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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1889)
G THE OMAHA OfrAtLY BEE ; fe TURDAY ItldUST 10 , 1889. THE DAILY BEE. COUNOIlTBLUFFS. OFFICE , MO is STHEKT. In Any Tart of he City a Twenty Cents Per Week. . . _ _ 11. Vf. Wl.TON . JIANAQEIt. TM-El'HONESl JlCFINKFS OfTlCB NO. tt. Njonr EDITOII , No.83. MINOR MENTION. N. y. P. Co. Glcason coal. Gypsy encampment to-night. C. R Music Co. , 533 U'way. Evan * ' laundry , 734 Broadway. D. vVi Otis , city and farm loans. Hoston store leading dry ijoodn bouse. The Odolls have challenged the KcolftS for nnothor pa mo. Wllllnm Lewis linn removed Ills hack and omnibus ofllco to tbo Pacific house. A vug and ono drunk monopolized the at tention of the police Judge yesterday morn * ing.A A case of diphtheria Is reported at the . . residence of Henry Urnndt , No. 817 Twelfth 17. avenue. The confectionery store of E. J. Straw , No. 637 Uroadwoy , has been dlsuosod of nt bcHff'a sale. Dauf-hlora of Kobokah tire requested to meet for practice nt their hall ' -tils evening. By order of tbo N. Q. The Council Bluffs Waterworks company was assessed a small flno for obstructing Graham avenue wlillo making repairs. George Meschcndorf Is preparing to re move his market to the Blxhy building , whore bo will open on a much larger scato. JohnWVallcr and Emma Zimmerman , both of Omaha , secured a marriage license , and the knot was promptly tied by Justice Bur nett , A bay horse was stolen Wednesday night from the farm of J. F. Evans , near the paper mill , and Sheriff O'Neill , offers a reward of $25 for his return. On account of the Inclement weather dur ing the earlier part of tbo day , the boat club reception tlia. . wns to have been given at Manawa lust ovemng was Indefinitely post poned. F. M. Hopkins , of Burlington , la. , has written to Chief Lucas and asks him , to look r for his son , aged fourteen , who ran nwny re cently and .Is supposed to bo in this city or Omaha. The heavy rain of Thursday night made It necessary for the social union to postpone their Gypsy encampment till to-night , when. If the weather remains clear , tbo lawn will I bo in better condition. The erection of the now hose house on lo\ver Broadway will bo commenced next week. It will bo completed In about sixty days. Connor Bros , buvo bean awarded the I contract for furnishing the atone. " Frances , wife of A. M. Williams , died Thursday evening of typhoid fever , uged thirty-two years. She Icaves'a husband and three children. The remains will bo taken to Missouri Valley to-morrow morning for I interment. The Ladles Aid society of All Saints chapel will bold u sociable at the He.vnolds building , I Sixteenth street and Eighth avenue. Ice cream and cake will bo served. It Is pro posed to place on sale the numerous fancy articles prepared by the ladies. I The rain of Thursday night and yesterday morning was the heaviest that has occurred hero in some time , measuring two und one- te half inches. It muy do the corn crop some damage , but will greatly help the native grass land and pastures. The brick work on the now Marcus block was completed yesterday. This Is ono of the handsomest pressed brick fronts in the city , and reflects great credit on the architects , Messrs. Boll & Berlinghoff. It will bo Jin- iahod ready for occupancy in about three weeks. In tbo weekly crqp reports published in tbo DCS Molncs papers it Is a noticeable fact that out in the cold. It docs not look well for tbo farmers of this county that none of them can afford to fur nish their items weekly to the station at DCS Moines. Why is this ] The city marshal has served notice on the electric motor company 'to refill the ditches excavated by them In building their line on Avenno A. If the order is not compiled with the work will bo dor.o by the city and charged to the motor company. The Improvements upon the grounds of the Washington avenue school building are progressing very rapidly. Now curbing is being put in and a new brick walk be laid around the building. The underground coal house at the west sldo of the building Is rap idly Hearing completion. The reported cause of the fire on North Main street Thi rsday night waa a lamp ox- Dloslon. Investigations made yesterday by the deputy stuto oil Inspector proves that It was not an explosion , but that the lamp was knocked over on a bed and broken during a light between the Inmates. A short time ago , as reported in this paper , the three-year-old son of Peter Johnson , re siding in Hazel Dell township , bad both legs | * | taken off Dy a mowing machine. The Uttia | > . . fellow Is'rapidly recovering , and his friends I-1 are thinking of starting a subscription for Ills .boneflt. Several Informations have been filed against parties * who have failed to secure building permits before .commencing the erection of houses. Those permits cost but CO cents , but It parties neglect to secure thorn before beginning Improvements they are liable to cost § 10 to $15 , und considerable trouble besides. The Dodge Light Guards leave at 6:40 : to morrow evening on No. 0 , over the Burling ton , for Rod Oak. to attend too regimental encampment. They will take forty men , two cooks and two commissioned ofUcers , as many as military rules allow. They will re turn Friday afternoon. About half of those who -will go are now recruits , and some bard work is being done to get them in shape for camp , The now uniforms are beauties , and Company A will undoubtedly bo the finest appearing In every particular of any com pany on the ground. Dexter , employment. Dwelling for sale on easy payments. Also building lot * at lowest market prices. Call and examine our list. E. H. Sheafo & Co. J. G. Tlpton , real estate , 627 B'dway. Steam and hot water hoatinpr , first-class plumbing. Work done in both cltlot. John Gilbert , 618 Pearl street , Council Bluffs. No Explosions When persons keep cool and use our "Sun Dial" gas stoves. Four holes , roaster and bakeovon. Costs 7 cents per hour when running full blast. Now York Plumbing Co. Residences and vacant lots for sale in all parts of the city , in monthly payments. A. A. &Co < These having houses to rent see ut imme diately. A. A. Clark & Co. J , tl. Smith , drugs , medicines , paints , oils , glass , COO Main , near John Mcrgon's. A Sniwll Washout. Thursday night's rain taxed the sewers to their utmost capacity , and Broadway was filled from curb to euro. The principal trouble seem to bo that Jho storm sewer openings are altogether too small , and the water flowed over them as if there was no ououlng whatever. In the resldenoo portion there was little trouble. The greatest damage - ago was done Just south of the city whore a part of tha. roadbed of the Manawa railway was washed out. A late train from the lake barely escaped being ditched. No one was injured , but tbo passengers wcro compelled to walk through the mua to the city. All re pairs wore made by daylight and trains were running as usual. Swunson Music Co. , 83511 * road way. Co to M. Keating for drugs , 605 Broadway. Money loaned at L. U. Craft's < k Co.'a loan otllco on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of all kinds , and all other articles of value , without removal. All business strictly confi dential. Boldeoberg's So Figaro ui the Fountain. IN AND ABOUT THE BLUFFS , Alderman Laoy on the Now City Hall Project. DAMAGED BY THE REO MTS7Gnm Homo MlntnkcB In the Report of the Chief of the t'lro Dcpnrtnicnt General and lcr sonal Notes. A Now City Hntl. "Somebody Is golngto glvo usnsito before this thing Is nettled,1' ' said Alderman Lacy morning , while discussing the city hall ques tion. "This plan to advertise for offers for a now site Is Just the thing. Then wo will accept the most favornbloproposltion , taking the location into consideration , li Isn't neces sary to keep the cltv hall where It Is now , and there will boon Interesting fight between the property owners around the proposed sites to got the hall near their property. There nro a number who want the city hall down near tha court houso. There ara sev eral good sites down thoro. There is the corner where the rink barn stands , the lots between the Morrlnm block and the Fisher property and the lots lust north of the Merriam - riam block , across Wlllotv avonuo. The last would bo a Ono location , fronting on three streets. Then there is tha Plainer property , at Broadway and Olon avenue , which would bo nnothor flno slto for a city hull. "These fellows who are the most Inter ested will come pretty near buying a nlto to got it near their property when the time comes. They will nil get a chance to make an offer and wo will accept the best ono. The mayor is in favor of the present location , and buying adjoining property , but ho owns some of the adjoining property and would proba bly want about thren prices for It. There Is plenty of time to attend to the matter , and nil will have a chance to bo beard. Nothing less thou a (100,000 building should bo erected , ono that will be a credit for years to come , when the city Is much larger than it is now. It docs not pay to build for just the present , ns it is simply money thrown nwiiy. That Is why the report of n committee advo cating the building of n $5,000 addition to iho present building wns rejected. Wo don't want to expend another cent on that old shell. "Tho mayor advocates tbo renting of the vaults In the old Uurnbam-Tulloys bank to store our records , but such action would only delay tbo building of a now structure. I atn opposed , to anything of that kind. Anew now city hall and one that will bo a credit to the city Is what I am after. " Desirable dwellings for rent at numerate prices. E. H , Shoafo & Co. . rental agents , Broadway and Main streets , up stairs. Wanted , ono or two good teams ns first payment on house and lot. Sufficient ttino given on deferred payments. .A. A. Clark & Co. Some Excellent Brick. Several car loads of brick came in over the Sioux City road this week , consigned to Mr. Wolgbtman , to bo used in some of his paving contracts. Thcso brick are very fine looking specimens , and nra marvels of solidity and strength. Th'oy are perfectly moulded , showing no curves or breaks , and the edges and corners are as true as could bo desired. They are sold at Sanrcnt's Bluffs for ft ! per thousand , and It Is the opinion of several Council Bluffs builders that they more than equal anything In this line that has yet been turned out In this city. Specimens are now on exhibition at Tun Bm : olllco. Ono of them was tested yester day , It weighed four pounds eleven ana throe-auartor ounces dry , and four pounds fourteen ounces wet , absorbing but two and one-quarter ounces of water. This Is better tnau any of the tests previously male with ether bricks , in which the absorption has ranged from five to fourteen ounces. There is no reason why those bricks should not make excellent paving material , and such as would give perfect satisfaction. The only thing now lacking is a yard in this city which shall turn out similar material. A move has already been made to establish such a plant , and Mr. J. C. Boesloy will soon have completed n 15,000 plant that will have a capacity of 60,003 brick per day. The pressure will bo about fifty pounds more per brick than when made in the ordinary way. This high pressure removes all the water from the brick and makes It much more solid , so that when It is finished it IB not porous ous like ordinary brick. It will not molt , absorb serb water nor rot. It really becomes rock , vegetable matter being totally replaced by mineral. This brick is as valuable for building pur poses as for paving. The'faccs are smooth and Its corners ' almost perfectly straight. They cost .ib'out 50 cents moro per $1,030 than ordinary brlcK. Mr. Becsloy's plant would have been fin ished before this had not the progress of its construction bean unavoidably interrupted. Tno building of this plant will not inter fere in the least with the putting in of larger 'and ' similar plants , as a number of parties have become Interested In tbo matter , and are satisfied that the enterprise will develop into ono of the largest and most prosperous enterprises of tbo city , For sale Ono Gar-Scott ten-horse portable engine ; in good repair. Apply to Woir-Shu- gart Co. Kellcy & Younkorman sell groceries Chase and Sanborn coffees a spoclaly. E. H. Sheafo & Co. glvo special attention to'the collection of rents and care of prop erty in the city and vicinity. Charges mod- crate. Ofllce Broadway and Main streets , up stairs. Mistake * of a Few Thousand. In the report of the chief of the flro de partment , as given In the pamphlet of printed annual reports of tbo olty ofllcon , the following "The total appears : expendi tures In this department during the past year amounted to $19,700.41. In the previous year (1887) ( ) , the expenses of the department worn t3l,8i7.U4 , making an actual saving of * 2,147.23. When wo consider that out of this year's expenses the Items of (4,403 was paid on now building and $1,000 for hose , you will notice a saving of $7,609,23 over the pre vious year , which brings the actual running expenses of this dcoarttnont up to $14,233.40. Tbo report falls tc state that during the previous year ait equal sum , or the first half , $4,401 ! , was paid on the now building. Noth ing is said of the $3,700 turntable truck , which was also purchased during that year. In addition to this throe now horses , a chief's buggy , two sots of swinging harness and other apparatus was added , but no account is made of it In the comparative reports. When these matters are taken Into consld- ation the saving of $7,000.23 disappears , and instead it will be seen that tbo actual run ning expenses of tbo department In 1883 wcro greater than in 1SS7. It will bo seen that tno report , as It appears In the printed reo- era , will not do to Dank on to any great ex tent. Jlotves for Bale. . Will glvo time. Also new und second-hand buggies at Kiel's stable. Fine Jewelry , watches and diamonds ; cleaning and repairing at K. Burhorn. Montaomorjr'B tiecoail Victory , Yesterday morning the doe catchers wore at work In the western and southwestern portion of the city. When near the residence of Mr. Montgomery , near tbo corner of Ninth avenue and Thirteenth street , they attempted to capture some of his hounds , on which no tax bud boon paid , A bystander told Moutgomory to shoot the dog catchers , Children Cry for Pitchor's ' Castorla. When Bby WM kier , we care her CastorU. When the WM * Child , aha cried for CaatorU , When ho became MUl , the elunff to Owtoria , Wr-ja sti W. Children , the gave them GtatorU and ho secured n revolver f.nd wont nt It , Tbo bullets whistled uncomfortably close to their heads and they beat a retreat , leaving the dogs behind them. This is the second tilt thiit Montgomery has had over the dogs. On the occasion of the former visit ho turned tha hounds loose and sot thorn upon , the uog catchers. The result wns effective , nod the , - capturors were ronvj'J. would-bp . uiont- pCmerj in very Inlgflnt circumstances , but no keeps about twenty of the most ferocious groy hounds to bo found nnywlioro. The brutes are of enormous slzo , * hnrt have greatly exaggerated appetites , which , no doubt , ti the cause of Montgomery's poverty. Bo that as it may , ho still holds tbo dogs , ap petite and all. 8. B. Wadsworth ft Co. loan money. Baths at Mnnawa Beach , near hotel. Sep arate bathing rooms for ladles ana children. Winter & Monroe , sign painters , 410 B1 way , All Aboard For the liny Pnlnce. Secretary Zovoly , of the board of trade , Is meeting with good success in selling tickets to attend the opening of the blue grass palace - ace at Creston on the 22d inst. It is certain that there will bo no difficulty in selling the necessary 100 tickets In order to got the spe cial train as offered by the Burlington com pany. It Is thought that the number will reach nearer two hnndrcd , and that all who buy tickets will go. It is hoped that this will bo the case , as it is desired to go into Crcston with a largo delegation from tno Bluffs , The Crcston board of trade Is making spe cial arrangements to entertain the party irom this city , and nil who go uro assured of a splendid time. The chartering of a special train by the board of trade will add much to the enjoyment of the occasion , as the hand somely upholstered chair cars will offer su perior accommodations to the regular trulns , the comfort of the passengers will bo espe cially lookca after , and a longer stop will bo made at Creston than would otherwise bo the caso. In view of the fact that the board of trade has gone to considcranlo expense and taken such extraordinary interest in seeing that this county is advertised in the best possible manner and that the finest exhibits arc se cured and properly arranged In the palace , as well as getting out 25,000 fine descriptive circulars setting forth the advantages of the county , for general distribution , the citizens generally should heartily co-operate with the board and manifest their interest by sending down a good-sized delegation of representa tive citizens. CiTho cost is very light , being but a single fare , $3.13 , for the round trip of 203 miles. It will bo a grand opportunity to sco not only the bay palace , the newest rival of Sioux City's famous corn palace , but the best ex hibits that could bo secured from every county In the state as woll. There should bo no dlfilulty in soiling tickets for every seat in tbo train. CUystamlaunley , 31 Miln , tal. 141 * Have your old furniture upholstered good as new. H. Morgan , 733 Broadway. Personal Paragraphs. H. M. Tickrell , a brother-in-law of J. J. Stewart , is here from Oskaloosa on a short visit. visit.Mr. Mr. ana Mrs. Farr , of St. Paul , nro visit ing Norman Green and family , on Pierce street. H.V. . Rothort , superintendent of the deaf and dumb Institute , loft Thursday evening for a visit to eastern cities. Misses Henrietta and Helen M. Donahey have gene to Kearney , Nob. , to spend a week or ton days with a sister living nt that place. Miss Henrietta is ono of Eisomun's genial clerks , and she Is therefore taking a short vacation. Charles Dickinson and wife , of Lincoln , Neb. , after a week's sojourn at Manawa in boating , fishing , etc. , have returned home. Mr. Dickinson is a success as a fisherman. Ho will return in a few days with a largo party from Lincoln and vicinity. Mrs. Theodora Bray left Thursday even ing for Trinidad , Col. , in response to n tele gram announcing the illness' of 'her son , Charley Bray , in the Sister's hospital at-tbat placo. No particulars as to , the nature of bis Illness were given. Charley has many friends here who will regret to learn of his illness. * > Miss Francis Smith yesterday received notification of her appointment as teacher of the piano and of harmony in the Iowa state Institution for the blind. This is a high honor and worthily bestowed. Miss Smith was born and educated in < thiscity. . Her rare musical skill and taste have al ready won-for her much praisp'here , and it is gratifying that her ability is'recognized by others and elsewhere. An Incipient. Blaze. The tire of Thursday night will do , for a wbilo at least , what the police failed to ac complish break up a low dive on North Main street , whore colored and white pros titutes have hold high carnival for some time. There is nothing its equal for ro Hov inp the Soreness. Itching and Burning reducing the Inflammation , taking out Redness , and quickly bringing the skin to its natural color. Beware of ImmitationB.Tako POND'S EXTRACT only. See landscape trade mark on buff wrapper. Sold only in our own bottles. All Druggists. POND'S EXTRACT CO. , 70 6th Avo.N. 5f. The fire tlcpnrtm ftvas Very slow In get ting out , but did very ofTccUro work after reaching the spoP.niJo ndverso comment was heard yesterday re nnllng the time made by the department , tW\Snly ( \ kick being becan they responded ntW , the gcnojil expression being thaUho builfi 8 gnffulcfhavo noon nl- IOWOM otirn. aTho water pressure was ample , and the flatting were extinguished as soon ns the water1 W s turned on. The loss of $100 was covera iy insurance. How DM-It Ilnpppn ? The Nonpareil\ho ! \ republican party organ of Western IowacAno ; out yesterday morn ing editorially advjoitlng high license. Such n decided flop excited considerable comment on the Btrools , nnd speculation was rife as to the cause of It. All sorts of theories were advanced , embracing every idea from that of a political move to assist In rcnomlnatlng Spencer Smith to the ofllco of railway commissioner , to the moro Important ono that It was simply nn oversight on the part of J. M. Matthews , who wrote democratic editorials for the Globe for some time , and was silently off as to what constituted sound prohibition doc * trine. It is freely predicted that nn explana tion for the "mistake" will bo offered this morning. Two Very Short Nnmna. A funny fnct came to light recently at the registration of a birth of a child , says the Nashville American's Paris letter. The happy father was asked the maiden name of his wife , to which ho answered : "Rose B. " "Well , how do you spell it ? Boo , By , Boy , or how ? " "Just simply B. "That cannot bo. B is only an initial , not a namo. " "It is all the name my wife ever had until she married mo. Neither she nor any of her family ever had any ether name than just B , neither more nor loss. " They could hardly havolhml loss , and nn examination of , the records showed that they had really never had raoro. Beyond doubt the B family boar the shortest name in Franco , perhaps in the world. Only ono. other narao of equal brevity IB known , and that is the nnmo of a placo. About liftoon miles from Poronno , on the Ham. line , there is a coramuno known , as Y. It has about two hundred Inhabitants. The origin of the name of Y is unknown , and it would bo curious to Investigate the origin of the patronymic of the B fam ily. 9 * BlorpheusGct8 Ilia Memory. There is said to bo a schoolboy in Kingston , N. Y. , who studies hard and commits his lessons to memory well , but if ho goes to sleep forgets all that ho has learned. Caret 40 ? j. M The Beit Aches , PalnsL/fc/yii TUI CTCIJ fSrtTl * * " * ' CrampsCSf AT . Soronosa , / t M HOME , Stiffness , St3Ln\The \ Most Re- Swellings , jj3 \ nowncd Abroad StrainsT Twill use no Bruleo8/ > K other Cpt8 THE CHARIES A. VOGELER CO. , Baltltnor * . IM. SPECIAL NOTICFS. \XTA NTED At nnpe , agents to solicit , on sal- TT ary or commission. Good reliable men only. Permanent situation and good salary to the right parties. Address Council Iliulls Portrait trait Co. , Council IlluITB , Iowa. T710R EXCHANGE An equity In a farmnear -E the city for city lota. Johnston & Vou Pat ten , Everett block. mADLl" boarders wanted at lx'2 Denton street. X Good board at reasonable rates. Mrs. I.V. . Cooper. "DEAL ESTATE nought nfl sola and ex- JLV changed. Special attention clven to exam ination of titles. W. 0. James , No. 10 i'oarl at. . Council Ulutls. J. M. PALMER IIAS THE CHOICEST LOT OP SUBURBS & INTERIOR PROPERTY In the city. Gilt edged opportunities to Immo dlctelnvestorsani hon33aoicer : s. THE BILLIARD HALL AND CIGAR STORE Sporting Headquarters. 418 BROADWAY. MALONEY & O'BRIEN. ' OOR. 6TH AVB. AND 7TH ST. Council Bluffs , la. Conducted by the Sisters of Charity , An excellent educational institution , fur nished with all modern Improvements for boarding nnd day school. The academic year consists of two sessions , beginning on the first Monday in September and February , rcspoct- TEUMS Board and tuition , per session. 875. For further particulars addresa Slater Superior , St. Francis Academy , Council Blufft , In. TIECIE HORSE POWER and Elevators ENGINE Bceclflcfttions and estimates furnished for corapletestoara planW Iteeulatlon. durability guaranteed. Can show , letters from users where fuel acotomy la equal With Corliss on-Condensing. Bend for catnjprfUe. E. C. HARRIS , Agent. No. BIO Pearl Stceat , Council Bluffs. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. DI/I M Dl MC HydrauUo nnd Sanitary Engineer. Plans , Estimates i DlnlMllDIIlL Specifications. Supervision of Public Work. Brown Building , Council Bluffs , lown. Justice oi the Peace. Ofllco ever American Express , No. 41 N Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. , Practice In the State and Fod- CTfiMC S , QIR/IQ / Attornoys-at-Law - O I UIlL ( X OIIYIO oral Courts. Rooms 7 und 8 Shugart-Bono Block , Council Bluffa. Iowa. U QTI I I MA M Attornoy-at-Law. Room 4 , Second Floor , Brown . Mi O I ILLIYIMIl Block , 116 Peurl St. , Council Bluffs , In. Will practice in State and Federal Courts. DR. BELLINGER &BELLINGER acoaSwavn.nd Surgeona omco wo 10 Pearl 0 ' > LEONARD EVERETT UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS AT THE Great Sheriff's Sale of Boots & Shoes Masonic Block , Cor. Broadway and 4th St. Conncil Bluffs , la. This highly popular sale opened Saturday , Aug. 3. with a most flat tering patronage. From the time the doors were thrown open in the morning till they were closed at night , there was one uninterrupted rush of customers , all anxious to avail themselves of the EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS , offered at this sale. Never before in the history of Council Bluffs have Boots and Shoes been offered at such unprecedented low prices. We hope the public of Council BInffs and vicinity will show their appreciation of our efforts by paying us a visit. We guarantee to save you from 5Oc to S3 on every purchase. Follow the keen , shrewd bar gain seekers to the Great Sheriffs of Boots and Shoes -AT- MASONIC BLOCK , COR. BROADWAY AND 4TH ST. , COUNCIL BLUFFS. J. FINERTY , Receiver. Look for tlie Red Sisn. : EISEMAN'S EMOVAL SALE , The Great Removal Sale ! The Reliable Removal Salel The only genuine clearance sale is now going on in full force. No abatement of interest , no lessening in the quality and quantity of bargains offered. We have the goods and are bound to sell them before we move into our new store. TWENTY PER CENT DISCOUNT On all purchases before we move. . Come and dp like everybodv else does , get your share of the bargains in every line , at the great removal sale of HENRY EISEMAN & CO. , PEOPLE'S STORE , . ! Nos. 314 , 316 , 318 and 320 Broadway. METOALF , JlEAfj ESTATE , No. . 1O Pearl St. PKOF. WHITE'S Adapted to tUo public schools. Thn .only completes thins of Ha kind in oxlatenca nnd ln dlsneiisibio In the school room. School boards desiring the most perfect help for tne teachers are Invtted to examine this. Address IL A. BAliIjlNOKni General Agent , T 172 Willow Avc. , Council Uluffs. Iowa , Electric Trussss , Belts , Chest Pro tectors , Etc , wantca. c CAPT. HAYES' LIVERY Centrally locctetl. First-class turnout * . fresh horses and now carrlaKox. Not an old rlKln'tho stable. Special attention given to funerals , and reduced rates for carriages for thlBDurpono. thlBDurpono.W. A. HAYES , Proprietor. Telephone 77. _ am Broadway. MONEY TO LOAN ON CHATTELS. Money loaned on furniture , pianos. diamonds , horses , buggies or anything of value nt low riios of interest. No , publicity : fair nnd honorable dealing A. A. Clark & Co , , ofllco cor. Broadway and Main , ever American express , Tuos. OrriCEit. Tf. II. M. Poser OFFICES & PUSEY , BANKERS. Corner Main and Broadway , COUNCIL BfctJPFS , IO\VX Dealers in foreign c.nd domestic exchange. Collections made and interest paid on timed * , posits. J. P. EDMHSDHOS , E. I * Binrcunt I'res. Vice 1'res. CIIAS. U. HANNON , Cashier. CITIZENS' ' STATE BANK , or COUNCIL uuirra. Paid Up Capital "SMJS-iS' Surplus , . . avxw.oo. UuLlUtyto JJeposltors. . . aJ6.OJO.00 , DniKCTOiif-I. A. Miller , RO. Qleason. E. iU Bhugart. 15. M. Hart. J. D. Kdmundsou. Chas. It Ilaniiun , Transact uenaral banking business , lttrircit capital amf surplus of anx bank In Interest oil time de ponlta. KEEP COOL ! KEEP COOL ! AND COUNCIL BLUFFS HOMEOPATHS. MLT MJAMDITRI AIM M EJ' ° Elir nnd Throat Surceon. li. IrnAIYlDUllLAIIl. I VI , GlassoB accurately proscribed. Olllco corner Miiin St. , and Broadway. _ _ _ _ _ MnMTPniMCDV Surgeon und Homeopath. Room 0 , Brown PI , IVIU1N ! uUIYILn I building , 116 Pourl St. Olllco hours , 0 to 12. u. m. , 2 to 0 und 7 to 8 , p , in. _ _ OTCWCMQ M nOlllco , No. 741 Broadway. Hours : 8 to HM * OlC.VL.INO , IYI. I/MO / a. m. . und 2 to 4 uud 7 to 8 p. in. Tele phone , 287 ,