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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1888)
TECB OMAHA DAILY BEE : MOOT AY , AUGUST 0. 1888. 5 ME KNIGHTS OF THE GRIP , What They Propose to do In Omaha Fair Wook. THE , BOYS WILL FALL IN LINE Anil 1'nrmlc the I'rlncliml Strcclfl til a Unique and Cntotiy Unll'orin Drummers In n Wreck General News. What Pair Day Will Ko. A number of the drummers of the city mot nt the parlors of the Arc.ido liotol Saturday to further perfect the arrangements for the comliiB fair day for the boys. After n half un hour In discussing base ball and other llvo subjects of the d lyV. . H. I.niilut , pi oat- dent of the traveling men's association In Nebraska nnd also president of this move ment , called the mooting to order and made the following very short spsoeh : "Oontlo- Bieri ! Wo Imvo couio togcthorto arwiigo for the grcatcat tiny Otnului ever had. It is about tltuo for us to begin the work of thu evening and 1 thluk the ilrst business wo will listen to IH the rejwrts of uoinmlttccs , " Mr. Hoboit Eusson , chairman of the rcccp tion coiniulttec , reported that they had mo ! and conferred with the oftlucrs of tin bonrd of trade and hnil concluded to have their rpotns for their headquarters for the day and for their evening reception. Hi Btated that the decorations they had consid cred as appropriate for the evasion wouh bo the tcrlalH nnd natural products of No braslia. They Imvo concluded to hold tin reception | n the evening from 7 to 11 o'clncl ; O. II. Cordon , of tlio niuslo committee , ru ported that they hud conferred with the See end Infantry , Muslnil Union and Omahi Guards baiKls nnd would await the furthoi order of the meeting before making the Una arrangements of the day. The subject of a trades display in conncc lion with their day was next dla cussed and It was ilnally agrees to appoint n committee to wait upoi all the jobbers who will have traveling men In the parade and invite them to join In tin procession with a trades display. The sub ject of what houses this Invitation would Include cludo was discussed at length. It was tlnalh concluded to invite all the houses , whether ii the state or iiot , who had men in thi < state foi their trade , to join in the display. The com inittcc appointed to call upon the jobberi consists of the following gentlemen : Joscpti Gurneau , of the Gainoau cracker companv G. II. Gates , of Gates , Cole & Miles ; Mr Wright , of Hector & Wilholmlo : II. II Mcd.iy , of Gcorgo II. Hammond & Co. , o South Omaha : W. H. McCord , of McCord Brady & Co. ; W. T. Gillcsplo , of P. Loril lard & Co. The last named gentleman Is t < arrange for all the foreign display. The comuiitteu on parade reportoi that the parade would take place at 0JO : ; a in. , starting from the board of trade bulldinf with the right of the lluo resting on Farnan street. The line of march will bo : South 01 Sixteenth to Hartley ; east on Harncy ti Tenth ; north on Tenth to Douglas ; west 01 Douglas to Fifteenth ; north on Fifteenth ti Chicago ; west on Chicago to Sixteenth ; soittl on Sixteenth to the board of trudo building The olllcers of the parade nro : John f- Brady , chief marshal ; Robert Ensson , G. H Wilcox ana C. H. Coo , aides. It was dccldci to carry ono haudsomo silk burner at th ) ioul ; of the procession and allow the trade display to Imvo whatever they want in th way of banncisand transparencies in the ! part of the procession. The committee on uniform reported ii f favor of wearing black Mile hats linen dusters and canes. The repot of the committee as to the hats was adopted , but the boys drew the line on the duster nnd canes nnd adopted in their place the Ugh colored llanucl shin and Japanese parasol" Ko co.its or vests will bo worn. This uni form was adopted to suit Omaha Soptcmbc weather. It was also ngiccd to have two kinds o bnik'os in , the procession , one for th merchants'and ono for the local drummers. Invitations will bo extended to M. J. PIcli oring , of Philadelphia , president of the Nu tional T. P. A. , to bo present nnd join in th parade and to representatives of the Iocs press. The mayor will bo calico upon to dc tall a platoon of police to accompany th parudo on the line of march. The parade and handshaking will occup nil of the forenoon nnd it is the inter tion of the boys to utten the fair in a body in the afternoon and Imv Borne kind of an amusement programme a : ranged for the time nnd placo. The com ml' tee on progratnmo'roportad in favor of ha' Ing llvo races ; a fat man's race , a lean man face , a tall man's race , a short man's roc nud a free-for-all race. This programm Vrus adopted and the committed wora ii Btructod to arrange for any other sport o entertainment that they might consider a proprlrvte. Prizes will bo selected for U various events and the entries will bo ope Rt least two weeks before the great day. The climax of the day will bo the rccoptlc In the evening nt tbo board of trada room The boys will all bo nt homo thoi Jrom 7 to It o'clock to their many friend Muslo and refreshmentswith perhaps a fo Very short addresses by prominent monwl be thocntoitainmont. The officers olecti for the day wore : W. B. Lanlus , crcsiden Mayor W. J. Uroatch. Uobort Simons , i Lincoln , John A. Fleming , Frank Buchhol W. B. Sheldon , of Hastings , Joseph May , ' Fremont , Eugene Uradoy , of Ncbrasl City. Frank Ikfnrtln , of Lincoln , O. 10. Li iiiceton. of Norfolk , L. C. Dunn , of Count Bluffs. Manloy llilo.y , Frank Daniels , Charl K"n afci Y7 : F Manning Vice position. ! W. L. Eastron was elected secretary and i O. Loboek , treasurer. It will bo socn by tl above programme that the boys are arrunglt for , as Mr. Laulus said , "tho grandest di Omaha over had in the way of a parade in local entertainment. " The meeting was 01 Of pure business nnd work from start to tl Ish nnd the people of Omaha may expect too about live hundred uniformed drununc tnnrchlng on the streets during the forcno of the Oth of next September. The nc commltteo meeting will bo held at the J cudo ono week from next Saturday night. A nellKlitful Trip. Weary of the heat , hubbub and turmoil Ih3 city , I decided upon a brief respite fr < business cares nnd n short visit to the fame Boda Springs of Idaho and other resorts the mountains. Leaving Omahn on the Union Pool 'Overland Flyer , " the trip was attended ' many Incidents of plousuro nnd oxcitomci \Vhon I reached Grand Island a mngnlficc supper was served in the Pacillo Hotel coi puny'n largo and elegant dining hall to abe two hundred imescugors , This presented : enlivened scone , well calculated to dri away the cares of life , and after cnloylnj hearty supper I proceeded westward , wi peed piospocts of an exchange of the v bearabln heat for a sniff of the balmy n cxhiliratlng broc/cs of the \Vasatch. Next of interest was an early wakonl about 4 o'clock in the morning loud exclamations throughout the Pullin par of the line surrounding sccnei From this It was readily divined that \ were passing over the great "Hlack Hi rongo of the KooklcJ , which txmsumod bu ehort time. At Larauiin City I enjoyed one of the breakfasts so noted nt this station for' ricty of wild game , buffalo steak , venU nnd antolono chops , line speckled mouuti tii.nt , fresh from the Cocht la Pondrc , l idea a bruce of English mutton chops sorv in a mnuncr at once captivating to the m fastldeous tnsto. After leaving Larnmle vre traversed I grout I.nrninln plains with a rapidity 'l ( xpunlcd in thn running time of the regu overland train service and soon roacl Kawllns station for dinner. Green River I supper nnd the famous Soda Springs nt H thn tame nlghtmakinr3thn : { total ] time c BumiHl from Omuhn to the springs o thirty-live hours nnd fifty inlnvites , H dlstui of nearly cloven hundred inllcti. UjKin nrrivnl at the springs wo rocclvci incut cordial welcome by the manager of Idanha , one of the llncst hnstlorles bctwi the city of Omahn and San Francisco , owi and conducted by the Pacitic Hotel compa Messrs. Swobe ft Mnrkr ) , of Omaha. Th gentlemen nro proprietors of ali the liul end eating houses on the Union 1'acilla r \viiy and at Garlleld beach In Utah , iid it unqucttkmably the best ccndticted y uir railway eating house * and hotulu oo the of any railway In the United S-uvis , 'I tnuuiuoUi | UiuiUa at Soda Springs will cc pare favorably with Urn 1ato Hotel Do Monte-nt Montcroy , Cal. The following list of gentlemen , Indies nnd their families nro a portion of thee now so journing nt the Hotel Idanha i J. F. Grant nnd rimlly , Salt I..nki ; Miss Adelaide Hamt > - ton. bait Luke ; W. Goldberg , Salt Lake : E. Hancock , Salt Llko ; P. L. .Hancock , Salt Lake ; Hon. W. S. Edgloy , Salt Lake ; P. W. Williams and family , Salt Lake ; A. Cohn nnd family , Salt Lake ; H. P.VcUel , Indian , n polls , Ind. ; Captain James Codman , Now York ; A Norman , St. Joseph , Mo. ; L. E. Taylor , St. Louis , Mo. ; Charles Drown , S-xn Finnciaco. Cal. ; C. C. Vnncsj , Chicago , ill. ; C. J. ChirkPoiidloUmIdaho ; . S. Dalllba ; Mills. Wls. ; Mrs. V. G. Vogue , Omaha , Neb. \ W. C. B. Allen , Shoshone , Idaho ; A. J. Glo- rleux , Dolso City ; C. T.Smith , Omaha , Nob. ; Mrs. C. W. Collins and daughter , Drooklyu , N. Y. ; N. S. Harvvoodand family , Lincoln , Nob. ; W. H. Kelly and family , Lincoln , Neb. ; C. V. Haight , Omaha , Nob. ; E. Dick inson , Omaha , Net ) . ; John Ogdeu , Omaha Neb. Drummers In n Wreck. The commercial travelers who have mnd ( western and southern Nebraska for semi yc-ai s arc equal to any emergency and thcli record for getting out of dlUcuUlcs whci once in them seems never to have boot broken any place. "Say Hii : , " called i member of the craft to n reporter the othoi Oay ua ho was passing down street , "do yet want n joku on some of jour Omaha mci who wcro in n wreck down on the 13. & M. ; few days HM | " TUB Huu wanted it , nnd thi knight of the grip began as followsV : < had loft Ashland at 8:15 : on Monday morning Our train was crowded.Vo were only ou of Ashland thrco miles nnd wcro bound foi Louisville. ; Suddenly the trucks of tholcndc ; jumped the track and the jarring of tin coaches showed that something was wrong It was also scon that tha air was broken ii the train. The engineer stuck to his engtni and whistled for the brakes or what wouli have become of us will always bo u mystery , The Omaha boys attracted special attcntioi for their work were ; A. D. Fox , of Sloan Johnson & Co. ; Dick Keister , of the Lee Clarke Andrcescu hardware company ; W II. Allen , of M. E. Smith & . Co. nnd W. D Lanius , of paxton & Gallagher. They occu pied n double seat In the middle of the eai nnd had Just seated themselves ready to tnjoj the trill as only traveling men uro able to When tliey saw the brakemen rush for tin doors they made such a break for liberty a ; 1 shall never forget having seen. Ono of the boys howled 'My God , wo'iu ponol' FOJ reached for the air rope at the side of tin car , and when ho found It was broken off lit nttomtitod suicide , saying , 'Good bye. boys I would rather hnuir than burn up.1 Koysto : and Allen broke for the roar door nnd thej were about the only men In the car to go thero. Lnnlus was seen In the confusion 01 Ills knees praying. Ho was the first drummer mor I over saw pray. The train was stoppei after It had run about n hundred yards nni strnngo to state the coaches did not leave tin track. It was socn at ouco- that the trl | could not bo made on that trail and as all of our cards wen out wo had to got along. Wo Ilnally found i hand car nnd chartered it to carry our grip and concluded to walk to Ashland. Th boys took turns at working the cranks and i was n sorry hard trip for some of us Keister hurt his back so badly that ho wa laid up for thrco days , nnd others of the fel lows were short a day or two for extra oa penso for St. Jacobs oil. Wo did all fee grateful to that engineer for sticking to hi place. If ho had jumped.I expect wo wouli Imvo all been walking the golden street now. The oxpcrionco was but ono more t our IOIILT list. Wo all came out all right an I guoas nro kind of glad that wo hud the fu that was connected with the day. Foil From n Wmilow. I. W. Wintersteln , n St. Louis drummei registered at the Oak Leaf hotel in Littl Kock a f uw days ago , says the Democrat , an being very tired asked at once to bo shown t his apartments. The dark assigned him front room on the second floor , and did nc sco him any moro till nearly 4 o'clock thl morning , when ho was found crushed and ii sensible on the rock pavement below , whet ho had fallen from u second story windov Tired nnd worn out ho had fallen asleep in few moments after ho retired , but h slumbers were disturbed by fretful dreams. Ho was In the heart of a great city whei everything was bustle and confusion. Ever ; where ho went a great , stalwart man with tli face of a vicious doy , and oycs that shon with the 11 ro of a fiend , followed in his fee steps and crept in his shadow with diabolic ; stealth. The drummer dodged nnd used ovot possible strategy to get away from his ui welcome companion , but to no avail. Evot where ho went these murderous eyes Mroi leering upon him with n look of hellish hat' ' At last ho came to the bank of a great rivei wncro was anchored a vessel which was a most ready to sail. Pausing a moment i said ! "I'll go on board and leave this groc city of shadows behind , " and with that ri solve ho stepped not on the gangway of boat , but through his window to the stoi floor of the court below. How long he U there no ono will ever know. When ho regained partial consciousnes his head was lying in a great pool of bloo and ho felt that to move was almost doat but ho managed to ralso hiinsolf on his ham and knees , and in this manner crawled a fe yards towards the main door. He was dl covered by the night clerk , who immediate summoned n doctor. A physician examiui him , and found that his jaw was broken two places , and ho had received other sorio internal iujuries from the fall. Ho has bc < carefully attended to and will recover , b it was ono chance out of a hundred. Ho ia young manof good appearance and had n been dissipating , as the clerk will attest. They Will Not Pay License. Kansas traveling men now have an an ll < wnnA iWlslou from their own courts , sa nn exchange. On December 04 last a bo agent , named H. H. Pelton , was canvass ! in Fort Scott for u work sold only by si scrlptlon. There is a city ordinance requ Ing "drummers" to pay a license too , whi for book nnd map agents is (1 a day or $ & year. Pelton did not procure a license , a a complaint was iilod against him in t police court. Ho was arrested , found null nnd lined. Ho appealed to the district cod and wus again defeated and assessed $ ' 5 a costs , when ho finally carried his case to t supreme court. Tim main question involv was , whether a city "may bo empowered the laws of its own stata to impose a llcon tax upon a commercial 'drummer,1 or oil persons of another state , for merely offerl to sell goods by sample. " The court hoi that this question has Dcon settled by t supreme couit of the United States in fay of the "drummor , " nnd reverses the doolsi of the court below. Ho WnTT Flirt. The following experience of a commorc traveler , from the Merchant Traveler , v be of use to the democratic boys on t i end : An M. T. who is an urdent admirer Cleveland nnd ' 1'hurnmn , nnd sports n i bandana as an earnest of his devotions , ca to grief nt Amos , Ia. , the other day , on count of It. Flirting with strangers boon such n cruzo among the school girls , th ( that ttift city fathers took the matter hand nnd passed un ordinance making i finable offense for nny person to "flirt vt the handkerchief or otherwise coinmunie with strangers on the street * or In pul places by signs or signals. " No sooner I our drummer triond Hashed his gay ensign political opinion In that town than ho v run In anil caused to pay u line and co amounting to ti5JO ( for being a "gti lllrL" Such is the reward of patriotism. AVI 10 Will bo in tlio Procession ? The committees having In charge drummers parade dcslro to have it dlstinc understood thnt every drummer wlio can n grli or sample case In Nebraska and v works Uls trade in Nebraska is cxpoctci loin In the parade , and every drummer v is In tha city or can bo in the city on that i is invited to provide himself with a untfc as adopted for the day , and join In for fun ot tlio day and tha march. They dci to Imve nil good , honest , legitimate drumm in the lino. A DntuiiuorN' Club. The plan of a drummer * ' club hns b dl ci : scd A great auiont ; the imm on road , and it hus Jinnlly been concluded hoiii a meeting tlio night of the fair 0 after Uio reception , mid organize a club. ' . plan is to ill up rooms in some central par the city where tlio boys cnn spend their leisure hours during their stay In thu city. Every ono who has been spoken to nbout the scheme hus pronounced It n good cue and is heartily ) n favor of It. 'ihoro tire ut least two hundred men who make this city nnd tire hero n great many of tht > lr Sundays nnd nro compelled to si > oml their time nbout the hotels or nround the cit.v. The phut Is to furnish the rooms with billiard mid pool tables , games of every kind , aud all tha leading papers nud magazines of the day. The Hoys ut tlio Itcttcli. SVI.T LAKH CITY , August 1. To the Editor of Tun Hen : The following traveling men ro busily engaged working this territory tithe ho present time , and without , n dissenting olco agree that Garfield Beach Ia "all right. " 'hoy desire to present their compliments to TUB line ; also sympathy with their less ortuuatu brothers of thu grip who cannot shuro the pleasures of n day led the beach during the warm summer months of July and August , lossrs. Markcl & Swobo , proprietors of Garliold Beach , and Major Gcorgo S. Erb , iropriotor of the Walker house nnd Metro- lolitan hotel of Salt Luke City , nro making t very pleasant for the boys on the road In , ho luter-liiountahi territories and the boys n turn make their ho.idiiunrtcra with them. 1. R. Ucach , boots and ahocs , Chicago , 11. ; W. A. .Tnckson , hnta mitl caps , Jhtcngo , 111. ; H. S. Swnrtz , glassware , New York ; W. F. Franklin , Good- vear Hubbcr company , San I'-rnnciseo : I. F. Uandolph , clothing , Now York ; W. . ! . Sabine , hats nutl caps , Now York ; W. Allen , boots nnd alines , Chicago ; J. U. Stephens , boots and shoes , St. Joseph ; James Shields , dry goods , Chicago : C. A. Rlctuird- son , teas , San Francisco ; C. U. Temple , cigars , Omaha ; W. A. Stafford , dry goods , Omnhn ; J. U. Wlntcrton , San Francisco ; J. O. Heitt. St. Joseph ; U. G. S.imuol , Chicago : C. 13. Drury , Chicago ; L. D. Lullmor. San " "rnncisco ; T. A. Lewis , Chicago ; S. C. Jones , Omaha : A. Fried , Milwaukee , are unoug those now sojourning hero. Amoiitr Omaha's Moil. W. B. Lanius. chairman of the T. P. A. In Nebraska , was in the city yesterday from Ashland. W. P. Maumangh , formerly with D. S. Morgan & Co. of Chicago , was in the city restcrday. Hobert F. Baker , of McCord , Brady & Co. , jient Sunday with his family in Beatrice , as s his custom. W. H. llaynor , who represents West. Fees & Co. , the Springfield , O. , fence men , in No- iraska , was In the city ycstordaV * C. S. Brown , who covers the territories 'or the Leo , Clark , Androsen hardware com- mny , was in the city over Sunday. W. F. Manning , representing Emerson , Talbot & Co. of Uockford , 111. , In Nebraska , vas in the elty Saturday night working for , ho fair day. August Meyer , who works the B. & M. for Meyer & Kanplco nnd lives nt York , was in the city Sunday. Ho is ont the fair day com- nitteo and is rustling for the big day. Mr. W. T. Gillcsnlo , who represents P. Lorillard & Co. in Nebraska , was In the city Saturday night. Ho was thereto see that ho got some of his tobacco in the parade on fair day. day.E. E. J. Iloe , of W. L. Parrotto & Co. , was out along the line of the Union Piicitio last wook. Ho saw Omahn Saturday evening nnd was working for the fair day for the uoys. uoys.Mr. . Will Eastman nttcnded ball games every day last week nnd worked in the morning enrolling the names of the traveling men of the city , so ho could have them settle up fair day expenses. A , G. McCanlnnd. nn old Omaha salesman of the Collins gun company , but at present looking after the Pacific coast trade for Herman , Baker & Co. of New York , was in the city yesterday shaking hands with hts old friends. Robert M. Simon , who represents the XXXX coffee house in the northern part oi this state , came down from his run Snturuav to spend Sunday with his family. Ho found that they wore taking a vacation , and ho had to leave without seeing them. Ontnlm'fl Sunday Guests. At the Pnxton Gcorgo T. Faxon , Kansas City ; G. F. Swift and W. B. Haines , Chicago cage ; Robert O. Botz and W. R. Rollins , Boston ; J. T. Bradley , Lexington , Ky. ; F. B. Stearns and J. W. Payntar , Now York ; R. E. Pratt nnd I. R. Miller , Decatur , 111. : F. M. Day , Davenport ; L. T. Bond Sioux City ; J. A. Platt , Providence R. I. ; H. S. Gray , Kansas City John F. Ray nnd E. B. Boyd , Chicago : A. J. Taylor , Rhode Island ; W. R. RollFns Boston ; F. B. Nichols , St. Louis ; F. D. Hig bee ana E. Stafford , Now York ; H. Heine man nnd George Loorburgor , Now York ; J P. Halo , Charleston. W. Va. : D. S. Allor am James Mahoney , Chicago ; W. T. Whiff en Cincinnati ; J. U. Blatterman , Louisville ; A Berg , Sioux City : George S. Parker , Salem Mass. ; Fred W. Guard nnd S. Y Alton , Chicago ; H. VV. Allot und P. E. Campbell , Now York I. Laudcnbach nnd John II. Ammon , Nov York ; George H. High nnd Edward Sotfort Chicago ; W. D. Hatch and I. F. Friend Now York : John A. Payne , Washington 111. ; Max Noel and L. D. Uavo , Chicago ; W C. Sheldon , Grand Haven , Mioh. ; 1. L Trumbull nnd William H. Cliadwick , Chicago cage ; D. Morgan , Cincinnati ; W. Knapp one A. Mannholmor , Now York ; E. G. Barratit Chicago ; C. W. White , St. Paul ; S. L Hagans , Trenton ; A. D. Hcnborg , Haiti moro ; A , W. Leo , Ft. Scott ; A. Melmath Kansas City ; G. M. Gumming , St. Joo. At the Millnrd : Henry Belvin and A Myerson , Now York : W. G..HUls and C. H Pierce , St. Louis ; W. O. Stephens nnd A Adtor , Chicago ; J. M. Tillotson nnd E Thermaer , New York : C. N. Clark am Adolph Foltcnstoln , Chicago ; A. P. Mille and O. T. Austin , St. Louis ; E. G. Marsh an J. V. Ilorg , Chicago ; H. H. Uatn bridge nnd George Arndt , Now York John Parrish , Burlington ; A. B. Vai Sickle , Port Jurvis. N. Y. ; J. W. Kohl , Cln cmnati ; Thomas Maloney , Lancaster , Pa , L. W. U. Howell , Plttsburtr ; C. G. Morgan New York ; J. W. Andrews und F.Y. . Ed ridgo. Chicago : D. S. Elliott , Sioux City \V. 6. EvennMteul" * ; A. E. Jamc and C. , P. Stacey. Chicago S J. McT > , at ' night and J. Edgar Jones , Chlcrigo j WlHInt C. Stownrt , Kentucky ; B. L. Plitt , Di > buquo ; W. S. Oilman , Kansas Cityj F1 E l Lwongood and Robert E. Libby , Chicago s Norb Gunsbargor , New Yoik ; J. Blun 1t 1 Noshvillo ; A. E. Tracy , Bsston ; John Kcllj 1i t Pittsburg ; S. Danzinger , Milwaukee ; J i Frensdorf nnd T. G. Cor.klin , Chicago. r In another column of tMsissuo will b found nn entirely now t'lid ' novel spool mon of attractive advertising. It is on of the neatest over phicud in our papn and wo think our renders will bo wo' ' repaid for examining the surrosK display loiters in the advertisement c Prickfy Ash Dtttm-H. The rosy freshness and a volvotjsofl of the skin is invariably obtaino by tlioso who use Po onl'8 Comnlexio Powdoi * . _ THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Something About tllo Imruest Pnssoi cr Stunmor Afloat. Now York Times : The nowstoome City of Now York , built on the Clyd for the Iiimnu line by Jnmcsand Goorg Thomson , was given a trial trip Satin day. Slio is the largest pnssongc steamer uMoat , boinp provided witli at commodiiUoiis for2UOO portions. Thoi arc llvo dooUfi in the now ship , and sh ia built with a double bottom. Tli promenade or topmost deck is flus from stem to stem , covered on top an opun at the sides , nltonllng- the piussei ample space for their dully airing Ono of the inostplouslng features : iboi tlio ship's construction , and nno 1 which particular attention has bee ( 'ivonbyhor designon * , is thu ham some dfniiitf saloon. This is situate forward on the upper dockand , in ordc to avoid the low coiling > vhlch in i common aboard ship , the roof cf the , loon is carried up above the top of It houfco ou the hurrlcnno dock , lor ivboi twenty foot. Tlio colling IB supports by a blool arch thlrly-throo feet Jan ami wUhtwonty-lhnso foot of spin. : is provided with stained gln = s v.lndov ox4 skylights protected by the usj fikyHjrlits und frames. The dlnluj roe has along lla sides u uuuibor of N. W. Cor. I3th and Dodge Sts. , Omaha , Neb , CAUTION Dcslciili'K persons , tnklnc ntlvnittnan of our rormtii- tlon nro coiiHtitntly ptnrtlnt : bnmis Dtodloal KsinbllHliinoutH to tlooolvo strangers visit inir lii > city. Tlirno protomtuM usiinlly tllsnpponr In A few wc kw. llcnvnro of tin-in or their runners or iiuciUM. 'I liu Oninlm IMrullcnl nrut Surd on I Institute In tlin only nutnlillslieil Mnttlonl Instil Ute In Otnnlin , Dr. MoMeiinmy , I'ropruitor. When joti nmko up your iilliul to visit ii * innko ix inomornmtiim of our exact ntltlrcs * , null ttiui save trouble , tlclny or mistakes. FOR THE TREATMENT OF ALL Chronic and Surgical Diseases , and Diseases of the Eye and Ear DR. J. W. McMENAMY and in . . . , Physician Surgeon Charge. TWENTY YEARS' HOSPITAL AND PRIVATE PRACTICE. Asglilccl by n Number of Competent , Skillful ami Experienced Physician * mitl Surgeons. rnrliculnr Attention paid to DcCormttjcs , Discuses of Women , Diseases of the Urlnnry and Soxtml Organs , Private Disease * . Diseases of the Nmous System , Lunj ami Tliroat Disease ? , Surgical Oporatious , Epilepsy or Vila , Tiles. Cancer. * , Tumor * , Etc. More money invested ; more skillful physicians and surgeons employed ; more patients treated ; more cures effected ; more mo - crn improved instruments , apparatus and appliances than can be iound in all other infirmaries , institutes or dispensaries in the west combined. Largest and most complete Medical Institute or Hospital in the west , Fifty newly furnished , well warmed and veil- tilatcd rooms for patients , three skilled physicians always in the building. All kinds of disease ? treated in the most scientific manner. We Manufacture Surgical Braces for Deformities , Trusses , Supporters , Electrical Batteries , and can supply physicians or patients any appliance , remedy or instrument known. Call and consult us , or write for circulars upon nil ub- ccts , with list of questions for patients to answer. Thousands treated successfully by correspondence. We have superior advantages nnd facilities for treating diseases , per forming surgical operations and nursing patients , which combined with our acknowl edged abi ity , experience , responsibility and reputation , should make the Omahn Medica and Surgical Institute the flrtt choice The Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute is conducted upon strict business and scientific principles , and patients here receive every advantage that art. skill , science \nd human ingenuity , can bring to bear on their cases. Their comfort and convenience willalways lie taken into consideration. Should you conclude to visit us for treatment or correspond witli us , you will find that these statements of our positioni location and facilities arc not overdrawn in any particular , but are plain unvarnished facts. Only Reliable Medical Institute Making a Specialty of PRIVATE DISEASES. All Blood Diseases successfully treated. Syphilitic Poison removed from tbe system without mercury. New restorative treatment ( or loss of Vital Power. Person * unable to vlsitus may be treated at home by correspondence. All communications confidential Medicines or instruments sent by mail or express , securely packed , no marks to in dicate contents or sender. One personal interview preferred. Call and consult us or send history of vour case , nnd we will send in plain wrapper , our BOOK TO MEN , FREE , Upon Private , Special or Nervous Diseases , Impotency , Syphilis , Gleet and Varicocele , with question list. Kly Reason for Writing n Book Upon Private , special and tfcrvqiis immense can write me morcintclligently and to the point , It will therefore be seen tliat our object itTwriti'ng these pages is not to furnis'h reading matter to a class ot persons who read out of mere idle cm iosity , but for the benefit of the many who are suffering to a greater or less degree from diseases , or the effects of diseases or abuses , of the sexual or urinary organs. Not a day passes but \NC receive many calls or letters from persons suffering from this class of diseases , or their sequel. Many of them are ignorant of the cause of the difliculty that has wrecked their constitutions , thrown a cloud over their bright prospects and is shortening their days. SURGERY. Surgical operations for the cure of Hare Lip , Club Feet , Tumors , Cancers , Fistula , Cataract , Strabismus ( Cross Eyes ) Varicocele , Inverted Nails , Wens nnd Deformities mities of the Human Body performed in the most scientific manner. We treat Chronic Diseases of the Lungs , Heart , Head , Blood , Skin , Scalp , Stomach , Liver , Kidneys , Bladder , Nerves , Bones , etc. , as Paralysis , Epilepsy , ( fits ) Scrofula , Bright's Disease , Tape Worm , Ulcers or Fever Sores , Dyspepsia or Gastritis. Baldness. Eczema , etc. 3D I S B - & . S E S O 3F1 * VV oL S 3iT ' 'I1 2 = 4 S .A. TEC Carefully , skillfully and scientifically by the latest and mobt approved methods. WRITE FOR BOOK Oti DISEASES OF WOMEN , FREE. Dr. McMennmy has for years devoted a large poi tion o'fliis time to the study and treatment ot this class of diseases , and has spared neither time nor money to pcifcct himself , and is fully supplied w\th \ every instrument , appliance and remedy of value in this department of Medicine and Surgery. We claim superiority over any oculist or aurist in the west , and the thousands whom we have cured , after others have failed , substantiate our claims. To those afflicted with Eye and Ear Diseases , we simply say , call and consult us , get a scientific opinion , then visit whom you like , and if you are an intelligent person you will return to u lor treat- mcnt and cure. cure.Our book , describing the Eye and Ear and their diseases , in plain , language , with numerous illustrations , are written for the benefit ot patients and physicians who write us in regard to cases ; | .y reading them carefully pin sician and patient will have a clear understanding and ca describe eases to us more intelligently.VRITE t OR BOOK ON DISEASES OF THE EYE AND EAR FREE Address all letters to CXMA.H.A. : : : DR. J. W. McMENAMY , N. W. Corner 13th. and Dodge Streets , Omaha , Neb. or compartments for privnto tables. The room will scut 800 dinars. The largo pantries , ono on cuuh side of tlo ) baleen , nro connected by lifts with the gnlloy which ia situated on the dock below. At tlii * uftor end of tlio saloon is a lurgo hall opening upon the grand stairway loading to the promenade deck. The main first class saloon nnd library are also reached by this stairway , the former being forward of the library above the entrance hull of the dining saloon. These rooms are all elegantly furnished throughout , the library being am ply provided with literature. Aft of the uunols on the upper dock pro- vision has boon made for u dining1 room for children and nurses. The first class smoking room is situated ou the up nor deck at the after end of the ship , and is 45 foot long , 27 foot wide , and has ample room for 180 people. The bar is a very handsome apartment , up holstered , in ornamental leather , with American walnut panels. The Ilrst class state rooms and suites of apart ments are situated on four dockswithin 155 feet of the ship's woist. The lurg- est and host are those on the promenade and upper deck. There are 25 sitting rooms or saloons for day use , and altogether sleeping accommodations for 470 first class pabsongers. The second-class passengers are pro vided for on the main und lower docks , the dining room being situated aft on the upper dock. It is twenty-seven foot long aud forty feet wide , with room for 150 persons. The other apartments of the second-class passengers , including ninsiy-glx staterooms , are siUiatod on the aftoVotid of "Uicf main RUd Jowor decks. The steerage passengers will be quartered at the two extreme ends of the lower and main decks. Their berths are in the middle of the vessel , leaving both sides of tholr cabins for day occupation. Potty ofllcors and crow are accommodated forward. The ship is well ventilated and is lighted by el6c- tricity. I 1 The gross tonnage ot the city of Now York is 10,600 tons. Her cngino power exceeds that of any other merchant steamer in the world , being 20,000 horse power. The Umbria and Ktruria , the fastest Atlantic vessels , have engines of 14,321 horse powcr. No vessel in the British navy , oven , has engine povvor equal to that of the City of Now York. She has ono sot df'twin screws , twith triple expansion engines. The on ginos can work independently of each other , each being in Us own wator-tlght com- partmont. Thoboilors which supply the steam are fitted in thro o separate water tight compartments , divided from each other by transversto bulkheads. There nro nine boilers , ' of stsol , weighing seventy-four tonsj Their tubing tak ing altogether , it Is said , would meas ure thirteen and a half miles. The ap pliance for forcint' a draught in the boilers is fitted on the fcamo principle ) ! as that used in the navy and called the Stakohold system. It will bo the first time it has boon used on an Atlantic steamship. STIFFNESS- WOUNDS , CUTS , SWELLINGS 5apelyc dPeprtQnenliy DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS ! CHAS.A.VOGELER Co. BALTO-Mtk Your Lett Liver IS OUT OF ORDER ? BEAD THIS IF IT IS. A Proprietary MecMciiio that needs bututrl * ! to prove Its worth. Dr.Callendei's . ' Left Liw Bitters , Tne only Distilled Bitters in tbe United States. The only Hitters recognized by the United States Internal revenue lairs as a Pro prietary Medicine. .Lawfully Patented. No. of Patent 149.573 , Contains no fusil oils , no essential oils , no foreign substance or damag ing drugs. A perfectly pure medicine , com pounded from Pure Hoot Herbs and Old Peach : pleasant to the taste , quiet and decisive In Its effect. Cures Dyspepsia or Yellow Jaundice In ( lye days. Regulates the Bowels. Invigorates Inactive Liver , Cures Diseased Llror , Hevlves the Kidneys , Improves the Appetite Quickly , Miatesthewnole system. Now Life to tu whola syrtem. , _ Ioftl.lvorl3lttcrs are told In Omaha , Nob.TtV tlin following flruuKlsts : Itlclmnlion DriiK Co. , hiicclnl Whole vuu , for the drng Interest of Nebraska. llutall- ( loortmnn n'riisr Co. , W. J. Wlilteliou'B , T. W , Hp tTiurt. 8 m H. F miworth , tichroler'i l'U rm OT Kuhn.VCo. , John ( JluUisb , ii.l'urr , J. A. tlillcrA IV ) . , w.J.IInghBS , John 11. Conto , C J. Price , M. J. Powell , f. H. Uentnch , John K. iliirnkr , Morrcll riinrnmcy , .Inmos Fonyrtli , IJ. C. Hell. l > r. J. J. Hnvlllo. 0. St. Crt oy , F. Clinmller. lltthu's I'hnr- iniicr , ( turner A I ) T' , J.C. Kluu , J.W.CIarko , J. 11. vcluuldt , Max llccht , J. M. Chrlstcnson , W. K. iJirabiirson , II. p. Cox , Mftx Conrad , Krunk W. row , It.llninius9in , ( Jcorgo Uocdor , Uoyd'n rUarmHcy , 0. A. ilelcnor , Howard Mojor . Frank Dcllonn ft C < > , wLolesnlo duulori In Cliiunnnd Ij flT.iYrr "I" " . NnKroimnndHRxcAi , DKIHMTT , LOST HAN. aTAMii'aphnKtbiox.'s ' Urtrb < "aDnti. ( tuiciuS.'ii'l WFAK UEUmffcrinrrfrnmth * vf. If [ rAR MK N' " " of youthful < r. T . " " T * ,1I1 II ror , early docnx , lo t manhood , etc. I In wiiiT * valuixliln trrollta ( nl l ) rontalnlutr full r > artlculan fur home cure , rroo vt chaiire. AilUrrH , PROF. F. O. FOWLER. Moodus. Conn. , m\Vo c n cur No Pay Till Cured ; you > ur lr A qnlcklo 1 at home. l st many liooil , etc. , lack of Ticor , derelopment , etc. We Imvo the laltn Inourremoily to mnko this oilier. I'armont need not to lunde till nurinaiiunt euro U cirected. Ad dress Western Itemcdr Co , , Box UJ > , Oointia , ob.C3 / URriiOCK INSTITUTE. Couth \Vllllamstown , Ilerkshlre county , Mask. A prl > ate school for boy I. Prupam for college , scientific siliool or business. Forty-sev enth year begins Thursday , Benteniber Wtn. For catalogue address ( JKO. F. MI I.I.S , Principal. U. S. DEPCSITOH7 , OilAEA , 1IEB. Paiil Up Canltal g230,000 Surplus 50,000 II. W. YATXH. President. I.twirtS. ItKEt ) . Vlco President. A. K. TOUZ.VMN , 2nd Vice I'reslilnn * . W. n. 8.lluniiK * , c.wliler w. V. MOIISK , JOIINS. Cor.uvg , 11. W. VAT ! * . I.fcWIS B. ItKKIl , A. K. TUD/AC.IN. Hanking Onice THE IRON 3ANK , Corner 12th and Farnum Bti. A ( jonural liankln UuslnessTran/sacted. Who U WEAK , HKKVOCB. nEBIMTA- TED , who In his FOl4bT tend IGNORANCE baa TKirLED away his V1OOR of BODY , XINP and MANHOOD , causing exhausting drains upon the rODNTAINHof LIFE. HEADACHE , BACKACHE , Dreadful Dreams. WEAKWEM of Memory , BASH- II the BFFECTfl leading to ABLY DKCAYand perhaps COJiHVMP. VIOJT or Ilf SAWIT Y , ihould ooniult at ones the CKLEBBA.TEP Dr. Clarke.&tabllihed l l. Er. Clarke hw mad. NEBVOim DE- BIL1TY. CMBOWIC and all Diseaies of the QBNITO DmNABY Orleans a Ufa A * dy. It makes NO difference WHAT you 6Te taken or WHO has failed to cure you. WFBMALE * suffering from diseases pecu < Mar to their MX can consult with tbe assurance f speedy relief and cure. 8 nd jt cents pottage fcr works on your dlieasei. 49HBend 4 oenU postage fcr Celebrated Werk * on Gbroale , ron and Dell > 'e Diseases. Consultation , penonaly ! or by totter , free. Consult the old Doctor. > oared. OHceu and parlor * 49-Those contemplstlng Marrlstro tend for Dr. Clarke' * celebrated guide Vale and Feasale. each 16c. . both 2fic. ( stamp * ) . Before confldlnif your case , oonjult Br. CLARKE. A friendly letter or call may tare future suffering and shame , and add colden yean to life. far-Book " iat > ' ( Secret ) Er- rer , " COo. ( stamps ) . Medicine and writings Hat everywhere , secure from exposure. Boon , 8 to 8 : Sundays. 9 to 12. Addren , F. D. OLABjbB , M. D. 1AO 80. CHAtk SU 4mCAQO. H.L. PItOtiajKiveonnlTt * . 1"1 satldactlon In ( h euro of Oonorrbcea and QUet- pre erlb Uaa4 feel sale In recoinmtnd- In Sold by PARIS UNI VERStL EXPOSITION Of 1880. Oflloo of the U. B. CotiimMslon. 35Al WALIj fiTIlBET. NKW YOUK. Al ll persona , flrmi or corporation ! who iletlre to pinko ejcltiultn at tlio above nutuoU KxtiniUlun nro licrofir MOtlMcd that Inforinntlnn nnd liitinlts fornp- pllcntlnni fnmptco will ba furnished h/ the uudur- ulxnert upon application t tlio "Ixivu itddrois. WM. II. fMlANKI.IN.Citm'r.neneral. FOMKIIV1I.I.H I * . TUCK. Aii't.Com'r. Qener ullCIOU8 , AdTcrtlsing has always pn > von successful. Before placing nny Newspaper Advcrttsliigr consul LORD & THOMAS , illTIKTISItG jiCt\TS , II It W U. , uk Slrt.t , CHICAOO. _ Bettie Stuart Institute ra7 Will communco Its 2l l jre -cptcmber 12ih. KvS. Ad- vniuutcj uii9iir | roit. llnmn romfcrt * : rarofnl trmnlni ; . Applf to Mri. M. McKKK H'lMhs , 1'rlncipal , FREEHOLD INSTITUTE FREEHOLD. NEW JEHSEY. < pilh year. Furcataloaues send to UEV. A. G. CHAM11KUS , A. M. . Principal. Morgan Park Military Academy The liMt Hey * ' noardlnc School In th * West. Sixteenth year begins Bept. IVth. Beud for cata- lOKUatoOUT.m N. KfUK TALCOTT , Supt. , > Io ii a < x PA UK , COOK Co. , i t.u aWl Bl KKKBKTLn ? MTAUY AOADKM V Peeld < KlUon-llun ( < > nN. Y. Bend for cata logue. JNO. it. T1LHKN , M.U. M.A. . Principal. HHICIGO FEMALE COLLEGE > nnIHrkntrrhleaiio ( ) . nos.rdlnr " UHor forUIrl * urt Youru ; , i.ll i. Kor H c tulosu addreai O. TIIAVKH. 1 > I. . II. , " Mor u Vark , III. , or > 7 ! MadUon Sweet , Cblcsg o. 111. OH 30 DAYS' TRIAL. THIS NEW ELASTIC TRUSS FJI.V iii . _ A 1 j i"iP ! . D . JKn.fl1 IKfr , Ixnp Mure , with - i ( idju.llnir lull In center. n ) l > t rltM'ttoKll | < o < iilon > DCtliaU > il ; , hllit ili ballatti back | cup.preaaes th..Yn J.,8tlne et ger ; with the tha onaoea IlerauTi hrlJ : ur5fjr .ndnliht. r " It 1017. itnrahlA n'trh * p > H ntw UM u ) . , lMuttl * , _ . . . . js.'jfc - t.A A. Concentrated Liquid Extract pf MALT and HOPS. Aide Digestion , Cures Dyspepsia , Strengthens the System , Restores Sound , Refreshing Sleep. Priceless to tyursLng Mother Recofflmenflei EY Eminent Physicians. For Sale by all Druggists and Rloh- Drug Oo. , Wholesale. Drug gists. . L. A. NO. 354-PHOP08ALB FOIl Army Supplies. IlMdaunrtora Dept. of the i'Jatto. Olllcq of Clilof ( Jora- , mlssary ot Subsistence , Omaha , Nab. , ria July J'.itli , 1883. Honied propo3 ls in trlpiu I cat c , accoinimnled by Kiiarautuu baud' ) , Will bo re ceived nt thlaollico until 11 o'clock a. in. , central gtnnilnrd time , on Wednesday , tbe Mb day of August , IB&i , at which tliuo ana uUvoo they will bf opened In thu mesencoof bidders , tor the furi nlihinn und delivery of the fredh beef required at thu follow IIIB camps ot Instruction , respec tively , during tUu wealth of September next , viz : one near Kearuey.Neb. , one near the K. , E. Sc M. V. tt. It , between FortH Uoblason nd Nt- obrarn , Neb. , ono near old Port Casper , Wyo. , and one In Strau berry Valley , Utah. The right lu reserved to reject any ' or all bldu. propoaaU and miuruntee bonds nnd printed clr. culurs f < > r Information ot bMJorri , will b furnished upon appllration to the Acting Conv mUourliM of Subsistence , at Fort Bldney , Nubr , , Foit Hoblnson. Nebr. , Fort Nlobrura , Nebr , , Vort Larnmle. Wyo. . Vort Douglas , Utah , and 1'oit lu Cliusno , Utah , the CommlSdury ot Sub. BlsteMce , Cluiyouue Jlepot Wyo. , or thn undor- slijned. J. W. llAUUianU , Mnaud 0. 8. , U. B. A. Chief 0. 8. July WdlUAug OdSt FOUNTAIN BRA.KTDS FINE CUT AND FL/UO IncbrriD/irablv the Oast. PAS and Copyright protection 10- cured Good work , good references , moJer. ateth'gs . Send for pamphlet. R , Q , DuBoll i 916 F St. , Wllhlngton , D. C. Health is Wealt i ! DR. B. C. WEST'S N nv AMD HRAIN TRIA KENT , a guaranteed speelfic for Hysteria , ItlzzV cess. Convulsions , Kits , N rvou Neuralgia , llcadcd . NerTOUN Pronttatlon. caused byih * UIB of alcohol or tobacco , Walcetiilness. Mental Deprctslon. Boftfnlni ot the Drain , resulting la Insanity , and leimni ? to mtssrr , decay and death. Premature Old Age , Darrtncess , Ix > isot I'ower la otther er. Involuntary I.os s and Bpcrmatorhcea cauied by over-exertion ot th brain , s lf-abuse or oTer-Indulatnco. Kaon bo contains one month's treatment. II.OQ a box , or six boxes tor 15.00 , sent by mill prepaid oa re ceipt of price. WB GCAKAnTEK SIX BOXES To cure any cast. With each order rsotired by cs for sis botfi , accomuinled with if..oo. we \rlllMsnd tn purr-liaser cur written guarantee to refund th * tneiuy If the tre tn3 M does not effect a cure < inaraat e > litgui only by O.K. OOODMAN , nrusuUt. Souc * > 1110 Faraam f-tri't. Orjina N N IT. J , , Surgeon and Physician , Office N. W Coiner mb aoJ DoncliuSt. m * _ tfltphone , J65 ; ttosldeuc * Ulephoa * . ' PEERLESS DYE'S