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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1888)
! T EIGHTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA. MONDAY , MOliNENU AUGUST G. 1SS8. NUMBER 53. GENERAL SHERIDAN IS DEAD The Gallant Soldlor Surrondora t < an Invincible Foo. THE FINAL STRUGGLE OVEF Death Sounds tlio Tnpn Which Col tlio Weary Chieftain to Ills Beyond the Great Divide. Shnrldnti Surrenders' . NOXQUITT , Mass. , August 5. Gcnon Sheridan's death occurred at 10EO : th evening. Previous to the Biuldcn appcarant of heart failure ; , about 0SO : , there hud bcc no prctnonltloti to day of mi utifavorab chungo In his condition. The weather hi been warmer thun usual , and the goner ; was at times < i little restless , but sccmc generally bright and cheerful to-day. II voice was strong1. Ho took a full supply i nourishment , slept occasionally as usual , ar the doctors and his family were in hopufi spirits. At 7 o'clock Mrs. Sheridan at the doctors went to the hot for supper and soon after their return tl usual preparations for the night were mad At about 9:21 : Colonel Sheridan said "go < night" to his brother and wont to the note there having been throughout the day t sign whatever of any unfavorable change his condition. At 0:20 symptoms i heart failure suddenly appeared , and Dr O'Hellly and Matthews who were with him the tune , immediately applied the remceli which had proved successful hi all ulmlli previous attacks , but this time they we without effect , and despite all that could I done the general gradually sank into a co dltlon of complete unconsciousness , and 10'JO : breathed his last. When General Philip Henry Sheridan w made famous by the battle of Windiest ho was spoken of as having been born i the ocean. The mention of his name connection wltli the republican nomlnatli for president recently raised the question his eligibility and revived the discussion his birthplace , but the latter was long sin located at Somerset , O. General Sheridan was of Irish parcntag and was born March 0,1831. He was sent the national military academy at West Pol from Ohio and graduated in Itfi : ) . Ho w assigned to frontier duty , served nearly tv years in Texas , and from 1855 to the bcgi iiing of the war was stationed in Orego He had been u first lieutenant In tlio Four infantry , a regiment in which General Gra had served eleven years , and in May , 1SI was promoted to n captaincy. Before tl close of the year ho managed to got ea : going to Missouri. Sheridan had won not ! us a competent young ofllcer and a successf Indian lighter. General Hallcck , havli learned of him In connection with the cat paigning on the Pacific slope , n pointed him acting quartermaster the army of southwestern M Bourl. Here , at the very outset of hist Inurkiiblo war service , he gave an carnc of the stuff that was iu him. Gnu writing of this period in Sheridan's caret testifies as follows : "There wus no dlfllculty In getting suppll forward while Sncrldan served in th capacity ; but ho got into difficulty with 1 immediate superiors because of his stringc rules for preventing the use of public trai lK > rtittioii for private purposes. " Sheridan asked to bo relieved from furth service as quartermaster. His request w granted , and ho was assigned to duty on tl KtalT of General Hallcck when the latt took the field in April , 18(52. ( Durii the advance on Corinth , which' follow * shortly , n vacancy occurred In t colonelcy of the Second Michigan cavalt Governor Blair , of Michigan , telegraph Hallcck asking him to suggest u professioi soldier for the vacancy , saying he would c point a good man to the place without rcfi en co to his state. Sheridan was named , a was appointed colonel in May , 1WVJ. Ho w no conspicuously efficient that when Corln was reached ho was assigned to command cavalry brigade in the army of the Miss slppl. On the first of July his commai consisting of two small regiments , was i tacked by u force full three times as larj but by skillful manoouvering and great bo nous In attacking ho completely routed t enemy. This victory won him a commlssl as brigadier general of volunteers nud ma him a prominent figure in the army abc Corinth. Sheridan was given command of t Eleventh division of the arr of the Ohio , and subsequently of a division the army of the Cumberland. While In t latter command ho participated iu the oat f Stone Hlver December 81 , IStt'J. His stv born resistance saved the army from re and for his gallant conduct he was madi tuajor general. Sheridan remained with the armies of t west until early in 18(14 ( , rendering dist Kulshcd service in numerous ongagomcn and In the operations about Chattonoc during IbtiU won especial glory for his du and quick comprehension of the need thing to bo done. His division was ono of t two ordered to tlio charge of MUslonr Kldgo on November 25. The wild burr With which the union soldiers went 11 action , the . terrllle struggle , the bloc carnage , the driving of the < emy from their works , the capti of the crest of tha hill , the rout of ( rebels , ttieso nro all matters of hlato Though It was growing dark Sheridan i not wait for orders but pursued the llyi enemy and made important captures at others had ceased lighting. General Gr ; tcitlllcs : "To Sheridan's prompt movement the Ar of the Cumberland and the nation arq dobted for the bulk of the capture of pris LTS , artillery and small arms that duj. ] cept for liin prompt pursuit , so much in t way would not have been accomplished. " General Sheridan was called to the Ar of the Potomac in April , lb)4 ( , and put in c < inand of the cavalry corps. General Gr.i then In command of the federal armies , t noted with admiring approval Shcrida pre-eminent qualities as a cavalry leader , relates the circumstances of Shcrida transfer to the cast iu tlio following nmnn "In ono of my early interviews with ' president I expressed my dlssatisfact With the little that hud been nccompllsl by tlio cavalry so far In the war , and the lief that it was capable of accomplish much more than it bad done if under a th ough leader. I said I wanted the very li man in the army for that command. I leek was present ami spoke up , sayn 'How would Shorldan do } ' I replied : ll very man 1 want.1 The president sal coujd have anybody I wanted. Shcrii was teib raphed for that day and on his rival was ns ! J"l'd to the command of cavalry corps wiL'i tuo army of the PC man. " Now began that scrleStu cavalry mo incuts which made Shcridau's a Cjnsmcu name in he annuls of military tactics' ' ' BUetch of his operations would till u bo Durlas tbo months of May , Juno nnd J ho was cmrl'-M'ed to protect the flankb Grant's army , and to rncounoltro tho-cnen position iu and about Richmond. While tl employed lo had eighteen distinct cngti incuts with tlio enemy , and each of thorn t cessful. In ono of thcsa memorable ri Blicridim passed entirely around Leo's an pierced through the outer defences of It ! inoiid , encountered the enemy's cavalry s CLtsfully In four engagements , recnptu four hundred union prliOhcrs , killed nud c turoei many confederates , destroyed or u ninny supplies and munitions of war , Btroycd miles of railroad and to'.egrr and freed the federal army fi tnu annoyance of the onen cavalry for more than two weeks. Gran authority for the statement that Sherl could buvo passed through the Inner deft-i Of liichmond us well us through the ou but , having iio support. It would huvc carrcd needless risk and without coiui bating result * . . The prospect wan did iu the rcli'ul capital , with tUo n nnd telegraph between it nnd Leo cut , hu llvo days of almost constant rain held th union army In inaction. On August 4 , 1JMV4 , Sheridan was put Ii command of the army of the Shenandoah Iho rich valley of the Shenandoal was the principal storehouse fron which the confederates wore druwin food for the armies about Hichmonil It had been a source of much trouble t Grant to guard that outlet to the north chiefly bee-atise of Interference from Wash tngtoii. It seemed to be the policy of Genern Hallcck and Secretary Stanton to Keep an , force Rout there , In pursuit of the cnemj moving right and loft so as to remain betwee : the rebels and Washington. They generall pursued this poiloy until they lost the where nbouts of the Invading confederates , wh wcro then left free to supply themselvc with horses , cattle anil provisions , even froi Maryland nnd Pennsylvania. Grant dctci mined to put a slop to these foraging exped tions and sent Sheridan with ah additlomi division of cavalry U ) handle the enterprise Secretary Slantoii had previously objccte to Sheridan's appointment to this cominan on account of his youth , and Grant gav notice that ho was assigning his cavalry ol liror "for temporary duty whilst the enemy 1 being expelled from the border. " But h aid to General Ilnlleck : "I want Sheridan put In command of a the troops In the Held with Instructions t put himself south of the enemy and folio ; him to the death. " Sheridan hud about thirty thousand mm 8,000 of whom were cavalry. Ho was oj posed by General Early with a force of aboi the same sl/c. The Importance of the valte was so great to the confederates that Le reinforced Early , but Sheridan's nbillt overcame the hitter's advantages , amen which was that of being on Iho defenslvi The campaign was short but brljjiuut , an added brighter luster to the fain of the federal cavalry leade Ho mot and defeated Early in several actiom Irovo the confederates from the valley , n ieved the loyal states of the rebel raid : and deprived Leo of his main source of sii | ilies. Grant considered the nchiovemer mo of supreme Importance , mid congrutt luted Sheridan ou having won a great vli tory. tory.Tho The chief had a salute of 100 guns fired i the enemy around Petersburg in honor e the successful campaign , and directed othi commanders throughout the country to pn similar homage. This victory had a grci effect upon the elections of that year. Tl democratic national convention hail declare Iho war n failure , and there were fears tin the cry for "peace at any cost" might , wet the elefeat of the republican party , at least 1 many state elections , but Sheridan's rout < the rebels was an ctreetivu campaign arg' uicnt. In this campaign occurred the battle Cedar Creek , ana Sheridan's famous ri < "from Winchester , twenty miles away Thomas Buchanan Head's poem has famllia ized every school child with one of its It portant feature. * , and baa drawn forth i many accounts of tlio famous tight as make its gonerul outline's well knowu. Tl pocmis as follows : Up from tlio south , at break of day , IlrliiKlng to Winchester ircsh dismay , Tlio all righted air with a shudder lion1 , l.lko a humid In liasto to the chieftain's door , The terrible grumble and nimble ami vour. Telling the battlu wan on ouce mure , And Sheridan twenty miles nwiiy. And wlilcr still thoio billows of war Thundered uloug tlio horizon's bar ; And loader yet Into Wlnthufcter rolled The roar ot that red sea uncontrolled , Malting the blood of the listener eold , As lie thought of thu stake In that tlcry fray , Ami Sherman twenty miles away. lint tluro Is a road from Winchester town , A guod , brouil highway leading down ; And there , through the Hush of the niornl light. A steed , us black as the steeds of night , Wn RC < MI to jwss i s with eaKlo ( light ; AH If he know tha turrlblu neiod , He strtitcht'il away \\lih his utmost speed. Hill rose nnd fell : but his heart was guy , With Sheridan fifteen miles awiiy. Still sprung from those swift hoofs , thuuderl : hUlltll , Tlio dust , like the smoke from the cannot mouth , Or the trail of n comet , sweeping faster ni fiioter , rorcbotllug to traitors the doom of disaster. The heart of the fcteeil and the heart of t matter Were beating like prisoners assaulting tht walls. Impatient to bo where the battle-Held calls : livery nerve of the charger was strained to fi play. With Sheridan only ten miles away. Under his spurning feet , the road LlKo an arrowy Alpine river ( lowed ; And the landscape niied away behind , I.Ike an ocean tlylng before the wind ; And the steed , l.kd a bark fed with f nrnaco li Swept on , with his wild eyes full of lire. Hut. lol ho U nearlui ; his heart's desire- He li Hiiulllng the smolo : of tlio routing fray. With Sheridan only llvo miles iay , The first that the general sw were the grou Of struggle.isf. and then the retreating troops. What * done what to do a ( jluuue tola hi both : Then , striking his spurs with n terrible oath , Ho dashed ilownthellno 'mldastorm of hnzzr And the wave of retreat checked Its com there , because Tlio RiKht of the master compelled It to pause With roam and with dust thu black chuiger w gray. By the flash of his eye , and lib red noatrl piny , Ho hOt'ineil to the whole great army to say , " 1 hnvo brought you Sher.dan all the way From Winchester elowu to save the duy. " Hurrah , hurrah , for Sheridan 1 Hurrah , hurrah , for horse nud manl And when their statues are placed on high Under the ilomo of the un'im Bky The American Holdter's Temple of Fame Theiv , 1th the glorious general's name. He It suld In letters both bold and bright , "Here Is the htee l thnt havoil the day lly inrrylng Sheridan Into the light From Wmchestsr , twenty miles uwny. " The rebels did not give ui > tha valley will out u last desperate struggle. Shoridnn h been called to Washington. Early had be reinforced with troops from Hichmond , a attacked the union army while resting Cedar Creek , twenty miles south of Wl Chester. Sheridan had reached the latter his return trip , and spent the night thei Ho had hardly got out of to ; In the morning before ho n his men coming from the fiont in n pan and ho also heard heavy firing. Then f lowed the famous ride , aud the rout turn into victory. As n reward for his achievements in tl campaign Sheridan was inado n brlgad general in the United States army , and November following was appointed u ma general. Sheridan rejoined Grant at C Point , Va. . on March 2 < t , IStlS , whence started to strike the llnal blow for the ov throw of Leo's army. The great caval oftlccr was ono of the most Important flgu : in the closing scenes of the war drama. 1 battle of Flvo Forks , won by his prowe was ono of tbo decisive engagements of t rebellion. Sheridan then swept down u ] Petersburg and helped to weave the net bo drawn about the doomed coufcdcrnt When Leo fled from Hichmond Shcrid hung upou his flanks to harross , flew from point to point to intercept stores cut communications. His flying squudi rendered inestimable service and furnlsli abundant material for the study nnd admi tlon of future military tacticians aud strc gUts. It ended in the surrender at Ap mattox , of which Sheridan was a witness. After the war , General Sheridan reman lZ the regular army. Ho \ asslin.Cd to the command the mlUviyy Division of the Southw Juno 3 ISM , and * o that of the Gulf on 1 17th of the samomon.Under : n reorgc ration of the military arHU ! ho was ulgncd to the Departmei ! ; of Gulf August 15. 1SCO. and in H Ib67 , to the Fifth military trlqt ( Louisiana and Texas ) . Presldi Johnson boiiiff displeased witli his admh tratlon transferred fclm September 12 , It to Iho Department of the Missouri. On prcmotlou of General Sherman In Mar ISO' ) , Sheridan became lieutenant genera the army , and assumed command of western and southwestern divisions , w headquarters at Chicago. Ho succeeded the camnmnd of the army in February , II ou the retirement of General Sherman , i had his headquarters in Washington. G oral Sheridan went to Europe during Franco-German war and traveled a gt deal with the Prubslun army , uiakiuj thorough study of i < methods. A DESPERADO OF FIFTEEN , Torrlflo Fight of a Negro Boy ai Hastings. STOOD OFF THE WHOLE POSSE Ic Shoots Two Ofllcers , Captures Ont ofl'lidr HornoH and Only Surren ders When Mortally Wounded Other Sttitc News. A Snlilo Terror. HASTINGS. Neb. , August 5. [ Special Tele gram to Tin : HER. ! The annals of crlm < fford few more thrilling Instances of bloody are-devil resistance to ollleors of the lav him ono made at Hastings this morning b.1 n colored boy but fifteen years old. The olU era wore last nljrht notified by telegrapl rom Holdredgo to apprehend for stealing i vatch , a young villain said to bo armed am a hard character. Ho came on the train fron Oxford , arriving here about 1 o'clock. C. , F laleomlc and Lacey Clark , special nigh > olico at the H. it M. depot , saw the bo ; eave the train , followed him a short dlH anco flushed a dark lantern upon him am ieinanded his surrender. mi : HOV ixsrvNTi.v Finni ) vlth a self-acting Colt's revolver of 3 calibre. Hulcombo returned the shot am fell , probably mortally wounded. Tin voung desperado disappeared in the darn less. Clark armed himself and arousci Sheriff Bartnss and Chief of Police Cram ind a search was conducted in every dirct ion. The boy's tracks leading southeas owards the country were easily followed At daylight the otlicars started in pursuit The trail led to a patch of tall , thlck-growli ! ; weeds , which was surrounded by tihoril Jartass and Oflluers Tenant , Mitchell am Clark. To the repeated calls of the sheri ] to come out and threats to shont If nc obeyed no response cu no from the jungle o weeds. A number of shots were lirol an still there was no reply. Clark and Mitche litched their horses and proceeded to e > jlore on foot , when they suddenly O.VMI : UPON Tin : IH.VVK UVHOU , , who was taking a cool , deliberate aim u Clark. The latter dodged in time to rscup Lho murderous ball that whizzed past hi lie.ul. The darkov held his position and ri inained perfectly quiet while the olllcer.s bet a retreat. They then renewed the fusilal till their ammunition was exhausted. The had tired twenty-two shots and were luldin two in reserve till a now supply could bo ol tallied. The cunning negro heard their dt liberations nnd know the situation. Sui denly spriugiui , ' from his concealment h made for Mitchell's horac , unhitched th animal , mounted and loped uwtiy. The tw reserved shots were fired without olTeol Clark followed on his horse , keeping th black rascal in eight , chasing him throng grain ami corn holds till near Ayr whe Tin : nor ACIAIX piunn , sending a ball through ono of Clark's flngei nnd hitting his watch , which prevented mor serious injury. Meantime Uartass returned for a fres horse and ammunition , aud deputised Frc Stoltinger to go DU the trail. O Ulcers Schl ling and Mitchell took the train to Ayr mi raised a force with guns. The boy was sui rounded nnd n tow more shots cxchnngc < It Is supposed that his horse wus woundei for It fell and the young villain was capture without further resistance. Iio was brougl to Hastings , whcro the most intense cxciti merit prevailed , and was taken boforc Hal combe , where the hitter's dying declaratio was taken by County Attorney Fanner , a slsted by Chris Hocnpncr , notary public , I the presence of Dr. Chapman , the atteneliu surgeon.THE THE lOENTiriCATIOX IS COMl'LHTa and the boy held over until to-morrow mori ing for examination before Justice Pierce. To THE Hun rcorler ] the uoy gave h name as George Williams anil his homo i Topeka , where bis grandparents llvo. H went to Arizona six mouths ago , where I worked with a railroad gang. Ho rcturnc from there recently. Ho says ho will I fifteen next March. His size and looks co respond with the statement. Ho is nearly full typo negro. In conversation ho wr perfectly cool and unconcerned. His flendla spirit of reckless bravery was remarkable. While hid in the weeds many balls ( graze his body , only one taking effect. This pieict his cheek , and upon probing the wound tli ball was found lodged near the spinal colum nt the base of the brain. It la thought it wi prove fatal. Under the influence of chlo form the boy IIIVUI.OEI ) Ill.-i ItCAL NAMH as Ulysses Nelson. His father is a tanner i Indianapolis , Ind. Bulcomb lies In a critical condition. Th ball entered between the ninth mid tent rib and lodged in his chest. The ugly woun sucks air at each respiration. Ho la hopofi and Is now resting quietly , but the chunc' are against him. Iio is thirty-nine years eli lias a wife and adopted child , and has a men berslilp ccrtillcato to the K. P. lodge , ( Eustis , Fla. Ho has resided here nboi a year and is much rcsjxjotcd. The peep are amazed at the hideous work done durfu the defense made by n mere boy. Frcquci threats were heard of sumnary punlbhmci by a mob , but the feeling is now more quiet , hPllllIKU HIM AWAY. Tills evening it is learned by Tun BCK re ] resentatlvo that some fears arc ontertalne of nil effort being made to lynch Nelson , ar Chief Crane has decided to take the prUonc away on the St. Joe & Grand Island trail which leaves in a few moments , and brir him back la the morning. The move is vet secret and no doubt will" bo successfully u complishod. Improvements nt Scwnrd , SEW.XIID , Neb. , August 4. [ Corrospon cnce of THU Hun. ] The Improvements the city are going along nlcoly. The M soniu toinplo is ready for the brlclclayci The now building of JoelTishuo Is partly u Hou. U. S. Norwal's now residence is pi grossing nicely aud will bo ready for occ painty this fall. Mayor Barrett has t : foundation of his new house well und way. way.Tlio Electric Light and Power company arranging for an clectriu power systoi which will make this a most desirable pla for manufacturing establishments. The oatmeal mill company is getting aloi finely and is erecting n store house 44x1 feet on the Elkhorn track , Thu canning factory is doing an Immon business this year , and there Is a dcmai for the goods far in advance ot the times. The Morris look company has recent built a line outfit for tlio Kansas City po < ofllco and the manager , II. Morris , is in th city setting it up. The company has orde fora Imndsoino ofllco for Atchison. T Morris Keglcrs locks are meeting with gro favor wherever Introduced. Gurfleld County llepuhHciius. BunwELL , Nob. , August 5 , [ Special Tel gram to THE BEE. ] The GarQold county i publican convention was hold yesterday ai elected delegates to the state senatorial ai representative conventions , J , W. N"wini was nominated for county attorney nnd Mitchell for commissioner of the third d ! trlct. Strong resolutions endorsing Gener Lccso's action In attempting to secure Ji find equitable railroad legislation we adopted and the delegation to the state cc vcntlo" instructed to support him. U l > tiilnK's > fcr % v Grand Wan GnAsu ISIAND , Neb. , AuT-1 * * tbpoc Telegram to TUB BEK. ] A very so"vro ol trical storm visited this city last ovenl dolug considerable damage ) to bulldlni Lightning struck in some seven orolj places Iu this city. While the wind bro numerous shade trees , etc. The box stu at the fair grounds wcro completely atroyed , while JghtulnB carried down t ghts from the elcctrio light tower nt tin orner of Klmball avenue and Second street Several telegraph poles \vero struck am haltered to the ground. Ono was the Inrc xlo situated in front of the Western Unloi office which was completely destroyed About 2:30 : the Grand Island creamery , situ ntcd one mile east of the , city , was struc ! nd burned. The loss on the building wa ibout SS.OOO. There was in the buildln ibout half a million pounds of butter , ai otally destroyed. The insurance was abou 3,000. The building will bo rebuilt as BOO us possible. York County HepiilillcaiiH. YOIIK , Neb. , Augusts. [ Special Tclcgrnt o Tun BKK. ] The county republican coi 'cutlon was held herff yesterday , S. A dyers was made chairman and S. H. Khodc eerctnry. The following wcro elected deh gates to the state convention : S. H. Hhodei S. A. Myers , Leo Martin , J. P. Miller , J. 1 Scnnctt , Leo Love , D. G. Harden , G. V 'ost , Gcorgo Ingalls , C. A. McCloud , ' .T. "N Sarncs. Hon. Charles H. Keckloy was ri lomlnatcd fnr senator , Hon. E. A. Gtlbei ind Captain C. W. Hays were nominated fc representatives. , Tjl \ Halo for county alto icy nnd George W. Shreck for sheriff , wei lominatcd by acclamation. It was resolve hat it is the sense of this convention that tli mr > stloii of an amendment to the constitutlo of Nebraska prohibiting the manufacture an sale of intoxicating liquors should bo sui nitted to a popular vote of the people. Tli lelegates to the state convention go null structed. They will work for Hon. W. T Scott for attorney general. York County Democrats. YOIIK , Neb. , August 5 [ Special Telegrni to THE Hi : * : . ] The democratic ) county cot volition was held hero yesterday. It wa auie and uninteresting. No county tickc was solectcd. Delegates were elected to th state and district conventions. Those to th district convention wore : John S. Knot joorgo F. Corcoran , H. C. Sliepanlson , 'J W. Smith and Th'omas Hanahaii. To tli state convention. Gcorgo R Corcoran , C \V" Shldler , T. W. S'nltli , F. L. Whcdon , II C. Shep.irdson and llvo alternates. National l-ea no llcRolntfoni. LINCOLN , Neb. , August fi. The Lincoi branch of tlio Irish National league of Ame leu , in session , to-day , adopted rcsolutioi denouncing the British government for tl treatment accorded the Into John Mtndevil while a prisoner , and charging that sue treatment was the result of a premeditate | ilot to kill the Irish polilic'al prisoners , coi ccived nnd planned by Halfour , the Britia chief secretary for Ireland. A Cyclone Near Harrison. IlAiiiu'ox , Neb. , August fi. [ Special Tel gram to Tin : Bci.l A terrific cycloi IU430.1 just west ot town this nttornooi wrecking the house of George Whitney I the suburbs. Broken boards and timber wearing material uud household goods we scattered over : i large territory. The Whl ney family escaped destrubtion by takh refuge in an outside cellar. T1113 OIjIJAKANCH KHCOKD The Financial Transactions ol' tl Past Week. HOSTOX , Mass. , August 5. [ Special Tel giam to the Bui : . ] The following tali compiled from dispatches to the Post fro the managers of the leading cleariug-lious of the United States , shows the gross e changes for the week ended August 1883 , with the rate per , pent of increase or il crease as compared with } the amounts for t ] ' corresponding week las t year : THE POLilTIOAli OUTLOOK. The Prospects Flattering For n Swec ins ; Hepubllcan Yictors1. Nr.w YOIIK , August 5. [ Special Telcgn to THE BKK. ] Assistant secretary of t treasury , Cbnrlcs Coon , baa Just return from a western trip' . Ho said to-day thnt was m a number of manufacturing dlstrli and conversed with the people about t political outlook. Ho continued : "They are much stirred up over the tav question and alarmed at the frco trade Ule advanced by the democrats in the Mills b Every day some pronounced democrat , th Informed me , cauio out boldly for Harris because ho was opposed to fi trade. I never heard of n slni republican forsaking liU party to train wl the democrats. I have traveled in tbo we often , and frequently during president campaigns , but I never before saw tbo peoj so interested and determined to vote. IIll crto they have had no issue that will alfi them materially as much as the tarilT , ai they know it Is coiug tq bo a struirglo 1 twccn these who wish to see prosperity a plenty in America nnd these who wish pauperize the worklngmim and make 'Jo : Bull' richer. Factory hands , many thorn from Europe but now uatur Ized citizens , are Interested , and infoi their follow workmen how low wag are in the old world and what they may e pect If this country is opened to competiti with underpaid labor. " "Did you hear any complaints against t administration i" "Yos , and some of thejjlttorest opposltl to President Cleveland comes from clei : crats who have stuck by the party for yea The west is Just as much in favor of prot tion as the cast , and in my opinion the ros of the election will bo a surprise to 1 democrats. If the feeling on the tariff qu tion is as strong as I think it is , I certali believe that the republicans will carry doubtful states in the north. " Ijnlior Parties Consolidate. CINCIXXA.TI , August 6. At a meeting the union and united labor parties , held this city this afternoon , at which 100 lead ] spirits of both parties were present , a re lution was adopted and signed by all presi whereby the united labor party of Ohi < consolidated with the national union lal party. A Strange Fatality. "JlirjcTrAAajiust 5. Frank H. Chamb lain dlea tiiis evening- typhoid fever. ' those who partook of the col'.sso alurc din nor on Juno 27 more than twenty hi been seriously ill with typhoid fever , Chu berlalnU the third tttillc. .Qthurs arc U gorously HU THE LETTERS OF ACCEPTA8CI Gonornl Harrison Has Hla Proparoc But is Waiting TO SEE CLEVELAND'S DOCUMENT Itcpiilitlcnn Sentiment Growtni ; In N'cv ' York tntciiHcly Hot \VitstiliiK- - ton The T.irlff Usuu In North Carol i mi M Wultlnir on Others. WASlllNQTOXliUKKMlTltKOMUU HflR , ' BUI FoUllTKENTIt SntBKT , WASHINGTON , D. C. , August r . An Indiana republican who has just ai rived hero from Indianapolis siivs ho had talk with Harrison on Friday , an during the conversation Inquired when th letter of acceptanceivould bo made public. "When will Mr. Cleveland's letter bumad public ! " replied the general , answering th question like a Yankee. This gentleman suys further that Goner ! ' Harrison has his letter prepared , and thath has been awaiting tlio letter of Mr. Clovi land , and Incidentally the action of the ci ate committee on llnanco in relation to ill tariff. A democratic senator who hasrecentl talked to Mr. Cleveland says the chief executive utivo would Issue his letter at once if It wer not for the fact that ho would like to sc what the republicans arc going to do on tli tariff question before ho lets go the only 0 ] portunity to card the public. The Impressio is that both letters will be before the eountt insldo a fortnight. Till : AIIMVl'ltOMOTION HIM. . Army olllccra in the city are working f < the passage of the house bill which is on tl senate calendar providing for the promotio of officers who have served twenty year They expect the measure to be passed bofoi the tariff bill is taken up. and nro pointing 1 the crowded condition of the line and sla as evidences of the necessity of immedla' ' action mid say something should be done f < the army. The naval olltcers are also noln ing to the necessity of legislation for then During the past week a number of gradual from the Annapolis naval accadoaiy were n quired to resign on account of there hem no place for them. It fceems that , ovei branch Is very crowded in both army an navy just now. STI'AWS FltOM yr.Vf YOlllC. A Pennsylvania republican member wl arrived from New York to-night says tl Harrison and Morton enthusiasm is growln rapidly in New York City , and that repu licans who bet arc olTerimr oven money c their favorites. Ho says that while ho wi waiting for the ferry at the Courtland strei wharf yesterday morning , ho and anothi gentleman undertook to count the merohan passing to and fro with Cleveland and Ha risen badges on the labels of their coats. 1 the expiration of a given time they lliruri up , and thuro were 195 Harrison buttoi worn ngahiht ' . ) . " > Cleveland buttons. IEMOClt\T Altll.lNOINCI IhSLT.S. The statement made iu those dispatch ( last week to the effect that Speaker Carlls was called to New York for the purpose i participating in a consultation over Pro : dent Cleveland's letter of acceptance , is eo finned. A limited number of the mo prominent democrats in the managerial d part incut of the > partyr discussed thojett and submitted suggestions to the preside and then branched out into the tariff que tion and how it shall llgnro in the approac ing campaign. They made some bclectiot of tariff literature to bo published by tl democratic national committee and ngre < upon the speech to bo delivered in No York , New Jersey and Connecticut. IN rUV&li I1IUT IV WASIIINOTO.V. During the past three days the heat Washington has been the most irkson known for years. The thermometer h steadily registered ICO = from the middle < the lorunoon till Into In the evening , ni there is not a breath of air stirring to-nigl President Cleveland was so fatigued wi the heat that ho did not visit the white hou yesterday , but conducted his duties out Oik View , bis country place , where ho d prived himself of Cillers nnd worked in h shirt sleeves. Nearly every man connect ) with congress loft the city yesterday ni went to the sea shore or down the Potom In search of air. If the heat such as has bm experienced during the past three da , woulu continue for three weeks , It ia bollovi it would have the effect of driving congre to close. TAHIPr I'llOTKCTIOJf IX SOUTH CAltOLIXA. A member of the republican national cot mittco wus iu Washington yesterday on li way to North Carolina. Ho was accompanii there by a tarheol republican member of tl house. The object iu visiting North Car lina at this time is to hold u consulttitii with son.o of the prominent republicans wi n view to ascertaining ! it will 1 wisdom for the national committco to make Bp.'ckil attempt to carry the state for Hari son and Morton. To-day I was shown Ictte from the managers of the farmers allian of North Carolina which will ho u cauip meeting and fair at Mount Hoi during this mouth and it has ma an appenl to the republican national comm tee to have tarilT protectionists dellv speeches on two or three days of the cxhll tion , Uepresenliitives Gear of Iowa ai Payson ot Illinois have so far boon select and other republicans will bo asked to K A letter from Chairman Quay says that it evident that North Carolina offers n splond Hold for the tariff protectionists and that t republicans should embrace it. AH soon the members of the national committee su mit n report on his visit it will bo knov whether a struggle is to bo made to car the state for the republican ticket. DtSGUSTUn WITH TIIH .SIOUX. Congressmen arc beginning to get d gusted with tno Sioux in refusing to tn any action on the question of opening t : Sioux reservation and several senators w insisted strenuously upon the submissli clause in the bill are about ready to pas bill at the coming session arbitrarily dtvldi the reservation without reference to t wishes of the Indians. A friend of Sennt Dawes said to-day that the chairman of t senate committee on Indian affairs was ful prepared now If the Indians do not sign draw such n bill. Ho fully lulia what members of the house claim when the bill was under consideration , th public policy was beginning to outweigh t rights of the Indians but thought that go faith demanded that under the treaty of IE the Indiana should be given a chance to t press their wishes. This opportunity h been given to them ana if they do not IK avail themselves of it they need expect more consideration except so far as in equ ! and justice is duo them. There is mu speculation hero as to the causes of this hi itation on the part of the Indians nnd it h been several times insinuated that the 1 dlun agents themselves are largely rcsp < siblo for it. This is denied , howuvi nnd hardly seems probable. It h long been known that the best of fe ing docs not exist between the India bureau and the secretary's own Indian ofiii but it is not believed that any ono in t Indian bureau would obstruct the work the commissioners. Commissioner Upshi favors the measure and he would see tc that the agents keep their hands cfl ov though they may bo hostile to thougroemei It Is believed that Gall , Sitting Hull and tethers t others are working under the directions of t Indian Defense association , which Is flghtl the agreement and that the same dittlcu will bo found at every agency , the oppoaitl being led by a few chiefs , MISCELLANEOUS. Arther E. Genius and bis brother , Rlchn M. Gcnins , of Omaha , are ia Wushlngti They leave on Wednesday for Now York , bo present at the reception of Mr , Hlali They will visit the seashore resorts a attend to business in New York and not turn home till lute In September. General Crook is at the Ebbltt nnd 8) ) ho comes on privute business. PtUUT S. IlEATll SKNTKXCI3D TO UHiVTII. The PnnlHlinicnt of n French Crlm Innl For Attempted Murder , ICopwWif JSSS l > u J < unti aimtim llcnnctt.l PA ins , Augsut 5. [ Now York Humid Cable Special to THE HKI : . ] The frequent rctio- Itlon of murders In railway carriages during ho last five years gives peculiar interest to rial just concluded at Meltin. A year ngi : he Meltin court imbos sentenced a mat mined Andre to hard labor for life , foi ho assassination of n coachman In i niln on the way to Troycs. Hofott his the mysterious case of M , Uarrenu ho prefect murdered In a llraUclass carrliuri ictir Marsons Laferto had excited the publli ind now comes this trial of u rufllati namci' ' 'archcminoy who , on the ! ld of April last , nade a desperate attempt to assassinate M ) ollln , a cattle dealer , In a tram a few mile ! rom Laferto sous Jouarro. About 3 a. m Collin , who was traveling iu a third class carriage from Pniitcm to Natancourt , tn hi : locket had S.IHIO francs , the proceed ! of his day's business. The tiioiiotonoui notion of the train sent him to sleep to was blissfully dreaming of tremendous Kirgalns In sheep and oxen when suddenly 10 was awakened by a ten lilo blow on tin forehead. Though the blood was stroamlii ) : lou'n his face hu had strength enough to ge ( ip and engage in deadly struggle with his issallaut. Parehemlncy , the would-bo mur lerer , was armed with n heavy poker , bit lespltethis advantage ho was no match foi ils victim. Finding ho was likely to get tin wor.Ht of tha light Parehemlncy opened tin arriago door , though the train wii1 ushlng along at full speed , am umpcd out , vanishing In the dark less. Meanwhile Colin had managc < to pull the alarm signal , the train wu stopped and Parchomlney soon arrested by i ocal gendarme. He wus recognized as : notorious criminal already condemned fo two offenses. The jury nt the Meluu com- of assizes taking the severest view of hi now crime , refused to give him the bcnellt o .ho usual extenuating circumstances am found him guilty alter a short trial and li was sentenced to death. COMING AVKKIC IN CONGItESS. Sulijcicts to Ho Considered Ity th HOUHC nnd Senate * . WASHINGTON , August 5. The bill for th admission of Washington Territory holels th position of unlinishcd business on tlio logls lative calendar of tbo senate. The tlsherie treaty In open executive session promises t absorb the attention of the senate during th present week. The pending question is th motion of Senator Morgan to postpone fui ther consideration until December. N doubt is entertained that it will bo decide adversely , after which the treaty will com formally before the senate , article by article for amendment. An effort will bo madoin the house to-moi row to return to the regular order for th purpose of having a "suspension day. " 1 assurances are secured that the Pacific rail road funding bill w ill not bo called up it i believed that this effort will meet with littl opposition , and in case of success the bill t incorporate the Nicaragua Canal coinpan and several bills for the erection of publi buildings will probably bo acted upon. Th deficiency appropriation bill promises to 01 eupy two days more before It is complotoe Tlio Oklahoma bill will also bo a subject fc discussion. ST. PAUL'S KAS8 LiAKK ROW. The 1'nrtlciimntH Summoned to A ] pear in Court August. U. ST. PAUL , August 5 , [ Special Telcgra : to Tun Ucn.j Charles Tyler , William Har Charles Beard , Jay McNamara , Charlc Schcffor and David Staples were brought u in the St. Paul muncipal court yesterday fc participation in the Hass Lake row nnd sun moncd to appear before the court August ! The last named is a son of Isaac Staples , tli Stlllwuter millionaire. Hoggs has not bcc confined since his first giving ball at the tim in the sum of ? 200. The snmo amount wt defined as bail for the others. J. A. Fmm gun ami William L. McGrath , put up tli bail for Jay McNamnra. David Staples si cured E. P. Twombly and H. L. Wheat t sureties , while Charles Scheffor's bondsinc wcro .lohn P. Schmidt nnd William 1 Hickel. The others , Tyler , Hart and Uearc were not , abloto furnish bail and were locke up in the county jail. It is stated that tli Swede , Johnson , who was stabed In the ml encounter , seems to bo improving nnd 1m some chunco of recovery. THK KLUUOUN'H EN'J'EIU'IIISE. It In Rapidly PiiNliInu KB Line to tli imkotu Tin Dtntricl * . DnATiwoon , Ink. , Aujn ( t -Snecal | ! Tcli gram to THK Bcn.l It Is authoritative ! stated that the Fremont , Elkhorn & Missou Valley railway company has purchased tl site of the so-called Jones-Loomls tunnc which Is the only practicable railroad roul up the White Wood canyon into tlite city. ' . is expected that u largo force of graders wl bo put to work at once , nnd that the Elkhor will bo extended immediately through Dcui wood up to Lend City and on into the Hal mountain and Ruby basin district. It is als reported , and apparently with irooil found ; lion , that a French syndicate is about to tu dertnko the erection of mammoth reductk works on the Hello Fourche , nnd tbat tl new railroad move Is duo to that , fact. Til 13 INDIANA AVHITH CAPS. StcpH Jiclnt ; Tnlcon For Their Kvloi initiation. EVANSVILI.B , Ind. , August 5. Great co : stcrr.ation is said to have been create among the Whlto Caps of Crawford , Spoi cor and Gary counties by the determined a tion of Governor Gray , who has sent Atto noy General Michner into that locality to a in their prosecution. Heretofore these ou laws have been able to terrify the count authorities , mid wcro thus allowed to go ui punished. All Will ltd Kxnlulncd. RuiNncLirr , N. Y. , August 5. [ Spec ! Telegram to Tim Hii : . " | Levi P. Morton sa to-night that ho had read the speech of Sc ator Gor.nan In which ho Is charged with b ing a director of the Canadian Pacific roa which , it Is claimed , is carrying Amcrlcr commerce through subsidies by the Canacllr government. Mr. Morton said that ho pr forred to make no statement relative to tl matter , as the facts in the case would bo dl closed shortly. It may bo stated as a fa that Mr. Morton , immediately following h nomination , resigned his directorship In bo the Canadian Paciflo and Illinois Centr roads. Ho was elected director in the form road about a year ago , but never attended meeting , A Foundered Vessel. S * FiiAScisco , August 5. Now Zcalai advices received to-day by the steamer AI n"ido say that the ship Star of Greece we ashore near Adelaide Harbor , July 18. ( the twenty-seven persons on the vessel : wcro drowned excepting the first and till ; onlcora , four men and four apprentices. A School ItulldliiK Wrecked. AXTHONY , Kan. , August B. Last nig during a thunder storm in this city , t school building was struck by lighting a completely destroyed. Lous about $40X ( Partially Insured. A Ilequelm Fop the Dead. CINCINNATI , Augusts. All the flra be were tolling in consequence of the news General Sheridan's death. VETERANS FORMING IN LINE , Scores of Tlppocnuoo Clubs Orgnn- Iziug in the Hawkeye Sttito. LIVING OLD DAYS OVER AGAIN. The I're'Hont Cnnipnlcn Awnkonrt In. Them nn HnthusliiMiii Thnt AVill Mnke ItsdlflYlt at the Polls. lown's Tlppccunoo Clntiq. Pr.a MOINIIS , Iu. , August R. [ Special to THK HER. ] The craze m this state just now Is in the Tlppccaiioo lino. Clubs for hunting out the old whlgs who voted for Harrison in 1S40 , and who Intend to vote for Harrison in ISbS , are springing up by the score and with great success. The old voters themselves , many of them Just totter ing on the grave , are showing more Interest than they have taken In a campaign In fif teen jcara. The senior of them all Is MicahJFrench , 1)7 ) years old , now living In Nevada , Story county. Ho has hud hu name enrolled among the veterans and pro poses to vote for Harrison. In this city thorn la a nourishing club ot nearly two hun dred. They hold regular meetings Saturday afternoons and sing Tippecatioo songs , tell Tippecanoo stories mid live over again the days of 1540. They are planning now for a great rally nt the time of the republican state convention , when it is proposed to have a sort of slate convention of old whlgs , with a grand narado , speeches , &c. , . .to. A great many log cabins have been built and dedicat ed to yoniigTippee-unoe , and the enthusiasm thus awakened , it is believed , will add 5,000 , votes to the republican ticket this full. TUB cm/.i.v : HOMUKiir. About this time the official orders for the encampments of the Iowa regiment a of the National Guard are making their ap pearance. Camp Crape has been located at Burlington for August 120 , for the Second recimcnt , Colonel McManus commanding. Tlio camp is named in honor of Philip M. Crape , a private soldier during the war , and now a prominent citizen of Burlington. Camp Sweney has been located at Mason City , August 35 , Colonel Boulln commanding. ThocWnip is for the Sixth regiment , and la named in honor of its late commanding offi cer , Colonel Sweney , who was recently ap pointed to he inspector general. The Third regiment will go into camp at Gnnnell , Augustli ) , the camp being named Alexander , in honor of the adjutant general of the state. Each of these camps continues llvo days , elurlng which the soldiers will bo put through a careful course of tactics with all the disci pline of regular army lifo. AX HihToincnL iiuiuuxa. Across the street from the present mag nificent new capital stands n very plain look ing three story brick building. It has been unused for the last two or three years , nnd yet is quite u building , with some very inter esting traditions and memories associated with It. This plain , old fashioned looking building is the old cupltol in which the laws of Iowa wore made for HOIIIO thirty years. Since the new capital was built , the stnto has bad no use for it , and hardly knew what to * $ do with it. It seemed almost lee good u w building to destroy , but It was neit adapted rte to modern commercial uses. The last legls- -fy laturo authorized the state executive council i to dispose of it as they thought best ; so some use will probably bo made of it , or it will come down. There is some talk of opening a business college in Jt , which might bo handy at least for the general assembly. IOWA'S L1VU STOCK INTEItFBTS. A comparison of reiwrts to the state au ditor from the different counties shows that Iowa people are engaging more generally in fine stock raising than formerly. The returns show now in this state the following totals : Cattle , 3,005,107 ; horses , 005,100 ; swlue , 1,043,090 ; sheep , 344,835 ; mules , 4li,3iO. : During the past two years there has been an increase in cattle of nearly 450,000 bead , an increase in horse's of about 75,000 , a decrease tn swine and sheep. WILL HUN Kl.KCTItia MOTOItS. The long litigation between the rival street car companies of this city has reached u conclusion thnt 1ms led the broad guago company to transform itself Into an elcctrio railway company. A charter has been ob tained fiom the city council , rolling stock has been ordered nnd It Is expected that cars will bo running by electric motors by Sep tember 1. The company will take the streets formerly granted to the broad guugo street car company and several additional ones sluco granted. i ii 1UVAL ROADS AT AVAK. A Contest For Control of Montana Atliiernl IjnndN. HELENA , Mont , August 5. [ Special Tele gram to TUB DcK.j The bitter fight be tween the two rival roads , the Hillings , Clarke's Fork & Cooke City nnd the Uocky Forks & Cooke City , to gain control of the trade of the rich coal fields of the section im mediately south of Billings , on the line of the Northern Pacific , Is likely to bo renewed. The contest between these companies in con gress has boon of long duration. The Bill- Ingsrifc Kocky Forks secured the first right of way and franchise several years ago , and has done some building , such as grading , bridging r.ud laying tics , but financial om- barnissuinnts compelled them to suspend operations. Congre'ss afterwards granted tbo Clarke's Fork a right-of-way , although it is almost a paralell line. The company 1m1 ; never made any move until the other day , when it sent out a party of surveyors. This has aroused the Hocky Forks people , nnd the directors are called to meet at Laurel , the starting point of the road , on August ! . The coal and mineral mines In the Cooke City country arc conceded by reliable experts to bo entitled to rank with the rich est nnd most promising In the country , and there will bo a desperate struggle between thu rival rouds to reach the coveted fields first. Now York Car Iirlvcrs Slkc.2. Nuw YOIIK , August 5. The drivprs , con ductors and stablemen of the Brooklyn Cross Town surface roads , to the number of 400 , struck to-day because the conductor and driver of ono of the cars had been discharged for arriving at the end of their trip four minutes before time. An attempt was made to run cars on the lines , but this was given up at noon , so much Interference was met with from the strikers , who were all Knights of Laijor. A half do/on strikers were ar rested. Tim Crop Itullctln. WABiuxnroN , August 5. Tlio weather and crop bulletin for tha week ended Saturday , August 4 , says that the weather was warmer than usual in thu grain regions of the central valley , the average doily temperature rang ing from three degrees to six degrees above tlio normal. The rainfall for the season has been generally greater than usual in the upi > er Mississippi valley , northern Dakota , wcbtcrn Kansas uud Nebraska. The Itowcry Flro Victims , NKW YOHK , August 5. The coroner has fixed Tuesday next for the beginning of a rigid cxarniuacion Into the cause of the Bowery Srs. Donations for the relief of the families of thu deceased nnd injured continue to come In. A movement is on foot to have u benefit performance for the same puiTS'm In ono or two theaters. The seven charred re mains past Identification writ interred to day at the expense of the Hebrew charity so- city and the remaining nine bodies at the morgue wcro lntcrrc-1 by friends. " " " " " "neutli Wltlnmt PAKIS , August 5.-- General Eadcs , an cue- coimnunUt , while addressing n mooting of sinkers to-day , droppcel dead