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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1889)
THE OMAHA DAILY SUKfiAY , APKIL 28. 1889.SIXTEE PETTICOATED PEDAGOCDERY , A Variety of Female Oharma In the Omaha Public Schools. MAIDENS , WIVES AND WIDOWS. Pconllnrlllcs nml Work of the Oinnlm Tcnclicrs OOJ-B nnd Sorrow * ol'tho rrofcsHlon Blnlrlnionlnl Incli nations nnd Dlslncllnixtloiis. Omnlm Tcncliors. "No , I tvm not engaged , nnd don't want to bo. " It was a , short , thick-sot , vivacious llttlo Bchoolnm'nm , with glossy-blnck hair , largo , lustrous bine It oycs , red lips , and the cutest kind of a pug nose , who thus portly replied to an innocent Inquiry , the result of a conversation relative to female teachers getting mnrrlcd. "I know of several in Omnlia. however - over , who tire , " she continued , "nnd the wedding bolls will ring for them before snow flics again. " "Who lire the favored ones ? " "Well , I won't give them away ; they might not llko it. Then , if t did , they would bo sure to know where you got your Information. " "Are there many marriages among those engaged in teaching ? " "Tho average hero , where 215 are daily hammering knowledge into the minds of American youths , is not over three or lour per year ; so you can judge for yourself. But it is not because they can't got husbands that so few enter domestic life. There never wasa woman BO homely that she couldn't ' lind some fool man willing to have her. " "You don't mean to imply , I hope , th nt the school ma'ams of Omaha are ugly ? " "No , not nil of them. There arc few who might pass as beauties. " "When they do take the plungo.what .prompts them the yearning , burning passion of love , n desire to bolter their condition , to quit hard work as merely the only means of soenrin g a homo. " "Oh , gracious , nsk mo something easier. How should I know ? Most of them who have boon married , certainly didn't do it for mon oy , because they are mill teaching. Their husbands work , too , and together their income is sulli- ciont to enable th em to live very nicely. About 4 per cent labor at teaching be cause they like it. wliile the balance tire thus employed from necessity. They must support themselves , nnd having obtained nn educationprofor the school room for the reason that , as a general thing , they receive bolter pay than can be had in any other profession or call ing open to them. " "Lo ) many of the girls have beaux' ? " "All the good-looking ones do. " "Then its strange you're not wearing an engagement ring. " "vVhat makes you think soV" "If all the protly icachcrs have ad mirers among the sterner sex you ought to bo Iho adored of some very gallant handsome young man. " The little teacher blushed , laughed merrily , and declared she \vas too busy with her work to think of such things , and said : "I wouldn't have the best man on earth. Mon are nuisances. " "You don't mean that ? " "Yes , 1 do. " i "What sort of a person are you ? " "Oh , t am perfectly independent. " ' 'Then you expect to live and die an olu maid ? " "Well , no , hardly.That's ditfcrent , you know. " ' Probably you feel that the world and the things in it are not good enough for you ? " 'Ah there's where you arc mistaken. I am perfectly delighted with thin life. I love to teach. I love to study the btars , to walk in Iho balmy oven'ing air , to hear the birds sing , to paint landscape pictures , to go to church , to have a good time during vacation , but 1 don't love any man. " Desiring to ascertain moro about the life and labors ot the fair creatures to whoso care nnd training have been en trusted the intellectual growth and educational ' ucational bringing up of'so many chil dren in this city , the writer sought other teachers and continued his in quiries. A tall , graceful , dig- niflcil principal volunteered the assertion lhat no brighter , moro intelli gent , thoroughly conscientious , earnest , hard-working body of women could bo found in any other city on the conti nent. They arc sincere and enthusias tic in the cause of education. There is not a drone among them. "Some people , " she continued , "may Ihink our labors are easy , and that wo have a good time , but that ia-beeaufe they were probably never inside of a. graded school. I know scores of loach- orb who are so tired and weary when night comes that they can hardly drag one foot after the other. Tn addition to being on their foot eight and nine hours n day , they fool the otlccts produced from nn anxiety and determination to do well and make a good showing. " 'Yes , 1 can vouch for all she has told you , " put in n 'companion , "and moro too , Those who are fortunate enough to hold positions in the larger and moro centrally located buildings have very few annoyances , but in some of the outlying districts the work is any thing but pleasant. No one but a toucher can appreciate it. "Tho children coirio to them raggt-d nnd dirty ; many of thorn are ill-man nered , uncivilized it would seem , and rude. Maybe you think the woman who can tmbduo and control them has a happy lot. But they do it. The re- Mil Is * in some o ! thesn places huve been marvelous. A few of those teach ing in the outskirts have poet buildings nnd their accommodations are not the best , conscciuontly the pleas urable features connected with their work are moro than ollsot by the nn- noyancop. Tt Is , of coursethe ambition of every woman teacher , as well as man , tobci-oino a principal. Naturally thai gives them more salary , nlcn&nnter lu- oor , moro iilluonco | and bettor advan tages. The principals got 81,400 a yeur ; their assistants and the nlghth grade teachers $ MK ) ; all below that * 700 , except beginners whoso stipend Is flxo < ] nt if 10 per month. This is Increased at the rate of M n year until they reach the $70 limit. There are throe or four bpeclalb. For Inblanro , Mibs Kate M. Dull figures as sniiorintondont of pen manship and drawing rinU there nro two who have charge of the instructions in music. It is their duty to visit every department In the city asoften JIH posbiblo. Miss Bull says she Is on the po BO much that street car fnro ulono costs her $10 u month. The cost of living is out of proportion to the sal- urlcs. Twenty dollars is Iho minimum ( or board and room , but the nwjorlu pay more than that. Some go us high us $10 , Add to this their wash bills clothing nnd little extras and you dis cover that the surplnu capital on ham each year nt the beginning of school Is rather email. By the time a teacher pays her current ox pen BOS out of nn $ SOO eulBrjr eho doesn't Imve much left , Chose who got moro support themselves accordingly. They are neither oxtrnv- ngant or wasteful , but they are bound to < oep up attractive appearances Their pociul obligations nro limited. In 'net , all the society they have Is what , hey make among themselves , at their warding places and with gentlemen ndmlrern. They arc never invited or Introduced into what is known as the jlddy whirl which , ! take itis fortunate for them. Nevertheless , In that respect Omaha is not like any other city. The swell people here intimate by their ac tions that wo are not ijood enough to bo recognized and allowed to participate In high toned parties and receptions. But its no disgrace to bo ignored. No reflections nro cast upon us that wo notice or rare for. It is gratlfyintr to know that the 215 teachers are perfect ladles , know how to conduct themselves wherever they nra nnd would ornament any soclely. Shorlly nftor Mr. Coburn was elected to n seat in the board of education ho invited us nil to his house one evening. I think their wore two hundredor more , there , and a finer appearing gathering of ladles I have never seen. They were dressed tastily and fashionably , nnd there intelligence was fully displayed in brilliant conversation , indulged in on sensible topics , instead of the silly gossip usually hoard where one meets u lol of alTccled butterflies. "Of course Iho girls have beaux. Why shouldn't they. No class of the sex has a boiler rlghl lo on joy Iho confidence and love of men. They do nol waslo limo with dudes. The young man who succeeds in inducing an Ornaha school ma'am to bo his sweetheart , must have moro brains than is required lo enable him lo btnoko cigarettes and twirl a cane. Wo hate dudes. " "But they don't all gel married ? " "Oh , no , not by any moans. " "Several old maids among you ? " "Yes , indeed , but they're awfully nice. " "That much is granted. Boon disap pointed in love , do you suppose ? " "A few of thorn have , undoubtedly , could name one or two nt least , but that wouldn't bo right , you know. There is ono miss old enough to bo mv grnnd- molhor , and I am no soring chicken. " "About how do they range in ages ? " "All the way from fresh , sweet , love ly seventeen to wrinkled , gray haired matrons of sixiy-llvc and sovonly. Fourteen of Iho present force have husbands. There are eight regular and" two grass widows. Farnam slroot school is soon to loose one ol its bright est nnd prettiest toanhors on account of marriage. So is Iho Long school , and Ihoro are probably half a do/.on others who will enler the bonds of matrimony this summer. " "It is believed by the public that Superintendent James has some pots among the teachers , is that a fact ? " "Probably ho has , but I believe ho tries to trcal all as near alike ns possi ble. Every person has likes and dis likes , therefore it is perfectly natural for a man in his position to be influenced more by ono than another. Some of the the teachers have more winning ways than othcrsyou know. They know how to gel around him. These are Iho ones , too , who do a little wire pulling with thobqnrdaud aroroost successful in get ting Ihe bcsl positions. It is a well known fact that merit doesn't always win. Some of the touchers stand too much on their dignity and think it beneath thorn to bo polilicians , consequently they re main in Iho lower grades and gel Iho smaller salary when Ihoy might just as \vell be at the top. The best posted and smartest ones use diplomacy. They got their friends to do the log rolling and in every instance appeals for as sistance have touched tender spots and been the moans of elevating teachers who , from ability , fitness and qualifica tion were nol deserving. Rumor has it that Mibs Ball is a great favorite , both with the supeiintcndont and certain members of Iho board. Now , Miss Ball is not a particularly good friend of mine , but if she is able lo "aland in" and got whal she wanls , I admire her all the more for it. She is ono of our very best and most zealous teachers , is always striving for the best iutorests of the school , and deserves everything Iho board can do for hor. Mrs. Kean also scorns to have a strong hold at head quarters. " "Who arc the most successful loach- ors ? " "Well , excluding the principals , Misses Allen , Park , Isaacson , WycofT , Schlisingcr , Simonds , Bunker , Bicker , Rood , Rough , Cooper , Ellis , Began , Whitman , Pratt. Gladstone , Mack , Hub- bard , Groonlee , Mrs. Webb and Mrs. Hedge have produced splendid results. This is not said , though , in disparage ment lo any of Iho others , because they are all very successful. No ono school is noted for its prctly teachers more than another. 1 could tell you , however - over , lhat Grace Wilbor is doubt less the host looking , most attract ive woman in the lot : lhat Rona Hamilton , of Walnul Hill , is a beauly ; lhal Mrs. Warner , Miss Wood , Miss Browner , Miss , Miss Hosteller , Miss Fitch and Miss Moriarty are strik ingly attractive , hut my judgment might not bo accepted. It's hard to pick out and distinguish ono in any quality without otTendiiif. some nthor. "Miss Fees affects the literary bearing , wliile Miss Ball gives attention to mak ing money. She owns and renls three eight-room houses nnd , in nddition to being a tall , languid , lusthqlic blonde charmer , is really a haughty aristocrat. I expect to see her driving out vet in her conuh and four. Sarah McOhonn. is studying the languages preparatory to taking another trip abroad , and the greatest nmhltloii ot Mamie Fitch is to catch a French count , . Miss McOnrty is the most popular and witty among the instructors , and Miss Newton has the reputation of ucing the most courteous and charming of all the principals. It is Miss Woods' desire to chaperon a traveling party abroad IhU biimmor , and Mica White is studying elocution with a view of becoming the legitimate successor of Mary Anderson ns a star of the stage. Sue Is no more ambitious than Mips Hamilton , whoso aspirations are planted on Iho pinnacle ranched'by famous prlma donnas. " Il would ( ill volumes to pdrsonnll/.o the entire corps and tell of their eccen tricities. They are splendid women and onlidtod in n good cause. Their work bus Its joys and its sorrows. The joys como with Juno , when school closes and they go away to rest and rooupor- ntv. But even that gets tiresome and monotonous and they are always glad to gut back ngnin and receive the honrty welcomes of their pupils. The pleasures of the school ma'nm after nil , uro groal- et-t In Iho school room. About three times a year she goes io Iho theater and a great majority select the tragedy ns their choice of entertainment. laits nniedliucti In Oklahoma. An army olllcer , familiar with Okla homa , IB crcaditud with the statement that among its indigenous productions that will furnish employment and ob- misivo fellowship with the settlers are skunk ? and bedbugs. Of the former ho says there are countless millions , and they will bo found strong , pungent con testants for iho country. The Indians have been in the hnblt of killing them nnd soiling their polls by the wagon load. The soil IK full of the bcdbuga , and they are n thousand times wo roe than the sand ( lew * . BILL NYE'S ' ANCIENT HISTORY , Ho Dosorlboa the Rlso end Fall of the Mormon Empire. OMAHA'S CLAIM CLUB ORATORS. Excerpts From nn Old Nownpnpor Which llcflcctn the Knrlr MRlitof Mormon iToHrnnHsni Biogra phy or niR-No'fcd ' GCOTRO. Versatile Mormonq. ( CV ) ) > i/rf07if / , ISSa , lit ! Kf0 ( < ir 11 * . In the spring of 1847 President Brighnm Young started from Omaha by full team from Utah. Ho had 14S picked men of marriageable ago nnd great .versatility , nlso eight of the twelve apostles. These apostles wore plain mon with thickset whiskers and a great yarning to rosomblo.Eomo of the tough element described in the biblo. They wanted to inaugurate somewhere n church which should bo solf-support- ng and encourage the social instinclf to a remarkable degree. Their chlo ambition was to organize a paying church , wherein Iho elders would nol have to rely upon donations , and wherein also the Old Testament idea of homo might be carried out. So they hitched up their calllo and steered Ihclr caravan toward the west , over "engo and saloratus , across unabridged rivers and through mountain dolllos , " which became still more so as the troupe approached them. Discovering the Great Salt Lake Basin , they returned across Iho baking powder desert , and on the 23d of December - comber , at Council Bluffs , issued their epistle recounting Iho disagreeable repulsion from Nnuvoo , the fortunate discovery of the Valley of the Jordan and the Great Salt Lake , and recom mending n reorganization of the church by selecting a president , vico-prcsi- dent , umpire and corresponding secre tary. Mr. Brighnm Young , a rising young rod whiskered man , who com bined the philnuthropical instincts of Jay Gquld with the keen social instincts of the Duke of Mnrlborough , was chosen presidcnl. The gang then wont into winter quarters on the banks ot the soiled Missouri. The winter quarters were situated upon Iho lauds belonging lo Iho Omaha Indians , who foil sorry for the Mor mons. Some of the holes in the ground , whore the saints lived , are still visible , although they were dug forty-three years ago. A newspaper called the Frontier Guardian was than published by Elder O. Hyde. From it I make A VKVT KXCKitrrs : "The Apostles will hold a mooting next week at Iho Bucket of Blood saloon , for a general conference and in terchange of thought. "Elder Kimball will add another story to his residence next week by dig ging it seven foot deeper. * * * "President Young was feeling quite rocky all last week and thinks ho is about lo have another revelation. Should such bo the case , our readers may rely upon the Guardian to nt once correct the spelling and print it at an early date. * * "Brother Blakcsloo , who was un fortunately and fatnly wounded in a watermelon patch before leavingNnuvoo died yesterday in his dugout , which ho had facetiously named Fernihurst-on- Iho-Misbouri. Funeral services on Sat urday nt his former residence , nftor which his furniture will bo removed , nlso everything but Brother Blakcsleo and Fornihurst will be filled up. " * 4t4 Of course Iho above mcagorlv show the character of the paper , but it was said to bo newsy , bright , spicy , and at times , comic. In the early history of Omaha the first successful club organised for mu tual benefit was called TUB CLAIM CLUU. The object of this club was , according to its preamble , lo boiler protect those who had good and prior claims to lots and lands. The Claim club mot upon call of the president , and wus addressed at times by mon who were selected by the club as thoroughly worthy. These aftor- dinner orators slood on a barrel while addressing the club , and at the close of the speech the barrel was generally kicked out from under them , leaving thorn supporting their weight entirely by moans of Iho neck. But nil lawless acts of claim clubs were afterwards al- tribulod to special clubs who ran an im promptu business , something as the white caps do now when they want to whip a woman and are afraid lo do so single handed. The Arrow was the first Omaha news paper. It starlod oul July 28.1854. It was devoted to the arts , science , letters , climate , resources , agriculture , moan temperature and politics. Mr. J. E. Johnson waa.lho business manager , and had four wives besides. It is needless to say that he was A MAN OF OltEAT AIUMIiY. All aay ho would manage Ihe paper , and then , weary and exhausted , take up the lask of successfully managing his four soul's idols. Ho also practiced law. Incidentally ho ran a blacksmith shop and preached. Ho was an insur ance ngonl , nnd kept a general store. On a cold day ho would frequently , while drawing a gallon of molasso8shoo , a bronco mule , write a sermon on hu mility and whip a wife. Ho would then nut up Ihe molasses , wipe his fingers on iiis whiskers and write an editorial en titled "We Have Como to Stay. " Ho remained in Omaha and Council Bluffs until ono day ho saw a man enter the store wearing u high silk hat. The next day Mr. Johnson sold out his var ied interests and wont to Salt Lake City , where ho became the head of sev eral moro families. His wonderful voratllilyln matters of business was obtained by driving u bob tail car on Forty-second street , Now York , while quite young , during which lime ho had to drive u skittish horse , make change with his teeth , whip the newsboys off the roar platform and shove snow off the track at thq same lime. Mr. Byron Reed has Iho "Arrow complete witn the exception of No. G , Mr. Palllson was Iho editor. Ho was also a successful obstotrican and under taker , which frequently gave him a scoop ever his rivals in Chicago , His "Salutatory , " us Mr. N. O. Barrow , Iho able associalo editor of Iho Boomerang , used lo say , utarts out ns follows : "Well , strangers , friends , patrons , and the good neoplo generally wherever in the wide world your lot may bo cast , and in whatever olimo this Arrow may reach you ; here we nro upon Nebraska soil , seated upon the stump of an an- clont onk , which serves for an editorial chair , and the top ot our badly abused beaver for n tnblo , wo purpose odiling the Arrow. " Ho then TOOK ANOTIIKK DUINK. Puttlson wag of a romantic mould and murnod under a large tree during a heavy thunderstorm. I do not know why ho did this. lie wrote some rcnl touchful things , ono of which wns called "A Night in Our Sanctum. " It wont on to stnto that there wn5 moro joy in ouo mo ment of the glad , free , unfettered lifo in the pralrlft * than a Ihoiitmnd years In Iho boaonitiot civilization , wearing suspenders and nulling dinner off till after dark * ' Ho loved lo commune with nnturo andjchow maroon plug tobacco. Ho scorned Iho roar nnd bustle of the crowded cities llko Dubuque nnd yearned to nogtlo In the wild wood nnd listen lo tnochipinonk'a honest bark. Ho turned up his nose at Now York nnd the other sottlomonls and wanlod to lost lie back In the lap of nature and live on her relatives. But how changed ! Where once the loud cry of the contending warriors , Iho over warring clans of Iho Sioux and the Omaha , clove the air , well dressed men , between the acts , come in and clove Iho air. Where once Ihoro were no luxu ries whatever , now we ride on nn clec- Iric Iraln which docs Iho rapid transit from ono extreme of Council BlulTs to the lurthor extreme of Omaha. Where once was heard Iho hiss of Iho arrow as it sped on its xvny into the middle of a white man who was looking the other way , now all is changed. Where there were once no residences , to say nothing of hotels , i visited u town in interior Nouraskn last week whore Ihoy had a good holul with matches in Iho olllco. "What do you want it for ? " nbkod the landlord when I said I wan led a match. I said I had just chopped some wood and wanted lo start a lire in my room if ho \\ould lot mo have a match that ho was not using. Then ho took a key out of his pocket , blow a grain of wheat out of it , and looking at mo with a keen , searching glance , opened a * drawer in his desk , and got me a blue-headed match. Omaha has some good hotels , but good cooking is the last Ihing to pono- Iralo inlo u now country , and especially at hotels. TltK FIUST THKATIUCAIi KNTKUTAIX- MKN'T over jlvon in Omaha was In 1800 , at the old JJerndou house , now the Union Pacific headquarters. The company had no sceuorv , because it was not on a regular professional tour , so the man ager borrowed a bolt of muslin from Tootle & Jackson'd store and miulo a curtain , allowing Iho same background lo figure in all Iho scenes. Later on nn Uncle Tom's Cabin com- pnny , provided with a blind bloodhound and a death bed , played there lo good business. Omaha has always boon gonllo and kind toward rocky shows , i have been Ihoro Iwice myself. My attention has only recently been called to Iho discovery miulo by a Dr. Molschulkowsky. &c. , of Odessa , in the state of Europe , of u now method for tronling spinal troubles by means of suspension. Dr. Lewis A. Sayro has also been accredited A'lth the invention of the apparatus by which the patient is so susponfdgflj as to otnvighlen and clontrate ifb bpine. I hone IttMiyjprovo successful , and in Iho fuluro oofso perfected as lo afford great relief lo Ihoso who sufTor in Ihis way , bul it diuVnot work with us years ago when wo tyled il on a patient known ns I | / nja grosED OKOUGK. B. N. Gcortro was a sornnnmubulibt , and had been for years. A somnambu list , and troubled with color blindness , so that timo' and again ho would bo found somowbg're wandering around in Iho nighl , also on dishabille , riding a piralo horso. when his wns black. Col or blindness got Big Nosed Georco into bovoral of ilio o tempos , till at last it occasioned bomo tnlit , and people come to speak to him about it. It was then lhat ho got his buck up , and in order lo reduce Ihis spinal curvature , some ac quaintances tried this supnnsion method. Possibly it was carried to excess , or thoii again his overshoes might have boon too heavy. Anyhow , when a man wont back thorp a day or Iwo afterward lo ask George if Iho draughl was lee slrong for him , or if his head seemed lo bo high onouch no was shocked lo find lhat B. N. George wus no more. People who make scientific expori- mpnls lhat way cannot bo too careful. Big Nosed George loft a wife and four small children. Also n wife and two still smaller' children. Ho loft thorn about two years before his death. A western paper at the time of the accident said : "Wo were in error about the brilliant meteor soon night before last at about 11 o'clock. It now proves to have been the bugle of Big Nosed George , who at that time as cended a telegraph polo by moans of his nock. Biki. NVK. HONEV FOR. TH13 Very Inrcco mesUotl not is used for oatiro cnstumos of black not. Plnul wool school gowns for inisso3 nro cut on lliu bias throughout. Plaid frocks lor little clrls and young misses are cut on the bins throughout. Fringes of every lentjUi , rolornnd dovlco , liavo again been taken into universal fuvor. A novelty In garden-party hats is a Inrjro Dlroctolro moJol aiado of light birch and rustics intertwined. Embroidered scalloni at the foot of skirts are by no means so stylish as a plnlu bom with insertion ubovo it. Slight tournurcs are to bo scon in street costumes , but'slyla Join ands lhat house and ovanlug toilets should bo perfectly Hat. Dainty llttlo drcsa wraps made of the fabric matching the gown , are still highly popular hi tailor costumes for the promeuuda. House waUU of silk or wool in any of a hundred utuiTs nnd patterns nro now worn with different skirts at any hour of the day. A pretty httlo neck rig is of Indian muslin' plaited In double box plaits upon n plain foundation nnd tied with rlcti colored rib bons. Accordcon pleated [ pnrasols to match ac- cordeon pleatod'KOwna are now but clumsy looking. Another novelty U an umbrollu gathered betwetm Iho ribs. Loud ness is ttho characteristic of now French hosiery. Nearly nil the stocking ) ! have black grounds barely visible through blocks , squares ud stripes. Many dainty p/ircalo and gingham frocks for .ittlo glrbs from three to ton yours of nuo have stitiiulatcttplfn ; | > 3 and sleeves of finely tucked whltb cambrlu or embroidery sowed in thorn. Many of the nw sleeves nro shlned Into n point at the tinnholo , a band of galleon form ing n cap or fjoakoy , a similar band conceal ing the iicam. wl > l ti Joins the full part to Iho deep cuff. , Braces of ribbon , finished with shoulder bows and ktols | < of falling loops and ends tit Ido point whcT. ho braces unite nt the waist nro effective , , md dressy garnitures for the summer. u The new summer dress fabrics have such nn nlr of delicious daintiness , and are In mich perfect accord with ribbons and laces , that each year they seem to offer new posslblll tics for artistic gowning. Ligbl weight camel's hair cloth , nun's cloth , nun's voillntr , plain and figured , and line close twilled French gorges nro favorite stuffs for tllo stylish woollen robe dress so largely worn this spring , Bonnets are without exception close-fitting , Tnoy uro most stylish wltli uu Alsatian bowen on top ns the principal trimming. Luco bon nets may bo finished at the edpro with finely plultod frills. Jetted bonnets are the thing for ladles of more mature years. A bride In mourning has no bildosmaUls , wears a traveling gown of pulo grav cloth or camel's hair , tuuy uuvo n bouquet , though It U not de ngucur , and must bo all white orcUo of purple lilacs , ho must go quietly to church ut 13 o'clock with the very smallest possible amount of bridal Ihumnery , SAVED FROM HIS- CRUEL FA U Why Rich MIsa HlRRlua Mnrrlod Farmer Boy Jolp. HE OF THE FLYING TRAPEZE. A. Circus Attraction Wliloh Wasn't on ttio nuts-How Jcfl * Dnvlfl Won Ills I'ntlier-lii-Imw An Almshoiiso llclr. Little Itomanccn. Louis .Telp , boyish In appearance , wont to Louisville the other day with Miss Mnlonda Higglns , n lady much older than ho , and they were married In Now Albany. Jolp. who is only seventeen years old , woat out that morning to lay oft corn ground for his father. Ills mule became refractory and ran away. The father wont into the Hold and gave the boy a sound thrashing. Young Jelp , when ho getaway away , wont to Iho homo of MissIIigglna , who owns Iho adjoining farm , and told her how ho had been misused. She proposed as n moans of 'escape from his father's wrath that ho marry hor. The youth accepted and the knot was tied. Miss Iliggins is forty-one years old and wealthy. _ "Ladles and gentlemen , " said the ring-master at Mardcl's circus in Bir mingham. Ala. , the other night , "I sup pose I will have to npologlso , but there is an act not down on the bill to-night. The high contracting parlies will please slop forward. " At this juncture Mr. Frank Uunovant , who acts "on the Hy ing trapeze" under the non do plume of Prank Comco , and his partner , Miss Belle Eatman , who has boon perform ing with him for some months , stopped into the middle of the ring and were joined in the holy bonds of matrimony. The ovnngelist , Hov. John Henderson , performing the ceremony. Miss Eat man is only fifteen years old , and is quite pretty. _ A romnntie story connected with a young Frenchman of Full River has just been brought to light. His name is Tancrcd Roussnl , and ho was loft an orphan in Canada at the ago of ton years. Ho had a brother who loft homo twenty-one years ago two years before Tancred was born and consequently the latter never know of his where abouts. Some time aero Tancrod wont from Fall River to Bristol , R. I. , to work as a mason's apprentice , and one day entered into conversation with a fellow employe about his for mer homo in Canada. When ho told the workman his name and the circumstances of his lifo , the latlor re plied lhat ho know of another orphan surnamed Roussol , immensely rich , who resided in British Columbia , Canada , and suggested that ho might bo the brother whom Tancred had mentioned as his only relative. Tancrod hnd doubt of ever being able to lind his brother , but was finally induced to send a letter to British Columbia to inquire about the matter , lie received a reply asking him to give the names ot his father and mother as proof of his identity. The mimes were right , and the two brothers ifuvo been united. The first marriage of Jefferson Davis was of a somewhat romantic character. After graduating at West Point ho was ordered to Fort Crawford at Prairie du Chion , Wis. , the post then commanded bv Colonel Zachary Taylor. The daugh ter of the latter , Mi&s Snllio Knox Tay lor , at once foil desperately in love with the handsome and and intellectual young lieutenant , and the all'oction was reciprocated , but the old colonel was averse to any match-making under the circumstances and peremptorily forbade Davis from visiting his quarters except in an ofllciiil capacity. The lovers managed to see each other by stratagem , however , and one morning nt daylight they were missing. The household was instantly aroubed , the servants intor- rogated'and a search made , but coining was elicited save that the door of the stable was open , four horses were gene , and their tracks indicated a hasty de parture. Further examination of the promises showed lhat Lieutenant George Wilson , brother of Thomas S. Wilson , of Dubuque , la. , and Mi&s Street , daugh ter of General Street , had likewise sud denly disappeared. There was but one conclusion , and in less than an hour every man , woman and child in the vil- lago'know all about the runaway match. Colonel Taylor was enraged and de clared with an oath as strong as ho over used thai under no circumstances would ho forgive Davis or become reconciled lo his daughter's disobedience. Six teen yours passed. "Old Zach" was in command of the United States army in Mexico , and serving under him was Colonel Jefferson Davis , at the head of the famous First Mississippi rilles. At the battle of Buena Vista this regiment covered icsolf with glory , but Davis , while leading one of its charges at a critical moment , fell severely , and. it was supnosed , mortally wounded. Ho wus berne from the Held and that even ing General Taylor , mounted on Old Whitney , paid him a visit. Dismount ing , ho stopped to tiio colonel's col and extended his hand. "JofT , " ho said , "you have saved Iho day with your glorious rilles ; now lol bygonea bo bygones ; Knoxi ( the name by which ho always called his daugh ter ) knew your worth and mettle bolter than I did. " From.that moment , through the war , and indeed until the death of President Taylor , the warmest friendship existed between Iho old companions in arms , Nol long ago there died at Iho state almshouse al Towksbury a colored man who , unknown lo himself or lo Iho otllclals.was Iho legal and acknowledged owner of real estate worth many thou sands of dollars. Born a slave in Con necticut more than a century ago , ho would have become free in ISO ! ) by Iho operation of the law of 1874. Yet such was Iho dread of his parents lhat ho would in the interim bu kidnapped and taken bouth nnd so lost to thorn forever ; thai ho was carried in his mother's arma.whllo yet an infant lo the vicinity of Stonington and committed to iho care of an Indian woman named Nlco WoggH. The boy was called Francis Freeman , and ho remained in the Nnrragansott tribe sovcn years. Freeman had several sisters nnd brothers , and when his sis ter Mary died , in 188il , a litigation over her estate began. The property was sltualed in Bridgeport , Ocean Grnvo , N. J.and Sea CHIT. It. I. She lefl Iho eslato to Rev. Albert Nusii , to her nurse , Mary Juno Brown. and her physi cian , Dr. Holmes. The Nnugatuck rail road later acquired part of the estalo. Freeman attempted to have the will sot aside and finally buccoedcd. Last Jan uary Iho estate was vested in him by order of the court , but Freeman was pat > t enjoying it. Ho died of old ago the other day , oblivious of his good fortuno. Ho has no kindred. WHENCIGAR CIGAR ! * 4 SEE THAT THE + * "BED LABEL" - * 18 ON THE BOX. OMAHA Surgical Institute , N. W. Cor. 13th ami Dodge Sts. , Omaha , Neb. THE LARGEST MEDICAL INSTITUTE IN THE WEST Toil TICK TRCATMKXT 0V ALL Chronic and Surgical Diseases and Diseases of the Eya and Ear , PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO DEFORMITIES. DISEASES OF WOMEN , DISEASES OF THE URINARY AND SEXUAL ORGANS , PRIVATE DISEASES , DISEASES OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. LUNG AND THROAT DISEASES , SURGICAL OPERATIONS , EPILEPSY OR FITS , PILES , CANCERS , TUMORS , Etc- J. W. McMENAMY , M. D. , President , And Consulting Physician nurt Surgeon. Organized with a full staff of Skilled Physicians , Surgeons and Trained Hurm This establishment is a permanent medical institution , conducted by thoroughly educated physicians and surgeons of acknowledged skill and experience. Iho Institute bindings , situated on the noitlmest corner of Thirteenth and Dodge streets , is composed of two largo thrco-stoiy brick bindings of over ninety rooms , containing our Medical , Surgical and Consultation Rooms , Drug Store , Laooratory , Offices , Manufactory of Surgical-Appliances and braces , and the Boarding Depart ment for Patients , in chaigb of competent persons , constituting the largest and the most thoroughly equipped Medical undSurgical Establishment In the West , ono of the three largest in the United Stntes , and second to none. Wo have superior advantages and facilities for treating diseases , performing surcical operations , boarding and nursing patients , which , combined with our acknowledged abllitv , experience , responsibility and reputation , should make the Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute the first choice. You can come direct to the Institute , day or night , as we have hotel accommo dations as good and as cheap as any in the city. "SVo make this explanation for the benefit of persons who may feel inclined to KO fiutbor cast for medical or surgical treatment and do not appreciate the fact that Omaha possesses the luigesl and most complete Medical and Surgical Insti tute west of New York , with a capital of over $100,000. DEFORMITIES OF THE HUMAN BODY. APPLIANCES FOR DEFORMI TIES AND TRUSSES. Best Facilities , Apparatus nnd JJcmertles for Successful Treatment ot every form of Disease requiring MEDJOAL or SUKGJLCAL. TUEAT31 13NT. In this department we'aie especially successful. Our claims of superiority over all others aio based upon the fact that this is the only medical establishment man ufacturing surgical braces and appliances for each individual case. We have three skilled instrument makers in our employ , with impioved machinery , and have all the latest inventions , as well as our own patents and improvements , the result of twenty years' experience. The treatment of diseases by electricity has undergone great changes within the past few years , and electricity is now acknowledged by all schools of medicine as the gieat remedy in all chronic , special and nerve diseases , for nervous debility , par alysis , rheumatism , diseases of women , etc. , and in many eye and car diseases it is the most valuable of all remedies. In order to obtain its full virtues , it is absolutely necessary to have the proper apparatus. We have lately purchased three of the largest and most complete batteries manufactured , so constructed as to give the most gentle as well as the most powoiful current. Persona tieated at this Institute by electricity recognize at once the difference between our expensive and complete electrical apparatus and the common , cheap batteiies. in use by many physicians. Over a,000 , dollars invested in olecliical apparatus. PRIVATE , SPECIAL , R3ERVOUS AND BLOOD DISEASES. Wo claim to be the only icliable , responsible establishment in the west making a specialty of this class of diseases. Dr. McMcimuy wan one jf the first thorough ly educated physicians to make a special study of this class of diseases , and his methods ami inventions have been adopted by specialists in Europe and America , lie is the inventor of the Clamp Compiess Suspensory , acknowledged the best in use. All olheiH are copied after his invention. liy "moans of a simple operation , palnlei-s and safe , recently biought inlo use , we cuio many cases that have been given up as incurable by medical treatment. ( Head our book to meil , tent free to any uiiltlress. ) DISEASES OF THE EYE AND EAR. We have had wonderful .success in this department iu the past year , and have made many hnprovomnms in our facili ties for treatment , operations , artillcial-nyos , etc. We have greatly improved our facilities and methods of treating cases by correspondence , and are having better success in this drpui tmeut than over boforo. We me fully up to the times in all the latest inventions in medical and Burgloal operation ! ! , appliances and Instruments. Our institution ! H open for investiga tion to any portions , patients or physicians. Wo iuviUi all to coiiespond with or visit us before taking tieatment olsewbeic , believing that avihit or consultation will convince any intelligent person that it is to their advantage to place them selves under our caio. Since thin advct Ihemmt Jlrst finpcriml , muny bMUtliny jnctemlers mZ framln havt come fimZ 170110 and many more will came nnd yo , remmnbucd only by their ui\foitunut \ und foolish victims. "A snail inrcsliyatcii , firs ? anil dcci < kn ufterwaftln , A fool ihciilcs first , then iin'UttiytitM.1 ' The Omuha Mcdicul and Siiri/iral / Institute in inilnrsut by the people and the press. More cttpital invented , more nkillcd physicinni miyldyed , more modern ttppliunces , in mtnts and npnaratm in ? w , mote caws haitrd und citrtd. more successful Ktii oiwatunfi perjormtd , Hum in all oilier medical ei'nbUslnncntii in the H'tst combin'd. 144 : PAGE BOOK ( Illustrated ) SENT FREE TO ANY ADDRESS UIALBD ) . I'arl FlrM Mutiny , ciiicoesB nn < ) thu Om.ilu mid Surirtotl IiuUtnlo. 1'a r I ScciMiil CIIIIONIU . ill llio . HlonmUi. Mvcir , Klilni'Mt , tfklti , J'llos , Cancer , Cnlurrh , lplluHy | , Hli'jiinmtlfiin. Jnlmlutlnn , Tupu Worm. I'.lrcii Icily , Noiv llomuitUw , etc. ,1'art , 'Ililrd ItKCmuimts , Ciirvaliirool thu bjiliio. Cluli Kcut , Illp Mini-linos , 1'nralriU , Wiy Nork , How Leu * . Hiiro Up , HurKldil OpiTiillons. 1'art I'oiirlli HI.SIUHKS OKTMK l ! K AM > l'\it , Dla-asnor lliu.Vervos , C.Uimul , StnxbUmuaor Ciiw Kt"i , I'toij'Klum , ( Inuiiilatfcl IJyi'l/l'Is , Inversion ol tint IiliU , Aillllclal I' > c > , uto. 1'iirt I'll In l iHK\Rh oc WOMMN , ( .iMKHin liii-n , Ulcurullnii , Dlbiilru'omcuts , 1'roluiKtus , Fltu- Innsiiiitl V'riilons , Tumors , l.tircT.illoiis Mini C.imiorof tlio Womb , 1'art hlxlli DiHtUHCH < > f MBS , I'rlvutii. iitul Korvouii Ulttu.i&uH.Spurmutoriliiua ( Somliml Iiiipolcnoy , Vm loocflu , Btrlcturc , tiluct , Hji > ! illls , uii'l ull < U enaos of th * tiaullo DISEASES OF WOMEN A Sl'tCIAl.Tlf. Wl ! IlAVlS OHYlJllKN Dl/ltlM ! CONFINKVIKNT , ( .Klflctly I'lUlttOJ , Only Kcllablo Modlcnl Institute Making u Specialty of All IllooJ nisuancii iipoc5fnlly treated. Sj phlllllu Poison removed from tlio BJCtem wltUotjt ineroiiry. Now llustorutlvo Trfainuwt tor LOJS of Vital 1'ounr , I'atluntsuimlilo to visit luniuy bo treuie < l nt liomu by L-om'8 | > omlniip < i. All comnuniliutloiis conlldt'iitlul , Mudhituot or Instrii- OMAHA MEDICAL & SURGICAL INSTITUTE , uud Utilise tilreel i < iumlikN b