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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1889)
HBRE5H5BC 6 TEE OMAHA. DAILY BEE : MONDAY , JTJkY 29 , 1889. THE DAILY BEE. COUNOlITBLUFFS. OFl'lCB. NO 12 I'EAIUi STUEKT. rtHveredbr corrlcr In Any Part of hoCItyix Twenty Cents Per Week. H. W. TIIVTON. . . MANAdEU. TELEPHONESt HDBINXPR Orricit No. . Nionr I'.iiiTon , No. 23. MINOlt MI8NT10N. . N. Y. P. Co. Gleason conl. C. R Mualo Co. , 533 IV way. Itcltcr , tailor , 310 Hrondway. Evans' laundry , 724 liroadwny. D.V. . Oils , city nnd fnrtn loans. . Hundreds of people yesterday \voro en gaged In gathering cat-tails nt the foot of Broadway. AUclltlonnl petitions for Injunctions have been naked ngalust J. II. McAdams nnd Her- mnn Horginnn , No. 715 West Hrottdwny , nnd J. C. Hong , lot 7 , block 17 , Grimes' addition. It In probable that ubot. ten more dogs will boyclplnc In the happy hunting grounds before - fore sundown to-day. They will go via the hogshead of water In the rear of the county j nil.J. . J. M. Scanlan , who was to have partici pated In the beef-killing contest at the butch ers' picnic lit Waterloo , yesterday , failed to catch the train , and hla son took his place In tbo match. Snmo of the residents of Bcnton street nro bccoinlup Impatient to have ttio thoroughfare paved. It Is probable the council will bo pe titioned to order tbo paving laid next spring If It cannot bo dona tins fall. While gathering cat-tails near the brldgo along the clcctrio motor line yesterday so mo children found two pairs of now shoe ? , two pairs of socks nnd a couple of pairs of Indies' slippers and stockings , nil now but water- soaked. E. Pcnnoll died at St. Bernard's ' hospital Saturday afternoon , of typhoid lover , nt the ngo of tlurty-nlno years. The deceased leaves a wlfo and child in very straightened circumstances , and the county will bo com pelled to bear tllo expense of burial. Dr. D. J. Ilittchlnson was presented with a handsome gold-headed cano Saturday , on the occasion of his seventy-seventh birth day , by his children nnd grandchildren , who gathered In n family reunion to celebrate the ovont. It was a most nnjoyablo occasion. An adjourned meeting of the stockholders of the Omaha nnd Council Bluffs Chautnu- qua assembly will bo held m the board of trade rooms , Council Blurts , In. , Monday , July 29 , at 7:30 : p. in. This will bo an impor tant meeting , before which there will bo now plans and devices brought out. J. M. Ours- lor Is secretary. The funeral of Lucille , Infant daughter of Mr. aad Mrs. G. ( I. Ucunot , took place at 8 o'clock yesterday afternoon from the family residence , corner of Washington avenue and Seventh street. A largo number of friends attended the services. The remains wcro forwarded last evening to Coldwator , Mich. , for interment. The proposed regatta for Lake Manawa Is beginning to assume doQnito shape , and it is a settled fact that it wlll'tnko place the intter part of next month. Haniin , Teenier , Gan- daur , Hosmcr and , possibly , Hanlon and Peterson , have agreed to come , and a deposit has already been made , binding them to bo here. The time is sot for the fouith Sunday in August , the 25th. There will bo one , and possibly , two days' racing. Since the opening of Dr. Mercer's ' electric motor line In Omaha many Council Uluffs teoplo have taken the wrong trains and been carried out to Walnut Hill instead of across the river. All the cars arb exactly alike , and the Mercer motors run around the loop , and a mistake is quite a natural occurrence. That's the reason Charlie Hcno and several other Bluff's boys wcro detained an hour longer in Omaha on Sunday evening than they intended. If you don't want to go to Walnut Hill it Is a snfaplan to ascertain to a certainty that you nro not aboard a Mercer motor car. Ono barber shop was open all dav yester day , and It is probable that it will remain open every Sunday despite the Sunday clos ing order and the determination of the other barbcrs'to enforce it. , The proprietor Is un Adventlst and keeps Saturday as his Sab bath instead of Sunday. Ho closes his shop at sundown on Friday evenings and opens up nt sunset Saturday night. This gives him the benefit of the Saturday night rush and the big Sunday trade. In this country a man can worship according to the dictates of his own conscience , and if ho chosos to do his worshipping on Saturday and his work on Sunday there is no law to invoke to compel him to desist : Dexter , employment. A lot on Stutsman stroct for $300 , 40x100. A. A. Clam & Co. Kelley & Younkerraan sell groceries Chase and Sanbora coffees a spoclaly. E. H. Shcafo & Co. give special attention to the collection of rents and care of prop erty in the city and vicinity. Charges tnod- erato. OOlco Broadway and Main streets , up stairs. City Bfoam laundry , 34 Main , tol. 141. Personal Miss Jennie M. Richardson is visiting friends in Sioux City. Miss Nolllo Hayes Is visiting Denver friends , and will bo absent a couple of months , Eddlo Holashelmor , son of D. Holnsholm- er , of Glonwood , Is visiting Willie Klsoman , of this city. Messrs. Lon Winter and Will Wlthrow of Now Brighton , Pa. , nro visiting W. Li. Bedl- son and family. Mrs. Horace Everett loft yesterday for Western Springs , a sanitarium about four miles from Chicago. J. T. Stoaduian and wife loft last ovcnln K for Manltou , Col. , wheru they go for the Doncflt of his health. C. E. Wilkms , janitor of the court house , has returned homo from Michigan , where ho was called to attend the funeral of his mother. Joseph Kyle , of St. Paul , has arrived In the city to tnko charge of the culinary de partment of the Option. Ho is said to bo one of the llucst cooks In the state. Rev. Henry DeForrost , D.D. , president of Talladcga colloeo , is tlio guest ot W. W. Wallace nnd family during his stay In ttio city. Ho was formerly pastor of the Congre gational church in this city. E. R. Fonda lias returned from a two weeks' visit with Milwaukee friends. While there ho mot C. S. Clark , a former newspa per man of this city , who Is now connected with the Wisconsin Evening Journal. MJB. E. H. Ho wo and daughter , Miss Jen nie. left last evening for n tour in the south and east , stopping at Macon , Mo. , and Cleveland - land , O. , to visit friends , and going as fur east us Vermont before their return. Misses Aiinio. Joale , Minnie- and Maggie Hanson , Ella MoIntoHh , Lena Chanson , Car- , t rlo Goff and Jounio and LottiePllo lonvo to day for Sioux City , where they will visit for two weeks with Mrs. Bollngor and daugh ters at Rlvcrsldo park. Mrs. O , H. Simmons , nee Bortlm Mueller , who Is making her farawoll visit to her father and grand parents , leaves next Mon day for San Francisco , where uho will Join her husband , and sail for IlougKonp , China , on tin ) 2id ! of August. Ho has been appointed coubul thoro. Mr. Simon Etscman. of Henry Elsoman & Co. , of the People's store , left last evening for Now York mid Boston , to purchase the fall and winter stock for their mammoth now establishment , which they expect to occupy about the 20th of next month. The stock to bo purchased will bo the largest ovoi brought to wistorn Iowa by any single tlrm 6f dry goods und clothing dealer * . Money loaned at L. 1) , C'ruft'a & Co.'e loan olllco on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal property of all kinds , ami all other articles of value , without removal. All business strictly confi dential. Boo us for loans on city property. Money CD band , A. A , Clark & Co , Btoara and hot water heatlnjr , first-class plumbing. Work done In both cities. John Gilbert , 518 Pearl street , Council Bluffs. For * ale Quo Gar-Scott ten-horse portable cnglnoj in good repair , Apply to Weir-Shu- gurt Co. THE MIDSUMMER SERVICES , Points of Interest In the Pitf pits of the Bluffs. THE TESTS OF BURSTING HOSE. Nooln nnd BIunites nt the Bat TUo Motor Trains General and I'crsonnl Items About the City. Midsummer In the Churches. Yesterday was in many respects one of the plonsantost da.vs of the summor. The hazy atmosphere obscured the sun , and there was just enough of n suggestion of rain to Insure a delightful coolness , and enough ot general uncertainty to glvo n piquancy to things , but not too much to create n doubt that an ordinary sun umbrella would afford all the protection necessary from the clouds. The conscqttcnco was that the attendance nt the churches was larger than It has been nt any time during the heated term. Some of the churches were clnsod yester day on account of the vacation of the pas tors , but , notwithstanding this , there were eighteen places of worship in the city open alike to saints and sinners. The growth of the religious soolcttos keeps pace with the growth of the city , and whiles the announce ment is m.ido almost ovary month that a now church has been completed , started or contemplated , tbo proportion of churches to the population Is perhaps no greater than it was n few years ago , when there were a dozen less places of worship than there nro now. Thus , while it can bo said that Coun cil Bluffs hai moro churches than any other city in the state , it can not bo called a city of churches. The many places where people of nil religious beliefs meet and worship in their way arc only another evidence of the rapid and full growth-ill all directions of the city itself. Tlio morning hour In the Congregational church was doyotod to the church nnd mis sionary work in the south of the Rov. Dr. DeForest , formerly pastor of the church hero , but now president of the Tallcdaga , Fin. , college. Ho gnva n very interesting account of his educational and church work among a people where the uneducated and lower classes constitute stitute- majority of the population. Ho gave tlaUcriug accounts of the progress , the cnllgutmont Christianity has made in the south , and his statements wore a strong as surance of the great future of that section. A large and intelligent audience listened to the discourse. The usual services wore hold in the First Baptist church during the morn ing hour , conducted by the pastor , Rov. Dr. Cooloy. At 4 o'clock in the afternoon the devotional services of the Young Men's Christian association were held In the church , led by the state secretary of the association , W. A. Magoe. The attendance was quite largo. There was the usual attendance In the First PresDyterlan church. Rev. J. W. Cathcart , recently of London , Canaan , but now of Emerson , la. , occupied the pulpit. At 4 o'clock in the afternoon the same gen tleman preached an interesting and instruc tive sermon at the Second Presbyterian church on Harmony street on the subject , "Tho Grandest View of Life. " The attend ance at this now and strong church was larger oven than usual. In the Broadway Methodist church the regular services gave way to the observance ot "Old Peoples ; D.iy , " and all the old patriarchs of "tho church and from many other denominations were present. The services began at 9:30 with a love feast , and continued with intermissions until 13. The services in all the other churches were well attended. In the majority of the places of worship the evening services wore omitted , but otherwise the Sabbath worship in Council Bluffs has not been interrupted by the midsummer heat. Desirable house for rout , A. 'A. Clark < & Co. fotico the beautiful finish given col lars , cuffs and shirts by Cascade Laun dry company. J. II. Smith , drugs , medicines , paints , oils , glass. COO Main , near John Morgan's. During the hot weather many housekeep ers complain that "DO one seems to care to eat moat , none of it tastes real good. " This complaint is not made by those who have bought toothsome juicy meats from "Our Market , " corner of Story and Main streets. M. Welker knows how to select and dross moat. Cook corned beef is a specialty. Dwelling for sale on easy payments. Also building lots at lowest market prices. Call and examine our list. E. H. Shcafo & Co. Base Imitations. Certain parties , without brains enough to originate an idea and without energy enough to work up a trade on their own brands , are advertising themselves as solo agents for the celebrated Santo Rosa cigars , which we In troduced ton years ago , and which now en joy the reputation of being the best ana most widely known ot any 10 cent cigar sold in the entire west. Wo therefore doiiro to in form the trade that wo always have been nnd are still sole owners and proprietors of this braud of cigars , and wish to caution the trade that all brands of Santo Rosas not made in factory No. 121 , llrst district. Pa. , nro base Imitations of the well known Santo Rosa. See that the label has printed thereon the words P. & M.'s Santo Rosa Cuban Mado. All others are Imitations and are of inferior quality. PtBi.aoy & MOOIIE , July 20 , 188U. Council Bluffs , la. Hose. "I see you nro making Inquiry regarding the bursting of flro hosoby the water pres sure , " remarked Chief Engineer Birklnblno , of the water works company , to THE BBS. "I boliuvo that the theory of the shut off noz zles is the correct one , ana that the whole difllculty lies right there. Just stop over hoio to my ofllco and ( will show you what makes 11(0 think so. " The scrlbo accompanied him , and wa ? soon placed In front of u handsome nlckol plated water gunge , registering a pressure of eighty-five pounds to the square Inch , which varied from thirty to 125 pounds as the elevator wont up nnd down. "Now , you see , " remarked Mr. Bfrklnblno , "tho elevator in being run as It should bo , nnd stopped gradually to prevent its Jump ing , yet tliti guago indicates itu Increase of pressure of thirty pounds to the square Inch , oven under these circumstances. Now watch closely when the elevator is suddenly stop ped. " The elevator boy was directed to run up to the second floor nnd stop quickly. When the elevator started the escape of water lessoned the pressure , and the guago indicator dropped gradually back ward , until the elevator was sud denly stopped , when the Indicator Hew around in the opposite direction to 203 pounds , snapping the guuge , so that the In dicator failed thereafter to charge as the pressure Increased or diminished. " "Wall , that was a rather expensive ex pcrluicnt , " ejaculated the demonstrator , as ho examined the broken apparatus , "but bore is one thai they can't break , " and ho brought out a little testing gauge that would stand a pressure of MXJ pounds. It was quickly put in place of the other and the test repeated , When the elevator stopped , the gauge reg istered the pressure at 230 pounds , after whioh tbo indicator trembled and vibrated from sldo to side from the varying pressure of the water surging In the pipes. "That shows you justbow the shut off noz zles ant , and you cau imagine the strain that is put on the hoso. There Is only eighty- live pounds steady pressure on now , but with a lire pressure of 120 pounds , think what the result would beef of suddenly checking , the stream. That registered. 20 pounds pressure , which would of itself bo pretty tough on flrelioao , but It 1s not a steady pressure. It comes as a blow , a sudden ihock. which makes an In finitely harder stram , Notice ttio difference In the effect of such a strain on a train of cart. Let the engine exert a steady prcsnuro against the train , and then try the effect of tbo sauio power in a uddon bump. While the first resulted harmlessly , the other would make the splinters lly in all direc tions. I see Alderman Wuteruiin complains of the hose tower , as landing to break the hose , nnd It U quite prosslblo that his theory is correct ns to why the hose bursts near the coupling. It Is certain that It roust break at the weakest placo. and hanging the hose from that part would tend to weaken it , I hardly think , however , that as many sec tions would have boon broken If it had not boon for the shut oft nozzles. They nro all right if properly worked , but they must bo handled by careful and experienced men. They must bo worked like the olavator nnd closed gradually. In that way they will give satisfaction. " To Brickmakora : Wo would llko to show you n choice brickyard slto near Broadway In Council Bluffs. Prlco and terms reasona ble. Swim & Walker , No. 4 Pourl St. Baths at Manawa Beach , near hotel. Pri vate bathing rooms for ladles and children. Fine Jewelry , watches nnd diamonds ; cleaning nud repairing at E. Burhorn , Solilcnborg's Go Figaro at the Fountain. o J. G. Tlpton , real ostoto , 627 B'dway. No Explosions \Vhon persons keep cool and use our "Sun Dial" pas stoves. Four holes , ronstor ami bakeovon. Costs 7 cents nor hour when running full blast. Now York Plumbing Co. The Odolls-Ncola Gamo. A largo crowd witnessed the Nooln team defeat the Odolls yesterday afternoon. The Bluffs team made eleven hits apd the vis itors but ono , but both teams played a strong game In the field. Costly errors are largely responsible for the defeat of the homo team. The score was 5 to 2. Have our wagon call for your soiled clothes. Cascade Laundry Co. S. B , Wailsworth & Co. loan monoy. Btcccst oil Earth. The largest order over plvon for ol- pars was for 600,000,000 Santa Rosas , manufactured'by Froil Ilaalc , of Daven port , la. "Look out for the plratos. They will call on you for an order for Santa Rosa cigars. J. R. SNYDKK , Council Bluffs , la. Desirable dwellings for rent at mouorato prices. E. H. Shcafo & Co. . rental agents , Broadway and Main streets , up stairs. Finest bathing in the world nt Manhattan beach , Lake Manawa. Motor runs every half hour uatll midnight every evening. Wanted , lots near motor. A. A. Clark & Co. Have your old furniture upholstered , good as new. R. Morgan , 733 Broadway , Travel By Motor. Notwithstanding the rather threatening weather ycstorday , there was considerable travel over the olectno motor line , nnd a large number of visitors wont to the lake. The parks were far from being deserted , al though the crowds of preceding Sundays were wanting. The programme nt the lake was rather slim , bat the same old attractions were presented at the bathing boaohos , and the patronage was very good. The coolness of the day kept a nutnbar at home , ns it was possible to Und comforD without making a prolonged and vigorous search. THOn nKNT-l,2or3 nicely furnished rooms JL1 nt 710 First nVentroj'l Hf i Fpn nxoit ANOltiiSdnio valuables property. In Council IlIiKTs-fpr a welt improved farm In eastern Nebrftikifi Jjm mutt ba clear , or nearly so. Jotmson & ' ' Patten , Kvorott mock. , c PABTUUAOE-Klcs.t-clft < s nplnnrt pixstu tnge tor about 100 lien < l more of stock ; li miles north of city , on lline kiln road ! nionty pure water , shade ana SM I rtnod nmn In qhnrifa of stock. L. P. .Itidson , ra Sixth ave. , Council IHuiTs , telephone 1M ; or W , W. SicMnhon , At pasture , r M I7UNR family tcum-for snlo , or trade for * - ' lot. Inquire ma Won Ilromlwny. REAL ItSTATE llought and sold and ox- changed. Special Attention Riven to exam ination or titles , w. 0 , James , No. lo i'carl St. , Council Bluff * . TUANTKD-Kollablomen to solicit stock tn Iowa for the Northwestern Ixinn ana Iliilldlng association. Harlau llros. , Alcrmm block , Council muffs. J. D. KDMUNDRON , E.I * SnuoAnr 1're * . Vice Proa , CIIAS. U. HANNON , Cashier. CITIZENS' STATE BANK , OF COUNCIL BLUFFS. Paid Up Capital IITO.OOO.OO. Surplus B.1,000.00. Liability to Depositors. . . ITO.OOO.OO. DiiiKCTon * I. A. Miller , P. 0. Olcason , IX L. Phugart , R. K. Hart , J. D. iMmmulson. elms. It. Hannun , Transact general banking business. Largest capital and surplus of any bank In southwestern Iowa. Interest on tlino deposits. MONEY TO LOAN ON CHATTELS. Money loaned on furniture , pianos , diamonds , horses , buggies or anything of vnluo at low mos of Interest. No , publicity : fair and honorable dealing A. A. Clark < te Co. , oftlco cor. Broadway nnd Main , over American express. THE MANHATTAN BILLIARD HALL AND CIGAR STORE Sporting Headquarters. 418 BROADWAY. MALONEY & O'BRIEN. ' COB. 6TH AVB. AND 7TH ST. Council Bluffs , la. Conducted by the Sisters of Charity , An excellent educational Institution , fur nished with all modern Improvements for boarding nnd day school. The acedemlo year consists of two sessions , beginning on the first Jlonday In September and February , lespect- TKHM8 Hoard ami tuition , per session. 875. For further particulars address Sister Superior , St. Frauds Academy , Council Bluffs , In. TZECIE ! ft I ri Especially Adapted tor SIZES FROM wcrwc 25 TO 300 i ' LIGHTING HORSE POWER 'Mills'and Elevators AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF ENGINE Speculations and estimates furnished for complete steam plants. Regulation , durability gunranteod , Can show letters from users . where fuel economy . is equal with Corliss NonCoudonsiogBend for catalogue. E. C. HARRIS , Agent. No. BIO Pearl Street , Council Bluffs. Great Reduction in Prices on Carpets , Lace Curtains , Portiers , Rugs and Upholstery Goods. This is Our Semi-Annual Clearance Sale Our old customers Know exactly what this moans , viz A Bona Fide Cut Regardless of Cost. Cash we Want and Must Have , We propose to give the best values ever offered on the Missouri Slope. INVESTIGATE FOR YOURSELF. Council Bluffs Carpet Company SOLE AGENTS COLUMBUS BUGGY CO , EISEMA REMOVAL SALE. The G-reat Removal Sale ! The Reliable Removal Sale ! The only genuine .clearance sale is now going on in full force. No abate- m nt 9f interest , no lessening in the quality and quantity of bargains offered. We have the goods and are bound to sell them before we move into our new store. TWENTY On all purchases before we move. Come and do like everybody else does , get your share of the bargains in every line , at the great removal sale of HENRY EISEMAN I S STORE. Nos. 314 , 316 , 318 and 320 Broadway. GEORGE METOALF , ItKAL ESTATE , No. 1O Pearl St CAPT. HAYES' ' LIVERY Centrally loccted. First-class turnouts , fresh horses nnd new can-lanes. Not an old rig In the stable. Special attention given to funerals , and reduced rates for carriages for thlupurpoao. thlupurpoao.W. A. HAYES , Proprietor , Telephone 77. S30 Hroadway. LOANS INSURANCE , REAL ESTATE , RENTS HOUSES. Agent American lliilldliifr nnd Loan Assocla- on. No. ! IO Pearl St. , UP-STAIU8. Gil AH. O. ICIAVOOD. PKOfr" . WJIBTJVS .1 Adapted to the public Ndiools. Tlio only complete thins of Its kind In existence and In- dlBponsiblo In thu xcuool room School hoards tU'Slrlntr the most perfect help for tlio teachers are Invited to examine this , . \ddreni II , A. UALiIjlNGKIt , General Agent , 721 Willow Ave. , Council lllutrs , Iowa , Electric Trusses , Belts , Ghost Pro tectors , Eto , Agents wantea. Tuos. OFFICER. TV. H.M. Pus BY OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS. Corner Main and nroadwar , COUNCIL ) BLUrFB , IOWA. Dealers in foreign and domestic xduns * . Collection * mad * and Intaront paid on tlrai do * POfclU. -AHD- Go to the Merriam block , talte the elevator nnd st op at room 210 and consult DR. W. A. S. MURPHY , Who Is a graduate and a practical . . _ . . _ and sclentlllc . optician. Do no wear glasses improperly fitted. Do not neglect your eyes when the show symptoms of abnormal refraction. Do not buy glasses iroi peddlers. The flnost classes to bo found in the world ( always in Block Glasses ground so lit the eye in nil Its refractive criors. Artlllcln eyes supplied at prices to suit. Consultation free. Hours 'J to K , ' to -EAT- FINE FKTJITS FROM ALL TARTS OF THE WORLD W. A. GIBBS , 615 Broadway. -GO TO- J. C. SEYMOUR'S For Fountain Dishes of Ice Cream that are 10 degrees below zero An olenantparlor , where everything la cool , clean and nlco. No 32 Pearl street. Look at the immensa stock of Summer nnd Fall goods kept by JOHN PETER , Merchant Tailor W13 Ilroudway , Opera House lllock. Itccollect Hint In hot weather pcopln should Keep tompcrato Don't get excited , although tlio awful slashing or prices In summe footwear at tlio BANKRUPT Boot and Shoe Store ! J5 Main Btrcut. IB enough to oxclto any body. IliailT INTI115 MIDDLE ot n. rod hot xummor people shoiili uuy their meats of a imtclier who knon show nud has thu means o properly keeplne them. market In iho west la thu new establishment of J. M. SCANLON , Upper Broadway. If you want cool , eloan , fresh groceries , go to N. A. TAYLOR , 10 Main St. People never get hot when they buy of F. W. SPETMAN & BRO. They guarantee fair dealing always. CO'J and 11 Mulu Street. Even though the weather Is hot W. W. BILKER Has Eomo red-hot bargains In real estate and several coed houses to rent , all lilted up ulth modem Improvements. No. 8 1'uarl hi. OOLFAX WATBR BY BOTTLE bR OASBT W. N. YOUNG' , 414 Broadway. ZERO PRICESI 1'or all kinds of groceries nnd provisions. STBINKOPP & SOOFIBLD , Neumeyor Hotel IJuildlng , Hroadway. 1O Degrooa Below Zero , and the Water Still nunnlng. J. O. BIXBY , Sanitary Plumbing. 10 00 TO "THE FAMOUS" For bargains. 200 Broadway , opposite Ogden Housa , High prices frozen out. Jlottomnrlci's ! Cjro. H. JinsUHUNnoilF. 327 Hroadway , Look at thosn prices : ICIb ntuak , tloj chuck steak , lie ; boll beef , 4o ; corn beef , to ; ihnek roiut , lie : shoulder roast , to to 7c ; prlina rib standard roust lOu : porterhouse steak , iocs veal utenk. To to Uc ; mutton chops , flo to 'i cj pork chops , l"o " ; salt pork , Bo j hann , U'oj shoulders , He j bacon , J/c. / ) PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. / M DIM C Hydraulic nnil Sanitary EnRlnoor. Plnn-J , Hstimutos HDIRl/l . SpeclllcatlonB. Supervision of Tubllo Work. Brown Building , Council blurts , lown. UI I D7 Justice of the Peace. Olllco over American Express , No. 41 NQP H U n . nroad way , Council Bluffs , Town. CJTr\r\ir \ P. OIR/IO / Attornoya-at-Law. Practice in the State and Fed- 0 I U1NL. Oc , OIIYIO oral Courts. . Hpoms 7 untl 8 SUutrart-Bono Block , Council BlufTH , lown. HQTII I M A M Attorn ° y-ut-Law , Uoom4 , Second Floor , Urown , O I ILLIYIttM Bloolc , U5Pourl St. , Council Bluffs , Itv. Will iractlco in Stuto and Federal Courts. DR. SufKOOna ° ' - > omco No' 10 Pearl EVERETT LEONARD o ortn.oy'ftt-Luw