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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1887)
I V I1- THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. SIXTEENTH YEAK. OMAHA. MONDAY MORNING. MAY 9 , 1887. NUMBER 323 OMAHA'S ' POLICE COMMISSION , Governor Thayer Names the lour Members of the Board , SOME SENSIBLE SUGGESTIONS. Smith and CJiltiert Appointed For Two nnd HcMinott and llartnian For Four Years News From Nebraska. ' llic Lucky Four. fii.vrot.N , Ni'b.i May 8. 'Special to tlio UIE. : | GovernoivThayer has made the fol lowing appointments of lire and police com missioners for Omaha , Neb. : , To servo two years , Howard II. Smith and Gi-orgo 1. Gil bert ; to servo four years , L. M. Dennett and Christian Hartman. In transmitting these appointments the governor forwards the fol lowing letter regaiding the law and his view of action : To Messrs. Howard U. Smith. George I. Gilbert. L. M. llennett and Christian Hart- nun , Omaha , Nebraska. My Dear Sirs : Tlio following is an extract from the law creating the Omaha charter : Section its. In each city of tlio metropoli tan class there shall bo a board ot lire and police to consist of the mayor ( who shall be cx-ofilclochairman of said board ) and tour electors of said city , to bo appointed by tno governor. The governor snail appoint as the commissioners above four cltl/.ens , not more than two of whom shall bo ot the same political party , and two of them , of different political faith and aMegience , shall be desig nated In their appointments , to serve for two years , and the other two , also of different political party faith , shall bo designated to servo for four years ; and thereafter , at the expiration of said term , and each period of two years , the governor shall appoint two members of said board. For olllcial miscon duct the governor may remove any of said commissioners ; and all vacancies or removal shal bo lilled by the governor for the unexplrcd term , and all vacancies from whatever cause shall bo so tilled ; that not moro than two ot the members of said board shall bo of the same political party , or so re puted. All powers and duties connected with , and Incident to , the appointment , re moval , government and discipline of the of- fleets and members of the lire and police de partment of tlio city under such rules and regulations as may bo prescribed by ordi nance shall bo vested In and exorcised by Raid board. " Under the authority thus granted you have been appointed lire and police commissioners for the city of Omaiia. You , In conjunction with thu mayor , will constitute the boatd. Thu power to appoint and remove tlio com missioners , taken In connection with tlw sworn duty of the governor , to see that the laws bo lalthtully executed , plainly implies that his duty and intcicst in the matter Bhould not cease with the selection of the commissioners. At least , I so Interpret It. Jt will not , therefore , bo out of place for mete to present some views and suggestions which will , without doubt , com mend themselves to your judgment. It Is generally admitted that there Is a pressing necessity for a complete and most thorough renovation and reorganization of the police department of your city. To ttie working out of this purpose It now becomes your duty to devote yourselves. Recently I passed live days In Omaha listening to what every ono had to say who desired to converse with mo In reference to appointments and police affairs , making ob servations , taking notes and learning every thing 1 could bearing on the subject. I traversed various streets , road around the suburbs on two evenings , and from Thurs day evening till Monday forenoon I saw but ono policeman , and he did not seem to bo on duty. Inquiring of various persons , "Where are the police. 1 see none ? " the answer caino Irom eleven different reputable citizens , "if you will look Into the saloons and gambling nouses you will tind them. " A physician In formed mo that , going homo about 9 o'clock recently , hn found a man Inside his fence , lying on the ground a few steps troui his door , drunk. Ho wont up and down the street looking for a policeman without find ing any till he entered a saloon and there found one. The papers have reported Ire- qucnt cases of persons being "held up" while returning from business to their homes In the early evening , and ot burglars entering and ransacking dwellings. In my walki around the city towards evenIng - Ing I observed gatherings of persons upon certain street corners , which I should desig nate loatini ! corners , through which ladles could elbow their way only with much dlfll- culty. 1 saw ono lady take her Httlo girl and step on" the sidewalk Into the street to go around the crowd and In doing so a team came along In close Proximity to the child , and the lady saved It from harm by quickly drawing It one sldo. 1 looked around for a policeman , but none was In night. All these outrages and evils , nnd kindred ones , must be brought to an end. The Inhabitants of the city are taxed t' support a police , and the police must be what It Is designed to bo a protection to the peoplo. They have a right to demand this. Tno plain intent and meaning of the law Is , that there shall bo a non-partisan police. 1 have compiled with the law In selecting two from each ot the great political parties. From this tlmo on , in any action which I mar have to take , and In my consultations with the commissioners , I shall know no politics , and I shall expect you to bo gov erned by the same rule. Any attempt to re ward partisans would bo regarded by me as "ofllcial misconduct. " No ono should bo made an ofllcer or member of the police force ns a reward for political service , or to pay any political debt. The only points to be- considered should bo the Integrity , the abll' Ity , tno Intelligence and the fitness of tlio one proposed. No ono should bo appointed unless his habits are entirely above reproach. No man who has been accustomed to hang mound saloons and gambling places or low dives , and no ono unless he bo strictly tom- pcrntc , should bo placed upon the foice. The city will , of course , be laid oil into regular beats , and rules and regulations will bo adopted by you. The members of the police force should bo thoroughly Informed nnd Instructed as to their duties. They should bo under as thorough and complete discipline as If they belonged to the United States army. They should Inform thcmsovefl ns rapidly as possible as to different localities and places of business , so that they can Im part Information to all who may seek It. They should answer all questions In a cour teous , respectful manner. Their deportment should be such at all times that every person will instinctively fool that the policemen arc gentlemen and are their protectors. Thcli power should be exercised with firmness , but never In a brutal or Inhuman manner. II any otllcer or member ot the force neglect * his duty , or Is olT his beat , or enters a saloon whllo on duty , except In the performance ol au official duty , should bo Immediately dls charged , Gentlemen , there must bo a thoroughly or tranlzed. a thoroughly clllcient , am thoroughly controlled police department it the city of Omaha. It must bo made safci foi any peaceably disposed citizens to walk tin streets at any hour of the night If duty so re quires. And the uccomplishmcnt of till : purpose now devolves upon you. 1 think know the good people of your city wel enough to justify me In saying that 1 knov you will have the heaity encouragement am support of all in this woik. And you wll know also that , at all times , you will have al the power and influence of the state exrcu live to sustain you. Very respectfully , JOIIN M. TIIAYKK , Governor , _ Bad Fire at Alnaivnrth. AtNSWOHTii , Neb. , May 8.-Special [ Tele gram to the HEE. | Tlio llurns house caugh Hie this mornlntjat 1 : SOo'clock and buruei to the ground. Loss , 50.000 ; Insuranct 84.000. The tire Is supposed to have bee : started by Incendiaries , tllllett's marke and Lelpsos1 bottling works were alb burned. ANOTIIEU ACCOUNT. AiNSvrouTH Neb. , May B. ISpeclal Tele cram to the Hrr.l About 1:30 : this mornlni Alnsworth had the lirst tire since Us found Ing. The llurno house took lire from an un known source. In all probability Incendiary So quickly did the Urge two-story structure burn that tlm alatm had scarcely been clrcu jled generally wUea the hotel was a mas * " ' * l V- of ruins. A strong wind had blown all night , and at the tlmo of tlio lira It was blowing southwest , but changrd to northwest whllo the fire was burning. At ono tlmo It was thought the southern portion of the town would alt be burned , and goods were hastily moved Into the street. The Inmates of the Iturns house barely escaped with their lives and such aitlcles as they could carry In their arms. The lire spiead so lapidly that the employes lost all their ef fects , in many cases escaping but half rlothcd. A bricado was formed and tlio buildings m-ar protected. A market belong ing to F. K. Glllott across the stieot was burned with the fixtures. It was a very cloin call for the town , Whllo this lire was In progress another stalled In the west end of town In the bottling tling works of T. U. , the fire almost cutting off hi * escape fioni the building In which ho was asleep. The works were very complete and are a great loss to the town , The Hums liouso was owned by J. F. Hums , ono of the pioneers of town , and the furniture owned by J. M. Hrackett , tlio land lord , and valued at about 80.000. The Insur ance on tlm building was 82,500 ; on the fur niture , 31,500. The bottllnir works were val ued at 81,000 : Insured for S750. The spring term of the district court begins hero to-mor- row. There will bo many strangers here dur ing ( lie session and this lire makes accommo dations quite limited. Uailly Scorched. HoMmr.m : , Neb. , May 8. [ Special tclo- gram to the DEE. ] A lire broke out this morning about 7 o'clock In Klnsol's building on West avenue , formerly occupied by N. J. Chcslino as an Implement house. The fuo was not discovered until It had so far con sumed the building that it could not bo saved. From this the lire soon spread to other build ings. The wind was blowing from the north and it was soon discovered that all the build ings In the block must go. The buildings burned were a dwelling , Kinsel's building , where the lire originated ; W. O. Smith's music emporium , Moore Bros. , billiard hall , McWinquest's merchant tailor establish ment , Shenebergrr's * Wagner's hardware store , and John Same's meat market. The aggregate loss Is S2oOO with about S1.200 In surance. The Commercial state bank block , belonging to Klnsel Bros. , was damaged to the extent of 31,000. All the plate class was broken by the boat and the cornlco melted away. The tire is supposed to bo the woik of an Incendiary. An Educational Appeal. COI.UMIIUS , Neb. , May 8. ( Special Telegram - gram to the UEI : . | President Perry , of Douno college , made two masterly ctl'orts on behalf of the Congregational organization in whoso Interest ho Is au able champion. The services , both morning and evening , were largely attended. Ills appeal , vigor of thought and close analysis of the life of Abraham and tils journeys from Ur among the Chaldeos to Hcthel was ono of those rare treats ot mental culture , Infusing heroic im pulses into tlio young men who were present. Thu appeal for help should bring a liberal response for such a needed institution as tlio Doano college. An Alnsworth Wcddlnir * Ai.vswoiiTii , Neb. , May 8. [ Special Telegram - gram to the BEK. | J. G. Ackcrman , ol the firm of Munson & Ackcrman , general mer chants , and Miss Nellie Murphy were mar ried at 5 o'clock this morning and went cast on the 0 o'clock train for a wedding trip In the east. THE ULiUAHANOE ItECOIlU. Omaha In Line With Another lilg Increase. BOSTON , May 8. ISpcclal Telegram to the llEE.l Following table compiled from dispatches to the Post from managers of the leading clearing houses In the United States show gross exchanges for the week ending May 7 , with percentage increase and decrease - crease from corresponding week last year : A IUG CATTLE I > BAl/ . A Combination Formed to Control the Country's Hoof Industry. CIIICAOO , May. 8. [ Special Telegram to the DEE.J The Tribune says to-day that the celebrated American Cotton Oil "Trust" will soon bo entirely overshadowed by a new in vestment "trust , " in which no less than 525,000,000 has been invested. The new coiiv biiiation Is the "American Cattle Trust , " with its Interests settled in Now York , Chicago cage and the great cattle ranches of the west Millionaire Nelson Morris is its conspicuous head in Chicago , and the other western trus tees , just selected , aro' Mr. Frank K. Vogel of the Falrbank Canning company , Chicago : ox-Governor Knit , ot Colorado ; Thomas Sturge ? , president of the Wyom ing Cattle company , Cheyenne ; Captain Lytlo , of Texas , ant D. H. Head , presldentof the American Rand : association. Associated with these are r largo number ot heavy eastern capitalists The object of this great "trust" Is to largol ) Increase , develop and encourage the raising and handling or cattle , the slaughtering o : them by lirst hands and the placing of theli prodncts in tlio different markets of tin world. The new venture is to be Inaueura ted upon an immense scale. The 825,000,000 It Is said , has been paid in. Tlio projector ! say that it is not too much to expect that i will secure the mwtcry over the great cattii Interests of the country , which , however they claim will bo a benefit to all raisers o cattle and herders of beet. It Is not mean that all the killing and packing shall b < done near the ranges , The trust has contra ot a largo number of establishments which 1 will run to the brat advantage. The combi nation Includes ranchmen from Texas to tin liritlsrt line , who believe they will bo able ti handle their cattle to much better advantagi than has been the case ot late , and that the ; will not be forced to put them on the marke but be enabled to do It only when its profit are to bo had. A meeting of the trust will b held In New York next week and It Is proba bio that Thomas Sturgus , of Wyoming , wil bo elected to the presidency. At that tlm more details of the scheme will doubtless b made public. Glass Works liurncd , 1'iTTsnuuo , May 8. The Homestead glass works nt Homestead , Pa. , burned this morn Ing. The loss Is'550,000 , fully insured. On hundred men will bo temporarily throwi out of work. CANADIAN ANNEXATION TALK The Scheme Again Revived of Giving Us England's Ooatly Province ! A VERY USELESS APPENDAGE. Commlmlonor Coloinnn Positive That He Did Not Use the Word "Car casses" A ForclRn Olll- clnl's Bad Butler. No , Thankn. May S. [ Special Telegram to the BIB. : | Tnere Is again some agitation of the question ot annexing Canada to the United States. It is reported that Inilucntkal and wealthy Canadians are favoring tlio pro position , whllo thu great bulk of manulac- tnrers , mechanics and laborers are working for annexation. An educated manufacturer at Ontario has written a letter here. In which ho says : "Wo are all anncxattonlsts. Wo believe that our future properly depends on a speedy admission Into the American union. The people in my trade ncioss the border make nearly 10 per cent more than I do with tlio same number of employes. There are many other things. Wo are greatly dissalls- ged with our present position as a British dependency. Suppose the mother country was to get into n war to-morrow. Wo would bo greatly jeopardized , for our Atlantic and 1'acllic coasts are greatly oxposed. Wo might bo ruined by being Involved In a quairel wo had nothing to do with making. Then there is another matter that causes the greatest dis contentment. We have no representatives In thu Impurtal parliament. As a part of tlio American union wo would be beyond dan ger of attack whenever Kncland became In volved in war , Itosldes our rights as a , col ony wo would be part of a great nation with voice In its affairs. There Is an organiza ion In this country , extending nil over Canada , which is for the put pose of promot ng the growth of the amendment for an nexation. The movement hero includes nearly three-fifths ot the leading men of this district and it has the same strength all over western Ontario. Jt Is especially Influential in Manitoba and the notthwestern provinces on the Paciiic. It Is a secret society in that its meeting aio not open to the general public. We intend to azitato the question till wo succeed. Lord Lansdowne's course as governor general is aiding us greatly. The French speaking class of our peopli ) have not lorgotten I'aplneau and 1837 and they aie for annexa tion to a man. The only people who oppose us are the would-bo aristocracy and those who call themselves the court circle. IJy the next general election in thu states wo want to bo ready to ask you to take us into the Ameilcan union. " Treasurer .Jordan's Successor. WASHINGTON , May 8. fSpecial Telegram to the HEE.I The now bank in Now York with which Mr. C. F. Jordan , treasurer of the United States , is to bo connected Is to begin business on Tuesday. It is expected that the resident will endeavor to accommodate Mr. Jordan by selecting Ills successor in time to allow Mr. Jordan tlmo to assume Ills new ilutics this week. It Is understood that the president has authorized him to select a proper man as his own successor , and that Mr. Jordan has chosen Mr. John M. Hyatt , the national bank examiner for Connecticut and llhodo Island. Mr. Jordan said to-day that lie thought that Mr. Hyatt would make an excellent treasurer If ho could bo Induced to accept the place , but that he does not seem at all anxious to take It. Mr. Hyatt arrived hero last night and is quartered at the Arlington , where ex-Senator Barmim is also stopping. The ex-senator is understood to bo warmly In favor of the appointment and it Is reported that ho is trying to Induce his protege to accept the of- lice if it is tendered him by the president to morrow , as It probably will be. Mr. Hyatt has the strongest Kind of endorsements from tlio bankers and the business men of New Kngland , and his appointment would doubt less irlve general satisfaction to nil parties Inteiested. Air. Jordan cannot leave his post until his successor tiles his bonds , as ho is resoonslblo for the funds stoied in tlio treasury building and their custody cannot bo transferred to any official who is not bonded. Col cm an on Rttttorino. WASHINGTON' , May 8. [ Special Telegram to the Hr.c.l Referring to the report of tlio recent interview with him respecting tlio components of oleomargarine , buttcrine , etc. , and the Investigation by tlte department of agriculture relating thereto , Commissioner Coleman to-day said : "I was misunderstood In regard to the word 'carcasses. ' I said it had been charged before both the senate and house committees on agriculture that fat not carcasses of horses , dogs and swine had been used In the manufacture of oleo oil. That Is true , as the records will bear witness. 1 also said , and I reaffirm it , that no chemist nobody can tell whether fats used in the manufacture of oleo or oleo margarine were taken from animals which were slaughtered or from animals which had died. I have written to Armour & Co. , of Chicago , in response to an Inquirv that I did not use the word 'carcasses. ' The reporter misunderstood , but 1 do not believe that ho intended to misrepresent what 1 said. " An Audacious Hutler. WASHINGTON , May 8. [ Special Telegram to the UEE.J There is a story alloat to the ctfect that a prominent foreign minister has been recently expeilenclng considerable annoyance - noyanco at the hands ot his butler , whoso audacious behavior ho is pioventcd from re senting In the proper manner by a certain domestic complication to which tlio fellow holds a key. About a fortnight since the butler wont to Baltimore , where , putting up at one of the largo hotels , ho registered In stead of his own name that of his employer. The entry was qulcklv noticed and bofoic the lapse of twenty-four hours a shower ol cards and invitations to dlnu poured in upon the supposed diplomat. Itesolvlng to make the most of the occasion , the fellow actually accepted several of these Invitations anil solemnly attended dinners , keeping UD the farce throuehout and completely hoodwink ing his entertainers , who were personally unacquainted with tlm minister. Since the butler's return to Washington the story hat leaked out. IMalno Buying Hcnl Estate. WASHINGTON , May 8. | Special Tele gram to the HEK.J James G. Hlaine , who is said to have a good deal of money In specu lation , evidently believes In the stability ot suburban property In this District , for dur ing the past week a real estate linn hero ha ; purchased for him a cor ncr lot on Mcrldlar hill , on Sixteenth and Huron streets seventy-live feet front , for 54r > 00. vYhuthe : Mr. Hlaine intends to erect upon this lot t quiet suburban residence from which ho cat : overlook the capital city and keep track ol the workings ot the democratic administra tion Is not stated. A New Indian Mission. WASHINGTON , May 8. [ Special Tclegran to the HEI.J : Miss Grace Howard , daughte of Joe Howard , of New York , is visltlns Airs. A. A. Cole , this city. Miss Ilowarc will leave In Juno for Crowfoot , Dak. , when she starts a mission In the shape of an Indus trial home for Hampton Indian girls , win return to the reservations when there Is ni appropriate work tor them. Her mlssloi will be thirty miles from the one founded last fall by Mrs. Tllston , At the Capital. WASHINGTON , May 8. [ Special Tele gram to the llKE.l-P. Q. I3alllngal ) , Ot tumwa , la. , is seeing the sights of Washing ton. ton.J , J. Hlchardson , ot Davenport , a thoEbbltt. . A NEW8PAPEU DUEL. Xrl.inenlar Political Fight Between Germany , Auotrla and Huinln. [ Co ; > yrfuM JSS7 by Jamet tfonloti litnnttl. ] UIUU.Y : , May8. [ Now York Herald Cable Special to the BEE. | Politically the past \\eck has been spent In a long range news paper duel between the Moscow Clazetto , oth erwise Katkotf plus an uncertain amount of the czar of Russia ; the 1'ejter Lloyd , speak ing for Count Andrassy , and the Noith German Gazette , the ofllcial paper of the for eign olllce. Through these papers many Irri tating statements were made , which , In the nature of things , could only como from dip lomats , yet of a typo which diplomacy , un aided by newspapers , would have to leave unsaid. Germany proved , despite denials , that Austria twelve years ago at tempted to divide Tuikey with Kussla , but without mentioning the matter to Germany , though Germany was then and slnco was , according to the Get man point ot view , Rus sia's firmest friend. KathotT replies that he docs not believe all this. Ho would hate Germany lust the same anyway. The Pester Lloyd whines fiercely that some ono seems to bo lying , as Austria never meant anything. These sort of answois and counter-answers came first In a summary by telegraph , then post , so that each day's issue of the Combat ants contains n qiuurcl in all the stages of its progress. What is most amusing in all the discussion is that after the air has been thus cleared an Idea Is gained of the strength of the hand each nation holds. Then diplomacy will gravely disavow the olllcial nature of the newspaper statements. Several other articles have attracted much attention , notably one headed "Why War ? " In the Kreuz Xoltiuic , a very able review of the situation , but show Ing the conviction tiiat war must come. Following this were several articles on dynamite , interesting mainly because showing how vigorously but continuously tlio experiment with high power explosives is being carried on by all Europe. REVIEWING T11K THOOPS. In Potsdam Tuesday the emperor made his first appearance at the manmuvres , reviewing a regiment of guards. I'rlneo William , with a brilliant stair , was present. Ills children looked on from the palace window. Among the spectators was General Kaulbars , of Uul- garian fame , now quietly visiting Ucrlln. At the later manoeuvres with the new repeating rlllo the crown prince will also take part , as few weeks' rest at Ems has so completely stopped liis throat trouble that tlio prince re- tuins soon to remain hero until he goes to England's jubilee celebration. A I'umous STOKM. Throughout Germany the Herald storm played havoc this week. Hailstones of the size of lien's eggs stripped the fruit trees of buds and made things generally uncomfort able tor all exposed portions or tilings. Ono church was Hooded until the altar floated away. IP another place lightning burned a barn with 300 sheep , cows , horses , etc. In Beilln wo escaped with a heavy wind storm which did no damage beyond breaking off many tree brandies. This is ono sign of spring. Another Is that the bcattles with the swans have begun in the vaiious lakes and streams near lierlln. Ono boat full of picnickers was set upon by a swan which used its wings to such advan tage that it drove the party away from Its resort. A STKAM OMNinTJP. From Dresden I hear of the successful trial of a steam omnibus which Intends to run regularly over the country roads. It is man aged by two men and carries forty-six pas sengers , with considerable freight. As re- gaids expense nothing Is said. American travelers will have a chance to try it this summer , as it will replace the former means of communication between two small towns frequented by Americans. Uerlln curiosity has been greatly excited all the week by big yellow posters stuck up over the city reading "Athed , return. All is forgiven. Thy tatlier. " Who Alfred may beand why ho needs yellow posters to bring him homo , no one has yet discovered. b AU8XU1AN FIltES. Thousands of I'eoplo Made Homeless and Several I/vcs Ijosr. VIENNA , May 8. Fire at Nagykarolin. caused by a terrible storm ot wind which car ried sparks to the distant wood yards , set lire to them. Altogether 400 houses were destroyed , and 5,000 people deprived of their homes are camping In the open air. Slnco the recent lire at Eporls many Inmates of the convent and school have been missing. At the time of the lire several girls were killed by jumping from tlio windows. A hot sirroco blow the week throughout Hungary , drying up vegetation and render ing it Inflammable. At Toroczko 300 houses were burned and four lives were lost. The conflagration lasted two days. At Ituseberg the church and thirty-seven houses were destroyed. Many houses were burned at the village ol Moregy. At Eperrs all the churches ami public buildings were destroyed and the cem etery was devastated. Jt is estimated that the total loss will roach S2,500m ( All the Hungarian and Austrian Insurance houses are Involved. A Larce Conuo Expedition. ICopurtvhtcil 1RS7 by Jiimo norilnn 7fwiet.l ( HIIUSSEI.S , May 8. [ New York Herald cable Special to tlio lir.E. I The largest ex pedition which ever started for the Congo Free Slate sailed to-day from Antwerp on the steamer "Vlaand Hen , comprising Jans- sen , governor of the Free State , his secretary , Counts Antslne and Philllpo do Sailing , Cap tain Thys. ot Calgtuin ; General lUlstaff and Captain Gambler , wtio goes out to study the question of the establishment of a lailroad ; four oilier Belgian officers ; Mr. Delcom- muno , the freshly appointed Belgian consul ; Leopold Ville , three Belgian and ono Ger man engineer , six workmen for tlio Free State , besides live other gentlemen and ten workmen for the Belgian factories estab lished at Matem island , In all thirty live white men , taking with them wooden houses and a great quantity of poods. A large crowd witnessed and cheered their departure from tlio pier. _ The French Hteamshln Disasters. HAVIIE , May 8 , The French steamer La Bretagne , Captain Da Jouselyn , from New York April 30. arrived hero at noon to-day. She reports that during the nljiht she collided with and sank a Norwezlan bark. The crow of the bark was saved. Tlio steamer La Champagne , which sailed yesterday morn ing for New i'ork , and which afteuward turned , hating been in collision , was run Into by the steamer Vllle Derlo. Tlio latter steamer sank , hut her crow and passengeia wore saved. The collision caused a panic among the Italians on board the Champagne , who made a rush for the Ilfu boat and cap sized it , live ot them being drowned , in addi tion to three sailors who nad tried to prevent the ruali. The steamer Vllle do Bordeaux rescued fifteen Italians clinging to the cap sized life boat. Mcr. Quinn'a Remains. [ ( 'opyrfiiM 18S7 liu Jumw Gordon llcnnett. ] QUEENSTOWN , May 8. [ Now York Her ald Cable-Special to the BEE.J Father O'Farrell , of St. Teresa's church , Now York , left on the steamship Arizona to-day In charge of the remains of Mgr. Qulnu , Weather Indications For Nebraska , Iowa and Eastern Dakota : .Fair weather ; light variable winds ; nearly stationary temperature. jcgal Luminaries Who Define Deep Black- Etonian Questions , 3ELEBRATION OF ARBOR DAY \ General Revival of Atlilotlo Sports Throughout the State A State Undertakers' Orsaulza- tlon Iowa News. Constitutional Imw Cranks. Dns MOINES , la. , May 8. [ Special to the BEK.I Iowa is getting f.imous for its slash ing away at constitutional questions on slight provocation. Whether this bn because of an Impression that tlio supreme law of the state was put together very hastily , and that legislators didn't know what they wore doing when they made the laws , or because theio are an unusually largo number of largo headed attorneys who feel competent to In struct the courts on anything that may come up Is not altogether appaieut. But for some reason it has como to pass that now-a-days when an attorney finds some trifling obstacle lu his way , like an ordinary statue , ho pro ceeds Immediately to stand up In a chair and ( I eel are that statute unconstitutional. That was the way the attorneys for the saloons disposed of the original prohibitory amend ment. They have attacked the now supple mentary prohibitory laws In the same way from a dozen sides. They have bombarded nearly every Important statute of recent enactment with the same constitutional am munition , and now they have laid selgo to the law reorganizing the district courts. The defeated circuit judges who were legislated out of olllce have decided In their own minds that the act was unconstitu tional , and they have brought suit to recover their salailos for the full terms for which they were elected. Some body down In Mahnska county the other day fell into the clutches of the district court , and seeing no otticr way of escaping , has boldly declared tlio district com t an uncon stitutional body , and he asks the supreme court to have him teleased lor that reason. His objection to this tribunal Is based on the tact that It now by act ot the last general as sembly has three judges , while the original provision of the constitution , way back at the organization o f the state , arranged for only one. On this ground ho has brought suit before the supreme court , and It is ex pected that this august body-wilt toss off a decision at tlio Juno term on this new un constitutional question. The supreme court has had the constitutional question fired at it so often that it isn't filgntenod it bit when seine legal luminary gravely informs it that the law ot the land is unconstitutional. A teimof court without that announcement would bo a novelty. AltHOIl DAY'S OIiSEKVATION. Arbor day was cclsbratcd t ha past week very generally throughout Iowa. It was the first time for many years that this good cus tom has had anything like general and o I ti dal recognition. At a mooting ot a number of cltl/.ons the exercises took on a public character of great Interest and included ad dresses from the representative men ot the place. Ono pleasant feature of the day was the planting of trees to the name and mem - ory of distinguished statesmen. In some instances names of American poets were perpetuated In this way , and children grow ing up with the trees will always have be fore thorn pleasant suggestions of America's roll of greatness. Arbor day promises to boone ono of the popular Institutions of the future In Iowa. AN ATIII.KTIC CIIAZE. There seems to bo a general revival of In terest in athletic sports this year throughout the state. Base ball at the capital has become a perfect craze. Business and protcsslonal man drop everything to attend the games and the Interest in the result is not confined to this city alone. In a number of the county seats within a radius of thirty-iivo or forty miles thu games hero are bulletined , being telephoned by Innings from this city. Next to base ball , boating ( staking a good share of public attention , Clubs are actively at work In Des Molnes , Davenport , Cedar llaplds , Keokuk and Ottuimva preparing lor tlio an nual regatta of the State Rowing association , which will bo held at Spirit Lake July 10 and 20. The list of entries Includes lor the lirst day a junior slnslo , junior double , junior pair , junior tour and a gig crow. The second end day's entries will bo a senior single , senior 'double , senior pair , senior four and a Iree-for-all . Beautiful medals - - race. costing about § 1,200 will bo awarded as pri/.os , and tlio treo-for-all races are expected to attract clubs from Minneapolis , Chicago , Omaha and Mollne , and make a very Interesting regatta. Special arrangements tor reduced rates have been made with the railroads , and It is ex pected that great crowds will be drawn to the most beautiful locnlity In Iowa. T1IKIIOSSEH SIIEIUDAN KACKET. General Hosser , tlio &x-Uebel cavalry officer who has leaped into a temporary notoriety by his attack upon General Sheridan , has stirred up an Iowa man , who renders some very pertinent remarks. General llossor complains of Sheridan's ride through the Shenandoah valley as a brutal outrage upon the people living there. The Iowa man , Mr. W. 11. II. Lancaster , who lives a tow miles west ot this city , writes to tlm papers that ho was a military telegraph operator at New Creek station in West Virginia at the time that the Kcbel Kosserand his cavalry raided that sec tion , "in company with a number of other Unionists , soldiers and civilians , " says Mr. Lancaster , "I was completely robbed of money , watches , clothing and all other valu ables stripped from head to foot , marched acioss tlio country to Staunton almost naked , barefooted and hungry , laid out nlghtt on the cold , wet ground three and one-half months in Castle. Thunder , and am still suf fering from neuralgia and rheumatism con tacted then.1' That was the liumano and chivalrous treatment received from Hosser and his crowd of freebooters , who now com plains of Sheridan and asks that ho bo boy cotted on his proposed pleasure rldo through the Shenandoah valley. The old veteran's rise up In the most unexpected places , to ram the ties down rebel throats and defend the honor and Integrity of Union soldiers. STATIC TEACJIEHS The State Music Teachers' association have just rlosod their annual meeting at Grinnell. Tills Is ono of the youngest of the state associations and tills was Its second meeting. The attendance was large , the In terest lively and the spirit of tlio meeting energetic and piogresslve. Whatever the difficulty about members of a church choir being together in peace and unity , no such trouble seenii to have existed among the music teachers. Despite the rivalries and jeal ousies of a Jealous profession , the members at the Grinnell convention worked together very harmoniously for the interests of their organization and the advancement ot the cause of higher musical culture. The con certs given by the members showed thai Iowa has a good deal of musical talenl among Its Instructors and their woik Is nol simply theoretical. The coming musical event of the state Is the May music festival which begins in this city the 17th lust. Five grand concerts will bo given , In which a .chorus of nearly 300 voices and leading soloist1 * of tlio northwest will participate. Excursion trains will run and visitors from all parts of the state are expected. The whole undertaking is under the direction of the Philharmonic society of this city , whlcl proposes to make Its annual music festiva as great nu event for Iowa as similar festi vals in St. Louis and Cincinnati are for the states in which they are situated. A OIIF.AT UNDERTAKING. Since It has become the thing for trades and professions to organize and co-operate together , what moro natural than that the undertakers should do the same. ' 1 hey have now a state organization and they have adopted the euphonious title of "Funeral Di lectors" as a little less suggestive of grave and disagreeable duties than "undertakers. * So the "Funeral Directors" will hold thcl Annual meeting In this city May 25 and 20 There are COO "funeral directors" In Iowa and It Is expected that a largo number o thorn will be present. The Inducement 'ot adaver a real live , that Is , dead cadaver ( o pernte upon Is held out , with lectures on the rt of embalming by a celebrated cmb.Umcr of Now York City. All sorts of gr.wo quips nd qulrls from tlio Irreverent can bo ex acted when these solemn visaed "dl- ectors" convene. THE IlAl'lISM OK DEATH. luincrslon Ceremonies at New Or leans Kcsult In Seven Drowning * . NEW Oiti.EAN" , May 8. Several colored congregations ot the Baptist churches In this city have long made It a practice to baptize ho members In the Mississippi river at cer- aln selected points both In the upper and oner districts of the cltv. The swift current of the river has always made the custom nero or less dangerous , but the chances of nlshap have until to-day been reduced to ho minimum bv the care exercised In se eding thu pluco for the roicmonics. To-day , lowevor , an accident happened at which sven lues are known to have been lost. Mt.Ion Baptist chinch has been baptizing ta converts at the loot ot District stiect. iieslde the spot runs a what f which extends Into deep water. This morning the congre gation gathered at the spot for the UMial . eremonles. A largo crowd assembled on the wharf , and lu the midst of tlio exercises the railing surrounding it gave away and lully fifty people were precipitated Into the river. Around tlio whait were a number of skill's , and into them many of the people were thrown , overturning several boats and adding to the number struggling In tlio water. Tlio occupants of those skiffs which tlieji floated set to work and roicued all those who could bo reached. As stated , however , seven are known to have been drowned , and It is believed that from live to eight more have perished. The list of the drowned , so far as known. Is as follows : Harriett Cook , white , aged seven vcars ; Amelia Williams , ago night ; Kose Edwards , ace three , both colored ; n colored woman namedKoselina Williamsand two white women and one colored woman , names unknown. Koselina Williams , whou she went into tlio water , dad n child In her arms , bho stniKirlod until she came to the sui lace and held the child until ono of tlio res cue skills reached her and the infant was soi7cd and taken on board , and than sunk , and was carried away by the current. One of the unknown white women was drowned under exactly similar circuin&tances and the rescued baby is now held by the police for identification. Tlio other unknown white woman and unknown colored women were drawn under a llatboat and all efforts to rescue them , which were heroic and ener getic , failed , and many people wcio lujuicd , but none seriously. THE EAllTIHjUAIlES. Alorc Particulars or the Destruction In Mc.xico ami Arizona , KOGAI.ES , Ariz. , May 8. The earthquake last Tuesday created sad havoc In the north eastern portions of Sonora , Mexico. This portion tion of the state Is far from railway or tele graphic communication. The following dls- patcli was received hero to-day irom Louis E. Torres , governor of Sonora : HEHMOSILI.O , Mexico. , May 8. The earth quake caused terrible damage in Montezuma and dcstioycd several villages , but those ot the northeastern part suffered most terribly. Oputo had all its houses dc.stioycd and 150 people were killed. Houses were levelled to the ground. A now volcano has appeared and Its eruptions destioycd all the timber and pastures of tlio aillolnlnj : val leys and mountains. Further details are ex pected hourly. Louis TOKIIEH. Tlio volcano mentioned In the dlspatah is in the famous Sierra Madre mountains , in this place a pretty severe shock of earthquake was felt this morning at Q o'clock. CITY OK MEXICO , ( via Galveston ) , May 8. The government to-day received its lirst In formation regarding the disastrous earth quake on the 3d Inst. at the town of Bahlspe , In the district of Montezuma Sonora , by which 150 persons lost their lives. Thoeatth- quake occurred at 3:50 : p. in. , at the same time that volcanic eruptions began in the neighborhood mountains , lighting up the summits for a lone distance. The pre diction is made hern Dy local scientists that Mexico is about to undergo a general seis mic convulsion , and the recent record of the earthquake shows that there is widespread volcanic activity from ono end of Mexico to the other. LAREDO , Tex. , May 8. Passengers arriv ing on the Monterey train report that great tires are raging on the summit of the moun tains at many places on both sides of iho road. Whether those lires have any connec tion with the recent earthquake disturbances In Arizona and New Mexico Is yet to bo de termined , as tops of these mountains are al most Inaccessible. TUCSON , Ariz. , May'8. From ono to two sllkht shocks of earthquake have been felt lor seveial davs , too slight to cause alarm. There Is no doubt that nearly every moun tain in fcouthern Arizona has , to a great ex tent , had Its topography chanced , but so far as can be learned there Is no active volcano among them. A Terrible Accident. LEXINGTON , May 8. A terrible tragedy took place this morning near Spring Station , on tlio farm of Captain James Blackburn , ex- secretary of state , and a brother of Senator J. S. Blackburn. Miss Henrietta Blackburn , accompanied by her cousin , Henrietta Hempstead - stead , a young lady of nineteen years , went out to shoot at a mark with a small rifle. They were joined by Samuel Blackburn , a young man of twenty-two , a brother of Miss Henrietta Blackburn , and a friendly contest was begun as to who should shoot at the mark lirst. The three engaged in a playful struggle for possession ot the rifle , and In the struggle the weapon was discharged , the ball piercing tlio heart of Miss Henrietta Hempstcad and killing her Instantly. The unfortunate lady gave a slight scream , dropped to the blue grass and breathed her last before her horn lied cousins veali/ed the awful calamity that had befallen them. Mes- senzois were hurried off for medical and other assistance and it was with the utmost difficulty tint Miss Blackburn and Miss Hemp'tead's mother could bo restored from the shock occasioned by the unexpected and terrible death ol the young lady. Miss Hempstead was a great favorite in tlm com munity. The funeral will take place Mon day atternoon ut Frankfoit. Hliotnml Killed Her Husband. biini.nvvii.i.E , Ind. , May 8. [ bpeclal Tele gram to the DEE. ] Mis. John Fromer , of Grecnsbiirg , shot her husband In that place yesterday , killing him Instantly. The mur der was deliberate. Fromer was married to his present wife about two years ago , both having been married previously. A few months ago Mrs. Fromer attempted to poison him by putting arsenic lu his coffee. In this she failed. Things have KOIIO from bad to worse until yesterday , when she went to the saloon where Tromer was bartender. Her actions attracting his attention , ho went up to her , saying : "What is that you have under your shawl ? " The reply was the thrusting of a revolver against his lelt breast and a report. Fromer was dead in lilteen minutes , the ball passing directly under the heart. Mrs. Fromer was ane.'ted charged with murder. Fromer was thlrty-liyo years old and was well thought of among his trlonds. An 10(11 tor bliot Dead. JACKSON , Miss. , May 8. The jury of In quest In the casa ot It. D. Gambrlll , editor ol the Sword and Shield , who was shot and killed late Thursday night by Colonel Jones S. Hamilton , lessee ot the penitentiary , ad journed at 11KO : o'clock last night after two days' almost continuous session. They ren dered a verdict as follows : "We , thu jury of Inquest In the case of the death of Roderick Gambrlll , tind that he camu to ! IH ! deatli from pistol uhots and wounds Inflicted by the hands of Jones S. Hamilton , as principal , and others , as abuttois , unknown to tlio jury. " Death of Father Waldrnn. CHICAGO , May B. Knv. John Waldron ono of the most widely known Itoinan Cath olid ergymen In the west , died to-nlgh after a long Illness. Helms been pistnr o St. John parish lu this city over a third ot n century and during that time has never Imc a vacation , CREELY'S ' NEW DEP4JITURE. Weekly Bulletins to Bo Issued Showing the Country's Olinmtio Conilitionu , THE FIRST OF THE SERIES , ) jtatlstlcH Concerning the Temperature - turo and Kaln Fall In the Aicrlaul- tural Districts In the Vnrlotu HtittCH of tlio Union , A Itulletln For Agriculturist * . WASIIINOIO.V , May S. Gonuial Grucly , htef slgiml officer , has arranged to issue , ) eginnlng with to-d.iy , a special wuokly uillelln with the view of promptly placing icforo tlio public each MoiuUv moinlngro- lablo Infuim.ition relative to the climatic oudltlousin the agilcultural districts ot the ountry. It Is believed tlutt these bulletins , ontalnlng the deliclencies or excess relative 0 tcmperatuies and rainfall dining the growing season , will servo as a reliable > asls for determining the conditions favora- ) le or unfavorable for yrowlng crops. The ollowlng is thu weather crop bulletin fur ho week ending Saturday , .May 7 : SUINAI , OPKU-I : , WAMII.NUION , May 8. I'empcratuin dining the prevnt year , com- iiencing with January 1 and ondini ; May 1 , , The weather has been colder than usual in lie states bordeiing on the Atlantic * coast and from New Knglnnd westward over the great lakes , the upper Mlsslssispl , and Missouri valleys and the Kocky moun tains , the regions of tlio greatest cold being n the states bordering on the great lake-t and thence westward to tlio Missouri river , , over which the aggregate deficiency of dally inoan temperature Irom January 1 to ditte range fioiu'00 degrees to100 , ( an average lally delieiency of from about 1.5 degree to S degrees ) . In northern New Kncland ana n the South Atlantic states the total do- lieloney In temperature ranged from 1UO to > 00 degioes ( or an average ot Irom about 1 to J degrees ) colder than usual. The weather : ias been warmer than usual slnco January 1 In the east and west Gulf states , Tennessee , Kentucky , West Vliplnla , and In the north ern poi tlon of Ohio , Illinois and Missouri , the aggregate excess ot dally mean temperatures Irom January 1 to date ranging limn 100 degrees to SOU degrees over the whole region named. During the week ending May 7 , Ibb7 , the temperature lias been warmer than the nvernco lor the week in all distilcts east of the Hocky mountains excepting the Flor ida peninsula and Texas. The Inciense of. temperature over the normal lor the week In the wheat and corn it-gions north of the foitleth parallel of latitude linn avciacrcd about fiOdcpiees , and this excess has theie- fo re ciiuscua tapld advance ( it the season on a roilon whore It was much retauleil. In the south the region of excessive temperature has received some , unil along the Atlantic coast the excess of temperature for the week i an ited from US degrees to 50 , thereby reducing the deficiency lu tempera ture for the season In these states , and giving conditions favorable to agricultural Interests. Kain fall during the season fioni January 1 to May 1,1SS7 Slnco January 1 there hss , been a largo deficiency in lain tall in the northern states , ranging from 0 ttt 9 Incites In tlio Gulf states and interior of the South Atlantic states. The deficiency In the grain regions of the northwest 1ms been' slight , ranging Irom 1 to II inches In th lower Missouri valley , and averaging about 10 Inches In the upper Mississippi valley. The only regions showing an excess of pi eel pit a , tlon for the season aio as follows : Northern N w Kngland , Hudson liver , upper Ohio valley , stations on Lake Erie and in eastern Mk-hljan and western portions of Kansas' and Nebraska. The greatest excess , ranging from a to 4 Inches for tlio season , covers northern Ohio and western portions of Pcnur sylvanla and Now York. Slight deticlrnoy , in rain fall tor the season are reported from central and southern Calllornla. 'V During the week ondlug May 7 , 1BS7. DurIng - . Ing the past week the rainfalls In the north ; ern portions of Wisconsin , Minnesota and' Dakota , and In the West Gulf nates , In cen' tral Mississippi , norlhcin Georgia and cen-j tral Alabama , have been slightly above the average for the wecit , the heaviest rainfall oc curring In eastern Texas , Arkansas and southern Missouri , thus in a measure allo- ' vating the drouth previously existing In these sections. In the western poitionsof New' York nnd Pennsylvania and In northern ; Ohio the lainlall ( or the week has served to Increase the excess of rainfall already re ported In these sections. It will thus be seen that the season to date In thcso sections of country has been about as follows : In , the grain regions of tlio north' ! It Has been comparatively cold and dry ; In the cotton ifglons , tlio lowest' of Georgia , warm and usually dry ; In the cotton and rice regions on the South Atlantic coast , cold and comparatively dry ; In tlio tobacco regions , in Virginia and North Care * Una , cold nnd dry ; In tobacco regions. In Kentucky , Tennessee and Pennsylvania , Hie weather has been warm with the ralnfaH slightly less than usual except In northern Kentucky , where the rain full was slightly in excess. From reports received It appears that the , metorological conditions of tun past weolc have had the effect of rapidly advancing the season In those sections where It had bfeii previously retarded. Lblgned. | A. W. Gnr.Ki.Y , i Chief Signal Olllcrr. NEW YOKKEH8 GO THIRSTY. Mayor Hewitt Enforces the Sunday IjaWH In Gotham. NEW YOHK , May 8. Now Yorkers went thirsty to-day. The opinion of the corpora tion counsel , as rendered last week , an nounced that restaurants weio restrained by law from supplying guests with liquor at meals. This decision carried terror to the average hotel man who had hitherto thought that the blue laws would not touch his privileges. The hotel bars were all closed. Hecr , wine and other drinks were not sold in any of the hotels. Cards were distributed In all the leading hotels yesterday afternoon announc ing tnat the bars would bo closed to-day. This had the dcsiicd chcct. The guests laid In a supply of the "needful" siifliolent to carry them over the day. Fewer drunken men were seen on the street than on any other Sunday for some time. At the weekly meeting to-dav of tlm Man hattan Temperance association In Masonio , temple M. M. ( Hrlcki I'omeroy spoke of the .Sunday biuo lawn. He thought that the pas sage of the Cantor bill by the Icglslatuio was an outrage. The Cooper union mass meet ing last night to oppose the blue laws , It Is said , showed tlio power of the liquor inter est , mid It needed a check. Mayor lltnvlt. was praised for enlorclng the Sunday laws The German singing societies met again to- " day. It Is reported that a committee of thrcq had visited Albany and notified the commit tee on cities in the legislature that the future political action of the Gorman clement de pended upon a settlement of the existing troubles in a satisfactory manner. Tne Can tor bill was said to have been the result of the committee's work. Lynched , NEW Onr.KANt , May 8. ( Special Telegram to the BEE. ] Ulchard Goodwin and Grace lilanton , both colored , were arrested last week charged with having robbed and after wards burned the store of A. L. M. lialn , in West Carroll pirlsh , and weio placed in the parish prison at Floyd. The store was burned some weeks ago and It was evident that tin lire was incendiary. So mo of tlio goodn stolen from It were found In the cabin ol Graeo lllunton. When arrested she con- tesscd all and Implicated Goodwin lu both cilines , On Thursday nUht rt masked nnd armed mob went to the jail and broke It open and took tlio two Incomliarisis a mlloanda half from town , where tney hanged them tea a tree. This Is tlm first lynching of a woman that has over taken place In the state. MoOlynn Lcctiircu In Boston.x HovTo.v , May 8. Hev. Dr. McGlynn , of New Yoric , lectured to a large mnUenre In the llostnn theater tn-nlzht upon "The Crosi of tlio New Crusade" and mot with a h.eaitj