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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1889)
NINETEENTH : YEAR. OMAHA , WEDNESDAY WARNING , JUNE 20 , 1889. NUMBER 8. A GENERAL COUNCIL HELD , The Indians Moot nnd Invlto the Commission. A GREAT MANY QUESTIONS ASKED The Mcinlictvt Knpi Bnsy In Denning the VnrmiiH Clausen of the Bill Monnlns of Vnilous Sections Kxplnlncd. 1'roRrcFifl ot the Work nt Pine Ufdpc. PINE UIPOE AGENCY , Dal : . , ( via Kush- vlllo , Nob. , ) Juno 25. [ Special Telegram to Tun BEE. ] After councillng among them selves for the past thrco days the Indians had n general council In the afternoon , to which they Invited the commission. American Horse , No Flesh , High Wolf , and Swords , captain of police , were the principal speak ers. American Horse opened the council by n number of questions to the commission , In which ho said : "My friends , I don't under stand tome things in this bill. I wish you to toll us In plain words about them , so wo can understand how long will the 53,000,000 , de posited to our credit bear interest before the principal Is to bo distributed 1" "It Is to remain fifty ycnrs , nnd the bill provides that In addition to the 10 per cent the Great Father may spend 10 per cent of the principal to purchase goods for the Indians after a tlmo. This Is to bo spent In buying teams , implements nnd things to allow you to po on farming. " "Will every ono have equal rights , or will there bo any spccllled amount for each to ro- cclvu ? " "Tho onllro amount will bo divided by the whole pcoplo in lifty years. " "Aftor all our lands are surveyed and each Indian has taken his land in severally , will the balnnco belong to us in common or will other Indians own the surplus ! " "Tho surplus will bo owned by all Indians on the reservation in common as it is now owned-by you hore. " r "I ask the question for the reason that there are two classes of Santccs , and they may bo brousht in hero aud given our laud. Wo owe them .nothing and they Imvo no right here. They have sold their land and have no right lo ours. Will they bo cu- tltlqd to pay ! " "Tho Santcos have no right to your land , but they Imvo a share in the permanent fund. They must take their allotment in Nebraska in their present reservation. " American Horse then repeated tlmt the Santccs had no rights here , but us they had traded their land and become.poor the Great Father Imd taken pity on them. Ho then ttskcd the commission to strongly recom mend that their educated children und half breeds be given the places on Iho agency which dmw a oaiary , and that anyone ono incorporated in tlio tribe bo allowed to trade nnd not let the rich men como here mid rob us. "Tho traders and others furnish everything und wo have no market , so wo sometimes grow discouraged. When wo take our land in severally wo can raise everything to supply the agency. Will the government give us n market to sell our goods ! " He was Informed that the bill pledged In the nllnlluicut law to assist in finding n market for their crops , and there was no reason why the grain and beef should not bo raised hero and sold to the government. Several complaints were then made about purchiislng hay from white men instead of Indians , and the Inferior beef received. The annuities and the bad condition of the clothes Bent them were so put together that it made it almost Impossible to wear them. "Tlio farmers sent hero ( lo not know their duties , und it seems as if some of them had never seen a plow , and if wo complain they ill-trr.-at us. Wo want them taken away and the places given to our prac tical halfbrccd farmer , who can teach us how to farm right. I believe the bill is right and will start us on thereat roatto prosperity , but there are other chiefs above me , and I want them to sign the llrst , BO I will not belittle them by signing before thonr. " The commission promised to recommend the changes asked fer. The speeches of High Wolf mid Sword were made in Indian L and were able nnd logical from an Indian standpoint. Afraid of Bear addressed the commission nt length , saying there was ono road to prosperity and another to misery. Ho favored the bill , which was thu prosperous road , but was afraid it might turn into the road to misery if the promises now made were like these of the past , particularly of 1S70. General Crook It was no bill by congress , but simply an agreement , In which could be Incorporated things tlio signers could not understand , But now wo como with bill that all you pcoplo can read. I liven been with the Indians all my life , and no one knows better than I the wrongs they ha c . had to suffer , and 1 do not blame you for youi distrust in the past. But this bill you can all * ' read and fully understand. After the council adjourned a Inrcro.num ber went to the ngent's office and signed the bill , It now having over llvo hundred signa ture ! , , and they are being slowly , butstcadilj nddcd. The kaleidoscopic chuiigo in the Indian nature turo was fully illustrated to-day. Two dim tifeO Young-Muu-Afraid-of-HIs-Horsfs was m full sympathy with the bill. To-day h ( states emphatically that ho will nol sign. Another change may comi If as soon. A big Omaha dance will occur thi ! i evening , as the commission is still Issunif l.i extra rations , which , If not done , it would bi impossible to retain them at the agency. liONOISNECIUiUmsPLiBASISD. The Cnmp lit ) Story Being Grosslj CHICAGO , Juno 25 , The special grand -Jury nftor having devoted several days to othoi matters , will to-morrow return to the Cronli case. An Inkling as to the programme , par tlcularly us to Alexander Sullivan , wai asked of Stales Attorney Longcnocker to night. "There will bo a good deal of fish Ing , " was all the 'official would say. Mr Lonccncckor docs not appear to bo vor ; greatly impressed with thu elaborate report which havn boon reported , as in a measun corroborating tlmt there wore two forma ' ' trials of Dr. Crouln In Camp 20 , and that i was decreed the doctor should b put out of the way for gelling Inforinalioi which was desired by the London Times am Intended to Injure Pnrnoll. The states at , . tornoy Is quoted as saying : u "Thin Camp 20 business Is only a thcor which I tun trying to work out. There t nothing new in It and an old story has Blmplj been re-woven around tlio small fact that i i certain man culled ut my office yesterday > Inornlng. " / Camp 20 , the states attorney learned to duy. has , within the past week , boon dls ( v banded. Edward Spetlmau , president of th ' whisky trust , who Is chief onlccr of thi t Clau-na-Guel for the district of Illinois'am . . Michigan , was subpoenaed to-night to oxplaii I the reason for the dUbandmcnt. The brcal i up of the camp at this time Is not pleasing t the ctato's attorney. IJnrko'H ICxirtidlilon WASHINGTON , Juno 25. The oxtrutiUlo : papo'ra in the case of Martin liurko , no\ under arrest at Winnipeg charged with com pllcity In the murder of Or. Cronin , won duly countersigned by the secretary of stat this morning , und delivered tn Mr. linker Who left tills altornoon for Chlrugo. SPAUKB Pit OU TUB WIItES. The Pioneer tannery ni Benyro , Cul , burned this morning ; loss $203,000. The Tcllurido , Col. , bank robbers secure 120,000. The pension ofllco yesterday made n roQir iltlon on the treasury for * 15,000,000 oiu o } the appropriation to bo iwallublo July 1 , MUS. IIAYBS 13. JKAI > . After n Pcncel'iil Night She I'nsscs Quietly Awny. FnEMONT , O. , Juno 23. Mrs. Hnycs died at 0:80 : this morning , after passing the night quietly. At the bedside were the members of the family , together with Mrs. Mitchell , of Columbus , a cousin of General Hnycs ; Mis. Huntington , a cousin of Mrs. Hnycs ; Lucy Kcolcr , Mrs. A. H. Miller and physi cians. Mrs. Hayes' maiden name was Lucy Ware Webb. She was born August S3 , 1831. nt Chillicothc , O. , and was the youngest child and only daughter of Dr. James Webb nnd Maria Cook , Her grandfather , Judge Isaac Cook , who came from Connecticut In 1781 , nnd all tour of her great grandfathers' served In the revolutionary war. Her father served In thu war of 1S12 and died during the cholera scourge In Lexington , Ky. , in 18Si. : Mrs. Hayes was marrlod December UO , 1853. At the breaking out of the war of the rebellion her husband nnd both of her brothers Immediately 3 ntered the army , and from that time until the close of the war her homo was n refuge for wounded , sick and furloughcd soldiers going to or returning from Iho front. She spent two winters In camp with her husband In Viglnla. and after thn baltlo at South Mountain , where ho was badly wounded , she hastened and Joined him nt Mlddloton , Mil. , and later spent much time In the hospital at Frederick City. During the four years of her life at the whlto house she was distinguished by the graceful cordiality with which she received nil who came to her. Slnco Iho re tirement of her husband from public lifo she has been nn ardently interested member of the Woman's Hchcf corps , nnd has served during successive years as president of the Woman's Homo Missionary Society of the Methodist .Episcopal church. The funeral will take place on Friday. Her children nro Uurchnrd Hnyos , csq , , a lawyer practicing In Toledo ; Mr. Webb Hayes , in business inClovclnnd ; Rutherford U. Hayes , n banker in Fremont ; Scott Hayes , n student at Cornell university , and Fanny Hnycs , n youncr Indy living with her parents. All of them were present at the bcdsido. General Hayes and his four crown sons , Burchard , Webb , Rutherford and Scott , were deeply affected , while Funnio is nearly prostrated with grief and the long , sleepless watch at her mother's side , ' . ' . 'ho entire city is mourning and flags are at half mast. Tele grams of condolence have been received from many friends , among them the president and Mrs. Harrison. The funeral will occur Friday afternoon at 3 o'clocu from the residence in Spiegel grove. Complete arrangements have not yet been made. President McCabe , of Dela ware university , will ofllciato as clergyman. President McOnbo ofllciutcd at tlieir mar riage and also at their silver wedding anni versary. Telegrams of sympathy and condo lence are being received from the pcoplo of the country. Grief In Was IniiRton. WASiiiNOTON Juno 05. The death of Mrs. Hayes was received with feelings of genuine sorrow nnd regret by the older employes of the while house , to whom she was endeared by foad recollections of her kindness to them while she was mistress of the white house. Ono of the older door-keepers in speaking of her suid : "Mrs. Hayes was a good , kind woman If ever there was one. Everyone ' about the whlto house liked 'and loved her. She seemed to take notice of all these around her nnd she would often stop us to muko Inquiries about how wo were getting along. I will always re member Mra. Hayes' last reception. I never saw such crowds. Women pressed In and would hardly move when they passed through the Hues , pleading for only ono more look. Wo had to close the doors when there were lots of people outside , and many went homo disappointed because they could not see her. " o WANAMAUBa EXPLAINS" ; Why There Are So Many Postofflco NEW Yor.K , June 25. . The Mail and Ex press to-night prints an interview witn Post master General Wannamaker. The follow ing is a report of it : "Why are removals made so rapidly ! " "Thoy are not made rapidly. The daily changes going on in n city of 29,000 inlmb- itanls are many , and if our postmasters were all put together in n city they would make a city of that size. There would bo deaths and resignations , necessary removals and expirations of terms that would natur- allv roqulro many now appointments every week. " "But there is great deal of criticism be cause of the removals. " "Yes , it always lias been so , and always will bo so , until it becomes the custom of the government to publish the actual reasons for Ihoso changes. In many Instances they are upon inspectors' reports , which , if published , would destroy the future man and leave u shadow upon his family. There has" often been much criticism , simply because politics wore thought to bo involved , when the solo cause of removal had been drunkenness , neglect of duty and clearly proved unlltness 10 hold the important office of postmaster. To allow n postmasler to servo out hls term who does not appear at his office more than once in several weeks , or who sits nt his bus iness several squares away and manages the iioslonlco wilh women and boys , has no merit in It to win the approval of any community. It would scum to bo for the good of the coun try if these people would resign itstcad of waiting to have complaints lodged against them , und them bo removed by ihe depart ment. The people who draw pay from the government ought to bo compelled to give faithful service , or resign , and if they do noitchr , the department will recommend their removal no mailer how much criticism and misapprehensions of fact may bo made. " A , WOJ1AX HXBUUTED. n Mrs. Whitollni ; 1'nyn the Penalty fern n Triple Murder. PJIILAUBM-IIIA , June 25. Mrs , Sarah J. Whltcling was hanged at 10:07 : to-day und her body cut down at 10:41. : The criiiib for which she suffered death was the deliberate poisoning during 1SSS , of her husband and two children for trie purpose nf securing a small amount of insurance which she carried on each of their lives. The woman's ' bearing throughout the terrible ordeal was a most remarkable exhibition of fortitude aud resignation to her fate. During the entire morning site never for a moment showed the slightest evidence of weakness , The only witnesses of the execution were the sheriff nnd his deputies , the prison offi cials , physicians , and about n dozen newspa per men , This was the llrst cxecutiou of u female iu Philadelphia county. Kcd Nosed Mllco linns. Wn.KEsiiAiutE , Pa. , Juno ' 25-Michael . nisello , alias lied Nosed Mike , was hanged a at 10 o'clock this morning for the murder , o October 10. 1SS8 , of J. Brainerd McClure , d contractor's paymaster , and Hugh Flanagan. k STUBIJCUIN"INDIANS. . 0 The FlnUioads lUii'iiso to Give Up 'Jliivo MnrdtTorn. HELENA , Mont. , June25. Sheriff Hoyfren , with n pusso of ninety men. loft Mlssoula ut noou , for the reservation to make n second attempt to arrest the three Indian murderers. Orders came from the war depart ment authorizing the culling out of troops from Fort Missoula and at the request of In dian Agent Kounn two companies were dis patched on n special train ut 1 o'clock. It It thought the presence of the troops will re store order uud permit arrests to bo inadi * . Turku nnd YJBXXA , June 2. % Despatches from Dos nla report llghtlug gIni > > ' on between the Turks and Insurgents at Novl Uazar. U ia f rumored all Servian ! , in Uiu town Imvo been 1 imprisoned. AN IMPORTANT CONFERENCE , Between Harrison , Blaine and Com- mlsBlonor PholpB. BUT NOTHING WAS GIVEN OUT. The Snntonn Agreement , However , Snlil to Uo SnllaCnotory to All i'nrllcs Concerned Other Washington No\V3. ' WASHINGTON HUIIKAU , Tun OMAHA Hun , ) 51 FouimiUNTit STIIEUT , . r WASHINGTON , D. C. , Juno : 25. ) There was n very important conference nt , ho whlto housoto-day. The conferees were . 'resident Harrison , Secretary Lilalno nnd Commissioner Phclps. The hitter bore with ilm a little yellow leather bag , of which ho was very careful. Ho has had that little ro- ccptaclo constantly nt his Rldo during the Mist ten days , and has not permitted any one .o touch or to assist him in caring for It. Its contents was a copy of the agreement signed jy the commissioners of the United States , jcrmany and England at the conference re cently closed In Berlin. Ho came directly to Washington after landing iu Now York yesterday , and brought the treaty to the ( resident with ns little delay as possible. Die conference lasted some time , nnd the [ irovislons of the treaty were afterwards considered in cabinet meeting , but no ono who was present at the conference is dls- > osed to give any Information upon the subject. Commissioner Pholtis was never noted for his desire to enlighten the general imbllu through the medium of the press , and ins European trip has not changed him In the least in this respect. Ho was as aaitablo and suave as over , but positively declined to give the least information or to express the faintest opinion upon the subject of the busi ness which took him nnd his conferees to Europe. The only thing ho would say In reference to the matler was that In his opin ion the treaty is satisfactory to all parties. Ho was impressed with the courtesy of the conference in conducting the negotiations In English , and said it was the lirst time the French langgago had been ignored in a diplo matic conference. Very general satisfac tion is expressed on all sides with the result of the Samoun conference , nnd no doubt is entertained anywhere that the treaty will bo ratillod promptly after its submission to the senate. FlXdlill TALKKI1B. The hotels of Washington nro full of people who talk with their fingers. The commencement exercises of the deaf and dumb college at Kendall Green occurs t'us ' week. They are of more than usual interest this yoar. The most conspicuous feature of the exercises will bo the dedication of n monument in honor of Dr. Gaulledet , the founder of Iho college in Washington and the pioneer in the education of the speech less in this country. His work is known all over thj world , nnd licarly all Iho institu- lions for Iho cducalion bf the aflllctcd in this manner are conducted upon the plan orig inally laid down oy mm. The Washington college is the only institution of higher edu cation in the United States , being similar to the ordinary lirst-class.colleco. and it is the only place in the United States where n deaf and dumb person can got a classical or sci entific education. Dr. Gaulledet , the pres ent president , is a son of the /oundor. MAHVELOUS KNTEItl'llISI ! . The Pennsylvania 'railroad has'for many years been in the habit of giving nn excur sion to the correspondents and local newspa per men of Washington , and last Friday they were laken to Cresson Springs , at the summit of the Alleghcnies , near Altoonn , and to Johnstown , which is a few miles beyond the Mountain house at Crcssouwhich stands in ono of the most beautiful spots in the whole world. It was given up entirely to the correspondents uhd their families from Friday until Monday , for ii was not open to the public unlil Iho following day. Every creature comfort was provided for in a most lavish manner , und if the reporters had been princes they could " not have been entertained in more truly "royal stylo. Although the object of the trip was merely to give the boys a few days of rest and recreation in the mountains , the most interesting part of the trie was a visit to the appalling ruins at Johnstown , which was made on Saturday under the guidance of Mr. George W. Hoyd , the assistant passenger agent of the Penn sylvania company , and other officers of Iho road. The train was run so as to give the best possible view of the scene of desolation , and although Tin : 13m : has published column after column of the most graphic and truth ful description , no pen could frame a com plete picture of the disaster , nnd Iho human mind can not possibly realize Ibo oxlent of tlio devastalion when described by another. The eye nt once can comprehend the situa tion there , for the Imagination ot a Jules Verne or a Hidcr Haggard would find it im possible to invent anything approaching it , and the energy of the Pennsylvania railroad company in repairing the damage is about as marvelous as the disaster itself , for within forty-eight hours after the dam bad broken aad the Hood had swept away 520,000,000 worth of property , the company baa 10,000 men nt work repairing the damage. All the skilled workmen nnd carpenters upon the Pennsyl vania system were at once carried on special trains to the sccnn , and engineers nnd work men from other lines were employed and sent forward as rapidly ns possible. All the bridge timber in eastern Pennsylvania was purchased by telegraph and shipped nt once to the nearest available point , and within nine days after the Hood broke trains were running regularly. There never was such rapid and extensive bridge building in the world. Hridges live and seven hundred feet long were constructed in a few days , gangs of working men being engaged constantly through the twenty-four hours. The mar velous energy and wonderful skill shown in this rcstoraiion has no parallel In history. A NOTAIir.B linUNION. Invitations nro now being prepared for what promises to bo n notable military re union in Georgia on the 17lh of Augusl. On that date the Fourth Georgia cavalry , who performed excellent fccrvleo far the lost cause , will sound the rally und surround the surviving otllcors. It is the Intention of these having the mutter in charge to Invite General .loo Johnston- , General Longstrceti ex-Governor Drown , and others who wore prominent in the confederate cause , as well as Generals Uosccrans , Sherman and some others of the union army. It in expected , too , that Henry W. Grady and other promt- ncnt orators will take part in the ceremony. Thi ; principal newspapers of the north will be invited to send correspondents , and If pos sible President Harrison will bo Induced to go. IOWA I'OSTMASTEItS Al'I'OINTED. The following Iowa postmaslors were an- pohiiod to-duy : Hawthorn , Montgomery county , Fuyetto U. Tolmon ; Milburn , Dallas county , Fred G. Anders ; New Liberty , Scott county , Sarah C. Schmidt ; DCS Moines , Polk county , C. II , Townsend ; Ortonvlllo , Dallas county , S. J , Thrlot ; Urbana , licnton county , Edgar Gee. MISCELLANEOUS. , Captain Thomas 0. Troxel , Seventeenth Infantry , has boon found by the army retirIng - Ing board incapacitated for acllvo service and | ms been placed on the retired list or the army. Dr. S. B. Taylor has been appointed n member of the pension board ut Hhilr , Neb Intei-rituto .Ministers' Iiistltutf. Sinux FALLS , Dak. , Juno25. [ SpecialTel- egram to TUB HEB. | The Inter-stato min liters' Institute opened to-day with many ministers In attendance. The llrst lecture on the programme was "Inspiration of the Scriptures , " by Dr. Kcmlii-k , president o Shurtloff colU'ge ' , but owing to tlio non-ar rival of that cenllemun Dr. SUfilur , of Uro ztcr Theological institute , delivered his ud dress on "ExtJgetlcul Study of Scriptures. ' Tlio bccomt addrcos was on "Monuuienta Witnesses of the Truth of the Old Tcslu muni , " by Dr. Price , of the Chicago TUco- loylcul institute. ci'jy NEWS. General Algor Arrives , In thcBCIty Kn IVaiilc toAJajikn : , SALT LAKE CITT , Juno is. [ Special Tele gram to THE UEI > . ] General Kusaoll A. Alger , ox-governor of Michigan and ox- Commander-in-chief Ot the Grand Army of ne Ilcpublic , 'traveling in u private car , on route to Alaska , ana accompanied by u mini- mr of prominent people , arrived in this city ostcrdny at noon. In the party are Mrs , Algor , two daughters nnd n son , Senator ? Iatt and wife , of Now York ; Mrs , General ? oo , John M. Thurston , attorney for the Jn ion Pact do at Omaha- midwife ) Colonel Jnxtcr , chairman of the republican state central committee of Michigan , and Mr. Avery , u prominent Michigan politician. Vccouipanylng the party were Colonel God- 'rcy , chairman of the Utah commission , nnd the two now commissioners , Senator Sauu- dors , of Nebraska , nnd Governor Hobortson , of Indiana , Upon reaching the city the mrty wont immediately to the Utah & Ne vada depot , whcra n special train was In waiting to take them to the lako. After spending a few hours pleasantly at Garllold beach they returned to the city , nnd Iho itrangcrs In the party spent , the afternoon n taking in the sights. General Algcr's tarty left last evening for the north , going via San Francisco to' Tacoma and thence to Alaska , where they will spend "a few weeks. C. F. Hall , W. J. Carroll , H. A. Homan , John Uurnslde , F. Judson , J. Curran , of Omaha ; Katie Howitl , of Hasllngs ; C. H. Brunner , of Fremont , nro iu thocity.J Last week's recorded real estate sales were $405.-ir > 0 , or equal to tb6 sales of Juno , luly and August of last , year combined. The body of Sullivan , the last of the three men drowned near Syracuse , Saturday , Juno 15 , was found yesterday near Lake iark. A dispatch has boon received hero stating .hat the construction of the Dear Hiver canal will comnicnco nt onco. This caunl will double the available supply of water In .ho valley. It will enhance the value of 50,000 acres of land by50 an aero , and will also Increase the value of all property 'mmcnsely. This event is considered of more mportunco to this valley than any occur rence since the building of the Puclllu rnll- ivays. DESPERATE JAILi BREAK. .Two Colored Criminals nt Topoku As- Hnult the Jailor. TOPBKA , Kau. . Juno 23. [ Special Telegram o Tun Bnu- . ] Elijah Jones and William rishor , convicted colored Criminals awaiting ) cnitentiary sentence at the county jail , es caped this afternoon nftev knocking down Jailer William Gill , who was m the corridor icar Iho cells. Mrs. Jones , wife of Iho crim- nal , called at the jail at noon nnd desired to .allc to her husband. Jones was allowed lo go out In a corridor surrounding the cells. After the Jailer had entered-the corridor and closed and locked the iron'door behind him Jones throw his arms around his neck and struck him a powerful bloyvoii the top of the icad with a heavy slug.ana.Fisher joiued in , \io \ assault. Gill was bauly injured. The toys to the outside Iron door were taken from urn and the escaped , going out of the ofllco through the Iront oulranco. Gill recovered soon cnough'to ' cut off the escape if about , a dozen other prisoners , who came nto the corridor and woro.making a rush for Ihe open doers. The fleeing criminals sopa- ralod as Ihey left the jail'and their where abouts are now unknown , though several ofilcers are in pursuit. Both are notorious outlaws. . . . * A POLiTIUAtf PEUD , . Wharton anil Fort Bclul Counties , Tex. , Very Kjccitid. AOSTIX , Tex. ' , Juno 35. The killing of Rod 3ibson at Wharton last Saturday , by Kyle Terry , has stirred up bad Dlood in Wharton and the adjoining couiuy ( Fort Bend ) , and it is feared much blood will bo shed. Tlio gov ernor last nitjht received a telegram in refer ence to the trouble , w.hich has been brewing for over a year. Ono from Sheriff Garvey , at Richmond , says : "County Attorney Meek is authorized to report that , as sheriff of Bond county , I nm unable to enforce the law without a conflict nt arms , and ask assistance from the slate lo disarm the community and enforce obedience to the huv. " Another from ShorifT Jones , of Wharton county , says : The examining trial of Kyle Terry will beheld held on the "Oth. A mob seriously threatens and the prisoner's life Is m danger. The force nt liana is very inadequate. Please order the Vicloria riltes hero to-morrow to assist mo in maintaining the peace during the trial. " In compliance with the above , the gover nor last night ordered the Vlctoru rilles to Wharton , and this morning ordered Captain Jones' Hangers to Hlehmond. The feud Is a political ono. ono.A A Bold Cnttlo Thief. KANSAS CITT , June 23. A bold catllo Ihoft last Thursday night on the ranch of Edward Dicus , twenty miles from Lamar , Mo. , is just reported. On the night in question twenty of his best catllo were driven from the pan to Lamar , where the thief took out a bill of lading nnd conveyed the stock to Kansas City. Arriving bore ho sold the cattle to Campbell & Co. . for $805 , and es caped with the proceeds. Dicus traced the cattle to this city and brought an action for the recovery of the slock. Slonx FallH Wilt Oelolirnto. Sioux FALLS , Dak. , Juno 25. [ Special Telegram to THE Br.K. ] Two Sioux Falls rustlers started out to-day with 45,000 pieces of advertising , inulu'ding posters , llyors and a special four-page paper , nil bearing upon the Fourth. Tlio unprecedented attraction will draw thousands hither. Company B , with thirty men , under com mand of Captain Joffers , started to-duy for the unnuUl encampment at Watertown. Icail City HOIIB of Veterans. LEAH CITV. Dak. , Juno 25. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. ] The otllcers of General Custor camp , Sons of Veterans , recently or ganized In this city , woro. mustered In lust night. There are over 'twoj'ty-livo ' active members , nnd there. ar6 noarlj as many moro applications for membership to bo acted upon. 8. H. Smith is captain. . | " NournHka aixll Jmvii Patents. WASHINGTON , Juae 25.-f [ Special Telegram to THE BEC. ] Patents Waru.issucd to Neb raska and Iowa iiivcntorsas , follows : James Bauer , York , Nob. , boiler ; Leo Elliott , Stuart , la. , grain motor.Wllllo ; W. Hurrib , assignor to H. A. Lyou ; Hloux City , la. , cart ridge capper and decappeh George L. Jar- rctt , DCS Moines , Iu , , adjustable automatic conveyor and bulling reel ; Charles E. Slubbs , Fairilcld , Iu. , necktie fastener. Klonx KnllH1 llapict'.TrmiHlt IInc. Sioux FALLS , DaK , Juno 23. [ Special Telegram to Tim BKH. | The formal open ing of the South Sioux Falls Hallway and Hupid Transit line look-place hero tills after noon , Forty invited guwu took the trip to the woolen mill , Buffalo park , tlio soap fac tory and plaining mills. The line was built by u local company at a cost of $300,000 , und Is the only motor in Dukotu. . Cnnitron Nunrlin- the Kncl , LANCAbTEii , Pa. , Juno. 35 , General Came ron continues to grow weaker. Ills family is gathered about his bedsde ( und prepared for the end , which may come ut any moment. At the same tlmo If there should bo no spoil of weakness similar to the ono that attacked him lust evening ho may survive the night. Aloro Evidence nt'an Ocean DlRnfltrr. GI.OIICKSTKH , Muss. , June 25. Captain Carlsou.of the schooner Annie- Hull , from the flshlni ; banks , reports for the past two weeks that he saw a largo number of cuttle floating enbtof Sable Island und several In the vicin ity of Cupe Sable. NEWS FROM NEBRASKA TOWNS Sulolclo By Hanging of a Young Man at Ponoa. DOMESTIC TROUBLES THE CAUSE A Little Girl nt Blnir Fntnlty Burned By Gasoline The Kcyn 1'nhn Vigilantes Ten Years For Forgery. GnHolIno OJctH Another Victim. BLAIII , Nob. , Juno 25. [ Special Telegram to TUB Ben. ] Blanche Bailer , aged eight years , n daughter of Mayor Hullcr , was fatally burned lo-dny. Her sister was lining a gasoline stove , when the gnsollno Jecamo Ignited from n cook ciovo In the same room , and while attempting to throw .ho can outdoors It is supposed some must : invo been thro'wn onBlancho.who was play ing outside. Before anyone know it or could jet to her she was nil ablaze. The accident Inippcncd at 11 o'clock this morning nnd she died nt1 p. in. SulcUlo Over Domostlo Trouble * . PONCA , Neb , , Juno 25. [ Special Telegram to Tun Bun. ] Charles M. Ogg , a tmn thirty- seven years of ago , committed sulctdo by muging nt this place this morning. His body was found in a grove in the south part of town at about 10:30 : a. m. Tlio nun n resident of Sioux City , la. , had married a woman of this place this spring , aud sluoo .hen spent part of his tlmo hero. It is claimed that the woman in the case had been married before and that her iirst husband was still living and unaivorcod. Trouble in regard to thls-urovlous marriage is the rea son for taking tils own life. Before hanging .ho suicide had taken poison and attempted to drown himself In the creek. The jury's vet diet was premeditated and deliberate- cide. Doniio Collcijo Griuliintcs. CIIETE , Neb. , Juno 25. [ Special to TUB Br.i.l : The graduating exorcises of the senior preparatory class of Doano college were held this morning in the Congrega tional church. There were eight graduates , ns follows : Vernio B. Leisoy , Wisner : Leon G. Anthony. Wllbor ; Nottio M. Wills. Falls City ; MahlonF. Manvillc , Crete ; William O. Snively , Crete ; Joseph II. Bennett , Crete ; Fred W. Sweeney , Humbolt ; Clar ence E. Brown. Crete. AH of these expect to continue Ihoir sludics with -tho freshman class next fall. The essays and orations were interspersed with excellent vocal and instru mental music. The annual meeting of the trustees will bo held Ihis afternoon. Poisoned by Eating Strawberries. LOUI-CITT , Nob. , Juno 25. [ Special to Tnc BEE. ] A case of poisoning from eating canned strawberries came near proving fatal yesterday to the family of Mr. Charles A. Wheeler , a photographer of this city. The berries were oaten at tea time , nnd half an hour nfler Mrs. Whcelor began feeling somewhat - what ill. About 0:30 : p. m. Mr. Wheeler came in complaining of a numbness in his limbs and all retired soon after. About mid night Mr ; and Mrs. Whooler.'woro awakened by the violent vomiting of the llttlo boy. Upon arising lo attend to him they wore also taken violently 111 nnd called the servant girl , who .was with difficulty awakened and sent for Dr. Kearns , who lives next door. Upon her return she fulnlcd on- the doorstop und was carried into the house by the doctor , who found them all in a very critical condi tion. but after several hours' labor ho , suc ceeded in bringing them out of dangor. The boy had eaten one dish more than the others , which vomited him first. Had it not been for this fact the others would probably never have awakened from the deep sleep iuto which they scorn to have fullou. The Kcyii Palm Vigilantes' . KCTA PAIIA COUNTY , Nob. , Juno 23. [ Spe cial lo THE Bun. I Although there is loss excitement hero over the vigilantes' move ments than there was u short time ago , yet there are things occurring that seem to In dicate that the vigilantes nro "getting In some work. " In the immediate vicinity of * the place of Newell's killing numbers have been warned to leave the counlry , and have been compelled to go. The Sylvester broth ers , who ran n horse ranch , Mr. Ireland , Nelson Luton , William Voting nnd n man by the name of Martin W. C. Hess have also loft. Mr. Koss was a prominent man , u notary public und justice of the pence , and qullo a loader In local poll- tics. Ho has gone to ChuOron. Nonn of these parlies named were charged or even suspected of "rustling , " but had been in the habit of speaking their minds freely. They did not countenance the killing of Newell , und did not uphold other nets of the vigi lantes. It is reported that many othern have re ceived notices of similar effect. It is also reported that a number of people who are not In accord witu the vigilantes have boon told they were not expected nor desired to par ticipate in the celebration of tlio Fourth of July. John Shaw , of Mills , who was indicted by the grand jury , charged with having in cestuous intercourse with hisllfteon-yuur-old daughter , ami who was recently tried in Judge Kinkaid's court nnd acquitted , has suddenly loft the county , leaving his family behind. The indictment was found on the evidence of tlio girl , but when the case came to trial she rotracled every thing , saying us a reason that she did not understand the questions put to her when testifying before tun grand Jury. Jury.Shaw had enjoyed n fair reputation , and was a man of considerable property , but Iho community looked upon him as guilty , and the change in evidence was thought by many lo have been brought about by undue influ ence. He was so unpopular that he deemed it best to leave. Of course , as in every case of the Kind , there nro conllicting stories lu circulation , which give rise to a diversity of opinion. An Ilni'orlnnntc disc. NBIIUASKA CITV , Nob. , Juno 25. | Spscial Telegram to Tim Bnu. | An unknown woman , who is Insane from the effects of tak ing n dose of concentrated lye with suicidal intent , was left at the county jail to-day by n man from Avoca , Cass county , Iowa , claim ing that she belongs to this county. Hho was in search of her husband , who preceded her from Germany several years ago and came to Nebraska , but she failed to ilnd him and became despondent. She will probably bo eciit back to Germany , us she bus no friends hero. _ MnrrlaHey-Snni | > 3on. PIATTSMOUTH , Neb. , Juno 25. [ Special Telegram to Tim Bun.l M. Morrlssoy , of Lincoln , nnd MUs Susie Sampson , of this city , were married nt 0 o'clock tills morning nt the Catholic church , Mr. Morrlssey was u resident of this city for n number of years , engaged in the grain business , and is a man of standing. Miss Sampson U a most charming. voung lady , the daughter of David Sampson und a sister of Mrs. S. M , Chap man. For Boiling Liquor lo a Minor , NKIUIASKA CITV , Neb. , Juno 25. [ Spseial Telegram to TUB HUE. ] John Erbacher , a saloon keeper , was to-day arrested for soil ing lUiuor to a sixteen-year-old boy , who be came beastly drunk lust night and iibused his mother. Erbucher will have hU trial to morrow. Crolnhton'H Ciiitli ) CiiEiniiTON , Neb , , June 25. [ Special to Tim Bur. ] A train of pulauo stock cars loaded svith corn-fed steora loft here yester day at 4 p. iu. for Chicago. There were seventeen loads of some of Mio llnest cattle thU lown has over turned out. Bush Bros , nnd Brown & Fenklo are the owners. Crolghton ranks high among feeding points In this state. Inside of thirty days about llfty moro cars will bo marketed from this point. An Interesting Case Decided. WAYNB , Neb. , Juno 25. ISpocial to THE Br.c.J The case of Wayne county vs John T. Bressler nnd D. C. Patterson , was do- elded to-day In. favor of the defendants by Judge Powers , of the district court , who sus tained the aomurror to the petition. The case has attracted u great ot attention throughout the state , both on account of the largo sum involved , and the fact that It would settle the question of the liability of a county treasurer for Iho profits or interest ho may 'receive from the profit or in vestment of public funds. Brassier was formerly treas urer of Wayne county , and Patterson was bis partner in business , and a portion of the time assisted him In the oQlcc. Last fall a resolution was introduced to the county com missioners , nnd by them passed , empowering certain attorneys of Wayne und Omaha to tnko such action ns they saw flt to recover property or money hold in trust for \Vayno county. By the terms of the resolution the county was bound to pay prelimin ary expenses and was to tret one-half of what was recovered. Under this authority suit was begun In the district court against Bressler and Patterson for the recovery of $ -55,000 , which , It alleged , they had made out of the Investment of county money during Brcsslor's ' term of ofllcif. In render ing Ills decision , which had been carefully written out nt length , Judge Powers ro- vlowed the nuthorilics presonlou on bolh sides , for though tlio question nt issue was u new ono in the litigation of this state u few cases Involving the anmo principles were lo * bo found. The decision was , in effect , that n county treasurer is simply a debtor to the county for the money that comes Into lis hands oflloially , and that ho is liable abso lutely for It on his oftlcial bond ; that the character of agcul.or the Irustee.on which the ory the case was brought , does not attach to the county treasurer , and that the county can not suonorrecoverforauyprolltsho may have made by the iu vestment of the funds. So far as the county is concerned the de cision ends the ease , as the county attorney has advised the commissioners that there is no foundation for the suit In law or equity , and it will bo ordered dismissed. Snntoo Normal Training School. NioiuiAUA , Neb. , June 25. [ Special to Tun BBI : . | Prohrammcs are out for the closing exorcises of the Sanlco Normal Training school of Snntco agency , this county , which begins on Thursday and closes Sunday even ing. At this school Indian boys mid girls are taken from the various agencies in the nortnwcst and taught blaolcsmithliig , car pentering , bhoomaklug , printing , housekeep ing , etc. , besides receiving a Christian edu cation. It is under the patronage of the American Missionary association , with Kov. Alfred L , Higgs as principal. Arrested For a K.IIIHII ? Murder. CitcioiiTOX , Nob. , June 25. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BEE. | Two men have uann ar rested hero for murder. One goes under the nameof Hcrron. His correct name is sup posed to bo Harris. The crime was com mitted iu Kansas. On brcnuing open his trunk quite a number of Union Pacific locks were found nnd other suspicious material. The other goes under the name of Frank Glenn , and has the appearance of being a " * ' ' ' bold crook. A West Point ) inor Change. WEST POINT , Nob. , -25.--Special | to Tun BnE. ] Anton Lauyer , an Omaha printer , has purchased the West Point He- publican and all appurtenances of Messrs. Sonncnchcin & Valentine , and takes posses sion to-day. Lauyoris a former West Point boy and enters the newspaper business with u first-class practical knowledge and with a determination tn win. Ho expects to enlarge and otherwise improve the paper. Modern Woodmen Klcct Olllucra. OSCHOLA , Nob. , Juno 25. [ Special lo Tin : BIE. ' | Tlio Modern Woodmen ol Amerlcn , No. 3SO , of Osceola , elected the following office bearers at their last mooting : Coun sel. J. E. Makeover ; advisor , E. A. Wull- rnth ; cleric. M. E. Bittner ; banker , \V. F. ICepncr ; escort , J. A. Jackson ; physician , S. Whuloyj sonlry , L. Cunningham. A young 111:111 : iminej Powers , working for James Boobe on Iho valley , was kicked oy a mule on Friday , breaking his shoulder blade. Oil Inspuotors. LINCOLN , Nob. , Juno 25. [ Special Tele gram to TIIE Bnn.J- Oil Inspector Caldwell has appointed the following deputies : Colonel Hoover , of Blue Hill ; Joe Corns , of Seward : J.V. . McDonald , of Omaha , and G. W. Fairbrotlici- Ncraaha City. H. Harrison , of Grand Island , is also under thoughtful consideration. It is said that Harrison , of Phelps or Payne , of Lincoln , will make the ilflh aud last man. Ilonr.l ol' Trndo Dcl'-ff HwmoN , Nob. , Juno 25. [ Special to Tin : Bnn.J At the mooting of the board of trade held this evening , M. II. Weiss , W. D. Gnl- bralh , C. H. Wlllurd , M. Savage and E. M. Concll were elected delegates to the conven tion of board of trade representatives to beheld hold in Omaha Juno 20. C. M. Wetherald and A. G. Collins were re-elected trustees at the annual school meet ing to-day. JonrnnllHtH at Fort FOIIT KOIUNSON , Nob. , Juno 25. [ Special to Tim BBB. ] Perry S. Heath , Special Agent Pickroll , of the national bureau of animal industry , and W. K. Aunin , of Omaha , were visitors to the post on Satur day , and were handsomely entertained by hospitable officers of the garrison. West Point Gradnntcfl Two. WEST POINT , Neb. , Juno 25 , | Special to Tun BBB. ] The commencement exercises of the West Point public- school * were hold In Kranos hall lust night. There were two graduates , Telum E. Hrlcgn and Winnie Loffert. The exercises were a credit through out to the school and Iho lown. TeonniRfh .Masonic Instnllnilnn. , Nob. , Juno 25 , [ Special loTnu BEE. ] At a meeting of the Masonic lodge last evening the following officers were in stalled : W. M , , Enos M. Shaw ; S. W. , George D , Bennett ; J. W. , Ernest Hohcrts ; secretary. A. B , Ball ; treasurer , C. Wood- ley ; tyler , John Aninun. A Ii > nd , Mnn idontKliMl. CuLVMiius , Neb , , Juno 25. [ Special Tele gram to THE BBB. j The coroner's Jury fin ished its labors thU evening after a two days' session on the body of tlio dead man found near thu Union P.iclllu track on Sunday , and Ilnd that his 11:11110 : Is John Kol/cr , anil that he came to his duith by trying to board No. 0 going east , failing uildor tlio train. Nmv Ban ) : Building. OHVNT , Nob. , June -Special [ Telegram to THE Bun. | Work on the Perkins county bank is moving along. The building , when camplou'd , will bo worth fully f7,000 ! , and wilt bo ono of the buildings lu the west end of the fitato. Ton 1'onrs For Four Uomxeov , Nob. , Juno 25. fSponml to Tun BKI'.J Private Lewis , convicted of forging General Brlabln's name , has been sentenced to ton years in thu penitentiary , I'iot Ahead of Iho Law , Piur.ADKi.riiu , Juno : ! 5. George McOann , awaiting trial for the murder of hU wife , hanged himself In Ills cell at the county jail this uiornluK. WESTERNRAILROADBUILDINC Incorporation Artlolos Flloil For Two Now Ono9 In Utah. EXTENSION OF THE BURLINGTON. Dirt FlyiiiR nt n Itnnld Itnto In thd Vicinity of Crawford Western Suites PnHHcMRt-r Asso- olntlon Untos. ( nio Grande & Western. SAM LAKE CITV , Juno 25. [ Special Tolo- grnm to THE BII : . | Hallrond news con tinues encournnlntj for Utah , nnd particuj Inrly for Salt Luke. The latest Is the nrU- clcs of agreement forming and Incorporating the Klo Gran do it Western Hallway com pany , which were filed with the territorial iiudltor to-day. The authorized common cap ital stock is $1,000,00 ; ) , divided into 10,000 shares of the denomination of S100 per share , of which UK ) Hharcs have been subscribed , , and with $7,600,000 preferred Mock of like- denomination. The state line road is not yet built , so that the consolidation simply means the extension of the Denver & Klo Grande Western from the Colorado slate Hue to Denver. _ A New Utah Kond. SALT L USE CITV , Juno 25. [ Special Tola- gram tn Tun BEE. J There was filed In the office of Auditor Clayton to-day the articles of Incorporation of the Utah Western rail way company , which , it is provided , shall continue in existence for a term of llfty vcnrs unless sooner dissolved according to law. The amount of thu capital stock la (000,000 ( , divided Into 000 shares of $10,00 each. The actual contemplated cost of construct ing the road , together with the cost of right of way , made of power aud every other ap- imrtctianco for the completion and running of It , is $003,000. The director * are John W. Young , Isaac M. Wudoll , D.mlel Harrington , W. A. Kossitcr , Charles W. Hardy , John M. Whitakcr and D. J. Williams. Tint Bnrltnuton'fl Kxtcimlon. CuAwroni ) , Neb. , Juno 25. [ Special I * Tun BKH.J Great excitement prevails In town over tlio certainty Hint the Burlington extension is to bo pushed to early completion. Hundreds of men and te.ims are to-day being strung out along the grade between here and the Wyoming mines. Four hundred Italians liave gouo to work on the Pine Kidgo tunnel , .vhich is to bo crowdoJ day nnd night. The town ! s full of strangers seeking locations. Crawford Is assured of boiug one of the larg- csl cilics In northwestern Nebraska nml tjio only ono west of Norfolk with two lliMrt of railroad. To-day all merchants nro ordering largo stocks of goods for the boom which has already bczuu. The town has doubled in " population "during UioJast year , and is cer tain to quadruple In the next six mouths. The new road is expected to lay out u largo town site cast of thn lilkhorn A'alloy town , and luis purchased an entire section for the purpose. It Is confidently bulloved that Crawford will bo the end of a division nnd the depot of distribution for the coal from the Burlington's Wyoming mines now in progress of development. FOHT UOHINSON. Nob. , June 25. [ Special to THE BEE. ] Burlington surveyors were visitors on Friday at the post. The road grade , upon which work is now in progress , skirts the reservation at Crawford , thrco miles distant. The now line will greatly In crease the transportation facilities of the garrison and add to its importance U9 u supply - ' ply point. A CiiniiKe " 'I' I CIIEVCNXEVyo , , Juno 25. [ Special Tele gram to THE BKK.J C. 1C. Bannister , engi neer of tlio Cheyenne & Northern , has re signed to accept a position with the Pacific" Short Line , which is projected to run from Salt Lake to Sioux City. His headquarters will bo at Ogdeu. He will have charge ot the construction work in Utah and Wyoming. Ho ihiuks the road will be in running order , in two years. Work on the Carbon cut off of the Union Pacific , which is intended to tap sonic of the new coal mines , will bo resumed nt onco. Union Pacific Director Hanua , of' Cleveland , who is interested in coal develop ment , advances the money to complete the work. A Mvolv D CIIIOAOO , Juno 25. At the meeting of the Western States Passenger association to-1 * day there was a lively discussion over pas senger rates. The Chicago ft Alton claimed. that rates were being manipulated between Chicago and Denver through the medium of scalpers , and by such irregular methods the rate was reduced from § 30 to $ il ) by Iho Rock Island route. It therefore asked per mission to make nn open rate of $ J7. The Alton people contended they were putting it ' m the hands of Denver brokers , -10'J tickets being sold nt reduced * rates. The Hocli Island officials emphatically denied this as sertion , , Hcmnvod to MILWAUKEE , Juno 25. The offices of the traffic department of the Chicago , Milwau kee .t St. Paul railroad will bo removed to Chicago as soon as arrangements thorofor can be completed. This change will take about thirty Mllwaukccaus to Chicago. KHMMhKll'H CASE. Taken Up on Appeal In the Supreme Con IT. Aunur.N , N. Y. , Tune 25. The case of Kemmler , the Buffalo murderer , who is con demned to Buffer death by electricity , was taken up on appeal iu the supreme court to day , The appeal was taken on the ground Chat the state constitution prohibited cruel- nnd unusual punishment , and counsel for the murderer contended lhat execution by elec tricity was both cruel and unusual. The case was argued at considerable length. The court finally decided that testimony would have to bo taknn as to the effect of an elec tric current on the human body , and up- pointed Lawyer Becker , of Buffalo , to take the testimony and report to the 'court July U9 next. , SI'DOWrf TUIAIJ. Proved That Bo Shot Dawaon In the Back. CHAUI.ESTON , June 25. McDow's trial was resumed ihls morning , The slalo thus far has established beyond question the fact that McDow shot DawKon In the back , and tlio fact that he tried to bury the body Helene , the French governess of Captain Dawsnu'a , children , and the cause of the shooting , tos- tiliod tlmt she met McDow for the llrnt time February 1 , and had almost dally Interview ; with him until the day of the shooting. Ho had kissed her twice. The final Interview' WHH in the upper part of the oily , where- McDow eudO'ivcrcd to take her Into a room in the house of an old colored woman , She refused , nnd returned homo. McDow also L'avo her a gold watch. Ho hud promised to gel a divorce from his wife. Sim never per- milled any Impropriety , mid thought Mc Dow's object In taking her into the colored woman'u IIOUKO was to escape discovery by the detectives suld by MuDovto ba follow- | iig them. Tlio Wnnthor InUloutloin. Nebraska and lown : Fair , preceded by light ram In Nebraska ; cooler winds , becom ing northerly. ' Dakota : Fair , -warmer , wind * becoming southeasterly. > - . , Thu A merion Unp. f.ONpON , Juno 25.--TtiQ Hoyal yncht squad ron met lu London yen tot day and adoptctt _ resolutions declaring it Impossible to accept' the I1CW deed nf tlia ul/t lit tha