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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1889)
- * . * * * " * 8 THE OMAHA DAILY BlflB ; MONDAY , JULY 29 , 1889. THE CITY. Porannnl H. II. Prrwt Is In the city from Fremont. J , O. Wlso , o ( Lincoln , wn * in town yes terday. A. F. Phillips , of Hastings , epcnl Sunday In the city. DCS Molncs' ball leasers nro quartered ot tha Uarker. James It Porter , of Hnlglor , Nob. , Is nt the Uarxor. J. II. Mohl was nt tno Arcade yesterday from Wnboo. DO. W. Buch Is nt the Murray from Sioux Falls , Dakota. . Miss n. Donty , of Tampa , Fla. , Is a Millard - lard hotel quest. Walter 33. Wood , of South Omaha , spent Sunday In the city. S , A. Darnoi nnd N. O. Tolman , of Lin coln , nro at the Pnxton , . William Hootti nad wl'o , of Loavonworth , Kan. , nio at the Pnxton , II , M. Adams and 13. F. Qrlflln were in the city yesterday from OnlilanU , F. Dllll , of Sohulor , was n visitor In the city yesterday , registered nt the Arcado. "W. II , CORgcshnll xvns nt the Murray yea- terdny , en route cast from Oaidand , Cul. A small pnrty of Cleveland , O. , people nro nt the Murray. ' 1 hcv are Mr. nnd Mrs , Sol Hallo and Louis A. Dialed. n. A. Cooley , of Sioux City ; A. W. Ebor- Imrt , of Cedar Haplda. nnd Pull Davis , of Omnhn , dined at the Millnrd Sunday. Frank Cnrruth , J. O. Hlchoy , A. B. Todd nnd F. M. Ulchcy cumo In a party from Plattsmouth yesterday to view tbo metrop olis. olis.Charles Charles Rolpolbaum , of DCS Molnca. dined nt the Murray yesterday with Mr. nnd Mrs. M. H. Hlllor and Miss Cmvaa Uolgcl- bnuin , of Omnhn. Fred Qroon , Dr. J. L. Connnt , Charley Reese , E. P. Newell , Fred PhlnRlng nnd Tlionms Fnrwcll , nil of Herman , were nt the Mlllnrd yesterday. ttio Gnrrilfllico Liaw. An important ineotlnR of the local branch of the Nebraska Business Men's association will bo hold to-night nt Y. M. C , A. hall nt 8 :80 : o'clock. The now Nebraska statute for bidding creditors to garnlslico n Nebraska man's ' wages from lown will bo strongly dis approved of. nnd it is said funds will bo sub scribed to aid Mnlicr & Pickering , grocers , who lost n test case bcforo Justice Uocd throe or four weeks ago , to carry the light into the higher courts. - A Mad Doe Sonro. A genuine mad doi ? scare has taken pos session of the people down On Pierce , near Twenty-Second. Yesterday afternoon about two o'clock u small white cur was observed snapping at everything In sight ns it ran nlong Hickory. As it passed the homo of Mr. Moss , a street lamp lighter , It bit four teen-year-old Seaweed Moss and n man em ployed to assist him , In each case snapping at the Calf of the leg , tearing the clothes and scratching the skin , but not drawing blood , Passing up on Pierre street , the animal bit two or three other Jogs. A party was formed nnd the mad dog was Rhot , as well as ono of the dogs bitten by It The others could not bo found. It wns said that a girl was also bitten by the same cur earlier in the day , but her name nor that of the assistant lamp lighter could bo learned. Lncn.1 Military Note * . Yesterday the companies at Fort Omaha were Issued the now campaign knife. The Fort Omaha nine and the Crane Bros , played a gnmo of ball Satut day. The former won by a score of 13 to 7. The ten companies of the Second infantry are cnco more united for a short tuna nnd appeared together on dress parade last Week. Mr . McFarlnnd , principal witness for the prosecution in the Fletcher case , has tele graphed that she will arrive ou Monday mqrnlng. A complimentary serenade was tendered to Mrs' General Huskln , mother of Assistant Surgeon Haskin , U. S. A. , by the Second in fantry bund , on July 24 , at Fort Omaha. The entire command nt Fort Omaha was out several day lust week under the direc tion of Malor Uutlor cleaning out the weeds Which bad grown up within the limits of the post. 'Jj'horo will bo a prize drill to-morrow even ing nt the Omnhn Guard armory for a gold modal. Lieutenant Truitt , U. S. A. , will act ns judge. A warmly contested drill is ex pected. A number of the ofllccrs , members of the Fletcher court-martial , have transferred I , llioir quarters from the hotels In the oily to the private quarters of the oflleors at Fort Omnha. Gcnetal Mbnor is the guest of Captain Halnes ; General Knutz nnd General Blunt are staying with General Whoatoti ; Lieutenant Klnzle entertains Colonel Offlcy , and Captain Dempsey , Colonel Poland. Unvo You Cntnrrli ? There is one remedy you can try without danger of hum bug. Send to A. U. Colemnn , chemist , ICula- muzoo , Mich. , for trial package of his catarrh euro. Hla only mode of advertising is by giv ing it nwnv. Postage 2c. Judge for your- cclf. Mention this paper. PICNIC. A Very 1'lensant iny in the Woods at "Waterloo. No moro auspicious day than yesterday could hnvo been chosen by the Butchers' union for their picnic excursion to Waterloo. Tbo morning- was cloujy , but this made no apparent difference In the turnout , for at 10:10 : a. in. , when the train pulled out of the depot , eight of the nine coaches wcro com fortably filled with the jolly wielders of the cleaver , accompanied by their wives and sweethearts. At South Omnha another largo delegation got on board , completely filling the last conch , and monopolizing the standing room of the others. The numerous well flllud baskets , with chicken legs pcoplnt ; from under clean impltliiH , showed that while each rosy cheeked dame nnd maiden "Was on pleasure bent , Still had a frugal mind. " Besides the passenger coaches was a bag gage car which contained liquid refresh ments , and Jn front of tills was an Armour- Cudnhy car containing the undressed -beeves which wcro to figure In the sluughtorlng nnd dressing match between John Koznlchek , of Omaha , nnd F. N. Scanlan , of Council Bluffs. The nuislo for the occasion-was , fur nished by the A. O. H. band. The excursionists reached Waterloo about 11 :80 : , nnd their first work nf tor taking pos session of the plcnlo grounds was to discuss the contents of lunch bsskots. Ono of the features of the afternoon's sport was the match gutno of base ball between tha wholo- Bale nnd retail butchers , The wholesalers were from the linns of the Armour-Oudahy , O , H. Hummond and Swift & Son's com * panics. The battery consisted of 13. Welch nnd O. Welch , pitchers , mid Jumes Pttzsim- mons , catcher. The retailers' battery con- el&tcd of Tom Fatmlgun , pitcher , and Frank Holnzman , catcher , The retailers laid the wholesalers out most unmercifully- a score of 00 to 4. The match between John Rcznlchck , of Omaha , nnd F. M. Scanlan , of Council , Bluffs , for quickest tlmo in killing and dress * Ing a beef , attracted considerable attention. Heznlchcck came out ahead , completing the Job In 0 minutes and ! IS seconds. Ho was Awarded a prito of $20 In gold. Scanlon finished his beef lu 13 minutes and 44 seconds , and was given $10. Dancing and other sports made up the quota of the day's jncasuro until 8p.m. , When the train was boarded for the home ward trip. _ The Sueved Heart academy , for day pupils , situated on St. Mary's avenue . und Twonty-sovonth streets , is un lustl- t.utiou devoted to tlio moral und intel lectual education of young girls. Tbo cowVso includes ovorythltiR from u nro- jiaratory to a finished clubslcul education. Besides the ordi nary academical course , music , paint ing , drawing and the languages ara taught. French is included in the or dinary course. ' Ditforonco of religion is no obstacle to the receiving of pupils , provided they conform to tlio general regulation of the school. The scholastic term be gins the first Tuesday of September. C'lasbos commence at 0 a. m. , and arc dismissed nt 8BO : n. m. , an hour for recreation being aUo'.ved at noon , REVIVAL AT THE COLISEUM , Intoroatitiff Mootinga Yoatorday Morning and Evening- A GREAT SWEDISH EVANGELIST. Dr. AVnlclonBtroin's Labors In tlio Cnuso or IlcllKlou Ono or the Moat Ilcinnrkablo Men of ilia Time. Dr. P. Waldenstrom , of Stockholm , Sweden , preached before great nudlonccs at the Coli seum yesterday morning nnd evening. Mr. Waldonstrom , la o man of imposing personal nppoaranco , and ono of the most remarkable men of the times. At homo ho has boon for thirty years prominently before the people ns a revivalist of wonderful power. Ho is the Swedish Moody , and , lllto his American counterpart , gains mastery over audiences by the clearncMH and simplicity of his Inn- gunge. Tlio preacher has for fifteen years past stood without n peer in his own coun try. and has had gratifying success ns an author and educator. Many of his books have been translated into half n dozen European languages. As a teacher ho chose to work In the preparatory colleges , delivering lectures of the greatest value to the educated youths of his land during the transition period from boyhood to manhood. Hut his greatest success has boon achieved In the legislative halls of his country , whore ho is now serving the third term In the lower legislative house , to which ho was chosen by the people. There ho Is ruler by right of brain and matchless oratorio power , nnd no other man In the Swedish parliament has such Influence as ho. First In the pulpit and on the ros trum , a writer ot exceptional power , and head uud shoulders above his colleagues In the carllamont , it in easy to understand the reverence nnd love manifested toward him by his fellow- countrymen at homo nnd abroad. During the past two months Mr. Waldon- strotn hus been leading great revivals among his countrymen In the largo cities of the east , accompanied meantime by Ilov. John A. Hultman , pastor of the Swedish mission in this city , and who , combining in his own parson the ability to act as chorister , organ ist , and preacher , is ono of the most versa tile and successful young men in the western ministry. When Rev. AVnldonstrom rose to address his audience yesterday morning there wore not less than throe thousand people before him. They wore almost without exception of Scandinavian birth or lineage , and repre sented every part of Nebraska as far west as Holdrodgo , western Iowa , Minneapolis and St. Paul and the Scandinavian element InOmaha. Omaha claims a population of 180,000 people , of which it is estimated that not more than 10,000 nro of Scandinavian descent. Of the 3,000 who listened to yesterday morning's sermon , fully four-Qfths were of the 10,000 in , Omaha , and of the near 5,000 who came out last night an oven larger per cent were Omahans. On the raised platform behind Rev. Wal- donstrom sat the following ministers : Rev. J. A. Hultman , of the Swedish Mission , Twenty-second and Davenport streets : Rev. Mr. Froden , of the Cass Street Lutheran church ; Rev. Mr. Berg , of the Swedish Methodist church ; Rev. Mr. Nygron , of the Swedish Baptist church , and Rev. Mr. Fogelstrom , of Omaha. From outaido the city were the following : Rev. O. A. BJork , Hamilton county , Nebraska ; Rev. J. Peterson , Oakland , Nob. ; Rev. N. A. Blornstrund , Wavorly , Neb. ; Rev. J. Qulst , Wahoo , Neb. ; Rev. J. Josefson , Meade , Neb. ; Rev. M. Lindoll , Malmo , Nob. ; Rev. F. O. Hultmau , Holdrego , Nob. ; Rev. O. O. Folk , York , Nob. ; Rov. Mr. Rosendal , of Sioux City , la. ; Rev. M. Swanson , Swcdoborg , Neb. Other clorytnen , from Council Bluffs and elsewhere , wcro in the audience. The morning service was opened with n song by the congregation , followed by scrip ture reading nnd prayer by C. A. BJork , of Chicago. A collection was taken , and was followed by a second song , in which the whole congregation , led by Rov. James Hult- nmn , joined heartily. There was a some thing inspiring in the air , a soit of national patriotic fooling , such as might bo Inspired by the singing of "America" under the shad ow of the pyramids. When the last note had died awavtho speaker of the morning mounted a table that stood on the front part of the platform and ottered up n second prayer , reading also from Matthew v. 1:12. : The ser mon , as well as the preliminary exercises , was given in the Swedish language. Simple , unaffected and earnest was the manner of the speaker , and his preaching was simple and solely of the scripture. The lessons taught in the text wore that the people ple , when Christ came , had burdens enough , wherefore when Christ preached ho rfllsea the bui dens , by right counsel and pure ex amples. Such sermons had the poor people never heard before , therefore thov received him well and accepted his ministry , though the rich rejected it. So always tlio gospel has been the hope and the beacon light of the poor and afflicted , an over present help to those who will receive it. Pimples , bolls and other humors nro liable to npponr when the blood pots heated. To euro them , take Hood's Sarsaparilln. _ Wolves In Missouri. . Missouri is ono of the few states in the union in which bounties nro paid on wolf scalps , and the only ono in which there is a price put on the bond of a rat , BayR the St. Louis Star Sayings. The state law outlawing those animals permits - mits county courts to authorize their extermination , but fixes the prize of n wolf scalp at f3 , to bo paid by the county. There nro counties in south central Missouri , sparsely settled and very poor in many ways , that are always referred to as "wolf scalp counties. " Before the war the settlers had the wolves in pretty good control , but dur ing the six years of lighting all the men in the southern counties wqro in ono army or the other , and during these years the wolves multiplied to such numbers that the slieop raising indus try of that section never has boon re stored. In the live years of 1870 to 1875 81,600,000 was paid out by the state for wolf sculps. One would think that par ties hud embarked in the business of raising wolves for a livelihood. This is not , houover , true , for it will take more than another $1,500,000 to otlr- : mitmto the wolves from couth Missouri , Wo sell great quantities of S. S. S. , nnd the sale holds up well no fulling off , or pros pect of falling off. While many uro loud in its piulso , not ono complaint has been heard from our customers. J. E. SBAIIS' Duua STOICE , Waco , Texas. A Rrinnrkiitilo Onvo. Some workman recently discovered a cave in Franklin Parlc , in the West Roxbury district of Biwton , and explored - plorod it for 100 foot. They discovered arrow heads and other evidences of oo- cunntion by Indians. Tlio sides of the opening had the appearance of being the work of nature , but within the cave the work of man was plainly soon. The walls were as smooth as though chiseled out , and there was plenty of room for throe men to stand abreast. Every few foot there were openings in the side of the cave which looked as though they had boon cutout of the solid rock. The coiling of the cave preheated an odd appearance , A series of bowlders hang ing from the roof seemed to have boon fastened by mechanical means , and ex tended the outiro length of the cavern. Mnlca no By dispelling the symptom * no often tu'.ten for couisumptlou. SANTA A111B has brought gladness to many a household. By Its prompt use for breaking up the cold that too often develops into that fatal disease , thousands can be saved from an untimely pravo. You make no mtstnka by keeping a bottle of this pleasant remoay in your houso. CALIFORNIA OAT-R-OUUB is equally effective lu eradicating all traces of Nasal Catarrh. Both of theio wonderful California remedies are told and warranted hv Goodman Dru ? Co. f 1 a package , a for A STEP IN THE DARK. An Unknown Alnn Moctn AVUhix Ter rible Dentil. A step In the dark n slip and n crash. Another human life has boon blotted out. Last nlgnt the body lay in the morgue , and there was none to name 1U Some time during Saturday night a man , probably stupid with drink , crept Into the now brick building in oourao of erection alongside the natatorlum oa Howard street. From the first lloor ho climbed to the second , then It is presumed , though no ono knows , to the third. The now building and the natatorlutn nro connected , but there are wldo apertures in the party wall opening from the third floor. To carry out the hypothesis of the coroner , the man must have entered through ono of the nporturcs upon the third floor of the natatorlum. Then In endeavoring to retrace his steps In the dark , ho stepped upon n nar- no\v board which lay across the opening In the floor loft for the olovaton. The board tipped on Its eldo , and ho was precipitated a distance of about twenty-five or thirty feet. As ho fell the upper porthn of his body struck upon the first lloor , and there lie was hanging when , nt 8 o'clock yesterday morn ing , ouo of the laborers catno Into the build ing.Tho The dead man was lying face downward In n pool of blood which had oozed from ghastly bruises on his face and head. His rljht Ice was broken below the knee and his limbs were quite cold. The coroner was summoned , and caused the body to bo removed to the morgue , whore during the day dozens of persons came to sao if the dead man was ono whom they know. But not ono knew htm. On neither clothes nor person was there any mark by which hla name could bo learned. In his pockets wore found two short load pencils und a piece of tobacco , a leather protection for the fingers , such as is used by stone cutters , and a broken foot rulo. His colored cotton shirt was sprinkled with stone dust , which con firmed the Idea that ho was a stone cutter. The dead man was five feet , five inches tall , chest full and broad shoulders square , arms sliglitty longer than the ordinary man's , weight about 145 pounds ; face square and covered with throe or four days' growth of sandy board , mustache of same color , eyes blue , hair somewhat scanty and of light brown color , hands calloused as though accustomed to hard labor. The shirt he were was a light colored cotton affair striped with n light shade of brotvn. collar attached. Pants , coat and vest of light stripe , grey und black. Half a dozen cheap boarding houses fre quented by men of his class were visited and Inquiry mado. Atonoplacoon Harne.v. be tween Tenth nnd Eleventh , a man of the foregoing description had been inlsslnir since the previous night. An attache of the place was brought to the morgue but failed to iden tify the corpse as his boarder. Will you suffer with dyspepsia and liver complaint ? Shiloh's Vitallzer is guaranteed to euro you. Two Cases of Insnnitjr. J. P. McEllroy , who claims to DO nn em ploye of the Wabash Railway company In Chicago , is In the city Jail. Ho thinlcs ho is still In Chicago and wants to send for some of his friends to taito him out. Hohas , been In the Jail since Friday , and is quite rational at times. Last Friday ho wont out to the county hospital and ascended a ladder to a height of thirty-ftvo feet. From that height he Jumped to a pile of lumber some distance away. Ho is slightly disfigured as a result of stopping too quick , but is doing well. George Kicuth , who says he is a Milwau kee druggist , is confined in the city Jail with a bad case of "snakes" and a pair of ma hogany-colored eyes. The combination was too much for George and ho was found in a recumbent attitude at the corner of Eighteenth nad St. Mary's avenue yesterday morning about 8 o'clock. In the afternoon ho inscribed a voluminous letter to a friend in Milwaukee and grow very indignant when a messenger boy , whom ho had summoned , declined to undertake to aolivor it. George is being treated by the city physician. Excursion to Ogtlon , Utnli. Round trip $30. On August 20th an excursion run by the Inter-State Land and Town Co. , will leave Missouri river points for Og- ( len , Utah. The rate will bo $30 for the round trip. Tickets good to return up to Sept. 10th. Passengers can have choice of routes. Ogden is now the most prosperous city in the country and money invested thcro at present prices will surely return a largo profit. Ad dress , INTKII-STATE LAND & TOWN Co. , 1807 Larimio St. , Denver Col. Yachting in France. The French are taking to the water for umusomont. Rowing on the Seine is receiving considerable and not un successful attention. Yachting is becoming - coming very fashionable. Jules Verne has been for many yours an enthusi astic yachtman. Guy do Maupassant cruises about the Mediterranean fre quently. Henri Monior , a son of the wealthy ex-chocolato manufacturer , has ono of the finest of French yachts , and various other representatives of French nobility and wealth take their vacation on the Mediterranean , the Atlantic or the various European canals. Cushman's Menthol Inhaler , cures catarrh , headache , neuralgia , asthma , hay Fever. Trial free at your druggist. Price 50 cents. Ginger Beer uml Watermelons. Dr. Howland , of Washington , fur nishes the following recipe for a cool and wholesome summer drink : ' 'White sugar , 8 pounds ; bruised gin ger , 8 ounces ; cream tartar , 2 ounces ; sliced lemons , 4 ; boiling water , 4 gallons lens ; ycnst , i pint. Pour the hot water over the four first named ingredients und infuse for two hours. Add the yeast , and when the fermentation has gone on for two hours put the liquid in strong stone bottles and cork securely. It has 'kick'to ' it and a powerful , un less the corks 'are tied in they will bo likely to fly out and the boor will lose its 'snap. ' Two ordinary yeast cakes will do as well us the half pint of yoast. "I have no hesitation in saying this is the host all-round summer drink I have over found. When taken it should bo cool , but not ice cold , and whatever olToct the cold water may have on the stomach the ginger will counteract. Absolutely Purea This pan d r n r r Tarle , . A Jnary l of pur * , ty. Buenett ) and wholeaomeness , Moro eco. uomlaaltEaa tha ordinal r tclnds , end cannot bu sold in corapotltlon with the multitudcp ot lor or cnortwMght alum pr PtP pnMo pftwdera. tjold Only in cans , lloyai llakint VOftdU Com- puny , US W U Street , N w Sick Headache TS a complaint from which many suffer 1 and few are aiitlrcly froo. Its causa is Indigestion and n. sluggish liver , the euro for which is readily found in the use of Aycr's rills ; " I have found that for sick hoiulixcho , caused by a disordered condition of the atoinncli , Aycr'a Pllls are the most rc- llnblo remcdy.- Samuel ' 0. Bradburn , Worthington , Mnsn. "After the use of Aycr's Tills for many years , in roy practice and family , I am instilled in saying that they are an excellent cathartic and liver medicine sustaining all the claims made for them. " W. A. Westfnll , M. . , V. 1 . Austin & N. W. Hallway Co. , Burnot , Texas , j "Ayor's Tills nro the best rncdiclno linown to mo for regulating the bowels , nnd for all diseases caused by a dis ordered stomach and liver. I suffered for over throe years from headache , in digestion , and constipation. I had no appetite nnd was weak and nervous most of the time. By using three boxes of Aycr's rills , nnd at the same time dieting myself , I was completely cured. " riilllp LockwoodTopoka , Kansas. " I was troubled for years with Indi gestion , constipation , and headache. A few boxes of Aycr's Tills , used in small dally iloscs , restored mo to health. They nro prompt and effective. " W.II. Btrout , Moadvillo , I'd. Ayer's Pills , BT Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Mass. Sold by all Drug-Uti and Dealers In Medicine. THE BtSraiUTt EOAFWDEIH AMERICA oniTatfllvc HAND50ME DRS. BETTS & BEITS liOa FAHNAM STREET , OMAHA , ( UpposlU Poxton Hotel. ) Office hours , 9 . m , to 8 p. m. Sunday * , 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. Specialists In Chronic , Nervoui Skin and Blood Diseases , . t37 Consultatlon at office or by mail fre * . Medicines Bent by mull or express , securely packed , free from observation. Guarantees to cure niilotly , safely and permanently. NERVOUS DEBILITY SSf Ksa Ions. Physical Decay , arising from IndlRcre tlon , Kxcess or Indulgence , producing Sleepless ness , Despondency , Pimples on tlio face , aver sion to loclety , easily discouraged , lacK of contl donee , dull , unflt for study or business , nndUnds life n burden. Safely , permanently and pri vately cured. Consult Iri. lietts & Belts , 103 Far n am fit. , Omaha , Neb. Blooi and Skin Diseases & & & results , completely eradicated without the aid of Mercury. Scrofula , Erysipelas , rever Sores , Blotches , ulcers , Pnms In the Head and Hones , Syphilitic Sore 1 hroat , Mouth and Tongue , Ca tarrh , etc. . permanently cured whore other * have failed. Fidnnu Ifpinaiur and madder Complaint * , rUQuBYi UllUdiy rulnful. Difficult. too freJ quont Burning or Bloody Urine , Urine high col ored or with milky sediment on standing , Weak Back. Uonorrhci'ii , Gleet , Cystitis. etc. , Promptly and Safely Cured , Charges Ueasona- _ _ _ SS'PW.TfT'TT'R.'R ' ! Guaranteed - . . per- O JWiJL v JL U JCbJCi I niauent Cure , re moval complete , without cutting , caustic or dlllatlon. Cures effected at homo by patient without a momenta pain or annoyance. To Yonn ? Men and Mide-Apd Men , " PITDD Thej awful eirect"of early AQIIDiD UUllD Vice. whiciirbtinRS organic- weakness , destroying both mind and body , wltn all Its dreaded Ills , permanently cured , TID1 } RDTTQ Adresi those who have impaired UUUi DM 10 themselves by improper Indul gences and solitary habits , which ruin both body and mind , unlUtlcc them tor business , tuuy or marriagn. M AiiuiKD MKN , or those entering on that hap py life , aware of physical debility , quickly a * rlsted. ODK SUCCESS. IB based upon facts. First Practical Eipe rlence. Second Every case Is especially studied * thus starting aright. Third Medicines are pre , pared lu our labatory exactly to suit each cnae , IhitB affecting cures without Injury t37 8end 0 cents postcge for celebrated works , on Chronic , Nervous and Delicate Diseases. Thousands cured. t 0r A friendly letter or call may save you future Buttering nnd uhume , and add golden years to life. & No letters on- Trered unless accompanied by 4 cents in itamc * . Address or call on Wit's. JUETTS & IIirrTS , 1108 Furnain BtrooL Omaha. N b. In 1PS31 contracted Wood Poison of bad type , and uus treated Mlth mercury , potach nnd earsaparllla mlxturci.grou Ing orto all thetIme. 1 took 7 mnall bottles U , H. S. lilch cured ino entirely , nnd no sign of the dreadful dlcato lias returned , J. C. NAM-I : , Jan. 10 , ' 8 ? . llobbyIllc , Ind. Hy little niece had nlilto tuclllng to fuch an extent that the \\fia con fined to the bed for a long time. JI ore than 'JO pieces of bone came out of her leg , ami the doctors tald amputation Mas the only remedy to ea\ohcrlire. I refused tlio operation and put hct on K.U.B. and the Is now upacdncUveandlnasKoodlicnlthna nuycblia. Miss ANXIB GEEtLiNa , Feb. 11 , VJ. Columbus , Oa. Book oa Illood DlfcaEcs ecnt free. bwi T Hi-Edna Co. DraucrS. Atlanta , da. NEBRASKA NATIONAL BANK , U. S. DEPOSITORY , OMAHA , ITfiB. Capital . , . 8400,000 Surplus Jan. 1st , 1880 . 02,000 OFI'ICBltS AM ) imtECTOHS. HKMIV W. VATES. president. Ljtvria B , HEED , Vlca President. A. K. TOU/AI.IN , W. V. MOUSE , JOHN A COLMNS , It. U. CUHIUMl , J. N. II. PATIUCK. W. II. B. lludiiKt , Cashier. THE IRON BANK , Cor. 12th and I'arnam Sts. A General Hanking HublnuRs Transacted. anil Tuiaura njIlKfifuo noire ; CANCER Look tree. L.u.BtHIlU8Ln.u. , 160 VV'ablsU V. . C1UCAQO , ILL. Continental Clothing House IVmJN We call attention to some special bargains in our Men's Suit Department , in medium col ored sack and frock suits , Our price for a first class business suit/thoroughly reliable in every $16. At this price we are showing several lines of popular mixtures which we know will give perfect satisfaction. We guarantee every garment. This will be the closing week on our $10 Suit Sale , but we have quite a variety of choice styles yet in stock. Our effort will be to close up this entire line this week. Price $10 for a suit guaranteed to be strictly all wool and perfectly made. We have samples of some of the fabrics which we will send to any address. Price 7 5 Cents , We will offer this week about 100 pairs of Men's pure linen Pants at the ridiculous prlco of 75 cents , Goods which have always sold for $1.50 and $1.75 per pair , but we are over stocked with them and have made the price so low that it will take only a few days to close the entire lot. Send Postal Note and 15 cents for postage and we will send a pair to any address. Send waist measure and length in inside leg seam. OMAHA Co BOSTON * NEW YORK DES MOINE3 Proprietors ] Cor. Douglas and 15tli Sts , , Omaha. STILL A CHANGE AT $15. Some good bargains may yet bo found among our odd s.lzes of men n suits. Dear in mind these nro not inferior goods which TVO offer , but Ihstclabs in every partlculur. MAX MEYEU. ADOtPII MBVEIl ESTABLISHED IbCO , Max Meyer & Bro , Great reduction of price on second hand Pianos and Organs. A good chance to got a good Piano for a small amount of. monov. The nbove prices are 10 per cent less than over offered before 11 nd us wo must hav. room for our large Block of NewPInnoH noulll give an extra ID PIT cent discount fiom above prlrca to nny one that buys an Instrument before Aunust 1st , KvcryliiHtrument guaranteed to bo just 3 re presented , riuuos Tor rout for if 2.50 nnd upwards ] ior iiionlli. for rent for $1.50 iiiul iipnnnlfj per iiiontli. ] f you buy nuy ot the iibovo Initumonts and you are not Batisllcd , o will allow you sumo as you paid for it toward any DOW Piano you may ( telnet. Call catly and get a bargain. Cor. 16th and Farnam Sta , Sleek Remarkable for powerful sympathetic tone , pliable action and absolute dura bility ; 80 yearn' record the best guaran tee of the excellence of those instru ments. I/1 n U C Vnnd nil unnry trouble ? easily , quick. . MUNtT lyiuiA BUfoly cured byUOOTUUA Cap. BUl s. Several CIIBM cured in wren layi. Sold ut l.60 per bor , allrtrue8 , ! ita , or by jria.ll from Doctua * Jl'C'aCo. UJ WlilW a..lull < lee * . ALWAYS gll LEMONADES , SHERBETS. 1 AND ALL COLD DRINKS. It trill correct thctlamaatiig In * ' fliicnceoflce on tha Stomach , For Men Health rriierrln ? , for Children Invigorating , , nd Re- \frmhlng for All. Th Beit Sum- 'oerBcveragolnExlitence ' W r- r nte4 Strictly faro and Unfer- denied. An EBclent Remedy ( or DUrrhoi , Cholera Mortmi , Dyientory. and Ml Eliorieri ot tbo Eowoli. NAsnviLirTnvif.Jnno987. ME5SHS. LOVENTIIAL 111108. Dear Slra : I Imvo tried the Hungarlnn Illncklicrry Julco \ou BO kliullr sent me. Ills tbc no plus ultra ot summer drinks. It li free from nlto- ho ] , nllnjf ) thirst , tones the ( llfcnllvo orRHns , 1ms a duo arumntlc flavor , nnd Is Just tha thltiRfordlarrliccnl troub les In tlio heated term , A TAJlIjESI'OONI'UI. IN A UI.AHS OF ICB WATUll OUTNEC'I'Aim NECTAll. llMpectfully. T. A. ATCUlbON , M. D. Tor nnlflby Drupclsts.I.lquOC Dealers uiiu Graters. nn.R.O. WEST'S NBUVB AHD DRA.IN HUNT , a guaranteed sjiBcluo for Hysteria , Dizzi ness , Convulsions , Ills , Nervoiu Nouraluln , Headache , Nervous Prostration caused by th ass of alcohol or tobacco. Wakofulncss , Mental Deprusslon , Hoftnnlnanf the JJraln , resulting In Insanity and londlniuo mlaery , docuynnd death. Piemature Old Age , llarronniws. Loss of Power In either nex , Involuntary Losses and Spermat- orlicuacaused by orur-exertlou ot tliu brftln.self- abufli ) or overlndulgcnon. JCach box contains eno month's troatmont. $1.00 a box , or alx boxes for 15 OO.sent by mall prepaid on receipt of prlco. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure nny caao , With each order received by DB for six boxes , accompanied with iVi.OO , norlli Bend the purchaser our written , giiaruntoo to re * fund the money if ttio treatment does not otreot ncuro. Quaraoteea Issued only by Uoolman Drug Co. , Drugglita , Sole Agent * , lUO I'urnam PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST , WEST , NORTH and SOUTH . 1802 FAHNAM STREET. liquor Habit. I'mllUMy Cared bjr AunilnlrlerlnK Dr. llalnev1 liulilen Hcan hOKlrun In u cup of cofleoor ten vrltlioul he knowledge of tlio person tHUIiitf It ; litiDrolutu ) } harm It'bs.nntl Hill otfutt a vpuedy nnil perniiinvnt ouie rtliuilicT tliu imilont ! n in'xI'Ttitu ' drinker or nn Iroliol wrutU. 'lliuutandi of UrunkanU Imve liiiun nude tumpornta men who IIHTU t ikfn Uulilun bpucino M lliolrcunt'iinltlioul tliolrUnovrlod utiiiil ludnf ba lore lliojr quit ilrlnLliid of lln'lr ( inn frto will , u NKVIIll I'All.y. Tan > xnuiii onto liiiineuiiutcd wub tliu BiHiclilc- becoiuim * uttur iDipomllillltjr for the Iquor nppotltu to oslit. for iitlu lijr ICiiliu fc Co. DruncUli. litb nndlioiulai t . , unil lnUiinlCura it. , Ooiuliu , A.I ) . Kuitor li Uru. . lllulfi. For salu and by mall by Goodman Company , Omaha. N.W.COB. I3TH& DODQE STL , OMAHA. NEB * FOB THE TBKAT1IEST OF AU. 1 APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND TRUSSES HeitFaoIllUei.AppiratusandnemeilleifbrEuoeeiiftil Treatment of every form of Diieaes requiring MEDIOAL or SUROIOAL TREATMENT. .NINETY ROOMS FOR PATIENT8.1 Board & Attendance. But Accommodation ] in Wet t. ' 03" WRITE yOR IROULARS on Deformltle ing a Scecialtyoi PRIVATE DISEASES Ml Blood Ulitiiti iiieeeilfalljr trwiud. BjplilllllsTolMn ooicontn. . . ( u. orln > rumtnl.ifiilljrn llor.x I > r iiMurrlr | tke < Jn iii rk oliidlc > ti > eoiilriili or tenter. pao perioutUiiUrileir preferred. C.ll.pJ ( omull uiorni tlilo/r of jeur e w ul we will itod in jiltlu wrtrrer , on RflnK Tfl MFW rTfEE : y ; > ° ° I'nv.i. ' Breeui 01 UUUrIU fllEri f KerrouiO ic.iei , l n > t ntrHrpiu Illi ; lee ] n < 1 V.llcoAl. , vltU que.lloo ll.U JlUUreie" OBIAKA MEDIOAI. as BUJtOIOArINaTITUIH , 13th and Dodjo Strccti , OHAUA , MED. C. E. & C. M. ANTHONY. 312 1st Nat'l Bank Building , Omaha , - Nebraska FARM LOANS . I.owiates for Choice Loans. Titles and values parsed upon promptly uiullo.uis closed \Utlioui delay Local corretapoudcnta vumted in No nisVaand louu. FOR HEAT8 , FISH , 80UP8 , GRAVIES , H M nriiuii I'urUnoarriiioiiffo ( ) . Iloariilni ; I JBcbO(71lorOlrl mid Yniiuir l.adlej. rorl " caUloiiKi JKldit.i. . ! liAYJCIt. l.L ! > . . Uor ; uu 1'ark , 111. , or 7J Madison Birmit.Clilcafi , 111. QT. JOIIN'B JIILirAllV SCHOOL. D MANLIUH , N. V. Civil Kncluccrlnir. I'lKunlrs. lluslness. UT. ItKV , F , l > . I1UNVINUTON. I'rosldenl IfS. Cou W , ViillliOK : : , Buperliitondent. FEMALE _ ACADEMY PrriisratoryBndcolloBlitecouriwi.lUr | lur , l iru. tauilu. rt. B. V lii-nami. j-i1KjVl ; , jnckfuiirlUc. U V)1'.W ) VOItIC Mln-AKV \\ull-on-liiidson. . Cub. 0. J. WitiaiiT. I ) , A. M. , ' -upt.U t'.llYA-n , Couid't o