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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1889)
6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY MAY 8 , 18S9. THE DAILY BEE. COUNOIlTBLiUFFS. OFJ'IOK. NO 13 I'KAUIj STREET. .CtHTeredbrtatTler In Any Part of he City ft TvitntyCtntB ler\Vc k. V.Vf. T1I/TON. . . MANAOKU. TKLKI'HONKSl HVMKVM Orrint No. 13. NIGHT KIIITOII. No. 23. M1NOU MENTION. * " " "T37"Y.PIumulnK Co. A tnnrrlnpo license was Issucn yesterday to IxJviP.Aslibrook , of Oenovo , Nob. , nnd llcrthn C. Field , of tills city. _ Two drunks nnd a disturber of the peace paid fines In police court yesterday morning for deeds of wickedness done In tlio llcsh. Several Inrpo pinto glass windows In vari ous" parts of the city were broken by the heavy gnlo of Monday night nnd yesterdny. The harnesses lobe offered ai first prboi In Saturday's roadster races will bo placed on exhibition at the Mnnhutlnn Friday morn ing. Sunday nchool services will bo held next Sunday morning at 0 o'clock In the upper room of the old I'icrco street school , in chnrgo of the Indies of Unity Guild. The patrol wagon hns been ordered into the paint shop to bo put In tournament trim , nnd mi express wngon pressed Into service to 1m ill In the weary ones for the next two weeks. About twenty-five pupils from the Institu tion for the deaf nnd dumb , attended Ku- gnii's leeturo Monday night at Dohanv's and enjoyed the beautiful pictures thrown on the canvas' . To-morrow evening the ladles of All Saint's mission will entertain a Martha "Washington nnd sociable at the chanol , cor ner of Third avenue and Eighteenth street. Uho public generally is invited. ' The funeral of Klttio Edwards will take 'plnco from her late rcMduncu on I > ierco street at ! i o'clock this afternoon , Kcv. T. J. Mackay , of St. Paul's church , olllciatlng. Friends are Invited to attend without further notice. Ofilccr Ctislck recovered nnothor of the horses Htolen from Samuel Splccr In Wyom- , Ijig last January , near Ncoln , making uigh- T tcon that have been found of the nineteen utolcii. Nothing has yet been done in the way of looking up the nine animals stolen from other pin ties at the same time. The thief , Whldrow , has not boon found , nnd Is supposed to bo far from hero by this time. The cuso of Foreshelmcr & Co. vs Stewart , Is on trint In the district court. This is the nnclcnt hnm case , of which mention was juiado BOino time ago , and is brought to re cover on a lot of pork shipped to Mobile nov- cral years ago. The Jury in the case of the Omaha Coke nnd Coul company vs Lmeha , brought in a verdict for the plain till in the Bum asked. Gnrncmi's Snow Flakes Is the name of the now base ball club that will occupy the Man- own grounds this season. The nine is com- 'jiosod of most of the players who wore with the J. J. Hardlus of last season. The open ing gamn will bo played on next Sunday With the Union Pncillcs , of Omaha. The .motor line will run half hour cars to the grounds. Judge Aylcsworth opened the May term of the superior court yesterday morning. The docket wits called , and assignments rmulo j for the trial of the several cases. The docket has been greatly minced in size , there being less than half the number of cases for this term than thcro wcro .on the docket n year iigo. The actual tlmo occupied in try ing eases will not bo very extended , but the usual waits will doubtless prolong the term to about the usual length. Preparations arc being made for the proper observance of Memorial day. As usual , Abe Lincoln Post , No. ! W , will have . charge of the cnremonlcs , and other organ- ! rations will bo Invited to participate. The Indies who hnvo heretofore superintended the decorntion of graves will ngnln have , charge of the work. The usual committees ; wl ! ! soon bo at work , and it is the intention to have appropriate exercises. W. W. Chapman has made arrangements to occupy the building Just vacated by the Boston Tea company , after the 1st of next month. Ho will occupy hotn floors , the Jlrst for his heavy stock of finished goods , mould ings , pictures , frames , etc. . ana the second floor for an art display gallery. A large sky light will bo put in , and the rooms well lighted. It will bo ono of the llncst places of the kind in this section of the country. The city marshal was busy yesterday look ing after loose signs and bill boards that threatened the lives nnd limbs of pedestri ans In the central portion of the city. Sev eral narrow escapes from serious injury were reported on account of the ( lying mis siles. A sidewalk sign in frontof the North western ticket ofllco started on a little tear , nnd smashed a passer-by in the back , fright ening the wits nearly out of him , but doing no particular dnmngc. The balcony railing in front of the Salvation nrmy hall was also blown down , but no ono was injured. WANTED. Two KxcrclBo Ijiuls. Boys , fifteen to eighteen years of ago , well accustomed to riding on horseback - t back ; weight not to exceed ninety pounds. Apply to Henry Myers , trainer . at Union park. , . Council Bluffs Lodge No. 270 ( Loynl ) ; .A. O. U. W. , moots in G. A. B. hull every Friday evening ut 8 o'clock. Dmviird By the Wind. * The largo Burn of William K Hutler , at Clnrlndn , was partially blown down by the high wind about 4 o'clock yesterday morn- . ing. The building was n largo two-story brick structure , with basement , nnd con tained about thirty horses. Several of the iinimnlt ) wore Injured by the falling walls. Mr. liulhr , who burred to the spot as soon as the alarm was _ ivon , was struck by a fulling timber while assisting In releasing the imprisoned horses. His head was badly 'cut and his collar bone broken. This was the only accident sustained , Money loaned at L. B. Craft's & Co.'s loan ofllco on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , porbontil property of nil kinds , mm till other articles of value , without removal. All business strictly confi dential. _ _ _ _ _ _ Secure your reserved scat for Kagan's locturu Thursday evening. J. G. Tipton , real c&tnto , 627 B'dvray I'rmoiinl I'l O. H. Adams , secretary of the Marseilles Manufacturing company , of Mnrsolllcs , 111. , It lu the city , accompanied by his ttifo and daughter. They mo the guests of W. S. Cuss and family , nnd after remaining hero n fowdnys , will proceed to California on a plcusuro trip. , J. 13. West fall , Wintorset ; H. S. Ryan. Now York ; Konu-o-S. Hogg , lies Molncs ; .Tonn Juttkson , Hurlnn , and J. U. Good , Chi- rlnda , wuro among the guests registered at the Ogduu yesterday. T. W. Ivory , postmaster at Olonwood , was In the city yesterday. Ex-Sheriff Heel wusiv visitor In the niuffo. Ho expects to take a trip to California before long , for the bcncllt of Ills health. Dr. P. O. Ihuch , of Cilcnwcod , W.-IH in the ity yesterday Every Hollander should attoml Mr. Rugau s lecture on Ilolhuul and Bel gium Thursday evening. S. B.VntU worth t ( Jo , loan money. Notice ! 1 have rnmovcil my harbor shop from No. Ill North Main street to No. 8 Pearl Etrcot , whore I am butter prepared , than over hoforo to give satisfaction to my customer ; ) , Kitm CIlOClCM JiOHt , Lost , three chocks , one signed by Hurry Ulrkinhlnc , for $10.2-5 ; nnothor 6ljnei.l by Braokelt & Ctivlti , forSll ; anil another tlgnod by It.1J. . Olllcor , for 67.50 ; all throe imyiiblo to II. W. Til- ton , or DAILY IIKK , Finder will please ruturn to Uin : oRIco. Payment GJI chuukn is stopped. Dr , C , 0. Da'ien , dentist , Op ra house HAPPENINGS IN THE BLUFFS. Lighting the Road to Chnutauqua by Lightning. ANOTHER BIG RACING MATINEE. Xlmo Iiont nml Koiind Again A Noted Btnllc ) Dninngod by Sviinl Hotel Men Man * Opening. For Clinut.itiqiii. Mr. Thomas Ofllcer , In n communication to the city authorities , states thnt It will cost $1,200 to construct an electric light line to the chautauqtm crounda , nnd It the filly vill build the line , ho will furnish the llgnt 'roe. The council Is in favor of building ho line , some of the nldnrmon expressing ho belief that the city would receive enough icnellt from the chnutnu < ] ua to warrant It In jcuring the entire cost. Alticrman Everett . 'avoicd appropriating * 500 , provided Mr. Ofilccr would place certain lights along the Ine for ono year. Ulds for the construction of the line hnvo .cen advertised for , so It Is regarded ns coram - am that it will bo built. A committee was ippointcd to confer with Mr. Ofllcor regard- tig the matter , nnd n report will be made at , hc next meeting , which will bo favorably ictccl upon , If the line can bo erected at the lost tibove stated. Notice the bountiful finish given col- _ ars , culTs and shirts by Cascade Laun dry company. Another Mntince. An excellent programme has been pre pared to bo given at Union Driving park Saturday afternoon. Three llrst-class races lira on the programme , as follows : Exhibition running race , live-eighths mile dash , all oires , by the horses of the stable of J. T. Stewart & Son. Gentlemen's pacing roadster race , for all .mrscs not having n bettor record than 2:40. : First prize , a SCO reid : harness ; second prize , a $10 summer suit of horse clothing. Gentlemen's trottinc roadster r.icc , for all : iorscs eligible to a 2:43 : class. Prizes sauio ns In preceding race. Running races will bo governed by the rules of the American running turf. All trotting and pacing races will bo conducted under the rules and regulations of the Na tional Trotting association. Any horse dis tancing the Held or nny portion thereof will bo'entitlcd to llrst money only. The en trance fco In the trotting nud pacing rnces will bo $ ) .f > 0. In all classes , three arc to enter and two to start. Pacing and trotting races will bo best two In thrco heats to road wagon , liaccs will bo called at 2 o'clock , and will couio of ! In the order announced above. Ladies and children under twelve years of ace , will bo admitted free. For $ M.OO The N. Y. Plumbing Co. will put a lead service pipe nnd hydrant in vour yard ; also 50 feet extra hoso. Call ut once at 114 Main street. Took n Ticker. Two frail females residing nt Stella Long's bagnio , on Upper Broadway , au- pcarcd nt pohco headquarters yesterdny mornlnc and desired the arrest of two of the "tin horn" gamblers of this city on the charge of larceny. The two courtezans had visited Mnnawa on the preceding evening in company with the Iwo men , and on re turning discovered the loss of a watch. The chief of police declined to malto the arrest , but went out and secured the watch , which was turned over to the righful owner. The prosecutiug witness was satisfied with the return of her property and the parties will not bo brought to Jmtico. Great Cutting nnd Slashing at Chap tnaiiM Art Store. Do not miss this opportunity. Pic tures and frames almost given away to avoia moving them. See the pile of picturos-wo oiler for 50e each , retail price from Sl.OO to SI.2-3. Our selection of mouldings is com plete , being prepared to malto up 10,000 diiToront styles of frames. As wo will change out- location on or about Juno the 1st. wo oiler a discount of 25 per cent FOR CASH on all frames made to order. Como early and do not wait till the choice goods tire sold. W. W. CHAPMAN , 105 and 107 Main bt. Mannwa'n Auspicious Opening. As previously announced , yesterday was the time set for the opening of Hotel do Manawa and the lake generally for the sea son of 16S9. During tlio day but few visitors took advantage of tno half-hourly trips of the Manawa motor trains to visit the lake , owing to the dust and strong wind , and at 5 o'clock there were very few people to bo scon of the grat crow.l that was oxpjuted. At that time , however , the wind foil con siderably , and soon after the stream of humanity began to flow toward the lako. Until utter II o'clock the south bound oars were tilled to overflowing and cumo back empty for other loads that were waiting to follow. The hotel was hardly to be recog nised in its bright , now colors , and the great Improvements about the grounds In the way of walks , lawn , shade trees , etc. , combined to render more complete the wonderful transformation eftccted thcro since last sea son. Landlord Tninisica was seemingly present everywhere , looking after the comfort of each and every guest. It was evident at first glnncn that hn was the man for the plnco , and thoroughly under stood the art of conducting a summer resort hotel in n manner to satisfy oven the numer ous demands of a critical public. It was not , however , until the doors of the dining hall were thrown open at ( io'clockthat the full realization of the fitness of mine host for his position dawned upon the minds of the assembled hundreds. It was like entering another sphere. The decorations of the room weio of a nature both unique nnd beautiful. Opposite the dour was n largo "Welcome , " wrought In 'tvorgreens , upon the wall , and upon ull sides , as well a : from the coiling , wora artistically arranged tlguros la Jap anese funs and parasols. The laruu pillar in the center of the room was almost hidden from vlow behind u mass of vines nnd llcw- crs. On the tables and in various places about the room wcra groups of cut flowers and potted plants , the whole burdening the air with a rich and delicious fragrance. Covers wcro laid for a hundred guests , and waiting to attend to thnir wants were a do/en colored waiters , faultlessly attired. It wus a sc'cijo not soon to bo forgotten by thu-favorcd ones , whoso uycs Ural fell upon Itbeforo thn rush and hurry of hungry guests had marred Its nerfoc.t arrangement. The menu was most elaborate and was got ten up In u highly artistic nnd pleasing mun- m\r \ , and the guests carried them awuy us beautiful souvenirs of the occasion. Space forbids extended mention of the countless hikclous dishns prepared by the capable chuf. Dinner was served to the constantly nrrlvldg guests until after 0 o'clock. KarJy in the livening the parlors wore cleared for danrlng , nnd until long uftoy midnight the visitors tripped the light fantastic to the delightful strains of 1'rof , Halter's orchottra , which furnished muslo for the afternoon and uvenlng. Over two hundred people were present from Oiriului , nnd oxprcssud their umumlllicd delight - light and appreciation. The ocraMori more than was expected , and opens the season at the lake in a manner - nor so fur in lulvunce of nil former attempts us to admit of no comparison , There was u noticeable absence of disreputable or unwel come characters , nnd thU feature will char- DCtcrl/.o 'tho season of IHiO ut Manawa. An an owning tho. occasion was an unquali fied suci'oss , nnd ns a pleasant loclnl event It wus far biipcilor to many more pretentious affairs In swelldom. Landlord Tarnlsu-a and his most estimable wife are to bo congratu lated on the Hucccsb crowning their efforts , uud the ploaiuru-lovlng public may congrat ulate Itself on the auspicious outlook for it comfort and enjoyment for the coining svason , Tlio IlotcU llusjr. Uuslness Is reported ut rushing at the va rious hotels , and the registers bear silent testimony to the truth of tuo lUtcrntut , "It U n llttlo early for the rush to begin , " said ft leading hotel man , yesterday , "us It usually striken us about tbo middle of the month. Thcro Is nothing extraordinary to bring them hero nt tuts time , so 1 am forced to h - Hove thnt it Is the regular sprllTg Increase , just n little bit ahead of tlmo. We arc hav ing all wo can do. Wo hnvo not had nn empty front room , and very few empty back ones , for over two weeks. The Indications nro thnt the coming season will bo busy ono with us , and I think that hotel men will mnko more money this year thnn for a long tlmo. " _ Memorial Day. Abe Lincoln post , No. 29 , O. A. U. , will hold nn open session on Saturday night nt 8 o'clock , Inviting the Veteran Legion , Sons of Veterans and the Woman's Kcllcf Corps , to arrange for Memorial day , WIU.UM II. CAMriiEi.i. , P. C. Attest : JosKi'ii UIIOMBII. Adjutant. Mr. Kacan claims that his leeturo on Holland and Belgium is the Ilnnst of the scries. _ Money loaned on futnituro , pianos , diamonds , horses , buggies or anything of value at low rates of interest. No publicity ; fair and honorable dealing. A. A. Clark & Co. , olllco cor. Broadwivy and Main , over American express. Have our wngon call for your Eollcd clothes. Cascade Lntuulrv Co. There Is a pleasant surprise for the pcoplo of Council Uluffs at Mr. Kagan'a lecture Thursday night. Cole & Colo's special cut refrigerator sale Friday anil Saturday , this wcuk. Got prices at once and save & 1 to $10 on each purchase. 41 Main street. CUnilENT LiirEltATURE. Tun PIIF.TTY SISTKU or Josi : , by Frances Hodgson Uurnett. Charles Scrlbner's Sons , Now York. The author of "Littlo Lord Fauntlo- roy" has created a great reputation for herselfand in this , her latest novel , it is fully sustained. This is a bright romance in which the passionate nature of the Spaniard Is delineated with picturesque - turesquo ollect. The scene is laid in Madrid. The heroine , Popitiitt self- willed , tempestuous girl of the humbler class , when introduced to the reader , is possessed of a vivacious and joyous na ture , with a distinct antipathy to the amorous overtures she is continually re ceiving from the men in her neighbor hood , owing to her fascinating beauty. In spite of this avowed antipathy , however - over , she at length surrenders her heart , after a very obstinate the superior power of Sobastiano , the favorite matador of Madrid. Popita's behavior to Sobastiano would discour- ngo an American lover , but her appar ent coldness only fans the llamo of the Spaniard's passion , yet ho at ono time loses all hope , owing to Popitn's unpre cedented conduct at a bull Herat. When Sobastiano.ut the most exciting moment of tlio conflict , throws the doviua into Popita's lap. she deliberately scorns the honor by publicly stamping on the rib bon. This action on her part is possi ble , no doubt , but bearing in mind the fact that she was a true Spaniard , such treatment of the dovi'aa appears voryim probable. The humbling of Popita'aproud spirit and the ultimate avowal of her fierce love for Sebastiano , is beautifully told. The splendor and excitement of a bull light in Madrid is graphically described , The plot is not peculiar for any origin ality , except in the dramatic intensity of the incidents developing it. The story is related with the piquancy and agreeable simplicity bp characteristic of the author. The illustrations are good in design , but the engraving is poor. Divoucn , or FAITIIFUI. AND UNTAmtrui , , by Margaret Leo ; Frank F. Lovell & Co. , New York , The plaintive cry , "Is marriage a fail ure ? " has become wearisome oy the monotony of repetition. Ono man's af firmative is answered by another man's negative , and so the controversy is sus tained without much benefit to society in general. 'Margaret Leo , iu this novel , has apparently desired to show what a terrible failure can bo made of marriage under certain conditions. Tlio heroine , Constance , is high souled and sensitive , with a sweet disposition altogether a very lovable girl though hardly a reality in this so-called prac tical itiie. Her purity of purpose shines resplendent , resembling some star con spicuous for its brightness in an atmos phere reeking with subdued immoral ity , where separations and divorces arc discussed as lightly as a change in the weather. Such is the New York society in which Constance moves. Un fortu nately , she passionately loves Gilbert Travcrs , a very handsome , magnetic and intellectual man , but also a mass of egotism and selfishness. Ho finally dovclopes into a repulsive brute. Con- stunco is young and invests him with all the attributes of her ideal ; she marries him solely bccauso of her great love for him ; ho marries her for love of himself. Such a union is productive of the usual results. When the husband's passions arc aroused by the fascinations of another woman , Constance , unable to cast out love for her husband , suffers inconceivable tor tures. Ho deceives her to the end , when the refinement of cruelty is at tained by his contemptible method of obtaining a divorce without her knowl edge. The story certainly illustrates the evils oxi&ting in society of the present day , but the public require no novel to impress that fact , as the law courts fur nish ample opportunity for studying our social immorality. The author oilers no remedy for the disease , but only la ments the legal facilities for obtaining divorces. From the incidents related , it is diffi cult to ducido as to the merits or do- mcritu of "Divorce Made Easy. " Matri mony is undoubtedly a very serious and sacred compact ; its success must depend on the behavior of the contracting par ties themselves. The evil in man can seldom bo cured by legislation. To those who enjoy an illustration of a spreading social epidemic , this novel will prove acceptable. Prefatory to the story is an interesting review of IU. Hon. W. K. Gladstone. AN 1. D. It. IN SOUTH ArniCA By Louise Vcfci-rtllus Sheldon. Frank F. Lovett Si Co. , Now York. Refused Two Future { 'rcelilnnts. Among the r curious coincidences gathered by the Roligio-Philosophical Journal is that two girls from the same small Ohio villingo rejected two future presidents of the United States , and both for the eamo cause poverty. Hayoo was ono of the suitors , but the parents of the girl opposed the match on the ground that ho showed hardly sulllcient ability to warrant trusting their girl iu his care. Gnrfield paid at tentions to the other , and again the parents objected that his future pros pects were none too bright. Bedford , the village in question did not at that time contain elK ) inhabitants. But in Ohio a girl runs great risks of refusing a president when she declines any hultor whatever. The coincidence would bo stronger if it had occurred in some stnto where the lightning strikes less unex pectedly. Au Estimate of Gcrmnny'n Terms Jtccr-ptljsjns nnIJHoyicWt [ CctnnpM ufaInVitflr * < fn > rijt > n JJtmtltA j ' Hr.iiUNAprll 7. fNcw ! pr { { Hcrnlil Cable Special to TUB Bnn.J From trsource which , though excellent I hnow.'fVW notntllhcrty toiiuoto , Inm enabled to > { ire cnt to you nn approximate ! estimate of the rms that would satisfy Ocrmany In the Solution of the Samoan - moan cllfllculty. 'It cnnnot 'bo > 'dcnlod , nor Is It denied by Americans wbq haVe been in the Island , thnt Germany lias invested more money thrco times as npcl } money they claim In Samoa as bothiiEtiRlnnd rtnd the United States taitcn together. What the Gorman government therefore claims Is , In the first place , satisfaction for the killing of the German ofllccrs nnd sailors In the action with Mntnafn's men on December 17 lost ; and , secondly , compensation for losses * sus tained by German investors nnd own ers of plantations. If , therefore , the United States will purchase .tho planta tions owned by the German company , or the Siimonns themselves purchase the planta tions , payment being guaranteed by the United States , Germany will not maUo the slightest objection to the Installation of Mnllctoa or some ono of the minor chiefs not hitherto named , Tntnnscsco having no follow * inn nud Mntnnfu being utterly out of the question from the German standpoint. The stnto of war , too , still nominally existing , they will probably tirgo the punishment of Mataafa , say by Imprisonment fcr n tlmo on board the German man-of-war or on the iblnnd under the German ling. Tnoy may wnlvo this condition In consideration of n , round sum being paid the widows , orphans or nearest relations of the Germans slain on the Island. The third condition , equally ncccptablo to each of the thrco powers , IB that the thrco col lectively guarantee ; the neutrality ot Samoa. In other words , Germany wishes to save the stake in the islands , and it would perhaps bo the wisest policy on the part of the United States to accept this , after nil , simplest solu tion of the dllllctilty , nnd by well timed con cessions to Germany's tender sense of honor nnd solicitude for the welfare of her col onists , make friends of bur foievcr. Well Informed German ! ; assure mo that Count Herbert Bismarck had not the slight est Intention of Impressing the English- speaking members ol the conference with u sense of the greatness of Gcrmuny at the ex pense of their own fueling when ho mndo that famous speech In French ut the begin ning of the coiifeiem-e. Ha was obliged , though ho speaks English like an English man , to uphold his right to UHO French as the language of diplomatic Intercourse. If ho had opened the conference In English the Spaniards , Italians , Portuguese and Uus- Bians might have pointed to the precedent as justitlc.ition of their right to use their own language with which ho might not be equally familiar at some future conference. Nor is it true that the two American members of the conference wcro entirely Ignorant of that language. Phclps spoke that language in diplomatic Intercourse ! at the Austrian court , and Uatcs himself assured mo that ho understood almost every word the count ut tered on that memorable occasion. At the presentation of colors last Thurs day morning to the First regiment foot guards , Kusson , Phclps nnd Hates were in evening dress mid I understand that the kaiser was graciously pleased to express his regret at tbo iron rule that insists on that costume on such occasions ns u substitute for tua full uniform. Amid that largo crowd of imperial guests , attired'Olio nnd nil in uni forms of every hue of the rainbow , the American representatives /nttmeted notice by the republican siinwlcity of their uttirc. It is safe to say that if ever thrco American diplomatists regretted the absence of diplomatic uniform in the American ser vice , these three gcntlomcq didj Two young naval ofllcors , Huckingham mnd Parker , were In full uniform , cocked huts and all , and u couple of Immlsouicr young follows could scarcely have bjecn picked out to do Uncle Sam's service credit. While it is well known that England's leanings in the conference are 7towards Ger many , on that vexed question of n secret un derstanding concerning Tongi , Sir Edward maintained ur. obstinate .silence. He ex- p.reased himself , howevcrMJn a very kindly manner' regarding the favorable impression produced upon himself and others nt the conference by their American colleagues. Sir Edward and there was no better Judge in the matter is inclined to think that an other month will see the labors of the con ference ended. He had met Mr. ICnsson be fore at the Congo conference when both o * them represented their respective countries. In Sir Edward's library there lies on n lit tle spider table near the window n large folio containing , in all the glory of gilt edges und mncrnillcent printing , the minutes of the Congo conferenco. When the Herald asked Sir Edward about how often theSamoan con- fcrcni'c would sit , ho turned to this book , und after consulting it , said he believed that now as at the Congo conference , all matters ot detail would bo referred to a sub-com mittee. "The Congo conference , " he re marked , ' 'only sat ten times during those three months. Five or six sittings , there fore , will , in all probability , sufllco to settle the Satnoan matter. " Nothing could have been more eminently gracious than the manner in which Count Histnarck received the guests at the dinner the other day in the pavilllon of the foreign oflltc , where ho makes his home. When thu time for leave taking cumo and it was a late ono , for Count Herbert is u host who will not be deniedho walked across the large garden with each ono of thu ileuart- Ing guests , while In the great trees that sur round the house the siren voices of great num bers of nightingales poured forth a volume of sweet melody to enchant the ears of Uncle Sam's republican representatives. Some people have ventured to assert that when the emperor issued his Invitation to the Ameri cans to attend the parade ut Potsdam , ho did so with u vlow to imprcBshiir them with a sense of the military power of the emperor. If so , ho certainly succeeded. "Nowhere In the world , " said ono of the naval ofilcors at tached to the commission , "can you see such absolute precision of movement , such largo musses of men so deftly and skilfully han dled. " FISH IN THU SWIM. TIic Ex-PrcHldcnt oftlin Marine Bank A Iout , to Ijcavo I'rlHon. AUIIUHN , N. Y. , May 7. [ Special Telegram - gram to TUB IJnn.l James D. Fiok , ox-pres- Idcnt of the defunct Marino band , who was convicted nearly four years ago of malad ministration of the bank's finances In con nection with Ferdinand Ward's transactions , and sentenced therefor to ten years in the state prison , will be a free mnn next Satur day morning The commutation of the sen tence of the banker wus one 67 the last ex ecutive acts of ex-President Cleveland before - fore ho left tno while house. ' 'Fish's sojourn in prison hero has certainly lengthened his years. When ho came horn.ho was broken down physically nnd feeling keenly the disgrace - grace of tils position. Instead of soon break ing down completely , however,1 ho hits been constantly improving In health" , His mind , too , bus become active , andIlls , spirits are bouynnt. Despite the factual ho will go back to Wall street an cpc-oonvict , the old man has hosts of friends in-New York who will gladly welcome him nam'and , who be lieve that ho was the vlctlinbf Circumstances rather than of intontlonal"fraud. Ho will return to the world sovonty-slxj'ears old und penniless. > IIY A. MAD DOG. A Boy Fatally IiiJnrTTrjjyd Ilnbia Our in Indian . , , , EVANSVIM.E , Ind. , May 7i [ Spccial Tele gram to TUB BEB. ] Lttspoyjonlng os the son of Mr , Graff , u fanner , who resides In the neighborhood ot this city , was crossing a field , ho was attacked by a rabid dog. Young Graff clinched him nnd a regular rough nnd tumble fight took pluco. Bad not the screams of the boy attracted the atten tion of u hired man the dog would bavo torn him to pieces. As It was , the thumb of his right hand was nearly bitten off. Both arms were fearfully lacerated and the flesh was torn from the left thigh. The hired man struck the dog over the head with a club , stunning him and causing him to relinquish his hold on the boy's thigh. The hired mnn killed the dog. This is the third mad dog that has been killed In the satno neighbor hood in the past three or four days , nnd Ui whole county U nlunnoii over the situation. Gruff Is not expected to live. HaiuiiiRtliiK Clcvulnnil , Niw : YOKK , May 7. [ Special Telegram to TUB BEE. ] The Young 'Meu'a Democratic club will entertain ox-Prcsldmt Cleveland nt n dinner on the ' 27th Inst , The ostensible purpose of the gathering U to celebrate the momentous circumstance thnt Cleveland hn decided to mnko hi ? JIVing liorcnitcr by prac ticing Inw In New York , uut political wlsen- cres think thnt his canvass for the demo cratic nomination in 1BSU will then begin , Till EVES OF HIGH DEGHEM tilts AVlioIcgnlo Ilobbcrlcfi of Ivcs and Stnynor. CINCINNATI , O. , May 7. [ Spcelnl Tele- grain to Tun Bnn.j There nppcnrs to bo litHo - Ho doubt thnt Ivcs nnd Stnyncr nre good for terms In prison. It Is commonly supposed thnt the Indictments against them nro based on their unauthorized Issue nnd use of Cin cinnati , Hamilton & Dnyton stock , but n new Indictment has been mndo , based on what uppcars to bo one of the most magnificent steals of modern times. It appears that Ivcs and Staynor , soon after they got hold of the Cincinnati , Hamilton ft Dnyton , effected a regulnr Issue of $7,000,000 slock , carrying with It voting power. Of this they nro snld to have actually appropriated no less than 480 shares ot $1,000 cacti , thereby securing absolute control of thu road. Fifteen Horses Cremated. CYNTHIA , Ky. , May 7. The stables of Cnp- tain Moore , near hero , burned last night , consuming fifteen valuable horses , The fol lowing is n list of the horses burned nnd their values : Twilight Wllkes , ? ,000 ; Hour- bon Bismarck , $ -l,500 ; Bismarck Pilot , $4faO : Johnson , J'J.OtO : Von Wilkcs , n two- year-old , $1,500 ; Mlko , $1,000 : Star Bis- inarcic , $ ' ) , ! > 0'J ; Kentucky Hambletonlan , $10,000 ; Bourbon Mark , $ J,000 ; Lily , $ J,000 ; Perfection , $1,600 ; Count Bismarck , tl.uOO. ToHtln-j the Charleston. SAN FIIANCISCO , May 7. The cruiser Charleston started on her trial trip this morning. The trial will bo mndo In the Santa Barbara channel. The length of the trlii l undecided. An Oil ConlVrenop. PiTTsnuito , itfay 7. A conference of the oil exchanges of New York , Oil Ciiy , Brad ford , Titusvillo nnd Plttaburg , to consider the advisability of dealing In futures , began at the Petroleum exchange. SPECIAL NOTICES. ANY one wanting llncchnnco to nianufnrtnro -tJ-can teciuo bulHllnu' , pouei' , etc. , at n bargain by addressing Main street Meat .Market. JCE UUO tons for fialo. I.nnzendorfcr & btrohhehn. Mnmstreet MnntMnrltot. T > KAIj Kstato bought and sol > l. None but -IX bargains accepted , llousus for snlo on monthly puymi-nts- Warranty deed given. By C. 11. Judil , ( XX ! Uroadnay , Council llhiirn. FOK HKNT A tlnednlrv fniiii ot 138 ncrci. hale a mlle from tno cltv limits ; n part ot it can bu cultivated It desired ; /rooil / house nnd barn ; water supplied by a windmill. Horace Kvuiott. " \\7ANnu Jy a young lady , situation us TT stenographer and type-writer. Satisfac tory rufeiencos Riven. Adilrcus Stenographer , CU7 I'ourth street. Council llluirs. \\7ANTnD-A comuotoiit girl to do general T > housework. Apply nt 010 llluir St. , Coun cil niutfs. ] FOK KKNT-Oltlco rooms over S. A. I'lerce'u , corner Main and Flrht avo. Front room , $11 ; back room , $1 per month. A. J. Stephenson. SITUATION wanted As bookkeeper or In nn . _ olllce. Good refurencu-i. Address II. 11. B. , Due olfico , Council Illulls. F "OU SAM' My tcsldonco. Incnil re ] John G. Woodward , IH1 fourth avenue. "J/1U11 HUNT Largo double olllro over Frank -L' I.evln's cigar store , 60J llrondway. Inquire ot I rank I.evln. Titos. Ot'KiCRit. w. H. M. 1'tis OFFICER & PUSEf , Corner Main and Ilroadway , COUNCII , IlbUFFS , IOWA. Dealers In foreign _ nd domestic exchantro. Collections made aud Interest paid ou tlmo de posits. Electric Trusses , Baits , Chest Pro tectors , Etc , Agents wanted. C. US. JU3 > D , Council Jllu.r-i la. LADIES OF OMAHA AND COUNCIL BLUFFS AltlilNVJTEDTOOALLAT Mrs. 0. L. GILLETT'S ' HairEinporiiini Anil nee her line line ot Hair Goods. FlNi.ST : HA IK UltNAMKNTS In thu city. WKS. ! HennlH , etc. , for Itent or Sale. Glnth and Coylo and Myers Uri'iihu 1'alntH. Hair DrcsahiK , Ktc. Ko. 'JO rrtiUif St. , Council KliiII * Orders by mail rocel vu prompt attention. The W1331 dorn Novolltl os PAPER HANGINGS. AND Artistic Decoration ! AT PETER G , MILLER'S. ' Nos. 11 and 13 Pearl St. erNo. . 27 Main Street , er .lHc < | icmln'H Jewelry Store. D.H.McDANELO & GO , , Hidesjallowi Pelts , Wool fiFurs , IllghiiBtnitti Vet prices. I'rompt returns. No.lfW and K2 Mam-Ht. , Council lllutfa , Iowa , FINEST AND LARGEST DISPLAY OP \j r EVERETT , FISCHER , AND HARDMAN PIANOS ! Onr exhibit being over vro now offer our solco teil stock nt a discount of 10 per cent from our regular prices , for the next t,0 Onys , MUELLER MUSIC COMPANY , No. 33 Main St. . ; : Council Bluffs , la. NEW CURIOSITY SHOP HRTLEt' NSfroJvJI Book foe Oilit to U 9 iujaM j m44jai = i , nee- TJBZIEJ SIZES FROM Especially Adapted for 25 TO 300 T1N ( HORSE POWER , Mills and Elevators AUTOMATIC CUT-OFF ENGINE Spocllltat'ons ' and estimates turnlhlied for complete Mo.-xm plants. Keuulatlon. Duralillltv Ouir antecd. Cnn show letters from users wharo I'ncl Economy is oriuil with Corliss Non-C'oiiiloasln EC. ; HARRIS , Agent , Send for Catalog ae. No. BIO Pearl Street , Council Blu ' ( i IIAVI.VG KOI'ftllT TJfK STOfK OF KUOTS AM ) SIIGUS OF TBIU LATH .0. M. I > JHEEEEIVi AT A I am fiutcniilnutl to Ivi ) Iliu publlu ( lie liciiullt of my pur- cliusu. 1 qiiolu lo > day Hie I'ollou'.n prltcs. KUftT Ai MUAKS' JIIon'H Fine Shoei , § 5 , former price , SS. J. S. TIJKMiilt'S Weu'8 . HlaiKl-Kcuud Slioe.s , § 5 , IVirmcr price , & 7.5O. K. J. MIJKT'S LudlcH' Trench Kid. turned , ul § r. , former price , ijj7. ! K. ; . JiUl.T'S Cur Kid at st : , former price , fi I. PILES , 4-13 Broadway. F. J. BREZEE , Taxidermist and Naturalist. CASCADE GOOD WORK : : PROMPT DELIVERY. NO. 330 BKOADWAY. TELEPHONE 3STO. 26Q 19 act , i ! r > to. 3a Mcun