bo oraplojod lu census work their locatiou and nil classes o' Htutcmuuts intended to assist in the pro limluary labor of the clot enth census The inqutiies of Commissioner Itiuai rolntc to the charactci of parsons and their postoflleo nd lressos Hero are ovtrncts of some of the replies from postmasters re cently received I have neither the tlmo nor the inclinn tion to pry into my neiehbors business " 'I have about t cnty such inquiries which 1 kep carofullv lockol up in mj safe As soon as my successor is appointed I will tnko pie isurcs in calling his attention to them I forgot to say that I am n democrat Myftthorwus n democrat nnd hia father w is of the s uno btripo I have ono daughter nnd if slio uon t marry a domocr it I will dis inherit her Ihis is tbo kind of u post ma tnr I am " I wish the commissioner of pensions would let his hinds do something else besides sides send mo those d d thiigs I nui no spj " Don t know unjthine about him , care still less " 'Ho wouldn t ho unless there was some thing to gatu in so doin „ " If vou cant say anything in n mans favor do not speakof him nt ill ' Iho biggest liar in town and there are 800 inhabitants ' Ills aftldavlts are worth about a 3 cant glass of whisky apiece " CASTLE QAIIOEV Secretary Windom it is stated will take out of the hands of the Now York board of immigration the charge of Castle Garden and 1 ut it under the direction of federal oflleers Lvorybody seems to complain nbout the inuuagomont of Castle G.ndon At present the boarding house runners nro allovvod to fleece the emigrants rifht and loft girls are debauched und the commission scorns power less to prevent it iho immigrants are to lund at Governor s island It is probable that tbo bill now before congress creating tbu oftico of commissioner of immigration will bo speedily adopted There is no doubt tbrt the federal government should have Immediate jurisdiction nf immigrants upon landing hero without any interference from New York state politicians as at present I here should ba wide open doors for nil dcsirablo immigrants and an Insurmountable wnll against all undesirable emigrants Iho bond tux of SO cents should bo removed It is said the impression urovnils throughout Luropo that un admission of ru cents each is charted to all who ontcrtho United States and thut the money toes to piy for the i wrong douiks of bad immigrants tint if ono will p ly 50 cents bo Lets lu as ho would enter nclicus .vhothcr ho is good or hnd aid no 1 questions nsked It seems almost imposslblo i to cxpl iln away this admission munov either to emigrants or Amenc ins No ono appoirs ' to know wh ) it is imposed It is in no do grco a check to undcsirablo immigration MINEIi HULCE ON AI ASkA Today's Post publishes a full column In . terview with Minor M Uruce of Omaha now In the cit } on Alaska Its climate resources sources and its future Ho says When once the people tomprohond vhat Alaska is , the boundless possibilities of nor mines and fishcrios , the rosouroes of her tlmbor , ngucultural and grazing lands nnd the warmth and uniformity of her temperature turo jou will see an exodus unliiie anything in the history of western omigrnlion ' The Post also has a sketch of Major W II II Llowcllyn ot Now Mexico , formerly of r Omaha now in Washington , In which it praises Inm for his bravery skill as u do- tectlvo and all around accomplishments win mis DEI AY ? The Inquiry is made what is Unlaying the nomination of Deputy Commissioner of Pen slons Hiram Smith The statement has been 1 made that Bomo of tha senators are waiting ; for his name to be presumed for confirmation 1 w nen the vvholo subject of rcratlng will receive coivo their attention Assistant Seen tarv of the Interior Cyrus 1 13ussqv has not been confirm )1 ) It is bo lieved he is being opposed by the Grand I Army of tlio Republic and their frlen Is on the fround of his ruling in regard to dlshon ornblo discharges iho Gi mil Army of the Hcpubllo ci thus that it comes too near offer * ing n reward for desortcrs and dishonorable discharges A REIUIIIICUN QUQIltm A quorum of the house mude up oxcluslvoly from thu ropubllc in side is expected after tomonovv iho return of Mr O Donnoll of Michigan jestorday would hav ? made with Speaker Rood the lequis to 1(15 ( hud it not been for the unexpected nnd un xpl llnoit absence of Mr Neidringhnus of St Louis 1 he death of the wife of Mr Caswell of Wisconsin will Keep him nwiy probably a couple of days loneer With true patriotic nnd repub icon instincts he has iokc.raphod that be will bu hero tarly this week , and bo , with Mr Rockwell of Massachusetts who la ill ut a hotel in the city , but who biivs ho will risk exposure from the Inclement J weuthcr to make a quorum will bring up the total to 105 even should Mr Noidrin baus full to res | end to the requests made for bis rotu'ii Mr Wilbur of Now York cannot attend the sessions of the house as bo is too ; ( ill iho prospects are thut Id ) of the KM ropubli an members will bo prcsont on iuesday or Wcdnosilay all but Wilbur and Rockwell or Ncldnug- tiuus hud the West A irijniu contested eloo tion can then bo dlsi osod ot if not before then Letters and toleiruiii8 are beginning to pour in ou tlio republican members from every section of iho country approving tlieli course in the house in rcslstine the unwar ranted action of the democrats iho bus ! i iKssinen of Now York nro sending word here without ro ard to politic il nfllllatious 'i ' that the uctloa of Sponkor Heed in taking tbo bit in his mouth uud putting u stop to tbo wanton was to of tlino uud money uud setting an example which will in the future bo followed by the pros ! ling olllcora of all legislative bodies to break up rovolu tiouary deadlocks meets with itanir heartiest approval ihey sav tha business mon of the country are wcarv ot the suspense which lias hung llko a pall over thorn ou necouut of the uncertaiut\ to vv hat will bo done in tbo way of legislation ut the hands of con srcss und that tboy now login to not only sco their way clear but the vista to tbo future is opened 1 iho mouoy and produce markets of the country have undoubtedly suffered greatly of late ou account ottbo Inability of uny ono to foretell tbo action of congress upon any ono of tt e many measures before it but now the legislation which was promised by the repub lican party In 16bS may bo expected Chair man Uorsoy of the commlttdo on b inking and currency says the bill td give national binks the full par value Ot their clrculitlon on bonds deposited vv ith the trtasuror , which Is pending us unllnlsho 1 butlnosa in tha house , will \ likely bn jassed , together with the nmondment of Mr Cannon of Illinois to reduce duce J to $10 000 the minimum circulation of Jl banks l Ho snj s a careful stu \ \ bt the prop osition i by manv members who have opposed the I bill has resulted ln ux | rrsstons ot nlllrm Ii ntlon i where ho got the negative sentiment when tlio measure was up ubout n vvook Blnco Ho say a further that it the bouso ahoulil , conclude to recommit the measure to the I committee itdoes not by nny mums Indl cnto ! ultimate failure , but on the contriry lt success ns the ontlro committee favor the bill and nlso the proposed nmendmoiit and would promptly repjrt both back to the house , AN IMI HACTICVJ1LE ritAOTICT It Is becoming eloaro ( ov o-y yov that the practice of assigning nn onglncer ofllcer from the nrmv to act as ono lit the ttirco commls aloncrs for the District of Columbia Is ini- practicable nnd unsntlsfuctorv In nlno in stances out of ton the oflleers assigned nro either lenorunt of their duties and refuse to learn should they have the cap icily to com prohond the scope of the Hold before thorn or they uro obstinate and try to run tbo whole business of tha district A district commissioner from tbo army is gcnorallv simply a , encralsslmo ! In s icloty President Claveland found it nocessiry during thoi construction of the nqueduct tunnel two voirs ngo to roraovo the army cnutiear In chnrgo vvitti n record which vv is very unenviable Mr Clovolnnd then ro- moved Colonel Ludlow , the oncliKer , the dls trlot com i issloncr asslgnc 1 from the army Major Charles W Raymond who wis as signed by President Clovoliml totikutho place of Oolonol LullovV wis removed yes torday It Is slid that Mnjor Itiymon i re fused to cOirplv with tlio now order of thine s nn 1 wanted to run the politics , of the district ofllfrcs as ho would the dlsciplino of n regiment In tlmo of vvir Ho refused to recognlzo tno complexion of a domocr it when republicans were wanted In the oOlces although ho readily rocogilzed a republic in from a democrat when hu vv out into oflleo under President Clovuland ho being offon alvoly oartisan when Ho was assigned under adomocratio ndministiatlon Ho btcimoa reformer when the administration changed He will go to Phil idelphia lu charco of the river nnl harbor work there aud Ltou tenant Colonel Henry M Roberts will take his pluco hoio j Tnn Aiivir General Rochester , paymnator gonornl of the in my will bo plueod on the ictircd listen on account of ago on the loth inst ihc Critic today says that the impression prevails vails at tha war depnrtmont that Major A H Cirey pay department or Cdlonel C M ierroll deputy paymaster general will ro celvo the appointment It says that Colonel lcrrcll is ci edited with ; Influence with Mr Harrison 1 he pay of n paymaster gonernl who h is tha rank of u brliadior general , is $ o COJ per year MlSCEILVNEOt 8 Mrs Senator Mandorson gave a luncheon pirtv nt her homo on Seventeenth street yes tordav covora being Iqid for fourteen John Hyde , formorlv of the passenger do partmout of the 1 ! & M railroad at Omahi arrived with his family this nftornoon Mr Hyde has boeu appointed chief ot tbo divis ion in the census bureau for the collection of statistics rotating to eoreal production , forestry and special crops , and enters upon his dutlos tomorrow Psituv S Hlatu THE CLEARANCE ItlXOItU I Innncial TrniiRqctliius oQ tha Coun- ry fortlio Pase Week Boston Fob 3 | Special Telegram to Tiie Bee I The following iblo corapilod from special dispatcbes om lao masagors oi tha clearing houses in the cities named snows the gross exchanges for the last week with the rates per cent , incrciso or decrease , as compared with the similar amounts for the correspond ng weaken 1SS9 1SS9TT CITIES CLEA1UNQ3 2 g E S New lorn u- V81 ] 7T lioston , 04 8U ( ri so 1 Ml idelpnla . CHI ! J UT 4 3 Uitcimo f-JJ4 (10) ( 11 0 81 Louis 1P.81" IM 10 8 Nev Orleans H MJ ( UO 212 Plttsburi , U 01" 8 „ S Ilalilmtlio isn-MOl jo 0 B in 1 ranelsco H 814U1 1. 5 Cincinnati 1.IIUI 104 Kansas Uty N HI ? 0 1 I oulsvllla ti oj r > 07 30 4 I rev ldenco 4 T1 "DO 8 0 Milwaukee , D.1JI IKXI 8 0 Llcvelanl • 4 TOJ , M 416 Detroit , 4 48X87 0 0 Ucmor I IJ-ijilJl 2,7 Omaha 4,636.525 31 4 ' Minneapolis 1 to-tl IU1 ja B St I aui 1 , 3 , ' 6I 108 .4 0 Memphis C J ! M > ru ( ] 4 0 Columbus V J16 5(0 ( j. 0 Dallas ( t 1 SCO m S3 0 1 ort Worth R . mi11 jg b Indlanapulis ? 2 1S.1107 45 Ilartrird 1 L ov 3 a Itichmond 1 ft 0J1 131 ( lalvo3toa itr-snss 20 5 Uuluth 2.1MU0 3 HtJosepn 1 li.iMl ] a 1 SDringnell 1171(131 ( no liorlu 1 187 541 11 7 New Huven 1108 018 fie W orcester 1 081 57 6 6 lortian 1 Mo " 1010 1.7 23.3 ; orfolfc TO IK 110 \ \ llmlngton 7KI21) 2 2 Syracusa 613 KM 8 1 bloux Uty 771681 80 5 W iclitta Ml 140 .4 8 Lowell . 0u5 113 ] J 0 Des Moliies 55 lot 41 3 ( Irani Kinlds U'JT 801 M 7 [ .01 Angitos 4 5.18 30 7 Topesa 4-1 Wl 45 2 Montreal , 0 188 051 7 1 • lluiralo 5(1114J1 ( Mortlmd Ore 1 1SOUT0 • lllrnilnliain { 1 401.1. • Boattlo 03 U7J • lutinu 51iU88 Mlalifax . 10)710J Total 811 0 "M 301 lTi ) Outside New \ orfc 417-78 01U 8 2 * Vet included ln totals Nocl arlnglious3 at this tlmo last year • * ILLINOIS ALILN LAMJLOItl ) HILL p OonBlilornbln Interest Mnnffestcd ns to How It'Mfll ' ! AVork Cmoiao rob 3 [ Special Tolegrnm 1 to Tiil Heb I ConsloTcMblu Interest is felt in tbo result ot the ulieji landlord bill which was passed by the Illinois gcnoral assembly tbreo years nco to go Inlo effect July 1 , 1S93 rhcro ire about a million ncros of ngricul tural land In tbo statu < > { Illinois owned by bculicy and other Lugljsh millionaires , and I under the terms of the new 1 ivv all this real 1 estate becomes the propSrtv of the state on July 1 lb JO uulcos tbo iiwnors have by that time either become American citizens or do clurcd on outb their IntPntlon to become such So far as known 11O110 of those alien I land proprietors havoup to datodeclared I their intention to become American < itlzons so it is presumed they1 propose to defy the law and test its constltfitioualltv by uppeul Ing to the highest courtpot the laud j Stonniship Arilvils At Baltimore The Circassian and Bar rott from Liverpool At Now York 1 bo Franco from Lon Ion , the v\aesland , fronl Vulvvorp , the Buffalo , from Hull AtQuoenstown riioBervla and Wyoming from ? Ievv Yorlrfor Liverpool At Mo villa Ilm Parisian , from Portland I for Liverpool At Hivro-La Lascogne from Now York At Liverpool -Tha Wallachla , fiom Gal veston Killed In Court Duiianoo , Col , Ve b 2 , Boncdlto Murtlnez and Jack Davis auarrcloJ ever vvaces , Martinez got the worst pf the light Ho cauBod Davis arrest , and while the latter was in court yesterday M irtlucz came In 1 and shot blui dead I he asiasstn is a county commissioner , and ono of the wealthiest Mexicans In tbo Btute 1 bo matter taused 1 ircat excitement , JAKE f WINS IN THREE ROUNDS Vanqul'had Vnoquolla Glvo3 Up tlio Fight _ _ _ _ _ KILRAIN HAD A WALK OVER The I x Lli implon Unltcr * und biiuorzcN ttio I rcncli Glnnt Inn Mnniior Very DIscolirncltiK to Tint Lust ) Luil Tiny Snlibnth nt Noiv OrlontiH lvv Oiiiians Ln , lob 3 Notvvlth- standing nil that has been Batd nbout the death of 1 rlzo lighting m Now Orleans Inko Kllrain upi carol lu tno role ot the gladiator today nt tbo West Ln 1 vv ith the police keep ing ( . | guard His opponent was Polix Vaeijuo lln n strapping youngster of Trench uu- cestry who 1ms vanquished nil the locil lights and knocked out tlio fat Joe ' ICId " H13 nd mlrers have boon very ontliuslastla ever him and were ntiuouB for linn to moot Kilrnin , as his meisuro coull best bo taken bv such a standnrd A pursoof $2 000 vvns raised and arrange nients m ido for a six round contest with soft gloves , llio thentor nt the West Lml was the sccno of the contest Kilrnin came from Hichburg I rlday looking In splendid condition wclfliitig _ 07 pounds and was n much better man than when ho fought Sullivan s A acquelin was also fit phy slcillin n gen eral vvuy but ho co nplnlncd of a pun In the groin ( ivhich ciuscd n swelling ou his left log 1 and made him a little lnmu lhorownsn tatbering of neirlv fifteen hundred 1 people at the sccno this afternoon including i prominent oducitors members of the \ uxchtngos federal stito un 1 city of licers I and sports us well as many 1 eoplo from I the country Kllriin nude hlsappoaranco at 1 p m Ho were whltu tights bluck socks and canvas shoos i and h id not nil ived his mustucho Doc Adler his Baltimore frion 1 un 1 the well known Wllllim • vluldoon were his Bcconds i Vncquolln soon came in weiring brown tights 11 led Hush and leithor denting shoos His seconds were Mlko Clciry anil James Sweenoy ; Although Vac luolin stands six feet two inches ho din not look 1 irgor than Kilrnin who is only flvo foot ten nnd n , half inches Vncquolln is cl ( > an built with a sturdv neck , well sot chust and Bliojldcrs and nrms und lccn , that do not seem as strongly muscled us they nro on necouut ot their length Kllrain on the contrary loolcel broad and heavily muscle 1 looming up llko Sullivan did at Uichburg Pat Kot drick was chosen referee nnd John O Neil and John L Duffy time keepers llio cloves were called lour ounces but looked loss than three After the usu il pro litnlniry handshaking Muldoon made n little spoecb saving that it was 11 gathering on a Suuday nftornoon to witness 11 glove contest , and bopod that the crowd would not forgot and think it had como to a pnzo It was a contest for n display of skill strength and endurance und not a light At 3 U ho called tnuo llio men sprang forward anu the fie , tit commenced Kllrain tnudo his tight scientifically and sbowod all tbo gener ilship for which ho is noted In the first round ho tried to Iruw Vacquolln on but tbo latter was wary und never assumed the offensive Xhcn ho feihted led lightlv with bis loft , when bo stopped ln quickly landed on the faea and ns Vacquolln b attention was attracted dcliv ored a half arm swing with bis right on tbo nock and clinched Vacquelin fought on pluckily and eot , iu Some faint short arm returns turns on the side After that be could not touch Kilrnin In tha second round Kllrain repeated the half nrm blow nnd squeezed Vacquolln in a clinch bo that when no let bim go Vacquolln dionped to ono knee When Kllrain found his rival wis vvenkonlng ho rushed in and clinched again , nt tbo same time swinging his right in on the ncclc It was a good clianco to end up tlio matter , but the ) olico nnd referee intorforcd ICtlrain continued his rustics and landed ou thn neck Jaw and stomach with both bands and clinched and crowded Vacquolln to the ropes Wueu the round ondedVjcquelln a jaw was swelling up and his ribs were rosy In the third round \ucquolin wis more eonildont and swung out bis right but relapsed into the do feisivo when ho failed to ronch Kllrain landed a loft handcr on the stomuch at very long ran go nnd slipped after the blow It wusVacquelin's cbnncc but Kllrain gotawuy liioacni i hen ba smashed his riiht out on the jaw again on the body , feinted again with t bo loft and clinched with it , leaving the right hand frco for work The right svvunir around and struck witn torrillo force on Vacquelln'a jaw and side ln rapid succession sion Ho got away with a few light returns Ho then repeated the performance landing with his right three times mora on the j ivv before the round closed Clonry urged Vac quolln to continuo , but the big falolw's sere leg had swollen from tbo oxercisn and bo said ho would not go on Ho was far from being knocked out although his lip vvns cut and his jaw and sides were sere Ho said ho had no business to fight at all under the oircumstnnocs Lloarv throw up the 1 spougo and Kllrain wis declared tbo victor Vacquolln cried nnd wanted another go Kilrnin said bis opponent was a good man , but green IMcrormicU Hunts Paulnrn Eau Claius \ \ is , rob & Axtell Paul sen for c lcht years the champion Bkatcr of the world lost that title this nf ternoon to 1 McCormick of New Brunswick who do fcatcd him In a ton mlle race McCormick made the first llvo iuIIos in 27 minutes aud the lust in 19X Tlio holiedulii Slcotlnc faT Paui Minn , Tob 2 [ Special Telegram gram to Iiib Dcf | robruary 8 Is the dny named in The notice of Secretary Roche for the Western association schedule meeting It is to occur at the Millard hotel , Oinaliu The committee is composed ot Mi ssrs Thompson of St Paul , Mulcahoy ot bloux City and Ito.vo ot Dunvor _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A I ronoti Duel PAms Tob 2 The duel bctwoen the Mar quis do Mores aud M Droyfus , editor of the i Nation , took place today Dreyfus was shot lu the right arm but was not seriously in Jurod Iho marquis was unl urt Ihnduol 1 wns tha outcome of an article in the Nation offensive to do Mores * fiTAII , M2W8 riglitliitr tin I Invntor King HoLPiiLdi : , Neb , Tob 2 [ Special to T n Bbb ] Holdrogo is apparently on the vcrgo of a Bouson ot grout prosperity Iinprovu ' merit seems to freight tbo busluess utmos phero and rumors ot contemplated activity t are ulloat in ull quarters The farmers have formed a very Btrong orgarization for the buying or bvildmg und operation of an clo valor by which they mav ship their own grain and thus cecuro to thoinsolvcB correct weights and the inidiilcnuu's profits fho organization has apilied | to tlo B & , M for a ulto on which to build an clovator and thocompiny virtually refuses theciound bv stating that two oluvators are sufllcient forHollrej.o I heso two elevators uro but t two of a whole system which are owned by II O Harbor uud II VV Sent , entirely con ti oiling the grain uiarkol of Pholpa und the adjoining counties ( Jreat dissatisfaction bus existed for years and tha farmers uro comp-lled to take some inoasurcs for self protection Much tnlu Is now being indulged in favoring the building ot other Hues of rallroa 1 to lloidrco ( and prospects are eood for the extension of the Northwestern from Hastings and a line from Kearney south via Holdre/o to the southern seaboard It Is re ported that tha B „ M will build northwest from Hollrego via 1 • creek lo tbo coal Holds - ? The pan ycir wltn S < t the building of tbollnost bii'lness block ? anv city west of 1 Incoln , and nn ocri | h "Z- * which will com I ire f worably with tl tovd of Omihi rhesolino liuprovelnout iy bo erelltod lnr j , ely to the ontorprlso ot insol brotliors , who will In n few diusiiu the Cominor clnl btnto hank into the cr r rooms ot tno now block Pine reil lenceA wo nrisen In nil pirts ot the city 11 O Harbor the Lrilu ineiclunt , sal l his flue rosl lonco tn cat HollrcL.0 list week mil will blul I tnriln finer than o or on tlio corner or Burlington und Ilnvdcn streets which is concede 1 by ull to bu the 11 nest residence lo cation in the city Tin Cirnnl Mill n t orinlnt v Nrmasi a Cm Neb , lob 2 | fapcial to lup Hi 1 j Oeorto L Woilooy who p 1 irehased the pi tut of tl 0 ol 1 Nobr iska dis tilling conipuiv will loiva this week for Now \ork to secure the neiossirv mil chinory for the coreil mills Into which the distilling pi nit will bo convertel 1 hero is no longer uny doubt nbout the simoiitv of tlio dcnl with thu trust and it is lurtaln th it the now enterprise will bo lu acllvoopcri tion within 11 Tow months It Is said that for two reasons the trust wis ns willing to soil ns Mr Woolsov wis to buy It vv is con sulorcd the easiest vv iy out of tha pending suit ngninst tlicm ami nt the s uno time got off their h inds a vniuibla nloco of pro | eitv In I the possible event of | rohibit on this fall Mr 1 Woolsov svvs the eereil mills will bo the ' largest in the United bt itos IlrlMii Immhiii by lull 11 ii7n Co7ad Nub , Tub i&pocial Toloirrnin to line Ui.r JIulluonzi J is 1 uttlug in some dls ' istrous work in this community loduy the ' country wis thro wi into excitement ovd tlio I report tint b b Mckclvov 11 promliiont far | nor living about ton miles nortbof Co/id , has j lost his lcisou und is a ravine , inani ic The marshal nnd llvo deputies today brought htm | to town McIColvov nil his fainllv were taken with the grlppo sovoril weeks ago , mid ho tried to conquer the dlso ise but failed 1 Ho will ho tikou to Lincoln luimodi ntcly 1 Armrii ntnl bliootlnir SitunritT , Neb lob 2 JSpocial Telo grauito ' Inn Pbe J Iwo brotliors sons of Clayton ' Hendricks , n farmer ro3lllnc in Uarada 1 recinct were hunting today llio elder 1 boy rarrlod r shotgun on his shoilldor and his younger brother was vv liking behind and while passing n limb the gun vv is acel dentally dischureod The ontlro loid pane tritcd the loft sldo of the nbdomon of thu vounter brother A doctor was cu led to dress the wound but it is feared th it it will provo fatal Noti H lrom North 1 oup NoiiTii Lout Neb , Tob 2 [ Special to Tin Ble J Business Ii picking up with thu return of mild wcathor Now that the com lut of a new railroad is nn assured fict ether business prolocts uro being doveloued Iho Modern WooImon of Amoiici uro mi turing a plan to construct n double front two story brick bulldinc , in tlio early si ring As this c imp is made up of some ol the most eiior ctiuyounc business mon of the town it may ba cxiicctcl to carry to a successful issue wh ltover it undcrl lues Nt brnskn City's I'ropniail Brldg * Ni liiusivA , Citi Neb , Tcb 2 [ Spec ! il to lur Hle J engineer Treudvvoll with a force of ton assistants rcproscnt leg a luign bridge coaipai.y of Kunsna City nro engaged here in makins a survey fornpormnnonthlih wagon brilgo neros3 the Missouri river If the bridge is built it is Intended to mike it a combination watoii and railroad bridge , and if possible , have It frco for wagons Itonsteit to Di nth Hi atiiice Neb , Feb 2 [ Special to Tup Bur J Mrs A J VnnHuskirk an old lndy subject to epilepsy was burnol to death nt Blue Springs last night bho was alone ln tbo house at tbo tlmo and fell forward into tbo ilro probably duriui , a Ut When found her clothes were burned off and bor body literally * baked bho is the mother of a leading sboemakor ut that place llLUNK'S O/IUOHTEK / UK VD fa Mrs Coppiimcr Dies it Hop Tnthor s Itfsidc ro Washington I ob 2 Mrs Colonel Cop pingcr , Secretary Blaine s oldest daughter died at her father s residence hero this morning Her depth was caused by congostlon of the brain induced by lu crippo All the iinino in ito members of the family were prcso it nt thu lust moment Colonel Co | pingcr having arrived from the west yeseord iy Ihis is the fourth death in the family of Socretarv Blaine within the past thirty-ilvo days and is the second una of his children to dlo within that time from illness brought on by la grii po ' 1 ho president , members of the rnbinot nnd many ether friends called today to oxpresss symi nthy llio funeral will prob iblv tulco place Tuosdny from St Matthews Citholio church and rather Sherman asonofGon eral bhcrman , is expected to conduct the servlcos Mrs iJouplnper was thirty years of ago 1 and was married about seven yoara ace , I Ol IsHMA08. . Twonly-rivo Hundred Women Tight Iho Police Boffalo , N Y , Peb 2 \ . not occurred I today in the vicinity of bt Adoluort's ' church , In the Second Polish pirish East Buffalo which required the full force of00 | olico mon to quell No 000 was killed , out several policemen were tnoro or loss injured by bricks nnd ether missiles , and tlio louder of the rioters , n Polish woman tiamo unltnown , was tridly hurt The riot was a continuation of the demonstration of f disfavor with which I uthcr I owlor Dun kirk tbo priest who was appointed to this parish lately bv Bishop liyan , bns been rccolvod By order of Bishop Ityuu 1 other Fowler tried to hold I soi vices this morning fho priest ijotilled j the police that (10 ( would obey orders and asked for protection Over two hundred I pollcoircu vvuro therefore sent to bis aid J.ho priest was escorted in bis bugfcv to the church bv n cordon of nrmod dotoctlvos Ou arriving at tbo church they found 1 drawn up around a barricudo which had boon oiceted around tlio church fully 2 GUO Polish women and girls The men J stood aloof on tha other side nf the street mid loolcl on The policemen were In structcd not to strike the women with their fists or billies uoun unusual wurfaro bc un Thu Polish women fought llko enraged 1 tigers and pushed the policemen awuy from the cute by sheer force of numbars 1 inuilv the policemen be it down the barricade cado end , surrounded the women I hen from their aprons tbo women produced salt und popper which they flung In the blue coats'lyes Ihev scratched , bit , struclr 1 kicked and Veiled like so many cuts Iho arrival of the priest was the Blcnal 1 for the climax of the not Iho women burled themselves en inassa upon the cur rhie.0 sprang upon his buck nud ono woman 1 who acted as tha loader actually caught thu > priest by tbo thro&t nnd would huvn sti angled him It took four police men to pull her off Iho Polish 1 men now a lut 1 a shower of stones , bricks nnd ether missiles to the frnv lhoy vvoio soon subdued with buttons and not 11 fuvv went homo with brouen heads and bloody noses Nine were arrcstod Special Policeman Lyons had his shoulder blade broken , nnd half a dozeu other oflleers were raoro or less injured The woman ring leader was thrown down nnd trampled ou und badly hurt Iho priest was rescued badly scrod and with ills vest ments hospatterea uud torn After his do \ parturo the crowd was dispersed and | olico 1 men are now guarding the prion in an uuodo kucwu only to them A J HOLOCAUST IN BOSTOJf Ton 1 People Moot Their Death In rittmos BURNING { OF THE SCARS BLOCK llio Stnirs Cntch Ilro nnd Cut of/ L < onpo I rom the Upper btorlcH Hum trend Injr ' ociico A I iv < Slurv I iinornl l'vi' " Bostov lib J The boars building a mignillejiit t live slorv 111 lrblo structure oc- cupicl by the bccoul rsntlonnl 11111 Atlas binks 1 Insurnico law vers nnl hrokors' of- llecs 1 burned this morning llio bull ling is valued ut $ J00 ItM , insuraneo flTG UOU Tlio Vcurly rontil of the building brought in ; ? if 000 Tha loss to the b inks 11111 offices las I not been nscrrtninod Iho buildings adjoining t were sllehtly dainuco I I vo Uro- uon , were bully burnt but nro not thought . to bo fatally injured It is now known tint ton persons were burnt 1 1 Ihreo others were fntullv injured nud si ? others scriouslv if not tnort illy iiurt It is ballot ol the ilro stirtel m n ' clothing stoiu oil the Mist floor Before ' it wis discovered it hud cnten through ' the partition null of the lull way which ' continue 1 stairs lending to tlio tene ments ' nbovo in 1 thus cut off oscipo foi ttio occiipints ' Ilin seems which occurred nnioni < , the occupants when they were a wak ened i wcio of thu most Heartrending deserlp tion 1 bhrioks of terror ( ,101ns of nioiiy nnd cries for help tilled the nlr Men worn ] en ' and children filled tbo windows dews 1 nnd pitoouslv pleaded for help Some of the uioro venturesome oven , hung from the windows by only n 8llnht hoi ] I on tlio sills Lnd ler were hurriedly holstol lines of lioso quickly run olt nud in ten minutes the foarBfor poisonal nifoty hid subsided , lnosowhom it was possible to save hi I been til en from their positions of I erll nud the wonided had boon tikento \ lices where their injuries could bo cared for After the Ilro was practically oxtitiguishod Chief Webber followed by soveril ilrouion , wont Into the buildluc , nud with iliUleulty nscciided to tlio upper lloors When theV ro icbed them a sl ht that borrilied them met thou eves Under ono of the windows crouched a human form burned to a crisp , the bands clisiol toccthci und kneeling as thouLh in privor 1 urthcr search showed 111 ether parts of the top ilouraovon other human fonns covcrol with cinders und nshes beeinc esc ipo from the II lines below to the Btreot Imi ossiblo because thustilra vv roburrlnc , the torrilloJ victims had evi dently rusho t to tbo up | or iloor m their il- tampts to escupa nn 1 tliero hud been roasted as thoiKh hold in n furnnco Later two infanta were removed from othei 1 aits of the bull Hug nnd a list ot ten human lives lost made up llio injured were n move 1 to hospitals and the deid bodies token to the Morgue for ideutillcatlon There nro sorlous suspicions that the ( Ire wastho work of incendlurios It is stntrd that when the street door burst open the smell give strong indications that the stnlra and floor hud been saturated with oil Iho . . 1 olico have decided on a thoiough Investiga tion ind ouo Bun ) imlu blmonds b is been arrested on suspicion \nnthor Conll ijrrntlnn * Dvsuunv Conn , Tob 2 Hull & Uoger * , lurnlturo , Samuel Harris clothing , Qcorgo Stevens nrt materials nnd 1 P Hoyt _ Co grocery all on Main street near Lib berty were burned out this morniuc , The * losses will nL.e.regato $300(100 ( , insurance nbout ono third Ihcre were sovcrul narrow escapes from death m my occupants of the flats ever the stores being talion fiom tbolr rooms almost suffocated hen nut mill Child rrmnntoil CniCAdo Tob 2 William D Ells and wife returning to their cottaL.o tonight utter un hour s visit to a friend found the 1 ouso In fiaraos and tno chirred corpses of their two year old daughter nnd the servant , Ann 1 Johnson visible just insldo the kitchen uoor Mrs Ells rushcl into the burning dwelling nnd succeeded in briiikintr out unharmed - harmed her bauy , aged ulna mouths that had been asleep upstairs How the lira started is n mystery A Hi rlous Klnzc Kenosha Wis , Peb 2 Two six story buildinea , Allen & , bon a tannery , flllod with stock , Denovor water cun thoGtrmun M _ church und parson ago burned this mora ing , loss 8125 000 insurance J100 000 Atone ono tlmo ttiomilro northwest part of the city was threatened and engines were seat lrom Huciue IN COWLKCS3 A. rnrcenst of tin Principal HtiBinc-ea lliln Wrolc Wahiiisoton Feb 2 fho Blair educa tional bill is likely to cousuiuo a large part of tbo time of the senate this week ihero is a probability of the renewal of the sot speeches on the nice oroblam , but the mijority of tbo democratic senators nro dispobod to withtiol 1 tbeir rcmarKs on that subject until it comes bofoia tlio scnato in commo tion with Bomo Buch mousuro as the national election bill In sucrot session the Margin and Dor- Chester nominations nro expected 10 bo cullcl up In the house the republicans liopo to have 11 quorum of their own members present to- morrow or next dny and to bo ublo to force a vote and to lln illv disuoso of the pending election case 111 such a manner as to prccludo the possibility of judicial intervention Menu while thu commlttco on elections is prep irluj to report on the cjuo nf Atkinson vs Pendleton from the First West Virginia district I"icro is expectation that the committee on rules will present a now eodo to the house within a few days A Doulilo Murdoi Sn.vnu CiTr , N M , Tob 2 Henry Brooks , a colored soldier from Port Bayard , killed Deputy bhurlff Dal ton and a colored woman named Carrie Drug nnd seriously wounded another man ut Cortral City , a town eiflit miles from this place , about 10 o dock last night Carrlo Drug kept a saloon at C outral City which wus friquetite 1 by tbo colored soldiers from Port liayurd the two places being only about a mlle upart Brooks who had boon drlnkln ut Central oirly in the evening went up to 1 ort Bay ard and returned with u cavalry carblno and two bolts of cat tridgos Intending to kill tbo woman und m in , of whom bu professed to bo jealous Hu shot the woman without warn ing and immediately afterward shot the deputy sheriff who was about to urreBt him As the deputy full u man knelt down on bis kuuc bent ever to laiso him up and rccolvod n serious wound in tlio law Iho shooting then became kunoral and Brooks received u wound In thu jet wl on ho was arrested , Ho was immediately brought over hero and placed in jail I ntnl Hmiw hlldn Sa\F ancibco , Pob 1 A report just ro colved from Slorra City , a villsc.0 nigh up In the Sierra Nevada mountains , says ou the cvonlnL , of the 17th ult a snow slide oc curred at I otraiifcvillo two miles distant , killing Mrs Laidstrom and John W , Poyo , _ _ _ _ _ _ A Iliir Hli-e'iojro IiNr New Yomc , lob 2 [ Special lolcgrum to fiiK Hir : ] lhu steamer Iruvc , from lire men , brought CJ stocrago passenger * to Now York