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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1889)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE EIGHTEENTH YEAR OMAHA , SATURDAY MORNING. AP1I3X. . 27 , 1889. NUMBER 31G PROBABLY A DOUBLE MURDER kn Aged Couplet Shot Down By a Bon-ln-Law. mt- OLD GENTLEMAN IS DEAD. Ills WITc Htlll Lliiccrs , But There In Ijlttln llopa of Her Itccovnry A Divorce Case the CniiHc. Thrcatn'or Lynch Inc. Cr.nAn HAI-HIB , Nob. , April 20. [ Special | Telegram to Tin : 13in.l John Meyers and his wife , an aged couple llvlne hero , xvcro iliot by their son-tn-law , linns ! ! Garrison , ibout 5 o'clock this afternoon. Myers only lived about half an hour , while Mrs. Mynrs may live , but It Is very doubtful. Myers tvns shot twlco In the head , Mrs , Myers ivan shot Just below the shoulder blade , the ball passing through her and coming out In Front. The causa of the shooting was a dl- rorco which Mrs. Garrison is suing for. She Is stopping with her parents. Ho has been anxious to her and culled there this af ternoon , but they would not allow him to sco H's wife and ho shot them. Garrlsoa at once gave himself up to the officers and was taken to Justice Campbell's ' office for a hear ing , but no saved them the trouble by waiv ing nn examination , and he was put into a carriage as quickly ns possible and taken to Jail at Albion , for there were threats of lynching. Two or three men with a rope were trying to get hold of him , Cruelty to his wife Is said to be tha cause of the dl- voicnsult , ' Two .Innlcctitiic Indians. PRKI > IU : , Neb. , April 20. [ Special to TUB UBB. ] Daniel Webster and Sylas Wood , two Omaha Indians , who liavo a small following in their trlbo , loft this week lor Washing ton , the object of their visit to the national capital being to sccuro permission , Is possi ble , to remain ns llioy are for twenty-five years yet , Instead of becoming .citizens , and thus avoid raying taxes. A purse to pay their ways to Washington was roiscd by those of their trlbo over whom they exorcise n certain power by means of deception , and they expect the Indian commission to furnish funds for their return. In this they are very likely to meet with disappointment , as a tele gram from a chief of the Omuhas has cone ahead of them , instructing the commissioners of Indian affairs to Ignore them , and compel them to cither pay their own fares home , or "hoof" it. Webster and Wood tire regarded ns shysters , both In their trlbo and among the whites , and are only considered promi nent by a few of the most worthless and fault-finding members of the Omaha band. It Is claimed by a gentleman who Is thor oughly acquainted with the Omahas , that thcsQ.two men have no hopes of accomplish ing nnythincr nt Washington , but merely went on a pleasure trip at the expense of their lesvintelllgent brothers , whom they have impressed with the belief that next to taxation comes death , and thus induced them to raise funds and send them on a pleasure trip. _ Thnrston Republicans Issue a Call. Pnsniia , Neb. , April 20. [ Special to Titc UCE. ] The republicans of Thurston county have Issued n call for n convention , to bo hold at this place on Wednesday , May 1. It has been contended by sumo from the day of Thurston county's organization that the chances for success wore pretty evenly di vided between the democrats and republi cans , but if the basis upon which the repub licans estimate the representation to which each precinct is entitled to in the convention is anything like correct the republicans are .almost a third the strongest in the new county. In their call , thnv allow ono dole- gatc-ut-largo In each precinct and ono foi every fifteen votes or major fraction thereof. There are six precincts in the county , and the total number of delegates is estimated nt thirty-one , five more than the democrats claim In their call , by allowing the same ap portlotimcnt of delegates to each precinct , It Is also conceded by democrats who claim to know , that the estimate of their vote in the county is high , while that of their oppo ncnta Is low , If out of the way ut all. 1. O. O. f. Anniversary at Beatrice , BEATIUCI : , Neb. , April 20. [ Special Tele cram to TUB HUE. | Notwithstanding tin threatening skies and high wind the seven tlcth anniversary of Odd Fellowship was celebrated in good shape to-day , at Beatrice by the lodges of the state. Special train ! arriving nt 11 o'clock over the I3..M. , Uniot Pacific and Hock Island roads brought tin patriarch militant and subordinate lodges o Odd Follows from Omaha , Lincoln , Hast Ings , Koarnoy. Fulrbury , Crete , Wllber , Do Witt , Hluo Springs , Wymoro and Odcll , nm uniformed bands from Omuha , Lincoln Kearney , Wymoro and Plymouth. Tin mayor and M. H. Davis gave addresses o welcome. C. M. Uollopoter made an oratioi on Odd Fellowship. Governor Thaycr alsi made an address. In the evening a ball am reception was given at the opera houso. Fremont News. FIIKMONT , Nob. , April 20. [ Special to Tin BcB.l Congressman Dorsoy loft last evenIng Ing for Now York City , whore ho goes to at tend the centennial of the Washington Inau gurutton. On his return home , ho will slot at Washington and nrrutigo for a number o now and Important federal appointments fo Ncbruska. He expects to l > o absent abou ten du.vs. A man named John Lewis wns nrrcstci hero this mornlug.for attempting to pick tli pocket of a passenger un the 11 o'clock Elli horn train. Soon after his arrest D. D. Smith n stock man of Cedar Kuiiiils , arrived In tli city from Columbus looking for some stoloi property. Smith was on his return bom from Omaha , where ho had been with shipment of stock , and was waiting at tli Columbus depot last night for lus train , an while asleep this morning his xatchcl an pacKngn of dry goods bought In Omaha won stolen , their vuliio being f)5 : or. $10. Sinlt Identified the man Lewis as oner of a gani who wore around the depot last night , an succeeded la finding his lost property at pawn shop wore Lewis had loft it , Tim lint will bo bound over to tlio district court. I. U. O. F. Anniversary. NouroMC , Nob. , April 24 [ Special Teli gram to Tim Uun. ] The seven t loin nun vcrsavy of the I. O. O , , F , observed her to-duy called In members of the order froi Stanton , Madison , Tildcn , Ncllgh , O'Nttl Pierce , Plalnvlew , Crnlgliton and Oakdnli Aftnr a half hour's parade the fraternity an others repaired to Marqubrdt'8 hall , whei the anniversary cxorciwi wcro conduete by Grand Master George N. LlocU , ussUtc by provisional o/llcer.s / of the lodge. Uov. . W. Martin gave an Instructive uddcnss. Tl 'exorcises were followed this oveujup by ball. _ _ Dead In the Bond. Louisvn.r.K , Neb , , Audi 20. [ Special Tel egram to Tin : URK. ] A lady named Cool who has been canvassing for boons an fancy articles In this neighborhood for thrc months , was found dead In tha road about quarter of u mllu from the town of Man ) ; four miles south of hero. The Indication are that she died of apoplexy. Her DUO wi about fifty. The coroner baa been sun mound * Grand Jury IndlotniRiitH. NIIIIHASKA CITV , Nub. , April 20. [ Spcch to TUB BEB. ] Tlio grand Jury has found. Ii dlctuicnts against Samuel Merrlguian , wt hot Mrs. Goodman for stretching a clothe Una across tui yard , which caught him undi tuo ctila ono dark night , Tbe woman full recovered. Ills case will bo called next week , and will , most likely , bo continued until the next term of court. Indictments wcro also found against the man Policy , who came hero from Omaha nml tolo a pair of Van Wyck's horses. ' Basil Morris , the well-connected young Kctitucklan , who is out on bail , has been In dicted for forncry. but it Is not likely that ho will return for trial. Later : The grand jury was discharge ! after finding only nlno criminal indictments out of seventeen cases. Herman Wachen- dorf , the Talinago liquor dealer , who had been uound over on thirteen different charges of selling liquor without a license , was discharged , George Munns , who carved a colored man , and another for attempted murder wcro also lot off ; ono man was discharged for burglary ; whlto his partner , who wns the least concerned In the robbery , pleaded guilty when first arrested , and is now serving a two years1 sentence in the penitentiary. Went lo bleep On Duty. Si'inxovicw , Neb. , April 20. [ Special to Tun Bin. : ) G. T. Gannon and J. E. Smith of Long Pine , came over hero yesterday to arrest Sheriff Coble for language that the latter was said to have used to the wife of E. F. Gannon , n brother of the former , when asked by the lady to arrest the men. who had "rounded up" her husband. The men were both Intoxicated when they ar rived hero , mid shortly afterwards Gannon lay down upon the sidewalk In front of the Bank of Sprlngvlew and went to sleep. While the boys were amusing themselves by tying ropes around his legs , Sheriff Coblo came along , and , seeing his pitiable condi tion , removed the cords and convoyed htm tea a private room , whcro ho could sleep off the effects of his potations. As soon us ho was sober enough ho and his friend loft for Long Pine. Gannon claims to bo u friend of Gov ernor Thnyer , and said ho had in his pocket n letter from that gentleman authorizing Cable's arrest. Ihc Lincoln Murder Case. LINCOLN , Neb. , April 20. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bun. ] Curtis and Mrs. Woods wore put upon their preliminary hearing for the murder of Bob Woods , this afternoon ut 2 o'clock. It can not bo concluded before to morrow morning. Taylor and Ciirtis nro both cxasperuttugly cool and indifferent In their bearing , oven insolent. It is said that Doc Porter and Sam Hudson voluutecred to lend a lynching party , and that 5CO persons were ready to act with them. The known bravery of these men made It advisable to remove the prisoners to tha stuto peniten tiary for safe keeping , and it was done just before dark. But few witnesses have been put.upon the stand , but their testimony is re garded ns damaging to Taylor and Curtis. Mrs. Woods will probably bo discharged. A Saloonkeeper in Trouble. CUCIOIITON , Neb. , April 20. [ Special to Tin : BEE. ] Ed Dillon , a saloonkeeper of this place , was arrested , to-day , for defraud ing his creditors. As long ago as last Satur day , Poycko Bros.of Omaha , closed Dillon's saloon under attachment papers , and the stock has been in the sheriff's hands sinco. Six different firms have appeared , this week , with claims against the stock. After in vestigating the case the creditors found that the stock would not begin to pay Dillon's Indebtedness to them , and , suspecting fraud , promptly arrested him for defrauding his creditors. The trial is now in progress. Stole His Own Horses. CITY , Neb. , April 20. [ Special Telegram to THE BBC. ] Constable W. E. Dodds , of Hamburg , was in the city , to-day , ana arrested Joel Meoks on the charge of stealing a team of horses from Mrs. Mary Trotter , ut Hamburg. Mccks had turned the horses over to the woman to beat his creditors , taking her note for tlio amount , $400 , and when lie , yesterday , took the team to Nebraska City to dispose of them , she sent nn officer after him , who arresled him as stated. They returned to Hamburg this evening. Pawnee City Music. PAWNEE CmNob. . , April 20. | Special Telegram to Tiin Bic. ] The Pawnee City Military band left this uftotnoon for Sabctha to present the "Chimes of Normady" at the opera house there to-night , under the aus pices of the I. O. O. F. This band took first prize at tlio last fall's soldiers' reunion. It Is composted of twenty pieces , and Is accom panied by a chorus of forty of the fines ! young ladles and best singers in the city , The entertainment was given hero recently , mid , owing to a crowded house and populai demand , had to be repeated. Beatrice Items. UK.vrmcn , Nob. , April 23. [ Special to Tin BEC.l Yosterda.y Secretary of State O. L. Laws , Attorney-General Lease , the superin tendent of the board of public works , and State Treasurer J. E. Hil 1 came down fron Lincoln to Inspect the asylum for imbeciles The party examined thn Institution , remain Ing there n few hours , and returned to Lin coin in the evening Diana Lodge No. 0 , 1C. of P. , hold a recep- lion , last oveniuc. for the friends and faini- lies of its members , at their new hall. Two Unit Bra Burned. Hnv.NOi.B9 , Nob. , April 20. [ Special Tele gram to TIIC BIK. ] At 11:40 to-day fin was discovered In a vacant house owned b.i Mrs. Cramer. The wind was blowing a about sixty miles un hour. Thoflrosooi caught in the house of Mnrtin Oerters. Bolt houses are lit ashes. Great excitement prevailed vailed during the fire. Burning shlnglui and largo brands of fire filled the air , and so fire to several places , which was quickly pu out. Loss , fSOOj insurance , $ ' 230. An Odd Fellow Anniversary. BUOKEN How , Nub. , April 20. [ Rpocln Telegram to Tnu Bui : . ] The Odd Follow observed the anniversary of tholr ardor a this place to-day. Visiting lodges wcro re eols' < 'd and entertained in a royal manner Hov. G. W. Martin , D. D , , lectured this even Ing at the opera house , on "Odd Fellow Bhlp.1 Parades , iipecches , banquets , etc. composed the programme. Colonel Otis KnruriiH to Duty. FoiirMKADB , April 20. [ Special Tclcgrnt to Tnu BEB. ] Colonel Eluior Otis , of th Elphth cavalry , and commander of this post returned , restored to health , to-day from sick Iravo which began on the 17th of las May. The colonel will assume ) command o both the regiment and post in n fr.w day : The duty during his absence devolved upo Colonel Mlznrr. Will PlniiHt * tha Traveling Men. DAVID City , Neb , , April 20. [ Special t Tin : HKE. ] Miluor & Harwell , who former ! ran thu Puiiico hotel hero , havn again gen ! ito the hotel business , having purchase tha Perkins houso. They are well known t the traveling fraternity , and will probabl make David City n "Sunday town" hen after. _ 1 Struck I'.y DAVID CITV , Nub , , April 20. t TUB Hui.j : John Drcdeb , a wcll-to-d farmer , was struck by lightning anil Ii stantly killed , at" a. m. , to-day , while plov In ? In his field Just north of town. Hevt sixty-four years of ago , ana leaves u wlf and seven grown up children. s Improvements , KWIXCI , NOD. , April 20. ( Special to Tit HEK.J After long and patient waiting , It i now un asturcj face thuV Kwing Is to have creamery , to bo complete In oil its. parts an with all tha modern Improvements. At rant'cniontM are also being made to estublls a canning factory In tha near future. Work on tlio rnaiflo Short nine , DAKOTA Cat , Nob. , April 20. [ Speck Tolgrnm to Tun HEK. | Grading began to day on the Pacific short Una four miles west of Jackson. A largo force of teams , etc. , are ut work. They are working towards Sioux City. Ilorsn Thieves at Nebraska Cltv > Nr.nitASKA. CITV , Nob. , April 20. | Special Telegram to TIIR HIE" : | Thieves stole two valuable horses last night from the stables of M. U. Payne , near East Nebraska City. There is no clue. A reward of ? 100 has been offered. A MYSTI3UIOUS CHAIN GANG. llnllrond Hurvoyors at Work In the Vicinity of Ocallaln. OOAI.U.I.A , Nob. , April 20. [ Special to THE linn. ] This morning n corps of surveyors - veyors came Into town and commenced surveying - * voying a line in u northwest direction. They nro very reticent , and our citizens , although very anxious , wonj unable to find out the purpose of he survoyalthough It Is rumored they nro employes of the 13. & M. railway. Our board of trade are making strenuous efforts to sccuro the Union Pacific shops that are reported soon to bo removed from North Plattu to some point further west. Thu board guaranteed a-lionus of $2.r ,000 for their establishment at this placo. Tha Ogalulla and North Hlvcr Canal and Water Power company will commence work within the uext forty days. A larger acreage of wheat has boon sown than ever boforo. The spring has been very wet and crops look lino. Judge Tyler , of Cleveland , O. , has been spending the past few days in Ogalalla in the interest of a land syndicate , who propose - pose purchasing a largo body of land for a colony. The Judge was highly Impressed with the county. At no time In the history of this county have prospects been so bright for Ogalalla fo make a city of no mean importance. Trans fers of real cstato are on the Increase dally. WHY JACKSON WAS SI1OIV Ht. Joseph's Chief of Police Blamed as an Accessory. ST. JOSEPH , Mo. , April 20. [ Special Tele gram to TJII : .Biu : . ] An Incident has devel oped to-day in connection with the shooting of the colored porter , Lewis Jackson , by Contractor Charles Nowland , that has caused an intense local excitement and has resulted in the St. Joseph newspapers and the citizens generally , demanding the dis missal of Chief of Police John Hrodcr. Yesterday morning , when ho wns arrested , Jackson was taken to the private office of the chief , In company with Nowland null his brother and the chief. Then began an at tempt at intimidation. The doors wcro locked. Nowland borrowed the revolver of the chief , and advancing , grabbed Jackson by the throat , forcing him , to his knees , pointing the revolver at him , the muzzle almost against Jackson's face. Ho demanded the name of the party for whom ho had car ried the note , failing to sccuro which ho swore ho would kill Jackson. The negro was terrified and began to yell as loudly as possible , and to beg for help. His cries were beard all over the city hall , and across on Second street. The torture was kept up for almost nn hour , Jackson steadily deny ing that ho know the name of tha man who had given him the note. If Jackson should die , an effort will bo made to hold the chief as an accessory to the killing. So far ho has declined to say anything in his defense. To-night the history of the insulting note was learned. The note was written by a in wholesale tobacco fourteen-year-old boy a store , after Jackson's dictation. Tlio per ter's idea was to learn If the young lady would make appointments with men , and if so , to add her name to the list ho has for the benefit of those who ask for them. Articles of Incorporation Piled. Sioux FALLS , Dak. , April 20. [ Special Tel egram to Tin : HRI : . I Articles incorporating the Sioux Falls & Pacific Short Line rail road company , have been filed by thirteen leading Sioux Falls citizens. It is uroposcd to build the line northwest from hero to a point on the Missouri , near Forest City , and then to a Pacific connection. It is generally supposed that either the Illinois Central or the Burlington is backing this enterprise , and that the former road is backing the Sioux Falls & Northwestern , which will be organized next week , to run to and beyond Aberdeen. These systems are sure to make extensions , in thu near future , in central Dakota , and these now companies arc , prob ably , merely for construction purposes. Postal matters. WASHINGTON , April 20. Among the super intendents of mails of the poslofllco depart ment appointed to-dav were the following : II. C. Parlln , at Minneapolis , Minn. , and N , 1C. Miller , at DCS Moincs , la. James T. Motc.ilf , of Iowa , has been ap pointed chief clerk of the postoffico depart ment. The establishment of a temporary mail messenger service between Guthrie and Lis bon , Oklahoma , has boon ordered by the postoffico department. A permanent service will bo established ns soon as the necessary legal formalities shall have been compiled with. Building Likely to Resume. CHEYENNE , Wyo. , April 2X [ Special Tele gram to Tim BEE.J Orders received to-day by Euglaeer C. 1C. Bannister , of the Union Pacific , indicate that the work of construct ing the Cheyenne & Northern extension to Douglas will bo resumed. Work was stopped last week. All material was with drawn and the outfit of engineers , linemen and graders discharged. Engineer Baa < nistor was ordered to close up Ins office hero and directed to go to Omaha. This mornuifi lie received orders to remain nt Cheyenne ! Construction material is again being sen out and It is probable that work , will bo re sullied at once. The building of the extou slon will bo of immonsu benefit to Cheyenne and the chartga of programme is hulled will delight. Presidential Appointments. WASHINGTON , April 20. The prcsidoni made the following apuolntmcnts to-day Dr. Daniel Dorchester of Boston , supcrln tcndcnt of Indian schools ; Benjamin W Shutter of Minnesota , to bo Indian agent a While Earlh agency in Minnesota ; John H Baker of Goshen , Ind. , a commissioner t < negotiate with the Cherokee and other In diiins for the cession to iho United States el certain lands as proyidod In section U of thi act approved March 2 , ISS'J. Baker takes tin place on the Cherokee commission made vu cant by tha resignation of Governor Hob in son. Baker has not yet signified his acceptance anco of the office. The other commissioner ! have been ready for some days past to leave for Indian territory to begin negotiations and as soon ns Baker comes to Washingtoi and consults with the officers of the mterioi department , it is expected that the comlssloi will visit the Qhorokeus and begin activi work. Found Murdered , Wyo. , April 20. [ Special Tele gram to Tins BKK.l Thursday last Frei Wacgol , a trapper , found the remains of i man who had evidently boon murdered nca Poison Creek , seventy miles north of Lander dor , Tha head was detached from the body and the clothing was pierced by two bulfo holes. The man was five feet in height hair and board ot light color. A pair of sllvoi rimmed spectacles wera found near the body In ono of thu pockets were several dollar in coin. The body liad evidently lain whor found ior five or six months. III a New Dress. YAXKTOH , Dak. , April 20. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BUB. | The Press and Dt kotau appeared la a now drcs-i and elgli pages , and with thu Associated press dl : patches , this aUcruoou. CARDIFF CAYE.UOTE FIGHT The Mlnnoaota Man. ; , Know When Ho Had Enough. BADLY PUNISHED ; BY JACKSON. A Stubborn Olovo Contest Between McCnrthy and Murphy Uaso Hall Scores and Miscel laneous Spnfts. Ttio Cardirr-JaclCFion Fight. SAX FIUNCISCO , Aurtl 20. The fight to n finish between Peter Jackson ( colored ) , holding the heavy-weight championship of Australia and the Pacifies const , and Patsy Cardiff , of Minneapolis , for a pur so of 3,000 the heavy-weight chamulonshlp , took ilaco In the rooms of the California uthlctlo lub to-night. Jackson weighed In nt 2 0 > ounds and CardllT at 183. Jncltsou was ccondod by Sam Fitzmurick and Jack ialncs , and Cardl.T by Jblin Donaldson and "tammy AVnrren. Hlrnui Cook was referee. In ttio llrst two rounds Jackson did the ending , but Cardiff , by , cllnchlnp , secured , ho advantage , pushing the negro over the ropes repeatedly. Cries of foul were uu- ' coded. The llerco rushes by Jackson , who ad boon made almost Insanely savage by Cardiff's tactics , caused the whlto man to oolc tired by the end of the sixth round. At Irst Jnukson's long reach availed llttlo gainst Cardiff's admirable ) dodges. The lilting on each side was equally errlfic. Cardiff's ' nlmblcncss waned n the snvcnth , and In the eighth Jackson iad pounded the Caucasian Into almost utter ixhnustlon. Cardiff walked to the ropes , not lofcr.dlng himself , and. Jackson struck him a aw-brcalcer just ns the gong sounded. Throughout the ninth Jackson chased Car- Iff around the ring , punishing him fright- ully , but not putting in'a ' knock out blow , n the tenth Cardiff gave Up the fight. Gave the Fight to McCarthy. ISosTON , April 2i. ( A stubborn glove con- .est occurred to-night at the rooms of the Bay State club , between Gal McCarthy , f New York , and Jobnny Murphy , of Bos on , for trophies valued at $800 and $200 , ro- ipeetively. From the start McCarthy 'orccd the fighting , but Murphy lay In wait for him and returned his blows , with Interest. In the first round there was avngo work , and Murphy twice knocked his opponent to tno fiopr. The last blow broke a bone in Murphy's forearm , but this did not deter him from continuing the fight. For three more rounds Murphy bested McCarthy , using only his right Hand , and in ho third round again knocked him down. n the fourth round Murpny's seconds abso- utoly refused to allow him to continue , and ho fight was accordlngjy awarded , to ' 'Cal. " The National licaguc. PiTTsnuito , April 20. Result of to-day's . ? amo : j Pittsburg 0 JO Oj 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 hicago 00800040 0 7 Base-hits Pittsburg 18 , Chicago 13. Irrors PHtsburg 4 , Chicago 2. Pitchers lalviu and Tenor. Umpire Lynch. INDIAKAVOMS , April 20 , Result of to-day's came : Indianapolis 0 1 8 14 0 2 0 1 3 14 "levolaud 0 1 OtO 40201 8 Base-hits Indianapolis 13 , Cleveland 18. Errors Indianapolis 2 , Cleveland 7. Pitchers Getzein and Sprajgyc. Umpire Barnum. NEW YOIIK , April . .20Tho Boston-New York game was postponed on account of rain. To-niorrow's will ulso - , game bq post poned and will bo played later In the season , as St. George , Stuten Island , can not be made ready before next week , " American Association. ST. Louis. April 20. Result ol to-day's game : St. Louis 0 10100501 S Cincinnati 0 00000200 2 KANSAS CITV , April 20. The Louisville- Kansas City game was postponed on account of rain. The Inter-Stnto Association. DAVENPOIIT , la. , April 0. The Central InterState ter-State association season began to-day. The game hero resulted : Davenport 12 , Pcoria 1. EVAXSVIIJ.I : , Ind. , April 20. The Inter state league championship series opened here to-day between KvansVillo and Springtield. The locals won by a aboro of (5 ( to D. Postponcil on Account of K.tln. ST. JOSBIMI , Mo. , April 20. The DCS Moines-St. Joseph game was postponed on account of rain. < * THE SI'EtSO RING. Memphis Knees. MEMPHIS , April j0. ! The weather was clear and bright , the. attendance very largo and the track fast. Summary : Twoyearoldsfiveeights of. n mile Prince Fonso won , Miss Belle second , Lena Ban third. Time 104 * % . All ages , seven-eights of a mile Bridge light won , Mandolin' second , Tom Nichols third. Tlmo 1.3 ( % Tnrce-year-olds and upwards , one and one sixteenth miles Co'tlo Wail won , Coniedj second , ' Tudor thira.- Time 1:50. : All ages , ono mile Brown Princess won , WhttoNoso second ! Artist third. Time- ' 1:46J : Three-year-olds , three-quarter mile Bor Harrison won , The Dude second , May A\ third. Tlmo-l:18Jf. - Lexlngtoji HaocH. LEXINGTON , ICy.jAi > ril 20. The wcathoi ' was cool , the triieif'spotty uud the attendance anco fair. Summary : Two-year-olds , five-eighths of n mile Kstelle won , Happiness second , Avondak third. Time 1:03) : Three-year-olds 'and upward ? , throe' fourths otfft mlle Koko woti ; dead heat be Adjutant Vidotto for scconi place. Time l:1 : One mlle Librettojwon , Queen of Trumps second , McDowell wrd. U'imo 1 :44tf : . Seven-eighths of u inllo Brandoletto ani Licdcrkrantz ran id f union oven terms , ant finished In the samo' way , the judges deciding ciding it a dead heat. , Time 1 ; 2'.IJ4. In the run-off Brundoletto , w op in l:2'J : > i. Washington Iltapp.s 1'nstponed. WASHINGTON , April 20. At a meeting ol the executive conimlttoo of the Natiunn Jockey club to-day ) lt\ \ was decided to post pone the races untrt ft guday of nojjt week. The Bjicr.clo Knee. A small audience- was In attendance at tb Coliseum last night , 'ff watch the amateur ; do the best riding ot Ute week. Following I ' the score : t Miles. Lap Board . ' . . 251 Peabody . . . . . . . > , . . ' . . 251 Hutchins. . . . 251 Flesehcr . 251 Tagger . . , . . . , , " . 250 Kustman . ' , . , . , , . . . . . . . 249 Francisco . . . , . . . , . , . -H Seventeen mile nnd 6 laps wos'.coverei dtjrlni ; the first hour , 10 miles and J lap during the * second- and 10 miles and 8 lap during the lasthour. To-night winds up tli race , whlcn haft been , no far , u very clos and interesting oao. \ Collision or. fitcniners. PoinuANi ) , Ore. ' , April JM. A collision oc curred last niij'ht.on the Willamette river , few miles beloiv Portland , between the Bril isb steamship Danube , and the America steamship Alliance. The latter steaioshl ' began to slpk' rapidly , but wwas qulckl beached. All the pasjieimers om the Alll nncevcro safely tranjfcrrefi to the stcamc Durllno , which fortunntolv hnppcncd Vo bo near. The Alliance was valued ntWO.OCO ; Insurance f''O.OOJ. The most of her cargo will prove n total loss. The damage to thn Danube Is llpht. Both vessels were backing hard when the collision occurred , or the con- cqucnccs would hnvo been most disastrous. * 'UK ' IXVAHBUS AUK UNKASY. Secretary Noblo'H Orilcr Fills Ilium AVItli CoiiHtornntlon. KANSAS CITV , April 90. A Guthrlo special iays : Dispatches from Washington Indlcat- ng that Secretary Noble would Investigate .ho action of United States officials who ilnlmed property Monday forenoon , has rcatcd great consternation among that class , , nd has filled the claim-Jumpers with Joy. ilany deputy marshal * who remained Just icforo noon on the 22nd are micmy ns are who wcro commissioned , but never .worn . In. United States Marshal \Valdron , ivhon shown the dispatch , said : "No overt act of violation was committed these oniclnls , ns they htivo made pornm- lent Improvements. They have not acquired my title to lots upon which they have squat- cd , and any man can go upon them , md , by making permanent Improvo- ncnts , acquire title. I do not know that they have violated their official atlia , oven In going uixm lots before the iour of tioon. Town lots do not come under ha provisions of the president's proolama- lon. These officers entering the territory n the line of duty had to pitch their tents somowhcro. I do not know their intention in bringing In extra tents and deputies , but jlonrly , in my opinion , they have uot vio- ated their oaths. " Bllt. MOHTON IN A WIIKGK. The Vluo I'rcRldcnt's Ijlfo Kmliui- ccrcd , Hut lie Kscnpcn Unhurt. BAI.TIMOUE , April 20. In a collision on the Baltimore & Ohio this morning the life of .ho vice president of the United States was endangered and several employes of the road were injured. Thb accident occurred , t the foot of Howard street at the "Y , " ivhoro trains for Locust Point separate from ho road to Washington. The trains in collision were the vestibule imitod from Philadelphia , which arrived at 10:85 : , and the Philadelphia express , which loft hero at 10:20 : , and on board of which was Levi P. Morton. Among the other distin guished passengers nboarn wcro General Schofiold and staff and General Foraker of Ohio and staff. All were going to Now York. The accident was not very serious. Both baggage cars were shattered. IWIGIlTFOlj BUTCHERY. A Horrible Tale ol'Murder and Butch- cry From Manitoba. WINXITEO , April 20. A , horrible tale of murder and suicidn has just reached hero rom High Bluff , a little village only n few miles from this city , the victims being a farmer named McLeod and his daughter , aged eight , while another child , a boy of 13 years , is so badly wounded that ho can not recover. McLeod was last seen last night about dusk. A ncichbor named Lotta visited the house to-day and was horrified to find McLeod with his throat cut lying near the stove. Both children were found In n bedroom. The girl hud been struck on the head with n sharp-edged nxo and was dead. The boy had four deep gashes on his head. The cause of the deed is attributed to the financial difficulties of McLeod , whoso wife died two years ago. The Illinois Telephone Bill. DT-111.7-April 20.--The lobby won another triumph to-day over the advo cates of the telephone legislation. After nn hour's session the house committee on municipal corporations this forenoon recon sidered its action of Wednesday upon the bill authorizing the common councils in cities and boards of trustees in villages and incorporated towns to regulate telephone rates. Craft then moved that the bill bo re ported back with a recommendation that it do not pass. A motion was made to lay his motion on the table , but it failed to. pass. Walsh then introduced nn amendment pro viding that In cities of 100,000 inhabitants or over not more than $100 per annum should bo charged for ouch telephone. This amend- mout was defeated and n motion to report the bill unfavorably prevailed by a vote of 8 to 7. Nebraska and Jnwa I'CIISIOHH. WASHINGTON , April 20. [ Special Telegram to THE lir.n.J Pensions have been issued for Ncbraskans as follows : Original Invalid- William H. Edwards , William Severn , Thomas M. Clark. Increase Stephen C. Monroe , Noah Perry , George M. Dunkol , Uria Welton , Edward D. Wright , Harrison E. Pond , Samuel Munroo. Pensions for lowans : Original Invalid- John N. Henry , Jesse G. Simmon. John Q. A. Patterson , Sebastian Eckart , ( deceased. ) Increased George H. Lewis , John F. IN orris , Joseph T. Mcok , Jcsae Ncal , Andrew Leens , William Eugene Buckley. Branford S. Trimmol. Original widows , etc. Minors of William H. Wood , William A. , father ol Timothy H. Sale ; Maria T. , mother of Mar tin Luther Carpenter : Caroline , mother oJ Albert Wesenberg ; Thebo , widow of John Mitchell. The Illvcr Ijiind Caocs. WASHINGTON , April 20. Attorney-General Miller to-day gave n hearing to persons In tcrested hi the ownership of lands along the DCS Molnes river. John Y. Stone , attorney- general of the state of Iowa , and cx-Hcprc scntatlvo Holmes , of Iowa , advocated the institution of suit by the government for UK adjudication of all bucstlons In dispute , anc Do Witt , of Now York , representing the Litchfiold estate , opposed such n course or the ground that the questions have nlrrndj been settled so far as government rights arc concerned , The attorney-general promisee to give the mutter careful consideration , * The Ballot Box discs. LITTI.B HOCK , April 20. This morning Charles C , Ueid submitted to tno court hii written answers to the questions asked hlii in relation to statements made to him by O T. Bcntley. I.n his answer ho states thai Bcntley had made all statements in conncc tlon with the ballot box robbery to him as at torney. This will excuse him from statin ) to the grand Jury the substance of Uentlcy'i communications. Wealthy Italian NEW YOIIK , April20. Colcstlno do Marco clghtcon-ycur-old wlfo of a young anc wealthy Italian coutractdr , committed sui cldo last night at her residence , by shooting She was suffering from an incurable com plaint , mid had been in a melancholy moot for BO mo time. Shu was the daughter of i railroad contractor at Argyll * , Wis. The hue band , crazed by grief , attempted suicide , bu was prevented. $ -10,000 Worth of Clothing. Ciiictoo , April 20. [ Special to TUB HBE. ' It Is reported In business circles to-du ; that the largest sale of clothing made thi season was yesterday consummated by A U Singer & Co. to L. O. Jones nt Omaha The amount U reported to be In the neigh borhood of $40,000 , and the goods arcs to bt bhlppod to Omuha at once , The Weather Indiuattonft. For Nebraska and Dakota Fair ; Might ! , cooler , followed by winds shifting to wannc southeasterly. For Iowa Fair ; slightly cooler ; north westerly winds. The A'lpslc Again Disabled. LONDON , April 80. A dispatch from Auct laud says the United Status steamer Nips ! was again disabled , while being towed int Apia harbor , Mataafu has returned to Apu A PA8SAOB AT AIIMS. Irs. Carter's Attorney and JmtRO .Inmloson Have a Tilt. CHIC \oo , April 20. [ Special Telegram to 'MB Biu.j : In the Carter divorce ease to- ay the defendant continued his direct ox- mlnatlon all the morning , and all the after- oon. Ho was cross-examined uy Judge Smith. Just before the noon adjournment lie cnso was enlivened by n tilt between the ourt and the attorneys for Mrs. Carter , vhich looked for a few minutes as though omethlng might happen , ns both men wore onsldernbly excited. Just after court ad- ourncd for noon , Judge Smith wont over to he bench and said : " 1 think you bad no right and It was lin- jropor for you to make any criticism on the cstlmouy wo wore adducing hero for the do- onse , as you did a while ago. " Judge nmicson had already put on his hat and was n the act of leaving tlio bench when no card the angry attorney's romnrit. He urned quickly , his fnco whlto with feeling , nd shoving his hands Into his pockets with ,11 , aggressive motion , said : "If I nm wrong In my rulings you' hnvo our remedy. 1 will not bo dictated to so eng ns I sit ns Judge In this court by any awyer practising before me. " "Oh I that is poor consolation for us , to invo you tell us wo liavo our remedy after our ruling Illegally against us. " Well , sir , that's all the consolation you can javo from nio , and I will not bo told by you low I shall conduct myself while on the lench. " "I'll tell you every time . " Judge Jnmlo- oil's temper began to show Itself and , gcs- iculatlng with his clinched list , ho said : "I'll have you know , Judge Smith , that I'll ' lot tolerate any such language from any no , oven from you , Judge Smith , such ns on , Imvo used to uio to-day. " "Very well , sir , very well , " said Mr. Smith , ind the Jurists wont their rcspcctivo ways. Mrs. Carter saw and heard the dispute bo- ween her attorney and the court , and , com- ng over to the reporter's table , asked them lot to print nn account of it. The criticism omplaliicd of by Judge' Stnitb was the re- nark by the court , after n long bout between Mr. Carter and the lawyer : "What has all his to do with the issues in the casoj" "OUOSS-EYKD" INFORMATION. S Coiilllotluc Stories -About the - Rumored mored Cut in Knuinoers' Wnuce. CHICAOO , April 20. [ Special Telegram to Tnn Br.c. ] Diligent Inquiry by a reporter o-dny failed to show any basis for the lories of n contemplated reduction in the vngcs of the engineers of the western roads. Chat the engineers themselves fear that something is going to drop soon , that some- hing being their wages , is evident. A half dozen brotherhood men are at present acting as detectives In watching n detective agency Dearborn street , where now engineers were being lured , it was said. The reporter called on George Hackney , superintendent of motive power of the Atchison , Topcka & Santa Fo road , anil asked him concerning the report that the wages of engineers were to jo cut on that line. "There is nothing in the story , " said Mr. Hackney. "If the road contemplated any such action , I certainly should know of it. I'ho business of the Santa Fo road is pretty good , and I do not think that any lowering )1 wages will bo made. " * General MoNulta , of the Wabash road , authorized this statement : "A reduction In the wages of our engineers has not. been thought of , nor will it be. Wo have a con tract with our men , who all belong to the brotherhood , and wo would not break it. Besides , the Wabash is earning more money now than it was a year ago. Humors of re ductions in the wages of the engineers of other roads have be'en circulating , but wo do not give them much credence. " _ An officer of the Burlington said unoffic ially : "The wapes of the "Q" engineers will not bo cut , so far as I know. Reductions in the working force of the road have been made so far as was practicable , but the wages of the engineers wore not touched. " The officials of the St. Paul road also de nied that any reductions are in prospect. The only evidence going to show that the roads are uiakinc preparations for trouble with the engineers was gleaned at the de tective agency , mentioned above. The Illi nois State Police and Detective ngcncy has its headquarters in room 4 , 121 Dcarnorn street. Colonel T. C. Trynn , the superin tendent , after some urging , is answer to in quiries , said : "Yes , wo have been hiring engineers , but for -.vhat roads , I would pre fer not to state. Some time ago wo made ar rangements with the different managers to supply them with engineers in un emergency , and wo now have the names of n largo num ber on our books. If a strike occurred on any of the lines wo could have a largo num ber of men on the ground In a short time. " "Have there been any calls for engineers from any of these roads i " "Yes. " "For how manyl" "You'll ' have to find that out elsewhere. I am sorry this has got out. " TO FIGHT TI1H JKSUlTd. Tile AiiRlo-Snxon Klcmcnt In Canada Makcn a Stand. MOXTKEAL , .April 20. The anti-Jesuit meeting held last night was in session until midnight. The whole question was consid ered in all its bearings and the action of the Dominion government as well as that of the provincial legislature was freely and fear. lessly discussed ! The impression seemed to prevail that a crisis was at hand and that it became the Anglo-Saxons in Canada to be up and doing and prepared for the blow which It was felt must come. Chnrlton , M. P , , said that , If the present state of affairs continued , the Church of Konio would soon possess two-thirds of the real estate of the province. Ho also referred to the condition of affairs In the United States and compared the progress made In the state of Ohio witli thnt made in the province ol Quebec , which advance , he said was biting retarded by the church of Home. TWO UEMAIN OUT. Consolidation o ( ' liJlilitcon of the Breweries ol' Ht. Jjouln. ST. Louis' , April 20. All the broworlns of St. Louis and East St. Louis , excepting the Anheuser-Busch company and W. J. Leinp , have consolidated , and will bo run undoi ono management. Thcra are eighteen brew eries concerned In the movement , representIng / Ing an investment of about $5OOU,000. Stocks and bonds to the amount of $15,01)0,000 ) will bo Issued each company or film to receive the full value of Its property In each , and the remainder will bo sold by subscription , llic proceeds to bo used In enlarging tno princl' pal breu-crles , and improving the plants ol the others. The organization is not to bo n trust in any sense , butslmply a business plan to linpro v < ! the properties and increuso the product power of all. A Committee * on Military . WASHINGTON , April 20.The secretary o war has ordered a board of ofllcm to connie of Major J. P. San or , Inspector-general and Captain Cncstur and Lieutenant J. VV Carlin , of the Tulid artillery , to meet a Coluinuus Barracks Juno 17 , to prescribe i uniform system of rules , regulations am courses of study for the guidance of officer ! detailed as professors of military sclcncn am tactics nt uoilgcd and universities. The Dentil Itecurd. ST. Louis , April 20.L. . U. Ueavis , wol known throughout the country an the per slstent advocate of moving the capital fron Wabhlugtnn to the Mississippi valley , ant also us a vigorous writer on various subjects died hero yesterday from the effects of i surgical operation. KUTI.ANII , Yt , Aprii 20. H. H. Spofford the hlutoriun , of Clarendon , died yesterday Mad" I.oial Holidays. AMIASY , April 2(5. ( Governor Hill rl&'KCi the 'bill making Monday and Wednesday o next week legal holidays In the cities of Nor York and Urooklyn. Tuesday 1103 already been declared a holiday , HARRISON'S ' HEALTH IS GOOD The Rumors or Insomnia Vigor- ouely Douiod. THE SUPREME BENCH VACANCY. < aw Partner Miller Thought to Hiivf the Inside Trnolc 1'ubllo Printer Aspirants Justice Gray Confirmed. WASHINGTON HunnAU , Tun OMAIU linn. ) 61U FouitTcr.NTit STitr.trr , > /ASHINOTO.V. U. C. , April 20. ) It Is stoutly denied uttho whlto house that 'resident Harrison Is suffering from In- omnla or Is In 111 health. When Tin : Ur.n rorrespoudont saw him to-day ho was look- ng ns well ns ho ever did. and declared that 10 had i never fell better. The prcsldout s standing up to his work suloudldly. TIII : SUMIBMIIII.NCII ! : VAtuNuv. This evening's Star says : "There Is aped pod deal of campaign botng made for tha acnut place on the supreme bench , and now andldatcs are either announcing themselves r arc being announced. Kx-Postinnator- Gcn.cral J. ACrcswoll's > iinuio was pro- onted to the president yesterday , and n del- gallon of Mnrylaudurs headed by { eprcsoutattvo McCoii'us urged his ap- lolntmcnt. Crcswcll is u well itnowu Maryland Jurist and advocate. This ovelng nether candldato will bo In the city. Ho omcs from Nebraska , and his name Is j. L. Vebster. Ho Is prominent as n lawyer la be state ho will represent at the Washing- on centennial and is strongly Indorsed , Tha pinions of men whoso opinions are worth mvlng are , however , to the effect that the nest dangerous candldato for the place Is ho man who is uot n candidate , and In this category they mention the name of Attorney- General Miller. The attachment which ox- sts between the president and his law part ner is very strong , and there are many who hink that tho'iittornoy-Kcncral will'cro long land In his portfolio and take a life position on the supreme bench. As n lawyer , hm friends say , ho is admirably qualified for the ilaco. " STOXK'S Al'rOINTMUXT. Senator Allison stated to-day that the ap pointment of ex-Governor Stone , of Iowa , to 10 assistant-commissioner of the general and office , was made with the understanding .hat Stone's application for the commlssion- orshlp would not bo withdrawn , and that his selection as deputy would not prejudice his candidacy for the higher position , 1 hero is juite a contest going on between three or 'our factions of western senators over the ; encral land coiiimisslonership , the senators , 'rom Colorado , Kansas , Nebraska and Mm- icsota , and HIggins , of Delaware , are yet jushing with great vigor and earnestness .ho namoof ex-Senator Chilcott , of Colorado. The Nebraska delegation Is solid for ox-Kop- rcscntativo Valentino. The Pacific slope has a candidate , and a combination of eastern republicans have ono also. The fight between the Cliilcntt and Stone factions had the effect of delaying the appointment , and it is understood that a commissioner will not bo named until after the excitement now on In Oklahoma has sub sided , and there Is something like unity on one of the other candidates in the field , or a new man is found. Tin : ELEVENTH rr.Nsi's. > The superintendent of the census , Mr. Robert P. Porter , to-day , leased the Second National bank building , on Seventh fltreet , Tor the headquarters of the census bureau. This building is available for about two hun dred and fifty clerks , though moro than a year will elapse before that many will be em ployed. Work on the Eleventh census has Tairly begun. In a week or two the physicians' registers will bo sent out , and S. Billings has mapped out the mortality and vital statistics report. Mr. Porter has al ready secured the borviccs of u number of statistical exports and specialists' and the work will bo pushed with all possible vigor. The Eleventh census will cover all the vital points of the Tenth , but will bo moro com pact and more statistical. i THE I'tT.UC rillXTKIIMllr. The struggle for the public printershlp is becoming very warm. Quito a number of prominent republicans in and out of congress have , during the week , added their indorse ment of Helm , formerly of Indiana , but now of the District of Columbia , while Senator Allison and First Assistant Postmaster Gen eral Clarkson to-day indorsed Palmer , oZ Illinois. At the whlto house it is stated that ] no formal application has been filed by Mr. Palmer , who claims that ho Is likely to bo appointed. Helm has the largest number ol tudorscrs of any of the candidates , and hia advocates are in very great earnestness. An appointment Is nut expected to bo made ) under some weeks yet. civn. suuviui : KXTKNSION. At the cabinet meeting to-day the .subject of another extension of the time when tha civil service shall bo extended over the rail way mall service was broached by Post * master General Wunamakcr. A ronmrUabla condition of affairs exists at civil acrvicu commission headquarters In connection with this question. When President Harrison took hold of his ofilco ho very readily saw that it would bo Impossible to reorganize the railway mail service under the civil service rules , and ho extended from March 15 to May 1 the time when the law should tnko effect. So much time was lost In se lecting superintendents of divisions and re organizing their offices that very little has been accomplished up to this time In the selection of new postal clerks. Civil Sorvlco Commissioner Lymau behaved that there would bo an other extension of the time for the law to go into effect , and did not direct the arrange ments to be made for taking In this new branch of the service as promptly ns ho otherwise would have donu , and ho notified the president that it will take at least two weeks to get ready to make examinations and certify tliu names to llio postmaster- general for appointment. The president , at the cabinet meeting to-day , again refused to extend the timo. , JUHTICi : OIIAV CON'I'l HM HI ) . Justice Gray , of the United States su preme cuurt , was i-onllniicd by Bishop Par * reltutSt. John's church ycsteiduy after noon , The ceremony was quite impressive because of the fame and dignity of the cen tral figure , and because the church was handsomely decorated with Mowers for a fashionable wedding that followed an hour afterward. Justice Gray , when he lived in Boston , was a regular attendant upon tha administrations of the Hov. Phillip Brooks , but never Joined the church until yesterday. Miss Matthews , to whom ho Is soon to bo married , was confirmed In nils same church about u week ago. although her father , tha lute Justice Matthews , was an elder In a Presbyterian church for many years. AKMY OIIIICIIH. The leave of absence granted Captain John S. Loud. Ninth cavalry. Derombor 20 , 1583 , Is extended to Juno in , ISSli , Trumpeter franclH Husnoll , company T , Sixth infantry , now supposed to bo with hit * company , is dl&chargud. without character , from the service of tha United States. Private Daniel O. Flood , company F , Six teenth infantry , now with his company at Fort JJueliesne , Mt. , Is transferred to the hospital corns as u private , Second Lieutenant Cinurga W. Heed , Fifth cavalry , who was detailed as professor of military science and tactics , ut the fovrd state university , Iowa City , to take effect July 1 , ItiVJ , by a war department order dated March 2J , ISS'J , will perform , tba Journey directed In said order In time to re.ich tha university on Juao 12 , liiSU , on which datu he will report to the president of the university. Private Laivroncc Osborno , company P. .Seventh infantry , now wilh hlii cvmi/uny nt Fort Lur.unie , Wyo. , U transferred to tiltt United States marino uorpi > . Pcitlti S , HEATU. Will Adjourn May HJJ. Si'uiNcijKLi * . III. , April 2Tho ) lillnqla legislature lias decided upon May 28 us tha duto for fiiuil udjourniaeut ,