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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1889)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDA MAY 152 , -SIXTEEN PAGES. 5 PRICES NO OBJECT THIS TIME * - - T-ll Monday we inaugurate the greatest of all sales in Fine ' Lace Flouncings and Embroidery Flouncings > ever attempted'in ; tlie west. if You Expect to Buy a Lace Dress next Monday and all the Week is Your Golden Opportunity , These Goods were Bought at Less than Manufacturer's ' Price , for Gash , We intend to make Rome Howl with Low Prices. Next week will be a gala week , prices no object. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. BEADED LADIES' ' NORMANDY NORMANDY WRAPS , S2 JERSEYS 98c VALENCIENNES VALENCIENNES Olio last chance you will Imvo to ' buy a nice . styles Laillcs' , allalzos nil wool and IllackTailor nil at one price Mode , Monday Jorsovs. , only nil On Monday and all next week , we will offer a This Is a handsome line Flouncing , 40 Inch Headed Wrap nt the low price , only X' ! worth $4. IMo each ; worth * 2. line Normandy Valenciennes l < ac flouncing , 40 wide uuil ut price quoted U n rare bargain , this Inch wide , at arc yard. No ouo can match it at number w 111 not lust long ut this price. BEADED Persian $3,98 this Swiss price. Chantilly lace < N OC Shawls , Flouncings 87c Flouncings M > I J Great bargains. Ladlei * Headed Wraps with 203 Silk and Wool Persian Shawls , on sale Mon > Eollilnet sleoTO.1. Monday , only SI ; worth * 0. day , at only fcUW each ; actual value W. Don't You cannot match this wait of New Yurie , nt uil.v * this bargain. Wo will oiror Monday 40 pieces line Swiss Km- the prlco quoted , It IsOIncliM wide and Is on broidery Klouucinss. 15 Inch wide , ut 8"o yaiil ; sale next week only at tills pi-lro. BEADED worth il.50. Ask to .see them. WRAPS Corsets , 75c. Ghantiily Lace ChantsiSy Laoe Terrlfllo slaughter. Ladles' Hrown Cut Jut Imported Wrap with solid net sleeves , would be Just arrived another cixso of thoie elegant cheat ) at $ .1) ) ; Monday , only * f. Mall orders French Woven Corsets , on sale .Monday at 7To Tills Is nn elegant Illack Chantilly rionnclng , . filled. pair : cheap nt (1.33. . Buy your Corsets ot us Tills is same quality tlmt Is sold by other * at 42 Inches wide , this I.aeo would bo cheap at $1 and save uionoy. 82.75 yard It U 41 inches wide , on halo next week , yard ; you can buy It next week only , at & ; . ' . ( . only at $1.41 yard. yard , Ladies Jackets $1.00 Childrens' Jerseys 25c Ghantilly Lace ; < DO ' 7k ' J Ghantjlly Ladles'all wool Street Jackets , Monday , only II each worth 13. On Monday wo will close out the last lot o ; Chlldreni' all wool Jerseys , nil colors and all This Is a beauty and ft ! Inches wide , don't fall- This riounclugUK ! Inches \\lilo , and Is worth sizes , 2 to 8 years , at 23c each. to see this one , J ou can buy it for one week ut jiibt yard ; ou sale one week only , at M.IH . . Misses JJ.7S yard. yard. $3,98 Curtain Jackets , CurtainShades 50c Hand Run This Is a genuine Illack Hand Hun Silk Lace 98 and never as oirerod In the west before , ut lest Shades thantt.noynnl ; our prlco for one week Is W.WJ Misses Stockinet nil wool Jackets In navy blue i JJ yard , i'J Inches wide. and tans , Monday , only U3.0S ; regular price S6. 800 llost Opaque Curtain Shades , mounted on best spring rollers , all complete. Monday , only Baby Cloaks $1,98 GUoench. Curtain 35c FANCY RIBBONS 29c Fancy Sash Shades On Monday wo will offer 5rt pieces Fancy Ribbons Now is yonr chance . to settha ' ilaby a Spring bens , nil colors , at 2 c yard ; worth 75C. They Cloak at M price. Infant's Long Casslinore nl , Monday only 25 pieces. Fancy Ilrorndu Saih were sent out to us to soil at a price they ate wool Cloaits. silk embroidered collar and culls 1500 Holland Curtain Shades , all shades , on simply grand , all number 10. Ribbons , 0 Inches \Ide. Jo yard ; worth 75c. . . only (1.1)8 ) ; north M. beat spring rollers all complete , only tfjc each ll ELECTED OR NOT ELECTED , What Mr. Ooopor , of Lincoln , Haa Been Trying to Find Out. A THOROUGH INVESTIGATION Convinces the Judge That It Is a Query llo Can Answer , Not Just Now Railroad Equal ization. LINCOLN hJURKiu or ran OMi.rn. Bw , ) 10B9 P STUBST , V LINCOLN. May U. I This morning the Hon. S. M. Chapman en tered his court loaded for game. In the big municipal fight , which has boon Uisquiotinfr the spirits ot the local politicians over since the special election of April ' "J , TUB UKE has already stated W. S. Hamilton cleverly ousted ff. J. Cooper from his sent in the city council , ( Fourth ward ) . Judge Chapman board testimony and speeches pro nnd con Jn the mandamus suit , which followed the refusal of the city council to confer a cortlll- cato of election upon Mr. Cooper. The sub ject innttnr has boon Judicially cogitated during the week , and the result was laid open this morning. Judge Chapman says that the mamlumus proceeding is something that should bo carefully considered before a writ Is issued the court should bo satisfied that there is right In the relater ; that the writ will give him proper relief and at tbo aiiia time not compromise the rights of third partips. In the case at bar W. J. ' Cooper sought to compel tbo respondents , the city council of Lincoln , to give to him a cortlttcato of elec tion to the council from the Fourth ward. The evidence adduced showed that that Xlobort 13. Graham wus contemplating be coming a candidate for the oOlce of mayor of Lincoln ut the general city election , on April 2. Thuro was an anticipation that ho would resign his place us councilman from the Fourth ward , and on this anticipation the re publican electors of the Fourth ward placed lu > relater In nomination to fill the expected racanoy. There was a meeting of the city council on Auril 1 , when Graham tendered his resignation. A oortlon pf the council ob jected to its acceptance , and tbo question was referred to the council's standing com mittee on elections. Thus Graham continued to lioltl his oftlco ho had not resigned , his roftUinutlou had not been accepted , and ho continued to perform tha duties of his , for the evidence showed him to havu been present ut the meeting of the council on the Oth of April , tuklne part in the proceed ings , when the vote cost at the election of " April a was canvassed , nnd with the oxcoii- tlou of the councilman for the short term from the Fourth ward ( Cooper having been elected to that ofllco Tallowing upon bis re publican nomination ) the parsons securing the majority of the votes for the oftlces to bo llllod nt the election were declared duly elected. Tbo tellers In charge of the can- vans , indeed , had counted and reported the number of votes cast for the relater , Cooper , but no further action wus taken by the board of canvassers. They seemed , indeed , to Imvo considered that there wus no vacancy of the ofllco to which the relater had been elected. The meeting was followed by n mooting on April 8 , when the committee , who had In charge the tendered resignation of Graham ( who , in the meantime , tad been elected mayor of Liu- coin ) reported the subject back to the council. The resignation of Graham was then accepted , und a special election to fill the vancy of councilman for the short term in the Fourth ward , was fixed for the 23d of April. On that day the people had before them us contestant ! W. J. Cooper and \V. 8. Hamilton , the latter receiving a large num ber of the votes cast , and be being sub&o- nuuntly declared by the city council duly elected. Hamilton qualified and Is now per forming the duties and enjoying the rights , privileges and emoluments of the omco. The Judge said tlioso were the facts with which ho had to deal , and out of them arose a ma- tcrial issue between the relater , the respond ents und a third party , \V. S. Hamilton. TUo question was thlt ; Did Gruham'i resigna tion became operative on April 1 or April HI If It came Into ofTcct on April S , then there was no vncnncy in the ofllco ho filled nt the election of April 3 , If the resignation by its acceptance dated from April 8 , then the relater would have no right to bo declared elected nt the election occur ring , or to have a certificate ) of election do- llvercd to him , und , in addition to this , there is the serious question , which becomes an issue between the relater and W. S. Hamil ton. as to whether the Lincoln city council hud authority to order the special election of April 'J2. Ho had it before him in evidence that there Is pending iu the court a proceed ing In the nature of a quo warrunto , in which the relater seeks to have Hamilton ousted from his omco as councilman and that ofllco vested in him. The weight of authoriy in the country Is in iavor in cases like this of quo warranto proceedings rather than man damus. Under the quo warranto action , the rights of the relater and of his adversary can bo fully settled , whereas if a writ \vero now issued it would only compel the re spondents to perform the ministerial duty of giving a certificate of election to the relater , to which the court was not quite clear that ho is entitled. Tha substantial richt of Ham ilton , If any ho had. would not bo tested , but these rights might bo compromised , provided that UDOII the trial of the quo-warrauto It should bo found that ho is entitled to the seat. Further , the certificate of election is not necessary to the rolutor , to maintain his action * of quo-warranto ; and in well con sidered cases It has been held when , in doubtful cases , a certificate han boon Issued , mandamus will not llo to compel the Issuance of a second certificate , especially when such Issuance would merely shift the burden of proof , or would render substantial aid or final relief. The Judge referred to Magee vs Supervisors , 10 Gal. , 37(5 ( ; Sherburn vs Horn , 45 Mich. , 160 , and People vs Cove , 5 111. , 100 , and said that in his opinion the case at bar made a stranger case for the refusal of the writ of mandamus than the cases cited. In this case an action by quo-war ranto would afford n speedy and complete relief to the relater , and thorn would bo no prejudice to the third party. The court had not iu this matter doomed it necessary finally to dcoldo. As to the legality of the elections of April 3 and April 23 , which matter would bo best tested at the hearing on the quo- warranto. Ho considered It best for the In terest of nil concerned to leave , until tbon , tha parties In their present status ; and for all these reasons the writ of mandamus was refused with costs. Hallronil Initialization. Tbo board of equalization , with the excep tion of the governor , is again at homo. It is learned that the Klkborn system of roads was completely rounded up during the week. Every mile of road , 1,018 In number , was traversed and the property carefully listed. Ono of the members of the board informed TUB Uiu representative to-day that "lots of property was discovered" that the authori ties of the road hud failed to civo In. This , however , will bo considered when the assess ments are made. "Tho road will make noth ing by Its attempt to secret its properly , " pointedly said the member. The board will continue its ride and work on next Thurs day. It is understood that the property of the Chicago , Kansas & Nebraska railroad company will next bo traversrd and In- si > cctcd. The sentiment Is strong hero that the action of the board in seeking to Inspect tbo railroad property of the state Is a wise ono. _ _ _ _ _ IMinrmuonutioal Programme. Opening of the eighth annual mooting of the State Pharmaceutical association by the president , W. U. Shryouk , Louisville. Music by the military band quartette , "Soldiers' Chorus from Fuust. " . . . Gounod Prayer . Uev. E. H. Curtis Address of Welcome . . Colonel L. C. Pace , Lincoln. Musio "Tho Uuglo Horn . White Election of now members. Annual address by tha president. Lecture "Chemistry ' ' . Prof. Nicholson , of the state university Muslo "I Waited for the Lord" . . . . . . . . . . % . . . Mendelssohn Conductor * . The railroad conductors of tha Unlto'd States , Canada and Mexico hold a delegate convention at Denver , commencing Tueuday , May 14. Fourteen car loads of these urbauo and gentlemanly follows will pass through Lincoln to-morrow morning , ea route for tha gomt designated. The special train will bo in three sections , nnd will leave L3acific Junction in the morning at 1:43 : , and will reach hero about 8 o'clock. The train will bo in charge of Conductors Waldron , Secor and Hurdlmr. It Is said that the boys expect to have a great time , and hope to reach Denver so that they can have a day's rest before commencing the work of the convention. City News unil Notes. Judge Stewart to-day ordered Francis Ponnington sent to the reform school at Kearney. This enda the chapter In the lives of the would-be gypsy girls so far as il con cerns their late escapade. Forty odd Lincoluitcs returned to-day from the festivities attending the opening of the Paddock hotel nt Beatrice. Ono and all pronounce It an elegant affair. Mine Host Crilo.v evidently did himself honor. Fitzslmmons , the murderer of Read at Wavorly. and Taylor Curtis and Mrs. Woods , the alleged murderers of Bob Woods , will commence next weak. Fitzsini- mons' ca a Is sot for Tuesday , and the trial of the alleged murderers of Woods will follow Immediately. Judge Stewart to-day issued the following umrrlago licenses : Watson G. Woodward and- Miss Amelia M. Hornoy ; Thomas F. McMuhonand Miss Agnes Grourlc , all of Lincoln , Lancaster county. W. J. Price , a wholesale cigar dealer , failed to-day. Chattel mortgages amounting to $7,500 were entered against him this after noon , and other liabilities will probably bring the amount up to nearly f 10,000 ; assets about $10,003. BIG CHANCE FOR AN INVENTOR. Immense Wealth llcnllzotl Hy Separa ting ( Jolil from 1..OO8O Ulrt. TUo fortune that awuits the inventor of a successful dry-placor machiuo , or any ' method by which the gold iu the loose dirt on the hills and mountains of Nevada can bo separated , snyB the Virginia ( Jity Enterprise , will make the present wealthy mon of the world have , by comparison , dismal an ticipations of the poor liousp. The ex po runout has often boon tried , and aa often the result has boon only partially successful , often sullluioutly encourag ing to induce continued ollort , hut never so far has a profitable working test boon mado. Owing to the specific gravity of gold , which enables us to collect it by the use of water , wind will probably bo the ohiof ngent of separation. The nu merous contrivances for that purpose now in existence depend more or loss upon the principle by which grain is separated from chaff , and the experi menters have usually directed their at tention to modifications of the form and structure of the familiar winnowing machine. The several methods of utilizing the air have at times bcou combined with amalgamating plates and with a mod erate use of water wluoh is made to do continuous service. The failure iu the sense of profitably working has usually been duo to the relatively small quan tity , of metal saved that is , tno returns have not justified the outlay. There is no question as to the feasi bility of making the weight of particles of gold operate in collecting themselves m a district mass : it is mid always has been only the ratio between value received and value expended tlmt must bo overcome by the successful dry separator. Heretofore the wind has boon supplied by artificial moans and its application has necessarily been limited. Some time the natural motion of the air will bo applied on a largo scale and in such a manner that by a repeated fanning the dry earth may bo blown away from the heavier motal. Great air concentrators will bo devised that can bo operated at an expense merely nominal , and the problem will bo practically solved.Yhon this is no complishod tno wind , which , like the poor , wo have always with us , will blow wealth and prosperity for Nevada. The Olty On thd Blue Formally Opens Its Now Hotel. TRAVELING MEN IN CLOVER. Hcatricc a Scene of Splendor A. Grand Banquet and 'Ball AVlio IVcro There The Hotel. BEATIUCB. Neb. , May 11. [ Special to THE BUB. ] Beatrice bidding for the third place among Nebraska's ' busy and enterprising cities , can now say without boasting that'we have the llnest hotel in the state outside of Omalra , and in point of furnishings , and architectural beauty the peer of any. Bril liantly illuminated last night , ' -The Pad dock" presented a sceuoof dazzling splendor , such as has rarely been witnessed in the west , for beauty nnd chivalry had gathered there. Fully a thousand sparkling faces were to bo scon "hero nnd there and everywhere , " In repousse to the generous Invitation of Mr. Criloy , throutrh the Traveling Men's club , to attend the jjrntidjoperilng. They gave animation to the decorations within , wnich were as beautiful as cultured tastes could conceive , and the spirit manifest on every hand was that of honor to tbo builder and the enterprising genius of the city that the new four-story hotel does so much credit. The dedication of "The Paddock" was the great sooial event of the history of Beatrice , nnd her citizens seemed to appreciate tbo fact. They vied with each other in making the stranger feel .that ho was one of them. Tlio roccution was In keeping with tlio true spirit of hospitality. It was all that would bo asked by. the throng tlmt gath ered from the four quarters of the union. No act of kindly interest or gentility wus forgotten. Words would fall to picture the beauty of the ( lorul decorations. .Festoons of flowers hung from the ceilings und walls. Great wreaths and potted plants transformed c. very room from ollice to ordinary , into bowcra of beauty. Colors were blended with inut < ) h- less taste. Indeed , they were in such per fect keeping that contrasts gave back answering smiles. There was no dashing , and It need only be said ; that all within WAS symmetrically beautiful. This , in a word , U all that u pen-picture can do in description. The banquet and ball ot the Traveling Men's club , which was lirojcotod by tha pro prietors of tlio hotel , to- fittingly celebrate its formal opening , was also perfect in its way , The banquet } vns , served in the ele gantly furnished dtnlrig' rooms and ordina ries. No sound came back from the couples us they cume tq , and went from , the tables laden with every dellcuoy of the season. The silk-velvet carpets did not Intend it should be so. Cheery Voices alone gave evidence of confusion. Hut to linger here is n to prolong a story that every guest , will bear TUB Bun out in saying : "Therehas hoen nothinglika itiu .all Nebraska the past year. " The ball wax given iu tha opera house , a portion of tha magnificent Paddock that will bo formally dedicated to the drama some time during the montu of next September , and it Is presumable that the dedication will IHJ upon a scale of equul plane. Hut. con cluding , the parquet was fitted on a. level with the stage , and teriisichoroau revellers Indulged to heart's contout. Though incom plete ) , the opera house presented a handsome ap | > caruncaj and in perspective gave evidence of the elegant unit commodious ' 'teuiplo of the drama" Beatrice will have when the interior is HnUhod , But , the opening of "Tho Paddock Is now a part of the history of Beatrice , and it means vastly more than what appears on the surface. The city has a hotel commensurate with every need. It is not only a credit to the city , but to the whole state. It is beyond to-day and bid * for a progressive future. Senator Paddock must have hod faith iu the possibilities when ho ventured fITO.OdO . to build the liolul that bears his name , and In which every citizen of the place takes a just degree of pride. H la not ouly a monument of the aay , but of the years to como. The order of the evening was conventional iu every sunsa. There Is nothing paradoxi cal in this. The ball , the banquet and the general social pleasures of the evening would have been lacking- without the customary Mr. C. O. Bates welcomed the guests in u few well chosen words. Ho was folicl- tous in his remarks to the traveling men and provoked applause in contrasting their re sponsibilities. Mr. A. J. Conleo , president of the Traveling Men's duo , addressed the gathering in behalf of the fraternity he rep- reaonts. Colonel Ashby also responded "In favor of the Paddock , " nnd was roundly ap plauded in his concluding sentence : "In the name of the Traveling Men's Social club , of Beatrice , I thank you for your attendance hero to-night. " NOW TO TUB OPBXIXO- , and somotuiug of the history that bid to the splendid Celebration , and also something of the peoulo who honored the occa sion with their presence. The honor of formally dedicating the hotel was tendered to und carried out by the Trav eling Men's Social club of this city. The club , though young , Is in a nourishing condi tion , occupying large und well furnished rooms. A. J. Conleo Is president nnd H. M. Chase secretary. The members are : A. J. Coulee , O. II. Phillips , J. A. Forbes , B. Malnzcr , H. M. Chase , \V. C. Brooks , ICIntz , W. Pickrell , E. J. ERleston , S. S. Sims , C. S. Fasselmnn , U. P. Bacon , L. W. Willis , C. E. Danforth , C. W. Miller , D. G. Mellor , J. W. Foley , F. II. Myers , W. A. Sherwood. F. W. Barclay , F. D. Morrell , N. D. Hubbard , F. O. Waynaut , W Z. Warner , W. H. Whitman - man , J. C. Mctzlor , John Dwyer , W. P. Briggs , J. M. Bcriley , G. A. Dascomb , A. Herman , P. W. Fconoy , W. J. Sliultz , R. G. Schmidt , C. J. Schmidt , J. W. ccd. S.Ueed , W. A. Laufman , G. C. Werner and B. D. Hitt. Since the organization of this club six more traveling men have decided to move their families to Beatrice , und within tha past ten days about ten additional members of the club have boon secured. The club now numbers about fifty members , ull resi dents of Beatrice , a good many of them tak ing an active part in all matters of public improvements and importance. A short time ago Mr. E. 1C. Croloy , pro prietor of the Paddock hotel , tendered the free use of the Paddock to the Traveling Men's club for a banquet. The offer was enthusiastically accepted and May IU set as the time , which was also to bo the formal opomiiK of the hotel. Among the guests from abroad were the following : From Oniana Mrs. Groino Sorkowsky , Sam \Veiu , Myers , Snyder , Boindaxon and Medor , W. II. Pulton , W. S. Holphroy. Zack F. Gnrrett , Joseuh Garneau jr. , B. W , Feoney , E. E. Edwurds , J. B. Patterson , E. J. McVniu. H. W. Myers , II. W. Spngifutc , W. II. Kotli , AY. J. Lane , W. T. liowoll , W. E. Annln. From Hod Cloud , M. A. Motzgur und wife. , - From Uochuatcr , N. V. C. H. Arifold. From Lincoln L. W. Uarrott and.wife , F. M. Echolstellor and wife , 1) . C. Mosher , W. J , Basch , Sam Hudson and wife , II , S. Hof- f9lllnior , Ben F. Weaver , J. J. McClellun , L. \ \ . Emery , Dave Hellwog , Ben McNeil , Will Hogun , M. S. MoLogan. Misses Gertlo Hollweg , Anna Hogan , Ncllto Moran , ICutlo Moran , Mnggio McUoberts , C. C. Caldwell , C. Armstrong , J. C. Metzlor , W. II. T.iylor , W , H. Locho , C. A. McCarger , W. H. Tay lor , H. U. Nlssloy. M. J. AVingor , F. W , Scacroit. B. Heaton , Fred UeWltt , Walt Mason , L. D. Voz. From Fatrbury C. J. Parratt , G. W. Fink. From Kansas City D. G. Gerslncor. From St. Joseph T. W. Willis , E. S. Sco- bor , U. B. Hill , It. O. McCuudloss , U , H. Ly- man. man.From Keokuk N. S. PoUberger. From Now York S. L. Kettle. From St. Louis A. Chapman , O , II , John- sou , W. \VhiUiiaan , August PingU > n. From Chicago L. M , Bennett , L. T. Os- berne , Max Noel , L. H. Long. From Kirksville , Mo. B. W. McCoy , From Wymoro Dave Auty and wife. From Pawnee City C. J. Butler , G. E. Bouver. From Hastings W. II. Dillon. From Atehlson J , S. Graham. From Milwaukee J. L. Lltt. TUB HOTEL. ThQ Paddock hotel Is a handsome four- story bricu building with a thirty-foot tower. It is of the Bavarian order of arch itecture , 100 foot on Court street and 140 feet on.Slxth street , and cost , exclusive of furni ture , $154,000. Thuro are nluoty-two guest chambers , seven of them having bath rooms. Tlio main feet dining-room is forty-eight square , and the Indies' ordinary twenty by twenty feet. Adjoining the dining-room is the serving room , separate from the kitchen. These are ull on the second floor. The ofllco Is forty-eight by fifty-six feet , with marble floor. The passenger elevator is of the latest Improvement und pattern. Tha bar and billiard tables are in the rear of the ofllco , nnd will be in charga of Emrio Long- ten. The carpets ami furniture are hand some and costly. The furniture outside of the parlors is of oiled antique ouk. SOUTH OM/VHrt. NEWS. The Olty Council. Mayor Sloan and Councilman Fenno , Towlo , Burke , Johnston , McMillan and Kaf- ferty were present when the council con vened , Saturday night. Po er McCaffrey's bill for $62 was reported favorably. The viaduct , street and alloy committee reported In favor of paying the King Bridge company $5,000 , ana .1 warrant on the viaduct fund was ordered drawn. Ordiuanca No. 180 , re lating to building inspection , and repealing ordinance No. 03 , was road und referred. Special ordinance No. 10 , relating to levy ing a tax for sidewalks , was read and re ferred. The petition of J. F. Burt , for a plumber's license wus granted. The Milwaukee Bridge ana Iron company's communication , offering to use English Portland cement for the con crete'for the two west piers of the L street viaduct , without additional cost to the city , was read und permission given. J. A. L. Wuddoll's report on the L street viaduct was read and referred to the com mittee on viaducts , streets and alloys. It N. Lawrence's request to have the causes of bis removal or suspension made known , was read and on motion the request was granted. The motion , however , was reconsidered and lost. Tlio inspector's report on sidewalks was referred to the ordinance committee. The mayor appointed George II , Lawrence city engineer , but the appointment was re jected by a vote of 5 to 1. A resolution was offered to have John B. Morris take charge of the city work and in spect the vluduct works. The resolution was tabled and finally expunged. The city .attorney wus directed to draw a pound ordinance. Messrs. Burke , Fenno and Rafforty were appointed a special committee on Mud creek. Mayor Sloano appointed John B. Morris city engineer , and the appointment wus con firmed. Adjourned to moot next Saturday evening. Notes About tlio City. The regular semi-annual meeting of tbo Klectrlo Light company , und a stockholders' meeting , will bo held iu Secretary John A. Uoo'solllco to-night. A daughter gladdens the homo of Mr. and Mrw. Casper Podoluk. Jacob Joakolek was installed true mclstcr ami Simon S. Humor bundos moister at tbo meeting of Lodge No. M , O. U. T. H. , Fri day evening. S. D. Aclcar , of Defiance , la. , Is visiting his sisters Mrs , M. E. Beano and Miss Sudlo E. Acker. Mrs , and Mrs , W , S. Glynn have been summoned to Iowa on account of sickness , Joseph , aged five years , son of Mr. and Mrs. Umaton , Albright , died Tuesday , and will bo Interred In the German Catholic cemetery at 10 o'clock Sunday forenoon. Heafoy & Heufoy liuvo charge of the funeral services. Dr. E. L. Ernhart has removed to the Abraham building. N street. Patrick Crow , of lied Oak , H visiting his uncle , Judge King * . John liyan raited a row at John Kilker's , was run In and will answer before Judge King. John McVoy , a vag , got ono day In Jail , Michael Burns | 2 fine , and M , McDonnell , charged with snakes and bad whisky tbv Judge King , and Michael Kyan charged with grand larceny , transferred to Justice Levy's court was fined. Superintendent A. A. Monroe stutoa that 1101 pupils Imvo been enrolled m the city schools since September 10 , 1EH3 , of whom 71'J ' attended during the school month ending May ! ) . The average attendance was 080 , There were 251 nolther.tardy nor absent , and there wcro ' M cases of tardiness amounting " hours ; 80 parents visited the school * . Tlio Sunnier II 111 School. County bupcrintoudont Bruuer yesterday appointed two women to fill vacancies in thQ bchool board of district No. 20 , known aa Sumner Hill. Their names are Mrs. Au gusta Lorcnzon and Mrs. Margarotta Hun ter. He took thum for the reason that none of tbo district could bo induced to servo. Tlio vacancies occurred last winter , when death removed the moderator and treasurer. Since then the district has boon without a local government , but school kapt Just tha same although tlio tcnchur has not been able to draw a pay. The term will soon close , and in order to prevent any annoyances , the superintendent , acting upon the udvica of County Attorney Munoney , to whom the matter was submitted , made the two ap pointments. Many mountain streams abound in trout. The higher up ono goes the moro fish there seem to bo , they mount ing falls of several foot high in their ambitious progress toward the source of the water's supply. The salmon , the cousin of the trout , is famous for its method of going up stream ; it darts ut falls ton or twelve feet high , leaps into the air , and rushes up the falling water in a marvelous manner. So dotormino'd are the salmon to attain the high and safe waters that in some localities nets are placed honoath the falls , into which the llsh tumble in their repeated at tempts to clear the hill of water. Other than human hunters , however , profit by these scrambles up hill. Travelers report that on the banks of the upper St. John river , in Canada , there was once a rock in which u largo circular well , or pol-holo , had been worn by the action of tlio water. At the salmon season this rock proved a favorite re sort for boars ; and for a good reason. Having an especial taste for salmon , the boars would watch nt the pot-hole , and as the Hulinon , dashing up tlio fall , were frequently thrown over into it , the bears would fish thorn out .without diflieulty. . THE REALTY MARKET. f NHTHUMKNT8 placed on record during Jyostorduv. . N J Bmlth and wife to 0 Illrd , lot H. N J Smith pane , w d t BOO AMttiavock etultoWP Adldna , lots 1 and 2. bllt ' , und lot 10 , ulk : i , Mcliuvock Ac O'KeclTo'H add , w d 3,050 U A LlnqiicHt and wife to O U Wallace ot ul , e 40 U , KIlVEabeth place , \v d 8,600 A U Churlton and wife to H M WIIcox , lot IB , hllc 1 , Institute place , w d 300 N T Prlco , uclmlnlHlrutor , to J I , McCau'ue , lot 17 , bit ft.oil Cumlug iidtl. w d 080 8 II I'rlco to N T I'rlce , ml property , will. J U C'allionn to Nebraska Loan & Mort- uauuC'o , lot 15 , JIuillcc'H urove , w a T.COO JliMIIuMHiid wife to J Thompson , uud ' , ; ioti. ; blk 1 , Hertford placu , qed J \V Kvuni , coiiiinlHHlourr , toj It Mlloo , lota , blk I. lledford place , edIt 705 It U Donnuily , trustee , to A Mclntosu ; lots 10 , in mid 21 , blk t , Portland I'law , lots 12 und 15 , blk 4 , lotII , blk 2 , Clifton IU1I. wa. . , . , . H It Donnelly , trustee , teA MclutOHli.Jota 4. tot"Vaverly " add , wd 1 Max Meyer otnl to K II Kcktoldt , lot 18 , blk 1 , Manhattan , wd 37B J 0 Dfiilno and vrlfu to I , J Parmuloe , lot II , blk B , Drake lid , w d 375 \V Coclirun to K H Allen , lota 5 and 12 , Cochran Park , wd 3,000 b Pruyii and wife to 1' B Parkur , lot 2 , blk 2 , Priiyn Park , wd 380 II Kuuntze and wife to O I ) Wutt , a tract 4.1x121 ft In n wlO-16-ia U Martin to C'WI'urtildKt ) , lot A , blk 2 , DOKKH * IIIU' i.'dudd. wil . 4,600 B llutiiciiieyor and wife to J W 1'uul , lot 8. lilk K , Pro ] ) ttct placu. w d . , COO I'J and II V llnrkloyto 1 > il KoHtura , lot H. blky. Crouton , wrt . 1,000 II Kountzo and wire to Wm O Helm , < 5x imt In nw lu-IA-ia w d . 1,033. U K Trench to Thotnui t'McNnmara. lot 10. MIC 17. d . I.OM O li Miller and wife to ( i M lludlone , Jia blk HI , Sey our Park , \r d . . ' . . 800 1 * A llelden to A Parrlngton , lot 10 , blk 1. llrennun Place , wd . 0,760 1 * A lluldun to M A Harrington , lot 7 , 1 1 ousel and Htebbons' add , w u , . , , . 3.760 1 ! Aluscow to J li I'Hnell , iU'AxWi ' ft In lota ) , ilartmun'sudd , vi d , . , . . . W /.awton to J K llockett. lot t. wil- llaniH , plac . lot U. noise's add. w d . 3,000 II Ilolln and wife to H U lloborts , lot 3 , Wuterly placu , wd . , , , . , . , 600 0 M Hunter to KA llrovtnioa. lot IU ) , blkl , Kendall ndd , w d , . , . , . . , . . . , . . , . 1.100