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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1889)
FOR THE ENGLISH MISSION. Representative Hltt , of Illinois , Men tioned Favorably. THE LAND COMMISSIONERSHIP , Valentino's Friends Think Ho linn n Corner on Hint Office Oohllti-oo Not n Candidate * Tor the Mexican Mission. WASHINGTON BUUEAO THE QMATIA BCE. ) C13 FOUUTEBNTII STUEET. > WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 20. ) It will bo remembered that a few days ago when n senator mentioned to President Harrison risen that Chauncoy M. Dopow would bo aa nble representative of tUo United States at the Court of St. James , the head of the nation , according to report , observed that ho would llko to find n good man for the place In the west , nud nskcd the senator if ho could sug gest someone. It was learned to-day by your correspondent that General Harrison had 'In mind when ho made this observation the name of Kobcrt 1C. HIU , representative In congress from the Sixth district of Illinois , which embraces a portion of the city of Chicago. It need create no surprise if Mr. Hitt is nominated to the position at any tlmo. Ho is an intimate personal friend of Mr. Blnlnc , nnd has been with that gentleman nnd Mr. William Walter Phelps almost con tinually durliig the past month. His frionda have suspected that something was about to happen In diplomatic circles , seeing this trio I BO frequently together. Mr. Hltt is fifty flvo years old and Is a practiced and accomplished diplomat. Ho began his career in dip lomacy in the American legation at Paris and was assistant secretary of state in 18S1 under Mr. Blalno. It is known that ho would gladly give up his present position in ho house for a four year's term In the first diplomatic position o ? this country abroad. Mr. Hitt's district is safely republican. VALENTINE FOU LAND COMMlSSlONEn. There is n strong probability that ex-Con gressman Valentino will bo nominated for commlssionor of the general land ofllco. The fight for this ofllco has been n triangular and very bitter ono. Ex-Senator Chilrott , of Colorado ; Governor Stone , of Iowa , and ox- Representative Calkins , of Indiana , are the leading aspirants. Chilcott. of Colorado , has been in the lend until within a week , when n bitter opposition developed against him , headed by ox-Senator Bowen , of Cole rado. Ho was backed by the Colorado , Ne braska and Kansas delegations , whllo the preferences of Secretary Noble were openly expressed for Governor Stone , of Iowa , of whom ho was a warm personal friond. Lateen on Saturday Mr. Chilcott evinced n dealro to withdraw in favor of Congrcsaman Valen tino. It la understood to-day from the white house that the presentation of Mr. Valentino's name was immediately accepted as a solution of the dlfllculty , and that after a personal Interview with Secretary Noble , the feeling was prevalent that his name would bo first sent in. Mr , Valentino to night , when Interviewed on this subject , de clined to respond to any inquiries , but it was learned at tbo Interior department that shortly after noon ho paid a visit to the sec retary ol the interior , in company with the entire Nebraska delegation and Senator Plumb , of Kansas , and Senator Teller , of Colorado. OCUILTIir.K DENIES IT. Colonel Tom Ochiltreo says that ho never was a candidate for the Mexican mission and that all reports alleging him to bo so are canards. Ho adds that ho would very much HKO the appointment , but it has always been the rule never to appoint a Texan to an office in Mexico because of the , friction on the bor der. AWOBTIONINO NEnllASKA OFFICES. The meeting of the Nebraska delegation this afternoon to consider the recommenda tions for appointments was delayed on tbo receipt of a note from Congressman Laird that ho would bo present and would partici pate. Ttio meeting was hold at 4 o'clock in Senator Mundcrson's committee room. All the members of tbo committee rofuseato state the result of its deliberations beyond the fact that the meeting was entirely har monious and that several recommendations were agreed upon. . Another mooting will beheld held to-morrow , at which Mr. Laird will also bo present. * * QUAY ANU WANAMAKEIt. The alleged "differences" between Senator Quay and Postmaster General Wanamaker are only on the surface and do not reach the heart. There is no doubt that Mr. Wuna- rnaltcr has tendered the Philadelphia post- office to his friend , M/ . Field , who is not a politician , and whoso conduct nt the polls during the last few years is n matter of some doubt. It is also true that Mr. Quay lias in dorsed the application of William U. Leads , otherwise known as "Bill Loads , " for the same ofllco , and has written a strong letter urging his appointment. While Mr. Quay tells people that he is going to insist upon Mr. Leads' appointment , and that' ho docs not believe the postmaster general will ap point Mr. Field , ho docs not show any signs of rage or disappointment , and it is suspected that ho has indorsed Leads simply for effect. A. FUW JIOIIK DAV8. Nearly every senator who expects to leave Washington at the end of the present extra session of the sonata has his personal effects packed , nnd his wife , if she bo In tha cily , has her Saratoga In the hall of the bouso , strapped ready for the expressman. It was expected that the senate would ad journ on Friday , but the death of Justice Matthews lost the senate two actual days of work and the inability of the president to ngrco upon a minister to England makes It a necessity that the senate shall remain in session a few days longer , it will probably adjourn the middle of next week , but may continue until Frklny of next week. There nro about u down senators who practically live in Washington all the year round , and they will remain horu till tbo hot. torui be gins , when they will go to their constituents , for visit or to the scas'do for recreation , Eight or ton members of tbo house ol o have residences hero and remain in Washington all tbo-yonr round. The adjournment of the extra session of the senate does not mean the abandonment of the occupation of ofllco recking , neither docs it mean that all of the ofllca seekers will stay away from Washington. The work , however , w'U ' bo conducted through senators and rep resentatives from their homes to a largo extent - tent , After the legislators and the visiting patriots who desire occupation in the federal government have departed , the administra tion will begin to formulate Its policy and there will bo something more substan tial for the readers of the daily papers to feed updn when they look Into the Washing ton column than tlio eagerness of men who want work for so much n year , and pay from tbo coffers of Undo Saui. NUW XEimVMvA 1'OSTMABTKUS. A. U. Mayliold , Elnuvood , Casa county , vlco Mrs. Joslo E. Koyor , resigned ; John W , Taylor , Nomaba City , Neinalm county , vlco . Richmond J. Slccn , resigned ; James II. llubb , Wnltdn , Lancaster county , vice James J. Shannon , resigned ; Charles L. Bright , Mlncolu ; William Hoguo , Gordon ; C. D. Chapman , Archer ; Robert C. Finley , Cam eron ; M. tSjholm , Dannebrog. Ni\V : IOWA TOSTMA&TCKS. LaGrange Tiffany , Clarence , Cedar county , vioo August Wcrder , resigned ; George Nuims. lildioy , llrcmcr county , vice Annie E , Walker , removed ; Ji C. Jackson , llurper , KeoUuk county , vice T.P.Scott , removed ; Bumucl H. dill , llavulov-k , Pocahontat countyvko E. A. Donahue , removed ; Charles E. Horrlck , Laurens , Pocabontus , vice M. HakU , removed : A. J. Weaver , Letts , Louisa county , vice D. W. Palnc , left the place ; William H , McCune. Kuthven , Pala Alto county , vlco S. J , Nolan , resigned ; Claud Stratford. Hamilton county , vice I. W. Hyatt , removed , and 0. F. Huckleberry , Tracy , Marion county , vlco W. E. Hoycr. resigned , Crook , Homo & . Co. , ol Baltimore , were the lowest bidders to-day for supplying the heating apparatus for the government build ing nt Kokuk , la. Their bid was 15,8(57. ( Barrett Scott , of O'Neill , nnd Lewis Neil , of Omaha , nro hero. Puniir S. HEATH. OfllAHA'S rO3TOFl''lCB BITE. Action Will Probably Ilo Taken On It Friday. WASHINGTON , March 20. [ Special Tele gram to TDK BEE. ] Owing to the funeral of Justice Stanley Matthews Secretary Win- dom could not spare the time yesterday to take up the Omnha public building site , but tills. morning ho discussed the matter with Congressman Connell , ex-Senator Saundurs nnd E. Hosowatcr. The secretary stated that ho expected the now architect to assume his position to-morrow , nnd would at the earliest moment confer with him and render his final decision. This tnnko take until Friday. About ninety names cf prominent citizens of Omaha , signed to a petition in favor of Ightconth nnd Farnntn streets , were re ceived by telcrfrnph yesterday at tbo treas ury department. Among Ihom were Thomas Klmball and George W. Holdrogo , gen eral managers of the Union Pacific and Burlington roads ; J. J. Dlckoy , general su perintendent of the Western Union ; the rep resentatives of the Swift & Co. nnd Hammond & Co. , packing-houses , and quito n number of wholesale dealers. A proposition was made to Senator Manderson to submit the question of location for decision to n major- ty of the Omaha board of trade , each mem ber to deposit a written ballot in favor of ono of the two locations , Eighteenth and Farnam or the Planters' house sito. This thomcnalor declined to accept. Another proposition , to have an election bold by the taxpayers whoso property is valued nt over fo.OOO , was also rejected. The senator claims ho wants nothing to do with the loca tion , but stands by the letter ho has written to Secretory Windom , in which ho endorses Mr. Llnton's cholco as the most doslrablo proposition. _ , Courtesy Appreciated. WASHINGTON , March 20. The officers at tached to the navy department are highly ratified at the information which reached them of the participation of the British authorities and forces in the funeral ceremonies - monies of Roar Admiral Chandler , who died n Hong Kong , on February 10. Moro than ono thousand hlghlandcrs marched in the irocesslon nnd thcso wore followed by 1,000 sailors attached Jto an English man-of-war , each having a craco band on his slcovo. A company of Northampshiro marines , artillery and marine artillery preceded the governor nnd staff , heads of government de partments , consuls and numbers of residents , who brought up the rear. The services at the grave were very mprcsslvo , nnd were conducted amid the' roomings of mlnuto guns in the harbor. The service was read by Rov. Barker , naval chaplain ; Rev. Coates , chaplain of the Cor delia , and Rov. Moore , of the Impcrionzo. On February 14 Commander Dyer , accom panied by Lieutenant Commander \Vert nnd Lieutenant Wedhams , called on Governor Sir G. William DCS Vnux , Vice Admiral Sal mon General Commander Rear Admiral Maxwell and Colonels Crustor and Robert son , and thanked them in person for the marked and spontaneous tribute ot respect paid by those officers at the funeral of Ad miral Chandler , assuring 'them that their considerate action was deeply appreciated by Lbe American residents la the east and highly esteemed by the government at Washington. A Ray of Hope For the Settlors. WASHINGTON , March 20. The commis sioner of the general land o nice to-day recom mended to the secretary of the interior that suit bo instituted in the name of the United States to recover about 200,000 acres of land , situated between the Racoon forks of tbo DCS Moincs river , and known as the DCS Moines river lands. Under the authority of the land department a largo number of set tlers , between the years 1855 and 1800 , made entry of thcso lands , but of which the Des Moincs Valley railroad company , act fug under authority of the state courts , has been for some tlmo actively engaged in dlspos- sesitiR them. A bill having for its object the restoration of thcso lands passed the Forty- ninth und Fiftieth congresses , but it did not receive the approval of the president. It is said that the Iowa delegation in congress is unanimously In favor of the courserecom mended by the commissioner. Perfecting the Money Order System WASHINGTON , March 20. Pursuant to the authority contained in the not of congress approved Januury 80 , 1SS9 , the postoffico de partment is now conducting negotiations with various foreign governments with which the exchange of money orders is maintained , with a view of securing their reciprocal in- crcaso ot the maximum amount. To-day the postmaster general and tbo Hawaiian min ister , H. A. P. Carter , signed an agreement establishing a now limit of $100 for orders between the United States and the Hawaiian islands. During the year ended Juno SO , 1SS8 , the amount of money orders issued in the United States for payment In Hawaii was $4,508. On * the other hand , the amount of orders drawn in Hawaii for payment in tbo United Stutcs wus $ - 5US4. Confirmations' WASHINGTON , March 20. Among others confirmed by the sonata to-day were the fol lowing : James Tanner , to bo commissioner of pensions ; Charles J. Edwards , to bo collector - ' * lector of customs for Minucsota , and the fol lowing postmasters : George D. Breed , Chll- ton , Wis. ; John M , Hlbbard , Staughton , WIs. ; James Neville , Bloomington , ID. ; W. H. Culllmoro , Ccntniliu , 111 , , und Charles J. Wonser , Tame , In. Other confirmations were ns follows ; Thomas B. Necdlas , to bo UnHed States marshal for Indian Territory : James M. Shoeklcford , to bo judge of the United Stutcs court of Indian Territory ; Theodore Burr , to bo postmaster at Lancaster , Wis. All QtilacOn the Isthmus. WASHINGTON , March 2 < ) . Under date of Asulnwall , the lith ! last , , Captain Howell , of the Atlanta , informs the navy department * thatthere is no longer any danger of rioting or Insurrection on the Isthmus , Tno desti tute laborers nro of smaller number than has been reported , and all nro quietly taking ad- vantugo of the transportation offered by their governments. Only about sovonty-fivo liavo been shipped by the United States consul , who considered that there was no longer any likelihood of trouble. The Maritime Con I or once. WASHING-ION , March 23. The United States delegates to the approaching marl- time conference uict ut the department estate state to-day for the purpose of consultatior and arranging a programme for tha conduct of the conference. Rear Admiral Franklli presided. All of the suggestions that were presented a as proper for discussion won turned over to a aiib-cointnlttvo , which wil put them in shape of a programme to bo 3Ul > iniited to the participant * in the conference nnd the * meeting was adjourned until nex Saturday. _ Sherman Going * to Europe. WASHINGTON' , March 24. Soon after ad journmcnt ot the sen ale Senator John Slier- man und family will * make a trip to Europe 'Tho Bcnatordocs not go1 In .any official capa city , but simply for rest and recreation. * The WuAther InUioatlouu. For Nebraska aad Iowa : Fair , colder northerly winds. For Dakota : Fair colder , folio wee Wcdrteailay by slowly rising temperature SUICIDE WAS THE CLIMAX , Murder Was the Initial Feature and Arson an Accompaniment. HEINOUS DEED OF A FARMER. Fatal Shooting Affray nt Anollicr . . Point In Nebraska News From All Parts of the Stntc. Blurder nncl Suicide. CnctoiiTON , Nob. , March 20. [ Special Tel egram to TUB BEB. ] This morning nt 0 I'cloclc n Gorman farmer by the name of John Roscnbargcr shot nnd killed his neigh bor , Andrew Castallno , and than killed him self. self.Tho The above described In brief , the moat raglo affair Knox county has over wit nessed. The two men were neighbors , farmers on .ho Vordlgreo crook bottom , . eleven miles west of Crclghton. For sotno tlmo Casta- Inols cattle had been breaking pasture and ranging on Roscnbargor's place. Sunday ast the latter warned Castallno to keep the cattle oft his plnco. This morning they broke out again , how ever , and although Castallnc at once started after them , Roscnbargor was on hand and a quarrel ensued. After some words Casta- Ino turned and started to drive the cattle homo. Fairly mad with passion the Ger man entered the house and coining out with a shot gun drew up and fired. The charge of shot entered Castallno's back beneath tbo loft shoulder blade and ho lived but a short time. time.When When Roscnbargor hoard of tno result of ills act ho set 11 ro to his house and blow his brains out. The murdered man Is an old settler Uoro ana is well and favorably known throughout the county. Ho loaves a largo family. The suicide was a bachelor. Another Murder. NOIITII PLATTB , Is'ob. , March 20. [ Special Telegram to Tun BEE. ] A shooting affair occurred about sovonty-flvo miles northeast of this place yesterday eveningin which John Clark fatally wounded a man named Syms. The cuuso of the shooting was that Clark objected to the relationship existing between his divorced wife and Syms' . At the time of the shooting Syms was returning liomo from a visit to a neighbor's ac companied by Clark's daughter. Meeting Clark hot words ensued , when Clark shot Syms thrco times , two shots taking effect in his face boloiv the loft eye ; and ono in the loft arm. Syms , who is still alive la npt expected to live. Clark was arrested to-day and now is in | ail here awaiting the result of Syms in- urles. Ho is very reticent about the matter , jut frankly admita the shooting. An OKI Man's Death. Neb. , March 20. [ Special to THE BEE. " ] John P. Rowan , aged ninety- two years , died last Saturday at the residence of A. P. Groves , a few miles west of town. The history of Mr. Rowan is a sad ono. A few years ago ho moved from Now York state with a family to Nebraska. At that time ho had mouoy and papers wortti * $15.000. Mr. Rowan turned all his money and pro perty over to the man whom ho came west with , with the understanding that ho should bo cared for the remainder of his life. As soon aa the man secured all the money ho deserted his old friend and wont to Califor nia , and has not been heard of for years. Mr. Graves took good care of tbo old inau until' last Saturday , when ho died of old ago. Methodist ( Jump Meeting. LINCOLN , Nob. , March 20. ( Special Tele gram to Tun BEE.J The committee ap pointed to locate the camp meeting grounds by the Methodist conference , decided to hold the state camp meeting at Cushman park , July 10 to 18 , inclusive. They have tbo .re fusal of the property for $27,000. subject to approval of the M. E. conference. The citi zens of this city have subscribed in sums of (5 to $50 to the fund , amounting' at tills time to about $1,200. Cusbman park is reserved by the owner , E. H. Andrews , for the year 18S9 , except for the season camp meeting. A Hoina Entertainment. , Nob. , March 20. [ Special Tele gram to THE BRII.J The opera house was filled to Us full capacity to night to listen to the play entitled "The Last Loaf , " a tem perance drama presented by homo talent. Thopnncipal actors wore James Markoy , C. H. Gardiner , J. A. Hazelott , C. E. Butler , A. \Varriclc , Mrs. R , H. Taylor , Mrs. F. M. Smith and Miss Ircno McClure. The drama was exceedingly well rendered in view of the fact that none of the players were professionals. The proceeds of the evening go to the benoBt of the Presbyterian church and the efforts of the parties assist ing in the entertainment are highly appre ciated by the society. Incendiary Fires. FoNTANBitF , Nob. , March 20. [ Special to TUB BEB.I The farm of August Meyer , a farmer living nearhore , was burned yesterday with its contents , which was principally , hay. This Is the second barn Mr. Meyer has had burned within two weeks. Tbo first ono contained some live stock , grain and other property , all of which was consumed. This ono was partly covered by Insurance. The last barn burned was a substantial frame structure , erected on the site of the former one , and had just been completed , bat no in surance placed on it. The fact that ho has lost two BO close together loads to the sus picion that it is the work of an Incondlarlst. Attempts have also been made to burn bis bouso. Unltoil Workmen. BEM/WOOD , Neb. , March 20. [ Special to THE BEG. ] Rev. J. U. Tate , grand master workman of the A. O. U. W. in Nebraska , lectured in the M , E. church at this place last evening. Many members of the order were present from David City , Llnwood and Columbus. The church was crowded to overflowing by an audlenco which listened attentively. At the close of the meetlnir in the church the members of the order met in Kcllogir's ' hall , whom nine new members wore initiated. The Bollwood lodifc , which is yet In Its infancy , numbers about twenty. Oono For Moro Sureties. SCIIUYLEII , Nob. , March 2(5. ( 1 Special Tel cgram to THE BEE. ] Charles F. Cooper , ed itor of the Yolks Zcltung , has disappeared. Ho was badly in debt , and for mo nths had been harrasscd by creditors. He had in duced many well to do Germans living at Howolls , Clarkson , Leblgh and elsewhere through the county to bccouis sureties on note for him , and these parties will now bo called upon to pay the suo. . He loft town Mon. day , saying ho was going to Norfolk to eeo his father-in-law , who Is confined in the asy lum , but instead purchased a ticket to Grand Island , Bold Hohhcry. CoMiuiiCs , Neb. , March 20. [ Special Tel- cgram to Tun BEE. ] The boldest robbery fn the history of Columbus was commuted at 0 rtJO p. m. to-day. The jewelry store of A. J. Arnold , on Nebraska avenue , was rifled in broad day light of gold watches , rings and neck ties. In nil amounting to about 12,2X1 in value , while Harry Arnold , son of the pro prietor , was taking supper at the Clother lioiiso acrosa tha Btrcl-t , an entrance was ef- cclod by the Dick door with thoubove result. The persons entering the store must have icon familiar with the surroundings , as the store was only closed-for bbout twenty min utes. The city BOOMS t < ) bo infested with n not of sncnk thieves. Every effort is being put forth for the capture f the robbers. Tonohcrs In Session. HASTINGS , Nob. , March.20. [ Special Tclo- * rauitoTiiE Bcu.J The twenty-third annual ncctlngof the SttUo Teach ore' association jCRnn Its session in Hastings this evening , A largo number of the prominent educators of the stnto arrived during the day. To night tbo first session opened with a largo attendance. The opening exorcises Indicate a profitable and Interesting session. Reports were made by the executive committee and the treasurer. The president's annual ad dress was delivered by Charles E. Bossey , of Lincoln , president of the association , on "Tho Teachers of the Future. " The programme of the evening was Interspersed with a number of flno selections of vocal music. The session will continue till Thursday evening and various topics on the subject of education will bo discussed by repre sentatives from all parts of the stnto. About thrco hundred teachers are already in attend ance. Another "Rnllrnnd. Nontn PJATTC , Neb. , March 20. [ Special Telegram to THE BEE.J At n meeting of the baard of trade to-day a delegation of twenty business men was appointed to meet with delegations from Boonc , Grcoly , Valley and Custor counties nt Grand Island , April 8 , to take action on the proposed votul to bo built from Albion through these counties to tha western line of the state. It is proposed to organlzo a company composed of the monlod men of these counties to build and operate this road. North Platte is sadlv In need of additional railroad facilities , and her business men are working hard to that end. Three thousand dollars was raised to-day to defray North Platto's expense of the preliminary survey. , Dismissed on n Technicality. GIIANT , Nob. , March 20. [ Special Telegram - gram to THE BEE. ] The proceedings against J. B. Masters in Justice Burton's court to day for assault with murderous intent collapsed - lapsed , the complaining witness having failed to stcn the complaint. The trouble crow out of a school meeting last fall , whore It Is said Musters drew his revolver and threatened to'shoot several of those present. The friends of Masters are jubilant and say that the suit in the llrftt place was malicious. Statesmanship Runs Riot. . GnAND ISLAND , Nob. , March 26. [ Special Telogtam to THE BKE. ] At n delegate con vention-in opposition to the mass convention last week a regular row occurred. W. F. McLnughlln. president of the city council , struck Scth P. Moblcy in the face , breaking his nose , and in turn McLaughlln was knocked down by John Donaldson. A war rant was issued for McLaughlin's arrest , and the case is now being tried in police court. _ A Summer School. FIIEMONT , Nob. , March 2t ) . [ Special to THE BEE. ] Superintendent Claredon , of this county , has just arranged for a summer school of methods , to bo Held in this city from the 17tn of June to July 4. Nebraska teachers will bo glad to learn that this school will bo in charge of Mr. and Mrs. Hailnon , of Newport , Ind. , and it is antici pated that ? a largo number of the progressive teachers nf the state will avail themselves of the opportunity. The cost of attending will bo merely enough to pay expenses. r - | Court atf Dakota City. DAKOTA Civr , Nob. , March 20. [ Special Telegram to THE BBC. ] District court con vened to-day with Judge Morris on the bench. There is a largo docket , but nothing of to portanco. The case of the state vs George Vasques , robbery , will bo called to-morrow. It is believed the Scverson murder trial will commence Friday nnd will take about five days. The caso.of Miss McConnhey VB Judge Griffey continued for , proper service and will not bo tried this term. * A Brute's Light Sentence. Ei.woon , Nob. , March 20. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEB.J Judge Gasper's district court was dispatched in haste to-day. A de murrer to the petition was sustained in the county seat contest. In. the case of the state vs Abraham Whistler the defendant pleaded guilty to tin crlmo of rape and was sentenced to imprisonment In the peniten tiary for three years. Oauous Nomination * . ERAINAIID , Nob. , March 20 [ Special to THE BEE. | A caucus for the nomination of officers to be voted for April 2 was held last evening. Following are the men who ro- received the nomination : J. J. Smcrsh , C. C. Gelwick , John Fox. John Wright and W. R. Campbell. This leaves two tickets In the field the citizens and prohibitionists. The present outlook is that the citizens' ticket will bo elected by a good majority. A MONOTONOUS .QUIET. No Murders Have JSocn Committed in Kentucky far Thirty-six Mourn. LOUISVILLE , March 20. A special from Pinevillo , Ky. , says hostilities have ceased for a time between the warring Turner and Sawder factions in the Yellow Creek neigh borhood , an d at present there are no Indica tions of a renewal. No ono lias been killed for at least thirty-six hours and in terest in the feud is lagging. At present General Sawdor is in jail , and Stanford under indictment for murdering Jack Tur ner two years ago , and should ho bo released there are other charges which will be strong enough to hold" him. In fact , several mur ders in which no has been connected in ono way or another have still to bo carried out The killing of James Burch ended the career of another leader of the Sowder crowd , and so fur as that faction IB concerned the war is at an end unless the Tumors start it again. Alvln Turner's dguth at the hands of Hurch deprived the followers of that young Hotspur of th'oir chief , and the people of Boll county scorn nt present to think that us soon as the supply of' ammunition now in the hands of the Turners , has been burned the end will have been reached. Jeff King , who alonii survived the last affray , has been a fugitive from his former friends and foes alike , evidence having been produced that ho ro'bbda thn dead body of his fallen leader , us .walVas that of Burch. Ho waa captured thl afternoon on the north ern slope of Pine , oioi ntuln , seven miles southeast of Pinerille , by Deputy Sheriff MOBS ami A arshal Thompbon , of Pinevillo , Tuby John und Murk iuniuj , sons of Bon Tu tier. They brought him to Pinevillo add lodjjeJ him in jail. Harvey Turner is still Ja jail nt Tuzewell , and ns fur as leaders are concerned the Tur ners seem to bo as bail ) ; off ns the Sanders. Burch's body > vus ruBi6vcd to Yellow Creek for burial , but young- . Turner is still at the homo of his aunt , Airs. Catharine Pwrk whose first husband ; Mr. King , und son , Will King , were killed by Juck Turner , father of Alvln , fifteen years ago. The re mainder of the Tumors have temporarily subsided , but it 1 % said that u number of them ara in the neighborhood bcurlnir arms and ready to resist & . ? attempt that may bo made to arrest tlieui. * , _ ; s f A llstjonsnKSAmilr. | BENTON CITY , .M.of. , March 20.-Annabcl Leo Mulllngft , a sii-.vcar-old girlwas burned to death under "dU'trcsslnj ; circumstancA lust evening. Sritf-yvus watching her father burn brush , when hPr clothing ignited , Her father's buck wan turned , and as ho Is almost totally deuf no did uot hear he.r screams and did not knowofino accident until the child was nearly dead.y Stouhitmip-Arrivals. _ " At Baltimore t Tbo "Minnesota , from London. . At''GlasgowDie State of Pennsylvania , from New York. FOUGHT IT OUT IN CHURCH Warring Factions Punctuate the Services With Ballots. SETTLING OLD FAMILY FEUDS. A resilience of Crlmo Hronks Out In Pennsylvania nnd Threatens to Depopulate the Stnto. A nioody Itattlo. UNIONTOWN , Pa. , March 20. Robbing ap pears to bo becoming epidemic in Fnyotto : ounty. Lewis Hunter was In Untontown ast Saturday , nnd late last night started for. ils homo nt Whlto Roclc. Thrco men sprang out of the bushoa , grasped his horses and de manded his money. Hunter fought , dug his inces Into the horse , nnd the spirited animal sprang through the forest. The highway men shot , but missed him , owing to the darkness. It is evident that others are profiting by the terror Inspired by the McClollandtown band , and under cover -their fnmo are operating , hoping that the blame may attach to other outlaws. About two years ago a feud arose between Dolph Slsslcr nnd John Deitrich , two well- to-do- farmers living near Stuartstown , in In West Virginia , over the trespasses of Sisslor's hogs , the feud extending to their families and connections. Fire was added to the feud by the Sisalcrs preferring a charge of illegal liquor selling against Dolt- rich , who owns n distillery , but which failed to bo established , and Doitrich was ac quitted. Last Sunday Alleno Alonzo Slsslor and George nnd Flors Deitrich , all nearing man- hopd , attended the Baptist Sunday school nt Stuartstown. Soon bad blood showed itself nnd the people were astonished to BOO the youths of each family brandishing revolvers at each other nnd starting into a fight. A scene of wild confusion arose. Women . and children became frantic , and the few men present could not quell the disturbance. They soon had the church to themselves , and in the dcsporato fight that ensued the Doitrich family were badly used up , Georgo's head being beaten up with revolver and the others being se verely hurt. Assistance arrived und the gang was put to flight , the Sissler boys flee ing to Unlontown , and are now thought to be secreted at ono of the numerous coke works in that region. The blood bespattered walls of tbo church show the desperate nature - turo of the ficht. Great excitement prevails in the neighborhood over the outbreak and the end of the trouble has not been seen. Reinstated by AVnnnjnalccr. WASHINGTON , March 20. The postmaster general to-day , acting upon the recommenda tion of General Superintendent Boll , of the railway mall norvlco. appointed the following named division superintendents of the rail way mail service : W. H. Blgolow , first division , Boston , Mass. , vice George B. Dame , resigned ; R. E. C. Jackson , second division , Now York City , vico-W. I. Doolittlo , resigned ; C. W. Vickery , third division , Washington , D. C. , vice Eugcno Carrlngton , resigned ; L. M. Ten-ill , fourth division , At lanta , Ga. , vice J. M. Turner , resigned ; George W. Popper , ninth division , Cleveland - land ; O. , vice T. B. Dodge , resigned. With the single exception of Popper , the appointees named above were displaced during the < last luCministration , Bigolow in ISS1 } , Jackson in 1888 , .Vickery in 18S8 and Torrill in 18SO. Pepper , is.clerk in charge of the New York and "Chicago railway postolllco. General Superintendent Boll in speaking of these changes , said that they wore made solely m the interest of good sorvico. The men who nro to-day reinstated have been for many years closely identified with the railway mail service , and its efficiency is largely duo to their ability and onorery. The resignations of the outgoing superintendents were re quested with the nssuranco that there was nothing known to the department prejudicial to their good name. - - The Boys in Ireland. ICopj/rfaJit 1333 bu Janus Qonlnn Uiimett.l DUIJI.IN , March 20. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to THE BEE. | The American base ball teams arrived ut 11 o'clock this morning from Belfast and are quartered at Morrison's hotel , fumous as the scene of Par- noil's arrest. _ No game was played to-day , the boys taking in the sights of the city , and promenading Sackvlllo street. Hanlon , Wood and party of tno All America team visited the scene of the tragedy in Phoenix park this afternoon , while a majority of the boys put in a good part of their time select ing choice blackthorn sticks and other me mentoes of the Emerald Isle for friends in America : Tenor is m Londonderry and Daly in Kildaro visiting relatives they have not seen in years. There will bo a game to-morrow on the Landsdowno grounds. The Yorktowii Delivered. PHILADELPHIA , March 20. The gunboat Yorktown has been delivered to the naval authorities at League Island. WASHINGTON , March 20. A good deal of pressure is being brought to bear by naval officers to secure assignments to the now gunboat Yorktown , which is soon to go Into commission. While this is generally the case upon the completion of a now vessel , the Yorktowii holds out superior inducements by reason of her flno officers' quarters and general good qualities. It Is the present un derstanding that sha will bo commanded by Commander Chadwick , now attached to the American legation in London. To Entertain the Tourlstfl. PiiiMniai'im , March 26 , Initiatory stops were taken hero to-day for the reception nnd entertainment of the base ball tourists during their visit to this city , April 11. Reach and Rogers , of the Philadelphia huso ball club , will lender the reception. A pro gramme is arrange d which includes u drive through the city and a trip down the Dela ware river to Glouccstor , N. J. , whore planked tihad will bo "discussed. " The party will return from Gloucester early in the uvcning in time to attend a banquet to bo given in honor of the "Around-tbc- world-party. " Gnrrctt Outwits the IlnndliH. BAi/riMonu , March 20. It is stated that the Garrett party , instead of visiting the City of Mexico , returned to Thomasvillu , Ga. , from San Antonio. It is understood that the reason o I this was that it was heard that u band of desperadoes hud planned to atop Gurrctt's train when it entered Mexican territory , tuko tjio party prisoners and hold them for u heavy ransom. Jmrnnilo ( stirring. LuiAMii : , Wyo. , March 20. [ Special Tele gram to T c BcE.1 The Union Pacific bus selected Lurainlo us the point for the storage of supplies for the Carbon cut-off road and the Pucillo extension from Utah. Surveyors uro now laving off supply yards in the south- urn part of the city , , WOI-K on tbo Carbon line Is now In progress. It will eventual ! ) form a portion of the mall line aim will shorten the distance between hero uud Rawllna twelve miles , Authorized to Uouln WAHIIINQTOV , March 20. Tie | acting comptroller of the currency to-TJiy author ized the First National bank of EltnyCreek , capital $50,000 , , to begin business. A German Spy in Trouble , "i , PA in s , March 20. Kucnn , formerly pollio Inspector at Aricourt , has been sent to prison. for two yearn a& a German spy. A MAMMOTH TEA UBTTIjB. The Central Warehouse In Chicago Entirely Destroyed. CHICAGO , March 20. The Central wnro- house , Rush nnd North Water streets , took flro early this morning , nnd with a valuable store of teas , coffees nnd merchandise was burned to the ground , entailing an estimated loss of between $1,030,000 and $1,600,000. The flro department had a very hard task but succeeded in preventing the flames from destroying the great grain elevators nnd other buildings in the vicinity. Alderman Mnnicro , manager ot the wnVchouso , grimly remarked ns ho looked nt the ruins that it was ntoa party , and that everybody was In vited. In point of fact , ns the voter from , wenty engine nozzles soaked down the con- .cuts of the building , the basement was soon filled with water , nnd when the 40,000 cases of tea began to brow , streams of tea pushed from the windows and doors , The docks , nt a distance of 100 foot , were Hooded with the amber-colored liquid that poured llko a cataract into the river , and the steam arising from It perfumed the air for blocks nround. Alderman Manloro is satisfied that the lire was of Incendiary origin , it being the third ire in the structure within a year which can jo accounted for In no other way. The building was a six-story block , which cost , when now , about $50,000. About 00 nor cent of the value of the contents was tea in bond , ns It was a bonded warehouse. Besides , there were several packages ol coffco nnd other miscellaneous articles. The tea was owned by films in various largo cities , which makes it extremely dllficult to accurately estimate the individual losses nnd insurance. The following losses uro known : Catherine Bronnson , on building. $50,000 ; insurance $30,000. W. R. Mnnicro , loss $30,000 ; Insurance $75,000. Fitch & Howland , Chicago , loss $140,000 ; insurance , $143,000. J. D. Lathrop , loss $130,000 ; Insurance * 00- 000. Hellicr & Co. , Wilcago , loss $70.000 ; In surance $00.000. Robert Jeffrey & Co. , Chicago cage , loss $1SO,000 ; Insurance $173,000. Among the other losses estimated are : Winomnn , Conant & Co. , Boston. $05,000 ; Union National bank , Chicago , $14,000 ; Solg- fried & Brondonstein , San Francisco , $12- 000 , nnd a great many smaller losses , rang- ng from $3,000 to $10,000 each. WYOMING'S GOV13KNOR , He Is An Example of the President's' Homo Rule Idea. CnnYENNE , Wyo. , March 20. [ Special Telegram to Tim BEE. ] The Wyoming gubernatorial contest has resulted in speedy and docis'ivo victory for F. E. Warren. Poll tioiis for his appointment signed by democrats - ocrats as well as republicans from all parts of the territory have gouo to Washington dally since the 4th ot March. The news of the appointment was hulled with delight by his supporters , and In a short tlmo many res idences were decorated wltii flags ami bunt ing , while a meeting of citizens was hold to nrrango a jollification meeting , and a subso- sequcnt meeting for formal ratification. This evening n largo bonfire wns started on tha public squura. Several brass bands nnd n torchlight procession paraded thtough the principal streets , whllo salutes were fired by a battery from Ft. Russell. A reception was afterwards held at Governor Warren's residence. Governor Wnrron is forty-four years old. Ills birthplace is Hlnsdnlo , Mass. Ho en listed ut the ngo of seventeen ns a private in the Forty-ninth Massachusetts volunteers nnd rose to tno rank of captain by the close of the war. Ho came to Cheyenne in 1808 , worked ns clerk in the store of A. R. Converse - verso , with whom ho afterwards formed u partnership. Ho is now a large land owner in nearly all of the counties in Wyoming , president of the Warren Mercantile company nnd Warren Lire Stoclncompany , a director of the Cheyenne & "Northern railroad and stockholder in the electric light nud gas com panies of Cheyenne. The appointee has been in public life for a number of years. Ho has been territorial treasurer , president of the legislative council , twice n member ot the assembly nnd mayor of Cheyenne. Ho has been offered the nomination to congress by republicans , but declined for business reasons. He was appointed governor of Wyoming by President Arthur in February , ISbS , upon the death of Governor Halo. Ho remained in ofllco for two years. This ap pointment adds strength to the republican party in Wyoming. Thu HellCompany's 1'roflts. BOSTON , March 20. The annual mooting of the Bell telephone directors was held to-day. The anuual report shows that the company earned last year 24.45 per cent on the stock and has assets of $253 per share. The long distance service lias been extended from Albany to Buffalo , and new lines have been built from Chicago to Milwaukee und from Boston to Providence. About 2,200.000 have been spent on the long line , which now com prises 20,053 miles of wire. The not earnings for the year were were $2,414,205. Deduct' ing the reserve for general depreciation , the surplus account remains the same as last year , $2,02S,000. The old officers were reelected - elected with the-exception of Stnnton Bluko , who -was elected director in place of Chan- ning Clapp. Moro Nominations Made. WASiiiNGTON.March 20. The president sent the following nominations to the stmato to day : Second Lieutenant William A. Mercer , Eighth infantry , to bo first lieutenant ; As sistant Paymaster Harry R. Sullivan , to bo passed assistant paymaster in the navy ; Francis E. Wurron. of Wyoming territory , to bo governor of Wyoming territory ; Benja min F. White , of Dillon , Mont. , to bo gov ernor of Montana ; Robert V. Belt , of Mary land , to bu assistant commissioner of Indian uffuirs ; William B. Hedge , jr. , to bo post' master nt Marshall , 111 , A Cleveland Man TJInckunllcd. NEW Yonif , March 20. [ Special Telegram to Tun BEI : . ] Oscar S. Straus , minister to Turkey and ono of the big chlnuwuro firm of L. Straus & Sons , 44 Wurron street , wns u'p for election to membership in the ( .well Manhattan club Thursday and was black balled. It takes two black marble * to slam the doors of the representative democratic club of the country in u would-be member's ' fuco. Straus'got the necessary two and to hln friends and relatives present they looked us big us house ! ) . Straus was sent to Tur key , by Cleveland. A Gift From Kmpcrnr William. UAI.TIMOIII : , March 20. Sister Bencdlcta , superior of the now city hospital being erected hero , to-day received n check for SIM ) forwiirded by Emperor William , of Ger many , for iho benefit of the institution. It is understood that the gift is tha result of a report made by Acting Imperial Gorman Consul Hey den rich to the foreign office at Berlin , nt the request of the latter , to name some institution In Baltimore where n dona tion from Emperor William would bo ac cepted , The money will ho used to furnish u room in the new building when completed which will bo named in honor of the donor. Will Fruczo thn Miners Out. PiTTsnuiio , Murch 20 , The shut down on several of the coal works along the Monon- gnholu river is said to bo but the beginning of what will ba u general shut down on all of the pools. The operators to-day made the significant statement that within ten days all the river mines would bo shut down , nnd work would not bo resumed until the miners agreed to accept a reduction of M cent nor bushel , which would put thu rate for mining at 2 } cents. If all of the works are shut down nearly five thousand miners will bo thrown out of employment. JUKI Ice Mattlunv'N CINCINNATI , March 20.- The burial ol Stanley Matthews took place at Spring G i eve cemetery to-daiv A largo assembly of friciMlj acquaintances of the dene jurist wore present , among them being the Justices of Iho supreme court. Governor Fpr. ukcr , Lieutenant Governor Lynn , members of the Ohio legislature , ox President llayts , Murut liaWluaa and Henry Wattcrbou. . WHICH , MAID , WIFE OR WIDOW That's What Mrs. Qordou Would Llko to Know. GIVEN A FRAUDULENT DIVORCE * Lawyer Bent do GOH Too Fly Even fur Chicago's Separation Mills , nnd Will Pay the Tonally. A Disgraced Attorney. CHICAGO , March 20. [ Special Telegram (0 TUB Ben. ] This city did something o-day owards retrieving her reputation as n'plnco vhoro divorces may bo had for the asking , vhon Charles J. Bcattlo , the lawyer who irocurcd a fraudulent dlvorco for Mrs. Ada } . Gordon , was found guilty of contempt ol court by Judge Jnuiloaon this morning , nnd sentenced to the county jail for ono year nude o pay a line of $500. Mrs. Gordon was moro 0 bo plttlcd than condemned. The court said stio had not acted In everything ns nri lonorable woman , but she was Ignorant of business affairs , as most women nro , know nothing about the proceedings of law anil vas basely deceived by a man licensed to iractlco in the courts of Cook county. Needy - > ody knows , said the court , how many wo- ' nen there may bo who on account of thcsa Irnudulcnt divorces nro neither mind , wife nor widow. Then Boattlo was culled to the bar nnd sentenced. Ills lips trembled and tears glistened n his eyes. Ha was a pitiable sight ns hcf stood there with the sunlight glancing on his silver gray hair. After the judtro had an nounced the penalty the lawyer bowed , anil walked back to hm scat. Captain lilac lr , Bcattio's attorney , naked that the order committing his client to jail bo deferred foe. tbroo days , as he wanted Boattlo'B assist ance In preparing a writ of error and an np- pcal. This the court acnulescd In , ami Bcattlo was released on Sl.fiCO ball. Judge Jnmlcson was afterwards nskcd to give ills opinion ns to what extent fraudulent divorce getting wu < * carried on In the courts of Chi cago. "Who can toll , " bo replied. "What way is there of finding out when a lawyer brings n case Into court and produces evi dence which appears to bo straight , and when there is notiiing to indicate that it is not straight and proper ) There is only ono thing the court can do , and that is to grant a decree. See how well the tracks were cov ered in the case just decided. This lawyer produced the complainant and she gave heu testimony , and in addition to that there was tha testimony of two apparently roputnblo witnesses , Watson nnd Coffee. They swore directly nnd positively that the defendant Gordon , lived with a woman nt 2120 Wabaah avenue ns his wifo. Tnoy swore they knerf him and know the woman , and that the palO wore put out of the house for their miscon duct. The evidence was so direct nnd to tha point as to time , plnco und circumstances that it was impossible for the court to do anything else but grant a decree. There was ao way of tolling that these witnesses hod , been hired to so testify.1 "is there no way of preventing such di vorces } " "I know of none. There nro statutes pun ishing perjury , but how could the legislature. prevent people from committing perjury. It Is only when something occurs that discloses the fraudulent nature of the transaction , as in this case , that tbo thing can bo punished. 1 have found ono such caco and turned it up , and t don't think that any lawyer wild wants * to procure a divorce * for anybody by fraud will como into niy court to dojt. " THE OUTBUEAIC. The Antl-Foroiun Incitement Huns High nnd Moro Trouble Kxpoctcd. SAN FKANCISCO , March 20. The Orel- dental and Oriental steamer Arabia arrived late last night , bringing Hong Kong advices to February 23 and Yokohama advices to March 11. In Sbanting the anti-foreign cx cltcment rnns high. February 23 , at Chcfoo , the Europeans feared nn " nttucjfrjya. the mutinous . . troops. \vas"r"elo"rtod ) that tha Chinese troops were meeting at the fort nnd the mutineers proposed marching against < the custom house and other places. As no man-of-war was present , intense excitement prevailed und boats were prepared ana all foreign residents were ready to go aboard. No attack was made , however. A mission ary from Chihalyu states that the Chinese in that city have posted placards outsldo various foreign residences notifying the tenants that they intend to massacre the Christians be/ore long. The rebels are sup posed to bo twenty-five hundred in number. The Chinese authorities declare that the rcpTJi-ts nf a famine In central China nro ox- aggcratod. Great suffering is admitted in the northern provinces. Many Moonshiners Captured. MoNTCOMnnv , Ala. , March 20. [ Special Telegram to Tin ; BKE. ] Five United States deputies captured eight stills witli a capacity of COO gallons , eight fermontcrs , 10.000 gal. Ions of beer and 200 gallons of corn whisky during raids last week. They also nlls- cated $2,500 worth of apparatus. Thiee still owners were arrested and juiled. Ono es caped nt the price of a couple of pistol bulls. . Two others escaped after being shot at , but none were killed so far as known. The cap. turcd stills each had a larger daily output than any before broken up in the state. The apparatus was also better and were moro costly than Is usually used. Another set of officers went up into the counties of Cloy , Chambers and Randolph the last three duyq of last week and destroyed several stills and captured and brought hero upwards of thirty moonshiners , who are in Jail. The etilla were medium ' Decided Against Hovoy , .tfi , Mnroli 'JO. Argument on the demurrer in the case gf the state on relation of Joseph L C.irson vs Got crnor Hovoy , tq coippclttho governor to issue a commission tq Carson as a member of the now board of trustees of the insane hospital , was heard Ij Judge Ilo\vcland to-day. Ho sustained the demurrer , thus holding In faVor of the new board nnd uzainst the governor. By agree ment no mandate was issued nnd the case was appealed at once to the supreme court , The log'xluturp ' selects the trustees and tha governor refused to IRSUO cominihsUius , , claiming that the legislature had no power to name the men who Miould fill these offices. It has been the custom for many yours for the li'glhluturo to select trustees for thostatq benevolent Institutions , and Governor llovcy Is the fimt executive to question UioconHtltu , tlonnllty of such action. To-dny'x dccihion iq understood to bo pro forma , and tha real Uiuj will bo heard in the supreme court. The Nun of KonmnVc. BOSTON , Mass , , 30. [ Special Tele , gram to TJIK Bin : . ] Joseph Cook Introduced .Miss Mary F. Cusick , the Nun of K ; nui rL' , to bin audlenco last evening , stating she wai now a member of Iho ChUrcli of England , , The announcement , created some surprise and called forth decided applause among Cook's followers. Miss Ciislck cpol < q briefly , In a somewhat weak nnd tremblinu volco ; as to her desire to do feonictlnnir on be half of those of the clergy In the Catholla church who have become victims of Intem perance. Coolt then advanced und , In behalf of the Loyal Women's Lmiguo of American Liberty , b'ave her a basket of flqworai < An Kvciirslon Htoiimer Wrecked , CITY 01MEMCO ( via Galveston ) , March. 2. ; , The steamer Ocotlan has foundered oa Lake Chnpalu , near ( Juaydalaarn. ) A larfq exe-jrson party wits on board at the tlini ,'iu's hnvp been recovered. Many in ore uro Icnowu to bo In iho wreck.