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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 11, 1889)
THE OMAHA SUNDAY JL PHI 1. 1-8. NINETEENTH. YEAH OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , AUGUST 11 , 1SS9 NUMBE11 53. IDE MAYBRICK CASE. A Rovulolon of Fooling Sots in Against the Condemned. BELIEVED TO BE A MURDERESS. Popular Opinion Now Sustains the Jury's Verdict. PROBABILITY OF A REPRIEVE. The Homo Ofllco Likely to Oom- rauto the Sentence. SENTIMENT OF THE PRESS. The 1'rovinalnl Papers With Hut Ono exception Favor the Verdict Iiabouchcro "Would Also Have Convicted Her. The Ono Toplo or Discussion. [ Copjrfoit&S.9 / bu James Onnton JJninefl.l LONDON , August 10. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to THIS BEB. ! Hero , ns everywhere else apparently , the great sub- ect of discussion , when wo are not actually under the speaker's eye , Is the Mpybrick caso. The jury hat decided It , but It is still being tried by extra judicial tribunes all over the country. Wo have no court of apnoal of criminal cases , but have the press , which Is always ready to perform the functions of such n court. Immediately after the recognized minister of the law had pronounced sentence the press set to work reviewing the entire proceedings , and soon reversed the decision of the judge , BO that to-day , If it were not for certain In convenient formalities , Mrs. Maybrick would bo free. All this Is undoubtedly within the province of n free press , and there have been and nguln may bo accaslons when the oxer- els o of its powers is demanded by considera tion , not only for an individual prisoner , but for the entire community. There is not much chance for either Judges or juries in England being de terred from doing what they believe to bo tholi duty by dread of newspaper crit- clsm , and while that is the case no ono need \ object to the independent court of investiga tion which the press has now opened. I am obliged in candor to state that hero in par liament the current of opinion ruin very slowly against Mn > . Maybrick. This may have its effect upon her fate , for there can be no doubt that a general be lief in her innocence would have a moral influence and would not bo long In making itself manifest to the homo secre tary. As for the assertions that have ap peared , to the effect that the chief law offi cers of the crown disapprove of the verdict , you may take my word for it that there is no word of truth in them. Even if they en- tortuluud any such opinions they would take good care not to express them at such a time as the present. The fact is , however , that it is held impossible to reconcile the admitted facts with the innocence of the pris oner. It is Instructive as bearing upon the so-called privilege of allowing accused persons to make statements , inde pendently of their counsel , that ono of the thinus which is held to condemn Mrs. May- brick the most Is her own narrative , given In court , In that she admitted that she gave bor husband arsenic , but without knowing what it was , and at his request , so that we have the picture before us of a man being made violently ill by everything ho swal lowed , suffering acronios , and continually asking for more of the whlto powder which lie must have known was killing him , for it Is not alleged that tbo dead man was ignorant of the fatal properties of arsenic. The contraction of his throat and distressing vomiting only in duced him to keep on entreating his wife to put moro asenio in his beef tea. That is con sidered by some people to bo utterly incred ible. If Mrs. May brick herself had not solemnly detailed it to the jury no ono would have ventured to put forward such a theory. She saw that the presence of so much nrsonlo in the house had to bo ac counted for , and this was her explanation. She did not know what the stuff was , but her husband did. Ho wus greedy to have it , und she gave It to him. Considering her previous relations with other parsons , this remarkable story is unparalleled In romance or real life. It is doomed to toll as much against Mrs , Muj- brlek as any evidence offered on the part of the prosecution. As you nro well aware , the prerogative of mercy lies with the crown , which moans with tbo homo socictury. Is ho likely to oxorclso it ) Tha gen eral opinion In hero that ho Is not. Of course if the Judge communicated to him his belief that the verdict of the Jury was not justified , Mr. Matthews would have tha alternative to order the uncondi tional release of the prisoner. But there is nothing in the summing up of Justice Ste phen to warrant the Impression that betakes the vlow that the prisoner is guiltless. It is only in a very extreme case that a Judge is willing to Incur the icsponslblllty of setting asldo tha verdict of a jury. In this Instance the jury did not find n verdict in opposition to the summing up , The judge led them to their conclusion. Unlike them , however , he has now the power to go ever all tlio evidence again , and ho can consider whether there is anything in it which tells in favor of the prisoner and to which ho omitted to call due attention in court. If there is unything of the sort ho can causa the prisoner to bo sot free. Wo shall know ull about that in the course of a few days , or oven hours , but , pending some such event , the homo secretary , Mutthows. btauds firm. The truth la , ho has had some very singular experience In refer- to the alleged wrongful verdlcu of n Jury. Ho would bo strangely constituted if they lind not left n dcrp Impression upon his mind. It was ho who hud to run the gauntlet - lot in the Llpskl caso. The man was accused - cusod of a horrible murder , tried and fouud guilty forthwith. 'Iho tribunals were re opened and the case was retried under cir cumstances very favorable to the prisoner , for everything that told against hlui was eliminated from tha process. There was a tremendous outcry , The Pall Mall Gazette was hi u frenzy. It gave up page after page , day after dny , proving that Llpskl wast innocent , and thut Matthews was about to become his dohborato murderer. An Innocent man was about to be strangled to death by the will of the homo eorctary. Justice Stephens , who tried , this case , was declared to have been confirmed to tbo belief In the prisoner's Innocence. Lipski was so gentle , and hail so much nat ural refinement that ho could no * , possibly commit murder. A memorial was gotten up nnd signed by seventy-eight members of par liament. The Pall Mall Gazette decided the matter boldly. Llpskl , it said , must not bo hung. Ltpskl could not bo hanged. The whole country was ngltated. In the midst of nil this hub-bub the convict most ungrate fully went back on his editorial friend and made n free and full confession of his crime , describing how ho had barbarously klllad the poor woman , who had done him no harm. The Pall Mall Gazette saw him exe cuted with delight. "Ho has boon hanged , " it wrote. "Few criminals over wont to the gallows who bettor do- sonrcd their fate. " And this after the wildest denunciations of Matthews and allots consorts , of absolute proof that Llpskl was innocent. But , although ho might have murdered the woman , ho need not have confessed It , and thus shaken the Institution of trial by newspaper. Perhaps the Pall Mall Gazette , the soventy-elght members of parliament nnd all tlio rest of them forget this Httlo Incident. But wo may pretty safely assume that the homo secretary has not done so. Ho might have yielded to popular clntnor nt the very moment Lipski was describing the Incidents of the murder. I am not suggesting any comparison between Llpsltl and Mrs. Maybrick , but the homo secretary must remember when precisely the same kind of pressure was brought to bear upon him ns that which is bclcg ap plied now. Ho will bo tomutsd to put his faith in the Jury , who hoard ull the evidence , who marked the demeanor of the witnesses , and who weighed every word , rather than the student of that evidence , who , perhaps , approach preach it with a feeling strongly wrought up in favor of the prisoner. It mav bo taken for granted , in n word , that if Justice Stephens does not Interfere the law will take Its course. In the case of Dr. Lamson , also an Amer ican , a determined effort was made to obtain u lovcrsal of the sentence , nnd a respite was actually secured on the representation or at the request of the United States minister , but the further evidence in his favor that was promised came to nothing. Lamson was executed nnd no ono now thinks his sen tence was unjust. It may seem hard hearted to recall these facts Just now , but it Is important that your renders shall understand that these are the very facts which must necessarily have some weight in reference to the now trial that Is going on. At the same time , I believe , everybody would bo secretly glad if any circumstance came to light which would have the effect of causing the release of Mrs. Maybrick. She spoke In her statement of some evidence whijh had been kept back. Where is that evidence ? Would it not bo moro to her purpose - pose for lior friends to produce it than to stand scolding the judge , Jury nnd homo secretary ? A AlEMDRii or PABLIJLMBNT. PItESS COaifllENT. The Sentiment of Provincial Papers AcalnHt Mra. Maybrick. [ Copi/rftfM lKS3l > uJama Gonlm BsmuM.l LONDON , August 10. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to THE Bun. ! Florence May- brick has hud the satisfaction of knowing that her name is going into all lands us a murderess , and as a woman unjustly con victed of killing her husband and the father of her children. In spite of the tremendous hue nnd cry raised by the metropolitan press , which willy-nilly followed the lead of the London edition of the Herald , there are people who insist upon the righteous ness of the verdict. Such claim that if the conditions were reversed and Mnybrick himself wore in the widow's place not n voice would bo raised m his behalf. They argue that the woman's guilt is proven by nor statement , which wus made in the knowledge that she would not and could not bo cross-examined. The light grows hotter as the hours slip by. The Her ald is flooded with letters from both sides. The other papers publish columns of corainu - nlcations regarding the caso. Labouchere was asked for his opinion. "That the woman Is pretty I haven't the faintest doubt , I have followed the evidence pretty closely nnd am quito satisfied that hud I been a juryman I should have concurred with the verdict. " In response to a request from the Herald , editors of several moro prominent provincial papers telegraphed opinions as follows : Liverpool Courier : "In spite of all that has been published expressive of sympathy with Mrs. Maybrick , and of continued doubt us to her guilt , there are welcome indications that the excitement is cooling down and that sober reflection is reasserting itself in the position which had temporarily been usurped by passionate fury. The agitation will no doubt go on , and fresh developments muy bo expected. The monstrous as sumption that the Judge acted as a partisan bigot nud that the Jury were twelve mon in whom ignorance and Inhumanity reigned supreme premo , was bound to bo discarded as untena ble , and Is already being repudiated. " Shefllold Telegraph : "Mrs. Muybrlclc Is the latest idol of that class of people who wont wild in their Idolatry of Jessie Mac- Laughlln , who waxed frantic in their en thusiasm for Impostor Orton , who sorrowed rowed ever the convlctiou of Miscreant Upsklnnd who would lot loose upon so ciety if they could that pearl of innocence , Florence Maybrick. The Hindoos have a certain superstitious veneration for the mun-cating tiger , some birds are believed to bo hold spell-bound by the eyes of certain auakes , and certain bipeds nro cap tured by n creature who is u tlgcress nnd ser pent la one. " Urlstol Times and Mirror : "Tho result was not unexpected by those who had care fully and dispassionately followed the course of tlio trial from day to day. Tlio Jury found the only verdict it wus possible to find that of guilty and that decision was doubtless correct. " Nottingham Guardian : "Different points in the evidence told terribly against the prisoner. Not onu of them would huvo sus tained the ctuirgo of murder , but all , taken together , were most damaging , and the jury , who were In a better position than anybody else to Judge , regarded them as conclusive. " Dundee Advertiser ; "Wo think the verdict is just , but do not oppose the movement for a reprieve. Wo think , however , that the homo secretary has no rational alternative ) but to hang Mrs. Maybrick or eet her at liberty , " Newcastle Chronicle : ' 'The verdict should bo condemned on the ground that the con flict of scientific evidence and the habits of the deceased raised doubts of which Mrs , Muvbr'ck ' should have had the benefit. The case fchows very clearly the necessity for a court of criminal appeal In this country. " Hull MullThe : case Is a perplexing one. The point in favor of an acquittal was the alleged use of nn > enio by the deceased. The evidence was only circumstantial. The Intercepted letter caused all tbo dlfllculty. The judge and Jury deserve the sympathy ol everyone. Thcru is no doubt that a court ol appeal in criminal cases Is required , " Aberdeen Journal : "I'liogullt of Mrs. Muylmck U not conclusively dowoustratoO by the evidence. AScotch Jury would prob ably have returned a verdict of not proven , " Belfast News : "Tho memorial from the bar and the medical profession nnd the gen eral surprise with which the verdict has boon received afford grave cause for further Inquiry. To bo satisfied of Mrs. Maybriok'a Innocence Is Impossible , but having regard to the doubts raised in tha case it is almost equally impossible to bo satisfied of her guilt. " Cork Examiner : "No ono can assort that nn overwhelming case has been made out. The whole case , Indeed , shows once inoro the great desirability of a court of appeal in capital cases. " A number of other opinions insist upon the necessity of n court of appeals. A few claim that the evidence was Insufficient to convict. None claim the woman to bo innocent. Tlio Feeling nt lilvorpool. ICnpurlaMiSfVliU Janes Ooni/m liennttt. ' ] LiVKiirooLAugust 10. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to Tnr Bin : , ] There has been a wonderful abatement of excitement over the Maybrick verdict , duo doubtless m a measure to the impression that the homo secretary will cxorciso his prerogative and commute the sentence. Mrs. Mnybrick Is somewhat hotter to-day , though she has by no moans recovered from her prostration. The prisoner's solicitors reccivo shoals of letters by every post nsictng for forms of the petition. Snveral memorials nro being signed in Liverpool , the latest and perhaps most Important being from the med ical profession , many of the signers belug among these who were present at the trials. A mass mooting has been called for Mon day evening. A Juror who has been Interviewed says that throe of them were in favor of a verdict of not guilty , until the prisoner made her statement. o 1AOHT1NG MATTERS. A Report Current That the Thlstlo IM to Ho Sold. [ Co ; irftfhtSS9 bj/ James Qordnn Bennett. ] GiAsnow , August 10. fNow York Herald Cable Special to Tun BnK.l This week It has been rumored in Grcenock that Harry North , son of the nitrate king , is negotiating for the purchase of the Thistle , with a view of giving her another chnnco for the Americas cup. If the rumor proves correct North will have the call in the pick of Clyde racing men , as they are convinced that iho Thistle was not seen nt her best , nnd the Sandy Hook designer of the Thistle , Watson , has expressed the opinion that the Thistle's ' lines are perfect , nnd that all she wants Is a center board. A little dlfllculty has arisen from tbo selling of Sir Richard Button's Gcncsta. These who make yachting a study have found out that there Is a probability of a second international cup appearing. It will bo remembered that tlib Gonosta won in American waters two valuable cups the Capo May challenge cup and tlio Brcnton Reef challenge cup. A condition at tached to the latter , which insisted that should the winning yacht bo sold the cup would require to bo again competed for. As Lieutenant Bella Sayco has bought the Goncsta , ho will have to meet the chullengo. Clone of tlio Southnmnton Kc atta. ( Cnji/rf/7it ( 1883 ojJiirnM GonJoii ncnntlt. ) SOUTHAMPTON. August 10. ( Now York Herald Cable Special to TUB BEE. I The chief and concluding event of the Southamp ton Royal Yacht elub regatta was sailed to day. The chtof competitors were the Val kyrie , Yaranu and Irox. A capital start was made , the Irox and Valdyrlo crossing the line together. The Irox was in the lead , when the Valkyrie went aground and was compelled to wait for the next tide , as all efforts to get her into deep water failed. The Irex won first prize , finishing in 2:28-18 : , the Yaraua second in 2:43-17 : , Minister Ecnn Presented. VALPARAISO , Chili , August 10. Minister Egan was presented to the president of Chill to-day. "I am glad to know. " said Minister Egan to the president , "that Chili has already de cided to be represented at the commercial congress to assemble In Washington city in October next. It will give to the people of South America an opportunity of becoming batter acquainted with each other's opinions , aspirations , productions and requirements , and by creating and fostering closer commer cial relations must tend to ther mutual ad vancement and servo the east Interests of both. Animated as our people are by the name indomitable spirit of progress and the same love of country there Is ono sentiment which will , I feel assured , find responsive echo in the hearts of every patriotic citizen of Chili as well as the United States the sentiment of America for Americans , not South America for North America , but the wealth , resources , prosperity progress and honor of each ono of our American nation alities for its own people , all co-operating harmoniously for the advancement , great ness and glory of our American hemisphere. " > Railroad Men Klclit n Duel. ATLANTA , Ga. , August 10. Put Calhoun , general counsel for tlio West Point Terminal road , and J. D , Williamson , president of tlio Chattanooga , Home & Carrollton road , fought a duel at Horo's Bluff , on the Coosa river , this evening , In which Williamson was uoundod in the right arm , The trouble grew out of Williamson denouncing a state ment made by Culhoun before the legislature ns false. Captain Hurry Juckson , of At lanta , was Calhoun's second , and Captain Jack King , of Rome , was Williamson's second. Ho Saw Hrown. BOSTON , August 10. Isaac P. Hall , a w < ill known wool denier here , says ho met G. P. Brown , the missing member of the firm of Hrown , Steoso ft Clark , ! n Albany , N. Y. , at 6 a. m. Wednesday , August 7 , on the train that loft Boston Tuesday night. At the tuna of the meeting Hull was not aware of the trouble at the Oswego mills , and when ho reached his destination in Albany ho learned for the first time of the attachment and at once concluded that Brown was on his way to Oswego. There was nothing strange about Brown's actions , und ho carried n largo handbag. The Dnlcota Primaries. DEAmvoon , Duk. , August 10- [ Special Telegram to TIIIJ BKK. [ The Lawrence county primaries took place to-day. Every prcc.'nct ' in the county except ono or two were curried by the supporters of Judge Moody for senator and Mollutto for gov- 01 nor. Tbo expected opposition from tlio country precincts did not materialize. Tbo Mpado county primaries also took place and Moody's friends were elected by a largo ma jority. Supposed Murdnrara Surrender. CHICAGO , August 10. McQath and Martin , the two young mon supposed to bo the mur derers of Officer Fryer , walked into Docnig street this afternoon -and gave themselves up. They protest emphatically that they kuow nothing whatever of the murder , They will undoubtedly receive u course of "sweat box" treatment. HOT TIMES -IN HAWAII 'King Knlaknua's Subjects Attempt to Dethrone Him. THE AFFAIR PROVES A FAILURE. Blotors March on Honolulu and Do- tnand the Monarch. THE LATTER MAKES HIS ESCAPE. Seven of the Malcontents Killed and Twelve Wounded , THE CAUSE OF THE OUTBREAK. _ _ _ _ - A Now Huler nnd n New Constitution Demanded Two HnlC lircoil Students the Ijonilors of the Insurrection. rtrnolllon in Honolulu. SAN FIIAXCISCO , August 10. The steamer Alumoda , timt nrrtvud last evening from Australia , brings IIQYVB of a during , although futile Insurrection , timt broke out In Honolulu lulu TuesiUiy , July 80. Two half-brccd Hnwnllnns named Robert W. Wllcox and Robert I3oydvno had , been sent at govern ment expense to bo educated at the Italian military school , had bcou plotting an Insur rection for seine time , but the rumors that were current were httlo heeded until the movement culminated In an armed band of about one hundred and thirty uatlvc Hawallans marching from Pularna to Honolulu lulu and securing on entrance to ttio palnco grounds In Honolulu. The rebel rioters formed at Paluuia , and at 3 o'clock Tuesday morning marched from that suburb to the city , arriving at the gate of the palace at 4 a. m. They demanded admittance , when , after some parleying , they entered the grounds unopposed. The rebels upon the palace grounds numbered about 250. The king was absent from the palace at the timo.and the alarm was sent him by tele phone. The royal party then hastened to the king's boathousoi\vhoro they remained during iho day , guarded by n dozen of the household troops. Meanwhile , the rebels summoned Lieutenant R. Parker to surren der the palace , but that ofllccr refused. A general alarm was spread throughout the city by means of the telephone , and the Honolulu Ulfles were immediately ordered to report at their armory , There was a great deal of excitement , especially among the Portuguese and Chinese ; Anumber of fami lies lied to the top of the hill and a few ladles took refuge ntf the American legation , where a rorps of 'marines from the United States steamship Adams was stationed. A cabinet counail ' was held , the American , British , French nu'il'Portaguese commission ers , and Captain Woodward , of , the United States steamship Adqtns , being present. The cabinet decided to demand the surrender of Wilcox. The dnrnahd was made , but Wllcox refused to surrender. Several shots had now been fired on both sides. By 11 o'clock the rioters had all taken shelter in a house situated in the palace grounds , while the Honolulu Rifles had secured a splendid posi tion commanding this point. Shots were fired from both sides a ; intervals , and finally a corps of volunteers began burling giant powder - dor bombs at the bungalow in which the rioters wero. About this tlmo thirty or more rioters sur rendered , ono of whom had been fatally shot. Early in the skirmish Robert Boyd was se verely shot in two places. It is stated that Wilcox shot two of his men whom ho noticed were about to desert during the bombard ment. The sharpshooters from the opera house kept up a continuous and furious fusil- ado until finally the rebels surrendered. A force of volunteers entered the grounds and took the whole party of rebels prisoners. Among those opposed to the rioters the only serious casualty was a wound in the shoulder received by Lieutenant Parker. On the side of the rioters seven natives were killed and twelve wounded , several seriously. An armed patrol was organized to guard the city during the fight , composed of the Honolulu lulu rifles , blue Jackets and marines from the United States steamer Adams and cltl/en volunteers as special constables , besides vho wbolo police force. There were , however , no attempts at Incendiarism , although this was the plan of Wilcox. Ono report had it that Wilcox Intended to secure the person of KIngKalakaua'compol him to abdicate in favor of his sister , Liliuokalani , the heir apparent , and demand a new constitution and now cabinet. The opera house , palaces , government buildings and many private dwellings were more or less damaged by the bombs. An inquest was In progress on the bodies of these killed In the riot when the steamer Alamoaa left Honolulu August 2. A cabinet meeting was held , but the ofilclals declined to stuto the result of their conference as regards the probable fate of the instigators of the up rising. Letters were taken from Wilcox on his ar rest which led to the urrcst of several well- known people. It Is said among them was II. E. Brown , editor of a Hawaiian newspa per. It Is also said to bo a well-known fact in Honolulu that KalaKauu had been inform ed there was to bo an outbreak and had called upon the ministry to nip the insurrection In the bud , but they paid no heed to the warn ing. The general 'm irosslon on the Inlands is that the leaders o the riot will never bo convicted , as they will demand a Jury trial by natives and a majority of these were In sympathy with the movement , which was to glvo them moro privileges , It Is thought also that Wilcox and his men had no Inten tion of Itlllliitr anyone , but thought they could capture the town by the display of a few field pieces and discharges of musketry , Kilrkiun ObJuoM 10 fiavornnoo. SVN FIHNCIKCO , Augu 10. A letter signed by a member of King fCulakaua's household has been received from Honolulu , which states that 11. W. Severance arrived in Honolulu by the steamer Australia to assume the ofllco cf United btates consul general. His majesty , lying Kalakaun , declined to give him an interview ; refused to accept him as consul general , and only yielded to his ministers under protest , Baying that the re sponsibility must rest with them , The reason given by his majesty for this action is that Severance was dismissed from the ofllco of Hawaiian consul in San Francisco for cause. His majesty feels that the appoint ment of Severance chows a luck of courtesy on the part of the United States government. Notwithstanding this letter Severance has boon duly recognized as United States con sul general and oftlclal notlco to that effect appears in the Honolulu papers. FIVE nuNimun MEN Seven IlulldltiRq < > C the Ilntnmoml PnckiiiR Homo Unrncd. CHICAGO , August 10. | SpccItUjTolcgram to Tim BBB.J Seven of the largo buildings con nected with Gcorgo II , Hammond Bros. ' ex tensive packing house at Hammond , 1ml. , were burned to the ground this morning , and the loss will roach 4500,000. The structures that were consumed nro two of the old Ice houses , two of the old slaughter houses , the glue works , the oleomargarine factory and the cnglno house mid boiler works. The blaze started In tha basement of the oleo margarine factory about 0 o'clock , and as the structure was soaked with grease , the flames soon burned through tin flooring to the first story and rapidly from there to the roof. T lie buildings on , the company's grounds , which cover several acres , nro clus tered together , < ind the flames leaped from ono house to another in rapid succession. The glue works were the first to catcti on flro , then the oleomargarine factory , and the Ice houses were the next that the flro reached. There is no llro department at Hammond , nml Chicago was notified of the flro. Engine companies No. 1 and No , 17 were sent to the place , leaving the city on a special train. Marshal Muslmm was In charge of the flro companies , and when ho reached the place the conflagration raging nt the fiercest. It looked as if the blaze would spread to the now buildings that have just been put up and that they certainly would bo gathered in by the flames , and the marshal thought that nothing could save the remainder of the plant. Ho stationed his men between the slaughter house and engine rooui.nnd the flro'and they went to work. The factories nro situated on the bank of the Cnlumot river and there was n good water supply. The wind was also in favor of the llromcn , and the plant southwest of the burnt buildings , valued ntS'iiO.OM , was thus saved. Nearly all of the buildings contained tallow and grease , and when the engines com menced to pump water Into the burning structures the grease flowed Into the rlvnr and a layer of the stuff fully three inches thick extended over two acres of the water , reaching across the river and almost to the Chicago & Alton railroad bridge , which is 850 foot away. The tallow and grease was ignited in several places by largo pieces o burning timber blown from the roof of the ice house , which was on the edge of the stream , and a solid aero of the river was soon ablaze. The inflammable material molted and soon floated beneath the railroad bridge , and the woodwork of the structure caughtfirc. Engine No. 17 turned Its attention to too bridge , while Marsnal Mustmm went to work to see what could bo done to prevent the grease from running down the river. Ho stretched a number of scows across the stream , and , while some of the r 00 workmen that were employed at the works kept the boats soaked with water to prevent them from catching on IJro , the oil and tallow near the bridge was still ournmg. They had seine difllculty in keeping the material back with the scows , but as the tallow became hard ened on reaching the water they succeeded. The 500 men and the two engine companies worked for hours to extinguish the fire , but It was noon before the flames were fully under control. The flro throws some flyo. hundred men out of emnlovment. The lo's is ? 300,000. It will take some three months to repair the damage. VICTORS REl'UUN HOME. The .Massachusetts lllflu Team Bnck From British Conquests. New YOUK , August 10. [ Special Telegram to Tun Buc.l The Massachusetts volun teer militia rifle team , whoso victories over tbo Britishers are a matter of no small pride to American riflemen , arrived on the steamer City of Chicago , which reached quarantine at 8 o'clock yesterday and lay there last night. The steamer was covered with flags and bunting , and seven of the team's champion pennants were llyincr from the rigging. Major Frost , financial editor of the Boston Globe , captain and organizer of the team , said : "Our trip has been an unqualified success. I think wo have learned much that will bo of advantage to us in Amnrica. We were received everywhere with the greatest cordiality. The steamer was u day late in Liverpool and our first match was shot without practice. Some of the best men in England were shooting against us on a familiar range , while our men still foil the roll of the ship and had to aim at targets dancing about in the most grotesque fashion. Still wo won with n margin of llfty points. The weather was wretched and good scores out of the question. Considering that the English tar- tret is four inches less in diameter than the American , our team did bettor shooting than when wo won tbo national championship at Creedmoro in 18S7. Our score of 10S4 on an English target was equiv alent to about 100 on tbo American target. The great match of the series was with the South London club , the senior rifle organiza tion of the metropolis. The club is made up of crack shots from all sources. All of them have national reputations. Wo won with a score of 1008 to 1055. Of individual records , Lieutenant Bumstcad got 100 out of 105 , the biggest score made in England ; Sergeant Doylonnd Corporal Huddo.ion scored 07 , and Major Hlnmati 00. I attribute our success era a largo part of it to the fact that our men all knew each other intimately and had confi dence In each other's ' ability to defeat class shooting under all circumstances. The only prize was reputation and to us who had won in seven successive championship contests that meant everything. SUPPOSE ! ) TO IJE Til AIN ROIIIJKRS Two Desperadoes KIIKIRO In a Mur derous FlKht Wltli Trainman. LITTLK ROCK , Ark. , August 10. News lias reached hero of u supposed attempt at train robbery made to-night on the Iron Mountain road ono mile soutli of Newport , Ark. Two men got off the train there In between tiio baggage and smoker. A fight ensued be tween them and the baggageman , J. E. Gar- rlty , nr.d the colored porter , Andy Crittonden , in which the latter was killed and the former wounded. Ono of the men jumped from the train and escaped , but the passengers and trainmen , among whom was a detective , cap turcd the murderer and brought him to this cltv on the train , arriving a Httlo after mid night. He gives his natno ns D , A. Whltflcld , of Baxter county , this state. Ha is about twenty-one years old. Ho says ho Is a part ner of Mlko Mowldors , wiio escaped. They were out for some fun , and were only trying to beat their way when the fight occurred. Whltfleld was heavilv armed , and his very appearance shows the border desperado. Dofuuttm' Donny. EvANsviLiiB , Ind. , August 10. The Investi gation of tbo accounts of W , E. Donny , the ftsslbtant postmaster at Boonovlllo , who Is charged with embezzlement in tils ofllco , shows bis shortage will amount to (0,000 , , and may reach more. Denny has not yet been apprehended. _ ybuntj Cox proposes to bring suit against Vice President Allen ManvU , of tbo Mani toba railroad , to gain possession of the town slto of Bnrncsvillo , of which -young Cox Is alleged to bo the ownor. Darnosvlllo Is a lively town of 1,000 inhabitants , i\nd the claim embraces nearly nil the land In the placo. The threatened suit has caused con * sldornblo excitement. 1VAIINKU NOT \ DICTATOR. Ho Only Advised Comrades to Attend tlio Milwaukee ISncamit'iiant , CIIICAOO , August 10. When Commander W. A. Warner , of the Q. A. R. arrived in the city this morning with the returning Sioux Indian commission , ho wus nt once visited by largo numbers of the Grand Army , members who were anxious to ascer tain his views regarding the national en campment , nt Milwaukee and his attltudo in relation to the recent meeting of department commanders in this city. Ho says : "I have repeatedly stated that the railroad rates nro unjust and inexcusable. The en campment will bo n largo ono , but of course the attendance will not bo as largo nearly , ns It would have been. General Martin had a right to call a reunion of soldiers In this ntato at such ttmo and place as ho deemed proper. I have not Issued an order to comrades - rados to attend the encampment. All I have done Is to advlso n largo attendance. I have no authority to command comrades to at tend tha national encampment at Milwaukee. Certainly department commanders huvo a much , but no moro authority In this mutter than the conunaiuler-in-chlof. I certainly concede to them the sama honesty of purpose and dcslro for the good and wulfaro of the order that I claim for myself. Some of the comrades have advised a change of the en campment to some other place. Such action I deem impracticable. To what city could wo gel None has extended an invitation. Mil waukee has provided the money mid per formed the labor necessary to the enter tainment of all the comrades who shall at om ! . No other city has intimated to mo that it is ready to do what Milwaukee lias done. There Is and can bo no feeling be tween the department commanders , who have ordered their commands to stay at home , and myself. " HIS MINI ) GAVE WAY. Ono of the Sioux Commission's Clerks Driven Insane by Excitement. CHICAGO , 111. , August 10. [ Special to THE Bun. ] The exciting scenes and danger to the Sioux commission , which Sitting Bull created in his efforts to prevent the signing of the treaty which has just been concluded , drove ono of the commission's clerks into violent Insanity. The young man is Everett Corbin , n brother of Lieutenant Colonel II. C. Corbin , attached to General Crook's ' headquarters in Chicago. Ho is now at large , having escaped f i om Dr. Gray's ' sani tarium in North Evanston. With the cun ning of a madman ho pretended that ho was quite well , and the attendant being thrown off his guard , left Corbiu for a few minutes last Friday while the latter was playing on u piano. Coruin no sooner found himself alone than ho ran across the room and jumped from a second story window. Smco that moment no trapo of him can bo found , although William Plntcortou lias a largo force of detectives on the search and all the postmasters and county officers , as well ns the Chicago police have been notified to look out for him. Corbin is very violent at times. The day before ho escaped ho struck an attendant a heavy blow with a stick. It is feared that ho will injure or kill some ono in his wander- ngs , or that he may commit suicide. Cor bin had boon attending Harvard college for two yours and hud studied so hard tnat he had undermined his health. On the recom mendation of a physician , Lieutenant Colonel Corbin took him to Cali fornia , and in May last got him attached to the Sioux commission as u clerk. About six weeks ago , when the excitement was high from the menaces of Sitting Bull and his band , Corbiu suddenly became a raving maniac. Ho was started for Chicago in charge of two men , escaping from them twice before reachlne hero. Corbin has boon raving over slnco his confinement of the glory and honor ho could attain by joining the commission mid returning homo with them. This idea was uppermost in his mind , and it Is thought ho has started westward to the Sioux reservation. Ho Is undoubtedly walking , as bo has no money. PIG-H1SADED HUNGARIANS. Still Rioting , Too Stupid to Know the Strike Is Over. CONNEU.SVIME , Pa , August 10. The Hungarians made another raid this morning on the workmen at the Meyer cone plant and ( trove them from work. 'Squiro Duncan and Ofllcors Franks and Shunn attempted to arrest fifteen of the rioters , when they wore sot upon by the mob. Duncan was terribly beaten and loft for dead. The officers es caped by running. The sheriff organized a posse this afternoon to arrest the rlotingHuns and a skirmish ensued in which numerous shots were flrcd hy both parties. Four Huns were arrested , but at last accounts the others were In outhouses armed und resisting arrest. The McLnnd Murder Caflc. DnAinvoon , Dak. , August -fSpoclal Telegram to TUB BKH , | The coroner's Jury in the McLoad murder case failed to hold the suspects , for the reason that they thought there was not sufllclont evidence to convict. The prosecuting attorney had made cornplant. The parties will bo ar rested and the cnsogo Dcfo'ro the grand jury , now in session. Great excitement prevails in the neighborhood of the murder. The body of McLcad was burned beyond recog nition. A butcher's knlfo was found under the body. The fire was caused by the explo sion of a coal oil can , und burned so rapidly ns to prevent assistance. An Unfounded Indian Scarp. WASHINGTON , August 10. Adjutant Gen eral Klllon bus received n telegram from General Miles at San Francisco , informing him that Captain Lunn , Fourth Infantry , sent with his company to Callspel , Washing ton territory , to investigate the reports of Indian outrages , reports under duto of August 7 that there were no hay stacks burned tind no threats made by the Indians. Some land was burned over , but there Is no reason to think that the IIru wus uturtod by Indians. Tlio Woollier Forecast. For Omaha and vicinity Fair. Nebraska Local showers , preceded by fair weather in eastern portion , slightly warmer , stationary temperature , southeasterly - erly winds. Dakota Showers In western portion , fulr In eastern portion , stationary temperature , warmer In northeast , and cooler in north , west portions , southerly winds. Circuit Judge. Wllliaiiuion Dciid. CHICAGO , August 10. Circuit Judge Rol- lln S. Williamson died this afternoon at his koine ut PalcnUno. Blsmnrck's Gunning1 Sohomo to Avoid Trouble With Frnnoo. HE IS ENCIRCLING THE REPUBLIC. Loasuolnff With Nations Hostile to the War of Rovongo. THE COMING OF THE CZAR * Berlin Waiting for the Advent of the Russian. LISTLESS TO LESSER LIGHTS. Emperor Francis Joseph's Coming VlHlt Creates Hut Mttlo In terest In tlio Mlnda of ttio Absorbed Germans. Europe From Itnrlln. \CowirtoM \ , 1SSO , lijXew Voifc Atsoctiite < l PrM .i BnuuK , August 10. Among the first fortunate fruits of England's ' attachment to the triple alliance is the cassation of the Servo-Bulgarian war preparations and the simultaneous suspension ol the Cretan rising. The swiftness of the combined diplomatic action of England , Germany , Austria and Itily upon the Cretan question ns pro * pounded by the Greek note to the ( lowers Is the result of a previous understanding of the powers with Turkey on united action In the cast. The Greek note , which threatened nn intervention in Crete1 , Inspired us it was by Russia , mot with r decisive rcsponso from the four powers within two days. A seml-odlcial article in the Journal do St. Petersburg admits the prompti tude of the decision of tlio powers lias prevented the movement from assuming pro * portions which would menace the pcaco o ( Europe. Those diplomatic successes Insplro the foreign ofllco hero with brighter hopes of drawing Spain into the league. The Italian government has been entrusted with car rying on negotiations at Madrid and sends Signer Cialdlnl as special envoy. If Slgnor Cialdmi succeeds in perfecting an arrange ment similar to that with England Princa Bismarck will have so ringed Franco with a circle of powers hostile to the war of ro- vcngo ns to guarantee permanent peace and it probable reduction in European nruia- inents. Emperor William and Prince Henry nr rived ut Wlthclmhavon this afternoon , and immediately proceeded by a special tram to Berlin. Emperor Francis Joseph's arrival Is timed for Monday at 4 p. in. The ceremonial of the reception will bo similar to that ol King Humbert's , although ho has asiccd oa account of his recent aflliction a very quiet welcome. Popular curiosity is not excited over the visit , publio interest being centered lu the czar's coining , which is now fixed for theStith inst. UN doubtful if the czar will enter Berlin , although he will stay four days in Potsdam. The ICroar. Zoitung , referring to the state ment that General Boulangor had used the secret fund to buy the right to , inspect tha papers ol the military attaches of the Ger < man legation , savs Colonel Villaumo , while ) attache at Paris , caught a clerk in the act ot copying such documents. Delegates from 103 mines met at Bochum to-day and decided to send representatives to the Silcsian minis to arrange for con certed action. The authorities disfavor tha coalition , but the project promises to succeed. The chiefs of the Bavarian socialists have called a general assembly ut Nuromburg W organize for an electoral campaign. A TAIL-I3N1 > COLiUlSlON. Ait Orleans. Nob. , Mnn Killed and a Ilrnkcman Injured. ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , August 10. [ Special Tele gram to Tnu BEII.J This morning there was a serious tail-end collision on the Kansas City , St. Joe & Council Bluffs road Just north of the Francis street depot , hi this city. A Burlington & Missouri freight train loaded with corn , in two sections , was coming south , and the first section was stopped by a heavy trrado , the second section running Into It. One cngino was completely demolished and thrown twelve feet from the .track. The way car was smashed to pieces. A brako- mnn had a leg broken. J. C. Hasklns , of Orleans , Nob. , was ItllloJ instantly. Ho had a valise containing a kit of barbers' tools. The sections contained forty cars oaon. Twenty-live of these were wrecked and the shelled corn scattered along the trade. The rcgnlar passenger trains between Kansas City and Omaha went around by way of Atchlson and the 'Burlington & Missouri roads. nil. J1AMMON1) IJX Ho Sny the ICIIxir Was Never Claimed to He lint a Tonic. HAI.TIMOUI : , August 10. A special from Washington gives an Interview with Dr. Hammond relative to Dr. Brown-Sequard'a elixir of life. Ho declared that the sonsa- tlonal publications about this now prepara tion were not authorized or justified in any way. The doctor asserted that the now rem edy was believed to bo in the nature of u tonic , which it was thought would bo bene ficial to old people especially. Ho denounced the foollsn story that it was something that vfut going to prolong llfo indefinitely , or ro- Btoro old people to youth. Neither ho nor Dr. Bnnvn-Soquard has ever called It the elixir of llfo. Dr. Iliirpnr'H Evperlino nt. CINCINNATI , August 10. Dr. Harper , of the oily infirmary , lias tried the Dr. Brown- Scquard elixir on five inmates of the infirm ary , They were all lullrm men ever seventy , years of ago. except ono , who was about forty , but wai u rheumatic cripple. The doctor reports that only ono observed any result whatever , and ho unit ! ho felt like ha had taken an alcoholic E 1 uulant. The doc tor concludes Unit tlio r 'dults found elsewhere - where arc the result of mental excitement. Tlio Kntflluli I'olnto Crop. I'M l > u Jciww Gordon llcnntt' . ] LONDON , August 10 , [ Now Vork Herald Cable Special to Tim Bun. ] The English potato crop , according to the Curuoners' Magazine , is In peril , as , although the reports from all parts of the country are favorable , continued heavy ruin , when potatacs are approaching maturity , have invariably boca followed by serious daniugo to the crop. England seldom has two dry spells In ono season , Strnulc I'ar l rt. HASTINGS , Minn , , Augunt 10. William Sondormunii , a urlck manufacturer , having noticed the appearance of gold In u kiln 'of brick opened in his yard Thursday , had a sample of the sand aualy/od by a St. Paul chemist with the resulting disco very of "pay dirt" to the value of JJ u ton. Tin * oxpeubo of woik'nu the bed Is comparatively nothing.