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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1889)
rff rws f T * T T' * Kf1 * THE OMAHA rPAILY BEE : SjfflUBDAY AJJOTBT 10 > 1889. SPECIAL NOTICES. OMAHA. No advertisements will bo taken for those columns after ! 2i3O p. m. Terms-Cash In advance. .Advertisements under this head 10 ccnta per line for the nrst insertion. 7 ent for each dub. tiequont Insertion , and ( UiOper line per month. No ndvcrtlnetnenii taken fo- less than 25 cent * for drat Insertion. Bevon word * will bo counted to the line : they must nm consecutively and tnuat bo paid In ADVANCE. All advertise- inenta must bo handed In bo for o 12:30 : o'clock p. m. , and umler no circumstances will they betaken taken or dlicontlnncd by telephone. Partlo * . advertising In these columns and havIng - Ing their answers addressed In cnro or TUB IRB ! villpleriBO ask fora cliecK to enable thorn td get their lettiis. as none will be delivered except on presentation ot chock. All answirs to ad vertisements should be enclosed In envelopes. All advertisement * inthtso columns are pub lished In both morning nnd evening editions of TIIK HUB. the circulation of which aggregates mote than 18,000papers daily , add elves the ad- Vcrfl er the bencllt , not only of the city circu lation of TDK HKB , but al o ot Council Hindu , Lincoln nnd other cities nnd to mis throughout this section of the country. BRANCH OFFICES , Advertising forthtso columns will be taken on the above condition ? , at the following busi ness houne * , who are authorized agents for THE list special notices , and will quote the same rates ns can bo had at the main oince. t , 620 Bonth Tenth OHA8E & FDDY. Stationers and Printers , 113 Bouth'ICth ' Street. SH. FAHNBWOllTH , Pharmacist. 211B Cum- .inlng Street. WJ. HUGHES , Pharmacist , C24 North 16th . . Street. riKO. W. PARR , Pharmacist , 1C09 St. Mary' * l"T Avenue. EP 0 U US' PnAUMAOr , 2203 Farnam Street , SITUATIONS WANTED. _ ANTKD-Sltuatlons for good girls. 1 linve nilEludsandqualitlos , No one need to bo without help , as they have only to come to my oillce to DO promptly supplied. Mrs. Dregn. S. 15th. - CQ71 > * _ WANTED A position by n young lady stcn- ographcr nnd typewriter , llnpld , nent and accurate. Can furnish the best ot refer ences. Address box 787 Bhonandoah , Iowa. 44MUT _ WANTED-MALE HELP. J Salesman for road ; must fur nish good references. Apply to Kentucky Llqugr House. 312 8. 13th st. C30 0 * WTANTKl A man to take charge ot aii ad vertising crow on the road. Ono that has had experience nt canvassing preferred. Sal ary. Bond of J'OO nnd good reference required. A > Lewis , Cozzons hotel. Call to-day between 4 and Op.m. C48-10t " "raj-ANTED 3 experienced building , loan or TT lit insurance ag'ts to work in la. aud Nob. Address M. P. , Carrier 0 , Omaha. ( H'-llt ANTED A good man to drive grocery de livery wagon , Call at 1021 Saunuera st , 0440 * WANTED 20 men laborers , $18 , board and room ; also 4 teams , $2.50 per day. Mrs. Prrga. OUK . 16th. 6060 * WANTED First-class salesman in hosiery department. Must have refeuccs. The Fair , CIO WANTED Dry goods man , mnnaccr , floor walker and attend to advertising retail cry goods houso. Itotercnccs required. Ad dress , F. , GO. Bee ofllco. 514-12 CANTED A young man for light steady work ; good wages. No. 17 , 220 N. 10th. A GENTS wantwd to take "orders for houso- JtS hold peed ; ) on weekly payments. StlB Cumlngst. P. A. Clavln. _ W 'ANTED For Washington Terrltory-tlo- mnkorB. choppers , carpenters , rock mon , graders and trncklnypra , at Albright's Labor y. J120 Fnrnnm st. _ 221 WANTED A good olllco man to go cast ; must invest 2,600 ; mustbn a good business man. Address the Goo. S. Cllno Publishing House , : U5 to 321 Wabash avo. , Chlcago Hl. TVITEN to travel for thr FonthLH Nurseries ol iu-Canada. We pay SW to 1OI ' a month and cxponBpa.ta ngents to sell our Canadian grown btockjl Qid , < Btone &OVelllngton , Madiiioim Wls. ANTED Agents. Magia cigar llghtor , every smoker DUTS , lljfhts in wind or rain , lasts n lifetime. Sample life , two for25o , dozen , 1 , by mall. Stamps taken. Austin & Co. , Providence. H.I. _ 4Wstt ; WANTED Agents and merchants to buy White Enameled Lettorn , first-class goods at ono and a half cent nn upnpht inch. Sam ples mailed for 10o ; directions for applying to windows free. The White Letter Co. . P. O. box IS ) . * JnwaV N. J. .IftA-Utt "l TANTED Mnn of good address to net , as TT county manager. Iteforences exchanged. Deposit of 26 required. Salary { 05 and $75 per month with commission privileges. Call on or address 1'he George 8. Clme PublUhlng house , 611 National Hank , Take elevator. * * 600-111 ANTED 826 weekly reprehoptntlve , male or fcnialo , in every community. Goods staple ; household necessity ; sell at sight ; no peddling ; salary paid promptly , and expenses advanced. Full particulars and valuable sample case Krto. We mean Just what wo say ; address at onceStandard , Silverware Co. , Boston , Mass. EN Wo wish a ow men to soli our SALE8M goods by sample to the wholesale and retail trade. Largest manufacturers in our lino. Enclose 2-cout stamp. Wages M per day. Per manent position. No postals answered. Money advanced for wages , advertising etc. Centen nial Manufacturing Company , Cincinnati. Ohio. 70J-a31 * ' WANTED--FEMALE HELP. tXTANTEb Good girl for general housework TV in faintly ot two. 2214 Farnam. C2U-11 WANTED A girl for general housework. Call at 318 N , gjth st. 022-11 * W ANTKH Uirl for nonernl housework in small family. 1810 Bo. loth st. 3Jt W ANTED A girl with rafonmccs for iron- eral house wore ; good'puy. 2314 Douglas. ANTED Uirl for general houso" _ 8teady. place. 11)18 ) Capitol avo. 5 fj" ! Nunr&H-npeaklna Gorman girl for general JUJhouscwork : steady place. Call between 5 and tl p. in.i IU1FU " 'bl 4JI9 0 WANTRD Qormau girl to do cooklnic anil washing , best ot wages paid. Inquire J. 'lit ' Urandela.W4B ; 10th at , .ga JvilSpEUt-ANEOUS WANTS. WAN3TSD Ofrhtlaman roommate : nice large loom , modern conveniences , rent cheap , rdforencea ezcbnngcd. Address F 57 , lleo oilico , . . * i 625-1) ) W ANTEDr-Alraut 100 yards dirt near cor. Jonea'cnd 6th st. Addresi If frt.Hee. COO u , \v /ANTKD | loom nnd board for lady , chTfd 1 of U years and nursot terms must bo' roa Honable , Address wUJi particulars , V 65. Hoe , 005 lot ' AN115D At once , room nnd boardtor gentleman and his wife in a strictly pri vate family. Address "if fij , " Ueo olllco , 681-Ot w ANT : I'D CO teams for railroad graamt ; , a : AlbriQht'a Labor agency , 112U Fnrnam st. 728 WASTED Parties who have property ot any Kind to tradn. list it with u for quiet exchange ; commlHslou always reasonable Correspondence solicited , write us add. W. F , Nine kCo. , Des Molnea. . 7 u CLASS board for small families , wither or without rooms , at reasonable rat s. In quire at 604 B. liUli st. JBS.I ; % "IltS'Jclasa day board. Inquire I'M Dougiiu D Ht SSM A KIN ST DUBS3MAICINO in families , CHS. Itth. 019 u FOR RENT-HOUSES. TmOit MBNT Ufsld ence. 2100 Douglas Bt. , now - ' house , all modern Iniprovoiuwuts ; not i basement house. Kmiulre ot Morltz Weyor Oor. Kth ud Karnam. iru H OUBliIprrunt , I'J.'J Dodge. - Ki ) ( u-rcom uouietsinr&ItnTsoTIi . . Knr" ' 8 "V . . * at irroom uiodairn bouse , arth near St. Wnry's avo. WU ID-room modern brick house , N. lethit. W a-room cottage , Dave uport fct. 36 , l > arnani at. , 7-rooni Hat , all conveniences. Inquire Notherton Hall , room 423 , Firnt Nat , bHnk.L _ _ . _ It IICB'1 7-room Hat , tij pur mo. utKiva Th Fulr , 13th mid Howard. Inquira TheFalr. TmOR HENT 10-rooin brick house on 0th st. JD near Leavenworth. Apply at No , t 7 H. 2utti Tl/lLI/loaseforono or mora years a Ia.-go7 < T r room house with all modem couvnnltmces ; Is nicely painted outside , hard-mushed . tjicely papured. two large bay window * ; threa bloct from court houio-ttn 8 svtu. ua mon KENT A detached 0-room house , an JU modern conveniences. Enq. KS3 Capitol ave. 237 _ > -HOOM house , T N Hth { 4-toom house , 618 Uwilllains st ; 6-room bouse , 811 8 24th * u 5T7 101 _ _ _ inoil RENT 10-room house , steam heat , ail JO improvements , cheap rent. 0. K. Thompson , room 214 , Sheely block , 15th and Howard. 041 \TKW five-room cottage for rent , RuMeU , 1M ITAtt & Co. . 818 8. 15th St. 590 _ OUaE , 318 R. 1Mb st. , tor rent. II , W. C'tcmar , 209 N. isth _ OOt IlENT-8-room house , 833 8 20th , near JU I eavenworthj all conveniences. 587-13 * "tnoil RENT-NlcaB room cottage , 2512 COBS st , .E 6MI3J _ FOR RrNT-CoUaire. six rooms. Enquire 405 North 15th st. Thus. Swift. 6 ! 0 * T7IOR RENT-No. Old N. 17th sU cotta o , six JO rooms , centrally located , { 23 per month. 103 So. 28th St. niOIl HBNT-rB-room cottage. . JU 113. Klngwalt Bros. , Itoom 37 , Barker block OH nENT-112.00 per month , a six room building , N. E. cor. of 10th and Mason. 455 nio _ _ "VT'CBLY turntuhod rooma to gentlemen only. IN Price n 10 and (12 per month. 311 N. 12th st. col lOt _ T7IOR RENT Flno large residence , hard wood JU flnlslu all conveniences , low rent to private family ; alON. 10th st. _ l)3i ) OR HENT Flno ln-roora brick liouio. all modern conveniences , on cable and motor lines. Call on 2001 Burt at. UOU _ TJT10R RENT Now 7-room house , with city JU water and bath , 2.S2V Franklin Et. Apply Hoom tCO. Merchants' Nat'l Bank. 4 < 7-U * _ TTIOR KENT The 0-room Hat occupied by Dr. JU Gilincre. 2d lloor. No. W13 Howard st. In quire ot Oco. Hlgglni , 1011 Howard Ht. 1S2 fjlOR RUNT Good 3-story 7-rooin houso. barn JU for 1 horses , on uubiirbnn cur linn , (2J per month. C. F. Harrison , Merchants' Nat. bank. "filOll 11ENT 9-room house , now , well nnd -L cistern , short ! ' block from Hurt st. motor , S20 per month , lot COxliU. Inquire 3115 Hurt st. 630 lit TTIOIl IIENT afirst-olnss dwelling with nil X ? modern convonmnces. Including stable , 2503 Cnpltol nvo. Inquire of D.J. O'Donation. 1601 iarnam st. 315 EOll Itl'NT Two nine room brick houses on Park nvenuo , with nil conveniences. Also nlno room frame house on sixmo street , with nil conveniences ; price $36tnt45 per month. D. V Bholes. S10 First National Hank. 311 TjlOll HENT Six now 6-room cottages , ready -L ? on or before September 1. 3lth nnd Half Howard streets , healthy location , near Fnrnnm cars. Item.eachS15per month. Suitable for small tidy families. John H. F. Lehmauu , 024 B.17th St. 441 FOR RENT ROOMS FURNISHED. I71OH HENT Suite ot rooms with bath nnd Jgas , suitable for a doctor. Apply or nd- dress. D. J. O , . 1013 Henry st. 013-ltt rooma for rent with gas and - bath , single or cn-sultc , Apmy , 11)12 ) Harnoy st. OU-llt NICELY furnished suit of rooms and ono sin gle room. All modern conveniences , private family. 221J Farnam st. 025 i with board , only J4 per week. Home comforts. 1225 N. ZOth st. 028-llt ClOa HENT Elegantly furnished front parlor JL ; ? 12. Also rooms Cor light housekeeping , ( K)8 ) N , 17th St. 627-llt TTJIOH KENT F.lcgnnt rooms , $10 to . Hoard JL ? and rooms , S3 * to J-iT per month ; all modern conveniences. 1831 Casa st. 003 lit TTIURN1SHED rooms with breakfast and 8 J3 o'clock dlnuer , at 113 S. 20th. 670 0 /"tHOlCE rooms , with or without board , in prl- Vvate family ; desirably situated In modern residence ; pleasant homo : terms reasonable ; 21OT Harney street. 650 Ot ASS room and board at 421 and 423 8. llth St. 663 OT NICELY furnished rooms , with or without board , 604 8.13th Et , 010-12 room with bath. 510 8. 2Qth st. 229 TR1UKN1SHED Front room , lOHEarnam. JP V - 145 a 8T FOK HKNT Furnished -rooms , 2209 Dodge. 4050 ? FOR HENT Rooms wlth'board ; 1723Dodg § . Mia SOUTH front room , meals in the house , 1000 . . Cnpitol avenue. 320 JB1 IOU UKNT Two furnished rooms , .115 north 17th st. Iteferenco required. 373-S 1 ST. CLA1U European notel. cor. 13th and Dodge ; special rate by week or mouth. 228 FOH IIENT Two nlco famished rooms , suit able-for 2 , very cheap , $10 * and 15 , board if desired. 10)1 ) Douglas. 4870 * T710II KENT Nicely furnished rooms. 1st and J3 "d lloors , $10 and { 12 and 810 per month. Modern conveniences. 2100 Kariiam st. st.01llt T > IvKABANT room and board , location con- X renlent to business , gas , bath , etc. . 2015 Douglas. 434 Ot T7UJ1IN1SHED rooms and hoard for 8 gentle JL1 men who can be most comfortably accom modated and feel at home. C23 8 23th are. 412-flt T710H HENT Two parlors front and back on .1. Jlrst iloor. also single rooms with boara. All modern covenlences. 1009 Douglas. (182 ( TpnilNISIIKDor unfurnlMied house for rent J-1 in 1'ark Terrace , opposite Hanscom park ; all modern conveniences. Inquire , Lee &Nlchol , 2jth and Leaveuworth , 220 TTIU11NJSI1ED rooms with all modern con- X1 vcnlonces.for gentlemen only , 1703 Dodge st. GUI IpOIl HUNT Elegant furnished room for -L1 single gentleman only. 721. S. 19th st. , cor. Leaveuworth. OCO 1/1011 KENT Two furnished rooms , on at. J. Mary's avenue. To gentlemen only. Btx mlnutos wale of business center. Heferenco rcqulrod. Inquire at store , 210 and 212 B. IStli st. 757 nnwo room with "or without board for gen- JL tlemcn.prlvuto fomlly.referenccs. 1812 Dodge * 093 FOR RENT'ROOMS-UNFURNISHED. FOK IIENT Unfurnished rooms sultaole for housckooplUK , in suites ot2to 4 : convenient location , llutt'b Iteutlng Agency , l 00 1'arnam. FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES- fjIQli RENT The 4-utory brick building with JL1 \vithuut TMwer. formerly occupied by The lla 1'ublltihing Co , Did Farnam st The bulld- liishas a lire-proof cauionted basement , coin- plote&team heating llxtures. water on all the Hoers , RUB , etc. Apply ut the oOlce of The Hee. * C OU UKNT For a year or termot years In JL' Orand Island , Neb. , two lira class brlclc stores , situated nn Front ntroet. one block south of U , 1 > . trucks ; these buildings are only two yours old , plate Klaa * fronts and stone walks , line cellars , ana first-class in every respect ; rents reasonable. Apply to W. A. Whitney. SM 13 _ TJ , OU IIF.NT Store room , cor. 2.1th. and N stu. . JL' South Omaha. I taut locution iu city for Gents' furnishing or dry goodtf ( .tore. Inquire of J. J. Muhonoy , roomtOo Vuxtonblk. { ' 2-ti\ \ OFF1OK To lent. Furnished elegantly or untiirulshoil. liuahnmii block , N. K. Cor. Mth and Dongla * . 232 _ TmOH UUNT-Stororooiu , No. 1411 Douglas St. , J : best retail locality In city , 8ee Dr. NevillB , n , w , cor. Hth nnd Douglas. 571 IK TO HKNT-lTwlrablo war house room ou truct. Apply to C. W , Kolth , 714 Pacino St. Tmoil HKNT Store room No. 1013 OuroluB st , , 4J tsa per mo. Storeroom No , 1915 Oumtngst ; , KHpermo. Five room cottage , with city water , No. 805 N. 20th ct. m prr mo. New six room houne. with ilirivatcr In honso , good clstorn , eta-trnnd ; ; Dodge TtS , wu per U1O. U1O.Tour Tour room cottaco , 1511 N. fM St. , { 13 per tno. 1'ottnr it Cobb , liiul Farnam Ht. iUl-li ) * I"pOlt business purposes 2d Hour , 0x132 , in JL1 I'axton btilldinir. loth and I'aruam. entranca on Farnnm. passenger and freight elevator , north undtioulh Ituht , will divide Into two if do- Hired , lloymon & Dulclici , 1613 Farnam st TTIOH HKNT The comer room under the No- JL1 liruska National bank will boon be for rent , the Equitable Trust Co. removing to larcor nuarters. Tin spnco la about donbla that occupied by the 0. . II. ft Q. tlcxet olllco. The Boor is tiled " ' tut tno room cuu bo made desirably tor n 1C. It. .ci : t or broker's olllre , 11 For particulars apply ut bank. CO TflOU HE NT Btbre 8 and living rooms on Cum- J- ' leg st. AUohousuouCoittst. JlnrrU , room 411 , J t Nat. llauk. 134 HKNT Store bnlldlnft. new , RlxSO , cor. ' Drove ami t/earenworth , location good for drug store or butcher tihnn. For Ilent Severn ! dwellings. J , 11. Evans IloomOUS. N. V. Life Bnllilln ? . E63 B _ yilSCEt-UANEOUS. JADI US. Attontloul JIadtm Ouerrottos J- Ooldon Specinc , for all tomato weakness , ' ' ofllce honm , 8 to 10 a , mn and 3 td 6 b.j m. . con- aultatlon treo. 1609 Douglai. _ 4J2ftllt WANTED tx > ans in amounts of $300 to Jl.OuO funds on hand. For 8alo-ll houses nnrt lots. 100 feet front near Kountze place. Horses , furniture , etc. , taken as llrsfparmont or will rent cheap. Exchange-Clear land for city property. Want to buy or trade for Kountzo place lot or house and lot. O. W. Lust , 1511 Farnam st. Hoom 2. C33-1U _ A11K yon looKlns for nn opportunity to on- goRolnthomorcanttlo busmewr It socome and see us. W It. K. k M , li. , Itoom H Chamber of Commerce. Tel. 1140 , _ 615. .HESSr 001.8 , cisterns , privy vaults , etc. , v-/clfnncd quietly , quickly , cheaply and clean ly ! nil work done by odorless pump. Odorless tianltary Co. , 1400 1'arnam street. Tel. 298. 535 SIS TUB banjo taught as nn nrt by Geo. F. Gcllen beet. Apply at lleo olllco. _ OW AN experienced and thoroughly competent creamery man with ample means is looking for a good location within 150 miles of Omaha , Address KM. cnrnoMleo. _ 628-12 * * V E8 The old reliable Rental agency Is still JL running , supplying all that come with housrs , flats and stores. J. H. 1'nxroUo , Hoom 81. Douglas block. 640813. LOST. _ _ " 1" OST Large , young cloao-hatrod St. Ilcrnard JU dog , vollow with white breast and foot , llo- turn to 1180 Georgia are. , or 001 Douglas and get reward. 5.18 _ EngHsb Mastiff. Return to 400 Paxton LOST nnd got reward. 841- . PERSONALS. EllSONAL Will Mrs. Ida Gardner ( neo Ida Child ) , send her address to her cousin , Fred 0. Child , 201 N. 15th St. 031 0 * CLAIRVOYANT. T710UTUNK Teller Mrs. Lonorman can bo JO consulted on all affairs of life. Satisfac tion guaranteed. No. 310 N. 15th St. (81-8.8 ( * rltS.Fersoval , of California , icon Douglas st , Lforetells the future , Ladlea and gentlemen. 20113 J Mt Wellington , world-TenpwnMl ns- .trologlst : , test medium and destiny reader. Just from Kuropo. Tells your life from the cradle to the grave , reunites the separated , causes speedy marriage with the one you'love , locates diseases and treats "with massage and electric baths. All in trouble > hould not fall to consult this gifted seeress. PtnourO , upstairs. 417 South llth. ofllco hours from 10 n. m. to 10 p. m. * mo r\H. NANNIE V. Wnrren. clairvoyant , jnadl- JL/cal and business medium. ' Female , dl oaaes n specialty. 110 Niethst. rooms Snnd 3. 05 STORAGE. STORAGE at low rates at 3121 Farnam 'St. , Omaha Auction nnd Storage'Co. .237 rpitAOKAGE storage nt lowest rntes. W. M. JtUushman , 1311 Loavenworth. 233 . and forwarding. YTo collect nndj STORAGE of nil descriptions , merchan dise , furniture and baggage at cheapest rates for storage for any length of tlmo. vans and wngons to be had nt shortest notice , wlto care ful men for moving. Packing nnd shipping from our own warehouse done on moderate charge. Merchandise loaded nnd unloaded. Warehouse on our own tracks. Office 217 8.14th St.telephone. ; 1U. Howell&Co. 210 r WANTED Furniture , carpets , stoyes nnd household goods of all Kinds. Omaha Auction & Btorrge Co. , 1121 Farnam , 237 TVf ORRI8ON & ELY Storage nnd forwarding ; .LU.special arrangements for commission mer chants , 1213 Leavenworth ; teU 419. , Omaha. .138027 * SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRIT ! NT ] QTANDARD Shorthand school , Paxton blk , Osuccessor ( to Valentine's ) the largest exclu sive shorthand school In the west. Teachers are verbatim reporters. Particular Attention paid to typewriting. Mechanical , construction of machine taughtoy factory expert ; Circulars. WIHTTLEBBY'B Shorthand School , Barker block. Send for circulars ; Lord's prayer in shorthand free. 476-s3t / \MAH A Business College , cor Itth and Capl- V/tol ave. Shorthand The largest and most successful shorthand department in the state. Standard methods taught. Munson's revised of 'S3 a specialty. Call or write for terms. 842 WANTED-TO BUY. \XTANTED Horse , sound , kind nnd reliable. TT Weight 1000 pounds or more , for lady to use. State price. Address F , 71 , Hee ofllco. - B37-IU WANTED For cash. 4 spans mules , weight 12,000 to 13.00J. short legged , 6 to 7 years old , with harness. Hugh Murphy' 1605 Farnam. 04011 $ WANTED-Sound. stylish , family ho"rfeo'falr traveler , weight 1100 to 1200 pounds , any nge to 10 yxars ; must be entirely safe for lady to drive and cheap for cosh. Address P 08 , Hoc. 611 10 I WANT to buy n small Interest In somo" good paying business. Give full particulars. Ad dress F 65. Dee. 645- FOR SALE miSCEULANtiOUS ITIOU SALE furntturo nnd carpets of n 0- JL1 room house , nearly new and first class throughout , will sell on tlmo payments or trade for good real estate. Address A , P. O. box 820. lio. will buy a good mare , harness nnd open buggy. Inquire 1810 Sherman aye. after 6 o'clock. 040-14t TT10JI SALE At a great sacrifice , &J,3W ( worth -L of elegant new furniture' tor 81,000 ; easy terms ; see mo about this at once. Alex. Moore , 801 Sheoly block. THOU SALE A second-hand boiler , ns good ns JC new : only used two years ; CO-horse power , with 72three-Inch Hues ; size 68 inches by 11 fe t long ; chunp for cash. Address or call on E. II. Fawcett , J521 O St. , Lincoln , Neb. 012-111 TJ10II SALE Furniture , very cheap , for two JL1 or three days , 1903 Capitol are. 608 li T71011 SALE Or trade , Imported Engllshshlre JL' Bullion. Will sell cheap or trade for other stock. Address , II. , Barker hotel. 697 1U * t POIt BALK Law library , 1510 Douglas. 017 25t " 171011 ? ALE or Ilent The Malvern Steam -L' i'lour and Feed mills , or will take an active artnor , Dyroc Swoazey , Mulvorn , Iowa. 510-10 T310H SALE 65 home-power "Atlas" engine -U nnd 10 horse-pow r steel boiler , nearly new , with all connections ; will sell cheap. A. II , X'-ullor. Ashland. Neb. TJUVH hundred shares ot tlO per share North wcitern Standard OH stock. Tnls stock is non-aggBssablen ad land is being developed nowiand Is sure to bring good returns in near futuro. Will sell for cash very cheap. Address 13 02 , Hee oillce. NX ) FOR BALE Handsome youngpony , perfectly sound and gentle , suitable for either saddle or driving. Apply to Col. Fletcher , Fort Omalia. 644 ITIOR SALE l.a tons of 15-inch fee. Housed J-1 on track , Council lllults , la. Gilbert Hrns. FOUSALE T'urnlturo ' of large houeo , every room rented. First-class location. Parties leaving city , A bargain. Address li S , Ilee oince. 653- TIHE Conn eld M'fc Co. being about to move will sell 1 flrgt-cTasa 4-horae-power engine nnd boiler at U actual value. IJIW Dongla st. lifu ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. intiAW ) Quarantoo & Trust Co. . N. Y. Life uliig , Corapldta abstracts furnished and title * to real estuto examined , perfected & guaranteed. P4J MONEY TO LOAM , rpIIB ELKHORS Loan & Trust Co. plve JL money tn any amount on good security , fur- tllturu in use , horsus , etc , Lovf Interest. Over Commercial Nnt'l Hunt : , 13th and Douglas. _ _ 71TONEY to loan ; cash on hand : no delay. J. 1U.W. Snulre , 1219 Farnniu at. , first National bank building. sot M ONE ( V to loan on any security for abort time , at low rates. Lowest rates on personal property. The Henderson Mortgage Investment Company , room 100,1'axton block. 2su MONET loaned for 30.00 or UO day * on any kind of chattel security ; reasonable inter- Mt | coutldemlaJ. J , J , Wilkinson , 1417 Faruam , 07 MONRY to loan. O. P. JViTls Co real estate and loan agents. 1505 FOTflam t. 877 OF. HAJinibON lo&risl'moner , lowest rates. . " g > 5 B1TII.D1NO nnd other rr&ioiiUte loan.s W.M. Harris , room'JO , Frtn rVblock , opp. F. O. -.It , 84 MONRV to loan on reaKVestato security , at lowest rates. Dotoro injnotlatlng loans see Wallaeo. 11.310. llrown bhj loth & Douglas , aa ANTKD-Flrst class JirTfldo loans. Ix > west rates. Call and see--us. Mutual Invest * roent Co. . K1. Darfcor bit. , ir n and Farnam. 218 PIlII.AItr.Ll'IIIA Mort a ft Trust Co. fur nish cheap eastern nuijiey to borrowers , purchase securities , perfect titles , accept loans attholrwestern otllco. tKWrgo W.I1. Coatcs , room 7 , Board ot Trade. , oita S34 . to loan at n per cent. Linahan & M a- $500.000 . room TOO Faxton blocte. 237 BUILDING loans. D. V. Bholes , 210 First National bank. 281 6 Per Cent money H. 902 , N , r. Lire Tns. bids 11211823 * MONEY loaned on furniture , horses nnd wagons : rates reasonable. City Loan Co. , 118 8. Ibtli 8U opposite Allllard hotei. 270 MONRY to lend on real estate ; get my terms before placing your loans. J. D. Evans. 3U3 N. Y. Life llulldlng. C04 10 MONEY leaned on chattel securities and jew elry. Itoom 411 , Sheoly block , Omaha No- braska. F.-JI. Jerome. 437 82 ? DON'T borrow money on furniture , horses , warrens , eto. , or cell Morals until you see C. n. Jacobs , 411 First National bank building. 285t STIHNQEH & i'ENNY , room 20 , Douglas block.havo money to lend on chattel security. 463 AM SEE Bholes. room 210 , First Nat'l bank , before making your loans. 281 TTlIUST mortgage loans nt low rates and no K delay. D. V. Bholes , 210. First National bank. 831 T OANSmadoon real estate and mortgages JUbought.Lowls S. IteodiCo.,1113Hoard Trade 283 the city. Make loans for thirty to three hun dred and slxty-nvo days , which can bo paid in part or whole , at any time , thus lowering tha principal and Interest. Call and see us when you want , money. We can assist you promptly and to your advantage without removal of property or publicity. Money always on hand. No delay In making loans. C. F , Hood & Co. , BID 8.13th st. OTor Blnghqm & Sons. 288 T\O YOU want money ? If so don't borrow JL/before getting my rates , which are the low est oq any sum from II up to 110,000 , 1 make loans on household goods , pianos , or gans , hnrses.muleswagonswarehouse recolpts , nouses , leases , etc. , in any amount at the lowest possible rates , without publicity or removal of property. Loans can bo made for ono to six months and you can pay a part at any time , reducing both principal and interest. If you owe a balance on your furniture or horses , or have a loon ou them , 1 will take It up and carry it for you as long as you desire. If you need money you will flnd it to your advantage to see mo before borrowing , B. F. Masters , room 4. Wlthnell building. 15th and llarncy. " 289 T .OANS on improved and unimproved prop- JUerty at low rates Ode.ll Bros. & Co.,312 B lotn. I 266 MONEY to loan on furniture , horses , wagons or securities of anyklndt commerclrl nnd mortgage-notes bought afffnlr rates ; all busi ness transacted confidential ? Collateral Loan Co. , room 321. llamge building. 713 ESIDENOE loans fljflia 7 per cent no ad dltlonal charges for' ' cenimlsslons or attor neys' fees. W , if. MelkloKrf t Nat bank bldg. ONEY to loan on flirnltUfo , horses , wagons , etc. , or on any approved security. J. W , Bobbins. HUH Farnam stfOct , I'axton hotel. - - \ 89 T7 EY8TONE Mortgage XoV-Loans ! of $10 to JLVJI.OOO ; got our rates before borrowing and save money ; loan on1 nore&s , 'furniture or any approved security , without- publicity ; notes boucht ; for new loan , renewal of old and low est II203SheoloybJklotn & Howard st. 270 Loans negotiated" at low rates with MONEY ou tdelay , and purchase , goods , commercial paper and mortgage notes. ? S. A. Sloman. cor. ' 13th and Farman. 273 t \TEBKA9KA Mori ; Loan'TTo will make you a J-N loan on household goods , i horses , wagons , i , land contracts , , flno jewelry , or secuntles ot any kind , without publicity , at reasonable rate * . Jtoom 7. Bowley block. South Omaha. ' Booms 518-519 , Paxton block. Omaha , Neb. 273 BU 8INES8 CHANCES CTIOR 8ALE A nlco clean gtonk hardware in JU best city In Iowa ; invoice about (5,000 ; will take H ln clear real estate , balance cash. Address - dress Box 228. Cozard , Neb. C3S TXT ANTED Banking In live town in Kansas TT or Nebraska requiring capital of (18,000. Address If. VfrV , , box5 , Now Hartford , la. 61715 FOR SALE Clean stock groceries ; cash business ; will accept some trade. Address F C8 , Bee ollice. 018 lOt FOR SALE or Exchange Fine drug store in country town ; also some cheap lands ; will rent a roller mill to good inan.ront not so much of an object as to havo. mill run. Address Lock Box 2fl. Stuart. Neb. C3223t * | TIOR SALE Cigar and confectionery. Cheap. JU Good reasons for selling. ' Address F , 72. Bee office C38-11I - R store and fixtures for tiEO in city : OIOR good location. Co-operative Land and Lot Co"205 N. 10th st. 002 10 T71OR BALE Cheap Barber shop and 4 chairs ; . JU good location ; paying business. M. U. Flein- ing. Crete , Mob. 004 37 * I7\Olt \ BALE Furniture and loose Clifton ho- JU tel , DO miles from Omaha , B. & M.on month ly payments ; SA rooms ; low rout ; investlgata immediately. B. B. Paucoast , Ashland Neb. scoot TJ10B SALE Good dining hall , good business ; JL' everything very convenient ; central loca tion , cheap rent : part cash and balance on easy .payments. . Address , I. , r/J , Boo. 506-13 * "ITIOK SALE One of the Dost established and JU oqulppod printing nnd job ofllces in N. W. Nob. Only paper in best business town In county. Batlstictory reasons tor selling. For further particulars address Independent. Oak- land. Neb. 570 13 IJIOH SALE Lease of store and part or allot JU my llxtures , 1822 Douglas. Ooo , L. Bean. , 49710 A N Iowa cashier wants an interest iu either XXnew or old bank in Nebraska. Can furnish outfit , including Hull's stool cnost , tirno lock and approved vault fixtures. (3.0JO to Invest with position. Address Cashier , FrodericKs- burg. IB. 425-12 T71OI18ALE A good business with a goodgro- JU eery and meat trade. Address F 40 , Bee. 4201) ) * TJTOR SALE or Trade for Omaha property an J-1 established business. Box 518 Oinaho. K K40 TJAOIl SALB-A well estslbl ied. good paying' JU business ; price Sd.uoo. nin sell the waola era a controllng interest andtruljiCeriu nngement , which. It conducted with prdlnary business- blllty , will insure an anBjtal net proflt of K1.00J to J4.000. and the oppqjrtunlty for extend ing and increusinc the bualnila Is unrestricted. My reason for selling inhiivnK ( other important Itiislnuss interest ? raqulrlnu my undivided at tention , The practical knot/lodge necessary to rarry on the above business successfully it Blmple and easily acnulra&w It will pay any one having the capital and tljtno required to In- vestmate. Address ggr/BJ 847 A CHEAT bargain in QoPdon , Neb. , anew roller mill for sale , 35 oarrel capacity and rigged to make buckwheat und rye ilour , meal 'anachop ' feed ; in a Koodcwhoat country and OCK ! market for Ilour : ( .dwellings and barn with it ; price ti OOO. parU 9 having prop- .ertr to trade need not JiiW- ; mill nas tint- jclajss reputation. F. J , Andreas. C42 alOt FOR EXCHANGE. JL terest niUi UJ-109 acrra ot s , BOOU farm , lo cated in Puloski Co. , iio. ; about one holt in cultivation , tts balance good timber ; about ten nova in orchard ; t\vo other small orchards ; folir fair 'jousei ; abuudauce of t'ooil spring water , and laying about one mile from good business town nn railroad : full nnd unlncum- bered title. This farm is in a peed settlement and healthy locality. We will exchange for general merchandise or hardware. Call on or address W. B. Uordon & Co. , Bteele city. Neb. 555 T7IOR EXCHANQE-An elegant tract of land JU containing 180 acres. In Antelope county , Nob. , with ordinary Improvements. A quarter-section In Hand county , Dakota , partly Improved. Eighty acres near Council Bluffs , To. House and lot on South 16th st. 'Large amount ot Oil Mountain and Petroleum company oil stock , will exchange for Rood property or the erection of some houses. Ueo. J. bterasdorif , lit National bank building. 379 FlflBeeolllco. T C80 8 fT"O KXCITANOE General stock merchandise : X want land and money. Vex 70FrankfortInd. * "ANTBD-To trade for a stock of groceries , canh and lots on O. & 0. B. motor lln . Lots will bo mit. In. at their cash value. W. U. K.ttM. K. , Itoom 14 Chamber ot Commerce , Tol. 1410. BIOme mo EXCHANO EVe have a good farm of 130 JL acres laying close up to the town of Pteolo City , JolTorxoa Co. . Neb. About 70 acres In high state ot cultivation. This if river bottom land : gall can't be beat an/where ; 25 acres good tim ber ; balance in peed pastur * : all fenced : never falling wntet1' ! this is a magnificent farm , with house. flUbllnp. and 8 nlco lots In town go with desired ! tltlemH perfect ; wo want In exchange , nlct < , clean stock or mcrcoandlso or hanlware. Call on or address W. B. Uordon { : Co. . Steele Rlty. Nttb. KIT FOR SALE < ? SftL ESTATE A 8NA11 Flno 10-room house with all modern -ex , iinpcovcoionts , only 1 block from n car lines , on N , 17th st. ThU property cost the owner $7,000 ( owner has loft the city ) . Wo offer this for I week only at II.U09. 8ms.ll cash pay ment doWnJ balance to suit purchaser. ( Money to loan at5 pur cent. ) Enquire of Win. Htadle- Mahw J. a Swan. C 7 Paxton blook. C20-15 TTIOIl SAI.R-Ncat cottage and 2ft feat tront- JU age on Uth and California. Only t\OM. Call nt once. C. F. Harrison , Merchants' Nat , ban ) : , 034 CE. MAYNK , real estate , room 400. Boo * Building. | C43 Ht FOH SALE Hotel property In Omaha ; new butldtmr ot 09 rooms , paying t4 ) ! per cent not on a vahmtloix of { 20,000 ; will take $3IXW cash , a moderate-priced resldenco property , balance time ; this property is steadily increas ing m value , and as nn investment can scarcely be duplicated. Alexander Moore , solo agent , 001 Shoely block. 012 ut TmonSALE Or trade , tha elegant furnlturo JL' of A 0-room house , nearly now ; will sell at a great-sacrifice on time payments , or trade for good property. Address A. V. O. box 820. o4 * > IX _ Y , Douglas blocs : , S. Ee Ocorncr loth and Dodge streets , mat estate nnd loan agents. Omahn property to oxchang. for clear farms , and clear firms for encum bered' ' inside Omaha unimproved property. Call and see us. We have a big list and some of our barpalnsinay milt you. Stringer ft Penny , Douglas block , B. E.cor- 10th and Dodge streets , have the undermen tioned clear farms for sale or exchange. 040 acres , MorrloK Co. . Neb. 1,820 acroi , oloso to Saratoga , Carbon , Co. , Wyoming , 178 acres , Harlan Co. . Nob. 480 acres , Holt Co. . Nob. 750 acres , Nanco Co , , Neb. I GO acres , Knox Co. , Nob. 320 acres , Stnnton Co. , Neb. 1,0:0 acres , Washington Co. , Nob. 100 acres , > hllllps Co. . Kas. . 120 acres , Hamilton Co. , la. 483 acres'in Lincoln Co. , Nob. And an luiinonso list of farms with small in- cumbrance some of them wo can sell as low OB (5 an acre. Stringer It Penny. Douglas block , 8. E. cor. 10th and Dodge streets , have a good list of lots which they will sell to parties who will build and will take mortftacra for whole of purchase money. Some flno rosldonco properties for sale real cheap and on easy terms. 024 15 FOR SALEcA fine 0-roonied house In Or chard Hill , on easy terms , prloa way down , Arnold & Wlnstjmley , 576 8 * n IOR SAkK 2 lots in Bedlck park , 1OOJ onch , lob In' Albright's Choice , South Omaha , very cheap If sold immediately. Afl- dress B. P Mllps. Bt. Joseph. Mo. 607 14 ? T710R BALRr-Lots in Stewart Place , will fur- JU nlsh money for building house , and pay ments monthly. Here Is a chance to secure a homo. Harris , Room 411-1st Nat. Bank. i 673 $29,000 44 feet front in heart of Omaha , ICtli st , , modern 3-story building , brings 10 per contnon-a. tlow rents ; must have $17.003 cash , balance T ! per cent ; great offer ; address E 39 , Boo. 731-al9 FOR SALE-543.73 acres , soc. 5 , tp. 13 , .r. Ow Hamilton county : Neb. House , stable , 330 acres fenced , living water. Prlco , ( U.OOO. F. K. Atkins , owner , railroad bldg. , Denver , Col. 899 KOUNTZE PLACE 9-rbom house , barn and every convenience , for 87,000 , easy terms. Address for particulars. B 03. Bee. SOS TTIORSALfc 80 feet'east' front near paved JU streetwlthnowO-room modern house , 7,000. C. F. Harrison.Merchants Nat'l bank. 839 npo bulfders I have several lots in choice a d X.dltiona to Improve and am willing to accept second mortgage In pact payment of lots and also assist thepa.rty { u procuring building loan. David H.'Shannonipom20 , Chamber of Com merce. 091 lOt "Ij IFTY ft , east front "ot only 3 blocks north of JU , Cnmlng on Lowe avenue. 41,903. A decided bargaln. , < .tK'DiirUngBark'ai.blpck.1 ; ; ? B479 a 48,500 Actual Value Insldo business and rosl Pdenco.the seventeen lots at half price to first party comes. JVfby ? , , For reason am in need ot (13,500 casn. Great chance. Address E 31. Bee. 710-ai8T COpTH.OMAHA Paved" streets and uH'ctric to motor cars.trom ' 16th and Farnam to Ex change building. South Omaha , In next 00 days. Taosa00x150 feet lots in the original plat Is where the i money is at present prices. A double corner jn&kesi three 50x120 foot lots , be bought for (700 and ( SOU apiece. Tner will sail for double that before January 1. We have all that Is for sale. M. A. Upton Company ; lottrand'Farnam. 552 H HOLES to the front again. Last list ail S sold out. (35.000 , (30.000 , . (10,000 , 814,000. (10.000 , (11.500 , and from this down to a , email house for a cent , buys residences In the city for bankers down to the1 man-who cleans the sower. neither 12 or 9-roomhouue , barn , lots,78 , and , BOxl24 feet ground each , on Zlth st. , Kountze place , with furnace , gas and fixtures , hot and cold water , bath , three elegant mantels each , all papered , elegant lawns , OQ grade , street paved , motor by October J. It not cheap/come in and I'll give them both to you free. , (4.500 buys 8-room house , furnace , and every thing oven to electric wires for lighting gas ; lot 50x150 , across street west of Dr. Mercer's and 1 block from motor. ' $500 cash , baL 6 per cenu . * * * 0,000 . . buys full lot in Hanacom place , D2d and , with 8-room house , furnace _ Dandy east front lot on 5Zd and Paclllo Street , Ilanscoin'place. J8.COO and $7,000 residences in Kountzo place to trade for smaller honsea and lot near tnero. (4.000. full lot and good house Iu Hillside add. opp. Webster street school to trade for vacant lot. (1,200 buya cither 4-room house , full lot , in Central park-or Hitchcock's add. , and (1.000 stme in Orelghton height * add. (2,750 buys Una lot on Farnam and. 42d fits. fV.IM buys 65xlB3 ft. on Cass Bt. opp. Cass school. (2.500 buys either of two R-Toom houses in Roddick pane. (1,000 Tiriys'rf flno 7-room cottage on 18th and Paul'sts. . With bath , hot and cold water , slag walk , and ft corker for the money , r - Trades. 0 choice lotiualue in'cosh (2,500 , in Lincoln , Neb , , , for good house and lot and pay balance Incorh , bubjnlt oilers , .Also 100 acres choice land In Nuckolls co , Neb , , and good hard cash for choice city Iqts. Submit. If you don't want to buy send list of what you have-to sell. , " , Wo are here for that purpose and there are lots of them that will buy. There Is just as ( rood bargains to-day as one wants. Drop your "cranky ideas and get to business. For pofnters , see S&oles , 210 First Nat'l bank. /1OMiand see us and investigate some ot tno v barsalns we have to offer. We are contin ually listing new properties , and "it you don't BOO wluit you want ask for It , " Wo have several line hotel properties to trade for land or other good values. An elevator'property wjth large dwelling house , at a bargain. Elevator complete , with home power , scales , olllco furnished , etc. A One opening Cor ivpractlcat grain denier. Houses andlots ! In all parts of Omaha for sale and exchange , For oxc hiinae ior OmcUia prop erty , 1,000 acres of eahooUand lease. In one of the beet counties In th itit t . t A flnaresidence property in Omaha View for sale Mi * , bargain. " . From ( T5.QUO to (100,000 worth of first-data note * to xehangefor.Umana property. For exchange for Omaha property , ono of the best-farms in Bock county , Nebraska , together with * tock.m < l machinery necessary to carry on the hlape. Old ape and falling health of the owner Is reisoif for uelllng. A fine Wheeler county farm , well developed , good soli , forexGhanee for Omaha property , 280 acre * of nno land in nprthwestern Iowa' to exchange for Omaha property. For sale or exchange for western lands , city property , merchandiseorlivestock , aline hotel property in Iowa town ot D.OUO inhabitants. Leading- hotel ot the place and doing a fltio business. Furnishes nmalg for two passenger trains dally. A snap for the right uau. W * have unsurpassed facilities for disposing of property. Iwvijjg some 5UU agents scattered over four ornve xtates. List your property _ wUi ! ua it you wish it quick turn. W. R. K. k M. li. Hfiom J4 , Cliainbor ot Commerce , telephone - phone I4io7 aaa O MANUFACTURERS : 1 will give ample ground , with splendid trackage facilities on tha Fremont , Klkhoru ie Missouri Valley railroad or on the Missouri Pacific ( Bolt Lina ) railway la Westlawu , just outside the city limits lU'WfwtOmahn , conveniently situated as regards accesn to the business center of Omaha and South Omaha , to parties for the location of any of the following industries ; Furniture Factory , Button Factory. Shoo Factory , . , Lard Itoflnery , Btnrch It OJucoso W'lu. ' Soap Works , Paper Mill , Purifier Manufactory. Plow VYoric ! ! , Broom F ctory , Harvester Works WoolonMlll , , Nell Works. Oatmeal Mill. Knitting Mills. , Box Manufactory , Bash.'Door and Illlnd Wlr * Works. Mauufactory. Wanhiuo Saops , Flour and Feed Mill. Or any good manufacturing plant. Westlawn is just ouulda the city limits and Industriea planted thare vlll escape heavy city taxes. If yplv'orfl nilnklnj ot locating in Omaha It will pajr you tp Investigate this. Qep , N. nick * . New Yonc Life UulMlne. Ouiulio , , < " " W CJOTJTHOMAITA-We control WxlOT teet , oft O front on SSth st , . between N and M st % , South Omaha ; 2 house * at grade. This Is worth lias front foot. We win sell for 17,500 cash. Make tip inrndlcftte. . Mt A. Upton company , 16th nnd Faro am. 663 11 'filOK BALK Bast front lot on 3th st.rlth 5 JU room house , KUDO. Call quick It you want It. C. F. Harrison , Merchants' Nat. Itank. 693 TTERE wo come with the very tlnwst resl- JLJLdenco properties In Omaha to soil ot ex change for lota or land. Wo eatd the finest. Do yon doubt It ? Then come nnd let us show them to you. If yon wish to buy you cnn no so on your own terms. Do not neglect this opportunity for never in the annals of rent es tate transaction * In Omaha lias a. like opportu nity boon odnred. W , R. K. & M K. . room 14 , Chamber of Commerce , Tel. HW. 732 TOOK flALrt. in Wamut Hill-Here la n cnanco JUtogot n liome one block from car line ; cheaper than paylngrent ; high and sightly : 8-room house and lot 50x150 , 8I.RO. 0-room house and lot 50x150 , (1,600. Can bo sold ou btiiall payments for one week only , or will exchange forproperty tn Lincoln , Neb. , or DCS Molnno. la. K. a , MoiTcll. 44th and Reward , Walnut Hill. Kent estate agents al lowed n commission. 429 9 * 111AVU some llraPclass reintal prop8rty for Bale cheap within ono mlle ofjpOBtoinonon paved streets and motor Una. Thos. V. Hall , 811 Paxton block. 533 171ULT , lot only ono blooic from motor U'y. JL1 on fuming sU 1COO. worth WW . F. K. Harllng. Burger block. 6478 171011 SALE Business corner , 110,030. 0. F. JU Harrison , Merchants National bank. 293 FOll 8 < VLE 9-room house , barn and lot , II unicorn 1'laco , at n bargain , Harris , Hooni 411.1st Nat. Hank. 673 AMES1507 faraam 8t. Ou Dortgo st. bftt. 20th and 2id sts. , 120x148 , very chenp nt (100 per front foot. On Karnam at. bet. Sfltli and Win sts. , 150x1,13 , at (22i per foot , which Is $75 loss per foot than price ot adjoining lota. On Farnam st. near 2Hth fit. , 115x83 , nt $175 per foot : on all this property very easy terms given. On Howard st. bat. 14th and 15th sts. , 33x133 feet for $ " > OD per foot. On Park nvo uour Jackson si , , 73x140 , at (115 per foot ; Tory easy terms to party who will build. Elegant "Residence In West Omaha bot. 37th'nnd 33th sts. ; modern 12-room house with nil conveniences , good barn nnd'beautiful ' grounds , co > mprlstng 4 largo lots. This Is the handsomest ami cheapest first-class residence now for sale In Omaha , The iota are not only choice , but rapidly In creasing In value , with surroundings Al m every respect. Borne Special bargains In residence lots , , situated north of Farnam nnd west oC 30th street To those who will build- low prices nnd Interest , with small cash payment. payment.On On Virginia avenue south of Woolworth , wo have n flno lot worth $3,000 , which will be sold toparty building an ( i.HW house , on a cash payment 'of only too. Tills la a chance to get n norao. Ainoa' Kent Estate Agency , 83t 18 ISOT.Farnam Street. AIII there I Oh ; yes. we have some , choice bargains all over the -city , some elegant lots that must bo sold at big sacrifice ; some flue homos that must go oven 1C wo don't get H their value , o\vnor.i going to leave the city. Trade. 1 guess we will , anything .from a stock ranch to n garden patch. ' Farms all over the west to trade 'or city property , nforchiindiso. horses , mules or anything that has value. If yoaw.uitto borrow money in any nm'tcomo nnd see ut. Boom 527 Paxton. block.Vrnl Btadleman , J. C. Swan. 68014 FOH SALE Easy terms. Kountzeplacd. Two homes , each 8 rooms. oaclnJI.OOO. Two homos , each U rooms , each U.OOo. Two ) ioin03 , each 15 rooms , each J7W ) . All with msdorn convenience. All large value at the price. All within a square of the motor lino. Don't lose thesu opportunity. For sale by the owner. W. T. Seaman , East side Kith st. , north of Nicholas St. , Omaha's largest variety of wagons and car- rlages. 203 GO. Wallace , Ilooins 310,311 , JJrown build- Ing , Kith and Douglas. Vacant lot ! or houses and lots In Monmouth Park , at very low figures , when the advantages or this beautiful audition are considered , and on terma that make It possible , for any Industrious man to got a home. Notice ttcsuflgnres ; Lot 23 , block 4 , Monmouth Part with 0 room cottage. KO cash , and $15 per month , only Jl.iinO , Lots 10 and " 0 , block 0 , Mqnmouth Park , with 8-story , 8-room house , ySM cash and. $25 per month , $3,250. Vacant lots.ono-tenth cash and $10 per month , $800 to $1,000. Notice these bargains. . Iot on Farnam , ' Xirlggs Place , easy terms , 60 per cent of real value , 81,203. ISO feet front on Amos are. borner , only two blocks from-factories and Halt line station , $2.500. . The best lots In Carthage , West ( Turning and Wncoln place , on easiest possible tcrmx , each 11.000. . . 4. . Iiots 21 nnd 23 , block 0 , Orchard Hill. 190 feet east front on Lowe avenue , with city water , by 100 feet on Oarlich' ( will sell separately ) for both $1.CT > 0. Lot'-J , block 4. Hawthorne , fourth cash , bal ance 5 years , Jl.OOO. Lot 11. block Ji , Lowe's addition , cash , CO ft. front , $1.400. flefore Investing m real estate or making a loan seeme. a. G. Wallace , ItSth & Douglas. 57310 BUY n homo In the center of thq city , on monthly payments. I will soil you a lotm Aldlno square , oullau house of any Kind , worth from S12vO upwards , and you can pay for It monthly , quarterly or yoarly. . Aldlne square Is on Grace street , between 23d and ! d streets ; It has all the advantages such as paved'ntreets , sewerage , water , gas , and Is a nrst-clnss local ity. Call nt 1001 Farnam street nnd sae plans of buildings and get figures. D. J. O'Donahoe. / \NK of the two house and' los bargains 1 Vhavebeeu offering on'Qeorgla avo..north of Jeavemvorthl3 now sold and occupiedbecause of my vary low price. The south house ot the two still remains n bargain open to so uinlmdy. First comes , first served. To be approclate-l It needs to be examined Internally. 1 positively will not rent it , though several times offered HiO per month. Price , on very easy tenns.tll.000 , W. T. Seaman , east side 18th st.north of Nich olas st..Omaha's largest vnrlaty of wagous and carriages. 903 T71011 SALE Two of the oest located traonage X ? lots , on the northwest corner of 21st nnd Izard streets , size 120x112 feet. For prlco and terms Inquire of the owner , Edward Spoiler- berg , 1013 North 21st street BOT-ftUt POIl SALE On longtime and easy.paymonts. handsome , new , well'bullt houses or 8,3 mid 10 rooms. All conveniences , good neighborhood ; paved streets , street cars and within walking autanco of P. O. Nathan Bholton , 1(111 ( Farnam. 207 BEAUTIFUL Uast front .corner on 21tli and Charles sta. . ca xiai ; 7-rooni cottage rents for $25. Blogaut location to , build a blade on. Motor line runs by this 'corner , g'.KOO , easy terms. M. A. Upton company.iuth and Knrnam. 663 11 TTI0118AI/E A Bargain' i JL ? V Inton PI acn lots near 20ti ! , J900 , ll&O cash. balance easy , B8 feet east front Slthnea # "Haraey , cottage and Hue trees , $ tixx ) , J. 1J. Kvaus , Hoom 8)3. ) N. . VT. LUo Hulldlnfc' . / 6U.J U 1 OOK IIERK-SOxlDO , n-robm house : sewer JUconnectlona ; gooa burn. On North 17th , ono block from Sherman avenue motor. If taken nt once will sell for WWJ ( , 81/JUO caMh , balance 3 years at U per cent. Mi A. Upton uonipany , Itltli and Faiiiam. ' ' 652 11 _ _ L8T11KKT viaduct Is cotqpletod , nnd a tine one it la too. We have 120xlW .ist front corneron27th street , the Htreet leading north from the depot and the future business ttrutt of Ho u tli Omaha , Just north from viaduct. Cut down to grade. If taken at once can iiell this forU.fittO. Itlg spec hero , Jl. A. Upton Com pany , loth and Kanmm , 5J2 11 171011 SALE On e sy t rm , an alegiuit new X house of 8 rooms nnd bathroom on oita of the choicest lots in Orchard Hill. Addresi F 46 , lloo ollice. 483-10 171OU HALE Qroat bargain , 1300 , ! i cashbuys X' now 7-room home ana lot , flOxUU. within 10 minutes walk of electric motor. ' inquire A1A Pnxton block. 67i ii : _ " \TO cash payment and SO monthly , " Including li interest , buya U-room house In ( ist part of city ; convenlout to cnole , electrio and horse cara. H. li. Cole. It. a. Continental. 63011 fllHK best money's worm of UOUSB and lot now J. for Hale lu Omului la tliat which luui now completing near 24th it. , on paved Wlrt st. , in Kouuuo pmco. u bedrooms , - parior , dinlug room , kitchen , 3 bathrooms , 'J water closets , largo laundry , stationery wash tubn , furnnco and coal room and cellar , electric bulls and speaking tube , 12 closets. Price only * 7WJ on terms to milt. Likewise a duplicate adjoining nt same price. W. T. Teaman , cast aide Itltli ht. north of Nicholas at , Omaha's largest variety of wagons and carrlaxes. , 2JO cottage in Orchard Hill with lot for Sl.OCOj lost than cash value , only one block otf of Hamilton st. ThU olfer is for ! ) days only. Arnold tc Wlnstauloy , 6IU Paxton building , D7fi 0 " OMAHA HOTELS. U)1)K HOTKI.-Nowly furnished nnd ntted up throuuhout : contralty located ; t-t par day. UO131 1313 Douglas at. a IB ! UUUA.Y JIOTKf-U vveat. lateit and only Unit-class hotel in Omaha ; Kl to tl pur day B. Sllloway , proprlotor , _ 179 HOTKL-Corner of 10th and ackHon streets. 9 Blocks from Unlo De t t3 a aay house in the city , 180 HOTBli IJAUlCHIt-lU rooms , elosantly fur- ntaued. ll and &M per day , 13th and Jouej ttn Oiuaba , V , A. itatclu pruprlator. ' THE RSM.TY MARKET. INSrilUMHNTd placed on rtoord durinr yesterday. Wm 0 Bohn ot al. administrator , to W J Na h. lot is. blk 1 , SaundMr * ft Him * . baugh'i add to Walnut Hill , dead . . ( LOM A H iTrlRKs et alto W J NasnTloW 4 anil 5 , nlk * V1 ' * Knltnrl- lf1i Kati H * . ! Saunders A Hlmebangh' * ado. wd 875 llFrlckonscbcrto II Frickenseher , ptn * soS-IO.lil.qad. , . . . . . . 10 Rudolph Manz to A Fluod , lot * 3 and 4 , blk ! K Credit Fonclor. w U. . . . , . . . S.500 Bouth Omaha Land Co to K Williams , lot 6. bit on , South Omaha , w d 7. . . , . 275 A P Tukoy ot al to I ) W Lchnlncr. lot 2. blit 650 ' 1,830 Kostor and wife to 0 A Han'enVlbt 8blkl , Ko torandd , w d too A U Ingrain ana wife to J L McCaguo , w U of lot 4 , blk S , Parker's ndd. n o d. . N A Ktihn , trustee , to F W Gray , lot W. blk 2 : lot 4. blk 5 ; lota n , II , ITtinrt 1(1 , blk 9 , and lot 20 , blk 7 , Creighton Holghta , ' ' ' ' ' 2,503 KBUoodand'wira'ta'A'Yi'VankeiiriotVo , blk II. Albright's Annex , wd. . . . . , 35Q Adam Ootora aud wlfo to 8 Swinlarakl , tinoivldcd H of lot 4 , blk 0. Wlloox add , ' ' ' S SwInlarsknnd'wife'to'AdaVn undivided )4 ) of pt lot 4 , blk 0. Wllcox's adrt.wd . , . . , , . , . . 8 M Kdwnras to F llrown , lot 3 , sub nw sw a-lfi-13. w d . . . . 7 ! . . . . 4.000 Jl K-lwnrds to R llrown. lots n and in , of snb of s 16 a BW nw 16-1:1 : , wd . KM T F iCavnn nnd wlto to J M Cash , s nu f et . " ' .iPW3' Vlk 7' "row * 1'nrk , w d . 1.SOO South Omaha Land Co to H J Jones , lot IB. blk law. South Omaha , w rt. . ? . . . . (40 KdSayagoto H II Lozott. lot 10 , blk S , Fowler Place , and lot 18 , blfc 2 , Cotncr , Archer's add , wd . . . . . 8,009 Eighteen transfers . . . 117,709 Permits. The following | )3p.iiltn warJ Ismsl by nulldlng Inaiwctor Wliltlook.vostorday : K. Xabrisko , two-story nnd an attic frame residence. ' corner Indiana nvenue uuil Thirty sixth . 912.009 Henry lilcser , two-story frame residence , corner Twenty-eighth and AmosstrooU 3,000 Frnuk McCroary , two-story frame dwell ing , Mnmlorson street , uuar T\venty- fourth . I. s500 ; Iten Hendrlckson , one nnd n half-story frame residence nnd barn , Heirney street , near Dexter nvenue . 2,600 0 L Bhonrood , one nnd n half-story frame residence and barn , corner Itaruoy street and Dexter nvenue. , , . , . 2.COO II. F. 1'nttorsou , onu and a half-story frame residence and barn , corner liar- iiey street nnd Dexter avenue . , 3,600 1 J , W. Martin , one and n half-story frama resUloncn and barn , Harney atteet nnd Doxtcr nvouuo . -.MK ) J , E. Orchard , one nud n half-story frame residence and barn , Hartley street nnd Dexter nvonuet . 3,600 J , K. McCuslck , ono nnd a halt-story frame residence nnd barn , Haruey street , near Dexter avenue . . J3,60t W W Doton , ono and n half-story frame residence nnd barn. Dodge , near Dexter nvenue. . t . 2,600 Thirteen minor permits . . . . . . 050 Twenty-three permits , aggregating . $ si.060 ESTAOLISHED 1851 { 183 So. 1L3 Regular Old-Established PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON It itlll Treating with tha Greatest SKILL and SUCCESS L M A.f.fmtf Chronic , Nervons and Priyate Diseases , 0-NERVOUS DEBILITY , Lot Manhood , Palling Memory , Exhnustlnc Drains , Terrlblo Dreamt , Head and Back Ache and all the effects leading to early ducuy uid perhaps Consumption of Iniar.lty , treated scientifically by new suthods with ncver-failiiur BUCCCSI. SCf SYPHILIS and all bad Blood and Skin Dla. oanenpcrmnnrntly cured. B-KlDNEYond URINARYcomplalnUQlest , Oonorrhoea , Strlctu re , Varlcocele and all aiscaica of the Qcnlto-Uriniry Orpuii cured promptly without Injury to Storaith , Kfdncj-i or oiher Orjaiu. O3 No experiment ! . Age and experience lm portnnt. Consultation free and sacred. 40-Send 4 ctnts p uKe for Celebrated Works oo Chronic , Ncrvoua anti-Delicate Diieaso. OsTlhotc' conttrnplitlng Mainage lend for Dr. Clarke'a celebrated guide Male and Female , each , both 35 cents ( tiaropi ) . Consult the old , BcenU A friendly letter or cell may lave futuresutter. injc and ihame , and add golden years tolifc. 3 Hook "Clle'a ( Secret ) Errors ? " 50 c.nti ( stamps ) . Medlclaa A nd writings sent everywhere , secure from expOBUrfc Hours , 8 to 8. Sundays y to it. Address r. D. CLARKE , m. o. . _ . , QUAUTKHMASTRU'S OFFICE ClllBF Omaha. Nob. , AUBiistri , IBKi , Sealed pro posals , in triplicate , v > 111 lie received at this ofllce. and by Depot Quart-iiaster , Choyenne. Wyoming ; until two o'clock p. m. . September Cth. 1889 , for delivery at Cheyenne Duarter- master'a Depot , or at other points specified by bidder , of HO tons of baled hay , and 121.000 " pounds of oats , In stout burlap aacka. The hay mu.stba of best upland gras.i and well cured be fore boliiK baled. Oovernmout reserves right to reject any or all proposals1'roforence clven to ai tldi-H of domeattc production , conditions ot price and quality being equal. 1'urther part iculars and blanks for bidding may bo obtained on application to this oillce , or to Depot Quar- tormaster. Choyonne. WM. II. HOdllCH , Won- tenant Colonel nud Deputy Quurtariuastor General - oral , U. S. A. , Chief Quarteruiabter. Court HntiHO to Iifit. Notice to llulldlni ; ( tontractors Notice is hernby given that the board of Aupervl.sou of Washington county. Nob. , will receive bids nt the county clark'8 otllco. until 12 o'clock M. of the Oth day of September , It'Kl. for the furnishIng - Ing of nil material and labor nnd'tho bulldiuir and completion of a Court House In thii city or lilalr , aald county and atato acconlliiR to tha plans- specifications and dotall drawings of the tiarnanow onfllQ in the olllre of the County Cleric of said county us prcnarcil by O , 11. 1'lacoy ot Lincoln , Nehiaslca , which plans may bo also neon at the offlcu of said architect In the city of Lincoln. Knch bid mint bn accomnantnd by a certllled check parable to the County IVoaaurur in tha riuni or Twenty Hvo Hundred Dollars it2XJO.CO ) , ns a guaranty that the bidder will , if hlo bids bo accepted within llvo days thereafter outer into a Hxtlafiictory ; contract for the erection and completion of said building as required by the county board ot said county , under a penalty for each days delay beyond the time fixed by Bald county board , and that ho will within gnio llvo days execute to said county a bond in tha sum&f Forty Thousand Dollars with mirctlcs to bo approved by said board , conditioned the falthiul perfrmanco of uid cuntrnct on Ills pure and that ho will pay all labor and pay for all material employed aud used upon wald building , said check will bo forfeited to aud rntalned by , 1 the county If uald blddor fall to outer into a contract uud giro bonds asabovo contemplated. A Kach bidder will bo r of in I rod to submit with his bid n nainple of fitono lor foundation footings and cut stone work , and also or pressed brick proposed to bo uhod , Tlio board rojorvpu the right to reject any and all bldn. Ily ordiT of the Hoard of Supervisory of Wash * ingtou County , Nebraska. CintiH HAT utiA K. County Clork. ClerltR Oince. Ulslr , Webnisfca , Aujusf.lrt 183 . o-tHl-7-t Notice , Matter of application o Max liens for-llquor llcvnno. Notice In hereby Klvuu Hint Jlax r/enr. did upon the ! ) l t day of July. A , 1) . 1883Ilia his application to the Hoard of Fire and I'ollca CommlKHlimors of Ouinlm , for llconso to sell malt , HDlrltuous and vluoun liquors at No. 1410 North 2tth itront. Klzth ward , Omaha. No- braika , from tha first day of January , 1S39. to the lirut duy of January , IKK ) . If there bo no nbjovtlon , remonstrance or protest lllnd wltUln two wools from August 3rd , AD. 1SW , tha said liconoo will be granted. ctf-'j MAX LUNApplicant. . To Contractori , Proposals for fnrnhhlng raatorlali and con- utructluu a brlclc Imslnois blookr , ortoiit foun dations , uro FolictuU until Augiiit 2) , at 3 p. m , . at olllco of Amurlcan ilortgugo Co. , YuuUton. Dak. The right is roserrod to reject any or all bids , I'laiiH to be on exhibition August 10 and after , in YanWtou , and also at ollice ot J , II , Goxuoad-Architect , Drake's IJlocK , Ot. Paul , Mian. Aue.UdTt Natloo to Contraotor * , Iltds will bo received up to 3 o'oloclc n , m. on Tuesday , the 20th lint , , for the erection of a Urlolc Hotel liulldlng ( not Including the founda tion ) , according to plans ami t > ii clticutlonH pro. pared by John H. Coxhoad , architect. Urakti block , Ht. i'aul , Minn. The plan * will be on , view after tlm 10th day of Augttgt , ut the olllctj of the undersigned , The right 1 * reserved to reject any or all bids. Tim VANKTON HorEf , ASHOOIATIOX Ily J. 1' . Creiinan , Becy. rANKi NJakotft , August 0 , IbBj. COE , YONGE & CO. , WAiWNCC-M&S - , woit prices. Otoas for trtcba etTonKrs wid Agrnti. Otot Ku dK"lf 8tTdi Bpclalty. ii Li'snuTio cmtou KTRKK. 716 V/toHIHOTOH AVt. ST. LOUH , MO.