Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1889)
THE OMA"fiit/15MLY / 27 , 1889 , SPECIAL NOTICES. OMAHA. No ntlvcrtlnoinnntB will be tntcon for tlioso ci > liiinnn nfior ISiiH ) pin. Trrins Cnuli In ntlvnnoc. . Advortl emcnts under thin head 10 cents per line for the fim Insertion , 7 contn for OACU nub- Nqnent inortlon. and tl.hopcr line per month. No advertisement taken for less than 2T > cents tor llrkV Insertion , Seven words will bo counted to the line ; they must run coimcuUvrly and Binst be paid In ADVANCE. All tidrerttsfl- jnptits must bo handed lu buforo Itft Oo'cloclc p. W. , and under no circumstance ? vili lliey bo tAkcn or dlncontlnuoil by telephone. 1'nrtlcK advcrtlslnc in those columns nnd liav- Jnu thrlr answers audrrsscdm euro of Tin : HKK JvlH plcnso ask fora check to enable them to Rot Intlr letlrrs. us none will bedMlvrtvd cxcopt oi r > ro enutlon of chock. All nnswcrs to nilvor- llneincntH dhuuld boenclooed In envelopes. All ndViTtlsoinciith in these columns are pub- llphfd in both 11101 ntnunml evening nllll usof TUB DKK , the circulotlon ot which negrogntos rooto than IC.CCO papers dnlly , nnd glvrs the ad vertisers the bnnollt , not only of the city circu lation of Tin : DKK , but also of Council llluffs. Lincoln nnd other ijtlcs nnd touns throughout this teuton of tha country. BRANCH OFFICES. Ailvcrtlilngfor theco column i will bo taken in Hie abdvo cnniJIIIolis. at the following h M- ISM houisrs , who aroauthorlred iiRontsforTiiK IKK xpcrlal notlcoa , uiul will quote the sumo ales ns cnn lo hnd at the main olllco. \V. Btroct. CIIA8K& I'.DDY , Htntloncrs and printers , 113 fouth ICth Btreot. II. PAUNBWOUTII , I'harmaclst , 2115 Cum. IngStrcot , J. IIUdHr.3. I'lmrmaoLst , OJ4 North ICth Street. W. PAUIt I'nannadst 1809 > fiBO. , , Bt.-ilary Avonue. SITUATIONS WANTED. EXI'l'.UT accountant wants complicated books and partnership mutters to ujtist. Address 0 or. , lleo. C08Jyl4 ! WANTED MALE HELP. AVA'NTKli A Kootl bTllco mnn to RO east ; iVt mtit-t InvofltS..D'JO ; must bo a Rood buslno.iu ail. Address the Oeo. S. Cllno inibllshliiR , nm to itil Wnbash avo. , ChlcaRo , 111. 7'Ji J ANI'KD A cnrpentor ami cabinet makor. TT Mint bo good shop hand. Apply at 21ft ! Farnam street. KU-27 ? W'ANTED 50 railroad men for the w > Bt , Apply toiUy. Mrs. Drega , 314M 8.15th. j mi-ja "t/tfANTHD Olllco boy. Jos. Garnenn Cracker YVCo. - BIO 23 * WANTED Men wltn fair education and pleasing address to solicit : Deposit of 625 reiiulron ; salary $05 nud i" > per month. Cull ou or address , C. L. llavlon , room All First jNntlonnl Dank. 8OT-2U : ? WAN1 ED llallroad laborers for now worn In Wyoming. Tenmstbrs. wheeler holders , tjlck nnd shovel mi-ii , nud rock nnd tunnel men. Steady wurK nnd good Job. For transportation , npply nt Albright's lubor ngeucy , 1120 Fnrunm Bt , Otiinhn. 702 WANTE D At once , two youns men for light pleasant work all summer , 4lu weekly. H. 51. Wlers , lloom 17 , 220 Njjj" ! at. 770 ! a _ j > Agents ovorywhcro to neil the "History ot tlio .lohnstow n Flood , " about 450 pages , well Illiihtrntod , rotnll prlco only 81.5' ' ) ; most liberal discounts to agents ; send UO cents for outllP at once , and you will make money rnpldly. Every moment you aol.iv is money lost. J. M. French & Co. , Omaha. Neb. 7M 1 * \ \ 7 A N T ED C.ood milker , near city ; 4 Rood Ti farmhands. Sirs. Dioga , U14K 3. 15i . Vft)2 ) f * \\rAN'l ED Men to soil Shetland-Mountain > > ponies ; llttlo beauties , spotted and fnucy colorc , Ini-Rost herd of thoklnd in America ; M\m- Vlo pair tree on business-like conditions ; letters ttiiswoi od if n self-nddrossod stamped envelope fit Is enclosed. Proprietor "Shetland Pony llnnch. " "i < Vnu Jlnub.JJcsarjCp. , Toxns 75 ! ) 20 $ WANTCD Ton coodcornl'o men. Western Cornice WorKs , 14th between Jackson nud Jones. laj 27 WAHTEI ) ( ioort , reliable men for detect- ivcs in every cr-mmunltv ; paying posi tions. Address Kansas Detective , Bureau , Look IJox 2S ) , Wichita. Kan. Kin ANTI51) A marble cutter. lun.ulreat room 11. Chnmbor of Commerce , 595 WANTED A young man or boy to carry horco route on Dally Evening lloo. Apply - ply at Dee olllco. 5fin BO'YS Am. Dlst. TeL Co. , 1301 Douglas.7GO MEN to Travel for the Fonthlll Nursoriosof Canada. Wo pay S 0 to $100 n month and expenses to agents to Hall our Canadian grown lock. Ad. Stone Wellington. Madison , Wis. .03 W ANTED llallroad laborers , rockinea mid track-layers for Washington Territory ; BO' od ' wages and steady work , at , Albright's labor Agency , 1120 Fnrnani st. Oil WANTED FEMALE HELP. ANTED A Rood girl for general house work. 510 s. U2ud st. sir-ij f"O01) girl for houseworx , 4m family ; steady \JTwork. 40 B. 2Ud. 517-33 WANTRD A competent girl ; good wages. 1814 Dodge. BQ9iia WANTED A competent girl , ono who un derstands cooking , washing nnd ironing thoroughly ; no other need apply. Mrs. JI. Holl- inan. iSSXt St. Mary's ave. ' 7W "TXTANTED Girl to do second work and toke ft caroof child three yrsolu ; none but com- tiotent ncod apply ; Gomuin preferred. 2 < OS Bt. I-iai-j-'s ave 7)7 ! ) WANTBD Waist llnIshors. U Winoborg , iJthaudCapltoln\ _ . tJQ-J ast WANTED Experienced hnuda to work on Cahn's perfect llttlng costume shirts. Apply Thursday between 1) ) to 13 n. m. 1JOI Pouj/lo-s Htroot , over A. D. T. Messenger onico. 'VAT'ANTED ' Competent ( 'lrls apply nt onto , VV'g23 _ | Dcdgo Bt. 70.-I \ArANTKI-Oood , girl , 818mo. . C24 N SUh at , "SA7 ANTED Nurse girl ; also rook and Inun- i drass ; small family : Roml wages ; none Irat oxparlcncod Jieod apply ; reference re- culred. Mr .ti. A. McWhorter , 40th and Dodge , 771 27 * W ANTED Olrl for general house work : must bo good cook , at Kill Locust. 770-2U * WANTED A good cook. 8" > per week. F E. .Maoris. Iil7 South ISth. Wil-L'S WAITED flood ulrl to coos , wash and Irou. Sirs.Y. . JI. Dushmau , till 8. I7 i 05 ! W ANTED Compntent nurse Rirl , one thai IH kind nud willing. Ib2i : Farnam. HI ENGAGEMENTS to do dressmaking In faml- lie * solicited. Miss Sturdy , lW ( Bfflth aiio , , _ . * jT , i SillNNlClvhasromovodlierdressmaknl JiJLparluifromlGlCHowurd to 172ILenvenwth' ho will be pleased to have customers cnll. 2Jy7 BOARDING. ILIIHST-class day board. Inquire 1009 Dougliu rVilBCEULANE6US WANTS. XTOUNO" maiir'wnnt'ea""to taTtcToFdi-rs foi JL Calm' * perfect llttlnpr shirts mtiilo to or rtcr. Apply iu [ H'rson Friday between li and i : n , m , , l il Douglas istruct , over A. U. T. Mr * noiig'r cilice , _ tOl-i-V FQRI3ENT--HOU3ES. * 5TrTKV l-tNTbcJui liousoiTSlT nim B48 Bl Kid. ueii fai Mnaon. Enquire M tug B. gld8UJ1 _ * I70lt KENT A nicely furnlkhod house In IUOB JL ? ilrslruble rcbldonco location in the city. 01 Btrect car lltir , lltti-nn nilmuos walk , Wl ! take part of rent lu board and room ; wan man aud wife ; no children , llofurcuco ronulrod 8. Uth st. | 81.1 KENT KuniUliMl bouse ; linmudlati JO psaaeAalon. Culla)4 ) go. .th Ht. 7UO au lIt 11ENT ll-room house , modem convnn loncus.22l3Cullforii1tt t , 7INW * TmOU UENT Nice h-room Hat , newly paporoj JL ? EC. , lea HoiYanUt. . in meat market. rc > TTiOU UENT-7-rQoiu corner llat , HtU nm JL1 Jones. 200 _ f ) NJCK'-room cottages ; good collars , cisterns -'well ' , good luuu ; convoulont to ichool uiu rhurchper ) month for the summer. Appi : t uncu , C. F. Harrison , Merohauts' Nat'l oauk 773 oit ItENU1 7-room house with KM andbntli f umituro for sale uhoap. UJLI Lenveuworth " \7"Elmve a nnoT-roora hat faclunr V property which can rent to a family will references cheap. No furnished roon Bublettlng allowed. L. A ; B , Loan and HenUi HowardmreoU 7io T71OH ItCNT-DwellluK , 0 roonm , J.'and all modern coinviiloiicai , Cuvltol live , S blocks from High school , D. J. O'Dcmho < . . . . . . 1G011'urimia st. cu * > IfSS KENT A ilctnchoa V-room bouse , a ! tuodcra onTiuUuci * . filOH UF.NT Ie lrabl 10-room prick house. E N. loth t. If i knaby .luly 1 will make very low rcnU Inquire Nclhorton Hall , room 4B. First National bank. v-VM ] 1FOR UKNT H-robml'rtcIcrt velllnfr. all win- J.1 wnlcncns , S block * from P. Oft'.IO N. Wh t. ,774 jrum IIENT-lVroom house. 313 N. 10th st JL } Iiiqulro wlUlln. 7S5 27 FOH KENT .Inly 1st. new 7-rodm house with city water and bath. Apply SXfi Franklin nu or room Otw Merchants National bank. TTTor renti Inquire sail DoJgeTt ; 7'73' > f . . . . . HUNT A nlrps-roomcottasfl with many conwnlonexH , 027fl. 17tn , v ; rontniodirato AdplyJ SJ Ithst. 071 13ESIDENrr.SInthsWm..1.VftUlrlockcor.H'lh .Itnnd Chlrnso Most modArn and ntlractlvo. Will bo ready about July 10th. Apply , PaullW3 Fttrnam. 443 liENT Furnished 0-room houso. 1815 at * 'i poriiionlh. ivu 271 FOll UE.ST Now brick houses. Il every modern convnnlimcc ; on cable line ; only $10 per month. C. T. Tnylof. cor. 14th and 'J'3 Dougla : . FOR Tlci Hrst-class board ! modern conronloncos avo. 7US HUNT VurnMiod room without board. 23)1 ) I'nrn.yiust. 'H'itO' IJIt'llNlsiini ) room nnd board In private fain- J-1 lly ; tormu it week , Apply 1811 St. .Mary'ft uvc.'ird Poor , to the rlRht. joi-'ir ; ItKNT Larso tiirnlilietl Irontroam , nlso front and back parlor jinfurnlmod with board. ICiunilru lit 11)10 ) Capitol Avemip. is ! TTlOlt 1U5NT ruruUllod room , 2il. Dodge t. JJ - 753 F ! 1UNT : rurnlslicd rooms , 1MJ IOIRO. ) ! 740 3J ? ' . turnlMieil froatiom > with llrst- ANIUI'.liY for two. In prlvat fiimllv. All modern comonlcnced , n blocks from 1' . O. on xalilollno. AuHnstX. J. . Uea. 75 ! IJUIH HUNT A Iurio and smrtll well furnished -12 front rooms , nil modern conveniences , nnd boaid. SW83 rarnam. em-aO * ClinKlirUU. oool room , with or without hoard , m nr vato-famlly , ntcolv sttnatod in modem residence. Hofcrences. 2130 llarnoy. FIIHNI8HK1) itooins-liiintlsomo mlt of rooms with ull couvculeucos , lf 10 Howard. OS3-30 r AHOKfurnlsncd room nud "board. IIS So. JJ thavo. KENT Fnmtshpd room with or with out board. Ifill Uoughvs st. C'.t 27 ? room with first-class board. FUUN1SHRD . , C7928 ? POH HENT-Two parlhra front nud on first Moor. All modem co\oulencos. IbOi Douglas. _ GS. ! T OH ItHNI'-nlcely funilshed. cool suite ot J ? rooms for family or 4 Rentlemcn , one room with ulcove , or" will rent sopnratcly. 23) ) N. llith. 04027 ? JINGLE ro'om and donblo room , ovorycon- 1 * am f tin/in ItifM I flrttrt1 iiVit TtS TOH HlINa1 FurnlsUearoom.with board 1723 J.1 lodio t'll T3OOJ1S and board , 100 and 10J So. 2Hh st. H - 27U July at IC15I.Y furnlsnt'd rooms , board If desired ; NIC , bath .electric bells , etc. 1OJ l > ouglas. 1C7 TTIUUKISIIRI ) room for rent after Juno23. JJ )24 ) Hurt st. . IVi ' TTOU 11ENT FuruHhcd rooms , llrat-clnss nr. JL ; commodations. Mrs. Twlnglor , OK s 15tii street. lf'3 ' Tf5"rooms by tlayTw otti or St. Clalr hott'l. cor lith ) nud lodco. ' 1 AUdE front room with bod-ioonindjolniiw. JLJhnudsomely fmnlshetl , R.IS and heated by Btonm , with use of bath loam , in ona ot the hiinnsomebt residences in the city , without board. Inoulioii. w. tor. IDth and LaavonworMi 773 tnUHMSIIED rooms , slnglo or ou suite , batli JD nnd steam ; for gents only. 1510 Howard. 13 OOM with or wltnout board. 1P1J Doilso. 78'J ' "WOK UKNT-llooui. 1 1 Howard. 781 ) or unfurnlshnl liouao for rent FUHN1SHEI in Paik Terrace , oppositft Haiwcom parK ; nil mofln'n couvonlcii'es. Inquire Lee v NlcholjbUi ; nud Loavoiiworth. 7Jri _ "niOintENT 2 frout rooms , en suite , modern JL ? convenlonccstor gcntleuieu ouly.ll5r ! _ .17tli. N1C15 rooms , fuintstied , 8 > to. $12 ppr month , or byvoolc. . 1'cUbody honso. 14th nnd Jun s. . 7usja T AHGE furnished room for rout , suitable for ' " gentlemen. 1S2J Ffvruam COT pleasant room , only OimnutiM J walk from business center , nil modern con veniences , cor8t. Jlary'a am. and 2jth or ( K ) S. 0lh. brick resldauco. _ Ml LOVRIjY south front room , every lonco , y block from street cat. : i.0) Douglas. 'fO"R "RENT ' - ftOtTMS TpOIl KENT 4 unfmnlsnod rooms , 8ultul > lo JL1 ( or housokeoplUK.all modern Improvemunt-i , bath , hot nnd cold water , pas , watur clo-et , etc. 1704Vcbbtcrbt. . _ 4 i5 TJ1OH ItlJNT Over stove store , 1021 Howard JJ st. Inipilro lit atora fi')1 "fjTOKKKNT Until O.-tobor J , larys furnlahcd JD 140U.-.0. cell 2Ji a iiitli. _ iM FOR RgNT STORES AND OFFIClEft TTIOU UENT atorrtooms nt K'os. 191.1 nud Illl7 -U ( imlnc : st. fi'i pur month each. 1'otter .te Cobb , 1001 Farnam. _ Hll a OKF10K To rent Vuruishod olopuntly or unfnnushed. llushmanblock , N. E , Cor. JO and Douglna. WS 'TTOll ' HUXT Oomfortabl 8toro rooms in the J ? Her building , 00x21 : good location for liar- cess shop. Alwi. two brustincnt- ; , light imdulry , 44xyi\ under hard mire store ; Rood location for tin shop. Apply to A. C. llnvmcr , linrdwai'o tioro , Her building , corner Jnckzonaud Itlchst GM Jr JB TTIOU nKNT Storerooms ntN'os. inn end 1)17 ! ) JL ; CuinlUR St. , W5 ptr mouth each. 1'otter A ; CobU. 1CT1 ntroiim. bll 8 TjAOUJlENT Stores and Itrlni ; rooms nnCum- JL' inR st. A\fo \ house on Cns st. Han-is , room 411. lstNat. _ jj-uu HENT Tin ihtory brick building with JLJ cir without jio > vor , uowoosupiod by The Dua Publishing Co. . Dili Farnam st. The building has n lire proof cemented oaspraeut , complete fitonm heating tlxtuios , water on all the lloors , gns. etc. Apply at the olllco of Tno Hon. l > r > ITlOlt KENT StororooniM at Nos. ] 15 and 1017 J Cumlng si , U > nor month each. Potter a Cobb. 1001 I'lirnam. 6112 1jOR * HUNT Store S2XCO ; 1118 Jackson Bt. JJ Knqnlro 1114 Jankaou. 7NI nTIOH UKNl'-S lloorg nont,1ialf BemU build- JL. ln , power , heat , electric lliilit. Inuulro of- liCB of licmisOninlm flag Oa. t4a ] i J CIKN'TSt WomaVn art'lcloa that ( -ell atslRhl ; lame protlta ; particulars nud samples mailed 16 cimts. "Quick" M luy sU , N. Y. _ _ _ 73l-'fl ! T lYOHCHS-Srieedllr. Quietly , rtcsortlou , nil , IJ ( aiifeos. I'aitltsju any itato. blank np- pllcanou froa. Kobcrt Whleo , attorney. 115 llroadway. Now York. 731 1 ' Ul'IlOUSTlUtINC , drupliiff and lepalilutc. Mattresses madoo\er , n t class work , Heiuouullo pilcci. U. LthniHiiu , 21i ! N. 14th , dono. collected and delivered by Mra. Auclrow tjorensen.asifl Parker st. _ ' _ 6BJyl8 UMUIIKl.UAti and pansois ooverfld nnd ro. palicd. 217 a IRtli lloyn's cparn , housu block , in rubbrr store , It. llalor. V.H \HE banjo taugtit ai an urt , by Gco. F. ( lol- wlenbock. Apply at llecpllli e. 050 JOiiNV.ilAliBJr. .tower Imlldtr and drain layer , house dralnngo nud sanitary work a o specialty , Olllce 1107 Uouclui St. , Omaha.b. . i- Gr.O. Ii. JON1I3 , plumiiln and ens tlttmg drain la } Ins , newer and wnter connections Kupoclaity , 141 } Doupo biuiBmont. Omalm , LOST. STUAYRDor Htolon lllm-lc mnro nnd roll ; also roan pony j f la rauanl fur return to Juo , llruuer'8 barn , Vlorouce , tt.'U 7 * I OST About tlircowueVs ago , a small gold Jalyourueuu plu , with Jdn M > Heudorsuii , etc. , vnvraved on Duck. Very liberal reward will bo imid for its return to room 400,1'nx.ton blocic. 7U ; ST A cloak Sunday on 8ttli strom , ba- twovn Vinton nnd south Omaha. Iteturn ' 3KS Cutnraineraud uut reward. 777-27 T . .OWlloan colored Holsttin cow ; auv lufor. JLJnmtloii will u thankfully received at J , U llriindiea . Soiu. EW frv.-T ' " " ' ' - ' " M .MI u-ii I-OUND. up , red cult with wlilu ( pots , about u weeks old ; cou hava bycallliikon J.OM I'otereou , Utli it,3 blucUiwuiu ot VaUvy , PERSONAL. " \TItS , Perceval ot California , 1831 nonplus it. , -I'l. tort ells the future. Ladles and gentlemen. 7AO-3IJ pnlONAL-rhoto : ot Oraana1 > aso1)a\l \ club JK ) on sale at lloyn , the photographer. ( Iran- Itc block. _ 124 ST'ORAOE. QTOIIAOE nt low rTteli\t lT21 Faruani t , ; Oomaha Auction and Storage. 7W rPKACKAGK , storaRoriowest rate * . W. " JL isushman , isil lxsavcnwonii. TO ? ] jTlU\NCllico.i storoge , lai . . . Ennd farwariUnjriWo'roiloct and Odeliver goods or all descriptions , merchan dise , furniture and bagg\ ? , > , nt caoapest rates for storage for nuy lim tn ot timi. Vnns and wngonstoto hvl iitsnorleslnotice , with car * . ful men for moving. I'acklm ? , and nalpplnj from our own waronouo done oamolarato chnrss. Merchandise loaded and unloaded. Warcinonso on our own track ? . Olllco 217 S.llth St. ; telopnono 114. Howell.VOn. 314 CLAIKVOVANT . \Vnrrfl3calrvoyant , moJ- -lyicalnndbuslncsi me.llum. IVminle dlseaira a sporlalty. 119 N IClh Et , rooms 2 and 3. ' SHORTHAND ANO T YPEVy R IJP ! ! ' tAT TOTnrsTToTnia irs i'o i ; i'aYtou Vloclc , ( successor to Valentino's shorthand lost- tuto1 , the laneit , bcit oiulpped Hliorthaim school In the woAtt M undortho personal * ttincr vKlonof .losonli ! ' . Mefrjxfi , nn ex-umclalTe- porter and stnto npout llonilnu'to.i Stand. nrd typewriter , nvslstod by expsrlaucad vrr- b.itlm reporters. Mochnnlcil construction of machine tnuphr by factory expert. I'a-tlciilur attention p.ild to tMow ) i ItUis. Stonograjih.iri' Biiplos | ! toranle. Circular tree. _ p ) _ QHOUTI1ANI ) aim typawrltlnj. Omana Ims1' Ones ! collet ? * , cor Uapltol nvo and Kth. Standard methods taught by O. C. Kwlnc. of San I'rnnolsuo , thn best teacher on the 1'aclllr coast , M unton'H rcvliod f ' 8 1 n specialty ; ticw- plan ; blackboard Illustration ! day and ovoItln'K classes ; call or write for tornu. " 7U. < < VVANTEP TO BUV. "VlfANTRD furniture , carpet i. stoves and f household Roods of all klmli. Omahi Auction ftatoriiKU Co. , U'-l ! ! > 'ii-tm. _ . & FOR SAl.E--miSCEl.I-AN OUS. 10WS For SMo 2 good mllcli co s. V nt 1310 Puciiicst. _ . . TT1011 SALE flood tehm , wnljorfnnd nnfncis - * . compltto , choap. .1. .1. WiUlmim. oa ? f T7Olt ! SAl.K-HWlnc liorso. Apply to Slil JJ lard hotgl druK store. ' "fiTOlt SALE-Groyhound pup , .Norlliw est cor -C 13th nnd Williams. ' . - MM . . _ - - V.KV 1 - - f ITIOll SALE nr Trade i'llis > oifllR snddln J2 pony. D , It. Hall. 2U1 Ilaraey tt. 737 1 JS I'OUSALE-Horso end'humMs. . ' § W. nt T101 S. sajdatroetor I'.icllH. . / ' 7r20f "OOXY for Snle Hiinilsome ) > ay marc , ride or J- drive , 7 years old. Address C 70. Due olllce. . lttjg OlttjAIEWhltb Kncltshbull tcrt-Sjvs , ffom prize stock ; nlxo sor.efcly : llhoshott heud bull nnd torrlo'.s ; full pc.llgtve.VNV . 'llnokvu. ' Washington sU , nstnn.J > lav. : JOUU , FOH "SALlJ A full set o f teo. curloq aim .wloe ca-is ; nUo uv t Rood srconrt liaiurMellvei wngoiis. C. If Moore A. Co , 131 > Uortg.i st. * , ' 'jil-gflt- 13AUT or nil of furniture ror xH\o and coif litre Jtorrent. . 414 N. 14th street. gl > : i7 ; _ TjlOK SAf.B Furniture ot 7-roonl hoij9for JL ; reut , uas tind bath. U3M I , ' ! . vi'ii.vortlu * ( < ? * ta * 2"t TJ OU SAI.i : 20 head of youua IIOI-.SKS , suit- 1r.blo for ilrivmy barn , 'i.tli ami Gaming at , " OK SAI.K-Phcnp. OnT bl 3yli' . eau TAU- dyu till jclo : i'id oii'j .sl'i lj ti'i'y 'lj.jood ns now ' -Apply Joiiu S I'rlnco. Collsjum. 12J ABSTRACTS' liriut a & l'ru t . . uiin.Compli't' * Vxlra aud titles to lealesluto examine J , purfnrtediX guanmt eil. N10NEY TO LOAN. MONEY to loan ou furniture , liorss * , w.iftous. otior on .iny uppVovp I M0itrity. : .1. W. Itobblus , 1111' , Fiinuuu strebt , IMsron lu > ) l. < \ K. & C. il. Anthony. Jili rirst National J bank bultdhu ; iiiaRo loans 1100.1 tarms lu Nebraska nud lonnunil linprorod Omaha city propoity ; money reuiy ; tltlu jxa.l-socurlty n . - > cl ( upon hero ; no delay ; 1'avomhlo IMICB : call or write. MONKY loaned for Kn ( ) ) or P ) day * on aay kind of chattel security ; ro oi'iul : Inter est ; J. J. WiUuUjou. 1147 Fat n K : MONKY to loan n furniture , chaitels or ivul Butato. l.oMest ntlus ou jsood iT. II. Kmmgcr , 1417 Farniin , room .1 J'JT jy < ) MONHYtolom on him * , wx ? > a < . huisi > liola cools , plajoj.orgnu- . lowest rates , 'Jlu Jlr i : or aul : jil lo.i.i o.lice in tlicclty. Macoloani for tnlrty t > tUr.'e Inn drM and Mxty-flvjday.5. whlsh'ran bs'thliTln part or wholp. ut , any time , thin icrwtTmgtho p-iucipal aud Interest. I all and sa Irt wLoii you want i.ioiuy. Wo can st vo i promptly nud to your ndv.uitajto without removal of property or piibhcltv. ilon y always o.i hand. No ditl.iy in making loans ( X K. Head & Co . U13 S. 13i ) st. , over llliigham & Son ? . SB TJBSinRNCK T.OANS-fl4 to vl r cent , no nil- JLAdltional charges for commlssioirt or aitor- uoys' fou.i. W. II. Melkle , Vint Nat iMinls blIg. r/S rinaucial n milatojt aud mow 111)oral In the city ; money loanol wilhbut delay qi ; publicity. In any ntiioum. l iyo or nurill , at lao , lowest i atoi of Interjst , ou .113jr .avatjublu ys- curity ; loans may bapaid nt nny time OB ni ne wed at oilglual rate * O. uoiuar < m.-MRr. , " , iUrtnr block. 1'itli nud KArnini. bl ) ' M OSF.Ytoloan nt low rite 3 by Ktctlslpr Land Co. , II1U South loth btrset , Omaha. ' M PONKY to loan on real estaw ot-low rate. J. D. ZlttlB. 4 : > J PaMon blo-k. SMALL loans , short tlin" , ROJ ! cicurity , reasouuble Interest. P. O. box Oil , city. - BUILUISn loans. D. V. Bholes , 210 First Na lional bank . ilO CF. HAKUISON loam moajy , lore t rates. . KI3 MONKY loans negotiated at low rutas wltn- outdelay. aud purchau Rooils , ro umarclal paper and mortcng ; > i notos. B. A. Slomnn , cor. loth nnd runmm 8 T OANS ou improved nnd unlmpro/ol prop- JL/eity at low rates. Udell Iiros.xOoUl2ri.liitn. JHto : ONEY to loan. IlatTls 11. E. & l .ln Co. , room 411 First National bank. " ; .7KH TTNIMIMIOYED mm improvprt proi orty : U loiius made promptly ; money ou hnnni * . M. Klclmrdson , tw cor IJtH and Doughui. T CAN make a few loan * oa flr t-cUisj chntt l JLsocurltlo.H at reasonable rates. W. K. Potter , room 10 , Darker bit. ' i < 2S M)0iO ) to loan at C par cent. Llnuhaii & Mi- $ honey , room r.UJ I'axtor block. Bi MONEY loaned on furniture , homos nnd wagons ; rates reasonably City Loan Co. , 118 U , 13th it. , opposite Mlllartl hotou OJ u NHlinASKA Mortg. Loan Co. will make you a lonn on household goads , bor * s. wagons land contracts , - - - fine jewelry , or securities ot any * kind , without publicity , at rensonablo-ratos.- " lloom 7 , Howler block , South , Omaha/- Hooms J1S-51B , FAXtou blockvOuiahb , Nup , SMALL short tlmo loans on ciiMt/51 / securltr. ZlllOhlaBt. ; call after"Opm ; Tj40JJ/i > . t iJHOpLE'S Flnanctat Exchange Llf ttud Miiall lo ins for lolii ; nnd snarl tltu nt lo\-- * 1' interest , on real estiiteTttb xh notes , chattels ot nlllrlnds , Ulamoiirt'iJtTrttMi9s nud Jawelry. Don't full to calUf Van wgnt fnlr nnd cheap accommodatlorfB. { f , ltous > aAnfr Mgr. , room 57 , Darker blk , 15tU and l-'ttrnam.t ? , , TVTONF.Y to Loan Wo ar Taany for applied- Ifltlons tor loans in amouuU Jroui t-WJ .uulA | > - QUO on improred Omuha or Dougla * county real eitato. I'ull information as to retesA > iula promptly clostd. Good notes will be purchased by us. Call upon us or writ * . TheUcCague Investment Co. ' " V14 EYSTONE Jlortgage Co. ! loans" W 110 to f I.fOO ; got our rates before borrowing and savecioncy ; loan on horses.- furniture or aUy Rpproved security , without publicity ; notus bought i for new loan , renewal of veld and low- ott r.ituj.callliiMS.bhesUy blk.UtU * Howard n * * ' . 607 ElTi o'l7 7 > 'opm aiO First Nftfl Dank , D tote making your loina. ' 810 , M | ? UJUlSal ) fcM. Unaluiafc DON'T borrow monejMlA furniture , norses , wagons , etc. . orcoll * Will until you see C. U. Jacobs , ho First National bank building. 815 1 * OANS made on real Istftto and mortgages JLJbought , Lewis S. 1(0(4. ( * Co , , Jt 13 , Hoard ot Trade , ? 813 III LDINO and othor.triu estate loans. W. M. Harris , room 20 , Froi } lllock , opp. P. O , FIHSTmortRnge loan * iWlow rates and node- lay. D. V. Sholos , 210 First National bank. "Ill 810 WANTED-Flrst-clMS1' ' ifisldo loani. rMos. Call and neaiwl. Mutual Investment Co. , It. 1 Unrkor blk. , ir\Ufiut Fnrnani. 817 IV I ONEY to loan. O. JVOTavis Co. , real estate J-'l and loan agents , 1'iti , tarn am at. ON MONEY to loan on any security tor short tiino. nt low rates. Lowest rates on personal property. The ITondenon Mortgage Inrosttnent Com pany , room 40) . Paxton block. _ 00) TVroNEYloloan ; cAihouhaml ; no flolfiy. .1. 1'lAV. Squlro. I21 Farnatu st. First National bank building. 811 _ _ MONEY to loan on Rdod lirst mortgage * . Im proved or unimproved proporly. Jtort- ught . . irown building. IQtli mill Douglas. _ 683 "T\O YOU want moneyIf so , don't borrow Xylicforfl gottlnu my rates. which nro the low- cat on any sum from < MJ up to IIO.UOJ. 1 nuiKo loans on household Roods , plnuos , or- pan * , hor.soj , mules , w.igons , waronoiiso iv- ; elpts , houses , Icnicx , etc. , luiiuy amoitnt at thee o eat posslbla rites , without publicity or re- novalof property. Loan * can bo inutlo for ono to six months and oucnuirty n ( tart Atvi } ' tuns , roliiclui ? uotli irlnclpil nul interest. Ify.iaowon balance on your furniture or hor.s35 , or h ivo a loan on hem. 1 will tike : it up nnd carry It for you ns OIK nsyoudoslie. If you need money you will nn.llt to your ad- Vnulngn to BOO mo before borrowing. II. r. Masters , room 4 , WHhuelt building , 15th nnd Hnrnov. 821 pim.Uiai'irMorHiHJ ! a Trust Co. fur J. cho.ip oxstora mouuy to borrowers. MircliasosecnrlUaj , parfoci mloi , accept loam nttlu-lr western olllju. George \V. P. Contos , room 7. Do ml u' Trade. Sir _ MONEY to loir o.i roil oitUa security. ! nt lowest'ss. llsforo nuatlitlnImns see Wallace. It. 310 llro.uu bid ? liith ADaujlas. 8 BU SINESS CHANCES TOOK SALE A Rood fiayliiR business ; a nice JL1 cigar and fruit stoic. Immlro BO Soutn lOtn. * 7J "it rpo LEASE-Wo Have WO lots In Omalm and JL South Omnha wiiwlll Icaso for DUO to ten yonr.s at 31 to $ i per 'rinutli. Liuatian Ac Mn- lonoy.jroom TO I. I'.xxton blk. 73330 y MALL groory-for sain , ( jood location , cheap k rcnt.lanulro _ Itiu lliTrtlein ; . 74020 ? TflOH SAI.1C orEsclmnzo llnrbor sh pceutor- J-1 ly lpcat-d , ioln ! gcoil huslucs * ; fm'ner lin < outMde luturcsts tn it n-"l hit lUtisntlon ; will nko cuoit clear or smiill In-miiborBd lot i\s p.irt iiymunU Kcr pjrtlolilnrd call lit Mi and 61U . 'a\tou bioclt O.naha. _ , 811 BAIlirilsljop on cor. rti nud Ica\Vn ottli lor sale ; any renocabo ! oirer nccnpted ; > arty leavlnrc tnvrn. Co-oporfttlvo I < ind .v Lot ; o. . ' . ' if ) N. 1 > til t. 7r. , 'M irUMl SALT A Koo.l paying business of JAMirltn l-ir.t ut.d 1-iiits furulshins goods , with HxliiKM , in n 1.001 ! Ibrnilon. for cusli only , will il\a uocd u-BtojH for ellUKou ! aiipllc.i- lion Address Jus. K. lw > , proprJotor Oiniha : National Knitting I'nctorft , I1J4 South 1'itli St. , ( mialia. Neb. 'j liVJ ! J9' DON'T nil's 'lilsoiiy of the best ptylng nml most popular rcHtatmtnti In tha city , now lull of customers , overyJlilut ; HHW , must bo 01 n-ccil.nt of re'ilh. J , II. 1'nrrotte , Sl'l.KNDIlXlmn-e-Scalo or wi-lKhlnx book business lor snlf or ti.file for city property Attditi4 ! lc'K ) 5S. " . city. . c.'O art YTUiU K.UjE I'rult , rnnfc'cttonbry nud cigar J Ktora lu 111 sl-clnss I julion : will sell oh.--ap. ( M.I N. Ilitli. clry. U _ 601-2jt TTOK PALI ! flrain and' lumber business. JL7AtldiXM3CWi.f5e.-i .jCr | r 3'W' " rrmil llaf.-loy House'-rttVth 'I'lit'.o , Neb. , for flruit. : . part vrenting t.vUiilr fur.ilt'iio ' on veiy i-isy terms ; tills It i cWj3Jo torn izoo.l hotel uiHii to innku mo' jia i.ldrei > ( proprietor , Jolin Hnwley , NortiiWnw * . Hia _ _ . . _ - - - ' ' ' , 'v * / ' ' ' " Cuinmerco Cln.0'0 to v > , cowautol to pit Into a geol uus- P ness ; tlnlrUji Macsur.ty atlgoalrato of'l ' fur stiort or loii tnua. Oi will tnko paimer. For particular * nsldriis U 4J , Ucooill-e. _ _ _ _ _ lia FOH SAWS Meat market complete ; can lie Irtndlnd for Uttlo cwa. Call nt room -1 , Wlthutll blk. < 859 TTIOU SALE A wvll-chtlblWio ) book-binding -t ? business in Sale fjiko City. Shliey. ( jro- Khcll & Co. , real estate- , Salt L.iko City , Utah. FOR EXCHA C E. \\T ANTKI ) To i nlC3linprovoJ 83 of ' i land. 4 mllea of o ulluln. Keith ( .o , Oo l House , iU lUTCh .u crop. lor iob printing olllre. Call oa or , T. J , jirowntlelil. Oranil Iilanil , Neb. _ Di-- : ! spocu driving horsi or fast JL' Ut Ivinjj bay team for 0110 bllllatd and two pool tables in good coudliion. AddiessC. 7- l oe. ' ' TmOK r.XCIIANfiR $ ri.OO ) actual value equity X1 In ( Irst-claat Omaha lu < ld > > unlmriovcd real ojcute for clear city or farm lauds oi-yood payIng - Ing atocus. Address IJ , Hoj , rtri - . t rpo UXCHANOn for Onuha property , ona of J the b jst Improved.farms in lovvu , only one mllu from town of i'XJ ( inhabitant ! . W. it. K. & M. I ! . , room H , Chamber or Commerce. 191 1I\OU hxciianje Aflue farm of "K3 .icrea in JU I'olk oniitity. Nob. , I mils * from Clarks , Neb. , to axeh-iuzo for cattle ; 8) acre ? uir.lor Cultivation , lions ; , barn. WA O i scales nnd Rood feed lot. Addrosa C. Osmp , 'Ul't Web- . Omnhn , Neb. 01) ) " \\7HAT havu you totrftlefor yoims brood ' mures nud , part Norman/ . H. lirmior , Itoom s , llellmnu block. bi'J : : ' ; I WOULD line totraiio ngoidtwo-storv house and lot rilxloJ feei , v.ltiuu onu block ot Park nvc. nud Par ! : school for vacant east front lot lu 11 nuscom place. Will assume souo : incum- brnucc. Aduress , C 4" Doe o'.licp. ! JU7 7T < OU KXCHA.N'U K . \iTolosjint tract of 'linti J. ' containing lii ) acroj. In Ant-ilopo county , Neb , with ordinary nuproiomenu. A quarti'r-soctlou in Hand county , Dakota , partly Improved. ( Uglily ncres ueur Council lIluiTd , la. House nud lot on South Itlth t. Large nmount of Oil Mountain nnd Pctrollum company oil stocl : . Will uxchans'i for good iiropertyj > r the entftlon nt some liouso , Ueo. J. SternbTlor.r , 1st Nutlonal bank building. 1178 F.XCIIASUK-l-'or dsslrabU property la Omaha , any omll uf foHowlnK- 41) ) choice inside lOdlduaco lots in Hastings. UK ) lots in Lincoln. 810 acres line farming Unit , Lane-liter county Fine residence property , lilnciolii. ( JooU rrntul property. ( .Iricoln. Cholc'e family rMsldeiuwJcorner. I.os Ansoles , A neat ii-sldeuco propwjttln Ilanscom place. Also some good mprtaA4annt es. Addioss itiving locntlmi .and prlco of piop- erty. J , K. D. , care Dauihlrriu Co , , KIT Lonvun- worth. ; I WJ " \A7ESTKHN lauds , rarili4 and city property for stocks of go Jds.-'lldom S , Is'JJ I'nruum 40Jyl4 ) " ' T710H r.XCHA"NIE-iroturd'smalHioils5r31th JL. ' nndllamllt-m , an ! lotKJ. Nelson.s add. , for trndti for outside lot clear orncre proparty. A. P. Tukoy , nth aud Douglas , ! U8 | 7OltTX ! : < ? IIANlK-J10iOti3 Htock ot boots fmd JL : shoes tor improved < fltlp propetty , tll.OUJ Block Rouera ! inerchaiulluo In n goon town and good trade will take guort-clty property Im proved. Clear lots IntilcLfeJ iillo line on U'eat I'ftrnam and nortliwe T TOrt of city ror im- proved city propei ty , & 3m Worth < ( < t nocond mortgiiges on Inside Omalti property _ i- nn H nr lu-roiini modern Jicvuv'm good location. homo splendid South Ohidna lots on liith st. for Iowa nr t-astoru Nobrnsxa land. Lot ndjolnlng Diindeo Plrtcc , or one In Omaha View for home nnd Imia-y. 'Ml ncros ot line land ndjointng the nmv locrttioil for the fort nt llellevue for city property. Lot tWxi'i : nnd liroom house , Cupito ; nvo. , vast of ath ) , ror vuqant property , and cash , Property or nil kinds fof trade. rover Hteveus , aittixud 817 Paxton blodc. 717-S7 TO Exchange Casn nun clear property for merctinmllse ; or metrhandlsa for rash nnd clear property. Address Lock Doxll. ( Inthuh. ob. - . . . _ /Of cattle or her e * , 4M ) Jl acre * of laud near Dig Springs , Duel Co. , Neb. D , l | . Hall. HM Ilulriiey at. 78B 4t . WANTBD-To tradu for house and'lot In good locution ; will assume light ncnm- brauco. , Address AJ3 Dee olllco S2JK.-J FOR ALgt < Vt. ESTATE TjlOH SAlllT Tlur n sTTfl dmico'ln Orctiuril JL. Hill can be liouuht at actual cod : owner leaving town ; house has 10 rooms with bath room and every modern convenience. lot 00x131) ) all nodded ; Urge barn and ulct shade trees : In fact apvrfect home ; rail ami let us enow , you tel i Arnold & Co. , ituoui & 27 Paxtou block , 715 OtfB ot the- two house i\nd lot bargains I have been offering on ( JoorgU nvc. north ot le&Tonvrortrr , Is now Hold ana occupied , 1 > o- cause ot my very Idw price. The south honso ot thft two stlll remains a bargain open to BOinbad ? . First comes , Hr t nerved. To bo ap preciated It nt > c\ls to be examined luternallv. I positively win not rent it , though sovornl tunes offered | M per month. Price only Vi.rm , on very easy terms. I'rlfo after July 1 , HODJ. W. T. SitamaUi 'oast side 10th St. , north of Ntcholnn st , Omaha's largest variety of wagons and carriage * . 013 SOt'TII ' OMA1IA1 Soutn Omahal There will l > u two motor HUM Into South Omaha before snow ( lip * , lutho meantime there will bo n continuously paoittnot to South Omaha and the largo lots around Summit Park , ono mlle this lae-6f the stock-yards , nro the best pur- chnsn In the market to-day. These lots are MxlMl. with a ) toot alloys nnd H ) foot , streets. Wo hare m f8TT low that can bo hnd now nt one-half what they will bring in u yonr nonce. Wo havering or two cheap double corners that will make three WKlM : foot lots. Tills property Is only two nnd one-half miles from the Omaha lostoiflce. Sco us at once for n bargnm. M. A. "pton Company , liHh nud Farnnui. see Hi ) "IjiOItCASH The best bargain In business J3 propcrir in the city , raxlja. Al. A. I'pton ' _ TVfHI ( niTKTlt jTworiTwltU you. You want a J- > homo or n prooil investment ; you have been wanting It fora year or more : this jearyoullnd youliove to pay n llttlo more than lasfyearjnaxt veariyoll'wjlljmd that you will hare to pay n llttjil juoro than this year. You are looking for ntS.OOJ ulaee for $ .I.UtW ; do you hopotoltndlt in a rapidly growing city like Omnlui ? Woilld you sefUa { J.UOO pluco iu Omaha for 51.000 ? A city In which n property that cost t'i , < W , soils for SWiVU "duador than n doornail" mid pro perty In'Hlifch n rltv would bo "high" at nny urlcc. Is Omaha di-ad ? Not by an euthusiustio and ovorwhelmliig majority ; Omaha as n city , Is in her Infancy. Mark the prediction . For u rnal bnrgalu seo. OnmliVH leadlns do-xlrrs In lo'il oitato. M. A. Uptou Company , Mth and "nrnam. 801 ! ! ( ! rpll r. best monsy's worth of house nnd lot now .L for sale lu UnliUm Is that which I nm now complotlng near -Itti st. on paved Wlrt st. iu Knunuo i'luce. a bedrooms , a parlors , dining foonuKitclitni , 2 bath rooms , 'I water closets , largo laundry , utatlotriry wash tubt , furuacc and coal rotim nud collar , electric bolls and speaking tube , U closats. 1'rlcoonly S'.iW on terms to suit. Likewise n duplicate ndjolulng nthameprlcj. YT. . Soatuan , i-ast nldn liith st. north'ot. Nicholas st. Omaha's hirgast vaiioty of waitous nud carriages. Bl ) OH HAIM Clionu ? Cheap-Lot facing on motor line lu North Omnhn , only WiJ , worth JI.SRi. 1'ull lot on Saunders st. In I'laluvlew. $ ' , IOJ. : ; iots near corner of I.owo avo. nud Howard sts. , $1,500 each. These aru ulogant lota. si ft on Mth st. CumltiK , 8ntWJ. lAlln Myers , Itlchanls Ac Tlldon's udd. , 8V > 0. Houses nnd loM ia all parts of tlio city nt roducou [ trices , drover Slovens , 510 ami 517 I'AXtou block. Telephone 1121. 71BO7 _ OltOIIAKD HILl -Lot 13. block 1 , au elegant South frdnt on llamlltou street , can bo boucht for 51,5 Ot Arnold ft Co. , lloom ! U ; , 1'ax- ton block. 77127 _ | 7 OK SALE At . bansrupt prlco , a house and J1 let In Omaha Ylow. lloom H , Chamber or Commerco. _ ina OOMK nnil see us nnd investigate Gomuottho bargains wo have to olfor. We are continually listing iMwpropsrlloi aud "If you don't BOO what yon want ask for it. " W have merch-indlso to tr id for land. Wo have hordes , cattle and luulos to trade for Intnl. Wo havoit brloicaud tllo factory doing n tJilvlngbuslu ss to exch.iuga for western laud. Three n w , 5-rodm cottages at Albright , within ID minute's Walk ot ternunui of hourly dummy Hue , for halo on teruu thit will only be fmr r.-ut. An elevator property with largo dwelling house , atabirtfatu. Uiovutor o.uplotu. wltn howe-poiver , scale ) . ollca furnlsaed. oto. A tlnti opening for n practical grain dealer. cue of the I'cst Improved raruis In the state will bo exchanged for Inside Omnbn property. Two lluo rojldencoj in 1'oppletou park , on motor line ; uill bo sold on nasy terms. Hou'Bjnnd low lu all parts of Omaha for .salt ) uud exchange. For exchange , for Omaha proporty.l.OX ) ncros at school land lease , In ona of counties iu the stato.- A Una residence property in Omaha Ylow for s lie at a bargain. I'lom S7S.i rJ to Jin\000 wil-th ot llrst-cliss uotcsto exchange for Omah.i property , Jlurchnndlso tooxchnugo for lj casli and Dal- ancovt ; tarn lanrtu , Ulns is ouo of the Illicit opportunities ever offered to convert laud into C.IB'J. luvu'iUrj.itj this. For 2ftU . nt n bargain , hotel and livery birn , n a good Nebraska town. 'Ihls 13 a lluo opcu- inrupMcttanl hotel mau. lor oxuum o tct Omaha properly , ono of the bt t farms' In ltO"K county , Nebraska , toget'.mr nlth * tokiuitl miu'iliiery noco arv louarry on the placV. Old nge nna falling health ot tlio owner is rb son rorsolllns. i'or' sale , cheap , a restaurant iu one ot tlio bi-ht locations in omilia. L'titRcros of iliu land lu northwestern Iowa to oxchnngo for Omalm proporty. Wo liaYtf unsurpassed fn-illties for aisposItiR of pvopsrty , having some no ) agents scattered over four or flvo states. LUt your property with us If you wish a quick turn. W. K. II. * t M. IXroonp Ifc ( Jhixmber ol Coiuiucrce , telephone - phone 1440r ' _ M-J npHE cUirl \Vlthln easy reach ot Collier I ploce will employ a lar o force of men. Se cure a home and enjoy life. Price of lots $ < OJ to J1.20I , one-tenth cash. Solid fur plat. Mc- Cagutt-onp. I' . O. orj MM1H motor lluj'ls b jilt to Collier pluce. The L Delt llui ruaim.ic Collier pUca. The F. 1C. i ; J > 1. Y. It. It. atop all passenger trains at Col lier place1. T.13 JioM3 car Una will sooi : reaoh Collier plM53. Dmtnrtdltloaln th-j city. Price JiOOto I'iJl per lot. ouu-t3iith casn , b ilauco McCxgue. Opp. 1' . O. 9W ; nnestdrlvo in tno city is to Collier PU"e. McOague. U7J F01t.SALi-iAt : a bargilu. One twelve nud ono nmo room homj in Kountzo phi o , on -4tu street , opposite the lluo residences of Red id : nn l McCreary , with 7d nnd tJ ! feut ot ground wth each 'house to nlley. Hash house has fur nace. K.IS , gttH llKturos , shadej. nil plumbing , hot mill cold water , elegant larRo rcomsV all papered handsomely througn- our , goad bnrnVltli ounh homo , and nn clo ant hi v , nail foililea. 1 nm pivpartKl to olfor sploa- dldlniliiccmcnts ns tn price anj torms. Call aud lot ii)4 ) drive you out. You cull move Into these houses without n dollar of expense tor nny thing , 'I hcse must bo sold soon. See mo nt once. D. V. Sliolej. SIO First Nafl bank. 177 1 Foil SALK Ono of the most desirable feeding farms in Nebraska , bltuated yt mlle from depot , aho the shipping yards of the ( Cattle ou Etkhorn Valley 11. It. ; it contains 280 ncreti , with u o of ! 1CO acrns additional ; everything - thing now nud noce.ssary ; barnQUxlOJ ft. ; water iu nbuudauco. H S. Mauvilla , Tlldon , Neb. . 751 _ _ "OAH13 Chance I will hell a now house , all iimoderil conveniences , largo lol , elugaut loca tion , $ KXc.uh , ayoars trine on bal. ; forruither partlcularscnllouE. Iluumiii , 110 , Continental ! > k "VTTK have a few cholco farms free from In IT cum broncos that w d oiler to sell cheap on peed terms , or wo will do better , wo will trade it oil for good Onmlia property such its wo want nnd pay you " osli tor your property or as- binnu mortgage nt equal amount nud give you our property for the balance. Wo have excel lent bargain * WD cnn olfer you , UJx I ill feat on 'Uth Bt. uud Jackson wltn 5 II btory brlclc dwell- lugs.moupin Imprnvemeius , nnd 4Kstory ! frame dwellings for $4..OOJ ; vacant lots on California nnd I.onuiiTcnno. 1 block from motor line IROK J.'t ft , iUi ) J ; U Hue nnw dwellings ou California st. , near cable nnd motor. 15x150 ground , with ull improvements , M.WO. jtMW and iiuxoach ) ; 21st btreetnnd ( Jrnce. 70xtV ) ; 15-room houan foi SW.- l < ) it.eims ; to Milt and will sell you Inims or land almost wlirraver j on want it. Excelsior Lund Co. , U10 ? outh 15th stn'nt , Omalm. 010 ) ll'SALE ' Easy terms , Kountzo place. - , UT > YP Homes , each H-rooms , each 11,000. Two noines , each U-rooms. o.ich J * > .OiiO. Twohomas. each l" > roaini , oaeh 17OJi ) . All with modern convenience. Alilat'tjo vnluuut the prlco. All within n square of tha motor line. Don't lose these opportunities , lor Halo by the owner. W. T. fienmnn , -East side 10th St. , north nt Nicholas st. . Omaha's largest variety of wagons and car riages. 017. S' OliTll'Omatml Smith Omahal Now U the time to buy real estate Ul South O Minim,5 > ' Enlarging the already Immense packing houses ; paving the splendidly graded stieets ; building MIO Hun nud coitly viaducts ; running motor lines into South oranna ; building u glgautlo cooperage establishment , will innKo realty itfvely Ih the next ninety days , go btly iiow aiulbnlu thgsnim , We wiirgimiantee 20 per cent profit on tllo following : Lot 4. block 1. Hi-own Park , on 21th , south. of O street ? , near viaduct / . . > } | , COO Lot 20. block U. Drown Purk.on 24th , 1 block tmuthofostreet , , . , . . . , . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1'JOj Lot' . ' . block.Drown : Pfcrk.oh 2ltui block south of O'dtfoot , 11 V-'W Lots III and 14 , block fl , llronn Park , on 2ltn , 1 blook east of 2llh , for both 1,500 COxlW feet mi 2" > lh St. . opposite Iteod hotel nt grade , with line hou e , , COU ) 3)x7i ) feet in lot 5 , block til. South Omnhn , , froiitingi-allroud avenue 1.500 Lot 8 , block 4t ) , South Omaha , a HUD lot , OJ . JCl&5..r ! . * . ! . . , . . . 9iO Lots 11 and 'li ; blocic Ul , South Omaha double coruer , make 351-foot loti. , LW ) Tills Is all gilt-edge , inildo prcpi'rty , Tllo above prices cannot be duplicated in Bouth Omaha. Any one wanting a genulun bargain will not fall to secure ono or more ot the nboVo lots at once , as the above prices will not bo ( juoted after J uly Irft. 11. A. Upton Co,116th and Farnlm , Omaha , fnWO bargains , one 0 acre piece nuar mqtdr JL line , uml ono two acre piece near South Omaha , will sell. BO imrtltH buying can pUt and realiye'a liaJfdsomo prollt , Cooperatl'/e Laud aud Lot company , 20) N. loth street. 6W-30 Hi'LLBIDE NO..I flpoclul bargain torlOdnyu on south front Iot.'t ( i3 ami Ulst atru ui. M , A. Uptoa Coupkojr , IctU & jraraiu , TW-1 Foil 8AIU At n hous llnlshed In first clans style , li. O. Morrlll , 44lli and Hamilton sts. 7C8 1 OONTIKUOuViidowMk to i > lller plaos. Get prices and tnnus McCngue. pri TfOU BALE Now lithe tiino to buy n lot in J-1 illlhido llcserve or Ilill.sldo addition No. 1 for a homo. This property is only about ono mile from the postofflco , is all high and beautl ) till ground , the streets urn all put to an estab lished Rradc , It Is only a few blocks front cable line and has the advantages of gas tlty water , sewerage and continuous pavement from the center of the city. Wo can offer special Induce ments to parties wishing to build In this rxxrt ot ( ho city nnd ask that nil Investigation ot the property bo made. Prlcos rnngo from KO to 870 per front foot , according to locntlou. Lots ? nndH , block 2 , Isaao & Sold en's addi tion , prlco Srt.003. Lot o , block 8 , Isaac & Eoldon's addition , prlco $1,71D. Ixt4V ( , Uurr0.ik.fO.Tl50 fer-t , on t front , on Georgia avenue. Vrlco , Hl.ixxv Mi root , i outh front , ou Hamilton street , In block 1 , Orchard Hill. I'rlce. U.rj ) . Nine acre tract suitable ror dairy purposes , Ton-AcTO tiact Miltnblo for dairy purposes. Kloven- ere tract suitable for dairy purpososi On each of the above tracts there is n line RTOVO and a stream of running water furnished from largo springs. Thoprppoity is handy to uotli Omaha nnd South Otuahn. nnil dairymen contemplating change of location should Investigate this. Somoof the property could bo exchanged for other good Insldo proporty. Lot H , block 1. Potter's ixddlllon. price } I,4V > . Lot 0 , block 52 , city of Omaha with two story and basimont house , with nil modern convon- loncos. Price ? 14. ( ) . HUxliKI feet , southwest corner SOth and Spruce strflcts. with smnll oottago. I'lloo M.2V. This hns 122 feet frontage on 20th ot. nnd can bo Kold in " " > foot lota. Jfewslx room cottego with cltv water In house. In w est part ot city. Pi Ice 8J.2.V ) . Terms to suit purchaser. Hxl27 ) ( ) ft. S. W. cor. 3 < th and Cuss st' . Prlco J\oi. Will tnko lot and good tlrst moitgage In oxchaiiico. . . MxlOil ft. t * . K. cor. S-th nnd California sis. , w 1th small collage , at a bargain If tnkuii soon , potter .v Cobb , liUl Fatuiim st. A lloal Estate , 1507 Farnnm Now Is the time to Rot youiselt n lot on cast payments nnd In a location Just ndnptod for Delightful Homes. No such lots ns these h nvo over boon oltorod on our prices and terms and no prattler grouud Is to bo found lu this city. * feJ ) to * J50 Is a prlco much lower thaiiMirroundtuglots soil for nnd it is no wonder people buy when a pay ment ot only Flttoou Dollars down and $10 n mouth is all required. Hundreds of now houses surround this ground nnd it bus nil tno requisites mating It a desirable Invest ment. Itemembur In a city ot 150,003 People such lots as ours , nt prices and terms wo give you. are A 1 bargains. & * for a Lot that will soil for twice this lu a year is some- talug woith considering. You Can Boo this ground for yourself , it don't suit you , uon't buy. We Know the lots nro a bargain , nnd wo know they suit the pooplo. You Know You can corao and see the lots and judge for youniolr whetl'er what wo say is correct or not. These are plain statements which You can prove for yourself , It you want to try aud get soluo- thing that Is sure to make you money. Fifteen Dollars down is nu easy way to make your payments and to save your money. Come nnd see what is olTored you. uud you will mlmlt no handsomer laud can bo found. You will uoo improvements on everv hand , and the chances nro you will buy a lot. because , unless wo know that all wo claim for our lots Is a fact , wo could not afford to advertise theitl or nsk you to investigate thorn. Como and Hud out what you cnn do. Conveyances always ready. Ames. Ucal Estate. 15U7 Fariiam. 740 27 FOIt SALE r.ll.TC ncros , soc.5 , tp. 12 , r. 0 w , Hamilton county , Neb. Hotuo. stable , ! Wi ncres fenced , living w.xtor. Price $1.00 , ) . v. 1C. AtKlns , owner , llaildro.xd bklg. Denver , Col. FOR BAI.I3-10 room house , lot MKW , easy terms , SJ.8V ) . W. M. llushman , WH I.eav- cnworth. 048 BALE Lots In Stewart Place on Lowe -L1 avo. ; Metropolitan Cable passes proporty. It-loom house and b.iru , Hauscom Plauo. 2 houses nnd lots on CASS St. , on easy tornm. Harris , room 411. 1st Nat. Dunk. 201 S HOLES Special Lut--Wo push special bir gains aud advertise tnom. List with me. I'luo east front lot in ( Iniiscom pl.ico at JI.003 Sul ll cnsh. Decided bargain. Flue lot on Farnam nud Lowe avi > nuo , SI.731) . 52.WK ) buys a nouso nnd lot iu Hauacom Place , north of Popploton avenue. The old John DltTKS Manufactory plant on Missouri Parillc railway. I miles Fouthwest of city , with 2 acres of ground nnd it large 2 story buildings , for SJ.OOJ. A line opportunity for somn ono. I have special inducements Inhousos and lots lu all parts of the city either for rule or trade. Cnll In and bo shown thorn. I do not try to got you In to show you trash , but handle only good property and deal stmnraly. D. V. 8hol . 21 First National bunk. CHJ. BAHUAIN Part of the Dick Kimball estate. 50 feet on Hth street running through to 17th live. Ono i5-rooui ; house , all modern conven iences and two U room houses. Total rental fl,5K ( ) per year : prlro jiiOJ3. : M. A. Uptou Com pany , liith unit Farnam. HI a TilOU SADE The llnest residence slta In West JL ? Omnha : lust south of Fariiam onJMthst. ; a conisr lti > iH7 with 187 fnct frontage on paved street nntl joining the handsome rosl- deuu-j of Kirkondall ou the past , and llrndy. Eassou nud Mnitlu ou the south ; a perfect gem nud garden spot for nn elegant homo , HnrnovandSUt stropts. lllxlfl'.onpavomont. within tlireo blocks of the court house ; room for seven line houses that would rent as r.ipld- ly ns completed.Asploulld permanent invest- mnut. F.xrunra nud 22d straots. r/Jxl'd , with now three-story brick stord bulldlu ? , route J to ROT I p < > rinaiicu ; tenants. Uoutal receipts $1,2 ) J per yonr. SUtoonth otroot na-ir Nlcholai , frontage 01 feet to alloy ; Rood business property. , F.irnam street. batweanUtsh and : ) Hh. front- ngo 43 or DlxlU to alloy , south trout , 1 block fiom pavement nnd'strost car.s. Park nvenno , opposite Hauauoin park , 50x153 price K.003 ; oa-sy termi. 1'addock place , trackage , GOxtll , 92,0)3 ; - > azy terms. intlistrootsouthot Vinton st. , lot for sale , or tradn for mdse , or good farm laud. S. A. Slomau. l.'Hl Fnrimii : st. KM F Oil SALE Corner lot O'ltlili , with trackugo nil paved , in the heart of business , suitable for wholesale house , f55ooo. C. F. Harrison , Merchants Nntlonulbnnk. IHO "TTIOU SALE Or Trade 2B-room cottafos , 88 JL' room 2 story houses , iuthe Iluost location ou Walnut Hill , luqulro of E. U. MeiTlll , 41th nud Hamilton sta. 7Ci ) 1 * FOH SALE-Daautltul 8-room house , all modrrii Improvements , including splendid furnuce , uear Ilnnscom park , "hast location In the city for school , church uud struct car priv ileges ; price 1'i.Qij. C , F. Harrison , Merchants' natonnl hank. 75S "T71OH 8A LE At a reasonable price , full lot J. with neat nnd convenient cottagt ) . Mil N. 13th fit. IBS 28 * OEN1) for plat or Oollior plico , anil when ( J drlvln tor recreation follow the motor lltio. poles ou liith st. , nud Amos'nve. . and sea the wonderful Improvomunts that hnvj taken place Jiut around tnq barracks , and remember that Colllur place is the key 10 the situation. Jluy a lot now for the low price nnd at tuo easy terms tlioy am being olfarad , ana wo are satU- lied. Oua t'juth cisfi , balance ouo to are yeiu-4 , , opu , I * . O. 0-J To IDHOPOSITIONS for the construction of two Jl brldffls ncros.t southern chauueU of the 1'latto ilvor in Albxix Township. In llutlor ( bounty. Neb. , will bo recolvod by tile Hoard of HuporviHors of Hutler County , Nub. , said bridges to bo of illmeiiAloui as follows : Ono j t fret lonu , with IjS-foot nppronch nt ouo end. One bridge 27t rent Ion if , with HVfoot approach fit nnu flhd nhd lU-foot ujmnmrh nt the other. Hald briilceit to bo built ul hard plno , sot on ouk piling. All bids must bo accompanied wllh plans nud spoclflrfttidiiHof the work to be dbno. Didders mint Htibmtt their bliltJ oil ttiu tWo InltlgoH BOI- nratoly , BO that the profosliloii ot any bidder may buncci'ptod as to one brldgi and rejected as to the other if tile board should so determine. The bodrtl rtihfirl'HH the right id reject any and nil bids. All propositions must bo la on or befoiotho llth dnrot July , 1SH-J , ij.ited tlilnSJth day nt tnyilaf 1 ! orilfrdf the Hoard of Btipervlsors of Duller ' Ji tVIlnvxoMB , County Clerk. rri iionr > l forMoutli Oinatia Henlwd propoBuli ) will bo rerolvod till to I p , in. July 10. lst ( for J70.0JI ) fiindiuj ; ! iuinu { 7 bonds of JI.OJO each , 0 par cent Interest , payable nh- nilnlly ; bonds payable ton yu.U'H aftet dnto : Hi- ttrost cupons nttuuliod. Alovu.l ( uo of bonds are made payable at the fl al ngoiicy of the state ot Nebraska , In the city of Noir i'ortt. both Interest aim tirlncltnil. All prnjiosaH ' " IJH sealed , dlror led to IhoUndurHlgubiiaudeiiuursod "Uldsforlloiids. " Thacammlttee on finaucorctnm * the light to reject any nr all oUtim. llnnds lUiuiot be sold 1)3junS lyr < ED. JOiiVilOS , otialrinan. Notlhrfto OotitrOclors , Illds for the' btilMlnpof n | lrlck IJonrtltory Kt Ilcllovue. Nob. , will be redt'lved at the olllco b ( DUke k Co. , architects , 15'/J Farnam , until 2 p in. , July 0. l b' ) . 'Jlie conimiltod reserves the right to rnjnct any or all bids , liy order ot thu llulldlug Committee ot llolle tuo ( JoilogeP. . H. lil\ri < ft < C'ii lnni > tt , U lluyu , Mull. REALTY MARKET. oa JLyosterdar. J F D 'alley ' to J S Heed tt al lota 1 and - , blk 8 , Saundnr.s > V iieuuoaugn n Highland park add , wd . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,000 J T I'aiilfen iin.l ivlfe to John Ho in , lot Si , lilka , William M agedorn' * ndd , w d 950 , V II Itobblns nnd wife to II Coohrnli , 4'x ' MiVQ teet ot pt 127.M feet s of n e cor lot ion , ( Use'sadd. wd . . I.CW 0 T 1'ntteii and wife to A 0 Henderson , o > 4 non-M-ll , wd 4.0CO AV II Kohblnt trustro , to 0 Dolslor.pnrtot s o see 17-15-1' , w d . . . , . . P.COQ 1111 Olmsteadto N E Hamilton , lot 8 , blk P.COQa SI , Florence. ' nod . - . . . , . . , a TO Itrunnerand wlfo to II M Euglos , lot T.Morso.v Urunner'BHun.w < l I.OOJ M L Garrison nnd husband to 11 M En- pics , lot 1 , Kempton Hotghts , w d , . , , , , . coo J N I rruzor to II Nt Euglas , lot 8 , blk C , Dovd'andd , wd , , . , , . 000 I' li Mnrrrll nnd husband to H M Bugles lot : , blkH , lloyd'sndd. w d. . . . . , , . . . . . 1,100 O W IjOgnu nnd wife to 7 II titnnton , lots ! 1. 7aUdH , blkll , nud lot tt , bin 1 , I * . Yllnplnro , wd , . . , . . , , . . . U J Hollander toT.T Hollander , lotll , blk Mlrlgga' place , w < 1 . . . 0,503 Archer .v rthprwood to pubID ) , "Archer iilnort. " pint . . , , Cocnnin to IIF Cochrnn , lota 4 nud T.J , t'ochran park , w tl . 3,000 : ) WriRnor nnd wlfo to 1) 1) Hmcaton , lot R , blK 10 , Kounlre'aud nrtit , w < ! ,000 . I ) Hmonton to J Koudls , lot n , blk 10 , Koumzo'n 2d nd. WMl , 1,500 J Kendls nnd wiio lo 1) I ) Smniuou , K ao H , blk 74. South Omaha. Wll. , 2.400 Uetturand wfoto : F McCrallh. let 1(1 ( , * blk2 , Jetlor'Hiidd. w il. . . . , . . . 200 A E Wlthni'li nnd husbiud to Clark Woodman , lots 12 and IHauu n Id fcetot lot 11 , blk a ) . Highland place , w d. . , .4. . 84,603 Iporgo Patterson nnd wlfo to Clark Woolmnn. lots U nnd 15 , blk 20 , High- Und place , wd .1. . , . 10,000 1 Hold ct nl to V Knnictt , w 101 feet of lot 2il. blk 4 , Campbell's add , w d. . . . . . 713 51) Mo.idlmber toV II Collmau , lota , bit 2 , ( lovt'lnii'l Place , w a l.COO J 'i omijt nnd wlfo to D Jotter , lot 7. blk I , Ed add to youth Omnhn , and lot 7 , blk ! ! , Jotter's 2d mil , q d 1 ' I ) Drown ot ul to M Donnelly , lot S , blk 11 , lleod'.s iRtmtdwd , . . , . . . 5.000 S H H Clarknnd wife to J G WnkelloUV lot 1 , blk I , Euclid IMnco , W d , 2,800 Twenty-Ovo transfers , W9OiW I'ornitt' ) . The follo\viuff \ permits < vera Issual by Inspcotoi * Whitlook yostafJay : -'owlor Klovntor and JIlll Food comjiany , frame addition to olevatof. North Tenth nnd Cluirli-s street . . . . . . . . (1000 I. II. Yan Clostcr , nvo double brick Hats , " Parkavonuo nud I'nclllo . . . . . , . 10.000 John T. Dillon , four-stury brick ware house , Klnvonth nnd Nlclmlns Blroots. . . ltOVOO lyrr.n ltod , two-story brick stable , Twou- ty-llttlinnatodKO ) . . . . . . "red Maun' , ono story frnmo store , 'Ihlr- tioth and I'Mtt . 1,000 Ouo minor permit . no Six permits , , t 4H.C59 Notion tn Contract OI-B. QOITTH OMAHA Juno 11 , lS O fnls will bo received nt tlinolty engineer' ! ) olllco by the ctmiulttoii on viaducts. stroeM nud > lloy , until noon Wednesday , .luly ! ) . Ih8l , for funiNhlngnll the matorinl mid performing nil he \ \ ork for curbing nnd paving N street from .Twenty-fourth street to Twenty-seventh street vlth cypioss blocks , approximate estimate , .Tl ( lluoal feet of curbing , nnd H.riin sciunro ants of paving. Work to bo completed within orty days after a contract therefor binds Biul nkos ollect. All bids must bo accompunlcd by a cer'.ltlen check for t.'iiX ) , said rhocks to bo ro- urued ou all bids not accepted. lisilmatedrost of such work IsSpltVJll. The light to i-ejoct nuy nnd nil bids is resorvod. 1'laus nnd spoclllca ious can bo soon at tuo onclnoor'tt olllco. i : . . TOWI.K , Chin. Com. on Viaducts , BU. and Alloys. JlUdtoJyJ THE BJIILWAY TIE TABLES. OMAHA. dwl A dally : II dallv except Saturday ip oxe6iit Sunday ; 1) except Monday ; fust mall. . Tile lime given nbavuls tor Transfer * there being from live to ten inlimUM between Trans fer nud local tlcpotu. WALKING CANES , , , nn fiui a u iiT/uuuiK > REr. 7 5WMHIKCT6HAyt.ST.Lo < i ,