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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1887)
I " ' ; , . , / > ' ' , . ' /1 ' ' " ' ' ' / . " . THE' OMAHA DAILY BEK : STOJUY MAY 8 ; 1887.-TWELVE PAGES. ( RESTING ON LADRELS WON , The Beaux and Belles of Society Selecting Their Summer Resorts. ' "KENSINGTON. " MRS. PRATT'S A Plvo O'clock Ten The Hyperion Club Mrs. IlnwkliiH1 Iituioli I'nrty Xliu IMukcy Hcceptlon Art Oosnl | > . Wilted Hoolcty. lioyonil one or two quiet nlTulrs anil n rcci'tlon ) , society lias found little oc- ciipiiUon thu | iust week. Such : i state of colliHc : | has scarcely been known before. And h probably , duo to the impetuosity of tbo winter's social swim together with the enervating results of hunt and dust. Tin ; absorbing question of the moment is where to I'lnigrnto for tlio summer , for no one who can raiio enough money to K 't in'o ' a liabltable temperature , ever thinks of undergoing the inconvenience of the heated term in Omaha and its un pleasant suggesliyencsq of a possible fu ture state , Local society will bo oxten- tenwively represented at Spirit Lake. About the same crowd as adjourned there lust seasonare anticipating another summer of opportunities for trying bait on the various species Unit arc Known to bo susceptible. A HcMslnittcm Ten. A prominent event of the past week was the Kensington tea given by Mrs. Aug. J'ratt Friday afternoon. The house was decorated with much taste , n pro fusion of lilacs making the rooms both cheerful and fragrant. The same idea was carried out in the table decorations , the forks , pitchers , etc. , being tied with lilac ribbon. Shortly after the arrival of the guests , tea and wafers were passed around , after which the feast of lan guage , that forms the usual accompani ment of busy feminine lingers held full Bwny until 0 o'clock , when fancy work was laid aside , and an elegant sup per was served with the tact that distinguishes Mrs. 1'rattnsa hostess. The gemel hostess made every guest feel hanpy and well entertained , so that the hour of departure came all too soon. Those present wore Mrs. llimcbaugli , Mrs. ( Jolpot7ur , Mrs. Lubois ) , Mrs. Clay ton , Miss Durfee , Mrs. , J J. Dickey , Mrs. W. L. Dickey , Mrs. Thomas Gibson , Mrs. E. M. Hartlett. Mrs. ( J. S. Montgomery , Mrs. J. M. Woolworth , Mrs. Drake , Mrs. Cady , Mrs. Savage , Mrs. Squires , Mrs. Colo. Mrs. Gilbert , Mrs. Tliayer , Mrs. Uunkel , Mrs. Hurton , Mrs. Morony , Mrs. Aikcn , Mrs. Kvans , Mrs. lloldrcgc , Mrs. llowcll , Mrs. Higginbotham , Airs. HaVens - Vens , Mrs. Mills , Mrs. Allen , Mrs. Hop kins. Mrs. Kisdon , Mrs. Bliss , Mrs. Iloluon , Mrs. Hardy , Mrs. Ambrose , Mrs. Minor , Mrs. Parker , Mrs. Marker , Mrs. Purvis , Mrs. Connell , Mrs. Scott , Mrs. tioodnch , Mrs. Hrunner , Mrs. ( Jrotr , Mrs. Alo'xnnder , Mrs. Boyd , Mrs. Boll , Mrs. Copeiand , Mrs. Powell , Mrs. Putnam , Mrs. Chapman , Mrs. Mercer , Mrs.Howes , Mrs. Van Kuran , Mrs. Cole , Mrs. Me- Kibbcn , Mrs. S. P. Morso. The Hyperion Clnb. This popular sooial organization gave a "May party" Friday evening ia Masonic hall. It was attended by about fifty couples , all of whom enjoyed thcm- BOVOS to the utmost. The hall was very prettily decorated for the occasion. Each lady received a programme which Was a beautiful souvenir of the affair. It consisted of n Japanese fan , on one Bide of which wcro inscribed the dances , and otutho other in hand painted charac ters , the name of the lady. Those pro grammes wcro undoubtedly the most handsome and unique ever seen iu this citv. Among the guests present wore : Messrs. Carey. Van Gordon , Hiopcn , Hull , Sanford , Moody , Roberts , Roosters , Pierce , Pleasants , Harding , Eaton , For- tor , llollinger , Gritlin , Ours , Kent , Dustin - tin , Trimble , Wakolleld , Shane , Millet , Gration , Bryiins. Woodburn , Livesoy , Laing , Day , By Smith , Hicks'Milligan , Crandall. llussoll , Kemlrick , Craig , Buck , Uussell , Sherman , Coon , Mo- Cullough , Kdholm , Akin , Ware , Ostrom , Misses. Cnnfleld , Hus.soll. Scott , Lo Clair , May and Carrie McClalr , Nellie and Fannie Sexauor , Mrs. Buck , Mrs. Ed- helm , Mrs. Pierce , Feathorstono , Mollie and Sue King , Shipmnn , Duncan , Stadol- man , Callalian , McKcnna , Talmngo , Whiting , Bean , Wilson , Wart , Bailey , McCheane , McCroary. Wilkins , French , Deles , Wright , James. In Clerical Circles. The reception tendered to Rev. A , W , Lamar and family , the newly installed pastor of the First Baptist church , Thurs < day evening , was a grand success in every particular. The parlors o { the church were tastefully decorated and at elegant supper served by the ladies of the Bocioty. The Rov. Mr. Dotwoilor ot the Lutheran church , delivered the address of welcome , which wns responded to bv the Rov. Air. Lnmnr. The following toasts were then given : "Tho Preachorl Wife , " responded to by Mr. Webster "Tho Preacher's Son , " Rev. Mr. Savage "Church Union , " Rov. P. W. House Tlio Rov. Mr. Harsha also delivered i witty speech. The musical part of the exorcises wni furnished by Mrs. Ditnmock , Mrs , Turner , and the Amphion Quartette , anil win a most agreeable feature of the occa fiion. Tlio quartette comprises four wcl known singers and bids fair to bo OIK of the best ever heard in the city. The ] gang their ditlicult selections with croa beauty of tone , tasteful shading and entirely tiroly from memory. Many members of other church societies ties were present to welcome Mr. Lama and bid him God speed in his work. A Flvo O'clock Tea. One of the pleasant features of th ( Nebraska State Medical Society nicotine the past week , was the "five o'clock tea' given by Dr. Eleanor Stallnrd Dailoy to the lady members in attendance. Thos rntcrtamod were Dr. Gertrude Cuscadon Dr. Mary B. Chapman , Dr. Thpodi Wilkin , of Omaha , and Dr. Mary Ryorsot Ilutlii. Dorchester. Dr. Butiu was oloctoi first vice president of the society , Uv lirst woman to bu honored with tin office , In the history of the organization A Onwl I'nrty. Mrs. M. C. Nichols , assisted by ho : laughter , entertained a number of the ! friends at cards Thursday evening a their homo , 3110 Wobstcr. These prcscn were Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Nichols , Mra Dopm , Mr. and Mrs , R. E. Pease , Mrs. S T. Alexander , Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Sloan Mr , and Mrs. J. P. Johnson , Mr. an Mrs. Swobo , Mr. and Mrs.C.S. Whitnoj Airs. Jeo , Dr. und Mrs , Dysart , Mr : Beall , Mr. and Mrs Shears , Mrs. an < Miss McClure , Messrs. Puaso , Miles George Squires , B. Beall , Mogqulcz IJostwick , Dcpin and Snyder. Cards anil Dancing. An enjoyable party was given Thur : day evening by Mrs. Wilklns , at her cos liousn on Pierce. Dancing and card made the entertainment of the evening varied with somn jrood music. Tho- . present were Mr. and Mrs. Molntvro.Mi and Mrs. Portnr , the MISJ.OS Utissell Florence French. Bertha Kraiis , Edit Phelps , Georgia Duncan , B. Rcnnv an Messrs. Arthur Jonea , W.V. \ . SOpefV Wakefield. G. Criuulall , Cmjr , Smith , Mollcr , llollinger , Dustin. The Dickey Ilcccptlnn. The reception given Wednesday night by Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Dickey , in honor of Mr. and Mis. W. Lvlo Dickey was largely attended. Others who assisted in wel coming the guest * were Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Williams and the Misses Nannie ami Myra Williams , of Topeka , Kan. , Miss Myra Ferguson , of Kansas City.and Miss Belle Dickey. Of thp100 invitations issued so many were responded to , that the parlors were constantly thronged from 8 to 11. _ A Koclnl l.vcnlng. Miss Collins entertained a tew of her friends Thursday night in honor of Miss Thompson , of \ \ ashington , who is visit ing Mrs. II. W. Vales. Others present were MKs Ijnins , Miss Hums. Miss Me- Mnrtrv , the Misses Dundy , MiHans - coin , Aliss Barbi-r , Miss Bubblngton , of Council HlulVs. Miss Berlin , Miss Boyd , Miss Clarke , Aliss Vales , Messrs. Charles Orfutt. Barke. ,1. S. Collins , Berlin Mor- ford , Yates , Hamilton , Stebbins and Dr. Gillbrd. _ _ A Lunch I'nrty. At Mrs. General Hawkins' lunch there were present Mrs. McMillan , who is visit ing Bishop Worthmgton , Miss Worthington - ton , Mrs. Collins , Mrs. Crook , Mrs. Read , Mrs. Patrick , Mrs. Carter , Mrs Horbaeii , Mrs. Bennett. . Art Mrs. W. F. Vaill shows a very good at tempt at animal painting. Miss Yost has a line figure piece "Tho Italian Flower Girl. " Miss Shul/o will close her studio next week for the summer uud will shortly leave for the east. Mrs. T. Orr has a very handsome screen decorated with a study ot mulleu leaves and richly mounted. Miss Rich , it very young but promising nrtlst , has a fruit piece of peaches that nature could not surpass. Mrs. Mumaugh has another beautiful novelty in soarf drapery at the studio. It is a half transparent crape , a delicate yet washable fabric. W. V. Morse has an exquisite land scape by Beich , also a queer painting of undoubted antiquity , that Mr. Morse picked up somewhere in his travels. The subject ih Cardinal Fisher's bible. Aliss Gassott , a Boston girl , who will bo remembered as having painted under Mrs. Mumaugh last season , sailed for Europe , Thursday , where she will spend a. year combining study witli amusement. Mrs. Higginson lias completed another excellent portrait. Tlio subject is Mrs. Lewis Reed's little son , and the likeness is unmistakable. The flesh tints are per fect and tlio intense brown eyes arc wonderfully lifelike. nrovltics. Mrs. J. D. DcBeiviso has gone east for the summer. Mrs. Wink of Nclighisat the Millard or a few days. Mr. and MM. Frank Walters left Tues day for Europe. Miss Bebbington of Council Bluffs is visiting Miss Berlin. Miss T. MeMurtry , of Lincoln , is th ; uest of Miss Burns. Airs. Kitchen and Airs. Aletcalf are lonio from Hot Springs. Aliss Kruili has been appointed successor ser to Aliss Schill at the postollice. Aliss Dell Scllcrc of Oskaloosa , In. , will make Omaha her permanent homo. Miss Lake has returned from Chicago mil is now convalescent from her recent lluess. Air. and Airs. T. M. Orr have broken up jonsckcopiug und are quartered at the Millard. Airs. Funk of Orchard's establishment lias returned from a three weeks' visit in Cheyenne. Aliss Cora Gates of Brownvillo has num the guest ot Airs. Leavitt Burnhaiu the past weolc. Arthur Jones , of Blue Rapids , la. , is visiting Omaha friends on his way to Kritish Columbia. Airs. C. D. Woolworth entertained a few of the young people of Unity church Thursday evening. Air. and Mrs. H. B. Lockwood have moved from Chicago street into their house , 924 Pane Avenuo. R. A. Harris contemplates taking a trip to England , before he loaves for Los Angeles , his future homo. Airs. Guy Barton and Mrs. C. D. Woolworth - worth will receive from 3 to 0 at iilOG California street , Thursday , Alay 19. W. P. Mumaugh is homo from Lincoln. Airs. Mumaugh will shortly leave foi Dakota to bo absent through the summer. McKco Rankin nnd his border dramas are meeting with great success in dime museum circles. That's where they be long. George A. Joplin , of the Young Men's Christian assoofation , loft Thursday foi San Francisco to attend th'o international convention. Mrs. Frank MHlspangh , of Minneapolis , is visiting her mother , Airs. Clarkson , The Rov. Air. Alillspnugh is expected hero about tlio 20th. Airs. George Raymond , mother of C. S. Raymond , died at 8 o'clock last Sunday evening. The remains were Interred in Stowo , , Vt. Air. Raymond will remain east two weeks. Air. and Airs. G. M. Hitchcock gave a music.ilo Thursday evening , the pro gramme being furnished by Aliss Neallj btovens , the accomplished pianist , as sisled by Mr. Brighaui. The engagement is announced of Mis ; Theresa sonneuberg , an accomplished young lady , formerly of Lcadville , Col. , but now a resident of Omaha , to Sig mund Ainstoin , a young business man ol this citv , The wedding will occur at ar early dato. The "Lounger" gossip of the last Excelsior - colsior sounds suspiciously like the palaver of a certain astute imprcssaru who was at the Elk's banquet , and wh ( is noted for his enterprise in working ui good advance notices. The "Lounger' has evidently been "holding the ruirroi up" to clover Carleton's imagination. S < much for independence of opinion. ATWATEK-HAfrES. A Ilymonlal Event this Aftcrnooi Which Takes From Us Onu or Our Most Esteemed Vaunt ; LniUos. From Cedar Rapids , la. . Evening Ga /.otto : This afternoon at UiUO Air. Franl V. Atwater , of Omaha , was given loga right to spirit away to his homo ono o our sweetest nnd brightest sooial lights Aliss Rcgina A. Sales. It comes as n sur pnso to nearly all her great circle o friends and her absence tromoursocla and musical gatherings will bo MO soreh felt that some would like to have c.Ulcc n halt on that marriage service. The riti was solemnized at the home of the brido' : mother , No. 4W ! First avenue , the cere mony being performed with great scri ousness by Rov. J , K. Fowler. The multitude of the bride's admirer will bo tbo more reconciled to the lew when they know that Air. Atwater is ii every way worthy. Ho Is as line am noble in character ns in form and boar Ing. In fact , to simply moot him is tc write him down a rare gontloman. Ho i ouo of the rising young hardwaremer chanU of Omaha. This young man oomes among us will the highest recommendations. Air. At water will provo a valuable ncqulsitioi to our business and social circles. Mrs A. is a most estimable lady , who is pos scsscd of u charming person nnd elegant gant manners , and Is the fortunate pos sossorof a magnlUcont soprano roict which lias boon highly cultivated. He advent to the citv will bo hailed with delight light by our music lovers. Mr. and Airs Atwntur will be warmly welcomed to on city. Nnw YOIIK , May 7. ( SnecW Telcpratn to the Bp.K.I STOCKS , There was very lit tle of slpilllc.inco In the stock market until the bank statement came out to-day , tit. Paul pretrrrcd surprised traders with a sharp advance of ll { per cent , and was more actlso than It has boon for a Ion * time. The point on it was that n clique of rich Chicago oper ators hml boon buying It on the theory It was the cheapest per cent stock on the list , and thev wcro crt'illtvil with the Intention of tnanlrmlatltiK a 10 pur cent advance in It. Wahash was another bull card. Gould brokeis were larifo buyers of It and advised thulr friends that Itsas certain to have n bk boom. New Kntjland wns rather \seak. Ou- si'rvliitf bujcrs , however , claim that the buy ing was by tlio best class of people. The bank statement showed a decrease of 3'J.OOO- 000 In reserve and was the signal for a drive at the maikctby thcbe.irs. The whole 11st was sold down a fraction , Missouri Pacific belm ; the lowest stock on the list. Contrary to ex pectations , however , the market rallied after tlio drop , quickly leaving a little prollt to short sellers. The cause of the heavy do- crcaso In the bank statement was alleged to bo heavy withdrawals by the Chicago hanks In consequence of Chicago becoming n n reserve city. The feeling on grangers con tinued to bo\ery bullish , and Chicago was a largo buyer ol Northwestern it St. Paul lire- terred , taking largo blocks otthe latter at the top prices ot the day. At noon the market was steady , the sales to that hour ngeroRatlng W5,000 shares. In the last hour the market was rharnclcrlrcd by a drop more or less ccncral In prices throughout the list. Noith- western was sold down nearly 1 per cent and St. Paul preferred broke on offerings of lone stock bought BOIMO days ago. Fancy stocks were all weak , Lake Krlo & Western selling down to the lowest point reached In several weeks. The market closed very soft at about the lowest point of the day. The total sales were about liOO.OUO shares. ( tovKitxMKNTs Government bonds were dull but steady. ' YKSTKIinA.Y'8 0/UOTA.TIOXS. u.s.r's 100 ic. iteN. w 12114 U. S. 4'scoupon , tasjtfl do preferred..1-W-f V. K. 4X'scoup . " 0 N. Y. C ll'W Pacific o's ot 'It'.i o' < O. K. ic N lOU'f ' Canada Snuth'n. . ! < O. T. 3 Central Pact He. . 40'f PacllicMall 55 f il' . , I ) . A K Stt'4 ' do prefeircd.,100 ( Pullman PaI.Car.14H C. , B. AtO 147K Kt'aillng 44 ] > . , L.V li'OJf Uock Island. . . 13 : ! 1) . &U.O L. &S. K. . . . Krio . do pu'ferrcil. . . . 77'j ' do preferred. . . . 7:1 : U. , M. A St. I' . . . . 1I1J < Illinois Conttal..ii.V : { do preferred..I'JJJsf I. , H. iVe W 21 St. 1' . it O M } < , * do profened..114)4 ) ioShote aV > Texas 1'aclnc. . . . 30' ? &N 67If UnionPuclnc. . . . 01 Mlchlitan Cenfl. . 03 I\V. , St. LAI' . . . . Z\ * { Mo. J'acllic 107 % ilo preferred. . 37 No. Vacilic yJKVf. U. Telegraph 75M do preferred. . . . Gl fi MONEY ON CAM. Easy nt 4@7 per cent ; closed offered nt4 per cent riiME : MEIICANTII.K 1'Ai'Ei : 5JG ( per cent. STKKUNO KxniANOK Dull hut steady nt S4.M % for sixty day bills , Sl.S7'i for demand. PRODUCE MAUKKT. Chicago. May 7. Following quota tions are tin ; 2iOcloslnj : ; figures : Flour Steady nnd linn ; winter wheat nour. 84.2. ' > @ 4.30 : soutnern , S4.10@4.20 ; Wisconsin. S4.20@4..TO : Michigan" spring wheat , S:5.70 : ( < 4.M : Mlunesotabakcri. 83.7 ( > @ ! 4.iO : ; patents , 84.50G44.bJ : low grades , 81. ° o@2. < j5 : rye Hour , qnietat S3.aX'J3.40 ; in saok and barrels. $ : % : < .70. Wheat Dull , lltictimtiou < < within narrow Ilinlls ; inaikot opened ( ff'ic higher and closed > c lower tor Juno and July : cash , b35fc : June. KiXe : Jnly.8-1 lli-lGe. Core ( Julel most of Hie session ; opened a shade llriuer than yestorday'H close and closed same as yesterday ; c.ish , :5Si-16o : ; Juuc , ay tfc ; July , 415-lfic. Oats Dull , weak and } { @Xc lower ; cash , 2GVc : ; Juno. 27Vc ; JuljW ! 1-lUc. Jtyo Dull nt sokc. Jlarley-'Nomlnal at57c. Timothy Seed I'rluip , S1.07. Flax Seed-81.07K. Whlskv-81.10. ] 'ork Dull and quiet , with no malerlal chance ; cash nnd June , 5 5.00 < 32.r : ) > 0. Lard Dull , easy and iXc ! lower ; cash , ' 'v " < - @ 7.00. Hulk Meals Shoulders. 8 : > .00@C 00 ; shoit clear , S7.00ft7.P5 ( ; short libs , 87.40 < < 17.42V. Butter Quiet ; creamery , 18@ ± } J c ; dairy , Cheese Steady ; full cream Cheddars , " - " 'o ; Hats , 12K ( < ? l.'ic ; jounR Americas 'c ; skims , : igtjc. ( < 'inn nt lOJ c. Uldes-Unchangodheav.vKroen ; salted 7 c ; llcht do , 75fi4Sc ( ; salted bull hides , Cc ; green salted calf.Bc ; dry Hint , 12@iic : ; dry calf , 13/il4c / ; deacons , 40c each ; dry salted , lOe. Tallow Unchanjred ; No. Iconntry , 4c ; No. 3,3c ; cake , 4c. Uecolpts. Shipments. Flour , bbls 11,000 SO 000 Wheat , bu 5U.OOO 53,000 Corn , bu 3ooo ! ) & ! fl.00fl Oats , bu G'J.OOO 49.000 Uyobu 42,000 3.000 Barley , bu 11,000 11,000 St. lioula. May 7. Wheat Less active ; cash , S.Wc ; Juno , Ste. Corn Steady ; cash , 3G } @ 37c ; June , Oats Steady ; cash and May , 3Sc ; June , i'orlc Dull : new. 81(5.00. ( Lard Nominally at 50.70. Whisky Ixiwer at 81.00. Butter Easy ; creamery , C0@ 2c ; dairy , 14 < a20c. ! Liverpool , May 7. Wheat Strong : de mand good : holders oiler sparingly ; Cali fornia No. 1 , nothingotlciing ; reacstutn spring , 7s2d@7s3il par cental ; do winter , 7sId7s Gil per cental. Corn Firm : demand fair ; new mixed western , 4s ! M per cental. Now Orleans , May 7. Corn Unchanged ! mixed , SOc ; yellow , 5lc : while , 5''c1. Oats Easier at 37@t7Ke. : Cornmeal Firmer nt 82.35. Hog 1'roducts Unchanged. Lard Keiined tlorco 87.00. Bulk Meals Shoulders , S0.50 ; long cleat and clear ribs. SS.G2K. Now Vort. May 7. Wheat Uecolpls , 87,000 ; exports , 47,000 ; spot > /fgKc and options JtfQle , lower , closingbaroly steady al nearly bottom rates ; ungraded red , Wort Sl.UOJfNo. 8 rod , 05 c : No , 1 , red , W o No. U , OOIn elevator , U7 c tree on board : June closing at 9" ) > < c. Corn Receipts , tst.OOO ; expoits , 2,400 ; spol > 4@ > c and options Ji@J4c lower , closint steady ; ungraded , 48 ? ( ( < c5Uc : No. 2 , 48K ( < j 4'JH'c In elovittor , 60 > ie delivered , June t. . Oats Itecclpts , 23,000 ; exports , 27 ; steady mixed western , 34Q37c ; white western 3SC 42c. Petroleum Steady ; United closed at CO c. Pork Quiet , steady and unchanged ; olt mess , Sl5.WCi4lO.tX ) ; now mess , $17.00. Lard Dull and lower ; western steam , spot S7.25. E cs Quiet and generally steady : west ern , tresh , 12@l2Hc. Butter Quiet and barely steady ; western ' Cheese Quiet and unchanged. Minneapolis. May 7. Wheat Weak : No. 1 hard , cash and May. 7'JWc ' : June Flour Finn ; patents , 34.40(44.50 ; bakers . , . Itecelpts Wlioat. 92,500 bu. hhipments Wheat , 20,000 bu ; Hour , 1S.OOC bbls. Cincinnati , May 7. Wheat Scarce ant firm ; No. 2 red , 85c. Corn Strong and In good demand ; No. C mixed , 44Wc. -FirmNo. ; . 2 mlxed,80 ( 30Kc. Kre-StrongerNo. ; 2 , 04H C5c. Provisions-Easy end uucUaugcd ; pork SIC..S ; Jard , J0.60. Whlsicy-Actlvo and firm , at 51.05. Milwaukee. May 7. Wheat Easier cash , 82/c , ' ; June , biiXc ; July , 84Vc. Corn rirm and nominal No. 3 , SOc. ( ) ts Stronu : No.a wulto , Sltfc Ilye-Steaily : No. 1. 68e , Barley Weak ; No. 3 , Me. ProvhIons-Easleri pork , May , 515.00. LIVE STO CK. Ctilcnso , Mar 7. Tht Drovers' Jou nal repurtn as follows : , Cattle -Jtecelpu , 1,000 , ; steady ; leers , t4.00@4.03i stockfrs and iecders , $2.7534.255 covfsTilmlls nnd mixed , 32.00 Q4,00 ; bulk , S7TMJ.05. Hogs Hecplpw.oco : steady : rough and nixed , $5.0J < rt , ' . : ; packing and stmiDlni : , i < 5.40(5.5j ( ! ; light , Sl.70Q5.W ; ; skips , S3.CU 4.00. n o Sheen HecelpLOn.tKX ) : steady ; wooled , 'J.ooavoo ; shorn , S3.5tKiT4.ij ; Texans , 53.OOvjJ3.S55 laiubj , | I.50 JC.50. Nation. l Stouk Vnntq , Knt Ht. 1/ouls , 111. , May 7.-Cattlo-Kecelpts , 400 ; hlpments , 200 ; UiVltt't strone and steady ; holco heavy nuthe steers. S4.00i.j5.00 ; faire o need shipping steers , S3.lKXii4..V > ; butchers' leers , fair to cltjlcc , ! 3.50j4,30j ( ! feeders , fair to cciotl , S3.V.TX3 1.00. llogs-Uccfllpt , 1,000 ; shtpmento. 2/.00 : market steady ; choice heavy and butchers' selection , Sri O xro ; packliiif , fair to good , 8 ' .20S . ' . ! ; Yorkers , medium to prime. So.OO i5.15 ; pigs , commnn to good , S4.40(34.H ( ! ) . KntiMiiH City , Mav 7. Cattle UecdpK ,300 ; slilpiiicnK 1.000 ; market n "Inxdi' stronger for light shipping cows , stocUers ana feeders ; common to choice shipping , 5 > 3.bOQ4.50 ; stackers , SJ.COitJ.25 ( ; feeding steers , t3.iO@3. ! ! > 0. lions Korcliits , 0,000 ; shipments , 1,000 ; Market opened steady , closed weak nt fiotlO ewer ; common to choice , S1.GO ( 5. 15 ; skips and pigs , S UO J.SO. oaiAUA MVI : STOCIC. Saturday , May 7. Cnttlp. . The receipts of cattle to-aav wore fair tor , he last dav of the \\eek. There weie \ cry V.w goo'd corn-fed cattle In that \\ero snitn- Jln for tliu dressed beef tiade. The market A\as at least 5c higher than \ostcrdny. The receipts of hois weio the same as yes- ertlny. Tlio market opened active at nn ait- vance of r > ( i8IOo and the hogs weie all sold at in eatly hour. _ Ktiecp. There \\cro a few in , but the market was Ilecelpu. Cattle . r,00 ilogs . 2,000 Horses . 100 Sheep . GOO Provalllnt ; 1'ricns1. Showing the provalllni ; prices paid for II vo stocknn this market : Choice steers , 1 ! W to 1500 HH..8l. iWi4. ! II Choice steers , lioo to ibs. . . 4.20 ® I.BO Kat little s-leer 900 to 1050 Ibs. . . . S.OiJ ) . 15 Kxtra ehoicocows and heifers. . . . il.fiOfiKl.75 ! 5ood to choice corn-fed cows. . . . Ji.00ni3.40 Jommon to medium cows 2.75f < ( ,2.lK ) Good to cholcii bulls a/ioraiK. " ' } Mchtaud mcdiumhogs 4.7561. 1 ; iood to choice heavy nogs 4 , ' . 'ifi.o" ( > ( iiiod to choice mixed hogs I4.b0i4l."i ( ) Choice sheep , 90 to 120 llw 3.UK.43.75 . Ileprescntutivo Males. Live Stock Sold. Showing the number ot cattle and hogs bought by the Icsiliug bu > erb on to-day's market : _ . , . lioos. Anclo-Ainerlcfth PUckingCo . 031 ( ! . 11. llammond- Co . ' " ' < T. J.LIpton . M i Clarke Bros. . . . in a . 13 1 Total . ll"3' " ' Left over . , . . none C. 11. Hammond A : Co . 41 Coltman & Conkllu . 3'.i KaeBros . 2C Local . 31 Total . 141 All sales ot stock in this market are made percwt llvu woluht unless otherwise sUtod. Dead hogs sull at Xo PPr lb. tor all weights. "Skins , " or 110.53 weU'hlns less than 100 IDS , novalue. Pru nunt sows are docked 40 lt > s. andbtagsSOlbs. by thenublio inspector. Iilve Stock Notes. Cattle higher. A few sheep sold. UOKS 5@10c stronger. A good market for Saturday. Dr. C. Frost , Princeton , Neb. , was looking over the yards. A. M. Templip. Chapman , was hero wltli two loads of cattle. George Yarns , Missouri Valley , was In and marketed a load of ho s. Messrs. Bell and Williams , Id it Grove , la. , wore among the visitors at thu yauls. Will Ilayward , Crowoll. a well known shipper , was In looking over the maiket. James Uanley , a well known shipper from Ashland and a member of the Li\o Stock Shippers Association , stopped oil at the yards on Ins way baeu from Chicago. Thomas Harris , Central City , was in wltli a load ot cattle , two loads ot hogs and a lout ! of sheep. One load of hogs topped thu mat- ket at 85.0 j. One of the largest commission men at the yards , both in amount ot business transactetl and physical development , came out tin other morning resplendent In a new sprnu milt , lie was as happv as a bowtthano \ \ top until ho caught sight ol Ills bltteiesi lival in business wearing a new suit oxacth like ills own. There is a good opporttinltj for some ono to buy a cheap bccond-hant suit , as good as new. OMAHA WUOfjKSAIjE MARK.ETH Goncrnl Produce. Saturday , May 7. _ Tlicfolloiunm price * are for rouwll ot > 0 } produce , as HOUI on wt inartei to-cwi/ . Kn 08 The market Is steady at ioc' HUTTKK- There is an occasional packaji of fancy butterthat sells above the quotation' given below. Chico country , I4d4l0 ; luirtt good , 10@l2c ; cnramon , 5y9c. ( CUKESK Full cream choddarssinle,14J ) ; c : full cream flats , tw/lns , lf.Hc ; Young Ameri cas , 15c ; fancy- Swiss , 18c ; Swiss. Im ported. 25c ; Limbtirger. 14c : brick , I5rt4i0c. LIVK PoiTi.Titv C'lickens ' , 33.00 ( 3. ; ; : ) . _ . . . . . . . . . . snipe per do81.2C , plom 5tc. POTATOKS lloiiw grown , small lots , fron store , 70 ( < jbOc : ; new potatoes , per bbl , S4.M sweet Jer.sovVjf3.Ur ; sweet southern miten per bbl , § 5.05. . . ONIONS Old'onlons , per bbl , S4.505.00 : r.ow bouthorn. rtertioi , S5.00. CAIIUAOE 'Ji i nl-is very little on tin market. Now .CaWoriila stock sells at SXOi s c perlb. ; ; nr , AISLES The marKet Is bare and there I : no stock of nnv aoubunt. NEW VKOBTAIH.ES Spinach , per bbl S1.-X31.50 : ton'onlons , j > or dozen bunches , 20 ( 260 ; radlsbe * , | r dozen bunches , 2.V430c lettuce , 85@40c ; pVplant , perlb , 2 c ; llomi grown asi'.iuns , per doGOc ; cucumbers I > er dozen , 05 < < i75c. BE A.N8-lnferlor stoclr.WcCSl.OO ; jooil clear country , ; medium , hand picked SL40(31.60 ( ; hand picked , navy , Sl.0@i.GO. PBOVISIONR Ham , 12Kc : breakfas bacon , rib. 10 > < c : breakfast bacon , plain , lie @lle ; dried beer , haut pieces , 13c ; la'rd.Vid-lt ' cans , 7 ? < o ; 20-lbcans. Fairbanks , 7j/c ; 10-11 cans , Fairbanks , 7Kc ; 5-Ib cans , Fairbanks 5c ; 3-lbcaug. Falibaiiks , S c. LEHO.NB Messina , choice , per box , S4.W @ .oo. OKANOEP California , Los Angeles , pei box , 3.00 ; MeulUirraucan sweets , 83.50 > 'c a.75 ; Messlim imperial , fancy. 5.50 ; Sai Gabriel , single box lota , 3.00 ; San Uabrlel 5 box lots , 52.85. BTBAWIIKRUIKS The receipts are llbera and the market lower. Choice Block , pei case , 85.00. BAKAKAS Larjebunches , p t bunch , 83,5i General Market * . . - - - - . . . , percslioir furni ture , extra , S1.10 ; furniture. No. 1. 81.00 ; coach extra , 81.40 ; roach. No. i , 81.90 : D * m r , dxtra , 31.7.1 ; Jnpan > 70c ; , asplmltnin , extra S5c : shellac , 33.005 hard oil llnlih , irtv PAINTS -White lead , 7c , Fronchzlnc , 12c : Parli wiilttng. 2 > fc : uniting , gliders , Stffc ; whiting , com'l , IWc ; lampblack , ( ier- , I2c ; lampblack , ordinary , be ; Prussian bluer > 5c ; ultramarine , IKJ ; vandy k- brown , sc ; umber , burnt 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; sienna , burnt , 4c ! slounx raw , 4c ; Pans erecn. genuine. 'e. Paris crecn. com mon. , 23r- chrome groen. N. Y. , V c ; Termlllion American. lc : inman raw and buint umber , 1 n > cans , i2c ; r w nnd burnt sienna , lc : Vandyke brown , lie ; relined - lined lampblack l'-2o : coach black and Ivory black. Ific ; drop black. IGo ; Prussian bnu\ 40c : ultramarineblack. . iSc ; chromo groon.l , . , M. A 1) . . IGc ; blind Mid shutter green. L. , .M. A D. , lOo ; Pnru erren , ISo ; liulUn red , I.'KJ ; Venetian red , l'c ; Tuscan , uuc ; American \ermllllon , L. * 1) ) . , coo : yellow ochre. 2c ; L. M. tt O. D. . INS : good ochro. lV ( : tut m dryer , Sc ; graining color. light oak , darko : k , walnut , clifstnut nnd sn. 12C- , I > IIKMIOAI.S. Aod carbolic , ' "c ; nclit tartarlc , 5'Jc ; balsam copaiba , per to , fii'c ' : bark sassafras , per lb , lUe ; calomel , tw lb , 7bc , chlnclioMidia , per oz , 40c ; chloro form , i * > r tti me ; Dorers powders , pur It- . 81.2.icpsomalts ; , per ! b , Kl < c ; ciycorlno , pure , per lb. HIO''tato. ( . Perlb. 2ic ; ill , castor , No. i , per gnl. . . 81.W ; oil castor , No. 2 , per gal. , 81-40 ; oil olive , per gal. , $1.40 ; nil orlL-annum , M > c ; opium , 81.50 ; qulnino. P. A W. and K. A b , , per oz. .PC ; potassium Iodide , per lb , S'.si ) ; s.illcln. per or. 40c ; sul phate morulilno. uor oz. Si. 5 ; siilPhur , per ] bi4cstncliuini' : . wr ntSl.'J ) . . , fAi.vrs INon , White lead. Omana.P P. , C' ' c ; white lead Nt , Louis , puro. ic ; Mar seilles , grenu , 1 lb cans. 2c ; troncn zinc , creen seal , 12c : Trench zinc , rod seal. Uc ; French 7inc. in varnish as-it. 20u ; Fetich ? .lnc.76c : verinllllon , Kngllsli , In oil , 75c ; red , lOc : ro o pink. 14c ; N enetlan red , Cook- sou's , 2 j"e ; \ enutlan red , Ameiicaii. l o ; rt-d lead , 7J < c ; chrnmo yellow , genulno , uoc ; chromn yellow , K. T-'c ; ochre , rocliollo. : > c ; ochre , French , 2Jfc : ochre , American , IKc ; Winter's mineral. 2t'p ; Lcniffh blown , 2Hc ; Spanish brown , 2Xc ; Prince's mineral , Green butohors. 5f@0c ! ; green cured. Tc : dry Hint , lifitt.'e ; drv salt , B&ClOc ; Kreen c.ilt skinsc ; damaged i ides , two-thirds pi Ice. Tnllow-Ji.'ic. ' ( lr ase- I'rimo whitu.c ; yellow , 2 c ; brown , uv. blieet ) Pelts. 25a7ftc. ( tSPinrrs Coloirno spirits , ibb proof , 81. 10 ; do 101 proof , Sl.l-s ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , bl.l : do Iss i > root. 81. I ) Ali-obol. IbS proor , S2.10 per wlno eallon. Jtcdlstllled whiskies , 81.00 1.50. liin , blondcd , r > oc4 8,00 : Konttickv uourbons , S2.oOcfi.OO , Ken tucky and 1'onnsylvaiii.i ' ryes , 83.00M0.50 ; Golden Sheaf bourbon and rvo whiskies , Sl/)0a3.oc. Hr.indies , imported , S5.00 S.50 ; domestic , Sl.u3.00. : ( iiiis , imported , 84.50 Mfl.OO ; domestic , Sl.25ra3.00. ChampannM , Imported , per ease. 523.00(33,1.00 ( ; American , red case. S10.00uilrt.00. HEAVY llAKDWAKR iron , rate S2.S1 ; plow stielsncelai c.vst,41"accruclblo ; steel , 'i > < c ; " east tools. d"o. 12 1 ; wagon siiokes , pel s > et , 82.00eti.5 ; ( ) ; hubs , pur set. 81.25 : lelloes. sawed dry , Si. 50 ; tongues , each , bt'c ' : axels. rach. 75c : sauiiio nuts , pur lb. GlS71e ( ; : coil chain , pei tl . Oi-fniil'Jc ; malloablo. Nellie ; iron wedges. Gc ; crowbars , Gc ; harrow teeth , 4' < c , spring steol. 7@c ! ) ; Buidon's horseshoes. 84.75 ; Burden's inulo bhoes. 8 > . 5. Bnrbcd wire. In car lots. 84.00 per 100 Ibs. Nails , rates , , 10 to 60. 8UX ) ; steel nails. 82. 0. Shot.Sl.-H ; buckshot , 81.0(1 ( ; Hn/.nd powder , kegs , 35.00 ; do. half kegs , 83.75 ; do. quarter koits , 81.50 : blasting , kegs , 52.10 ; fuse , per 10 feet. G5c. Lead bar. 815 Grocer's IjUt. Medium. In bbls. 83.00 ; do , In half bbls , 81.50 ; small. In bbls. 89.00 ; do , In halt bbls. 85.00 ; gherkins , in bbls , 810.00 ; do , in half bbls , 85.50. powdered , OJ < 7c. L.OFFKK8 Oidlnary grades , 17'rQlSc ' fair 1W1 } < cpiline.l ; c Uc ; choice , 1 (91 ( Kc ; fancy greuii and yollow. U ) ® lc ; old eov- CANNEit > ( ) ois-Oystorsfitandardporcaso , Sil5/t3.2.-i ! ( ; strawberries. Sib. per case. S2..iO ; raspberries. 3 lb , per case , 82. 5 2.15 ; Califor nia pears , per cast ? , 84.50 ; apricots , per casi , 84.00 ; peaches. PPI- case , S'j.OO ; white cher ries , per case , 80.00 ; plums , per case , 83.5' ' ) ; blueberries porcaso , 81.85 ; o ; r plums. 2 lb , per case. 82.50 ; pineapples , * ID , per case S3.2u\i5.75 ; 1 lb insjkerel. per doz , 81.10 ; 1 it ) salmon , per doz , 31.50(31.5- ( ; ID , goose- ben ies , per case , 81.75 ; 2 lb string Doans. p < > r case,8t."i' ' ; 21b llmaboans , per caso. 81.00 ; 2 lb marrow fat peas , porc.iso. Si 0iW503 ( ; lb early June peas , per caso. 3.S.75 : 3 lb toma toes. S2. OfiW 0:2 : S2.40V 2/A MATCHES Percaildie. 25c ; square cases , 81.70 : mule square. 81.20. SYRUP No. 70 , 4-gallon kegs , 81.3 > ( < p.n,0 ; New Orleans pereallon 3 40c ; maple syrup , half bbls , "old timo. " per gallon , 70c ; 1 gal lon cans , per doz , 810.00 ; hall gallon cans , per doz , 85.50 ; quart cans , So.Ou. 1'on.u ( o I'nu cnm.tx , . . 'j ; horse shoe , 17 ; stBi5 : J. T,3i : spearhead , 37 ; merry war , 'fi , lobln ritll , iO ; hnnpy thought , KG ; Piiim-lloiiMck , 0) ) . CANDT Mixed. sj < ® iic : stick. 8KO9 > c. CBACKKHS Uarnoau's soda , butter and picnic. 5 > < c ; creamsai < c ; ginger snaps. Hc ; city soda. 7W. brAitcir Mirror gloss. 1 ib. 6c ; mirror gloss , 3 lb , 5Jfo : tnlrror gloss , Olb , 0c ; ( iravos corn.l lbe , ' < c ; Klngsford's corn , 1 ID , 7c : Klugstord's gloig , 1 lb , 7o : Klngsford's closs , Olb. 7 } < c : Klnesford'B pure lib. 5Kc ; Kincsford's pure , 8 lb , 5c ; Kinpsfords bulk , 4c. SOAPS Kirk's savon Imperial. 82.70 ; Kirtc-s satinet. 83.00 ; Kirk s standard , S3.05 ; Kirk's white Ku > slan. 84.00 ; Kirk's white * cap , 80.50 ; dorm83.85 ; washboard , 83.10 ; White cloud. 83.75. Dry Lmtuhor. DIMENSIONS AMD TtMUEItS. 12ft U ft 16 ft IB ft aoftaitt 2x ! 17.50 17.&OI7.M ) ISfX ) S-.M t ) 2x8 17.50 17.M 17.10 18.SO 2x8 17.60 17.50 17.M ) 18.IW IU.5D Kl 50,22.60 , 2x10 17.W 17.fiQl7.riO 18.50 111 M 22.60 22.51) ) 2x12 17.5J l"M 17.51 18.M 19 60,22 , 50 22.60 4x4-8x8 IlKSO I8.50'l8 ' 50 IU 50 20 5J :3 ai'2,1.00 ' no Anns. No. 1 , com , si s . S19.50 No. 2 , com , si s . 17.50 No. 4 , coin , s 1 1 , . 13.50 rr.Nnxo. No.l,4&0ln , 12il:14 It , rou h . 819.00 No. 2 , . " " . 15.00 SIDING. A , I1) ) . , 1 1 and 10 ft . S3iOO B , ' . 20.50 C , " " " . 15.00 AND . Istconi. , 5f in White Pine Cellini ; . S34.0U Clear , ; Y In. Nprway Pine Colling . 10.00 FLOORING * A . 6 inch , \\hlto pine . 833.00 C . K " " " ' ( SelFen'g ) . 19.CO . . , _ . ST ° CK BOAItDS. A12lnchs. Is . S45.0Q No. . 1 , com. 12 in 8. 1 s. , 12. & 14 . 20.00 ' " " 10 ft . l .0fl No. 2 " ' " i ! Ar H ft . 1H.OU ' " " " " 10 tt . 17.0U . Island 2rt. clear , Ik Inch , s. 3 s . ? WV)0 ) Sd , clear. 1 incli. s. 3 s 313 114 , IK. " In 45.0J B seli-er , 1 inch , s. 2 s 30 ; 1 # , ljj.2 In 37.CO I'OSTS. White Cedar , 0 in. . W 12c ; 9 ln.nrs..llo I.IMK , inc. Qulncy whltollmo ( bes ) . 51.00 Akron coinuat . . . 1.0.1 Hair . au SIIII' LAI * . No. 1 , plain , Sand 10 in . 819.00 No. 1 , plain , and 10 in . 17.00 IIATTKJfV riOKKTS. O. O. Halts , 2V < in. . 70c ; Kx , s. 1 a . 4uQ Pickets , L ) and Hllat. . . . . . 821.00 George Maxwell and Henry Niles had n duspurato li lit in Lcndvillo , Coo.over ! n cainblinc debt. Thuy fen lit until nn- nblo to longer stand on their feut , then wont to the lloor in a ( load-lock. They then brgan to bite each other , taking mouUifnls of Hush from the face , nipping oil' linnors and noses , until the crowd , thoroughly sickened , tore thorn npnrt and carried thom to their fodgings. Nilua will probably die' The Indians on the Hfjiiaxin rcscava- lion , in Washington territory , hold n monthly term of court for the purpose of adjudicating mutters the Indians tlioro , The court is composed of three judges nnd a clerk , nnU it tins arrived nt such u point of dispute in several cascw that Superintendent KelU of the Puyal- lup agonoy was sent for. A few uuvd Bfio Mr. Eolls left Tncoma for tbo rcscp vution , where he will act as the supreme court and decide nil matters ia Uicputu in thu court below. ADDITIONAL OOUNOHi BLUiTS. A Ootilon Link. Tlicro is nn man in tliu city who baa such an onglo eye ottl for titles ot land as William Sleduntopf. Ho has mailo many n tlollur by linntliig through niinty rec- mid ami liiulini * titles to land , by which IIP lias been enabled to uloar up vulnnblo property unit make excellent invost- munis. It is snlil that recently ho has , In Ills search for ( orgotton facts , run across a missing link , which promUes to be an important ono. The alleged di < coverv will oitlior amount to a good deal or to nothing at all. There can bo no half way prollt in the vontnrn. The discov ery is said to bo in brief , that whim On- tnil subdivision was platted tlioro wore eight owners , anil that suvrn of these joined In the plat , but that for sonic roaM - M > n London Million did not do M > . It is said thai Mr , Siedenlopf has paid Million $1,000 for a quit claim , ami that ho ex pects to roaluo many times this amount from his claim of an eighth interest in the 110 aeros of land in that subdivision. Such is the report which is being tlis- cusbod by llio real otuto men. Sermons mill SrrvloeH. The following are services announced by the several churches of the city : COMHICd.VTIONAU. Services tills morninir. Preaching bv the pastor ; subject. 'Tho Comforter. ' Tlioro will bo no evening service. In the afternoon nt ! t o'clock Mr. Crofts will preach at Harmony Mission. You are cordially invited. .SAINT I'Atri.'s riiL'itcn. Divine services to-day as follows : Holy communion , 10 a. in. ; morning prayer and sermon , 10:15 a. m ; evening prayer and sermon , 8 p. in , Stibjccl of evening sermon : 'The Seventh Day As a Day of Kost , " and "Tho Second Coming of Chnsl. " All are wolcomo. rntsr HAiTr&r. Tlio pastor will preach at 10 ! ! 0 a. m. on "Doos the Christian Commit SinV" In the evening at 8 o'clock , "Mosos and Aaron. " Seats free. SAINTS' oiiuurit. Hi'v. J F. McDowell will ofiiolato to day at Saints' church at the usual hours morning and evening. Everybody wel come. Y. > r. o. A. The young men's mooting of the Y. M. C. A. will bo held as usual this afternoon at 1 o'clock. Topic , "Tho Miracle of the Loaves und Fishes. All young men are cordially invilod to bo present. Special uttonlion will bo shown to strangers. ITAUMONY MISSION. Ilnv. G. W. Crofts , pastor of llio Con gregational church , has kindly consented to conduct the services at Harmony Mis sion chapel to-day at 3 o'clock , p. m. Kvcryono invited. Strangers always welcome. Prayer mooting Thursday ovonins at 8 o'clock. Topic , sixth chan ter of Kphc.sians , conducted by Mr. 11. Ii. Smith of the M. E. church. HKOADWAY METHODIST. Tonic this morning , "An Aggressive Christianity. " In the evening revival services will bo hold. The evening ser vice will begin at 8 o'clock , nnd will .bo hold at that hour during the summer. The voting people's meeting will convcuo at 7:15 : p. m. I'Nirr.D rncsuYTF.niAV. Uov. l. L. Picrson will preach at tlio United Brethren church , on Tenth avenue - nuo , nt 8 o'clock this evening. Ordinance No. 133O. AN Ordinance LTCiitlnir I'uUiiff District No. \l ? . In the city of Omitbu , and clottnlng the lmurulnriL"3 thereat. Ho It 01 ilninod by the city council of the city of Omulm. Section ! . Paving District No. 112 Is hereby created In the city of Omaha. Soctlon - ' . 1'uvlnir District No. 112 Bhall com- nrl'o niul include so much of 20th street italic * ) between Center street nnd South etroot nnd nil lots nnd roul ostutoon cacti clilu of said pait of 20th st root buck a illstunco of l.E ! foct. Section II. Tills nidlnitnou slnill tnko affect nnd bu In force from nnd aftur ItspaaaujfC. Pnsindnril l.'th , 1887. WM. K. ItKciiKi. , 1'rosldont City Council. .1. II. SODTIIAIID , City Clotk. Approved April 10th , 1887. JAMES E. Ilovn. Mayor. Ordinance Ho. 1336. AN Ordinance narrow ins Wuhgtor street fiom KHil Rtreot HO-it to thii soctlon line between sootlons 15 mid IU , In tbo city of Omulm , mid inovidiiitf for the milo ot the ground vacated to the adjoining property ounors : Ilo It ordained by the city council of the City of Din all a : Section 1. That that part of Wobstcr street. In the city of Omulm , from -3rd Btioet wo to the suction line between suctions 15 uud 10 , subject to the disposal of the ground vacated us herein provided , bo and .ho naiuo Is hereby narrowed nnd reduced fiom Its present width of 100 Icet to a widtli of 70 loot , viz : 36 toot on each aide of the center line of said street , go as loavoti htrlpot land 16 foot m width ou oacn side of said street. Section . Tluit thonpprnlsnmont committee be und hcieby Is Instructed to appraise the strip of wound 15 tccot In width opposite each lot iiliutt ing thereon nnd report Its action In that bohnll' . Section 3. Thnt upon said report being fllod , the city tlcrk publish a notice tn the otnclal paper of tlio city invitliiB bids for tbo purchn o ofsuld strip of IS foot Iu width opposite each lot abutting thereon. Section 4. Tlmt this ordinance shall tnko effect n nil lie In foico Iroin nnd uftci- Its pussaKO. I'lissi-il April lUth , 1887. WM. P. UKCIIKI. , 1'rcsldont City Council. J. I ) . SollTIIAltD , CitV ClCl'lC. Approved Apiil 10th 1887. JAMKS II. UOYD , Mayor. Ordinance No. 1319. AN Ordinance ordering that part of 10th street Iu Paving District No. HI , iu the city of Omaha , paved with cedar blocks , und ell- toetlntf the boaid of public works to make u contract for the name. Wheroni , a majority of the owners both of the iiiea und fuel Iront ot the loH and real estate in said Paving Dlstiict No. Ml liavo duly notllled and petitioned the major and council to pave that part of loth street in said paving district with the material as horolnaltnr npocl- llcili and , whercns , in aildltioii to such donlp- nitlonof nmturlal by Bald onnors , the mavor and city council of said city do hriohy deter- inino upon the mnterlal so speclQcd as tlio ma terial to be used for Biicli pa\iuv : tlieroforo , lie it ordained by the city council of the cltj of Omaha : Section 1. That that pint of 16th street lylntf nnd belli ? in Vuvmi ? Dlitrlct No. Wi be unit thu Fame la hereby orpei ed paved wltli cedar blocks on n concrete fiiunilation , nnd Iu accordance with specifications prepared by the board of iiitbllo woikii and thoeity entrlnoer , and on llio hi theolllce of said board of public works. Section' ! . That the board of public works Is hereby ordered to cuuso stid | wojk to bo done , and tt ) enter Into contiact for tlio same with thclOHcit ro-ponnlblo liUlilor under the npocl- Jlcatlons prepaiod by taid board and city i n- Rlneero.'snia city , anil now on tlio In the oMico or ald board , and In accoidance with bids for Having opened by said bonra of public vroiks March 1st. | hS7. Hoetlon 3. Ttiat this ordinance shall take otfeot and bo in force from and utter its pit 1'ai od April 1 'tli , 1887. WM P. IlKCHKr. . I'roildcnt Cltj Council. J II. Bourn Ann , City Clerk. Approved April ICth , 1887. JAMICA 12. llovu Mayor. Ordinance Ho. 132S. AN Ordinance ordering the niailinir of the alley In block S.M , orlKlnnl plat , und directing tlio boaid of public uorks to take the Hoc essary stops to cause said wofk to be done. Ilelt nrdnlnea bv the City Council of the city of Oiniihn : boa ion 1. Mirt it Is neccfimry und It U lieicliy delcuicd necoi-nry that tbo nlloy In block'JJ , original plat of Omaha , be tfiudod , nndthosamo Is done. S-octlonJJ. 'lliattlin boarduf ptlbllo woikslg licrch-directed to take llio necessary stops to ciuuo ld work to bo done. Section : ! . That this ordinance shall take effect and bo In force from nnd ufter its pasbaKt- . cd April lithlB87. \\n , K. IIKUIIEI. , I'roslilontCity Council J. U. BoUTiiAiiD , City Clerk. Approved April 10th , 1M7. JAMKS E. llnvn , Mayor. Notice- MATTnil of application of I juls Hlbbclor lor Ilijuur llcenne. Notice u hereby given that Ionls Illbbolor did upon the 4lh day of liar , A , 1) , Jiv7 , tlio hiii application to the nmjor und city council of OmAha , for liccuio to sell malt , spirit- tiou-i nnd vlnnui ) | iunrd ut l.oaveiiMOrtli uml Wood Btit'et , Ninth wurd , Oiiiahu , Neb. , from the IHh day of April , the Itlth day of April. 1433. If there bo tin objection , romonstranoo or protest tiled within two wcoKs from May 4tli , A. D. 183 ; , the eiiM license will bo Krantod. Ix > uiH lltmiELEit , Applicant. J. U. SuUTUAitu , City Clerk. w7-ll Hayden BresT T In New Kennard Building Spooi.'il Sale of Ladies' and f Gents' Furnishing Goods. Wuwill pliu-coii Niilu lo-iluy : lOOdochildipiis' hose , in hlitck and colored , ribbed nnd plain , niiuiy of tliegn lining worth r.Oi-ii . pair ; thoyuro broken lots , ami will not lust long as wo liavo dcclircd to close them out at 15c per iiiilr. 50 doIndies' unbleached hose , regular made and double heels and toou , at lee per pair ; worth i5c ! Childrons corduroy ribbed hose , black only , 21c ; worth Itfc. Just received , 100 doof Indies' fancy cotton hose , iu new patterns ; to bo closed at 'J52 per pair , Sohopjiery Lisle thread lioso , lie pair. 50 doz. gloves , in pure silk , iu black only. 4 < 7e ; worth 7fic. 100 doz. unlaundricd shirts , reinforced batik , linen bosom , only 4ic. ! Gents' balhriggan shirts and drawers , 35c ; worth f > 0c. 100 doz. gouts' linen colors , -I ply , He each. Best quality of linen collars , only 12jc each. Satin lined neck weur , 19c. Gents' fancy shirts , in eulico , percale- and pouimiysI7c , 7.r > c , $1 , $1.25. Rents' lisle tread 1-2 hose , 'J5o per pair Gents' British 1-2 hose , 1'Jc per pair HAYDEN BROS. 16th Street , Near Douglas , OMAHA NEB. T11K PERFECT i rii j\\\j\nt ( \ \ \ \ I him Quickest Selling Article Kvcr Invented. PRICE OF DASHER , NcoJs no talking , b nt really li tlio Prettiest Showing Arllclo on tbo Market. OMAHA , Neb. , April 28 , 1837. This is to certify thai we , the undersigned , have this .day witnessed a churning by ' "The Perfect Self Revolving Churn Dashers , " which resulted in producing IK pounds of first class butter from one gallon of cream in jnst one minute and fifteen seconds. W. I * Wrlisht , proprietor "Omaha Riilryi" O. W. Wlicelor , raiimiuiT "omiilin llnlry ; " 1'uul II. Tnto. Merchant'iVitlonul Hunk : A. I ) Tmiinlln.Nobrutliii National Hank ; I'rof. ( iuoriii ) It. liutlibiirn , proprietor "Onialui lliKlnesn Cnlli'KJ ! " 1'rof. I * J. Hlnlro. touch er tSliurUii > ii < l | lUrry Mlrrlam , editor"I'tthliin tfn'n. Uhl.nee" Will J. nnbbi , R. H. Ant J K. HyiiM , "World. " Hunk 12. ( Irudn/'lloruld" llr .1. W. Dr. .1. W. llysiirt. Ir. ) C. M. U. Illart. llr llnmllton Wnrron.- H. U. llall.raal eitiite , J. W , Itnuori , rnnl eiUito John Hudtl , Joirclur. CbrUOrlT , ( urnltur * . State and County Jlli/ltls for Sale , 1'fojlttt Will Surprise 1'on. AGENTS WANTED. Call or write to us at once. Qn ck sales and large profitt. Very truly , J. W. & A. POPIIAM , Prop's. Itoom 1 Crounlo lllock. N.Hilh nt. , Omaha , Neb. INSTALMENT DEALERS Will duel Just wlmt tiiry need A Fu LL Ll N K OF INSTALMENT GOODS Mild oulyto ft"'INSTALMENT ! ' TRADE , by addressing 1N3TALMKNT JJtiLIIUJ1 tjVVrlA CO. . Erie. I'll . . ' ' Ordinance JTo. 1333. - AN Ordinance cnuitlntf 1'uvlntf Districts Koa. 11U unil 111 In the city of Omaha , and doUa- Ing tliu lioiindiirles tliuroof. , , Ilo Itonliilnod by the city council of the city of Onmlm : Section I. FuvJnt ? Districts Nos. 110 and 111 uro hereby oroatixl In tliu city of Umtiha. Section- , raving District No. Ill ) sliull comprise - priso and include ao much of 17th ptrcut as Ho * botwrun OavonpoitHtrei't and Cuming street , ojtcept Chicago ntivot lntorrii-itlon : , und nil lota mid real oHtuu abutting upon said p.irH o | IHh ttriot buck a dlbtancu ot iu : foot from each eldnof Raid slroi't 8 < otlonl ! 1'avlnjr District No. Ill shall com. pri o and Include ot inuuh of 1'Jtli btri-ut ua Hurt botwoun DavunDort Btieet and CiiinliiK Btitot , except Chlc'iRO street Intersection , nnd ( ill lots and roul estate Mbiittlntr upon jiild ports of luili Etri et back n distance of UD feet trom each tldo ol nald street Soctlon 4 This ordinance Mmll take oDoct nnd bu In force from and alter Us passage. J'ussud April lith , lH7. . WM. 1' . IttciiKi , , President City Council. J. n. Kouriaiui , City Clerk , ' April 16th , IBS' . JAMBS E. HOYD , Mayor. Grade Ordluanoa Ho. 70. AN Ordlnanco oolnblisliliiK" tlio grade nf 12th street fiom Vlnton street to lluncroH Btreet , Iu thu city of Onmlm. Ilu It Ordained by thu city council of the city of Onmlm. Bottlon 1. Tlio grade of I''lli street from Vln ton hi root to Jluncrofl tlri-ot , In the city of Omiiha , la heivby citabllNiK'd at the tolloirlnir oluvatlons , the Krudu beliifr nniform Gtrnltfbt lines biitncun thu pomta unocllled : Kluvation Hlnvatlon of llourb , ol W. curb South oinb of VjutonRt. . . . : 'C.I.6SU1,6 Noitli curb of llancroft et..rj5.0 luj.0 bcctlon " . This ordlnanro anull take oltect nnd bo In force from and after Iu pas.sugo. 1'assed A pi II U'tli , H4S7. WM. F. HBCIIEL , President City Council. J. K. HoiJTiiAiiD , City ( ilurk. Approved April UUrcl , 1M7. \YM. I' . UKCiitiActln3 , Myor.