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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1889)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE * T JESPAY , APKIL 23 , 1889 , SPECIAL NOTICES. OMAHA No Atlrot-tlfictiientB will tie tnktm Tor lirRo column * nftcr JSino | i. tn. TcrmB Cflsli In advance. thin hoftfl 10 tout * pet Ms * for tne Hr t Insertion , ? < * nU for each sub- fluent Insertion. anil ( ) .r > 0 per line p r monih. Ko advertisement taken for len than 25 cent * lie first initrllon. Seven words will bo counted to the line ; they must rurt consecutively nnd U'lit bo paid In ADVANCfc. All adverll < , e- kocntn mu t lie handed in beforn 12:30 : o'clock p. M. . find tinder no circumstances will they b Vnkcn or discontinued by telethons. rnrtleii advertising In thcso columns and hav ing tholr answers addressed In crueotTnit UKH will please ask for a chock to enable them to get tholr letters , an none will bo dcllvcrcdcxcopton of chock. All answers to oUvor- rrosentatlon ba enclorentln envelopes. All advertisements In them columns urn pub lished In both mornlnir and evening editions of Tifhllr.K , the circulation of which Aggregate ! morn than lf > , ( X ; ) papers dMly , Ana. gives tbo ad- TBrtlserii the oeuetlt , not only of the city clrcu- Iktlonot THE llr.v : , but also of Council muffs. Xlncoln und other cities and towni throughout ftliis flection of the country. BRANCH OFFICES. Advertising for those columns will bo taken * n tne alx > vo conditions , at the following bust- M < a houses , who are at thortred agents for TUB Her special notices , and will quote the satn * tos as can bo had at the main office , _ l armaclstTSb Soutl i Tenth fltrdct. Y. Btotlonori anfl rrlntors. 113 South 16th Htroal. II. FAIINSWOKTH , Pharm ll6t.B115 Cum- ing Street. . ! . HljOHUS. Pharmacist , 024 North ICth > Street. G HO. W. l > Anit , Pharmacist , 1800 Bt. Mary's Avenue. SITUATIONS WANTED. SITUATION wanted by a young man In gents' furnishing pooita or shon den't ; : i yonrs ex perience ; good references. Address X 11 > . He * . mi ct TSrANTED Position In olllco oy young lady T ? who understands bookkeeping and gen eral olllco work. Address V 71. Hoe. OT a * Position In laundry ; experienced. _ Y > Inqulro1315 _ .lends. ' SITUATION Wanted. A position in olllco or Atoro by man of i who Is a worker , can keep bookif , ntnko bills ; nm uood llRiiror and can furniHh first class references. Address X 2 Itoo. _ iitl-a * IAItTirSdealrinKexpcrlflnccd stenographers can obtain just thu tmrty wanted without delay or Inconvenloiico from tlio Westcrn'Slen- pKraphlc agency , Lincoln , Nob. _ Mi mil PAHTIIIH doalring cxporionci-d male or fcmalo Rtonoaraphers cau obtain Just the tinrty wanted without delay or Inconvenience from the Weatorn Stenographic agency , Mn- coin. Nob. 47H _ _ _ WANTED--rV1AUE HELP. WANTED- Experienced hardware "solos- man. knowlidce ot bnlhlord' hnrdwnro liroforrod ; Btato age and salary roiiulred. Ad- tlioss.X 17 , 1JU1 . 158 W [ ANTED A first-class bnrbor. Ste tdy job for a good workman. Claud Humphreys . . . . , hlirl VnllnlIn . . KM 22t WANTIJD A thoroughly reliable and good single man for work around house , yard. ntable nnd for driving : bo a worker nud lirlnglirnt-claHs recommendations ; apply at 10 .otolocK Tuesday mornlug. Hoggs & Hill , HOi Farnam t. lfll-22 WANTKD Tvvo young men to travel ; salary aud expenses paid ; room 17 , 220 N. 10th. WANTED A nlRht' clerk nt European hotel. Ucrmnn praferrcd. 170 22 * "TXTANTED Canvassers , male and female ; T T good wagos. Address X 8 , Ueo olllcc. \\7ANTED I.lve , onurgetlc men with small TI capital to invest In an Invention wherohy thouxauds of dollars can be lundd. No humbilir. Bells on HlKht ; big monny lu It. Address with ptanij ) U. 11. NVfstion. 1212 Douglas st. , Omaha , Fob , _ 118 2lt \\rANTED Two < 2 ( good machinists. Apply r > before S it. in. or between 1 and 2 p. in. to A. O. Colim Wutenvorksjmco. MAN and wlfoon n farm , no oblectlon to two Children , uvo to cook for. $200 per annum. airs. JJrugo. ! 111 8.15th. I'M ' 20t T7 < MP.LOYMKNT for young man or lady. vHJ Itoforenccs required , t ! . H. Thompson , 212 _ Kxparloncert mllltor at 4115 batm- ilersjt. _ U10 _ WANTED A good carriage tiimmer , steady worKbyday or piece , HUar.iutoo work the year round to the right party. For further particulars apply to Lou Welm , lloatrlco. Nob. _ tKW H t Local acents , also travelmpr salesmen us side luip. to sell on a good commission a standard on km p. pottdor and ilavorliij ; extractH. For particulars address .Lock lloxfi&l Cincinnati. O. _ hOO-ag * WANTEDlinorgotlomon and women eVtiry- whor for a 0entoel , money-making bilsl- n'-tfS , IK > weekly prolll guaranteed easier than tdu moitthly otfmrwlso. Experience nboolutely nniifcotuiary. Pormamcnt position und exclusive - ivo territory assured. 2Snmplcsfroo. Wrltu for particulars. Address with stamp , Merrill Mrtr. Co. . II . "I Chicago _ 71I-1H123 < jJALEMHNVo wishafowinon to s nil our fj goods by samiilo to wholesale and retull trade. LarKOSt manut'rs In our line. Enclose Ji-ccnt stiinip. Wa es W per day , Pormacoiit position. No postals answeiod. Money ad- t inced for wuuos , advertising , etc. Contcnulal Man'f'K Co. , Clnclnuatl. O. _ 514 \\7"ANTED Men to solicit ; must deposit $25 T and Rive security for monni collected. palary ? T5 to J100 per month. Call on or ad- groB Go . S , Cllui- . all First National bank. 470 "fJTJ ANTED Agents to sell the Pig Pusizlo ; TI 0"orybody crazy to get ono : . fiamplo by jiuill To : stamps taken. A. A. Austin & Co. , manufacturer's. Providence. R. I. 2ti8m2j T\7" .ANTED fiOQ nion for railroad work in \Vashlniton territory ; good wages and Btc'ady work. Apply at Albright's Labor Aroncy , 112'J ' Farnam etrout. _ 207 B OYS Am. Dint. Tel.-Co , IDOiDouglas.J28 " X 'a F.N TS wanted1"on aalary. if 7 p or ro o nth. XV aud expenses paid , any active man or woman to iu-11 our goods by sample and live at Immo. Salary paid promptly and expenses in ndvnurp. Full particulars ana sample case free , Wo mean just what wo nay. Address Standard Silverware Co. . lloston. Mass. Oil ) WANT ED - FEMALEHELP. _ _ _ "iT/ANTED German girl To dV upstairs work T7 nnd taco ciseof child 4 years old. In fam ily of three , 2)1S ) Douglas. 171 21 I7ANTED-A ficrmnnor Swedish ulrl Ini > family of thrto at 1011 Saunders st. \ \ , ANTED-Strongypunrrlady of goon tlgure > i and appearance to join advertiser in pro- fluejuc a line novelty act 'n ' n llrst class comedy unit apoclalty company noon ( o take the road. Hitvt : Do a good dresser on or ott the stago. Good salary and expenses paid. State full Tmlttculard in Hint letter. Addiess X 18 lice. 171 22T M 7AHTKU'-Jlrl , 1611 Cass. I1B7 S Vt for general housework ; family of two. Inmilro 1303 Capitol avo. G IRL WANTED-Siiod HoaniBtresa to loarA Pall at If.lH Dodge. IBS-Sit RES3.MAKBR from 'hlcago. good ciittcr. and drapur , iliistres work In famillos AiUl essJC 14 , lluo olllce. 148-37J TIT T7ANTKOA Blrl for gonnrnl houMiwork , , T T Irish or Amurlcan. Dr. Haiichatt. 2iCI St. liti-22 _ \7 ANTED A trimmer and saleslady. Oenfuj V llrus. . 140S Douglus tt. USJ _ _ TJI7 ANTMI ) A young or elderly lady to malct y > hurhome with family of throe. Addrosn IvJth reference , V 62 , Ik'ooillro. 7W7 D-Good Blrl for conoral Jiouio. work. .Mm. 0\V , I.oomis,1oil8 UOtiiavo , A girl for general hnusoworlsj ' _ _ li 647. \S7"AN'nD : flood girl f or uonrral housework , TV Uln famllv ; imiat , be good wiishef ami h-ciior. ( iernian preferred. 1T15 Caas. KM VtrASWD-A girl to do hoimowork at 27IS M Jackson st. ' U7S-'tl _ W D Two competent l.uly TntlrilcT for Ihn Itn'irovcit Slaser Sew Ing iacliluo. I. . . . . . _ eWPLOYMENT BUREAUS. Ity. lliriu.CunaJlnn : Knni. olllco. UJ4.J : 3 Hth. lleferen-'u Omnha Nntioual bank. . atam'ti OMAHA Kmp. bureau. 1IUN 10th ; eitablUheil ycur.i. Moat rollabla in city. H. K. White. " 74-IU2J IT .AlilRS informatlon and employment par JLi IOMJ BlrUtly tlrttt-clauii ; perfectly reil.Ve | ) , Xtoom li % liubhman block , N , U. cor. Douciut at.'p" nd liltn at. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS , MTKU A contractor to build a frame wuienous antltnkA all or part in pooi ! tltar IOIB. _ AfldrfB4 ci ; Ree. _ _ W5i-2st \ XA ill'Si8CAOuilhauii ) ! counters ena iioT , TI Vlng. Address Y l , Utfo oftlco , W'J 22t - gentleman and wife , table- board breakfast and MX o'clock dinner In the neighborhood of 20th and Farnam. With private family preferred. For superior accom- mooatlons n liberal price will be paid. Refer- oncM vrlll ba exchanged. Address X Ifi , lieft ofllcq. * \trANTRD-Ilnyer for it good lot oil Capitol VV AVO. , within four blocks of high school , 2.131 Dnrtinport t , 12A-g7t ItUHlNKSSrnanivonldllko to Join one or more gentlemen going to the Pacific coast about May nth , for company while traveling. Address , with reference. IloxSW , Kcnrncy.Neb , 1,421 w -itay 1 , cottage ; family of two. Address V 4 , ' . Uco. -2 * WANTKI ) to rent by family of two , an un furnished cnttago In good condition con- talnlnR nor "rooms ; must nave terms nnd lo cation to recclTO any attention. Address 0 t > \ lire. V rr > _ JFOR RENT-HOUSES. TfoUl' foo"nisTt' ' < r"lSl"3"ff. 15th , nearlJiorca'j. JJ ino IIRASANT7-room house near nnd Htreetcar line , with a barn a little dis tance out , Call and ) mtf about It. CL K , Harrl ori , Merchants Nat. bank. 151 j T71OH 'itffHT Frootn house ; centrally located ! JJ modern Improvements. J. F. Ilarton. Cnpltol avcnuo. TJiOll KKNT Two elegant brick Hats , well JJ located , uach n rooms , 7 closets , all modern Improvements , nro worth KB , but will rent them to wood parties at J27. Apply to T. C. Itrunnor , Ifior Farnam bt. ll--U'i 1J10H HUNT A ID-room house , larpo yard and JJ ami shade trees ! two block * from I' . O. Kent reasonable and can bo paid by the renting of rooms ; vrlsh to Bell a small part of furniture. Address. X 7. lice. l T-SK _ TT.OH HUNT 7-room Hat , all modern conicn JL' leilCBs , oed location , cheap to uood party. ' to S. Kontal Agency , room U10 , Sheoly block. KENT Nice live room cottage to family without children ; fill N 15 t. Oil-SlJ KENT May I. n nice ll-rooined cottaso , fnriilHlicd ; the finest location In the city ; beautiful lawn and shade trees ; only 7 blocks rom P. O , ; on cable and liorso car line. AdV - V 0" , Ileo onico. P15 28 I71OH KENT A nowll-room house with largo L' yard aud all modern conveniences , H-l'i Cul- fornla st. STI1 25 * 1ll ( HUNT Ono ton-room and one ofglit- rootn houso. all modurn conveniences , licst pait ot rlty and within fi mlnntos walk ot post- mice. Nathan Shelton , 1501 Fitrnam st. WS Foil HKN'lHouse of all modern ImuroTp- uients , perfect repair. Iilqulru 712 N. luth st COTTAOK nicely furnished for rout , 5 rooms , close tobuslnosa ; references. UUli > , Shecly blk. UOd-VtJ KOO.M hoiiBo for rent , city water. * > . lloom 2U7 Shcoly block. . 87U IT10H IlENJ Iloautlfnl 8-room nouso with JO modern Improvements , splendid location. Apply atouco , C. F. Huvrlaon , Mer. Nat. ll'k. POIl HUNT Good houses nt&V ) . , riur. > u.5- > .t-v > , and12 per month. If you wish torent call and sco me. D. V. Sholea , 210 1st Nat'l Hank. 7MI TJUIK KENT A choice U room nouso , roncod JJ lot , Ras. city water , turimce , bath room , .Istom , Isvrijo well equipped Dam , S'tl.I Capitol aVe. luiitiiru 'M hniiAO cast of premises or room 14 Onliiha Natl bank bid. 11. 11. Kobison. 7I1S POK KENT Flvo room house , corner I.oavon- worth und luth sis. Apply to lr. Mattlco , IGai Dodge bt. 7U KENT Some n w 0-room houses In FOK .Mlllard It Caldwoll's addition , t- ! ; miles from postofllce. Apoly early. Spotswood , 30.J. ' , Bo 16th St. 730 molt KISNT 14 room brick dwelling , all con- P venluncea. sin N. nth st. n07 ( \ GOOD houses for rent centrally located , -'furniture for rialo ort time. Co-operative Lund He LotCo. _ ' .171 flO'l lin.NT 7-ioomilat. S3) ) month. Inquire 1 at Tlio Fair. 13th and Howard. 074 7 HOOM house with barn , out a llttlo distance I $20 per month. C. P. Harrison , Merchants Nat. bank bidg. 4lS I71OH HKNT Two 3-room Hats on N. 17th St. JL' $12 and $13 : onoil-rooin cottage N. 17th Bt. , 111. Apply to Green * Williams , 1st Nat. liante Ilulldlng ; n03 Foil KKN'i' Kiegantly fumlshfd rooms with all modern Improvements , at UU4 S. 13th st. 44S-m- IjU'ltNISHKD nouso for rent in l-arkTerrace , JJ opposite Hunscom Park ; all modern con venience. Inquire Loft & Nlfchol , 2Sth and Leavenworth. 0.15 flOK RENT 'J-room inodpru Improved house , A 1 localltv ; rent moderate. Apply toM. El gutter. ItUl Earnmn st. tUB ibR KENT Cottages , 6 rooms , 2720 Charles ' at. and I52i S 5th st , Inqulro at room 212 , Sheoly block. OK ) TfjlOlt RENT When you wish to rent : i house , JJ store , or nnlco call on us. IF. E. Cole , room 0. Continental blk. 04 } TjiOR KENT The n-roont resldoneo. 2107 JD Douglas St. , all modern Improvtiinonts , lu qulro S. Katx HilO Farnam. PM "FORT RENT RO'OMS F'URNISHED- TjlURNISIIED rooms. 2iJ N 19th. JlJ 103 28t AVKN HE rooms , at 1S13 nnd 1B15 Capitol avo. , 2 blocks from P. O. , newly furnished , prlvao boarding hoilsc.pldasaut roomsixllconvcniencos S31 2.1 * FOR RENT For one or two gentlemen , larpe front room with alcove , mcoly furnished. On cable Hue , north sldo Ucago bt. , opposite : ath uvo. 1J127t T7IOR RENT Nicely , newly furnished , nil 4J modiirii convonlnnco , 2210 Douglas. ! % RENT ; l furnished rooms for housekeeping FOR keeping , for man and wlfo ; rent taken In board , Jllli N. 17tn. U01 2. 1 RENT Room 1021 Howard. FOR 095 "fiiOR RENT Olio furnished room with close ! JJ and every convenience , gas , etc. , bath room on same lloor ; suitable for emu or Uvo gentle man. 2214 Karnam. V'M OHO HARNKy Furnished room , 13 month. 'J7a.2J * .OR . RENT Two nicely furnished trent F rooms ! nt3215i B. 10th and llaruey. dSiiii \ dOO-22' G1IEEKFUL rooms with board in pilvato family ; hands > oinely situated ; references ex changed ; 2iiO : Ilarncy. Ofil lt TJOOMS for rent , nc.wly furnished , all modern JLlfonvonlenccs ; 17-1 Davenport. O.Vi-2 : . ' ; OR RENT Furnished rboms slnglo or on F suite. HOO Dougla' . 713 T/1URNIS1IED rooms with nrct-class board at JJ 2013 Douglas St. 802-21 + FURNISHED front room wiUi Utfi'Wfirst ; lloor ; 21B S. 21th st. Utfi-'W IJI.EAHANT furnished rooms from } 1 to ja per month. N. W. corner 13th and Ilowara sts. _ _ WKK-- * _ = f710R RENT FuriilHliod room wita all imiilcri JL1 conVcnlonces. 721 i ? 1'Jlh st. SW " ( jlOR RENT Nicely furnished rooms with or JJ without board ; SM S2Mhst. .W 21t "TTloTt RENT Furnished rooms , terms modor JJ mo , no children ; UHO of nUuo and hathUH North I'th. i 4-a ; * T7\OR \ KEN.T Three ( nrniihed rooms for llgh JJ hotisolceeplng , SUM tit. Mary's OOS22 SHIT of 2 furnished rooms , inodorn convon ieiiues , 3 .blocks from P. O. , privnto family A. llospn. Jr. 1M1 Oouglaa at. n TTIURNIsIIEDroom with board , gas and bath JJ lu house , price * reasonable , 22rj Luuvnn'lb 171URNISIIKI ) Room with board , htiltabin fo J-1 one gentlomnu , 1055 1'arv uvi > . iKI-'Jtf * O 1'urnNlwd rooms with all modem convrn A loncez , 1811 < ; pllal avc. KOOM with or without board. 1H2 Dolgo , UH rrPuTLNlJllT-Tii rooms for rent. wftlTbourd ; - - must civo references , at 11)21 ) Dodge at. 440 ' OOM9 And board Ib 12 Chicago Bt. i Kfttatat "imuilNISltKn itOOMS ISO ) Douglas street TmUHNISHKD rooms , 113 S2Uth st.neaMlodi ; * . for rent ; muiTgrvifie7r- "iTMtONTrOouuj ell tidnvcnloncns ; 2317 Dliughis JL ? 7UO-20' "R > ( ) il KisNT-aood basement , lattloTijdf..s st. "CSuitNiaTlHb rooms for rout at 181K Dodge TjTiL'iiNlSluiD ' roomi to rent utUjJjrHrirtirstT JL.1 AU modern cpiiivnlulU'on. ' 232.1J ZjTFv fi'N iHTfKD f out ro-jU'S Ktngle or on sulio , In coltayellh beautiful ithady lawn , 414 N 14th at. l > 7l-2ij ; KOOMS aud boaiM , 1C10 Vebstor at. ' , $ ! milt "lilinTNTS.'lHD ' rooms by day , wex or month. JJ tit , ( .Mr hote1. cor Uitli nv I UoilKe. KH jM'JtNI HUl ) rooms , tlngli o ? en nun * . b4-h - nud uefctu : for puti > > . < BU Uowira. J1C TlENT 1-ront room * l 1831 F rn m. ' FORRENT-nOOMS UNFURNISHED [ T1OR HKNT 3now rooms suitable for hou o- -U keeping , 19 per month , 20th nnd Franklin si. 1I10H MINT Three nnfiirnlshod. rooms for JJ light housekeeping , SMMSt. MAfy'/l ave. WW-22 * ; I OK HKNT ( of r > unfurnished cnambors to - * - ' housekeeping , 319 N lith st. KM sxt FOH HKNTA handsome suite of thrco un- f urn lulled rooms with bathroom and closets , at 13CO Sherman nvo. 8Si "fiTOli HKNT 4 rooms , suitable for noujto- JL. keeping ; references required ; no children. Prlco 115,00. N. W. corner 17th nnd Webster at. 737 FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. 3 TOll UKNT Cheap-llulldmg imltablo for .fetove manufacturing or warehouse , SSxtO , CA . water and sewerage , Haundqrs at , near Oddfellows' hall. Knmitri at bronn llvfiry table , next door. _ igi g cJ fflOlT HlJNT-ThTTBtory brlcFliulTding 'with V or without power , now ocsuptctl by The Iloo 'nllhliln Co. . Oil ! Farnam si. The building las a lire proof cemented b.isomout , complete Htenm hunting flxtnros , walor on all the Hoard , ; ns. etc. Apply at the olllco of Tno lion , lilli TTtOH HUNT Store and living rooms oh ( Mm- JL' Ing street ! also h6us66rtCAss St. Harris It. fi. Ati. . Co.lloom 111 , 1st Nat , bank. 811 ' lw with DAsnmont , IlamgiS bidg. In- .JqulroJFrank .t. Haingo. _ (159 ( OllinNT Store sJxflaj 1113 JAokson st. Cn- nulro 11U Jacksou. _ SW TTllJll HUNT a Hobra&xS ) each , in brink liuIhT JL' Ing , with clov'iitor , closu to otpress otllce , cheap rent , Just the thing for wliolcitlitig , good ocation. Apply to Ooolleyn , 1103 Karnnm st. REHTAt. ACENCIES. Il' ToiT ifanfiorf ent ydlfr'hoTi CM'cninmTrSP rls , . K. 3e U Co. , room 111 1st Nat'l bank. 123 _ 1ST your property for rent with Homlngton it Krye , Northwest Corner 15th and Farnnin , 7 ANTED ai lionsns at once for Winch wo can furnish Rood tenants. Mat yonr houses with the Ii4 S Rental Agency , aiOShooly blk. 7m IF YOU want to buy , sull , renter evcnnnRo , call on or address , ti. .1. Sternsdorir , rooms J17 and HIS Mrst National bank building. _ _ 045 EO. J. PAUI3C09 Farnaui at.- houses , etc. , for rent. _ Ota _ WE clvo special attention to renting nnn collecting rents , list with us. II. K Cole , room 0 Continental block. _ UI7 LT OIl HINT llouses in all parts of the city. JJ J. J. Olbaon. No. . Crolghlon blotk. OH JJ. OlllSON'8 new system of renting houses , Ko. 8Crelghton block. 6 11 rVllSCEUF.ANEOUS. TJ RONSTF.N'sniRIN has moved"to tl * S ISftil JJL. lluy and sell pocond hand furniture and stoves ; bottles bought and sold. MO-m''l TATM'L take horses to pasture at Gllmoro. > t Prlco } 2 per mo. I ) . A. V'oung.Gllmore Neb. THE banjo taught as an art by Oflo. F. Gel- lenbock. Annlv at lluo Olllco. HilO LOST. LOST Thrco dollar gold piece dated 1878 ; re turn toll. I1. IColb , llll Harney aud rocelvo reward. 157-Ui LOST Ilotween Omaha and South Omaha , our local vxprcss delivery receipt book , Ko- turn to No. 101 ! ) Howard st. nudl \ \ pay for your trouble. Kees Printing Co. 108 PERSONAL. T5EHSONAL Ladles and gentlemen wishing JL correspondence in vie\V ot matrimony or amusement , send 10 ; . Address O. C. Itureau , lock box liU.5 , Omaha , Neb. ly-at iKIVATE course In fenclnfr boxlnp or lancy club swinging , itlO. Address T 14 , Ileo ollice. i-J ml4 STORAGE. STOHAOK At low rates ntllijl Farnam t . _ Omaha Auction & Storage Co J17 milACICAGE , storage , lowest rat 3. \V. M JL ilubhman , I'-'ll ' I.uarcuworth. 118 > RANCH & CO. , Storage , 1211 Howard. > 119 CLAIHVOYANT ATKANCE MKD1UM Mine. Sandal ) , the young Swede , tolls full names ot callers nnd thn full name of your future husband or wife , with < late ot marriage , and tells whether the ono you love Is trim or fulso. Not a fortlmo teller , but a young spirit medium. ' Madame goes Into a perfectly dead tianco. Will brlUR back the parted husband or lever , no matter If they ba 10 000 imlos away. Will guarantee to settle ranruy Quarrels , parlors up stairs. 403 N. Itlthat. . third lloor 75B 20t DH. NANNIB. V. Warren , clairvoyant nu > dl- cal and butilnesa medium. Female dlscilsos a specialty. 110 N icth St. . rooms 2 and 3. Oil SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITINQ niHE Standard Shorthand School , having pur- JL Phased Valentino's Shorthand Instltute.f'ax- ton block , opp. publlo library. Is now the larg- Oost equipped , exclustvo shorthand HchOul In the west , 12,5 graduates In good situations" The school Is in charge of Mr. K. A. Smith , a stenographer and teacher of many years prac tical experience. Twelve No. 2 Kemlngtou type writers In use. Send for circulars. 411 SHORTHAND and Type-writing taucht the mobtpmctlciil way at the Oinuha Commercial Collose. llenn I'ltman system and Remington typo-wrltors ; s-tudcnts oomplct nicnual In two ui'pkK , and wrltu from r.O to 100 words per min ute In three mouths ; practical olllee drill made abpeelalty. Instruction In grammar , spoiling and writing free. Address ilohrboujjU llros. , OniHha for circulars. ! H7 m3 OOARDINC. BOA1JO and deslr.iblo' rooms , furnished or unfuini8hed-clOJO ; to street car. Mrs. 0. 1' . Storra , 24U Cass St 81U 22 * " ' "WA'NTED TO BUY. Tobuy agood resldonco lot con- tnilly located not over ono mils and a half from postolllco ; none but owners nei'd reply. Addrets XH lice olllco. 1)87 ) 22 \X7"ANTKD To buy ; n share in Coliseum V > building association : : address i XR , Hie. . 15 * ' ! WANTKD To buy good commercial paper , U. r. PattiTBon. 318 S Mth st. Ml WANTKU To purcluiso hull interest ly plnmblnc and steam titling business , 1 > 1 practical man , Address V 40 , Heo olllco 7b7-20 \\rANTI3U runiliure , carpets , stoves and f ' lioiiBtliold toods of all kinds , Omaha Auction & Storage Co. , 1121 Karuam. Utxj jliiNlTrHB of 7-room house.- Including up- . light , piano , forsalo cheap. 2010 Davenport , 34 )11 ) SA I. K A end drivlnK ruare. wolgUi . about 1,0 U lhsor would exchange for .1 KOOI ! biislnes-i horse * 20 : ) ) bs no.ivler. II. K , Ilcndcc , _ _ _ B47-22 _ SA/jK-AM-lnch Victor bicycle , almost as good asi now. Address , Moraan. 16U Douglas. J75 Jit TTllltS'JMJI.ARH lot of saloon furniture and bar Jw ilxtiire.s fot'nalo at a bargMn. luqulro ol the 1'jnit National bane , Aurora , Nob. _ ill1) a'a "ITinn S.\fjK 1 v/ork team , w upon and bar J- ' ness fompletc- , very cheap for cash , SI' ' I'axton _ lilk. _ ( o 171011 8AIK-8hAfttnff. belting , pulleys , etc , JJ eood ai now. Rip aw , croia-cut anil band saws very cheap. 'JJI Umiglas , 123 HH\V bed room sot nm ! carpets for sulocneup , _ InqnlrejMll Cnpltol aye. * _ U14-2lt 1U ( SAfiK At a Imrgnln . A llrnt-class "Mil J ; lor" liart ; good as new ; run only il months , Can bn strii at Hlmpson's Currlaycj orks. 01 address X 15. llee ollla' . _ lB-a7t ! FOH HAMi Very cheup ; cottage organ , near l'n < ttvnOKOod : ) 61nger scvviiifj machlno ; address X U , llac olllco. VUlJU 1TOU SAIiR A small sodn fountain will luarUlu pl.ito , cheap ; 414 Bouth ith. : ! rlsai ro. _ _ iat-S2 "IjlOH 8AUiW ) trtus Ico. Adam Jloder JJ llliilr. Nub. _ _ , _ _ UKjuIHJ F01 ! 8AI < K Coiilnnd grain business in a llvt town of WHl-t pujiuhitlun ; A guud opening Address box iy , Yortr.J _ Vb. _ U77 2S * FOR SAM ! , hoiuehold furnltuip , ti bo HCUU from J" tn V. uud 2 to 4 , I'M Califor nla. _ _ _ _ _ Jlui : > . A FINK CoGlnet ( iiauil rcbewood case up JJ-rlglit pli-no for I1W.SO ; test when now tlJ ( ) only UJed : must bo sold at onct > ; will Clvottmeou Dailot it if ileslroJ , Addteis V e.5 , oitiejnmhaji tf. _ U21m19 " IjVU S"Al < K-oo'i ( ! ' work team , waKouand bar J.1 flcsj ; set cnrpt > nttr tools und che t ; full sal . . .nrfcol Inxtrumeutii , nearly now ; household iroocin. etc. On oa y pnymeuta. J. J , Wllklnsou nil ? Funiara wt. _ 1M _ 'fjlOU SALE-DraftTiiTBos , buiipy noraea , unc J. Riiilidellvey ! ! ir.ulus.Voodti Sulu utabl J510 ( 'allfiirula. _ _ ! M _ ATniSV-UI.ASS uprlsht piano , very rea 6T tonablu , on easy teiina ; yerj' line iustrt cieut. 2010 li.vtiiport. ) Fort 8A lr.-Cho ! > pa neany now toft btiggy jt'o- luminis raftko. A , HiiUomstock , 312 s. l n. 747 . . . BAliU Horse and bnjrgy. Inquire A , llospe , 1813 Douglas M , 615 mil ABSTRAOTSfOF TITLE. Mini.ANI ) Guarantee. .V Trust Co. , IMfi Far- nam , Coinpletoabstrkcts furnished & titles o real estate oxaiulhed.pef footed A guaranteed. A HSTHAOTS Mnnhan1 A Mnhoney , room WW 1'axton blocR. txa AlJsIracVConvpnny , f\\y \ \ I'arnam si. OMAHA Jlost complete and vrcfully prepared pet ot abstract books and plats ot all real property n the city of Omaha and Douglas county. , i ! Ml MONEY TcfLOAN. /"l W. PRCfC loads money on Omaha real cstato VjT liulldlng loans a specialty. H 4 , Fronzorb Ik MONKV loaned on unimproved Inside Omaha real estate. (1. W. 4 , Prenzcr block. nio-mist TTNIMPIIOVUI ) and Improved property ; U loans mndo promptly : jnonoy on hanu. V , M. Itlchardeon , d w cor 1.1th and Douglas.WO WO T OANSmadoon Improved nml unimptovrd J real cstato at lowest rates , by Odoll liros. , t Co. No. 111' ' S Iflth St. 88- GOOD notes , short or long tlmo. unsecured or With mortgage , bought any wnore in Neb , or la. Quick loans , city or farm. Call or write W. IA Solby , It. 13. 11M. Trndo. fca 15UIljIlNO I.OANS-Wo will buy lot , or nay J-'lncumurnncc- your lot and build for you ; fimiill cash payment , balance In onsy monthly layments ; In case of death wo cancel tlio en- Jro Indebtedness. M. 1C. fc T. Trust Co. . First National bank building. 8 Mnl5 H E , COr.E , loan agent. 1M city loans wanted In Omaha am v-/ Council llluirH. will ( inoto very low rates for the next few days. In dealing with us , you leal direct with the lender. Wo Ifian you our own money In all cases. No delays , lloth principal and Interest payable at our cilice , L'cnlral Loan nnd Trust uo. , 1IW5 Farnam st. RW-S3 BUIhUINd LOANS At" per cent net , no ad ditional charKes for commissions or attor neys' fees.V. . U. Melkle , First Nat. ban * bidg. O.V ) BUILD1NO loans n specialty.V. . M. Harris , room BO Frenzfir block , opposite I1 , O. DO YOU want money ? If so. don'tbbrroy before getting my rates , which are the low est on any sum from til ) up to S10.0JO. I make lonns'on household goods , pianos , or gans , horses mules , wagons , warehouse re ceipts houses leases , etc. . In any amount nt the lowest possible rates without publicity or re moval of property. Loans can bo made for ono to six months and you can pay a part nt any time , reducing both principle and Interest. If you ewe a balauca on your furnlturo or horses or have n loan on them I will take It up and carry It for you as long as you desire. It yon need money you will find It to your advantage - vantage to see me borons borrowing. H. F. Masters , room 4 , Wlthuoil building , 15th nnd llanioy. B'JU IIILh loans at 41i ) Shooly build- Vying at eight per cent stralgnt. Samuel Tato. 133 l-ni3 CJ1.000 TO $5.000 on Improved city property ; Pcan bo paid In monthly Installments ; deut cancelled In case of death ; wilt loan 60 to 60 per cent of cash valuation. M. 1C. & T. Trust Co. , First National baUEbulldlng. _ _ 8W-ml5 _ MONEY to loan at lowest rates of Interest on real estate in Omaha and South Omaha. Tltlos and property examined by us and loans made at once. Oisli on hixnd. iintos , Smith , V Co. room SUIJtanigobldiifc _ $10tX ) nmrupwards to loaif on prood msldo city property. No delays. ! ? W. i'arnam Smith. 1'JSi ) Farnam st. _ , _ Mi-aim GPEIl CUNT money to' loan. Cash on hand. Harris. It a ) , Vroinor block , opp. P. U. a , 105 H.E. . COLE , loan ngettt. . 100 -f- qj 8 $ $ $ To loan on tarms and city property. pcoo. J. Paul , 1001 Faruiilii st. 3M C1TV Financial agency , wlll loan you money on horses , furnlturo. Jewelry or securities of any kind. 1300 Howard at' , corner S. 13th st. 23-1 - mil ; TT < ASTERN trust fundsto , loan on Improved JL real estate In Omahaiargo loans proforred. E. S. lllsboo , First National'banK building. ' ' ' - 21)5-m21j ) QPEC'l ' AL fund of 10,0i ( ) ) to loan at reduced O rates on furnlturo , horSM and wagons. City Loan Co. , 118 S lUth st. " OOP TDEOPLE'STlnanclal ! E\'dnango Largo aud JL sm all loans for long and short time , at low est rates of Interest , on real estate mortgage notes , chattels of all kinds , diamonds , watches and Jewelry. Don.t fall to call If you want fair and cheap accommodations. O. llouscaron , Mgr. , room MR Darker blk , 15th and Farnam. MONEV toloan on improved property at firs- hands. No application sent awav for apt proval. Security and titles examined free of charge to borrowers , Lombard Investment company , 303 S. Wth st. UlO T CAN make a few loans on llrst-olass chattel J. securities at reasonable rales. W. K. Potter , room 10 Darker blk. 007 T OANS wanted on Omaha real estate , thrco -IJaml Uvo years' tlmo. optional payments , favorable terms and rates , applications and titles passed upon by us , and loans closed promptly. Kimoall , Champ A , room 0 , U. S. National llauk Hulldlns , 12io I'arnam st. 211 ml TjifKST mortgaco loans at low rates and no J ? delay. U. V. Sholes , 210 Firat National bank. U32 MONEY to Loan Wo are ready for applica tion ! ) for loans In amounts from $ ) 'Kto ' $10- 000 on Improved Omaha or Douglas county real estate , jhill Information as to ratos. Loans promutly closed. Good notes will bo purchased by us. call upon us or wrlto. Thu McCacue Investment Co. 105 ANV amounts loaned on furniture , pianos , teams , etc. Notes bought at loss than usual rates , monthly payments reduce Interest. Key stone Mortgage Co. , room 203 Shooly blk , S. 15th 0.F. . HARRISON loans money , lowest rates , . 1'JS ' MONEV to loan. O. F. Davla Co. , real cstato and loan agents. 1505 Farnam st. 101 B LUILD1NG loans. D.V Sholos , 210 First Na tional bank , oas LOANS made on real estate and mortgages bought. Lowls S. R6 < m & Co. , 1521 F.irnam. Igj "PVON'T borrow money on furniture , norses , J-'wagons , etc. , or collattorals until you see C. II. .lacobs , 410 First National bank building. MONEV to loan ; cash on hand ; no delay. J. W. Hciulre. 121H Farnam st. , First National bank building. 103 "PEOPLE'S Bxchango The tallest , JL quietest and most llber.U money nxchongo in the city ; money loaned wltnout delay or publicity. In any amount , largo or small , at the lowest ratnsof Interest , on any available se curity ; loans m y bo paid at any time or renewed at original rates. O. ItotibCaron , Mgr. , room MM , Darker block. 15th and Farnam. 101 ' Mortgage & Trust Co. . tur- ntsh cheap eastern money to borrowers ; purchase securities , perfect tltlos , accept loam at their western olllco. George W. 7 , lioard of TriiUo Wl SEE Sholes , room 210 Firgt Nat'l bank hoforo making your loans , ( W ! M1 XNI3V"to loan ! ilarrix It. E. & LoanToTi - room 411. First NatkjOjil bank. OT3 B UILD1NG loans. Linahan It Mahonoy. 103 rV. . HARRISON loans Jijonoy , lowest rates. ( IjriOO.OOO to loan at 0 per'font. Llnahan \ Ma- Phonoy , Room 500 1'axtoit block. 110 MONEV to loan In Inrgo Sums at the lowest ratesno ; dolay. R , ( J , Patterson , U13 B 11th , ur 107 _ MONEV to loan on furniture , horscs.wagons. etc. . or on any approved security. .1. W. Robblns It. 200 , Bhenly blk. , 15th und Howard. TT10R SALE Horse , harness and phaeton , as JL1 good as now , 2I2J Paciilp st. lira 22' MONEV to loan Lowest rates. Loans closed promutly. H. E , Colu , ItO Continental block. Ifrl WANTED First class Innldo loins. Lowest rates. Call and .soo us. Mutual Invu.H- mentCo. . It. 1. llarkorblk. 1,1th & I'arnain. tiJI M ONEVto can on real estate ; uo commis sion. W. A. HpencorRoom lIluHhuiun ) blk. r.wifi'i NEI1KAB1CA Mortg. Loan Co. v.lll make youa loan on household goods , horses , wagona , land contracts , fine Jewelry , or nectirlties of ony kind , without publicity , ut reasonable rates. Room 7. Rowley biocV. South Omalm , HOOIUB 6151 , Paxtoil block , Omaha , Neb. MONEV leaned for.W. BJ or ' . day on any kind of chattel security : roasoimblo Inter. est ; business ooutUlcntlat. J J. Wilkinson. 1117 Furnum st * 100 OANSon business property , * 1.iWO to JVtioa ) u anted. Provident Trust Company , room aw. 1'lrnt Nqtlonal bank building. 110 V-Loaaa negotiated ot low rales with out delay , and purchase good commercia paper and mortgage notes. S. A. Blom n , cor Ibiu uuu Faruam. I'M _ BU 31 NESS CHANCES . J710H SAIiR- ' 7POOto-fkot hnrdvraro. dloros , i ? etc. ? W. ( o stock of general merchandise , clothing , DOO ts and shoes , Address P. O , boK ? . Uozail , Neb. _ 1'JAlfif bllA'NCKNIco clpftti dtooh gefieraT Vmcrchondlse , llxturesnnd large store build- ng and lot In live Nebraska town. Division station I ) , .V M. , lo tradH for good Omaha roti- Icncrt , J. II. Parrotto , under Douglas Co. Hank. FOR SALE In one of th best towns In east- orn Nnb. ! clean stock of dry. goods and clothing ! Will take part trade. Address AV. F. 0. , boxtty Hulo. Nob. Ml 8IJ _ I710R SAW -JIO.O'JO ' stock of merclmndlso on JCosy terms. Address V ( K , care Ileo. WX1 77OR SALB Hakory and confectionery In a L < town ot nine thousand ouxwi. good trade , ocation , etc. ; reason for HClllnp want to retire 'rom business. Inuulro nt 1110 Howard st. , ) maha , Nob. bXI S3 * _ _ ANEW roller mill for sale in a good wheat belt , and good market for Hour. For terms address F. J Andreas. Oordon. Nob. PllaW 4J.1 , ( to $ yWJ wanted to put Into n good busl- P ness ; first class security and good rate of nterest paid for short or long timo. Or will nke partner. For particulars address U 43 , Hooolfice , 142 ' " * ALOON fur sale In ono of the best business centers In OmahA.cliea Reason for soiling , . ' must leave the city. Vddress V IS RPO. 4H5-m7f HOTEL for sale.Voll furnished , paying > V ) a month rent. Address W. P. Anderson , S'orcntur , Kas. ESMnl * HOTEL man wanted , with n fe\V thousand dollar to Invest ; house all furnished and business wnvSvIil pay out lu I1 ? months ; title icrfect ; no ineumbrancc. Address M. A. Mc- llunls , or O. a Churchill. Sterling , Colo. AMEMHERSHIP in the Omaha board of tradocan bn had cheap at Roum22 U. S. Na tional bank building. U2d FOR EXCHANGE. BRICK and building material wanted for mortgage note , real cstato farms , etc. , etc. William .1. Paul , 1COO Farnam. 100-2:1 : i3EVETiAl7"farins In dltroront localities tor ox- CJchango for building lots , Western l.nnd nnd f.oan Exchange , H12 s 16th gf U9I S3 rnoEXCHANaE-Clean stock of dry goods J. and clothing for boots and shoos. Addr6ss W. V. 0. . box20. RulO. Nobt ? i2 y TJRAUTIFUL Denver property to exchange JJfor eastern property. Dexter 2S Essex block , Denver , Col. 877 22 * " 1J10U HXOItANOK-For desirable residence JL ! property in Omaha , any or all of following ; 40 choice inside testdence lots In Hastings , 10J lots In Lincoln. 040 acres Uno farming land , Lancaster county. Flno residence property , Lincoln. Good rental property , Lincoln. Choice family residence , corner , Los Angeles. A m at residence property in Hanscom Placo. Also , some good mortgage notes. Address , giving location and prlco of prop erty , J. li H. , care Uauin Iron Co. , 1217 Leaven- worth. Ml. NEW Sweated flno carriage or top buggy for mortgage city or county warrants , or any good unsecured notes. W.L.Selby , it 13 ll'd Trndo 487 roil 13XOIIANOE Dakota , Hand county What have you to ollor for a good farm here , slightly encumbered ? Dakota lands are rising In value. And its destiny cannot bo dis puted. Will take vacant lot or Improved prop- jrty and assume some encumbrance. O. J. 3tcrnsd6rlT , rooms 317 aud 3lf , Elrst National lank burtUliig. . 'J5'i EXClfANUE-Elghty acres ot the ntlest timber land In Wisconsin , clear of encum- liranco. What have you to oiler ? O. J. Sterns- dorir. rooms 317 and 31tf , First National bank 052 FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. TjiOR SALE At a bargain ; 3 norses : sound ; JL ? work double and single ; ono a good driver ; call 2(110 ( Davenport st. 10.1-2'it T AND I havelO.OOOacres Of choice farming JLJImids In eastern aud middle Nebraskawhich 1 will soil at from $1 to 812 per aero. Will innko special price for the whole 10,000 acres if taken In it lump. Goo. II. Peterson , 1412 8 13th st. , 018 mil FOR SALE f.ot 10x100 , south of rair grounds InRlrkwood ; price 81.20J. one-fourth cash. J. II. Loomls. 1'J20 Wirt st. 578 aft _ "ITlOn SALE The finest ro ulHiico slto In West JL ? Omalm ; just south of Farnam on , ' 17tli street ; n corner 105-clK7 wltli 1H7 foot frontage on paved street and joining the handsome rosl- donco of Klrkendall on the east and Itrady.Eas- BOU and Martin on the south ; a perfect gem aiid garden spot for nn elegant homo , Harney and 21st streets , 141x107 , on pavement within tiiree blocks ot the court house ; room for seven llno'housos that would rent as rapIdly - Idly as completed. A splendid perjnanont In vestment. I'arnam and 22d streets , i > 0xl33 , with now tbreo-story brick store building , reutod to good permanent tenants. Rental receipts $ I,2 * > 1 per Sixteenth street near Nicholas , frontage 61 feet to alloy. Good business property. Farnam street between ilStli and ,1'Jth. ' front age 48 or 91x133 to alley , south front , 1 block from pavement and street cars. 1'arn. avenue , opposite Hanscom park , 60x150 , prlco ? 2OJO , easy terms' . Paddock Place , trackage , 00x112 , W.ODO , easy IGth'streetsonth of VInton st. , lot for sale or trade for md&o. or cr > od farm land. S. A. Slonian. 1301 Farnam st. 250 FOR SALE or Exchange Improved stock fnrm of bOD acres , in eastern Nebraska , near market ; also now 12-room house , with all con veniences , in desirable residence portion of Omaha. Andrew llevlus , attorney , 122 and 123 , 1'axton block , Omaha , Neb 057 SOUTH OMAHA-I have a number of good lots In various additions that must be sold at once an.l can bo bought at prices that will sultyou. O. J. Sternsdorir , rooms 111" and 313 Firnt National bank building. 9TiO _ ITOll SALE On montnly payments , several J ? residences from I toH rooms In all parts of the city. Western Land & Loan Exchange. lW-23 FORsalo or exchange A residence at 20th St. , and St. Marys ave , has 7 rooms , bath room. laundry , sewerage , gas and city water. Will take good outslda building site as pare payment. David Jamieson. 311 S 15th. Tito T710R SALE A beautiful residence In Hans- J-com Place , fronton 30th st. just south of Popploton ave , lot 50x1 U to graded alloy ; yard nicely sodded ; 8-room house , bath , hot and cold water , gas , sewer , electric bolls , hard ; wood finish. If taken at once will sell this flno homo for amount much Ijulou- Its value. No nicer neighborhood In thn city. To those that mean business wo would llko to show this property. Wo will make the prlco right. M. A. Upton Company , Itith and I'arnain. 331 TT Oll HALE Academy of Music building and JJ two business lots. CJrand Island. Nebraska , ground 11x132 foot , umidlng brick , two stories high and stone basements , all In good repair ; terms easy ; price } H > .i)0. ) Enquire ot Thompson llros. . Grand Island , Nebraska. 701ml2 * OH. LOOKhoro ! An east front , 51 ft lot. on 20th ht. , tenth of Rnrdutte : very tine view for $1,500. How's that. M. A. Upton Company. IGth and I'arnam. UJ1 NO cash payment required , Will sell you n lull lot In Saundi'i'.s & Hlniab'iugn'a : idd for $000 nnd take mortgage for full amount due in SvearH on condition thatyott build a hnusa to cost not less than 1510. C. E. Roltei' , room 6 , 8 W corner 15th aud Douglas. 4'O FOR SALE Cheap Not for trade ; 54'1.70 acres Und ( sue. 5-12-fli two inllos from Marqiiettii , Hamlltnu county , Nibraska. Frame houbo , sta ble , iloo ucres under good liarh-wira tenco , round cedar post ? , two hiays , living water , 31. foot channel , - wells , 8A ) tank , corral , Rolf-fueder , a natural stock ranch , in a lluo corn bolt. Price 0.003 Cash In hand 2,710 S years' timed percent H,2M ( lo and look over land. Address owner , F. 1C Atkins. 150J l.arlmor at Denver Col. 02r FOR SALE 0-room cottage nn 15th st. bet. Coutnr anil Dorcas , lot , ' 15x157 , * . ' , .Vasy terms ; this Is a bargain. M. A. Upton Co. . Kiln und Farnam. Mi OMKH for munl l will buiu cot- tivo3 tnmiit purchasers on lots In Noith Omaha addition and sell on monthly pnyimmti of Sio to if A ) pur mouth. 'J'Ju-fo lot.1 , are within a quaiter of a mile of North Omaha depot. W , R. Homnn , room 0 , Fronzer lillo Wl-'l 1710K HALE-Cholcost nrop rtv In Orchard J11111 ; Ill-room house , all ii.oiU'rn Improvu- ineiitx , and H full loU. D , E , Johnson , owinr , 635 Paxton block , W i : ! 7 17EADTHIS-I liave a custoiaor for a good" libullilluij lot who will make K email c.ish payment , build a house and make a building loan and give n second mortgage for balance < > f purchase money. If you have u good lot to xall on tcrnm I can dlnpuie of H for you , or If you nave anything to tiull vury chvan for r.ifn Ilit It with mo ( irover btavcni , 510 and 51 ; I'axlou block. Telephone 112.1. 144-J7 IT'OR SAIiE Cheap ; new 7-room houso. tin- JL Ishoa In hiird wood , centrally located on cable , - ble und street oar linen , tcruiaeasy ; uddrusn X 0 , Ileo olllco. tW-22 TTiOR SALE .South and east coruoTMxiw , In 4- the nvlghburbood of the Milton Rogers properly , neat I'lirnam Btrui't. very tflghily. This Is clioltti property in a rholca neighbor hood und M lit bu Hold rheap. U u 111 pay you to Invt'stlL'nto the locality and this particular piecaof gruiiud. lV. . llarrlhon , > lerch.ints' Nutlonal bunk. NV1 171011 SALK-Or exchangu for Omaha prop- JU1 crty. BO acres , suitable for platting ; will make 4tW lots , all clear ; blgjnoney In H foruomo one who can j > u h thU ; located Just outslilo the city llmltao/ Council UluOs. ImiulrB ( U-o , .1. htenisdorir. roouu ail eud 318 , ffrjt lUtional bank byUdluf. ujt ) _ FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE 1710 n -Nicunawfi-rooni house , imrn tot J4 horsos. vrell and cistern ; everything tirst blnsi ; mil lot. In llodford Plata , an f et from state ottrot (30th ( ti. J3.WX ) , JlOrt ca h , balance I. Sand I ) years ; or fi'.WO , 11,450 cash , balance A y nr , M. A. Upton Company , ICtli aud FAtnain. " \VORTI1V of yonr Mtoiuionu No T ' compietoil on Jth st. north of Leaven- worth st , two houses convenient to business , efy roomy , grate , raahtel. furnace , gas. bfttli , ollct , 2 water closets , stationary wasn tubs , lot and cold water , five bodMOms. 10 closets ) only t\KO , on terms to suit. Telephone S37 or W.T , aaman , Omaha's largest variety of wagons - ons , curringes. etc. , cast side 111th st , north of llchoUsst. _ 4X1 AT A sftcrince 121x150 ft. oust and north front , corner 3'ith anil Howard nts. , on * > lock west of Coo's and Klrkondatl'a fine rest- lenccs , two blocks from paved street , two ilocks .south of Farnam nt. : just think ot It , 26x1,10 ft. and a corner at that , and only < l , * > uu. C. B. Rotter , room 5 , s. w. cor. 15th and Don elm TlOlf " SATiE A private bank In foutnorn - Nebraska. Addrosa to M < Catudal , Cump- ball , Neb. I'M ' m 3 _ \\niAT FOOI.S we mortals bo"-m,000 > buys ton-room house with Antique oak and natural cherry llnlshj side board in dining room of sumo with all latest modern couvon- cnceA : ulcoiy decorated , atatlonory laundry nn * , and a pom ot a house all through. East 'ront and full lot on Oeorgla avo. Take it quick ; party going to leave city. f'.i.OUO buys ( ( (1x145 on corner Jl'th nnd Farnam sts. ; cast front and best bargain for money in .no city : both streets p.ivod . . S7.000 buys eight-room hou o and barn and all : atcst convcnloncps. East front on So. Stlth street. Take good lot la part payment , 8J.WO buys a good six-room house on easy , , ornit ! , tiox 177-foot lot In West Omaha to exchange ii r , for good house , jjiioo buys a good now 5-room house and full ot on easy payiuiints. J7 , buys a splendid house , 8 rooms In Kotmtxo Piaco on IHnney street , or will take smaller house In part payment. $1,700 buys a .good house and lot cnOrant near 20th street. Take this < iulck. f 1,500 buys good six-room house with all con veniences. TaKO good clear farm or fiJ.uoo ; equity tn one as part payment. 1 have wagon loads of good bargains cither lor sale , trade or ( give away Cheap ) to suit the most fastidious. Oet a move on you s6mo tlmo and come tn. 1) . V. Sholos. 210 1st Nat'l Hank. "To not know a barfaiu that wo soe. " 73' ' ) 17UR SALE The nlost pleasant and best loca. JL1 ted llttlo home in town , .suitable for ft man with n small family who wants something very choice and not too expensive. . Una nnvor been mt on the market beforn aud will undoubtedly jo sold soon. It will pay you to investigate this promptly , C. F. Harrison , Merchants Nat , ll'k. I7IOR SALE Nino-room house , barn and lot L' in Hanscom Place ; also 2 houses aud lots lu Sunny Sldo. Harris , room 411,1st Nat. bank. OOJ FOR SALE or Lease Frame building aboit 40x50 with throe years' lease of lot.UOl Doug IAS st. 9ln POR SALE W ft. on inth street neir Mar tha , with cottage renting 110 per month , price (5.000 ; ti > rms very oasy. Lots 21 and 22 , blocK 1 , Orchard Hill , prlco SOW each ; terms easy. 71 ft. on With street between Cass nnd Califor nia sts. . only $ .1,000 , Lot 3 , block l , J. I. Itodlck's sub. street at both nnds of lot , prlco yiTOO ; terms easy. Oood lot iii block 4 , Omaha View , prlco JI.100. Lot 11 , block I , Plnlnvlew , price Oood corner in Lowo's addition , UO ft , south front , price only f S5. Lot55 , Ilurr Oak , fronting Hanscom park , prlco $1,250. 00 ft , south front. lot on Jackson Pt , lu Isaac & SeMen's add , prlco J 1,700. Lot 2 , block2 , Hillside No. 1. 50ft south front on Cavs ss , prlco f.,500 ; cash Jl.OOO , bal live yrs at tf per cent. Lot 1 , block 1 , Hillside No. 2 , prlco $2,750 ; cash Jl.SO1 , bal live yrs atSporcent. Lot 3. block 1. Hillside No.2 , price $2,750 ; cash , $1,000 bal live years at 8 per cent. Look tin-so no and sno what advantages they have over res- IdontO lots In other localities. , Lota In Hillside Reserve from W.r.OO to1.500. This Is fast becoming ono of the linost residence localities in Omaha , and wo are prepared to of fer some of the best of this property for sale at the lowest possible prices , and to make special Inducements to parties who will build. If you contemplate building a JlO.OiW , 820,10 or $ JO.OOO home tins season lot us show you ono of the llnost cornord lu the city on which to build it. It is 120XXO ) ft and fronts south and 'East front lot In block S , Potter's addition. Prlco $ lr 50. Lot , t , block 1. Potter's addition. Price $1,475. Double corner In Potter's adition , l.UxlCO ft , only S2 , )0. ) Well improved business lot , with sewer con nections , city water , otc. , renting JTTO per year and in a locality where runts are advancing. Prlco $1,000. A good Investment for bomoono' nTwo now houses and lots In western part of the city , with modern conveniences. Prlco $ J,2.10 aud W.500 respectively. Terms , * JOO cash , bal monthly. A few line I'csldoiicas In Kountze place and Ham-corn plnco that wo should like to show parties wanting homes. Lots is Council HlulTs within thrco quarters of a mile of the postofllce fro J-JOO to $3 HO Terms easy. A few ot the beat corners In Council Oluffs on Ilroadway lu the vicinity of the motor power honro and carriage factorytrora $1,0.10 to $1,260. Pome of the above list are ottered at from 10 per cent to 21 pcr-cont below their actualvaluo and we should be pleased to have the propcry. Investigated , Potter & Cobb , 1G01 Farnam 957 20t. Notice. Department ot the Platto. Chief Quarter master's Otllce , Omaha , Neb. , April I , WJ. Time d.lth Instant ) for opening proposals for construction of oillcers' quarters , storehouses , etc. , at Fort Mobrara. Nebraska , as llxed by my advertisement of 13th ultimo , Is deferred until 2 o'clock p. in. , central time , tlw 27th In stant. WM. 1J. HITCHES. Lieut. Col. and Deputy Quartermaster General , IT. S. A. a3-4-5-0-22-S3 - - - - - Notice. Matter of application of F. S. Tucker for liquor license. Notice Is hereby given that F. S. Tucker did upon the 15th day of April , A. 1) . IBM ) , tlio his applli atlou with the city clerk of Florence , Douglas county. Nob. , for a license to Hell malt , spirituous and vinous liquors on Main street. in the llrstwardof > ald city , from the Istday of May , A. D. IbSH , to Maylst , A. D. IRK ) . If there be no objection , remonstrance or pro test tlli'd within Uvo weeks from date , ; April 15th. 1SK ) , the said llceivi ) w 111 be granted. F. S. TU < ; KIII : , Applicant. _ II. H. Or.MSTBn. City Clerk of Florence. Neb Notice to Crodors. Scaled proposals will bo received at the ofllce o the county clerk , until 2 o'losk p. m. , batur- day. April 2Uh lust. , for the running of graders Nos. I and 2. Separate bids will bo received for hill and turnpike work , and ail bids must bo accompanied uy certllled check for $10) . Plans and specifications to Do seen at the olllco of the county clerk. JL 1) . Rouuu , County ClorK. u-s-d-20-t-in&e M All 1C 13 ? ( HOUSE OH NO. Hint's < h Question Troubling n (3ood ainny Citizen * . The property owners on Jnckson street , between fifteenth nnd Sixteenth , together with numerous other cltirann nro manifest ing a vigorous desire for n city market houto. The slto above alluded to is considered first class , nnd the property holders round about , with the exception or Peter Her , profess n willingness to offer every Inducement for the clUV to purchase nud build here , Mr. Her suya that they will novcr succeed tn lo- cntlng n market house hero tlmt ho will light It tooth and too-nnll , "They shall iu'vnr build a market house thoro,11 Ii6 added , "If it costs mo in ft re than Iho thing It worth. " Donhls Cinmlnplmtn , Charllo Ilrown , .11) . Konncdn.Vi1 nnd Messrs. Helm , Chnpumn and linldwln , besides other property owners of the vicinity , nro decidedly In favor of iho market house ana declare they will do every- thlug within tholr power to Induoo tho"city to bnlld there. They nro unanimous upon thn point that Omaha ncuiU a market house , nnd needs 11 biully < and that no place can ba secured as sultnblo as the 0110 mentioned. The property-holders arc anxious to see th8 matter pushed to a succ6ssful Issue , and say they will oven surrender their property at a Rnorlltco to accomplish thM. If It cannot ba built hero , they think that some other slt < should bo immediately looked up. i WOniUNO ON \VATIOIlWOnKS rifly Moil Tnko tlio IMnros < f StrlUors Without DlanirlKitiuo. Among the resolutions passed by tho' strik ing employes of the waterworks company at their meeting Sunday afternoon wcro tin following : "All laboring men In Omaha nnd vicinity nro requested to stnv nwny from the Omaha water company's main * until the prcsunt ' dtnicnlty of wages is settled , as the wages tt paid heretofore by the company are not suffi t cient for the support of men in Its employ. Hants nnd the bare necessities of llfo cat up the small amount woruingmcn recelvo , nnd the waterworks company not being content with this , is striving to cut down wages to the starvation point. The time ha4 coma when the worklngmun In and around Omaha should rally and pull together honestly nnd earnestly for the health , comfort nnd lives ot themselves ana families , " Uesplto this , however , about fifty men were put to work on the water trenches on Furnnm street yesterday. A largo crowd of the strikers wcro standing about the place , but- the workmen wcro protected by the police and wcro offered no violence. A committee from the strikers was given permission by Chief of Police Scavoy to visit the works during the noon hour in the presence of a number of his ofllccra. This comnMttco endeavored to pcrsuado the work men to quit and join 'them , but word unsuc cessful , and when 1 o'clock came there was n greater number of men at work than in the morning. Vice President Hull , Of the Waterworks company , says that after the damage dona Thursday night Is rcpaire'd , work on the mains will bo discontinued until the trouble has blown Over. A number of these who went to work yesterday were uiuung the original strikers. ill CHICAGO , HOCK ISLAND &PAC1F10. Lvavo. | Arrive. A No,2. . . , flUjp ; , m. A . ] , . . , . , . ) u , m , C No.O , . . .000d. ; m.O No.B IU : ) p , in. A No.4. . . tl : III ft. m.l A Ho.y CMp.m. . CIHOAUO. WJW.INUTON A. QUIfW. A No.4 . . . . U:5i : ( a. m.iA Noi ? SMa. in. A No.o. . ' 0r,6 : D. m.iA No. 3 0 : ! > jpiu. Kvcept Katunlay. flixcupt Monday. OHIOAOO ft ttUH'f\lWKATKUtt. \ No.B , . , , 'j41a ; , in. No.B 4:15 p. m. No. 3 " ft. tn. No.4 040p. ; in. No , 5 , ,615 ; p. in , A II Trains Dully. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & 8T. PJVUL. A Ko. 2 . OMOa , m..A No. 1 . 0:50 : a.m. A No.4 . . . 7:0)p"I. ) . A No. 3 . 7:10n.m : , KANBAti CJTV.BT. JOSEPH 1 No,2 fl:31a : , mA | No.O , .610 ; . in. A No.4 0 : ) p.m.tA No.1 823p. ; BJOUXCITV * I'AOIITIO , No , 10 7g5.ra ; , | A No.V.r.,8 .55 ; a , tn. No. 12 Titt ) a.jn. A No. It. . , 09p.m. ! OMAHA IBT. . LOUJ3. I. No.8. . , .itn p. m.lA No.7 18:00 . ; It dully uxcapt Saturday ; 0 except Buudtyi Dcxceut Monday ; fa tuill. Tie ) lime tlvon above l for T/nntfcr. there hem/ from 0 > to tea miauui btw a f ran- er na4 local