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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1889)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEEr WEDNESDAY , MARCH 27 , 1889. - TEE NEBRASKA LEGISLATURE Very Llttlo Business Now Before tbo Bonato. PRUNING THE APPROPRIATIONS. Kcnnnrd'fl ' Claim Dc-fcatcd In the House The Maximum Tariff Bill rnsscd-ljORlsln- tlvo Gossip. Bcnnto. < > LINCOLN , Neb. , March 20. [ Special to Tun PBB.I The senate Jogged along at so leis urely n gait this morning ns to leave the Im pression In a casual obiorvor that It either Lad very little to do or plenty of time to do it. The former Is true , nnd ono versed In the ordinary parliamentary rules could see signs of haste. Severn ! house bills were ordered to their third reading , which eliminates the reference to standing committees nud the discussion In comralttoo of the whole. The following measures were crowded forward in that manner. Hungato's bill permitting the United States to buy or condemn a slto for Fort Omaha nnd ceding the government jurisdiction over the same. Caldwcll's bill providing that the supreme court shall meet in Lincoln In the llrst , Tues day In January nnd the third Tuesday In September Instead of In January nnd July. Towlo's bill for the protection of hotel Qccpors against dead beats. House roll 433 , which makes appropria tions for the current expenses of the state government nnd Is called the "expense bill" jtor short , was read a second tlmo and put on the general file , which prevents the delay of referring to the standing committee. Senator - ' tor llnymondf chairman of the committee on finance , thought it oupht to follow ordinary rules and go to his committee. Church Howe assured him that It was In the hands of a committee nnd would bo well digested. Raymond's ' motion to refer was snowed under. The senate passed Sutherland's resolution which provides that all contracts for sup plies for state Institutions shall bo lot on n system of bidding ; that bids shall bo on each Jtems separately , mid that the heads of the several Institutions mnko a monthly state ment to the secretary of state of the supplies purchased. Raymond's resolution requesting the board of transportation to make a scale of freight rates to prevent discrimination was defeated IT to 18. This light has been fought so often this session that there was no discussion , and ono or two' anti-monopo lists voted to table the resolution to prevent n profitless waste of time. The committee of the whole took up a bill drawn by Secretary J. S. Dales , of the state university. Its purpose was said to bo to moro clearly dcilno the relations of the university and Uio Industrial college. Sen ators Howe , Keckloy , Rausom , tNcsbltt and Sutherland riddled the bill with arguments to show that it had boon Ingeniously drawn to fasten the agricultural experiment sta tion on the state in the interest of the professors and onlcors who are drawing extra salaries or ether pap from the station. Most of the bill is comnoscd of quotations from acts ot congress , but nt the end is an original clause providing that the state shall maintain the station If the government sub sidy should cease. The committee took out the sting by cutting off this tail and gouged out the heart by removing the enacting clause. Then It hung up the mangled corpse in indefinite postponement. The committee recommended the passage of Berlin's bill requiring the city comp troller of Omaha to investigate the books of tbo school board monthly and report to the city council. The senate adjourned at noon till half past- 7 this evening. EVENING SESSION . A largo audience gathered in expectation of a contest over the expense bill , but bad to 'tie content with several transient tilts. Nor- val tried to work in-hls anti-bucket shop bill by substituting It for all that part of the bill forbidding tha advertising of lotteries after jlhe enacting clause. After some discussion rtho chair ruled it out of order , the same sub- Hoc t matter having already been killed by i ( the senate. The bill was laid over without - . .notion. ) r- ( The committee of the whole recommended 4ho passage of Berlin's garnlsheo bill Mfllh an Immaterial amendment ; ' also Dill exempting pensioners from ' Ing poll tax or 'working highways ; also the bill Incorporating , Kay mo ml raised n titter with a resolution ( requesting the senatorial alliance to report * n the expense bill in the morning , but .Church Howe promptly objected to its con- uldorntlon , and under the rules it wont over * ono day without debate. * The senate then adjourned till morning. House. LINCOLN , Nob. , March 25. [ Special to TUB BBS. ] Hampton moved to make senate fllo ,14 , and other trust bills a special order to follow bills on third , reading. The motion was adopted. Tuo senate amendments to the Lincoln ' charter bill relative to releasing the street railway company from paving outside the tracks wore called up. Olmstoad moved that the house Concur. Hall hoped the motion would hot prevail , ttho street car managers have doctored this bill in the senate , aim now como Into the house through the ccntleman-froia Hastings , * Who seems to bo the montlmieoo for all cor porations , and ask this body to assent to tholr xvork. .Everett thought the house should not allow the street car companies to escape paving outside the track. Want of time for further consideration of the bill was uracd by various members , and r Olmstoad's motion was adopted by n vote of ' - , 'Bills on third rending were taken-up and the following passed t The ( ronoraj appropriation bill ; Hall's maxi mum tariff bill as amended ; ablllbyCady tor the punishment of the giving or soiling of Intoxicating liquors to habitual drunkards , nnd a bill by Scovillo' authorizing any city to establish n system of clcctrio lights. Tlio Kennard claim of 811,000 for ullccred BervIooT * rendered the stnto In connection with the collcctldn of certain nums duo from the general government on school lands belonging - longing to Indian reservations was readied on final rending. Johnson moved to refer the bill back to the committee , and warned the friends of the-jncnsuro that unless thl * wai done the r Dill would bo defeated. ? , . Olmstoail asked him what ho charted for tills advloo. Culdwell defended the claim , and John- on's motion wa lost by a vote of 3y to"3j : Corhln moved to.postpone llnal reading un til to-morrow , and said ho wus invi > stigitlni * the merits of the claim nnd mlg&t bo willing1 to allow something when ho had finished the work , but If compelled to decide now would vote "no. " Halter spoke in favor of the claim , nnd aald tlmt Corbin was acting the part of a iiotufoBgor nnd wanted to defeat the bll ! by Indirect means. The roll call on the bill resulted ns follows : Ayes , 43 ; noes , 47. A bill by Hungato authorizing the county board to use the road fund la aiding In pav ing nnd grading any road or boulevard lead * lug Into a city was defeated , and , on motion of Caldwell , the vole was reconsidered and ujrain placed on tile. AlTtltXOON SESSION. Olmstcnd moyod to tuka up the general deficiency bill after disposing of the trust bill * , which carried. The consideration of the Kcckley hill to prohibit trusts and nil other combinations to lucrciifto tbo price of > uo necotsarlcs of Ufa wus resumed , Olmstead said that house roll No. 431 , a , ttll Introduced by Speaker Wat sun , was n . v better icsavure , nnd moved that it be substl- * tUtlHl. Rpbb denied the statement. Ho thought that the JCci.'kley bill would satisfy every requirement of a law nf tills nature. Hull movcil to fofnr sonata tile 14 bncu to the house , with u recommendation that IIda Hpeaicer Watson Dempster In the chair faired thut the bill If passed m Its present t form would prohibit any combinations Htnonjr laboring men to advance ttielMiitor- e U , And submitted an amendment exempt- * < Jjw ubur ottraalu locs from tka ' ' of the law , which wa4 adopted , and the bill reported back , With the recommendation that It do past. House roll 203 , n bill introduced by Hun- gate , authorizing the county board to levy a special tnx on adjoining property to aid in grading or paving boulevards leading Into n city , was restricted to Include only cities of the metropolitan class , nnd referred back with a favorable recommendation. House roll 275 , the general deficiency bill was taken up. Whlto moved to strike out the Item $711 for work on the deaf and dumb asylum ut Omaha. Cndy attacked the bill In general. Ho said that no ono In rending over the Items oould toll whether the claim Is just or not. It behooves the members to oxorclso some degree of economy , nn ho Hem Is submitted In a form which an ordinary man would re- qulro In the transaction of private business. Wluto's motion was lost , SO to 33. On motion of Hall each Item In the bill wns considered singly. The deficiency of $18,500 for clotlilne , bedding , groceries , farm Implements nnd various ether Items for the soldiers' homo at Grand Islnnd was discussed at length and adopted. A bill to pay county treasurers for collect ing the educational land funds for 1834 nnd 1885 was taiten up. Whlto nnd Majors de nounced the bill ns being pushed by claim agents and lobbyists , nud it was Indefinitely postponed by 70 to 10 The amendment by Ciidy Increasing the minimum valuation of saline lands from $20 to $150 per ncro was adopted. The bill pro viding for the leasing or snlo of these lands wai recommended for passage. The bill providing for a constitutional amendment increasing tbo number of supreme premo judges to flvo , nnd fixing the salaries of the judges of both supreme nnd district courts , was considered. Majors moved to strike out (3,000 in the salary of district judges and insert $3,500. Carried 47 to 83. A bill relating to the organization and gov ernment of school districts was passed , Behind the Scones. LINCOLN , Nob. , March 30.-H Special Tele gram to TIIC Bnn.1 The adjournment of the senate at noon In the face of the universal desire to got through business nnd go homo mystified all but the few who understood its significance. It was nearly midnight when the senatorial alliance closed Its labors on the general expense bill. It has nearly three hundred and fifty items , and the sena tors considered about ono-thlrd of thorn. The adjournment nt noon was agreed upon to glvo senators friendly to retrenchment- tills afternoon for tholr work with the prun ing knife. The adjournment was made till this evening for two purposes. It was ex pected that house roll 4S4 , known as the salary bill , would bo received and read the first tlmo , nnd It was hoped that the con sideration of the expense bill could bo begun in committee of the wholo. The first object was achieved , but after a hard afternoon's worlt on the expense bill there was hat time to preparotho amendments agreed on by the alliance In conference. Consequently the consideration goes over till morulncr. Twelity senators were present at this af ternoon's meeting , and nt the close they pledged themselves to stand unitedly for the nctlon of tbo conference. Boss Stout's claim for interest on warrants was discussed , and n majority of the senators present voted to resist any effort to inject it into the general appropriation bills. Thcro Is an ill-defined feeling that the Stout , Butler and Kennard claims would have passed the smmto had the house not defeated them1 Everybody continues toJlght shy of a jusi- tivo opinion ns to their fate. Few senators will commit themselves , but a careful study of their expressions and action leave the Im pression that these claims are doomed , though they may cause a light that will delay adjournment. A largo portion of the 850 items in the ex pense bill have been pared down by the sena tors in conference. Their reductions will aggregate about $300OjO from the bill as It passed the house. The following statement shows in round numbers the principal reduc tions proposed in the appropriations of the different departments and institutions : Soldiers ) homo , $14,000 : institution for feeble-minded , 352,000 ; Hastings hospital for insane , ? 29,00 { ; Norfolk hospital , $44.000 ; Lincoln hospital , $42,000 ; state university , $45,000 ; ICcnriioy industrial school , $7,000 ; homo for friendless , $17,000 ; Milford indus trial home , ? 7,500 ; employes at capital , fl.OOO ; supreme court bailiffs , ? 2,000 ; fur nishing court room , $3,500 ; library furni- turos § 450 ; public building repair fund , $3,000 ; current expenses of state officers , § 5,000 ; miscellaneous , 83,500. The house allowed tbo institution for feeble-minded $40,000 for now buildings. The proposed amendment will allow $10,000 , for anew now boiler house and kitchen. Another amendment will allow the Hastings hospital $12,000 for a now boiler house and 82,000 for a barn. The house allowed the soldiers' homo a hospital item of $1,500 , thought to have been intended as $15,000 , and a proposed amendment will make it $7,500 . for a hospital building. Tbo miscellaneous re ductions Include $10,000 for bountlns on ani mals and $12,500.for compiled statutes. The superintendent of public instruction will be allowed a small increase for expenses. There has been talk to-night of adjourn ment at noon Friday. The expense and salary bills can bo disposed of if there is no fight , but there Is'a deficiency bill about ready to bo passed by the bouse and another bill containing a number of small claims which has not yet boon acted on. The latter may bo expedited by being pruned .and tacked on the oxpnnso bill as an amendment. The senators in conference have tried to keep their actions secret to avoid u swarm of lob byists , most of whom will got tholr first doll- , nlto information from this article. Hnll'R Maximum Tariff mil. LINCOLNNeb. . , March 20. [ Special to TUB BEB. ] The maximum tariff bill for the reg ulation of local freight rates , as amended by the author , was passed to-day By a vote of 54 to 83. The bill fixes a legal classification of freight , being substantially the same ns what is known ns the western classification. Sec tion 5 contains tha essence of the bill , mid nn amended rends as follows : Section 5. That the board cf transporta tion are hereby empowered and directed to rcducn the rates on any class or commodity in the schedule of rates lixcd In this net , and to revise and change said clnssllleation of freight , as hereinbefore In thi.a nut estab lished , so ns to work a reduction In any rate , whenever It shall seem just cud reasonable" to a majority of said board so to reduce any rale or to revise and change said classifica tion of freight so ns to reduce any rate ; and said board of transportation are hereby empowered to raise the rate on tiny class or commodity In the schedule of rates fixed ! u this act whenever four-tlttlm of said board , upon oxnmtnafiou and hearing hud as lit other ciiscs , shall by Jhijtr vetch llml and declare - clare that said rate us heroin fixed Is not compensatory for the service rendered , and said hoard are nlso hereby empowered to vo- Vise nnd change said clnsslllciition of freight , ns hereinbefore in this ndt established , no as- to ralso any rale , whenever four-tlfths of mr..i board shall , upon examination and hoar- lug had as in other cases , by/their wtea llml nud declare that the BU.U ] ohwlllfution of freight , us hereinbefore oiUbllshod , when the rates are applied Is not compensatory for the service rendered. When any charigo of rates or in the cUtsslftViulon shall bo iiiudo by salt ! board It shall bo thu duty of said board to cause notice thereof to bo published two successive weeks li : some public naivs- impcr published jn tha city of Lincoln , in this state , which notice shall state the duto of the tamiiK ctttftt , of K-K'h change of rawer or clnsalflcntion nnd said change of rnto or classification so in ado by said board and published In s.ild notice uliall take faffrct at the time so stated In said notice , and said changed rule so as tu this section made und published shall bo a roasonnblo maximum rate within tfio woaiilni : of suction three of this net. Suction 7 ifrovldes that any railroad that hull classify freight differently than is fixed by this nut , by menus of which the rates on iu-h article Is mcreasoJ , or shall make u greater charge than is allowed by this act. aid railroad shall forfeit to the party Injured the sum of one thousand dollars , to bo ro- covunx ] u& debt * of that arnouut ure now re- covoiwl by Jaw. ' Huboook'B RGIIOIIIIS Kxposeil. LINCOI.NNeb. . , March 20 , [ Special I'olo- gram toTiiisIJp.B.I-AdwMed sensation was crnatcxl in the house this afternoon when Mo- Urjdo called up house roll 42U , ublft to pay county treasurers for collecting educational fund * for 1834 and US5. White do- nounccd the bllt'ns.n steal , and said that thq county trcasqrcr of CMS county , who Is nnmod In the bill ns ono of the claimants , told him that the state did not ewe him n cent m this connection. Certain parties were pushing the claim for a 10 per cent "divvy. " McBrldo demanded the proof , when Majors took the floor , savagely do * nounccd the bill , nnd in support of his posi tion road the following letter , which was sent to nil the claimants throughout the state ! 'Donr Sir : Having * no special business for the winter , I nm Inclined to try. to got nn appropriation through the legislature to pay county treasurers' fees for collecting school land moneys for the years 18S4 nnd 1833. The last legislature absolutely refused to mahojun appropriation for such purpose , and thh ono Is liable to do tbo same , but there is nothing llko trying and nothing t.Q Jose. If nil who have fees duo thorn will glvo tno 10 dor cent of what Is allowed I will un dertake the work and do my best to got something. If you wish to put your claim In with others please notify mo at once. I nm very truly years , H. A. BAIICOOK. This snmo Babcook , who wns formerly au ditor ot the stato. has been honeying around the legislature all winter nud this exposure of his schema fell on the house llko n thun der clap. Majors declined to glvo the name , but the members know who wns the author of the latter. The committee reported the bill baok with the recommendation that it do not pass , nnd on a roll call killed the measure bv n vote of 70 to 10. The bill called for $0,778 , ami waste to bo divided between Hfty-sovon bonoflolnr- los. It has leaked out that Baobocic is to bo put at tha head of the Insurance department at the auditor's oftlco and was In the move to increase the salaries of thn deputies and clerks , The exposure of this scheme by TUG BICE will open the eyes of honest senators. Konnnnl'a Claim. LINCOLN , Nob. , March 20. | Special to Tits Bra. ] The claim of T. P. Konnard for $11,000 for alleged services came up on final reading to-day. Johnson moved to recommit the bill to the committee of the whole for further consideration , but the motion wns violently opposed by Cnldwoll nnd Olmstcad and lost by a vote of 83 to SO. Corbin then moved to postpone the final reading until to-morrow morning , alleging that ho was looking up the merits of the claim nnd needed more tlmo. Baker said that Corbin was acting the part of n pettifogger and warned thu house that any delay meant the defeat of the measure. Johnson said that if the bill was pressed now it would go down to a well deserved death. Kennnrd's friends flitted hither nnd thither , encouraging their friends and strengthening the faith ot the weak , and doubtful. But they counted without tholr host. The bill was killed by the following vote : Ayes Abrahamson , Baker , Bailey , Book man , Berry , Berlin , Bohacok , Cameron , Cntdwcll , Christy of Clay , Coletnan of Polk , Cruzon , Oonman , Dempster , Dickinson , Dillor , Dunn , Everett. Fieldgrovo , Fuller , Gilchrlst , Green , Hall , Hanna , Hnnthorn , Hill of Gage , Horne , Lee , Majors , McBrldo , McNicklo , Mooker. O'Brien , Olmstoad , Hay- nor , Robb , Seed , Sovonn , Sweet , Westovor , .Whymnn , WilcoxandMr. Speaker 43. Nays Ballard , Bortls , Braucht , Brink , Cady , Christy of Dodge , Coleman of Ante lope , Collins , Corbin , Delaney , Elliott , Far ley , Fonton , Gates , Halm , Harding , Hill of Butler. Hooper , Mattes Jr. , Novo , O'Sulll- van , Potter , Sargoant , Satcholl , Scovillo , Shephard Snydcr , Stirk , Swartsley , Towlo , Truesdoll , Weber , Wellor , Wells. White , Whitehead , Whltford , Williams , Yutzy 47. Messrs. Burnham , Gilbert and Hampton were unavoidably absent. Legislative Gossip. LINCOLN , Nob. , March 20. fSpsclal to Tno BEE. ] The sonata has ordered 200 extra copies of the legislative manual. The wedding of Senator Taggart is an nounced to take place In April. Judge Sweezy , Seward Garbor , Wright Tbornborg and ox-Sheriff JQseph Warren , of Red Cloud , are capital visitors. Also Judge , McDonald , of Hastings. Prof. Billings has bcon in Chicago trying to corrall that $8,000 position. Senator Wothorald has been confined to his room by slcknoss. Representative D. A. Scovillo is circulat ing a petition for the position of command ant of the soldiers'homo in the ovontof Colonel's Smith's displacement. GOT HIS JPEOUEC. A. Wife Influenced by n Peculiar Brand of Spiritualism. Dr. John Hauphawout , a dentist of this city , has boon given a decree of divorce from his wife Louise , who' is now in Los Angeles , Cul. , with her daughter. The divorce was granted yesterday morning in the district court by Judge Wakoloy , on the ground of adultery. The testimony adduced showed that the plaintiff was a practicing dontist'in Atlantic , In. , four years ago , and that his wife committed adultery with a doctor named Wilder in that placo. He suspected his wife of Infidelity nnd engaged a young man named William Taylor to shadow her. Ho' ' did so and ono day saw.hor-go into Wilder's ofllco. The husband was immediately noti fied and rushed over to Wlldor's ofllco. Ho found the door locked nnd burst it open by putting his shoulder against it. There he found the cvldenco ho had boon sooklnir. Afterwards the husband claimed that his wife confessed her guilt , and said she had committed the act under Instructions of u 'spiritualist. William Taylor was present as a witness nnd corroborated the statements of the husband. The Jailor ICoIontcd. "I positively refuse to ba Intorylowod , " said the jailer-yesterday , us thd'roportor was asking questions ubout the prisoners. Ho didn't mean it tliouob , and relented so far as to say that W. P. Lawrence was bold for stealing an overcoat from Moses King , of the Peoples , nnd a pair of shoos from some ono else first name unknown. Ucorge Cronln was hold at the district court In the sum of $3,000 , , for stabbing O ni cer Marnoll. "Dutch Jnko" was the prize that Magglo Norton nnd May Morgan fought for. with Oftlcprs Shields and Newman as referees. Tlmo was called , and this morning Judge Berka will doclda who is the winner. John Dean , the colored man who has already earned some notoriety by inducing n White cirl to leave her homo , Is behind tno bars once more. The charge against him Is just what might bo expected wife beat- lug , A. New Train. " Tha connectnrj ! link between Ne braska und KUHBIIH has just boon placed in Borvino by the Union Puciflo railway. Thin.train loavoo Council Bluffs daily at 4:45 : a. in. ; leaves Omnha at 6:05 : a. in. , and runs through without change to Manhattan , Kan. , making direct con nections there with the Kan BUS division of the Union Paul He railway for till points in Kansas and Colorado west bound , nnd for Topolcu , Lawrence , Kan sas City and points oust ana south via Kansas City. Returning , train Icavos 'Manhattan at 12:25 : p. m , ; arriving at Beatriuo at 0:25 : p. in. , Lincoln at 7:60 : p. in. , and Omaha at 11:20 : p. m. , Coun cil BlulTs 11:40 : p. in. , malting direct connection with Kunsas division trains from Kansas Cjty , Lawrence , Topaku and the east , und from Denver , Salina , Abolino and all points west , enabling nassongers to visit the principal points in KUIIBIIB and Nebraska in the shortest possible time. Those trains have first- class equipment , consisting of smoking earn and llrst-clnss day coaches of the latest pattern. Tha now train will till a long fait want'and la bound to bo popular. " \Vlio O\vna Him ? Omens Ormsby found u bright Uttlo boy at 'The Island" near Cut-Off lalco yesterday , and broucht him to tlio station. Ho says Ins name Is Carl Bluuibaugh , and that ho lives 'Mown there , " but ho sometimes talks about Havnoy street. Who owns him I Kartlujuukcu In Hpuln. MiDiiiit , March 30. Strong shocks of earthquake were feU to-day at Alhuuia and Grenada. THEY ARE RY INDIGNANT , Attempts to Brloo Oounollmon Stir Up-Vltttibns Wrath. SIZE OF BRJQE NOt STATED. City Fathers 7ftn' b ft Bto y MootIng - Ing nml ConMrtcr tlio Conduit Bu lnctttf Ith BInrkoil sir , fl CHy Council. Sixteen mombora of tlio city council mot last night , and for three-quarters of on hour listened to a string of petitions , cbmmunica * tiBns and other items of news. The petitions were generally for grades and grading ; tlio communications referred to favors required , nnd the "other items" to objections from some long suffering citizens. Some of them paid taxes under proxost , BOOIO didn't want to imy thorn at all ; BO mo wan ted paving , flro hydrants nnd water mains , nnd some wanted to wrlto to the counoll any way. way.City Comptroller Goodrich asked that bids for printing tlio mayor's annual report bo ro- advortlsed , nnd his communication was re ceived. Tlio Barber Asphalt Paving com pany wrote to say that tholr experience with licensed plumbers has been anything but satisfactory for the pnst four years. Among other things they soy "Our losses and annoy ances have been great owing to tlio ' freedom nnd latitude allowed them by the city in cutting our pavements , and the entire lack of legislation requiring them to cancel their obligations to us. BonlnnhiB the year 1889 wo are refusing to honor the orders from plumbers for the repairs of cuts in asphalt pavements , until such time as your honora ble body may deem it proper to grunt us pro tection in thopremlsns. " They wore referred to the committee on curbing and guttering. Councilman Lowry moved that the city engineer bo instructed to continue a pipe culvert on Sixth street , and nftor some de bate the resolution -was adopted with an amendment that the cost bo charged to the South Omaha sewer fund. Another resolu tion from the same councilman asked that the board of works DO Instructed to bo moro specific as to the quality and quantity of cement to bo used in paving. There was considerable wrangling over "the matter , but it wus cut short by a motion that the council consider the ques tion Wednesday night , and that when the council Adjourned it should do so to meet to night. Councilman Kaspar moved that an old two-wheel hose cart , at present unused by the lire department , bo givoii to South Omaha , the flro and police commission con curring. The motion was adopted. Referring to the report of the city comp troller , that a largo number of city lots are at present hold by Hon. Alvin Saunders us trustee , under an agreement on the part of the city to furnish a depot ground and right of way for tho,0Union , Pacific company Councilman Chaffco , moved that the city at torney bo instructed take such stops as will place tbo city in nctual possession of the said lots. Thg resolution called for Hon. A. Sounders to 'execute a deed of the said ground ' to the Union Pacific railroad" c 'In ' accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the contract Before the council , dated January 2 , 1873 , with a clause that the said lands revert to the city in case they shall not bo occupied or improved in accordance with the terms of the contract. The deed is to bo placed in the hands'bf the mayor , who shall deliver it to a reprdsohthtivo of the Union Pacific , upon rocoivlHg'a contract In accord ance with the copy of the contract presented by the Omaha brldgo'cmnmltteo. The reso lution was adoptedfc ? ! A resolution calling for the employment of four men to clean up Hunscom pane was carried. a' ' ' THE rOSlWPICE SITE. Councilman Burnham moved "That it is the sense of tbo city council thaj > it deplores any action and influence "contemplating fur ther delay in determining by the proper au thorities the location of a postoltlcc slto for tbo city of Omaha , nnd the commencement of the erection of a building thereon. " Tbatsucb action and influence is detri mental to the business and other interests of the city of Omaha. A motion to lay it on the table was lost by a Vote of 0 to 9 , and a vote to adopt it was carried by 10 to 8. The committee on public property nnd building reported in favor of a S5UUOO boifd from the architect whoso plans for the city ball shall bo accepted as a guarantee that the building shall cost no more than the specifications call for. The report was adopted. The committee on gas and electric light ing reported the usual monthly overcharge by the eaa company. This time it was for repairs and amounted to $83.00 for Feb ruary. Chairman Balcombo , of the board of works , recommended that the 5 per cent reserve - servo duo Moupt & Grill ! n for construction of a sewer in district TO bu paid , and was. re ferred to the comtnlttoo on sowers. TUB DOllSETT CONDUIT SYSTEM. The counoil then wont into committee , with Councilman Burnharo In the chair. The first question considered was the granting of a thirty-year franchise to the Omaha subway company for the purpose of nutting all over head wires under ground , the company to furnish all necessary conduits. Councilman Snyder wanted to hear from tbo Chicago delegation as to the feasibility of the scheme. . - - ; Councilman Leo suggested that the city engineer glvo the explanation. Ho did. Ho said ho found- its success depended not on the system , but the material used in the conduits. The electrical companies admitted that it was only a question of time until all their wires wont under ground. It seemed to bo generally admitted by those Interested that the art of constructing conduits was In its infancy , and thai there was at present but little- difference between the rival systems , but what tbero was went in favor of the Domett. "I understand thr.t Mr. Lowry kept pretty sober while there. I would like to hear from him , " eaid Councilman Boyd. Councilman Lowry sum the Dorsett system was put down at n cost of about $23,009 per mile , nnd yet the arc light and other electrical companies worn paying more than that for n system of Iron piping. By request Engineer Tlllson explained the newly inadn soil in Chicago , rendered the laying of iron pipes necessary. Where the ground was now imido in Omaha it would meet with the same difficulties. Councilman Lee Mid the question of cost was not one that ; affected the city. Tim real question was whether or not the wires should bo put under ground. A year ago Kaspar had moved' ' the wires should go < under ground , but , was outvoted. Ho ( Lee ) had subsequently ) brought in nn ordinance giving JoliiieGrant a franchise , but it is still before 'thocouncil. . Thou the present company asUcd-for'u franchise , and It is being opposedby > 'the telephone , tele graph and electric light companies. The question for the counoil , rtas representatives of the people , to decide "was whether the wires should go uil'dor-i ground. If they thought they should , then some company should bo given n franchise , for until the conduits wore placed 'ttiey could not compel the companies to put their wires under ground. Councilman Davltfl'told ' what the dele gation did while .in 0' Chicago. Thurs day they spent about ) an hour look ing nt conduits. . .Friday they went to see the Western Union telegraph olllcuils. They seemed willing to put the Iwlres under ground , but were looking for the best system. They were not using and never had used the Porsctt system. Tim opinion on that system was unfavorable to it , and iiono of it had boon laid In four and n half years. It was declared to bo impracticable , and that it was expansive to koup in repair. Hu did not thtak the time bud come for Otnaha or any other city to compel the companies to put their wires under ground , though It would como some time , He would oppose granting any franchise to any subway company , Councilman Hascall said that the question of a premature building of conduits , or tboir impracticability when built , was a risk that the companion ulono had to run. The wires should go underground , and ho thought the council shoula vote for u sub way ordinance of some kind , without granting u monopoly to any one company. Councilman Bedford thought la view of the great diversity of opinion Us to the prac ticability of ttio Dorsott system thn iho could not vote M It 'Ho thought it was n stock schomp , nnd that there was n letter in existence , now In poisosslon of n member of the council , that might throw some light on the subject. Councilman Dnvis endorsed Bedford's ro- tnarksj and finally produced n lottor. It win from A. Shfllliiglawi electrician for Armour Co. H was addressed to OhnfTco and Davis , nnd Insinuated that n majority of the counoll had boon "fixed , " and that Mr. Dor- sett had tried to fix him by offorlns him a tx > - sltlon as superintendent ot construction of Itlio Omaha subway system. Furthermore ho had boon offered n financial Interest In thrx company , Ho claimed that the system would not stand a close nnd impartial Investigation. There was n storm at once , and A. Shll- llnRlaw , electrician for Armour & Cd. , came In for a roasting all around. Councilman O'Connor explained that the writer had gone down to Chicago with them , had invited them to the theater at his expense , nnd hud spoken ngnlntt the proposed company. Councilman Hascnl , Sanders nnd Knswar followed In the same strain or moro so. Councilman Lowry objected to any nbtiso of Shllllnglaw. Councilman Chaffco spoke in defense of Shlllluglnw , and then. Hnscnll put in another roast. Ho claimed that Instead of thu coun cil being fixed It was solf-ovldcnt that ho was trying to bo fixed himself. Some mem bers of the council wore endeavoring to put themselves nbovo the others , nnd wore using this moans of.endcavorlng to fix n stlgmn on those who differed from them. Councilman Lee asked for a special com mittee to Investigate the charges mode In the letter. It was n serious charge to bring ngnlnst the council , nnd should bo sifted to the bottom. Ho had mot the writer on the train , and had noticed that ho was very ao- tlvo in spanking of the impracticability of the conduit system so much so that ho asked Davis and Chaffeo If ho was not In the pay of the telegraph company. Councilman whcolor sold it was not n ma terial question. If anything was investigated it should bo the practicability of the system , not the charges against the councilman. Ho would oppose the company. Councilman Lowry astonished the council" by saying that ho was one councilman who had bcon offered n bunch of stock In the company. Ho supported Shllllnglaw and courted nn Investigation. Ho would toll the amount of stock offered him. and who It wus offered it. it.A A LCTTKll FKOM I > . II. DOUSCTT was then rend. It was dated March 25. nnd stated that Shlllinglnw had approached htm with the information that ho could control two or three members of the council , and asking on what terms he could got In on the ground floor of the deal. He was not in Omaha for his health , and xvas willing to use his influence with two or throe of the council who would rely on his judgment "nnd do ns ho desired them In the matter of granting the Omaha franchise. If ho could get into the deal on the bottom ho would do all ho could to assist in getting a favorable report of the commute. " The council then rose and reported in favor of withholding action on the ordinance. The chair then appointed Councllmcu Burnham , Bailey , Bedford , Ford and Kaspar as a com mittee of Investigation. An ordinance authorizing the annual levy of taxes for park purposes was read n first and second time , and the council adjourned. As tbo council filed out two rival electri cians came in contact with each other , and a war of words ensued. "You can't bring on your committees any too quick for mo , " said one. "I'll trot you n heat anyhow , nnd I'll just about prove that you're bought yourself nnd you tried to buy others , " sold his oppo nent. "It's a lie ! You can't prove it In the coun cil or the committee. " "Well , I can prove It just as well hero ns anywhere auywljero you say. " Olmrfjptt With Rnrjjlary. FREMOXT , Neb. , March 20. I Special to Tns BEE. ] Deputy Sheriff Howe arrested David Etherton four miles north of Ames , this county , yesterday afternoon. The pris oner was taken to Blair this morning by Sheriff Schneider , of Washington county , where ho will bo held on a charge of burg lary. Ho Is one of flvo men who broke Into a store at Blair lust September nnd stole n larco quantity of goods. Three others of the gang have heretofore been arrested , and are in jail at Blair. * The Lost Vessel. PHILADELPHIA , March 20. The pilot boat Edmunds reports that she picked up a clinker built whaleboat in good condition , bottom up , with "Conserya" marked on the port bow , at Fenwick island. Four oars were lashed in her. A new painter nnd new line wore on each end. both of which were broken , nnd everything covered with fish oil , including the ropes. The boat was landed nt Cnuo May. The pilot boat Bayard reports that on March 2-3 the Fenwlck's island light ship .passed half of a ship's whale boat , cllnker'built , which looked as if it had been run into nnd split. It had a now painter at tached to it ; also had a long log line and rsol which were taken out by the pilots. NEW YOIIK , March 20. The pilot boat Charlotte Webb arrived to-day from a crulso nnd reports that on Sunday afternoon she passed through several miles of wreckage , ami on the same evening picked up a life boat marked "Consorva.V The Grand Trunk Called to Time. WASHINGTON , March 20. An order was made to-day by the intor-state commerce commission sottlnc forth that Information has bcon lodged with the commission that the Grand Trunk railroad of Canada has violated , and Is still violating , the Inter-state statutes In divers particulars , and citing the ofllciuls of said railway to appear before the commission at Washington on April 4 to answer concerning all mutters and submit to an investigation. Not Wildly Enthusiastic. LIIUMIB , Wyo. , March 3J. [ Special Tele gram to THE BuE.-rThe ] news of tno ap pointment of Francis E. Warren as governor of VVyomlncr , fell upon Laramie to-day with a dull sickening thud. The majority of the republicans hero favored E. S. W. Morgan , former territorial secretary. They looked upon the candidacy of Warren ns moro in the interests of Cheyenne than the entire territory. Tlio Death Itcoord. BEUI.IX , March 23. Theodore Stelnway , of Stelnway & Sons , piano dealers of Now York died to-day nt Brunswick. Nuw YOIIK , March 20. P. It. Klssam. n member of the New tork exchange since 180 , died this morning. Ho was a brother- in-law of the Into William H. Vauderbllt. CiiATTANOorToini. . . March CO , Hon. John U. Neal , member of cougrens from the Third Tennessee division in the Fiftieth congress , died to-day nt Illicit Springs. Tenn. , after.nn illness of two months , of consumption of the bowels. The Nopclhnin-GUinoro Plant. MIXXBAFOUB , March 20. The fight to a finish between Harry Gilmore and Danny . Nccdhnm , which was stopped last "Bight by the police , will occur before morning within ten miles of the city Imilts. All'tho iiroliml- narles have been arranged , and nt this hour (11 ( p. in. ) those Intorentcd are collectlngpro- porutory to starting for the battle ground. Hunk With All on Hoard. BOSTON , March 20. The schooner M. B. Stoudson , of Provincetowii , arrived to-day In distress. The captain reported that labt night , when twenty.llvo miles east from the highlands of Capo Cod , the schooner collided with a small fishing vessel , and that the lat ter sank with all on board. It Is not known how many were on the Hailing vessel. The Stondson hadn narrow escape , her cutwntor having been carried away to within an inch of her plankings. She is leaking badly. . Not Coming to NeDrnskn. CHICAGO , March 20. The signal sorvlco officer hero re | > orts to-nlgbt that a cold wave signal ls ordered to bo hoisted for Illinois and Iowa. The temperature is expected to fall about twenty degrees for Iowa by 8 a. in. on March liS.nnd about thirty degrees in Illinois , Oulxtrno Knocked Out JJy SUIniu-r. CHICAGO , March SO.-rln the seventh round , of n fight to-night for * 1BO , Frank Skinner , of Chicago , knocked out Billy Osborno , of Milwaukee , Tlio lutfiflnir took place in a barn lit tha south end of tbo city. About one hundred people \veio present. . SOUTH OMAHA. Domocrntla I'rlnmrlcs. The results of the democratic primary election , by wards , nt South Omaha yester day was ns follows : Ton rouce aunon. 1st. 3d. 3d. 4th. Total. II. Strothmnn. . . . 103 101 130 ' 15 480 Patrick J. King. . IC'J 70 73 71 834 Henry McKcndry 24 03 101 3 100 J-Lovy , 1 7 8 1'ruyn 8 n _ Total j. . . SOT 820 20tt 83 1001 Mr. Strothmnn's plurality over Mr. King , rou SCHOOL ninncTons. _ , , 1st. ad. d. 4tn. Total. Frank H. Boyd. . . 53 80 . . . M ) 144 V'l'V garpontcr. . . 4 1 . . ai ! W .1. H. Fleming. . . CO 157 129 7 Edward Corrlgnn 03 144 119 0 837 M. .T. O'Kourko. . . 43 25 . . . 23 03 A. B. Haley 50 121 85 37 803 Thomas Hyiin. . . . tl is . . . n "it W. 0. Stontoft. . . 15 2 ! ) . . . . . . 44 Mr. Fleming and Mr. Cornlngnro tno nom inees. . w rou CITY COUNOIL nnsT WAUU. John C. Carroll 39 Thoman Hook nr I& | I1. Towl 113 Daniel Hnmmon , , 44 JohnF. Hitchbart \ , \ \ \ Total 033 SECOND WAlll ) . C. A. Molchcr 153 Daniel Kafforty , 135 Mr. Molchor's majority 33 , . , TillUIl WA1III. JohnN.BurKo ins Jacob H. Eggcr ! . . ' . ' " Mr. Burko's majority , 31 _ , , rouiiTH WAHU. Ed Johnston ru B. Jotter . ! . ! . ! . . ' . ' ! ! 21 " Mr. ' Johnston's majority 411 THI : TiruET. For Police Judge IJruno Strothman. For bchool Directors James H. Fleming , Edward Corrlgnn. Council First ward , E. B. ; Towl ; Second ward , C. A. Melchor ; Third ward , John N. Burke ; Fourth ward , Ed Johnston. A -GO cent bottle of Dr. B Positive Cure will promptly and thor oughly euro the worst cuse of recent couffh , cold or throat or lung trouble. Buy the dollar bottle for chronic cnsos. Pleasant to UiUo. Goodman Drug Co. - An Ex-SnIootilcccpcr Duped. Until About one year ago Frank Crawford conducted n saloon on South Tenth street , near the Union Pacific tracks. Ho disposed of his establishment nnd went cast. Monday ho returned for the purpose of looking after money duo him , a largo amount of which ho claimed stood against a number of railway employes. Ho called on several of them nnd threatened to garnlshce their wages if they did not produce. Monday evening-he re paired to the switchmen's tepee in the yards for the purpose of calling upon the night men when they reported for duty. Ho was In advance of their usual tlmo of arrival , nnd carelessly laid his ledger containing the accounts ono side as ho meandered off for n cigar. Upon his return the book was gone. If ho fails to find the book ho con prepare no Itemized account of the indebtedness of his patrons. The Y. 31. C. A. Reception. Another ono of these receptions which are making the Young Men's Christian associa tion more popular with the young men , was piven last night. The reception was ten dered to the clerks and bookkeepers of the wholesale houses and manufacturing Institu tions of the city. Fully 1,000 invitations were sent out to the employes of the various de partments of the wholesale and jobbing trade. But as the Lenten season still holds on and causes ' a lull In all social events , only about 400 'people wore nt the reception. Thev were richly rewarded in enjoyment for being present. Recruiting thn Croc lie. A baby about three weeks old was found last night on the door step of Dr. Tlldon on Douglas street between Nineteenth and Twentieth street. It is supposed that some heartless mother deposited it there. The child wus sent to the Crecho. ON HUflliVN OUTlCliK. Two Chicago Men Kocoivc Glmmly White Cap Warnings. CHICAGO , March 20. | Special Telegram to THE Ban.l There has been a good deal of excitement In this community" during. the past few days growing out of the horrible and business-like- White Cap warning , received by two well-known citizens of the town. A week ago lust Friday Fre'd Hartllob , proprie tor of the Stone House hotel , received n box by express which- had bocd shipped from some way station on the Baltimore & Ohio road. Hurtllob opened the box aud wus par alyzed at Its contents. Inside was u pair of human cars , two big toes , a second flny > ref of a man and a piece of human cuticle about four Inches square , on which wus scrawled a warning to leave the placo. at once. Hartllob said nothing to his friends , but ho and his wife were about frightened to deatii , and since then , up to last Saturday , ho has bcon standing guard over his premises with a rillo while his wife slept. Mutters drifted along until Saturday night when a bundle of hickory switches were hung on Hurtlleb's door knob uiul a paper posted up again warning him to lenvo. A like warning and a bunch of switches were also left at tbo homo of Anthony Smith. . < NobniHkn nnd Iowa I'a touts. WASHINGTON , March 20 , [ Special Tele- prum to The BEB.J Anna O. Scliuulcraan , Lincoln , Neb. , culinary apparatus ; William H. D. Ludlow , Tonumsoh , Neb. , tag fast ener. jlowa : Harrison V. Con way , Boone , car coupling ; Paul W. Lofjlor , assignor to Craver , Stcela & Austin , Grlnncll , journal box for crank pens ; Hugh O'Haro , asmgnor to J. l'\ Leech , Mount Pleasant , folding chair ; Li.uren M. Soulo , Cedar Uaplds , car riage spring , . 0 m i i Another Monte Carlo Viol Int. CANSKS , March 20 , Goiscndorf , son of the Swiss consul hero , was found murdcrQd near the railroad track at Monte Carlo. His valise , which was lying near by , had bten rilled. Ho had recently won largo sums of money at tlio gaming tables at Moute Carlo. EQUAL TO THE EMERGENCY , The Homarknblo Prosonoo of Mind of Two Dos Motuoa Youngsters. A PLAYMATE FALLS IN A WELL And Is HcROticil by Tholr iTnnltloil Ef forts While Aduttn Stniut Aroutul and Kill the Air With Howls. De-'crvlncorii ' Mcdnt. DES MOINKS , In.-March 20. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BKB.J A very strange accident happened Sunday afternoon In East Dos Molues. Harry Fish , n hltlo boy sovcn or olght years of ago , wns visiting with two children ut 1800 Wnlkor street. The children were alone on the promise.1 ! with the excep tion of n servant girl , nnd they wont to n well to get n drink. The well U ono of the rope nnd pulley kind , ono bucket being gene from ono end of the ropo. Harry , with the assistance of the Qthor children , n boy of nlno nnd a girl of eleven years , drew n buctcot of water nnd leaned over to sot It upon the lloor of the frame work. Somehow ho lost his balanun and foil In , still holding the bucket. Downward ho plunged , a dtstanco of forty toot into about six feet of water. The ether children called the girl , who was In the bouse , but her frlcht was so great that phe could not donnvthlngoxcopt screnm and wring her hand in dismay. Before any assistance came the boy nnd girl drew the little follow up , ho holding to the rope and bucket. The only Injury no received was u cut on the lip made by tlio bucket. In Fnvor of the Konil. DIM MOINKS , In. , March 20. [ Bpoolftl Tolo- grnm to Tim Bm.j : In the case of citizens efFort Fort Dodge against the Rock Island road , which has been considered by the commis sioners , they have reached a decision which has not been made public , but It Is under stood to bo In favor of the road , and against compelling It to maintain n track from Tnma to Fort Dodge. The Rock Island Is using the track of the Illinois Central for those six miles , but the citizens of FortDodeo wanted to have the road ruu Its own parallel track nnd maintain n depot of its own. The com missioners refuse to compel the company to do so so long us it keeps up its train sorvica IU heretofore. Hoof Hot In Webster. FoiiTDoDoc , la. , March ' 2(5. ( [ Special to Tun Bun. ] The appearance of the torrlblo cattle disease , hoof rot , among herds In three widely separated parts of Webster county , about the sumo time , creates consternation among largo cattle owners In this part of Iowa. These fears were further Increased to-day by the discovery of the disease In the herd of Dan Meredith , n largo farmer near this city. Hoofs have entirely dropped oft from many of his cattle. The state veterinary has been uotilled and his comlug Is anxiously awaited. A Gang of Mlscroniitq. MASON Cm" , In. , March 20. | Special Telegram - gram to TIIK Btn.J Not satisfied with their graveyard disturbance , the gang of miscreants at Sanborn , operating under tha name of White Caps , continue their depreda tions. Last night several barns were entered nml the tails and cars of several animals were cut off. T. H. Ltndon was- hung In efllpy in ono of the principal streets. Tha two who Were arrested last week are still held In custody , and it Is thought that they will soon peach on the entire gang. Mchnu Will IMoail Guilty. DES MoiNns , la. , March 21. [ Special Telegram to THU UCB. ] Thomas F. Mohnu , who wus brought hero from Davenport , charged with robbing the postoftlco there , was arraigned before United States Commis sioner Jordan to-day. Matmn waived ex amination and was taken to Council Blufff nud lodged in jail there to await trial nt tlm next term of federal court , which meets there. It is understood that ho is willing to plead guilty as soon as an opportunity it offered. _ Accident nt .1 Funeral. MIHOATINR , la. , March 20. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bui : . ] Whllo on the way to Mrs. Barney Priester's ' funeral yesterday , the team hitched io one of the carriages be came frightened at a switch engine , and Mrs. Rjnk , of Mussurvlllc , nn occupant , wns thrown out over an embankment and se verely injured. In fulling she struck the ground with her head , shoulder and right side , breaking the collar bone and bruising the lung and right ribs. UHCI ! Illnmir Tor Unit. WATEIH.OO , In. , Mnroh 25. [ Special Tola- gram to Tin ; Bin ; . ] A sensational suloldo took place hero to-night. Fred Gnlla , a tailor , who had been out of work for some time , went Ihlilug this evening und nftor setting three Hues ho snt down on a high bunk , lied his foot together with a cord , and "thori tlod both hands by his sides. Instills condition ho pitched headlong Into the river. Help was close at hand , but ho was dead be fore ho could bo got out. Itulsetl the Necessary Amount. Dns MOIXES , la. , March 24. [ Special Telegram to Tar. BKK. ] The Merchants National bank has raised the sum nf money required by the national bank examiner , and this morning opened its doors for the pay ment In full of all depositors. It will thus go Into liquidation , and in a short tlmo will _ bo opened as the Hnwkoyo Savings bank , Everybody JInU n Cough. WATKIILOO , la. , March 20. [ Special Tolo- pram to Tin ; BBK. ] .Thomas A. Nash , a druggist at Rockford , has been arrested and lined * 100 nnd costs on complaint of J. H. Plukutt , commissioner of pharmacy , for sell- Ir.g a cough syHqi , which was principally whlbUy , His store was cloned. Struck hy a Trnln. . ( Jobiin.v , Ind. , March 20. Robert McCaf frey and Delia Love , aged nineteen and twenty , respectively , while attempting to cross a railroad track In a carriage six miles from Goshen , last night , were struck by a passenger truln and Instantly killed. . The horse wus also killed mid the carriage de molished. Makes the Weak Strong I If you nro rundown , or have tlmttlred feeling as a result of ovtrw ork or the effect of the cliaiig. iitffcenHon , younliould tafcethutbestof all tonics nud bloodpuiltlers.llood'sSarsapflrllln. Itpurl- lies nnd enriches the blood , tonoH the stomach , rouses the torpid liver and kldnoys , crouton nn appetite and build * up the system. Thousands \vlio have taken It A\lth benefit , testify that llood'H 6111 saparllla "makes the weak strong , " "J took Hooil'HBnr nparlla | for lossofiippeUte , dyspepBlii , .and general lungoui' It-Ulcl mo u vuBtumountoriooilunaiiuvono ! hesitancy in racommendlngit. " J. W. Wii.i.i : oiiDlQalucylll. That TIred Fooling "I was very much run down In health , had no BtreiiKth and no Inclination to do anything , I lmv now been taking Hood's Barsapurllla about a month and that tired feeling has loft me , my appetite has returned , and taKolt all Innll.I am llkBanowtinn. Wenlltake Hood's finrjaparil- In. " CiiAU.scKvI.ATiiAU.NorthCoumbuiiOhio , "For live years I n us ICK every spring , but lust year began In February totaka Hopd's Bargwpa- rlllu. I used live bottles and have not ucen a BloUday since. " 0. W.8i.oAN , Milton , Mass- N. . If yon docldoto tuko Hood's Bareapa- rl'.la do not be Induced to buy any other , I A fair trail of irood'HSarsaparillulllconvlucu nnyrcusnnnblo person that It POIBVSXCS great medicinal murlt. We do not claim that every ( bottle will accompliaha mlrudo , but wo do know that nearly every bottle , tukim according to Uir- octloni , does produce positive benefit Itfl pecu liar curative poutr la sliowu by many remark- abla cures. | "I Imvotakoii three bottle * of Hood's Harsnpa- rlllaund roiitlUerlt ths cost blustl mcdlclno I Inivo over taken. H builds mo up , makes m ! dlopp bettor , Rlvos mo a ( joo-t nppstlto ami 1m- j piovos my health fionurjlly. " .Miia.A. TON , Portland , Me. Hoadnoho , No Appotlto "I hav been troubled uroat deal wllh hoad- echo , had no appetite , no stryogth and felt u menu as anyonu could , and us atwut my work * | Hlnco taking Ilood'it dHrsnptirilliv I have not had thu hradaclie , my food ImarolUhed.r.ndwooinod to do me good , and I have f It inygslf growing stronger crery day. I thorouslily believe lu Hood'sH&rcaparllla. " M. A.BTKISJJAXI Urand Avdnne , Oraml Ituplds , Mich , "iloo'l'a ' Barsapatilla purified my blood , B T me strength , and orercama the headache and dlzzlnoHH , so that now I am able to worknculn. ' IiUTiiea NASON , 63 Church St. , Lowell Musa. Hood's Sarsaparilla I II. tlx for IS. Prepared bnl Bold bf ,11 druvifliti. . . , by 0,1.1OOI > & CO. , Apoibocarlei , i/owall , Han. IOO DOBOS Ono Dollar Bold br nil rirugifliti. Ill > U far K. I'reparM oulf 6V C. l.JIOOll * VO. , Apslliewlet , IVjTcll , Mat * , 100 DOBOS Ona Dollar