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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1889)
THE 0 > IAHA DAILY BEE ; ONPAY , JULY 29 , 1889. SPECIAL NOTICES. OMAHA. No ntlTcrtUcmentfl will bo tnlcon fbr tbcfo colnmno after 12OO p. in. QTcrmn Canh In advance. . Adverttiorntnts nnfler this h nd 10 oput Una for the flrit Insertion , 7 cents for aeh nb- teftntnt Insertion , nnd r linn per month. no ftdrertlserncnt taken for less than 2S cunt * tor Drst Insertion. Beven words will be counted lo the line ; they must run consecutively and must b paid In ADVANCK. All advertise , tncnts must bn handed In before 12:30 : o'clock p. m. , and under no circumstances will they c taken or discontinued by telephou * . , . tattles advertising in th so columns and bar * fue their answers aauressod In taro of TUB IlK plcane ask for a check to enable them to got Rill letters , as none will be delivered except on presentation of chock. All answers to oUvor- Usementfl thonlil be enclosed In envelope ! . .All ndTCttlRemcnti ) tn thesa columns are pub- ushcd In botn morntue and evening editions ot STUB HKK , the circulation ot which OKgrogatos paore than 18,000 papers dally , and gives the ad. Yertlsem the b nent. not only of the city circu lation of Tin UKK , but also of Council lllnffs , X/lncoln and other c.ttle * and towns throughout this foot ion of the country. < HUGHES' Pharmacy , 2203 1'arnam Bt , Tole- pliono No. iti. SITUATIONS WANTEP. W'ANTED Bltnntlon for n women"oacK"has one ctilld , all good workers , 314V4 8. 16tb. ir.8-m WANTED Ily a mlddlo-agod lady , position bs housbkooper In a small family ; city ref erences. Address F 7 iloo. 1)91 ) cut WANTED Situation by experienced prao- tlcal bookkeeper ; references. Address B ft. llee. 048 i * "ANTED Position by young man to art shorthand ana typewriting work. Bout of teferences given. Address F12. llee. 178-30 * AN experienced Dnalness man desires position in oillco of jobber or manufacturer. Is now mployed. Will bo ready to accept Dlace about AUK. lu. Refer to lleo Publishing Co. Address f tt lleo oillco. ' 8tti WANTED MALE HELP. WANTED An experienced clothing Bains- tnuii. Good references required. Must b | k Rood man. Barnes llros. , Hustings , Nob. 111 S08 SALESMAN wanted In wcstorh Iowa. Kan- las , Missouri or Nebraska tnr a line ot pchool supplies. Wo offer good men either a commissioner n. guarantee salary of fronv875 to tlOO per month , with commission. When salary is uuarantnod n deposit Is required of from t > Vi to f 100. Call Tuesday or Wednesday (30 and an. Ueoreo 3. aine publishing house , room Gil , Plrst National bank building. Omaha , SALESMAN wanted In this district. Ono ot Jour men onrnoa J4fO In ' 87 nnd { u.200 In ' 88 , ind IH doing bettor this year. P. O. Hex 1371 , N W York. 113 27 * I SAIiKSMAN for Nortn Nebraska to Boll Llnbrlcatlug oil. Apply Drooks Oil Co. . Doug- tts Illtt. Omaha. 070 37 * 'ITCTANTBD Oood cook , references rennlrod. T V 'SH N 18th st. 030.37 _ f7I7A'NT13D Cnrpentors to perform the labor , iTr by the Job , on several U-room cotta os. Ad- gresatftiM. llee. itrr-aa * OOD Men are .making $ ir ( ) per month handling - ling our goods ; address Shormau , Taugon- rg Ac Co. , 100 W. Lake st , Chicago. 1M * 'ANTED nuHtuessman for the most sue- - ccssful health resort In America , where fhe climate cures consumption , catarrh and throat diseases ; Sil.MX ) llrst year , and building lot free. Address lloxbOO , Van Itaub , Hoxar Co , Hii - > 0t At once , an energetic salesman . In every town to sell teas , coffees , spices , I , ' Extracts , bnxlnK powder , groceries , etc. . to ho- , lols , restaurants , rarmors , and othnr larce con- pumors at wnoles.ile prices ; exclusive territory Riven. Address the Edgeworth Mercantile Co , , Sm State st. , Ciilcaso , 111- HB 6 } WANTED Practical salesman who under stands operating steam boilers. Apply J. J.I. Wilson , president Tcea Water & Heater Co. , lOtlland Plerco ats. 101 aa _ SALESMEN \Vo want a few reliable men to "travel and soil our goods. No previous ox- lenco nccea-iory. Permanent position , sal- - 2.60 per day. Wanes and traveling or- cs In .advance. Goods staple and sell on SlKht. Business light , easy , centeol. Address Wth stamp Continental M't'g Co. , CInclnnatl.O. J ' ' S40 2U * _ _ L GENTS wanted for bottled electricity ; en- tlroly-newpaysliO a day. Address U. S. la Mfjr. Con Ilottle dept. . Chicago. 111. Wo wish a few men to sell our SALESJ1RK Eoods by sample to the wholesale aud retail rode. Largest manufacturers m our line. Inclose 2-cent stamp. Wages * 3 per day. Per- nanent position. No postals answered. Money idvanced for wai ei , advertlslm ? . etcCenten - ilal Manufacturing Company. Cincinnati. Ohio. - * " to travel for the Fonthlll Nursenes of MEN" . WopaysW ) to $100 a month and expenses to agents to sell 'our Canadlangrown Block. Ad. Etonfj & Wellington. Madison , Wls. ANTED Railroad laborers , rockmon and truck layers for Washington Territory ; wages and steady work , at Albrlght/s , bor Agency , 1120 Farnam st. 893 \\f ANTED A good oillco man to go east ; T > inii&t invest 2,500 ; must bn a good business plan. Address the Geo. 8. Cllno Publishing lloncc. U18 to 321 Wabosb avo. . dilcato. 111. 78 1 TTfTANlED Hailroad laborers for new worK TT lu Wyoming. Teamsters , wheeler holders , Ttlck anil shovel men , and rock and tunnel men. Steady woric and good job. For transportation upply at Albright s labor agency , 1120 Farnam p . Omaha. _ 'ANTED SS > weekly representative , mole or female. In every community. Goods Staple ; household nectsslty ; sell at sight ; no peddling ; salary paid promptly , and expenses MaTancrd. Full particulars and valuable sample case KHBK.Veinean juatwnat we nay ; address klonc . Standard Silver ware Co. , Boston Mats KM _ WANTED FEMALE HELP. HL fur house work , < ) N. 19th. 124 W WANTED A good lady solicitor to handle "Echoos of Life. " cither on commission or ealary. If salary , must contract for six months $ i. Indies of good address only , pply. Cell nil or address The Geo. S. Cllno J'ub. house. 511 First Nat. bonk building , Omaha. i&n WANTED Young girl to assist with house- worlc. 1428 N. Itlth st. 171 23 ' ANTKD First CIHBS woman coolr , * 40 : ant fei ; pantry plrl out of city , J."U ; : i laundresses - dresses , * lu ; head laundress , * 25 ; kitchen girls , pining room girl * and 25 for general housework , v for an oltlcur.i family of U1) ) ana $1(1. ( Mrs , faepail4 ; S. 15. U67 27 A N TED < Jlrl , small family. K 2 Georgia . , near , Laavenworth. _ jWl 27t WANTED Olrl to assist In general 'house work. Call Monday , 1009 Hurt street. 12227 * WANTEO-Wonian cook. 10 ; 1 for boarding house. iO per week ; 2 for Council Blulfa , 130 ; cook and Hoeond cm for oIlicnr'H family , 120 and gltl ; head laundress $25 , second $10 ; cook aud second Rlrl In private fitmlly In city , 25 for private families. Mrs. llrega , UllH S. 15th. AKTKIi Experienced sales ladles forinll- llnury department : none but fully compo tout eeilnupir ; also apprentices nnd infill- ttors. Apply at Hoyman & Deiche : * , 1.11hvand 1620 Fatnaut fct. 177-23 ANTHD Competent girl for general house ; , work. 1823 Farnam. 14d _ . J.1HL forKenoral housewori : ; must be good VJcook and laundress , Inuulre Mrs. Kouort JrtirvU , 21th ana St. Murv'a ave. 934-3J TfjXhY iilctiiH wanted for my wonderful new J.Jrubb r uuderKurment ; grandest Invention tat women ever eeen. Mrs.II. F. Little. Chicago. 012 21U VtTANTKU Girl tor itencral housework. W W T il. Yntea , B w cor 32d and California uts. 715 tXTANTRU German girl to do cooklui : and T waahing.beit ot wages paid , luqnlroj. I * , PraadelH. V.4 8 19th st. _ aii ; WANTED Girl to uo second work and take can ) of child three yrs old : none but competent - potent ueed apply ; German preferred. 2408 Bt , WANTED A girl for general housework ud u girl for nunumuld at StlU Cuplto V . 988- MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. 'TKD ' A aet ot booka to keep evenings ; Addteaa E M Ueh olllce. 0&ii : JJ ANTED luxw library : Iowa ami Nubroa- knuruclicrv Box 551 , iiloux City. la. voaaT * \Tr ) AhiTKI ) Ily u bookkeeper a set of books I T to pout evenings , Addruts K 66. ilea ollice. . _ _ M9 W " \\T ANTED 60 teams for railroad irfadlng. at W Albright's Ixibor agency , 113) Furnam Bt , DRESSMAKING. BBESSM AIUNG to do in families , 611 B. 17th. g * * $ $ " BOARDING. LKGANT Ublo board at 1615 Capitol avT. JJJAbn nicely turulshtd rooms. 11U it TjllRST-class day board. Inquire 1009 DonglM FtiR T71OU UBNT-4-room houio. 829J { 8. 2l t. 13 121 2 * _ TRIOII K15NT Two 7-rootn flats near 16th on JG Howard it. Enqnlraof L. D. Holmai , liar- Her blocle. lTO-29t _ _ Foil KENT Elegant 10-room now brick dwelling , DoURlns and Sid st , 9 or 10 room dwelling , lllnney it , all modern conveniences. J. II. Evans , llooin 308 N. V. Llfo wilding. _ 009 87 * EVH HUNT 8room. . 2-etory corner flat , En- JJ qulro 1318 Pacific street. _ 108-3E THOU KENT Kino largo resldonco , hard wood J-1 finish , nil conveniences , low rent to private family ; 211 N. loth at. _ 03 1 TJOUSB for rpnt. 1933 Dodgo. T7IOH UKNT Kino ln-room brick homo , all JJ modern conveniences , on cable and motor line * . Call on 2001 Hurt st. OflO _ TKtl KENT 5-room cottage , $20 per month , JJ BIB a. luth. BJV _ TTIOIl HKNT 7-rocmod house , city water nnd X1 bath. 2&H ) Franklin st.or room 609 Merchants National bant. 19 SO * _ T7IOK HENT A 5-rooin Cottago.UXJ N. 27th avo. JJ 918 S9t _ T7KU KENT New cottage on Sherman avo. , JL' nil modern Improvements , bath room ; for further particulars call at 2210 Capitol ave ; reference required , 850 " _ TTOUBH , 318 N. 15th st , for rent. H , W. Icromer. 09 N. 16th OU3t POIt KENT J12.0) per month , a six-room building , N. K. cor , ot IfltU nnq Mason. 455 flHU KKNT Two nine room brick houses on JJ Park avenue , with nil conveniences. Also nine room frnmo home on same street , with all conveniences ; prlea 135 to W5 per month. 1) . V Bholcs. S10 First National Hank. Oil TTtOIt KENT-n first-class dwelling with nil JL ? modern conveniences. Including stable , 2503 Capitol avo. Inquire of D. J. O' Donahoo , 1601 Farnam it. 315 CTtolt HUNT B-roora house , largo yard and JJ shailo troca. $15 per mo. , cornsr 23d and Plerco. Enquire at C13 So. 13tn t. 814 FOR KENT 7-room flat , J25 per mo. alx > v The Fair-inth and Howard. Inquire TltoFalr. 233 FO It 11ENT Nrat cottage. KO per month. C. F. Harrison , Merchants National Dank. | 151 "Enoil BENT Furnished cottacn ot 5 rooms JO nnd funtltnro for sale. L. It 8. Loan & Itontal Agency , cor. Ifith and Howard sts. 145 TilUHNlSHED or unfurnished houao for rent J. In Park Terrace , opposite Hanscom park ; all modern conveniences. Inquire Lee Se Nlchol , 28th and Loavonworth. 808 " 17(011 ( TIENT A detached fr-room house , all JL modern conveniences. Enq , 2629 Capitol aye * 193 FOR RENT ROOMS-FURNISHED- " | 71OIMlKfT Two very pleasant , \voll fiir > JJ nlshed rooms , without board , to gentlemen only ; private family ; furnace heat , on motor and street car line , Address F10 , LJeo ofllcc. 163-iflK FURNISHED room and board. S013Doupl street. 769-27 * T7IUUNI8H ED rooms with board for3 qentle- JJ men In private family , no other boarders , a desirable location for parties who wish to bo pleasantly linaiad. 523 B. 23th are. 8. II , Pratt. 893 2J T7IOK KENT Fitrmshod rooms. 2209 Dodce. JJ 081J2 * ELEGANTLY furnished front parlor , suit able for "or3 gentlemen , with or without board ; also small room f or ront,17-l Davenport. "VTEWLY Furnished rooms , with board , nt J.N No. 1812 Chicago st. 176 30 ? I7IOU KENT Elegant furnished room for X' single gentleman only. 721 S. 10th st. , cor. Lcavuuworth. OCO Oil KENT Two nice furnished rooms , sult- able for 2 , very cheap , (10 and $15 , board if desired. 1611 Douglas. 049 29 * " 1710II HENT Elegant newly furnlshnd rooms JJ In modern brick rosldonce , bath , etc. , wither or without board. 1821 Caaa stv. 169-yr : | VTICELY furnished room , strictly private , JL > southern exposure , 210 So. 20th fct , . near Farnam. 161-20 ? | T71OR KENT Furnished rooms and board at ! JJ 2209 Farnam st. 173-31t , - " I71OU. HENT Largo furnished south front JJ room on second floor , with board , all con veniences. 1910 Capitol ave , 934 > is HENT Pleasant south room , with Dourd. 2015 Douglas. t)32-23t ) J/IOtt KENT Two fnrnlihed rooms , on St. Mary's avenue. To gentlemen only. Six minutes walk of business center , llefcronco required. Inquire at store. 210 and 312 S. ICth st. 75T TTIUBNISIIED Front room , 1013 Farnam. -E 145 a2T * rpWO rooms with or without board for gen- JL tlemeoprlvate famllyref erences. 1812 Dodge 69i ! TITOH ItENT Furnished or nnlurnished ; a JL ? nice 0-room cottage , city water , etc. , etc. , located near Kountze add. ; possession Imme diately. J. Bonuor. 1315 DouglOH st. 148-30 s T. : CIWMR European hotel , cor. llltn and Dodge ; special rates by week or month. FUHNI8HED rooms with all modern con veniences , for gentlemen only , 1709 Dodge st. 691 F UHNIBIIED room torrent after June23. MX : Burt st. 158 J.OOD room with bath. 619 8.20th st. r IDS HI HENT-Hoom. 1621 Howard. 89T FOTl RENT Two parlors front and on first lloor. AU modern covenlences. 1R09 Douglas. DSi FOR RENT-ROOMS UNFURNISHED I71OU HEN0 ? 1 rooms , down stairs , 37th and JCass _ , 933-3U K DESIKAULE rooms , second lloor , largo yard tsandHlmde. Southeast corner S2d and llurt ; choice of four carlln'ea. 1)04 ) 27 2IIOOMS , modern conveniences. HOB N. 18th 3t. ITat 8. C88 TJ1OH HENT 4 unfurnished rooms suitable -U for house Keeping , modern improvement * , to family without children. 1704 Webster st. Price 81 637 TfioiriTENT-Over stove store , Iffil Howard JJ st. Inqulro at store. 605 FOR RENT-STOKES AND OFFICES. BUILDING for rent with 4 nice largo rooms upstairs and nice largo room on first floor suitable for restaurant or any other business ; cellar , gas , water and all mod ern conveniences ; rent (75 per month. Co- 107 20 _ STOltB and offices for rent in Wlthnoll block , cor. IMh and Harney sts. 995 29t 1J1OU UENT-A corner store with flat of 6 JJ rooms above. City water and gas , on ( food thorough tare , thickly populated neighborhood , ( tillable for any business. Itont very low. Apply - ply 913 B. 10th St. _ 7BJ-27 * 171011 HKNT The Heed hotel. South Omaha. JJ Four-story building , modern convenience * . Call ot 1811 Cuss sir cttv. 7B9-3I * _ T7KHI bualneus purposes W tloor , 60x132 , lu JJ Paxton building , ] 6th and Farnam , entrance on Furnnm. passenger and freight elevator , north and south light , will divide into two If de sired. lieyman & Dalcues. lib Farnam at. 171011 KENT Halt of a nice pleasant storo- JJ room , centrally located ; cheap rent. J. H Parrotto Hental Agency , 16th and Dodge. BIB 20 _ _ FF1CE To rent Furnished elegantly or unfurnished. Bushman block , N , E , Cor. IB and Douglas. _ . 1148 TilOU HKNT-Htore and 4 IMnK rooms in JJ rear , all newly papered ; good location for grocery or feed Btora ; HSjper cionth. Apply at once , C. F. Harrison , Merchants Nut. bunk. TilOrt KENT The 4 story brier building with JJ or without ppwer. formerly occupied by The Bee Publishing Co. . 910 Fttrnam t. The build- lug 'jiut a lire proof cemented basement , com. plete steam heating fixtures , water on all the floors , gus , etc. Apply at the olBco of The ( lee , 915 STOKE tor rent , southeast cor llithand Doug- lai t. B. Lehman. 624 TfJVHl KENT Btorex and living rooms on Cum- JJ ins at. Also bouse on Caaa it. HarrU , room 411. Ut Nat , liana. _ MOh rpo HENT Desirable warehouse room on Jtrack. . Apply to C. W. Keith , 711 PaclUc St. _ _ 481 TjUHt HUNT 2 lloore front halt Demls build- JJ ing. power , heat , electric light. Inquire office of Hernia Omaha Hag Co , 157 JyJl TflOU 11ENT The corner room under the Ne JJ bruska National bank will soon ba for rent , the Kqultabia Trust Co , removing to larger quarters. The snare la about doubla that occupied by theC. . It. * Q. tlccet oillco. The floor 1 * tiled and the room cun bo made desirable fora B. It. tlctc t or broitr's otllcv , For particulars apply at bank , 083 MISCELLANEOUS. \XfXNTKl > Contractor to buila liouso and TT furnish part material for good rosidonoo lot. Address , B 82. llee office. 60781 LADIES , Attention I Madam Gneretta'i Golden Bpeclfla , for all female weakness , offlca hours Htd 10a.m. . and 3 to & p. m. , con sultation free. 1609 Douglas. 4l2a ! $ rplll ; banjo taugnt as an art by Geo. F. Goi- X lenbock. Apply at lies oftlco. 960 "VT ES Tco old reliable llcntal nptcncy Is still X runnlncr , supplying all that como with houses , flats and stores. J , H. Parrotle , lloom 81. Douglas block. 649al3. TTMIHlELIuVS and parasols covered nnd ro- U paired , 217 8 15th. Iloyd's opera house block , In * nee store , n. Halor. TOO /10LLATEKAL Hank , 312 S. 18th St. , Chamber \Jot Commerce. Ix > ans money on chattels and articles ot value. 885jy23 PERSONAL. TDEHBONAL A young widow of 3 % desirous X of moving west , begs the assistance ot nome reliable Rontloman In securing her a livelihood. Address Mrs. E , L , Craig , 601 Jane street. Full- adolphla. Pa. lUCTf EllSONAf lf Miss NellieStolnshoneD.ivho lived nt the Hub restaurant four or IIvo months ago , will pond her address to F. O. C. . caraof P.l < ltchlngmnn.UlN. ] 12th St. , I will call at earliest convenience. F. C. Child. OGii SC IF Albert Btorr , son of Thos. Storr , late of Hull , England , will apply to his Drothor.Tlios. Storr. of Itavenswood , Cook Co , 111. , ho will hear of something to his advantage. Oil 26 ? LOST. T OST A paper of value to mo only. A suit- JJ able reward for return ot tame to Com- inerclal Nat , bank. A. U. Loglo. 8I7-27t T , OST A bay horse , 8 years old. with near on JUiilndleg. 1. Hmalo , N. II. Falconer's. 05827 ; 08T EnglUb Mnattff. Keturn to 40fl Paxton block and .tret reward. " 41- CLAIRVOYANT DIL NANNIE V. Warron. clairvoyant , medi cal and business medium. Female dlioatos n specialty. HONietnst. rooms 3 and 3. H03 MHS. Ecclos. the famous fortune teller and clairvoyant , business , love , marrlago and changes. 607 S 13th stnoxt door to Barker hotel , t 4 30J EET me at the Erie Clothing Co.'s , 320 N. ICth st. Men's 20 suits til ) , and (10 suits K. Mall orders O.K. Ki3 31 ES , Cliarley. the Erie Clothing Co. , 320 N. Iflth st. , are selling all $ & ) suits at f 10. and 810 suits K. Mall orders filled. 853 31 _ IKS. Perceval ot California , 1601 Douglas St. , fortells the future. Ladles and gentlemen. STORAGE. S 1TOHAGE at low rates at 1131 Farnam St. , Omaha Auction and Storage Co. U01 OIUHSON& ELY Storage und forwarding ; BDcclal nrrangoments for commission mer chants , 1213 Leavcnworth ; tol. 4 Hi. , Omaha. THACKAOE storage at lowest rates. W. M. IJushman , 1311 Leaveuworth. 003 HANCH & Co storage , 1211 Howard. 003 _ CJTOnAOS and forwarding. Wo collect and OrtollvorgoocU of all de8crlptlon.snierchandlso , furniture and bacgago at cheapest , rates for storage for any length of time. Vans und wagons to ba had at sliortest notice , with care ful men for moving. Packlui ? and shipping from our own warehouse done on moderate charuo. Merchandise loaded and unloaded. Warehouse oft our own tracks. Olllce S17 S. 14th St. ; telephone 111 llowoll & Co. _ 001 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING TANDAHD Shorthand School , Paxton Hlkj ( successor to Valentine's ) the largest exclu sive shorthand school In the west. Toaeneru nro verbatim reporters. Particular attention paid to typewriting. Mecnanlcnl construction of machine taught by facrtoy expert. Circulars. _ 540 OMAHA Business College , cor. ICth and Capi tel avo. Shorthand Tue largest and most successful shorthand department in the state. Standard methods taught. Munson's revised of ' 89 a specialty. Call or write for terms. _ - T-J7 WANTED TO BUY. tT ? ANTED To buy country Bank la No r braska or Interest taking active part. Ad dress full particulars , R 23 , llee. 671 7 WANTED Furniture , carpets , stoves and housnhola goods of all kinds. Omaha Auction A Storage Co. . DJ1 Farnam. 903 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. TIOETSA'tE Com'pl6to housoh"old ot troom 3 cottage. 110 Chicago st. 120 ? T7IOII SALE Law library. IG10 Douglas. U478 * FIVE hundred shares of $10 per share North Western Standard Oil stock. Tnls stock is non-assessable and land is being developed now nnd Is sure to bring good returns in near future. Will sell for cash very cheap. Address B 62. Bee.cilice. 8ct ) Fi 1011 SALE-3 thoroughbred red Irish setter pups. i Apply CanIIeld house/ith and Faruatu OffiS O FIRST class No. : ! callgrapus almost new. O- Oliver , 108 Main St. . Council Ululls , la. 1 > 37 SK ! fresh .Tern yy cow for sale at H. N.Wlth- GOOD brick yu J.corE.'nd aud Hickory. 09580 * _ FOR SALE Handsome young pony , perfectly sound and gentle , suitable for either saddle or driving. Apply to Col. Fletcher , Fort Omaha , 814 RIOK SALE 1,000 tons of IS-lnch Ice , housed JL ? on track , Council Bluffs , la. Gilbert llros. BOH-tCti _ IIIOU BALK Flno Hall's safe , as good as new ; JJ cheap. It. M. Genius llro. , 14Ud Douglas , o J 748 _ _ _ _ FOlt SALE Furniture of largo house , every room rented. Flrst-class location. Parties leaving city , A bargain. Address ES , Hoe oillco. _ 5K1- Canlleld M'f'B Co. being about to move .1. will sell 1 flrst-clasd 4-horse-powor engine and boiler at U actual value. VMS Douglas st. 378 ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. IDLAND Guarantee * Trust Co. . 1814 Far- nam.CompIeto abstracts furnished andtltles to real estate examlued.porf ected & guaranteed. 003 MONEY TO LOAN. I CAN make a few loans on Ural-class chattel securities at reasonable rates. W. 1C , Potter , room 1U , Barker blk. 023 T OAN8 on Improved and umlicproved prop JUtrty at low rates. Odell llros. Hi Co.,312S 10th 910 MONE\ loaned for 30 , GO or 90 days on any kind ot chattel security ; reasonable Inter est ; confidential , J. J , Wilkinson , 1417 Farnam. "RESIDENCE LUANS-OK to 7 per cent , no ad- XVdltlonat charges for commissions or attor neys' fees. W. 1) . Melkle , Hirst Nat Dank bld'ff. 014 TITONElT to loan on furniture , horses , wagons , 11 etc. . or on imy approved lecurlty. J , W. Bobbins. 1411M funium straet Paxtou hotel 910 STUINOEIl ft PENNY , room 3D. Douglas block.havo money to lend on chattel security , 402 A10 KEYSTONE Mortgage Co. Loans of 10Tto 11,000 ; get our rates before borrowing and save money ; loan on horses , furniture or any approved security , without publicity ; notes bought ; for tww loan , renewal of old and low est riUcB.calllUXG , Shueley bin , IMh&Howard st , 9H > MONEVtoloau on furniture , horses , wagons or securities of any kind ; commercial and mortgage notes bough tat fair rates ; all busi ness transacted confidential. Collateral Loan Co. , roomX'l , Ilamgebuilding. 713 ST1UNOEII& Penny , room30 Douglas block money to loan on real estate at lowest ratet OW1 "PEOPLE'S Financial Exchange-Tho fairest. X quietest and most liberal money exchange In the city ; money loaned without delay or pub licity. In any amount , large or small , at the lowest rates ot Interest , on any available se curity ; loans may be paid at any time or re newed at original rutea. O. Ilouscaren. MBT- room 67 , Darker block , 15th and Farnam , 916 MONEY Loans negotiated at low rates with out delay , and purchase goods , commercial paper and mortgage notes. 8. A. Blornan , cor Uitu. aud Farnam. Vlt VTEUJlAfaHA Mortg , Ix > an Co , will make you a i. 1 loan on household goods , horses , wagons , land conti acts , fine Jewelry , or securities of any kind Without publicity , at reasonable rate * , lloom 7 , itowley block. South Omana. Uooms Glg-619 , Paxton block , Omaha , Neb. BUILDING and other real estate loans. W. M , Harris , room W , Fronzer Oloclc , opp. P. O. Of , HAItniSON loans money , lowest rat s. a , B- , 930 MONET loaned on furniture , nones and wagoni ; rntoi reas nabl . City Loan Co. , 118 8. l3lti st , . opposite Mlllard hotel 430 ONEV to loan. O. fct > Tl Co. , teal estate and loan agent * . 151E Fnrnam st , KM \\7ANTED-llrst-cla ? Inside lonni. Lowest Y V tftUs. Call and evens. , Mntual Investment Co , U. 1 Darker blk. , isru ntaa Farnam. 925 MONEY to loan. fc Loan Co. , room 411 , Flrit National bank. vi TV/TONKY / to loan ) casti-onTiandj no delay. J. JLU.W. Bnnlro , 1319 Farnam St. , First National bant building. 937 irilHST mortgage loan * at low rates and node- JJloy. D. V.Sholo ,210.jdrst National bank. K KM ' ON HY to loan on reak' state security , at lowest rate * . He fore norottatlng loans see Wnllnco , ! ! . 310. Brown bUtr. Itth ft DouRlas. Kll T OANS made on real estate and mortgages J-Juought. Loins 8. Heed & Co. , It 13. Hoard of Trade. IWJ G PBHCont monoy-ll. 003 N.Y.Llto Ins. 938S23 pIIILAPEUlHIAMortRaite * Trnst Co. fur- JTnlsh cheap eastern 1110007 to borroworspur- chase securities , perfect title ) , accept loans at thrlr western ofllco. Ueorgo w. P. Coato0rpom 7 , Hoard of Trndo. 033 MONRV to loan on eoort nr t mortRasos. Im proved or untmproTed property. Atort- pnRes boticht and sold , Wallace , room 010 llrown building , ICth and Douglas. _ 633 DON'T borrow money on fdrnlturo , horses , wnpons. etc. . or collaterals until you set 0. U. Jacobs , 411 First National bank bulldlnir. 983 _ " 1 DANS on household furniture or nny good J-Jiccnrlty. Largn and small sums. Ixivrnr Interest than has Deeu offered. Ellchorn Loan Co , over Commercial National bank , 13th and Douglas st. 100 A. 37 _ BUILDING loans. D. V. Sholes. 10 First N ' . tlonalbnnk. 03) _ "IVTONKT to loan on any security JjJL tor short time , at low rates. Lowest rates on personal property. The Henderson MortRaRO Investment Com- pany. room 400. Paxtou liloek. _ COO ( C"00,000 to loan at 0 per cenc. Ltnahan * MaP - P honor , room 600 1'axton block. 021 _ MONRV to loan on horses , wagons , mules , household Roods , plnnos.organs , diamonds , lowest rates. The first organized loan oillco In tbo city. Make loans for thirty to three hun dred and slxty-llvo days , which can b paid In part or whole , at any time , thus lowering the principal and Interest. Cull nnd see us when you want money. We can assist you promptly nnd to your advantage without removal of property or publicity. Money always 6n hand. No delay in making loans. C. F. Hoed 3e Co. , 319 S. 13th st. , over Itjngham & Sons. Uia BE Sholcs , room 210 , First Nat ! bank , before making your loans. 930 _ fDEOI'LR'8 Flnancla KxcbanRo Largo and -L Biimll loans for lone nnd short time , at low est rates of Interest , on real estate mortgage notes. cnatcls of nil kinds , diamonds , watches nnd Jewelry. Don't fail to call If You want fair nnd cuenp accommodations. O. Bouscaron JIgr. , room 57 , Barker blk , 15th and Farnam. _ 015 TTVO YOU want money ? It so , don't borrow J-J before Retting my rates , which ore the low est on any sum from 11 up to 110,000. 1 make loans on household goods , clanos , or gans , horsos.mules , wagons , warenouse receipts. nouBos , loaaoa. etc. . In any amount , at the low est possible rates , without publicity or removal of property. Loans can bo made for one to six inontns and you can pay n part at anyitlmo , reducing both principal and Interest. If you owe a balance on your furniture or horsosv or have a loan on them , I will talco It up and carry It for you as long as you desire. i > ) It you need money you will find It to your ad vantage to see me before borrowing. 1) . K. Masters , room 4. WUlmell building 15th nndllarney. - UJ3 _ _ BU SINESS'CHANCES FOll SALE A very desirable centrally lo cated restaurant , doing a good business , full of boarders , must have money. J. II , Parrotto , Kental Agenby , < 16th and Dodge. fTlOIl BALK or rent , on liberal terms one of JL. ' the best hotels In tlio city of Omaha , con taining over ono hundred well -furnished bed rooms , wltn ample parlors on each lloor. sup plied with all modern Improvements. The of llco. reading rooms , saloon nndibllllard rooms art ) the llnest In the city. Apply to John li. Neagle. 304 Sneely bleek.JMnaho ; 'Neb. ' 151-30 /1EDAII block kindling cheaper than coal. V/Better than gasoline because no odor nor danger ot explosion. Delivered free. Try it. J. A. Nauglo teCo. Telephone 869. 87927 ; BARQE11S Attention The Windsor hotel bar ber shop with , fixtures complete , will be rented to a good man at a low prico. Apply at tno office. y4 27 TDTJ1LDINO for rent suitable for restaurant , JJ and rooming , or nny other business. 8 nice large rooms up-stalrs , and room on 1st lloor 22xfX ) ft , cellar , RII , water.and all modern con veniences. Kent , 875 per mo. Co-operative Land and Lot Co. , 303 N. ICth st. 107 2U FOlt BALK Oood restaurant , good location. lOgood beds ; will sell cheap for cash. 40S 8 10th st. 98J.gJ ONE of the best chop bouses or lunch rooms In Omaha ; tine location and doing n nice business ; parties going uway ; price $1,4X ( ) ; rent $100 per month. A first-class restaurant doing a nice business ; price $400 ; rent all boarded out by owners of building. A fine grocery business with an established cash trade ; will Invoice from 85.000 to $7,000. Nice Ice cream parlor. Co-operative Land & Lot Co. , 203 N. Wth St. 107 29 OR SALE First-class fancy grocery store ; JL1 location bcstln the city , doing a business of tl.rwo to 34,000 per mouth ; ono-thlrd caahi no bad debts ; otock will invoice about 13,000 ; reason for EC Hint ; owner going west ; terms reasonable ; no trade. Address B 70 , RaoolUco. 103 arc T71OR SALE Saloon fixtures and bnslness in JL' Crawford , Neb. : the best saloon town In the state ; place now clearing SoW per month , with a certainty of better business. Good reasons for selling. Price J3.600 , pare cash. W. Btransky. Chadrou , Neb. U72-1J FOH BALE ( not trade ) A stock of general mdso. In Sownra Co. , Neb. ; have a good trade established ; good reasons for selling. Address F 1 , llee. 074 aftt A 0 HE AT bargain in Gordon , Neb. , a now roller mill for sale , Xi carrel capacity and rigged to make buckwheat and rye flour , meal and chop feed ; In a good wheat country nnd good market for Hour ; 3 dwellings and barn with it ; price JS.OOO , Parties having prop erty to trade need not apply ; uilllnas llrat- class reputation. F. J. Andreas. 013 alflt T7IOK SALE A well-established small cash X' grocery. Address A. Kellnor , IfUO Bt. Mory'snve. 811 20 * WANTED Partner In restaurant In connec tion with hotel of 40 rooms. Ad. K 21. lleo , (104 ( FOR EXCHANGE. flilUHTV-rooni hotel In a good Nebraska JL town to trade for land , city property or merchandise ; price H,000. Oood gristmill , $3,000 , for city or farm property and a little cash. fc'i.OOO stock of hardware , half cash. bal. farmland. 811,090 Block of merchandise for land or city property and some cash. (5.1)00 ) Block of hardware , Jl.MXJ cash and bal , mud. I'urnlturo and business of a 21-room hotel In city for city property. IfGo-operatlvo Land & Lot Co. . 205 N. iflth fct. ft 'S3t 107 29 T71AHM to exchange t0r te < l store , and also JL1 a farm to oxclmnsej-foB dwelling ; will as sume some encumbrftnj'.o Cri dwelling. Address II. M. . 311U Ginning 8t..J9tnj > Qa. 005 27t THOU EXCIIANOE-Clo * Slots and cash for JL1 good cigar stand. iVnU Jtogors , noneral de livery , Omaha. tf.jjMJ 874 87t TO MXCIIANQE-W 'h'a > B n good residence property fnll un4''VQncumbered , nlculy located in B good busln&sdtawn in eastern Kan sas of 3,000 thoiuana IfifuiHltants , coal In abun dance and a nice country uonnd. We want In exchange a nice clean nOlllntry Block : of goodn located in some good buxliMS * town , or we will exchange good propertyiierq for me same. Call GUQn ? & Co. , Htoele Cliy , 4 room house and a ldMB 4'otter & Cobb's2d addition to tiouth OXnnlim , nearly clear , for land In Platte county ojyrtdplty. Co-oneratlvo Land and Lot Co. Mj NjJ W. at. 107 3il ElVEKY Btablo. stoclntird.fixtures In Omaha , price , to trade for clear laud or city property or merchandise. encumbered would want some cash. Co-op. .Land and Lot Co. 305 N.lBthBt , 10729 WANTED-A parlor billiard table and a piano In exchange for clear lota In one of the beut towns In thu ante , or a good farm , lightly encumbered. W. It , K. & M. K. . room 14 , Chamber ot comtaerM , lisa JTUHI EXCHANUi5 AU ilegauf tract of land JJ containing 120 acres , , in Antelope county. Neb. , with ordinary improvement ! . A quarter-section la " aland county , Dakota , partly Improved. * t Eighty acres near Council Bluffs , la. House and lot onBoutluath < > , . Largo amouii of Oil Jlountaln and Petrollum Jeo. UT6 TJ1OU EXCHANGE A Una farm of 2UO acres lu JJ Polk county , Neb. , 4 miles from Olarks. Neb. , to exchange for cat tin : 80 acres under cultivation , house , barn , wagon scales and good feed lot. Addreiia 0. Odkauip , 2215 W b- eter it. , Omaha , Neb. 035 FOItBAI.I ! TJo you want A choice farm 10 miles northwest ot Omaha ? It so , I har * lust what will suit yon , and can be bought nt (30 per nora below Its actual value. The above named farm contains 876 acres of the 0 nest land in th gtat t nil enclosed with good barb vrlro tenet ; the building * and orchard thereon ar in tlrst-clasa condltinn. Two good welu furnish abundant wat r. The very low r.non ot 110.00 per acre should command a ruady purchaser. Lot me drive you out and show you this farm. ( l.J. BtarnsdorlT , Heal KMBt . tioan and Kx > rhanttf flrokor , Itomm 317 nnd31 . Firt Nat'l Hank llulldlng. TcUphoiie 4M. 313 aO L"RaALblanM. Cham A Edily. 11381Bthtt 270 aJt TTKMl K.XCllANOK-For desirable rosldenco JJ property In Omaha , any or all ot following : 40 cholc * inside residence lots In Hastings. iuo lots in Lincoln. WO acres nne farmlnRland , I kncaster county. Kin * nsldenct property. Lincoln. Oood rental property , Lincoln. Choice family residence corner. I/is Ancelti. A neat residence property in Hanscom Place. Also some good mortgage notes. Addresi , giving location nnd price ot prop erty , J. K. a , care Baura Iron Co. , 121T LoaYen' worth. TO _ _ _ _ UA8l ! and clear lots or land to trade frtrm cF chandlie. Address. F H. HOB. 109 3 rpOWN property in Western Iowa nnd Omaha Jto exchange for stock of uotiernl merchan dise or clothing. Address caU box No. 42 , Wai- nut.Io. _ 915 agt MV ) EXCIJANUE for Omaha property , , one oi JL the best Improved farms in Iowa , only ono mile from town of 0,004 Inhabitants. W. U. R. & M. K. , i room 14 , Chamber qt Commerce. Hi 4nXVityou nny good Inside property to ex- JO-chnngo for clear farm lands , will nsswne some Incumbrauco , Stringer & Penny , Dong. las block. jrB-8 _ _ FOR SALE TIS At ESTATE Tpon 8AIE-A 4-story brick block with high JL' bABoment , desirable for wholesale business , on cor. lot. Ueasonable price , Particulars at Paulson , ft Co. . 1511 t'nrnam St. , Hoom B. 117 8 "tpon SALK or Trmlo The old Farmers house. JL1 Inquire nt promises , cor. 14th and Hnrnoy , mwo lota In Walnut Hill , close to the motor JLand licit Linn depot , $800 buys the two lot * . Stringer & Penny , Douglas blocr. BS9 3 OH 8ALK-23. 44 or ( V ) foot of lot block 7A. nt SOW per foot. This is within a quarto rot n block ot the new P. O. site , and will be worth JI.OOO inside of n year. The OH lot 8 block 101 , cor Douglas and 10th fits. , 44 feet on Douglas aud 0) ) on 10th , price KT ! > ,009 , JW.OOO cash , balance In flro equal annual payments. The soVi U w see 0 , 1 14. r 13 o , Douglas Co. , prlco * 1 2,0X1 , * 1,000 cash , balance easy. Lot 7 block 3V ) . South UtiiRhn , prlco Sl.DOO , terms easy. W. II. E. & M. E. . room 14 , Cham ber of Commerce , telephone 1440. 937 CAUSE real ostnto ngoncy have unequal fa cilities for making quick sales nnd exliaugcs in nil kinds ot property , A trial will convince you. 417 Hhoiiloy blocs. _ 07P 20 * TMHT1ES having equity In Omaha real estate J- with pressing Incnmuranco should call on Sulngor Ac Penny , Douglas block. 9TJ-H ' AHOAIN Flno lot on llroadway nud'2 ' on motor lino. Council lllulTs , t3.400cash. Ilahn. 1832 St. Mary's aronuo. Omaha. ' B50 3D WK can oil erf or sale for the next few days tno following tine properties ; A 3-room house lu Improvement Association add . , with barn and other out door improvements. A lot in Oklahoma , add. ; 1 In Itogors' add. : 1 In Cleveland Place ; 4 lots in Uosalmd Place. W. H. E. & M. Ex. , Itoom 14 , Chamber of Commerce ; telephone 1140. _ a/ ) . SHOiTKS to the front again. , Lnst list nil sold out. f3..000. . J30.000 , $10.000. I14.0TO. 113,000 , 811.500. nnd from this down to a small house for n cent , buys residences In the city for bankers down to the man who cleans the BOW or. WJOO or $7,000 buys either 12 or 0-room houee , barn , lots 78 and 0 < > xl24 feet irround each , on 34th st , Kountze pluce , with furnace , gas and llxturc.s , hot and cold water , bath , three elegant mantels each , all papered , elegant lawns , on grade , street paved , motor by October 1. If not cheap , comu in and I'll give thorn both to you free. 84.WO buys 8-room house , furnace , nnd every thing ven to electric wires for lighting gas ; lot fiOxKO , across street west of Dr. Mercer's ndl block from motor. &MX ) cash , bal. o per cent. gG,000 buys full lot In Hanscom place , ,13d and Popplotou avenue , with 8-room house , furnace and everything else. 8C1.200 buys a Joe Dandy east front lot on 33d and Pacillc street , Iliinscom place. 3H.500 and $7.000 residences In Kountze place to trade for smaller houses and lot near tnero. $4,000. full lot and good house in Hillside ndd. opp. Webster street school to trade for vacant lot. . { 1,200 bays either 4-room house , full lot. In Central park or Hitchcock's add. , and tl.OOO same In urelghton helghtsadd. ? i',7M ) buys line lot on Fdraam and 42d sts. to , 750 buys 03x153 ft. on Cass st. opp. Cass school. K.WO buys either ot two 5-room houses In lleddlck pure. $ ( ,000 buys a flno 7-room cottage on IKth aud Paul sts. , with bath , hot and cold water , slag walk , and a corker for the money. Trades. 3 choice lots ualuo In cash KWM , in Lincoln , Nob. , for good house and lot and pay balance incanh. Submit oilers. Also ll'fl acres choice land In Nuckolls co. Neb , , and good hard cash for choice city lots. Submit. If you don't want to buy send list of what you have to sell. Wo are here for that purpnso and there are lots of them that will buy. There is Just ns good bargains to-i'ny as ono wants. Drop your "crnnlcy" ideas nnd get to business. For pointers , see Snolos , 210 First Nat'l bank. T71OK SALE Parties wlsning to build homes JL In a llrst class resldonco portion of the city. within one inlle of the postolllce , within a few blocks ot the cable line with all the advantages of gas , city water , sewerugo nnd continuous pavement from center of city , will llnd it to their advantage to get price and terms from us before pnrcnnslng elsewhere. A number of tine lots In Hedford place from IflOO to tU. Those lots are within a tow block * of the new furniture factory now being built , and will soon have the advantages ot paved street and street railway. Do not inls * an op portunity of securing a lot for a home before prices advance In this locality. Lots lu Isaac A Selden's addition from ll/.OO to H.OUO. These lota are each 116x124 feet largo enough for three good sized cottages. Afow oait front lots In blocks land 2 , Pot ter's addition , ranging In prlco from $1,350 to 5 1. 800 * Wo hnvo some property within six mllas of Omaha , with flue stream of water , furnished by largo springs , which is suitable for dairy purposes , nnd we can sell from D to 100 acres together , on very easy terms , or some of It can bo exchanged for other good proporty. South front lot on Hamilton St. , near 80th St. , prlco J1.3.V ) . East front lot on Georgia avonuo.ln Durr Oak addition , price $ 'J5o. East front lot on Georgia avenue , between PoppletonnndWoolworth avenues , prlco , $4 , 000. One of the best lots in Patrick's addition , within 1 block of Saundera st. , price $2.500. One of the llncst corner lnt on Hroadxrny , in Council UliiIlH , opposite the carriage factory nnd power house , with BO feet frontage on llroadway by 178 on 28th St. , only * l,00o. Lota In Potter & Cobbs' addition. Council Bluffs , from $300 to SKH ) . Terms very easy. 13H5 _ Potter & Cobb. 1B01 Farnam st. O.ME and see us nnd nvestlgnto aomeof thn bargains we have to otfer. We are continu ally luting new properties , and "if you don't see what you want , ask for It , " For aao ! lot 12. mock 10 , Btulrs second addi tion at a bargain. An elevator property with large dwelling house , at a bargain , Elevator complete , witn horvo-power , scales , ofllco furnlstiod , etc. A line opening for a practical grain dealer. Houses and lots In all parts of Omaha for sate and exchange. For exchange , for Omaha property.1,000 acres of school land lease , in one of the best counties in the state. A lln residence property In Omaha View for sale at a bargain. From fI5uoo to $100,000 worth of llrst-class notes to exchange for Omaha proporty. For sale , at a bargain , hotel and livery barn , In a good Noorasku town. This 1 a line open ing for a practical hotel man. For oxchnngo for Omaha property ono of the best f anna In Hock county , Nebraska , together with stock and machinery necessary to carry on the place. Old agn and failing health of the owner is reason'tor selling. A line Wheeler county farm , well developed , good soil , forexchantro for Omaha property. ; 'Hl acroa of Him laud In northwestern Iowa to exchange for Omaha property. We liava unsurpassed facilities for disposing of property , having some 500 agents scattered over four or tire states. List your property with us if you wish a quick turn. W. K. E. & M. E. . room 14 Chamber of Commerce , tele phone U 40. 101 _ _ _ _ ONE of the two house nnd lot bargains \ have been offering on OeorgU avo. north of Leavanvrortu , Is now sold and occupied , because - cause of my very low price. Tim south house of the two still remain * a bargain open to Bombody. First comes , llrst served. To be ap preciated It needs to bo examined internally. 1 positively will not rent It , though several times offered iW > per month , i'nce. on very easy terms , $ ' ) , OJO. W. T. Seaman , east side 16th st. , north ot Nicholas st. Omaha's largest variety of wagons andcarrj " ges. _ _ 018 t ) acres near South "Omaha , would make a line addition of 10 lots , price at bod-rock $1,000. Caere } near Honmouth Park addition to Oma ha , llrst class nroperly for platting , price 17,000 , Co-operative Land and Lot Co,2U5 N , 16th st. t _ \ _ 10(13 ( E haven choice lov for sate to party who will build ; we will Wve time in the whole of purctmso money. Sttlngerte Pouny. Douglas - las block. 973-8 ' _ _ NLiT t3M for n 00-foot lot fronting on Pop. pleton nvenuo near corner of 29th t. . within - in the mile limit ; altered at this price but a few days ; If you prefer to go out ' - ' , { miles and pay more money for a lot In Kountze Place you are at liberty to do so , Apply to C , A. Htarr. 1305 Faniainst. 8t3 5o _ TflOH 8ALK-Hy the owner and at a bargain , JL : Corner 00x128 ft. , near llelt line station , Splendid lte for residence or tenement bouses , Will be glad to how this property. , . tell. U5N , th at. 11 GO. WAT/LACR. 81MU , J. J Brown build. * Incr , Idth aim iVmRlai , Lotn , block 2 , Dollono's add , , CO ft , fiont on State st. . easy terms , 11,000. Lot 7. block 1 , Dontso's add. , easy terms , $2,750. Ix > t is , block 4 , Thornburg , special urmi , Lot4 , block "A , " Hod ford , east front on Stnto st. , iay ) . Lot 4 , block IN Hodtord Place , on State St. , i/ot'lS , block 0 , W. cumtnct , easy terms , 11,000 , Ixjt 4 , block 21 , Carthage , beautiful east front , W'21 , block 4. Hawthorne. ll.COO. Ixit33. block 9 , Orchard Hill , corner and east front on Iiowo avo. , very cheap , $ i < 0) . South front on 1'arnam , In Ilrlggs' Place , cheapest lot in thfl market , term * easy , $ I,3JO , Ileautltul east front In Plalnrlow , $1.150. Monmouth Pnrk lots , or houses nnd lots , on vary easy terms and at reasonable prices. This addition has the llnost situation ot any about Omaha , with Brand views , good neighborhood , easy ot access. Get plats and ternn. 0. O. WMlnco , llrown block , 10th A Douglas. TTIOH SALE In Wnlmu Hill Hero Is arhanco J ? to Rot n homo ono block from car HUP , cheaper than pnyinv rent ; high anil slithtly ; E-room bouse aud lot noxlM ) , tl.tuo.ou. ( l-room house and lotGOxlSO , ( lU.V.ra. ) Can bo sold on small payments for on week only. W. H. Uatos , 8. W. cor. Kth nnd DouRlns. 171011 SAFiK Hcantlftil 8-romn hAuso , all mod. JL. crnlmiirovoinents , IncludliiR splendid fur nace , near Hnnscom parfc , best location In the city forschooLchurch and street cnrprtvllcgoai prlco000. . C. F. Harrison , Merchants National bonk. KH _ _ T710USALK Oroxchnnpp , for stock of mer- JLA clmndlsp , real ostat * In n thriving western town , payings per cent on the Investment. Ad * dress , Box 7 , Crawford , Neb , o 11032 TTUMl SALE In Walnut Illll-A nice new 9- JL1 room house , tlnlshod In oil nud la flrst-class style ; lot south front , newly sodded , 50x150. Cabin line will DO within ono block in 80 days. Price t3UGO. on easy termst will take n good lot a * part payment. W. II , Date * , B. W. corner 15th and Douglas. 89229' _ FOK SALE Easy terms , Kountzo placo. Two homes , each 8-rootns. ach H Two homes , each 9-rooms , each ( VOOO. Two homes , each 15-rooms , each ltOJX ( All with modern convenience. All laru * valus nttha price. All within a square of thu motor lln . Don't lose these opportunities. Per * al by the own er. W. T. Seaman , East side 16th t. . north of Nicholas st. , Omaha' * largest variety of wagons and car riage * . 017. AUOAIN-Partot the Dl'ik Ktmbatl estate. 00 feet on 18th street running through to 17th ave. One 13-room house , all modern conven iences , and two ( l-room housas. Total rental $ l.r > 6) per year ; prlco 113.00) . M. A. Upton Company , intn and Farnam. _ 037 T71OH SALE I/its In Stewart Place on Lowe JL BVO , ; Metropolitan Cable passes property. 0-room house nnd barn , llanscom Place. 3 houses and Iqls on Ca < * St. , on easy terras , Harris , room 411 , 1st Nat. Hank. _ 804 TTIOK SALE Uoantlful now cottage , fine locn- - AHon. . , very easy tenns ; a bargain. J. U. Kvans. lloom 003. N. Y. Lite bldg. 907 30 t HEHE wo come with the very llnest resl- donce properties lu Omaha to sell ot ex change for lots or land. We said the Onost. Do you doubt it ? Then como nnd let us show thorn to you. If you wish to buy you can uo so on your own terms. Do not neglect this opportunity for never In the annals of real es- tnto transactions in Omaha has a like opportu nity been offered. W. H. K. & M B. , room 14 , " Chamber of Commerce , Tel. 1410. 733 _ CpOItSALE On longtime andoasy payment * , J- handsome , now , wall built houses of 8 , 9 and 10 rooms. All convenlonces.good neighborhood : paved streets ; street cars and Within walking distance of P. O. Nathan Bnelton , 1614 Farnam 133 . _ $29.000 44 feet front In heart of Omaha , 10th nt , , modern 3-story building , brings 10 per cent now , at low rents ; must have (17,000 cash , balance 0 per cent ; great offer ; nddresBE.TJ.llee. 731-nlO * _ fl4,500 Actual value Insldo business and resl- 'Pdcnco : the seventeen lots at Imlf price to first party comes. Why ? For reason am in need ot 13,5uO cash. Great chance. Address E 31 , Hoc. 710-aiat _ FOH BALE Huslnoss corner. NO.OOO. C. F. Harrison. Merchants National Hank. 155 BUY a homo lD * the center of the city , on monthly payments. 1 will sell you a lot in Alillno square , millttn house of any kind , worth from $12jO upwards , and you can pay for It monthly , quarterly or yearly. Aldlne square is on Grace street , between 23d and Zd ! streets ; it has all the advantages such a.s paved streets , sewerage , water , gas , and is o first-class local ity. Call at 1B01 Farnam street and see plans of buildings and got figures. D. J. O'DoUnhoe. _ KU T"OUNT2B PLACE 9-room house. Dam nnd AVovory convenience , for (7,000 , easy terms. Address for particulars. E S3. llee. BOH _ TIO MANUFACTURERS : I will give ample ground , with splendid trackage facilities on the Fremont , Klkhorn & Missouri Valley railroad or on the Missouri PaclUo ( Holt Line ) railway In Westlawu , just outside the city limits in West Omaha , conveniently situated as regards access to the business center of Omaha and South Omaha , to parties for the location of nny of the following industries : Furniture Factory , Hutton Factory , Shoe Factory , Lard iteflnery , Starch It Glucose W'ks , Soap Works , Paper Mill , Purifier Manufactory , Plow Works , Ilroom Fuctory , Harvester Works , Woolen Mill. Null Work * . Oatmeal Mill. Knitting Mills , Hax Manufactory , Baali , Door and Blind Wire Works , Manufactory. Machine shops. Flour and Feed Mill. Or any good manufacturing plant , Wostlawn is just outside the city limits and Industries planted there will escape heavy city taxes. If you are thinking of locating In Omaha it will pay vou to Invustlgatn this , Oeo. N. nicks. Now Yore Life building , Omaha. 798 _ 8ALE-M3.73 acre. BCD. 6 , tp. 12. r. 6w. , Hamilton county. Nob. House , stable. 300 acre * fenced , living water. Price. M.OUO. F , K. Atulns. owner , railroad nldg. Denver , Col. 910 ITIOH SALE-80 feet , east front near paved J street with new 0-room modern houser,000. C. F. Harrison. Merchants Nat'l bank. 889 TTIOH SALE Two of tbo Destlocated trackage J- lots , ou the northwest corner of 21st and Izard Htroots , slzo 120x133 feet. For price and terms inquire of the owner , Ed waru Speller- berg , 1013 North 21st street 637-al4t _ rpHE best money a worth of house ana lot now X for sale In Omaha is that which I nm now completing near 24ta st. on paved Wlrt st. In Kountzo Place. H bedrooms , 2 parlors , dining room , kitchen , 2 bath rooms , 3 water do Beta , larce laundry , stationary wash tubs , furnace. nnd coal room and collar , electric bells and speaking tube , 12 closots. Price only $7flOo on terms to suit. Likewise a dupllcat * adjoining at same price. W. T. Sonraan , east sld Wth st. north of Nicholas st. Omaiias largest variety of was no nnd carriages. _ % )1 ) TflOU SALE The ( most residence In Orchard - * - Hill can be bought nt actual coil ; owner leaving town : house has 10 rooms with bath room and every modern convenience , lot fiUxlDO all Moclded : large barn and nice shade trees ; In fact a perfect home : call and let us show you this. Arnold & Co. , Itoom ! > 27 Paxton block. [ 775 f _ _ NO. ! . ' . L.A.No.SOU. PHOP08AL8 FOIl AHHY Supplies onice of Purchasing nnd Depot Commissary of SubsUteuce , u. B. Array. Omaha , Nob. , July 24 , 1883. Sealed pro posals In triplicate , subject to the usual condi tions , will be received nt this olllce until 13 o'clock m. . central standard tlmo , on Suturda y. tholOth day ot August. IrtW. tit which tlmo and place they will be opened in the presence of bidders for tbo furnishing and delivery ut Omaha. Nob. , the following army supplies , viz : Flour , family. Preference given to articles of domestic production or manufacture , condi tions of quality and price ( Including In the prlco of foreign productions or manufactures the duty thereon ) being equal. The right Is reserved to reject any or air bids. Jllank proposals and upecltlcatlons showing In detail the articles and qimntltluN required , nnd giving full Information as to conditions of contract , will be fiirnlHhnd on application to this olllce. J , W. 11AHHK1HU , MaJ. and 0. B. . U. 8. A. Jy35dlt Notion. Mutter of application of D. W. C. Smith for permit to nail liquor as n DrugulBt , Notice is hereby gtvuii thut D. W. O , Hmlth did uoon the 20th day of July A. D. 18H9 , tllo his application to the Hoard ( if Flro nnd Police Cnmmlssloiiors of Omiilm , for per mit to sell Malt. Bplrltuoiis and Vinous Liquors an a Druggist , for medicinal , mechanic-til ami chemical purposes only , Ht s. w. Cor , of Spring and Vlnton BtroetH. 2nd Ward , Omaha , Neb raska , from the 1st day of January IBS'J to the iMt da yJauuary MM. If there bo no objection , remon strunco or pro test tiled within two weeks -from July J3 A. D. 1K U. the said permit will b ° granted. , 30-37 D. W. C. SMITH. Applicant. Notion to Sealed proposals will be received at the onice ot county clerk , Douglas county , until 2 p.m. , Saturday , August 17. 1889. for the running of grader No. 3. Separate bids must bo maae for hill and turnpike work , and all bids must bo accompanied by certified check for $30 , Plain and specification * to be seen at the of- Oco of county clerk. M. D. ItOCHK. Notice tit Sealed proposals will be received at the oillco of county clerk of Douglas county. Nnbraslca , until 2 p. tn. Satui day , August : i , IH. + J , to furnish drugs for Douglua county for thu balance of thu year 1W . List of drugs required to be found on tile In olllce of county clork. A cortllled check for f 100 must accompany each bid. The county reserves toe right to reject any or ell bids. Hy order of county commissioners , W. 1) . ItOOIIE. jy23dUtm& County Clerk , ESTABLISHED 1851 I IOO8O. "hlcago , Illoi I ClnrkSt , Tbo Regular Old-Ejlablljh ( PHYSICIAN AND SURGEOH It itlll treating with thtGrMtnt 'SKILL ' and SOCCESS Chronic , Neryons anfl Private Diseases. ' Air NERVOUS DKD1L1TY , Lett Manhood , falling Memory. Exhausting Draloi , Ttrrlbl * Dr m , Head and Dack Acha and all ihe fleet ! kadlnq to t tly dtcuy anil [ xitupi Coniumptlon of Inianlty , tnatcd icientlfieally by new tmtlhodi with ncTtr-bRins OIICCMI , Xf M bad niood and Okln Oil * aoaca permanently cured. * * -KIDNEYand URINARYcompUlati.Olaet , Oonorrhota , Strlctu re , VarlcoceU and all dbcattt ef tha Otnlto-Urlnnry Organ * cured promptly without Injury la Stomach , KMntyi cr oAer Omii' . 7 * NoeirperlmenU. Aft andciiperlencelra < portant. Coniultatlon free and encred , * BStnd 4 c nu potUik-t for Celtbrated Wotba on Chronic , Nervoua and Delicate Dlteiui. SJ-Thcx * contemnUtlnf Mairlate tend for Dr. CUrka'i uUbraud guide Male and Female , each U ccnu , both > ( ctnti ( lumto ) . Co ult lha old Doctor. A friendly letter or oil ma jr tave future suffer. ln and lhame , and add foWtn ytm to lift. OS Ik oW "t.irt'aS ( CTelKrroti5ocenuttamp ) ( < ) . Medlcln * nnd vrtltlngt lent crery hrr < , iccura from expoturt. Houii,8to8. Sundayay o n , Addrau P. D. CLARKE , M. D. . , MQ.eo * Mork Sfca ( DMIOAQOk MA THE RAILWAy TIME TABLES. OMAHA. SUBUHDAN WentwArd. between Council niuffii and AU bright. In addition to the atulons inonilored , trains stop at Twentieth and Twonty-foutUi Btreets , and at the dummlt in Omann. mnstwnra. OOUNOlIj CHICAGO , HOCK ISLAND It PACIMO. J > ouvol Arrlvo , II No. 2. , GjiXlpm I ) No. l..U15am ; 0 No. 6 0:50 : urn 0 . . - . 6 6:15 pm A No. 4 lOilHamlA No. 3 , , . , . 0:3ipni : A No. 14 UM.I'HilA " No. 13 7:10 : Ulll CHICAGO .V ; NOHTinVUSTEIlN , No. fl 0:10 : nm No. 7 9:27 : aui No.8 ; ir : > pmNo.i ; . . . ; . . . . . . .7:15 : nm No.4 uilii pmNo.6 0-15 pm All Trains Dally. CHICAGO , M1LWAUKKB Ic BT. PAUL. A No. 2 OMOamlA No. 1 7:00 am A No. 4 9IOpmA : | No. U 6:15 : pin KANSAS CUT , UT , JOHIU'll U COUNCIL HLUl'Fa. A No. 2 10:07ara : | A No. 3 6:2.1 : am A No. 4 945pral ; A No. 1 6lUptu | HIOUX ClTiT b PACIFIC. A No. 10 , , , 7'V5nmA | No. U 8M am A No. 12 7HpmA ( ) | No.ll 9Wpm ; OMAHA & ST. LOUJB. A No. 8 4:31pmA | No. 7 12:00 m A daily : H dalyl except Saturday ; 0 except Sunday ; 1) except Monday ; fast mall , Notion to ( ; < inirtiuturH , The Kant Omaha Land Co. will receive bids for grading alrouts tn tno amount ot 7&.UJD yarui ) , and curbing and paving directs to tha amouut ff20.0iiuar ) ) [ yaris , with stone , either granite or other klnn. 1'lanH. pecincatloij . etc. , may be HCHII any tlmo at the olllce of Potter & Colib. ic < i | ruriiuui at. All olds must bo In by U o'clock. lho2th ; ttidt. The ( vompany rcsirro the rli-ht to reject any nr nil or them. AilTJiUU JJ. POl'fCll. Jy"iiJ"t n\6