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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1889)
THE OMAHA DAILY J3EE ; WEDNESDAY MAY 8.1 1889. CHASE COD8TY .CONTEMPT. two of Her Otnclala Oroea Swords With Judge Dundy. LIQUOR WITHOUT LICENSE. CTivo Saloonkeepers lit Somewhat era a TnnRlo An Incoiullnry Nearly Succeeds Capita ) City Novra and Note * . LIKCOI.K UtntBxn or THE OMAHA. 1029 V STURM- , LINCOLN. May The attorney-general received word thta morning Hint the treasurer and sheriff of Chase county were in n muddle , bavin * ; crossed swords with the Judge of the United State's district court. It scorns that the "Kit , Carter Cattle Company v E. Artcrburn. treasurer , and George W. IloRors , Bhorlrf of Chase county , Is the tltlo of a case In the circuit court , pending trial , and , Unit nil injunction - junction was served upon Colonel K. D. Webster , receiver of the Harlnn Cattle com pany , restraining any disposition of ton liciul of horses ho had In his possession upon which the plaintiff , In the cause as stated , had n proprietary lean. Notwithstanding this , however , the sheriff of the county seized upon the horses In controversy by an order of the treasurer aid advertised their ualo to liquidate n claim for taxes which the county nnd state hud upon the original own ers of the harass. This , let it bo remem bered , was dona In the face of an Injunction Kranted by Judge Dundy. Now comes thu return play. Service has been nmdo upon Artcrburn and Rogers to appear before the court nnd show causa why duo rrspoat was not shown the order. Mav 1 ! ) Is itxcd upon ns the day of hearing , and it looks a little as though the Chase olllcials hud n big case of contempt on hand. To malco ttio matter more plain , it is well to state the llarlan Cattle company were the owners nf the horses , and that tlioy wcro hold by the Kit Carter Cattle company , on a mortgage , to cover legitimate debt claims , lieforo fore closure was sought , however , the horses were seized by the Chase authorities , but the order of sale had not been made. To pre vent this , the injunction was served. With out considering it , however , the horses wcro posted at sheriff's sala to cover thu claim of the county ana tate for tuxes. The attor ney-general will take n hand In the light now , and ho hopes to bo ublo to clear them on the charge of coutemut. Ijlnjtior Ijaw Violator ) * . The case of the state vs Moses Smith and \V. Kief , was on trial in the district court , to-day , for selling liquors without license. The allegation Is that they warp running a Biiloon on Tenth street , a little north of P. It scenis that a license had been granted to one Mahoney , and thu defendants claim that they were merely there as his ugcute , Smith bomg In charge and Kief thu bar tendor. The suite says that this was a transfer of the business , which could not bo permitted under the law regulating the sale of liquor In the state. It Is luained that the trial of this cause can not bo concluded , to day. Judge Field and n Jury are trying the cause. The second court was nlso grinding to-day. Judge Chapman presides. The cusu in hand is Cooper's mandamus on the city council to compel the council to canvas the votes for his short term as councilman on the gnu- oral election day. It Is stated that the court will undoubtedly deny the writ. The case In quo wurrunto also ponds. This Is simply for the ouster of Hamilton ns councilman of the Fourth ward and the re instatement of Cooper. These cases excite the interest of the Fourth w.ird and the en tire city council. The outcome is watched with as much interest as though a lifo hung iu the balance. Attempted InoliullnrlBin. An attempt was inado last night when the wind was highest , to burn the residence of W.J3. O.CaIdwoU , who lives near the corner - nor of M and Fourteenth streets. The attempt - tempt was discovered by singular fortune. J. O. Bennett , the artist , who lives in tha lioiiBO adjoining the Caldwcll property , started to the theater and had forgotten his tickets. Ho returned to get thorn , and saw the ( lames leaping to the ceiling in the par lor of the C.ildwoll residence. It was the work of a moment to shout the alarm , and ho dashed Into the house nnd commenced to 6Ubduo the damns , but as ho reached the room ho was again startled by seeing a man run from the basement into the street nnd disappear in the darkness. Help poured into the house a moment latur and the flames wcro quenched , both In the parlor and basmncnt , where 11 res had cer tainly been kindled. It was a fortunate dis covery. Otherwise , high winds considered , that part of the city must have boon in ruins to-day ; no clue whatever to the incendiary. Now Creamery Company. A country creamery has been established lit the western part of Cherry county , near Cherry Valley , the articles of Incorporation of which were lllod to-day. The association is designated as the Cherry County Cronmory company , and $ J,000 capital stock is author izod. Incorporators : Sidney Mills , A. C. Goff , F. W. Hawkcs , P. C. Mills , Oliver Meyer , John Jl.innlng , E. S. Smith , S. H. Clark , S. S. Davis , N. C. Higgs , Ocorgo C. liliickwcll nml Sylvester Uaccaby. Supreme Court ItccnrdH. The following cases worp flled for trial In the suprcm/ ) court this morning : Martha AllondorJI vs David Ogden ot nl ; appeal from Johnson county. Prontias I ) . Cheney , executor of the estate of William O. D.ivls , Uccpnsod , vs Juuios A. Campbell ot nl ; appeal from Johnson county. Abijah Uichardson vs James A. Campbell ; nproul from Johnson county. Abllah ICIchardson vs Maria Stone et nl ; appeal from Johnson county. Advice to .11 other * . Mrs. Wlnslow'a Soothing Syrup should al ways be used for children teething. It soothes the child , softens the gums , allayw all pain , euros wind colic , and is the boat remedy ( or * dUrrhosa. 25ccn ts a bottlo. KxtoiiHlon of TrnokH. * The board of public works yesterday granted to the Omaha street railway company - permission to extend Its tracks on Twenty- olijhth street , from Cassius west to'Thlrtlcth and north on Thirtieth to Pratt , and also from Twenty-eighth to Thirtieth and north on TliiriluUi to Boulevard nvenuo. To the Motor company permission was Klvon to lay a double traok on Lcnvonworth from Fifteenth to Sixteenth streets nnd to lay n 200-foot side track on Mercer street bo- twecn Thirty-sixth nnd Lowe avenues. No need to tuko these big cnthnrtlo pill ; oiio of J3r. .1. JI. McLean's Liver & Kidney Pillota is quite Bullicient ttiul inoro ugrooiiblo. Keini > Discharged. Before Justice Dunn John Ifompvasnr - ralgnod on the charge of larceny of a har ness , the property of A. Uooth & Co. Hey- ndlds , who had the properly in his posses ' slon , testified that ho bought it for $10 from a uian named Dompsy , On thu strength of tbo testimony , Kemp wan discharged. The property was rcaurnoJ to Booth < k Co. lliy- uolds will not bo prosecuted. Pox.oni's Complexion Powder producer n noft and beautiful bUin ; it combines cvary clement of boimtyund purity. Jiihtlco Uunn'H Denial. , Ju.itlco Dunn says tha report In tbo H - publican connecting him with tho'iusu'ifl ' on James Kcuuo , Saturday night , 'is falhe. Tbtiru was no inoro foundation for thn'words ascribed to hiui , ho sa s , thun for the story tnat the young man was murdmod. Dunn , , was not with Kcano when thu lattar wns us- aultod , and Know nothing of it until a Re publican reporter called at his room at S o'clock Sunday morning. Use Angostura Minors to utlinu'.ixto ' the nppotuo and Iceup the dinstivo | organs in order. Dr. J G. H , Slo ort fc Sons , ole inunufaoturOi' , At all drii- | , TUB msxmcT ? counr. Afildnrlts In the Cnfto of the Motor va llorso Itnllwny Gompnnr. A jictltlon for absolute divorce Jms bcon filed In the district court by Mary Lyons , from her husband Jnmos , to whom-sho was married February 4. 1SSO , at Hrazll , Ind. She was then the widow of John Harrlgan nnd the mother of flvo children , whom Lyons refuses to support. She charges him with cruelty on nn average of twlco a month nnd says ho has quartered himself upon her for support and clothing. Ocorgn A. Honclnnd has brought suit npalnst Peter J. lloyor for $80.00 with in terest , an amount claimed as still remaining duo on nbill for lumber purchased in 1887. John L. Paulson vs. John J. Mucked on Is the tltlo of n now case , in which plaintiff nskn the court to reinstate him ns owner of certain lots in Uaydcn'a addition. TuoUuarontco Company of North America asks against Margaret II. lilackmoro and husband for the forcclosuro of n mortgage given as security of a note for $1,443 in Jan uary , 1SS3. John C. Barnard brought suit against Ada B. nnd John F. Toft nnd others for $ 1.000 , alleged to bo duo on n promissory note. The payment of the pat > cr Is securco ; bv n mortgage - gage on lots In Patrick's second addition. The plaintiff asks for n Judgment for $1,010 and It not paid within n reasonable length of tune , wants the mortgage foreclosed. In the case ot the Omaha Street Uailway company ogalnst ttio Omaha Motor company and the board of public works , In which there Is n contest as to the right of way on South Sixteenth street , mid for the posses sion of Loavcnworth street , Dr. S. D. Mer cer , president o ( the motor , und St. A. D. Bulcombe , chairman of the board of public works , tiled nflld.wits yesterday. The former , In ono of tba clauses to his allldavlt , Rtatos that If the horse car company claimed the right under its charter , to use the Six teenth stroct viaduct , It has never asserted such privilege nnd never applied for an ordi nance granting such right. In regard to the route of the motor along Lcavonworth to Twenty-fourth , thence south to n connnction with its tracks In the latter street the nninnt states that thcro is about ono mtlo of un graded street on Twenty-fourth south of Leavcnworth , which is wholly Impracticable for railway use at present : that thn motor has bcon anxious for the city to grade the stroct and has offered to build a temporary viaduct across tha railway tracks on Twenty-fourth if the city would make the grade , but the city was not at present in clined to do BO. When the grade shall Imvo been made BO as to render practicable the construction of the motor company's track along the street to a connection with its rail way already built , the motor will have a cir cuit of railway through a populous territory. The afliant further states that the Missouri Pncillo and the Omaha & Southwestern Kail- way companies , which contributed to the construction of the Eleventh and Sixteenth street viaducts , havo. in writing , assorted to and approved the ordinances passed by the council , giving the motor the right to use the viaducts. The nflldavit of the chairman of the board of nubile works relates to the issu ance of permits for both street railway com panies. Suit by attachment and garnishment was instituted yesterday In the district court by D , S. Erb & Co. against Edward Kahu , to recover the sum of $3,340 , , alleged to bo duo on u bill of merchandise. ICahn Is the proprietor priotor of the Gotham cigar store on Fif- tcentn street , uud was closed Monday night by creditors. _ County Court. Judge Shields put in n largo portion of his time calling the docket , which , for the present month is quito voluminous. Over sixty cases were sol for The following Judgments wore entered up csterdav In the county court : United States National bank vs William M. Dodge t ul , for $215 ; Walnut Hill Savings and In- ostment company vs JIarry Wells , for S4SO ; Walnut Hill Savings nnd Investment com pany vs Kuto J. Wells , for $200 ; Walnut " 3 111 Savings nnd Investment company vs ; iiarlos Hollwig. for § 240 ; Balthus Jotter ot il vs John Kilkor , for S3'J4 ; William Prrs- x > n & Co. vs Frank Kuboric , for $008 ; Weil s Drukcr , for $ -113.27. European To the capitals of ffvo European conn- tries , $200. Longer tours , $3oO und 5450. All expenses included. Send for itin eraries. M. J. Wood & Co. , 1223 Fnr- : iam St. , Omaha. Nob. AMUSHMUVTS. The woatltor waa rather uncomfortable for heatricnl entertaltur.onts , lost night , but not : oo warm'to prevent a largo uudieuco attend ng , appreciating nnd enjoying Nat Good win's performance at Uoyd's ' opera houso. put on these very laughable comedy f.ircos , "Lend Mo Five Shillings" nnd Turned Up. " In the first , which is a short one-act piece , Mr. Goodwin is seen as ho ap pears off the stage , a very handsome blonde gentleman , butthodtoss ho assumes in his jharactor of Caraway Bones completely lides his identity. Mr. Goodwin Is a great actor , nnd after this season will discard the old skits for something more elevated , rctlncd and meritorious in the line of clean , pure com edy. Ho already ono now plav , " 1'ho Gold Mine , " which had a run of eight weeks in Now York , and was pronounced an un qualified success , and yesterday sent his checic to New York ns payment for "Tho Bookmaker , " a comedy that has been onu of the recent big successes in London. 'Tho Gold Mino" was wiltton by Bradnor Matth ews. Ho cxpocts to make it his pi Incipal at traction next season. Mr. Goodwin nnd his company , which is n strong one , nro on route to Snu Francisco , where thuy are billed to nlav "Turned Up" throu weeks Hobcrt Illlliard is thu young man who ri valed Barry Wall ns the prince of Hew York dimes. 4- The second students' concert of tha Omaha College of Music wns given before a largo nudicncu at Washington hull uist night , under Iho direction of the principal , Miss Lizzie Isaacs. It was pai tlcipatcd in by two soloists , a chorus of forty female voices , nnd an amateur orchestra of twunty-four pieces. The cantata of "Cindoicllu" was admirably givoc. Miss Itlu Isaacs , as ro ruler , added much to the enjoyment , of thu nvcning. Dr. Goorpo L. Miller made a short ad dress. in which ho complimented Miss Isaacs vrry highly for the progress she had made. The programme was replete w'th ' Interest and seemed to plc.iso the nudicnco greatly. Out To-Day. Frouda'H great Irish novel , "Tho Two 'jfn of " in " Dunboy , complete "Once a Wcclc , " 18 paguq , ton cents. The lar gest pupor in the world. At till news' Mr. Anderson'H ImpotuoHity. Lust Sutuiduy , County Commissioner An dcrson began to malto war upon County Cloik Hoche , practically charging him with selling records belonging to tha county. An Invcstl. gallon was ordered , nnd Anderson begun making efforts to .secure thu records in ques tion. Just bufnro noon , yesterday , Im met Sii'ion Calm nt , the unlranuii of the Fiist Na tional bank , n fieri ; for Morns Blouian , with ono of tha books under his arm , Andnrxou attempted to tuko the book away from Calm , nnd a lively sorimuiago ensued , which was participated In by Calm , Anderson and hU won , Fred , and Morris Klunian. Blows worn freely exchanged , thu affair ending in the ur > rust of the Andersons and Calm , The trio wnre taken to thu station und placed undoi bonds to appear bufciru thu police Judge , Fri day morning. * Auony la Courted By person * who , attacked by a inlld form of rheumatism , neglect to scol [ prompt relief. .Subsequent torluro U prevented by nn ini- ir.vliuto resort to Hoitettcr'rt Stomach Hit- tors. Slight exposure , un occasional draught , will begot this painful maladv , where there 1 : n preaUpOHlnn to it in the blood. It U not dllllmilt to arrest the trouble nt the outset but well mgli impossible to eradicate it whor matured. No evidence ii relation to this suporh blood dcpurenl Is moro positive than that which establishes its omVac.v ai u pre ventive nnd remedy for rheumatism. Not nly Is It thorough , but safe , \vhlcji the voijii Ublu nnd mineral poison * , oftoii tnkon u riiraUvea of the dlse.wo , nro not. Unsldr oxpolllnif thu rhounmtio virus fiom the * ys- touv it ovqrc-omos fever nnd ague , bll tlous uo i > , constipation and dyspepsia. Kiint and the Hiiixtrliitoniluut. Mr. Rees was scon at bis place of business yenterday and asked regarding his alia ! o : to Sapfrititendcut Jaiaes at Moa dny night's - mealing of the board of education. Mr. RCCY reiterated the statements made at that time and charged the superintendent with clvlng teachers from the 6utslao the | > reference when vacancies occur. Mr. James dcnlo < i these clinrpo ? , and ntatc * that no teachers from nbroad nro hired un * less thcro Is every proof of surpassing nbll- Hy , nnd that all graduates from the Omahn high school , when found to bo competent , nro provided for first. Sleepless nights inndo ml so ruble by that torrlblo cough. Sliiloh's Cure in the remedy for you. For sale by Good man Drup Co. SOUTH OMAHA. No ton About the City. Only forty-four licenses Imvo bcon granted. S. D. Uyncarson has gone to lied Oal "Io. Sol Dlupnon , ot the Ilosonbaum commls- fllon llrm , has returned from the southern p.irl of the state. Mr. nnd Mrs. L. II. Mount have arrived from 1'lko county , 111. , nnd nro nt the Del- uionlco hotel. U. E. Kills ran a meat hook In his loft hand and , festering , hits u very sore member. All the piers for the L street viaduct have boon received. Alfred Coleman Is In Jail , charged with complicity In stealing Thomas Doyle's suit of clothes. Some bold thieves attempted to rob H. GrccnVmum In Ins tailor shop , nnd while one talked to the proprietor others tried to conceal - coal nnd curry nwuy garments. Thov wore detected nnd disgorged and before nu olllcor could bo summoned , made their oscnpo. Tlio Citlt-tlciilnn Club. At the regular meeting of the Cnloilonlun club last Tuesday evening the regular monthly social wns held , consisting of re marks by Acting President James Ferguson , music on thu bagpipes , nnd songs. The com mittee on athletics repotted in favor of grounds nt Seventeenth street nnd Missouri nvcnuc. The icport was adopted nnd the committee was nuthorlrcd to procure bells , balls , clubs , bars , and other articles for athletic sports. Notes About ttio City. Five car loads of Iron for the Q street via duct were received on Tuesday. Warner A. Hoot , of Ilobort K. Livingston Post Wo. 232 , G. A. 11. , has received notice that 15-cont round trip tickets will bo on saloon on Memorial day , nnd that nil civic societies nnd citizens are Invited to go to Omaha und Join in the services. Ilobort C. Eelilln , of the Armour-Cudahy packing force , Is quite HI. W. M. Kconun , credit man at the Armour- Cudahy works , tins gene on a business trip to Chicago and Kansas City , nnd u rumor , Seemingly well authenticated , has It that lie goes to represent South Omuhtt packers be fore the United SUtos commerce commis sion. sion.Larry Larry Noonan , the expert butcher , late from Chicago , will commence work for the Armour-Uudahy Packing company on Wednesday. MUs Edna Drucn , of Emerson , In. , is tha guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Carpenter. Union Pacilic switch engine No. HOT , under the order reducing expenses , has been taken tulten oft the night switch woric between South Omaha nnd Omaha. Mrs. Catherine Parks and daughters , Misses Mar'nnd Annie , arrived from Chicago cage Tuesday uud will reside with her sons , William and John Parks , Twenty-fourth nnd Q slicetB. Daniel Cameron , chief of the canning de partment hi the Armour-Cudahy works , re- Burned to Chicago Tuesday. Cashier R U. 13ranch , of the Union Stock Yards bunk , has rccuivod und accepted an Invitation to attend the annual meeting of the Iowa 13ankers' association , in Cedar llaplds. The old , old story is nlntnly but aptly told in n , few words by Mnssrs. II. U. and G. W. Brown , of Pollvillo , Kentucky , us follows "Chamberlain's : Cough Remedy has given the best satisfaction of any cough medicine wo over hud in the houso. You will please ship us three do/.oii bottles of tbo 50 cents si/.o. " Sold by nil druggists. Tlio City Council. The council will consider the city hall plans In a star chamber session on Friday nignt. At last night's ' meeting of the coun cil an Immense amount of business trans acted , the session lasting until nearly tnid- niu'lit. Mr. Clmffoo , of the committee on public property and improvements , reported that the committee would present n report on tlio city hall plans on Friday night , und moved that nn executive session of the coun cil bo held ut that time. His motion was adopted , although opposed by Counciluien Hascnll , Ford , Lowry and O'Connor , who wanted the plans open to public inspection. Will you suffer with dyspepsia and liver complaint'Shiloh's Vitalizor is guaranteed to euro you. A Question of Sidewalks. Mrs. P. T. Murphy , who resides on Far- natn street near Twenty-eighth , called at the ofllcc of the board of public works yes terday and complained that n number of men were nt wot-k tearing up a board side walk In front of her house , which was laid only last fall. When she naked them what they were doing it for they said that they were 'ioliii ; to lay a stone walk there. She this , saying she couldn't afford a new walk , the wooden ono having only been ) atd a few months. She was informed that the board had not01 delcd a stone walkout there , that , in fact , it was out ldc of the stone district. Further that the board hud no authority In the mutter and that she had better see the sldowulk in spector. The latter was out. In fact he's always out looking over woric , and having no as sistants is compelled to leave his ofilco un attended. Complaints similar to this come in dally und it Booms that the trouble is caused by the failure of private contractors to definitely locate the places whoru they Imvo boon en gaged to luy walk , tnoy often times tearing up walk in front of the wrong lots , and more than half the time when this occurs , the sidewalks are never replaced after the mis take is discovered. SULLIVAN-Katle C. Sullivan , of this city , ageJ 22 years. The funeral will take place Thursday morning , May 8. ut 8:30 : a. in. , from St. Phllomcpa's church. Interment ut HoJy Sepulcher cemetery. BAlIaUOAO A imtlnKnjsh.cjl Tarty of Heal Kstnto 'IKCa'1 * Krt Ilnntc. A dlstlnRiiithca party of land ngcntn ar rived 1n Omdhn yesterday morning nnd loft , for points wt&t "bn the Union 1'aclflo last night ItwAl composed ot the following who are In the enyiloy of the Union Pacific : J. M. Cox , Warning , 111. ; J. W. Spauld- Ing , Champaign. I11.C. ; J. Arden , Hurling- ton , la. ; G. W. Sumuiorvlllo. Ottumwa , la. ; W. F. 1'ntt , Creston , la , ; Noah Justice , La- Knycttc , Indtj-W. J. Quick , Columbus , Ind. ; J. F. CurtlcI'ott Wayne , Inrt. ; G. W. Kennedy. Jackson , Mich. ; Aug. Erlkson , Johot , 111. ; dco. D. Ilnndolph , Decatur , 111. ; M. Swann , Hlopmlngton , 111. ; J. M. Clifford , MadisonWis. ! } Vm.McDormottFond duLac , Wls.t Lovl Hiimbloton , Osknloosn , la. ; Win. L. Klzcr , South Uond , Ind. ; J. Woolvorton , South Hcnd , Ind. ; Gco. W. Cnrr , Valparaiso , lud. ; J. T. McNary , Logunsport , Ind. The party were hero Joined by Victor Ily- lander , Chicago ; Peyton Roberts , Monmouth - mouth , III.George ; McElvalno , Hushnoll , 111. , and J. C. Honncll and A. V , S. Soun ders , of this city. The party will Inspect the land of the Union Paclllc nt the various points nnd will make IU first stop nt .Manhattan , Kan. The land agents maka this tour in ardor to bo able to moro fully illustrate- the advantages offered In the west. Ono of the custom rep resentatives said : " 1 think that the present year will bo marked with heavy migration to points west. That the states of Nebraska nnd Kansas are among the gicatost producers on this continent , no ono can deny. At ono time , It was thought that the land west of the Missouri river wns unproductive ; was , you might say. worth less. Hut facts nnd figures Imvo revolution ized this idou. Hero is Nebraska , a com paratively now agricultural state , credited with un annual yield of SU,000UOO bushels of corn , nnd small grain correspondingly. Where Is thcro another state that can tnnko such n showing ) Then ns to Kansas , asldo from the drouth , a year or so bock , it Is festering - toring un active agricultural Industry. The outlook for crops is the most promising. I am llrm in my bollof that , within a few years , all the available railroad land of the Union Pocillo will bo converted into farms. " An Ola Uoport. A morning paper revives the chestnut about General O. M. Dodge ns successor of Charles Francis Adtims as president of the Union Pacific. The "Now York" citation is based upon the Interview with General Dodge by a reporter , which vas published in Tin : HF.B about four weeks ago. On the other hand , General Dodge , in his interview published in TIIR HKK , stated that hn would under no circumstances assume the uosition now hold by Mr. Adams , and it Is questiona ble whether the general could get the posi tion if ho so desired. General Manager Klmbull did not accompany him on his tour ns reported. A Good Move. In the running of dining cars on its trains the Union Pacific is the first nnd only road to inaugurate this service west of the Mis souri rivor. Under the new arrangement , a sumptuous meal will be served at 75 cunts and thu cars will be run so that a dining car will bo nvnllnblo nt nil meal hours. In doing this , the Union Pacific supplies a long-felt want , as the dining car service now in the days of rnpiil transit nnd wholesome ac commodation hut become almost indispon- slblu. A Conductor Promoted. Conductor-Wilcox who has for n lung tlrao : nampulatcdtho "punch" on the suburban trains of thg Union Pacific , has been put on the Paplllioh train and has moved his family Papillion1.T - to Papillion1. * , llqUrond Notes. C. P. Huntlngton , vice president of the Southern Pacific jiasscd through Omaha yes terday enrouto' to points east. The yard men in the employ of the Union Pacific received their monthly wages yes terday. ' Gi'orgo East , of the general purchasing de partment of thu Union Pacific , was married to an Omaha belie Monday. N. W. WelUta well known capitalist and n resident o.Sciuylcr ) , Nob. , passed throuch Omaha yesterday on route from thoenst. Mr. Wells is a heavy stockholder in the Omaha- Council UlufTs motor orldgc. It Is reported that the condition of John W. Scott , chief clerk of the passenger ao- partmcnt of the Union Pacific , is somewhat improved , although bo has a serious uttacu of rheumatism. Friday evening a church sociable and cntorttiinmont will bo held at the Welsh Presbyterian church , on Saun- dcrs street , near Cuming street. A cordial invitation is extended to the Welsh people and their friends. Re freshments will bo served. A NOBLiI ! CHAU1TV. The Joints Hopkins' Hospital 1 < ormally Opened ntUaltitunrr. BALTIMOIII : , May 7. The Johns Hopkins' hospital was formally opened iu this city this morning. It Is ono of the finest and most complete institutions in the world , embracing seventeen buildings , which cover four ncrcs of 'ground , and surrounded by ten ncrcs of beautiful panes. Its construction was be gun moro than ten years ago , nnd the total i-ost was $2,050,000. The indigent sick of this city and environs , without rognrd to sex or color , who may require surgical or medical treatment , will bo received ut the hospital. Over twelve hundred invitations to uttend the ceremonies hud bcon sent to persons In various parts of the United States , exclusive of these issued to Hultinioreans. Addresses were delivered by Francis T. King , president of the hospital , and others. A Kansas Iclophono Injunction. Toi-HKA , Kan. , May 7. [ Special Telegram to TIIK HUE. ] On application of the Amer ican liellTclophono company , Judge Guthrie , of the United States o'rcult court , to-day granted nu. injunction restraining the Hutchinson - inson Telephone company from using the Cushmnn Instruments , which have been de clared by thu courts to bo an infringement of the Hell patents. Ho also allowed damages as asked bytuo Hell company. A Crooked Cnslilcr Scutnnord. TOPKKX , Kan. , May 7. [ Special Telegram to Tun UBE.J U. H. Jones , Into cashier of the First National bonk , of Stafford , was , to-day , bcntoncod by Judge Foster , of the United Stntoc district court , to live years in the penitentiary for making falsa entries In the books of the bank nnd defrauding it of $1,700. Ha was captured a short time ago In PlttHburg. Jones' downfall is caused by as sociation with bad women. ? PRICE1s CREAMDEIICIOUS DEIICIOUS FUVORIHG EXTRACTS NUIiRALFRiflTFUVflRS VttA by the tlnllcd SUtci Government. P.tidortcd by the head * of the Oreat Vnivcriillu nd rulillc IW1 Anil > U , the btrODRMt , 1'urtkt and uio l ilmltliful. Dr. I'rice'n Cream lUklng 1'oirdrr < Ioei not contain Ammoula , I.liueor Alum. Dr. I'rlce's Delleloui I'lavorlntr K- t ct i , V nlIUIcinuu , Orange. Almond. Rose , not coutalul'iitkOiiouaOlliorChcmrcaU PRICE BAKINQ POWDER CO. . New York. Chlcoflo. Bt. Louis. BEFORE YOU BUY Your Spring Suit or anything elao in our line , oak yourself tliia question : la tlioro a a rger or more reliable house tlmn the Nebraska Clothing Company ? No city in the West has a larger nor bettor conducted establishment , and what is more , no city in the Union lias a store that sells goods as cheap as wo do. We simply invite comparison of our goods and prices with those of any other house. Every day -wo servo customers who are amazed at the low figures at which our goods are marked. The Cheviot suits we advertised last week ara pronounced by Jovorybody to bo the greatest bargain , and nothing over shown hero can approach them. The Sacks are nearly , all gone , but of Frocks we show a larger line than last week , having received during tha past few days several big lots , many of which are < much finer than those advertised before The now ones are all with fine silk facing , and make elegant fitting garments. In addition we will offer to-morrow a'lot of strictly all wool Cassimoro Sack Suits at $4.50. This is the greatest all wool suit over offered , and wo do not hesitate to pronounce it ahead of any suit for which other houses are asking ft.50 and more. It is of a stylish light check , well trimmed and made and makes a handsome as well as a durable suit. We are pleased to announce that wo Imvo again n large stock oC those fine English Corkscrew Suits nt $10.00 and custntnors who have been waiting for these suits , can now be supplied This is the most extraordinary bar- am over ofibred and the fact that the first big lot sold in such a short time proves it. Those wo liayo now are if anything better lined and finer made than the first ones. As wo made such a hit with those suits , wo tnk pride in having them made up well. Send for a sample of those suits , it will do you good to see it. A visit to our new shoe department will soon convince you that you have been paying right nlonsj too much money for your footwear , We will show you the finest Calf Shoo strictly handsowod welt , at § 3.90 which coat you in regular shoe stores $5.50 to SB.OO.Excollent Calf Shoss , Goodj'ear welt which is as good n ? Imndsevrpd nt $2.75. Those are destined lo be the most popular shoes in Omaha. They have neither p3 < p , wax throals nor tacks inside to hurt the feet , and are as flexible as genuine hnnlaswai shoas. The identical shoa co ts you iu any other place from § 4.00 to $4.50. Wo have them in congress and lace , all widths and si/.cs. Corner Douglas and Fourteenth Streets , Omaha. VS EXTRACT of MEAT. Klnrnandrnuapot Meat InvoiirlnnMock forSoupj Made Dishes uml s.iucos. As Uouf 'loa , "no luvalua ble tunic. " Annual t-ulo S.WJ/XIJjius. Genuine only with file slmlleof JuMus von I.lcb nlgniitiiroln bum ticrnss Inuol. BuM by btnrpkceiion , ( irocbM and Drucslsts I.1KUK. S KXTItACT OK MKAT CO. , l/til , I-omlon ' GOLD MEDAL , FABI8 , 1878. BAKER'S Warranted fiftsofiifrif/ pure Cocoa , from which the excess of Oil has been removed. It has mora titan three times the strength. of Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrow- rent or Sugar , and is therefore far more economical , cot tiny lets than one cent a cup. It is delicious , iiounMiiiifr. strengthening , easily di gested , nnd admirably adapted for in. valids as well as f or persons in health. Sold by Grocers Mcrjirhero. ' . BAKER & CO , , Dorchester , Mass. Graceful Form , HEALTH and COMFORT Perfectly Combined In P/JADAME FOY'S Skirt Supporting Corset It Is or HI nt thn mn < t iinpuliirln tlio inurkut nnJsol.l r lumllnKilculc ln Umalm. ITItu Jl.ii. Foy.Harmo n & Gladwick. Kew Htven , Cen Over 14 Millions Sold in this Country alone. The Best Fitting and Best wearing Corset Ever Made. SOLD EVERYWHERE. Sure Cure OB ZDSTOOB 2Oto60 DAYS. This is u disease which has heretofore Baffled all Medical Science. When Mercury , lodldo of Potassium , Saranpa rllln or Hot Springs fall , wo guarantee n euro. Wo have a Ilemrdy , unknown to anyone In the World outside of our Company , and ouu that hai NI2VEU FAII..EI . > to cure tlio moat obstinate cases. Ten days In recent caioj JOLM tlio work. I tin the old chronics deep seated cuscs that wo solicit. Wo Imvo cured mindrodnn ho hive boon abandoned by I'hyslcluna. and pronounced Incurable , and wo cniillont'ti the world to bring us a case that wo will not euro In less than sixty dnyx. Since the history of inealclno a true specific for Syphilis has beuu souaht for but uever found until our MA IC 11EMCDY was discovered , and wo are JustlHod In saying It Is the only Ilemeay in the World tnnt will pos itively cure , because the latvat Medical Works. pubUsoed by the bent known authorities , nay inoro wai never a true specific before. Ourrom- edy will cure whpn everything else has failed. Why wuBte your time and money with patent medicines that never had virtue , or doctor with phynlclanB that cannot euro you , you that have tried everythlnc olsi should come to us now and K < t permanent relief , you never can got it elao- whcre. Mark what we say , in the end you nniHt take our remedy or NKVKK recover and you that lm\o been aflllcted but u nhort time should by all moans co-no to u * now , not ona la tenof now cases over pot permanently cured. Many gethelp and think they are free from the disease , but fn one , two or tlireo years at tor It appear * galn In a more horrible form. This is a blood Purifier nnd will Cure any Skin or Blood Disease when Everything Else Fails. THE COOK REMEDY CO. Room419 PaxtoBlock. Health is Weal Dii.r.,0. WKRT'BNKIIVK AND HIUIK I'RKAT JIFNT , a Kuaranteeil Biieclllo for Hywterld , Dlzzl ncsH , CoiivuUlonH , Pits , Nervous Ni'iiralKln Heudncho , Noryoi-s Prostration ruined by tlig usoot alcohol > .r tobacco. Wnkofiilnois , .Mentill DojiroHflnn. BofuinliiK nt tha llraln ruiiiiltlng In Insanity nnd lending to inlsory , tiocay anil deiitli , I'minnturoOltl AKIIlarroiincss , l.o sof j'onor sex. involuntary LoHhm and flpermntorrlm-a cnu'od by ovcroxoitlon ot tlio nniui , KnifiiOuHc or otrer tnilulneneti. Kuril box rontalns ou muuth'H Irontinont , tl box ornlx boxoi fort5 , sunt by mull prupahl oni > tf. rwlpt of prlco. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cuninny caso. With onch nrilnr received bv iu for six lioxitx , acconumnlod with will nond the purchaser our wiltton Kimrautce to ru. fund thu money If tha treatment , dooi not olfoct a euro. Onuraiitves Issued only by ( ioodman DrugCo. . OriiBt'lats , Solo Agonw. Itlo Karuam Street Omaha eb. Steck Piano ivoinarknblo for powerful ayiniiutltotlc tone , pliable notion nnd absolute dtir.i- uility ; 'SO yenrs' record the host guaran tee of the excellence o ( these Jnstru- in on In. WOODBRIDGWS , State Line. To ( Jliissoiv , Uclfast , Jiiilillii anil Ii crjiool From New York Every Tuesday , Cabin pannage m to KM , nicorrtlus toiciitoii ! | of iitatw room. Kxcuralon V > ' \ to W.i. bteonna ; to and from K iropo at l.owwt Hated. AUbTIN IIAI.DU'JN .V CO. . ( Jeu'l AKonl'n. , . , . &l liroadway. New Vorit. JOHN III.Ua KN.OeiriWeitern Agent , T , . . . . . , lo < llondolph 8r , , uhlcai-o. IIAltltV B. MOOKKS. AK I . Omaha ! Reduced Cublu Hates lo Glasgow Kx- hlbttiou. OMAHAMEpICALISUftllC } N. W.COR , I3FH& DODQE STS. . OMAHA , NEB. FOB TUB TKEAT11EKT OP ALI. APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMITIES AND NINETY ROOMS FOR PATIENTS. ! Board&Attendance. Best Accommodations in West. K7"WRITE FOR CIRCULARS on Deformities and ) Brace * , Trusses , Club Feet , Curvatures of 2j > lnerilt > , Tumors , Cancer , Galarrh , Bronchitis , bhalatton , | lectrichT.Paraly.l , Epilepsy , KidatT , Bladdur , Eye , Ear , Skinani Blood and Ml Surgical Operation * . DISEASES OF WOMEN iSS.S &SXH HBIIATR I.ATKI.Y AIIIIFH A LYttKMN PETABTBUTrOtt noun * DLUIM umiMjii'-iT. ( STRICTtl J I ATU Only Reliable Medical Institute makingVixelalty ol PRIVATE DISEASES Alllllooitni.emiei tacetiiluttf Irr.tcJ. Brphlllllg ToUra rrmiirod fromllmj.lrm olihunt mcrcurk > w IU > lorill. ( T for Jc * , of T1TII. 1-unriU Pirtlu tuulilii to rlill uimftjbotrc.ledat lioraetiy correijwidenro. Mlcotnraunlca. llouieonnjeotUI. MeOUInriorlnilrumrnlaichtbriDBlloMX * tiriiiiccurclriitckod.noiii.rki loloitlrilg commit or imilcr. Ono I'trionollnttrilm ' , j.rcrerrrJ. Call nd coniult m of unit blitorr or tour cai > , nnj wo "III scnA In plain rnpi > r. our nnnif Yn . ucu IIUUlV l IU RICN C | * . | . , llli , UUetund.rlcoeelo , wllh qorttlon ll.t. Attn OMAHAMEDIOAL ft BUBOIOAI. WBT.TTUTH. 13th and BoJgo Streets , OSZAIIA , BED. ELECTRIC BELT - rATK.iTKi ) iui. ia , IH8T. run , i. mo. * Sr ELECTRO * BODY BILT and Hu p n or4 " arKiiar nt < edto ear * tl.n follow , Ins I Alll'.li.'iPi- allo Oimiilnlnli. ' J.uml'ago. t l ana Nertoni' 1 Uliilltf.0ostlf OMi.KMunjlMi-1 DEMI , N rTOU - n > > , IrvmbllnK , Hoiual Eihuus- ( Ion. InkntanU , Waitlnr of tlit llortr , " > c u fi | bj Inrtlt' lonliiYnuUinr.Mnrrl.i > . ll Ilii ) > i i pertain * . . - to thft Womb nr uvnltnl ortfano 'IliliUtliH LiTf ( ToDdflmiTKiii lairroiemeottTer risiU , ima l > > uinilor to all othori. KTurjr lm ; r ot Ha KUctrlo nii | h Utttt-tbls he nil ) Bed th. ( Iwnnll-lt , lldlfTurirromnllotheri.asUliiiIit'niRr UK IT , ami not n rhsln , toltaloor wlr l lt , II Hlll HI tillnuflilol.rnriiile ! > / Klitlrlcllr , IkeUotrlccurrant can. tin IksiKd In ( iiijom litfor * It ls ipliui to tb r , mill I .worn only > li to ton Loon Jilly. If too ismlna this lull > ou will Imj no oti r. Tosbo * the EnriKK OONHIII . . . . ' _ wo hatetnoiirElVrUO-Usj' unlo ] | U > unil Al-plUnons "III . . .d > ur . V l | , It llM | > .llU firll.i TUf Ij P./.1 Trltb Heul * o. I'D.liiK. far nnr ran Illuitriitxl iimnpl UL Tri'aTJffVf ii'rJ o f ViTikiif fr'ijiiini M.J THE aWHHELECTniC BELT AND APPIUMCE CO. lU.Diioo ibl > r > r > r. ) ii < v > rni. . Ju.i wu. iu ; > 300 North Broadwnv. ST. LOUIS. MO. _ COFFEE" Tlie I'ubllo tire not ininrmllr airara that br t < U pruncut uiiiiliuJs of ctiukln ( ally onballot b lonro Hint is uiml li ihriinn orny ID lUOKMU.iJ * ' niteil. Clieiultti ruiin < n.lHil wllli Ibis coolcnur In sarlnit this waitaso thai l p r run fiiiulsli ( off OH luailn nr tha flot > lJa 8. pill u | . In small imrialilr jitrs mul AliutSTu ftiinil'r. I r I-UIIK anil iriiarantveit to hi ) onlr itboul ONK- IIAI.K'l'UIC COvr to HID consumer otcuoiitun out lev. Only li'jIMnK tiatorts n cil < l whvn prapnr'uy K fnrlliB tablu.I'roirn Mquldl iir 0 Cumt > a / , Auk Your Crooor for VltOWfT LIQUID VQVIFR& MCCORI ) , UHADY & CO. , \Vholc ale Urocurn , - - OmuUu , Neb