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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1889)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY APRIL 28 , 1889.-SIXTEEN PAGES , HEYMAN MICHES 1520 FariM The Largest Cloak and Suit House in the West. 12 pieces of the Finest Brilliantlnes , in all the latest spring shades 54 Inches Wide , Sold in New York at $1.35. FOR MONDAY , OEY , 20 pieoes Extra Fine FRENCH FOIIIF SFRCFS 1 UIJL < JU OuilUMJ "Worth 75 Cents. THEIMDELSOFSOUTHAFRICA i" 'Mahomet Couldn't Whip Thorn and so Galled Thorn KafJOrs. EVERY MAN IS AWARRIOR. . The Women Do All the Work nnd Tliolr Lords Attend to tlio FiRbtlne Polygamy Ercry ' wherePracticed. . y- Anioue the Zulus. PRETOIUA , South Africa , Feb. 14. [ Special Correspondence to- TUB BEE. ] ' The original inhabitants of South Africa , the Bushmen , are almost ex tinct. They can bo found only in the mountains , and there in small num- bors. They are about the lowest typo of humanity , living in the open air , not building huts or dwellings of nny kind , and subsisting on wnito ants , cat erpillars and other insects. It is a Btraugo fact that these people make gods of , and VOUSIHF TIIE INSECTS AVIIICII THEY KA.T. Their only weapons nro the poisoned t assegais and wooden clubs. The assegai - . gai is n kind of Innco made from n metal resembling the best quality of our iron. This metal la found in the beds of cer tain rivera and is mentioned by Living stone , the great explorer. This people at an early porlod inhabited all the south African country , but the Zulus from whom nro descended all the South African tribes , camu from the north , conquered nnd almost exterminated the Bushmen. The Zulus originally dwelt on the southern border of Egypt , wore a superior race of men and when Mn- hemet was in full power nnd his vota ries sot out to conquer the world and compel all man kind at the point of the Ynhtagnn , to adopt their religion had subdued Egypt nnd all northern Africa , they * arrived at this nation of Zulu. The word Zulu moans thunderbird , and their theory ot the phenomena of thundoi is that it is caused by an immense bird flying through the air. They found it impossible to bring them under their sway. This nation of warriors rather than adopt the faith of mahomet immi grated south , to iv country whore they wore allowed to live at pcnco and WOKSIIIV AS TI1KV I'J.KASE. Since then they have boon called "Kaffirs , " meaning "unbeliever" in the Arabic language. They spread over all the southern portion of Africa , and from them cinanatou all the other tribes. The Zulus nro far superior to nil the Knlllr tribes. They are not black , but copper-colored , nnd have little of thu features ot the nogro. Their Una nro thin , their noses inclined > ' * - * ' to nquillno. They have prominent foreheads , dark and Intelligent nyos , voolly hair , and line , white tooth , They uru tall , well built and well pro portioned , iKuvorful men. The women are not , a& a rule , its wall favored as the man , owing , no doubt , to * the fuct that they do most ot the hard work , laboring in the fluid * , as well as attending to the duties of the hlnhlu ( house ) . They are tall , inns- eularnad goneraly built in a rouiculluc L , Hosiery , 1 Did You Ever Try Our ' New , POSITIVELY FAST BLACK E , AT 25C , 35C , 45c , They are the Best and Cheapest in the World Every single pair GUARANTEED. mould. The dross of the men is very scanty , consisting only of a bolt with ifty or one hundred monkey tails dang- .ing from it. In addition the warriors wear nn oval crown on the head about tour to live incites in diameter , made from certain roots and a kind of ccmont iiiown to themselves only. This crown is'wovon into the hair and is never de tached. No Zulu will over part with this wreath on any terms , as ho WOULD HE FOHEV15R DISQIIACBD in tlio eyes of his countryman. [ know of cases where foreign ers offered as much as $100 to 5200 for one of thcso , but only succeeded in everlastingly insulting the wearer. Their arms and logs are ornamented profusely by bangles made of brass or other shining metal , and the indispensa ble snuff box is carried in a slit in the ear. Their weapons consist of the as sagai and a huge club , with a knot on ono end , and a shield made from cow hide. The assagai is their princi pal weapon , which they use with great dexterity , being able to strike the bull's eye at a hundred yards or more with as much accuracy as n rifle shot. The dress of the women consists of two sheep skins , which fasten around their loins and are profusely decorated with bonds and fancy work. They , like the men , wear bangles on their arms and legs , nnd around their nock strings of beads , animal tusks and claws. Their hair they AVEAV15 JXTO A 1'ISlU'KNDICUriAll ril < - LAU About six inches high , which they paint rod or yellow , giving them a most grotesque appearance. When working or traveling they carry their babies on their backs in a cradle formed of shcopskin , the , ono extremity being fastened i around the middle by the logs of the skin , whilst the logs of thn other extremity are tied around the nock. Thin makes a safe and easy bed for the little ones aiiJ has the ad vantage of enabling the mother to suckio the offspring without taking it out of the cradle. The head of thn child rests on the mother's shoulder , and she stietches the source of susten ance far enough back for the child to reach. Poljgnmy obtains amongst all the Kafllr trlbos , the number ot wives a man may have bolng only limited by his moans to buy them. Thu price ot wlfo ranges from two to twcntv-llvo oxon. The majority ot men find two enough. Chlofn and potty chiefs have more , ranging from five to a hundred. The firbt wife n man taken Is the favorite. In the case of the chief she is thn queen. The second wlfo wails upon and attends to the children of the first , the third plays the same part to the second , nnd BO on down to the , who has two families to bring up. Hucli wife has a separate hut to horbolf , but notwithstanding this precaution ciuur- rcling Is common. The inilnva ( husband ] docs not inturforo except in extreme cases , when his decision in final. The iudnviiB generally trout their xvivos well boating or corporal punishment of anj kind being unknown. The Knfilr wo men are vary faithful to their husband ; nnd among the unmarried portioncases of immorality uro very raro. A trader , however , is welcomed among some tribes , S3 there is n hupnrotltlon that u child born of a wliitu man is n mas cot mid. in time o ( war -.vlll bring vie tory to possessing it. The young est ami bost-lookina- of the chief it generally selected for this honor. Among BO mo of the tribes twins are crtn- sldfroU unluckycvdoui * of tha children so born If killed. Ono < ' thu greatest and larest curiosities i an Albanian Kalllr. 11 iv j-lun ana nalr of DI.-HC fnwks of nniuro uro vhlto : ib t > no * t'l. pupil of the eyes is pink nnd lh > foa ures have the uv.'ul Kulllr V EXTRAORDINARY 1,000 White Suits for ladies , mis'ses ' and children. THE ENTIRE STOCK OF SAMPLES FROM THE LARGEST SUIT MANUFAC TURING ESTABLISHMENT IN NEW YORK. Being a sample lot there are no two suits alike. Some are slightly soiled through handling. There is also included a lot of about I5O White Wrappers and Tea Gowns. The entire lot will be on sale , Monday morning , at Cents on the Dollar Positively the greatest Bargain ever shown in Omaha. It is simply impossible for any one to buy the material alone for the money these goods will be offered at. Call Early. No Two Suits Alike Remember , this is a great chance. en & Belches' ' Gloak and Suit Dep't ' , CKAS. McDONALD , Manager , Stored and Insured During the Summer Reasonable Char es istics , altogether , giving them a most startling appearance. In all places whnre the Kaffirs uro out of the control of White men thcso FUEAKS AtlE KITTED When born , nnd often the mother is subjected to the same fate. The Zulu womim do all the hard work. They plant and reap the corn and vegetables , and attend to the cattle , even grinding the corn into meal. This grinding is done on n Hat stone of from two to five square feet of surface. The corn 8 place on this surface and another stone about five to six pounds in weight is rolled over it. This grinds the meal very fine , of which they make ithlo ( mush ) . From Kalllr corn they IIKISW A KIND OF 11EER called juala , which is a very good and refreshing drink , and possesses consid erable intoxicating properties. The men employ their time in fight ing and preparing weapons for war and singing the praises of their chiefs. When not engaged In actual warfare they hunt nnd idle nround generally. When the prospects of a good harvest have been assured , by way of thanks giving the men have a protracted drunk which last from ono to thrco months , During the whole ot this time they are in a maudlin stupid state or else excited and halt nrazod from the effects of the juala. This is not a good time for a trader to approach them ; besides not being able to do any business hois more than likely to got into quarrels with thorn. When the tribes fight amongst themselves they are very bloodthirsty , and give their fallen enemies no quarter. I was once traveling with two Kulllr servants , and passnd through the Maccaran country while they wore engaged in a general warfare with the Marrabask. The first intima tion of the state of affairs was that the two Kaffirs dropped their usual loud and cheerful songs and commenced crooning in a demoniacal manner. Not being able to see any cause for the ohango-I- insisted on nn explanation. Ono of the Kaffirs pointed out human TiKQS AND AUMS 1IANOINQ ON TIIE THEE8 , and further on wore the liver nnd heart transfixed to branches. The sight of these , while it sickened mo tiocined to act like magic on the two Kalllrs , arousing their passions like in furiated bulls at the smell of blood. They mndo low guttural noises , clutched fast their rlllos and assagais , crooning along the ground like snakes , staring all round in seiirch of a hidden onomy. Suddenly they stopped in front of nn open grave , whom they m-ococdod to make a speech to the doad.who they said was their brother , and whose dentil they vowed to avenge , all the time dis torting their features horribly , und rolling their eyes like maniacs. In this country wo had to oncnmp for the night. As the dark- no RH foil on us in the midst of thcso surrounding ! ) , I was not , as can bo Imagined , in a very happy frame of mind. The mutterings ana rolling of the eyes of the excited kalllrs before my mind , and the sight of the human remain * hanging on the trees fresh before my imagination , produced a train of thought and forebodings far from pleasant. The shrill war-whoop und unearthly yells of the human fiends around sounded in my oars ut , 1 lay botwcon the two kalllrs , with my hands on my rillo , dozing in a dis- trubud eomnnmbulont munnor. However - over , the night passed nnd we got away from tljiu region as quickly us possible , ' Tlui MuxUoi ] Hull , ' \v lab tlio now Amer ican ( Ucra company priduued , lm aoiii'- tljin.'oi n'lils'ory. ' Mini vheino was llr-t Iran e I by Aubur , wlinvrnto uii opera on Itio nisnjcut which \vai used later by Vcrdl , w'jvr itis tlio prutnni work. Thn opern has u1 ' -jciiii Ucnrd for nmnj years , HAS A MAN SMOKE FOR HIM Some Good Stories of Men and Other Animals. THE MANUFACTURE OF MUMMIES A Novel Industry Am one tlio Arabs "Billy" tlio Goat Gets Drunk A V'erjr Ancient Turtle Saved By Her Garter. The Curious Sldo of lilfo. The following letter , which appears in a Sheffield contemporary , tolls its own story , says the Pall Mall Gazette. "Have you over soon an educated horse ? The Midland Railway company have one at Derby. Ho introduced himself to mo on Monday morning by rubbing his nose against the glass slide of the carriage window , which I opened and patted his head ; but that did riot appear to bo a sufficient recognition of his friendly attitude. Ho sniffed away as if ho smelt something delicious in the compartment , when a slice of plum coke appeared from the basket of a fellow- passenger , and with this between his huge grinders ho smacked his lips , and strode away to his ordinary vocation with apolito nod , rogardlossof the strict injunctions ot his employers 'that no gratuities uro allowed , etc.1 ; but this mild form of treating a very humble servant with kindness will not , I hope , bo visited by any severe penalty. " "I was in Scranton two or three days this week , " saida Philadelphia attorney to a Press reporter , "and every day 1 baw Bomowhero on the street a tall , straight old gentleman , with snow- white hair and a flowing white board that reached almost to his waist , promenading in company with a young gentleman. "Tho latter was constantly smoking and blow every pull of smoke straight in the face of his companion , who bent forward to receive It and inhaled it eagerly with his nose and mouth. "No ono seemed toi BOO anything odd about this norformancoiof the old gen tleman and his colored ! companion , but I did , and my curiosity prompted nip to ask an ncquuintunco'.for . an explanation. I learned that the" old gentleman was Ira Tripp , a inllliotidiro coal operator and ono of the oldest natives in the Lackawanna Valley , Jpolng nov ; past fourscore. The colored man was Jila valet , John. "From boyhood until.twenty years erse so ago Ira Tripp , iWaa an inveterate smokur. Ho smoked the strongest and most expensive cigars" " ho could buy. His health became greatly impaired while ho wns nbout'i ' it and the doctor told him that ho mtist'olthor quit smok ing or die. f " "Tho old gontlotnhn did not want to die , neither did ho want to give up enjoying - joying his wood. Ho did neither , nnd yet he gave up smoking. Ho has not had a cigar or pipe between lips since , but has indulged his love for tobacco smoke by inhaling it from cigars &mokcd by others. "For u time ho enjoyed hia proxy smokes by frequenting the company of binbkors nnd nsklnir them to pun" the einoko in his face , but the miscellane ous quality of the tobacco thus inhaled was not satisfactory "Ho then adopted the plan of carry ing his own cigars and presenting them to sinokors on condition that they would iiccompanv him and give to him the benefit of the smoke. As his cigars wore-nlways bettor than the average roan could over hope to .Mtain unaided , 'Uncle Ira , ' as ho is familiarly called , had no diillculty in finding1 smokers at his beck. "This plan was not entirely satisfac tory to the old man either , and ho finally resolved to hire a man to accom pany him wherever ho went , the man'a only duty being to smoke a choice cigar as often as ono was furnished him and to blow the smoke in his employer's faco. faco."His "His present smoker , the colored man John , has boon with Uncle Ira for sev eral ycarsand the artistic way in which ho manipulates his cigar smoke to the best advantage of his employer , has made him indispcnssablc to the ola gen tleman. " A few days ago , while some mon wore at work on the boom on the Benton side ot the river , near Fairfield , Mo. , they discovered an old friend in the person of a mud turtle which is now wall known in this town , and bfds fair some day to become the oldest inhabitant. Ho firbt made his appearance in these parts in 1847. In that year John It. Joy discov ered him and marked him with his initials. This was a mile from the river. In 1801 , when the war broke out , ho again came to the front , and Benton Brown caught him and marked him with his initials. In ISfiS ho reappeared and was again marked. IIo was aeon by the mon at the Boom after that about once in four years , and each time a now name und date wore added to his shall. Sonic of the dates are faint now , but most of thorn , and all of the initials , can bo traced. lie was due to arrive there last year , but for some reason postponed his visit till this spring. He was car. riod-about town and exhibited and then liberated. When there was coasting on Swan street , between Madison nvcnuj and Hamilton street , lust winter , no ono enjoyed - joyed the sport more , or indulged in it to a greater-extent than "Jumbo , " the Scotch collie of Moses Star' , says tho- Albany Journal. The dog is six yonrs old , weighs fifty-sovon and one-half pounds and is of a light hrlndlo color. Ho is good-natured and full of pluck. May Stark , in childish sport , put Jumbo on a hand-slod ono day and eont him down thu hill. This was sutliciont , and thereafter it was next to impossible to Icnop him olT a sled when it was empty. Ho would lie on all fours on the sled with his fore paws over the front of the bottom board , or sit on his hind logs with the string in his mouth , and ride down the hill ulono. Ho liked host to lie on all fours with hit sled attached to others in front containing children. At the bottom of the hill ho would seize the string between his tcoth and drag the children up the hill , when a reason able number were on the sled. Ono would hardly look for now indus tries in the potnflcd clvih/.atlons of the east , hut some of the Arabs have de veloped a genuine streak of Yankee enterprise. Somewhere in Egypt they have a factoryor laboratoryfrom which they can turn out mummies of nny ancient period or rank dusirod. A fresh corpse in tnkon. soaked In brine several days , smoked like n ham , filled with drugu , and in two weeks can ho made oounl to any mummy found in the cata combs. One of these was fitted up with the signs of royalty and a parchment giving an account of his career over Four thousand years ago , and sold to n French scientific body for a largo sum. That rugion may revive yet. Ono of the bast-known drunkards nnd bar-room loungers of Philadelphia is dead , IIo was a goat named' ' 'Hilly , " or , rather , ho was half goat and half deer. IIo lias not drawn a sober breath for seven years with the exception of two months when lie was laid up with a I ] A New Line Just Received , MUSLIN DRAWERS 25o MUSLIN DRAWERS , trim moo. 35o MUSLIN DRAWERS 6Oo MUSLIN DRAWERS 75o CHEMISE , EXTRA LENGTH , Inoo trimmed - mod $ 1.75 Extra length lace trimmod. . , . 2.5O Extra length lace trimmod. . . . 2.75 SKIRTS. Elegantly Trimmed $ 1.35 Elegantly Trimmed 1.5O Elecr antly Trimmed 2.OO Hand embroidered FRENCH SKIRTS l.OO NIGHT GOWNS , PLAIN 60o TRIMMED 1.00 TRIMMED 1.6O TRIMMED 1.55 CORSET COVERS 26o CORSET COVERS 45o CORSET COVERS 660 CORSET COVERS l.OO PureThread Silk Vests At S2.5O Sold everywhere at $5. Satin Corsets , $1.75 and $2.75 Only a few lert. broken lojr caused by n champagne sproc. IIo frequented all the liquor shops of Nicctown and was always invited - vitod to have something with the" boys , lie naturally believed in free whisky and it is said that it was his fear of the passage of the prohibitory law that caused big death. IIo was generally quiet wlien ho had a''jag on"occasion ally , however , demolishing n fruit- vender's stand. Ono day last week while admiring1 the symmetrical proportions of a snow drift near the Lake house , wo saw the liveliest affair over witnessed in these mountains a three-cornered fight be tween lusty squaws , says the Homer ( Cal. ) Index. Toggle-Joint Julo and Slit-Face Mary pitched into Gum-Nose Kate , and MosesJ what a wreck they made of her scanty habiliments. They pooled and denuded her in an instant , compelling the innocent newspaper per son to got behind a rock to blush. The cause of the onslaught was that ICalo had stolen a petticoat from a dusky sis ter , and was making oil with the plun der. An instance ot the ruling passion strong in death , or the expectation of it , was a comical sight during the storm that on a recent Sunday so nearly wrecked the steamer Iroquols off Capo Hattoras. A passenger described it : < 1A sight I will never forgo ) . for the humor in it , In spite of the gravity of the situation , was intense wns the' ap pearance of a lady in her nightdress with her bustle strapped around her waist and a life preserver on her arm. Another lady hod a switch of hair in her hand and , beginning to cell it i-.bout her head , moaned : 'Oil , shall I die llkothisi Shall I die like this ! ' " A largo Mexican lion was killed six milod from town 'Mi ) afternoon by Mr. C. S. Duff , without n weapon of any kind but atones , r.ays a Palo Pinto special to tho-Now Orleans Times-Dem ocrat. The Crawford boys sent word to Mr. Duff that the lion was in their neighborhood and for him to bring his dogs. Ho responded prompt'y. 'Die dogs wore BOOH in combat with the lion , and actually hold him while Mr. Duir boat him to death with stonon. The lion measured seven foot from the tip of tils HOBO to the end of his tail. George Gray , a farm hand living near Pine Mill , Pa. , was attacked in an open Hold by seven weasels that leauod from a stone-heap , lie ran to the house , pursued by the spiteful liUlo beasts. They Hprang for hit * throat , and hit him severely all over the body. At the house Gray was reinforced by two other men. The thrco succce'dod in driving oil the weasels , but not until all the men had been severely injured. Ida Lynch started to drown herself by jumping from the lower bridge across the Arkansas river at Little Rock , but the watchman caught her us she jumped , his hand catching in her garter , which was strong , and thus saved her life. MUS10AI * ANI > IWAMATIO. Miss Mary Anderson is visiting Baroness von Huego ! , at Hompslead , J. K. Kinmot has another "new play , " which will bo revealed soon. The huro , of courftu , is the Interminable Fritz , . On gond authority It is Htatcd thut thn receipts of the Gorman uporu during its two necks' stay la Uoston amounted to f5Ui)00. Mildred Fuller , tlio pretty young daughter of Cliiof Justice Fuller , of the supreme court , hat written a three-act comcily culled "Dream * . " I'Voiu rnport * Just at hand It would appear that the flr t appearance of Wugnor's "King of tlio Nlbelung" In St. Petersburg passed 0 < T brilliantly , There is yet another How England play. EMBROIDERIES Latest Designs in Hemstitched Embroidery 46-lnoh SWISS , 43o , worth 76o 45-Inch SWISS , COo , worth. 1.00 45-hieh SWISS , 76o , worth. 1,16 46-inoh SWISS , 80o , worth. 1,26 45-lnoh SWISS , 85o , worth. 1.05 45-lnoh SWISS , OOo , worth. 1.50 46-inoh SWISS , O6o , worth. 1.00 46-inoh SWISS , $1 , worth. . . 1.75 INFANTS' DEPARTMENT Just received , a fine line of Infants' Children's DRESSES From 75c up. Infants' Long Cloaks in cream and tan , at $2.75 , worth $3.5O $3.0O , worth $4.O6 $3.5O5 worth & 4.5O Infants' Complet e Out. fits. It is called "Blackberry Farm , " and tlia author is Clny M. Groeno. Ttioro will bo a dozen moro probably before next season. Moszkowskl appears to bo engaged on an opera. So , at least , wo gather from the Htuteniontthnt , during his late visit to War saw , Boino fragments of ono wore found. "Tlio Poachers , " a coinody which has mot with much favor in Berlin and Vienna , is now attributed to the quean of Uoumania , who 1ms another piece ready for representa tion. tion."Mark "Mark Twain" has boon introduced by the success attending the performance of Mrs. Frances Hodgson Burnett's "Littlo Lord Fnuntloro.v" to dramatize his "Prince and the Pauper.1 13 ncouraged by the over increasing pubho demand for German opera , the city council of Brussels has Just docldcd to make the ex periment of Introducing it at the Belgian capital next summer. M. Henri Melhac , the well-known drama tic author , bus inailo his formal entry Into tno French academy. Ho was received by M. Jules Simon and succeeds M. Labicha. M. Melllmo wns born in Paris In 1833. A Uussiun musical prodigy makes Joseph Hoffman und Otto Hanger seem grown up. Paul Kocsalshi IK four years of nge , and is sniu to Imvo "masterly execution" on u piano mndo to lit tils fingers. It is now iinnouuccd that M. Coquelln and Joanne Hading will net together again la London in May. Thii makes thu publication of Uio stories about , their mutual detestation lonk very much like a more advertising dodge. Tlie "Passlonsplol" of Obcrammorgau will be played in 1890 , when its regular dccado recurs. The commune has resolved to mnko no important changes in the drama , although there will b some abbreviations and n few corrections. B It now amicars that the season of I Ian opera in Berlin in nnt nearly as successful at wns ut first reported. Miss Van Zaudt mudo but little of nn impression , and "Lakrao,1" which wns produced for the drat time , proved scarcely more than n suncoa a'estimc. After thn first week the management dc- cliicil to reduce the scale of prices , and fllnco thu attendance has Improved somewhat. Ono of the most Into resting of the musical features in connection with tlio Paris exhibi tion will bo the revival of some of the operas produced about the time of the tlrst revolu tion. Among them will bo Palsiello's "It Barhloro , " Ualayrno's "Uaoul do Crcqul , " "Nlcodoruo dans la Lime , " by Consln- Jacques , mid "Alndanio Angot , " by Uoraall * lot. Fran Comma Wagner lias written a letter to liorr Anton Soldi , conductor of the Mot- ropolltnu company of Now York , expressing the hope that the production ot her Into hus band's trlology In the western Mates will bo as Hiicuessful ns it proved in the east. Slid nays ; "America is a great Held for hlavorlt. . It must not be misunderstood , or hulf under stood. I do not think that U can fnlt to grow. " Herr Soldi describes her as bol f "terribly in earnest , living , like Clnru Schu mann , to < lorlfy her husband's memory aud faino. " Women have got 05 nor cent of tlio 329,030 divorces grunted in thu United States in the past twnnty yours. Quo result of the tailors' strike In Erlo Is the postponement of a fashionable wedding , the groom being unable to got his suit la timo. timo.Mm. . W. J , Cotton , of this 'city , and not Itohoj-t Llnuoln und his wife , introduced UuHHull HaiTl ou to Miss Suundor * , whom ho afterwards married. A newly wodilod pair from tlio country blow out the gas in a Minneapolis hotel , uud come- within an ace ot being In a position to Kolvo the problem of problems. Mysterious footfalls and door slams at night have driven a freshly wedded pair from a house nt Cedar Hill , Berks county , Punnsyl- vanla , und oven the clous quit the premise * at sunitown , The British divorce returns for thirty years , ending In 1889. HUOW that tlieru were 10.MII petitions for divorce or duiBolutlon of marriages , of which 7U3L'wcro successful , The increase since 1831 is gradual. A Kingston , N. Y. , minister , married a couple ODD night recently , nnd when signa tures wore usked to the certificate it wai found thut neither tno bride , groom , liost limn , nor brldunmld could write tht-lr nntncs , 'i'uoy nil signed by mailing murk * .