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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 7, 1888)
ii : < * - $ ' 1 * ) l ( ( 7 HE OMAHA EIGHTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA. TUESDAY . &OKN1NG. AUGUST 7 , 1S8S. HIE FALCEN COMMANDER , Mourning at the National Capital Over Sheridan's Dcmleo. FLAGS FLYING AT HALF MAST " Soldier Comrades of tlio hate General 1'ny Triliuto to JIln Worth bcliofleld Ordered to Com- tiinnd the Army. Tlio Nation's IJOHD. NONQCITT , Mass. , August 0. All through yesterday General Sheridan had been In un- usunliy good spirits , laughing and chatting with his brother and members of the family. The unfavorable symptoms miulo their appearance so unexpectedly and were so rapid In development that the children were aroused barely In time to take u last look at their dying father. With the general nt the deathbed wrro Mrs. Sheridan , Mary Louise , Irene and Philip , the children ; Colonel Sheridan , his biother , witli Ms wife , the doctors nnd nurses. Mrs. Shori- dun and the nurses were on their knees in prayer ns the spirit departed. Mrs. Col onel Kellogg , u dear friend of the family , arrived Just u moment after the last breath was drawn. Injections of digitalis , upplica- lions of mustard plasters and everything used In such cases were applied , but all proved unavailing , oven to arouse the general from the state of unconsciousness into whicb ho sank soon after the symptoms of recur ring heart failure occurred , and in which he remained until ho drew his last breath. it was this morning arranged that General Sheridan's remains will bo transferred to Washington In n special car , to leave Now Hertford Wednesday , and that the fnnetal service will bo held in St. Matthews' church ns soon ns possible thereafter , either Thurs day or Friday. The work of embalming the general's body was begun nt nn early hour this morning. General Sheridan had repeatedly expressed n strong dislike to display in funerals" , and in accordance with his wishes and these of Mrs. Sheridan tlio ceremonies in Washington lire to bo us simple IIH possible. The funeral , however , will bo u military ono. It was deemed this afternoon that General Sheridan's burial shall be in the Arlington national cemetery. Saturday has been dually bottled on as the day for the funeral. Tlio other ntrangcmuiils outlined In earlier dis patches remain unchanged. There will bo no funeral service a nt this place. The followimr pall-bbarors have been selected by General .Sheridan's family : Gen- crift Sherman ; Mai shall Field , of Chicago ; General Hawlry. of the senate ; Speaker Car lisle ; Vice President Frank Thompson , oi the Pennsylvania railroad ; General Wcslo.v 'Merrill ' , U. S. A. ; Sccretirios Whitney anil Endlcott ; General McFarloy ; Joseph Fullerton , of St. Louis , and George W. Chlldsi COUIMIIUS , August 0. Governor Forakor has issued a proclamation in eulogy of General - oral Sheridan mid requesting as n slight ap preciation of his public services that the Hups nn nil the public buildings of the state bu displayed at half staff until and including tliu day of the funeral. LINCOLN , Neb. , August 0. John Fitzger ald , president of tlio Irish national league ol America , has sent a telegram to Colone ! Sheridan expressing the sympathy of tin league for the family of General Sheridan ir tlio great affliction that bus befallen them Ho says that the Irish race unites in mourn ing the loss of the Irish-American here whoso devotion to Ireland was second to hh love for America. CHIOATBO M'lTIjK 8UHP1USE. How tlio NCWH of Sheridan's Dentl Was Itcovlvvd Ily HIM I't IciulH. WASHINGTON , August 0. [ Special Tele gram to Tun Br.i : . ! While there is genera nnd profound regret in Washington at tin dcatli of General Sheridan the news of hii demise created but llttlo surprise , as his trui condition hus boon very well known to mos people here. But little faith has been pinnei to the rosy bulletins sent out from Nonquitt and all along General Shcrldan'o friends ii Washington have been expecting his dcatl daily. The funeral nnd the interment will beyond doubt , tnku place hero. It Is pro sinned that the remains will b deposited nt Arlington , ' where so man ; thousnnd soldiers have been buried. With General Sheridan died the rank o general of the army. The president hn designated General Schollcld , located n Governor's Island , to take command of tu < nrniy , but ho will retain the rank of ma'o peuernl. Major General Crook , in eommr.nd at Chi cugo , arrived in the city last night , but hi has nothing to say regarding the death or th rhunges which it will make in thu tinny further than the country at largo , us well n the boys who 1111 thu ranks of our Httl army , will mourn the death of their brav commander sincerely and long. When General Sohollolu comoa to Wash Ington'to ' take command of the army It is be lleved thnt General Howard , now in com mnnd nt San Francisco , will go to Govern or's Island. General Crook , It is believed will ronmln where ho Is , and there umy be i promotion of General Miles or some othc brigadier to take the place which will bo v : cated by General Howard. Congress bn adjourned for the d ty on which the funor.i will bo held "and the departments will b closed and everybody in Washington wi Join In mourning the nation's loss. It Is stated at the war department thnt th detail of General Scholluld to Washington t take command of the army will bring aboi no promotions or ehiingo in any of the con mnnds. Ono of tlio prominent officers sa.i General Schollold will simply bo detailed t take command of the army nnd that ho wi locate in Washington and will , nt the sam time , retain his command for the eastern d vision , nnd that his orders will bu sent froi Washington to Governor's ' Island. Ho t > dd that tboro will bo no necessity for makln any change , as General Schotlcld can poi form his present duties and also those whit were recently performed by General She Hum. AS A TOUKN OP U ESP HOT. President Cleveland Orders Flags Dli jilivyi-d at Half .Must. WASHINGTON , August U. Thu president r cclvcd his llvst Information of General Shoi dan's death by a telephone UIOSSIIL-O sent him at Oak View from the white house I Colonel Lumont , who arrived there nboi 8)0 : ! ) this morning. The president had d elded to remain nt Oak View during the da , but this uuwsulternd his plnuaand liedecidi to come Into the city , 1K readirj the wht liouso about 10 MS anil sent word for the be rotary of wa > - to meet him there. In tl meantime the following executive order w\ \ issued ; Kxuot'TiVB MANSION , WASHINGTON , A gust U. As n murk of respect to the memo : of General Sheridan , the president dlrcc that the national flap bo displayed nt ha mast on all the buildings of the oxccuti' departments In the city of Washington uui after his funeral shall have tnken phtoo. [ Signed.1 DANIHI. S. LAMOXT. Private Secretary. Colonel Kellogg , of General blieriilaii staff , will leave Washington this uftcrnoi for Nonquitt and will tnUu with him the gc crul's uulform nnd swonj. The following telegram was sent this afU noon : WAU DBPAimiKXT , WASHINGTON , Augu 0,18S3. To General J. M. Schoflold , Go cnior's Island , New Yprk harbor. Thu fi lowing dispatch was re.celv.ed { rein Colon Sheridan tuts morning : "NoxijuiTT , August U , 1SSS. Secretary war , Wttsuliurtou , D. C. : U la Airs. She ilnn's wish that her husband should bo burled with military Honors and thnt. at the same time there should bo no display beyond what pertains to strictly military funeral in proper respect to his rank. Will you bo kind enough to authorize such funeral nnd place matters under the charge of General Scho- lleld I The funeral will bo in Washington , but when and where 1 cannot yet sny. Per haps it would bo well for General Schollold to como hero. M. V. SHIIIII : VN. " I leave It to your discretion whether to go to Nonquitt ns requested. You tire hereby directed to make the necessary arrangements In regard to the funeral , Including thu fu neral train to bear the body to Washington. Bv request of Mrs. Sheridan her hunband will bo burled with military honors , with no display beyond what pertains to strictly military funerals In proper respect to his rank. This request will bo strictly complied with , and thu escort will conform to regulation ft'll funeral escort to general- in-chief and you will Issue orders for such troops to assemble as may bo necessary to complete this escort. You will detail the neccssiry guards and bearers to go to Non- quitt and accompany the remains to Wash ington. Plcasn ascertain from Mrs. Sheri dan whom she winhcs to ho designated In orders us pallbearers. Please Inform mo from time to time in rcg.ird to thu arrange ments , nlnco of burial nnd dnv of funeral , not yet decided. WILLIAM C. ESDICOTT , Secretary of Wnr. The funeral escort , under regulation ( Vl ) , consists of n regiment of infantry , battalion of ravalry nnd two light batteries. NEW HIIUNSWICK , August I ! . The eleventh national convention of tlio St. Patrick's Alli ance of America met here to-duy. Hesolu- lions of respect for the memory of General Sherldnn were passed and a telegram of con dolence was sent Mrs. Shoridon.3 SHKKMAN UN SUUUIUAN. Ijlttlo Phil Was HIM Beau Ideal of the True Soldier. NEW YOIIK , August fl. General Sherman has been so anxious during the entire illness of General Sheridan that ho bus taken special pains to keep himself informed. When in formed by u reporter that his old friend and comrade was dead , General Sherman was visibly affected , despite the fact lhat he had expected the sad Intelligence , and was to some extent prepared for it. Ho said : "Tlio people of this country have lost n gallant and great soldier. To me , Sheridan has always been the beau ideal of the true sol dier anu really great commander. Ho is ono of the few American ofllcers who attained a high and responsible rank throuuh his natural force nf character and his military genius. He was u marked man even at West Point , for ho displayed at that , early stage in his military life the same sterling qualities which subsequently made him n prominent character In our national history. " WASHINGTON , August ( I. General Uoso- crans said thut ho learned of General Sheri dan's death with profound sorrow and re- grot. "When I took command of thu small army of the Mississippi , " he said. "Sheridan was colonel of a Michigan regiment in that army. 1 knew him well and watched bin career closely. Ho was a hard lighter , stub born and unyiuldlnir. At Boonuvillo ho won his first star and at Stone Itivcr another , and so on , und every success that has como to him lias been earned. With all his stub bornness und dash he was prudent , cautious , n good provider for his army , and was al ways careful to know the topography of the country in which ho was operating , and then ho was prompt to take his troops into action under heavy firing. You know , " ho re marked , "thnt there arc many men who flc unpleasant things , even though u duty , hesi tatingly. They wait , and consider , ami doubt. Sheridan , on the instant , went straight for the mark , with no delays nud no doubts. " Secretary Fnlrchild said th'it ho had be come acquainted with General Sheridan slnco his arrival In Washington and hail taken a great liking to him from the first. He was not competent , hu said , to speak ol his services ns a soldier , but ho knew him tc bo a good and great man. In response to a request for nn expression of opinion in regard to General Sheridan , Secretary Bayard instructed his private secretary rotary to suy for him that lie heartily con curred all that the president had bald in hii message to congress in regard to the services of General Sheridan. Secretary Wtiltney , upon hearing of tin general's death , sent tlio following telograic to Colonel Sheridan : "I must express to you my great persona regret unit sorrow nnd that of the whole naval service nt the death of General Slier idnn. It is the desire of this department ti participate In all ceremonies which may taki place in recognition of his great service. Tin president directs mo to place at your servici un escort of naval vessels if your plnm should contemplate returning by water. " Postmaster General Dickinson said : "H < was a great general , and had the simplicity of manner which always accompanies trui greatness. " Colonel Henry W. Muldrow , first assistant secretary of the interior , said : "Genera Sheridan's reputation as a gallant soldiei and an able commander Is not confined to thli country , but among the military men all ovei tlio world ho was esteemed as among tin most notable strategists and obstlnati lighters of the century. By the southcn army 1m was regarded as an enemy wuoji movements , whether in attack or retreat were always suggestive of danger. While considered from a southern standpoint , man ; of his great achievements are credited will different results from tnoso claimed for hln by his compatriots in the war. I do not thin ! there is any difference between the estimate of his skill , ability , gallantry nnd genera soldierly ( anilities held by the soldiers hi commanded and those ho confronted. " Senator Plumb said : " 1 always think o Sheridan lit connection with one eonversatioi 1 had with him. 'General , ' I salu , ' .you wen west before you came east. What was you opinion of thu army of the Potomac ! ' 'Oh the army of the Potonvio was all right , ' sail Sheridan. 'The trouble is thnt the com nmnders never went out to lick anybody , bu always thought llrot to keep from gcttln , licked.1 Sheridan referred to the time who lie got nn order to cross the Kappahanoc and cngitsu Stuart. 'I kntiw 1 could whl liim , ' said Sheridan , 'If I could only get hii where ho could not fall back on Lee's h : fantry. So I thought the matter over , am to draw him on , started straight for Kiel mond.Vo movail fust ami Stuart dogged u our heels. Wo kept ou the second Hi straight for Klehmond , nnd thu no morning found Stuart Iu front of us Jus where wo wanted him. Ho hud mnrclic all night and got around us. Then I smashc his command , and broke up his division : regiments nnd brigades , Tno poor fulloi himself waa killed there. Uight there , HUIII tor , I resisted the greatest temptation of m life. There lay Richmond bufoio us * an thuro was nuthing to keep us from going Ii It would have cost 600 or IKK ) lives , nnd could not have held the place , of course. Bi 1 know the moment It wa.s learned in tl : north thut a union nrtny was in Ulchinon that every boll would ring nnd 1 should hu\ been the hero of the hour. ' That , " saidSeni tor Plumb , "exhibits tlio man to iho cor mnntler. Ho fought fur results and not fid < " ' " id glory. Congress Ofllumlly .Notified. WASHINGTON , August 0. The preside ) sent tUQ following message to congress at : o'clock : "U bf comes my painful duty to a nouncu to congress nnd to the people of tl j- United States Iho death of Philip II. Shei jts dan , general of Iho army , which occurred ts n late hour last night at hlo summer homo tsu u Massachusetts. 11 The death of this valiant soldier at patriotic son of the republic , though his lot illness has been regarded with anxiety , h ; , nevertheless shocked the country and causi a m universal grief , He has established for hit tiself a stronghold In tin ; hearts of his fcllo countrymen who noon caught the true uica ing and purpose of his soldierly devotion ai hurolo temper. His intrepid courage , Ii at steadfast patriotism ana the generosity vhis nature , Inspired with peculiar warm iitho love of the people. Above his gnu el affection for Iho man and pride in h achievements will struggle for the master of nud too much honor cannot bo accorded rlbnu who-has so richly endowed with all"t ! qualities which make his death n national loss. " Hcliofleld to AMSIIIIIC Command. WASHINGTON , August 0. The secretary of war will Issue a general order to the army this afternoon announcing Sheridan's dcatli and directing thnt flags nt nil military posts bo placed at half-must. The president has directed that Major General Scholleld , com manding tlio division of the Atlantic , bo or dered to Washington ntoiico to assume com mand , and a telegram to that effect was sent to him by Acting Adjutant General Keltou this afternoon , Clnvclaml'H Mcssnuo or Condolence. WASHINGTON , August (5. ( The president was Informed of the dnath of General Sheri dan this morning , niid'iinmedlntcly sent the following dispatch to Mrs. Sherldnn nt Non quitt : "Willie the nation mourns its loss and shares your sorrow , let mo express to you my personal grief und sincere , condolence. " FliiKf ) nt Half AI.-tHt. WASHINGTON , August 0. The lings on the public buildings , hotels und many business houses arc nt half mast out of respect to the memory of Sheridan. A DECREE FOR THE 1'IjAINTIFF. A Decision of Grunt Importance Ren dered In the Federal Com t. KANSIS CITV , August C. [ Special Tele gram to Tim Bnn. ] Judge Phillips , In the United States circuit court , to-day rendered it decision which will bo of the greatest Im portance to property owners , as It establishes tne law on the question under what circum stances a man can convey his property to his wife direct , so that the transfer will be valid as against judgment creditors. The case was that of Zipplo Smith against James H. Slber- linir nnd others. On December 15 , 1SSO , Jacob Smith deeded a largo tract of land in St. Joseph , Mo. , to his wife , Xipplo Smith , on the condition that she relinquish her right of dower in lands in ( Julney , 111. , owned by him , so that ho could realize upon them for the purpose ofraising sufficient funds to open a packing house in Atchison , Kan. In 1880 the flrui of Slberllng , Millei & Co. obtained judg ment in this court against Smith. Under executions issued on this judgment the laud owned by Ml s. Klpplo Smith , In St. Joicnh , was levied upon. Mrs. Smith applied for an injunction , a hearing on which was had two weeks ago. Mrs. Smith asked that the levy be stayed and that the legal title in and to said lands bo vested in her , as she is already the owner of the equitable interests ns against her husband and his creditors. Judge Phillips' decision is , in substance , as follows : "Tho deed in question being from husband to wife , directly without the interposition of a third partv , was ineffectual to pass the local title. Such n deed and contract , however - over , does pass tlio equitable title which n court of equity will respect and protect , and it is within the province of this court to transmute this equitable into a legal title. A husband may convey his property to his wife as a , gift , and the obligation of love and affection springing | from the marital rela tion is n sufllcicnt consideration to support it against him und even against subsequent creditors when miulo in good faith. The complainant contends that she got possession of the lands by the rclinqulslimeiit of her dower in other lands. The law is well set tled thnt such relinquishment by the wife constitutes n uitlld and good consideration for the conveyance by the husband to her of other property , mid enables her to maintain the attitude of nny other purchaser. TJioro is also high authoiity holding that while such a deed ns the ono mentioned is void nt law it is good in equity , and a ootutof equity will effectuate the manifest purrow of tlio parties , as the law presumes it was the in tention to convey an estate for separate use of the wife. " Tlio result is that the decree will go for complainant. IS IT A JOB ? Work on the New Road Up Plko'H 1'cnk Ordered Stopped. COLOUADO Sl'UINGS , Colo. , August 0. [ Special Telegram to Tun Br.B.J Signal Officer Sherwood , on the top of Pike's peak , received orders to-day from the government to stop the construction of the Cascade car riage and toll road across the government reservation. The notice was served on the contractors Monday afternoon , which stops the road within three miles of the peak's summit. It is reported that the signal station on this mountain will bo discoiitincd next October , and therefore the road would bo ol no benefit to the government , and would bo u needless expenditure. The bill appropriating $10.000 to construct the road across the rcser vatlon passed the house n few days ago , bul the orders received hero upon the heels of its passage betokens its defeat in the senate. II is alleged that there is n job somewhere , ami that 810,000 would bo sufllcicnt to construct the road tbo entire distance of sixteen miles , A IjAItGK YIKM ) ASSURED. Plattcrlnic ProspcciH lAir nn Abundant HnrvcHt in Illinois. CHICAGO , August 0. The crop correspondent ont of the Illinois agricultural department made a report to the secretary of state August 4 , In which ho says that the conditloi of the corn crop has seldom been more prom ising at corresponding dates in previous years than at this season. There nro , however over , some localities in which the corn Inu needed moro ruin , as well as sections ii which the crop has been seriously damagei by chinch bugs. In a few cantral countiei the yield per acre of winter wheat fs roportoi better than tlio average. In some exceptions cases over thirty bushels per ucro have beet threshed. The yield of this crop throughoul the state will bo less than un average pc : acre , and the quality is not as good as usual Destructive Storm In ST. Louis , August 0. A disastrous stern visited Central Missouri this morning. Grea damage to crops was entailed aud losses oi town property tire heavy. In the vicinity o Glasgow it is estimated that crops are In lured 50 per cent , while the damage to dwell ings and business houses will exceed $ T 0,00 ( ] At Slater the Baptist church nnd two busl ness iiOtiSt1 ; V1' " < l inllahcd. In Salim county the dnmngo will reach WOO.OOO. men was general wreokugo nt Stanberry am crops nro undly Injured. In Pettis count' corn fields suft'erod most , growing grnii being laid flat. The loss at Norbourno am vicinity will reach $100,000. In Sholb county crops nro badly dnmngcd. The Iowa Central' * Statement. CHICAGO , August 0. E. L. Dudley , rt viewer of the Centgil Iowa railway , re ported to the federal court to-day his re ceipts and expenditures for March , Apr : and Maylast as follows : Total earnings fo March , § 124/11.84 ; net earnings , $ > 3fi'J5.C ! For April the total earnings were f 103, ' and the expenses cxeecd the earnings b ? 0,77l4i ! . For May the lotal earnings wer $104,010.17 , and the nut earnings wer > t " A Conference of Power * . l" CoNiTANri..oi'LH , August 0. The Turkls 10 ambassador at Berlin has notified the port ' * that negotiations between Germany , Austrl lt nnd Italy on the Bulgarian question wi n soon bu begun ; also that the oomlnir incciin between DuGiors , the Russian minister c foreign affairs , und Princ . Bismarck wi lend to the holding of a congress at .llerlli the deliberations of which will bo confine exclusively to the Bulgarian dlftlculty. Dillon'rt Conviction Confirmed. DUIII.IN , August 0. The court here lui confirmed tlio conviction of John Dillon an 1ms refused an application for a writ i habeas corpus fur his release from pcUon. The Iinltau KViipilonH. ItnMC , Augustil. Thoeruntlon of the vo cauo continues. It is difficult to relieve tl : I sufferers ! A largo estate belonging to a 10 English company has' been destroyed. THEY KEPT BAGKtllE WORST , Sheridan's Physicians Censured For Concealing His Real Condition. GENERAL CROOK IN WASHINGTON Ho Is Much Pleased With Chicago The Advantnces of Bmall Military Posts Onmhn'B liulldliiK Miscellaneous. Dishonest Htillctlnfl. WASHINGTON Hfiiiuu THE OMAR t UKR , 51.1 FOURTEENTH STHIICT , WASHINGTON. D. C. , August 0. ! There are severe criticisms being passed upon the bulletin system which kcpttho pub ic misinformed of General Sheridan's condl- lon while ho was in Washington and after 10 was removed to Nonqiiltt. It seems that ho fatal Illness of many prominent men during the pnst few years have had tlio of- 'ect of developing n trcgulnr and uniform system of fabrication in the bulletin business , jcnerul Sheridan's true condition has been unrepresented almost continually since the day ho arrived hcro'f rom Chicago on tbo 12th of last May. From the very outset the decors - ors must have known , which they now 'rankly acknowledge , that General Sheri dan's illness would of necessity prove fatal. Ho bad hobnail liver orclrrhosis of the liver , i complication of heart troubles , hemorrhage of the bowels and lungs nnd general break down of his con stitution. As long ago ns three r'cars the general's family physicians ndvised ilm to go on the retired list nnd tnko life easy. They told him thnt unless ho gave up his ofllcinl duties and censed to take an active [ inrt in social life und took care of himself he would live but a very short time. Yet the most rosy accounts as to his condition were mt forth In bulletins thrco or four times a day. And even after he had passed three or 'our crises which brought him us near to ileath's door ns ono could come and not enter , md while ho yet remained in a condition of the most critical character , statements were jlvcn to the public to the effect that ho was improving and restinir quietly. It has been stated from time to time in thcsc-dispatchcs that General Sheridan's condition was of a hopeless character and that it was altogether outof the question for liim to over recover sutllclcntly to resume his onlcinl duties and in the.fuco of this fact mis representations have been promulgated in an ofllclal manner. WASHINGTON LITE wonn HIM OIT. Army men and intimate friends who hnvo been broil ght into close contact with General Sheridan during the past four or live years say that ho has simply yielded to the InsI- didus attacks of luxury and ease ; that with the simple fare of n soldier nnd the exposure und excitement of outdoor llto broken b.v un occasional campaign. Hia health would have continued perfect ; but thnt when the denth of Grant and the retirement of Sherman brought him to Wnshlmrton with its attract ions and allurements , it brought him nlso to his grave. Then Shcridnn spent nearly all his evenings , when notciosc- ly engaged with his official duties , in tlio company of his friends lot his home or the homo of u companion , When not attending u dinner or a banquet. His hfo was therefore , one of luxury , and it wore upon his entire nature. General Sheridan was fond of a good din ner , but was never a heavy cater , even in the held. His mess was always amply provided It was duo to provident euro , and not in tlio least to greed. Ho was an e-xeollent pro vider , a most skillful forager and always watchful of the needs und requirements of bis men. This made htm n strong com mander , but were him out in the national capitul. WASHINGTON IN MOUIIVINO. Washington Is In deep mourning. Although General Sncridan's death has daily been ex pected for moro than two months D.V the people plo of Washington who knew much about his true condition , when the sad news finally came the shock was none the less on account of the knowledge that he could not live long. On all the public buildings flags arc at half mast. The proceedings in congress to-day , as well as the action at the White house , showed the high esteem in which the general was held. His funeral will bo one of the most largely attended of any that has over been held in Washington , notwithstanding the fact that Mrs. Sheridan lias requested the war department to have as litllo display and pomp as possible , and to confine the funeral to the strict rules governing such oo- caslons in tlio army. Orders have been Is sued by the commanders of the local militia , and there will DO besides the militia at Wash ington nnd the surrounding cities , a largo at tendance of the G. A. 11 , . the Loyal Legion und other veteran military organizations. Congress will adjourn on the day of the funeral and thu executive departments will be closed. GGNBIIAL CKOOK IN WASHINGTON. Major General George Crook , who arrived here yesterday , left this morning for Oak land , Md. , where his family has been located for some weeks. Ho will rest for some little - tlo time. General Crook has not visited Washington since 1831 , and linding Chicago o > , codingly hot he started for Oakland and Deer Park , stopping hero merely to pay his respects to the president , and secretary of war , whom ho had never met. Ho hpont some time with both olncials to-day. Hegarding the increase and decrease oi posts In the division which hue been to some extent discussed rind considered , General Crooks said : " 1 hardly think wo can dis pense with any of thu timnller posts ns yet , Wo have by no means a guarantee of safety from Indian outbreaks , though I doubt if we ever have another serious one. You musl bear in mind that the possibilities of such out breaks are far greater to-day than they have o ever been uotoro , by reason of the greatly Increased population. These reservations all surrounded on all sides to-day with towns and settlers and they are all comparatively helpless agulnst such an enemy. Thu In dians can ultluC " " ! ! ttn small parties and slaughter thousands of people before wore could be gotten to the troops nnd even then soldiers could bu of little service. The usual Influence of bodies of troops in close vicinage upon the Indians uiufet not bo un dorestimatod. Yet 1 am heartily in uceorc : with our plans for the Increase of the hirgci posts and the concentration of troops. Will the railroad and the telegraph the govern inent of nn army Isn't what it used to be um : this fact warrants this concentration. Foi Instance , our best policy ia to Increase posts llko the ones In Nebraska , at Highwood , Chicago nnd Fort Snolllng , Minn. , to large posts , and this I thinic will be dona if tin funds can bo secured. From thcso points troops can bo thrown in a few houis inu almost any portion of the Missouri valley Such n policy Is. I think , considered the Wisest by all the oftlcla'.s. " General Crook said thut ho did not thlnl there would bo any further trouble from tin Apaches on the San Carlos reservation These Indians , whom ho considers by fur tin most Intelligent and mentally active of nni of the tribes , are not , as is generally sup | > oscd , naturally bloodthirsty. Their hostil ity is merely duo to excessive indulgence ii corn whisky , which they manufacture them selves. "I am much pleased with my new locntloi at Chicago , " ho said , "for I think the locatloi exceedingly healttiv , anU I am something of i sufferer from malarial dllllculllcs. I nm cu g-aged , of course , at present In studying u ] my division , which embraces the Departments monts of the Platte , Dtkota and Missouri. Presnmo I shall stay there. I Know nothlni to tbo contrary at present. It was mtlmatci that General Howard desired a transfer frou the division of the Pacific to that of th Missouri , but I have tint heard that ha ha asked for it. Ho wrote me n short , time ago < i but mnitu no mention of such > n < i"-- < > " ' i TIU : siofx . . 1 General Crovkvlio refused to serve upo the Sioux commission , snys thnt the result of that mission In somewhat doubtful , although ho believes the Indians will yet give their consent. Llko Gcnurnl Sheridan , ho believes that the lands arc worth much moro than the 50 cents per acre allowed by the act , and thinks a greater price should bo allowed them , "I do not believe , " said ho , "that the Indian title to this laud should have been allowed In the first place , for 1 don't believe they had any more title to It than the bultnlo , but having once recognized their al leged right , let ns trent them fairly. They know nil the value of this land as well ns wo do mid In my opinion this Is what Is causing the delay In the negotiation , nnd the feeling that the Indians have , that they are not getting what they ought to have. Then they are naturally suspicious and It is hard work to gain their confidence. Very few people over do gain nn Indian's ' honest confidence. He will give an nppzaranco of It , but Is tlways moro or less suspicious. " OMAHA I'UIIUU 111)11llINd ) HIM , . No action was taken In the house or by the new conference committee on the Omaha inbllo building bill to-day. The house was n session but n ahoit time when it nd- ourncd out nf respect to the memory of General Sheridan. It was intended thnt the conference report en the Milwaukee bill ihould bo taken into consideration and it .vould undoubtedly luivo been called up nul the house remained in session all tftcmoon and Dockery , who inndo a [ notion to reconsider the vote by which Lhc conference report on the Omaha bill was rejected , would have moved to withdraw his motiotnniul permitted the conference com mittee to act. It is believed that the confer- unco will , as indicated In a Bni : dispatch hist week , agree to appropriate S-iO' ' tOOto begin ' , hc construction of thu building and limit ho entire cost of site and building to $ l)0- ( ) XX ) . Great interest is manifested by the Ne braska delegation In the action which the house will take on the Milwaukee and Kan sas City bills , which were referred to the same conference committee us the Omaha bill , and which will bu reported to appro- iriatu the same amount as the Nebraska incasurc. MISCEI.I.ANFOfS. John C. Parish , of Cedar H-iplds , la. , was ; o-dny admitted to practice before the interior department. The controller of currency has nuthorbcil the orgnnl/ntlon of the Arlington National bank at Arlington , In. , capital &iflXX ) , Nathan A. Cornish , president , and HarvyC. Condon , cashier. Pciiuv S. HGATH. Army Onion * . WASHINGTON , August 0. [ Special Tele- ram to Tim HUE. | So much of the sentence of n general court martial ( May 24 , IbST , Department of the Platte ) ns hhall remain unexecuted October 1 , 1SSS , is remitted in the case of William Clark , late sergeant , ! ompnny G. Tenth infantry , now in the Leaven worth military prison. The unexecuted loition of the sentence imposed by n general court martial ( July 2-1 , 1SS.1 , Department of the Platte ) is rcmilcd in the case of George Miller , late private Light Hnttery D , Fifth artillery. Private James Kcarns , Company I , Twen ty-first Infantry , now with his company , is discharged from the service of tlio United States. Major Adnn H. ChofTee , Ninth cavalry ( promoted from cautain Sixth cavalry ) will report by telegraph to the commanding gen eral Department of the Pintle for assign ment to a post and will Join the station to which he may be assigned. Leave of absence is granted Captain Fred erick AV. Thcbaut , Sixth Infantry , for ono month. The extension of leave of absence on surgeons certificate of disability is granted Second Lieutenant Fiedcrick V. Krup. Eighth infantry , June ] ' . , is further extended two months on surgeon's certificate of disa bility. Corporal Edward N. Mcekins , signal corns , on duty at North Platte , Is discharged the bcrvlro of the United States. The chief signal olllcer. John Probst , late private band Seventh infantry at Minncapo- lis , , is. granted admission to the soldiers' home , District of Columbia. Ills expenses of transportation will bo paid. So much of the sentence of n general court martial , January 8 , Ib37 , ns shall re main unexecuted October 1 , is remitted in the case of Thomas Newman , late private Company T , Second infantry , now at Alcn- tnu Island. 'California , and ho shall bo re leased on that date. Nchrnska and Iowa I'onsions. WASHINGTON , August 0. [ Special Tele gram to Tun BEE. ] Pensions granted Nebraskans - braskans : Increase Wilson Dart , York. Widows' arrears Ann E. , widow of O. E , Miller , Stuart ; Jcnnio T. , widow of Andrew V. Vaught , Lincoln ; Alice J. Kclso , former widow of James E. Gilmore , Blanche. Pensions for lowans : Increase Charles F. Adams , Council Bluffs ; Josiah R. Dun- bar , Sprlngville ; Willis W. Vandorcn , Mt. Pleasant ; Sylvanus H. Carlen , Floris ; Willis - lis Mobloy. Maeksburg ; Barney C. llahn , Marion ; James H. Wing , M.ilvern. lie issue William H. Pillabury. Osknloosa , Widows' arrears Lucy P. , widow of John S. Dunbar , Agency ; Nnnnle , widow ol Tnomas S. Dougherty , Washington ; Ilosnn- nu , widow of James W. Slbolo , Centervlllo ; Anna , widow of William Grccr/.vood , Davoiv Dort ; Dlantha , widow of George'lv. Edwards , Toledo ; Mary J. , widow of Jonathan Small Plaiutleld ; Cora , ex-widow of Joseph H Theme , Dubuquc ; Ada J. , widow of Chili In ; G. Hayes , DCS Molnes ; MnryJ. , widow o : William 1U. Duncan , Leslie ; Hettie , widow of Enoch Croy , Exirn ; Amanda , widow o : Philander C. Shefueld , What Cheer ; Stunn widow of John C. Kellison , Polk City ; Mnrj J. , widow of Alvan B. Ileoves , Murcngo Martha , widow of Henry Lilndcrinun , Havre Ann , widow of James Campbell , Agency. Tlio English MarkotB. LONDON , August 0. The Mnnc Luno Ex press snys : August , opened with disaster ti the agricultural interests of the whole coun ry. Uain falls hnvo been unprccedcntedl ; heavy and the damage done to wheat crop is irreparable. The values of English whoa have risen 1 shilling per cental since Frldaj in the London market , and 2 ponce per ronta in the Liverpool market. Country flour I1 quoted at 2'i shillings par sack. Forelgi wheat has stiffened nt Liverpool nnd valuei nro 1 pence per cental higher. Corn is steady Oats ilTrl 1'iirJoy are in fair demand at un changed prices. Tlio Iiituvnatlonnl Association. CHICAGO , August 0. The International as socintlon , which has Just risen from tin ashes of the Texas Trafllc association , can vened hero to-day to complete the work com uicnccd at Now York. Thu combination em braces the western roods west of the Missis sippi river , and the head oftlca is to bo a Denver. Tlio work before the association n Us session Is n revision of rates to conforu with the western transportation , which Inn been adopted In lieu nf the Texas classifies lion. A committed of 11 vo was appointed t < take up thU mutter. A Preacher filceiln to Death. PiEitui : , Dak. , August 0. [ Special Tele gram to TUB BEE. ] Ilov. J. W. Hnnporil Indian teacher and missionary at St. Steph ens mission , who was noted as the ono wh married Chaska and Miss Fellows , wr. thrown from a moyiiig machine , cutting o his right hand. He bled to death buforo a ! arrived. at Knirilelil. FAIIIPIKUI , Neb. , August 0. [ Special To : cgram toTiiB BEE. ] The grocery stock t T. J. Loomls was burglari/ed last night. Th tlilof got In through thu transom and took ? ? in cash. Ho did nut disturb the goods. Ther Is no clue to tUo thief. Postal Changes. . WASHINGTON , August 0. [ Special Teh gram to TUB BEE.J A postpflhio was csfal Usbed to-day nt Itiggs , Sheridan count : with Stephen M. Prouty as postmaster. IIA WICK YR HAPPKXINGH. Tlio Rxnnilnntloii of tin ; Ilallrond Coin nils loners Renamed. DBS MOINI-S In. , August 0. Tlio cxiimlnn- tlon of the railroad commissioners by at torneys for Iowa roads wits resumed this afternoon. Commissioner Campbell WAS cross-examined by Judge Nourso , counsel for the commissioners , mill produced from re ports the totnl earning- * , dividends mill sur plus of the Hock Island road. Judge With- row then questioned the witness us to the clnlui which people along the rend could hnvo ujwn the property of tlio road from having nt some time granted land to it. Commissioner Campbell had cltod the cnso of the people at Newton having given the Hock Island land "or u depot years ago , but ho admitted , on olleetlon , that when given the land was vorth abooul $ ! an acre , and all property ad- acentto it had greatly Increased in value by , ho building of the rond.Sponklnijof what wns it fair return fir the money invested , Mr. ampbell WHS nsKcil how much per cent .loney lenders received who loaned on good nortg.ifjus to fanners. "About 10 per cent. " m replied. "Don't you think then , " said iVithrow , "that the men who have invested heir money in rnlltoids that hnvo made hu-io farms valuable ought to got at least 0 r per cent return I" Mr. Campbell sug gested that the farmers on an average did not make much moro tlian ! ! per cent on their nvestmcnt. "Well , " said .Itulgo Wltlirow , 'average the earnings of all the ro.xds In : owa and hnw iniicli have you I" "No over 4 icr cent , " was the reply. The examination ivas postponed until to-morrow morning. Its Sorrow. Iowa Expresses 4 Diss MOINBM , Iu , , August 0. [ Special Tele ram to THE Bur. . ] Governor Lnrrabeo sent the following message to Mrs. Sheridan to-day : Di'.s MOINUS , la. , August 0. Mrs. P. H. Sheridan , Nonquitt , Mass. : On behalf of the people of the state of Iowa , I extend to ou slncero sympathy in the great alllletion which has befallen you and your fam ily by tlio death of your illustrious husband. His great valor , displayed so often during the recent terrible contest for national jxisteneo , won for him a place in the iiftcc- .ions of our people which makes his death come like u personal loss to every loyal citizen. WILI.IAM LAHHAIIII : : . A Fatal UiuiuNvny. MOUNT PLIHSAN'T , la. , August 0. | Special Telegram to TUB iict : . ] Yesterday ns Mrs.- iVbrahum , wife of Senator Lot Abraham , was driving into town lior horse became fright ened , throwing her out upon tlio iiavement and killing her instantly. She was u sister to John H. Aldcn , the Now York publisher , and traced her descent from John Aldcn. of the Mayllower. Her husband had served in the state sonata and wan prominently known in all Grand Army circles. Tlio Sullivan Shooting. MASON CITV , la. , August 0. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : UKE. ! Mrs. Jessie McKinncy , charged with the shooting of Sullivan , ar rived from Sioux Falls to-day , ready for her preliminary hearing to-morrow. It now ap pears that Sullivan was not with the other two when they were trespassing on the wo man's premises. Sullivan is improving , but will never completely recover. The charge against her is assault with intent to commit murder. A Ijlquor Dealer Mulcted. WATEIII.OO , la. , Aucust 0. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tin : Bii.l The entire stock of in- toxlcatingllquors belonging to Henry Pfoifer , of Cedar Falls , amounting to nine dray- loads , valued at § . } , ( ) ) . ) , was seized by oflloors Saturday night. "This nToYnlnJ : Pfoifer was tried before a Justice on the churgo of selling liitor ( | to a minor and fined ? J50 nnd costs. Ho will probably light the matter in the higher courts. The Rnilrond Cases. DBS Mo INKS , la. . August 0. Neither Jus tice Miller nor Judge Browster was hero to day to hear the cnso of the railroads against the commissioners , and the case will proba bly not bo heard until the fall or winter. MOIIK WiTXhSSIUS EXAMINED. The Immigration Committee UCSIIIIICH ItH IiivOHtlgatlon. NcwYonic , August 0. The congressional emigration Investicatiug committee rosnmod its sessions to-day. Tlio first witness was Henry W. Fodere , agent for the Comiingnio Natlonalo do Navigation. Ho said that the company had five vessels that piled between New York and Marseilles. In the first six months of the present year his line had brought 0,1CO passengers. His company em ployed agents In southern Europe , sold prepaid - paid tickets , and carried many Italians. An Italian who could not sponU a word of English was the next witness. Ho said that be cnrrlod on a small money changing estab lishment. Within u few days ho was on- gagca in furnishing laborers to con tractors. Ono week ago n man asked him to furnish COO laborers , who wore to bo paid $1.20 per itay. Witness thought they were to work for some company , nnd their faro was to bo paid. Witness was to bo remunerated after the men were secured. Jo eph Slca , the next witness , said that hi- * business was to furnish laborers to largo employers. Ho never imported men. Ho boards laborers nm1 furnishes thorn with provisions. Witness furnished 400 moil to Brown , Howard & Co. on the new aqueduct. The profits of the witness were secured from the supplies furnished the men. The witness has furnished as many as l.fiOO men to the West Shore railroad. The West Shore road paid the witness a lived salary of { 3 it day. Further testimony of the witness proved conclusively that Sica and TrogI had been engaged for some time in importing their follow countrymen under contract. H. II. CalUlazor , u renorter for the Phila delphia Ledger , testified that ho had in vestigated the Italian imported labor ques tion ior his paper. Witness visited the coal regions , and ono Michael Angclo , n foreman , furnished him with the names of men hero in New York who would furnish him sill the men ho wanted He enmo to New York and saw u man mimed Gallo , with whom ho made arrnngt'iiients for 1.000 men to work In the coal regions. Gnllo wanted him to ngroe that he ( ( Julio ) should board all the men , and offered witness 5 per cent on the gio&s amount of the bills. Witness , ns the con tractor , was to dojuct the store bills. , etc. , nnd ho figured thut his 5 per cent would nut him about ? ? 00 n month. Tcrrlllc Storm at Cairo. CAIKO , 111. , August 0. A terrific wind storm prevailed bore yesterday for nearly at hour , which did considerable damage In the city and on the river. Tno wind blew at the rate of sixty miles nn hour for ten minutes nnd the rain fell in torrents. Hundreds ol heavy trees wer. ' , blown down in all parts ol the city , and fences , signs and awning : ; wort Rtrcwn along iho walks. Two warehouses wore blown down and considerable olliei damage done. A Woman ol' Nerve. KANSAS CITV , August 0. [ Special Tele gram to TIM : BEB. ] Mrs. Clark , wife o William Clark , living at 107 Brooklyn avenue nuo , discovered a rough looking negro per fectly nude under Iwr bed early this morn Ing. Mr , Chirk Is away from the city oi business. The woman made no noise bu sent fur u policeman. Tlio negro , who thei feigned Intoxication , was arrested for burg lary. Ho gave the name of Lewis Corner. The VNililo .Supply. B CHICAGO , August 0. The visible suppl ; [ ? for the week ending Auguat 4 , as eompllci by the secretary of the Chicago board o trade , Is us follows : Bushels Wheat 31,001.1)0 ) Corn 8,100,00 Oats ' . i-Jl , ( KJ Ityo. . , . , , ' l.Vi.O- Uarlty.- . , . * . . 'UJ-.O. THE COLD WATER CANDIDATES Qonoral Flsk and Dr. Brooks Accept Tholr Nominations. IN FAVOR OF FREE WHISKY. The Itctnovul of the Tnx Advocated ns the Most KfToctlvc MCAIIH , of Destroying the IjN quor Trnlllo. Fisk nnd Brooks Accept * CiiiCAno , August fl. The letters of accept ance of General Clinton H. Fisk and John A. Brooks , the prohibition candidates for president nnd vice president of the United States , were made public this afternoon. General Fisk's letter , dated Senbrlght , N. J. , July-1 , opens with mi expression of the grateful sense of honor conferred by the In- dlanapolls convention and , after formally accepting the nomination , proceeds us fol lows : "Within a few years the temperance reform has altogether changed front. In ho great conflict which tins been and is yet ivaglng , the temperance forces no longer "ueu the human nppctito nnd habit ulone. They oppose legislation , laws , the purpose of political parties , the policy and station of the nation. What law creates law alone can kill. The crcaturo of law the saloon liquor .rattle can die only nt the law's hand , or the hand * of the law's executor. It is not enough thnt wo reform the Individual. Wo must reform the states. So broad a demand as this can bo met In but ono ivnv. It has been well said that 'u political reform can become a fact in government only through u political party thnt adminis ters the government. ' A reform so vast as this wo advocate , involving such radical changes in tlio senate and In the national policy , is utterly dependent for its agitation nnd consummation upon some party force. "The national democratic party , in its plat form , utters no words In condemnation of the greatest fee to the republic , * the liquor trafllc. "It was with great roluctonco that I came to admit the imperativeness of n now party , while yet tlio party of my choice , the national republican party.maintalncd its organization. I have socn no hour of regret. Every day since then has shown more clearly the logic of my course and tlio in evitable truth of my conclusions. In Michi gan , in Texas , in Tennessee nnd Oregon , so- called non-partisan efforts to establish pro hibition have failed , through partisan neces sity , born of tbo liquor elements in the old party composition. In Iowa , Rhode Island and Maine the laws liavo been shamefully dclied for the same reason. The entire trend of things these last four years has proven hopeless the broader , , . . . range of prohibition effected through lion- t rjl partisan means , nnd equally futile , as n final m * ± \ consummation , the narrower methods of local option and high license , while from thar supreme court itself lias come , with startling emphasis , n declaration so nationalising this ) reform that it can never bo made of local or state limitation again. " 'Tho llrsl concern of good government , ' said the recent national republican conven tion nt Chicago , 'is the virtue and sobriety of the people nnd the purity of the homo. ' If the chief concern has no place in the party's platform , and the parly has no policy as to that chief concern , that party does hot deserve - servo the support of men who love good gov ernment and would see it uinintuine.l. The prohibition party's chief.concern is for the if ) \ purity of the homo and the virture and sobriety - " ' ' ' - ' briety of the peoplo. "That party is not labor's truest friend which would bar the importation of paupers from abroad , or close the tarllT door of com petition to pauperise n foreign industry , nnd " then , by the liquor system , perpetuate the manufacture of paupers and criminal * In our own jnidst , with whom honest people must compete , and whom largely honest labor must support. " Dr. John A , Brooks , in accepting the vlco presidential nomination on the prohibition ticket , utter acknowledging the honor con- fo-ted upon him , denounces in strongest terms monopolies nnd trustswhich , ho says , arc against a wholesome revision of the tariff. Ho- says that the country will hold each of thrco great political parties to its platform , and that the platform of the prohi bition party is the wisest of tno three. Ho does not hesitate to declare , ho says , that the surplus in the treasury Is a constant , momico to the business interests of the country. The propriety of removing the tax from whisky must depend altogether upon the purpose in tended to bo accomplished by such removal. The tariff itself pleads its right to existence upon the grounds of its recognition by the government , and the revenue it pays Into the public treasury. Strike down this de fense , nnd nil outraged public would not long HulTer its continuance. The prohibition party would .strike oil the tax that It may the sooner destroy the trafile. The purpose of the re publican party in the repeal of the tax is to reduce the revenue that they may not-tiavo to surrender any part of our protective sys tem. The prohibitionists would take this arch criminal out of prison aud hang him ; the republicans to set him nt liberty. Every Christian will approve the motive prompting the one and denounce the other us the con summation of human selfishness and infamy. A proper protection of American labor nnd the industries of the country commends itsulf to the majority of the people , but of infinitely more importance is protection to our homes. He closes with n glowing tribute to the women who have so long upheld the cuuso of prohibition. General IlarriHon H Visitors. IxnuXArout ) , August 0. The James Q. niaino club of Kansas City , 130 strong , ar rived in the city this morning mid paid a visit to General Ilnrribon , who made n shore speech to them. Alter handshaking they bought their train , uud within forty minutes \\cro on their way eastward. In Favor of Consolidation. , August 0. The bccond gen eral meeting of railway employes to further consider the proposition to forma confeder ation of the locomotlvo oiiginosrs , firemen's nnd brnkomen'H brotherhood nnd switch men's mutual aid association , convened yes terday afternoon. Tlio gathering , which was larjroly attended , represented BUIIIB ten thousand men. The meeting was almost unanimously In favor of the amalgamation , and steps were taken to further the remilt. Hilled In u WIT ok. LAWMCXCI : , Kan. , August ( ) . [ Special Tel egram 'fl Tun Hun. ] A westbound Santa Fo train was wn-OaCtl Vhreo miles west of hero at 5 o'clock this morning. Uas'ncer ' Martin Myers was killed and Mroiimn John Ilarff was badly -aided , Both inon lived in Knn- so s City. Myers hud been In the employ of the Santa Fo for cloven years. Ho was married and had ono child , a daughter. Good Wuiitlifi' Tor Corn. KANSAS Cnv , Mo. , AugustO. fSpecIal Tel egram to Tim Hun. ] Special dispatches to night show heavy rains and high wind last nlht ; nt Atchison , Hlawathu , Hoblnsoo , Marvsvillo and Seneca , Kan. Almost every neet ion of the western corn belt bus had ruin within the last thrco days , and the outlook now it , us one railroad imin expressed It , that the railroads will not huve curs enough to move the corn. A Chicago Forcer CuiKAno , August U , James H. Porter , the First National bank fonjer , who wa nr- rested by a I'lnkerton operative at Portland , Oro. , arrived hero to-day. Porter Is the maij who forged papers to the amount of $1,100 on It. D , Fowler , president of the Anglo American Packing company and got nwuy With the money , escaping to South . Am lien , where ho Ims iicen for Uio lust two 0 years. Hoforu Juotjco Hradwull hovniycd Kl xuinniti : m and was. committed to the CUB- " , ) tody of Uiu tificriff In default of f2,000 bond * .