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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1889)
G T&E OMAHA DAILY BEE : tfHUK.SDAY , JUNE 27 , 1889 , THE DAILY BE , COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFF1OK. NO 12 PKAHIj STUKBT. rcHvcrcdfoy cnrrlcr In Any Tnrt of hoCltyn TWfntyCcntB I'crWcek. . . , , . 11. W. TJI/ION. JIANAOLlt. THLKl'HONKSJ Nionr Emrou. No.zi MINOR MENTION. N. Y.PIumbintf Co. C. U. Mimic Co. , R33 B'wny. Rcltcr , tnllor , DID Hroadwny. Evnns * laundry , 724 Urondway. D. W. Otis , city nnd furm loans. Ofllcor Tynon was ussiuiHeil nnd knocKed down yesterday morning by a colored vn- grant , but was not seriously Injured. No arrests wcro tnado. The camp aicetltiR fovcr hM broken out In local Salvation army circles. A Rcnuino camp tncctliiK is to bo bold , bcaumlng July 20. Tlio Bight Is not yet determined upon. Deputy United States Marshal Wyland yesterday , brought In two Woodbine citizens on the charge of bootlofsInK whisky , there by defrauding the treasury of lawful reve nue. They will huvo tholr cases looked up by the federal grand Jury In Septcmtnr. Tlio Western Iowa College rlosos the Bprlnc term on Fritlny with nn excursion on Lake Munnwn on the steamer Nellie Keller , nnd Biippur in the grove at Wright's landing , returning to the city at 0 o'clock. All stu dents and ex-students tire Invited to this re union. Meet at the college at ! ) o'clock , or later at the lako. A supposed catastrophe In the Milwaukee yards at a Into hour Tuesday night , resulted In the thorough drenching of the coroner , police - lice nnd rcportoip , uut no dead jium. A friendless vag bulTerlng from epilepsy was the causa of the rumor. Owing to the Isola tion of thn locality , no one was inuidcrcd by the disappointed news guthcrcrs , Information was ( lied against John Evcrs yesterday morning , charging him with the maintenance of u nulsunco on the rear of his nromlscs , No. C25 Main street. The com plaint ullcgcs livcrn kills stock at the place , and throws mntiura and ofTctislvu matter In his yard. The case will bo hoard to-morrow. Tin ; Information was liloct by J. C. Water man at the request of neighbors , Notes and mortgages bought And sold , money loaned ; fire insurance. Robert Y. Inues , SO Pearl st. The Now Ogilon is catching traveling men nt $2 per day. Council 131uffs Furniture company for good goods nt low prices. 407 Broadway. S. B. Wiidsworth & Co. loan money. J. G. Tipton , ronl osjtnto , r,27 B'dwuy. ' Money loaned at L. B. Graft's A ; do. 'I ' loan oflico on furniture , pinoo * . horspa , wagons , personal property of all kinds , nnd all other articles of value , without removal. All business strictly conli- dcntiul. _ _ Corporal Tuitiiur Will Cnnin. Major Lyinau received a telegram from Washington yesterday morning convoying the Information that the trouble that was causing the delay In Tanner's start from that city hud been removed , and that the commissioner would positively bo hero Monday evening. Tills was n most welcome surprise to the old soldiers , to whom the re port of Corporal Tuuncr'a inability to come was a keen disappointment. It is stated that nil effr > rt is being made to have the distinguished speaker deliver his lecture at the Uhautaunua grounds instead of nt , Masonic temple , but it Is not yet dollnituly settled where the speaking will take place. Steam nnd hot water heating , first-class plumbing. Work in both cities. JOHN' Giu- IIUUT , 518 Pearl street , .Council Ufulls. C. 11. Trunl : Factory moved to Chapman's old stand. Largest trunk factory m west. Bodino reeling will last longer and give better satisfaction than any roofing made ; will not crack , curl or split , and makes a perfectly solid joint on the entire - tire roof. Birkinbine Engineering and Supply company , 115 Peurl street , Coun cil Blurts , In. AVhy tlio Break Occurred. Quito an interesting little cpisoilo has Dccn brought to light since the recent com mencement exercises of the high school class of 'SO. It will bo remembered that one of the young lady members of the class ilia not appear on the stage to take part In the ex ercises , and her absence was attributed to temporary Illness. It now transpires that thcro is quite a sensational occurrence con nected with the CJIRO. It seems that a quiet wedding took place about six months ago , but very foxvoutsldo of the interested parties icnow anything about It. The months ( lew by , and it was apparent that thcro was troublu in store for someone. Nothing was said , howovcr , and the younir wife continued In school until the close of the term. When the subject of graduation was spoken of there , was n big kick all around. The superintendent declared that this pupil Bhoulil not graduate unless she appeared un der her rightful nnd wedded name. Ho de manded It In the name Qf tlio schools of the city. A rather warm dobuto was the result , and n secret meeting of the school hoard was Held for the solo purpose of discussing and finally settling the cusc. The eouTso of the superintendent was uphold and it was formally decreed that Miss Van Glcscn should graduate as Mrs. Fuller , or not at all. . Bho admitted the truth of tlio statements made when questioned concerning them , and BHHl that she was afraid that the school board would object to her graduating if the truth waa known , so had kept the matter quiet. She said that she wanted her di ploma , but would not appear on the stage un less thu board Insisted. The board was not disposed to Insist , BO the exciciscs wont oil without her assistance. It Is stated that another wedding will take place In the neur future , when a full explana tion will bo made. The young ladies of the graduathiK class wore the ones who princi pally objected to the young wife participating in the graduating exercises , as they dreaded , au unpleasant reflection. Thu linal outcome was satisfactory to all parties concernedand the interested parties are all congratulating them halves. Boalilelohotoicanlrul location , firstclusa Notice the beautiful tlnish givois col lars , cuJlH and ehiit > by Cascade Lnun- dry company. Money loaned on furniture , pianos , cliiUHOiiiin , horses , buggies or anything of value at low rates of Interest. No publicity ; fair and honorable dealing. A. A. Clark ifc Co. , olllco cor. Broadway nnd Main , over American o.Vprcss. Call on the Birldnbino Engineering and Supply company , 115 Pearl street , Council Bluffs , la. , and examine the Bodino rooling. It will pay you ; faum- pics sent on application. * Nn Sympathy in llomtrloks' Court. .Justice Hcndrlcks dismissed the Qladwln woman , who was charged with larceny in his court by her sister , Ucrtio Wilson , who ls now consorting with Mrs. Gladwln's hus band , contrary to the wIMies of the wife. The Justice was well pleased to get rid of the trio. No Explosion * When persons keep cool and use our * Sun Dial" gas stoves. Vow holes , roaster and balceovou. Costa 7 cunts per hour when running full blast. New York Plumbing Co. M Wollinan , jeweler , moved to538 B'y- Dr. 0. 0. Dar.ou , dentist , Opera house bloolc. Splendid bnnrnws at Marcus' clothing tprc bcfni-c removal to ucw UUUtuf. WE BLUFFS LITIGATION , t The Tltlo to Grtvhnm Avenue Now In . Controversy. A SCHOOL GIRL'S GAY ESCAPADE. St. Francis' Commencement nil Tanner Will Bo Hero Next Monday General nnd I'cr- Honal Matters of Interest. Tltlo to Grntmm Avenue Involved. At the meeting of thu city council Monday evening , Alderman Kvarctt Intlpatcd that ho was about to compel the city to reduce the wluth of Graham avenue from 100 to CO feet. Tlio alderman owns considerable prop erty on the street mentioned , in the south eastern part of the city , and this fact Is at thu bottom of the Impending difficulty. Ills buildings thcro project Into the street , and he , In company with several others similarly situated , Wcro ordered souio time ago. by the city council , to remove said obstruction from a public highway. The others complied with the order of the council , but Mr. Everett not only refused to obey , but continued to increase the obstruc tions. Such Is the case as stated by the city ofllclals. The matter came up at council meeting Monday evening , as above stated , nnd Al derman Everett was nrescnt , loaded for bear. The alderman alleged that the city surveyor was responsible for the matter by running tlio lines Improperly , which the latter denied , and thcro was u very Hvqiy ntul Interesting tilt fora few minutes , greatly to the delight of the spectators. Mr. Everett alleges that sixty-sK feet Is ample width for the street , and the Indica tions uro ut present that he has the law on his side. The Clmntiiuqiinns. Uov. E. It. Eaton led the devotions of the morning hour. The heavy rains of last night were n great benefit to the grounds , and 'out llttlodiscomlort to the campers last night. The ground is solid ns avnllc , and at 10 o'clock all was nicely dried off. The various classes , Junior boys' and girls' normal , led by Uov. J. T. Docking ; Hrst year's normal , by Dr. J. C. W. Coxo , at 8 a. in. The assembly bible study , led by Dean Writ-lit. And right hero let It bo said that the disposition of a few present to inter rupt the dean with questions is doing Injustice to many others whoso rights are na distinct as theirs. Let us have the bencllt of Doan Wright's help until Friday , when ho will leave us. Hcv. W. C. Tranter led the intermediate normal ut the same hour , U a. m 'Je-n a. m. is the beginning of the crowded hours. Chorus cm0 , ? rnf > o ; ministers cla gjjiclocniio .oy i"rof. Junv nock. At luiu : : , "i'ho Orcelc Study In Romans" was conducted by Dean Wright in the Greek room. 1'rof. Case ha ? boon quietly but efllelcntly conducting hU voice culture chiss and malsing linn progress. Ho is one of the ablest teachers in the country , anil his teaching Is parfcct. At 1:30 : Di > an Wright met his beginners' class in Greek. His final examination of these classes will bo held Friday. A 1.1:10 : Dean Wright continued the lecture , "Beginning of Thinirs , " and showed that even the metaphysical treatment of n subject can bo made interesting. It is worth the rec ollection of those who have the public car that the people the mass of the hearers are not weary of the old truth , nor of the old bible , but ot the weary way some have of putting it. TIIUIISDAl'S I'KOaitA-UMC. SiOO a. m. .Junior Normal , boys and eirls , lcv. Juntos T. Docking. First year's normal , Dr. .1. C. W. Coxc. 9OJ : n. m. Intermodule normal , boys and gins , Uov. W. Tranter. Assembly bible study. Dean Wright. Tnbcrnuclc. minister's class in elocution , Prof. It. L. Oumnock. 11:00 : a. in. Dramatic , humorous and select readings. . Prof. K. L. Cumnoclc. 1:80 : p. in. > Tcw testament , Greek , closing rcvlow. Lecture , Dr. Macrae , Council Bluffs. 2:20 : p. in. Concert , the Fisk Jubilee singers. 1:00 : p. m. Ministers' institute , "Tho Pauline , or Fifth Gospel , " Dean H. II. Wright. 5.00 p. m. C. I , . S. C. round table lecture - turo , Prof. C. II. Cooper , "I'ho Anti-Slav- cry Agitatation. " 7:00 : p. m. Chorus class , Prof. C. C. Case. 8:00 : p. m. Concert , the Apollo club of Omnha.-assisted by Rogers' band. City steam laundry , 34 Main , tel.-Ml. Jirith of I. W. Unopcr. The friends of Isaac W. Cooper were pain fully shocked yesterday afternoon by the announcement of his death , which occurred at 12:30 : at his residence , No. 122 Bentoii street. Known almost to everybody and without an enemy In the world , a painful interest has been takun in his sickness , and although , known to bo seriously ill , his friends wcro not fully prepared for the an nouncement of his death. Mr. Cooper has been a resident of Council Hluffs for the past thirteen years , nnd dur ing all that time has been an uctivo member of the lire dcgartmont , ami at the time of his death was the recording secretary of the llreineas' association. Thirteen years ago ho Joined the Phoenix hook and ladder com pany and continued with it until the volun teer department gave way to the paid sun ico. Since then ho has been u leading spirit In tho.vcteran local and state associations. Ho wno one of the most skilled si n writers in the west. * Conimcncmiicnt at St. Frrncis' . CTho eighteenth annual commencement ex ercises of St Francis' academy were begun nt the academy last evening , and the closing exercises will take place to-night. About 400 people attended the exorcises of the evening , nnd the careful rendition of the well prepared programme amply repaid them for their attendance. This evening the gradu ates , four in nr.tnbcr. will read their essays , and receive thrir diplomas. The honors and medals for scholarship , deportment , nmlabil- Itv and klndrod virtues will also bo delivered. The pupils will leave for tholr homes Friday morning , with the oxqcptlon of about fifteen , who will spend the summer at tlio academy. Have our wagon call for your soiled clothes. Casoade Luimdrv Co. An Notification. OTTAWA , Out. , Juno 20. Tlio department of Justice has received from Justice Haiti , of Winnipeg , oflluiul notice of the fact that a warrant has been Issued for the arrest of Martin Ihirlce , alias Cooper , for the murder of Dr. Cronln. No further proceedings will bo taken by the department until Uurko Is committed for extradition. J , D. KUUUNPSOV. C. I , , SlIUdAtlT , 1'rcs. Vice I'ro a ( 'HAS. It. 11 ANXA.N. Cashier. CITIZEN'S STATE BANK iV cr.UNCIt. I'nta UP capital t-iirplin . . . J.iubiiitifr to ivpositors. . rro.x.oo. ) ninrcTOiisi . A. Miller. 1' . O , Uleanon. U. li. Shuiart ; , 1 ! . K. Hurt , J. I ) . IMmuutUoii. Chas. 11. liumn. ! Trmisnct bunking buMnesi. Largest oiiHlul and hiirplm of nay bank In southv.'cMern Iowa. Intcrcit on time deposits SPECIAL VASTni ) A good dnng room grl RttomA TV rcatourant , it)7 ) Uroodvray. oit ENT A second story front rpMn.7ltr nlcovo : well furnished ; bath. llefOf cnc exchanged. 1013 3d nvo. . Council muffs. _ - solicit for the So- WANTKO-Flvomonto Loan n'sotlatlnn , of Minneapolis Mlieral compensation. Cull on or address Ed 12. Ward , mauuger , Ugden House , Council lllulfg. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TSTANTr.D MO nieces on seomMianil c.upct , 1 V also all goocf socoml-hnnd furniture. A , J. Mandcl , Nos.iCl ana 325 llroailwny. _ TfilOIl KXCIlANOU-Soverftl geol farms to ox -U chringo for Council Illairs lots. Johnston & Van I'atten , Kvcrctt block. _ AHAItn clmnco for i splendid' Investment , requiring onorgir rather thin lorco. c.xpltnl , A fortune for the rlnht mini. Half Interest In the lincst practical patent ever Issued. Ad dress Swan & Walker , t 1'oftrl street , Council muffs. _ T7\OU \ HHNT-Stciro room. Ko. 18 Mam st. JJ after July 1. N. C. .1 nines. U I'carl st. _ T > iAI. : KSTATR llought and solit and ex- J.v chanced. Special attention Riven to exam ination of titles. W. 0. Jnmea , No. 10 I'carl St. , Council lllulTa. _ _ TjlOIl UKNT ICiuy terms two now five-room JJ homes , 18th nve. between lllgn nnd Third sts. Hell cheap" If taken this week. Inquire owner. J. Dickey , 713 II. Way. _ FOIt SAtiK Old cstabllsSoil general mer chandise business , stocx , fltturcs. wnijoni , etc. Good room and low rent. Address , J , Dickey , 7 toil. Way _ FOR HUNT Furnlim r unfurnished largo ten-room housa. bath room , as , furnnco , etc. , at 015 willow avo. Kaqtilre nt promise 3or 0. U.Sllllman. llrown blok. _ FOH HUNT Lurse doubleoifiM over Frank Levin's cigar store , UJilfJ nd\vny. Imiutro of 1'rank Levin " \\7ANTPb-r.vcry1 > ody In the city to romcni- bur .Mnndol's bargain furniture stbro Is the place to buy your goods. 3 and3 . > llroad- way. _ F I OK HUNT Three untarnlsheil roonm Milt. able for light housekeeping. 10 1 3rd nveiuio Below wo give names of n feivoriho many I'ulrons of tlio In Council UltilTs and vicinity. The character of the patroas uamo.l , nnd the nnlount entrusted - trusted by each to thu protection of the company - pany , indicates the contldenca eujoyed by It nt homo where Iw manaur ot doliig business 13 best known. ft. P. Dlllln . 5 , OJO l.uney llros. fe Co . , . JIT.OJO Charles llauglm . r > ( ) , axj II. i > . Morrow . . . . 1".U.V ) John llennctt . , . . . . V.7M William O'ilallcriin . f.'idJ Charles Shields . 7 , TOO N. W. NIIMII . 7U" J I. A. Miller . WOO fieoryo A. Kry . 0OW Henry lllsunninOo . d.Oj. ) Shugart.Walti WU'S . I'.CCO 15. U Slmgnrt . WKa Uor.inn Catholic Cliurcli . 40,0.1) ) Itomaa Catliollc Church , Westphalia. . . . 4P.'K > J Carroll Coimty Court Mouse . Sl.lO ) TtT PianVi - "X yjSf f rtr Craver , SiesTtt i Aimtln . T.M.C.Lomn . ll. " < \ > r > eeroVells.VCo . . . lO..tX ) George M. Williams . I''IK ) 8. ] ) . Kohles . . . b.fO ) O. U. Cnrponti > r . . . . . . 0'iOH .Masonic Temple . I' . Hi ) Metc.iir llro ? . . . ,0XI C. A. HoobeA : Co . r.,001 S.S. ICellor . 3.MJ NOTICK When our policy exceeds W'.IXW.iW on property snbjeit to destruction by a Klnale lire , the excess Is rc-lnsurjil In other conipanles. UtSTIlK CHOICEST LOT Ol- SUBURBAN & INTERIOR PROPERTY In the clt.v. Ollt eilgud opportunities to inline- dlito investors null home tjeexer. ! . HQ I'carl St. . Council HlntH. NDUIt .V CU3II AN Are thoroughly prepared to take care of horses and carriages of nil visitors to the l.xkc. Plenty of Blicds nnd .stall" , and anlm ils and carriages \\lllbusafelycarodfor. CliarKtsi rL'ii > on.iblo. Accommodating hostlPH on haud nl lit iin.l day. When you drive to the LaSe , don't forgot "OLD DAD.1 Insure lit the U. S. Masonic Ilonovolent Asvocialiun of Council JUnlIV , In. , the , largoil , chcnpcst anil best pluu of .Masonic IiiHiirancc in the worlt ! . that eonllnos its iiicmlicrshlpto its fratcniity. Hidesallow Pelts Mb Furs , Highest m arket prlcc.s. Prompt returns. Nos 0 u ndjSS Main St. . Council llhitTs. lov.-a IV. II. M. I'UJS OFFICES & PiiSt'f , Corner Main and nrojulwny , S , IOWA. Dealers la forelKn domostlo etchana-e. Collections mnile mid lutero.u paid ou time da- Pos"b > _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ HowLookout MflHisADBsraestes CKYST It consists of mow wliltu ilnkos. A produc tion rroni Coal Tur. I'MItrBGlTA' 1IAKM- IiKSS. Krco from oil. ncld or imy suljstauca tlmt would liiirin tlm most dollcato rubric or funthur. It uvaporntes without lu.ivlni ; an > reslilue. Uklll.f motlis wlillo camphor merely drives them away. p > , , BRAZBKf Sole Agent , Council Illutrs. THE QO [ R MM STORE , A. A. HAKT. l rop. Honest Watclios , Olocki , Jewelry nnil Silvar wnio. All cli-nnluu unil rep-ilrlni ; uinler per pomilFUparrlsion of tlio proiirlator. Stationary Toilet article * ami I'erfnmory. nnoVntehos Time Locka inul Clirouoinoters n Hnccliilty. 110 MAIN ST. , Council IllnirH. I i2 0 KKO4I1WAV. Centrally located livery nnd boarding ntnblo licit uccommodutloiH In tlio city. Special at tention to transient ciiHtom. W. A. II Ay 8 , Ifrop. Tclcplioiio Stable , 77. Kua. S-U. CENTRAL LIVEflY STABLE. W. L PATTO.V , Prop. KlcRnnt Rigs ut Reasonable Ittitos. Nos. 19 and 21 , North Main Street. Council Bluffs , Io\vi. GEORGE METOALP , MJAM5STATB , No. 10 Pearl Sfc. ! BEi to Inform the ladies of Dinalm and Council UUUTs that I . liavo dolunnincd upon closing out my entlro stock ol poods nt my HAIR EMPORIUM , No , 20 , Mnln etrcot , , Council BlufTu , within the next 110 flayfe , ftnd for this purpose I will sell my uoods PAR BELOW COST. The stock consists of the finest line of hair goods and oi-niunUnta west of Chicngo. MRS. C. L. GrlLIiETT , , Oide/J ) Ui Vr lro m ll 1'roiapt Atteatlou. ' No , 29 Main St. , Council Bluffs , I DON'T ' | 1T THj EARTH * Ol It ) * * Ofy-NOI But wo < 1o want t"ho people ot Western Iowa lojuipw that the GREAT DARMfN SHOE STORE NO. 1)0 ( .MAIN ST. , Cor. First Ax'oiuto , carry ' the largest stock of BOOTtS , rmd Sl'lOES In this city. That wo always load in popular prices. That portions wanting reliable goods can save tmgnoy by trailing with us. ' S. A. PIERCE. No. 27 , Main Street , Over .lacqiicmlti'x .IcwelryStoro The Most Modern Novolltls In Electric Trusses , Belts , Chest Pro jectors , Etc , Agents wanted. C. B. JUI > D , Continues to go on with a determination on our r > art to sell as nmoh as possible of our immense stock before moving into our new building. Everybody should come to our house to-morrow , and if not able to come to-morrow , come the next day , or some day during : this week We want to sell these goods , and we are going to do it 01 What is our losses your gain. We do not deem it necessary to mention any particular line of bar gains. Everything in the house will be sold at reduced prices. Cal and convince yourselves. Mail orders will receive prompt attention. Council Bluffs. Iowa. < -OAH * o nil. KINDS or CHATTtL MCUHITICS LOWCST T Tt ON H AL ESTATE tVtc. V T acV. JWcoutxt CLmr A.B.MEHSMAN. . ' E. STKVHN.S HERSMAN & STEVENS , ( Successors to Morgan , Keller & Co. ) SPJCCHAI , ATTUSITJO.V G6VKX TO KMS -AVI : cAititv A FUI.IJ MNI : on- WOOD : CLOTH : AND : METALIC : CASES. JOl'EN AT ALI < HOUKS OK DAY AND NIRHT.f - : $ : . : ; ii IJIIOADWAY , COUNCIL BIJUKF.S. SIZES FROM EspccialfAiiapteJ far ELECTRIC 25 TO 300 ' LIGHTING , HORSE POWER. Mills and Elevators SH | > cllc-Uloii9iml ! ostlinatcs furiilslio 1 for cotnplo'n ntr-im plitnf. Itczulntlon , Durntlllty KuaranteoJ. Can sBoir lultcra Iroai uneri where fuel economy la cqunl with rcrlhs Niin- E. C. HARRIS , Agent , Send for catalogue. No. 610 Pciii-1 Street , Council BlufTs. REFITTED A.NJJ Ccniiccted by Motor with Located on Lake Mannwa , the finest Watering Place nnd Summer- the west , Beautiful Bonting and Fishing. ' " ' Unparalelled Bathing Beach. f n I Special Batoa to Parties nnd Families. Correspondence - ar Oay , rospondonco Solicit 3d. Special Bargains in all Departments This Week. czru IMMENSE ARRIVAL OF Swiss Embroidered Flonncings , The prices the lowest ever seen ; Trom SO to BO per cent less than asked by other dealers. PARASOLS AT RmNOUS PRICES. Hosiery , Mitts and Gloves. Prices to suit nil. The most complete stock in the city. Hose from lOc ; 3 for1 28c , to S1.2S n pair. Our guaranteed Fast Black Hose nt 25c , 30c nnd SOc , bents the wond. Every pnir warranted or money refunded. Mitts and Gloves fror.i lOc n pair up. IN GENTS ECKWEAR We show the most complete line in the city. All the latest styles. An examination will convince anyone. A manu'acturer's ' stock bought for spot , cash , which will be cleared out at our usual low prices. GENT'S ' V HITE SHIRTS . At 26c , 4Be , BOc and 62Jc ; better value never handed out to a cus tomer. Iii Table Linens , Crashes , Towels , Napkins , Muslins and Sheeting's , An examination will convince you that the Boston Store Is head quarters. ARE YOU FOND OF'READING ? The Boston Store will give awny free this week with every cake of Balsam Fir Soup , the complete work of Ro'oerl Elsemere. also the Battle of Belief , by the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone , nil for 28c. . One cake of Soap and the two volumes all for 28c. The soap itself is sold all over for 25c ; Robert Elsmero for 5Oc. For 23c , one quarter , takes the lot. lot.REMNANTS REMNANTS AT REMNANT PRICES ! "Leaders and Promoters of LOW PRICES. 401 Broadway , Council BIufFs , Iowa. COUNCIL BLUFFS SOLE AGENTS COLUMBUS BUGGY CO , COUNCIL BLUFFS HOMEOPATHS. W , H , CHAMBERLAIN , M , accuriitoly Throat proscribed. Surgeon , Olllco corner Muln St. , and Broadwiiv. " " ' 0" " ( ' ? ' < -Ho-om Pi J. MONTGOMERY"8"- ' , 115 Pearl St. Olllco hours , 9 to 12. a. m. , 2 to 0 und 7 to 8 , p , ; > .