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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1889)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE , EIGHTEENTH YEAIt. OMAHA , MONDAY , APKIL 22 , 1889. NUMBEK 311 ALONG TIIE OKLAHOMA LINE , Excltomont and Oonfuolon Marklho Day Before the Bush. HOTELSTAXEDTOTHEIR UTMOST fflio Strictest Scercsy Preserved In KcRnrd to the , ArrunKomontB For the lliinnlnK oi'Trnlna Into the Territory. Con cress m im BprlnRor'n Vlows. SrnisopinM ) , 111. , April 21. William M. Springer , chairman of the commlttco on ter ritories of the nntlonnl house of representa tives , and author of the original Oklahoma bill , has returned to his home , In this city , much elated at the success of the party of rvhlch ho was a leader , in succeeding , after 10 many years , in having the Oklahoma lands opened up to the Bottler. Mr. Springer Is gratified , rather than embarrassed , nt the txccss of Immigration Into the Oklahoma country , nntt does not share the apprchen- ilonc so generally Indulged In regarding the probable lawlessness and bloodshed over tlio disputed lands. dnVhnt effect will this movement , In your opinion , liavo on the southwest In general 1" was asked. "I have always contended , " replied Mr. Springer , "that , tlio Buttlemoiit of Oklahoma would bo a matter of great public Interest , and that a great population would sot In Eoon after lawful entry could bo mudc , and from what I see In the newspapers my most nangulno expectations nro more than realized. Thcro are twice'as many parsons going m nt , the beginning us 1 had anticipated , and the Interest manifested Is moro universal than 1 had ever supposed It would be. The opening of Oklahoma Is to-day the most absorbing topic before the American people , and it has become a great national ovcnt. Its Importance is now scarcely realized. It is the bediming of n movement of the popu lation of the southwest , which will continue for Vcars to como. It is of much moro im portance than was the discovery of gold in California , ana will have much greater and moro far-reaching consequences. It makes no difference to the country at largo whether John Dee or Ulchard Iloo may occupy a particular quarter section. The successful applicant hns only to wait n short time , possibly only n fowwcoks , when ether portions of the territory will bo open to set tlement. If the commission appointed by the president meets with the anticipated success , the Cherokee outlet , containing over 0,000,000 norcs of land , will , n a few weeks or months , aml-u ttiout additional legislation , bo opened up to settlement under the same terms as the land now bo occupied. This strip of land is nearly two hundred miles long and sixty-four miles wide , or three times larger than Oklahoma proper. Part of the Seminole and Creole purchase west of the P8lh degree of longitude and north of the Canadian river , containing about two million acres , will also bo opened up at an early day. These lands have been'purchased ' mid paid for b.v the United States , with the privilege of opouinu them to settlement under the homestead laws , and all that is required now to accomplish this Is an order of the secretary of the Interior removing the Arrapahoes and Choyennes north of the Canadian river to the south side of the river , the larger portion of tlto reservation being on the south side of the river. " The Transportation Arrangements. ARKANSAS CITY ; Ki-.n. , April 31. | Special Telegram to THE HER. 1 Correspondents hero nro to have n special car on the first train , nnd will bo brought back by n special train to various places , where they can send off their special dispatches. There Is such a crowd here , and there will bo such a scram ble to get aboard the first train to start , that Superintendent Turner , of the Santa Fo , has arranged to have several trains ready on the main and slue tracks , with steam up and everything In condition to start at the given signal ; but none will know until Just at the moment of starting which train will bo the first to pull out. Two minutes Doforo start- ingetlmu the engineer of the train to start flrst will get his orders to go , and fifteen minutes later another engineer will receive his orders , nnd so on until nil of the boomers nro "lauded iu Oklahoma. In the meantime none of the employes or any ono else will Imvo the remotest idea as to which will bo the first train to start. Ono of the factions of prospective settlers of Guthrie , Oklahoma , hold a meeting in * front of the opera house , this afternoon , to regulate tho'sizo of town lots In Guthrio. A committee appointed for that purpose uo- cidod that lots should bo ! ! 0 by 140 feet , and that no one should take up more land at Guthrie than that amount. This action la general disapproved by the bettor class of iiettleru , who denounce it as a laud-grabbing Bchumo. The feeling among the various factions desiring to control the town site organization nt Guthrie Is becoming very bitter , nnd the rivalry for control ol affairs there may result seriously. Great cxcltoi"cnt prevails hero to-nlghl nnd everybody seems Impatient for the bout for starting to Oklahoma. Great crowds block the sidewalks and hotel rotundas. All \vant to get on the first train to start Into the * lands opened to-morrow , and nothing but tlu * most judicious management can proven I trouble when the first train starts. Sovura thousand persons have already purchase ! tickets for Guthrie arid will try to forci themselves Into the first train thai leaves. The iuiut > for Homo * . AIIKANSAS CITV , ICan. , April 31. [ Spocln Telegram to THE UEI : . ] All of the boomen nro rushing to the Oklahoma linn , to-day nnd every train is crowded with passengers The division superintendent of the Kauta Ft railroad has removed his ofllce to this pluci during the great null , anil occupies ncaboosi on a smo track. People uro puoUlnif up , preparing paring to move Into the now territory , am Arkansas City will resemble a deserted vil Ititto to-morrow. About two thoas nnd people went tow.ird Oklaho ma tO'tiay. Every train is runuiui eight or ten extra coaches and two or Hire extra baggage cars to accommodate the pub llo. Extra forces have been put Into tlu freight , passenger and baggage olUecn of thi ralltoauft , and the telegraph coiiipany ha put In additional wires and extra operators Chief Clerk Ilorton , of the supcrlntniident' ofllco at Omaha , has been sent hero to taki chnrgoof telegraph matter during the rush * t Tie | postoAlco here hns not been nblo t distribute the paper mall for nearly a wt-oli all the time of the clerks being taken U ] v/ith the lotturs that have been constant ! : accumulating , The hotels are literal ! , packed with now arrivals and the dlnln room doorn have to bo closed to keep on the crowds. Everybody scorns , t think his fortune is made a teen as ho gets to Oklahoma , and neve seems to consider the possibility of dlsui roltitmout. Kxoitcd crowds are congregated In th hotel corridors , on the Street corners , an the depot , all talking about the promise land. Committees for the protection of It forests being formed , and thecxcltcmen Increases as tha time for entering Okluhom draws nearer. The fact that it Is Eastc Bunday seems to bo forfottou , and the wor of paolilng up and buying provisions an lilnnknts still goes on. Many of the boomer are provided with rifles , shot gun * or plstoli and all worn well suppllnd with urlland di ionnliinikm to stand by their rights un hold their claims. Itonmcrs to hct Dlnnrmfld. KANSAS Cirr , April 31. An Arkansas CIt special say * ; It Is reported that Genen . Merrill hus Issued ordartt to the troops t tuko possession of all guns und pistols cu rlca by the boomers. They nro not to t confiscated , but the Id up 1 * to hold unt the excitement Is over , as a p.-ocau'.IoDur mraluit blAU/abiul. OMAHA I'ACKISUS Chlcago'n Uoara of Trade Docs Not Own the Earth. Following Is n letter which the Omaha packers have addressed to the trafllo man ngcrs of the defendant roads In the suit of the Chicago board of trade : SOUTH OMAHA , Nub. , April 0 , 18S9. To the Sovnral Traffic Managers of the De fendant Heads Dear Sirs : In view of the action of the Chicago board of trade In filing n petition with the Intcr-stato commerce com mission alleging discrimination on the part oi your road nnd others against the Chicago packing Interests In charging higher rotes for the transportation of llvo animals than for packing house products from Ouinha and other Missouri rlvor pointstho association of Omaha packers beg to represent to you that the existing classification Is , la their opinion , fair , Just and reasonable , and that any chaniro of the relative rates on llvo animals and the packed product would work great Injury to , If not stop the development of Omaha packIng - Ing Interests. It Is charged by the Chicago board of trade , that the value of the packed product of hogs is $3 per hundred moro than the live weight per hundred and therefore , on the principle that the moro valuable commodity should bear the greater charge , they claim that the relative rates should bo so changed that the live animal should bear only 72 per cent of the rate on the dressed product. In ether words , you uro asked to rcclasslfy two comma ditics , entirely foreign to each other , wh oily dissimilar In bulk. In weight per car. and risk of carriage , on the solo ground of rclatlvo value ; whllo the practical conditions governing all rnto classification viz : equal weight , like form or bulk , and similar risk , are Ignored. Subject to these last named conditions pub lic policy may require that the moro valuable of two commodities bear the greater charge ; as for instance that patent medicines In bottles tles packed In cases , being moro valuable , should bear u higher rate than beer slmllaily packed ; but in the Instances of live stock and the packed product these conditions not only do not occur , but the two classes of freight are most dissimilar. Assuming that the cost of hauling the loaded car In cither case is the sumo to your road , you reallzo n revenue on but 15,000 to 10,000 pounds of stock carried , while on the packed product you realize on from 25,000 to 40.000 pound * . The transportation of live stock involves maximum care and risk. In case of wrecker or unusual delay you suitor certain loss In killed or crippled animals , which is almost total , whllo the loss you sustain on packed product , if any , is minimum. You nro re quired to haul stock trains at u'higher rate of speed , and to glvo them preference and right of way over trains carrying ether freight , and you , must also furnish trans portation both ways for a special attendant for every two or three cars. In the matter of loading and unloading stock cars you bear the expense , whllo the packing house products are loaded and unloaded without charge to you ; so that , In making Its demand for change of existing rates , the Chicago board of trade not only seeks to have the defendant roads violate the fundamental rule ? of classification , but to do so at a greatly increased risk and cost to them selves. Again , it Is alleged by the Chicago board of trade that In turning the llvo hog into the packed product , there is a loss of 28 per cent weight , nnd that , therefore , when the hog is killed and dressed at Missouri river points , your road carries and receives a revenue only on 72 per cent of the cntlro hog , or that you lose the transportation of twenty-eight cars out of every 100. Actual estimates , however , show that the net weight realized per 100 pounds of live hogs is 74 per cent ; to this must be added the offal , consisting of casings , hair , blood , fertilizer , etc. , amounting to 0 per cent. To this again must bo added salt- ago , brlno or pickle , and packages , amountIng - Ing In all to not less than 20 nor cent addi tional limiting a total of 100 Ibs in n safe and compact form for transportation , against 100 Ibs of live hog. And hero allow us to cull your attention to the Important fact that th building equip ment and running of our plants , as well as the processes of packing and curing of meats , has required , and will require , hundreds of thousands of tons of supplies. Building ma terial , machinery , engines , boilers , hard ware , coal , salt , are among the Items. These wo do not find ul our own doors , but In the east , and consequently your road has the benefit of the haul , whllo the Chicago pack ers who receive their supplies from points further cast or at homu and do not employ the western roads at all in ob ainiiig them , demand through the board of trade that you arrange an exceptional , violent , and wholly radical change of classification for their special and selfish advantage. As plainly indicated by thn inter-state com merce commission , In their report of last December - comber , the maintenance of just and reasona ble rates In a given section Is very largely in your hands. They say : "Every railroad servos a certain territory , and every part of the countr.v has , to some extent. Interests to bo served which are special and peculiar to it , * * * and , as many ether circum- stnncs besides cost of transportation and valno must always be taken Into account , such as bulk Or weight of articles , convon- I cnco of handling , special liability to injury. and necessity for speedy delivery * * it is always possible for the railroad mana ger , lu maicing rates , to yield something to the special interests of his section , nnd Btlll keep In view the general principles upon L which ho will professedly pot.1' As before stated , wo believe the existing rate a. on the two classes of freight In ques tion to bo fair , Just and reasonable , and that you aru bound to protect , not only ynur own mti'ivsts , but the special Interests of your own section , as against the discriminating ilciuunda of any special , local , outsldo In terest. f While wo hao taken advantage of a natu rally fuvnrablu position in the midst of stock raising ncctlons , wo nro at a disadvantage In the matter of all materials und supplies , as compared with the Chicago puckar * , to the amount , of tin : additional freight we must pay from Chicago and other points furthet cast. cast.For Instanc'o , cool costs us ! iO per cent moro ; cooperage aud boxes Jroui 12 > f to If per cent moro ; salt , SO per cent more ; lumber , 20 per cent more : labor , ( by ronsou of less skill nnd lilghoi wacea for legs difficult v/arlr. ) 10 per cuul ' moro. Kor offal , wo rca'llzo 15 per cent JOSH than the Chicago packers. This difference of freight not only on the Items enumerated b-t on all other material nnd supplies ( toe numerous to mention ) , amounting In the aggregate grogato to m-iny hundred thousands of dotters tors annually , goes , in part , to lui'iv.iso tin revenue of your ioaU , Wo therefore rely on you nnd your nssoci nto managers to do * something moro that make a general dofuusn to" tha auit of tlu Chicago board of trade. If you full to do RO and the relative rates are disturbed , thi change will bo fatal to tlio packing Interest ! of the west , aud the rapid and gratifying de vulopment of suiToundlnf localities now fol lowing In the train of these Interests an otlmr Important and independent source o revenue to you- will bo stopped. " Wo" feel that wo huvo i ; right to cxpec that you will foster , and not discourage that you will defend and not defeat the bes mtorcsta of the sections upon which yoi most depend for your rovcnucii by an in different or careless attitude In the mattci of the petition of the Chicago boitrdof traao Most respectfully yours , OMAHA PAOKCHS ASSOCIATION , Per W , M. Kucneu , Sect'y. Thr ci Mnn BtifTountcd. DETUOIT , April 21. In a small nro wlilcl occurred lu a cheap lodging house this nftoi noon three men named E. J. Gibson , a 'ja tender ; William Whlttalccr , n sailor ; am I7 ! . T. fJorlow were suffocated from th iy dense smobo which tilled thu building. Ma akl Powell , the porter , was badly burned but will probably recover , rDO I'minuefotfl Arrl o ut Now York. til DO NEW YOIIK , JAprll 21. Sir Julian Puunr * ry fete , the nuwly appointed Brltlbh militate to Wathlnuton , anlvcU tc-Uay. . - X X - COLLECTING IOWA RECORDS , Another Effort to Arouse Public In terest in the Matter. THE HISTORY OF PIONEER DAYS. What n Few Individuals Are Doing Toward Supplying the Missing liluksYlilto Cnjis nt Waterloo. .lustlco Per the Settlors. . DKS MOINCS , In. , April 21. FSpoclal to Tnn Bui : . ] The promptness of the present administration tn taking steps to sco that Justice Is done the DCS Motnos rlvor land settlers Is in striking- contrast to the con duct that marked the lost administration. The Iowa authorities have always bcon will ing to do what they could to help relieve the situation , but , unfortunately , their efforts didn't count for much when blocKcd by the federal government. Now that the secretary of the Interior has requested Attorney-General Miller to oxamlno the cases and sco what can bo done for the sot- tiers , the Iowa authorities uro ready to co- opcrato In any way they can. Attorney- General Stone started for Washington yes terday to confer with Attornoy-Gouoral Miller and Secretary Noble , and bo ready to render any assistance In his power In straightening out the trouble. Ho hopes to have with them In Washington ox-Con gressman Holmes , of Boone , whoso district includes the river lands that , are In contro versy. Mr. Holmes was very active in the last two sessions of congress In pushing through the hills for the relief of the settlers that Mr. Cleveland Vetoed. Ho Is personally familiar with the situation , and can glvo much valuable Information about the rights and relations of the Bottlers. Attorney- General Stone said Just before starting that , ho had no special policy or place to advocate. But ho would represent the interests which tlio state of Iowa feels In this controversy , and would have papers to present in the case that will show the claims which the settlers have for their lands. The State's Knrly History. DBS MOINES , In. , April 31. [ Special to THE BEE. ] Anowoffortis being mudo to arouse public interest in Iowa history and the memories of the stato. There is but 111- tlo 4n the way of historical data at the state library or anywhere clso accessible to tbo public. Wisconsin has a great deal moro of what may bo called "tho material for his tory , " pertaining to Iowa than Iowa itself has. There are in the state library of Wis consin , county histories of seventy Iowa counties. But In the state library of Iowa , ' there are but forty counties represented. A man who wanted to write n history ot Iowa , would have to go to Wisconsin to collect the necessary material. This neglect to secure the historical data , such as manuscript let ters , records , papers , portraits , etc. , pertain ing to the pioneers of Iowa , has been duo to public indifference and public Ignorance of the Importance of doing something. Hon. Charles Aldrlch , of Webster City , hns helped in ono direction by his autograph collections , in the state library. That contains manuscript letters and portraits of the leading Iowa soldiers , nnd prominent Iowa men who distinguished themselves * in different pursuits. State Treasurer Twombloy is mailing an effort to secure portraits of all his predecessors , for the state houso. The different state officers are doing the same , and the capltol will , in due time , have quito a gallery of portraits of early state oQlcers. Pictures of all of the governors of the state , including the terri torial governors , down to the present , adorn the executive chambers at the capitol. Gov ernor Larrabeo is making an effort , now , to secure portraits , paintings if possible , of the moro prominent of Iowa soldiers in the late war. But what is most needed In a histor ical society that will gather up all the mem orials of early li\va , and secure as much as possible of early history from men and women stil living , who were pioneers in the territory. There Is an alleged historical so ciety , but it does nothing , and its members are simply figureheads. A good movement Is being started to have the next legislature appropriate a fund for the nurposo of keep ing up an historical collection at the capitol , which will grow in interest and value every year. The Soldicru' Monument. DBS MOINES , la. , April 31. [ Spscial to THE BEE.J The late meeting of the soldiers' monument commission In this city lias called out a good deal of interest In the proposed memorial to the valor of union soldiers. It is expected that the next legislature will ap propriate 100,000 or as much moro or loss as may bo needed to put up some appropriate and worthy memorial to the soldiers. Thu original Idea was to have n monument or im posing statue , or something of that sort..But many of the old soldiers arc In favor of some kind of a memorial hall , aud nro agitating that plan. They think that a handsome building could be erected that In Its exterior would bo ornamental and monumental in character , and that within should contain a museum of war relics and the battle flags of Iowa , nnd afford n hull for regimental reunions - unions and gatherings of the old soldiers. The dldlculty of finding a suitable place near the capitol for a building of that size Is ono of the practical objections to the place. It is moro probable that the commissioners will finally decide upon some form of monument , cither a plain shaft or ah equestrian , and have It placed upon the capltol grounds. Grant'H Birthday. DES MoiNEd , la. , April 31. [ Special to Tun BEE. ) rho approaching anniversary of General Grant's birthday , April 37 , will bo appropriately observed by the Grant llopub- Hcan club of this city. Tlio oxerclscs will bo In the form of a banquet at the Sarcoy house , witn two distinguished guests of the evening. Tha first will bo General Hussoll A. Alpur , of Michigan , who will respond to the toast , ' 'Grant as a Soldier. " The second will bo J. M. Thurston , of Omaha , who will respond to the toast , "Tho National League of Republican Clubs. " Major Conger , con gressman from this district , will respond to the toast , "Grant's Boys. " General Alpet has never bcon In Iowa , and , In view of Tils prominence- a presidential candidate last spring , and the possibilities of the future , there will bo great interest in seeing and hearing him. The Grant club is the oldest and the largest republican club in Iowa , and keeps up the organization and keeps o'pon rooms for the public all the year round. Don Itlolnes Will Celebrate. DES MOIXES , la. , April 31. [ Special to THE HEE. ] Though a little late In starting , ' the people of Dos Maine's propose to have nr appropriate celebration of Centennial day , April SO. The Commercial exchange has taken hold of the matter , and will push It tea a successful Issue , There will bo a military und civic parade , followed by public exer cises lit ono of the onora houses. In tin evening there will bo fireworks and genera jollification. Special trains will bo run , anc thnro will bo reduced rates on all the roads The mayor will request all places of busincs : to close , during the afternoon , at least , anc the citizens will go Into the matter enthus- lastlcally for a kind of an old-fushionet Fourth of July celebration. , White CnptJ In Grimily County. WATEIILOO , la. , .April 31. [ Special Tele gram to THE ! ! EK. ] A citizen of Conrad Grundy county , has lu some way arousei the Ire of the White Cups. Ho received i notice to leave town , but failed to go. An other notice was given him and then severa buslucss men received notices ( Un } it th < party warned did not leave town within a week , the torch would bo applied. Several" other citizens received letters containing n plcco of paper on which a number was writ ten. The letters requested them to paste the number In n certain plnta in case they desired to Join a secret organization. No statement of the objects of the organization were given , but It is supposed thai they are the White Caps. THIS HECO11D. Tlio Financial Transactions of the Ptist Woolc. BOSTON , Mass , , Anril 21. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BnB.j The following table , compiled from dispatches to the Post from the managers of the loading clearing-houses of the United States , shows the gross ex changes for the week ended April 20 , 18S9 , with rates per cent of Increase or dccrcaso as compared with the amounts for the cor responding weak In 18S3 : INGAI/LS ON HAXSTKA.D. Ho Doesn't Bcllovo 111 Turning the " Other Clio ok in Politics. TOPEKA , Kan. , April SI. [ Special Tele gram .to THE BEE. ] Senator Ingalls has been spending a week in tliis state on pri vate business. Ho has been severely criti cized by several Kansas , newspapers for voting against the confirmation of Halstead , and ether journals hava indorsed his action. Discussing the Halstead matter to-day the senator said : "Tho claim that Halstcad's rejection was a blow at the liberty of the prpss appears to mo very conclusively re futed by the comments that have been made in the nowspap'ors'on the action of the senate. Equally untenable is thol'assertlon that these who opposed Mr. Halstead were governed by personal resentment or an instinct of re venge. Halstead for "the- past quarter of a century has been distinguished for his de nunciations of the republican leaders when ever ho differed with them in their opinions of measures or of men. His denunciations of Grant , Lincoln , Logan and others who have been illustrious lu arms nnd in states manship are historical. Ho in effect conn- cllcd the assassination of Lincoln. His mo tives may have been good , but his judgment certainly has not bcon approved by the ver dict of mankind. In the Pay no case in 18SG the auestion was not whether the election was pure or corrupt. It was ono of law and of precedent only. Mr. Halstead immediately characterized the action of these republicans who voted to sustain the report as corrupt. Ho declared in effect , if not in direct terms , that they were bribed. Ho characterized Mr. Evarts as an attorney of the Standard Oil company and said that his last previous fee in the senate was when ho defended Andrew Johnson. Had Halstead made these charges in the public highway , it would have stamped its author as a degraded nnd con scienceless rufllan , and would have exiled him from the society of gentlemen. To sup pose that under the circumstances Mr. livarts would have voted for the confirma tion of Mr. Halstead is to suppose that the attributes of human nature have been aban doned and forgotten. It was not spite. It was not revenge. It was not a blow at the liberty of the press. It was the inevitable result of causes which every man of honor must Instinctively recognize. The scriptural Injunction to turn ono cheek when the ether Is smitten , and when the coat Is taken to surrender the cloak also , may bo evangelical , but it does not apply to politics. " THEY A UK ALLi SAFE. The Passengers and Crow of the Dun- uinrlc Ijandcd at tlio Azores. COPENHAGEN , April 21. A telegram from Lisbon to the United Steamship company announces the safety ot the crow and pass engers ot the steamer Danmark. The gooo tidings reached Lisbon from the Azores. II stated that every ono who was on the Dan- mark Is safe and only ono engineer was In Jurcd. Some of. the passengers arrived ai Lisbon to-day. A number are on their wu.i to Now Yorlc , and the remainder are still ot the Azores. LISIION , April 31. Forty-two of the crow of the Danmark arrlyed hero. Haben , the IIrs olllcer , who is among them , reports that ot April 4 , the Daninarh's shaft was broken On the next day the disabled steamer mo the steamship Missouri , from London March 28 , lor Philadelphia. The Missour towed the Danmark until the Oth , when tin latter seemed about fo sink. At first the Missouri was only ublo to take uboan twcnty of the Damnark'fl passengersbut afte having jettisoned a portion of her cargo , slit found accommodations for all the crew am passengers of tbo Danmark. Tbo Mlsi-our then proceeded to tuo.v Azores and loft than the first und second officers nnd0 ) passcn gers. She then continued her journey t < Philadelphia with 85U passengers and tin remainder ot the craw. The captain am three engineers of the Danmark loft tin Azores on the 14th for/London. / The Danmark was jabout eight hundrci miles from Newfoundland when the accl dent happened. Some say that the engine : broke down. Engineer Kaas was found dcai in the engine room after the accident. Forty two sailors und all of iho passengers loft a the Azores by tha Missouri came to Lisboi on the stcamshit ) Acer. A Pmnl Hailroiid Wreck. BERWICK , 111. , lAprll 21. Two men wen killed and three injured In the wreck of i mixed train on the Central Iowa rallroa last night near hero. The wreck was cause by the breaking of a wheel as the train wa going over a brlik'O nt Cedar creek TWO cars wor * burled into the creel tfu took lire , bnrilnR the bridge. Conduc tor Colvm v Instantly killed by the full and the son of Section Foreman Savage , th only passoncrer , wan drowned. Kxprea Agent Uogem , Uralceman Uecd and the ma clerk were badly mangled , probably fatullj Panama Cnnal Affilrw. PAIIIS , April 31 , Tbo liquidation of th Panama Canal company has made unsuccesa f ul the attempt to borrow $3,000,000 In Lor don for the expenses of o survey and th maintenance- the canal works. This full uro implies that within a .few weeks the mi chinery alone the canal will bo abandoned t rust and r.uln , IIAKTINGTON TO YANKTON , Advantages Which Would Result From Building a Road. . WHAT SOME BUSINESS MEN SAY. It Would Uc a lloon to Northwestern rscbnislcn , ft "nyhiR Investment niul Orcntly ilotp the Oinnhn Trade. " \Vnnt tlic Onp Covered. Several days ago TUB OKI : sent requests to n number of prominent business men of Hnrtlngton for their vlows as to the advan tages which would result from the building of the gap In the OimUm-YiuilUou line be tween Hartlngton nnd Yankton. A number of replies have been received , among tficm the following ! A CHEAT AiWANTAnn. HAIITIXOTON , Nob. . April 20. To the Editor - itor of Tiu:13 ED. : The general opinion in this vicinity Is that an extension of the rail road at this point'to cover the gap of twenty- two miles between Hartlngton and Yankton would bo moro to the advantage of northeast Nebraska and a better investment for rail road capital than any of tlib schemes at pres ent talked of. The territory Is fortllo nnd needs this advantage to dovclopo horjro- Bourcos. Direct .communication between Omaha and Yunkton would then bo secured with tha least expense. The whole of north east Nebraska would undoubtedly bo n profitable tributary territory to any line of road giving them direct communication with Omaha. Cedar county Is rapidly developing , her rich and fertile lands nro oaqurly sought for by actual settlers and her mineral depos its In the north part of the county , along tlio Missouri river , are attracting no little atten tion and quite an amount of capital has al ready been Invested. A largo cement mill is an assured fact nt St. Helena. The carry- Ing.trado of Cedar county will bo second tone no county In the eastern part of Nebraska and the road that secures her trade will bo the winner. Z. O. A PATINO INVESTMENT. HASTINGS , Neb , , April 18. To the Editor of Tim Hnn : The distance from Hartinc- ton to Alton on the Missouri river is about twenty-one miles , nnd the territory is well settled the greater part of the distance. The line Is one easily built for n greater part of the way. Alton" is two nnd a half miles above Yankton , nt the head of the big slough , nnd is also the terminus of the Nor folk & Yankton , which will bo built with out doubt this season. There Is n largo sec tion of country In northwestern Cedar and eastern Knox counties which would find u market via the Hartiugton extension to Omaha. I think there are moro cattle owned and shipped from the territory named than from any portion of northcastcaii Ne braska of the same area. By reference to the map you will see that if this gap is filled up and a short , line of nine miles built from Wakoficld down the valley of the Logan to Ponder , that It will make nearly a straight line from Omaha to Yunktou. This line will bo of great value to Omaha , and should bo encouraged by the press nnd business men of your city. The people of this county would prefer to BCD an independent line built through tnis territory and I am sure that the local trafllc alone would pay on such a lino. But if wo cannot got that , wo want by all moans to have the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha to complete their sys tem. I understand that the company has Cnglneorsaiaw.kioUlng aver the lino. Yours truly , W. H. STCPHENSON. niuNO TJUIIE TO OMAHA. Another prominent business man of Hart lngton writes : "In my opinion the building of the road would greatly benefit the county in general , and bo the means of controlling the trade of this section In favor of Omaha. The northern part of Cedar county is , by far , the most thickly settled and wealthiest portion tion of the county , and at present it is not traveled by any road. Of course , n part of the trade passes over the road now , but a largo portion of it goes across the river to Dakota , thence cast via the Chicago , Mil waukee , St. Paul & Northwestern. At pres ent , I can safely say , the greater portion of our stock , grain and produce is taken to Vcr- million and Yankton , and it ssems to mo that the extension of this branch would cer tainly bo the means of .bringing nearly all -this trade south , as well as the trade of southern Dakota. " South Dnkotii. HUIION , April 21. [ Special to Tun BEE. ] That which most pleases us this week is the heavy rain-fall of Wednesday and Thursday. This , with the copious storms of last week , satisfies every farmer in the east part of the state. Wheat and grass are coming on finely trees and flower bushes are budding , and the streams and cisterns are full. The nuportionment of the state into deloj gate districts , made by the governor , secre tary and chief Justice , receives almost unani mous commendation , It is a little remark able that it could bo so well done. Of the forty-nino counties it became necessary to divide only six so as to glvo tlio correct apportionment of voters , which la 2fcOO , to each district. Asldo from the inevitable pouting of the voters in these six counties , no ono is finding any fault. Governor Mollotte'B ofllclal proclamation announcing the foregoing apportionment , and calling the election to choosu delegates on May 14 , was Issued last Monday. Tlio cur rent issue of the weekly papers contain re publican convention rails to nominate three delegates from each of the twenty-districts. While no voter can vote for moro than two delegates at the polls , yet there arc several districts where the republican majority Is so largo that they can bafcly divide these dis tricts , having those republicans living in ono part of it district vote for two candidates , and those In the remaining portion of the districts vote for ono of these two and also for a third , thus completely killing Bill Springer's achcmo for the democrats to capture one-third of the delegates via minority representation , the democratic decoy duck In n republican stato. But this revelation should not Jeter any republican i from being at the primaries and at the polls. The democrats uro discretely on a still hunt in this campaign , but they are hunting all the sumo , If they gain no points m tlio con stitutional convention they uro downed for n quarter of u century In this stato. A number of editors have got out of the souj ) and Into the sugar this week , notably : Bcsancon , of the Hurrold star ; Bowman , ol the Bowdla Advocate , and Parsons , of the Kstolllno Bell. . Each postofllco Is wortt about S'JOO ' a year. Still there's moro to fol low. Delegate Matthews has not returned froir Washington. Ho started homo on the I'M and got as far as Chicago , where ho hat to atop on account of his wifa'i dangerous ami probably fatal Illness , Shi has bcon afflicted with consumption for i it year , and Is so near life's end that nho jnaj n j not see her homo in Brooklngs again , Mr. F , and W. H. Greeley. of Deuo county , are making moro money tn the sheoj business than any other firm in the state They have 3,000 head and their loss in tin last eighteen months has been only 1 PCI cent. This is a wonderful statement a deal belter than that of thi "Q11 r the Milwaukee. but the ; are very favorably situated in nevcral liirgi gulches with their ucrus. They give thi business their personal attention , havi plenty of feed and Hprini ; weather , and Inn all their hay put up for f > 0 cents a ton. Governor llcllelto has appointed thcsi trustees for the Sioux Fulls penitentiary Hey Williams , of Sioux l-'ulls ; O , S. 1'nndqr of Salem ; A. Ullno , of Dell liaplds ; ( Iran Furgcson , of Lennox : O , H. Williams , o Yunkton. They will con Him Govcnio 10 Melinite's selection of T. D. Kunouso fo warden , and Captain Jnffcrs , of Sioux Falls is to bo deputy warden. , ' Steamship Arrlvnl * . At Now York The Ktrunu , from Livei pee ) ; the New Yorii r.nd UN Kuruwsii from Glasgow. BTAT13NRW8. A Fcrtllo Soil. Nob. , April 20. f Correspond ence of THE Hr.n. ] ThU town mid surround ing country Is nt present comparatively un known , but In tno near future will bo heard of as being ono of the finest bodies of land from the Missouri rlvor to the b.\so of the "Uoeklcs. " Millions of acres all around us of level , fertile land , with a soil from fifteen inches to thrco feel deep. From the French man river , In Chase county , north , through Perkins county , to the Platte river ; on the Union Pnclllo railroad , In Colorado , westward - ward to Holyokc , many mlles , the land Is about the same. Hero Is u country equal to the counties of York , Clay , Adams. Fillmore , Hamilton nnd Polk , now looking ilko that did about fourteen - teen .years ngo , bo tar as general nppeurnnco Is concerned , but with n vast umount of rain during the cropping seasons. Lust year there was a good crop hero , uhoro Is promise of n bettor ono this year. Now Is the time for Investors to como to this country. Ulch rewards nro In store for these who do not delay. These who are seeking good homes , whether It be. as farm ers or business men , need not bo disap pointed If they como here. These who nro contemplating going to Oklahoma had better forego that trip , and M.IVO time nnd money by taking a look over the broad acres hero. The few months to como will convince them , If they cheese to Invest , here , that they have done wisely. The late rains extended to the mountains , and the soil Is wet jlown deep. Wheat Is looking line , nnd the pralrlos are green , and all indications are that bountiful crops will reward the Indus trious husbandman , and the cofTors of the business man will fill to overilowlnij. A healthy , invigorating climate , an energetic class of people , good facilities for transporta tion. will soon bring out the latent powers hidden In the soil , and In a few yours many will wonder nt the beauties of this once great "American Desert. " Detectives nt Nebraska , City. NKHIUSKA CITV , Nob. , April .M.--Spcclnl | to Tun Bii : : . | This city Is again bothered by n gang of self-styled detectives , who nro demonstrating themselves a nuisance , and preparing themselves a lot of trouble. Hardly a day passes but what a now member of the gang breaks out to do some "special" work , which usually ends In a broken head for the "detective. " Ll'iuor dealers are especially - pocially hounded nnd pestered by them , nnd their work falls but very little short of attempted blackmail. Their mode of opera tion usually consists In suspecting the sa loonkeepers of some violation of the Slo- cuuib law , and then , managing to lot the dealer learu that the gang is "onto him" and ready to file information , against him. The "detective" baa been bought off in one or two instances with a dollar lar or n drink of whisky , but moro fre quently has been kicked out of his victim's place of business. The latest victim of this outfit Is Lorenz Schmidt , n wiuo-gnrdcii keeper in Grcggsport , against whom four different informations were filed by three of the toughest individuals the city could pro duce , Ono of thorn acknowledged that the work was done for what money they could get out of it. TliM police have long been try- Ins to get these bogus detectives .in a trap , but have so far bcon unsuccessful. These detectives are created by payment of a dollar to a Chicago outfitting house for a tin badge and certificate. In the same way the "Nebraska City Dotcctlvo Bureau" was brought Into existence. This outfit is carry ing on some of its bogus business outside the city , Judging from the amount of mail matter it is receiving. It is composed almost en tirely of boys from about sixteen years of ago up , and one or two men who arivo express wagons between times. There appears to bo no law that can roach these cases as' they are allowed to continue In their nefarious business. Items From TnImiRC. TAMIAOC , Nob. , April 20. [ Correspond ence of the BKE.J The initial number of the Talmago Champion waa issued yesterday. Li. P. Boyd is the publisher , and the paper is devoted to the Interests of the license party of the town. The plant was moved from Au burn to this placo. The brick work is finished on G. P. Dow- ell's now hotel building. Several now busi ness houses will bo erected bore this spring. The town is enjoying a substantial growth. The acreage of corn planted this spring in this part of Otoo county and in the adjacent parts of Johnson and Ncmalm counties will bo very largo. Many farmers are cniircly discarding the old way of planting corn , and the lister will bo quito'generally used this year. The advocates of the lister claim it gives better results with less labor. The usual Good Friday services were hold yesterday at the German Evangelical Luth eran church north of town , nnd a number of young people were confirmed. This church has a largo membership , llov. Douerschner is the pastor. Nebraska City's Y. M. C. A. CITV , Nob. , April 21.--Special [ to Tun Bir..J : The Young Men's Christian Association in this city is enjoying a season of Increased usefulness. The now rooms have been handsomely furnished by the Ladlos' auxiliary , and the gymnasium , read ing room , entertainments and meetings are largely patronucd by the young men > of the city. The first of a series of trades re ceptions will bo inaugurated at the rooms next Thursday evening , April -5 , on which occasion courtesies will bo extended to nil in the city who are engaged m selling any thing of a wearing upparol nnturo. The association is supporting its first general secretary in the person of Mr. W. T. Per kins , who has held the position since January 1. The outlook for the , association is de cidedly encouraging. Holt Comity's Advantages. PIKEXIX , Holt county. Nob. , April 20. Correspondence of Tin : KIH : : This part of the county 1ms u very productive soil partly clay and partly sand. Most of it Is fiat , level hind and as It ncars tlio creeks it becomes rolling and terminates In gulches full of line timber for wood , and wild fruit tuicli as plums , cherries , raspberries , strawberries , gooseberries , currants , buffalo berries and June berriCH In abundance. As there Is nuro to bo a railroad , and probably two , through hero , and also a county division , wo expect n boom hern noon and those wishing to pur- ohabO land hero should dn so now. Land In cheap at present but will double in prloo ia a uhort time. _ Jin so Hull at Ci-jind Island. GIUNU IBMKD , Nob. , April 21.- ( Special Telegram tn the HKI : . ] The asuociatlor grounds were opened hero to-day with a game between the Grand Island club and a picked nine. About or.o thousand people witnessed the gatno. Grand Island..0 4 If Picked Nino..0 1-- . ' HattiTirs Hughes and Snyder , Uourkt and Heady. Struck out By Hughes 0 , by Kourxo 0. Errors Grand Island 4 , plotted nlno 8 , Base hits Knyder , Hays , Herekcn bcrger 2. Knight. Templarslaiiitotod. . GiuKii JBI.IND , Neb , , April St. [ Sjiecla Telegram to THE BIB. : ] Easter services were appropriately recognized by the Knlgh' ' Templars , of Mount Lebanon uoinmundery 0 No. 0. forty-six knight ? from Hastings anc twenty from St. Paul , participated In th < oxcrciscH. A banquet was given the vislton at the P + .lmar house , ticrvk-cs were held li the opera house , Hev. Charles . delivering the normou. The SUAKIU , April 31. A fori'o af Soudnncsi to-day attacked and defeated a party o > Egyptians from Suaklm. who were bulldini a fort at Port Halalb. The Ktryptluim Ion ( r' I ten , killed and wounded , They wtiro foron ai I to take refuge on the stcaicir .Ac 'nl , um tiavo returned toSuaklra. DECLARES WAR TO THE KNIFE Sountor Quay Furloua nt John Sherman. A QUARREL ABOUT PATRONAGE. The Ohio Mnu Aoouqod of IV.ul Fnltti- < Scot ! Kontu KtiiMloycH HohiK 'Ms * charged The Chinese Minis- tcr'H Fnrcxvoll Hull. WASHINGTON HUIIEAU , TUB OMAIU BEB. Clil FOUHTKKNTII STIIEET , WASUINOTON , D. C. , April 33. Senator Quay has declared war to the knlfo upon Senator John Sherman , In speak ing of his foollni ? tow.ird the Ohio senator Mr. Quay said to your correspondent to night : " 1 consider Senator Sherman's ' no tion us very discreditable and dishonorable , and whenever I aui found doing anything again for Mr. Sherman the people of this country will know it. " The trouble between Senators Quay and Sherman grew out of the appointment of the deputy commissioner of internal revenue. Senator Quay was pushIng - Ing Judge Frank Gllklnion , of Mercer county , PH. , for the position , whllo Senator Sherman and other Ohio republicans were urging Wilson'who has boon appointed. Whllo the contest was going on between the two factions. Senator Sherman , It Is rep resented , sent word to Senator Quay that If Judge GllUlnsnn was withdrawn and the ap pointment of Wilson was permitted to pro ceed , the Ohloans would support GHlunsou for thu solicltorshlp of lutoriml revenue. Senator Quay consented and returned to his homo at Beaver to take a thrco weeks' rest , believing that his man would bo appointed. Two or thrco days ago ho received a tele gram to como here , and when ho arrived ho learned that the Olnoans were pushing AI- phonso Hurt , n well known Buckeye re publican , for the sollcttorslnp of Internal revenue. The Pennsylvania senator was greatly surprised , and demanded an explana tion from Attorney-General Miller , who said H that ho know nothing whatever about the arrangement. Thu Pennsylvania senator went to the Ohio senator and demanded that thu name of Hart be withdrawn. This Sen ator Sherman refused fo do. Senator Quay said , to-night , that Alphonso Hart would bo appointed solicitor of internal roveuuo , to morrow , or Tuesday. HEED DEI'AUIMEST IIEMOYAI.B. Secretary Husk has announced that h will not appoint any more women to position in the seed room of the agricultural depart ment for some time to come. Instead of ap pointments there will bu numerous dis charges until the force , usually very large , is practically wiped out. This is made nec essary by the fact that there Is no money to pay out for this purpose. The decision is a suvcro blow to n great many people , espe cially to residents of the states of Maryland and Virginia , who have usually found em ployment In the bureau In largo number ! ) . Members of the house and senate have al ways considered that they could find small places lor need } ' women iu the agricultural department for brief periods , at least , and ill the past , iho commissioner has been overrun with applications for the places nt his din- posal. The pressure was so gi cat that it bo- camn necessary to devote moro of the money for the packing than for the seeds them selves. TMs Is the reason why there have been more turnlu seeds sent out than all other varieties put together. In fact , for the past year ou two , the agricultural depart ment has been nn im'menso bureau for send ing out the seed of this useful , but not very rare vegetable. Secretary IJusk Is deter mined that there shall bo no deficiency iu his department if he can help it , and for this reason the force in the seed room , for the re mainder of the fiscal year , will bo reduced to thu minimum , and congressmen will have to go elsewhere for places. THE CHINESE HAM , . Immediately after the Centennial Inaugu ration ceremonies in Now York city the Chinese minister will visit the metropolis for a sojourn of several weeks. When ho returns to Washington ho will give n fare- wcll ball which will surpass In niagnillcenco anything over attempted in Washington. The present minister has made u place for himself iu society at the capitol , and his en tertainments have always been attractive to Washington's "four hundred. " Some years ago a ball given at the legation , which is m the mansion built by Senator Stewart , of Nevada , attracted a crowd of several hun dred persona who had not been Invited. Those scenes of porkishncss were scandalous , and Washington was roundly abused in con sequence. It is understood that the Celestial ambassadors have learned something slnco that time uud this year great precaution will DO taken to keep out all persons who have no credentials. The house will accommodate about six hundred guest. , WHAT TO IO WITH I'H.MIY. The republican members of thu Missouri delegation iu congress are in a painful di lemma us tn what they can or will do for Chauncey I. F-illoy. of St. Louis. Some tlmu ago Mr. Fillcy indicated to his republi can friends that ho would like to tuko a mission abroad , and active steps wora taken In his boliulf. Hu wanted to go to London as consul general , and falling In that , expressed a willingness , it is stated , to re ceive thu Liverpool consulate. This It in understood , is to be given to Mr. Blalno'sold private soercta-y. Then Mr. Fllley wu3 mentioned for the Manchester councilship. That position could not bo given to the distinguished Missouri leader , nnd a consultation was hold tha other day , when it w.ts ucuidod that the con sulship at Hong Kong , China , might bo se cured for Mr. Fil ley. It was agreed by the republican congressman from thu state that this place should bo asked for , and they went in a body to Mr. lilalno. The Hong Kong consulate is a desirable one. and It was was firmly bolluvcd that It would please Mr. Filley to have it. After thu case was pro- bcntcil to thu secretary of mate , the latter quietly pulled cult of hlH ponlutt n toli'grat.i from Mr. Filluy , In which ho stated that ho would ut'cepl no r.osllion abroad. Whether Mr. Filloy blames Mr. Blalnu or the Missouri delegation IK not known , but sure it Is that he la u good hh ; load upon thu hands of his friends. Fllley wants to bu postmaster of Ht. Louis A M1I.1TAHV DlfCUl'HION. The local papers of Washington which pay attention to matters concernUK' ! thu military Rorviru have lately been discussing the ques tion whether or not graduates of the military ucudumy aru In the minority among thu line 1 officers now In the armv. A writer In ono of papers says , to-day : "In the line of tha army I find that of lOcolonols of cavalry but t hroe are praauatvs of Went Point. All llvo of thu colonels of artillery hull from thn academy , but of thu 35 colonel * of Infantry only 10 nro gradnut'js. Finally of 170 ofllcora of cavalry ubo\e Urn grade of lieu tenant ft ) uru giaduatc , of b5 ofllcura of attillory above the rani ; of lieutenant Ul , ira graduates , and ofVS \ > ofllccrs of In fantry above the rank of lieutenant but about 10 per cent are graduates. Amen the subalterns , the proportion is , of cyjurao , very much larger. In some of the regiments of infantry there are no graduates of the mili tary academy above the junior grades , with the exception of the corps of engineers , / nd in the ordnance department a similar dispar ity in numbers ox his In favor of the non > graduates of the military nca'lamy.H. . H. HiiATU , llonorliic thn TravuliiiK Moil , o , Nob. , April 21. [ .Special Tola- * gram to THE BBK. ] At a meeting of the biiBincsa men of Hastings It ban been de cided to vrlvo a graud ball and Nnqtiet for the traveling'iiiiti of tbo 6tnto ut the Hotel Hosiwirk , in this city , on May 'j. The movement IH In good hands to make the oo- ef caslon one of phtasurn to thn traveling eg men and an honor to Hustings , , liondoiidcrry'H I'rohnhlo d LOKI > OK , April 31 , U l6.Ur.tPrt Hint Lcrd d llrownlow will succeed L.or > i Londonderry BI viceroy of Irolimd ,