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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1887)
' * * * * I : " " U " . . " ' -THE .SUNITAY BEE : .MAY 8 , -TWELVE PAGES" ! 'TIIE SUNDAY BEE. COUNCJL BLUFFS OFFICE , WO. 12 , PEARL STREET. Dfllvtitd ly furrier In nnr part of ttiocltyat Nunty cents per week H. W. TILTON , Manacor. TKLKfllONE.- ] ! nrwiHFfPOmcr. No. < a. NlUfiTEiuioit No. IS. .MINOR MKNT10N. N. Y.l'lumblng Co. New spring goods iit Roller's , tailor. The city council meets to-morrow even- iutf.Additional Additional Council Hind's news on the seventh page. The popular rcsorl Is the Manhattan , 418 Broadway , Ittullo As Yunnwinu. Judge Ciirhon yesterday granted 'rs- ' C. 11. Smcdcs matrimonial freedom from Abraham Smcdcs. 1 hero will bo ' " " no JIO : o'clock "dummy" to-day. The trains luavo at I'JdOand 2-10 : o'clock as usual. The eighteen-Year-old son of A. C. Snyder. ol Persia , was drowned yester day. This is the third son whom he has lost by accident. Joe Sargent , who was arrested for running a striking machine , is again behind the bars in the city jull. Hu has just got out of jail in Omaha , whore ho served forty-seven days. The district court had another inter esting day , but to-morrow the court do ings will bo of more public interest. The grand ami petit juries will bunt work this week , and criminal cases xvill be tried. A man named Hurt , from Omaha , was hero yesterday looking after a missing wife. Whether she hud wandered oil'or gene with a handsomer man , ho could not tell. Ho had traced her us far as this city , and thought she must bebomowhero here yet. Messrs. I. M. Troynor and S. C. Noble will assist the Misses Murkul in render ing ' ( Waited for the Lord , " by Handel , nt the Presbyterian church this morning. Mr. Troynor will also sing that beautiful bolo , "Sing Ve I'raiso , " by Mendelsshon. Isaac \Veil \ , of St. .Joe , and J. Knlin , of Chicago , yesterday loused the building No. tiW ( Hro-ulway , for a clothing house. Mr. Weil is an ex-resident of this city , having erected the building now occu pied by HudioiN ; Yenawino , and occupied the same from Iftfd to 1800 as a clothing house. The now firm will bo I.Veil &Co. The three young men who were fined $10 eacli for disturbing the Salvation Army , have concluded to go to jail in- fcteau of paying cash. Yesterday the brother of one of them arrived in this city on a visit , having just servcdatcrmintho penitentiary. Ho was quite surprised to find that his brother \vas behind the bars. If the meetings at HarmonvlMission chapel continue to increase , the society will have to enlarge their building , biit at present the ladies arc busy raising means to pay for their lot. They win give another one of their pleasant socials at the chapel to-morrow evening. Music , recitations and refreshments for only ! . " > cents ; children , 10 cents. All cordially invited. The report that Jesse McMahon had suicided in Canada , seems to huvo no foundation beyond the imagination of some gossip , Charles Haughan , who re cently returned from Kansas City , is said to have met MoMahon several times , so that lint report of his being in Canada or of having made way with himself can hardly be true. Justice Ilarnott yesterday officiated at the marriage of George S. Watkins , of this city , and Rose Cotton , of Dolianco. The happy oridgroom was not arrayed in the conventional black , but in a blue Hhlrt and his every day pantaloons , and bothered not with coat or vest. Ho will probably be just as happy and live as long. On Friday a painter who , from appear ances , had evidently attended the police men's ball the previous night , wcnl to sleep on top ot a step ladder on the porch of a Willow avenue residence. It was about 12:3) : ) o'clock when suddenly a crash was heard and painter , step ladder and pot of paint landed in a pile on the porch. When the painter arose it was almost impossible to distinguish his face from the back of his head , as ho was cov ered entirely by the paint. It was a ir aster stroke of cra/y work. Alnaonlc. Regular communication of Excelsior Lodge No. 259 , A. F. & A. M. , Mon day evening , May Oth. Installation of olllcors. Visiting brethren cordiallv in vitcd. By order of the W. M. Lime , cement , plaster , hair , coal , etc. Council Bluffs 1-uol company , No. 530 Broadway , telephone 130. Drs. Hanchott & Smith , ofllco No. 13 Pearl st. Resilience , 120 Fourth st. Tele phone No. 10. Reserved scats at Bushnell's for the concert next Thursday , May 12. See amusement column for the pro gramme of the concert by the Ladies Musical Society. The Unlltling Association. For the convenience of the members of the Savings , Loan and Building assocl atlon , I will bo in my olllco hereafter fron. 8 to 0 a. in. , from 1 to 3 p. m. and on the first Tuesday of each month during the entire day , 1)V. ) . Ons. Sccty. Cheap storage in either small or car Joad lots at No. 22 , 21 and 20 Pearl street J. R. Snyder. Oflico of Mulholland & Co. , removed to in under the Citizens' bank. Telephone No. 1G2- . Leave your orders for ico. A largo party from Omaha are coming over to attend the concert at the Presby terian church , given by the Ladies Musi cal bociety. J. ( i. Tipton has good houses to rent. leophouo ! 240. J. G. Tipton has a number of bargains In residence property , anil if you con template selecting a lot to build on , or a residence all ready to move into , you should not sloop away your chances , but call upon him at once before property advances. Personal Paragraphs. O. J. King , of Corning is at the Pacific. C. II. Judsou loaves to-night fora trip cast. J. B. McGorrisk , of DCS Moincs , is at the Pacific. Mrs. M. Barrett , of Dunlap , shopped hero yesterday. Mayor George E. Cole , of Pacific Junc tion , visited the city yesterday. Benjamin & Askwith , of Avoca , have dissolved their law partnership. Ira Hondricks has gene in with E. C Smith in the New York life insurance. Dr. II. A. Woodbury is homo from Cedar Rapids , whore no attended the meeting of the Dental association. Dr. Macrae is preparing a paper to present to the State Medical association which meets In Sioux City on the lUtli. He Is chairman of the section on surgery. Sheriff Garrison , of Lo un , was in the city yesterday. He reports that his jail is empty , not oven one prisoner. This is the first time since ho went into ollico \hat \ he bad no boarder * . ALL ABOUT THE BLUFFS , Another Move to Make Saloons Pay License Co Long as They Run. THE PUBLIC LIBRARY. Steering Clear of Feverish Texas Cat. lie HcrmotiH anil Services at the Churches A Sensational Itu- nior Aljout the Titles. BltiRt I'ny License. Although there are seventy-live saloons running in the city , holes in Iho wall , be sides the well apnointcd bars , the city is getting no revenue from them , or has not been of la to. There are numerous gambling houses and houses of prostitu tion , but these have not of late been pay ing the usual revenue toward paying the expenses of the city. The mayor has ovldontlyconcludod that if these places are being allowed to do business , they should uay something into Iho city treasury. The police have of late been notifying the keepers of such places that they must pay or bo closed up. There is no tolling when the saloons now running will be closed , but so long as they do run they must pay , under the "pop" ordi nance , the license being $25 a month. In response to the notification a number of them have paid their license. It is un derstood that a move will bo made by the city to close those who do not pay , An attempt is being made to force the gam bling houses to pay. There is a kick from them. They say that if the saloons are closed their business is affected and they cannot afford to pay as of old. They object to paying- also on the ground that others who ilo a like business arc not compelled to pay. They claim that it is just as much gambling to s-oll French pools and deal in combinations on base ball as to play faro. If Mich arc not called on to pay $50 or ifGO a month , then all should bo allowed to go free too. There is also a little trouble in forcing paymdnt , on account of the position taken by Judge Aylesworth. It is under stood that he does not think the city has the right to collect the fines or penalties from the gamblers under a city ordi nance , so 'long as then ; is a .state law which fixes the penalty for such oliensos. The old way of procedure was for gam blers to put up money for their appear ance at some future date , and this money was forfeited and \vent into the city treas ury without any trial , and with no record made against the defendants. It is un derstood that Judge Aylesworth will not bo u party any longer to this mode of securing a revenue. On the other hand it is claimed that tiio chief cause cause of this charge in the judi cial proceedings , is because the city in sists on paying the judge in warrants instead ot cash. Ho lias it in his power to increase or dimin ish the cash receipts of the city tea a great extent , and it seems that he'does not propose , under the circumstances , helping the city to increase its cash rev enues by countenancing any such pro- ce > sos as have boon heretofore in vogue. Sonic interesting questions will proba bly arise before these matters arc settled. The city is limited in its power to levy a general fund tax , and the need of raising revenues from sources whieli cause addi tional expense to the city , seems urgent to the mayor and council. The date is drawing near when it is to bo "put up or shut up , " and if the city determines to close such places as do pay the required license , the move will bo even quicker than that of private persons united in a prohibition club. With the prohibition ists and the cltv both at thorn it will bean an up-hill task to continue business. TKX.18 CATTLE. An Important Decision Rendered by Judge Shlras ot the U. 8. Court. There was considerable excitement caused hero two years ago , by the impor tation into Harrison county , of some Texas cattle , who were infected with the feror. Other cattle , natives , caught it , and many died. Two men , Ball and L'inkham , wcro arrested , charged with having violated the section of the Iowa code , forbidding such importation. The question of the constitutionality of sec tion -1058 was raised , anil the men were discharged. Then civil suits were bo- mm. P. C. Kiminish sued them for $5,000 damnges. To the petition a do- murier was made , setting up the uncon- stitutinnality of the section under which the suit was brought. Judge Shiras has just rendered a decision , overruling the demurrer , and in this Judge Love con curs. Flickingor Bros , arc the attorneys for the plaintiff , and Sapp and Pusoy for the defendants. The opinion is as follows : Si-ctlons 4053 and 40.V.I of the code of lown , In force In 18S5 , were ixs follows : Section 40.78. "If any person bring Into this state any Texas cuttle , ho shall be lined not exceeding $1,000. or Imprisoned in the county jail not exceeding thirty days , unless they have boon wintered at least one winter north of the southern boundary of the state of Missouri or Kansas , pinvldoU that noth ing herein contained shall be construed to pievcntor make unlawful the transporta tion of such cnttlo through this state on rail ways , or to prohibit the driving throit'li any part of the state , or having In possession any Texas cattle between the 1st dav of Novem ber and the first day of April following.1' Section 405' ) . 'It any person now or hero- after lias In his possession in this ttate any such Texas cattle , ho shall bo liable for any damages that may accrue from allowing ! < ald cattle to run at largo anil thereby spreading the disease- among other cattle known as the Texas fever , and shall be punlsncd as pro scribed In the preceding chapter. " By an act of the legislature approved April 10 , 1885 , these sections were expressly 10- pealed ana substitutes tberefor were en acted. Defendants claim that the repeal of sec tion 40.V. , without any saving clause , termi nates the right to recover , the section boi penal. Section 45 of the code provides that "the repeal of a statute does not rnvivu a statute previously repealed , nor affect any rUht which has accrued , any duty Imposed , any penalty incurred , or any proceeding commenced monced , unless by vlrtuo of the statute ro- repealed. " . Under the provisions of this section the rights of the parties are not atTectea by the repeal of section 4059. The argument of counsel for defendants In support of the demurrer Is principally In support of the proposition that sections 4.05Saml 4.05'.i of the code are unconstitu tional In that they are regulations of inter state commerce within the iieiinltlon given to thatterm , In Itallioad company vs. IhiM U5 LI. S. 405. In that cause , the supreme court had under consideration a statute of the state of Mis souri , which absolutely prohibited the bring ing Into the state for cfcht mouths In the year any Texas , Mexican or Indian cattle , with the proviso , that bringing such cattle Into the state loaded upon ears for transpor tation through It , without unloading , should not bo deemed a violation of the act , but that the transportation company should bo liable tor all damages caused , by the communica tion of disease from such cattle. The supreme court held that "while they may pass sanitary laws , and laws for the protection of life , liberty , health and property within Its borders ; \vliilo it may prevent per sons and animals suffering under contagious or Infectious ill senses from entering the state while for the purpose of self-tnotic'.lon I may establish quarantine and reasonable transportation laws , it may not Interfere with transportation mtu or through the state , beyond what Is t.bjolutely necessary tor -ielf-protectlou , " The court held , that the restrictions anil burdens placed by this act upon the trans pdrtatlon companies was so onerous as to substantially prohibit commerce In theio cat tie. and that therefore the act was void. That the restrictions of the Inwa statute In forc lu liS5 , were less burdensome ibau GARDEN HOSE , Steam , Gas and Water Pipe _ . ' ' NEW YORK PLUMBING COMPANY , No 552 Broa'clway , - Council Bluffs , Iowa Mall Orders Shipped Promptly. c. cr. Real Estate Broker and Dealer Council IIluIN Oiltt'c , Mtiinnlc Temple. Omttliii Olllcco 111 Xortli Ittlh Afreet. I'arllcnliir allentlon given to Inventing . venting I'liud * for non rexl. denls. Special Imru"l I" l ' ' & acre properly in Omalia & , Coun cil lllulft. CorrcNpontleucc Nollc- Itecl. Swanson IVIusic Company , No. 329 Broadway Co uncil Bluffs ESTEY PIANOS , CAMP & GO.'S PIANOS , ALSO PIANOS OF OTI1KK MAKES. Estey Organs , Gamp& Co.'s ' Organs and Western CotiageOrgans A few comments ruKanllng the Estcy rhinos. In every civilized country on the globe the nsimti of Estd.y is : \ household word with lovers of music ; it is n guiinintcu or the exquisite quality of tone in musical instruments , bearing the name that com- mnnds confidence , admiration and enthusiasm. By far the Largest and Most Complete Stock CARPETS Curtains , Upholstery Goods , Etc. , Etc. , In the City , at 405 Broadway. Co uncil Bluffs Carpet Co. Council Blups ? Iowa. those of the statute held unconstitutional In tlio case cited , is apparent , but whether sut- ticli'iUly so to remove the constitutional dlf- ticulty , It Is not necessary .to determine. Kvcn If section 40.VS could not bo sustained as being only a fair exorcise of the power of tlie state to protect Its citizens and their property apainst infection and disease , would It follow that section 40j' ' , which declares that anyone haviiiK in his possession any Texas cattle shall bo liable for any damages that may result from permitting the same to run at largo , tnereby communicating disease to other cattle , is unconstitutional ? Without , however , deciding the questions argued by counsel touching tlio validity of thcso sections of the code , It seoius clear that the ilomurrer to the amended petition cannot bo sustained , because the facts therein stated constitute a cause of action , without aid from the statutory provisions. it Is alleged In the petition that the rattle owned by defendants were lulected with the disease known as "Texas fever , " ami that If brought Into proximity to native cattle , or upon pastures thereof , the disease would bo liabln to be communicated ; that the , defend ants knew this fact , and with such knowledge brought such infected oittlo Into Iowa , and permitted them to run at largo upon the ruiiuo used by plalntlll's cattle , and thereby the latter became Intectod and many of them died. died.Tho The facts averred In the petition would jus tify the jury in rindini : that the defendants were negligent In permitting such cattle to run at largo , when the natural and probable result of so doing would bo the communica tion of disease to other cattle , and If through the negligence of defendants , as a proximate cause , loss 1ms boon occasioned to plaintiff , an action therefore can bo maintained. The demurrer Is therefore overruled. Largo consignment of Solvngo Smyrna Rugs received Saturday. Council Mills Carpet Co. Selvage Smyrna , Ruga nt ttbout one- half usual jfrico this week only. Council Bluffs Carpet Co. Now patterns in Moquottes Velvets , Body and Tapestry Brussels received Saturday at Council lilull's Carpet Co. Free Rending for All. The following books have lately boon added to the frco public library : HlbTOHIflAL. History of War with Moxioo , H. O. Ladd. A. M. ; King Phillip's War , Rich ard Murkham. MISCKLLANV. Fern Leaves , Fanny Fern : Half Hours with Great Authors , Half Hours with Great Novelists , Half Hours with Great Huruoribts , Half Hours with Great Story Tellers , A Shadow of Uanto , Lifo and Genius of Goethe ( lectures Concord School of Philosophy ) ! F. H. Sanborn. Ed ; Gcorgo Eliot and Her Heroines , Wool- Ron , Modern Classics , Lowell & Blootu- flold. THAVELS. Glimpses of Three Coasts , Helen Jack son , H. H. ; Hap Ha/.ard , Kato Field ; England Her People , Polity and Pur suits , T. h. S. Escott ; Eight Years Wan dering in Ceylon , Sir Samuel W. Haker ; Egypt As U Is , J. C. MoCoan : A Winter in Central America and Mexico , Holcn J. Sanborn ; Down the West Branch , Charles A. J. Farrar ; Hunting Trips of a Ranchman , Theodore Roosovolt. FRANK S. RICE , CIVIL ENGINEER , Designs , estimates and reports on bridges , viaducts , foundations and tononil entfltieeriiitf. Blue prints of unr fllio ana quantity. Office No 13 N. Main St. , first National Bank Blcck. OFFICER A PUSEY , Council BlufTs.Iowa. Established 1S57. O. R. ALLEN , EnpeefSurveyorMapPubisher , , ! JVb. 11 Xorth Main St. _ Cly $ end ronps , ofcltle _ _ anJ counties to wcsterc ] v\in , Nobraika and"Knj ! > ti . ismii i ] ui'iMiisjii ' ii iiiMI.i i i BUM- OO3STOE3FZ.T The Ladies At the Presbyterian Church , Thursday Evoniner , May 12th. ritOOUAMME : Ooran--"Proco8loniil March , " B. II. Whitney. Mr. 0. Nornmmlle. Trio "Hull , Hall. Hall , " Amlerton. Misses Mnrkolnnd Mr. Hypes. "Aiitfc-1 nt the Window" Tours. Mr. IlrlRlmui. "OPulutiuis" Iils/.t. I.oillcs' Choral Society , Mr , FriinKo , illrootor. Duot-"I Will Magnify Thoo" Mosenthal. Missus - us Pusoy uiul Mnrkul. lloclt-"Aiut Clod Created Mini. " Atr"In Nntlvo Worth" Hiiydn'sCmitlon. Mr. Wilslns. Duet "Tho Anvol" Itiibliistoln. MisscsMorkcl A "Lift Thlno Kycs-Menilolssohn. " " . Ladies' Choral . ll "TwiliBht"--Alit. Society. "Hosiurreotion" Hohlcn. Mr. IlriKhniii. Trlo "O. Parndlso-ArrVilbr II. Ulrd. Misses I'usoy , Miirkol and Mr. Troynor ' Hour My I'rnvor" Mondolssobn , Solo Miss Morkol and Mixed Chorus. Reserved Scats at Bushucli's , 75c. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE. Ppeclal advertisements , such as Lost , Found 7oLoan , For Bale , To Hont , V nt , Boarding , etc. , will tjolneortod in this column nt the low ratoofTENCENTSPF.K LINE for the first I user- Ion and li'lvoCentsrorLlnofoi-oach subsequent Insertion. Lcavo advertisements nt our oflico No. 13 t'earl street , near Urondway. Council Uluffs. WANTS. F OH SALE Cheap : n good horse. Can boat three mlautci. Emiuiro at No. 1&J ! West llroudway. House Cleaning is to bo done by nearly all the ladies in the spring. Now is the ripht time to dp this. For ladies , it Is a disagreeable but unavoid able work , and wo make the ollbr to do the most troublesome work of all , that is TO CLEAN THE CAUPETS. Wo clean the carpets , velvets , moquottcs , brusscls , or any other kind of carpets , without taking them up. Wo guarantee THAT TUB CAIU'KT WILL UK I'EHKr.CTLV CLKAN , THAT THE COLONS AUK IlKbTOKKl ) , and that no dust will bo le'ft in the car pet. Wo guarantee our work and refer to prominent parties in this city. Send us a postal card and wo will call upon you and explain in what way our cleaning takes placo. G. A. FISIIKH. No. 02iJ Sixth Avenue , Council bluffs. Announces that His stork of FinelmportedSpritigMillinery Jn Choice Shapes ot Hats & Bonnets , Together wlt a LargeLlne of Novelties In Fancy Ma terials is now Ready for Your Careful Inspection. 1514 Douglas St. , Omaha. REAL ESTATE , Vacant Lots. Lauds , City Residences and Farms. Aero property In western part of city. All selling cheap to make room for spring stock R. P. OFFICER , Reil Estate & Insurance Agent , ItoomS , over Officer * I'usoy's Hank , Couno Uluffs. JV. SCHURZ , Justice of the Peace. Olllco over American Express. People's ' Store GREAT MAY SALE ! It'ill Open Zo'Morrow Morning. MayWth. Tit i * Is Our Clearing OF ALL SPRING GOODS And reductions have been made that will be Interesting. Tic Benson for ivearlnu these in now only fairly t.pncil , and It may seem foolish to reduce prices on good * that are Just in season , but that's the. way we do It. U'e never carry styles over from one season to aro'hcr , and we dun1 ! wait till it is so late that nobody wants them before ire reduce prices. Everything will be- found as ad vertised. pl < c ° s Worried Dress Good * , in the best sprint/ shade * , > { < > incites wide , f 01 Hi-rly sold at 35c to . 'tOs , Our May Sale Price 25c. 27.1 pieces all wool , Mi , , ' ? $ < tnd-fO inch Sttilinns in all the latest fh'tdes , formerly sold at ( t&ctotfJ per yard , Our May Sale Price 5Cc Combination "iults , in finest im ported goods , with plttsh and vel vet stripes , formerly sold at # to $ M t each. Ocr May Sale Price $20 $ A BARGAINS IN WASH GOODS THIS GREAT MAY SALE. READ EVERY WORD ! Victoria Lawns , tic , 4c , Gc , Sc , lOc and l' c. Ind'a Linen. Sc , Sc , lOc , ISc , JSc and 2Oc. Check Nainsook , fc , Gc , Sc , ltc , ISc and HOc. India Mull , We , l.ic , 20c and 25c St lined and Jlarrcd Cambrics In * whiteand ecru , 4c , Sc , tic , Sc , We , 15c , ISc and 2Oc. Thousands of pieces vf goods to be slaughtered. Three cases of good Ginghams , dress and apron styles at Sc. The same goods are sold tn this city else where at from lOc to 12\c \ per yard. Two cases best quality Pongee Vanlarda Glnyttams , elegant pat terns , best goods at lOc ; regular price ISc to ISc. 7SO piece * best dress styles Seer sucker and Ginghams at We and lic. ) The mott elegant styles of French and Scotch Ginghams will be found among them. 'I ' 7-S wide American Sate ens , Sc worth 12\c \ , 7-8 wide American Sateens , We ; worth JSc. 7-S wide Ani"i'lcan Sateens , ISc ; worth HOc. French Sale 'tis , yard wide , XOc and .2t7r ; worth ! tSc. Ilest Fieiich Sateens , yard wide , itSc and U7\c ; worth 5Uc. These goods offered at above prices and only one dress pattern will be sold to any one customer. SPECIAL SALE ONE DAY ! LAWNS , .5cases of Lawns , TO-MORHOW ONLY , at 2c per yard ; regular value tie. per yard. 3 casts good Lawtis at He ; worth We. ii cases Lawns at Sc and JOc ; worth double the moniy. Only one. drcts nattcrn will be sold to any .n - custom THIS SALE Is for MONltA Y Only ! CALICOS , On Monday it cute * good Calicos at He. 1O cases best Standard Print * madeatiic ; ngitlar price 7e to lOc. This May Sale embraces EVERY THING. Special bargains in Laces. Special bargains in Embroidery. Special bargains in Parasols. Special bargains In Fans. Special barjalns In Summer Un der w ( a r. Special bargains In Men's Fur- nlsnlng Goods. IIR.VKY GIMllNAX A ; t'O.'S PEOPLE'S STORE , Nos , 314,316,318 , , and 320 BROADWAY , COUNCIL It LUFFS , - - - 1A. N. It. Special and prompt atten tion given to all ordern entrusted to our care. Samples furnished upon application. HARKNESS BROTHERS ! Headquarters for Good Goods ! Carpets and Dry Goods , - We are still to be found on the Old Gamp Ground Broadway , Council Bluffs , la With the largest and best selected stock ol Carpets ever brought to this city. Our stock of Dress Goods comprises the finest fabrics , and also the most substantial but less costly. Those wishing good goods and as repre * sented will not fail to give us a call. SAMPLES AND PRICES SENT BY MAIL. Don't Forget the Place , No. 4O1 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA. ELECTRICITY ! DR. RICHARD'S ' Electric Bath Rooms and Office No. 607 Mynster St. , Council Bluffs. One Square North of the P. O. Building. Treatment and Baths Given Ladies by Mrs. Dr Richards on Tuesday , Thursday & Saturday. Electricity isa riemarkablc naturalagent wbicb lias long been known and utilized as a rcme dy fordseasc and continued experience lias enlarged its sphere of Uselul- ness and improved its appliances by which it is employed until its utility a n. ( virtue has become second to no other known remedy , in the treatment of certain forms of disease. Tbis agent is employed here in all its most terviccablc forms by the aid of large batteries , static machines , electric cabinet baths , electric water bath * , the elec tric chair and electrodes for treating all parts of the body. We are prepared to do nil that can be done with these great lemedies. In cases of Rheumatism , Neuralgia. Paralysis , Spinal Irritation , Rectal Diseases Ncr\ous Disca es in females arising from Uterine disorders and many other chronic and subacute troubles , it stands at the head of all known remedies or methods cure , A thorough study of it for years and the successful treatment of hundreds of cases , after all oilier remedia * had fail ed , is hiilllcient evidence of its great worth smd perfectly eatisfes us with its good effects on the diseased body. In the ereat hospitals and sanitarians of America and Europe , electricity is leading all other methods of treatment. In all leading colleges the professors arc teaching electricity a one of the potent remedies and a t-pccial chair is appointed ijj manv " of them. Many ol the ablest physicians of all school ? are making a specialty of"electricitv to the exclusion of almost everything else. This great remedy has often fallen into disrepute by being recommended and used bv persons , and physic'ans ' , perfectly ignorant of its pioperties and powers , who would us often advise and use the nrong current as the right one or depend upon it in disc.istf , for which it is not adopted. We are sure that when the people become educated in the use ol electricity for nany diseases \vithwhichthe body is afflicted and find the urea * g unl therein , the medicines and patent righted nos trums upon which they now reh will grow old and dusty on the slielven. Klectiicily is nature's great lemudy i.iul to full , ) understand and skilfully apply It is our elFort and aim in life. For further iufonirition will at the oflioe or FOIK ! for de- Kcriptivo and illustrated painuhlft on Elpclricity and Electro Therapeutic Baths , by DR. RICHARDS , GOT Mynster Struel , Council Bluffo , la. .