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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 5, 1889)
THE OMAHA ILY BEE. NINETEENTH YEAR. * OMAHA , THURSDAY MORNING , SEPTEMBER 5 , JSS9. NUMBER 78. ' BLUFFED THE COMMITTEE. Armour , Swift ot ixl Foil to Put In An Appoaranco. THE SENATOHS ARE INDIGNANT. It Will no JLmld IJeloro the Sonntc Vest Rends n BeiiHiulonnl Tele gram Why Armour Did Hot Appear. In n. Qnnndnrv. CmcAOO , Sept , 4. [ Special Telegram to THR BEB.I The United States senatorial investigation into dressed beet transporta tion arrived nt n position this morning when it becnmo necessary to resort to vigorous measures or acknowledge tbo whole affair to bo a stupendous farce. G. F. Swift , tbo millionaire dressed boot dealer , bad been subnccnaod for the third time , and It was reported that ho had agreed to appear before the commission this morn ing. He did not como. The messenger who norvnd thu fturntnons was called. "What did Mr. Swift say I" asked Senator Fnrwcll. "Ho said ho would bo hero without fall. " "You nrc sure you saw him In , person 1" asked Senator Vest , who was evidently laboring under suppressed indignation. The messenger acuratcly described the de linquent packer , "You saw Mr. Armour again I" "I did. " "And what did ho suyt" "Ho told mo It would bo extremely Incon venient for him to bo hero nt this hour , but ho would send word us to when ho would como. " "And ho sent no word ! " "No. " It began to look serious and tbo three sen ators leaned over thu table In whispered con sultation. Just then Secretary Gcorgo T. WllllnniH , of the Union Stock Yards and Transit company , entered the room. He was ordered the other day to again appear be fore the commission with certain stntisticsof shipments nnd a list of the stockholders in his company. At the request of Senator Vest , Mr. Williams took u seat in the wit ness chair. "You huvo that listl" asked Senator Far- well. well.Mr. . Williams looked like n small school boy who hail been asked a hard question. Ho twisted his hut in his hands and mur mured , "No , sir. " "What is that , slrt" "I have not the list. " "Why not , sirl" demanded Senator Vest , with Hashing eyes. "I thought best to see counsel about the matter , and I huvo been advised not to fur nish the list. " "Then you decline , ns secretary of the company , to produce a list of too stock holders I" "I do. " | 4A "That is all , sir. " Mr. Williams was only too glad to getaway away , and again the senators consulted to gether. President John B. Sherman , of the stock yards company , was the next witness. Mr. Sherman said ho hud boob president of the company for the last five years and pretty well ucquuiated with the methods of doing business. "Who are the principal purchasers of cnt- tlol" "The' packers and the shippers.1' "Who do you mean by the shlppersl" "Men like Eastman & Munroe , who buy for eastern parties , and dressed beef deal ers , like Armour , Morris , Swift , and the Llbbys. " "Do you know who the stockholders are ? " "No ; that is the secretary's business. " "What do you charge shippers for hay 1" "Wo charge § 1 for prairie and S1.50 for tame hay. Wo ulso get 25 cents for yard age. " "Can n shipper buy hay outsldoj" "No , sir , that Is the only xvay wo have to gain a revenue. " Mr. Sherman said that thcro had been 20,030 hoacTof cattle in the yards at ono tune. The charge for yardage included considerable service , as the stock ytmls company furnished the tracks con necting with the various railroads. It saw to the unloading of the curs i.iul welched the cattle. Cei tlllcatcs of weight were issued , which were used as headquarters' rccoips ( on change. Banks ndvunco money on them , sn there was no delay. All this was included in the yardage charge. The com pany also watered the cattle and fed them buy ( turchascd by the shippers. Senator Vest "Your secretary said there F. was 1,500.000 In the stock of the company. . Is thii truol" "I think that Is the amount. " "Now what Is the market price of the Dtockl" "Oh , it varies. Sometimes It Is nt par. I br.vo known it to bo us low ns 00 , or us high os 115. " "It Is not quoted on the stock exchange ! " "I think not. " "And there is llttlo soldi" "Very little , I believe. Senator Coke nskiui the witness if tlioro wore any relations between the stock yards at Omaha and Kansas City , and these at Chi cago. Mr , Sherman said there wore none whatever. Then ho was excused , and after vainly waiting for some time for word from Air. Armour , the commission took a recess until 3 o'clock. > Two o'clock came , butthohour did not her ald the appearance of Mr. Armour. His ac tion was a direct rebuff to the committee und . the members full It keenly. Chairman Vest , In discussing the nbsonco of Mr. Armour und other gentlemen , said he was sorry that it number of persons , includ ing the hoiids of several of the prominent dressed beef firms , had refused to attend the sessions of the committee , und had p.ild no attention to its subpuinas. Mr. Vest said there was no doubt about the power of thu commission to compel the attendance of per sons summoned before it as witnesses , and read several statutory clauses providing pun ishment by fine and imprisonment.of parties willfully falling to appear before the commit tees of either house of congress , Mr. Vest , continuing , suld that although they could compel attendance , they could not compel unwilling witnesses to testify to ull they knew , and ho feared If they hud thcso par ties brought In before them now they would find themselves In thu same predicament they were In at the start. All they could do , therefore , WUH to report thu facts to the sonata with u viuw to iiavine the matter placed In the bandit of the district attorney of Columbia and bu brought by him before the federal imuul Jury. " 1 huvo buro a Uile- grain , " cotitlnucd Senator Vest , "about whlelul hud desired to personally usk Mr. Armour , had ho , appeared here. I Intended , in JuStlco , to do so before making it public , but Inasmuch us hi1ms refused to appear here I will now make him publicly aware of its contents. It was sent to me by a gcntlu- nmn about whoso respectability there can bo no question i FIIURI.ANU , PH. , Dec , IS , 1888. Can't allow Kchwtib to continue killing livestock. If ho \vliru3t"8top 'inulto other arrangements nnd r * > luubathc prlcu so wo can got his trade. Aituouit&Co , " I The following was unanimously passed , utter which the vomuiittoo adjourned. Whoroui , Phillip Armour , Nelson Morris , , Lewis Swift , Frank E. Vogel , J. S. Newman - man and Jacob Meyer , having been duly ' aud lawfully summoned to appear us wit nesses baforo this committee huvo repeatedly rufuftttd to obey the same , it U ordered that the facts be ru | > orted to the chairman of thu senate of the United States at Its next ses sion , in pursuance of chapter ? of the revised statutes of thu United States , The committee adjourned to moot In Dos Mnliifs on Friday morning. . A ivporter for the Ati&oolutod Pro s called on Mr , Armour and asked for an interview , Mr. Armour made the following statement : "The reason wo did not utipeur before thu scnU > ri l cornumtca WM thut wo ku w wo could not expect fair treatment from the Imtids of Senator Vest , who In notoriously on record ns opposed to the dressed beef busi ness. He is the champion and advocate of the St. Louis deserted cattle mnrxct , nnd is opposed to Chicago Interests. Ha has been friendly to the hostile oaof inspection bills thut have been Introduced In various state legislatures against Chicago dressed beef , which If passed would tmvo destroyed this business. Wo nro perfectly willing to appear before an Impar tial committee nnd give any information por- tnlnlngtoour business which is not ot n strictly private nature. Wo hnvo never ex erted uny Influence to depress the price of cattle or Increase the pried of dressed beef. On the other baud. It Is a well known fact that cattle are (1 per 100 higher than they would bo if U was not for the dressed bsef Industry , as we can got n great , deal more out of n bullocit than the butr-her or man who kills In small quantities. Wo have never had any association with sjwlft , Hammond mend or Morris , directly or Indirectly , In the purchase of cattlo. The telegram Mr. Vest read this afternoon for the sake of get ting It on record was directed to our ugont , whom wohna n perfect right to toll that ho should not kill cuttle If ho sold our dressed beef , and It is entirely stripped ot Its force when thu fact Is understood that the man WPS our representative. " Senator Vest was shown Mr. Armour's statement tonlchHo said : "Mr. Arm'our must know that , us chairman of this commit tee , I have no moro power than any other member , Then again , If I hnvo any sympa thy nt all with the Missouri cattle trade , It would not bo with that ot St. Louis. I have bean a resident of Kansas City for seven years , and I believe It Is conceded that the cattle trade of that city Is in sympa thy with that of Chicago. As to Mr. Ar mour's telegram , , it was directed to his agent , but It compelled Suhwab , who was not his agent , to quit killing cuttle. " A M12 RI CAN VfOOti. Business I'lcKlnc Up ami the Out look Much Brighter. BOSTON , Mass. , Sopt. 4. [ Spaciul Tele gram to THE BKK.J The American Wool Reporter's review of the market speaks most encouragingly of the outlook. The end of the long lane to stagnation seems to be reached. Manufacturers , despairing of bearing down prices from the < present high figure , nro beginning to buy to fill the orders thut have been accumulating oa their hands for the past two months. The largest business doing at the present Is in territory wool , especially in the Mon tana clipping , the excellent condition of this grade last year making It extremely popular , although , like all this year's wool , it is not up to the standard of lust. Reports from all the seaboard cities report a similar improved condition ot thu market , and the prediction Is that with the pressure of hlirh prices nnd a compulsory demand , nothing but unforeseen financial disaster will prevent amore moro settled condition of trade In futuro. Sales are consequently larger , with the following quotation ! ) : No I Montana , SiiL- ; line medium Montana , 5'faGOo. ) Some Michigan X is hold at 3Jc , but ttfc usual quo- dcman'd 'for Ohio has been slightly inter fered with by odd lots of Australian of good staple , but there is not enough of It to prove lasting. Texas wool is quiet , the best of which , some million pounds , is held in Gul- vcston ut 'Jlc. Georgia wool cannot be quoted ubovo "G@27o ; California , 13@JOo ; Washington territory , 14@17o for line and I6@20a for fine medium. Sales of carpet wools include autumn Donsjcols at 10 @ 17e , though 1TK" s obtained in Phila delphia , light gray imported for Kic , but best ICunduhar is quoted at 2l@ ju and Damascus not over 13c. The Philadelphia , Chicago nnd San Francisco markets nil report an increase of sales and n brighter tone in general. New York alone complains of dullness , but thcro is no fulling oft of sales und prices remain firm. rOSTAIj TELUGU.VIMI SERVICE , Dr. Grrnti ThlnKH It Will Uo u Failure. Nuw YOIIIC , Sept. 4. Postmaster General Wnnaraaker recently summoned to Washing ton various oflld.ils of the telegraph compa nies in order to lay before them some details and make propositions for a new postal tola graph service 'which ' ho has had under con sideration for sumo tlmo. Dr. Green , presi dent of the Western Union , was ono of these officials and has just returned from the con ference. He gave this afternoon to n reporter some details of the proposed scheme. Dr. Green did not look upon the project In a very favorable light. It would be n dls- tlnctlv second plass delivery service. There would not bo immediate delivery by the post- offices , but at stated times of delivery , as in the case of letters now. Business und com- morclul men , ho believed , would not avail themselves of such service when they can have first class service messages being de livered by the company the very moment received. It is , however , the extension of the tele graph service chat forms the chief feature of Wanamaker's scheme. Thcro nro at present R'J.OOO postoQlccs in the country. About nineteen thousand have telegraph service. Dr. Green said of the 19,000 receiving ollleos which the company now has about two- thirds were prolltless. Dr. Green was very much Inclined to doubt the financial success of extending the lines to 40.00J llttlo places In order to make the blessings of the tele graph sorvlco well nigh universal for tbo pooplo. _ Wntcr Wit B Convention. CINCINNATI , Sopt. 4. The convention for the improvement of western water ways be gun Its eighth mooting hero to-duy with fully 150 delegates present from the principal river points between Plttsburg and New Orleans nnd Cairo and Davenport. B. D. Wood , of Now Orleans , called the meeting to order , und lifter a abort prayer , Hon. John F. Fol- lotto made u welcoming speech on behalf of the city. Ho was followed by Murat Hal- sioud , who welcomed the delegates on behalf of the commercial bodies of the nity. Chalr- mnn.Wootl replied in u brief address In which ho outlined the scope and purpose of the convention , saying It was intended to roach u definite and wlsu conclusion with regard to the need of the different witter ways whoso ' importance' to the trafllo of the country con tinue to increase. W. H. Holmaii , ot Indiana , was chosen temporary chairman. Ho made an address , after which various committees wore appointed for the purpose of effecting a permanent organ Izatlou , and the conven tion adjourned to go on a pleasure trip up the river. Twenty HorniiH Crniniiti'd. SALT LAKU , Utah , Sopt. 4. [ Special Telegram to Tun BKK.J Early this morning a lire broke out lu a llvory barn belonging to B. Q. Knowlton. The flumes spread so rap idly that the horses could not bo released , and twenty wore burned up. About twenty buggies and carriages were also consumed , ' 1 hwb was no insurance on the burn or stock. Iho del-man Onthnllfli. Ci.Evni.ANii , Sept. 4. The German Roman Cathollo Central Association of America finished Its business to-day. H.J. Spauu- horst , of SU Louis , was elected president- Other officers were elected and a vlco-uresl- dent for each state , among them Anton Nellusou , Frank Haar , Fort Madison , lu. ; E. Mallands , Ornuhu , Nob. ; Guntav ICaister , Milwaukee , lUoiliii ; llnnuiirlanH. Pirrsutmo , Sopt. 4. A special from Greensbure , Pa. , says ; News has just reached hero of u riot among Hungarians at the Standard mines , near Mount Pleasant , lu which ono of tbo Hungarians was so badlv beaten that he uled u short time afterward * . Another was shot severely. Others were Injured. The fight was occasioned by a dis pute between tbo Hunguriaiii over a woman. IN A SERIOUS DILEMMA , Who Is the Chairman of the West ern Pasaongor Association ? THE MEMBERS DO NOT KNOW. Thcro Is n Chnnco For n Good Sized Row nnd Probably n haw Suit Before the Question la Settled , When Doca Abbott's Term Expire ? CHICAGO , Sopt. 4. [ Special Telegram to TUB BRK.J The Western States Passen ger association docs not know whether It has a chairman or not. According to. some of the roads , Chairman Abbott's term of ofllco expired nt the bsglnntng 'of this morn- Ing's session , nnd according to others it does not oxplro until January I , At any rate , during to-day's meeting Mr. Abbott was not In , and the whole day was spent In balloting for u now chairman. Chairman * Abbott had eight faithful friends , who stuck to him all day , and Mr. Nowaiau , formerly of the Union Pacific , and Trafilo Manager Wntta were also strong favorites. Attor u dozen or moro ballots it ' ba- catno manifest that It would bo impossible to elect a permanent chairman , nnd it was decided to try and elect a tem porary chairman. After repeated ballots this almost resulted in the election ot Mr. Newman. Ho was , in fact , declared elected , when General Manager SU John , of the Rock Island , put In n decIdoJ negative , Ho said that the Rock Island could not nocognizo Mr. Nowmun as chairman , or , in fact , any ono other than Mr. Abbott , whoso term ot ofllco extended to January 1. This position was actively combated by several members. Quo of them claimed Mr. Aobott was elected chairman for but oun year , nnd slnco that tlmo H ho had simply boon acting chairman. It was further claimed that by a resolution Mr. Abbott's term of ofllco as acting chairman bad been detlnltuly extended until this meeting. The very fact of the meeting being held termi nated his term of olllco and ho could not con tinue serving oven as temporary chairman nnlcss duly elected. The nbove is the position In which matters now are and not one of a half dozen mem bers seen on tbo subject believed there could be an umlcablo settlement of the subject. A committee had been appointed to wait on Mr. ' Newman and notify him of his election , but owing to the objection of the Rock Island the committee did not perform its mission. There is a chance for u good sized raw nnd possibly a lawsuit before the question is set tled. tled.Thero There is a radical disagreement ns to the tenure of ofllco of Mr. Abbott , nnd it is probable that some of thn roads will refuse longer to recognize his rulings. There was considerable talk of a split m the association , but the coolnr heads will try to keep it to gether. One member confidently assorted after the mooting that it would end in Sec retary Thomson , of the association , taking charge of the ofllco , and the association electing u presiding ofllcor at the meetings until n chairman could bo agreed upcn. Chairman Abbott's position is nn em barrassing ono. According to some of the roads ho cannot resign and according to others ho owes > t to the association to hold on until January 1. Ho Is taking no part in the squabble and said to-day he had not and wonld not nsk a solitary road to vote for him. He received an unanimous call' from the association nearly three years ago and resigned his position of general passen ger agent of the Erie to accept. The posi tion is an extremely Important one , its Juris diction extending over practically all tbo western lines except those in the Trans continental association. The salary is $10,000 a year. The Illinois f rouble. CHICAGO , Sopt. 4. [ SpocIalTolegram to Tun BEE.I Acting President Harriman , of the Illinois Contra ) , refuses to make any statement relative to the resig nation of General Manager JofTery , other than that contained In his ac ceptance of the resignation. Ho to-day issued a notice appointing General Superin tendent Book acting manager of the Illinois Central , Superintendent Sullivan acting general superintendent and Wisconsin Su perintendent Russell to have charge of tbo line in Illinois and Wisconsin. The feeling nmonir the Chicago railroad men against Acting President Harriman is strong. Thcro is u sentiment in some quar ters that Mr. Jeffery should either have ig nored Mr. Harriman's ' temporary authority or yielded to it until President Fishcould bo notified. All agree , however , that the end would have been the samo. Mr. Hurrlman was on Mr. Joni > r.v's resignation , and would have compassed It in some way. X11E CUOMN CASE , t No Jury Vet An Interesting llullng by Judge McCounoli. CHICAGO , Sept. 4 , The work of securing a Jury In the Cronln case was resumed this morning. The only mutter of interest de veloped thus far was the ruling by Judge McConncll excusing Talesman W. P. Turner. Turner testified ho was a member of the American League of the Independent Order of Deputies , whose object Is to prevent members of the Koraan Catholic church from holding or controlling political ofllces In this country. The talesman , however , thought this would not influence nls actions nnd tnat ho could glvo the defendants a fair trial , QV03 if It were shown that they wcro mem bers of the Clan-na-Gacli The defense uhallonged him for cause und the court sus tained the challenge. A number of other talesmen were examined. Two wcro tem porarily passed and u recess taken until to morrow in order to glvo the defendants' counsel opportunity to consult as to whether they will turn four men now In waiting over to the state for acceptance. Wintry Weather In Oakotu. ST. PAUL , Sopt. 4. Reports from North Dakota and portions of this state toll of a heavy storm last night. Grand Forks says that utorriilo olectrio and wind storm pre vailed last night within an area of 100 miles of that city. Telegraph poles between there und Fargo were blown down and communi cation interrupted. Tbo damage in that neighborhood Is thought to bu heavy. A Jamestown correspondent says that the heaviest wind , ruin und thunder storm in years prevailed last night , but no great damage - ago has yet been reported. Thu weather is now wintry and considerable damage will result. Thn MnsKravo Failure. NEW Yoitic , Sept. 4. Wall street con tinues to discuss iho failure of thu old and well-known house of T. P. Musgravo & Co. , and tlioro were rumors to day that the lia bilities would bo greatly In excess of the fig ures first stated. Henry Kulm said that per sonally ho bad no voice In the conduct or di rection of the business , hutbalfevud that the liabilities would fall vastly short of 50J OOJ , and that u satisfactory settlement would bo made with creditors wlMiln u reasonublo tlmo , Dniwiiirl In Ijnlco CHICAGO , Sept. 4 Two fishermen , John nnd Kdwanl Brochor and , iUtoon-ycar-old Charles Bluhm , wcro drowned in Lake Mich igan to-day oft Thirty-eighth street. Thu trio were a mlle and a half from the shore , when u sudden squall capsized their smaok. Too heavy n sea was running for them to cling to the boat or swim ashore. All three went under almost Immediately , Nona of the bodies were recovered. SOUTH DAKOTA The HtntoConvention Jjt r ely At "tended Uverjr Gonntjr llfci rcHnntrcl. Hunotf , S. D. , Sept. 4i f poolal Telegram to Tun BBC. | The democratic jltnto conven tion this afternoon was -largely attended. Representatives wcro present from all parts of the fifty counties of South Dakota and thcro were many visitors. * J. E. Carpenter , chairman of the state con * trnl committee , called the convention to or der. Colonel Stcolo. of Lawrence , nnd Gen eral Hnrdln , of Jorauld , were nominated for temporary chairman. The vote by counties gave Storlo four majority nnd ho took the chair. E. M. O'Brien , of Ymikton , II. S. Valkmcr. of Grant , and O. W. Goddnrd , ot Mlnnotmhii , were inado secretaries. After nupolntlng credentials nnd permanent organization committees an adjournment was > taken until 7 p. ra. On reassembling the credentials ! committee report was adopted , showing all counties entitled to a full voto. The chairman appointed flvo on rules and nine on platform , when another adjourn ment was taken till 10 p. m. After appointing a committee of nine on platform , the convention began the discus sion of various methods for the appointment of a stale central committee. \ McClure Dec-lints tlio Nomination. PiBiiiin , Dak. , Sept. 4. [ Special Telegram - gram to THE BKE.J Hon. P. P. McClure , who was solicited to accept the democratic nomination for governor of South Dakota , positively declines the honor , preferring to use his tune In the Interest of the Plorro cap ital campaign , _ Pcnnsylvnnln Democrats , IlAituiBiiuua , Pa. , Sept. , .d. There was n long delay In the assembling of the demo cratic state couvcntlon to-day. At 11 o'clock It was called to order nnd the usual prelimi naries wcro gene through with. Samuel W. Wherry , of Cumberland , was chosen torn- purary chairman , and of tora short speech , m which ho arraigned the republican party nnd eulogized the democracy and Cleveland , the usual committees were appointed and a ' recess taken for half an hour. The convention reassembled at 1 o'clock nnd made J. B. Riley , of fechuylidll , perma nent chairman. The platform was then read and adopted. It roafllrms the declaration of principles made by the democrats at St. Louis in 1833 , especially that part demanding the revision aud reduction of the tariff taxes ; favors the admission free of duty of all raw material where it will enlarge our product and increase the demand for labor ; renounces trusts and favors the Australian ballot box s.Vetotn. The platform advocates a liberal ptiuslon1 law in order to have Justice done honorably discharged soldiers who by reason ot their wounds nnd other infirmities are prevented from por- form'ng manual labor , out the giving of "pen sions to other parsons is denounced us an in justice to those entitled to ) this recognition. A resolution was unanimously adopted com mending the course of Gladstone in his utti- tudu toward the Irish people. Edward A. BIglor , of Clcarfleld county , was then nomi nated tor state treasurer , and the convention adjourned. _ * ' Massaclitt setts ProhibltlonUts. WoiiCESTEn , Mass. , Sept. 4. The state prohibition convention was called to order this morning , and a permanent organization was perfected by thoclcqttonfof Gorge Hemp- ton , of Sharon , as chairman. The usual committees were appointed. and they retired for conference. It is1 understood the corn- mi ttco on resolutions is-cngagod in a wrangle over a woman's 8Ultrtge.rnlanlc. : , When the committees' reported , Dr. John Blackaian , of Springfloid.'was nominated for governor and B. P. Stnrtevant , of Jamaica Plains , for lieutenant governor. The plat form was presented. It advocates the inser tion of n prohibition clause in the constitu tion of every state ; says local option , while n good thing locally , is totally inadequate on thc-whole ; heartily rejects high license as opposed to its oxpcrlenco and utterly mis leading in its promises. Convention. CHEYENNE , \Vyo. , Sent. 4. [ Special Tele gram to THE BCE.J Very littlu work was expected of the constitutional convention to- da.v. The committee on rules reported. They have arranged for nineteen committees to look after the principal subject ? which will engage the attention ojt the convention. The matter of printing was considered. A propo sition was submitted to ' do all the work needed and then trust to tlic legislature for reimbursement. The convention then ud journod so that Presfdent Brown might be allowed tlmo to fix up'the committees. It is possible that an adjournment may bo taken for n few days after ' 'the "announcement of committees. - _ The New Yorlc Prohibitionists. SYKACUSB , N. Y. , "tJopt. 4. The prohibi tion slate convention opened this morning with mnnv ladles present us delegates , When the convention reassembled a per manent organization wiis.cffectod. Tbo com mittee on finance reported a deficiency of ? 2,300 last fall , several counties hav ing fulled In tholr contribution. Six thousand dollars were needed to pay the dellslepcy nnd meet the expenses of the coming1 campaign. This would help to destroy thor liquor tnifllo. In a short tlmo foJS7 ( was 'pledged by those present The convention then adjourned until to-morrow morning. The New Moxlan , Convention. SANTA FE , N. M. , Sopt.4. The convention to-dny comnletod a permanent organization and agreed to the appointment of eleven standing committees. Tlio incident of thn day was the election of chaplain , a Protest ant minister being pitted against a Catholic , und the latter coming oft victorious by a ma jority of ten. The committee expects to got down to hard work soon. The Dcndwood Conl'uriMioe. DEADWOOD , S. D. , Sept. 4. [ Special Tele gram toTni : UiE.J Bishop John II. Vincent , of Chantauqua fame , and author of the Inter national Quarterly Sunday School Lesson , arrived to-day add will lecture at the M. E. church to-night. Ho will prcsldo ut the M. E. annual co'nfcronco , which begins tomorrow row morning. Other' prominent divines in the city are Bishop Morley , of the Catholla church ; Dr. A. Hoagatfe , of Ncllgh , Nob. , presiding older of thoiElkhorn conference , nnd Dr. T. C. Webster.of , , the Chudrou M. E. conference. NnKlu's StricC/iiHti notions. SAN FIIANCISCO , Sqpt4 , In tno habeas rorpus case of Deputy Marshal Nuglo to-day , Marshal Franks said . .thatvlieii Justice Field loft for Los Angeles about August 7 , ho Instructed Naglo to accompany him , watch the Torrys and prevent thorn from doint ! Fluid any violeirco. Ho called Naglo's attention to the fact that Terry was not nn ordinary man and wurqe4 the deputy to take no chances but to Arotoct Field ut all haz ards. * ' } * T Sulolda ofu ICiillrond Mnn. SEVILLE , Fm. , Sept. 4. William Kimblo Louto , a prominent railroad and real estate man , committed suictdo Jiere to-day. Ho was thirty years old und a son of the late Dr , Frederick Loute , from'Whom ho inherited u large fortune. Nearly nil of this inheritance had boon lost or Hod up in such u way that it was uiiromuncratvo | , and financial troubles are supposed to bo the cause of his suicide. Nntinnal Bankruptcy Convention. MiNNKArousSept. . 4. The National Bankruptcy convention reconvened this morning , A committee of five was n4 | pointed to wait on President Harrison and ask him to recommend to congress in bis next annual message to thut body u bill ilmllar In import to thq Torroy bill. The convention then adjourned , subject to the cull of the executive commlttou. STORE BURNED BY NEGROES , Tuo Merchant Rofusocl to Soil Thorn Powdor. KILLED HIS OWN BROTHER. Gcorcn Allan , the Iiondor of tlio Out- Enforces Ills Authority With Death A Possu In llot Pursuit. A Deserter AVill Pilot the White * . Nnw OKMUNS , Sept , -J. A Greenwood , Miss. , special says : The mostdastardly out rage since the beginning of the trou ble in the upper part of the county was perpetrated by George Allen nnd bis squad of fifteen negroes last night , In tbo burning of Mr. Jamison's store at Shady Grove , on the Tall'a- hatchlo rlvor. They woat there nnd asked for powder and shot. Jamison refused to lot them have any and they told him they would either burn his house or kill him. They caught him , sot tire to his bouse , firing of ! tholr guns in tbo meantime and making other hostile demonstrations. Jami son got nway and wont to Sunny Sldo in forming the pcoplo what had happened. About too sumo tlmo n negro deserter from Allen's band oTored ( to pilot the whites to Allen's camp at Lone Star bend if they would spare him nnd his two brothers who were among Allen's men. About two nundrod men nt once started for the hostile camp , which is about six miles nbovo Sunny Sldo , but it has not been learned whether they succeeded In capturing Allen. It is not likely ho will bo tukon allvo as ho is u very dospcrato negro. It now transpires that the negro whom he killed last night for refusing to tnkn up arms against the Whites was his own brother. Vcstorday evening the sheriff's posse got sight of two negroes who hod eono to Cleve land for ammunition. Too negroes jumped from their mules and fled into the cornhraico. The posse captured the mules nnd 3,000 Winchester rifle cartridges , ton pounds of buckshot and four pounds of oowdcr. Further particulars from up the river con firm the statement that tno four negro lead ers who were killed up there yesterday wcro killed by the shurifTs posse while icslsting arrest. The number of hostile negroes aru now estimated at from 100 to ICO and they are in largo squads one of which Is led by Gcorgo Allen and tbo other by u negro named Backitt. The object of the sheriff is to capture the leaders and deal with them according to law. Tholr followers arc merely ignorant negroes who hardly understand what they are about. BATTLING WITH STARVATION. Terrible Condition of the Locked Out Spring Valley Minors. CHICAGO" , Sopt. 4. Mr. Henry D. Lloyd , formerly on the editorial stuff of a Chicago morning paper , has been Investigating the condition of the destitute miners at Spring Valley for several days and makes an appeal through the press m tholr behalf. Ho says there Is greater need than over for help for these pcoplo. There are thousands there suffering for .food , clothing and medicine. Most of the sufferers nro children nnd most of the children are Itttlo ones. Tboro are families whora adults and chil dren are grievously sick and without medical attendance and medicines because there Is no money to pay for thorn. The men at Spring Valley , Mr. Lloyd says , are not strikers. They are victims of two lockouts. . Last Christmas a thousand of them wcro shut out of work by the order closing a part of the mine. For the rest of the winter the other minors divided their work with these unfortunates. This lasted until April , Then the community , exhausted by this strain of bunporting tbreo men and their families on the earnings of two men , received its final bloxv. On April 24 , without previous notice , all the miners wcro told to take away their tools , and the mines wore closed. They hud no thought or plan of striking. They \voro not oven glvon a chance of working for lower wages. From the day they received this notice until Mr. W. L. Scott , of' Erie , Pa. , mate his recent offer to them of a reduction of wages from 30 cents a ton to the equivalent of 55 cents or less , coupled with the demand that they give up their labor unions , tbcso men huvo been waiting in involuntary idlo- nesslto learn what was to bo tholr fate. "Before the lockout they earned , according to the flirures they gave me. " says Mr. Lloyd , about $30 o , month. According to iho figures glvon by nn ofllccr of the company they earned about $43. If thcso wcro their earn ings ut 00 cents a ton , what would they bo at 65 cents ! " " 'I his community of 5,000 persons , in the state of Illinois , is In tbo throes of starva tion , " adds the appeal , "and has been so * for months. It Is n public scandal and a catas trophe which would scorn to demand us prompt and thorough action from the gov ernment and the people as the Johnstown disaster , and I trust the press and the pub lic will use all tholr influence to request the governor to recognize the emergency by all the action within his power. "Thero must bo funds at his disposal for such an emergency. "A personal inspection of this battle of 0,000 persons with death , would , I am con vinced , spur the governor to Instant action. "Whatever are the merits of the dispute as to wages , the starving must bo fed and the children saved. " Transfer Uout . CiHMimiu.AiN , S. D. , Sept. ) . ISpcojul Telegram to Tun BEG. 1 The Last Cnanco , a transfer boat , has arrived hero to do trans ferring to the Sioux reservation. A steamer has also boon ordered here by the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railway to do trans ferring for that company. * rryinjr to Burn Plorro. ST , PAUL , Sopt. 4. A Pierre spaclal sayss Great excitement prevails in this city over the third attempt within a week to burn down the place , No great damaga has been done. Thu people are much uxclted and somewhat nervous over the situation. A Dakota Fnrmur HulcliloH. CIUMIJIIIII.AI.V , S. U , Sopt. 4. [ Special Telegram to TUB Bun. ] A prominent farmer of Charles Mix county nuino Clurcnco Gablcr has committed sululdo by sbootlm ; himself through the head , dying almost instantly. Ho was wealthy ana no causa is known for the act. _ A I'roinlncnt MIIHOII Dead , CHICAGO , Sept , 4 , Grand Master Mason Smith is advised by telegraph from BloomIngton - Ington , III. , of the death of Dr. Alexander E , DarruL'h , Jr. , past commander. The fu neral will occur at Bloomlngton , Friday. | | m Lmrurtu Oold Har Ever Oast. IIULK.VA , Mont. , Bept 4. The largest bar of gold over cast In the world was turned nut at the United States assay ofllco hero to- day. It weighed 500 pounds and Is worth u llttlo over ouo hundred thousand dollars , A Baitlo Near SIUKIVJ , Sopt. 4. Tbo dervishes defeated force of "frlonalles'1 bnro a near to-day , The loss on both Kido * wu very heavy , AN ACCOMPLISHED UASC.VL. Mnx Jnoou on Arrested For Kmliczzlo- tn-nt From III * l mployrr.s. CitlOACio , Scut. 4. Max Jacobson , until recently western superintendent of the Fidelity & Casualty company , of this city , was hold to the criminal court to-dny for oinbczzlintr money from the company , Jacobson - son first made his appearance hero n year ngo , nnd was , on the strength of good tecom- tnondatlons , given a minor clerkship In the ofllco of the company. Ho soon won the confldcnco of the managers by his ability and was advanced rapidly to the po sition of western superintendent. General Manager Alexander says they had no- suspicion of Irregularity until n couple of months ago , when ho was found betting largely at the rnco track. The general man ager lomonstratod with him and ho prom ised to reform , but n week ngo It was dis covered ho was behind mjaln nnd was dis charged. Ho went over nt once to another uonipilny nnd they advanced him money. "Tho assurance of Jacobson , " said Mr. Al exander , "is shown by the fact that ho went to Jollct nnd on the strength of forged letters got prominent clttrons to go on his bond. Jacobson Is un derstood to belong to n noble family In Austria. It has been learned that before ho caiuo to Chicago ho served three terms In the penitentiary for forgery. Ho has been very successful in this city in securing money under fnl o pretenses nnd thcro Is no means of knowing how much ho has obtained aside from the $1,000 or so of thu Fidelity's money. When arrested last night Jacobson was , about to take the train for the cast. His lawyers this evening sued out n writ of ha beas corpus. A IjRAVKNWOItl'li MYSTKttY. Strange Disappearance of a Citizen of That City. LBAVENWOHTH , Kan. , Sopt. 4. [ Special to TUB BKB.J This city has almost u p.irnllol of the Wichita Brown mystery , so far ns a sudden disappearance and continued and in explicable absence nro ' 'concerned. Last Sunday ono week ngo Mr. E. O. Webster , who resided In a suburban addition to this city , loft his homo to go to the Baptist church , located In the central part of the city. Since that tlmo nothing has boon seen or hoard of the missing man. The most careful search has utterly fulled to load to the slightest duo to his whereabouts , or ex planation of his continued absence. The case is assuming nn alarming uhasp , thcro being no possible reason suggesting itself which will clear up the case , MOHK MEN AT WO UK. A Marked Inoronso of Work -rs on tlio , Liondon Oookn. LONDON , Sept. 4. There is a marked in crease this morning In the number of donk- mcn resuming work , and business on the wharves presents a rather brisk aspect. John Burns delivered an address to the strikers to-day at Tower Hill. Ho denounced arbitration through intermediaries , nnd de nied the reports that thodockmon wore going to work. Ho said It was expected that strikes would bo inaugurated in Glasgow and in Southampton Thursday. Report on the Klithr. Hour Dny. DONDEH , Sopt. 3. At the session of the trades union congress to-day a census report on the eight hour movement was presented , showing 89,039 for and < U,6S3 against it. The strike committee was in session until 2 o'clock this ( Thursday ) morning. Jtwna agreed that the committee would" consent to the men resuming work at any wharf paying : Od an hour , ordinary tinjo , and Sdbvor time , the "plus" in niece work to bo equally di vided between journeymdn and foremen. Strikers Victorious at Liverpool. LlVEiti'OOL , Sept. 4. The strike is ended hero , the employers having granted the advance - vance demanded. Russia's New linpnrlal Train. LONDON , Sopt. 4. [ Now York Hor- nld Cable Special to Tin ; Bnu.l A now imperial train has Just beau built for the em peror of Russia. The siloons are covered with iron outside and thou comes eight inches of cork instead of steel plates , witp. which the carriages of the old train wcru protected. All the saloons , which communi cate by a covered passage , nro exactly the same In outward nppcaranuo , so that ho out sider may bo able to discover in which car riage the czar Is traveling. During the em peror's Journey last autumn ho passed most of his tlmo In a carriage which from the outside looks like a buggago van. A I'attor In llot Water. [ CflDj/r/oit / ? WW l > u James Uonltm nenii'M.l LONDON , Sept. 4. [ Now York Herald Coble Special to THIS Bisn.J J . G. Gregory , incumbent of Emmanuel church , Brighton , is in hot water. Ho presided at n puollo meet ing at which Dr. Fulton , "an American , " lectured. In the course of the lecture Fulton said : "Thu Virgin Mary was not much of u virgin , " and much moro to the same effect. This profane utterance was brought to the attention of the bishop of Chlchoster , who In a most temperate letter calls upon Gregory to disavow any agreement with Fulton's statement. _ The Mnyhricic Children Adopioil , [ CopurioM 18SO l > u James Gordon /Jciwrtt. ] LIVERPOOL , Sopt. 4. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to Tim BEH. The Dally Post states that the two children of Mrs. Maybrlck have , by the consent of tholr father's brothers and of Baronnss Von Hoque , their grandmother , been adopted by a lady nnd gentleman In London , who are In good circumstances and who will see to their maintenance and education. The children , u boy and a girl , will assume the names of their foster parents , and thus , It is hoped , in their future llfo escape thp stain attach ing to the riutno of tholr mother. QuHe n ( ni)3 Vln ? . iCopi/r/uht / bi/Jtimti OonJm HsiwstS 1 LONDON , Sept. 4. fNow York Herald Cable Special to Tim Bnu.l A vine known as the "Great Vine , " ut Hampton . court , has nearly 1,00 ! ) bunches of grapes on it , all wall colored and looking healthy. Htcnmship Arrival ? . At London The Trnvo , from Noxv York for Bremen , passed Scllly this afternoon. At Glasgow The Clrcussla , from Now York. At Now York The Nordland , from Ant. .worp ; thu State of Nevada , from Glasgow. A Cabinet Mco ing Satiii'.lny. WASHINGTON , D. C. , Sept. 4. It Is under stood a meeting of the members of the cabinet will bo hold ut noon Saturday next. The subject of an extra session of congress will probably bo discussed then and a de cision reached , _ _ _ I'liylnii For HIM ftnoop , PAH19 , Sept. 4. The editor of Cocardo has been sentenced to four months imprlbonment , and to pay a fine of 500 franca for purloining court documents. Tlio Gorman ICinprosH n Catholic. VIENNA , Sept , 4. An Inspired article in the Vatorland announces that Empress Au- gustaNVIctoria , of Germany , has Joined the ' Cath'ollo church. Dr. fitters Itcoallell , , Sept 4. Dr. Peters has been re called from East Africa. The expedition for the relief of Eiuln Bey bat bctm aban doned. THE BELL TELEPHONE SUIT , The Qovornmout Oaso Gota'u Now Lease of Llfo. A VERY MYSTERIOUS GEKMAN. Who U Mr. AVnbucr That Mr. Wnnn milker In filmivlns- thnVorkluea ut'tho Postal SjNtntn ? Western Workmen In Washington. WASHINGTON HUUP.VU , Tnn O\t\nv line , J 018 FOUUTRKNTH STUCK r. } WASUINUTON , I ) . C. , Sept. . f The government suit against thu Boll Telephone company took on n now lease of llfo to-day with tlio flltng in the patent oftleo of a document In which the 1'coplos1 Telephone - phone company assigns all Us rights nnd tttla to Bomo sixty patents tind applications for patents which It coutrMs to throe mutual trustees , Prank Jones , the millionaire of Now Hampshire , Joiiu It , Hurtlott unU Henry - ry U. Andrews , of Now York. The result of this assignment Is to concentrate nil the elements in opposition to the Hell Telephone company in a strong working force , nnd It Is said at the patent ofllco ttiat it IB upon this combination that the hope of thu Rovorn- uiont's success in the suits against the Uoll company rests , ABTOKISHKD TUB NATIVES. Workmen mill mechanics are being treated to a _ sample of wild western ways which causes their eyes to bulge out with astonish ment. Recently tlio Washington & George town Hallway company entered Into u con tract with n concern In Kansas City to lay a cable road ulong the Seventh street branch of their lino. Work was begun on this inno A vation in street service in this city yesterday morning. The contractors brought tholr men with thum from Kansas City uiul put tticm to work as work Is usually done in the west. The cuso with which the track layers performed their work has cnusea quite a commotion In Washington labor circles. At tlio upper end ot Seventh street this afternoon onu hundred or moro . men wcro engaged laying the temporary track upon top ot the granite blocks , and at least live hundred of Washington's copula tion watched the operation for hours. The work is being done with energy which is surprising to iho people of this section , uud already thn indications are that the Seventh street line will bo built with twice the rapid- ity.tho work was upon the company's mala line running from the navy .vard to George town. Mrsmnious MIL WAIINEU. t A representative of the German govern ment named tiustav Wabncr has boon In the city for the past two or tiiroo days to coni suit with the postofllco ofllulnls In rotation to the manner of the conduction of the postal nnd telegraph business of the country. PosW master General Wanumnkor has received Mr. Wabncr with every courtesy and has ex tended to nlni nil the facilities n& his disposal , besides supplying him with a number of letters of introduction , which will bo invaluable to him hi his researches. The gentleman , how ever , has maintained a sccrctivenoss whicli Is entirely unaccountable. Ho has not ( jailed upon the German minister nor upon any of the principal German-Americans in Wash ? iugton , and although strenuous efforts have been made on tholr part to Hud Mr. NVabnerj they bavo been utmblo to do so up to the present time , v * auovr's CHANCES GOOD. It wan announced to-day that the presi dent would appoint a cainmissiotiar of the general land offlco bbforo departing for Philadelphia this aftoi'noon , but up to the 1 present time the name of the gentleman who is' to occupy tills position has not been glvqi ) to the public. ISx-Coimrcssmun John It. . Thomas , of Illinois , Is confident of his ap f pointment , but his coulldonco Is no creator than that of numbers of others who are un derstood to bo In the Hold for the position , and the interior department people express the same degree of ignoranio upon the sub' jcct whicli tins pervaded that department since the resignation of Commissioner Stock * singer. It is believed there , however , that Judge Groff , of Omuhn. js the coming man , but the basis of this bollof can not bo ascer tained at this writing. AnSIYCIlANOI3. * So much of the special orders as direct the transfers of certain lieutenants in the Fifth , artiilory to take effect October 1 , 1889 , Is so amended as to direct the following transfers instead to take effect on the day named : First Lieutenant David D. Johnson , from. Battery L to Light Battery F , vice Firsfc Lieutenant Harvey C. Carbough , from Light ! Battery F to Battery K. First Lieutenant Gcorgo E. Sago , from , Batterv 1C to Light Hattory D. vice First Lieutenant S. E. Allen , from Light Battery D to Battery L. IOWA POSTMASTEUS AITOINTBD. Cottonwood , Leo county , J. R. Syphorj Marathon. Buenn Vista county , E. E Kiel- field ; Hlchardnvillc , Dubuque county , Mrs. Murgarot Blalco. Francis C. Griblo , of Oinabu , Is at thp Arlington. MISCELLANEOUS. A caolccram received at the navy depart ment to-day announces the arrival of tbo. Galena under the command of Cotntnaudoir Sunnier , at St. Nicholas Mole , Huytl. Adi Gmirnrdl , of the Kcarsjgo , is also a1) ) St. Nicholas Mole in communication with ! the navy department. It is prob.iblo that the Kcarongo will oomo north soon , but that will bo loft Inrgoly If not entirely to the ad-i inlrul's discretion. The secretary of the Interior to-day ap pointed Albert F. Childs , of Ohio , chief cleric of the census olllco. * Captain Robert Ho.yd has bean selected by Secretary Tracy iis supervisor of the port ot New York. Judson Hmlffbs has been appointed store- . hecpur for the district of Nebraska. unit Iowa I'oiiHlons. WAsm.vt > xo.v , Sept. 4. [ Special Tele gram to TUB UIB. ] 1'onsions granted Nebraskans - braskans : Original invalid Janice Frono , George W. Berry , Israel C. Tobias , Frances Illckot , Henry C. Strentor. Franz Plot , Vln cunt F. Stevens , Increase Peter Koney , John Gorman. Pensions allowed lowans : Original m- vnllpSimon' Boodle , .inspor N. Johnson , V/illlum Kichurdiioii , Benjamin E. ICgard , Thomas J. Hollicmy. John Chambc'rlln. Lor enzo Guno , Charles To hey , Martin Vandyke. Hestorutlon William Rico. IIILTOUBO Thomas II. Lee , William Shoolunun , George O. Brown. HoUsuo Thomas L. Doble. Or igliml widows , otc Miirtha , mother of Thomas JohiiBOu ; JtoBiinnu , widow of Joha Sears , Ilnrrlton Homo mid Awar WASHINGTON , Sept. 4 , The president and Mrs , Harrison , accoinpunloa toy Dr. Scott uud Prlvnta Secretary Ilulford , arrived at the white house to-day f lorn Door 1 'ark at ii:45p. : m. Them was no regular cabinet muctlng , but wlthlu his hour's stay ut the white linuso the president managed to sea Secretary Traoy , Attorney General Miller' , and Assistant Secretary liulcliollor and thus gather an idea of thu , cpurse of buulnus In most of thn department. Auw luluutas bofori ) ' 4 o'clock thu party again entered a carriage and wuru driven to the Baltimore Si Ohio railroad station , vvhoro they look ta train for 1'hlladulphlu. The \Viiill h r NebraskaFair , stationary toiuperaturo , wniilH. northerly i Iowa lialn , followed by during weather , lower temperature , winds shitting to north erly. Dakota Fair , lower tumpcruturu except In northern , northerly winds , , 0 Visit Ilin View HONIJOUT , N , V. , Sept. 4. Burglar * made nn unsuccessful attempt lust night to rob tU4 residence of Vlco President Mortou.