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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 11, 1889)
G U IN HE OMAHA } * : EIGHTEENTH YEAH. OMAHA , SATUEDAY MORNING MAY 11 , 1889. NUMBER 330 SOME ONE HAD. BLUNDERED , Bungling Execution of the Bald Knobbore at Ozark. STRANGLED THEM TO DEATH. 1'Jio Hopes Stretch nnd tlioy Fall Through tlio Trap Ml ted Mack to the Scaffold. A nniiglliiK ICxeotitlon. K , Mo. , May 10. [ Special Telegram lo TUB HUB. ] The Hald Ktiobbor captain David Wnlkcr , lilJ son William , nnd their partner In crime , John Matthews , were nil cxnuted nt.Ornrk , to-day. A now pafjo of horrors Is added to the history of executions , BOMB ONi : HAD llt.UNDEUEI ) . Strong men turneU deathly sick and rushed from the nvrful scene. Terribly affecting scenes transpired at iho Jail this morning. Hovs. Qrayston rud Honi offered fervent prayers for the prisoners , broken by frotuont | responses from the deeply suffering men. Govnral Indies of Ozu.'k were kneeling In the corridor utterly unmindful of the dirt nnd pools of tobacco spit on the floor. The pris oners Joined heartily In sniping famil iar songs. John Matthews was asked to lead In prayer , but , Instead , ho preferred to sing his favorite hymn , a wlerd camp- meeting song , in which none of the others could join. Reporters were permitted to view the scaf fold Inside the jail yard , with the thrco awful relics already Knotted anil suspended threat eningly above. John Matthews' wife nnd sister were nlono permitted to sco him through the grated door. Ho did not sleep at all during the night , nnd loaned far moro , / haggard than yesterday. Till ! KNOIIIIEU CHIEF BI.UFT SOUNDLY from 11 last night to 4 this morning. A strong guard wns posted around the outer Jail yard , but there has never been any need lor a cuard , save to keep away crowds of In quisitive visitors. The prisoners have spent much time In writing to their friends , nnd It was hoped that some statement of the bottom tom facts of the crlmo would bo made public. U111 Walker was asked TO MAKE A STATEMENT , but ho replied in it dignified nnd well-worded note tha u statement could not possibly benefit him nor comfort his friends , nnd that after lie wits hanged It should never bo said of U1H Wnlkor that ho weakened , or tried to cast any discredit on the evidence of the poor women whoso husbands bad been killed. John Matthews talked somewhat excitedly while putting on the neat black suit in which ho was to make his exit from nil that is mor tal , Ho exhorted tbo gathered listeners at the grated window. Ho expressed his hope of salvation In the world to como and pro tested his lunoccnco of any premeditated crime. At half-past 0 the jury and several clergy men and reporters were admitted to the Inner nor jallyard , from which a hole had been cut " liTtho brick wall through the back end of the jail. At 0:84 : John Matthews' voice wns heard In loud exhortation. A row mo rncnts nf'cr , the three prisoners walked through the jail steadily and compnscaly.nnd A6CBNUEU THE STHl'S. Rev. Horne read a passage of scripture and a hymn , nnd the prisoners joined in the singing , broken by pious exclamations from Matthews. Kov. Home then offered prayer. The death warrant was read , and the prls onord were naked In turn what statement they desired to irulco. Matthews called loudly upon heaven to witness his Innocence of any premeditated oriino. Dave Walker said : "I am to dlo for n crlmo I could not help. " BUI Walker simply re sponded : "I hope I am fully prepared to fncet my God. " At sovcn minutes before 10 the trap was sprung' ' which should have launched the threo'inon into eternity. Then onuued A MOST FCAUFIJI , 8CBNE. . The ropes yielded so ; much that the feet of both the Walkers touched the ground , and their necki were not broken. The bungling H0030 around 13111 Walker's nnck slipped and stretched , His head pulled throuch and ho foil moaning and praying to the ground. * where ho lay rolling and lamenting for thrcn minutes. Dave Wnlkcr in the meantime had been 1'Atcd up and the rope shortened. Ho was loft to dlo of strangulation. Poor Hill was picked up nnd carried to the trap , wliicl could not again bo sprung until the others were deaC and cut down. John Mntthows NECK HAD By the fall , In sixteen minutes Dave Wai kcr-wus pronounced dead. During thcso nwful minutes Bill had snt upon the scaf fold supported by Sheriff Johnson , moaning occasionally and saying to the sheriff : "For God's sake put mo out of this horrible mis- cry. " Again ho was placed upon his feet , nnd at 10:1(1 : ( the fatal tinp Again fell , ant agrin the horrible isecne , Intensified u liun drodfold In horror , wus repeated. STOUT-IIBAllTKI ) MEN C11IUW 1'AIXT and wore.compollod to Icnvo the jnll yard Urcat drop * of sweat rolled from the agon ixccl face of Sheriff Johnson , who was almost bowildcrod by the fearful blunder. Bill Walker's neck was broken by the second end fall , and in fourteen minutes life was extinct , nnd his body was placed by the side of his father's. The bodies were ilollvartu : to relatives tobo taken to Sparta for burial Ttio most deeply pathetic Incident of thi du > occurred wiiur. the wagon with tbobod.i of 'John Matthews was driven Vvtho jui yard a his faithful wife and agetr mothe climbed in and HAT HE3IIH ! TUB COJT1X , the wife crying ns if her heart wns broken while the mind old mother said to the crowd "Wti didn't ' know what It would como ti when John joined the Liuld Knobhors. I'oo oulsvo didn't havn any moro eunso. " TIIK CIUMK. In the autumn of 1SSO a band of nigh riders was formed in the rough portions o Christian county , who styled themselves , Uald irnobbcrs. Their avowed objeet.was tc reform the morals of tha communities in which they lived by leaving warning lottery ncvotnpanied by bundles of hickory swltclu-s nt the homos of the supposed olTenders. If the warning wus unheeded a second nightly vlult was umdo. the doors nf thn offen der's homo were suddenly burtt open and ho wus ruduly yanked out of his warm bed , tied to a trco and whipped with hickory Witliosby different member * of the band In turn. A saloon nt Chadwick was raided , and sovorul barrels of whisky wore poured out and the owner * no terrorized that they left the country. Hut thorough nnd Ignorant member ? of the band undertook to regulate and amem ! all manors not In accord with their ideas. Their meetings wore hold wltn great se crecy. Thcro was a terrlblo I'alh mulcting ft death penalty for Imparting any iKformatlon o outxldcrs or for tlie betrayal of si : rets , On thmr raids tuo.v were horrible rible ruanks , ccneculit'g their Idnnt- jir. To tpeak dlmpprovlngly of their inothocU was pretty uio to to followed by a warning , printed rouehly In huge red letters ornamented by a skull and cross-bones. Vari ous whippings occurred without bloodshed until cue futnl night. thn Hth of Murch , 1087 Tha band , to tbo number of thirty , met at nlcht m n dark hollow at a plnco called the"Old Bmeltcr. " where they swore In two uoyr wowbsr * n'l talked anO planned until near midnight , when they broke up , sixteen of the party golnf to their homes , but fourteen of the elder members marched In the direction of Spartn. Near the road lived William Edcns , a strong , active man , who had been warned by tno gang to "stop talking about the Uald Knobbcrs. " nnd who had boldly dclled the inldnluht raiders. William Kdcns' house was broken Into nnd found empty , nnd the gang rushed on at a rapid run a few rods to the home of old man Eilcns , whom were assembled for mutual protection William ICUons nnd family and his sister with her husband , diaries Green. The house wiw instantly surrounded and the doors were broken down with axes bctoro the dazed Inmates were fairly awake. Old man James Kduns appeared at the door with a pistol but ho only succeeded In ilrlng one shot In defense of his homo before ho was struck Insensible with nn axe. At the same time the knobbers rushed Into the house and pulled Charles Green and William ICdens from their beds nnd shot them to death in the house while their wives were frantically trying to protect them. One of the women was slightly wounded nnd one had her night dress burned with the powder. Old man Kdons was supposed to bo dead , but afterward recovered. His ono pistol shot however had fortunately taken effect in the leg of Hill Walker , n son of Dave Walker , the captain of the band. After the murder the masks , guns , and dark lanterns of the band were conccah-d and 13111 Walker was taken to Douglas county in hiding , An aroused nnd outraged public speedily hunted down every member of the gang and after the arrests there was no dlfllculty In procuring evidence since every Knobbor , ex cepting Dave Walker nnd his son Hill , was eager to save his own nock by turning state's evidence against the others. < For the Grcen-Edens massacre William Stanley and Amos Jones are serving a sen tence of twenty-one years on aplcnof guilty. C. O. Simmons is serving a sentenceof twelve years on the same plea. Wiley Matthews escaped from the Ozark jail on the night of the 23th of December , 1S8S. Jimmy Matthews , a young son of John , was granted a general continuance by the court , and enjoined to go homo and support bis poor mother. Charles Graves , Joseph In- nmn and William Newton had their cases nollled by the prosecution to serve as wit nesses. IIISTOIIV OF THEIIl L1VE9. Bull Creole Dave" Walker , the 13ald Inobber chief , according to ins own story , .vas born in Christian county , Kentucky , in Juno , 1SW. His parents moved to Christian county. Missouri , when ho was four years old unil settled near Sparta. The section they settled on was nt that time part of Urecno county. They had a hard llfo up to the war. Dave enlisted in Company M , Sixth Missouri volunteers , in ISO'J , but after a months' service was discharged , ns ho was under age. He went back homo , but had a strongnr inclination for war than ever , and enlisted in Company II , Sixteenth Missouri. His age was not found out , and ho went through the war. After the war ho re- tuined to Hull creek and entered forty acres of government land. This was his home stead. He joined the Uald Knobbers three years ago , when the lirst company was formed in Christian county ( then 13ull county ) , and was made cliief. Ho claimed thut besides the pouring out of the liquor nt the Chadwick saloon , and the whipping of John Evans for "cutting up in church , " his company had not done any regulating. It was the whipping of Evans which excited the hostility of Edens. William Walker is the oldest son of the Bald Knobbcr. He was born on March 5 , 1870. Ho lived on the farm with his father ill his life , and joined the Bald Knob bers. Ho was wounded in the right groin in the Greon-Edous killing , and that night , was taken to his uncle's house in Douglas county. Ho was captured later by the sheriff with the assistance of J. D. New ton , u brother of Walker's sweetheart. John Matthews was born ut Bull Creek in Christian county , Mo. , flve miles from Chad wick , April 2' ( . 1S4S. Ho was in the union army during Iho war. Ho enlisted in the Forty-sixth Missouri. He took part in sev eral engagements incident to General Pryor's raid. Ho had nine children. Ho was a member of the Baptist church , and had been a Uald Knobbcr but two months when the shooting occurred. His son Jimmio , four teen years old , was at Edons' house the night of the killing and was indicted with his father , but was released by the court oil account of his youth , alter furnishing a bom ; for $1,000. TIIK BIjAUIC JIlLbS GOtiO PINO. Prospectors Report tlie Dlggingi * as as Wonderfully Kloli. Diunwo D , D.ik. , May 10. [ Special Tolo grum to Tim HEE. ] Dan Gallagher am : John Hawloy. two old time prospectors ani miners , returned to the city from the now placer digulnga , thirty miles south of hero , on Gold Him , having made eleven placer and two quartz locations. A district will bo organized ganizod next Monday , a recorder elected and laws adapted governing locations. The dig glngs uro Ory but wonderfully rich , and in clude Gold Hun for a distance of four miles nnd tributaries. Joe Waters , who discov ered the diggings , wheeled dirt n mile to water and obtained twenty-four ounces o gold -for one week's work. It is shot gold , though some nuggets nro ns large as pigeons eggs. A grand rush has set in , and at least two thousand people will bo on the ground before Monday. Tlio Carter Divorce Case. CIIICAOO , May 10. ( Special Telegram to Tin : UKB.I The taking of testimony in the notprious Carter divorce case ended to-day. and the lawyers were given until Monday to prepare their speeches , which arc limited to two on each side. Mrs. Carter wus recalloi this morning and asked several general questions , the replies to which were Intended to affect some points made by the defense , Onu of her former maids and another ser vant also testified to the Indifference , if not unkmdncss , exhibited toward the wife by Cat tor ut the time of the birth of tholr child , Mrs. Carter recalled and tostllled to several things of no general Interest , ami the four weeks' trial was practically at an end. _ _ A Wyoming Cattleman Demi , CIUJYHX.NIJ , Wyo. , May 10. [ Special Telegram gram to Tim HuB.Jr-Colonol Charles 13. fisher , president and general manager o the Manhattan Cattle company , who for th past six years lias been engaged In the cattl business in Wyoming , died to-day of pneu monla after an illness of ono week. H servdit through the war us an officer of artll lury , wns subsequently un Internal revenue- olllcor in South Carolina , and government inspector in Arizona , nnd attached to the quartermaster's department In Washington. Ho was oxtonslvdly acquainted throughout the east , u popular member of the Cheyenna club , and u highly esteemed citizen , Tim Donilwooit Tragedy. LBAU Cm' , Duk. , May -iBpeclal Tele gram to Tin : UKK.The ] coroner's jury which hold an inquest at Deadwood , to-day , ( iv or the remains of Dr. Patrick H. Connelly , who staggered Into u saloon and dropped dead ut an early hour , Wednesday morning , found n verdict to the crtcut that the cause of Ills di.'uth was a blow inflicted by a blunt in strument in tha hands of a party or parties unknown. Every possible effort Is being nmdo to discover the murileier. Tlio funeral will take pluco in-morrow , tun llopiirt. WASHINGTON , May 10. The department of stale denies that Minuter Enandcr has de cline. ' ] the Danhh mission because ho hail learned tlnit his appointment was not ac ceptable to the D.iuUh government , The department had not received oftlcla ) Informa tion of bib resignation. Filed Ills Hod , WASIIINUTO.I , May 10. Frank Palmeiv the newly nppoinlcd public printer , hah filed his bond In the mini of (100,000 , and a has been approved. Palmer will cuter upon the duties of lilsoilloo uo.\t Monday , ALAS FOR DR , GRONiN A Startling ixnd Disgusting OonfoB- fosslou Concerning Him. BETTER THAT HE WERE DEAD. IiiHtcnd of n Martyr Ho Is a llnac Criminal FIcnliiK Affrighted Prom tlio Swonl or Stern Justice. Rcvottlnc Rcvolntlonora Dnrii ! . CIIICAOO , May 10. [ Special Telegram to TUB line. ] The Dr. Croinn mystery Is a mystery no longer. The friends and ad herents of tnat gentleman , who have been shouting "plot" and "assassination" for the past six days , are dumbfounded at to-night's developments. On the other hand , Iho friends of Alexander Sullivan , who it was Insinuated by the Cronlnltcs , was in some way connected with the doctor's disappear ance , are greatly pleased nt the turn affairs have taken , and express their satisfaction that the ridiculous Idea of a plot to assassi nate or kidnap Crotiin or any other member of nn opposing faction In the land league has been exploded. From the confession of Frunk Woodruff , to the city police , there appears to bo but llttlo doubt that Dr. Cro- nln has loft the city to avoid the consequences quences of his connection with a case of abortion which resulted In the death of the unfortunate woman whoso body wns con voyed to n secret place of burial in the bloody trunk found In Lake View , Sunday night , and which friends of Cronln have been inclined to believe , contained his mangled remains. Last night nn officer from the Twelfth street station urrested a young man who was trying to soil a white horse and wagon in a livery stable near the station , for a small sum of money. When taken to the station the man gave his name as John , und , when asked the routine questions always ad dressed to prisoners , betrayed much emo tion , HIH ! asked for Captain O'Dounoll , He was taxcii to the captain's ofllcc , and In the presence ot several ofllcers told a startling story of his connection with the Cronin mys tery. To-day the police investigated th o story und found it corroborated by many cir cumstances which tend to show Its truthful ness. Hrown's real niimo is Frank G. Wood ruff , and ho bus been working for Dean & Co. , livery stable keepers nt 40-1 Webster avenue. His story us reported by the authorities is to the effect that a week ago Wednesday , in talking with a man named William King , ho ( Woodruff ) had complained of being out of money , hav ing lost considerable playing cards , and said that it was necessary for him to secure some thing to do that would pay better than work ing in a livery stable. King said ho could put Woodruff in the way of making some money easily. Saturday evening , Just ntduskKingcnllcd Woodruff out of the stable and nskc < ! if ho could get a horse and wagon out without any one knowing it , nud said ho would give Woodruff $25 if ho could do It. Woodruff said ho could , and a pluco of meeting nt - o'clock in the morning was agreed upon. Woodruff left the wagon out doors in the nlloy before going to bed , and when all the other employes bad retired , bo stole noiselessly down stairs , took out a horse , hitched up , nnd meeting King , they drove together to a barn in the rear of n big house on State street. As they wheeled up in front of the barn , two men cumo out. Ono wus a man whom Woodruff calls Dick Fair- burn. The other man Woodruff feels sure was Dr. Croiiiu. Although it was quite dark nt the time , ho had several opportuni ties to look closely at the man's face , and assorts that ho answers Croulu's description in many ways. The other men addressed this person ns ' Doc. " The thrco men went into the barn together and returned with a trunk , which they lifted into the wagon and then climbed in. They then drove straight through the alloy to the first cross street , over to Dear born street , nud up Dearborn to Lincoln park. "I hoard several expressions In conversa tion between the men , " said Woodruff , "which convinced mo there was a body in the trunk. In the first place , I noticed that Cronin was very anxious for us to hurry. Two or three times ho said : 'Get out of hero boys , got out of Jiero quick.1 I noticed the trunk smcllcd ns if there was decaying flesh within it. Wo drove nearly to the north end of the park , then stopped a minute near some bushes. King nnd Fnirburn were with mo. Wo loft Cronin at the barn , and I remember ns I looked back at him that ono of his oycs was black as if ho bad been struck. At the bushes wo lifted tbo trunk out , and I held the horse while it was opened. 1 then saw my suspicions were correct. There wus 3 body in the trunk. They lifted it out in sev eral pieces. I can't say positively whether it wus the body of aman orwouian , except from oho circumstances. I heard King say : " 'Here's where wo leave Allio.1 "Fairburn unswored : 'Yes , and if you had let Tom alone wo would have had 'Doc' in hero with her. ' "Theso remarks passed while they were carrying the trunk back into the bushes. I noticed each piece wus carefully wrapped in something thut looked like cotton. King gave mo ? - . " , told mo to drive on and get rid of the trunk and got the horse back in the barn. "I began to feel a little shaky , nlul whipped the horse into n gallop. I don't think I was over fifteen minutes on the run. Finally I dumped out the trunk and turned back. It broke open ns it fell , but 1 did not wait to sec In what manner it lay or jusl how the pieces were placed. I returned to the burn. " Woodruff says ho suspects , from the con- versa lon ho overheard between Crouin , Fairburn and King , that the Oody In the trunk was that of a woman , whoso death re sulted from an operation , perhaps porformci by Dr. Cronin , H5 draws this conclusion , not only from the words ho overheard , but also from the anxiety evinced by the doctor to get the body out of the way , nnd from the fact that Cronin had apparently recently been struck by some one. Woodruff first read of Cromn's disappear ance Tuesday , and also read the story re lating to the finding of the empty trunk. Ho was greatly frightened , and thinking the ofllcers. were certainly on his track , tool : this means to get out of the city. Ho had some money remaining , but decided to obtain llttlo moro , and Mole the identical horse ami wagon which ho had used lust Saturday night. The result was his arrest und con fession. Woodruff Is of the opinion that Cronin is in the city : that King knows of his where abouts , nnd that if King can bo found , ho can tell where Cronin Is. Search bus been mudo nt a point in Lincoln park , where , on Iho lake shore , Woodruff is suid to have loft Cronin and the others with the body , The unusually heavy rains have Intorfcrod with the work. Except on ono side , the lake stretches away for miles in every direction. Within tlio park near by Is a largo pond. Hoth the hike and the pond are tieinu' dragged. The residence , to whlcl belongs the barn from where tbo trunk is claimed to have boon carried , belongs to i well-to-do citizen named Wnterous. Ho dls claims all knowledge of the singular affair. A pretty brunette named Allle or Alice Villuvaso has been missing from the neigh borhood near which is located the barn wheru Woodruff Is said to have met Cronin and the latter's com punlons. Her parents uro In rather huuibiu circumstances and heretofore llttlo attention bus been puld to her disappear unce. Several "personals" addressed to her or relating to her have appeared In the papers of lute , but the advertisements contain llttlo or nothing delinlto , COMi.ix IIOX'T ' ncucvi : IT. Saloonkeeper Conklln , with whom Crpnln lived , was informed to-night of Woodruff's ' statement. ConKlmg declared there could bu nothing : in the story and once moro in sis ted that the doctor had been murdered by certain Irish uatlnr.ulUU , who , according to Conklln , were enemies of Crouin , It Ilu In ToruntoY Toucmo , Oat. , May 10. A man alleged t bo the missing Dr. Crontft6'f ' Chicago , was hero . Ho left town this seen , to-day. after- ' eon In company with nno'tuor man and n voman. AT SWUIIDS' ' POINTS. A Jolly How In the Chicago Police Department. CHICAGO , May 10. | Special Telegram to Tun HUE. ] In one way or another the innrchist question scorns fated to keep the Chicago police department In hot water. Jnptaln Schnnck , the redoubtable North Side "burgomaster , " who was so prominent n the anarchist matter after the Haymarket nassacrc , has been laboring for n long time on a book of reminiscences of these exciting lines , nnd a local paper to-day published n lumbcrof excerpts from the advance sheets , electing , particularly , some portions which contained , severe reflections on Frederick Cborsold , who was nt that tltno chief of )0llco. Sclmuck charges Ebersold with being responsible for the escape of Schuaubolt , he supposed thrower of the bomb ; nnd with ncompotcncy In thoiinunugcmont ] ot the case ; and says other things. All this has caused n tempest in the police department. Mr. Ebersold says that the statements nro "a pack of lies , " and makes counter-charges of conduct unbecoming nn ofllcer and gentle man against Captain Schnack. nnd says that the latter was nnd is now suffering from u severe attack of "swelled hcad.'J Ho oven lays that after the trial was concluded Schanck was anxious to allow the anarchists to form now groups , that the police might , after a time , chase them down nnd thus keep .ho public excited over the affair Indefinitely. Ur. Eborsold was not on the force during Mayor Hoche's administration , but Mayor > oglcr recently rcnppolntcd him as Inspec tor. It is held by bis friunds thut the publi cation after his restoration was a gross act of Insubordination. Chief Hubbard , this afternoon , said that no stOps had bsen taken in the mutter of liscipllning the offender , but thut If Inspec tor Eborsold would prefer charges , prompt action would bo had on them. TJ1I2 SCOXOll-IlllStI CONGUKSS. Xhc Pension CoiiiiiilHsloner Makon a Kinchin Speech. COLUMIIUH , Tcnn. , May 10. The Scotch Irish convention to-day listened to a number of addresses by prominent persons. The commissioner of pensions spoke at some length and in the course of his speech , said : "For long years I have have hud ono con scientious conviction In my heart which is stronger to-day than ever before , namely , that it is the bounden duty of this great re- niblie to sec to it thut no man who wore Lho blue and laid it off in honor , shall ever feel tbo necessity of. or bo permitted to crawl under the roof of nn almshouse for shelter. The wolf of want must , in common decency , be driven from the door of the maimed or diseased veterans , ind of the widows and orphans of those who liavo already laid down their lives. " After giving some statistics showing the number of pensioners receiving different rules , from § t per month up to f)75 ; per month , the commissioner added : "For twenty ycurs nnd under varying circumstances , I Imvo.pleadcdthecausoof my comrades who were the blue. For twenty yours i have been nblo only to plead , but now I am thankful that at thcso linger tips thcro rests some power , and as that power is mine , I boldly say that I propose , just us soon as possible , to call in everyone ono of the corUtlcatcsc of pensions of the figures which I have named , and reissue them * on the basis of the truth that no man ought to bo down on the pension roll of the United States for less than the mlsscrable pittance of $1 per week , though I may wring from the hearts of some the prayer , 'God save the surplus. ' This and some other things too numerous to go into detail about I propose to do , if my life be spared and my ofllcial existence bo not cut short. I am clearly of the opinion that I voice the dominant sentiment of this country when I unhesitat ingly declare that a wise policy demands that in treating with these who have just claims before this country I should cease to hunt for merely technical reasons with which to defeat these claims and devote n little of our time at , least to helping those claimants , who In the past did not hesitate to Jielp the coun try in its hour of dire peril. " TIIK SIOUX HliSKHVATION. Sottlcr * Already Busy Staking Out Cliolco Claims. PIEHUE , Dak. , May 10. [ Special Tele gram to Tim Bun. [ For some time count less settlers have boon lying in watt along the Sioux reservation for the appointment of the Sioux commission , nnd recently , when the news was received many of thorn wont on the reservation and staked out prospec tive claims. The matter was called to the attention of the interior department , but the ofllcials thought tlioy were trivial complaints made by Indian polico. Now dispatches from Washington announce that settlers will not bo molested by tlio government if they go on the reservation 'jioaecably , pick out land and make no disturbance , as it was only n question of time'-when the land would bo ceded and thrown open. In consequence of this news , the last few days has dovelopcd a rush for the best parts of the reservation that soon promises to become equal to the Oklahoma excitement. The Indians Imvo agreed to cede their lands and the settlers sco nothing in their way to at once secure the best land. Covered wagons nro camp imr over tno hill around Pierre , und are get ting moro numerous each day ? A largo con tingent of the Oklahoma boomers are ul ready on tbo ground at Pierre , und are malt' ing preparations for n rush. Settlers from South Dakota nro fllllnglovery train that ar rives , and the excitement in n short time promises to become general. Claim shan ties nnd Improvements nro beginning to spot the country across the river from Plerro , and there is no tolling what the next weaker or two will develop. TIIK JVUliIXAUY * 3IAGNATB3. IMoascd AVUh the Condition of Fort Davy linnsull. CIIKVHNNK , Wyo. , Mayio' . [ Special Tele gram to TIIK HEU.I Tlio party of military magnates who Imvo been Inspecting tlio forts in the west reached Chdyennc , early ycstor day morning , iu a special car and wore taken to Fort Hussell , wfior * they were enter tained by General Miznor. A grand field re view was planned for ( to-day , but was pre vented by unfavorable wcuthor. A committee of tha 'Cheyenne ' board of trade , consisting of Governor Warren , Dele gate Cuiey , Henry G. JIuy , president of the board of trade , and Mayor liincr , tendered the visitors a luncheon at the Cheyenne club. The party Ipftfor Omaha tills after noon in the special train. Secretary Proctor said that many improvements would bo made at Fort Kusscll during the couung Hummer , ami was highly pleased with the condition of the post and garrison , The Fort HlKHlion Itescrvntlon. Huito.v , Dak , , Muy 10 , [ Special Telegram to TUB HUB. ] Surveyor General Taylor ro calved executive orders transferring Fort blsslton , formerly Fort Wndsworth , military reservation to the department of the inter lor. The land will bo' surveyed and offered under the provisions of the act of July 4 , 16S4 , under supervision of the board of ap pr.usnrs. The tract comprUes four and one ImH townships , uifd joins SUsiton Indian res ervution on the west. Cameron Him'n Hpmorrhnuo. LANCABTUII , Pa. , May 10. General Simeon Cameron wus attacked with a slight hem orrlmgo last night , but Is' resting easy now , and ho is believed not to be iu aeriou * danger. CONCERNING FORT OMAHA , Secretary Prootor Thinks It Will Qo to Bollovuo. YESTERDAY'S NEBRASKA EVENTS A Clernyinnn'H House llurnnil Ilitr- Klars Secure Forty Cunts A Horse- Tldcf Cetrt Six Years Wind.- Htot-in In 1'rltiKln County. The Secretary ol War In Sidney. Sttixuv , Nob. , May 10. [ Special Telegram to Tut : Hen. ] Promptly at 0 o'clock this evening , amid n heavy ruin storm , the special train , consisting of an engine , n dining-car of the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy railway , nnd the directors' car of the Union Pacific , arrived hero from Cheyenne , containing the Hon. Secretary of War Proctor , General CrookGenorul , Urooko.Gcnerul Scoflcld , Gen eral Drum.Colonel HarrLicutcnuntsUoonnd Hllss , nnd Mr. Partridge , private secretary to Secretary Proctor. The train moved down to the garrison , where they were received with the secretary's salute of seventeen guns , The garrison was thoroughly inspected , after which u reception was held at Colonel Poland's ' residence , where the ofllcors and leading citizens of Sidney paid their re spects. Secretary Proctor was very favorably Im pressed with Fort Sidney , mid In reply to n question as to tbo prospects abandonment , said ' 'No 1 in fas'Or of Its ho , , sir. nm con- tinuiitlon , nnd will do all iu uiy power to secure a largo appropriation next year for it , and your post will remain Indefinitely. " Heplying to u question as to the location efFort Fort Omaha , Secretary Proctor suid ho thought it would bo located ut Ucllevue , An appropriation of 00,000 has already been made , and the chances nro It will bo in creased . Secretary Proctor is a very agreeable gen tleman , nnd manifests great interest in army mutters. The tram will nrrivo in Omaha nt 8 o'clock to-morrow morning. . thn Itnilroadg. FOHT HoniNSOK , Neb. , May 10. [ Special Telegram to TUB OKI : . ] Governor Thayer , Auditor Hcnton , Treasurer Hill nnd Mr. Hnlsoy , and Mr. Hughes , of the Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley railway , passed through hero yesterday morning. The usual salute of Swinton guns , n cavalry dress parudo and guard mount kept tlio party In terested for nn hour. The military ardor of the old general wns roused to such n pitch tbnt ho promised to como up to Fort Hobin- sou during the summer encampment , of the troops. A short speech of thanks to Colonel Gilford , General LSrisbin and officers , and the special train moved out for homo. Struck ly SiiunniiT , Neb. , May 10. [ Special Tele gram to TUB liCB.j Lightning struck the residence of Hev. J. C. Lewis to-day. Mrs. Lewis , und u baby were ulono in the house , but no one was hurt. It was a heavy bolt , dividing and running down the four corners of the house , tearing it fearfully. Kov. Mr. Lewis Is pastor of the flourishing congrega tion of the Prairie Union Haptist church. Ho has lived several years in Fremont nnd has many friends throughout the state who will be glad to learn of his family's escape frcSul' injury. _ Sioux City Short Ijlnc. Pi.Aisvinw , Neb. , May 10. [ Special to THE Hm.J : The locating party connected with the Sioux City short line pitched their tents at this plnco yesterday. Tlio town Is filled with strangers , so that it is almost im possible to secure hotel accommodations. A largo number of sub-contractors liuve brought their forces hero , whcro they will muko their headquarters until grading commences , which , they expect , will bo In a few days. Fiahtlnt ; About License. CUI.TIGUTSOX , Neb. , May 10. [ Special Tel egram to Tun UBK. ] The question of the vil lage board granting a saloon license , which has taken up the time nt the town meetings for a week , came to head , to-day , in a street row between C. Armstrong und Dr. Vastine. The former bus been taking a very active part for the saloon , and the doctor accused him of trying to force bis wife into tbo tem perance light. _ Stable IStirned In Superior. Surintion , Nob. , May 10. [ Special to THE HEE. ] This morning , about U:30 : , tbo largo livery stable of Uusscl & Morrisson , was dls covered to bo on firo. The alarm wns sounded and the fire department responded nt once ; but such headway had been made be/ore discovery , that all attempts to save it were useless and it was entirely destroyed. The barn contained twenty-seven head of horses , of which five perished. It is sup posed to bo the work of un incendiary , The loss is nearly covered by insurance. The Travollns Men'B Hall. BEATIHCB , Nob. , May 10. [ Special Tele gram to THE Hnn.J The traveling men's ball nnd banquet , which took plnco nt the Paddock hotel to-night , was a brilliant affair. Visitors were present from Omaha , Chicago , St. Louis , Now York , nnd other cities. The ball wus given under the auspices of the Traveling Men's Social club of Beatrice. Illi-h Wind In Perkins County. GIIANT , Neb , , May 10. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEE. J A terrific wind und rain storm swept over Perkins county , this morning , nl 8 o'clock , Tbo frame work of J. W. Yowcs' barn wns demolished ; wind mills und sheds were blown over , and considerable dnmngo wus done to other property , No ono was in Jured.i A Horse Tliiol * Sonlonund. AI.MAXCH , Nob. , May 10. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE. ) George Wilcox was tried in the district court hero , found guilty , and sentenced , to-duy , by Judge Klnkuid , to six years at hard lubor In the state punlten ti nry , for the theft df a horse , last Decem ber. _ Poorly Itowardod Hur lary. SBWAIII ) , Neb. , May 10. [ Special Telegram to TUB BKE. ] Burglars entered the B. & M. depot , last night , during the thunder storm , drilled thu safe and blow ono door off , They obtained 40 cents. The drills used were sto len from the machine shop , There is no clue to the depredators. CroH | About Itrnlnard BIIAINAIIP , Neb , , May 10. [ Special to Tin' Bii.J : : Heavy rains have fallen at this polm for the past two days , The flax crop am' small grain are up. and the prospects for ux cclloni crops uro fine. Will Illnolcllst Foreign Glnos Workers , PiTrsuuno , May 10. The Window Glass Workers association has issued an order to all prcceptorlcs in the country , that all for olgn glass workers who come for work , here after , uro to bo blacklisted , This action is the result of recent importations of forolg n glass wonccrs In violation of the contract labor law. _ _ Hurled at Sen. NEW YOIIK , May 10. 0. Fester , a saloon passenger on the Mullory' line steamer Lamprusia , which arrived here , to-day , from Gulvcstor. died of small pox , yesterday , an wus burled ut sea. TronhlcH , NEW YOIIK , May 10. W. ft. EJininston & . Co. , importers und manufacturers of ribbons bens , silks and velvets , made a general us to-day , without preferences. ItlMj IN FH.VNOE. Excitement In Havre Over the Arrival or the Hero. | Coi > j/r/o'it / ' 1SS9 tin Jamw Oonlon nemielt.l HAVIIB , May 10. f Now York Herald Cable Special to Tun Hun. | There was some commotion on the platform nt the SU Lruuro station , In Paris , yesterday morning. The mssongcrs looked with Inquiry nt two Inrgo oatoon carriages , Into which two stately waiters ushered the persons who hud been not by Mr. Crawford , the financial director of Buffalo Hill , They were tlio Paris Jour- iiillsts coming hero to meet the Persian Monarch , which Colonel Cody had specially chartered to bring over his Wild West show. During the run down nn elegant cold collation vus served. On the arrival hero the party was met by S'nto Salisbury , who said the ship md been signalled off the Scilly slcs , nnd would arrive nt half past i o'clock. At 5 the whole party started for ho purpose of meeting her , and cruised In about n ten mile circle until , nt. half-past 0 , ho captain sighted smoke on the horizon. [ 'lie tug made for her , and In loss than nn lour mndo out the Persian Monarch. The ug then turned nud made for the harbor. The steamer overtook her and steamed slowly , with the tug puffing full speed nlong- sldo to keep pace with her. Buffalo Bill was on the bridge , und crowds of all sorts of In- flans were on the upper deck. A shout of welcome to Colonel Cody was received by the cowboys' shrill cry , nud yells of delight from the Indians. The band on Buffalo Bill's ship struck up 'Yankee Doodle , " which was r.pplnudcd by hose on the tug , followed by the ' 'Marsell- also , " raising Hhouts of enthusiasm and cries of "Vivo 1'Ameriquo" from the French > ros3nicii on the steamer. The hugo levlathlan was accompanied by .ho tug until eight bolls struck , when the icalth boat steamed up. The captain cried ot go the anchor , nnd alongside we went. Owing to the late hour there was not enough water for the ship to enter the harbor , nnd , Tor some reason , n clean bill of health could not be given , so Nate Salisbury went aboard and wo ? obliged to stay , while Colonel Cotij was unable to como ashore to the banquet given to welcome him. The banquet of fifty covers was given as soon as the party returned , nnd amongst the .uvited . guests , besides the press of Houen und Havre , were : M. Dufrnls , United States consul , and Mr. Frederick Bernal , the Eng lish consul-general. Several toasts were proposed. The United States consul ro- ? rotted the absence of Buffalo Bill , but said lie would welcome him , to-morrow , as u rep resentative American and as a soldier , who liad won his grades and titles. The English consul-general made a telling speech , expressing his sense of gratitude for Lhe good feeling existing between the Anglo- Saxon races , and proposed the health of Mr. Crawlord. The proceedings were of an un- ofllcinl nature and marked by good feeling and joviality throughout. o CAPTURED S100NSHINIOU9. A Hold and Successful Ha id Among the Illicit Stlllw. CIIAW.KFTON. W. Vn. , May 10. | Special Telegram to Tun BEE. ] For the last four years a desperate ! gang of moonshiners fins infcbtcd the wildest portion of McDowell county , West Virginia. A desperado named Moran was the louder. Hecently Detective Baldwin of Charleston , was detailed to work among thcso people and locate the illicit stills. Baldwin went among thorn last Jan uary. Ho Ingratiated himself with tbo moonshiners and helped dispose of the illicit liquor. Yesterday Baldwin came to Char leston and at the head of n band of govern ment officers made n long prepared raid , Moran and thrco others were surrounded In n still. Mornn was shot dcnd and the others surrendered. The detective force then pro ceeded to arrest the other members of tlio gang. By the aid of Baldwin's thorough knowledge of the country , they followed them to their hiding places , nnd "in nil cap tured fifteen persons who had been engaged m the business. Two of them nro women. All were tinned , but they were so taken by surprise they did not make an effectual re sistance. Two of the force were seriously wounded. _ THE : DANISH MISSION. Joint Knniidcr Not Acceptable to the Kingr of Denmark. CHICAGO , May 10. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Bi'.E.J A Washington special soyo the real reason why Mr. John Enandcr , of Chicago cage , has resigned his commission as minis ter to Denmark is not thut his health is so precarious. The fact of the matter is Sue- rotary Blame recently received n communi cation from Copenhagen , which briefly stated that the appointment of Mr. Enandcr was not acceptable lo the king of Denmark , and that ho would not bo received at the Danish court. No explanation was given for the attitude of tlio king , but it is quite prob able that the opposition is purely a po litical ono. At least , this is tlio opinion of the state department ofllcials , who have from past experience learned that It Is dun- gorous to appoint n naturalized citi/cn to a diplomatic mission In n country from which ho camo. Other motives than a desire to seek a fortune in u new country frequently impel foreigners to como here , nnd tlio real cause of their departure docs not. come to light until they venture to return to their native land us representatives of the govern ment of their adoption , when some almost- forgotten political offciiBO bobs up to defeat their nmbition. STIUKIOItS IClIiMOD. Fntal Collision Hetwoon tlio Mlnorfl nnd the Soldlern In "U'cmplialin. Bnui.iN , May 10. A sanguinary encounter occurred lust night nt Bi-cluim and Wcst- phulia between the military nnd the striking miners nnd their supporters , Two pcrhons were killed urid many injured. Thcro was another encounter nenr Hracttct Westphalia , to-day , between troops und strikers , In which thrco of the latter wore killed and .several wounded. Uned Him For a Target. PtEitiiE , Dak. , Muy 10. [ Special Telegram to TUB HEE.--A.t ] 10 o'clock , this uviming , three pistol shots were IIred on Dakota avenue , immediately bringing out a large crowd. It seems that a sergeant was captur Ing asoldliir who wns decorting , The sergeant hud fired three shots at the doenrter , missing him each time. The sergeant then knocked him down with thu butt of his revolver. Dr. Brown rendered medical aid to the wounded man , uficr which bo was taken back to Fort Sully. The Wdiuhor InditiatiotiH. For Nebraska ; Threatening weather and light rams in southern portion , f lr In north ern portion , northerly winds , warmer In western portion , eoolmIn eastern portion , For Dakota : Fair , except in oclrmno southern portion , local showers , slightly warmer , variable winds. For Iowa : Threatening wcalhor nnd rain , except In extreme northeast portion , fair , northerly winds , warmer In southwest portion , cooler In southeast portion. Two Deaths From Hnat. MIMVAUKEB , May 10.-Two deaths from heat occurred IT this city , to-day , vus. : Dr. Urban , a dentist , and Henry Matthews , a laborer. Both were stricken yesterday. William Buntrook , laborer , was pr.istriilcd , but will recover. TUo temperature ut acoc. to-day , was 63 > < . WHO STOLE THE LOG BOOR ? An Incident lu the Buttor-Portor Controversy. THE HARRIET LANE'S PAPERS GO Tliclr lias * UeirnrdtMl By "Hen" na bluiilflcant , nnil Ilu \ocH | ! Ao- oordlnuly , Inrrutt Will Sno- cccil "Cousin Kolsoni. " N Hunn.vr , Tun OMAHA llnis , ) Mil FUI-IITKKNTII STHBKT , V WASHINGTON , U. C. , May 10. ) A very unpleasant episode has just como to Ight In the pending Htitlor-Portor con troversy. Up to the present time the country nt large has taken comparatively llttlo In * crest In the mutual mud-slinging of the two old gentlemen. General Butler has claimed hat Admiral Porter was a coward and ran iway nt Fort Fisher , nnd Admiral Porter retorted that General Hutlor was a lying Iruukard and never took Now Orleans until thrco days after Farragut's marine * had been n the city. The public will let them tight it out. Hut yesterday General Uutler wont to ho navy department to hunt up the log book of the Harriet Lane , The Lane was Porter's ship , and her log book would of coin-so have ihown conclusively whether Admiral Porter ran away , us Hutler says ho did , or whether 10 didn't. Mr. lintlor Is adding dally moro evidence that the admiral did run , and Mr. 'orter Is daily adding just as much evidence .hut ho didn't. The Lnno log book being tha ofllcial record of every movement of the beaten on the ovcntful day. General Huller obtained Secretary Tracy's permission. : o consult the log book nnd to mnko all the transcriptions he needed. Hut when Clou- end Butler began hunting ninong the Hies "or the log it was gouo , somebody had ab stracted it. Ho reported the fact to Sooro- ury Trauy , who immediately guvo orders .hut u thorough search should bo made. A number of clerks were immediately detailed. They included men who have been in the do- Kirtment since the war nnd are. familiar willi uvcry lllo and record In the library. An exhaustive ami systematic hunt was begun. Every book and paper V.'as examined. livery ) ld bundle of documents was overhauled. jut nil in vain. The log book , whicll tvi'i either convict or vindicate the admiral of our mvy was gone. To-day the search was ended. The mutter has now assumed n grave aspect. General Uutler is chuckling in glee. It is lardly necessary to say to what inllucncc ho iscribcH the disappearance of Iho log book , Hid ho knows that its disappearance. Just at this time will injure Admiral Porter moro than anything it might contain. , IAUHITT roil SIIIITIBM : > . John Jarrctt , of Pittsburir , .has been igrced upon for the consulate at Sheffield. iCnglaiul , now occupied by "Cousin Hen1' Folsom. ALLISON' r.x < uoii ; > . Society circles credit the statement that Senator Allison , of Iowa , and Miss Toresu Stuughton , of this city are engaged , and will be married the coming autumn. Senator Allison is now in the west. Miss Stoughton is a member of ono of Washington's oldest nnd best families. Her father wns a dis tinguished lawyer , and her sister is the wife of Paymaster Bacon , of the navy. Senator Allison has been a widower seven years. IIVATT'S LAST DAY. When Treasurer Hyatt looks the door to Ills olllco In the treasury department tomorrow row afternoon ho will hand the keys to Hon. JnmcH N. Huston , of Indiana. Now plates for the treasury notes with Mr. Huston's name upon them uro being prepared. Mi" . Huston will Issue all the orders and bo hold responsible after to-morrow at 4 o'clock In the afternoon. lie bus been in the city over since the inauguration. HAUIIISOX Wll.I. TAKE A THIP. Washington will bo deserted by prominent liublie men to-morrow afternoon. The pres ident intends going down the Potomacnn the revenue cutter Despatch , for n couple ol days' breathing spoil. The lawyers give a shad Uako on the banks of the river almost opposite Mount Vernon , and most ot' tha cabinet ofllcers have promised to attend. Tha supreme court nro to be there too. IN'DOKSIXO JIJDUU OHOfl' . Additional resolutions nnd indorsements on behalf of Judge Uro IT , for u place on thd Inler-stato commerce commission , were re ceived to-day , and were Hied with the presi dent by Congressman Council. It is stated nt the white house that no action is likely to ho takcf in filling the commission under HUY/ cral weeks , and maybe not until fall , Tno president this afternoon appointed Lewis Wllcox collector of internal revenue for the eighth district of Illinois. SUXSTllOKi : IN WASHINGTON. People arc almost suffocating In Washing * ton to-night. The heat reached W ) degrees i the sliaje at one time , this afternoon , and many laborers exposed to the ruys of thd sun , were compelled to stop work. Thora were a do/.en cases of sunstroke reported. At ( I o'clock , this evening , n heavy cloud overspreud the city und a tcrrlilo wind storm foliowcd. The telegraph wires nro prosJ trutud In nearly every direction , The signal bureau has intelligence thut it is snowing in Denver und thut It will bu cooler horti to morrow. PBIIKV S. HEATH. KAITII. V ntiktnn'H F.'tyorllo Hnu Defeated Iq Convention. YAN-KTOX , Dak. , May 10.- [ Special Telegram - gram to Tin : HII : . | General Hugh .1. Cnm | > < boll hud u decisive majority of the Vnnktou county delegation in the convention ot Wednesday , and In accordance with the un- derstundlng previously entered Into with tha delegates representing part of Hutchlnson county , should have been nominated , but after Hutchmson got thmr majority by nc' clunmtion , they went back on the agree ment to nominate the man Unit/ hail n major. It.y nf the delegates of Ills own county and guvo nearly tuolr entire vote for JSdtrorton und nguInHt Campbell. While no ono blamca iCiUwton , the general public impression ti that Campbell should have hud the nomina tion , and that tlio llutchinson dQlcgntion noted In bat' ' inith. The people rcKiin } Campbell as the father of division und ad' mission , and think hu should huvo buen in the convention. General Cumpl.cll was not personally cocking the nomination. SIGNKD KVK11ANC18. Grain llviilnis Gun no Speculate on Wind. ST. I.oui , May 10.Jnvorsor ( Erancs | lute last night signed the grain option bill which virtually prohibits dealing In grain options unless the dealer In nueh option ac tually owns the grain , Thn Htatuto Is so worded thut thu issue can not bu dodged nud grain deu'urH ' nro generally wrought up mid claim thu law will ilrlvo them to ( Cast St. Louis. A inrelmc to consider the matter will bo held on 'change to-day. < ; o\vlo.VH and Indians I'l lit. HANTA FB , N. M. , May 10 , I'uoblo India * Agent Williams , to-day , received a telegram from General Carr , at Fort WlngMo , N. M , , saying thut in the fight between Indian * anil cowboys near thut post , three of the iT.Ja were killed , and the perpetrators of the deed are undur urrcut. Thn military has takvn ] precautionary measures to prevent further ttoublc on the part of the Indians , , Ih'liMvuro's Htato Kuurotary Dead. vVii.Mi.xovoN , Del. , May 10. Joliu Pondqi Salisbury , secretary of Maie.dlcfl this mom * Ing at Ins homo In Dover , Ho has been 111 over dhicc- lilt return from the New Yorlf fcntou.-.ial