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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1888)
THE PARIS SHOWERS They Provo a Blessing to Places of Amusement. THEATERS CROWDED NIGHTLY. Criopl Widening the Broach Between - twoon F < nco and Italy. THE STRIKE OF THE "NAVVIES.1 They Hope to Involve the Whole Building Trade. DOCTORS TALK TUBERCULOSIS. Adjournment of hc Great Interna tional Congress Ono of the Lend ing SavantH Gives His Views at Considerable Length. lOipi/rftfM ItXSliuJamra Conliin Hemiflf.l I'AKH , Aug4. [ New York Herald Cubic Special to THE Br.r : . ] When things at mospheric are at their very worst there is usually hope of their changing , but hero wo nro on the very eve of the grand semulno nrd though the sun does shlno occasionally , the weather Is still cool and unsettled. Many huvo given up all Idea of holiday flitting and it-signed themselves to nursing tholr Inllu en/its and iheumatisms by their own fire sides in Paris. Others have vanished south instead of north , neglecting Do Anvillo and Ostendo for an unwonted summering In Home or on the Hlvolra. Lastly , some urn taking snatches of pleasure between the Bhowers nt the Jardln ao Paris , the cafes mid the concerts In the Champs Efysees , which nro nightly crowded with Americans nnd Englishmen. The great attraction ut these temples of delight is the Boulangist unthems. Sums apparently fabulous are paid mine of the stars at the Ambassadours and the Polllon do la Hcrloge. Paulus gets $1GOO. monthly , and Bourgcs , his rival , nbout half s much ; while blatant divas who fol- Jew in Theresa's wake earn WOO to J.'OO. The growing bitterness between Franco nnd Italy Is not likely to bo mooted away by KIgnor Crispi's latest feats of diplomacy Fired by the example of his master , BIs- inurck , the Italian premier lias blossomed / out in the character of a crude , frank , plaln- npeaking statesman who scorns his political hand , Long practice and genius makes the part easy enough for the Iron Chancellor to play , but it hardly fits Crispl , who Is a novice jittlio business. His clrculai s on the Mnssownh question nro full of gall and perilous rccrlm limtlon. Crispl can't forgot or forgive the French abolition of the capitulation of Tunis nnd takes great pains to asslinlluto that act whh his own cool usurpation of supreme judicial authority of the Red sea port. So far Franco has not admitted the claim and lias approved the refusal of the French- Creek subjects to pay taxes to the Italians in Massowah. To yield would , of course , bo to acknowledge the right of Italy to grab Massowah. Before Franco does that she may glvo Crispl a great deal of trouble. The strike of the Paris "navvies" which began a few days since has spread until now 1'J.OOO hands are idle and buildin g through out the city Is threatened with Interruption. The navvies or torrassiers , as hero called , liavo very definite plans. They seem to obey the mot ordro given them by the socialist lii' mbcrs of the Paris city council. The rhief Instigators are Cltben Vatllant , the DlanquUt , CHI/cn Jaffran , tbo posslbillst , nul Uo Suonil , the Boulangist. It was in- tinuutcd by n Paris paper the other night that the ringleaders of the strike nro taking bribes from Germany , but this seems non- tense. If the strikers have foreign prompters they are far more likely to lo In Belgium. The aims nnd reasons the navvies' strike may bo gathered from an interview with JulTran. "At pros- -lit the torrasslors , " says Jaffran , "eorn , 4 } JVuni's for ten hours' work , whereas men employed by the city of Purls are making 0 f r.tucs nnd 50 centimes. A man can't live on J5 centimes an hour in Paris. Navvy work is paid much better in England , whcra they onl' ' work fifty-four hours a week , and are o'tnn housed Into the bargain. " Since then several bosses have offered to tabu back the men on those terms and the offers have been rejected. The navvies now hold out for 0 franks and u working day of nine hours. They hope to drag the ina- Boin , zinc workers , carpenters , joiners and the whole building trade Into the movement. Meanwhile they have secured the alliance of the carters and to-day wo nro expecting a poiKrnl strlko of our old enemies , the cab men , The strikers huvo been parading the itivets all the week , terrorizing workman ins. Who persist In working and destroying tools. s.ra The first international tuberculosis congress raid gress on record has just Broken up a marked new departure in medical science. Close ser upon Hvo hundred doctors from every quor rr tor of thu world huvo been discussing tuberculosis r311 culosis for a week and , strungo to say , or leading points , were practically unanimous The central lessons all teach nro , boll youi milk -.veil , huvo your meat well cooked d.ig Alter the congress I interviewed the leadlnp niHtcra ) beginning with the president , Dr Ir.n Chouvcuu , a big masterful old gentleman with u handsome likeness to the eldci "Tho subject Is Vast , " said he , "but pu your questions. " "Well , " said I , "what now fact has beet revealed ut the congress ! Have wo comi pity nearer fo curing tuberculosis ! " 1 Little absolutely new is revealed I , ' replied Chouveau , "but many thread of valuable knowledge have been gathers up. Much has been made certain that wa ' uncertain. Ono of the most rcmarkabl fu ts to rcc til in the virtual uuamlty of congress gross in r.dmittin tiio contagious nature of tubcrcDlosls. and the possibility of Its transmission - mission from human beings to animals or vice versa. I believe , Indeed , the only doctor j who disputed the point of the practical Idenn tlty of tubcrclosls in the case of men , women and cattle , now acknowledges his error. With my pupils I have done something to disseminate this knowledge , " added Chouveau. Ho might have said with Drs. Vlllemln and Veronall , that ho had done almost everything. "Having established so much , " continued the doctor , "wo next came to the con clusion that , though hereditary may , In many instances , explain consumption , in an immense number of cases , the most in tcrcstlnif , of tubcrclosls , namely consump tion , Is traceable to diseased milk or meat. Our great enemy Is the cow. Of her brother , the ox , the great proventatlvo is to boil your milk thoroughly and cat your meat well dono. It Is qulto a mistake to imagine that drinking blood or eating raw meat Is good oven in nmicnm. The case of u lady , Indeed , Is quoted who died in six months from con sumption , simply through drinking blood taken from a magnificent prize ox , which had traces of tuberculosis. Boiling milk or cooking picat thoroughly docs not do- slroy the qualities of either , though it may make both less digcstable. The meatof tuberculosis is not always viru lent. The Indeed the proportion of cases which will bo affected Is , Judging from many experiments wo have made on Guinea pigs , about two to ten. Of course , too , all human beings uro not equally liable to ect the dis ease. The llrst great practical result of the congress was the publication of a decree as similating tuberculosis to other diseases which justify the seizure and destruction of cattle bjjtho meat Inspectors. Pigs gettubercuosis , by-the-bye , but they seldom die. I must con fess the congrcs s was weaK , New Ideas and subjects were conspicuously rare , but ono authority , M. From ! , read un interesting paper , showing that in one-quarter of the cases treated at certain sanitariums , cures were obtained. The patients were shut up in n particularly healthy build ing and obliged to obey their doctors blindly. Good air was the chief curative , in fact , so far as I know , pure air is almost the only agent to hope much from. "Yes , " said Chouveau , "tho possibility of forbidding the marriage of consumptives was raised In passing , but wo are not ready for such u radical step as that. The congress has done an immense service. The doctors nro making great strides In the study of tuberculosis. " Dr. Peter , secretary' the congress , agreed with these views and spoke enthusi astically of the progress of the congress. About ono hundred of the 450 members are foreigners , ho said , from both the old and new worlds. "Tho first thing I learned at congress , " ho added , "was the importance of pure milk. Only keep to that rule and ono of the great causes of tuberculosis will van ish. Another valuable lesson learned is , consumptives should not shut them selves in stuffy rooms or sleep with windows closed and lighted flrcs , wrapping themselves up If necessary to avoid the chill. Then , wo huvo now settled that the disease is contagious. These results wo owe Jlrst to Villemin , next to Chauveau , thirdly to Koch , who discovered the Bacillus by which tuber culosis is transmitted. The importance of the congress may bo guessed when I toll you the cases of tuberculosis had increased nearly 2o per cent in the last twenty years. Dr. Villemin , who was elected chairman of the second tuberculosis congress which Is to , meet in Paris In 1800 , kindly gave n whole hour to a description of the subject with mo. "Toll mo the result of the congress , " said I. "Ono serious scientific result , " replied VHlomln "has been the , bringing to gether of so many doctors and help ing them to know to what point medical science had reached , what wns new In their own researches and what was old. The papers read may not have been alto gether novel , but for the nrst tlmo they directed the attention of the public to the chief causes of tuberculosis. By tubercu losis , inlnd , wo mean not alone consumption , but the various other forms of the same disease meningitis , humors , scofula , and even peritonitis. These nro now admitted to bo tuberculosis. The disease Is very communicable. How ! Through the digestive organs or blood , by Inhalation or inoculation , or by the germs ob tained in the saliva. For Instance , wo have inoculated n number of cows , rabbits and guinea pigs with scraps of saliva. Many took the disease and died with thn same symptoms ns human beings. Men and women nro constantly giving tuberculosis to cattle and getting It back through meat and milk. This Is how many happen to bo con sumptive who are engaged in the dairy. They cough and spit on a bundle of hay and the cow cats the hay and gets , the disease. The cow is milked and some drink It and are apt to take the disease she gets consumption. i.J Many strong people , of course , escape , aud , - in a general way , the stronger the general - health and constitution , the less likely Is tno 10r person to got the Infection , but the proportion ro. tion likely to get consumption is very largo. o.Id Over one-fifth of the population of the world dies of tuberculosis. In Franco alone 100,000 yearly perish. " . "Is consumption hereditary 1" , "Woll , oyrfntons ore very much divided. d.ut Many have come to ISinU it is nothing but acquired weakness makes soin ? aptcr to catch it than others. These base their theory on the rarity of cases of infant tuberculosis , I myself am inclined to think may sometimes bo inherited. The danger of the contagion of saliva " is a great point to guard against > , especially in the case of poor people that lathe ism the rast majority. Deaths by consumption are very common in the barracks and in all confined unhealthy places thomort all ty result - ing is unusually largo. For cxample.amone those line fellows , the gardes republicsues ! , who spend a longer tlmo than the troops in the barracks. Yes , undoubtedly , tuberculosis , mid baccllus , nro now known to bo an agent In transmit ting disease. All prcvcntatlvo Inoculation Is , so far , Ufcolcss. Wo cannot destroy tu berculosis by tuberculosis. What wo need Is some agent that kills baccilus. My son is now making experiments in that direction. " "Is there n cure for consumption ! " contin ued Villemin. "Various cures have been sug gested but the most nro merely palliatives. Yet , I don't say the disease Is Incurable. There Is hope In open air health resorts , such as you have in America. Got into perfectly puionlr , away from towns or oven villages , on some height , live In the air night and day. The revivifying and oven ctiratlvo values of this treatment nro wonderful. Excision of the diseased parts is useless , n the malady Is In the blood and crops out again in another place. " TWENTY IjlVKrl LOST. The Terrible ? Ilucord or the Bowery Toncinc'iit Kin * . Nr.vv YOIIK , August 4. The Ilrcmen at work in the ruins of the Bowery tenement house fire recovered another bodv , that of n woman , probably Minnie Moyei son , a tailor- ess , in the ruins of the burned building. The flesh was burned to a crisp and the identity of the woman can at b st only bo guessed at. Later two moio bodies , app.uvntly of men , were dug out , making twenty dead In all , and the search is ended. All that were iu the ruins have been found. One of the bodies had so entirely lost all semblance of human shape as to bo mistaken for a roll of burnt cloth. The tbrco bodies were removed to the morgue. The police guarded the ruins to day and kept back the curious crowds. Abraham Stern , the owner of the binned building , will bury the dead ut his own ex pense , inquiries were made of the police this morning for Abrohn Schroder and Reu ben Levlne. who are missing. The men were wonting in the building and were supposed to bo among the unrecognized dead. Shortly after noon another body was found in the building. It was that of a man. but was unrecognizable. Among the bodies rec ognized at the morgue to clay wns that of Jennie Marks , fifteen years old , a tnllorcss. Ono of the bodies taken from the ruins this morning was identified as that of Adele Swift. Surah A. Drum , another victim of the fire , died this morning. That makes sev enteen bodies now in the morgue. Ten bodies ies remain unidentified , but later one of these was recoiniizod as that of Jacob Fcni- berg. Three other victims now in the hospi tal will retovcr. At noon another body wns taken to the morgue. AVI.N'I ) AX1) LIGHTNING. They Play Sad Ilnvoo In New York and Vicinity. Nnw YOIIIC , August 4. Heavy rains and lightning prevailed In this city to-night. A bolt of lightning ran from the electric light wires of the United States Illuminating com pany to their building at the foot of Twonty- niuth street and set llro to the switch board , from which it spicad rap idly to the roof. The firemen , assisted by the heavy rain extinguished the flames , and only ? ! i'JO ' damage was done. But all the lights of that company east of Broadway were put out , and two dynamos , valued at ! s 5,000 , were ruined. In the West ern Union operating room ono operator was disabled by a severe shock that silencoil many wires , burned out electric lamps and filled the place with a vivid flame. The de struction of churches , barns and other prop erty is reported from the Interior of the state. OF INTEREST TO PACKERS. Rates From Omaha to Memphis Ma terial ! ) Advanced. CHICAGO , August 4. The result of the meeting last Wednesday of representatives of the Illinois Central. Louisville & Nash ville , Mobile & Ohio and Queen & Crescent roads has reached Chicago. An advance was made in the products of packing houses of 2 cents from Chicago and 0 cents from Missouri river points to Memphis and be yond. All such shipments from Omaha to Memphis , destined to points beyond , will bent nt the rate of U7 cents and from Kansas City 21 cents. The Maxwell Cnsi * . Jr.rrcnsoN Cm , Mo. , August 4. The papers in the Maxwell case , mailed from Washington August" , wjro received to-day. They consist of a letter from Secretary Bay ard transmitting the note of Lionel Sackville West , In which a respite is asked for by the Marquis of Salisbury , In order that Max well's case may bo further inquired into. Governor Morchouso Is absent in Clinton county , and should ho not return by tomorrow row evening the papers will bo forwarded to him at such place as ho may designate. A IlritiHh-Aincrlcan Association. CHICAGO , August 4. A meeting of the gen eral counsel of the British-American associa tion has been held hero and amoiiK other business transacted was the adoption of n resolution favoring the formation of a na tional British-American association. The secretary of the Illinois association was In structed to communicate with the nshocia- tions of other states with that object in view. The resolutions do not state what object is sought to bo reached hy such a coallton. A Sweeping Cut In Itutes- CJIICAOO , August 4. The Chicago & At lantic railway , the western end of the Erie road , has promulgated a secret circular in which a rather swooping cut is made to about forty points hi New York and Ohio. Hates on grain from the middle states and Ohio have been reduced from one-half to three and one-half cents. The same road reduces the rate on scrap Iron from Chicago to Youngstown , Ohio , from ? 2 to $1,85. Indians on the Warpath. Tucsox , Ariz. , August 4. Trainmen to- day brought word that two teamsters hud been killed by Indians near Globe , but no official notice lias been received at the mili tary headquarters. Lieutenant Gatowood will arrive to-night and proceed with relay horses to join General Miles. It Is rumored that the Indians have broken into thrco bands , all huading for Sonora by circuitous routes. The "Q" Losing Money. CHICAGO , August 4. The financial state ment of the Chicago , Burlington & Qulney rallroid for the month of Juno makes the folio wing showing : The expenses indicate an Increase of $320,010 W over Juno , 18S7 , while the net earnings show a decrease of $50tn'l0.57 ) as compared with the same period. The total decrease of the not earn ings for the six months ending Juno DO , is l,70l, The fiteveiiH County War. LIUCHAL , Kan. , August 4. A detachment of state troops arrived hero last evening and left for Steven * county at 9 p. m. The force ' consists of eight companies 9t the Second regiment of Kansas National guard , niiEbey ing 400 men , and a section of battery B. a ono Galling cun. The expedition U in ch ; o of Brigadier General Murray Meyers. Farmer Killed hy Lightning. WATKB , Neb. , August 4. [ Special Telegram - gram to TUB BEE. | John Jones , a farmer of ' West Wayne , was killed by lightning last night. Ho was a Welshman , sixty years old. j and l area a wife and largo family. THE RAISER ELATED Ho IB Apparently Well Satisfied With His Recent Trip. HIS SURPRISING GOOD NATURE. Ho Scatters Praise Orders and Com plements on Every Side. MORE KINGS TO BE VISITED ; Foelingr of the Germans Toward Their English Cousins. PRUSSIA'S TREASURY SURPLUS. Four Kli'iilinnlH Crrtjto it Panic on the Streets ol' 'Munich A Xiipnlron of I'lniitiur German Goinlp . Evoiyhoiiy Happy. ' < * S 1 > U A * . i" . .Issue/ill-rl / 7'Y8 . | UEKMV , August I ) ( Now Yorlc Herald Cable Special to THIS Bi'f.l The whole Imnerlnl party seems to huvo rcturnctl from lUissiu 111 m eat good -humor , as If satisfied with the results of their work. Count Bis- inniok waved his lint wildly to his father be- foru they were within speaking distance. The kaiser , too , had dismissed his lleet with "Woll dune , German.sailors , " and when hemet met the chancellor not only greeted him as an equal in rani ; , but had himself photo graphed with the "lion Prince. " lie dis tributed prnlsu orders even so low as the station master. Great is the Interest in Germany as to where England comes in in all the visiting. Many are the hopi-s expressed that nho will be treated according to her iii'jjont strength and not according to her past fame. Two kings and one e/ar have already been visited by this party , and two more kings Belgium and Portugal arc to coruo to Germany. A special embassy fiom 'tho Golden Horn is already huro Then visits to an emperor , a popa and a king , but all this while England Is Ignored and politically Isolated. Usually this summary ends with such gleeful clinking of beer glasses as would make an Irishman's heart glow with delight , Unfortunate as it is , it must noverthi'losB bo confessed tlmtthorols a large paiti which will throw up their/hats / with joy if the loiiscr continues to imioro England. Ho meets Queen Victoria TiTcl- dentally on Gemmix soil merely as an old lady visiting his mother at a time when ho happens to bo visiting his grandmother. Among the incidental rcbults of a Veccnt trip , is u hint of whij j * Italywli6p < w' froTH the Geiman alliance , The kaiser showed great and > continuwl Interest In * nil naval mutters and gavn the Impression that hereafter Germany will pay much more at tention to her navy ; perhaps oven to Increase it that Germany anil Italy together need fear no other naval power scarcely any other two navies in the world. Politically Germany seems to bo on the brink of new war scares. The North Gor man Gazette , for Instance , says , regardiutr some Germans who were maltreated iu France : ' 'This shows that our neighbor is an uncivilized state. Visitors to such barbar ians should reflect whether the disagreeable features of their journey will not outweigh their pleasures.1 Prussia , too , seems to risk still more staitling trouble , according to the opposition papers. There is a treasury sur plus , not on'y ' large but rapidly increasing. The income is underestimated , and the outgo overestimated , claim these pipcis. all for the purposes of piling up a suiplus which is al ready onoimous. Figures are given and vigorous complaints ire made , but noono yet has made a reasonable explanation for the silent secrecy with which this Miiplus has been accumulated. | There have been' recently in Germany n number of queer accidents. At Munich , for instance , the stampede of four elephants through the crowded sticets during a great procession , is Boiv.uthlng new in the way of accidents. The elephants charged through the crowd lining the btiects , upsetting nnd trampling upon a do/en people. Scared originally by the. ole m fiom a locomotive in the procession , the beasts bcrnmo frantic with terror at the shrieks of the people ple all mound them , and at the um brella thrusts and knlfo cuts they received in tramping through the crowd. Near Freini- reppo , Ihe crowd was caught in a corner and compressed , partly fiom fear and paitly by actual contact with the elephants , almost to suffocation. Then they battered down the . doors of the mint , but quickly came out of that building ngum. In Hclligegoist street they upset n cab at the Cafe Heck and scared a man , who swung himself up on a big chan di delier , which broke and nearly caused n tremendous gas explosion. Finally , in Buum street , they battered down the doors of n small house , and , getting inside , wrecked the whole ground floor , while the people were on the roof proi Ing and shriek ing. Ono elephant attempted to go up stairs , but broke through with a crash , which nearly caused the people on the roof to jump off. At lost the elephant tnmcr got control of the animals , and after hours of hard work they wore gotten out of the house through a hole in the wall. Ono specialist in crime recently raked in almost enough money to bo spoken of as a financier. On a single night ho broke into most of the automatic boxes around town and stole their contents in money and rua- terlul. Ono box was known to have con- tained 43 marks , so , presumably , ho did a good business. The tricycle is also being utilized by mail- IKSl Two poaching parties have already been seen s < 5 rsoanted , and both escaped with their venison. Mayor Von Der Oston , whoso trSglc death on the Caarlottenburg race track caused such a sensation lait Sunday , was followed to the grave Thursday by nearly all the ftlccrs , sporting mfcn aud nobility now in Ilerlln. So largo was the procession that all traulc was stopped on the streets. In one place a blockaJo of twenty street cars re sulted. Protests are still being made against the astonishing judicial decision that the milo of a house renders null and void all leases given by the loto owners. Htisalun emigrants l und for America are n common sight at the Hcrlln railroad sta tions. They cause much newspaper comment by their uovcrty. Many of them have not clothes enough even for decency. AN 1NHANK MAX'S GIMMU. Ito HhootH a Piillninii I'nrtur on n Union Paulllo Train. Ciir.tKNNn , Wyo. , August 4. [ Special Telegram to Tin : Bir. : ] A tragic event oc curred on this morning's west-bound passon- cor train near Hock Creek station. A pas senger named Hudson Arnold was observed as the train was leaving Cheyenne nt 5 o'clock this morning to bo evidently laboring under Intense excitement. As the train pro ceeded westward and the altitude increased his nervousness and excitement Increased. When thn train was near Kock Creek station Arnold walked Into the sleeping car "Oporto" and without : t word of warning drew a re volver from his pocket and shot the negro porter In charge of the car , killing him In stantly. Arnold was immediately disarmed and secured. Ho was evidently insane. When the trnin i cached Knwlins Arnold was placed in charge of n deputy nhcrilT and sent back to Laramlo and lodged in jail. The name of the unfortunate porter could not bo learned , this being his first trip over the road. Inquiry at the Ilullman ofllces in this city revealed the fact that the porter's name Is Henry Mole. Ho was a now man on the line and no onu knows anything of his former homo or whether ho has iinvielatlves living. AT STANDING HOCK. The Indians State Their Princlpnl OlifcctioiiH to the Treaty. SixniNi HOCK Armscr , August 4. A council was held to day. The only objec tions the Indians offered to the act are that the government has not observed the former treaty , that the boundaries of the present reservation are not what the government promised , and that 50 cents per aero is not enough. They object to the Santccs and Poncas having any voice in the treaty. They say that nbout half of thn land to bo coded is worthless and cannot bo sold. The commissioners nro making an effort to have the rank and HIo think and act for themselves. Yesterday , aftcr _ adjournment , the Indians were seen In groups discussing the questions involved , and in the evening Sitting Hull made social call on the commissioners. The commis sioners are uwuro that much of the opposi tion among the Indians is the result of ovll advice from white men outside and insldo the reservation. Nebraska and lowu Pensions. WASHINGTON , August 4 | Special Tplcgran to Tun BBn.l Pensions granted Nebraskans : Increase John A. Robinson , Guide Hock Otis Johnson , Holvidero ; Ferdinand Zimmer , Tuckerville. Widows arrears Fannie A. widow of Thomas J. Hewitt , Plum Crook. or lowans : Original invalid CalhourivBirfrilnghain : "Jacob Dills , Bcnuis. Increase Montgomery McCormick , Stanley ; "John W. Dins more , Prairie City ; Franklin V , Moftltt , Jowa City ; Abel G Porter , Lake Mills ; Andrew ApplogatOj Wintersct ; Israel H. Poltk , Leon ; Auram Koppart , Springhill ; John Holverson , Crcsco ; William Hichardson , Salem ; Abra ham Rose , Vinton ; Jcptlm C. Hoscncrans , Delwein ; Charles W. Conner , Ashton ; Jacob Bohl , Elmo ; Emory W. Pitzcr , Hillsdale Joseph Uocbuck. Attica ; Squire Franklin David City ; John Kennedy , Lime Springs Andrew D. Gray , Chariton ; Jasper N , Marsh , Miles ; Andrew V. Ran dull , Ochoycdan ; Chris J. Anderson Lenox ; George M. Scott , Osknloosa Joseph Watts , Bassett ; Walter Scott Hce ! < Council Bluffs. He-issuo William Turner , Civston ; William S. Davidson , Vollga City He-issuo and increase San ford S. Brown Mllo. Widows arrears Orial A. , widow o : Hnjdnn 1' . Brown , Kirkvillo ; Mary J. widow of Wnlllngtoii Goodrich , Fayctto Henrietta , widow of Gustavus Hammer , Do Moincs ; Cornelia , widow of Oliver F. Bur- lingume. Clinton ; Etuelino. widow of Sylva nus Moise , Postvillo ; Eunice , widow o' Jacob Crull , Davenport. TH13Y VISliT 1LVKU1SON. Railroad Men From TIMTO Haiito Cal on the Candidate. s August 4. A special trnin over the Vandalla road arrived shortly after 8 o'clock , bringing in 500 members of the Harrison and Morton railroad club of Terre Haute. It wns 10 o'clock when the proces sion drew up before Mr. Harrison's residence. When ho appeared ho was greeted with three deafening cheers and the waving of 000 lan terns. General Harrison addressed the del egation ut considerable " length , dwelling mainly upon tho" responsibility of railroad employes , in whoso hands were Intrusted the liven of the people and the commerce of the country. Referring to the workshops , rail road enterprise , etc. , in Indiana , the speaker said : ' 'It will bo hard to convince such an intelligent body of worklngmen that n polici which would transfer from this country , to any other work that might bo done here Is good for them. It can easily bo demonstrated that if our revenue laws were udjurited that imports from Great Britain should bo doubled that It woujd bo good for the worklngmen Jof En gland , but I think It would bo hard to demonstrate - monstrato that It. would bo good for the woruingmcn of America. " St. Josoph'H Packing Prospcctn. ST. Josnrit , . Mo. _ , August . 4. [ Special Tele- gram to Tin : Bin : . ] The contract was signed to-day by Samuel W. Allerton , president of the Allerton packing company , and the officers of the St. Joe stock yards company by which the Allcrton company will build a plant at the stock yards , to cost $250,000 , em ploy 250 hands , and pack 700,000 hogs an nually. John Robertson , manager for the Allcrtbn company , and Mr. Nichols , architect for the Allorton company , left for Chicago to-night , and the plans will bo prepared im mediately , The plant will bo located north west of-tho stock exchange. The building will bo ready for occupancy December 1. Chnska Will SiKn. Pii'.mtE , Dak. , August 4. [ Special Tele , gram to THE BEE. ] The Indian Chaska and his white wife , formerly Miss Fellows , ar rived hero this evening on their way homo to Fort Bennett. They have finished their dime museum engagement and will soon settle down to life on the reservation , Ctiaska says he will sign the bill when the commis sion arrives and thinks that the othnr Indians on the Cheyenne agency will do likewise. Nebraska I'ostal Changes. WASHINGTON , August 4. [ Special Tele gram to THE BEE , ] The following Nebraska postmasters were appointed to-Jay : Leroy O. Prcsler , Earl county , vice Mrs. Tilllo J. Shotwoll , resigned ; Ann E. Waring , Lambert - bert , Holt county , vice Livingston I * Wagers , resigned ; Ryland Parker , Paddock , Holt county , vlco William 1) . Smith , resigned. The Spnntnrtla to Ho Feasted. THIESTO , August 4. By command of Em peror Francis Joseph , grand luncheon will bo given at Mlrmlra castle in honor of the visit of the Spanish squadron. INKBIMSICA MWS. : Peterson nnil Ills Wife Separated by the Courts. FiinvosT , Neb. , August 4. [ Special to THE Bir. : . ] The final scene In the Shaver- Stcele-Peterson abduction case from the Black Hills wns enacted In the district court this morning. Judge Marshall rendered his decision In the case , which was withheld yesterday. Ho dissolved the writs of habeas corpus Issued in the Interest of the girl and her husband , dvitig the father , Mr. Stecle , the custody of his daughter and depriving Peterson of his unlawfully-wedded wife. The girl will resume her Journey in company with Mr. Shaver , her ministerial chaueron , to Lode , Wls. , whither they were bound when they woio halted hero. She will enter school there , this plan Imvlng been arranged by her father before she clandestinely mar ried Peterson , a few days before the date llxed for leaving home. The Old Hottler's Ilonttinn. D\KOTV CITY , Neb. , August 4. [ Special Telegram to Tin : lHi.1 : : Propositions are being miulo by those managing the affair to make the old settler's reunion on the 1Mb the grandest reunion of Dakota county pioneers neers over had in the history * of the country. Several hundred printed Invitations have been sent in all directions to parties who wore once residents , soliciting tholr pres ence , and there will bo n number of speeches by prominent men. chief of which will bo mi address by Governor Tinner. Dr. Wilkin son received u letter from tlio governor this week assuring him that ho would certainly be on hand. The republican county central committee hold a meeting to-day to innko preparations for the coming contest. Clay County UuptihllunitR. CI.AT CiSTin : , Neb. , August 4. [ Special Telegram to Tun Hii : : . ] The Clay county re publican convention , hold hero to-day , nomi nated the following ticket : For representa tives , S. W. Cnrlsty , of Edgar , and C. W. Bortcs. of Glonnvillo ; for commissioners First district , S. C. Beck , living near Ong ; Third district , J. F. Eller. of Clay Center ; for county attorney , John Epperson , of Fair- Hold. Delegates favoi Ing Henry Grosshans for state auditor were chosen for the state convention and L. G. Burd for the senatorial convention. Ho Wont Crazy. NEiiiusKvCiTV , Nob. , August 4. [ Special Telegram to Tun Bui : . ] The special train over the Missouri Paclllc at 5 p. in. carried about thrco hundred democrats and ns many more prohibitionists and others to Weeping Water to participate in the big democratic rally. General Ewell , known quite well throughout the state as "Major Douglas , " and advertised to participate in the joint debate - bate with Dr. Munnelly on the prohibition question , was to-day adjudged insane by the county board of insanity and will bo sent to Lincoln. Knundcrs County Prolill > ltionlst . WAHOO , Neb. , August 4. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : Bci : . ] The prohibitionists of Saunders county held their county convcn tion here this afternoon and elected thirty- four delegates to the state convention , thirty- four delegates to the congressional convcn tion , and made the following nominations For state senator , T. K. Tyson of Valparaiso for representatives , T. A , Huyck , W. D. MoCord and Fred Williams ; lor county com missioner , . Erlck Clcarling ; for county ut torney , S. H. Soruborger. Dakota County DAKOTA CITV , Neb. , August 4. [ Special to THE BF.K. ] The teachers' institute , which has been in session here since the 23d ult. closed to day. Theiohas been a very good attendance and much good accomplished , George B. Lane , state suporintendcn of pub Ho instruction , addressed the association Thursday night at the court house , afte : which n grand ball was given. A Union Labor Party. HISTINCJS , Neb. , August 4. [ Special Tele- grain to TUB BEE. ] The union labor ports held a jwlltical rally hero to-day at the fai grounds , which was addressed by A. F , Strcctcr , the candidate for president. Abou seven wnuons formed the procession , hoadei by the military band. The crowd was very small and composed principally of fanners , They were not well pleased with the speech Charged With Stealing a Cornet. D \KOTA CITV , Neb. , August 1. [ Special t TUB Br.n. ] Sheriff Brosfield arrived hen last evening with George II. Hurkrott , young man charged with stealing n corno from Jackson parties. The Instrument li valued at 550 , consequently If ho is convicted no will bo liable to states prison. Good Cropa in ATKINSON , Neb. , August 4. [ Special t TnuBuE. ] The farmers nro about throng : cutting small grain. Rye never was better , Wheat and oats very fair. A flno showe : yesterday afternoon bids' fair to put corn be yond all danger of drought and larniors ar jubilant. _ THE PUOnATIXO SOIIEMK. It Is Made the Basis of a Complaint By the Chicago Board of Trade. CHICAGO , August 4. The pro-rating ar rangement between the eastern and western roads which was nbrogntod In April by the central trnflle association , and reinstated without authority about n week ago , was made the basis of one of the complaints In a petition before the Inter-stato commerce com mission by the Chicago board of tnulo yester day. In the petition the percentage bystem of through rate diversions in connection with the alleged discrimination against Chicago cage Is referred to at length. The complaint concludes ns follows : "And your petitioner submits that rotes established by eastern and western lines on a basis of Chicago and Chicago rates nhould bo upon n line drawn substantially south ward on the meridian of Chicago , thus es tablishing a reasonable system of rates which would bo staple and operate Justly and fairly to all alike and to the general Interest of transportation and the commerce of the country. " ANNOUNCES A UKDUCTtON. The Chicago , St. Paul & Kansas City Makes n Cut In ICatcs , Cnicioo , August 4.-T. A. Whittmorc , as sistant traffic manager of the Chicago , St. Paul & Kansas City road , in notifying Chair man Fuithorn of the opening of that line from Chicago and St. Paul to St. Joseph , Mo. , announced a reduction of rates to meet the compotlon of the Hock Island. Ho calls attention to the fact that the Hock Island and the Minneapolis ft St. Louis roads recently reduced rates between the St. Paul , Minneapolis and Minnesota transfer on the ono hand aud southwestern Missouri river , points , Including St. Joseph , on the other , making rates on third class freights ; 40 cents per hundred. As the Chicago , St. Paul & Kansas City passes tlnougli Ues Moincs to reach St. Joseph , Mr. Wtiittmoro nays that the 40 cent rate on third class freight must necessarily apply to business between St. Paul and Ues Moincs. Volcanic Disturbances. ROME , August 4. Immense damage has been caused by volcanic disturbances In the Llpari Islands. No detail1) have been re ceived , owing to the fact that tho. telegraph lines between the islands and the mun ) land have been destroyed. Killed Her I'nrninour anil HorsoU' Piiinnnu'iiiA , August 4. To-day Flor ence Leshor shot and killed William Grlca- man. a railroad conductor , with whom she lived , and then with a razor cut her own throat HE ROYAL JAUiYfS They Ilayo Boon Modified In Host Important Directions. PLANNING FOR MORE TRIPS , Queen Victoria Asked to Rooolvo the Emperor William. IT IS TO BE A STATE AFFAIR And Bismarck Will Probably Ao- company the Imperial Party. GERMANY AND THE VATICAN. The 1'ope liiHlfitH on Maintaining Hit ) Temporal Bights Berlin Police Uenl Summarily With the AnarclilHlw. A * , r. . Himi.v , Aug. 4. William's monarchlal Itin cracy since his Interview with Prince Bis marck atFriedeilchsruho has been modified In most important directions. It was sup posed that the emperor , in accordance with family arrangements , would pay his re spects to the queen of England during her projected stay nt Baden. The queen , however , intimated through the Gorman embassy nt London that she did Hot Intend to go to Baden or any other plaeo on the con tinent. Yesterday a formal note was sent J by Prince Bismarck through the embassy , asking the queen to receive Emperor Will iam , Who intended to visit England. The emperor will arrive In London in November during the winter session of parliament. Under the present circumstances his majes ty's visit to England will bo a state aud not a family affair , and the queen must meet him In London or at Windsor. The foreign ofllco officials believe that Prince Bismarck Intends to accompany Em peror William to England for the purpose of conferring with the queen on affairs relutlng to the late Emperor Frederick. The pope f'l has been asked if the cmpeior goes to ' ' ( ' ] the Vatican nnd remains ns n guest of the pope for n day prior to his reception a the qulrinul , whether lie will withdraw hii objections. Mngr. Gnlimbcrti Is understood ' to have replied that the pope must maintain his temporal rights. The nuncio continues to urge the emperor to forego his visit to King Humbert , ' unless the meeting takes place at Milan or Murln. Continuous arrests have occurred since Thursday morning of suspected socialists in Berlin , Hamburg , Leipsic , Frankfort and every center. They nro supposed to bo asso ciated with an anarchist plot in Vienna for a simultaneous attempt to rob postoniccs and bunks in Austria and Houthern Ger many. The Berlin police bureau have avoided arresting the leading social ists , but under communications from Vienna nro shadowing Austrian anarchists. An imperial Austrian decree , signed by the whole cabinet , suspends trial by jury in charges against anarchists throughout five provinces. The decree Is to remain in force for ono year. It empowers without a judicial warrant , the arrest , im prisonment and execution , not only of soci alists , but persons sheltering suspects. It forbids the sale , possession or manufac ture of arms and ammunition and prohibits public meetings or assembling of crowds ; authorizes the police to make domiciliary visits nnd to search newspaper ofllcos and take summary measures regarding editors , nnd imposes stringent rules respecting pass ports on the ariivuland departure of foreign ers. Arbitrary as the decree appears , It Is forced upon the government by anarchist conspiracies. It Is bused upon the discovery of extensive preparations to try to capture - the government offices in which money is stored , and which are the least protected. JI The Austrian socialists hold constant intercourse - ' | | course with the anarchists in Franco , Eng land , Swit/orland and America. King Milan of Scrvlawith the crown prluco , arrived nt Vienna to-day. Ho wires hero to say that ho will remain iu Vienna until tomorrow - morrow night , when ho takes the crown prince to some place in southern Bavaria. Thn king himself goes hunting with the prince regent. A band of masked anarchists attacked the postonicc at Nankassol , near Prcssburg. The ofllulals fought and repulsed the robbers but the latter secured the cash box , taking that and their wounded away with them. There have been tremendous ruins in the HIseiife'cblrgo district. The rivers are greatly swollen , the water being in some plncos six feet higher than ever before known. The town of Hirschbcrg nnd many villages nro under water. The Wcntlirr Indications. For Nebraska Local rains , with thunder storms , nearly stationary tcmpnraturo except - copt cooler in eastern portions , variable winds. For Iowa Local rains , warmer winds , generally southeasterly. For Dakota Ham , with local thunder storms , nearly stationary temperature , var- lublo winds. IJast M lil'n Btorin. By reference to Tim BKK'B telegram from New York It will bo scon that u section of last night's storm visited the Atlantic coast. The chictrlu display sadly interfered with TUP. HUB'S usual Sunday cablegrams. In Omaha , between 1- and : ) u. m. , the wind blow a fearful hurricane at times. The cool brcivo was u refreshing relief from the scorching boat of the past week. Death ofSanniol J , Wilder. ' FjtAX'cisco , August i. Hawaiian nd- vices , by steamer Alameda , note the death in Honolulu of lion. Samuel G. Wlldor , prcsl- dent of the Hawaiian IcgUlatlvo assembly. * I .Swamp IjnndH I'ntcntcd. WASHINGTON , August 4.--Palcilt : to day weio issued to the state of Mlniictota for ft 44.183 acres of swamp ! nnd In tht St. ( Jlcud district.