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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1888)
p * * THE OaiAHA DAILY BEE : 'MONDAY AUGUST 6 , 1883. CALIFORNIA ! T1IH LAND OP DISCOVERIES. Santa Abie : and : Cat-R-Cure For Sale by Goodman Dru Co. "U-iAHiS An Important Announcement About nil weeks BKO. wliltont 1 iflnep .l m suddenly nttncked with excruciating ralna In mr feet , knew nnrt hands. HIINCMT * Iho attack that 1 took my bed Immediately , mi ! In two or thrrc rtaja my joints Mere ) uollen to almost ilonlilo tinfr tmtumlklni , andslecn watdrlicn from inc. Aftircuff.r. ing tlio nuitt excTiictntlliK | T.ln fnrawrck , iHTiiK liniments and Tarlou * other remedies , frlrnil who ynipiithl7CdwUhniyhelplel condition. saidtuuio : "Why aou't you icet Bn-ft's | Bpeclflo nna tmo 11. InlllKuaraiiit'iin cure , aiul If It doel i pi t the medic-Inn Khali cost } u nothing" I at oucn secured tlio 6. 8. K. , aim nfter nitln * It the first day , had n quiet n'glitnnd refilling sleep. In a wei'k I felt greatly Iwui-ytti-J. In three weeks I could kit ui > nd walk about the room , ami nftcr U-ITIK ttx Kittles I HUD nut aiiit alilo to to to Luiluesa. Elueutlieu I lime been regularly nt my poet ot duty , and tuml on my ( ret rroni nlnu to ten bourn n tiny , ntid Rni entirely free from Daln. Tucu ortt tlui ululn mid tluiplefnctl fiiiiyc.i < .nn < l I winchcprfully answer all iiiiiufrlci nlalh o tliei rte , either In ) > crsou or by mall. TiKiMia MAPKII.IJK , , It W. Mil street , Now York City. r NAHITII.LB , Tusrc. I Imvo warded off n se vere ultnclc of rhounmtl'm by n tlincl ) I canrt to Bnlft'i Siwclue. In all cnncn wln'ronicr- mancnt relief Is nouiilit thlf nioillclno com. mi'ndJ Itself fnr n constitutional tnatimnt tuoioulily ; eradicate ! the teedj ) of dl - tiwo from the tysti'in. { lev. W. P. niniuaoK , D. D. ' Kr.w Yonic. Bl Till AVK. After ipnidlnff 2UU to tm relies eil of lllooil J'olM > \vlthout ny Ix-ni nt , it few bttllen of B Iffn Biieclno Vurked u l > orcct euro. C. I'OUTER. VIKVU , OA. My little Klrl. sued lxand bov , av'it fr'ir yearn , hud neroful * In Ilia wont Krfravntcii shnpo. Tuey were puny net hlctJy. To dmy they ore limllhy unit ro bust , nil the result of taking H. & B. JOK T. COLLIKR. LADT LAKH. StiMTrn Co. , Fix-Your a 0 B. liu jirovul u wonderful SUC.CVFS In my vase. Tl.o cancer on my fncc , 110 doubt , r-ould Imvo soon hurried me to my grave. 1 do tulukltl * wonderful , find has notqual. II. II. 1)1 HD , rostmntUT. WACO , TECAS , May , 1SS3. ' B. B. Co. , Atlanta , On. : Gcntlemtu Ki.owlnR that you appreciate voluntary testimonials , o taie pk'usnroln Itatlnc that one ot our lady customers ha * regained her health by the use of four larue bottle * of your great remedy , after having beenan Invalid for several } cnrs. llertroubla was extreme debility , caused by a disease pe culiar to her Hex. WILUt ft Co. , DrurclAtH. i Three booLa mailed free on application. AUdrusgitts sell B. B. a THE SWIFT Srccinc Co. , PraworS , AtlnntaOa. Wcvr York.7 The beit mad sorest Remedy /or Cue of alldUeaMCOHued by any derangement of the Liver , Kidneys , Stomach und Bow tig. DycpepsJa , Sick Beatlaehe , Constipation , DUJonj Complttlmtf und Mr.ltrii of * U kinds yield readily to the bcBcfleoat Influence of It la pltaonnt to the tarte , tones up tlio ajitem , reitorc * end preMtrei liealth. IIU pnrcly Vcgelable , mid cannot fall to prora bentflelal , both to old and yonnj ; . Afl a Blood Puriflvr tt IB superior to nil c Ultra. Sold evcrjrwhere nt 61.00 a bottle. CcrllHed Checks , Payable at Sight on the Puget Sound National Bank Given as Security lor Money Invested. To thoneileslrouiiof uujrlnir property on time , wi otlcT the lollowminVo will allow from 3 month to 5 j ears time , accord ln to the land you tnlccl VIA ihuruo neither proiulum nor Inturott on thin lut.iuMil'i , and will KIVII TOII u warranty deed.Vi Iia/o loti at f'jO and | I > that me lthln a ntdlu ol two and a half mllci ot the poitolllcc.twi qtilre oniy 111 ner cent. a an earncut money and we will ulvo certified chock for ( lie full amount otoacli § > mpnt. 'llivchcck Indrawn y the 1'utet Hound National bnnk and Is made pay. bleat night and you can draw your money at any Ilincthouih by n doing you forfeit yourrlrhti to liurchaic land. Make your Income , no matter bow imall.earn > omothlii . Tranrrontlncntalrallroadi le heading forhvattT , and nmnufiicturlngnrluur- UnliiK. ( leneral coumierre la In a Mute ol > ubitan. Hal pro ru lcin. The dally p poi are tilled with kecounMof new entorprl > c > . 1'Htiln rarnand horw carn-llcleHeatllfl. Addrrmi COOK . .11OOKK. . rlio bnvo the I.Altur.hT I'llOl'KUTV 1.1ST Ul SEATTLE. W , T. AvRofu CONSUMPTIVE Vra PARKER'S GINGER TONIO without < MJ/ . A rw 0 iiietlMiu > l voiutwuitu uuit cur - < u hcnall rl futU , HBNDERCORNS. The uie t , lurrst * nd best corn for Corn * . Punloni , Ao , Btopi J1 twin. Ensurri comfort to th feet Kerer fall * to cur * . Uc nUtl > rufrtf t * < Iliicor ACe N. V. Farm Loans LOWEST RATESI AND BEST TERMS llestw.tlble represetitHtlvfia wante.l. CaHo write us. BURNHAM , TRBVETT & MATTI8 IJeutrlce , SEWS FROM THE OCCIDENT , How the World Wags for the San Franciscans ; A GRAND JURY KICKS UP A DUST. Osmond Day's Itiimnntlo Story Pretty Nc-tllo Sexton Hcturns a Wife More Chinese Jtccriills. Cnllfornlii Letter. SAX FitAXCisoo , August 2. [ Corrc- spondonco of Tun BKH. ] This city 1ms hud u sonwiUon , und u pretty big one , too , nil crciitud by the final report of the prntid jury which has recently been in Hussion. The jury wits composed of nineteen representative men of the city and they had been in bussion nearly seven weeks. Most of the departments of the city government the jury criti cised severely. Speaking of crime the report Buys : "Wo think ourselves justified in as- fccrting that in this city crime is organ- i/.ed for purposen olTcn&lvo und defen sive , and has aiders and abettors. Our elections primarily and finally are con trolled to ti great extent by twelve to fifteen hundred members of the crim inal element leagued together and levying blackmail , having bo-called pulls' on men in authority and others influential with those having power. ' 'Matters have reached such a condi tion here that to openly olTond the di rectory of the criminal element seems to invite complete political ostracism. Itcciprocity exists between criminals , prostitutes , gamblers and bossism. Po licemen boom not to moot the rcquifo- monts of the situation. " Speaking of the Chinese quarter the report says : "This San Francisco Sodom , with all its loathsome features , has become so familiar that it has ceased to inspire horror among our citizens. It is only strangers who real ise the hideonsncss and lilthiness of its slums. It is vain to point out the dis grace of having such a foul cancer in the very heart of this great metropolis. This lias been done hero for more than a ( inartor of a century , and still the evil spreads. Its gambling dens , its brothels and opium joints flourish in Hjrilo of our police , and its inhabitants live in foul kennels , which stillo vis itors with their unbearable stenches. " A KOMANTlt ! hTOKY. A story full of romance was developed in the superior court the other Juy dur ing the trial of Osmond Day for grand larceny. Day was accused bv a woman of the town of having robbed her of a diamond cross while visiting her in her room. Day's pretty young wife was a weeping witness of the trial. Ho stron- uqusly denied that ho had taken the missing cross , and while making his oration casually remarked that ho had once been convicted of bigamy in Aus tralia , and immediately asked permis sion to explain how it happened. This was accorded by the court. lie said that whije in the colonies and single lie had received word from Eng land that in case ho should marry with in a certain tune and have a male child ho would bo loft a handsome fortune by relatives thero. The money belonged to him by right , ho considered , and ho resolved to resort to a subterfuge to ob tain it , as ho had no inclinatson to marry. Ho cast about him and finding that Mrs. .Tanc Anderson , who was a neigh bor of his , had a little girl , ho induced her to have the child registered in the parish chapel under his name and as a boy. Everything passed till right and ho received the money. A low years later ho married , but his wife hearing that ho had a child and had previously been married , suspected that ho was neither divorced nor a widower and had him arrested for bigamy. Ho proved by Airs. Anderson that the child was not his and that ho was not her husband , but ho was con victed , nevertheless , and solitoneod to three years' imprisonment in jail. Ho attributed his conviction to the fact that ho was at the time writing an luiti-Ghineso pamphlet in which ho re ferred to her Britanio Majesty as "a woman"and the authorities wanted to got him out of the way. Ho served his time , and when ho was liberated found that ho was divorced from his wife and was regarded as the father of Mrs. Anderson's child. Ho soon after foil in love with a lady who returned his alToction , and they wore married. This was the wife who sat weeping beside him in the court room. ItKTtlUNKD A WIFIJ. Nellie Sexton , the pretty sixteen- year-old girl , who ran away from her parents at the Potororo about three months ago. has returned and is again a member of her father's household. When she loft homo she called on a family in the city named Kennedy , whom she know , and requested em ployment. Her services were refused , however , on account of her youthful ap- pearnnco and the suspicion that she was a runaway. The girl then met an engineer on the Southern Paciflo road named Dalton. who tool : her to Truekoe , Nov. , and married hor. Nellie then wrote to Mr. Kennedy from that city , stating she was getting along finely. The letter ivus rihown to the girl's father , Michael Sexton , who declared it was a forgery , and that the girl was detained in some disroputahlo liouso in this city. The police , after investigation , putbut little faith into his assertions , whereupon Soxtou made a hullabaloo about the in- ofllcioncy of the force. Now the girl has returned to this city to await for her husband. Olllcor Sul livan met Nellie on Montgomery street , and bho accompanied him to the city pribon. Mr. Sexton was notified anil called on his daughter. After lectur ing her for some time , ho took her homo. Before leaving ho met a reporter and threatened that if anything was said about the ease ho would remove all the reporters and editors from the positions which they now occupy. With this cheerful throat ho departed. Nellie , on passing out of the door , whi&pored : "Isn't ho a daisy ? Never mind him , he's a crank. " MOI115 CHINES ! ! ItKOKUITS. The China steamer City of Poking ar rived last Thursday from Hong-Kong , bringing a cargo of OflSJ Chinese ; 000 of these are for this city , forty-four are bound for Panama , nine are destined to Mexico , and nine will go to Honolulu. Of the 000 for this port , 6:20 : have corti- llcatos.nnd the balance will seek release under habeas corpus writs as "prior resi dents. " A prominent ofllcial- speaking of the decreasing number of Chinese who nro engaging pnwigo from China to - this country , suites that it is in consequence uf the fact that the Chinese government does not inlond to ratify the Bayard treaty , which fact is well known to the Chinoit nt lionio und in this country. Whci. the irenty * * rtrst mentioned , return In.t.-iUirition from this country to China foil oil to nn liii > nnnlly Jow'fig ure , while the rush from China to this country increased extraordinarily. In fact , the only time when it reached the same figures was just prior to the restriction act going into effect. For the last two months , with this bugbear hanging over their heads , every Chinese steamer arriving at this port lias been crowded to its full capa city , and ono line ( the Canadian Pa cific ) was compelled to charter addi tional steamers in order to nccommo- date intending passengers. During the last month however , this order of things has changed. The Chinese are returning from this coun try to China in large numbers , while the steamers loaylng Hong-Kong for this port nro not carrying above half the number that they can accommo date. In connection with this it should bo remembered that there tire still over two thousand entitled to return on the prior residence plea , while over twonty- thousand "cortiflcnto" men are still In Claim. The treaty should it go into ef fect , would prevent persons of either class from re-entering the United States. FASHION IX SUICIDES. The annals of local suicides show that a largo percentage of these persons who desire to shift from this world to another by means of drowning bolect a ferry-boat as the stage from which to plunge into a watery eternity. Until quite recently the ferry-boat El Captain was a favorite craft for this purpose , but when the Piedmont was placed on the Oakland route borne erratic genius who had considered the proposition of "to bo or not to bo" in all its uhases , and had concluded not to be , refused to guide himself by precedent , and changed the order of things by deliber ately hurling himself from the deck of the now boat. Somehow or other this action started a sort of boom in favor of the Piedmont , audit was not/many days before a second suicide , quite as success ful as the iii'st , was reported from the Piedmont. The captain of the ferry-boat is by no means proud of the unenviable reputa tion of his craft , and is willing to pay any person on suicide bent by the drowning process a premium to go and seek out a bay barge or clam shallop in borne secluded quarter from which to do the plunging act. In order to dis courage as much as possible all attempts at suicide on the Piedmont , a slriut watch is maintained oven by the deuk- lands. Melancholy looking passengers ire closely watched , and any overt act on the part of the melancholy party , bitch as approaching or nttempt- , ng to lean over the rail of the boat , is .M'omptly suppressed by an energetic deck-hand , and throughout the trip , it is said , the suspected ono is kept as ioar the centre of the boat as possible without creating a scone. VKKY r.OIIUAH WAITKRS. Visiting strangers frequently com plain of the insolent familiarity dis played by waiters at hotels. An English justice , who was hero en route to Vic toria , appeared to view his experiences with ono of them in the light of a good joke , when telling how ho had ordered at dinner a bottle of stout. On tasting it lie said to the waiter it was not fit to drink , and was told by him in reply to drink it or leave it , 'twas none of his all'air which he did. And when ho in sisted that ho wouldn't drink it , the waiter said it was good enough for him , and taking up the glass tossed it off. The justice's wife had also her grievance to relate because on ordering some boiled eggs for breakfast , the waiter without hesi tation broke them into a glass and bet it before her , and when she objected to having them made ' 'puddings" of , was told by the man that bho didiVt know what she wanted , and she'd better cat them up before they got cold. The most annoying encounter , however , must have been that of Mrs. Pnran Stevens at the Grand Hotel. At the time of her visit here there was cm- ployed at that house as bellboy a very garrulous follow named Cyrus , who was generally looked upon by patrons of the hotel as 'being half-witted. The evening - ing of the arrival of the Stevens party from the east , they wore proceeding along the hall on their way to the diningroom , Mrs. Stevens escorted on one side by Lord Walshingham and on the other by Lord Walter Campbell , whom gossip at that period said she was seek ing for a son-in-law. Suddenly Cyrus espied thorn , and , rushing forward , ho throw up his hands , exclaiming : "And it is my dear old landlady that I beol And how are you , andhow is Mr. Stevens , and how is the hotel ? " "Who is this lunatic ? " demanded Mrs. Stevens in her most majestic manner. "Now , don't call mo names , dear , " responded old Cyrus , "wasn't I your own boll boy awav east when Mr. Stevens was the landlord of the hotel ? Look at mo close and Pirrsuro you will remember poor Cyrus. " THE WHONO KIXD OV FLOODS. Iii the present state of our society , when coin gilds the rough edges of character and tills in the blank spaces loft by lack of education and early training , ono constantly meets with in cidents of tin amusing character. Per haps the following anecdote , related tome mo by ono of those who were present on the occasion , will aptly illustrate my assertion. It was a fashionable wator- ing-placo not a thousand miles from San Francisco , and the crowd of idlers on the beach wore composed of some of the swollest guests at the magnificent hostelry near bv. A group , among whom was a millionairess , were chat ting over the morning news. "What a terrible thing , " said Mrs. . "is the distress caused by the floods in Ger many. " Imagine the olToct produced by the answering remark from the rich womun aforesaid : "Why , you don't moan to say they've got slock business going already over to Carlsbad , do you ? " Not for Us to Kepi no. Anxious Mother You think ho is out of danger now , doctor ? Ho will got well ? Doctor No doubt about it allmadam. The operation has been completely successful. "And I warned him , oh , so carefully , to lot the toy cannon alone. Doesn't it look like a judgment on tlio poor boy ? " "It does look like a'judgment , cer tainly , and yet such things sometimes prove to bo blessings in disguiso. It is not for us to ropino. Ono hundred dollars , madam thanks. " A Turrlulu Draught. .Merchant Traveler : "How do you like the southwest ? " said n traveling man to a friend who had just returned from an extended tour. "Very much. " "Nlco climate ? " "Oh , yes ; but there was a tremendous dry season where I came from. It lasted about seven months. " "Seven months ! That would bo con sidered nothing in the state that I came from. Wo have a dry season twelve months every year. " 'Why ; whore do you come from ? " "Iowa. " At a Medicinal Spring. Cynical guest : "What has Tjecome of the landlord ? I've not scon him for the last day or so. " Hotel clerk : "Ho is ill and Is confined to his bed. " "Ho is , ch ? Guess ho must have made a mistake and drank some of the water. A man can't ha too careful at thesa health resorts. i , , S i t.,1 . I' " i" , tm Itt - t B - ti IJ tl- r > vo -I'f 9 O DIAMONDS Watches and Diamonds Found in Tea and Coffee A Novel Way of In troducing Goods , The names of all persons finding ilin- inonds , watches , etc. , are nildud to this ) list daily. The Overland Tea company of San Fninciscohavo , refitted the store , 220 S. 14th St. , near Farnain , Omaha , and in order to introduce thqir pooclti , this company put for CO days , bouvoiiira in every can of tea and colteo sold such ' us fcolid'tjold , silver and nickel watches , also genuine diamonds , in solid gold setting ; also money , and many other articles of leas value. Every can con tains a souvenir , The coil'eo , can ami contents weigh ahout three pounds ; the tea , can and contents about one and a half pounds. This expensive and novel way of advortibing will bo discontinued after 00 days , and these really choice pooda will bo sold strictly on their mer its but without , the souvenir. Of course every purchaser must not expect to get a diamond or watch. This company claim that they have just as good a right to give away watches , diamonds or other jewelry and money as their com petitors have to give away glassware , ohromos , otc. Got up a club. Thoao who got up a elub order most always got a handsome present. Orders by mail promptly forwarded to all parts of tlio United States on receipt of cash or post- oflico order. Terms : Single can $1 ; six for $5 ; thirteen for $10 , and twonty-sov- cn for $20. Address Overland Tea Co. , Omaha , Nebraska. . . . Mr. William TaUjjTwoiity-nintli and Grant streets , stem winding and stem fcotting watch ; Miss Mary Ennowold , Cuminings street , can monqy ; B. T. Redmond , North Eighteenth street , diamond mend ring ; Frank Litrkin , Farnam street , solid hunting case gold watch in tea ; W. F. Creary , Cass street , silver berry dish ; Alfred Johnson , fourteenth street , cluster diamond ring in tea ; John Ilymcs , Council Bluffs , can money ; Lillie Burkhart , Douglass street , $20 gold coin in tea ; MIX W. Foster , Cuss street , sliver pickle raster ; Fred Stan- berg , Council Bluffs' , silver five bottle castor ; L. T. Wolley , Thirtieth street , can money ; HnnryAshton , Fifteenth street , solitaire diamond ring Miss Sadie Rotholx , with Falconers , diamond ring ; Mr. H. M. McGrew , Council Bluffs , can money ; John II. Whitely , California street , ladies hunt ing case gold watch in tea , Elgin move ment ; Edith Howard. Douglas street , silver butter dish ; Robert Stolndlor , Tenth street , solid gold ring , combina tion diamond ruby and sapphire setting ; Mrs. Kate Mnlonoy , South Nineteenth street , din- inondring ; Eyu Bradley , Davenport street , silver pickle castor ; W. J. Byrnes , of TJIK BKB , solitaire diamond ring ; Frank Percy , North Twenty-sixth street , silver fruit stand ; J. P. Sickle , Twenty-fourth and Dorcas , stein wind ing und stem eettlnff watch. IlIRr- OP TUB Chicago , Milwaukee & St , Paul R'y ' , The llcst Route from Omnlia and Council niufTs to - = = THE EAST = - TWO T11A1NS DAILY UICTWKKM OMAHA AND COUNCIL CUIt-ngo , A.N1 Milwaukee , St. Paul , Miiiiu rtjiolis , Cedar llnplds , Hock Island llockford , Frceport , , Clinton , Duljiiqiie , Diiunport , Elgin , Miullson , Jimcsvllle , Uelult , Wlnuuu , Ln Crosse , And all other Importunt points Rait , Northomt n3 Pouthnnst. For throunh ticket < ! ! 0,1 the tlcliet nicnt tl\01 Fftnmm itna't , In llnrker lilovk , or at Union 1'nclHo Il | > Ot. rullmnnSleeiiprn and the finest Dining Cure In th world lira run on tha ninln line of the Clilcnifo. mil wuiikto & St. 1'iiul ItnllwHy , iiinl every nltvntlonli palU to papoeiiKcrf by vourtcoiis tniplojti cl Ut cotupnny. 11. JMll.l.KIl. ( Jfncrnl Mnnnpcr. J. K. TUCK KM. AMlntiintllviicral Mannper. A. V. U. CAlll'K.NTKK , Uencrnl 1'aiwoger and ( MX ) . KS > , A 8l tmil Utnerul and Ticket Aiient. J.T. INACOUAINTEO WITH THC CrOSRAPHY OF THE COUNTrV WIU MCC.II INrOfllt ATION I ROM A CTUOV Of THU MAP OF ThC CHICAGO , ROCK BLMD& PACIFIC n Its main llt'te and brunches Include CHICAGO. rEOHIA. MOLLWE , HOCK 1SIAITO. DAVEN PORT , DES LIOIHEB , COOTICtL UIATFTO , MU8- OATINT , KANSAS CITV. GT. JOSEPH. LEAV- ENWOETH. ATCHISON. CEDAR HAI-EOn , WATERLOO , MINNnAPOLIB , end 8T. PATJt. rmd scores of intfnuciUuto clllos. Choice of routes to and from the Pacific Coast. Ail trans fers In Union dope's. Font ttalna of Hue Day Ccachco , olcgaut EInlus Cats , tnncnlflcen. Pull * man Palace Sleepers , end ( batwccn Chicago. St. Joseph , AtchlBon cnii Kanoas City ) llccllnlns Chair Caru , Seats Frco , to hotdcra of throueli Erst-clnes tickets. Chlccgo , Knnoas & Kobraska R'y "Orent Rock leluncl Routo. " Extends West and BoutiiwoBt from Kaneas Ct7 ! uicllSt. Joseph to NELSON. OH'CON , . HELLK- V1XIJD , TOPSKA. UElUNGTOrfW1CKITA. . HTJTOHINBON , CALDWIXL , and oil points In KAKSAtJ AND SOUTHERN WEDRAGICA end beyond. Entire passenirer oijulpment of tha celebrated Pullman manufacture. All safety ap * plinnces and modern improvemonta. The Famous Albert Lea Route Is the ravortto between Chicago , Bock Island , Atchlflon , Kaneaa City and Minneapolis and at. Paul. Its Watcrtovrn branch travcrncs the great "WHEAT AMD DAIRY BELT" of Northern lovsa. South western Minnesota , and East Central Dakota to Watcrlowii , Spirit Lake , Clous Frills and many other towns and cities. 7ho Shorl Una via Benoca and Kiuikakoe offers tupertcr facilltlss to travel to und from Indian- spoils , Cincinnati and other Southern points. For Ticliota , Maps , Ftldern , or desired Informa tion , apply utttny Coupon Ticket OfQco or addtcsa E. ST. JOHN , U. A. HOLBROOK , Oon'l Jilannccr. Ocn'l Tkt. & Poca. Agt. cmoAqq TT.T. Couoci ! Bluffs The only roa 1 tn take fur IK * Miilnen , MnrsluUtown Cciliir Until l . ( ! Intuit , Illion , CliKu-m. .MllnunVoo , nnil nil luiliiti Kn t 'INi tliw iirnplo ( if Nc > inmLH. Cone rnilii , WnniltiK. Utnli , Mnlin , Nuviulii , Orojoii , Witcli- tiiirton mid ellen mlperlor uilvuntiiKt'S nut in > kH | | > lo tiy I'M. ' ulherllnc' . Aiiion u lew or ilit < iiuutcrnuti potntnnf nuporlorlty cnjn > i < il liytliupiitrons of tlil < ran 1 l > ut\ri > un Oniuba mil Olil'-iiBi ) . urn IH | tlirce trains n liny nt DAY CdACHIIS wnkli nro tlii' titx'it thut linniin iirt nnil Injioniilty nn cnnto. It < rAI/ACIIM.lil'.riNIJCAUx , thiu-qiiHl nt which tuinnot tin tniui 1 i > Nuwln < rv. At Council llluirhtliotnilin of thu Union Tactile Kill. ny ( diino't In mi HI iU > ; x > l wllli fios.i cir HID C/il- muo \ Nurlliwoittru Hy. In t'lilcnio tlio tr.iln of this llnu miiko e.cisi ) conni'ctlon with thoio of nil other Knvtorn l 1 or Hi-Holt , r lmitlm , IndlannpolK Cincinnati , Mnuar.i ! Us , llumtln , I'ltUhun ; , Toronto , Mcntrual , llotton , .Vow York. I'hllii-eltihlii. liiiltliiior. , Wimli- Insicjn.iuul nil polnlnln the Ilust. A kfnrtlcUcti vin the "NORTH-WESTERN" If yon wish the l > o < t ne"ommodatlon. All ticket nepiiti toll ncUcH rla this lino. H. llUfllllTT , K. P. W1I. < 5ON' , ( icn'l .Manager. ( ien'l Pasa'r At'Out ruirAno , ILLS. W. N. 11A11COCK , Q in'l Wi-xlorn Awnt. 11 n. KI.MHAI.I , . Ticket Accnt , U. r. Wliyr , city I'aa-i'iiuer Accnt 14011'atnatu Street , Omaha , Nob. rPi ° R li SnUt" \ f s-r M zte The lurtftt , luttCFt und Unext In the world ' ' aceoiumorlalliin. nin-xvellot ) . U . AllB. Hill I ClKCAhSIA . Hopt.ln AVrilOKIA . AllK. l-lll Kl'HNKSslA , Sl'pt.MIl DKVCI.NIA . Ails. SJtn I KTIIIOIUA . Root , lith Ni\v : VOIIKTO I.tvuiii'ooi. VIA yuKi.NsT : nv.v. Tlui Cololirntu I I Lnrrfost an 1 ( limn l'iu- 1 Aril , fth Strainslilp Stoiinic-r In . Mh BciiKer rpt. CITVUKIIOMKl thoWurlil. | Oirr. rd c-'uloon pusHiiiti ) to ( llnvow. Dcrry , Liverpool , Holfast iirJiiPii tiiwnf."iliiiiil PIT ( Jliixiiow Mc'iiin- ors. 11 unit iiimardt for city of Homo , t-ucond-oluss tS : ) . Hotiirn tlcketi Ht rnduppil uitM miulu uvnlluhlo l r cither routu , ntlorlnR oxvunlonlslalliu prlvllcuo iiri > eclnillia North und rioulh of Iruhind , the ltl\ur Mersey and plrt ro'iii | Ulyile. Stccra o f SJ. Anchor l.lno ilnitlH pnyuh'o frjo ol clmntp , fold nt Innoil rates. For hook of tours , tli.kcr or further Inlormii- tlnn apply In HSNDBBSOH BRCS.,72 La Sale St. , Chicago. Or to any of our local uuent * EXHAUSTED VITALITY qiHE SCIENCE OF IJFE , the - * great Medicul Work of the ng on Manhood , Nervous nnd Physical Debility , 1'remature Dt-cllnr , Errors of Youth , nnA the untold mUerletconrrriuenr thereon , SCO paces 8ro , 125 prescriptions for all ( lUcases. Cloth , full gilt , only $1.00 , bj mall , scaled. Illustrative sample free to all young nnd middle aged men. Send now. Tbo Gold and Jewelled Medal awarded to the author by the Na tional Medical Association. AcUrcss P. O. box 1695 , Itotton , Maw. , or Dr. W. H. 1'AIIKKI , gracl uateof Harvard Medical College , 23 years' practice In Bunton.who may be consulted confidentially Specialty , Disease * of Jtun. Odlco No. i Eulflncb it. C.H.I-AI.MCII. K. P. niCHMAN. J. B. HLANCIIAKU PALMER , RICHMAN & CO. , Liye SlocK Commission Merchants , , . t nlon NORIMER7WESTERFIELD& MALEY Liye Stock Commission , Uoom 15 , Uichsnce Uulldlnt ; , Union Block Yards , goutb Omaha , Neb. ALEXANDER it FITCH. Commisiou Dealers in Liye Sect Ooom.2 , Oppoilte K.chaiige llulldlu. , Uuloo Stock , Yards , buutu Umaha.NuU. UNION STOCK YARDS CO Of Omaha , limited , 01 AgrTcluturhi im"pTomont8. J " - ' "CHURCHILL PARKER , Dealer in Agricultural Implements , Wagons , Carrlavvs and Itiifulrf. Jiiim Stn'rt.betwecnfthand _ luth , Omaha , Netiranka. _ LINING ETfTM ET tMLF CO. . AgricnltnrallmiilementSjWagons.Camages . Ilupftlet , Ktc. Wliolct le. Oinalia , Kebrarkn. , ORE NDORF& MARTIN , Wholesale llcitlrrs In Agricnltnral Implements , Wagons & Buggies (01 ( , ! UI , 1U' > and KT Jones Ftroet , Omaha. P. P. MAST& CO. . MannfactDrers of Buckeye Drills , Seeders , Culllrators , Hajr Hakf < . CMdr Mill * and I.uUin 1'ul- veiUers. Cor. lith and Nliholns Mreets. _ "WINONA IMPLEMENT CO , Agricultural Implements , Wagons &Bnggies Corner 14lh nnd N'lrl olni ftrt'ctn. _ OMAHA 1IUANCH. J. F. SEIBERLINQ i : CO. , Akron , Ohio. Harvesting Machinery and Binder Twine , W. U. .Moad , Mntmzor. Un'i.c.iTcnworth t. , Omiilia. MOLINEMILBURN&STODD/XRD"CO JlnnufnitiinTJ and Jobbers In Wagons , Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc , Cor. Dili nn.l . 1'aUllc v.tre t . Omaha , Neb. Artists' PrlotorlnB. Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , IMS Iioiiulas Street. Omaha. Nelirn ka. Bookscllora nnd Stntlonors. H. M. & S. W. JONES. Succc'jorsto A. T. Kcnyon A Co. , Wholesale & Itctall Bookseller , ? and Stationers , Fine Wedding Stationery , Commercial Stationery 1.Y.M Douiflan trrot , Omaha. Neh. Boots and Shoos. KIRKENDALL. JONES & CO. , ( Succef Mird to Held , Jour * \ Co. ) Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots andShocs 1 . _ . . . . . . r , . . . II. . . , , . * V Clin/l fit ltW 111.1 X 11(11 ( s fur Ilonton llatney r-t W. V. MORSE Ar CO. . Johhers of Boots and Shoes , 1101 , llSMltn Douglic Sf. Oru.ilia .Vanulactorr.Sunv mcr'-t. Hmlon. Coffooo , Splcoa , Etc- " " " CL/CRKE CO FFEE co. , Omaha Colleu and Spltu Mill" . Teas. Coffees. Spices , Baking Powder , Flavoring Kxtraeu , I.'iuuctry nine. . Inks , Ktc. Kit- " * > y Street. Omaha. ? , ebta ka. Crockery and Claosvvaro. Aiient for the Manufatturcrs and Importcis of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys , Ktc. OlH ee , 317 S. 13th St. , Ouiiihii. Kehratka. PERKINS , OATCH &LAUMAN. Imoorturt- Jtitbern of Crccicry , Glassware , Lmps , Silyerware Etc. 1511 Karnatn St. , New 1'axton HullJInu. Commlsolon and Storage. RIDDELL & RIDDELL" Storage and Commission Merchants , gpeclaitlr r > itif.r Fiv. c" ' . ' < > < I'lultry , Game , J1121Iowar < l Street. ( ) maU . GEO. SCHROECER & . CO. , Bucte sors to MeShano & Hrhrocder. ) Produce Commission and Cold Storage , Omaha. Nebraska. FREDERICK J. FAIRBRASS. Wbolosnlo Flour , Feed , Grain and General Commision Merchant. Correspondence sollrltt-d. 1014 North It th street , Otnitha , Neb. Coal , Coko'onoM.imo. 'OAL , "COKE & L.TME Johliers of Hard and Soft Coal , 209 Fouth Kith Street , Omaha , Nebraska. J. J. JOHNSON & CO. , Manufacturers of Lime , And shlppiTH tif Ciial , Cotik , Cement , 1'htstcr. I.tme , Drain Tlio , and Bowur 1'lpo. Ofllcc , 21S H. nth .St. , Omaha. Neb. Telephone 611. NEBRASKA FUEL CC. , Shippers of Ccal and Coke , 211 South 11th St. . Omaha. Net. . J3ry CSoodB and Notions. " M. E SMITH & "CO. , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions , 1103 nnd 1104 Douglas. Cor. 11th St. , Omaha , Neb. KILPATRICK-KOCHDRYCOODSCo Importei's and Johliers in Dry GoodsNotious , ticnU' Furnishing Cornta. Corner 11th and lliunuy bin. . Omaha , NebruaLa. Furniture. DEWEY A : sf < 5wF. Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Farnnm Street , Omaha. Nebraska. CHARLES SH1VERICK , Furniliire Om.iha. .Ncbiaika- Crocerlce. PAXTON. CALLAGH'ER A : COM Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , 705.707,700 and 711 S. 10th St. , Omaha , Neb. McCORD , BRADY & CO. , Wholesale Grocers , tli and Lcavomvorth Streets , Omnlia , Nebraska. LEE , Wholesale Hardware , Cutlery , Tin Plate. Metals , Sheet Iron , etc. Aleuts for Howe Scales JIliimiroudiT nucll.ymiui llurlied wli-o , Cmuhu , Nebraska , HIMEBAUGH iiTAYLOR , Bnilflers' ' Hardware and Scale Repair Shop Mechanics' Tools nnd IluDTalo Scales. 1(05 Douula btrcet , Omaha , Nebraska. RECTOR , WILHELMY & CO. , Wholesale Hardware , lOthand Ilarner Bts , Omaha , Neh. Western Agent for Austin Powder Co. . Jefferson ( Heel Malls , Fairbanks StandaiU Hciiles. _ MARKS BROS. SADDLERY CO. Wholesale Manufacturers of Saddlery & Johoers of Siddlery Hardware And Leather. 1401 , l a" > and 1407 Ilarner St. , Omaha , Ncbrajka. . . . J. BROATCHT Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Springs , Watfon Stock , Hardware , Lumber , Ktc. 1ZW _ and Ull llarncjr Street , Omaha. t Caps , Eto. W. L. PARROTTE & CO. , Wholesale Hats , Caps aud Straw Goods , 1107 Uime ? Street , Omaha , Neb. _ _ JHmbort , " OMAHAVLUMBrco"r : } All Kinds of Building Material at Wholesale 13U Etieet and Union PaelBc Track , Omiliq. LOUIS BRADFORD , Dealer in Lumiier , Lath , Lime , Sash , Doors , Ktc. YardS'Corner 7th * nd Uguclai : Cornel th and Uuuglu. Lumber C. N. DIET2 , Dealer in All Kind ! of Lumber , Hth and California Street * . Omaha , Nnbratka. 1'ltL.U W. UHAY , Lumher Lime Cement Etc Etc , , , , , , Corner fth and I > ouaU ru..Om ha. T.W. HARVEY LUMBER To Dealers Only , Offlce , 11(0 ( Vnrnam Slreot Omaha. JOHN A. WAKEFIELD Wholesale Liimticr , Etc , Whltn l.lmo. CHAS. R. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lumlier , Wood Carpels and Parquet flooring Ith and nmig | | Mllllnorynnd _ Notions. " " ' I."OBERFELDER" . coT Importers & Jobbers in Millinery & Notions til lltli Mront Oypraila. CANFIED MANUFACTURING co. . Manufacturers of Overalls , Jeans Pants , Hhlrts , IKUand 1104 Douglat Street , Omaha. Neb. J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods 4 1 nnd JU' , Hcuth 10th St. , Omaha. CONSOLIDATED TANK Wholsale Refined and Lubricating Oils , Axle Grease , Ktc. , Omaha. A. 11. IlUhop , .Manager V1NYARD A-'SCHNEIDER , Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods , 110.1 Hiirney Street. Omnha. Offlco Fixtures. THK S1M.MONDS MANUr'ACTUltlSa CO. Mantifactnro.'s of Bank , Office and Saloon Fixtures , Mantle" . Sideboard * , Book Oiisrn , Ini Klxture , Wall Ca c-i , I'nitltlona. Hulllnini.Ciiuiitcrii. llaernndVln < \iolnrt. Mlr or .ote. 1'nctory am * otnc * > , liJUand lt h-onth l.ih : l. , Omaha , Tolepltouo 11JI. Paints and oils. CUMMINGS St. NEILSON , Wholesale Dealer * In Paints , Oils , Window Glais , Etc , Ills F.Irnmn Street. OmahaNeb. Paper. CARPENTER PAPER CO. . Wholesale Paper Dealers , Carry nice stock of Printing , Wrapping and Writing -tir. Special attention civcn to car load orders. Paper Boxos. JOHN L. WILKIE , Proprietor Omaha Paper Box Factory , No . HIT and 131'J Douglas St. , Omaha , Nob. WESTERN NEWSPAPER"UNION , Auxiliary Publishers , txalerslu rinter , ' HuppMe. . CO ! Rubb o rc _ o o dB- _ O M A H A'n U B BE rTcd7 , Manufacturers aufl Dealers in Rnblier Goods Pll ClotulDg und Leather llultluK. 100S Fnriiaia Btreat , M. A. DISBROV. ' t. CO. , Wbolcaiilo Maiuirctitrcrn of Sasli Doors , Blinds and Monlflinp , Branch Office , litli and Itiird Streets. Omaha , Neb BOHN MANUFACTURING CO. Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , 1 * MiMlnas , Stair Work and Interior Ilnr'l Wood Flii a. M. U. Corner 8th mid Ixjaveuworlb btrcutB , Umalia , WoU. Eto < A. L. STRANQ CO. . nctm'A. , Pipes audEniiues , CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , Wnolesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings , U. S. WIND ENGINE He PUMP CO. , Steam and Water Supplies , nnllldnr Wild Minn. . OHnndOMFarnam St.Omali . 11.f.HossActlu Maniitjer. BROWNELL& CO. . Bndnes , Boilers and General Machinery. Eheotlron Work Steam Pumpii , Siiw MIHi. 1213-12U Goods. PHIL. STIMMEL Ac CO. , Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds 1)11 ) imil U1J Jones btruct. Oinaliu. Storage , Forwarding & Commlaalon AnMSTRONG. PETTIS & CO. , Storage , Forwarding anil Commission , Crnnoh hon ci of the Ileimoy llnKity Co. HiiKclpsal wholcsulu and retail , HUH IJlOiinil 1412 liard Utreut , Ouial ha. Telephone No.lM. LjilO , Stocks . , Uollora. Eto. _ " H. K7SAWYER , Mannfactnrinff Dealer in Smoke Slacks , Urltculnifa , Tanks and ( lenernl Holler ItopalrlnB. IJli htrei't.Oiuaha. Noh _ Pro wore. STORZ & ILER , Lager Beer Brewers. 1121 Nottu Eluthteonth btrect , Omaha , Ktb. " Cornloo. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , MannfactflrerTalyanized Iron ana Cornice , John Kpcnetor , 1'roprlntnr. VJO Doctgo and 1(11 ( and lull Kurlli lith htrost. Oiualm. Iron Works. STEAM BOILER WORKS , Carter ti ton , 1'iop'ii. Manufarturers of alt kinds Steam Boilers , Ms and Sheet Iron Work Works South .IHli and H. A H. Crossing. 1'AXTON i VIKIIL1NO 1HO.V WOHKB. Wronglit and Cast Iron Building Work , Engines , IlraitVorUUeneral FoundryMuotilnoan * llUcksmlth NYoik. on > < u and Wurku , U , 1 * . Ity. and lull street , Ouiuha , OMATTTTV/lRE S : IRON" WO"RKS Haiinfactnrcrs of Wire anil Iron Railings Desk ItalU , Window Cnanli. flower Htn.idiiVlr Huns , Utc. la North ICth Hlreut. Omaha. OMAHA SAFE and IRON WORKS , Man'frs ' of Fire SBnrglar Proof Safes faults. Jail Work. Irf n and Wlrii runcliuc. fHnni. KUj. U. Androeu , IVop'r. Cor. lull und Jackiun Kl . CHAMPION IRON and WIRE WORKS Iron and Wire Fences , Railings , Gnarfls tad Screens , fur b r.kir ; ic . , li > tH ri ldaicoi : , etc. Imj > ro\ed A'uiliirt. I tft.mniih Mrulili.i-rj imd Jlhtckijilili Works. , u ; , < 'iutU lull tt. ; MEAuT-iRit'ft LUACH ; Fire ami Bnrglar Proof Safes , Time Locks ,