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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1889)
OMAtfA DAILY Bate' WEDNESDAY. MAY 8. 1889. SPECIAL NOTICES. OMAHA No lutvcrtlnctnrntfl will lo tnkou Tor ( limn column * nflcr 12i.1O p. in. Terms Cnsli in mlvnncc. AavcrttenmcntannAitr thi head in cent * psr Unn for tno flnt insertion , 7 cents for each sub- qacni insertion , and ll.W per Una p r month. No advertisement taken for lesa tbnn 25 cents the llmt IniorUon , Seven word * will be counted to the line ; they most run consecutively and ttUit be paid In ADVANGH. All dV rtLe Bents must b bande'i m before I2.TO : o'clock p. . , and under no circumstances frill tlioy b * token or discontinued by telephone. Fartlei advertising In these columns and bav in a thalr answers addressed In care of TIIK linn will please mk for a chock to enable them to get tbelr letters , RI none will be delivered except on presentation of chock. All anaera to nuver- ilsementfi should be cnclosMiJln envelopes , All advertisements in these columns are pub lished In both morntnc and evening edition ! ot TIIK HKK , the circulation nf which aggregates moro than If.COT pnpors dally , and Hires the ad vertisers the Densflt , not only of the city clrcu > Utlon of TIIK HKK , but also of Council Hlulfs. Lincoln and other cities and towns throughout this section ot the country. BRANCH OFFICES.- Advertising for these columns will bo taken n tno above conditions , at the following bual- BCEO hoiiBis , who nro 01 thorlzcd agents fur TIIK rti : tpeoln. ! noilcoH , and will quote the eamo rates ai can bo had at the main offlco. " * \v7IH5L1U PharmacistrKn South Tenth BtrBftt. OHASR & RiinY. Statlonen and Printers , 113 \J Boiith Hth Htroet. S . FAHNSWOHTll.rharnu list , 2115 Cum- inn Street. J. HUGHES. Pharmacist. 021 North 10th Street. ifoTwPAIUC ? , Pharmacist , 1809 Bt , Mary' * Avcnuo. SITUATIONS WANTED. SITUATION wanted by mldillo aeeil lady to work In annul family. Inquire ItOl . . . . . . . . Webster st. Hiu-'J * WANTED lly B young lady of experience and best of reference , position as cashier ; Address , A 2 . Toe lleo. 7K2-7 * AMIDDM ; aged lady of culture aim rellno mcnt would like u position as housekeeper or companion for an invalid ; can speak Ucr- nian. AddrosH , A ! . The lloo. 781-8t WANTED Situation as porter by colored man ; 3 years' experience. Addrosa A 3,1 Jloo onice. KOO-Ut TpNOAOKMKNTH to dodrcsjmiklU ! ? i n fam JUJllios Bollclted.Mlss Sturdy.'JOn Leavoinvorth 201 in IS ! * WANTED MALE HELP. " \/\/AM'I-.U / tonir aud dancV"man. banjo Tt player ; also serio-comic l.nly. Inquire ) Columbia hall , Q and 27th sts. , South Omaha. KM-SJ WnNTHD Immediately , ono good second hand baker , will pay good wages to good sober young man and give steady shop , lln- qulro at Henry Fachmau's Pearl street bakeiy , Sioux City. in. WANTKD Uxperlencod man to do local and general work on a weekly newspaper. References required as to capability , honesty andsobilety. Address , stating wag s. A 1W care Omaha Hoe. Kt'J ! Gi 001) m-oad baker at once. Spencer's Ilak- cry. , 17IH Nicholas st. 8.Rttt \\rANTKD-Manorlaily of good address to sillclt ; gtio.l wages all summer to right ono. IJllls , Ml Shcely block. B3 HT WANTKDPress bricklayers at Dundee Place at ( We ) Utty cents per hour. ; nouo but good hands wanted. 1. T. Shannon. 814 St i W ANTRD Two traveling xalosinon. Will pay good salary ; must deposit for sam- . Call l on or address Davis It Shalian , HamgebulldlUK. 8137J "IXT'ANTKD A canvasser on balary ; apply beT - T f twcsu 12 nud I o'clock to Harry Franklin , Cieston house , Counril llluffa. err ' , * " \\TAyfBtt Salesman familiar wltn grocer or drug trndo of this section. Part salary , part commlstlou. Address , A 38 , Hoe ollico. 7W ) ioung man of good habits tor light steady work. Hoom 17.320 N Kith. 7U9 8 ? fl'2 , ) WUF.KLY Heprosontatlvo wanted In , 'R.cvory community . Goods st.iplo ftiulsollon light' .Absolutely new ; household necessity. No .canvassing. Khta Mfg. Co. , Pullman build- . 111. 7BO WANTKD Agents to sell the Plnless clothes line ; thu only Imeuvor invented that holds the clothes without plna ; a perfect success ; patent rnosutly issued ; sold only by agonUto whom the exclusive right is given ; on receipt of 40 cents we wlllrond a sample line by mall ; also circulars , pi Ice list and terms to agents ; necuro your tarrltory at once. Address Worcester Plnless Clothes Line Co , , 17 llermon st. , Wor cester , Muss. _ 7u.r 0 * \XfANTED Agents-Puzzle watch charm ; ' most taking novelty out ; exact Imitation of "Pigs In Clover. " slxo of iiiekol , gold plated. Bnniplo J.'ic , two 2Jic. do . il : stumps taken , Stayner & Co. . Providence. 11. i 751 fit ' W'ANTBD Kneraotic man of business ability , to take In finch olllco in Kansas City ; f ICO pur month nnd commission : JIM ) re quired. Address A " 5 Heo olllco , _ 7I-C ! } * _ _ " " \7STANTKU Man "nnd wife for small hotel , ' T mun to cook and woman to wait on table , IW. Mrs Hrog.i. 31 l'/a S jfith. ' ' Wmited : General ana local agents AOKNl'S . II I to handle the now patent chemical ins I erasing pencil ; ( rroate-tt novelty over produced ; erases ink in two soconaa ; no abiasiou of paper ; axl to 500 per cent proilt ; Hells nt sight ; territory absolutely free ; salary to good men ; ample uj ceiitH by mall ; for terms anil full par ticulars nddiesn. UTio Jlonroo Kraser t'o. , La Croase. Win. _ 73'J.7 > WANTKD-Tho Grand Union Tea Co. , ot Omaha , wants n representative in every town or city within Ml miles of Omaha. Must be thoroughly acquainted and reliable. HI the r lady or cent loin an can till this position and make fair wngci. Address , W. 1C. Duval , Man alter. _ . 748-1'i " 1/17 ANTED Artrbt class Ion cream maker. V > apply Harry Hall. 81ouiity. ( la. TUYUf * t\7'ANTI5D Hockmen. tlom.iknragrndcrH and TT tracklayers for Washington wrrltoi-y ; Bteailj' woriC and good wages. At AlUrluhl'u Labor Agency , 112J l < iirnnm at. _ (151 ( B OVB-Aui. Dlst. Tol.Co. . 1304 _ OF.NT8 wanted on unlory. ITS per month , niul nupenses paid , any active man or wo- mnn to sell our goods by sample nnd live lit lioniM. Salary paul promptly and iixponsos in ndvnuce. Full particulars and ( -ninpla case free. We mean 4uH M hat wo say. Addrebs btaudnrd LUlvorwure Co. , Huston , ilatis. . m-10' WANTED Pajiorhnngers to get prices oil job lots ot wr.ll paper and borclm-n it 107 B. luth tit. . Hamge b'.ock. ! iQ7 7 * \\T ANT1-.D- gents ; magic cigar llgutnr ; TT every smoker buys ; light In wind or ralu ; Unts n lir tlmn ; sample 15c , two for 25c , do/cn l. byuinll ; stamps taken. Staynor & Co. , I'ruvldence H. 1. 179-m22 rANTHD riiiergctlcmennnd women every- wheie for a genteel , money-maklug busts - s , lee weekly protlt guaranteed easier than . | 00 monthly otherwise. Experience absolutely unnecessary. Ponnaiuent position nud oxrlua- IVB territory assured , S2samplesfrAn. Wiltefor particulars. Address with ktnmp , Merrill Mf'u. Co. . H Kl C'liii-nifq 7I4-IU12J iLJALKSM UN We wisli n few muri to H'OII eurO O rood * by sample to wholesale nud retail trsde. Larg 't uiiuuifr.s In our line. Unclose S-cent stump. Wugca H per day , Porinurot position. No postals auswcrou. Money nd- vnncod forvagej. n > lvetil inpr , etc. Centennial WanTir Co. , Cliu-lnn.itI. a M4 " \ \T A NTK11 MT-n jn olirlt ; must iloposlt J23 VV ivnd gU'o s-twrity for money collected. Bnlary 175toJia ) per month. ( " II ou or nd- drnssOwo. S. < : llnr.MI Fl t National bank. 470 W for general homework 817 8. intli st. " AN"ri57i Uirl for"gon8rai housework. f2i3 Hurt st. 8347 * WAN'i'F.O"Good , competent girls tor Ollli-ea' families nt Fort Nlobrnrn nnd Fort linhln- Bon2lKitndres ; e ? , 118 mm ll ; competent si-c- end BlrU ; nurse slrlst. lady cook , * IO ; yoimj } Inly icirotlli-e woik ; girls for Ki-avuuy. Coli'n- : bus , Heatrlne , Pluttsmouth , and M for good nlnreH In and out of city , In private fiimll'.M. Mr . _ llrega. 314K HJ5Jh. KJ ; ; IVANTKD W f8t llulilier , one tnnrhlnu J\ worker , 151V Howard. M. A. Wnllace. n | J * - . 110 ; yno W ; for Fremdnt. Arlington. I'nrroll. In. . Man- IIIK. U ; fare * Up M : i ) i.uri * lrl . UW wuok : I cooks private tamllles , 5 and W weak : 4 vitUreisoA. K we k ; 8 i-hnmbarmaid , ? 1.50 wc Xj XUundry womi-n. nud boajd ; 4 gills fur boarding hoiue. ( Ieek I ; 43 girls , good won In ami out city. Omutos hwjvlUii * u ll'ijf Itltti. Wl ; ? lA/ANTKn-ABooamiMRlrJ ; oud wha lw V > eau do second wii-k end plain Good v yv * paid , Apply at No-Wl Bi1' ' VJUAKTlTD'aTl'y ca lil r. til , v F " "v'- ' T ( Jive references nndnddrrss lu owa wilt- Inc. Addr * s. A J. . taro Ik-o olllce. m , t rmiTCSTBU-A'cooirirlrrfor u n r7l iiousn- work , inquire of i L. lUkksou , 2U N Ifitli , _ \STANTKD-A KOod rook ( infl A o'.vio girl for Vl eblldron. 201a St. M rjr'i a\e. _ l J7J ItyAHTltD niily Veinl * for our new W iuu tltute forbu tl .baUy dlupor tooiter , tcour ! lown raiui n.prt In on * flty. L au * ' Supply Co . iiu h'0 , 111. 3W-7T WANTI5D Two ladles to take orders for our illustrated weekly paper. On salary or commission. P. r. Collier , 1322 Capitol avo. B37-UJ \\fANTKD-Wnlst nnd skirt llnlshors , 1510 T DoiiRlni treot. np stairs. 712 CJ _ _ WANTKD-OlrTcor houseworklo : > 7 Park nv. * 070 BT \V"ANTKI > A girl for general housework 143' V > South Pth. _ 040 r ANTED Flrst-cl sa waist llmsher. Mrs. Anson , 800 Eighth ftvo. , Council Hlutr.s. KK8 "DRESSWIAIUOT \fTKB M. Shine , fashionable dressmaking , L'imoderfito prices ; cutting and fitting also lone , ni' N. 10th. ocn ; il ' WANTKD-Ho.ird and two * unfurnished rooms In n private family for a lady and two children , llofcrenccs oxchangcd. Address A 3' ' , lleo olllco. 7i 8 \\7'ANTiD- Any ono ndllcteil wltli any prl- TT vnto or chronic blood illsonso to rail on the National Hemcdy Co. , 1414 Dodgost , and in vestigate their treatment for private disorders. W. ANTED A nowTurulturo otoro at "Friend Nob. KfcmSIt WAN7ED-TO RENT. WANTKD Cottage ot flvo rooms In peed lo cation with stable. Inquire 8211 Ctimlug. 752 7 * WANTK1) to rent by family ot two , an un furnished cottaga In good condition con- alnlng 0 or 7 rooms : must imvu terms and lo cation to recelvu uuy attention. Address U BS , fc.e. 221 FOR RENT HOUSES. ITOH HKNT 11-room houso. all modem con- JL1 Tonlonccs , llrst class order. 007 N. 2uth st. 8JS8t FOH HKNT ! 'room house ; centrally located ; modern Improvement ; ) . J. F. IJarton , 2U10 Capitol nvn Sls-13 * 14 Kuo.M liouso , llrst-class in all respects , for . boarding nnd rooms ; rent 8125 , now paying (101 ( over rent , furniture Kl.fttt. K .cash : also u room briclc boarding ho HMO. rout $ > 0 , lurnlttu-a tSWi , ! 4 cash , bal. oasy. Co-oporatlvo Land and Lot Co. . SOU N. irth st. ln l "IJ1OH HKNT ( lood house , 0 room- * , modern JL Improvemonts.017 Lcavcnworth st. 1OH HUNT A good D-room cottage , nowiy papcrud , K1J B. Ihtli St. ; city water , well and cistern. Apply ou promises. 7M 8j TfjUll HKNT One nice 7-room honso and barn , JL1 line view , nlcu locution etc. Inquire of C. L. Krlckson , 212 N. ICthst. , Masonic block. 791-7 711)11 HKNT Fiat of six rooms ; furniture for - mile : good location ; loose given to right party. Address A 14 lleo. CM lot I OH HKNT An eleven-room houso. 2215 Call- _ Jornlnst. 71H-18 * IfflOll KBNT Nice , comfortnblo homo , llrst- JL' class neighborhood , nil modern conven iences , closu to car line , moderate rent. Inquire of Geo. N. Hicks , llarker block. 770-i ) I71OH IlKNT Klegant residence In Hanscom V place. Jnqulru ( leo. N. Hicks , Uarker block. 777-U 7TIOH KKNT 2 splendid llats in brick block. JL' oacho rooms , 7 closets , private halls , all modern > * ouvenltincos , well located , $27 per mo. T. C. llrunuor , room 1. AV'ure block. 7.WU I71OH HENT Now House of C rooms ; water JLA aim gas ; east front ; Rood location. Apply to Jan. Stockdalo. H. 1'J. Arlington blk. i > U4 EOK HUNT Largo basement under the Lange block , lllth and .lackbon. 'Ml square ft Hour ; 2 storage collars.will bo fltted for tonnnt on one year's lease ; elevator if desired : rent low ; steam heat when needed , K.KCook,1607 Karnam av. 7 * TlOlt HKNT Cottagfls , 6 rooms , : ! 728 Charles - st. nnd VtSl S loth st. Inquire at room 212 , Shcely block. 173 TT10R HUNT Neat' house cor Stith JL1 nud Woolworth nve. Inquire of O. H. Tzschuck. Heo olllce. H12 FOH HKNT-A lint 111 the Her building ; 7 rooms , steam heat , gas and bath. Apply to A. C. Hoymur , hardware , loth nnd Jackson. oil NICK 7-room cottages ; good cellars , cisterns. i well , good burn ; convenient to school and churcn ; $20 per month for the summer. Apply at one , C. F. Harrison , Merchauts' Nat'l bank , ' I7IOH HUNT Fine 7-room Hat : all modern JL1 conveniences ; centrally located ; } 2."i p r month to good party. L. K 8. Kentni agency , loom 310 aiieely block. u > J T710U ItKiSnv-My 'Furnam st. residence com- JU pletoly furnished , with first-class servants , if desired , for four or live months ; family goIng - Ing iiway. H. C. Patterson. :1I8 : S. ] 8th st. 22J "TpOH HRNT Ono ten-room and ono eight- JL' room house , all modern conveniences , lleit part of city and within n mlantoa walk of post- olllcB. _ Nuthau Shelton. IfiOi Faruam st. It2 ! I7IOH KHNr-Iloautlful with - 8-room nouse JU modern impruvemootb , splendid location. Apply at OUCH , C. F. IlurrlEon , Her. Nat. ll'k. FOH HKNT Oood imuses at.V ) , HO.MO.SK.f39. and12 per month. If you wlsn to rout call und see mo. U. V. Hholes , 210 1st Nat'l Hauk. 7h9 T7IOH HENT U room bilck dwelling , all ron- JL1 vonlences , 210 N. J'JtUbt. i07 FOR RENT ROOMS-FURNISHED- TpOH HKNT A nlco large , front room well JL' furnished , only nix blockx from P. O. , with boiril it desired. Not a liat. Address A-31-Jlee olllce. K.-2-12 N'lORJjY fuiiiWied ft-room cottage for rent. Inquire of J. M. French. 513Paxtoii building. tTOW "IjllIHNISllKI ) rooms lu good location , with J inodoin convouluucos and on cur Hue. " * M Leaveuworth. J'tt > ! " | ? on HKNT Two nlcoly tunnsnca""front JD rooms ; board if desired. COU N. 17th st. FOK HUNT Elegant furnished front room for Behtlomuu only. 1821 Casj. 7HH-7r POH HKNT Nicely furillsbod front bed room in cottage , W per month , IOC William &tr Bt , IOEI.Y FITHNlSHDU-Hooms for rent at N VXO Douglas at , 3rd lloor , rent low. 7.11 NICKIiV furnished soutn front room. Kvory cunvnnlnco.'Iti Douglas st. C77 T710H HKNT A pleasant room , only ( i minutes JL' wall : from business i-ontor. all modern con- vonli'nwss , corSt , Mary's uve. aud 2uth or 2J S. 20th , brkkreuldenco. il "ITUTHNIBllKD rooms bv day or niontti , wltn JL1 or without board at lowest ratos. Central House , Jlroadwxy , near water works , Council IlltilTs. 001 8 ? TjlOH HKNT Some nlcdly iui'jiishi'd roon bi 1 Apply 1911 Davenport st. 027 M Hl'.N r Handsome furnished rooms with aU moilern Improvements , 220J Dodge. tU38 _ > rp\VO Inrgo nnwly furnished front rooms , nlso JL small bedroom , sultiiblo for goutlrraun ; modiun "ouvi'iilencos ; boar it dpulred. > 2:01 : : Farnamjit. 570 7 * OU UKNT-3 rooms. 1712 Jackson street. IF F UHNJSJIED rooma 22J N. lath st. 588-7 + T31UHNISIIl'.I ) or uiifurnhhcd rooms for rent JU in I'nik Terrace , oilpo.lto Hanseom T rk ; all modern conveniences. Inquire Lou A Nichol. 2th ( ? mid Leayouworth. 472 SUIT of 2 furnished rooms , modern conron- . _ iences,3blocks from P.O. ; private family. A. Hoipe. Jr. , 1313 Douglas. 475 UNl 1'ront rooms at 182" ! Farnam , ' by day. week , or month. 11th aud Dodgo. 478 1/U7HNISHiii : rooms , single or eiisulfo. bath JU audutoumi for gouts only. 1519 Howard ; 479 " | J > HONT roomi , ( t upwanls , on car lliieU19 ; X1 % mil. 4IJ \T 1 J.'KLY fnrnUhed rooms with board. Hot- J-s reuccs exohansed. 2-VW St. Mary's ave. 3B7 JJ OOMS aud board. 1SW Chicago. S 8r8 ' ' 1\ , ? _ _ " 72 ml4t T/IUHN1S1IED roomrwlt"h llrst-cl&ss lx > ard a JU 20M Douglas L 371 lot 3"T LKG ANT1.Y hiriUHhed roomSTi'iitrttlly lo i/cated with or without boaul , price reasou- uble. IH)1 ) S. 13th. ifl7-lil2r > * f > N1CU ( Oiith front i.ioms with every conveu. A if nee ; telephouoln hotuo. 191)1 ) Capitol av , 205 TA HOI' front loom With .bod-room adjoining , JRHUilsamt < ly furnUliKd , eas nnd heated by siuHin , nUli lisa of balh room , in can nt the hur.d oino > .r roiMcaccs lu thu rlty , without . Iii'iulifii. w , cor , IVth nml TjlOH HKNTFurrtls'ud looms Mcl or m JI : suite. Wf ) DoiiQliu' , UJ " F0" 'I > 1 > 0 > 1 \vii or Hliout bo : "ijMJHS'TSHKD ixx > m . 'll'ISSi ' J1 _ _ , . . . 4J4 qj- \ \ ? A NTEjr Nurao plrl , SijTaruamT T I o ( ! r'o IR It c H T - n' 3 cTun s'tfW f u ft NI s H E D' jTuiT ! nufurn'Tliea rooms fur 'Ifor m u ad wire. CUV N 1. tU it. UU 191 TT'OH linNT Suite of 4 rooms unfurnished , JUvith nil modern Improvement * , bath room. rloset , etc. , hot and cold water , gin llxtures. to family without children. Hcterellco retiulred , 70J north 17th nt. PrlcetiJ. R > 3 n elegant snlt of rootiiM for family use In ono of thonost ; desirable ro- slcllng localities lu the city , over my hardware store. 821 Howard. W. P. Blootzel. 290 "l OUll rooms , M. W13 S. 15th , near Dorcas. TnonilUNT Ahandsamo suits ot three un- J-1 furnished rooms with bathroom and closets , nt 13CO Sherman avo. K ! FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. IHAVR for rent two store rooms. Just va cated ; have boon occupied as hardware nnd Implement stores for the last four ream : no better location in the city for any kind of busi ness. For silo by Nightingale Hros. , Loup City , Neb. 191 12 131011URNT-3 lloor-s 2.'xtW each , In brick build- JU ing , with clovntor , close to express olllce. cheap rent , JuH the thing for wholesaling , good location. Apply to Geo. Ilayn , 1108 Farnniu st. OI IUNT : Store SIxCO ; 1118 Jackson st. Enquire 1114 Jackson. 4M "OKTAILHHS nttentlon Tno storeroom , IBtt J-V MowardMt. , lllbe for rent Mav 1stI. . A S. Hemal agency , room ! IIJ Sliooly block. SM TTOH lir.NT Store and llvln ? rooms on Cum- JJ Ing street ; also homo ou Casi st. Harris It. R. Ali. Co. . lloom 111 t t Nnt. bank. 811 TTIOH HKNT The 4 Htory brick building with JJ or without power , now occupied by The Hoe Publishing Co. . Oil ) Fiirnam st. The building lias a Hi o proof cemented complete Ktoum heating ttxturm , water ou all the lloors , gns. otc. Apply at the olllco ot Tno Hoo. Ulii STOUE407 witn imsntnent , Hamgo bldg. In- ( Hiiro I'rank .1. llamge. HVJ FOR RUNT MISCELLANEOUS. T OH HUNT Use of Knibo piano for an hour JL1 or morn per day , by the mouth ; location and room strictly tlrst class. Terms very reasona ble. Address X ft. , Hoe olllco. 1177 RENTAL AGENCIES. THOU HKNT When you wish to rent a liouso , * store or odlcecall ou us. II. K , Cole , room a. Continental blk , 474 I F YOlJ want to rent your house call on II rig , H. K. & L. Co. , room 411 , 1st Nnt'l. bai ( KO. J. PAUL , KOJ Farnam st , houses , I stores , etc. . for rent. 48. > T710H HUNT Houses In all parts of the city. JL1.1 , ,1. ( libson , Nn.i.relghtiii : block. 4S7 IF YOU want to buy. sell , rout or exchange , I call on or address (1. .1. Stornsdorir , rooms 317 amljnd.Flrj t National bank building. 481 \X7 K give "special attention to renting and VY collecting rents ; list with us. II. K. Cole , room 0 , Continental block. 480 .1. OIUSON'S now system of renting houses. No. 3 , Crelghtoti block. 487 MISCELLANEOUS. niAICKN UP SorrolhoMO. Apply cor. Wool JLwoithnve and 25th st. and pay exoonsea. J. T. Coatswortll. 840-ttJ PANSlK25cper dozen , one week , at 191R 9. llih st. 7Stt 12J TIN Hooting , spouting , gutters , valleys and shoot iron work send for K. Savago.practlcal tins uilth , 4323 Cumlng st. ; good work and cheap. TDANSIKS V ) cents a dozen , geraniums 50 cents X n dozen , from Hooge & Jensen , cor 30th and llrlstol , Noith Omaha. 835 8 * banjo taught as an art by ( Jeo F. Gel- lenbecK. Apply at Hoe ollice. .ISO YOU that are suffering from private dlsor- derswllltlnd the National Homedv at 1414 Dodge st. , where you can get sclcutiuc treat ment and a euro guaranteed. 211 H8ONNKNSCIIKIN has moved to 417 S IStli. Huy and sell second hand furniture and stoves ; bottles bought and bold. IM-m''l TTSK of Knabo piano for rent one hour or U more per day , by the month ; location and room strictly Ilrnt class. Terms very reasona ble. Address X 4fl , Hoe olllce. 3i7 1 Jill VATK course in fencing , boxing or taucy J club swinging , $10. Addrnss T 14 , lleo olllce. 29 ml4 * I TILL take horses to pasture at Gllmoro. V Price J2 per mo , D. A.Voung.Glluiore.Neb. LOST. T OST-Llgnt bay mare , weight 1100. 9 years JLJold. Hoturn to "Wth nnd Maple and get re ward. John Carroll. - SlKMtj or stolen from 3019 Hurt st , STKAYKD \ - set roan pony , twelve years old , two white hind feet , had halter. 0. K. Mc- Lain. Howard for rettirn. S21CH PERSONAL. cleaned and curled : hats pressed nnd bleached , at F. M , Schadoll. 218 N. 10th. ' 420-m2T STORAGE. 3TOHAOK at lo > v rates at 1121 Faruam Bt ; Omaha Auction aud Storage. * 483 rnilACICAGK , storage , lowest rates. W. M. JL Hushmau , 1311 Leavouworth. 4S ! ) T > KANCH a CO. , storage , 1211 Howard. CLAIRVOYAN1 T\U. NANN1K V. WAHHKN. Ju/lciil and business medium. Female diseases n specialty. 119 N. Ibt'.iSt. , rooms2 ami 3. 41)1 ) SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITINQ HtTllTHANDand type writing. Oniulnibus iness college , cor. Capitol avo. & 18th. Stan- daid methods taught by C. C. Kwlngof San Francisco , the best teacher on the Puctlc coast. Muuson's revised of 'H a speclnlty ; new plan ; blatkuounl HiuBtratlon ; day and evening classes ; call orrlto for terms. O'JI mil K Standard Shorthand School , having pur- JLrhnsed Yalentttte's Sllorthaua I nstltute. Paxton - ton block. Is now the largest , best- equipped , exclusive shorthand school in the west. 123 giaduates In good situations . 'The school Is In charge or Mr. H. A. Smith , a verbatim report er und teacher of many years practical expc- liciico , assisted by a corps of efficient teachers , L'se Hnmlngton typewriters. Shorthand sup plies lor Bale Scud for circulars. 708 W nTTLnSKY'd snorthand school , 21 liar- ker block. 0 mouth's course , $ > . 423-11127 * WANTED TO BUY. WANTED To buy for building purposes , 0 or 25 good rc.sidenco lots in Omaha , must I e in one or two trartu , do not want any out side of the Dolt Lino. Kxcolslor Land nnd Heal Estate Co. . 31D S lith nt. Ki9 7 WANTKD" buy good commercial paper. It. C. Patterson , 318 S , I5th st. 4U2 - llttlo placn on S. llth WANTKD-Tobuy oith8TOO ! to tJ,500. C. F.Harrison , Merchants Nut , bank. 780-11 Furniture , carpets , stoves mm household goods of all kinds. Omaha Auction A : Storage Co. , 1121 1'aruam , 49:1 : FOR SALE--MISCELLAN i OUS. TjlOH 8ALK Good work team , wagon ana bar- JT ness ; set carpenter tools and rhest ; full set . urglcal Instniinonta , nearly new : household goods , etc. On easy payments. J. J. Wilkinson , nil" Faruam st. 40lp " " " " "Oir"SA"LK-(3ood buggy horse , perfectly uentle , weight 1010 Iba , uJa Park a ve. ve.7W JO * iru > lf SALK Cheap for cosh , ouo gasoline JL' htove , one No. U coolc Htovo , 1 ice chest. 182,1 Cass st , 73i-7t FOH BALK Horse nd'buirey. Inquire A. Hospe , 1513 Douclas st. 015 rail FOH SALK A full leather top carriage , large and roomy , in llrst-class order , cost * HJ ) onu ye < ir ago ; will boll It for 1175. Apply at 2215 Webster st. 784 TJ10H BALK Ono team of mulos. twamof JL1 horses , harness and hack. D K Johnson , Hoom & 13 , Paxton blk. iV-u 7 TjlIHbT-CLASS piano , walnut rnso ; no liner In- i1 Btrumeiit m city ; used , only 0 months ; nt bargain for few days ; easy terms if desired. Addreai X 71. Hue. BIS 8T C10H SALK Draft horses , buggy horses and JC small delivery mules. Woods' Sale Stable , 1510 California. 41 POH SALU 1 work team , wagon and har ness complete , vary cheap for cash , 519 Paxtou blk. . 849 POH SALK 2f.OJ tons ire. Adam Jlodsr Hlntr , Neb. t''U iuli FINB Cablnet Grand roiowooa case up- rlffht piano torWJi.M ; cost when new $10) ) ; only used one year : must ba sold at once ; will give titno on part of it it dojlrod. Address V u. cnro Otuulm llee , lUlm IS T/OK 8ALK-.Milier" hack , good as new. in " & flrtftclaiii condition , rim oifly six montua ; vcvy chbiip ; on oiisy lenua if desired. Also liaci ; harnusi Ailniesa A 12 llee. UVJ-10 ; 'OOD liorse , Round nud gentle. Orlvosdouble urn ) singlecheiip. . Huckeyo bam , lit liana llanicy. opiiiUlrtsa A 27. Hoe. 7J7-7J * 0 STR ACT 3 . _ MIDIiANH ( Juarautoe &TucoM 15 ( Far. uaiii. Compluta ubatravtn furul lunl if titles toroalcUutuuiuiulueil , peiKTto I .v yuirintuud , AHSTRACTS-Llnahan A Mahoney , room 500 Pnxtonlrtiuu 433 OMAILvKiftlrnct Company , 1519 Farnam"sL Most coiuvU.W > and i-\rofnlly : prepared set ot abstract bo < ik .iml pints of nil real property In the city of OftWhn nnd Douglas county. 4 H T7"iFsTONTi'Hortga"go Co. ; loans of $10 to Jvfl.UOO ; ft t > PtU rates bafnro borrowing nnd ( save money i .loan on hors-js , furnlturo or nny approved sittMty. without publicity ; notes bought ; for nmrtdoan , renown ! of old nud low est rates call.i n Hoom 203 , Slitfeloy block , 15th and Hnrney st. U MSI ao O. K. Thomp- TOO T OWK3T rtobV'on cholco city loans In omaha. JLJCouncll Illilfrs. or Lincoln. Central Loan and Trust Co. , Ian Paruam st. or.-13 / 11TY Financial agency will loan you money VVon horses , furniture. Jewelry or securltlM o't any kind. LW1 Howard su. corner S. Kith st. , _ _ an mil ; 1,500 speclnTiTiotioy ; npply nt ouco. C. F. Harrison , Merchants'Nat'l bank. 3tVi MONKV to loan ou short time. Secured piper bought. F. 1C. Alexander , Ijtfj Faruam st. mi j 2 ; Of , 1IAHH1SON loans money , lowest rntos. G17 ONKV to loan. O. F. Davis Co , real estate nnd loon agent ! ) , l.VH Farnam st. M3 UILDINO loans D. V. Sholos , 210 First Na- tlonnl bank. 513 _ . KIJ Sholeg , room 210. First Nat'l bank , before making your loans. GU MONKV to loan : cnsh on hand ; no delay. J. W. Squire. 1211) ) furnnin st. , Flrat National baiiK building. "i'l MONEY to loan In largo'sums at the lowest rates ; no delay. 11. C. I'littorson , 318 S. ISth. pa MUNKYI monoyl money I to loan on horses , wagons , nuilj.t , houshold Roods , pianos , or gans , diamond' ) , otc. , at lowest rates. The tlrst organized loan olllco In the city. Will make loans for thirty to three hundred nnd sixty-live ( lays , which cun bo p.ild In part or whole , at any time , thus lowering the prin cipal and Interest , Call and see us whou you want money and we' ' can assist yon promptly and to your advantage without removal of property or publicity. Money always on nand and no delay in mak ing loans. C. k Heed & Co , 3I South 13th St. , over Hlnghum & Sons commission liouso. 324 m2 T OANH matlo on real estate imci mortgages JLJboiight. Lewis S. Heed & Co. , 11 U Hoard ot Trade. 51U MONIJY to Loan Wo are ready for applica tions for loans In nmouuta from $ -J X ) to { U- ) OuO on Improved Omaha or Douqlas county real estate. Full Intui-tuatlou as to rnto-i. LO.IUH promptly closed. Gixnl notes will bu purchased by us. Call upon us or write. The SlcCaguo Investment Co. 020 DON'T borrow money on furniture , horses , wauons , etc. , or collaterals until you BOO C. H. Jacob-i , 110 First National bank building. r > 2i PIlIIiADKLPlUA Mortgage & Trust Co. fur nish cheap eastern money to borrowers ; purchase securities , perfect titles , accupt loans nttholr western olllco. GuorgoV. . P. Coatea , room 7 , Hoard of Tra'lo. B24 M 'ONBY to Loan Lowest rates. I/oans closed promptly. II. K. Cole , 1C. 0Continental block. 500 WANTKD First-class Imido lo'ins. I < owest ratci. Call and see us. Mutual Invest ment Co.,11.1. DarKer blk.l3th & Farnam. 523 in K. CQLICToanagont. 600 * B HIILDINfl Wans a spiclalty. W. M. 'Harris , 'Hooui20 ( Fveazer Hlock. opposldo P. O. 501 NKBKASKA'Mortg. ' Loan Co. will make you a I'lJonn on household goods , hoi-ses , wagons , , , land contracts , line Jewelry/or securities of any kind , without publicity , at reasonable rates. Room 7 , Hbwloy Hlock , South Omaha. Hooius518-519'raxton Hlock , Omaha , Neb. . i 50J MON nY loaned for 30 , O'J ' or 90 days on auy kind ot chattel security ; reasoimbla intor- " cst ; business conlldontial. J. J. Wilkinson.1117 Farnam sU1 50J \\t ANTHD-jAppllcatlonsfor loans on untm- ti proved lots- well located. Odell Hros. & G W.PEOK wans money on Omaha r6al estate Ilutldlnglonn * a specialty , 114 , Frenzorb Ik .941ml8 ? DO YOU want moneyIf so , don't borrow before getting my rates , which are the low est on any nurn from * 1U up to $10.00) . 1 make loam on household goods , pianos , or gans , horsed , mules , wagons , warehouse re ceipts , houses , leases , etcin any amountat the lowest possible rates , without publlolty or removAl - movAl of property. Loans can K < mide for one to six months and you can pay a part at any time , reducing both principal aud interest. If you ewe a balance on your furnlturo nr horses , or have a loan on them , 1 will take It up und for you as long as you desire. If you need money you will dud It to your ad- vnutage to see mo before borrowing. IL F. Masters , room 4 , Witlnioli building , 15th and Harnoy. 603 T CAN make a few loans on llrst-class chattel JLHecurltles at reasonable rates. W. K. Potter , room 10 , Darker blk. 507 I'IIH CENT money to loan Cash on hand. W. 31. Harris. H 20 , Fronzer block , opp. P. O. 508 H.K , COLE , loan agont. 500 $ j $ $ To loan on farms and city property. $ Ueo. J. Paul , 1609 Farnam st. Joa MONKV to loan onlmprovod property at flist hands. No application hen t a way for ap proval. Security und titles examined free of charge to borrowers. Lombard Investment Company , 309 S. 13th st. 510 PEOPLE'S Financial Kxehango The fairest , imletest and most liberal money exchange in the city ; money loaned without delay or publicity , in any amount , largo or small , nt tlio lowest rates of Interest , on any available .se curity ; loans may be paid at auy time or renewed at original rates. O. Houscaron , ilgr , , room M'/i. ' Harkor block , 15th and Farnam. 511 SPKCIAL fund of $10,000 to loan at reduced rates on furniture , horses and wagons. City Loan Co. , IIS S 13th st. 512 PFOPLK'S Financial Exchange-Large nnd small loans for long and short time , at low est rutes of Interest , on real ostuto mortgage notes , chattels of all kinds , diamonds , watches nnd Jowelry. Don't fail to call If you want fair uid cheap accommodations. O. Ilouscareu , Mgr. , loom Sfljj. llarker ulk , 16th and Farnam. 611 M ( I ONKV loaned on unimproved inside Omaha real estate. G , W. 4 , Frenzer block. ' 9 0-mlHt B ; UILD1NG loans. Lluahan & Maboney. 5111 o.F. . HAHHISON loans money , lowest rates. . 517 $5' I to loan nt 0 per cent. Llnahan & Ma- honey , Itoom 600 , Paxton block. 510 MONKV to loan on furniture , horses , wagons , etc. , or on nny approved security. J. W. Hobbms. 11.200 , Shoely blk , 15th und Howard. MONKY Loons negotiated nt low rates with out delay , and purchase goods , conunoielal paper aud moctgugb notes. S. A. Sloinan. cor. 13th nud Fari\vu. \ 514 vr jit. vuiuu ioi aa. cit.y ur in. W. L.Selby , , H'd. Trade. EASTEHNtrust , funds to loan * on Improved real estate la Omaha.'large loans preferred , K. B. Dlauee ; Frat National bane buiminu' . . " ' SUM / \M All A Chattel I/oan Co. , room 42 , llarker \J block. 3.1i-iu25 _ 4SJ1.000 TO $ S.On"on ( improved city property ; Vcan be pi d/.tn ; monthly lustallmonta ; dent cancelled in ndoof death ; will loan 50 to 00 per cent of cash Valuation. M. 1C. & T , Trust Co. , Flrat Natloria IbAuK building. 2-ml1 _ FIHST mofthnae loans nt low rates and no delay , D.\VBholea , 210 First National bank. 513 T3UIMHNG LOANS-Wo will buy lot , or pay JL > lncumurance ou your lot an < l build for you ; small cash payment , balance lu easy monthly payments ; in case of death we cancel the entire - tire indebtedness. M. K. &T , Trut Co. , First National bank building. tffii-mli _ B UILDING LOAN8-At7 per c mt net , no nd- dltlonal charges for commissions or nttor- d' fees , W. H. Molkle , Flrit Nut. bank bldg. TTNIMPHOVED nnd improved property ; U loans made promptly : money on haua , F , M. Hlchardsoii , s. w cor l th and Douglas. 890 ONKV to loan. Harris H. K.Sc Loan Co. , M rooin Ol.Firat National bank. 515 BU sNESB CHAN3E8 li OHSALK Mercantile builness in the live- J-1 Ikst city in the btue , low rent , will take tint clii s ilrlviu rig , aomu cash , balance time. Cook & BIpo , South OuiahnNtb ! , KH10 * T71OH SAf.i-Grain : and lumber business. Jtt Addiws A 19 Hoo. 718-11 * Tjl SALK First class rpsinurant and bar , JU long louse. Address A 34 , Heo offlco. . 3 contact ibnatloa. 1 cigar * - store , 1 teed store and other buslneis cHancos. Co-0p rativo Laud and Lot Co. , 205 N , 18th > tv _ 819-B T71O HI1K9 hotel. 710 S Wth st A coed bttslnoss i1 for vale wltli a small capital. Imiulro at the ftbovo hotel. 811 13 * _ _ HOTKI. for sale ; now. good location , doing good business , for xalo nt A bargain , pay ment not necessary. Present proprietor In tends changing buslnosson account of IH health of his wife. Address , Hoe olllco , Lincoln , Nob. 7N ) POH SALK A good , paying photograph gal lery. very cheap , as p irty Intends to leave town. Will touch n buyer the business. Ad- drest A 22. lleei pQIco. _ iill _ _ E XPEHIKNCKD hotel man wanted with M.OW cash , for ono of thn best located hotels in Jmaha. Adross Hex 6'g , city. 7J.V7 * _ BIJ9INKSS mnn wants to Invest * I.OOO with i-orYlcert In good business in Om nhn. Address - dross , AiM , llee olllro. _ 7W-7 _ IF promptly taken , f i,0i will secure cnsh busi ness ( monopoly ) , absolutely doubling capital llvo times llrst year. Those rondy to talk busi ness. Address A 24 , this olllct' . 701-7 * "ijUHFsXOfor tfndo OntToT the l)0.t located JL rc-vtnurants In the city : outllt now aud com plete , ? IOK ) . J. It. IlVAiis , Harbar Ulk. ; rx ) \\rANTRD-A pirtnor either nctlvo or sllont , In n well established seed btulnoss. with n largo stock of all kinds ot Held sord ; capital re quired WO to * ! 0tWO ; u splendid opportunity For the right ni'iu Address Jas. w. Houk , Uroenwood , Nobr. , llox II. Oil > WANTED sell H Interest in \\oll estab lished bn lnesi ; purchaser to take an ac tive part at salary. A tlrst class opportunity for the right man. Address A t' , lloo. i-bMU" WANTKD Partner to establish geol paying business ; will clear JIM ) pur mouth ; capi tal requlrud , $500. Addro a A , M Heo. _ _ JJ . 7457t WOHTIIV of your attention. Now being completed on "Hh at. , nortli of Lcavou- worth st. two hotisos convonlut to business , very roomy , grate , mantel , ' furnace , gas. bath , toilet. 2 water closets , stationary wash tubs , hot. and cold water , llvo bedrooms. 10 closets ; only & 1.WM on terms to suit. Telephone 227 or W. T. Seaman. Omaha's largest variety of wag ons , carriages , etc. , east shin Ultli st , noith of Nicholas st. Ml ADHUGGISTwlth cosh looking for n good location , will do well to address K. E. Capps. Culbertsoii , Nob. , or Hurst & Co. , Hust ings. Nob. 247m Sit C > 3,000 to IVOOj wanted to put Into n good busi- P ness : tlrst class security and good r.xto ot Interest pal J for short or long time. Or will take partner. For particular * nddrosi U 43 , lleoolllco. 142 QJALOON for sals in ono of the best business Occntcra in Omaha.choat ) . lloason for .selling , I must leave the city. Address V is Hoo. 4D.V g7t FOR EXCHANGE. WANTKD To exchange for good Omaha property ; improved farms in eastern Ne braska and western Iowa ; nlso farm lmplo meats nud horses. Hxcclslor Laud in Heal Ks- tnto Co. , 310 S. 15th st. , Omaha. b2J 7 NICE residence lot cor. 23rd and Cnss to exchange for wnro house property w orth Z OOO to $10,000. O. F. Hnrrlson , Merchants Nat. bank. 788-H A FEW second mortgages for horses or mer chandise. II. E. Cole , headquarters for bar gains and easy terms. Iloom 0 , Continental blk. T71OH HXCHANGK A good business la f Omaha stsck nnd llxturo.s about J4.0JO for H to Ji will take good city property : balance cash. Address , A 18. lloa ollico. 085 10 T WILL Undo n good 1M acre farm , located JLsouth of the Hepubllc&u river , mortga god to Atchlaon Loan Co. for 4770 , for a large family horse aud carriage , must bo n llrst class rlir. C. A. Btarr. 1W5 Farnam st. 873 8 WANTKD To tin-do for house and lot in good location ; will assume/ light inctim- brnnce. Address A 2 lleo olllce. 022 FOH EXCHANGE-Klghty ncres of the iluest timber land in Wisconsin , clear of encum brance. What hnvo you tootlor ? G. J Sterns- dorir , rooms 317 and 318 , First National bank. TT1OH KXCHANGK Dakota. Hand county JU What have you to olfer for n good 1'nrm here , .slightly encumbered ? Dakota lauds are rising in value , nnd its destiny cannot bo ( lift bank building. 520 T71OH EXCHANGK For desirable residence JL ! property in Omaha , any or all of following ; 40 choice inside residence lots m Hastings. 100 lots In Lincoln. ( ! 40 acres line farming land , Lancaster county. Fine resluonco property , Lincoln. Good rental property. Lincoln. Choice family residence , corner , Los Angelc ? . A neat residence property in Hanscom place. Also , some good mortgage notes. Address , giving location nnd price of prop erty , j. K. U. , ciiru llnum Iron Co. , 1217 Leaven- worth. Ml FOR SALE REAL ESTATE YEIIY FINK 8-room residence in Hnnscon Place not far from nark. All modern Im provements Including gas , bath , hot and cold water , splendid furnace , &c. Price i5,000. C. F. Harrison , Merchants Nat , bank , 787 SPKCIAL olfcr on corner near the Milton Honors' property. West Farnam St. , till Juno 1st. C. r. Harrison , Merchant Nat. bank. I WILL furnish ranchmen from 1,000 to C.OCO stock sheep. Address , Hobt. Hobliibon , Cleopatra. Mo. 807-7 * 10 UUVS n lot in Hothwell. II. E. Colo. > 769 't FOH SALK On easy paymsnts , 5 , 7 and H roomed houses , Muall cash payment dowu , and balance monthly payments. J. II. John- sou , 518and519 Pnxton block. 289 ( PIO BU VS a lot in Uothwell. II. E. Cole. tP 7597 AT A sncrillce 126x150 ft. east and north front , corner 39th nnd Howard sts. , ono block west of ( 'UU'H nnd Klrkondnll'H line resi dences , two blocks from paved street ; two blocks south of Furuam .st. ; just think of it , ] 2HxluO It. and a corner nt that , and only JJ.fiOO , C. K. Heiter. room 5 , s. w. cor. 15th and Douglas 6.U FOH SALK -'Ine most pleasant aud best loca ted llttlo homo in town , suitable for a man with nsmall family who wants Homethlng very choice aud not too expansive. Has never ba n put on the market before and will undoubtedly bo sold soon. It will pay you to Investigate this promptly. C. I1. Harrison , Merchants Nat , HX 807 T AND Ihnveld,000 acres of choice farming JLJlauds In eastern aud mtddlo Nebraskawhich I will sell at from $ i to $12 per acre. Will make special price for the whole 10,000 acres if taken in u lump. Ceo. H. Peterson , 1412 8 13th st , . 64S mil ' FOH SALU Or exchange for Omaha proper ty , M acres , suitable for platting ; will make 400 lots.all clear ; big money in It for some one who can push this : located just ontililo the city limits oj Council Illuira. Inquire George J. Stenisdorir , rooms317 uud 31H , First National bank building , 52U NO cash payment requlroil. Will sell you a , lull lot In SauudeiM .V Htmebaugn'a add forTOJO nnd take mortgage for full amount duo in 5 years on condition thut you build a houaa to cost not loss than WH. C , U , Hultar , rooms , 8W _ coruHrJotli nud DnugUs. 4TJ djlO HUYS n lot In Uothwull. H. 1 ! . Cole. U > - 759 7 "VTi\V ; 2-seated flnocnrrlago-m- ouggy for J-s mortgage city or county warrants , or any good unsecured notes.W.L.BOlbyH U H'd Trade FOH SALE 31 ncres , corner Thirteenth and North streets. Demrable for platting. 0 , Good. Good block. Peg Moiling , la. 241 mil SPKCIAL bargain-Lot 3. block 10. Or chard Hill , one-third ranh , balance to .suit ; south front and goo 1 elevation. A 3. ' 'Hoe olllco. 023-11 a lot in Hothwell. H , K. Cole. $10IIUVS 7597 TCTOH SALK Nine room nouse , barn and lot JL' in Hanscom place ; ulso--IOUBBJ ( and lots in Sunny Side. Harris , room 411 , 1st Nut'l bank. $ . | ) feet building front In lot 3. block ! ? . , South Omaha ; lot 150 feet deep ; none foraalo in the block less than 912j per root. Don't lot this bargain slip. L- street viaduct will soon be completed , D. D. Smeaton , Darker blIt.Omaha , _ _ J | < i57 12 BOTHWKLL. the future metropolis of Wy- omlng , 4 railroads , coal , in the neuter of the Wyoming oil belt. J lots at $10 each. They won't last long , H K. Cole , headquarter * for gainu aud easy terms , it. n , Gontlnoutai.7DS7 7DS7 HK. COLK Will Trade-Choice , finely im- proved forma in wen tern Nebraska , light ly lucumberrd , to trade for Omaha property , improved or unimproved. Clear lot , 20th uud Vlntou , for house in nest- crn part of the city prefeired , U-room house and full lot , clear , for vacant Inside residence lot. H. K. Cole , headquarters for bargains ana easy terms. Hoom I ) , Continental block. 7SJ-I4 tplO 11UVB n lot In Ilotliwell. II , E , Co7s" tp 7597 _ _ TOOABH payment , fcll par mouth , Including > Interest , will buy nice i'-room ' , I'/l-stofy ' house , conveutaiit tonhie anil horse cum. H. I' , ( tolf , headquaiters for liKrualus ana easy terms. Hoom o. Continental block. FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. FOH 8ALK-r > in,7l ( acres , sec , 5 , tp , 12. r. Ow. . Hamilton county. Nob. Houin. stabln , TOO acres fenced , livingwater. 1'rlce tMM. V. K. Atkins , owner , UallroaU bldg , Dauver. Ool , 6J TilOtl SAI.R Fine house of 9 rooms , turnncej JL : bath , hot and cold water , gns. sewer , payed atreot , motor line one block. cnbU two blocks , liorse rar.s by door , barn for 3 horses , etc. , otc , Huilt by owner tor homo and now occupied by him , ttVO-x ) ; ILlSOcasli , & ! ,500 in real estate , bal ance nt 0 nnd fl per cont. Fine largo lot onS. 15th st , 01x157 , good 5-room house , fruit trees , etc , ; north ot Martha st , , V'or'snlo , thonnoat corner , cast front , on P. 10th st. , 132x144. For choice property worth the money see M , A. Upton Company. 10th& Farnam , 817 WK liav bargains In land nnd Improved farms lu nil parts of tlio country that can not bo excelled. Wo sell nnd exchange for Omaha nud Council Itluirs property. Wo want to buy about M lots lu Omhn , Inside the licit line , lu one or two tracts. Ktcolslor Land nnd Heal Estate Co. . 310 8. St. . Omanix. R.M BAST front lot on Georgia ave. overlook ing Omnhn and Council Hluirs. M.800 for n few days , 0. P. Hnrrlson , Merchants Nnt. uank. 7M-H TPOH SALU Cnolcn llvo acre tract in West JL7 Omaha , close to the Holt Llnw H'y. only twenty-live minutes' rule from thn postolllco , for saio for a short time , nt HWl ; munll rash payment , long time. Gee N. lUcks.Diirkor blk. t < 07 TTK'H ' HALK-Tho lluoat resldouco silo in West JL' Omnhn ; Just south of Fnrnamou3 < ' > tli street ; n corner littxISI with 187 fn-t troutngo ou pavedHtiooi and Joining the handsome resi lience ot Klrkemlnll on the east , nud Hrudy , Knssounnd Mattln ou thn south ; peifoct gem nud naulon aiiot for an elegant home. Harney and 21st streets , lllxl' ) ; . on pavement within three blocks of the court house : loom for sovou line houses that would rout as rapid ly as completed , A splendid permanent Invest ment , Faruam mid M streets , 50xl.K , with now tluoi'-ftoiy brick store bulhlliig , rentoi' to uood pormaucnt tenants. lletit.U receipts tl,200 per Sixteenth street near Nicholas , frontage 01 feet to alley ; good business property. Farnam * trcot , botw euu 3Sth and : rjth. frontage - ago 4 < orn.'ixl.t ; to alley , south fiont , i block from pavement nud stroat cars. Park nvoiiue , opK ) lto Hnuscom park , 50x150 , price J..O-X ) ; easy terms. Paddock place , trackage. 60x112. J2.000 ; easy terms , ICth street south of Viiiton nt , lot for snlo or trade formdau , or good farm land. S. A. Momnii , UJ1 Farimni at. 527. BAHGAIN Largn house uow'.y built , nil modern Improvements , with good b.xru , etc. Ciiu give Immediate possession. Hicks , room 40 llarker block , NX ! 7 F OH HALR-Academy ot 5htsic building and two business lots. Grand Island.'cv px-oumMlxU.1 feet , building brick , two storms high and stone basomcuts , all In good repair ; terms easy ; price ? 18XJ. ( ) Kmnilre of Thompson Hros. . Grand Island , Nebraska. 701ml2 * ffilU 11UVS a lot lu Uothwoll. IL E. Cole. tP 759 7 Ij OH SALK 7-room house , city water , gas , JJ bain , shndo trees , etc. , lot U0xl20 leet on Cnpltol ave near the High school. Must be sold nt once. It is worth JIO.OOO ; cnn bo sold , if taken nt once , for 87,500 , 8.1.500 cash , balance 1 and 2 years. The ground alone Is worth the money. U. U Green. 310 S IMhst , 008 FOH SALK Ono of the best places in r around the city to start a small coal and lumber yard and geuerul grocery business. Situated at the Junction of the licit Linn H'y nnd two main streets loading out of the city lu West Omaha , ( WO feet trackage and over (00 ( feet frontage on main thoroughfare used by nil tlio fanners living south and west of the city. This is a splendid chance for n man with n moderate amount of moiioy , Geo. N. Hicks , room 40 HorKer block , BSSSBO-J 7 0HOICK piece of residence property cor. 23rd and Cass for warehouse or trackage property , .vorth eight to ten thousand dollars. 0 , P. Harrison risen , Merchants' Nat. batik. 230 FOH PALE Four-room house , new largo lot , east front , collar , wall , dummy train twice dally ; will tnko nud buggy lu trade. Ad dress , H. L. Parsons , Pupilllon , Neb. 051-9 BAHGAIN Klegant residence with barn bath , furnace , hot nud cold water , clstein , gns , etc. , nil complete ; Just ready lor occu- paiiy. Call and see It. Hicks , r. lu , Barker blk 8027 BEMIS PAHK. Ueautlful residence Sites. Finest in the city. We are now ready to show nnd oltor for sale tno choicest residence sites In the city of Omnhn. located lu "Ilemls Park. " comprising the sixty acres bounded by 32d St. , on the east , 38th or Pleasant st. on the west. Hamilton st. on the north , and Cumlng Ht. ou the south. This park has been planned , and is being laid out by Mr. Alfred H. Egerton ( one of the best landscape artists ot New York ) , into K , ' { , , and aero lots , and several acres nre laid out into small pnrka. ornamental grounds , nud lakes fed by naturul springs. The plans include n per- tect system of grading , paving , seweragewater electric lighting , etc. , nud nu expenditure of nt least J 100.KX ) for .such improvements Tills choice property is located within the 3 ! $ milt's radius ( a llttlo north by west ) from the pootolllrn It lies east of the reservoir and ot the elegant residences of Dr. Merc r nnd K. W , Nnbli , and u llttlo north oteastot proposed res idence of Guy C. llarton and of Hlshop O'Con nor's residence nnd Academy of Barred Heart. Heasonable prices and terms will bo given to those who will build residences costing J3noo nnd upwards. For further particulars npplv at olllco of The Hemls Park Co. , rooms 11 and 10 Continental block , 15th and DouqUs sts. A DIG bargain for cnsh , cholco ten acre tract close to licit Line lly. . West Omaha , splendidly located , will make 50 lots that can bo sold within three yours for from S100 to S'M each ; tlroro is from $10,0)0 ) to ttS.O' ' ) ) proilt In this. Can oiler for n few day a at i4,50 > . Illcks , room 40 , Darker block. 802 7 SOUTH OMAHA 1 have a number of good . lots in vnilous additions that must ba sold at once and cun bo bought at prices that will sultjou. G. J. Sterusdorlf , rooms 1317 and 318 First National bank building. S2 < J rpHE cosiest home In Omaha , 8 rooms , inrga JL closets , city water , gas una sewer , both cnbloand horau cars. I'rico ? > , ( iJ. Terms f.W3 to ? TOO cash , balance very easy , H. 15. Cole , headquarters for bargains and easy terms , Hoom 0 , Continental Hlock. ! HU TJ10R BALK 440 ncres ot cholca farm land JL' unimproved in ceuti al Nebraska. A bargain if sold noon , Hlcku , Hoom 40 , H.irkur block. 8027 BAHOAIN Cholco biicliiosslofc nn M street , nearliith , South Omaha , for n few days ut Hicks , room 40 , Hnrkor block. at : 7 FOH SALK or exchange-linprovi-d stock furmof bODuciesiuen.siern Nebraska , near market ; nlso now 12-room Imuso with nil con veniences lu deslrnblerpfldonoaportionn ( Oma ha. Andrew Iluvlus , attorney. 422 and 4 I Pax tou block , Omnlia , Neb. 5tlO DO you Want a Home ? Call nnd see the bar gains wo otfor In choice residence ptoporty * Hicks , Iloom 40 , linrkor blocK. SOB 7 TT'OH SALK South mid east corner 9'lxl51 > , in JU the neighborhood of the Milton Hogcrs uroporty. West Farnam street , vury sightly Tills ia cholco property In n rholco neighbor hood and will buaold cheap. It will pay you to Investigate the locality nud this particular piece ot ground , C. F. Harrison , Merchants' National bunk. 805 I7IOH SALK Splendid ten acre tract m-ar JL1 Junction of F H. & M. V , H. IL. mid the Helt Line H , It. , In West Omaha ; lias house , barn , elegant giovo and In a line state of culti vation ; will uinko splendid home or Hue Irnlt or vegetable garden. 'J he property can be nlatted Inside of three years Into fifty choirs lots that will sell for ( I'll to 15110 earn , and 10- nlizo from f2 > .UK ) toWi.UX ) for the entire tra < t : can oirer for n few days nt figures that mnke It abargnln. Call and see H. Geo. N , Hicks. Hoom 10 , HarKur block. t 8027 SKK THIS-Full lot in HllUlde. No. 1. Won to &VU IBM thnu adjolng property , for 10 dayu ; address X' , HUM. GS-to ! ; IIL'VH a lot In Hothwell. H. B. Cole. $10 7W7 FOII SALts On easy terms , 5,7 nmt Hi oomod house * , with Hinall cish payment down nun balance monthly. J. H. Johnson , GU nnd 519 > 10 I1IJV8 a lot in Ilothwoll. H. i ; . Uou. ! 769' Notive. Notice la hereby given Hut John Plinpion nnd S. W. Voting , under the tlrm iiamn of fiimpjoni VOUHB. have thladny nled nllh Iho City Clerk of Florence , Nub , , an application far license , to sell Mult , Kpliiliioua nud VImms Hnuorii In llio First Ward , of tlie city of I'lorijnco , from May 1st. IHH'.i. tu May l t , brO ; nwl ii-.ilow a lomonstruncn , objection or proton 1 * tiled , in re quired by law , said llceugo will bf laitioil. after two WCPICS from the llrst publlcitton nf this notice. Given at riaroutc , Nnb. , tills 27th ilnv of April , ISbJ. JOHN iluiMO.v , S. W , VOU.NO. Appllonnts , 11.11. Ca ui-tKV. City Clerk. _ a33-7 l\nlioe. Notice la hereby given that Kdw , Iclurd \ has Bled iinnppllcMtlun with the city clerk of tlor * ence. Nub. , for Ik-emu to null limit , splrltuoiis aud vinous llquoi s In HIP I'lritt wurJ , of Iho rlty , of Florence from from Mayl. H 9lo Mar I. ! ' * . aud unless soiiiertiiiiiinttranvo , obi i-.tlun or pio- lust U HUM as rUruu ' | | by Uw M ! 11 Kut > Alllil'UiUilAIII > , Appl'-utt. ' H. II. UiuiTci ! > , ity C'l-rle. ' THE REALTY TfNSTHUSrKNTS placed oa record JL yesterday. n A tiiMon to 0 Olcott , aj loti In Wise A Pftrmolpo'.sndd , w d . < . , , l 1 Miles .V Thompson to Mrs L UollaniV lots - . * Si and 20 , blk 1 , Cot nor A Archer's add to South Omaha , w d . . . . . , . , . , . , . , ' /POO II nud I , S Heed to J KaUor , lot 4 , bile 1. Van Camp's add. w d . . . . , . . . , , . . . . , . . 000 i Alnsiow to Fachof , n < i lot a ) , blk 3 , Tlpton Place , w d 8)0 1 Andres nnd wile to K U Grube. lot U ; blk I. Gate City Park , wd. . . . . . . . BOO KSattorthwnltto DTuruoro Ji of HWBO , . , , nndMilot ; , blK 0 , in no ao 1MG-10. nod . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . I A 1) Obersteln to F Lltlumor. lots , blk 8. Orchard 1HII. w d , , " 1,9)0 ) W J Wngoner nnd wlfo to J A McConvny , lots 1 , 2 iiiul 3. blk 2 , Van lluerou s Heights , w d , , K 1,000 W llousonnnd wlfo to J McOlvorn , pts lots I nud 2 , blkS , Patrick's aild , , . , B.50Q Nice transfers , aggregating (10,40) nulldlutf I'crmiH. The following porailtsvoro ls > uad by UuildtiiK Inspoclor U'lntlook yostonlny t F. L. Johnson , t\\o- > tory frame dwolllUR , Fifteenth nud Center streets , . , . ! H. Stauborry , two-story frame residence , Howard , uonr Twenty-second street. . , f.GOQ A. Thomson , addition to dwelling , OU South Klghtfcnth street . . , , . 60J Gustavo Huiket , ono-storv fr.unn dwel ling , T enty-thlril ami Mt. Pleasant A No. 4. . . . U:5J : A , m.lA No , r , r > if4n.m. : A No. 1 . ' : p , m.'A ' No. 9s | , m. 'Kxcopt Haturdav. JKKcetit Monday. CHICAGO .V NOHTHWKtiTKHN. > .ft * . . . . .9V : ) Q. m.fNo. 7. . . , , , , , it45 ) ; A , m , No.8 4:15p. : m.lNo. 3 0IVJttm. ; Np.4. . . , . .iIOp. ! : m.jNo.4 , 0:14 : p , m. IIUAUO. MILWAl/KKK.VST , PAUL. m.m. A No. 2. . 9:40-i : , m. A No. I. . , ,0:59a.i : . A No , 4 * . . .7Hp. : ( M. A No.a. . , , .Ti3i. : | m. I JCANH. * S crrv , Vr. JosL-i'ii A ; COUNO A. No , ! . . , V-.y > a , Mi.'A ' No. 3 . .6IOn. ; m , A No. 4. . . . . If-M | -n.A No. I. . . 0:24 p.m. sioux errv & P. . ' No , 10. . . 7:0 : a. in. A No. ! ) . . . . . , . .K'/rift , in , No , 13. . .7:9) : ) it. in. A No. 11. . , . , . .9t/Jp. : su. OMAIIA & ST. LOUIS , A No.8 , , , iT. ; p , m. A No.t l00 ; m. A dally : H dally except Saturday ; Uexcopt Sunday : Doxcipt Monday : fant m ll. Tin ijo ) etveii adore ( s for Transfer , there beiugfrom tlv to leu mlnutta betwoBU 1'raus. er aud locul depots. U1